The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 19, 1860, Image 3

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£ r > FROM 82 TO
book hoM price*. V
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<« 5.'., Uoiiin. - •- .
I iUe Gifts to I‘Mchiql** .
* KK > limiting ca*e*.
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■mi u? various *tjlc»,
“'" e I ' u,lu “* “nd Sto<U ( *jj
•ml riob sf-vlea,
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Jeivi-h-j'. '
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sew goods:
icks Store, ; -
oir*:rf?4 fop I*]* —_
• ‘U the ciiir^-Bijt
IWila uun-kot affordt.jgjj'
’ 1 -Wether with ail the n. 13?
°', u f,,r Geatloman^^j^
3 -X
iimlitlsl and latest Bt,w- n
id over coats. vUthTOnCjS;
U liferent varltttlsirarj^ 1
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'.vntc, v
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ii nno Vhto, Tom fe ‘
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t!t *• vcr.vprettyiwortinept
r ' i; U Vj\X£A%b. C4pj»
},t ,u "nnuy swim. 4W
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««! and thousaudiS, s.apd
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Vv. p. •
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' tit market, and netting
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eon, 'PZiOljrß*
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ret. Ifclovr Annie Street. ,
or 1 1 !0 IXSTAST RKUOtr
distressing complaint nM
T ’S
1 uT Xa«sr»u St., X. Y.
it free by post.
i'R ICESj ~
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purposing chengl*
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t inia properties
of the *tths*sO»*r
J. I). XXVT.
wrv large nn I
d»;R. purchased dir**
i M.--. u» to sell atfflW*
i;a!l quantifies from JJJr
line to unrolms* t* H
koaciies, ASTS. mjfl
• under ai.y circunuUe
■.'.'hol'ifale andßaUi 1 -"*
Masonic Temple- _
KT.IALS, lower tn*n I®*
HAO, for sale WbolM***
I’JT STORE, in tliefll' 1
the stock a'ml prices.
msth t.f AltomSj Ao«y
• ■* • 'i, 1 - ■ V.-.'-
-irt ... ■•••“. J'O 0 -A.M.
p*Q»ua nonw***w»r - - 4. w-Aar,
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mS : -
for th» fromOSO A M-
V/m7, during ti»« wM*,viUjd ftomTJO to &60 o'.
; r m.
Train Ea«tarr}rM 8&& M, 8,35- p\ M.
' Wat “:. M. - -7^SOA?M.
1 » East,- f,” ; « 1,20 A, M.
***, « Wat “ 8,25 i*. 3L, “ 8,40 P. M.
« , East. « *,WA.U. ; v ■« 7,30 A.M.
« Wert “ „ ftWf-M., “ P.M.
uoLIABAySBUBiJ BRANCH connects with Eipross
and Wat. anil Mali Train: East and Wat.
*I*'MASA ÜBAJiCII TEAGiS connect -with Johns to wn
..iannuxiation Train *W«tfcj;rfinsto»-n \V ny
LOCAL iptiVlSv
APi u.-jSanBk'ine apd ; jnniles and ;
characterize this charming
lf iscD. Two weeks since;
winds of March,’we hftd mild, grate-.
ii ; l, balmy days, full of/Jlay sunshine and
promise'of tarty
jiaj-at-boipc folks, - . r ,jj ufc:
: M i week the scene changed' «iot November in.
tierytbing bat pipT even AUttle
if that. This, ho wever, can -not last long, and
tic warm alftweVs and fogs, with now and then
! streak of sunshine; trill soon bring out the
eerly spring vegetables, nnd>before we know it
jii! be working, wonders in the orcbaids—the
rpplc and peach trees will put forth their pink
ilouoms, and the cherry’ trees burst into enow
fates ; already sweet ! ’ ; .. v " V “ '
I “Saflbdile, 1
I nut comes before the swallow dares, and take
I The wimls of March with "beamy; uad rioleti dim
I itot sweeter tbaa the lids of Juno’s eyes, ’
I Or Cytbera’s breath,” . >
ire blowing over the sonny borders of the gar
den, the roses are bursting into leaf, KlHea
Ureput forth their'temler groen lehrcs,. the
tuplesiare purpling with coming glories and
ik evergreens (those old ' winter standbys)
ire changing their russet, weather-worn hues
for brighter colors, under -the worm soft April
! uias. Already the little wrens are bhirping
•round their old boxed, or peering into . the rag
ged bark fur the quickening ora of the last
tears insects? the busy swallows ardTlooking
out a safe cloister for their .summer homes, and
lie noisy martins bare returned to woke us up
u dawn of day. The birds and blossoms,
haves and fruits of glorious summer will soon
ail be with us 'again. \
I Lames Mite Society.—The Fadies’oonncoted
».;li tho Methodist Episcopal Church, in this
jhce, have organiaed a. “ Mite Society” for the
purpose of raising funds to make improrements
ia end abput tho church and parsonage. The
ms of membership initiation fee
“ d three cento weekly aafdues. -This may ap
bar a slow way to raise! money, it is
[ utoaishing-hofk fastthese milea count up.—
Iliwe ehodldboat least' 100 meinbbrs-to this
Miety, which would, in one year, pay into the
injury the snug . little sum of $lBl, enough
;j make O jdecicled improvement on the
ffesent appearance of the church, if judiciously
upended. We bad' almost forgotten to say
th»l gontlomeuare,admitted into the sooietyon
;be same terms as the ladies. 4
Jhe ladies connected withthe Presbyterian
■ liJicl), have a society .of the same kind for the
fijrpoie of providing clothing, for niissioii
sries. This is a laudable work mid deserves
ike encouragement ef every member. When
ike ladies determine to do a thing they generally
' a u right, add wo hope those who are unlisted
a the above enterprises may jhc Abundantly re
warded. ’ V
Xehribie Accidkst.—A friend writing to
C! from s ahhath Rest, dated April 16th, gives
ike following particulars of aj»; Accident at Mr.
llartin Bell'a Furnacci:—.
