twaffljnTOs. at some period, every mem* ; «Nfilw'hsnan family is subject to disease jjffiwatarbence of the bodily functions; but, l®e aid of a good tonic and the exercise • qommon sense, they may be able so to the system as to secuye permaneiit In order to accomplish'this desired true course to pursue is certainly Swhich will produce a natural state of -.tlftigsattfae least hazard of vital strength and *lh«. for this purpose, Dr. Hostetler has in ' tfodaoed to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac . .tion to all who have used it. The Bitters Operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and . action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys ?t«n to.triumph over disease. ■ ;-f or the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau «ea, flatulency. Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, \ Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, So., these letters have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tractedby new settlers, and caused principally bythe change of water and diet, will be speedily • • regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably jifiqre prevalent, in all iis ~ various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can be cured without fail by using .HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTEBS, as per directions onthobbttle. for this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some hind ; then why hot nso an article known to beinlal lible tAll-nations have their Sittmw, sis » pre ventive of disease and strengthener of- the sys tem in general; and among them air there is not to be found a more .healthy people .than the Germans,'from whom this preparation ema nated, based-apon scientific experiments which .have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in thf scale of medical science. . fsvija and Aqras.-r-This trying ami provok ing disease; winch fixes its relentless grasp on the body bf man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in h short time, and rendering him phy iieally and mentally useless,, can be driven from the body by tho use of HOSTETTER’S RENOWNED BITTERS, further, none of the abbverstated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if tho Bitters, are used aa psv directions. And os they neither create nausea nor offend the palate, jond render un necessary any change of diet !or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote Sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and; permanent cure. a For Persons in Advanced Years, wbo esp'< \ suffering from an onfeobled constitution and infirm body, these Hitters are invaluable as a. restorative of- strength and rigor, and need only bo .tried to .be appreciated. And to a mother while nutiUtg seso Hitlers- are indis pensable, where the mother’s n'mr ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, ooftsequenuy :iier strength moist yield, and heare .it iS where a good tonic, such as Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, is.needed to impart temporary. strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by>all means try this remedy for all coses of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. 1 CAUTION•—We caution the public against using afiy of the many imitations or counterfeits, bat ask for Hostkttmb’b Celebrated Stomach Bitters, . and seb that each bottle has the wolds "Dr. J. Hostetler's. Stomach Bitters" blown on the aide of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering file cork, and obsen e that our autograph signature is oath? iabeL ■O-Prepared and sold byHOSTETTEH & BMJLTH.Dittaburgh, Pa_, sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers throughout the ’United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. ASrSohhby G W Kessler and A Konsh, Altoona; O A Jacobs, JK Patton and W G Murray, Hollidaysburg; and fi Berlin, Tyrone [Aug 2S. 1859-ip “PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON 1 .011, LAMPS ! