IgedTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. Iris afhct that, at some period, every mem tar of the humim family is subject to disease or distarbonce of the bodily functions; but, Hrith the aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain common sense, they may be able so to tabulate the system as to secure permanent frfaith In order to accomplish this 1 desired i*Weot, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state of thingn at the least hazard of vital strength and ltf« for this purpose, Dr. Hosteller has in troddeed to this country a preparation bearing his name, Which is not a new medicine, but one that hu been tried for years, giving satisfac tion all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, Md -liver,, restoring them to a healthy and TigOtods action, and' thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem tb triumph over disease. ■For the care of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau , Sea,-Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints,' arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Oolic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Bitters have no equal. ■ Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by Uie change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyapepsia, a disease, which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, cat be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, as pet directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some kind; then why wot use an article known to be infal lible ? All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease and slrcngthener of the sya temin general; and among them all there Is not.to .be found a more healthy people than the Gfermans, from whom this preparation ema noted, based upon scientific experiments which have, tended to prove the value of this greet preparation in the scale of medical science, v Fbvbb. as?p Aoui. —This trying and provok ing disease, which Axes its relentless grasp on the body of pan, reducing him tp a mere sha dow in a short time, and rendering him ,phy sieoUy-and mentally useless, can be driven from tho .body by the use of HOSTETTER!S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted,.oven in exposed situations, if ..the. Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor o&end the .palate, and tender .un , necessary any change of. ifliet-or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy .digestion, the; complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and .pennsnbnt cure. . For .Persons in Advanced Tears,- who are' suffering from 1 an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength and viger, and need 'only be tried to be .appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters are .indis pensable, especially when the mother’s nour ishment is .Inadequate to the demands of tho child, consequently her strength must yield; and here it is where , a good tonic, such .as Hostotter’s Stomach Bitters,'is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the systeih. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all. eases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who,’ if fie is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness.- caution tlxe .public against using any. of tho many, imitations, or counterfeits, but ask far JdosTEnxn’B Cslebuatm Stomach JJirtKM, and see that each bottle bas tho words “ Dr. J.' Hostetler's Stomach -BUtew”'blown on tlie sido of tbo'bottlc, and stamped on the metalli%cap covering the cork, and jbbserTO that pur .autograph signature is on the label. 49* Prepared anri poXdbyJiPBTSKrTEE A BhfcDTH, Pittsburgh, Pm and sold by aB druggists, grocers! and' 'dealers generally throughout tho United State si Canada, Booth America, and Germany, Bold by O W Kessler and A Ronsh, Altoona; G A Jacobs,. J K Patton and W 0 Murray, HoludaysbUrg; and 8. Berlin Tyrone, [Aug 28,1859-lp T)ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON JT OIL LAMPS! -v ' ■ ' Unrivaledin Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Eponany. Eviry person desiring to obtain the very boetandcheap est ptsrtabje light “within their reach,' should 'call at the store of the undersigned :snd cxhmluo. these Lamps .before purchasing dse Whore, oadwo pledge ourselVes. to demon strate :■ v . ’ ; let; TbatHO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. :3d. That : they emit no bffenatve odor while burning. 