CJe Criteria. I ft J D ALTOONA, PA. t JEMKSMY, APEIL 5, 1860. =; unknown to us,ourrnlefor adror f 1 -thing is to require payment ■ persona. It is therefore useless for all such to Bend 'WaadrsAlseaienta offering to pay at the end of three or slx : Mtnths. 'Where advertisements aro accompanied with the ■l«B«y, whether one, fire or ten dollars, we will .’give the advertiser the fall benefit of cash rates! '■*'IPJBTTEN«iLL & CO., ; . Advertising Agents, 119* Nassau street, -New Xork,and lOStatestreet. Boston, are the Agents .for the Mtocma «ul thenios t lixfioenttsl -and -larnyt circul-itlng “ Newspapers In the United-States and the Canadas. Ihey ;;wte*uthprliadtocontraetfor üß.tourhnwtrats*.. Mexican Affairs. The Philadelphia Bulletin', in speaking condition of'this unhappy : country, : ahd thp two ‘ powiera now at wiir therein, s; ; - :TShsre#Ee eo-many wrongs to avenge, eo m many-parties to hold to account, so many, ail conflicting, tprbeatlended tp; that it is to to .be done.' The JJpited . r iji.ave wrongs. to complain of; so bhavo England, France and Spain. In demnityis asked of Juarez, by the United ; States, apd of Mirapion by the other pow ers. and- Juarez,;in the mean . are ifighting ojae another, and neither could afford to grapt indenmity, oven if ho were disposed- :fl9n the Pacific coast there is mt and apd on sipGrande, Gov. ;Houston, of Texas, is getting up a private little war of his own. - dfiOhaos-were come again, ifcwouldbc about as useful to gend fleets, armies and thither, as. to send them .|» ilexico in hpif present condition. . ,ail : ;the nations of Christendom, Mexico is the only one that has relapsed from civilization into comparative barbar ism. jEach years she grows more.anar pl^ialp.epoh year the. marks of enlighten-, inent.grow -fainter. She confounds the theories of philosophers and statesmen, Ahe weakens the faith of the disciples of liberty; she- defies the natural order of bivil’and social developement, With the ;-fihest climate, the richest soil and the most abupdant mineral wealth of any country on this continent, she is steadily sinking back into barbarism. The civili zed nations whose commerce .need the protection of law in Mexico, naturally de mand a remedy for the evils they suffer from her, and in examining these evils, they see'that they are partly the .remits of maladministration, but chiefly the re sults of race. The : Spanish and Indians of Mexico cannot govern themselves.— Hw only remedies, therefore, that pre sent themselves are conquest and colon!-' zatioh by races, under the protec tion of governijients strong enough to re sist the hordes of' guerillas and robbers that infest the laud. . 1 i ft is-contrary to the wise policy of our -government, to: enter.- upon wars of cod? finest. A war .with Mexico would be cojffly in money and; men, and the acqui sition of the wholeof it would not reward us’fpr such,,cost.,. Yet we cannot look •idly on.-and suffer . -England, or Spain, or France to make the conquest of the coun ty, or tp teka it under their protection yiew to colonizing it with people to iOuraelves in all respects:;. , establishing ou our border a Furoi foani dependency that' would continually trouble.. The question is, wbkf ,tq bo done with' Mexico 2 & k^otto; bedeniedthat this is ode of the mbst difficult question ever presented to the government, and one . other recent , questions, statcfiinanship and §onndeat.patri rjThe.present .government has en tored»uponjy course, the wisdom of which we unable to see, in the general con clusion that exists. But it has Upked pieman interests with the interests of tb® rival chieftains of Mexico, and onitb.e auccess or failure of Juarez depends the'puccsag or failure of the Mexican, OTPresident Buchanan. , .. the late occurrences near Vera! Ifcazii the United States should be invol ved in a war, it will be a war with the | BJiramotr government. If Miramon abould be decisively chastised by Juarez, | the so-called Constitutional party! should bo pormanontly and peacefully established in the government, we should ! tave no war. We are virtually, if not .iu alliance with Juarez. Our minister negotiates with him, and our navy fights