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. livi.y person desiring tcTobtah. the very best and- cheap - est portable light within their retlch, should call at tho store of the undersigned and examine those' Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon strata Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they ore easily regulated to give more or loss s light. / fith. That they,burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least SO pur. cent, cheaper than ~any other light now in common 'use. These lamp* are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Pitctorlea, Halls, Stows, Hotels, and sire highly recommended for family u*e.‘ The burner of this Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging anil table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satlsfectlon in all cases. G. W. KESSLER. ’ LOGAN fitOTEL.—rr-THE UNDBR SICTNED .respectfully .informs the citizen* of Blair. county and ether*, 4 that'he has opened hp the LOGAN »r> HOUSE, formerly kcpthy'Shmiff at the west.endofmlUdaysbnrg. rccefitfon of strangers and travellers.—■ v!'.. Everything connected with .the bouse has been refitted in the newwuh tho cholccet furniture, Ac., Ac. The bonsais large'and commodious, and -well calculated for convenience and comfort. IBs TABU! wlllbo furnished with thevery bestthomtur ket can afford,and no fcatns'or trouble will be awed to render those who jnay choose- to Ctvnr htra wlfn their pn troDagocomfortablo and happy during their stay with bun. . HIs.STAUhXNO U ample, and an obliging and careful heftier'wluajways bain attendance! JflUianMburg stage,wfclch makes daily trips between .this place and .Williamsburg, stops at the Logan Hotel.’ Dec. 17, XBfu,—tt]. JOHN KEIFFBB. Howard association, . r PHILADELPHIA. A JkntvSsntlntiiiHiicm tstdßUshed by.Speet ol Endowment, Sick and Distrened, affilcUdiMh ' VwmMM qgiitmte Distant, and especiallyfar the Otriqf Instates •«/ the Sexual Organs. Medical Adriceglren gratis, by the Acting Snrgeomto *ll who-opply by letter, with a description of their «mdl tton, (die, occnpAOen, habits of life. Ac,) nad In cased of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhcea, -~and other - diseases of the Sesnal Organs, and on the irew wmia employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stahips lbr postage w|II be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLON HOUGHTON, Acting Bur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 Santh Ninth Street, Will* adelphio, Pa, By order of the Directors. ' EZRA D. UEAHTWEDL, fltfi. QEO.PAIRCHIIJ), Sec'y. (Jan. 19, 'BO.-ly CAUTION.— ALL PERSONS ARE hereby notified not to purcitaso or sell any lager beer togs with tne stamp of the ALTOONA- BREWERY there on, as sdCh kegs never have been and .never will be sold from the Brewery. All kegs containing said stamp will he claimed and tai^en,' wherever found, by the proprietore of the Bresretyfo whom they belong. July 28th 1869-tf. WILHELM & BRO. riONOBNTRATED LYE, FOR MA \J KINS Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Washing, one pound etjttal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Palm Soap, Chemical 'Soap, cte., on liand and ibr sale at Jqne tO,lgSB.-tf) A. RODSH’S. OREAM-TARTER, SUPER-CARBO \J NATE Of Sods, Salaratns, Washing Soda,’e Raking Powder, In store and for sale at . Bcpt.;Si) > AB-tf.j ~ A. ROUSH’S Drug Storo. Hair .oils, colognes, pom odes, Sharing Creaia, Toilet Soaps, Ac.-for sale by 1-tf.T ~ . O.W. KESSLER. OF ALL DESCRIP XX to _ TXLASfRSOFALL DESCRIPTIONS X) n ealty aad expodlttonsly executed at offlo*. , “- T¥7£ST AIiTOONA: ABINBT - signed has do ln»tn«ai,«B a more, extensive wqdafIHBBHBK - tb*&heretofore, Andk host execute ail ~ ORDERS FOR lURMTWEE; OF ANIKIN®, AT SHORTEST NOTICE. His workmen ore acknowledged to be capable of doing The very best work in the line of Cabi v jiet Making , . . r ; , and all those who entrust him with their orders may rely upon receiving finished work. ' He keeps a eonetant supply of fornltore on hand, to; which he invites to'attention of those in tending to r ‘ “GO TO HOUSE-KEEPINGS Cali on him at at his room in liOndonsvlOe,. warthe flank Hoad. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER . November 11,1868, ; ISAAC CK6MEE; FXSIt’S MBTALie BURIAL tJA -BES.