The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 29, 1860, Image 2

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    £|f Jtotta Crikiii.
Thursday; aiarcii 29, iseo.
parties areuaknoff it ton*,our rule for edyer
ttatug Im to require payment inadTance.or agaaranteetrom
kaevppmqrtia. It i* ther»forauBol«»a for«Jl»ucb m*cml
•adtertiwineats offering to pay,at the ead of thtee-prali
JBODIM. Where adrertisemcnU arpftCcompMlp4 t wlthtbe
SMaey, Whether one, fire or ten do'.Ur*, we' will .gtre : the
•drertUerthc fall benefit of eaih rate*. : ;
AArertUlQg Agents;ll9 Naiean etreet, New York, and
XOBUfy. »treat, Boeton, are (ha AgenU for the, Altoona
3WtMne,andtlie meat influential and .latest circulating
■Hawapbpara to the United State* and:th«Oanedaa. They
■reanlhoruedta contr&ctfor pa,at ow,letoett rate*. v -
Atuerlcam tife lniupaQce and
T|M|it.«€9iapa|ir, .
We !kv« seen tW stetethenl. of this
Company fop January 1/1860. The Life
;fundis, very properly, excluded from the
‘business, and the exhibit of re
sources is'certainly fully adequate to meet
all (he matured und contingeut liabilities
of this department of the.Compaoy’s busi
»No institution of its class iu the
States is more prudently managed
itoau cne American, and its .officers evince
a most laudable .desire toayail .themselves
of all.improvements as they are developed.
in the science of Life Insurance. The
American has the advantage of a very
jwide. distribution,of its risks in relation to
ithe average amount of each policy. This
average ,is dess than ?850 Apart from the
present value of future premiums, the as
sets foot ups64s,6Qp 26. Sirfbe itbegan
its career the American has paid over
9100,000 of its claims; The Company
has throe classes of rates, viz j Total Ab
stinence, Mutual and Stock. The lowest
qf theso ate, of course, the To(al Absti
nence, and theycopatitute a striking prac
tical' commentary on the value of temper
ance in promoting human longevity.
Noticing since, an insurance was effec
ted upon the life of. a Mr. Munson, one of
the agents of the P-enn'a R. R. Do. at
Johnstown. Shortly after this gentleman
died, and the amount ($1000) was prompt
ly paid over to the widow of the deceased.
The idea of securing an insurance on your
life. Is a-good one,-and Aioney invested in '
this way Is certainly a wise and prudent
investment. Many families.have been loft
imcasy circumstances by the parents thus
contributing a few dollars —and we do not
hesitate the least in recommending our
many readers to secure a policy at once in
this Company. The Company’s agent will
be found in his office at all times during
the'day, and will give any information that:
may be required. i
; \ * r —-— l.
OScaginouH Correspondent.
Tlie following from a facetious corres
pondent of the Sandusky Reyister, .who
writes to that paper from the oil region in
Truffibnll county, Ohio, is about as slip
pery a correspondence as we have seen
“ I. arrived here at a vCry late hourJast night,
on an oil train, and may as well have come on
train oil, as we were sixteen hours behind time.
All the triiihs ,were behind time, I lcarn, owing
to Uie fmoomulation |6f oil oh the ai this
eod of tbe roads fries oat of the ground
qhdßubricates the fails for distance—
We shouldn’t arnved here at all, if tho passen
gers hadn’t get out and sprinkled the track kith
cigar ashes. I'Slipped out dfJ^cdV—- hbbody
1 “ arises” here; wb all slip into hea and slip, hot
—at an early hour this morning, and began my
investigations. I found a section. embracing
fourteen thousand acres of laud. chuok full of
springs. Drilling is phnecessaryiieie, os,the
<nl boils up in springs, sometimes to the height
hf twenty-five feety find is caught in tin pails as
It home's down. On h hot day, I hrar told;.it is
no unusual .thing { to .keeßhe women fryteg fipngh
of .dough
ate dropped into, the-jets, where they ore tossed
about likd corkaf in • a fountain, until they 'are
fried by the bent Of the eun. The only specks,
qf Rrpe khlch abounds' hhre'is the slipsetyh\ia.
so. slippeiy a squirrel cah’t olimb
riiem yifhout .dippi-ng his pawp in Spalding’s
a omklfbotUe of .which
‘conies daspendhd about 'his neok.; There
ains a Jkw maple tregs here, blit no is
made, ‘as Nothing bht oil runs put when ; they
: There one considerable sized
creek rtnmng throutoh Trumbull county which
ip at} oil. It was discovered a short time ago
In manner. Three boys went in to
hulhe, and when they came out were so greasy
that they couldn’t stay in their clothes. As fast
Mythgy .slipped them on they would slip off
.and ope of tho lads, in a heedless mo
aMD& -.escaped' shipping out of his skin.
home their jiarents, being exceed-
Sijiy friigal, wrung them out and extracted
fStfUfn paUoiu of pure ojlijrom the three boys 1
WiKJB Cp, SjfAix —A: lady in Petersburg,
'T»., opA 4ay last week,' while out marketing,
. cabbage in rather close proximity to
feeP faco) aM os she did so, a small green snake,
waked from his repose among the leaves of the
cabbage, perked out his head, and gave the lady
ep kiss-. upon .the lips. ’His impudent
hip* then proceeded to render himself
table in the bosom of the unsuspecting
Mill bod stretched his long, almost trans-
half way around her neck, before
presence, when she let fall
her basket of butter and eggs,
j ' theiatruder.