3d. Thatthey aro very caally trimmed. ;> 4th. That they are easily regu&tcd to give more.iir lew ‘ • light. • ' 6th. That they burn entirely free from smohe. , , >-V 6th. Thatthe light is at least SO per cunt, eheapcr.thsn any other light now in common nso, -These lamps aw admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Reamstresjjes, ; factories, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are lughly.recommendcd forftunily use. Thb burner oL the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attachedto Olds Ido, 1 Imaging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small oip««p at •A»IWGS|j’S, SiW fi6M)B! SfiW eWDS! v At McCormicks Stow, JTuat artived, and are now being offered for sale, »n ex tensive assortment of goods of all the different style* and qualities, which tlie Philadelphia market affords, in the way of dress goods for Ladle* together with all the more heavy Cotton and Woolen goods for Gentlemen and Boys wear, also a full stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING for men and Boys, of tho best material and latest Styles, in' the way of business, dress and over coots, with pants and vests to match. Also all the different varieties of goods, such as _ ‘.r -j Hardware, %teensware, Cedar ware; v , Xifwars, - . Btoneware,*c-, ■ GROCiptIES, W'- Family Syrups, Sugar BroWn and ’Vhit©,- Teaa, Sc, Ac- 1 with all the varloty.of sjdoeaneccaeary -tomaim npaiflill assortment. . =.-' 4 Men's fine and coarse Soots and Bootees, - ■Ladies “ r" s with $ viithotit fieehr, in all the different material, with • yerypiettyaaeortment of Bonnets.' ‘ ALSO MEN AND BOYS LEDGER HATS AND CAPS, r and all other articles usually kept in country Btnree,-all of Which will be sold as low as in any other house in town for cosh, or exebibged for any article of produce, whlch can be consume*' here oroxebanged Inihe Beet for other*. Altoona, Oct. 27th,’69. . ■ ■ " jr ; v m - _ ■s i . a | f. f K, f - " - 1 gj P r r r* fei e .stwi oo ■ ■tea sift} ss ! «SaafiS!ffe v : 2 r r-g-g I 1 ■ ■ 2- “ *f4 ■ or 5 rT va - . _ o-s sa •- 9 g J §i * a ;-i: I I . .« ' o ' GREAT OPENING or SPRING AND SUMMER 1 cg*> CE>..525 > T B. HILEMAN HAS JUST RE ( coived and opened at his old stand,' on Tirginiast., a largo and attractive assortment of seasonable goods, cbm prlaiug all the novelties in ' KREGES, DECALS. LA HtV.V, GINGHAMS, EMBROI DERIES, LACES, HOSIERY .. v BOOTS. SHOES, 6AITORS, &C., ; of all sizes and styles, which,equal to any In .the market, and will he Bold at foir prices. Having recently enlarged my store-room, I can how display my largely increased stock to better Advantage aud would respectfully invito everybody to call. May 12,1659., GROCERY FEED AND PR*)- VISION STORE. The subscriber weold .respectftdly lnform the citizens of Altoonaandvioiulty thathshas opened astOroofthe above kind,hear the corner of AdaUne hud Julia Streets, East Altoona, where he will treep constantly on hand afull snp ply of everything In his'line. ■ Ills t ' GR OGERIE S are all fresh and wQI bo sold at prices as low as those of .any other establishment in town. Ills stock of provisions, consisting of ' - . ! , Flour, Rams, Shoulders, Sides, &c; wilt ho sold a little cheaper . than they can he bought any .Where else. Uis Ploitr is obtained from the beet mills in the Western part of the State, and is warranted tobe What It is represented. ", ’ i.. > Ail kinds of Peed fur-horses, .cows and hogs, always on hand. - ■; r ' ’ i; I intend to keep snch an assortipent that X shall at all timer be ablotosupplymy customers with whatever they may need, and -I .Intend also to sell at prices which wifi make it a saving to those who patronize my store, July 22, 18883 m. . HJENRT BELL. rf 'HE lINDBBS IGrNBD WOUIiD JL respectfully inform hlsoldcns totners and' tl public . genetfaUy that ho lias Jus received a uioe andautMOJaas- tmentof CLONES, istfimeres, AND NESTINGS, which