1 A terrible accident occurred here yester
iiy'• A J®«ng “an named. sahn Bush, while
f tSjc ' act °f greasing, ,tbe engine, ,;wHoh blow?
tee Furnace, had his right arm .torn offand
Urribly mangled, by being caught between the
trank of the fly wheel and the pitman, making
f! a * ctssai 7 to amputate the arm near the
i-MaUer, which was done by Dr. Christy, of
; -:® 0Da > Clark, of Bell's Mills, and Dr.
jochleiDn, of Davidsburg. The patient is now
to be doing well, and his. friends entertain
that he will spejily " "
L Ar notice our popular
or| 001.-t. IV. Hall, aud our friend/Geo.
ratton, Esq.,.iigain upon our streets, their
r t:es at Hamsburg having closed on the 8d
f Fcw »®» elected to the Senate of this
r ts baT ®. ; fer tbemselres a tvider ?ep.u
p'f 0 ’ at tlte first of their term, than
r Ua!l * iniiflt watand iu
lii f*^ e . Ah discussions on
' 'Us which casne before that body. Mr.
l‘‘ tOD ma( l e nfuithfai clerk and iron the good
I- mion those irhli'whom he was brought
conne C fi o h. -Hipeltemaybp re-elected neit
later -desuesithe posiUon. “ A"
Fas bad occasion
L* «■* “ dan.” «d all kiow whatit
I .as now rendered, jet few we venture to
i>aia n 0 lt? ° ngil1 * & Ds paternity, it
kin 0 “ Joc %» famous bailiff of Liu-
L g Dg^and * M* time of Henry VII. He
L in tbe management of
Win # buaiaeßs l ®?d 80 dexterous in jibe col*
Lj. ° ° dueB » that bis same became prover- ■
* k#MfW: * •P* ll , e C“ a 6d io pay bis
htu \ €Tr A pre t valent custom to ear,
hL? . C “ a * Chuouts—Ah Irishpianout
Wt| Ulveil ted a patent for cleaning chim
-4{ 1 no °kB all other patents far “ into
iiijf. C ’ ' : gdqse ties its lej^
tffte uL ? a -^ e «Wnraey. , yhe flattering
K\ gf .. ° f j o ®*?”* the ?oot
hius. ? %
■< **’" ‘‘O' • v.- . • . r
. 7 10 A M.
••-7 M «• ■ :
730 “
i 0 A5-P, M.
• ’ 8 20 P.M.
, Book oct eob.Hui J—Thp pnblic,are caution
ed against a Jeremy Bidc|er calUng himself
“ Jndge Underwood,” and just now dredl&ting
about'the country collecting money for the
Bodies Mount Teriion Association.” He is
saidioJiave succeeded remarkably WeU in Mis r .
. nitaftia. j He is a swindler. Look
but for all “ titled beggars.”
• Discovered,—We learn that the unnatural
mother of the child found in Mr, Loudon’* field,
a short time since, has been discovered, bat
made tracks before she was arrested. We do
not know whether an effort was made, or is now
making,-to bring her to justice, but presume
that, like the rest, she will be permitted to
escape the consequences due her murderous act.
Ex-Rsy. Keibet.—The Oreensburg Democrat
sa,yB that the whereabouts of the Ex-Boy. Kei
sey, who stoped from that place in company with
a woman named Minnie Lusk, alias Sarver, last
October, have at lost been discovered. Mrs.
JCeisey has received a letter from a gentleman
in Canada,.informing her that Kelsey is teach
ing school in Toronto, Canada West. ■ ■,:
A Cahwdax*.— Onr legal cotejnporjay, pt
the Tyrone Star, announces himself as a cguß*
tte offiob of District
j| Itogjdcp’ : }: r-' " ' r: :iy:i
Mcojias—At a meeting
df .tt* surviving soldiers of the late vror with
M«dep, (in attendance 4t tlm’ftmend 0 f C, W.
fiorrell, a deceased soldier of said war,) held
ait tfic “.Exchange Hotel,” Newry, Blair county,
Pp;, on Friday afternoon, the 13th inst., the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted :
\ WusheAs, It has pleased God in hia Provi
dence to remove from our midst our worthy com
pamon m arms, in. the late wa<<-»;»>. m
s? e i‘ S iu r , HomI ; S
"I*Ranter,, tT““ ***•>'*?:
M U^S’v That v D hiB death we have lost,a
gallant soldier and .companion.
his companions in ams,
wdl ohensn his memory, and .hereby offer our
deceased. 06 l ° th ° famsl >’ and relatives of the
to I th Qty p?pera bft vacated
to publish the above, and. a copy be transmitted
to the fnends and relatives of the deceased.'
It was also resolved that the undersigned,
surviving soldiers of *he late war with Mexico,
do new organize ourselves into an association,
for the purpose of performing military honors
at the funerals of deceased:soldiers of said war:
v. "That the uniform of the association
stall be the same as that worn by the ‘‘ Scott
Begion pf Philadelphia.”