The Bsform Bull.— Many persons ;
have looked forward with aniiety to the 1
paartge losurance ho-1
pjpgl-for the best, but fearing; the worst, i
-Well, the Jfrorst 'haa heen reaUiedj—the
ijttllhas been defeated in the Senate. the"
of the bill was compel InHatehce
-Companies to give Btatem(?if|rin pub-;
lie advertisements df lae arnbtthtof their s
capital. As an evidence of the manner
in which moat companies do bnsiness and.
the want of a proper law on the subject,
we iquote the following front the Philadel-|
pbiaSimlay of the 25 th inst., I
in which bur Senator, XJob L. W. Hall,
comes in for a just meed of praise
by, mutilating amendments, which were indig-:
Altoona, made a toning speech Jn fever of ifbej
measure. He traced sB6o,oooas the! adyertised j
capital of an Insurance Coropony oh ; - Walnut i
street, Philadelphia, £o'ths- Auditor HeheritPs
office, dwindled down to upon
whicb-tfaey paidytheir. State tux, amounting to
; ,S6Q. He demanded the'passage of the bill, ,be- ;
cause it was,right and just, and because every
representative from the county, of Allegheny:
and the city of; Philadelphia, except •• Messrs.
Strong andUnniop, of -the House, audMr. Par
. her, of the Senate, wore iu fuyor of thebiH, I
and as|i matter of common courtesy he. dcman- i
‘dod its passage. But the majority Of the
ate Were “fixed,*’ and the borers. of t)ie
■= companies were enabled to throw hats
over ihoir tritmiphsn.i escape,”
Correspondence of the Tribune. '
Haerisbbbo, March 27, 1660.
Either the session is drawing to
a close, or it is not drawing to a olbso, butwhe
tfaer an adjournment takes place'On the 3d. of
April, or the be extended, the business is
now being rushed through at n terrible rate—
now what was left in the early;
p.artof the session, so that it is not at nil impro- i
bable that we shall experience theusual bad ef
fects of hasty legislation. To-day a. memorial
or manifesto.from the Quakers of some of the
lower counties, and of tho State of. New Jersey,
repelling the charge of thdir being favorable to
the abolition of slavery by force of arms or vio
lence of any kind, was presented.
The Mifflin County Bank billhas •passed both
Houses over the head of, the Governor. It made;
a narrow escape in the House, and would have
been lost, only-that Mr. Dunlap, a Democratic
member from Philadelphia, was pemit|ed to
vote far the passage, of the bill, after the vote
was announced,. Whether a vote on a veto can
be .reconsidered, is a question. The Attorney
General says it done. The bill is. alto
gether a queer one, and if I can understand
it properly, thb basis of its operations* is to be
hypothecated real estate. In-other words Stone
Mountain and Jaok’e Mountain con be both put
in at so mnch on acre, in lien of cosh, for the
ultimate redemption of -thp notes!.•
In the Senate to-day, a bill was passed to a
-third reading for the erection of a nek county
out of parts of Potter, Elk, M’Kean and Glia
ton counties, to bo called Cameron. The loca
tion is principally on the Allegheny mountain,
on the line of the Sunhury and Erie Railroad,
and it Is expected that t|ie '‘county seat will be
selected, by the Company for the erection of their
workshops. As it lies in a region, abounding in
coal, iron ore and timber, it will no doubt spring
as .rapidly into existence as your own thriving
Chas. D Hlnelinc, of the Sentinel, has beenap
appointed Superintendent of Public Printing for
one .year front the first day of June next, and his
appointment has been unanimously confirmed by
the Senate. Salary $BOO per annum, Quito a
nice little income, seeing as how it does not in- ‘
ferfere with a man’s usuul occupation.
Last, week the Suubnry and Erie question:
took a new shape: 1 told you in .my lust that
the supplement, which proposes making the
Stale mortgage bonds second bonds in order that
they may dispose, of $2,500,000 of first bauds, ,
to enable them to complete they* road, had pas- :
sed to a third.readiny. There it has stuck ever 1
since and its fate is now involved in considera
ble doubt, On Friday last Mr. Finney offered !.
the following*substitute, which :
'A hnpiilcmcitt to the net for the saleof IhcSthteCanal. ap- ;
proved Hie twvnty-firrt tiay of April. Anno Domini ono
■thousand eight imuiired and fifty-eight. ' ;t
. Sic.,l. He it enacted. £c., That' so' much of the sixth . 1
section of the net for the sale ol the Stato\OaDnls,nppcoved ‘
the 21st day,of,April, IhSS. as requires the. Attorney Gen-;
oral to sne onl the mortgiigc to tha CommoiiweattHof tlie .
Sunhnry and Kriu Rail lioad Company on the mod : of Kiid I
company, and the mortgage or mortgages on the caimlS- j
sold under the provisions t f the said net,- j
main uncancelted, if payment shall fail to ho made of any
principle tereet on tho bonds'of auidcothpai(y to this l
Oomniquweoltb, ninety days after the same sunit he duo,
'bq and the same is hereby repealed, and ' discre-:
lionary with the Attorney General, ninety days after the
failure of said coinjMmy to pay os aforesaid, hy and with:
the advice and consent of the Governor nod Stntc Trwigu
rer to sue out said niortgago or mortgages, until otherwise
provided liy law. Provided, That , no proceedings shall lju
had against said company on behalf of the’Commonwealth,'
under tlie provisions of the act to' which tills is a supple
ment, until after .the Ist day of January, 1801,
Sec. 2,‘fhat the President and Managers of the Sughnty
aDdKfloßail JtuadCumpuiy be and they arc hereby atithotv-
Ized to make end enter into any contract or contracts, with:
thedtlaiuigers be President and Directors of aiy other rail
road company, or com|mnies, iu this Commonwealth, hav
ing relation to tlie completion, tlie whrkiug of. or to tho
traffic originating on, or passing over, or tonnd fconi tiiti
Sunhury and 12rie Railroad, which may be. considered Just:
and reasonable by tlie contracting |Mrtius: Provided, 1 That
the saiue tdiou not effect the lien of thejnortgtigo tosepure'
the payment of the five per centuul bonds issried by the
said company under the provUiOtis-of the act for tlie Said
qf tin) State, canals, and such contractor contracts shall be l ,
.bindhig'upon th'e stiid companies represented' by the said
contracting parties as fnlly aff if thof same were expressly
.authorized by tbeir respective charters. .