—Till* is a new article in this section of the Country, although extensively used in the East.. They are a sdtc protection against WATER AND VERMIN, and other adnotagM over the nonunoncof fins. The remain* of the lamented CLAY and WJBBSTKR were encased tn these cases. For sole by • ISAAC CBOMBR, ' November!!, 1858. Altooh***, OQ §I: ” f -I ■ LmM fi ■* g <&' ■ q r-r-i E g ||« g 1 88 W _ > ppqlf o I Nl* •r i g-.g op rf Pi s 4 A* Eh I fifi g isjl&ll ” 1 P §H M i 11 tt §§ S s. o p pl • 4 3 S a g I* N—' ||. St §e Pi °| I l—J ° I - if ' * . I I O o OREAT OPENING OF SPRING AND SUMMER QD <2D o, Jb: hilEman has just re • ceived and opened at his old stand, on Virginia at., a large and attractive assortment of seasonable goods, com prising all the novelties in EREGES DUCALS LAWNS, GINGHAMS, EMBROI DERIES, LACES, HOSIERY A GLOVES and all varle tiesoud textures of LADIES DRESS GOODS together with a full assortment of goods for gentlemen’s neat, such as Cloths, Cassiiucres and Vestings. Also a fall stock of Hardware, Queens ware and GROCERIES, and ait assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITORB, &C., of all sixes-and styles, which equal to any In the market, and ' sold at fhlr prices. ' Having Recently enlarged my store-room, I can now display my largely increased stock to better advantage and would respectfully invite everybody to call. May 12,1869.? New grocery feed and pro- VISION STORE. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he has opened a store of.the above' -kind, near.the corner of Adaline and Julia streets, Host Altoona, where he will keep constantly on hand a fulPsup ply of everything in his line. Ills GROCERIES are all fresh and will .be sold at prices as low os those of •any other establishment in town. His stock of provisions. , consisting of ' t Flour, Sams, Shoulders, Sides, &c. will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any , where else. His Flunr is obtained from the beat mills in the Western part of the State, warranted to be what it is represented. ’ ■ All kinda oifFcedfor horses, cows and hugs, always pn liand. I Intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times bo able to supply my customers wlth wlmtevcr they may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which wifi make it a saving to those who patronize my store. ‘ July 22, ISoS-Cm. HENRY BE LX, UNDERSIGNED WOULD JL resj>ectfully inform his old cna tomers aud the public generally that he has just received, a lauql nA.xDSOJi£ as- sortment of CLOJHS, Cassimeres, and vestings. ■which .ho la now offering for sale, and la prepared to inpike *hem In the latest style Sc most durable man ner, as none but the beat workmen are employe!, aud all work mad© will .be warranted to give satisfaction, U S. h -i\?lo°.?T^ d Block of Gisia’ FURNISHING GOODS, such aa_ Shkts, CoiiißS, Uintt- BniRTS, Drawers, PocketHandkerohiefe, Neck TI a, Stock*, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac., also a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, all of which nelsdetermined to sell as cheap «8 they can be bought this side of Phila delphia. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, as I Shall take pleasure in showing them. Doors open at all times from aA. M. until 9P. U. Admittance free. ; May 6‘ 1859-tf THOMAS EDWAT. T>ED LION HOTEL, JtV , ' ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. This old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite thoplaceot stopping tho passenger cars In Altoo . na, has passed lottuhe hands of the present proprietor.— ■Long experience in tho business warrants me In assuring -the travelling public that no pains will bo spared to render guests Hs comfortable as possible while sojourning under .wy roof. ■ v - The TABLE >lll constantly be supplied with the rery .best the market affords. . Tlie BAE Wiil be found to contain an excellent assort ment ofUQDOBS of all kinds, including that choice hero 'rage LASER SJSJBS. „ Th s STABLE is in charge of an excellent and expert enccdOsuer.; \- y"--: by his .long experience in the hnstnes and the facilities at iij command, to make Che Rod Lion. |n all respects, aßwrt class Hotel. Tlie business of the Hotel will b« under my own persoMl-supervision. A liberal share of public patronagafadiiaiy solicited. TO TETE PUBLIC.