, That we hereby return our thanks
: to the IwlhdaySburg Fencibles,,Altoona Guards,
'* UBiata for their presence and'escort
at the tuneral of our late comrade. 1
Resolved, That all the surviving soldiers resi*
dent within a reasonabledistance, ; arc requested
to join our organization, and report themselves
immediately by letter to the Secretary, giving
s idc n ce,. and the cocpf in which they
Jfaolved, That when wo do adjourn it,shall
ke to meet at the bouse of Capt. Mennier, fLo
gan Bouse,) Hollidaysburg, on tbe fourth day
ofkJuly next, at 2 o’clock P. M.
„ John Humphreys,
Bichard J. CrOrier,
Jos. W. Gardner, .
John Condo,
Samuel Black, , A
Patrick Morris,
Thopias .Holland,
Jacob Higgins, . ,
Newry, Pa. \
John M’Eenge, Hollidaysburg, Pa,
W.M. WILLIAMS, jr. f FreJ!t t
Hollidaysbu|g, Pa.
Wm. G. Mpebay, Sec'y,
Try Da. Ksysbh’s Peciqbae Svrpp.— The
coughing season will soon begin, anti with it
the deep seated coughs and.colds which ley the
foundation of perpiaiient and oftentimes fatal
lung diseases. -The true coarse to pursue' for
•aijy afflicted with a cough or cold is to
seek a remedy la the early stage of these dis
eases ; for tho : • reason, that they ' are .muck'
more easily cured in the .beginning than after
they bare seized some vital part of the consti
tution. The, remedythat is most suijp: to give
immediate relief is Dr. Keyscr’s Pectoral Cough
Syrup, a medicine prepared by him u with great
care, and with a certain evidence that it will
save' hundred's of persons from falling into a
permanent lung difficulty if applied to in time.
s irou can buy it in bottles, at fifty cents- and one
dollar, at G. W. Kesslers. ' • •
lOTHere is a jiaragraph about “ Early To
matoes” which looks as if > might he worth
tiding. It ia said to be “ certain sure.”
“About the middle of April, take a few largo
turnips and cut out the hearts of them to form
a sort of cup. Pill the cavities with earth, and
plant two or three tomato seeds, in each; iwhen
the seeds have well sprouted, pull up all but
the healthiest plant 4n each turnip, and let
those that remain stand where they will have
the benefit of the sun ; the plant will gw very
food. n hep the weather becomes'sufficiently
warm, set the turnips in a well, prepared soil,
not less tha# three feet apart, nptkelathframes
to Jteep theJ vines from the ground, and keep
the soil well hilled up around them and you
will have a crop that will astonish the natives.
The advantage consists in getting the plants
started early without setting them back bv
transplanting. ; v
A PoKM.—The name of ihe author, of the fal
lowing is n?t-given. Jest he sWld : he. ove?-
whelmod with letters from the leading literary
journals, petitioaibghira -to contribute ' •'‘ only’*
for a certain without futtheriebrnmeht,
wp give it-v ■ :.y,: : h :
■' ; Al 2 MSS p 4» 2 spbiso. . ,
TUeWuliirtls sit on a swinging limb
. Singin-MorftUJy single—
All natnrjinesin (Be corns land
To the Spring which area springin.
Tbo_Brajts are growitt thoJJowa aroUowin,
The peach tree buds IsswolHng big.
The Js dre«4in m th«r abest satin,
Anq top tria ls puttfn ou their eummerin.
ilonr i wish I was a singJn hard
T? na Wn J* HmU;
6fngth,e pm3Ci (la lhe.Biveotc«t Ujse*)
Of Bpripg r if! basted with'the Tim.
THIS £EKP. . •"
Ketiiub. —Our friend Jolly, of the Ty
rone Afar, gave notice in the last number ofdda
paper Ahat the issue of this weekwouldbethe
last under his proprietorship, and intimated
that it wopld- go into the ‘ hands of geptlempn
who .will make it on Ultra-Republican paper.-
W®«. that is certainly a changeable Star, al
mpst ns changeable as the “ little joker” In the
thimble rig game. We wish Jolly success in
collecting hisi outstanding accounts.
Summit, Pa.
. Altpoua, Pa.
“ «r
«• ti
m .. *«
M . «(
Buncaufiville, Po.
<* *t
BoAMEßaWwuitfßD.-—The proprietor of the
largeboordinghouse, oo Emma street, formerly
* fcrimtyer of rcgulaTJSoanters
j , ® UERirF ’ s SALss Funk will «ell the
° I Court,
.title -and Wtfrest >T
® % * parcel of lhnd izi LogantOwn
ship, apres, .having thereon
erected a Email-log dwelling house. ; ‘ ■'-
The.righfc and iatereet of Jpl»;Mbran in
and to a half lot of ground and a two story
hoek boose, situate oq Mulberry street, fiolli-
j; ~y - : T . h y
A -tso ?loryj brick dwelling house, and tfctt dot
of ground apfiurtenint fherfetoi statute In Ty
rone be sold, ns the property of
DaTidsotf,, •
. The rigbv*4tle.«nd interest of SamuelEoyer,
dec’d, iaimd to 230 acrSs rf land, sitiate in
large lrfick We
“Poor Bonsfe?*: ,• •
The right, title and intereSt af Sattmel CaU
vm in nndjto a tract of land, situate in Alleghe
ny townshlp,..and containing 480 acres aud al
lowance!: yi ' v\ ;■ y ,y .■ •; ~.y.,y...y
The right, ti^ fl and of Aai»k
brook to a Slot of ground in TFUliarajsbntg, *nji
hay ipg thqeon| ereoted a twoyrtoiy plastered
dwelling house; and a smaUfr-Mne stable. - "
vThe rtghjj, title,and interest of Jiiohael Cas
siday in and to; a tract of land in Logan town*
ship, conlaiulog 105 acres—a tract 4f lan din
tract of land inLogtn township containing 480
The right, title and interest of Pavy Wertz,
to a tract .of land, containing 172 acres, and im-
situate in Franks town township.