This is by no means a bill calculated to give
the Company any relief; it visually only puts
off the evil- day., I think before the week is but
a determined effort will he made to pass the
supplement, whitffl originated ip '.the .
. The hew Insurance bill was killed in the Sen
ate pn Saturday, by a vote of 20 to 0. Senator
Hall miule* a powerful speech in bcliair of the
bill,-but the pressure -against' it was too .strong
to make any impression. ■
: This morping .the bijl annexing fiddle Wood--
■beriy towziship, Bedford county, to Blair coun
ty, was reported favorably in the Sente, and in
the aftetn'ooh Mri lldil md.ved that'lbe Senate
proceed to the consideration of tlie .bill,' which
was not agreed to. This foreshadows Ihe fate
of the bill. It will bo killed. - * v
Tho bill to lay a passenger and. freight rail
way.track on BronS street, in Philadelphia,
pissed the House undei the laah. ttTid ia likety
to- pass the Senate. It is the only street of
importance in the city bn which rails orp dotal
ready laid. "
, In the Senate to-day an effort was made to
reconsider the vote relative to ; tbe final adjodrn
meat, bttt failed by fiearly a two-third vote.—r
The latter vote was .re-considoree, and the votp
to reconsider was postponed 1 indefinitely. This
places a reconsideration out of the reach of the
| Senate, and if the session . is extended, it mus|
be done by a consideration - originating in the
House. After the above was written, and just
at the close of the afternoon session in the
House, a motion was made to make the Sunhury
and Erie supplement the special order for to
morrow morning which was lost—yeas 45, nays
52. A motion was then made to make it the
! special order for to-morrow evening, which was
i also lost—yeas 46, nays 51. I think there will
; be some trouble in getting the bill called up,
although Gils vote does hot effectually kill it.
' -Tie new-Police bill for 1 (he city of Philadel-
; v «a>d this' ;pai!s«a Aver
the reto In the House by a two-thirdwte/vU 1 'A IfjKgo lax Case young woman, named
coi»pt be bo passed in the Sen*t£,i£p!artyliiwB J Ann Mari rßiSerdf Somerset couujty. was. uu
irdilrawn. ' ' 1 Vndwn to spy one, delivered of a child, on the
r tjhe Approprialioh bill Hotirt; { 7th day of la«. in Cambria City, which
ind|l suppose will d» o»g and kep»d^ncealed
Coromitto to-morrow, morning- ‘.(That, apd'tbo.; biitil lhb lSrtj oT .the. present month/whenit was
of tbe Revised Penal Codivare ill : discovißred lip a gentleman with whom si*® was
Bny-magnitude, in which the public ? HVlug,,durhig her tiemporarjr absened.. Informa-
yei to pass. There is a multi- 1 ; tionwHsiiranedlately mad*, and thegivl arres
tm many of which | ted/by officer- wbbn eUi
wiftnotie I think the public will | kaowledgedbclhgtlreraolber of foe child* and
liejfoegmners thereby. The people generally having kept it in j Jjjt^rpct : bag.
of th e immense amount of spe*. ifa .bfrtb—a na^^-orncurUmww^BßgV B '
ciof iegijiationgrantcd here annually. quire Flattery inqnisitionj pff^^^ict-J
: flothing fartber of general interest to you or' ofnbe : child, and-% post mortem examination
yonrreaders. , IfUGAif- •.( wi»;vmade I#
-■ •"■•.■<■ 1 marks of violence were discovered, and the phy
sicians and jury were Satisfied that foe child had
dot come to its death by Tiolence. ‘Another sin
gular- tbing is the feci that there was not the
least scent or unpleasant smell about the child.
Tbs mother appears to be an ’ innocent, simple
creature,'' and had evidently po disposition to de
stroy her child/ Bh% was released bn bait for
her appearance at .the next terra of Court. A
yeung man, named James McAmilty, of Bairds
town, Westmoreland county, the reputed father
of toe child, was arrested by Officer Bradley and
brought to this place on Saturday evening last.
Mr. McAnnlty was also released, on giving bail.
—Joliuatown Echo.
cry that tho wheat crop hkto be iM
urebaa commenced, ■ , r- *,
i fig^Ondit—that theTSrwme Star has act, to rite ho
more; ghria wutti*., „
I ‘jilr TheComw.ctiont State election, tal^; April
2 i, and the it bode Iriuhdclectlon April ith. '
.; ' tßfr 33»» number Mormons. iodltah, ’to •put down at
S8,(JOO Ofthe6e,M27 men hare 20,600 wives.
( 4p*At Clutrleeton thef .haTe ripe strawberries ppd new
potatoes, thetoltwhriaglngfilly ’ ■••■ ■ ■
Col. A. K, McClure ofPranklln county, bw been
sppoititHi ofthellEiyibUena Stale Committee.
thereto nothing iikea^eaajuan’Bpockritopiiace
a penny wait.” ~ ' . . ■ ■
; The DuncansviUe correspondent of the (Standard
intimates that thernUitary question will be inode an issue
inth<icomingcampaign., ~ ' , ;•. ~,
, 4S*- Stewart’s famous, marble building, up Broadway,
Now York, is -valued at $400,000, and the tax on it last
year Amounted 10 ®*- ■ > ■ v ’
flEal'A young ladyvwhohadloet ST mislaid herbean, was
advised to hang up her fiddle.'- She said the advice did
gcefzt-violence lo her heart strings, j
| .tlfjt The time when young men generally entertain no
tions of marriage-to exactly when they-have no more need,
of wires than a dog has of a spare tail.
