vEN A WAT I ? FROM 32 TO .vh i.'iEssfoi-vcjtrilßoosjj . 9 ofiercd by lh* KAXGE CO., •V.'., Botton. it. liberalOift ooncernfa,.. ib ; .»e who hei«.p»troe£i !ai V iwtuwtuaitaecqetini are o»e' Gifts to gf hunting eaae*. 'Open,fac«ja. c)jp.i..hauling !« fed*. V- JkA tarioQ4.9|jicte. We tlßUous ,J 1 ■1 rich|:tjle«,' v >y I’im. i«w.-lrj. Pin. now won,, sueh •aCaiso* - . ifarentine, ic. l * e . 1 4c ’ ESr*£Ss .U U far * • Apj.W ■nr A £f* B C(j MI’AKV. ■ >v •-bingtoa at., n^ilu VEW G000$< ; - cks Store, ; ' rorwle/aa tj. ah :hf lUtfi-ient ; .iii rnurkot fcflords. Ig JJL. wicJtaU lW,wiJ .‘.a far us-llejueaaa^,^^ CLO.THIKO .n>riul atad lnte»t BfyW diffcrcm T «ri»iiw or^ju4^ are. Stunoware.ic, I IKS, an - 1-Jilto, T«o»,Ac, •ucswary to null* up a ffil and Booutt, ' vil.'t u>pt!y Atteniled.tij. ocory Store. ;k keeps con- sad, Cakes, &e. con, PLOim, , HIES, . stma,s Candies, I.UISapdXODACQO. B KINK, rr,i, bilow Anal. Btr«t. IVttha I.NiST A NThBUtP ; !»KItMANKNT tCHK of > campluiut u» IT’S iCARFTTES, lot N'a.fau St., S. Y. r.i !Vl-.- by i»Mt., , . ■ ,1. DKUGGILTS. GOBS, lEIVED,. L;, r vuKii’ b jy ' FAGGAHD. WI LI. BE SOtP A T * PRICES, f>r an CG STOCK, a o AT. Jj ESTATE FOlj> d purp'-einc change* i:Ate in the ». Z.C.. iuelndlnjf J , . to.P!£Sir r.-r class propsrtfc* tojgJJ* •„ inquire of the sol*«i»« j, tK*t- A FEU DEPOT v.ry large 'unitDEU. P urrh t?Vf2aS , •!;:,>.>» «* to d«ll r.mnll Sit \TION T, aOACUBB, AN$Mj~ ’• o. \y. kstqusS@ TVhcJc-Mle ale. fiO.OOO LAIHWj Lassus *ts* iiC IiAO, for naleVfb 0 ' 68 * 40 C. JAOV*22^— 111 descxUP* rDESCRIPjU^ |pwma .iTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE. At MAILS OLO3B. OPKf. . _, _, nf }| 390 A* IT. &%£•*•>**** j;sBk» ; 120 r.ii. %t>* ,„ r , ' !T25 “ . s ,jli^l f 7 nr t ) l0 tr.-mwtloa pflm«ln«M'fr9tu:7.4o AM il«ri»2-H** WO-V. jouri siiocxu* 1 fIAILROAD schedule. ' T i .. f; ru t arrirei R. 33 P. SI-.- 8.36 P. M. W' a, „ Well “ 7.B>A. M. .;«■ T,6OA.M. * „ |iot “ USA.AI. *• 1:20 A.M. f* «mi “ fc-i'- IMI-. « P.M. ' .. “ :.16A.41. «f T.3OA.M. W» Went 6.401'. M-, « «£5 P.M. ' ti.H Hn,A.NCUciinnccts,wi»ll_lixproM -t in.! Wrtt ana Mail Trnm EastApd W«»- hbaNCII TIIAINS connect with Johnstown I'* 11 'i.iion Train Knstnn.llVc»t,Jjohß«town Way and £xpi« i TrelnAr«t»«pl, &&. ■ ■ local items. 4f01(56V .—A jnshW jol» .';w«rJc3f|iicb a owing 1, its DBturc, could j as from issuing our paper at t lie usual time ,i,it ueek 1 , and “1 80 it that attention it should have htJ. v; , I . - y I IyrKBKSTINO TO TUB ECONOMICAL.— M’.SS Jen- I B t Seott, our a Bjcbia« which, ia these Jiord times, is iparticu- Urly adapted to the wants of the people;—Mrs'. | [ t’. C. Pow s Patent Hut' and Bonnet Pressing | I jiicliinf. The invention is an bid, and Jong ; inw «ne, awl has proved, a successful one. Its jjJrentages over the old system [of pressing by . jauJ with irons arc :—the work is donejn much lisrter time ; the articles pressed .are made onager, or more durable ; sunburn, mildew, ;.; n rust , &.C., are wholly removed; after going ] Kproagh the machine, the bonnets will, when I uposcJ to the Sun, continue, to whiten fur somclj cne oud will never sunburn again. Gctitlc- j sin s hats cm bo rendered equally as good as ttf by the machine. -Miss S. Las purchased iltrigU of this and ilifiiin county, for the use rfthe machine, consequently Lcr’s j.s the only me ir. this county. In connection,'with this ii.TJ, wo might state that Jennie’intends start- ! iag la tire city on Mondy morning next to lay j :. h block of goods winch will- not be excelled \ .Vr beauty and quaUty Ibis side of Philadelphia, j lAn ident — We learn from a correspondent I«; Spruce Creek, that a man named James Tcv- I iiisas run over at Barree sfation by the JPnst freight westward, on Sunday morning last, and (i much injured that he died between 7 and 8 i< clock in the evening. He was a laborer on n [ arm near Spruce Creek, and was enticed by a cm lo accompany him to Barree, where he be csce intoxicated, and the man left him. Ho '»* found bctwccttJß and 0 o'clock on Sunday corning, but vos speechless. After being car tel into the station house and'warmed up he tried to talk, but could not bo understood. His right arm was! crushed from; the elbow to the tiioalder and he was slightly bruised in other }irU of his body. An Inquest was held upon iishody, by Esquire Lytle, of Spruce Creek, uaa verdict in accordance wil.h the above stilcaient rendered. ißir.iiTftt, Casualty.—Cue of the most ir-ghtful accidents which we Lave ever been tailed upon to record, occurred on Thursday, m.