for hini. Our government, whether rightly or regar&' Mi .'t ■ ■< 1 r.lr-'T; v- ,J! v t :. ■ .if i v f;d- \(i 'A* ■& '• ** Tamos andhis forces as pirates and oujr lairs, and not as a national authority. It is|plamthen, that we can notteli whether we are actually at 'war Mexico, till we bear the result of the ciyil war now raging; till we know whether, tfuarez or Miramon is Mexico. ' v ■: The Cost ' According to evidence taken hy' the Inr vestigating Committee, appointed by the aggregate amount paid for printing, bind* ing, &c.,by Congress, in the six years, was, 82,462,656 12, or a yearly average of nearly? $700,00Q! In addition to this, dheprinting done for the Executive De partments of the Government during the same six years, amounted' to 8874,772,- ■2BO. The .profit on \this works ranges fconi SS,to 70 per cent., averaging,' as Mr. Wendell’s foreman:. ;swore, 50 per cent, at least; that is to say, the work done for those six years has cost the Goy veriunent just 8i,918;718 more then it should haye done. A part .of it? was pocketed by the high contracting parties, and the residue spent in sustaining Dem ocratic newspapers, and in getting pets elected to Congress Although the pre sent investigations rcv.eal only the amount lately squandered, we have no doubt that an investigation extended back for several administrations would show that enough has been lavished upon pet papers and men to pay one-fourth of the National debt. ■ v PHOTOGRAPHING ON POROELAifr.— One of the latest applications of the Paguerrean art, is that of the transfer of photographic portraits to porcelain |ur faces, The inventor of this new method is a German, residing in this, country, where he has been very successful in the practice of the art. Connecticut Election.—The,latest returns from the Connecticut election > held on Monday last, indicate the election of the Republican candidate for Governor! It is said to have been the most exciting ahd fiercely Contested election held in that State, for years, and the vote unprecedent edly large. LETTER FROM HABBISBVEG. Cbrrapomiuice of Vit I'hbme. . HAEksBCBu, April 8, 1860. Gentlemen :—The first business in order yes terday was,the House bill relative to the publi cation of the laws passed, aud the applications fqr law,s to he passed, in the different newspa pers in this Commonwealth. The first section of the bill, which provides for the publication of all applications for municipal laws and corpora tions was passed, and the balance of the sections were voted down. The law as passed is notvery effective, even if it is sanctioned by the Gover nor. It may do in the cities, but it amounts to nothing in the rural districts. The gre4t Sunbury and Erie question is set tled at last-—noton terms ns-satisfactory Company wished, but nevertheless in such a manner as to enable the Company, by economi cal management to prosecute their road to com pletion. The Senate, bill was taken to the. House, an amendment was offered and corned to make the stay of execution two years and 1 give the contractors land material men a pri or Ken to the amount of §300,000. In this shape it was defeated in the House on Friday evening, by a vole of 48 to 43. On Saturday this vote was reconsidered, and the bill amended so as to give the contractors a lion of $400,000, in which shape it was passed and taken to the Senate, where it camo.up in the afternoon,'and Mr. Benson.offered an amendment making'! the amount $600,000. This Voted down, and a; committee of conference was appointed, which; inade a report adopting Mr. Benson’s amend ment,which was carried in the Senate by a vote" of 13 to ll—-in the House by 53 to 89. The Governor boa signed the bill known as; the Free Banking bill, As it is how a law,, we shall probably soon see.the experiment made, hut j whether it will meet the expectations of. its | friends remains to be seen. . \ i „ The Appropriation bill made a narfbw escape. It did not pass the House .finally until a few mi nutes before the adjournment. - , Bobort M. Palmer, of Schuylkill, was elected Speaker for the recess. The Democrats voted for George ,W. .hliller. * - At*l2 o’clock tite*Speaker’s gavel fell,’* and the Legistature of 1860 was no more. As its merits as a Legislative body will be most thor ooghly discussed, and its acta most closely scru tinized In the coming campaign, I reftoin from sayinfc anything about it. Jours, LOGAN. CHitPEBH BrasßD TO Death.