The right, t||le and interest of Martin Daffy,
in and to a .lot pf ground situate in Hollidays*
bup £* having thereon orecte i a two story frame
dwelling hpuse,; "V ' -
. Al ot of gronnd aad appurtenances. situate on
B!air sfreeti Hqilidayshurg—%ld:ns the proper
ty of Wm. B. and Mary Ann'^mith.
Thasks.-tOu Monday .evening last the mem
bers .of the Altoona-Brass r&eip
i®nts of twp large and handsome cokes,- pres ents
from a couple of yoong i? this place—'
discussing the cak#» the fallowing resolu
tion was adapted atid ordered to be
'published:,. , "
Reiolvtd, That the thanks of the members of
the Altoona Brass Band are hereby .tendered to
the young ladietj who have so- kindly contribu
ted to their enjoyment; thia evening,, by the pre
sentation of two large and : excellent cakes, and
we assure them jthat this token bf their good
will will.ever be rameiabered by thoaeupon
whom it was conferred. >] ■ '
;1, ’ W. W. SMITH, Aecy.
Djjhocuatio: >Ci.vb—The Democracy of this
place met.atShhltr’s Hall on evening
laht, a ;Demociatip 'ciub for the
coming campaign CoL John Woods was chosen
permanent President by acelamation. Speeches
were delivered by Messrs. Woods, Turner, Stew
art, and Leonard- The club will meet every
Saturday eve nihg. ! ’V V ;'
A EitKfiT; Tyrone Slctr say? a men named
Samuel for a. long time a KsWcnt of
Tyrone, wasaixfeted in that on Eriday
ovaiing, Qtb inai., on a warrant from Northum
berland •! charging him with forgery—
He wa? taken to [Milton in custody of an officer.
Kotice.i—THc subscribers to the Capital
Stock of the Altbona Gas aud Water Company
jure that ,if the of
is not paid pa orpitforothe
Assembly for thpincorporatlon of GiS and |fa
ter Companies will be strictly enforced: •
“Section 8. That if the stbctholderi iphether
*“■ o ri,gih»l Subscribe* or assignee, after twenty
day’s.notice of the time and place appointed for
tho paymentjof any instalment or proportion of
the capital stock,-shall neglect to pay the same
at ;the placfe appointed, for the - space of thirty
Aays after, the time appointed " for payment
thereof, such; stockholder Shall.' ip addition to
the instalment sopalledi for, pay at the rate of.
one per Centum per month for every delay of
such payment, and if the- same ahdadditional
penalty shall become, equal to the sum before
paid on account of such share, .the same may be
forfeited by and ip the said company, and may
ha-sold by .them at public sale for such price ns
may be-obtained therefor, or in default of pay
ment of anyi stockholders of such instalments as
aforesaid for the spice of sixty days after the
time appointed asjaforesaid, the president and
managers may at :tholr election cause salt to be
brought -in ,the saifae manner as debts of a like
amount are now recoverable, for the recovery of
the Biune, tiogcther;.with the penaltlesaforeBaid.’’ ■
; ; iBENJ. i\ BOSE, Stc'y.
Altoonp, LAjppJ 1860-ft.
r ■ .. •>* ; • r•,
• - : l.- 1 - __ - ■>*-i ' f.
tr’iSe StockJioldera of the AUoona
Gas & Water Company, will be held at the office
of the Company, nt the Gas Works, on Saturday
evening, May ;oth, at 7J, for the purpose
of hearing the report of the President and
Board of Managers.
An election for President, a Board of fiye
Managers and aiTreasurcr, to servo for the eii
suing year, will be held at the office of the Com
pany, ou Monday, May 7tb, between the hours
of 0 A. M. and 1 P. M.
No persojn will be allowed to vote at said
election unless the full amount of his capital
stock shall have been paid in. • .’
i , A CARD.
I have. understood from & reliable source,
that Interested parties have reported that I had
establishment 1 from Altoona. I would respect
fully Inform the citizens of-Altoona that it is
not, nor has ifc ever been my intention to re
move. Persons desiring work done in a good
and Substantial manner, and at lowest prices,
can be accommodated by calling at my shop,
3 doors below the Post Office, or upon B. F. Bose;
General Superintendent's Office.
Stojus-Hoosk asp Dwelling son Best. —The
store-room and dwelling, now occupied by Rich
ard Smith, as a tailor .shop, will be for rent
from the first of April, 1860. It is a desirable
location, For further particplars inquire of B.
i. 0. Kerr. ' ; [Mar.29,’6().-tf.
BENJ. F. ROSE, Sec'i/.
k’ 3 **? l ? of a is
nowm A at
tbh London Court Circular, aTadyof requisite
■beauty. who was driven madly
;H— ■—-i, and she resided with her }itl
Jf-—a wealthy - sharebroker,
mansion in Cavendish
;abont to weeks ago, she silled in the dusk
into her husband’s library to procure & book.
