IPARATION wsr. NCK AND tATRONAQic 1 geiitlem>n of the Prae*^. ' '•'< testimonial* only cmnil tote, aad it will be Impo**lbl^ N<-w York. Dec. 20ti, IgXo fthe litu Inst., thiit 1 had been benefit**, locative. and requesting no objection to (tiv- It. ■ L " J“u=»- 1 think It duV. \r„ >rol my hair la auburn, and r six years since it he crown of my head^? o J® form upon it. Each of fn* ! «>.d about four In-m. by hair falling 0 !T ,h -t" make m.; bald. “• n "nt. 1 was induced to tr. ill.' to arrest the fallinn.V£ i expectation that gray hiuT original color except f rai _ ' sat prised to find after tU nit only was the fallinJ ttored to the gray uidruffceaseil to form m, “2 .at.on of my wife, at ibligntious I „wo to her i 6 r bands who value the admit*’ ftny example, and “Jffcif BEN. A. LAVESMs' >'viiy. New York. UK& ' ho eity. und I um no long, r “<£. A v- J Jul y2oth.lM*. „. nown to tha PUBLIC •n«i£*na 1« «««» Wo- I>o- •-.xpcrlence. . KENKny 11 il'iivc if von Hker v.m wilt K ot more m ccrlif.cati-s In th* P"‘- - W.H.Kan^ 8 * ■KSTORATIVJ', Having had the mtafortm.. !.«ir f^mthßeffecUoftt, n ISSI. 'I wo* inducod u >n. and found It to answer Uair m m»\v thick and alai ,M - V obligations tojoulu insure. IINI.EYJOH.NBOW. bottles ofthree *!»« -•_, siiinll hold* y 2 n pint, and ■ the medium holds at t3g rtion limn thesmall,retail* Mtouna, and by all STORE, i OF GOODSl! KS HAVE TOST Main St., a large stock of (UNG GOODS, un of all person* In need of NOTHING, LOKS. ■ , :i-vor hnd a batter assort -1 that consequently they eel the wants of their cus nrrangcmenta hare been id prosperous bustoeM.—• -ne and all. Don’t lorget I.I.MA.VS/• VIPORIUM. uickly—but don’t all come ' eiitn come and have your J try ourselves In onrotrn •ally wo jtre enabled tw my other establishment hing. or for whole writs,, * t furnished on Abort no- ‘ ITiNOEU i ULUUN. i'AKDKNERS.t-, bile Co.ooy Hurrelj ofPOD . ;:ixa CojtpaxT, Ip :iui= in the twentieth year t rv. ami ha* outlived ftr i. for the following reason*, l soil of the City of New e a capital of, 8100,000 !». t risk should they makes it it the cheapest, neatasl •1; it can bo placed In dl nnd ripens vegetation tw* i nn. c!o:tb!fs the crop. Is ■ dollars worth or twttbsr a e of corn In the huh 10--a bids. SS, and over i free of cartage, to vessels 1 rtnation. ami certificate* States, will be sent fr«* :• ji'.oTirnp.s'i co, i •ricultural Ifarehouti, e.tiiit Street. New York. A w nue, Philadelphia P*. OH ! I ! 1 THEM! X.ILS OF , A P E-.-R.-r '0 MATCH. D PAPER terns, , re■. ntidthonsancUfi, 8 and hit«. Tester*. Celling*, Ac, r . P. MAKSUALt, 1. hie Old Stand, at. ut, {near Fourth,} 1 ~ ' Pittsburgh, P*. Front. - ' - £to«. [ HAS LATELY . , Xclv Vullicalion,! ( .'/j a:id Staph and \arjc varieties. .'!IKKX MCSXC MUSIC iKN'i'S. XUu cititeu* « , ■ Lill and iHfpfctck- It. Ssam ornament i. JCE'ya a WALSB rt that they nrc prsparw t# I'.NT All PAINTING, ,v, prices. They alsoiMp { iL'Vrcat pricMi ‘.INTERS’ TOOLS ; AINED A ENGRAVED .;La.«S A PICTURE 101) MOULDINGS, L GILT FRAMES. V .Drug Store, Altoonr, lirdoyu’jurg, I >a - ' FOR SALE.— n-, .111 tho eecona floor, • m.-., ami obtain fortM AEGtT'm. MfCrXM- f;iocerle»j ait! ware, >tvare. " ob? c.JA ahticlb of J Lewiatown SS OttU sad«»t *' rrSb, -jiltointa Critott. MAU. SCHEOUfcE A UAIU OtOSli. £*SgSSS+; "■‘ixM OMK. . e 40 P,M. Mt* 0 fur the tr»n»«etlon ofba*iiieufrom &30 A M daring the week, «dd from TAO to 8.60 o’. RAILROAD schedule. Train East arriraa B»2OP«St*« ItfTM 8,35 P. 31. Vfi»T* Went - t&f'AiM.' ■ " i 7.50 A. M. ' „ Bust “ I,WA.M. « iaOA.M. k :w«t “ . P.M.. ' « Cast “ 7,16 A,M. .j « 7,30 A. M. k Went “ MOP.M, ‘ “ 6,55 P. M. 1 h,iILIDAV3BURO BHANpO connects with Express We#t. and }J»!I Tr»lMi»a*f*ißl West. BRANCH TRAINS cobneet with Johnstown *• Train Cast. and, West, Johnstown War Jtt “°Srt»ar*i and UxpruM TminWeatwrard. 16«(. USOCH.MWIg, Gtn'l Supt. * local items. jgi v’Atos of Tiife Tbibdsb.