—THE -Sub scriber would-reepectftdlyanbonnce -jmr to tne citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he aM»&. ■ baaopeneda WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JHfSX tin’s sbbet-i&on ware aurtitk on Helen street, between’Annie and Julia streets, East Al toona, where he, will keep constantly on .hand a large as eortment of everything |n his Uhe. whldi he win dispose of on reasonable terms. ROOFING- & SFOUTXNO put up on short, notice. Ho also manoftatnree Lusim lno» Spouting, which la said to be much superiorAo gal vanized sh oct-iron or tin. " • • AU kinds of job work promptly attended let. A thereof public patronage is solicited. V SAMUEL'I.TRIEB. Oct. 27th,’»P-tf. f-vd V Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for sali Wholesal# andßetaß. Apply to J. SHOEMAKER. Dec. 1L IS6C-tf. Masonic Temple. Hair, hat, tooth, .shaving, Paint, Sash and Varnish Brashes at ■ KESSLER’S. /GROCERIES. A LARGE AND \J complete assortment of Groceries havejiHt been re ceived at the store of' ’ ; J.B. HILEMAN.\. JUSTREUEIFED. aeeartineht at thestoreof , J. BHILEMAH. \ ■ .' ; SJSE*PSt»JTO jaieOJIRW* Ifc AOTHCOT. 808 Bto*dw»jr> New Yorit._.y ■ r^L\ r t’'- : •• ■ & yieMat &UC. . Theßtereoecope is the most instructive, Interrathybcn terf*ifting, aauftit! and exciting of modern Inventions- A . None Ore too young, none too old, none too. intelligent, iapeffcoffinCdncatedT to acknowledge its worthandbeattty. : Y Bo koine in connate without jt, and it mart gnu *iu - nwnywßet*. . . . . i- ‘ •-, !'-I»j*e*ents to vonr view every, part of the world, in alt the relief, boldness, perspective, imd«l»ttpD«e*ofdeiail,ae if you vtm on the spot. '" i: ~ . Photeiruphera are ewrjeliw# exploring Europe, AaJ America, in search of tho grand aha the beautiful, fesultaof their skill are constantly enriching our : ■Wo’ha.'re an immense variety of paper Views of Scene* in Satis, tendon, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Stance Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, SpaimthoEhtotVemnlc* SCCIbuo, Fontainebleau, Tuilleries, Italy, Turkey, Egypt Athens, the Holy Land, Chiaa, Indla, Crystal Palace, also Groups Historical, amusing marriage scenes, breakfast seeheij pic-uica, statuary, Ac,, Ac. An exquisite assort ment of illuminated Interiors of Palaces, Chttrchea, and CathCdrals of Franco, Italy, Ac., Ac. The effect, of these illuininated views is most remarkable. ' Every gentleman ofwealth and refined taste should have talus drawing-room some of our exquisite views on glass. With a j-erplviug stereoscope, showing 12, 28, 60 or 100 scenes. can be more fosetnating, andocecan offer ho greater treat to a frieud foixl of the picturesque and the frctfntifui. ; Anthony's Instantaneous Stereoscopic” Views are the latest Photographic wonder. They are taken, in the forti eth port of a second, and everything no matter how rapidly it may bjitmoving, is depicted as sharply and distinctly as If ft had been perfectly at rest- This gives an additional yalue.fur to the beauties of lhanimate nature it adds the charm of llft and motion. The‘ process is a discovery of our owh,l and being unknown in Europe, we receive from ‘London and Paris largo orders for Anthony’s Instantaneous GWws of American life and scenery. - . .'Among other things we have just published Stereoscopic lUnstra lions of the Scene of the Foßou Street Prayer Meet ings, in which many hearts ftei an interest. The particu lars of.lliis will he found iuour catalogue. 1 .Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stainp. ■ Parties »f a distance sending us $3, $5, (10, (15, $2O, or $25, can have a goodjoatrument and such pictures os they may request, sent byExpress. , ' ' : Views-i Mono, (without instrument) con be sent by mail. x ; Partied who wish to bo advised of everything really val uable in the linuthot comes out, may send us their names to place 6 n record, and wo will keep them posted at our pwn expanse. ‘ Jten'olileisure will find Photography a most fascinating and delightful atuuseinout. We are,prepared to fit out dmatouriTwitli everything necessary for their success to gether with instructions f‘ How to take Stereoscopic Pic tures.”: ’ E. ANTHONY, : Ipiportor and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. ; trom ever# nectiun of the country are re spectfully invited to make an examination of oar stock, o» owl discount to the trade, will be liberal. ■ 3|o Pjiwooßjtruitts.— first class Stereoscopic Negatiues .wapteil. i ' t&nd by mail a print unmounted, with price of Negative' I. Jau. [Cut this .out for future reference.] ; GRAND DISPLAY AT THE ® IiCO JraaES JHL< 9 9 rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THE I 1 pleasure of announcing to their friends and custom ers as well as the public at large that they are now re ceiving tUeir FALL STOCK OF fiOOHS, which have been selected with care and bought at prices which will enable us to offer inducements to purchasers. Our Btpch of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS 1b Imigo; and varied, including all the newest styles o Prints, O ■ oghams. Delaines, Poplins, Valencias. Plain and Printed Merinos, Dlack and Fancy Silks, dx. Aiso,Shaxdls. Cfoilii - ekd Cl-Uh Dusters, wiilch have bean brought .very lowiaojd will be sold at a small advance. ; ITOK THE GENTS, We; have Black and Fancy Cassimerca. Satlnents. Jeans, Tweeds, Ac. Oiir stock of FLANNELS and DOMESTICS is large,; consisting, of Muslins, Tickings, Denhams, Pril llagk, Bed Blankets and Comforts, Ac. We have Also a flue stock of ftueeasware, Wooden & Willow Ware, ROOTS & SHOES, ZephyiKhit Goods, Gloves and Hosiery, and Notions of ail kinds. : We wish to call especial attention to onr large rtockOf i ' jsUr Wool, Wool Filling, List and Rag Carpets, Bough); at Auction, and which we con offer at prices that will defy .competition. ■ GROCERIES for sale by Wholesale at City prices with EreijshJ; Altoont, Oct. 13, ’59. - ': JUST OPENED A STOCK OF fSntirelg |kto- <®ooi>s. R. A. O. KERR Mi; OH LI) INFORM THE GOOD If people of Altoona, tlje (surrounding country, and the l - rfest of mankind,” flint he has just returned (Font ihe large stock of NEW QUODS, which lie offers at rdasbnKble juices, nt tho stand formerly occupied by B. Kerr, awl recently by W. O’Neals, on Main Street. ’ills Btofclc Jp the only one in town which is ENTIRELY NEW, and Hb’fiittcrs himself that he has something to please the eye bf Of every lady.und suit the wants of every gentleman. He qeo’fbs it unnecessary to enumerate all the articles on the Shelves, (as to do so would require a whole newspaper,) hut W«fftl|l say that he has everything in tho lino of , LADIES’ DRESS GOODS whiqh this meridian calls for, 'and all just suited to the season^together will) a well selected assortment of House Parulshlng Goods. such at Carpets. Window Blinds, (Shades, Ac., which will commend tlicmseivcs. | FDR gentlemen, hohligia groat variety—from which they can not fail to ntakp ■tv satisfiictory selection. Eohaa also a tip-toj> ae sortment: of ! t -

ns| —o-\ ■ fitted tho above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate his friends and JBjSBH£aVh patrons in a comfortable manner, and will snare no palps in making it an agreeable home for all sojourmrs. Jlis'Tahie will always be-luxuriously supplied Irum the markets of the country and cities, and; his Bar ulU’d with,liquors of chuico brund£. Hii* chatens urc iw reasonable fw those of any other Hotel In the place, and he fecia satisfied they cun not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending te deserve it» he throws open his house to the public and Invites a trial, > Ihave just reciteda stock of No. 1 Preiichßrandy, for medicinal purposes. - Also a large trtcck of excellent Wines, for mediflinal par poses, tether with a igt of the Best old Ryo WUUkey to be found in )tbe country, - AlUiona, Slay gj, 1659.