ha is nt Feeing for sale, and isprepared ike theta*Op in the latest style «t durable nas tier,-as none bi > best workmen are employed, at work made will be warranted t re 'satisfaction. Ilchas also a good ick of Oksts 5 FCKNIBHXXO GOODS, i such as Smai tubs, OKnra- SHIRTS, Drawen id£ Tl *,B{ocks, Suspenders, Ha >e assortniebtof READY-MADE be Isdeter mined tdsell os cheap os uiojr u>u i» oougnt this -eidcof'lTtila delphia. The public axe respectfully invited to call bud exomiue’my stock, as T shall take pleasure In showing them. Door? open at all times frotn 6A. M.untO 9IVM. Admittance free. ' < J May. S‘ 1859-tf THOMASfJ,WAY. RED WON HOTEL, . AITOOXA* BLAIR COmTTyPA. - Thin old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars! in Altoo na, has passed into the of the. present proprietor.—' Long experience in the business.warrants me in assuring the travelling public that.no palps will heepared to render guests as comfortable os possible while BqJOnrning under my root The TABLE will constantly be supplied with the very best the market affords. JOHN BOWMAN. The BAR will be found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kiuds,lncludiUg that choice heve rage LAGER SEER. \ ; ■< The STABLE is in charge of an excellent and emeri enccd Ostler. ••. •V, ~ The proprietor hopes, by hi* long experience in the bnslnes and the facilities at bis command, to make the Bod Lion, in all respects, a first ,clasa Hotel. The business of the Hotel will bo under my own personal snpervislou. A liberal share of public patronage is kindly solicited. ‘ JOliH W.- SCUWEIGERT, Proprietor. May 19, 1859.-tf ' •= ; TO THE PUBLIC.—THE SUB SCRIBER would respectfully announce mm ■ to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he has opened a *- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PCY. SHEET-IB ON WARE t£ STOVE STORE on Helen street, between Anuionnd Julia streets, East Al toona, where he will keep constantly on hand a large as sortment of everything in his line, which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. ‘ ROOFING- & SPOUTING pnt .np on short notice. He also manufactures Leaded Iros Spouting, which is said to be much superior t Tort Ledger, '• > ar«w r!•;.- , •, -i aatwrdagEveningFott, ' JkOar Keutpapar, ■ Vj • • ■ - StotdetglHtj/atelt, ’:.,M '• U ■ '■ mceeriy Magatuu, ■j ;• Frank.XeeUe’t Pictorial, : v,:’:. Sdmr>i IRd&, ■ '■* 1 BaßoiftFietorUd, J ' VUs impeded al Scuttles, Stove Pipe, th.- . H® bas also purchased the right of sale in Blair county, | IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFPER, an invention wiiich needs*only to be seen to be approcia ttnd should be possessed by every fartoer; butcher orthose requiring ench a machine. ’ - ’ ’ - ttS. Particular attention paid to patting up SPODTfNO either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up’ on the most reasonable terns. fapril 14,1869-ly SIR WALTER PE RUSE’S GREAT BOOK.—Every married and single woman shouldhave this valuable and Instructive whrk. It will save them many sleepless nights and days of sorrow. Every yunng man and woman contemplating holy wedlock, should have this highly instructive book. It will save to those who road it thousands of dollars, and many niter chagrins and regrets. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, send for it and rood its instructive pages. Yon will never regret it. Sent free' to any address, by enclosing four stumps to IV. BE ItUSE. M. J>., Box 84. Philadelphia Post Office. • • Fob. 6,18tH).-ly. ' - Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for sale, Wholesale andKetail.