The'iadj’s maid saw her enter the apartment,
and in a mete frolic concealed herself behind
• thecurtainohelonging to the window, dndl her
had placed npon the work
she came m search of, Whenslft suddenly sprang
upon he{ frith adond ahbdL ;P» lady' was so
astounded by the shock, tha tshe was struck al
thast senseless. Delirium; ensued; confirmed
madnMs foUowed. which has ever.
ned withontabatemont, to. a degree dangerous j
her. .. Her propensities are
fierce and vicious; she "tries V l>Ua hi all who
approach her, and it is more than probable she
will neTer recoTer ber reaaon.
Ou the 16 th Just., byEev. XJoydKnight, Mr. DAVID
W6A.yjSE, to Miae FRANCKS CRISP, both of Hi&idayd
pore.. : . '■ ,■ ’ / ’. , ' /
_. 0n the2ndday of Amß, IMOi by Pamnel Jones, Em., tn
Tj™>e City, Mr. JOHK6TOK GARDNER. toMissMARY
A ASH, both ofTyrona tp., BhOrcoanty,!**. ,
At his residence near Davenport, lowa, on the 27th of
March, after a lingering ftlness, JOHN WALKER formerly
of this county. ' ■ ;
At the foot of Plain 10,- ori tho 15th lust. PEARSON F.
KNEE, aged 7 years and 28 days.
w*» v»»
ha* loftmybed aud&ard without any jnst cause or
provocation, this is to warn all pawon* not to barhimor
trusthcron myaocoant, as X am determined ttrpayno
debts df her contracting after this date, unless compslled
by law. - DANIEL W. NEWH.UID.
AprillS, 186b-3tA
Kj. ELECTION,—A meeting of the Stockholders of the
Altoona Pair View Cemetery Association, will be held in
the Lecture Room of the Prcebytarian Chorcli, on Friday
evetnug, April 20th, at TU o’clock. Anelection ibroffl
cers fur the ensuing year will be held.
By order of the President,
April 19, ISewt ’ - OEO. W. PATTON, Sec's/.
JL JL tico is hereby given that letters of administration
on .the estate.of lyaltsr 0. Koe,lato of Altoona, Btaircouh
“ty, dec’di, have been granted to the nndcr»ighcd, residing
as aforesaid. Alt persons indebted to said cstuto are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them duty authenticated forsettlcmcnt.
V ■ . HAKV BOEt Adjninwtratria:.
April 19, 18C0-ot, Jj. A. MlhhElt,Adinijiittrator,
WEAKNESS op any kind,
4ad the various afloctlons consequent upon a disordered
Bucb m Inajeestloiv Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains,
Despondency, Costivcutes,
wwiiSi 4 Nervous, Rheumatic, and
\ , ““ tn numerous instances proved
beneflcW, and in others effected a decided cure.
aom I' onD,l » prepared on strictly
WoumSf 1110 teanner of the celebrated
<?e T hare - 118 reputation at home pro
iSS*'*? *** domandcouimcncingwtlh
fatherland, scattered over the lice of this
ndghty eonntrr, manyjrf whop brought with them mid
tondeddown.the tradmon of its value. Il iit now ofered
toto Amencan pM^'knowing that its <rWy vmierM
medicinal vtrtues mtatJbt achunvUdgtd. - J
"It to parttenlarly regmunended to those persons whoso
may have been impaired hy the tentlnnonc use
of ardont Spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally
totonteneonßln effect. lt finds its way fiwrtly to the wet
thrilling and quickening every negve, raising np the
drooping spirit, and. In foot, inftwing new health and vigor
In the system. ' v ° ,
v NOXICIt-TOwvßr eOTecis to find this a beverage wij
he disjointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited. It
Will wove a grateful aromatic cordiak pofieesed of singular
remedial properties. ,
• m»s Genuine wtoentrated BoerhaVe’s Holland
b put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at
Ojft Dolus per botUet or six liottleg for Fm Douam. The
great dsmand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced
lmitathmg, whlch the public should guard against
. Ai'Boware of Imposition. Bee that our nnma is on the
label of Overly bottle you buy.
by^p^Ws^tT 113 " 14 fa ™ rf9d
''^hAsfiyacttihiHo ■
arid ihewfete,
Por'salc by.A. ROTJ3U,AUoona.
April Ip, ISOO-damly. •
Philadelphia Garden Seeds J 1
at.A.' EOOSH’S Drug Store. One paper of theee Seeds
contains aa much as three papers of Barker's Secd£ • -
April X2,J£6O. - ~ ‘ '
JL- undersigned respectfully Informs the public th*f ho
nss taken tho ware-room two doors from Branch Boad,'
where he will keep ou hand all kinds of ’
and attend to the duties of aw UNDERTAKER. ■
Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice wanted.
Altoona, Apr. 12.1860. JAS. T. MOORE.
The root and herb doctor,
from Philadelphia, whoso rooms were so densely
crowded ou the 18th of April, at the Logan House, can bo
consulted at the same place one day in each mouth, notice
of which will be given in this paper. He will be in Altoo
na on the 18lh day of May, also on the 16th of Jane. He
treats all diseases flesh is hejr to. A stethoscopio examina
tion of the Heart, Lungs and Throat free of charge. Thou
sands upon thousands have testified to the correctness of
his testing diseases without asking any questions. Ho has
had thirty years’ constant practice among diseases of every
nature. All diseases of a private natnro strictly confiden
tial. - ViO-Sec hand-bills. Dr. W. LEVINGSTON.