-ning at Hay & Co.’s Coal Works, near Ir riu s Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. It V.ptai s that six men entered the shaft for the purpose «f going to work, and were being let •town in the usual way,- whpn the rope attached i- the windlass through which they were being !mred, jirokc, precipitating them a distance of •ome one hundred and twenty feet, to the plat form below. The result is easily imagined.— The entire party were killed and their remains terribly mangled. They were,all miners, and vorweiK in the pit Three of them wero mar rn:J, and men of families. i I ' AI or- Cesses M.t^siiArs.—The pay of Mar iflwla will be emu dollar per thousand in the dis ln:t the population exceeds one million—if * CM > d»en 81 ilo f>r each thousand. The pay of the assistant is 2 cents per head of lbjp*pt>pu lation, 10. cents for the statistics Of each farm, 1j cents lor each establishment of productive mlawry. and two cents for each death, reported, 16e Marshal- ia prohibited frofih receiving any fart of the fees of tho Assistant under a penal- V °f $l,OOO for each offence. ' The assistants Urc five months in which to perform tiieir du place'of six weeks, as is stated in a pa- n S ra ph going the rounds of the papers. A 1.0.5 a CocKTsmp —A couple were recently i-arricd in the village of Webster, Westmore **ti county,, who had reen filling and cooing for lot last twenty-one years 1 The gentleman is »tr sixty, and the lady about forty. Their waruhip commenced in 1829. when the lady "is not yet out,of her teens, and when her ■iirjcr” was double her/age. Some one has !#:J that courtship is'the happiest period of 'ife- if this .bo i|rne.;.w)tat a joyous {time this to . u P‘ e luust Lure had. Connubial bliaa was no- Hlcre: I . - .. Moke Show Beep. — Ohr excellent and enter: pricing caterer for the ptiblio, in the"beef line, I-Runyan, appears determined to beep up, if raise higher,' his reputation .for slnughter lng the beat beeves to be had here or in,the '" su Oa lMt J» drove a-lot past °^ lce i nearly all ofvrhicb aslnrgc as ! * oBe heretofore noticed. They were beauties, trill furnish choice ehts, and when they have “ served pp there will be “more of. the same „ uu I Tbe ',,be|f de?dt ; un. or n,ing .Ibet. obty 4 little tb6 “ fw Alas 1 the foisakomhaUt Latest ruojt tiis East.—Of course every body who takes any interest in the “ mill''ho tween the, j “ Benica Boy" and Toro. Sayers, which comes off in a few days, will be o.n the logout .for the latest news- in reference to the condition of the men uhd their prospects, end what is said about them, but all that may be said about them could pot possess as much in terest to the people of this cbmmunitjrj as the Isimjple announcement that is , i& J.^-TLowther bare Just received their stock of SpriLg and Summer goods, And a beauty of a stock lit is.— Large, varied, excellent, consisting of every thing and the yety best of everything, calculated to Buil pverybody anti ail . fdehds. Jpst drop ip janji see the piles and learn the prices* lUttH asp LosoLirs.—Dr Qeo. H t Koj ser, of Pittsburgh, Pa. , has prepareJ a medicine fpr.tbe core of lung diseases, that bids fair!id Ppt'nyid all tba various horde, of nostrums, 1 with .which the public have been pestered for years- does not pretend that •it will cure consumption in its last' steps, when ulcers are eating up tho lungs, bat ho means to do a great deal of good, in arresting in time the symptoms which lead to a fatal disease. Take warning brttie qf -Xejwer’s Fectoiml which to ettre ydu. Sold ai-CI. F-Xesijier*3. Charge op Sotbocce. —On Monday next, * new BohedUlbwill go into effect on the Penn’a ‘ R »»« make considerable change in the time of departure of passenger trains from this station, and those who intend to travel should make a noteiof if, else they may find themselves a “ leetle” too late. - *- ; WESTWARD. .. 'V Exp. Train 760 A M. leave«t7;soA. M. Fast Lino 'i“ “ 8.40 P. M; « •« 8.40P.A1. Moil Train f* 6.55 F. ML “ “6.66 P.M. ■ ' , ; ■ ‘EASTWARD. ' 'V' Exp. Trhin Ar. at 8.20 P. M. leave at 8 85 P. M. Fast Line “ “ 1715 A. M. “ *• 1.2 Q A. M. Mail Train ", “ 7.16 A. M. “ “ 7.30 AM. Installed.— Thefollowing named gentlemen were installed officers of Altoona Division, S. of T., on Satprday Evening last: W- P.j—Miohael Clabangh. W. A Galbraith. R- S.-—David Irons. A. BJS.—J-Thebdore Peterson. R.—Caleb Tipton. • *T.—Benjamin P. Rose. C.—rJbhn ißpyles. , A. C. 4— Diivid Atiick. I. S.'•‘•Joseph Bush ■ Q. S.-f—Wm. .Marshall.', ; Chaplain—A. D. Cherry. ConitECTioN.