-Iy] JOIRf BOWMAN. - THE GREAT QUESTION WHICH _now agitates the 1 mind of 1 erery person ;■ is, where, can 1 get the best article formyHß money* In'regard to- otbar -matters,'the enb-^^BT. acriber would not attempt to direct, but if son want anything in the line of ■ ' Wah: • BOOTS OR SHOES ■ * 3ek inT eousSj>'' !tftlUinai!oa work. ' y Ve »P«cial attahtlon-Id «Atdm work, all of w«6h will bo warranted to give satisfaction. Nonebutthe WOfilUCJli', >-i - .-'j September 3; 'ST-tfj ■' ~ iQBS H. TtqwEttTa' T IQUORB;—A L&RGE AMOUNT beto. receisod Jt.t 16 , ; IffdUldaysbtttg,yfwch wID be h««only to call. -, p>ee.iT,tt. 0? MAG> daae«,lB6S.-tf r-w. ■-■ ;>-*- A; BWfiHy ‘ POSTAGE. No. 61 Gold Street, New York., iijiAM/LM'im xmsrMmMO. a Altoona, Blalr Oonnty, Penn’A will he Opened on the 1« MONDAY In MAY. It ia Intends das a patHtMient Schoolj and will connect with it a Moles Female Department. In the Male depOrtment, young men will be lustrncled with a view to uielrehtfting tho Udvanceil classes of our best Colleg*e; or, ifdbslred, their education completed. In tho FemalQ department, lustruction wlll be given in any, or Ml ofthe different branches, cither sofuf or ornamental, taught n our bOet Female Seminaries. ■ 1 . The year will be divided into two Sessions of five months each—the Summer Session tb'commonce on the Ist Mon day of May, ending on the last Wednesday of September— the Winter Session to commence on the Ist Monday in No vember, ending on the last Wednesday of March-. The . Sessions will be divfded into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, perquarter, as follows —via.; SOLID BRANCHES. Primary '(lncluding Readings Writing, Orthog raphy, Arithmetic,.Grammar, and Geography, Ac.)' (1,00 Advanced (Including the Natjaral' Sciences, Mathet mattes. Mental and Moral gnagesand Composition Ac.) . ~i $5,00 EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Music (fnelnding-nss ofinatthmbnt) $lO,OO Drawing, ’■ «55 ' Painting (Tn water Colors) 3»00 Needlework, - Instroctiona in vocal mnsid grail*- One half the above charges, to bo paid invariably lo ad v»nco.. i RTw. OLIVER, S&tr&tenOmt McOt pe^t. a n. fii.Aßtr; i Andi u ■ mi. Jzz^zL-i nf mT» Miss aM. CLAMt, 1 “ »rt«le “ March 10,1859.-tf 9 00 10 00 New grocery and liquor STORE.—The undersigned would beg leave to an nounce to the citizens of Blair county and vicinity that he lias opened bis new. Store on:-Tirginia street, three doors below the Superintendent's Ogive, where he has jnst received from the East and West a large assortment' of ■_ • Foreign and Domestic Liquors, consisting as follows; MlgMßs French Otard Brandg, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Wine, Old Port White,, Jamaica Rum .' Holland Gins Old Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Whiskey, and s Rhine IFihc, which he has himself imported; Retailers of Liquors and Farmers will find it to their Advantage to buv of him will sell at CITY PRICES; ’ Ho will also keep constantly on band an assortment or GROCERIES, Such as Flour, Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, St gars, Syrup, Sugarf Coffee, £c., eke., . All of which will bo sold cheap fin- cash or Country Produce., Unr friends and the public generally aro respectfully in* vited to give ue a call before purchasing clmvbez*. Altoona, Slay 26.1869.-tf i L ° Cl3 VLAC *' The green book, juts pub lished, 130 PAGES, RhIOK 25 Cents; On Single and Married ’life; or, the Jpff/WB Institution of Marriage;'Us Intent. Obi I- ALwsJ gations, and Physical and Legal Uisbuall VtSSSKSw ftcations; the rational treatment of all private diseases in both sexes, ic. To which la added a poetical essay, enti tled “ Odlipaniiae or the art at hnvhlgand roaring beau tiful and healthy children, by the iate IIOBKET J. CuLYAb wsu_ Esq., M, D. ■ Sent free of postage, by theTu Wishers, Chas. Euxe 4 Co., Box 4586, New York, or Defter c£ Cb„ WboicsdllKretits 113 Nassau Street, New York. : Agents wanted everywhere. Also, Gratis, an -extract and san,pleof the above enti tled; Dr. Cxxherwell’s Lecture on the rational treatment of Spermatorrhoea and private diseases generally, detailing the means by which invalids may effectually curethem eelvcs without the-use of dangerous medicines, and at but little expense to themselves. Rent free by mall In a secure curt-lope, on the receipt of oaa:sl!iaip. to