Millinery and trimmimg
fully announces to the ladies of Altoona and vlci
nity that she is now prepared to supply all their
wants in the Millinery and TrUaming'lmo. fin TV ■
has on hand an excellent assortment of
to which she invites the attention of the ladies.
She has aslo one of Mrs. C.C., Dow's patent
and is therelbro enabled to do work In tub line in a rape-
Vtertnanner.qn abort noth*, and at reasonable nrby*. 9,
invites a call. ... / ,
IIK **ririagof CHRIST AND
” EiTB
Kfftor the jft» Tbrk OSsereer.l
; »Hq»W»tP3Eii'S eTATCART.
I.' 0 !’, J'J’ 1 flltr^ t Ottc of iLe
: mvs?
thatoselves oftbo opportunity.—
' tTwn» tH« Bey- Dr.'f?rltae.] -
E^OTutwtii—TfeWoblcfagaih call attention to
Wtfbiw* tawry reason to
fci® u ‘»I«o»>«W w, P Q0 * 9 Mr. .Dayton's
fFtoni tbe'KcW York LeijSriJ’
Tho fine lithography of : ■ J
u CttRIST AND'HIS AE06l?iB8i“ ;
i[}th, most elaborate surroundlnga, a copy -oFWhlch atlrao
. ‘Mention for tEaHPors of M«cy,is a niost fain
•Md® to the office, the studio, or ffiß boudoir. Tho
gift acebmpanyfng this enterprise is aflp»»poctoet Bible,
houndjn purple and gold. ' “■>, ST * .
Thejßible which wo present with this {amreaaire enrra-
Ting is22th u., Uonnd in -velvet,,3rtth giitrtosand clasns.
worth at retail from $3 to $4. •“J;. , *”
TotJioM who wish tj purchase thls jfeUgtens picture
B4le ’ °t
«' B<md A«O_ Now York
Editors airing (go nbore nplnsertioh and fbrwardlhs
a copy, marked, will receive a copy of either of onr Wtfili
catiohs by mail, prepaid. Addreia . ■
: •■: DAYTON i col
... " ■’■:
Dajtoa’a Engratingj Pf ThorwaidSen’s “ Christ anihia
Apostles” fa a maguilioaut group.' The eugtarlmr ia egeeu
ted ipa masterly ruahhfir, and, «s it woXbfartL hhrtflv
commanded. ’’ ■ i “ “JTV
OwWith especial permission; we invito all oar paftdns
to write the Kdv.v Mr. Allllonl of the <* PraabVteffcn
Baimer,' 1 that wo are respunalUlo, and tlyitant paautlXni
ide iiot misrepresented. •
: at the m-m. u-
kj pleasure in announcing ft}, the citizens of Altoona
that they have Just opened, hu Annie stccet'Sßrh Joors be
low the Post Office, a BOOT &61I0K STOKE, and will
constantly k«ep on hand a full asaortmeutof Boots and
Shoes, of all sites and kinds. ;Theybftve lost received
from the Eastern cities a very extensjwt isaorlmout of
Boots, shoes and Gaiters for Ladies.Genflomcn’s and Chll
dren s wear, all of neat'fialsh andeicell«nl nianu&ctarc,
wlliJieU for cash only, at loot PKKCE.NT.
OPEAHEK than the some can be purchased elsewhere
w **| he s«?em by, referring to the following price list:—
, Men’s fine Gi|f .Boots, , , &Sstdss s®.
Boj * OO,
Youth s . „ “ -7 75.
Men's Calf Gaiters, . a CO*
Men’s Oxford Ties, . li 02 “ ■ 2 00* :
Men’s Brogans, 1; 12L« I Cfi f
Boys’ Brogans, * js» W on’
Youth’s Shoes, «J « sjl:
Children's Shoes, ~ 85' “ 66.
Ladles’ Cotigress Guitars,; XBO “ V7o!
Ladles’ Lasting Gaiters with heels; tB7 " 1 60.
Ladies’ Superior lasting Gnitir. 1 Bfi!
Ladies’ Morocco Boots wUhlfrols,, ■’ ISo « \ 05.’
Ladies’ Morocco Bouts without heels, !■ 25 « 1 37’
Ladies’Goat Boots with heels, X 2s!
Ladies' Calf Boots with heels, X 20 “ 1 35”
Misses’ Calf Boots with heels, 75 0 j
Having bought our goods for cash. they.were pht at the
lowest figure, and hy doing an exclusively cash business
customers are not made to pay for had dolts, hence our
for^saTecheap*’ BEED and BACON always on hand and
We .«wgcc tfuily solicit a liberal share of nubile patronage.
April 12) 1000.-ailll ' .
The latest from the East I ]
J. Jj MODEL STOKE,” corner of Annie and Virginia
Streets, take pleasure in informing the citizens of Altoona
and vicinity that they have received tholr flrst stock of
to which they resitectfnlly Invite the attention of all. and
particularly the ladies, feeling confident that: our present
block of Goods is well worth ah examination, and bo
lieTiog also that we have bought them on tuck term* a»
will enable us to offer inducement* to purchaser*.' Our
stock of Dry floods Is largo and varied, comprising all the
newest styles of ' • ‘
Prints, Delaines, iba de Cke ms, Ging
hams, 31 mjores, CliaUies r Jiri!tdUstg Mtxtui-a, Black .
aiiU Fancy Silks, togelitir uUltafuiilim of
Domestics. We httyealargeastori
vxent of and -fan*, -
ey ai licleti tuck,
as Gloves') ic.