—ln noticing the candidates from this place, for County Superintendent of Com mon SchOoisi in our lost issue, we stated that our friend across the way. H. Smitb. lmd received the title .Of L- L. D., from Union College, We should have said: A. B. The mistake was made by us and cheerfully correct it, as early os possible, as wo know Mr. S. has no desire to sail Under false colors. Notice.— ThoCommunion of the Lord’s Sup per will be administered in the Presbyterian Church, in tjtis place, on Sabbath next There will be preparatory services on Friday and Sat urday evenings ai 7J o’clock, and on Saturday morning at 10$ o’clock. Her G. W. Znhnizer, of Huntingdon, will assist in the services. The public is invited to attend. Notdce.-f-The subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Altoona Cas-and Water Company are hereby notified that if the full amount of their subscription is not paid oh or before the IGtb day of May nest, Section Bth of the Act of Assembly foil the incorporation of Gas and iVal - be strictly enforced:— “Section 8. That if the stockholder, whether an original subscriber or assignee, after twenty day’s notice pf the time and place appointed for ■ the payment of any instalment or proportion of the capital stock; shall neglect to pay the same at the place appointed, for the space of thirty days after the time appointed for payment thereof, such;stockholder shall, yt addition to the instalment so called for, pay at the rdte of one per centum per month for every delay of such payment, and if the same and additional .penalty shall become equal to the sum before paid on account of such share, the same may be forfeited by and to tho said company, and may be sold by them >t public sale for such price as may he obtained therefor, or in default of pay meut of any stockholders of such instalments ns aforesaid for,the,space of sixty days after the time appointed n$ aforesaid, tbe president and managers may at their electi m cause suit to be brought in the samp manner as tjebts of a like amount are now recoverable, for the recovery of the same, together with the penalties aforesaid.” BENJ F. HOSE, Stc'y. Altoona, April 13. 1860-4 t. Office of the Altoona Gas a Water Co., 1 ' Altoona, April Ltb, 18C0. j A meeting,of the Stockholders of the Altoona Gas & Water Company, fill be held at the office of the at the Gas Work*, on Saturday evening. May sth, at 7J, for the purpose of bearing the; report of the President and Board of Managers. An election for President, a Board of five Managers and a -Treasurer, to serve for the en suing year, will be held at the office of the Com pany, on Monday, May 7th, between the hours ' of 9 A. M. aud 1 P. M. No person will be avowed to vote at said election unless the full amount of his capital stock shall have been paid in. ' BENJ. F. BOSE, See'y M4KRIED On the 22d ulk. by tho Rut. George Hllrft, Rev. SAM UEL A. WlLt-GN, of the Kant Baltimore Conference, to Mies SOPHIA A., daughter of Mr. Hammond Stanalmiv, of Baltimore. ;j At the Lutheran Parsonage, on tho 1-ltht tilt, by Rot. Lloyd Knight, JOHN M. BAIRD. of Altoona, and 11 las JANEDKONLBERG.of Uollldaysbnrg. On Thursday icvening., April ah, at the hpuseof tho bride's father, by the Rev; A. K. • Taylor, Mr. HENRY'S. WHITTINGTON to Miss SALLIK E. McCOIMi. -West daughter of Joshua W. McCord, Esq., r. 119/ UoUidayahurg. In this place, on Thursday, the Bth Inst., of Typhoid fe ver, Mr. JON AX;L ANTZ. aged Myraars. in thl* placedon Saturday, 7th Inst, of congestion of the brain', FRAN K.LI N RUSH; son of Bov. A. B.and Mary F. Clark, nged 10 mopiHe. ' ■. "Jesuseald, buffet lit tie children, and forbid-them not to come unto mo; for of such Is the kingdom of'Heaven.” —Mat. xlx, xlvi Watrea C. Ros died at Altoona, Pa„ April Ist, 1860, in the 37 th year of bis 6g*. Ho teas aeon of the late Rev. J. A. Roe, of .Pittsburg; He Joined the ill. K; Church In the year XSSI. and continued a fait)iful member until his death. He posaessed a; combination of qualities such as is rarely seen. Whilst he wad humble aud modest he was dignified and firm—respirting-aU men. but when in the path of duty fearing none.’He was a most attentive hearer, hut despised the office of a critic—liberal without extravagance—« pru dent wise and {safe counsellor. He lovedths Church, and .the Chnrchloved lihn. - As a business ram.he was correct, attentive ami persevering—one of the most efficient stew ards we hareever met ’As such, his - influence with ' his brethren Wasalmdst unbounded, and his value was beyond computation.' As a husband (Uidfsthcr; he was a model after which but few could pattern without improvement.