;2SSi-Forncy‘a Prest. of Wednesday Inst, declares neutral
ity ini the coming Gubernatorial contest, unless Mr. Fos
terrepudiates Buchanandoctrine.
43“ fife Pittsburgh Chronicle sitys that Mangold was
-placed iu jail at Uarrisbargh, to await his trial. Wonder
Iwherd the Chronicle gets it information ?
BSSiilfthe Republicans go' A-ward in the approaching
canvass they will.probably have to fish without Haiti, sayi
some punster, to tho public unknown.
JS3f~ At a late militia muster in Kentucky a keg w il! '
used as u dram. If there was anything in the keg, Pren
tice thinks the men rallied at the tap.
Miss £. saysthe first time a- young mas squeezed
her dress, she felt as if she was in aland where tberais
bovfi came from. How poetic a little hugging „mok(s
42“ Four hundred years hare elapsed since the djscsv
ery of printing, yet books are not in circulation oyer half
the: globe r while the use of tobacco became' universal with
in fifty years of its discovery.
'JBSjreTho Republican majority in New Hampshire will
probably reach 5,Q06, : a gain of about 1,600 from last yoir.
Thq total rote will-excted 70,000 and is the largest ever
cast in the State. ,
Talked of—it grand parade of military and fire com
panies, in Harrisburg, on the day the Mayor and Council
are installed into office, to conclude with a pyrotechnic
pispliiy and general illumination in the evening.
The coffin containing the body of a man named
Wertz, harried about eighteen months since Vos opened
lasi week in Albany N. V. The body was found lace
downward, and the fingers of the man grappled in bis hair.
fig, Wc icorn from the Huntingdon American, of last
wetiit, that a young lady named Bitter, of Mill Creek,
about '5 miltsbolow Huntingdon, fell dead in the street,
on Friday week, while talking to an acquaintance. She
appeared to be in good health. \
4Si“ The fields of wheat and grain throughout Penusy -
vtmla are said to bo looking reniarkabiy wfell for the sea
son. The wheat teems well rooted, anid hut little disturb
ed by the .action of the. frost. Tito pnjspcct of a good crop
may therefore be said-to ho encouraging. N
ery extensive ruins of an ancient city have been
discovered In New Mexico; ninety miles northeast of Fort
SuU'ion. (They are said to rival in magnitude and arehi
tectum.! decoration the gigantic ruins of Thebes and Pal
myra. ’ They were evidently built by a warlike race.
Exempt from Attachment—An act exempting frqpl
attachment one sewing machine, Of a value not excevuiug
sl(so] in actual use hyalite debtor or the family of the debt
or. has passed both brandies of the Legislature, and re
ceived the approval of the Governor of Massachusetts.
On the election for local officers which occurred on
Fritljiy last, in Norfolk, Va., two prominent politicians
made'a bet, agreeing between them thaf the loser shall
stand, for one whole day, upon a fire ping or hydrant in
front of the Court House, and engage industriously in ped
dling apples. ■ . ' **
Ife. The latest news frtm Texas says that Governor
Houston is actively- engaged in raising minute men, tra
veling day anti night for the purpose of doing so. Col.
Lee-was to leave on'the loth iust. for active work on the
Rio jjrande. Five hundred Hangers-were in the Held. —
Tiled ndi-ms still kepi on murdering and plundering the
people. t
.SSf* There was a “ strike”, recently at the office of the
Citlctnnali Gimjnerciid, and three partly gentlemen wd.ked
in «iid offered their services at the case. These were the
I 1 resident &f the Cincinnati and Daytouitiulroad Company,
the president of the .Cincinnati .and Zanesville Railroad
Company, and the Treasurer of .the Passenger Railroad
Cuajfpany ofCinclnnatl. '' ‘ ’
ftjh-Tembie Mntiny.—The Ship Norway, of New York,
ondW passage from Macau to Havana, recently with, 1,000
Cobiies, was the scene of n terrible mutiny, iji the
dead) of thirty Cooties, ninety others being wounded.' The
fight lasted the whole night, when the Qouiies yit.ded. On
bo;ard the Norway wgre tlie .captalii'a wife and two daugh
terjsj-aud also a uidy .and he! child. * Both the latter died
front flight. *
appears by the instructions given to McLanc,
comramiicated to the U. S. Senate by the President, .that
the Minister was* authorized. ttmfcr $10,000,000 for Lower
California, and the right of way from tho .jtio Grande to
Mnzptlan, and from Afizona'toGoaymas. Bntthe nego
tiation fell through. -Ten millions Would ha>« helped
Jhucajvry much, butsit is jprobkblo .that -he feared to
phice Uhnself in tho position larfore the nation of parting
with Mexican territory.