Oar stock of
b unusually largo and very cheap., in these goods wa can
not be beat by any one either iVgaalify op wlc^'fwproof
of which please call and see giMdd and prices. • ;■
We would invite attention tCMonr Jared stock of CAK
which we are able to sell at greatly reduced prlcea. We
Being truly thanfciVil for the patroriage heretofore recei
vfri from the public, We cordially invite our friends to'call
and sec us again, hoping that the benefit rimy he mutual.
Altoona, April 12th, 1860.
splemd sToertte goods*!
The subscribers have just
at their Store, en Main St, a targe stock of
to which they invite the attention ofall pMsons in ncedof
They flatter tbemseyes they never had'a better assort-
Tnent than ou thit cotcsecuedfiy thev
never fneet fteWint* of theireufr
mSwwJS? All their arrangements hgve beta
made with.* vfedrb} a largo and proimerotri r business.—
the°plia? tt SfP from oneahdaUj. Don’t fofgef;
■' ETTINtfEB. * ULtMAN’?
»If Jon w oold be suited, come Quickly— but don’t all comO
Just at the Same time. At all events come and have vonr
JL. d»afo to make room for Spring and Summer
Goods, Also a large assortment of • ’T •!
Wall Paper and Bordering,
Match 15, 1860.
_ Oils, * ■
Paints, • ■ 7
Etc., etc.,
Jan aaism 77 7
Jan.2Q,lB«). C.JAGQAKD.
Removal.— a m, kino, shoe
maker, Informs tie puhlfp that ho '
nag taken the Room next doorto the Tribiait ■ a.
Office, on Virginia Street, where heisproj|totfL_
7° luanufactnre every stvlo of
MEN’S SHOES, at reasonable prices, and in a substantial
mannß r- - [MarJ5,’CO.-tf.
Boot and shoemakehw-john
STEIILE bos taken a portion of the ;
room occupied by A. M. KING, next
to J. W. Bigg's Tin Shop, and
himself ready to get up Men’s Boots A
in good style and at low rates. [Maril6,’oo-tf.
Ji the Provision or Variety line, call at the New Store, in
the Old Poet Office building, on Virginia street, andhny on
reasonable terms. ~ [Feb. 23,1860-tC:
4~ 7- w 7
Jan. ISW; • f , ; Q.
For Jodfe*. ladle* and OlatfSMlkk.
for you to doubt. • ' • ■
, 47 Walt Street, Yew Yurjc, Dec, 30th. IftS/t" *
CtjfTikkKt; Your noth of the 15th in*t
cetred eaylhg that yon heard that I hud boon bOttcttS&M ■
th* use of Wood's Hair Restorative, and T'*i viw mmc S
• certificate of tho fact if I had no objection to, aivn, j/j. ■
I award it to you cheerfully, because I thtnc itidua.'iiji
age is about 50 years; tho color of my hair U KM
Inclined to curl. Some five or sis year* since it b*wM(a
tutu gray, and the scalp-on the crown at my beadhauM
Ita seusibilUyand dandruff to form upon if.
dlsagreenbllitirslncreasedwith time, aridaboiiffour melt Hia-,
since a fourth was added to them, by hair fid Ling eff .tiS*
to Y“f bead and threat niug to make me baid.
unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try
'V** 5 Restorative. mainly to arrest the (Htlihroß
Sisr'. r ' w 1 baJ rcu,l . v no expectation thatiarayistt
v™* *i° r ” tesuired to its original color uxesat ftwa
n3^r - t*T^\« a^ CVO i r ’ surprised to find after .
only,that not only was the ihtflngoff
*?"■' c "' lr rostered to the cm
»«rtWUtyto the scalp; and Uaadruff c,.«,l toW«»
bj ?H’; T sS r^. 1 5 ircb totlu! gn»tificAtlon of my vrltb. at whuM
solicitation f was Induced to try It. J
For this, among tho m/iny obligations t owold fiersa*.
I strongly recommend all husbands who vaipo the atairS
tton of their wives to profit by my example, and two It if
growing gray or getting bald. • -
_5> r y respectfully, ASJfi A. UTKmgfc'
ToO. J, TtbodiCo., 4*l Broad wny/rfc* York. ; '■ j
My finally are absent from the citv. and I am no Innsm
at Nm 11 Currolplaco. T
Slamnston, Ala.. Jnly'Wth; 186 W. '
ToPSona y.Yoon; D.-ar Sir; Your “ Hair JtasOrw.
tiTt duu.dou ny Hair so much goodsiuco I
tha that I wi,h to wake known to the PUBHc
oflta effects on tho hair, which are great. A manor wd
man may be nearly dcpriv.Nl of hair, uml by a resort (4
- Restorative,” the hair wilt return more beMK
Jttful than B? er; at least this is my experience., BelleT* tt
a „ ■ Yonrs truly. WM, IT. KjSrDt!^
Y. S.—‘Yotican pnhlish the above if you like. By Mis
liihtug lu onrSouthern papers you will get morsnttte
»» south, Isco several ol your certificates in tho Jfoisfc
JliTCftty, atSticOag Southerly paper. W. 11. Kenedy.
Pnor.O, J. Wood; Dear Sir; Having had the mtsforluaa
to lose the best portion of toy hair, from the effects of tha
• yeHow fcror, in New Orleans tn 1861. X waa Induced I*
make a trfalof yotjr preposition, and found it to answer
ao th'e verytblug needed.’ My hair U now thick and alt*,
by. aua no words can express my obligations to you U
pying to the afflicted such a treasure. • • w , .