—A abort time jjte, we received an oijier for-the Tribune, from p inhabitant, of the ‘bepighted.regions of Illi „ii, known as Egypt The junior jrajs done : up j poetic style, and our 0 list it does not do v violent damage to the „acof the place, but rather prove* the fitncaa tiobriqutL Tha commences as fol-. lews: — ' xiittiaper Imurthayeagnin, S»UI l to fctbet, rCJonud write, jf 1 Jiin’t liavo tbeZVibßn*, ' I cuauot deep atiigUt.” _. Vfj, jes, Jo UQ g man, jw aliall,lmT« the is*f, since it is indispensably necessatjjr r t<> -the' Ruction of “ Nature’s sweet restorer, balmy But hear him further tr— • y- ; n«Wn and boys *ll scold anil frit, ’ tVucu they come in to spyud au oour •’ ’ ! Because the Tribune they naye but, ! : v’ ;- i I Jton the little girl* took sdlir.-. sVV. “ poor little girls, we wduld not hay e.themlook utr for lit# world, when the weekly arrirai of to Tribune would make them look sweet. The pm tod boys we don’t care much about, they’re -ugly cusses” anyhow—but wowauttopleuao oi girls. But listen to this ; Tboe rain}’ day* it would be so good, Tohuvl* the AltoouaMVibune to read -- They cam’t make bay, they can't chop wood, ■ Yuur japer la wliattbcy iiced. ' (To can’t say that we admire ;the metre of. it stanza, but we will let that pass, it being sough for us to that our paper .is neces (ij to render rainy days pleasant,':and keep sings muring on the farm. VIVe begin ;to think srt is lA< paper. Now, only take notice t(Tthe “ t: ~ • I I The worms hats eat th* cabbage, ' ■ . I Thu bugs have cat the vibes', I The mice make dreadful lavage : I WLeu we have not tboTVtiune. I Ml, now, “ who’ll a thunk >11.” Oar paper liu become a “(form and bug ..exterminator” |uJ “mouse destroyer." two virtues we never aimed for it, ' the discovery of which will no ntu bring in subscribers by the hundred. Not p fast, gentlemen, give us time to .gee huger Inscription books. Now roll up, and hear the Wjptian poet again ■ ; And whon.weget tjw.babe tosleep I Wo.have to sing ** Old Crimes;” -, : , That, lit theAUoona Tribute. i; Ihe babies, !, bless their little hewts,'they’ve si to listen jto > t* old Grunes” -ant'd they are ik of him, all because. 4 /dad'' duh^ttateibe munc. Poor things, no wonder they cat' their pttL to hard., But now that they hare the theyTl go to sleep ,at dark. .‘This neW blurt in our paper v wUl;of coarse bring us lots k lady subtoriliecs, whom >we shall'wait upon; ptelv. Cents, stand bock, and let the Utiles pup. Eutnowcomcs.thebeststHnxa;— Don’t throw this lyr for setnelou trash, Nor scorn iny liumble rhymoa, ' ! tor hert you »u vx've unliht caili, [ ~ ; So plaitso ssuil us the Trtinaie: • ' Ves, guess we will send you .the Tribune on pate terms, and to as many more as shall “ go Kdo likewise,” Scornypiir. humble rhymes ? p«, sir; the rhymes andthe dimes are all right, hirticularly the latter. Now for the directions: To —ple«sp direct, In Epypt he resides, Uawu county, lllinuU State, I Near the ■■ River »Uo I With pleasure, sir, shall durect as ordered, ptaiythe Tribune prove a great source of kht and comfort to you. We shall expect pliear of larger crops, better babies and more pnnony in Egypt, during the coming year, than r m 4 87 years past. Here comes in tbe'iinale'; I And now tha tUag wo seck . I to lure tbk'printsd next Week, I Am) to lure Gie paper come, I To—-—... . pretty soon. • | fy seeking you have found, and in ease old; ptle Sam’s mril carriers do their doty, you will r e Tribune as soon asyoa.see this in print, liditu. i> ■ v : ; ; The following is an additional indication, F success pd superior attainments of the P«tea ofiDuff’s Mercantile College of PUts-■ Rb,Pa;' . i :v ~ O., April 19, 1860. I, Principal and Teachers of Duff's Merean r —Gehdemeh ;-—Accept my thanks for Rt I have acquired from you.- 1 would hard- P tarter my knowledge; of book-keeping for p money. With’no other practice than what M . your beantiful system of book-kcep p m your classes, Thave since kept one set of and hare closed another set, that |« «en open for five years, without any diffi , A number of others propose entering 1 01 classes from’this town. I Diath Fadi SxaAXdctATioN.—A little pHbter of James Alexander, a colored man L * D ® * n 1S place, choked to death bn L . rlda y n sght, by a grain of corn getting r 5 its windpipe, Strange to say she had got p “* corn in her throat 'some ten days before Kill did not affect her in the least r^u/ff 018 \°, r •I* hoars before her death.