prepay postage, by addressing, GRAS. KLINE 4 CO., Feb. 22,1859. pox 4586, New York Cify. JACOB SNYDER, [TAILOR, V v The Hero of One Hundred fils per Month ! I would respectfully set forth uiy claim to public atten tion, os a Fashionable Tailor, follows: Because X keep an excellent assortment of Cloths, Cassi meres. Vestings and Trimming*, which, when examined, always please. n Because my work is made-tip in a manner that talces down tho coimtry and gives ail hiy customers a city ap pearance. ’! Because I am not inferior aka Cutter to the best to be found any where. i ’ Because long experience In nly business gives ms entire control over it, and I am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the suds. ’ ’ Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore ray taste os a Cutter and workman unimpaired, i Call on me, in the corner roopi of tho ‘-Brant Hoise.” Give me a trial and you will go; a way pleased. " Altoona, May 26-6 m JACOB SNVDEB. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, R. E- SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrnp, Honjlund s German Bittcri, Holland Bitters, Sandford’s Liver lnvigora{br, Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarke's female Pills, ! ’ : „ Lluponeo’s Golden Pills, U right's, Ayer's, Wilson's and McLane's Pills, Merchant’s Gargling Oil, Pain Killer/ : ’ Matchttt’s Fonr/otd Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Herne and Bone Leniment, In store and for sale at Sept. 2,1858-tf.] £. ROCSITB Drug Store. Blair county: paguerrean H r - RUSHER, tho lloHldayabiire eav ° to tnform ouKreaders that hebfprepared Photographs of dbciased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest uoUce and on the most reasonable terms, lie JuU jusi received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all skies and styles, hmlnding a new pattern of Fomfly Case ftf four *o All them with pertfeeb-f ■ pr ° ofve^ XM3 ’ ,? a oukreeotypeob PHOTOGRAPH, Him a call. Rooms on fho comer of Slonteomobv and Allegheny streets, Hollldayabnrg:, Pa. fJuwsH^L- G W. KESSLE&-—PRACTICAL respectftdly announces ' to tne citizens of Altoona and the public erally, that bo still continues the Drnc businow^BßS* tJfc&ff* bnsSnei; add a desire to render sat andaU '^“o^ - Physicians prescription, car^^S^.'^Vtf. rtONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW S£ of tholatcstPasmo^cWer t Dec: 9,1888; . '-y: .' . | A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Q# PmiS4.^£ o ?i LS d OAM - 0 s , n^ N i? A® MoOOKMICK'S Store «* BeiSy-Made clothing. i_:y v.: ■ -’" - ; -■-, • Nov. 26,-tf. A BDO^ lI f AI, SUPPORTERS, Trus ‘ Btacea fcr »alo at •'■- ■-■■ ■ KESSLER’B. ; C UMo fRICB IN GASH .-Pt palflfor Bwf HWes, bj ; v J. I. ICKSS. T'-iSit hershey’s , cekwimm Worm Syr up TO THE PUBLIC After a trial lo f over ten ; in private practice, the subscriber la na-t ?*•*» for .to the public a WORM SYHUP which Of to perform cores where others have boon is beyond dispute iho most pleasant and It tiou of the kind ever offered for sate Wap**! It-performs its cures safely, speedily, and t' Juring the nervous system in nu wisoL nn n k *p h '»Uyj lo peet, to the Pink Knot and Turpeatlno prewf™? \ does it contain mercury in any shape or purely vegetable production, and so hamlw i *»• that thfrmost delicate infant may take 10 lu U-tloa • It 1# one of the best and meet gentle nnm» bo administered to children, in case, i vetL -S?,^ 6 * exist, end la all that may be required. mnl« toVl *S |*n.- to restore the deranged condition- of t II S-** 9 «a of 80 »et during chtWhood;i^'®? ,1 ' r * children from severe spells of sickncss^^T 1 , Sare Jtto Thoee Physicians tybohave usodK «* i ' i ttaprefcteacatoany SSwSj '•‘"fth ever offered. • 1 oulBr Preparation Mann&oturod and Sold VfholesaJo «m 1 n„. „ Oonjer Fonrlh and George St, “ s - * u. njßsamjy. OQ £ A M S 5 I * Se| | ■M W» ® 3J S*s Sf S*gf PQ O ' M*3 * 03-2 n k as Js rh' o sa o • S S *S|*3> £?H|<-g2 . £*2 oa-<5 = 3|- nsil-l I—t o a 2 2-v£ a DO a W»-t) S 2 VJ INOSTOVEa. m-suiimon &*gg*&f*sujia wnw SSjffi'ffi.feff.Ca 4 -*“ »•■£* »« L it OMK-iniRD LESS FUEI than other store* and is mote easily, quicklr .