’The Negro Pianist.— Blind Toro, -the negro
ps(th:st, is giving concerts at- Sow Orleans. - It
isolated that though he never had any tuition,
h&cao play fcore than eleven hundred different
pieces on the piano, lie was born ip Colum
in|& 'Georgia, and is only nine years and some
mouths old, hud has been blind from infancy.—
Itfcbhmderation of this affliction he was petted
bji jthe family who owned him, and allowed the
access of the parlor. One day,- says bis biogra
pher, he accidentally stumbled against the open
pjpfao-forte, and, though scarcely able to reach
th’efkeys, began playing at once, fingering with
thiel shill of an accomplished playeK Blind
Tom is fond ofimprovlsing and of imitating the
piapists that bp may hear.: For ' his first con
cert it is announced; tjbat “ this extraordinary
genius of harmony will play the national oir
with ,bno Banff and Fisher’s hornpipe with .the
and both at the same tiine.” -
i —James Morris, the mop*
eJSer who committed the fiendish outrage., a few
days since, fit Carroll township, near Ehepshurg,
ofiithe person of a little girl. ten years'of age,
whom he hail under his charge as a pupil, wad
arrested at Erie, in this State, on Saturday, and
is, iin all probability, ere this returned to our
co.unty and securely lodged in prison: If full-
Justice be done the wretch, and no doubt it will
be, he will receive the severest penalties that the
law inflicts upon such despicable and degraded
villains, and be made to feel that Such polluted
as he are unworthy even the shadow of mercy,.
The reward offered for his arrest by the county
was §2OO, wluch was probably further enhanced
by the contributions of persons in the neighbor
hood in which the outrage w«s tbiimitfea.--
Echo. ■
ApPAtu.vo 'Lots of Lite— Ou Thursday even
ing, the Ist instant, ut Porter’s Salt Works, in
Conemaugh towrship, Indiana county, five per
son vm: David King and his two daughters,
wb.oac christiuti.naaics we have out learned ; the
wife cf Samuel King, son of David, and a Miss
Waddle, entered a-skiff or small cruft to cross
■the Conemaugh river, iu going to a singing
school on the opposite side. It appears that the
river yas pretty full, and the navigators did not
use the necessary precaution of sitting down,
closely to ; -the‘craft, and when the wind beat on
their bodies and the craft caught the current in
the rivet, it was upset, and all the five precious
souls cash into, the muddy waters of the jCohc
ninugh. It appears that William Waddle, father
-of Miss Waddle, saw the frail upset, or saw the
result fit its upsetting and ran and waded 'in
with a pole, extending it to Lis daughter; who
appeared to be nearest him, and thought she
had caught it, but a Miss and her appear
ed to be clinging together, and neither were be
nefitted by his efforts. Mr. King is said to have
been a good swimmer, and it is believed that tho
other two unfortunately clung to bin), and pre
vented his own safety, as well as any further ef
forts on their behalf. All five are lost.—Bhirt
ville Record.
P. S.—The body of Mr. King has since been
What the People Sat.
Cave, 111., June 21, 1857.
Dear Sir: —My brother, J. \V. Creary, P. M.,
purchased a box of your Itat Exterminator, and
found it to be a perfect rat destroyer. I here
with enclose !?S lot- more of it. Yours, etc.
| Ashley McCeeahy.
New Yobk, Dec. 7, 1857.
St>:—* * * All the summer I have been
troubled with Roaches and Mice. I was actual
ly ashamed of the house,. for the Roaches were
everywhere. I purchased a box of your Exter
minator, and tried it, and in ouo week there was
not a Roach or Mouse in the house..
John B. Givexs, No. 04 Elm street.
Moose’s Salt Works, .Ohio, June 8, ’57.
Dear Sir:—l have used it three nights, and it
is making sad havoc among the Rat tribe.
Yours, etc., J. P. Becom.
Patchogue, N. Y., Oct 9, 1857.
Dear Sir ;—Your Exterminator has done mo
at least fifty dollars worth of good. My house
was overrun with Roaches, but since I have used
your Exterminatory 1 bSVe seen but very few in
deed. ' Yours, etc., Justus Roe.
S&* In reference to ihe'horrible massacre of
Indians in, Cali fornin, we have, as yet, only, the
following-]particulars On Sunday morning,
the 26th alt., by daylight at Indian Island, op
posite the town of Eilreka. and distant therefrom
bul a few hundred yards more than forty Indi
ans were killed., three fourths of wltora wore
woioep and children. On the beach, at the
sbuth entrance of Humboldt Bay, forty or fifty
more were massacred, that being every human
being with ft red skin in that'village. It was
reported and believed at Eureka that a simulta
neous attack was made the seme morning upon
the Itiuian village on Eel Itiver. From what
| was known not less than two hundred Indians,
men. women abd children, were killed thatmor-
; ning These deeds were perpetrated Ipy the far
mers and graziers of Eel Hirer county, who
have suffered from Indian depredations during
tbe'past year. They claim that tho peaceful
Indians around Humboldt Bay have furnished
aid and ammunicim to the hostile Indians in the
mountains, and hence a war of extermination
has commenced.
. I!! DEATH !!!
*■ Sv Rut, Ruach, &c., Exter’r.
*• Bed-Bug' Exterminator.
Electric Insect Powder, &c.
Rats—Roaches—Mice—Moles—Ground Mice—Bed-Bugs—
Ants—Moths—Mosquitoes—Fleas— on Plants—ln
sects oh Animals, Ac., Ac.—iu siioft every form and species
10 years established in New York City—used by the City
Post-Office—tile City Prisons and Station Xiouses—the City
Steamers, Ships, Ac. —the City Hotels,. “Astor,” “St. Ni
cholas,” Ac. —and by more than 20,000 private families.
■SSf-Druggista and retailers everywhere sell them.
.CSS-lYholcsale Agents iu ail the large Cities. v
Cgy-Regnlar sizes, 25c., 50c., and $1 boxes, bottles, flasks.
‘W irßewarel! lof spurious imitations. £xam|no each
Box,. Bottle and Flask, and take nothing but “Costar’a.”
JUf $l,OO boxes sent by mail. ■ ■
03r»3and $5 boxes’for Plantations, Hotels, Ac, by express
ABB*Address orders—or for “circular to Dealers” to
~ f .* PantaPAt Depot, 410 .BaoiDWAV,N.Y.