— J. SHOEMAKER, . Pec. 11,1880-tf. , Masonic Temple. Pf4|E, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, JLJLyWht, ,, KIIEjSiBR'S.; SEND FOR eTeRM AN ) (7 y»nw remedy u offered aa affording & dears of «po®dy core for the Urge cumber that die annually la our land of th*t fell scourge, Consumption, to which* unfortu nal^Jy T to many predisposing causes exist. Youth and age are alike subject to its ravages. " V‘ . ■ : ’ name one or more of h is acquaintances who b tect to tome form of lung or throat complaint, which, if not attended to in season, inevitably consigns the suf feser to a premature grave. To such, help is at hand IT they will hut avail themselves of it, and hope,—the har- N,«r of brighter days,—may bewalmned without foot of ehWngdiaappointment. Dr. O. Phbjs B*oWk a ACACUX Baisa* does Juat what is claimed for it, and mar bo retied upon by the sick m being the moat success ful in curing lung and tbroai disorder*, of any remedy known at the present day. The manyphasesaasomsd by Consumption iustißea the apprehension of those who hare reason to tear its approach, either from constitu tional or hereditary tendency. - ~ . . While the discoverer of this remedy does not helisre that people should he constantly dosinig themselves .with medicines thsre are many eaaes where disease totpo long *Uow*a to remain unchecked In the system ; and * slight eongh, regarded al first a* slmply an apnoyanoe, “HT with the,Ufa of the patient. An Impure state of the Wood, through debilitation of the longs, fill* the system with morbid humor*, and pulsation becomes feeble or acceler ated to a feverish Intefisity—the heart, liver, and Wd aeve, separately performing functions of;vital necessity to our well-being, are Impeded In their regular action— the digestive organs -falter in their task, and refuse to perform the process of separating the .nutritious elements from food, and the whole? mental being Is well-nigh ready to oink under tlie burden of life* The patient so effliolM, accounts his ease a complication of disorders, .and often refuses to x resort to medication, from his thorough dis belief In any prospect of cure. To such of the Acacuk Balms, a* thoroughly Worthy the cottfl dence of alt Every symptom of ConsuJnptlon is surely and permanently eradleatod By its use- Its effects are hone other but strengthening and renovating to the en tire system. Bronchitis, Asthma, Cooghs, Cold** and General Debility. are effectually cured by itausa. hight- Sweats, Loss of Flesh, and Wasting aW»y of the Musries, boss of Appetite, Soreness of thi Threat, Chest, and Lungs, Liver Complaint. Palpitation of the Heart, Diffi culty of Breathing—all Unis* affections disappear in an incredibly short time after using Dr. 0. Phelps Brown s Acadian Balsam. ' It nourishes and strengthens the mitient who it too much reduced to partake of ordinary food. It heals au internal sores, tubercles, and inflammation. It strength ens. braces, and revitalises the brain, and-is without s rival os a. tonic, supplying electricity or mapetio force to every part of the enfeebled and prostrate body, li needs uo lengthy trial to cbhvince any that Ihe Acaa-i.v BjuAsx is truly the greatest remedy of the day, ns it - benaOeial qualities are folly apparent m eight-and-forty hours after trial. , • ' . . Let the invalid, then, no longer delay, bat S make the trial, and the result will surely bo ft T of the most gratifying character. , Wl h The Acacia* Bawax is prepared with the M C greatest care, and the best materials. No BO m pains or expense' are' spared to make It what tS W it is—the best known remedy of the age. It *. S miy be tokenby either sex, of all Wj. and S f at a« seasons, with perfect safety; and It Is x a V ; none the lees powerful in conquering those dls- i } V eases which eap the foundation and destroy ij m the lives ofso many la our midst. Everyfamdy \ % N& should have it, and regard it as a household V j ® treasure. * 1 jf Descriptive pamphlets given to all who apply ® to mlf agents. * f PRICE $2 PER BOTTLE \ For sale by A. Roush, Altoona, Blair county. March 15, 1860.- In presenting you with DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL, wo desire to state itaanperiority over every nos trum that nurse or quack has heretofore offered yon.' First.