— the 12th. urntj the bouse of Mr. Humphrey Owens, xn Goshen-township, Mahoning coupty, Ohio, ms destroyed by fire, and with it fire of bis children. The finally hod retired early in the evening, and before they were aware of the danger, the building was a flame. One daughter, a young woman, and six boys, slept above. Mr. Owen, his wife, and a child eight days old, fjlept below. The daughter was •aroused from sleep by the smokp, and on reali zing the condition of things, caught up a little boy two-yearS old and started down stairs, cal ling upon the oldest to follow. Unconscious of the danger, or smothered by the smoke, not one of tbenv could be aroused, and as it,was impossi ble for any one to go to their rescue, those five boys all- perished upon one funeral pile. The calamity has left the family entirely destitute They have neither food nor clothing, only as supplied by neighbors. Some years since, Mr. Owen had a daughter burned to death in a su gar camp. Since that time, ie Lad a son kil led by a horse. On .Thursday last, Mrs. Dan .(Mrs. Owen’s mother) .died of itiflamatioa have had their y i. k 'rVf T- \ '£srX r |i: i: r FEHAW) , ■ f •-■■ ——'• '>J yi‘ ’ f Enlarged andlmproved ' I: next is Easter-—the day of'rfiijt streaked, | striped and speckled eggs. - ' f-,v. i ; '.iA®- It shines again—the Tyrone .Star, Xberepoittbat waaratrtie. . / , - . ' -f : ..''lAa-Ibe water has been let into the Pennsylvania Canal 'throughout Its entire length. A r*Jmf A well-known billiard amateur, of KeVarir, N. mule a "ran” of 309 points last Saturday. - ! ' of Malta was instifnted ip that place, a Short'thUe since. JKf~ Moving times these—judging ftjim the wagon load of furniture and household *‘'flx£ns a tally pasting onrof **«• •■■■■ v. M&'lbJ. Heary Wayco, of tills place, announces him eoltaa a candidate tor Beadier General at the coining military election. :*pSu Quofe-^howmany were “April fooled’ on Sunday last, by looking fbr the 4th verse of the 10th .chapter of > ■■*• id®. The free BonkiiigßUl has paesed'bothHouses' of the Legislature and. will receive theelgairturc of the Goto ■norl We give, a-sketch of it to anotfiercolnmh. Ih© bill oceeftog a new' county out of parts of Clin ; ton. Potter, McKean and iilk,\to h$ called “Cameron,” was Signed by the’Qovernorbn Thmsday last. I i;WjS» Pour prisoners escaped Grom the Huntingdon jail on ‘Monday night week. We think a new Jail is about as bod ily, needed to Huntingdon 's any place we knbw of. - j S®, The now fashioned bonnets now worn by the bon tons, of the cities is said to he a cross between a chal scuttle and a boggy top.' ; ttS. The grain and grass cipps, widchuow look fine, it leaaid have less injured this season, by freezing out, than for many years past. ‘ ; 4®~Over 3006- children In Philadelphia are knocking At the doors of'tile publicschools of that'city, and can’t get in. Cause —up funds. ‘ ’ ' ■; jß®, An act to |rjs4ent recovery for the sale 43U.1t is said that the lady who fell deadjn the street, at Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, a few ‘weeks since, was* on her way to thistore to purchase some articles to .bo worn jat her wedding" which was totako place in a few weeks. One of the oil Wells, up in the oil region, in this State, Is owned by a poor blacksmith, who prosecuted the work of boring himself; and struck on a vein of oil, at a' distance of 70 feet. Ho has been offered $& ; 000 for bis well, but declined selling on those terms. ~ fi®- There is a-carrlago-maker in Providence, E. 1., who jsty®? notice that ho can make a carriage which will “carry a miin into office or anywhere else,” and ho also-” repairs carriages in a constitutional and Union-like manner.” A man calling himself Sullff, who represents him- Beirpii “worn out In the service of the party,” has been Weeding” tho good Democrats of different places, as wo police by the papers. When in a Democratic county ho ia a democrat, and a Kepnblican in.BcpubUcan counties. Ho is an impostor, and has been compelled to leave several places “ between two days” to save himself a booting. Canine and Feline Tax.