— Stockholders of the Altoona Gas L * tw Co «P«y will bear in mind tho moet u! I* 1 ® H*! B Works on Satnrday evening next, L 0 Q^°°'c > to hear the report of the Presi-, L Managers; and also the election for of r DeXt> kutwoen the hours of 0 l% our friead ow the hill. Judge Jones, r en luxuriating Oh Mveralsainples of fresh L ’ -I* theshape of .radishes, as- PtoMnted ; by Jtlrs^.T, 7 00 A.M. 7. 00 A M. v«I6;P.M. $OO “ . . ‘7 10 A.M. : > 715 . “ ... .7 30 “ 0:35 P.M. 8 » P. M. » •• ...J ; va-14v&rd;U. LjUo, Tnilictmeut,falso pretences* District Attorney enter* nol. and ~tb* defendant dis charged. . ■' , .' : i . Coin. vg, John g. Gloss. Indictment, larceny. Verdict, nut guilty. .. . Com. v*.,H.I). CuinmiDg«. ludiciment,-assault and bat ■tory.Trne continued. -Com. vs. Eliza Dignan. Indictment, larceny. Not a truo bill. ~ ; , . , ■,i Com. v*. Jqhn Downey. Indictment fornication and hnstanly.' DefeEdantploadsguilty. Usualsouicnce. Com. vs.-Powell Grow. Indictment, malicious mischief.' Not guilty, on the ground ef partiaitnsanUy. . Ta ' Al ex - iUllug and Cheoige IVcaver. Indictment, ndschfet -Verdict^rPefendanto hot guilty, but that they pay one-hnXf the costs, audDaniel JUagan, tbs prosecutor, the other half. I'O' Com. vs. JainiM Ci Shpepiaker. Indictment, furnishing .intoxicating drinks toman, of iutoniDcratnhithlfa. Inquest return uot a true hill, and W. Pi Bridenthal topky the costs. ' Com. vs John : Denny. Indictment,-fornication and bas tardy. Sentenced.to pay a flne N of.(s, and enter into a ro cognizancc for (300, conditioned to indemnify vctors of the.Puor, U having appeared that the defendant hadpoid tfab lying-in and adopted the child. G«n. vs. David McClarrey. ‘ Indictment, sissonlt and battery. True bill. Case continued, . Com. vs-Qoirin Gowser. Indictment,' larceny. Tima UII. Defendant pleads guilty and jsnbnilts. Sentenced to Penl tcutlaiy for.two yearaand six mouths. . . . : • Com. vs. C. Muugold. Indictment, larceny. District Attorney enters anol. pros. and .defendant discharged. Com.vs. James Thompson. Indictment, aduitejy.lnie bill. Verdict; guilty. .Sentenced to pay a fine of (SO and undergo six mouths imprisonment. , Com. vs. Dauiei K. iteatny. Indictment, gambling house. Verdict, notguUty,but defendant to pay the. coats pf prose ~ cation. , , Com. vs. Thomas Mays. Surety of tli* Peace. Decogni zauces forfeited aud defehtUnt discharged; Coin, va George Hoover. Chargeof false pretence. Xoh pros, entered upon pay ment of costs by prosecutor. . Com. vs. D; Fleck and Wm. Davis. Charge of forcible entry, Ac. .District Attorney .enters nol. pros, upon pay ment of costa by defendant. ■ SSffW* have often heard .it said that we see something .new every time we turn a corner, and we did see something new, the other day, on turning the corner on our way; from our house to pur office—we refer -to the■ jqewr bulk window lately put up by. Mrs. Hollar, in foont of her Millihery and ladies’ dress and trimming store, on foe ‘‘ Cheap .Corner.’’ The display in this window is such that nol a few ladies spend more time when they go out shopping than they in tended to, for thc rensom that they can not pass the “ loves of bonnets,” and other nice .thin gs to be seen there, without stopping to admire them. J[f they step inside they wUI find many more handsome articles, and be waited upon with pleasure and politeness. . ' Tu* Winds.— ; ’ -i l aw a foi.Dg. ihough inTiaible to the eye, Sometimes I’m low, sometimes I’m high, . Sometimes I’ii high, sometimes J’mTow, Sometimes l’m swift, sometimes I’m slow, Sometimes I coine with vengeance strong, Sometimes I come like the lover’s song, ■I scale the hills pnd the mountains high, ’ I pass the lord and the beggar by, f Bat pay attention to those who buy their clothing at -Tuck's Union Clothing Bazaar, on Main street, where may now be found the largest and best assortment of ready-made clo thing ever brought to a country town. - Hairy knows how .to bitty goods, andhe can therefore' sell them at the lowest rates. Give him a call und .aeleet a suit . ' . v E®“ We b«UeTe it is an universally admitted fact that ladler look the pretties when they first make their appearance in the spring fashions; and in many instances, we doubt not, they have bn those occasions made impressions upon the ■ sterner sex, which has eventuated in a visit to the minister. ■ Since this is; the fact, ladies should endeavor to get. the prettiest and most fashionable goods in the market, wherewith to i place .themselves in the market, and this they cab do by calling upOn Mias Jennie Scott, who has just returned from the with an endless variety of ladies’ dress goods, bonnets, collars, caps, "(for the old -ladies not for the girls,) rib bons, &c., &c., which she will reasonable prices. Call and get a bonnet and catch a bean. - V - X ' j’:' A. Dckiap. How to Blocks a.Good.Hobsevaw.