. ®>e RwtoraUtela putup in bottles' of threo etseg via’
IMge. wtd small; Hie small holds.i<a pint, and
retails for oub ddllar per bottle; the medium holds at lw3»
twenty per cent, more 10 proportion (ban the small, retails
for two dollars per bottle; thelarge holds u nutwfcWtier -
nore impjupgttiqw. grid retail* for $3. :■ ■
* LU
andlli Martet St LoutSj Mo.
Forsalo w, Koselaif, AUooua, and by all send
and fancy ewS&alere. -
Mareh 1, ’OO-Jy. ~ • ■.
iß*B great Work for (bams*-
or fur Dumb eoutaastda
, i<agoa, Ml
'LAThS. Vrico 'ZS couts—
to all parts under eeal, by
(1, VOST 1‘All). UM.OUO
.os sold thu last year, Iha
:t(>, luarriud, and tlio mar*
happy. ‘' A Lecture oh
r, or how. tu.chooao a'part*
i h complete uprk oq|lld
ry. It coiitains
i«i—wnrrtiuted to bewprtb
. uaaoU fur it, 25 Cents in Btoacls cr
Wtoge stamps enclosed, *lll securo acopybjrelurnV
*■■,•*»*»«!* 0 lifetime to tho cttaofdU
raso oB -u iUch hlg books treat. ‘Address'd. TKLLBK. Sl. D
Ao. 5 Nearer streetj Albany, If. Y. •.-•;•
,w 2. ru. afc 9!{4 bvt jjadttera.' Seiitfcjr nadt vU
dress Pr. Teller, os above. : - • -April XTllii *W-ly/
Rf*"* 0“.«» Barreto Ofpoo-
Com***?, i■
Wtwfefc tam iWentiethmJ
?««?* uc^°D^tito this iountry, im| t»to crutlitra^^^
tiUtemof Worjotßcracrti^Mub^rl^lblloWteKMS^
’4fk It ißinadd fro® the iigiit ioU of iko Ciiv at v««
h*?*' o ■ , ' v^io * iav o a cnpiuU of 2100.000 In
* at rto/M ffoTKi
tv Coro npa Vegotnljlos it to the cheapael. neatest
and handiest teannftt In the world; itch be olateifln HU
or rallroadln Sow York CUv. ‘ «n«B|.wniMh
ft .A. p ? n, ‘ ,b ‘‘‘ t containing ove’Jj- information, and certificate.
from torment all over the UuitodStateei wDlito eenfftSi'S
A»yoa«eH>lyißg*rtiiowinto. wut w *e« are# ft
March tIBS‘ U
ilih* iSodlt %ioxt,
opened a BOOK fiTOIUS neit door to t
toe corner of Virginia and Annie Ureett JfmSMl.
where may be found ’
Old and'Stanford Aitfoon, New ffS,
Light Literature, Vcriydicala and Staple and.
Fancy Stationery in large vdrietie*.
Alfoona wo respectfully lnvi]td to call. ’
Wft° **tJ , Aj^^li.
Souse, sign an-h ornament
AT, PAlNTlNG,—hKsskskeys 1
SS- outCo
iira wprkniatiUko mannertaafttlow nri^jr
constantly on;liand and fur lo^r^^ ll^
I3MSS, PUTTY 4 IJArerERS'l J ArerERS' tooii •
roqrlvc prompt at tention. ' ’ '
MOC^^ at^co *| Pa. : ,
T°SflS? ra r MBEGOT&OF
OentUmen :—ln pnmmnce of the 43d «w(in«
of May Bth, 1354, you arc herSy SJrtSTi?
ventton at the Court Uonse iu UoilMavahnn* #iT £?V
at 1 o clock, in tbo afternoon, 1 ftmJ so!<?ct etmt
minority of tin- wholo nmnbbf of P£,II
person of literary and seionlilib acquirements, andbl’ddll
and experience in the art of Uachtnc as Cmntr*V~!Sl,
Cvuu'y Supenn(aidtnt of Blair Qmtty.
April 5,1890,
■* lUn * offa ‘ CMt ***
adaptctj to the BcafioG. apcary Bigclc of
Now Is yonr cluuico to secure bargains for a month only,
find Ladle# of town and country, cal! tQda«
amine my stock anti you will b* pleased, besides savins at
least front fifteen to twenty per cent, your purchased. A
heavy lot of CARPETS for sale low. J. |>, IffitM, j
Will sell n>y entire stock of goods at Wholesale
and rent my store for a term of three or more wane ’
April 5.T8G0.-U. ■ - . ...... ,
Thn subscriber offers at PfKrafbSale • •-J
the HOtSK and LOTuow occupied by her «mHAI
on the corner of Adeline and Jnlia Streets’ «■ 1 i
East Altoona. The Uouse Is a good Two- WH B«|V
Story frame Bniialng, containing a Hall. JOAbUB
Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on
fint upor, four good sleeping rooms on the second floofti
a finished Attic. The lot is in good order, -r
Persons wishing tp view the premises and obtain farther
will call upon the subscriber
Ata»«, MUIJb, W “*"• M ' *****
It. Price as low- as the low est.
streets?? -9 11 ST J SEET > between Annie A jollp
efisK” lt purchaserB - ; J - K ««*»•
*4 * *^.ss®Sssf