—Somo excitement exisfo in county, Pa., in consequence of the action'of the an thdrlties, wbohare ordered atax on cals and dogs. They aro to bo rated per capita, no regard being had to standing, whether of high or low descent, lengthy caudal appendages or abridged narratives, whether, properly trained or th*ir liringiug up neglected—ail are .upon equal footing. HgjU The State Sentinel and Huntingdon Union intimate pretty strongly that they bare been swindled by a book publishing firm known as Derby, & Co, of Sandusky City, Ohloi jiYe have not the least doubt about your being swin dled, gentlemen. We have been “ taken ln” ‘by the same flrjni and have set it down as a’ swindling, humbugging concern, and persons who send money (o it for books stand k good phauce of losing it. AS- The following odo to aquidof tobacco will bear publication:— ~ Poor quid I how molonkoly is thy Cut, ! Oil Masticated, chawed, your rirchoos) gone, : ■ ladrlod from a bite, the pavement hard upon, How.ferrftil wasgbl foil from hi to lo estait. YoiiS; wnct a weed, a king the weeds amAng, ■ i loveiyn sprea in glory and pride, ! Noing full well that wen they droop and dlde, • Th*4e_rolc a mosael swete benethea numantnng, fexfc in the shape uv plug, ’twlxt jaws, yn found a grave, |-What swete delites from thee wini drawd, i s«w yu wuz suckt .! and rolled! 1 and chawd!! 1 Vpre;jopso exprest, then huriedi upon the pave, Thl filters kommon, ; [here, hums In the moral nv the pomel ■ Our friends we use,' '■ J Then! cast ’em out to contumely and abuse.” ; ! 43* The Huntingdon Globe having published, on the au thority of some person, that there were sixty marriageable Mies on one of the streets in that place,one of the sixty comes dowp on the Informer, whom'she presumes to be a y*» now iriany of these sixty giris would havetho. cokrqge, boldness, strength of mind and missionary or self saptifleing spirit, to undertake the reformation of some* of th&ajso-stylpd" Lords of Creation I” Would itnotrequire pome nerve?” N : veiily. froin what we have seen and heard about the Jjbimgmen pf Huntingdon, we dp not wonder that there arolsb many marriageable ladles in that place. We jbinir it Would require considerable nerve oh tlje part of tho, mis eipnary lody who would enter into partnership with one of frmihi We make afe w exceptions, of course. Uji atST OP LETTERS REMAINING linttoPost Office at AUodna,Pa.,Aptil3, 18G0. Ith, Win. taglctt, T. 8/ ' ' Broiqi, Jos. ■ X«we,J.P. gofttoi T- *£• levan, Carolina . Drunker, Thos. , . Miyer, Mr. Barrows, Hannah Matte, J.'G. Crissman, D. 8. Munich, ilonrv N Christian, Mary Mini, Mary J ■ Susanna ' Cctwpfl, H. L. 2 McClelland, Marv . Cowen, Rachel Mclntyre, Jno.- : Curtens, Marg’t Jane HcOabe, G. F. .* i , ?; Cnsaulay, Margt. McCleber, Wm. Cox. B. W. WcWJlee, Jno; ‘ Cram,; A. . . CHaver, Elisabeth . , S a 7!,"> ?® n F/' «Wfpil,ChM.' Dabßs-, W. G. . Pettetaoa,'Jonas . Dtunino.A. . Riley, Wm. Dougherty, 0. A. Richardson, Ellen ' hntiikcn, J. M. Ross, Ann |in«rty, Pat RAhles, Mattie * Fogleaing, Jno. • Roberts I ? Franlc Fisk, Asa H. Rngltef.Leah Galbraith, Matilda Bcotf.Jno. Hall,' Sharlot 'Bhjdth^Chas. Hurst, Joseph , -Shoemaker, V. M. Hiekes, S. A. ■ Shairibercer. Wiliion Herkimer, Geo. , SheplmSu^Otla- ! Harvey, Biddy (2) •' ;'«lckWiGe«»n H«gi«i*co.- ■ • *&!«»; Mfcfa •• Kendlg, Katharine Winters, 0. D. Kopp, Andrew Weakttnd, A. J. Werner; Jos. ■ . . Llghtror, Caroline Walker, J. 8. ' : - WjUie - ‘ wauAms, ifeniji;' - t.