—A know ing writer on the subject, in laying dowu rules for riding bU horsebrck, gives the following ad vice Keep yourhead up, chin down, chest forward, shoulders back, elbows in, bands down, back in, belly 0ut,... feet forward, thighs fixed, knees in, legs close, heels down, toes in, loins loose, seat firm, hands tight, horse and rider well balanced, trot two hours every day without stirrups, and then time and perseverance may make you a good horseman. To this we beg to add that when you have perfected yourself .under these instructions, you may invite a lady to ride with yop, or enlist ina regiment of dra-1 gaonsV. fv ; fM* ■ 4 Cotmi Pkockidibob.—We are indebted to the Standard for the following condensed report of the April Court nro deeding*; . Cam. ve. Ephraim Mmselman.—lndictment larceny.— Verdict guilty. Sentenced to Penitentiary for e&htren months. John K. Glaa*. Indiqtuient, assaultand batterr Wota true bill, and Chas. Boyer; the prosecutor, to pay the Com, ve. Charles Boyer, Prederictßaher, etal. ’indict- Nota true bill, and John K. Glass, the prosecutor, to pay the costs V Li^V^ eLitt,<3 ' *«■»*«. John GrEy,ThOS - Uer « Wilson Beer, Sflaeßartlei Thomas Johnston. Indictment, riot, Ac. True bUV Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to undergo an imprison ment in the county jail for three weeks, and pay a fine of $o and costs* - 1 Com. vs. Israel Miller. Indictment, selling intoxicating liquors to minors. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to jail for ten days. Com. vs. Michael Scandling.- Indictment, selling liquor on Sunday, True bill. Case continued. Com, vs. Israel Miller. Indictment, selling liquor to men of intemperate habits. Verdict, not guilty, and that the: defendant pay one-half the costs, and the prosecutor, Mat thew Bong, pay the other halt Com, vs. Michael Scandling. Indictment, pelting intoxi cating drinks tv minor*. True bill. Case continued. Com. vs. Same. keeping tippling house,— True bill. Case continued.- Com. vs. Mary Scandling. Indictment, selling ting drinks to minora. True bill. Case Wfonwl, Com. vs. 11. c: Nicodemus and David Broombangh. In dictmeut, forcible entry ans detainer; Verdict defendants guilty of forcible entry, and David Bnwmbaugb guilty of forcible detainer. Com, v*. Henry BergeartJler, Indictment, selling Jo toxicating liquors to mincSl Not prM, entered npou pay ment of costs by defendant. : Com. ys. Richard McClain. Indictment, forcible entry and detainer. District Attorney enter* not pros, upon paymentof cost bydefendant. .Com. vs. Kerby Foster ct ai. Cutting timber, Ac. Dis trict Attorney enters nol. pros, upon payment of costs by the prosecutor. • TBOo»wsoiii Codoh. ahd Cow*.-The health or toe community is always a subject of serious consideration to those who are supposed to di rect public opinion, and there is no more preva lent source of untimely deaths than the coughs and colds, which make their appearance during the winter and spring months. We would ad vise all such who are afflicted with any lung dif ficulty to apply at once to Dr. Keyset’s Pectoral Syrup, * medicine prepared by a physician of the old school, who has cured himself by this great medicine, [ nearly twenty years ago, and •has since used it with wonderful effect. We know Dr. Keyset to be a man entitled to the re spect of the public, and as such, we would re commend his Pectoral Syrup as a superior fern- 1 edy. Sold at G. W. Kessler’s. Hats ! Hats !!—-Jesse Smith has just re ceived from the city all the latest style* of Spring and Summer Hats, such as light Straw, and Panama ; for men and boys, and Misses and Children's Flats,. of 'different varie ties,—all pf which .will be sold vexy.cheap; Early VkoßTAßtss.