— The moments not occupied In business were spent iu his fh : mily, where, by'the voice of music and the stnileof lore, he taught all to lionor and reverence him. To know him was to love him.- Ifis'dcath, like his life, printed a beau tiful exhibition of tht power of religion, it was a glorious triunff'h. Pot some days pre rious, through tho complica tion and peculiarity of his affliction, he had boon quite de lirious—hut a ftw hours before hisdoparture bis intellect became vigorous and realizing his cunditinu, ho gave the fullest proof tjiaf all was well.- Ho railed Ids wife and children to his bedside and kissing each one, he bade them farewell, and whilst a few pers ns who had assembled in the mom w -re engaged in prayer, and singing f*On Jordan's -stormy banks j stand,” he leaned hie head, by faith.- upon the bosom of his Saviour, and sweetly breothed hleiife away.- Itwasilot a cross to stand by (lie side Of WaltsrC. Roe when dying. No, no. It was witnessing a glorious victory, lie has gone, aud with hfma bright light. 'Peace to hls ashcs and honor to his memory. : ; S. CREIGHTON. Resolutions adopted at a meeting qf the- Official Members of ■ the Altoona it. JE Chum, April Wi, I8«n : Wbeuus, It has pleated God, In the order or hi* Provi .dence, to remqra from our midst onr friend and brother, Walter C. Jloe,; whofdr thrcey earaluis beeh associated with us; be it •. . ' " . ‘ . * 'Respited, That the- member* of this bod/ cherish a gratis-, ful recollection of the memory arid virtues, oeyMlft* the agreeable intercourse • which -tltcy- have eqjuyon with Hid - deceased, and a rtecp-«cn*e of the- valuable service* which, as Steward, be rendered tha Church. ■ L; / ■ Resolved, That this body deeply sympathizer with the relatives of the deceased- fn their bereavement,, dad that tfae’Becretary be requested to communicate an appropriate expression of the same to hi* aflUctedfamDy. ; Resoteed, That these resolution* be entered' 0 ! 1 the Jour nal of this tody, atd 1 (hat a copy be forwarded to the * 4 Alt toonaTribune,** fer publication.. •:>!; 7: /> . aAJ^.CWpiaiOJi,' jjrp, Snt’y. ' ■ - v MED. , A CABD;/ V - : I have -understood from- a mures, that Interested parties have reported> that I, had moved my GAS.* FITTING AND PLUMBING establishrasnt from ■ Altoona. I would respect* folly inform the citizens of Altobpa that it is not. nor has it ever been intention to re move. Persons desiring work done, in a good aad substantial matUnor.: and. at lowest prices, can be accommodated by calling at my shop, Sdoore beUw the PvH Office, or upon Bose, General Superintendent’s Office. I G. A. OGELSBY. Store-House and Dwelling for Rent.— The store-room and dwelling, now occupied by Ricli ard Smith, as a tailor skop, will be for rent from the first of April, 1860. It is a desirable location. For further particulars inquire of R. AG. Kerr. [Mar29,’6o.-tf. Boarders Wasted. —The proprietor of the large boarding house, on Emma street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Horrel & Smith, is prepared to accommodate a number of regular boarders if application be made soop. LANDRETH & SON’S Philadelphia Garden Se ds!! FRESH AND GENUINE, at A. ROUSH’S Drug Store. 'One p*p>r <"f these Seeds coutaii s as much as three papers of Parker’s Seeds. April'l2,lB6o. WARE-ROOM —THE I' undersigned respectfully Informs the public that he has token the ware-room two doors from the Branch Road, where be will keep on hand all kinds of CABINET-WARE, and attend to .the duties bt an UNDERTAKER.. . Two good Cabinet-Makers and one apprentice want-d. Altoona, Apr. 12.18P0. JAS. T MOORE. rjpHliJ ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR, 1 from Philadelphia, whoso rooms were so densely crowded on tho 13th of April, at tilt*. Logan House, can lie consulted at the same place one da; in each mouth, notice of which will be given in this pjyxr. He will be in Altoo na on the 18tli day of May. alto on the 15th of June. He treats all diseases flesh is heir to, - A etethosciiplc examina tion f the Heart. I.uogs and Throat free of charge. Thou: sands upon thousands have testified to the cotrectneo.