* It is the preparation of* regular physician, who is well qualified from much experience In Infantile com plaints to prescribe for them. Secondly—lt is entirely free from paregoric or opiate of any klud,and consequently re lieves by removing the suffering ot your child. Instead of deadening Its sensibilities. Thirdly—lt is put up with great cafe, as a comparison of it .with any other article,for infan tile Complaints will show; the; very roots from Which it is distilled being dug from the forests ton 'cr the direction of Dr. Eaton, many of them by bis own hands. Fourthly— It is perfectly banulessandcnnnotinjuretho most del tote Infant, and is a certain core and relief in all the following cases, which is its chief merit’ oyer every other preparation, viz:— > TOR ALL COMPLAINTS ATTEDINO TEETHING; such as Dtsestebt, Cone, Ac-, also, tor softening the gums and relieving pain. For regulating the Bowels it is une qualled, For Cold in the .Head it is a store relief For the CROUP, Hie most total and trying of ail diseases, it pan be relied bn With perfect confidence ;and being a powerful an ti spasmodic in all cases of convulsions or ntvwe earnest ly recommend yoa to-loeq. no time in procuring it. Lastly— It costs ab much more than other preparations of the kind that we.can not afford such long advertisements as can those whose whole expense is their advertising; tor the eame rea son, it commends itself as the most reliable to all toothers. In ail cases, the directions wrapped around each bottle mast be strictly followed. Price, 25 cents per bottle’. Dr .'Bronson, having been so tot reduced by consumption as-to be considered beyond all hopeof recovery by the most eminent of the medical profession, and also by himself—a regular physician of twenty ycars practice—asa last resol-t conceived the idea of . ANALYZING THE BLOOD, and np plying the subject of Physiology id the .more immediate connection, and, effect of the state of the Blood upon the to-aUh and system. The result has beeir the production of this “BLOOD FOOD,” from the use of wblch-Dr. Bronsen was restored to perfect health. Within six months afrerlte introduction, over two thousand COitomptlttoweroeffectu aUy cured by it. If you hare any complaints of a con sumptive tendency, Cough, Cold, Headachy palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite or painin the side, foes no time in procuring a bottle ofthe “ BLOOD FOOD.” Ifyon are suffering from Nervous Debility, or your Sleep to Broken and disturbed, if your Spirits arc Depressed, or your Or gans relaxed, yon will Odd this an unfailing remedy; by commenting with ten drops- If your Liver is torpid oaUfe. -eased in any manner whatever, one or two bottles wSHfe sure to invigorate and bring it Into lively and health tlon. In the most Inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find the most efficient and grateful relief. A bene fit is always experienced after taking only one bottle; In Male or Female Complaints or Weakness, the sufferer, after tndDs other remedies In valto may rest assured, that •certain Cute ‘•’Hi result from the' use of two or three bot ti«.,:The“ BLOOD FOOD” is effectual in sU cases of Erup tions, Salt -Rheum, Scrofulas and other like complaints. Palo and : emaciated children and adnlts are immediately benefltted by its use. It gives strength to the body and color and beauty to the skin. Physicians of all schools are using it With wonderful success. For full directions, see circulars. . Price $1 per bottle. Sold bv . ’ CHURCH k DOPONT, No. 36 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W,DTOTT i SONS, Philadelphia, nndU. H.KEYSEE. Pittsburgh. Wholesale Agents. ByA.Rouih, Altoona; W. T. Murray, HoUidaysbnrc; and by all respectable druggists throughout tho country March 8,1560.-I>% J , PLANING MILL & SASH SIANU FA r .TOßY.—TUosubscriber would announce that lie nas removed his rf?? Planing Mill and SasU Dlanofac . tory, i from,Tipton to Altoona, where ho will continue to all or dun and attend to all work entrusted to him with Altoona, Nov. 17,1869,-tf ■ TIIOS. McAuLß^. SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG ■h?n^?, I M~? c , ( r U P g , otthl>rtic > mnd-to lt« ooetutUm S* tetrtt - Frtpsred anffilaf aales " June M, 1559,-tf 1. XOUSB. VnpgiH. TI/TAEIA MEKO- If I BJAt SCHOOL.