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona.
.March 29,1800^3m. N ■ .
Chills and Fever.! Chills and Fever 1
One of the greatest remedies that has ever been laid bc
fbiothe public, for Fever and Ague, «ud which have re
ceived the highest encomiums from the press and the peo
Who Would endure Oie tortures arming from this-terrible
dbeaMjwhcuit can lie so easily Cnredt Who would endnro
sleepleasuights, burning fevers and fey: chills alternately,
when a remedy can be. obtained for a mere trifle ? And yet i
how many families linger out a paiufol existence under this
deadly Wight,-nnddo nothing but gulp down Quinideimtl
it bwjmes as common as their daily meals* and jit they
are npt jreßeved. - None but the foolish and weak . would
tfeWUde lo procme these valuable Bitters, and savo them:
by druggists ntiddcalm, every- i
where, ttoJ3ee. advertisement in another column.
, he ; ToctiiacheKc
taefy, prepared' by him lit Pittsburg, wbfch'te put ■ ufi
m botOea and sblif at 25 cents each. It i* anoxcollont
tnedipne, diluted, for spongy' aud tepder guuis,and
*ip>i» IjoSoW here
6^|AIfBn , TEHS I
' ■ iSwV’ :.4&P; i .
DiL|lodFt4lljl)’B BALSAMIC
The jreai iiajtdari 'ntcHeuUs of the preimt
have acquired th fir great popularity only
through year* of truth Unbounded tatufac
tion u rendered by them in all e*M*t:andth»%
people have pronowieedthtm teorthy.
Mrer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaandkfc,
BeblUtj oftheKtirroasSysUm,
Blieates ofitiw KMwfi,
and all datum from a duordered
Uver or weakneu of '$ *toma&
xJU GERMiN ■■■'v 1 -
. The B&Uamlo Cordial hmeup/dreda ■
partition extant - t
the moil e*vqre and tifagjtiandmsi ' f: r
• Coagb, Cold, er Ho*^aiNa,Sr<mcftiti» l la
llama, Croup, Ppooxaonia, Incipient
Consomptlou, .
and hat performed the 'putt atUmithing ear**
ever known of
, ! OonfirmedConsumption. _
A far dote* will'.alt* at onto eheekattd
ear* the moet tevere Diarrhoea proieoding:
from CQhD JS Tm BoifXi*. ' -;v V|i
That median** atf prepared by Z>r. C. M. ,
Jaohok & Go.y NO' iVii Arch Street, PhUet*.
delphia,Pa., and ,arp told by druggitt* and
deafer* in medicine* everywhere at 75 cent*
per bottle . The rigmture ofC. M. Jackso*
mil be on the outride wrapper of each bottle. •
In the Almanac fifiblahed annually by th*
proprietor*, called Axmasac,
you trill find iutimony and commendatory
notice* from aU parttt. of ike country. Thu*
Almanac* art givtn away by alt our agent*.
4J. For sale, in Altubjw, by A- Uoiuh and G. W.
Kessler, and by ail Drugjjiats. [may 19,'50-ly
You ore all nones, in on&sense of the word, yet tan you
determine and treat the diseases of yqnr children ? or can
you not call in a physician: when thsyare ailing} -Accept,
then \hs aid Dr. Katop brings you iuhislstAsmsCoßWAi.
lie is a regular physician, and fnm much experience in In
fantile Complaints,lms compounded th ia preparation—with
out paregoric or opiate ojf any kind—so as to be a sure relief
to your suffering little one* in all the ills attending their
teething; and for coughs, orcrbup, or and also
for Summer Complaints, it |s a certain cure. You may ro
ly on it with perfect confidence, that Dr. Eaton’s Ilifau(ilo
Cordial could never have attained the celubeity it basin
tho United States, if it were, not the very best article for
Inijintile Complaints that liput up. It Is fast superseding
all others. ■ ;j,- :; ; ' t
Dr. BRONSON'S BLOOD 1 POOD, advertised with, the
Cordial, is the most invaluable necessity to every Mothers*
well as every unmarried ladjjr. Bay It and read the circular
enveloping the bottle, and you will get the particular infor
mation you require. 49*fiee> advertisement, Tor' sale by
A. Koush, Altoona.
The combination of ingredients in these Bills are the re
sult of a long and extensive practice, They are mild In
their operation, and certain ip correcting All irregularities
Painful Menstruations, rertibying all obstrcctioiis, whether
from cold or, otherwise, hexifache, puinin the side, pallia
tion of tho heart, whites, a!} t£rioas aßoctious, hysterics,
fatigue, pain in the I:ack ftpd liijba. io„ disturbed sleep,
which arise fropi intcri-tplum of nature.
was the commencement of a new era in the treatraovt of
those Irregularities and obstructions which haveconsigued
eo many thoiwands of the young. the beautiful, ami the be
loved to a premature grave. No female can enjoy good
health unless she is regular, and whenever,an obstruction
takes place the general health begins ts decline.
are the most effectual remedy ever known for all complaint*
peculiar to Females. , To all classes they are Invaluable, in
during, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are
known to thousands, who haivo used them at different pe
riods, throughout the country, having thesnnctidn of some
of the most eminent Physicians in America.
Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should
not be vsed, witli each Box, —the Price One Dollar each
Bax, containing -W Pills. 'I.
A valuable Pamphlet, tp be had free, of the Agents.—
Pills sent by mail, promptly ; by enclosing price to the Gen
eral A'gent. Sold by Druggists generally,.
’ > 14 Broadway, New York,
•'■old to Altoona by Q. W. Kessler; iuHoUidaysburg by
Goo. A. Jacobs. , , . [Dec. S, 1859.-ly.