- of iiis testing diseases without asking any questiopi. Ho has had thirty ycais’ constant practice among diseases of very nature. Ail diseases of a private nature strictly Confiden tial. *%J3eo hand-bills. Hr. W. LEVINGSTON. Millinery and trimmimg STORE —MISS JENNIE SCOTT respect fully announces to the ladies of Altoona and Tick uity that site is now pr-pured to supply all their wants in the Millinery and Trimming line, fihr ni n has on liund an excellent assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, STRAW AND LICE GOODS, FLOWERS & RUCHES, UitißAb'L>s AND TRIMMINGS, to which she invites the attention of the ladies. She him ado one of Mrs C. C. D w’s patent AND BONNET PRESSING MACHINE, and is therefore onabled'to do work in this line in a enp& rtor maimer, on short notice, and at reasonable prices. She invites a call. [April 12, 1860.-tf. The Latest from, the East !! HPHE PROPRIETORS OF THE X. “ MODEL STORK,” corner of Annie and Virginia Streets, take pleasure in informing the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that they hare received their first stock of SEEING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which the; respectfully invite the attention or all, and particulaily the ladies, feeling confident that our present Stock of Quods is well worth an- examination. .and be lieving nlsothat we hare' bought tliani on such terms os will enable us to offer inducements to purchasers. Our stuck of Dry, Quods is large and varied, comprising all the newest styles uf Prints , Delaines, Debeges, Lavtllas. P,iil tie. Chares. Ging hams, T nj'irts. Chollies , Travelling M-xtures, Black and Fancy Silks, together icith a full line of Domestics. ITe have a large assort ment of Stiions and Pin- . cy articles, such as Gloves, dec. , Our stock of EfOOTS AND SHOES la unusually large and very cheap. In.these goods we can not be beat by any one either in quality or price, for proof of which please call and seo gdoda and prices. We would invite attention to our large stock of CAR PETS, oilcloths. Wall paper and bmudkk. which wc are able to sell at greatly reduced prices. We have ids a good assortment of HARDWARE. QUEENS AVAKE, WOODEN and willow-ware, oroceuies. Being tmly thankful for the patronage heretofore recei ve'! from the pm die. we cordially iifvite our friends to call and see us again, hoping that the benefit may be mutual. J. & J. LOWTUER. Altoona, April 12th. ISCO. Gi\EAT EXCITEMENT I PEOPLES- SHOE STORE SJTEWAUX & THOMPSON TAKE O pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Altoona that they have j list opened, on Annie street, two doors be low the Post Office; a BOOT A SHOE STORE; and will constantly keep on hand a full .nssnrtmeut of Boots and Shoes, of alt sizes and kinds. They have Just received from the Eastern cities n very extensive assortment of Bouts, Slices amhGaiter* fur Ladies, Gentlemen's and Chil drea's wear, nil of neat finish and excellent manufacture, which they will sell for .cash only, at lent 28 PER CENT. CUEAUc.It than the same can he purchased elsewhere— &« will lx l seen l>y ref-i ring-to the following price list:— Men's fine Calf Bouts, $3 J 5 to $3 50. Kip “ 275 “ 3 25. Boy's “ 1 75 “ 2 00. Youth’s “ . 175. Men s Calf Gaiters, 2 00 Mens Oxford iiee, 1 62 “ 2 00. Men’s Brogans, 1 11“ I 68. Boys’ Brogans, 78 “ 1 20. Yuutli’s Shoes. 62 “ 87. Children's Shoes,* 25“ 65. Ladies’ Congress Gaiters, 1 60 “ . 1 70. Ladles’ Lasting Gaiters with heels, 1 “ 1 SO. Ladies’Superior Lasting (iaiter, 188. Ladies’ Morocco Boots with h ide, 130 “ 1 63. Ladies’ Morocco Boots without heels, 1 25 “ 1 37. Ladies’ Gout Boots with heels, 125, Ladies’Calf Boots with heels, 1 20 “ 1 25. Misses’ Calf Bouts, with heels, 75“ 100. Having bought our goods fir cash, they were put at the lowest figilre, and by doing an exclusively • ash business cmtpmers are not nude to pay for bad dqhts, bonce our low pnicEa; ' '' ' ttjb- FLOCK, FEED and BACON always on hand and for sale cheap. . Wo respectfully solicit a liberal share of public patronage. April 12,1860.-3 m CLOTHING STORE. SPLENDID STOCK OF DODDS!! rilllE SUIkiOKUiKKS IJ.AVK JUST 1. received at their Store, on Main St, , a large stock of HUNTS' FURNISHINGGOODS, to which they invite the attention of all persons in need of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, 'BOOTS 4 SHOES. They flatter themsevee they never had a betterassort ment than that now on hand, anid that consoquently they never were better prepared to meet the wants of their ens i tomefs and friends. All their : arrangements have been ‘ made with a viewto a large and prosperous business.