— John Alexander re tidesta ustp state that he will keep constantly on hand aU of early garden vegetables, snch as onions, risdishes, beets, pie plants, &c., &c. Give 'him a call. : _ ',r ■ j . .■ . .. . Thtji ladies and all others trill find it to .tteir adkahjtage to call at McCormick’s cheap Store, making purchases elswhere, s liOCAL CORRESPONDENCE. . I •l : Pbr iht AUoona Tribune. ' a?}Bl«B l « TO W.Bboot folly as it fliesj v . The world improves with every fool that dies.” We, the people of the United States, are some* |imes told Chat are the most enlightened and iugWy civilized people upon earth; and under thedeluove appearance of its probable truth we svftlloir the whole dose. Unwilling to look, for fear of the contrary, we never see a single cloud in the sky of our mental horizon, contenting ourselves with the gracious palliation th« 4 hu mhn nature ; .is hot:infallible. What if it is not ? Season andjjidgment are given to us, and the means of knowledge and wisdom are spread broad-coat before ns. How. can we then, as a people,4daily the truth of willfully oaa nog much Of our own folly. What are the ex citing interesting conversational topics of the day ? Look wound ydd and listen; first and foremost comes thd great “prize fight” or “mill” in its doggerel acceptation, between Heenan and Sayers. Men' aro seen together in groups upon the street, in stores, dwellings, and even not far from thc vestibule to places of public worship, discussing the merits (physical) of these won derful pugilistic champions. Behold them be coming pugilistic [ themselves—their arms and hands in motion.. Heenan will whip 1- • Heenan mast'whip, or .ottr national pride is gone!— Alas! that the pride of a nation should be thought to be b&sed_upon such, barbarous prac tices. We might as well assert that a dog-fight between a well-selected American cur and a sim ilar one of English breed, woold be the test .of national strength^,courage and greatness. The idea here becomes preposterous. How much better theaiftuiauubject 'Was turned into scorn when alia fed to; and the ’intelligent assertion made, that nothing short of incarceration and hard labor ehould fie the just reward meted out to the physical endurance of these wonderful pugilists. Hut change we now. A little better , .theme is up. tho agh sometimes less wisely ar gued—the great political agitations now going on.' Divided, as we are, into- factious, too nu merous to month n,,.each having its furious par . tizans, proclaim!: long andfiood that they are right and all othiiTß ty-e wrong, i That the coun try must be rede aned, &o. Is it to be wonder ed at .that; its of ypre, calm deliberations, order, and the good of. be whole country, are now ue veef thought of ‘ Party spirit, party spoils and party availability Are ho w the watch-word of the day. Instead of Drying to lead people in the right, he who would play the politician must shat his eyes to this, and go with them in too wrong. If we loqk to oar Halls of Legislation, to the law-giversjof the land, to the men who have been sent there for the greatest Wisdom and experience, we shall see the same misguided conflict and'diffeijtjnoe of opinion. Still we are pleased graciously tQ style •nnelves a highly cultivated, civilized and enlightened people, and with the preseni . sway of'the almighty dollar and a “ time-serying Ideas’ * at our. command, we are en&bled toestablish this endearing hy perbole. 0, tempera! 0, mores! S. • | : 11.. , ■ lib* the Mtoona Tribune, : AnxponA, Jlay lst, 1860. Mtttr*. #dftorf|-f-The:last number oft.he |lol- Udaysburg contains a communication of » certain wiseshrey in-that section, no dhobi, who has taken upon himself the grave office of instructing the Softool Directors of the county how to act in casing their rotes for Count; Su perintendent of Cbmmon Schools, at the conven tion on Monday next He is a Wise mao, no doubt. Whitt a sty ell the School 'Directors could not be like him. Among other things, he says, “it has bean hinted (delicately enough) that by the Constitution of Pennsylvania,, no man can hold an offioeof this Commonwealth, tudess he has heed a resident of the District or .