Its wpnderftil effects and consequent popularity—perhaps
no article in the history of the Materia Medica, ever acqui
red the same patronage, was subjected to the, same .number
of. severe and different tests, and met with so.few failures
as the Mustang-Linintent. It has justly been styled a Pa
nacea for ail external Wounds, Cuts, Swellings, Sprnirs,
Bruises, or Eruptions on Stan or Beast. It is so fora med
icine of surprising virtue that Physicians.are compelied-to
prescribe it, imd Bom sonic remarkable cures of Chronic
and Distorted Jiheumatib cgses, it has naturally attracted
much atteutiun from the first scientific minds ofthe age.—
No family can afford tohowi thout a bottle of the Mexican
Mustang. Liniment in the house. Beware imitations,—
The gouninc is sold by reqiectnble dealers in all parts ofthe
world. BARNES & PARK, Ptoprietots, Now York.
No FamUy shonld bo idtihoiit Theio. .'
We speak of M’Lane’a Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming
Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., wjdqh, have become an indispensa
ble Family Medicine. N Thefrightful symptJhis whlch arise
from a diseased liver manifest themsolvea, more or losi, in
every CmiUy; dyepepala, »fcic headache, obstimctidn df the
menses, ague and fever, in the side, with dry, liack- 1
ing cough, are; oil the respite of hepathio.derangement—-
and for these Dr. M'Laiie's Pilhf are a sovereign remedy.
They have never been kpqwn to -tell, arid thsy ebopld h»
kept at "all times by families.'
DaxcTiosa.—Taketwotiif three goieg tpbed,overyid
condor-third night. -. Iftljey do iwt porge-tevoor three
neit ohe w two more. A sltght
■ The Elver PHI* majf rfUAbe üßed.'where purgiog is aba
ply necessary. As an anti-bUUons pnrgatiye, U>ey ta-
so'itei»...;ASd ot two or
ta alsojln slight derange
; V.-.'. -J
ask for DIE M’LANE’S
CELEBRATED .Tnsmufectured
ING-BROS;, -of Pi*; There are' other pjn*.
purporting to bqLjrorlflliu, how before the public. ’ Dr.
M'LOne’s genuine also fats celebrated Verml
foge, can now be had af aU rcspcotahfodrng stbre*. Nona
genuine without hhe of FfdSMINQ BROS.
Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere.
O. “ Oh kut the am of on innocent sheep should be
vanl’* qpoijjßibakepente, He might also have deplored
ofDifltt r s fontti by the uncouth manner in
which Boma ungracious ■ tailors butcher up the cloth made
fty* the wool grown by these game harmless sheep. To
•eO the perfection©! the art of working up cloth wisely
and well, and bo as to set off' 16 the- best 'advantage the
-9?. its ..wearers, call at the Brown stene Cluthiug
lull of B<H*hlH * Wilson, r Noe. 603 ami WJ-Chestnut St.
O&w Siith,Phll*. and oxnmlnethsir slick of gsrfosn
teG«nfWintt»hdyeuthjj, : t
W “ think tho Mowing letter from •
Of MledsHppl wjtt answer the qtwethni. dß *°
j *>ubt« from unbiased mind: . ™ aOT ’* »»
|; 2>r. Attfem, dM.-yt)*r9ir : i -**•,
pleasureln rtfcticga casw'of»paem*or
| Jneraittable P®t My brotl-er, j. h«» Jro '“
awrti disease. tr o %» M flrst *
i while quite yoan?.- lie' -would haw one or two
ff*Mttech t**wt; btt.WW (5»» older »W ntl T? U “
I cw*wlik< wlte. Vp to thfe'Wwefaeomn. 1t t-* tu h>-
; I'!” 8 . l“> had them aery oiled and quite sever*
; Uhn body and mind. Ilijimind had suffered
*.*»»>>«KSd of these b
enjoyed flns health for thehwt avo months. niear'’**
alw returned to Its ir t urightlini'*i. An
grew pleasure la'cowiimnlcßtiuf- a* it may b*
of directing others to tho remedy that will
'■(*’ •__ 1,1 *UiO IlllM'
- lonrs respoctftilly. W. p
Ko pwsow who Is suffering from Pits or SjwimJull
■neglect sending to Dr. Hare-, after this, fi» LaS*** 4
tac«tiaial)fo m:HiiclA*. Ui< nrU-c* *i> u f„i», 2. • VW
■ UrWolSi by
’ SstaS - ,U 5£ *> ate*«
% 7,
Pure Dhio Catawfca Brandt
T M TRtmmi*
Jy ru^rSw thst h JJJ
known, «hl^fa;fa«y ioriaibbtated brail
slcians who tew used it id their prica*,*”***®*
Fw Summer Complaints vsiib Cb^.
--A Curt it guarantied or tit money »iU j.« *
■■■•• . ' funded, ' : jv, *' •
It wnLeffcciuaUy Wliew that affliction, ,* ■ '
Diarrhea & BowHXomplajat
tramp. Colie , !«»«,
Low Spirit*, GMierdl DdnHty, iV*wea* ■
nut. Liver Computing etc.
Pliysleiiin*, who has, used It in tixeir ptaotlcL
it In thtfmost ffattcriog terms, ns will besetmbytSteif
to the numerous letters and dortttcates. ■
A. lURT * CO., >roprkton, C|nctaa»»L
K«?» w”** for 81 -' f
Cheapest! Beat! Largest}!
S 8 5.00
Bays, for Tuition In Shtgio and Double Entry Boots,*,
ing. Writing, CCmmorcioj! AriOiactlc and
Board 8 Wctkt |2O, Stationary ?7, Tuitipn pi, oUrt U.
i ' pentn g®. ,
Usual time to complete a'lbll court*, from 6 tol#
Every Student, upon la guaranteed to U eta
potent to manage the Book* of any Business and esshW
to earn a salary of from -"'
$5OO to 11,000.