— TRisi BWitnOMi, which ta located n Mtbona, BlalrCounty.Penn'a, will be Opened m the Ut ; MON DA'S h» MAT. It htotended aa apormenont School and will connect with it a Male AsFom*la Department. in the Male department, young men will be instructed wun a view to their entering the advanced classes of onr Drat Colleges; or, if desired, their education completed. In the Female depai tment, instruction will be given in any, or all ot the different branches, cither iobd or onmincntaf, taught n onr best Female Seminaries, . The year will be divided Into two Sessions of five months each—the Summer Session to commence on the Ist Mon day of May, ending on the last Wednesday of September— the Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday in No vember, emling on the lin'd Wednesday of March. The. Sessions will bo divided into two quarters of eleven week* each. Terms, per quarter, as follows —vixa SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Beading, Writing. Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, .Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) $4,00 Advanced (Including tho Natural Sciences, Mathe matics, Mental and Moral Philosophy,Logic,thoLau gnages and Composition Ac.) $5,00 EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Mhsic (Including use of instrument) $lO,OO •Drawing, ■ Painting (In water Cotort) 3,00 Needle work, J*-® 0 . Instructions in vocal music gratis. One half theabove charges, lo he paid invariably in advance, . R. W. OLIVUB, Supcriutauiiut Male Dfp't. ; : A. B. CLARK, “ Jiwole “ Mr Principal of Molt “ Mis* C. M: CLARK, “ limaU “ March Mv1869.-tr New grocery , and liquor STOBB.~Tbo undersigned would beg leave. to an nounce fothe citizens of Blair county, and vicinity that ha has opencd'hls hotr Store*d» Virginia street three door* below the jujjx.rinieiideiil’tpJice, where ho has Just received (ram .the East and West ,a; large assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, : mHI - consisting as Allows: .■EHs? French Otari Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peachy Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Wine, Old Pori itTrne, Jamaica Sum, Mollaiid Qnu Old Rye Whiskey, Momngahcta, Whiskey, and * Shine Wine, which he has himself Imported. Botaflers of Liquors and Farmers will find it, to tl&ir advantage to buy of lilnu as he Will’sell at CITY PRICES. J Qe wiumeoheepconstaptiy on band an assortment of GROCERIES, Such at Flour, 'Baeanl Salt, Fish , Tobacco, Se gars. Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, £c„ se.. All of which will be soldicbeap for cash or Conn try Produce* • Our friends and the pnhllc generally are rcspectfrrily In vited to givens o'call bdfin-e purchasing elsewhere. ’ LOUIS PLACE AUoond, May 20, lBS9ptf np'HE GREEN ROOK. JUTS PUB | USHED, aso PAdsa, PRICE 25 , Cents; On Single and Maifried life; or, the JnmfmtM 1 Institution of Marriage; Intent,- gallons, r.nd Physical ana Legal Dlsfmali tipiHpHF.: ficatiuns; tiio rational treatment of .ill private diseases tn both sexes, £c. To which is added a poetical essay, enti tled u OaUipaediae :”ortbe art of bivingandreariiic beau tiful ami healtby childrefii by the late Robert J. Cclver wEn.EwhSt u.- , • • •• ■ Sent free of postage, hj| the Publishers, Csab. Subr & Co'., Box4BB6,New York, hr Dexter v^ishl ; : & strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat* Infection to all as regards ]»rico and quiUit3% Lo hopes to i&uit wid receive a of public putronugu, Fhyßicians and merchants supplied on roasouuble terms. iVnd S orters from a stance promptly rttteuded to. ' . Jruviuciana prescriptions carefully compounded, [l-tf; CONSTANTLY EECKIVING NE W \J Ready Mado Clothing, of the latest Faahlons.clieaDer IKS. . H.W A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP Undershirts ami Drawero, Cotton; Wooßen and ! " .'U.TUCII’3. PINE AND LARD OILS, CAM phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon 00, Ac., at jnn.S, 56-tf] , KESShER’S. f) N AT McCORMICK’S Store Moolis ndld asw j rtott °t °f Bcddy-Mta^cfotldns. A BDOMINAIi SUPPORTERS, Trua- Braces for sale at i-*r BAGS; TRUNKS, UM t VI &0-, cto b« fought cheaper at H. XCCU’S than «t«ByotherpUeeln thecobntryr >e.MSM HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH X P*W fj* J. I>. ICXfifi. DR HERSHEY’S ■ CEItEBRA'TEH Worm Syrun TO THE PUBLIC A FTER A TRIAL of over TEV i £JL Io private practice, tlie subscriber I* s***9 fbt to the public a WORM SYRUP which ufJ* p * l * information-op Criminal Matters, not tfi be tnud hu, other newspaper. ’ * 1 figuaubsmiptloas $2 per annum; |T for slxmoaikm baremltted by subscribers, (who should write their man and the town; county aud State where they reside nhkl, t " :To 0. W. MATSEI.L k CO, W Editor AProp'r. oj’ Xew York Police Guette, 15-tfJ ,■ j . Neie lurt CY/y, pONOENTRATED LYE, FOR ML \ / KING Soft Soap,' and Soup Powder for tTeebinaobt pbund equal id-six of common Soap; Castile goto, Kin Soap,' Ghemidtl Soap, on band and for eale at Jnne 10; 1858.