-. v fcr l-K-iir ' «5* • ' Lavr. The Free Bajjibng Law, introduced by Mr. Strong, after fall disooMion and amendment has .passed holhj Houses of the Legislature and will be the Grovernor. We, cippy ibe follow||g the BhSadelphii -giyes the the , A ceytificatestating the partiedlars ’ bank to becatablished, mnst'lro«dr»TO dp, ap proved bj the Attorney General, published in the Meorded In ‘tte copy deposited and recorded in the Auditor Gen eral’s; due. - x The Auditor General hasthe notes engraved and,printed- Every note innst be signed by him dr his clerk, numbered and;regiBtered, and have stamped on it ‘‘ secured by the deposit of pub lic stock.” i ! The stocks deposited must be either of ibis' State or of the United States, and; thehmoprit of notes issued to the bank by the Auditor General to be equal to the market value of the stock, per oept., provided that this is never to exceed ninety-fiire'per cent of the stock. Twenty per eftnt in specie most be paid in, before the bank can begin business, and it most' always keep in its vaults, in specie, twenty per cent of the amount of as a securi ty additional to the'stock, in the hands of the Anditor. General. v ' The capital stock cannot be less than fifty thousand ndr more than one million of dollars. 'No note less than five dollars to be issued. _ Aa soon as a bank stops the payment pf‘spe cie the Auditor General-' appoints- three citizens tp make inquiry, and if they report that the bank Is suspended, he is to appoint a receiver, who'is to turn all the .assets into money and pay. • 1. The noteholders.' - 2. The depositors, , 8. The other debts. 4, Distribute the remainder among the stock holders pro rata. The condition of each'bank must be publish ed monthly in the newspapers, and on each semi-annual dividend day a statement is to-be" made on oath of the President and Cashier, which is. to be sent to the Auditor General and published, setting forth*minutely the condition of the bank. ■ Existing" banks may come under this bill. Defalcation is to be punished by imprison ment in the penitentiary for from one to ten years. ' ' , - ' A tax is paid on dividends to the State of front eight to thirty per cent. These are the main provisions add safeguards of the bill. The more the system of - free banking is ex amined, the 1 more generally, we-think, itwill.be approved.i There are. some arguments for it that seem) quite impregnable. One is the great, argument of experience.— Wherever [ .the system has been tried, with suit able safe-gaurds, properly enforced, it has, we believe, without an exception, worked well.— In New York it has been long tried and with signal advantage. it may be contrary b the first; im pressions of some of our renders, yet a little careful examination will show that free banks arc safer than others, No, more than a limited number of notes can )bb issued, fpr the bank can only pay_out those they receive from the Auditor" Genera l; then there is the specie to be kept ip the vatdts, and the constant publishing of their condition, &.e. The number and capital of hanks on this system distributes itself. It is self-acting.— Ihe stocks 'will iwt bo deposited unless there be business to be done. Over-grown corpora tions, forcing business, are not sor liable to .con trol the community. There is a continual com plaint in some quartcrSqfthe want of banking capital. Under this system this complaint can not be made. bonking capital is' needed to develope the resodreosof the coun ty can, at once be put in operation. The system is one of great equality. There are, no doubt, just complaints, often, of favor itism in the management of banka. Certain men, firms and families have gradually acquired control, until favors are granted to them habit ually, while to others they are refused. It is well, in such esses, to create new centres of money power, new sets of directors, and give other mien a fair chance. Let all who wish bank accommodations then set up theirr own bank, pnd no one will have a right to complain. SPECIAL NOTICES. !!! DEATH!!! TO EVERY FORM. AND SPECIES OP VERMIN! “ casuiVt” Bat, Roach, &c., Exter’r. “ CbjtorV’ Bed-Bug Exterminator. m «Electric Insect Powder, &c. DESTEOT3 tNBTA.NTLV ' Hats l —Benches—Mice—Moles—Ground Mice—Bed-Bugs Ants—Moths—Mosquitoes— Fleas—lnsects on Planti—ln sects on Animals, Ac, Ac.—in short every form and Species of VEKMIJf. 10 years established In New York City—nsod by the City Post City Trlsonanud Station Houses—the City Steamers, Ships, Ap.