— 1 Therefore we invite a call from oue and all. Don’t forget -the place. ETTINGER A HLLMAN’S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Jf you would be suited,come quickly—butdon’talicome jnst at the sometime. At all events come «qd have your wants supplied. - KTONGER A ULLMAN. Aprflfi.,lB6o. ■ YfsViY BEST- ARTICLE OF 1 FLOOR, from the celebmled Lewlslown mills, kept at the n«w Flour and Feed Store. Call and get a sample of it. Prlce'ae lowaa tbe lowest ' * (Feb. 23, ’•»«* enfcruving of CHRIST AND ! Then* aUUen’j Immortal Group .l | She 21x38, and* BEAUTIFUL BIBLE I.VGILT. for only ! appropriate for the CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLD, cither oU the Parlor waller centre table.— Visa TOUCHING REMEMBRANCER n MAGNIFICENT wreath OF ART on theahgeUc altar of qur 6Uth! [From Rev. Dr.'PHme. Bi«W of the Xe» Fork Oburrtr.] ' THORWALB6EVS STATUARY. * Co’a adTertiacment of their fine engraving of ThorwWdseu’e celebrated group of “ Christ andhts iW ties,” will attract attention. Om? of the pic turn hangtn our study, and wo regard the work as eminently suitable for the walls of every Christian household, , The brautifnl clasped Bible, which is presented witWL is bound in velvet and git, and the price at which he oSfera ■ them la so low, that thousands may avail themselves of the opportunity.— We hope they will, i SECOND NOTICE; . [From the Rev; Dr.Ptiroe.] Dxttos’s Enos aniens.—We would attention to Mr. Dayton's advertisements. We have every reason to believe there will be Uie proper response Mr. Dayton’s establishment to auy let ten, containing moueyfurlta splen did works of Art. ; ■ ■ - [From the New York Leader.] The flue lithpgi aphy of “ CUBIST AND UIS ADOSTLES* with meat elaborate surroundings, a copy-of which attrac ted great attention! for the Sisters of Mercy, is a most valu able adjunct to thei office, the studio, or the boudoir. The gift accompanying this enterprise is a flue pocket Bible, boun i in purple and gold. ' The Bible which we present with this* impressive engra ving is 22m0.. bound in velvet,' with gUt'rUM and clasps, worth at retail from $2 to it. To tliose who wish to purchase this religious picture without the Bible, the price is $l, with [2 cents to pay postage. , > «*• Send to DAYTON A CO., 37 Park Row, New York. $2, and 25 cents in stamps for return postageot) Engravmg and Bible ... - , V Editors giving the above an insertion and forwarding a copy, marked, will receive a copy of either of pur publi cations by mai>, prepaid. Address - Dayton's Engvaving of Thorwaldacn’a u Christ and'tils Apostles'* Is a magnificent group, like eq graving is execu ted in a masterly manner, and, as a wort- of art, highly] commended. t9_With especial permission, vra. invite all our pattens to write to the Bev. Mr. Allison, of th« 14 Presbyterian Banner,” that we are responsible, and that our beautiful engraving and elegaut bible are not misrepresented. April 12,1860. ' MAllltl AGE GUI DE—DEING A private instructor for married persona. or those about to be married botli toalg and female, ill everything concerning the pliyd(ilo;*3yiSSf. gy and reintions of our system, and the pro, ductioa or prevention offspring, inclnding all the new dis coveries never before given in the English laucuaee. bv AVM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and luter esting work. It is written in plain language for the gene ral reader, and is illustrated with immeruiia Eqatavin'-s. All young married people, or Oioss contemplating mar riage, and linving the lea«timpediiaeot;jo married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that eyory one should be acquainted with ; still il ls a book thalmust be locked up, and not lie about the house will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five ceotd in Specie or in postage stamps Address DU. \>M. YOUNG, Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ? . AND UNFORTUNATE—No matter what may ha your disease, before you place jotirqelf under the care of aiiy ouo optho notorious quacks—native oF for eign—who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of ■either of Dr. Young's Books, and read }t carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health and possibly your li fo. DU. YOUNG can be consulted on any of tfia diseases de scribed in his publications, at his Office, Nq; llfl Spruce St above Fourth. [’hO.-Jyeow. House, sign and ornament al PAINTING.—MESSRS. KEYS A WALSH re spectlUUy announce to the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL iPAINTIXG, in a, workmanlike manner andat low prices. They also keep constantly on hand and for sale, at lowest prices. OIL. GLASS, PUTTS’ & PAINTERS’ TOOLS; ALSO, LOOKING GLASSES, STAINED 4 ENGRAVED WINDOW GLASS, LOOKING GLASS \& PICTURE FRAMES, GILT AND ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS, CARVED k ORNAMENTAL GILT FRAMES. & All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop on Montgomery street, Uollidayaburg, Pa. April 5, ISOu.