„,« , ly heated. No Unpleasant smell of store trow the ft*t that ifc-tr*rf ce.ismnti £ um t)u * cape. There> nfr trouble from amoke ujiuT!^!* ll **■ ajid often-annoying exhalation i» alto tns stove Neither Is there any dancer °ot fiuiSkn k’ ,f neya becoming digged wtthsbot iTtge JteKrf h the gas arming ftom coal fires. ■ • ‘ oo * en ed by Persons wishing to purchase stoves are tfirltivt the store of the subscriber, in the MakonicTemS, t 0 M nmiue the above staves. JOHN SHOEMAKER 4 '*' N. B. AB klmhj of Air-tight! Stores on hanth* .. TAXATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE X 1 This Great Journal, of Crime and CrimlMi. i. . s. other newspaper. 10 M ) tttSUSubscriptions $2 per annum; «V*br six nunth.. be remitted by subscribers, (Who should and tht town, county an;l State where they mhlc puSa „ >G. W. StATSELL AT», ~ _ Editor & Prop r. of-New York Police Qautta 16 ~ tf i -toil? Turk cu„. OYSTERS! OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS! In continence of the hard times, I hare coaclmlßl to put down the pr/co of B? OYSTERS to the lowest com hie standard. They will hereafter be served ud obUi« Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted In iheriSl and served up with all other acconinnnimohts. TVfJSXTY. FI VE CENTS. Th-y will also he mVnished, to arm otl er way, at prices to correspond with the time*. JOHN KEItFER, Xogan House, Uolllilaysburg. VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. - > . s \X/E beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to- . x Vermifuge 'and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but - simply for What their 1 name purports, viz.;: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to |Worms. 1 THE 1 LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sics Head-Ache, &c. -In cases of Fever, and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine,, they almost invariably make a speedy aid permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with *b e directions. | ‘ . I, Their unprecedented popularity .has induced the proprietors, ' Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been -success fully engaged, Tbr the last Twenty Years, and they Will now give then: undivided time and attention » their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. 'MLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Puh shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, twf will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound thern in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to ’ FLBMISS BEOS. Pittsburgh, ?«• i '' P. S. Dealers nudt i'liyeicians ordering fromothKi tj* Flemming llroe., will do well to write their Ijr and tote tune but Dr. 3t tones, preparedly y » JPUtshutmh, /h- To^those wishing to 1 trial, wo will Icrwani by mail, post paid, to “XP*", United States, ohe’bbs o'f Pills for twelve agh stamps, or one vl\l- of Tsnriiftme for feu****? eaot stamps- All orders th)rtt<>nad*«wtbe» by twenty cents estr*. . a v Ksss !AST - Sir sulei in Alto Ont, by A, Sctufc P* J •i eri ted by #a - < r **>** 7 • Bee. 17. tr.l Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED AND Dr. Chas. H’lane’s Celebrated ■ \ g . * *•-' ; «r: r ~ am COOK- fefe BOWt** YiR S; I I INO «■> Pkluo, rest *asst' U th BOSoX—or at Wv.M- .JOJIM I\R'AF ■ S§-- C J Qtite. a Mplk Wonej* SSSwit-Intern; 1p>.3d,185.). T.-ANDS I J The mi'li’ SpHn MA««I .ehisjnst * IAIX Which Iw is pn and on a#rcdso p!i6e, Altoona, Nov Boots dcmlgned •ell cheap at Ms pie, a large and AND SHOES. r. OvcrAoes, haih Solea, and every the ben quality custom work w; -Jfan. 2, ’iS-tr. Wf SUB OFFICE PI-E. 4Sf A Stnden Dr. W 3 SPEOTE. serrlecs to the i fining country. Ho way be foi *apied by Dr. (1 Altoona, Sept Bf. k • Offers Altoona arid vie Tha best of rt Office at res id doors above Con Medic TECTO! digues ttoMoftho Ini., «wt, accordin'/ vUmate.for sab lifOREl r*X*. Just arrl lot <*» No. 1, d 2S*s «**> a lot "Wen aro wart-J Altoona, Kov] OYES! dravroiql u Jtbo Plwi; Auctioneer jjFECTA for an! 0-LASS I 'J to order l| 'DURE ■ **'wmd oil a fUNBi _??«■#. 1868. S^LLII om* itvl