—the City Hotels, “Astor,” “St. Ni cholas," Ac,—and by more than 20,000 private families. ■BsH>ruggiats and retailers everywhere sell them. 43*Whulesalo Agents in all the largo Cities. fIS-Regular sizcs, 25c, 60c, and $1 boxes, bottles, Basks. *s’-11 Beyvaro 111 of spurious imitations. Examine each Box, Bojttie and Flask, and take nothing but “Oostnr’s.” 93P" $l.OO boxes sent by, mall. fIS-$3 and $5 boxes for Plantations, Hotels, Ac, by express Aj-Address orders—or for “circular to Deal era” to 1 HENRY R. COSXAB, ' iPRKciPAi Depot, HO Beoauwat, N. Y. Sold by Q. W- Kessler, Altoona. March 29, }BBO.-3m. , On sueft Subjects the Testimony of Woman should be Conclusive. . - i • New York, August 2,1852. tShUrs. Cluto, of No. 272 §ccohd street, believing her child, about .three years old, to bo troubled with worms, purchased one bottle of DR, JTLANE’S CELEBRATED ■ynSBattPDGB, prepared by Fleming Bros, Pittsburgh; Pa, and gave it two tea-spoonsful, which had the effect of.cau. sing the child to discharge a large number of worms.' The f l fr/OOW enjoying good health. We would advfop aU parents who may,Suspect their children to be troubled with worms to lose no time, but Immediately purchase and ad minister Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge. It willcare where itdoanot give satisfaction, V ' ■ will bo careful to ask fU-DE. H’LANE’S OBTiRWB VBE?iIFIJQB, ; man a£tc hired by Tr.mf- ISO BKOS., of Piitmomh, ‘ AUotber Vennlfu«oe In Sompirißon arewortltlees. P'r. genrino Termt fnge,«Jso bia celebrated liyer Fills, can now bo bM at 'all d*ng Stores. Ntntgmuint *Mhoutih«ttonar fiiibo peat drawback to petson* the axtrwns south and western country, is tUb-fcarthey luxve of the fever end' Ague—the mostdlrefernfall __ of persons attacked by this disease attd ln * short time, without: of r l ey * th'o great demand fjjr a remd- QoßßitKfc W preMhtW hig-calibrated heep universally acknowledged, Xho “ Bitters," prepared alteraiong experience and deep study, have received the the 510*1 eminent physicians,'as well u 111 m* ®f *» country; for V Xj; ? “4 everyw&w. i- a-.: :: : : : : f ;1 . . ■ Tmmm i? i 88. HOOFIASBS &smm BITTERS, AMD : HdOFLAJfD’S BALSJJUC: ••• ; capuL, : ■ Tha'greai standard medicines of the present mg*, have acquired their great popularity only through year* of trial. Unbounded satisfao- thmindU easei;emdtl irt- r people have pronounced them worthy. CoMpl»liit,Djspep«U, JaMdlce, System, ; Diseases of tbe Kldneyi, , i; t liver or writ**** of the stomach and digmim by QSBMAN BXTTiERS. • The Bolwamio Cordial hq* enquired a ■ reputattonsurpassingihat of any tirnilar:pre paration extant. It will cure, witho xSt faix, tie ymtHverp and long-standing CottfhrtioW, or Hoaneneii, Broneliti*,la.- Inessa, Croup* Faeaaxoaia, Incipient . : :: :.T . ‘ CtMtunptioa, V ■ ■ ■' andhas performedthemoet astonishing espe* everhnowxof ''■■'■/ < .inedOonsnmpticxi. A few .doses will alio at one* cheek and cur* themost iwiri Diarrhoea proceeding from Goj.n i* ran Bowils. ) Thee* mediant* are prepared by Dr. C. If. Jaouo* & Go., N 6. 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia, Fa., and dr* told by'druggist* ami dealers ip medicine* everywhere, at 76 cent* per bottle. The eigmture of C. M. JaowoM will 'be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. • - In the Almqnae publUhtd annually by the called BrsatßODT’a Alkarao, yaw will find testimony and commendatory notice* from alt part* of the country . These Almanac* dr* given-aicdy by all our agent*. *B_ For sale, in Altppna,: by A. Kouah and O. W. Kessler^jnJ by all'Drnjgißts. . [may 19,’69-ly The combination of ingrjedießta in these Pills are tha re eult of a longandextensjveptactlce. They aro mild. in their operation, aty] Ur&in Jjhcorrecting all irregularities Painful hlenslruations, removing all .obstructions,- whether from cold oi otherwise, headache, pain in the side, tipn of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, ihtigue, pain, in thejutekand limbs, kc„ disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. OR. PILLS was the commencement of a nenf era in tho treatment of those irregularities and obstructions which have so many thousands of the ypnng, the b<»uUfuLand%4he loved to a premature gyavC. No female can health unless she is regular, arid whenever an obstruction, takes place the general beSlth begins to decline. DK. Ctt£a36BMAJTB PILbS are the most effistaalremejly ever known for all complaints peculiar to /tunnies. To.ajjl classes they ore in valuable,.»k duciitg, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who hava used them at different pe riods, throughout the cooijtry, ; haring thhsancUonofsoind of the most emineniPhysuhans in America. ExpUcie directions, ftotwig when, and when they should not be used, with each Bj)X,-rt/»« JjVi« One Dollar each Jinx, containing 40 PHU. ; A valuable Pamphlet, ttj be had free, of the Agents.