-11] A. UOCSH’? rtREAM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO- Vy NATE Of Soda, Salaratne, tTashing Soda, Psrkw’i .Baking Powdbr, in storo and for sale at • Sept.2. , SB-;tCl A. KOPSirS Drag Store. Dr.. M’Lane’s Celebrated VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. "IXT’E beg leave to cSI the atten . tW of the Traufo; and more especially the Physicians- of the country!, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public, We refer to « - Dr. jGltgss Jpcltbntcd^ Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz. s TttE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human| system. It has also bem administered with- the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE ‘ LI VER PIUS, Fpfthecure of Liver Complaints, all BILIOUS JjERANGEMENTS, SICS* Head-Ache, &c. ,In cases of Fever and Ague, I preparatory, to or after taking I nine, they almost .invariably make. I a speedy and permanent cure. I : As specifics for the above men* I 'doned diseases, they are Unrivalca, j and never known to fail when ad- 1 ministered in accordance with tee I directions. , I Their unprecedented popubnty I has induced the proprietors, I Fleming Brothers, I Pittsburgh, Pa. I to dispose of their Drug basin > I in which .they have been I fully engaged for the last J vv «> /1 Years, and they will now give t I undivided time and attention I their manufacture. And being termiried that Dr. M’Lanes _ e „, I brated Vermifuge and 1 I shall continue to occupy t he position they now hold among * great remedies of the J will-continue to spare neither r nor expense in procuring the and Purest material, and c ‘ pound them in the most there i 0 manner. Address all orders FLEMING BROS. Pittsborgm | P. S. Dealers and Physicians ordering Flemming Bros., will do well to write their iyand take txms iat Dr. JS'Lana, it* 1 * Bros., Pittsburgh, Jh. To those wishing “ c nirt ofti* trial, wo will forward by moll, poet paid. United Staten, one box of Pills for twelve tw* age stamps, or one vM of Venulfuno cent stamp*. All orders ftom Canada mo** by twenty cent* extra. ..vD# S3t Jo* *al«,ia Alteon*, by A *“ X -,^iy er, and by all Dtuggiet*. *> AND' McO i VOL. McCB par ana* All f*P« paid for; Four linos > On# square two *’ Three * Over thn square for 5U line* or On# Two “ Thro* Four “ Half a coin On# eolami Adminlstm Merchant* with like Profewiona lines witl ■ commuoi t»rest will t Advertise desired, tv 11 to the ahov Businoss Obituary p. a ooon, > D “« Medicine, r In the sever,! OUa will —whlcli is A Good,—or April -let. \V. M JOID {Lot Dr a Ciller, | made. Mono without inter Feb. .14. 18; T AND; Tlio mi- BANTS in t flood e,-lectio: and aottlem.- Market, are - t9_ Sclccti quested. July 14,18, Bev. A. i: Ww. M. L McCia-n j Tu.iv; A. 8 D. McMn T D. L ♦ I A LTiMj will nr.ldicj I Itnntiiig-lon. c Also In th» Uii Collcctioai o the »al« of He* tuiiuns pertal Hon. Wilson burgh; lion. S Judicial Dietrh lion Henry D.l Lebanon; Hon Ocorgo P. Han \V. ir Will practice j lb Particular a: ’ and prompt r« ltd speaks tl 49* Omeo, 1 poslto Kessler' Altoona, An mow i.l scrlbcr that he bus Jus FALL Vhlch he is pr mid on n* reas. place. Altoona, No-. Boots derHignt\ soil Cheap at hi pie, a largo and AND SHOES, r Overshoes, Ladi Bolen, and cvnrj the best ijnality ttutom wurk w . Jon. 2, STJHC ()‘S CK Ai- A Stale: DU. A\ r .^ SPEC-fH tervlees to tin oiuing country. He may be (in cupled by Dr. G Altoona, Sept T> V. K Offers Altoona add vie Tli* best of n Onco at res’d doora above Cun Medic. tectoi tU>n» of the Lug *“««. avurdin.; LUmate, f„ r sa i,> More Just arr l No. 1, Cr W*** al, ° »lot w^l ®h *re warra A *toonv Not. n YES! I draw nl-lJ tn the Auctioneer! fiPECTA( - * Hr