Students enter!at any time—No Vacation—Bsvina
pleasure, e , . - ; -
First Premiums for BeM Bhalneu. Writing' tg l?j}
ceiyed-at Pittsburgh. Philadelphia and Ohio Sat* Tain.
Also, at the principal Pain of tho Unioii tar ths past Stm
years. ■ V. -'-i
Bat M lufcrteraScttaifecsived price.
' For full iufo»Bi*B(d>vCliWdat, Specimrusof Butrina* ati
Oruameuul Wrlltajjaud EmhaUUherlY fcar M the CoUm*.
enclose five letterto, ItVJPißft
Sept. 22,- ; -Pittsburgh,' Pc.
Pit. TELLER has devoted a lifetime tothe cutset Hi
ease on which his books treats Address J. TELLSfoB.D.
No. 5 Reaver street. Albany, Jf.V. ’ -
Dr. Vii-l.ois’ Tmialn Pills, jgV&box, with full dinttkM.
Married Judies nUvo'.il nut use them.'' £«iit-hy mall. It
drearDf. Teller,' as above. ApiiUJlhJ'tMj.
Bell) JSoofe gjtore.
The subscriber has lately
opened a BOOK STORE next door to mfmlaiM
the sorilor of Virginia. and Annie streets, /jj/UmjA
where may be found . SjftiJyT
Old and Standard Authors, A ta VubUtfi(i»n,i
Light Literature , Periodicals and Staple dni
Fancy Stationery in large varieties.
Also, a now and very select iotofSUBKT MCSIC, MCSK
Alio'bnu. arc respectfully invited to call.
BSU-AU ordois aitended U) with promptness and dlipstd.
Alt.Hina. N0v.3. 1889-tf - U.RMITU.
Did you hear the news from Eurepe? II yen b»«
not, wo will tell yen what ft Is. It is that UESIItTCCt
lias jnst returned from the Eastern cl tits with s bugs «W
ply of ; ■' ■■ ’ '
cmisUtingot all atylesand qualities ofOvereosti, Dn*,
Coats, Tests,. Pants, Boats and Shoes, imd'everything .
in ah ectabl Wijnentof the khid,aU of; which he w** »t
unprecedentedly low prices foe. cash.. glaring pura»*«
his stock at cash prices, ha is thernhyanabUd ta seu wJ
IOJK*» " ■' " ■ ' '«• -
lie invites'all those la want of any thing la hi p n *
give him acsdlifosiisgijifa’tli'at'Eo will bs. shl’ ri n'
satlsfoetibh. ■: ■V j ” i UENBT ThC»-
A 1 tcJua. Sept. 30,1358,-tf . .. '. -
Jan. % iB6O.
JaQ.g6,lBCO. ■ ,
ttnwiuff* 18 ? ■
Etc., ©tC., - ' _> „
(knatantly fct «Q» »y _ ,»<«»M ■
-an. 26, MBO. : 1 C. JAGg^
•J*n. g. JAoo*g*
JL/ TlffltON, irfci) AND VABIETT
Poet Office building, ond Mamine the stock W r
’’ Feb. 23,T.860.-tC'
J. H.OBII, from th? ...opt* *
at the new Flour and Pe«J Store. Call
it. Price a* low os the loweefr-; I*®"* **
the Provision or Variety line, c«H at■ j
tto Old Post Office building, on
reasonable terms. ■ : I _ '
ISCtpSE B ES-—® ri TKL
'CO.’S great work forOrttnu
■l, or fu>
il< ruai rlags—JW> |;agH. fall
I'LATKS. i’rii'sii’ctitt*-
it t<j ellpatu irii'tbrttKvLbi
-Jl. POSTPAID, mow
>l<n sold die last year,. ’TU»
iglo, arirritd, and Ui« mao
d nappy. A !*(£»?» 0*
>tr, or to,e!icow%p»rt.
r; a coiitlilete work brl MU
f*ry. It coutnin* t»unJr*ii
led—warranto) to b» Worth
fur ic, 2S eetitt Imped* or
iecaro a copy Tiy lieten ot
WILE BE 30U> ht
To make roam' for an
AI Ifl«
;■ -J$
yf* •
I* H
tc»% d°*
plM* 0011
tfcfci* in l
yh* gitino
ingi is stt
* wry ex
not g*cci
feed or b
We sre bo
found in t
boys ahou
pnreota t
•tt, end'tfa
dill them t
boys wee. i
noon & nui
ifhhn one '<\
piilj and t
wet® b«
“Young A
ee|eivifti w
. whited upo
little docn I
atoning tl»»
or give lvo:l
for. the apr
the “ jug.”
Att o’cl
dee’s office
date tho cr
fqom of tb
and tho ru
stern bound
held us witi
;An net of
jrBs7, in ro
property he
makes it a
sad or per
fin« not <
tho Court .
at this t 1
fair chance
iff Funk’s
tepdept of
Judge Tnyl
when they
them for t>
\, This case
law, in >1)1
Scanlftn, nj
■thor place.
Moßk as
last week it
glare who e
Ms cloths.
man, Goc»B<
- and on the
mitted to j.i
iff H, tclegrn
ftenh the nn
factory, In
was employ
December t<
was at wot
the JCtli of
have been h
stated by Gt
was handed
has charge
Mopgold wt
king of the
be able to
held until t
had no I
“ Norm:
tybloa, ac
tact i
loaget presi
'War” pu
oeiy leoii Tn
wrtment of
EJoil raagom
He has
He haa
f °opti any wl
?*HrtP! of c