— Pills sent by mail,pnmplly, by enclosing price to tho Gen eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally, It. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent, - ’ 14 Broadway, New York, Sold In Altoona by ; G. VT. Kcnllr; in Hollldaysburg by Geo. A. Jacobs. i N [Dec. 8, ISoO.-ly. Our readers may remember we have on several occasions spoken in very eulogistic terms of a preparation which Dr. Seth g. fUsa, of 103 BaUlmorcstreet, Baltimore, Md.,Las discovered for the cure Fits. Now, in doing so, we have been actuated by the very best motives, viz >— the alleviation of htimah'suffering. From circumstances have lately copo to our knowledge, wafear then! is a certain class of persons who are not disposed to try this remedy' »n a common sense ipanner. We allude to the Ctct of selecting a particular case id a town , where perhaps there are &;or eight cascei and trying it one case. Now, perhaps the case selected might be the only one of the whole number that not cure; This is neither doing them selves nor the medicine justice. if« dozen persons were stricken down witkchqlera ij» one town or neighbor hood, would they all Send for a physician, or would only one employ Mm, and iyie cured the first pa tient I That plan,of procedoro wonld bo moßt absard. go in the case of Dr. Hance’s remedy, every one who has Fits should try it for a roasonahlo length of time. If will not cure In a day or week; nothing worth doing can be accom plished at once. What isfoMiiydohe to as easily Undone;— The growth of time is enduring. Frhp the most respecta ble testimony we have examined, we that by a properperseverancein thto.remcdy, of Epilepsy out of ten may bo cured. Ilie Pafo are frfe of postage toady oftheworld. box, |3; two, $5; twelve, $2l You|wflJ fin’d the iddfeiis as dbove. CROUP. • V Children are often selzcdirery suddenly with this dtodue, Which, if not quickly relieved, proves fatal. If generally attacks children In the nigjit, after having been much ex-' posed to damp, cold winds through the day. Damp honset, wet feet, thln shoei, 'wit perspiration, may occasion Croup: Mothers 1 your children are llahie to bo taken witli «hia dread complaint at a tiiho whenyou least expect it ;bnt it la not always a doctorcan' be celled or . a remedy found, and for thte reason w* would adTisol yon, and without a moment’s daisy; to tray a bottle of Dr. EAios’B iwPAKTiLE Cotmtor. If : will curb every can of Group, If taken in tlmejjandjateo all iftCnd ing tcotfUng, Convulsions, Colds,etc. It to goJd hy all respectable druggists, ijlessrs. Cuenca 4 Dorwrr, Hew York, are the aud also sole agents for “Dr. Bnossos’s Bioon Foon,” whifltooj>a > i ! fan. 12,1880.—Cm. T’: Cheapest! Best! Bartel! $85.00 1? SIo R le a »' l Double Eatr- «. „ tog, Writing, Commercial Arithmetic W Btmd 8 IFeeir s2o,.StotWj, $7. Tuition •**&*-*-*^r.^ M r*-,.*?WW.562.. . . ■**** **“»»*. Usual-time to complete a full course. ' «wm graduating. k^L^JLl°. 10 *•♦*» potent to>«onge the Bookkof any P ■* «« finm. >... - ■ . <5OO to 41.000. I***-**.. s^Msa^fSßaßi WATCHES GIVEN AWASI" A GIFT VALltfiD PKOM M to $lOO given witt every book sold at retail pti«- At least one WAwan* Qiukajciubto ■teatia Bpoui !RieinduMmouUwo.o^fet*dl^tb ft ausFotKKxoaAscmco, \ lt» Hiukingtm SL, Bottom: • Kie meet extensive and the most liberal dlii : Isteuce, Send catalogue. Those who Cl ‘ other Gift particularly themselves with our toqns. Our facttcwaenu lea,tmd put aU others tothoa&dc. ■ T * l ' following are some ot the Gift* to patch**, a English Lover Gold Watties, Khntloir case*. ... Patent.,, “ •' “■ « I&lfca* 1 *t'«''••■■■'•’•'■■'**;‘■’Speaftrei. :•■’• Detached Lever Silver Watches, hunting casca LepineSSUver dutches, cjpou