(County, in Which ho is a candidate, at least one year preceding bm election’* This is a base garble. The Constitution contains no such danse. Hero is What is -said, verbatim et litera tim: “iJo person shall be appointed within any county who shall not have been a citizen and an inhabitant therein one year before his appoint- TnenL” It does not say elect or elected, but ap pointed, and has more • immediate reference to special appointments, and an appointment does not mean an election, as an election must inva riably be by ballot or viva voce, or it is no elec tion. Besides this, the enactment of the Com mon School law mast have been within the pale, of the Constitution, or it could be no law, and j this law among its requirements for qualifies- ! lions of candidates is silent as to this. It is to ! be hoped that this piece of folly will be passed | : unnoticed by .the'Directors, as it is only a mis- 1 erable subterfuge resorted to by some of the .writers of the Ho]Uiday.sburg papers for tbe de feat of highlyqualified and deserving candidate* . Hotace. —The subscriber* to the Capitol Stock of the Altoona Gas and Water Company ore hereby notified that if the toll amount of their subscription is not paid, on or beforethe 16 th day of May next, Section Bth Of the Act of Assembly for the incorporation of Gas. and Wa ter Companies wilj be strictly enforced t “Section 8. Tbut if'tbe stockholder, whether I an original subscriber or assignec.-after twenty ■ day’s notice of the time and place appointed for the payment of any instalment of, proportion of the capital stock, shall neglect to pay. the same at the place appointed, for the space of thirty days after the time appointed for payment thereof, such stockholder shall, in addition to the instalment so called for, pay- at the rate of one per centum per month for every delay of such payment, andifthe same and additional penalty shall becomb equal to the' sum before 'paid on account of such shore, the same may be forfeited by and to the said- company, and may be sold by them vt public sale for staoh price as may be obtained therefor, or in default uf pay ment of any stockholders of such instillments as aforesaid for the space of sixty days afief the time appointed as aforesaid, the president and managers may at their election cause suit to be brought in the same manner as debts of a like amount are now recoverable, for the recovery of the same, together with the penalties aforesaid,”' BENJ..F, ROSE, See'y.- Altoona, April 18, 1860-4 t. OmcE or. the Altoona Gas a Water Co., V Altoona, April stb, 1860. / A meeting of the Stockholders of; the Altoona Gao &-Water Company, will be held at the office of the Company, at the Gas Works, on Saturday evening. May 6th, at 7s, for the purpose of hearing the report -of the President and Board of Managers, , An election for President, a Board of five Managers and a Treasurer, to serve for thi en suing year, will be held at the office of the Com pany, oh Monday, May 7tb, between the hours of 9 A. M. and I P. M. No person - will be allowed to vote at said election - unless the full amount of his capital stock shall have been paid in. ' BENJ, F. ROSE, Stdy A CARD. I have understood from a' reliable source, that interested parties have reported that I had moved my CFAS FITTING AND PLUMBING establishment from Altodhai I would respect fully inform the citizens of Altoona that it is not, nor has it ever been my intention to re move. Persons desiring woik done in a good and substantial manner, and at lowest prices, can be accomtuodated by calling at my shop, 8 doors below the Post dr upon B. F. Rose, General Superintendent’s Office, G. A. OGELSBY. MARRIED. On the evening of the 26th inst., at the house of the bridegroom In Turkey Valley, by Isaac YingUnir.Esq., Mr. JOHN BAIRD and Mrs. MARY WE3TOVER, both of Frankstown township. On Thursday, April 26, 1860, at the house Of the bride’s lather, by the Rev. Jos, Fitchner, Mr. JOBIAH C. BURK, of Blair county, to Miss ANNIE SLOOP, of Bedford co. DIED. In this place, on Monday last, at the residence of Mr. B. Reibennck, Miss ANNA CATHARINE ITEL, of Jeffer son, Cambria comity, in the 20th year of Jjoi age. Of Consninpt.on, after an illness of over a year, on-Zhe Uth ult., at