-tf. TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF BLAIR COUNTY: . Gentlemen In pursuance of the 13d section of the Act of May Bth. 1851. you aiehcreby notified to meet in com vcuti.m at the Court- House in Hoiltdnysburg. on tlie first Monday in May, A. I> 160 U, being the 7th day of themoutb, at ! o'clock, in the afternoon, and select, vieu eocr, by a majority of tho whole number of Director* prevent, one person of literary and scientific acquiremchts, ; and ol still and experience in the art of teaching, a* County Superin tendent. for the three succeeding years; determine the amount of compensation for the same, and certify the're sult to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg,as required by the 3'JtU and 40th sections of said act. ' JOHN MITCHELL, Gaunty Superintendent of Stair County. April 6.1860. . SELLING OFF AT COST.—THE subscriber is uow selling oil at cost a large and well selected assortment of. DRY GOODS, adapted to the season. Also a heavy stock of: BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QtJEENSWAUE, Ac., Ac. Now is your chance to secure bargains for a month only. Gentlemen and I Julies of town and country, call and ex amine my stock and you will he pleaded, besides saving at least from filtcen to twenty pec cent yodr purchases. A heavy lot of CARPETS for sale low. - J. L. ICKE3. 4®* 1 will sell my < ntire stock of gis-ds at Wholesale, and reut my store for a-tefm of three or aiiore'years. pril 5. IS6n.-4t. House and lot for sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Sale ' : the HOUSE aud LOT now occupied hv her, da the corner of Adaline and Jul la streets; SSaawfLA East Altoona. The House is a good Two. yijfy je w Story Frame Building, containing a Parlor. DinSng-Room and Kitchen oh first floor, four good sleeping rooms on the-second floor, A a finished Attic. The lot is in good order. l Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain farther imfomation will call upon the subscriber, - ’ -r ~ •’ MARQT. M. McCRttM. Altoona. Aug. 11th, 1859-tf. oabbath school contention KJ In pursuance of a resolution adopted' at a stated meeting of the Hnllldaysburgand Gaysport Sabbath School Association, on the 2Sth of January lasLaConntv Conven tion of the friends of th turn gray, and tho scalp on the crown of my .head toluaa it* sensibility and.dandruff to form upon it. Each of these dtsagreenbllitira increased with time, and about four months sipco a fourth was added to them, hy hair falling off the to® of my head and threatning to make mo balil. • ' In this unpleasant predicament, 1 was induced to tr* Wood’s Hair liestomtive, imuol; to arrest tho falling off oftny hair, for I liad really no expectation that gray hair could ever ho restored to its original color except from dyes. I was; however, greatly surprised to find after tha uaeof.two boitlcs only, that not only was tho falling Off arrested, out the color was restored to tho gray hair* awl sensibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my head,'very much to the gratification of my wife! at whew •elicitation I was induced to try it. For this, Among' the many obligations X owe to her MX, I strongly recommend all husbands who value the admira tion of their wives to profit hy my example, and use lift growing'gray or getting bald. . - Very respectfully, BKX. A, LAVENDER. To O. J. Wood 1 C*)., 444 Broadway. Kew Yorl^. My family are absent frdm the city, ahd'l am no longer at No. 11 Carrol Place. ' SHamasbon, Aht. July 20th, lUfa To Pgor. J, Wood: Dear Sir: “ Hair Restora tive” has dona my hair so much good since I commenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to tha PUBLIC of it* effects on tha hair, which are great; A man or . wo- Waq may henearlr deprived of half, and by a resort to yolif/MUlr.Resto/atlTe,'’ the hair will return more b*Mk tfful than ever; at least this ta my experience. Bailor* it aUI .Yours truly. WM. 11. KENEDY. - P. S.—Toucan publish the above if you like. By pah- Ushlng in onr Southern papers you will get wore patron age south. Xsefseverat of your certificate* lathe Jfafah Mireurf, a strong Southern paper. W. 11. Kenedy. 1 WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. P»OF. O. J. WOOD! Oter.Sir: Having had the mtsforttina to ISsa. tlia beat portion oX my hair, (tow Dm efforts of lb jello* fever, In New Orleans inISSX. 