face. : Gold-Lockets. variouislae*. • , -Ladies’ and (tonts’Qpld Chains, various •tyW' ' Ladlee' and Geuta’ Gold Sloova Buttons and studj, 4il . OuntV’ Uosom Pins, now and rich styles. Gold Pepclto and pea*. " ' Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Rings. . .Gold Watch Keys andßeft Pins, A groat variety of Jewelry,Piusahd ftifc,.' oomprwipaall the styles now worn, MogahvQoSd a&nfc, Lava;FiorontiM, *c. 4c'sr* 0 ’ . Gold Bracelets, all etylos. * **•’ **lc •MreLlstof Uyoks comprises A great assortment ot mu dard Works la every deportment of Utetatare. ' to the young and old. Do ootfcil to M Catalogues mailed frup to any address, AnX ' ' . suri'oiiic sicDfliMflp wUpaliy C.W Eumn>«. Tnoour'™ W * Mug ‘ oa *** March 28,16«);-3t.: WE’VE GOT THEM! 150,000 KOm OF WALL PAPE R | to match. T>EAUTIFUL GOLD PAPER FOR _L> parlors. „ V • x , • ' Telyet ariil Gold. Handsome Wall and Chamber patterns, r Thousands' of rolls at Jtfevcnphm. audtriauwtulsO, 8 ia l 10 cents, , , • > ■ Window Curtains, Pfre-bohrdprinti*. Testers, Ceiling), ic , for sale by W. I*. UAHSUAtL, At ins Oth Stand, JSo. 87- Wood sfrfit,(«7dr fburth.) ___ v - • ' ' " Pittsburgh. Pa, Look for the Striped Front. March 8, fBGO.-2m. ' • De Forest, Armstrong & Co., ! DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 & 82 Chambers St., N. Y., WOULD NOTIFY THE TRADK that they are opening Weekly, in new aid be»u tiful patterns, the y ■ • WAMSUTTA PRINTS, AMOSKEAG, A Now Print, which excels every Print in the Countrv for perfection of execution and dpilgn In foil Mtdder Goto*. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, ami mestfiis with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended 10. ~ Feb’y 2, lg«0.-ly '- • T Bakery and Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps cox- STAXTLT on bind Frculi-Babed Bread, Cakes, &c. Fresh Butter, Bacon, FLOUR, GROCERIES, A. Choice Lot of Christmas Gandies, to. ■ ■* * ' ■ ■ - Also, a choice lot of BKQAKS sod TOBACCO. Nov. 10.- A Cl mi f * ror tbe INSTANT BSUEf AS I VI A and "PERMANENT OCKK - ' jUL L/ if 1 1 }\ « tM* dtetTMaingcomplaintu» FBKD'T’S fIGAREtTES, Madeiy 6. B. SBYMOtlii £ CO, 107 KaaaanfiL, -N. i'. Ptlco, $1 pet box ;-»eat free by pojt -tfOR BALR BY ALL DReSGiLTS.'’ March 29,1800.-Om. NEW GOODS, fttBTIffiCSIVED, AXD FOR SALS KEar CBJSAP'vr C. JAGGABD. Jan. 2C, 18G0. • Wlil BE SOID.AI -Xp't? ged pr Ices, { r \ Tomateoroomtotto.’ 1 EARIX SPBXNa STOCK, 1 \ -; j At *h» IROI FROST. TTIiLXrABLB' REAL ESTATE FOB ! If. SARE.—The. noderaighed purposing chtogi?* location, Offer* fbr Mb? lift Be&Estaie in the Bwwg* SolfidnibQK KincaosviUKEAT WALL. PAPER DEPOT- U- We have just received a very large stock of WALL PAPER and BORDER. from the manufacturers, which enables n* to "“Jr lower rates than those who buy small quantities b|o“ end hands. Wo invite those wishing to purwMjjH, and examine our stock. J. A J. howl 1 *"" • Febrnary 3, l&X>.-3m. - T EVPS PREPARATION FOB I J terminating RATS, MICE, KOACHRg. Bed-bugs without danger in its use under ary circa®* ces for sale at the Drug Store of Jan. 24,’50-tf] Q. W. KRSSI^ Lumber for sale. 60,000 SHINGLES, W.OOO nd'i all kind* of BUILDING MATEftTAIfc, H.gj lowest, for CnM». Apply to JOHSfBBOE** SUGAR AND MOLASSESM I)BL. : and COFFEE BY Tnp BAG, for sale WO®" 3 ” at I‘hila. prices, freight only added. „ . BD , »Jau. 20, 1860. C. JAGQAItv Hardware of all DESCBIP* £®W^i£ ■”*"-- ' ■ ■■ ... --S .•‘•f • 4 {'+ ;* -v .■**. bHI! OH!!! ALSO m JACOB RINK, ■; Virginia Street, baloer Annie Sheet- INTER GOODS •V- VO 8< - f£jsfiat < hut midst ( t &lf* * itengiy r kings whic' tk« n»ed.v t H^contribt tiSitl with o cp ami acquaintance confidence. I desired and b; occasionally c amount of cos ««dd collect ] way succee andonethat r to Par dental Tfao D hint up a fine highly, pleased •?*d to call ne: Next morning Dunham. Tb« til a Diend oa' «ocn Mr. Dun he wps not in impression apt *9*»Uy os laati Dunham’s mot “»ade at the. b< Md it was fom night, and hat hoard bill. Ui neebmpliabed 1 game in < ftipw BU Sg D®Mmai to Dm t*inly be more financpring in t Qot KIMSELr I aftcn H<4&fe,;tbarg, oi i !n!*? l>^rid,n g **i^.«ttpletiv S^^ui arour Pw?6f baring ito 1 r I b«oamc bp!**. t tMIW Wil