Sharpaburg, Blair crinnty, Mrs. SUSAN E. NIO.'DK jIUS, aged 27 years and 26 days. Mwo FOR SALE BY A. ROUSH. ALTOONA, PENN’A May 3,1860. JJEENAN AND SAYERS 1 JESSE SMITH, Would respectfully inform tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he lias Just arrived from the city with a largo and splendid stock of “ HATS OB OF AND H| ALL CAPS, STYLES, For Spring and Summer Wear, of every color and shape. Also, a good assortment of Hisses and Children’s Flats; MEN AND BOYS’ STBAW HATS, of different varieties, all of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Person* In want of anything In the above line, will please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am determined to sellat the very lowest possible prices. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Altoona, May 3,' 1860-tf. JESSE SMITH. List of letters remaining in the Altoona Poet Office, Hay 1,1800 : Amheisar, John Han, J. D. Ainsworth, J. H. | Mitchell, Wm. AUison, Wm. , Molr, Philip Bechtel, J. O. Mdrdoek, 8. A. Bigler, Ellen i ' McCullough, Thoa, ' - Barston, Jno. A. HcKown, Geo. Black, J. . McGowen, Jas. Beam, Theodore Nelson, Oc p. Brice, Cdnrhd •' Nagle, Mich’l J. Brnnker, Thos. Price, Eliza Byrne, Quirk, Jas.- Cannan,J, J.; Blchardsop. Owen Clark, £llen . Stabler, JohA 2 ‘ Cullen, James • Schtner, W> 0. Crawley, B; • ■ Skehan, Nancy \ Cox, B. P. * Scbeibler, Aloes Baris, J. W. 2 SnuderlandfE. A. Brans, Maria EtwekC. Mrs. x Bdenho, John iimith.J. T. Humes,M’AJ lister, I£al«4Co. Shank, George Hanigan, Pat’fc Stoumbaugh, Joe. Hickey, James Talbot,Wini Johnston,B. M- Thomas, P. M. Jepkins, Isaac 2 . Tobias, stoDie A. JenkinSjC.B. 2 Templeton,Catharine James, Thomas -2 Thomas,John Johnson, David, white, (Jamas Kounsman, Jaim Watkins, Prudence Brine!, SamT Willoughby, j. A. Kern, T. “ White, Tims. Hon, Persons calling for letters on this list will please say they are advertised.- JOHN SHOEMAKER. P. M, S. JETTIftGER & ULLMAW, ; WHOUS&AIiE CLOTHING, JVb 107 North Third St. above Arch, x MERCHANTS VISITING PHIL AD EL PHI A* Will find it to their advantage' to call and ex . amine 'their stock. ' ' , A LL THE CLOTHING SOLD W j\ this firm is, manufactured under their own personal supervision, and they can therefore guarantee their goods to all who purchase front them, - ; 6®- Thcy hnvs BRANCHES of their House established at'' -7i TYRONE, ALTOONA, & WILLMOHB, Tor the retailing of their Goods, and they flatter th«n selves that they oui fnmiah the pnlilic with Clothing better and at lower priee than can be got ehfo where. _ ’ ■ JApril «»’eo. House and lot at private 8 ABB.—The Gate-Housn and lot belonging tj the ABTOONA AND HGt- BIBAYBBBBG PBANB BOABoo..rit- ftifk i K uate mQe ti'Dm' Mtobmip is oflfcred Privity tide, loj, IIBHHt. Cheap Goods!! McCOBMICK’S STORE. and n ° w I a ~ tock of and sum of £ LADIES’ DRESS .INB DOMESTIC GOODS, ' , w« canriotbe surpassed by any house h, tb* Art. •lock of Oaoamss, such as *“ “• P lac »- our i COPPER, SUGAR, TEA, SYRUPS, Ac, are of .the bestkind, and alllreeh. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS.' CAPS. BOVwMw ' PLATS FOR LADIES AN D together wit& as full assortment of GENTLEMEN ABOYS’ DRESS BOOTS, B6OISXS. AND ; >• QAITKHB. | In th*todie^bepwmn«t,ar»aUtlredUfcrwrt»»ll«art BtJfiW Oi. ' -i . . ■ 8 PATTERS, BOOTS, BPSPIf ACT mjpnuita,' ' with a general assortment for Children A Mlsaee. and a good and fuU'stockof fi GENTLEMENS’, BOYS’.AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, for SpringasaßWirtWr. HmlaxgeetMeortmentof ever brought to the place, and being nnpredently low, than up to 25 c«te per roll, with Boaosawor tomateh. And as we purpose henceforth to give thebusinees our eepecial attention, ae wilt eel! very low for cash or coauttr produce,™* will takrin exchange, a* (isuaLßathr, «*.». Lord, IhUoui, Potatoa, Settwax, jK pa«t patronage, wo hope, by a strict adherence to httsiaew, to our old motto. ‘•SmaU profiU and qwck Site*,” to retam our customers old and gain may new ones. P* Hay 3,1860. ■ j! GOODS! GOODS!! R. A... 0. KERR^. A. O, Kerr hpajjuit received the largtefcmoetlkshion able and best selected etock of Goods in the imarkat, consl* ting of an endless vaflety of goods for men abd boya’ wear The largest and best assortment of Ladj&’Dress Quod- In Itown, consisting of hljck and foncy Silks, all WoolDe laines, Alpacas, Cballte Dclstaas, plain and Igtued Braiae LawM, Oißghams, Ducals,LavellaCloths,Doßarge, Trav .Goods, and a beautiful assortment ofprin ts, Ac ■ Also, Tickings, Checks, Muslins—Black and Unbleached. Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, Crash, Nankoan. Ac. Also, a large assortment ot Ladies’ Collars, Dress Trim mings, Ribbons, Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hosiery. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, Barred’and Plain Jaconet, Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, MUI "Muslins, : Swiss and Cambric Edging, Dimity Bauds, Velvet Ribbons’ ! Ac,- AuO| a'fine assortment c& f •*'< - j SPRING SHAWLS. ' and _ ladies' Black Sill; Snmpeb Cloaks, Neat and Beautiful, { Boots and Shoes , Mats and Caps, Hardware, Qneenswara, Wood and Willow 'Ware, Groce ne f; Salt and Fish. Also, the Largest auid Dtat Assortment of Fancy CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS in town, which will bo sold cheap. ? Dd examine my goods; and you willii be convinced mat l have tho best assortment and cheapest goods in the market. •, Country produce taken in exchange! fop goods, at the highest market price. R. A. 0. KERR April 26, ’6o.' . GOOD NEW#! The Train has Arrived! JB. HILEMAN HAS JHST RE • TURNED from the city with a largo? and carefully Selected stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which he is determined to sell cheap, consisting in part of Black and Fancy SILKS, Bomliazines, Delaines, Cali- , coes. Flannels, Ginghams, Muslins, White Goods, SHAWLS, Ac. Also, MEN’SWEAR pf oil descriptions, such as Cloths, Casaimeres, Sotiuetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cord Dril lings, Vestings, Ac., Ac. . Boots, Slices and Gaiters. A large assortment of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, fix Ladies, • Gents and Misses, of alt prices, sizes and qualities. Also, a large assortment of QUEENS WARE and HARD WARE, Single and Double Carpet Chain, Fleece Cotton, GROCERIES: Tlds department is supplied with the very choicest articles that can be had in market, and as cheap aa can be bad an vwhere, consisting in part of prime RIO COFFEE, SUGAR, aiikiudaandprices! Syrup and Molasses, Blade ilml Green Teas, Rico, Spices, Tobacco and Segars; Starch, Cern Starch, Cheese. Ginger, Cau dles, Mustard, Oils, Turpou- • tine. FISH, Ac., Ac. Thankful fix past fotore, he hopes to reeeife a liberal share orplihDC patronage'. to. All kinds of Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. j. b. HILEMAN. April 2«i 1660. Tile Latest from the East!! The proprietors of the “MODEL STORK,” corner of Annies and Virginia Streets, take pleasure in informing the Citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they have received their first stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which they respcctfolly invite the attention of all, and particularly the ladies, feeling confident that our present Stuck of Goods is well worth an -examination, and'be lieving also that we have bought them on: such terms as will enable ns to offer inducements: tor purchasers. Our stock of Dry Goods Is large and varied, comprising all the newest styles of ’ Prints, Delaines. Debeges, LavtOas, DM de Vhevres, Ging hams, T njnns, CftaUies, Travelling Mixtures, Slack and Ihncy Silks, together with a full line of , Domestics, tfi have a large assort ment nf Notions and Fan- ; eg articles, such as Gloves, 1 T; URNITURB WARB-ROOM —THE 1 undersigned respectfully Informs the public that hs ’ ha* taken tbe wire-room two ddernfrom the Branch Read, where he wD! keep on hand fit kinds of : - . CABINET-WARE, and attend Mthe duties ofonCNDERTARER. ' Two'good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wanted. Altoona, Apr. 12.1860. JAB. T MOORE. LAITDaETH * SON’S Philadelphia Garden Seeds!! ! PRESH AND GENUI3CB,. f at A, ROUSH’S Buie Store. One paper of these Seeds oontatoaasmnchae three papers of Parker's Seeds. - April 12, 1860. A 3BIINISTRATORS’ NOTICE—No iII tice is hereby given that letters of odministratfon on the eefate:of Waiter C. Roe, late of Altoona, Blair equi ty, doc’