1 was ImineoAto make a trio) of yvur preparation, and found it 'to hmStor as the eery thing needed. • My hair is now thick and (noi sy, wid no words can express, my -* obligations, to youth giving lb the afflicted such a treasure. . > FINLEY JOHNSON. . The WtoraUto input up In bottles of three sixes, via: largo, medium, and small; the small holds a pint, and. retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty percent, more in proportion than the smalt, retatie for two dollars per Imitle; tbe. lerge holds a Quart, W per cent, more in proportion, and retails tor ' ' ■"" 0. J. WOOD A (X)., Proprietory, tii Broadway, Jfsw I ork, and lit Market Street Bt Lcnlt, Ho. " For sale by Q. W. KesSler, Altouha, and by all geod DyuggUts and Fancy Goods Dealers. March 1, . LYON’S Pure Qhio Qatatrba Bran^ THE UNtVEKSAL* PREFERKNGfi I. which is given to this brand shows that H tsbha only I‘CnE BRANDY tot . MEX>ICINAL PURPOSES known, which is fully corroborated by all practicing >hy iklan*. who have, used it in thoir practice. 1- Fur Summer Complaints sls ChiWrw, A Cure it guarantied cr the money t rill be re funded, ■' as it will effectually relieve that affliction, as well*' Diarrhoea &. Bowel Complaint, AS A BEVERAGE* " Ths pure article 1s altogether superior, and a sotvDm and EURE REMEDY for ■ DUpepeii, Flatulency, Cramp,' Colic, Languer, Low Gineral Debility, Asrvytu ners, Liver Complaint, etc. Physicians, who have ulod it in their praeDcs, speak, ef it in the moat flattering turnu, aa will be seen by rafersoo* to the numerous letters and errtlficates. ' . A. 11 ART A CO., Proprietors, Cincinnati. ’ A. RO.USH,, Sols Wholesale end Retail Agonttbr Blair county. Nor: 10, 1859. , . ; ‘ ‘ • , 1 : f . SQQK roll EV. R..V BO UY—SrAUTI4N« 'TsCLbSCRKS.—D r; Tlt tr tSß’&great work for tlMtnlfr . a bad article. - - ; - 2d. For Corn and Vegetables it to. Ota cheapest, neaMt and handiest manure in the world; it can be plaesjd in di rect contact with the seed, forces and ripens vegeUtioatwd week* earlier, prevents the cut worm, cfowUes the cron. to without daaqretahlt odor. Three dollars worth or two bar rclg w all auipdent to manure nn acre of corn In the hllh* . *l—2 hbl*. $i bblsltf, and over « ■» '-a* any one applying for thewtoie. " JIRIFPINIO BROTHERS * 00.. ' '£farth Kiftf AffHcvUurot T^irt^httt, ■ » 1 '?•:*? CourtlandtBtreet,N«w Turk. V?CONSUMPTION AND ASTHMA. M DtewyerwFwhlktn cure for I ComompMtai,-Asthma. Bronchitis. Couchs, Cold*/ and Ucneral Dobllity. Tile remedy was discovered by btmwMn his only child, a daughter, was given up to die, Kto child wascured:and to nowalivejtnd well. Desire os oL&aSSt tlng his;fellow mortals, he will send to those who Irish h. the reripe containing full directions for mskiug and sfaa eessfnlly using this remedy, free, on receipt of their haml* with stamp for return postage. When received, Ukett te Q. VV. Kessler, Druggist, Altoona, There is not a Ricrlh symptom of'Cooisnmption 'which it does not at once *■' take hold of and dissipate. Night sweats, peevishness, W“ irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult ex- I pectorntlon. sharp pal isin theluugs, sore throat, chilly / sensations, nanwa at the stomach, inaction of the bowels, wasting away ol the mu-cles. AdilreseD- P. /' BROWN A CO., 32 and 34 John St- New York Starch 8,186u.-6m* Hfto Boob g)torc. The subscriber has lately opened a BOOK STORK next door tp ' the corner of Virginia and Annie tirtdi, JjMfMBL when may be (band fSrßiP^y^ Odd and Standard Authors, 2ftu-Vubltcamn,a Light Literature, VeriodicaU and Staple and Faney StationenJ. in large varieties.. AW* new and Very select jot of SUBKT MUSIC.' MUSIC BOOKS and MUSICAL INStRUMKSTS. The citinena rf Altoona are respectfully invited to call.’ BS>Atl orders attended to with promptness and dispatch. A** 00 !’ 11, 0T - 3.1859-tf n. SMJTH. BY ATLANTIC) TELEGRAPH.— Did you hear the new* from Europe I It you bay* wot, we will tell you what it ’l*. It is that HENRY IBfaC ply of* r * turned ' Vom the Eastern eitiea witfl a larg* nipl 17 READY-MADE CLOTHING, S v D6 , 0 . f , Btj ;l cs . aml quail tlesof Otereoati Drtae Coata. Vesta. Pants, Roots and Shoes, and m an establo-himtit of the hind, all of whtchWofSraS unprecedentedly low prices for’cash. UayL at cash prices, he la thereby eaabled*to ecUrer^ lie invite* all.thoee in want of anything in hi* Une t* SlS™ ’’ f< *“ ns SUre - !that he vU '^n‘YCTci‘ T * Altoona, gept. 30,1858-tf TOCK * Tj>oll SAI.E A HOUSE -VSJ) IjQT, , J4to99*, JMMf. j *• m, v