The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, March 22, 1860, Image 2

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    ®§ Jiltemia Cribpe.
•K ; 1 • '
**•> f I
THUKSMT, MARCH 22, 1860.
kwim pertoa». r rath to tend .
Jto adrertleements offering ttgiay at the nad of |hree,or six
im/aami.' WheieiMTirtl»ein«t» areaecjwipanlodwlth the
money* ;irte»b*r we willjiTetbe
a^wyh^-^ef^Vtopeflt ofoath rgte». . - . .
. JJa«Bio street, New York,'and
lOßtite ■ •.treat, JBostop,. uo the Agents foe the Altoona
JWtmevaJidthe most-refluent tal and ; targe* t'etre olating
Newspaperman the United States and the Canadas. They'
are authorised to contract for tu at onr Untout raid, .
liaw of Übel.''
, Below,we.giye an extract ifrpm a letter
pf the-JlaJfrisbiifg ippriesppndent t of the
wearppleased to notice that our -popular
|Senator,Hon. L. WjHall, receives a just
and merited compliment forplacinghimself
right on itbe record in relation ,to the law
of iibel. In cases of action In “ common
law,” irdffi is required in evidence apd
decisions are based upon it. Previous? to
1856/a law existed in this State' which
made' the publication pf a truth, not
agreeable to the feelings or eommendato
ty pf the character of a man, aiibeljhence
fhc origin of tbp saying, “ the greater the
truth' tho greater the libel.” In the year
mentioned, the Legislature of the State,
acting upon a common-sense view of the
matter, repealed the, law, and allowed
publishers of newspapers, like other men,
to give the truth in. evidence, in actions
for libel. . The lfact .that lawyers and poli-
ticiaim do .uotjlikq to have the truth told
about them at till times, will account for
tbpirjpppoSiddnj as to this law.—
T t he thanks of the-press are due Senators
Turney and Hall for the stand they hate
taken ; and wo hope they may carry their
points. Here is the extract: —
A debate of the .moat interesting character
took place in thelSenate.this week upon the law
of libel. Tho law of 1856, which removed the
shackles impoaed by tly* common law’ upon
this 'freedom of tho Press, was inserted into the
Penal Code, pur “ blacks letter” lawyets,
however,.bh the Joint Judiciary Comraittoo of
the two* Uuuses, struck it out, nnd restored that
beautiful legal paradox, “ the greater the truth'
the ’greater* the libel”—a doctrine in itself a li
bel upon common sense.
.Mr. Hull, !tfao young and. talented Senator
from Blair, moved to restore the section
original reading; whereupon the ire of the legal
profession'in the Senate was jnost warmly exci
ted.' They rehashed the o)d, exploded argument
that libel’ was to lend to.a breach of thp peace;
and that truth injures one’s feelings more than
falsehood; therefore the.truth ought not to he'
suffered .to given -as a-justification of the -
publication. . They know very well that even
the blesEsed plotted “ common law” permits the
truth to be given in mitigation of damages. If
it he right that.the truth be brought before the;
' public by way of proof, 'then it should, to use
the*Words of the law which they are seeking to
strike down, operate to the acquittal Of the de
Something incidentally was urged in .the ar
gument aboUtUhe duty of protecting ruined re
putation which has been scoured and brightened
by ([ood depds. ffhey continued farther in llib
strata .that inilicemight gratify its spleen ;by
rcsusoitiiting the ugly tilings of the post. The
ceftiiihty-Ahhtsuch misdeeds will find their way
to tho ligbw through*'the columns- of an ever
vigjlant press, is ohp of the strongest restraints
of the youthful, grind. one of the last barriers
oveh Which it ever hesitates to leap ere its final
plunge ihtb Besides, all legislation for lection of the small class of persons em-
Maced in this category must he; partial, .and
wrong; for a’law is partial, whether
it sffjßoteoulya locality or a class’. ' The' gene
nthgpbff hf ibociety requires that the knife shall
V applied to all social ulcers. They
i The : whole' advocacy of this retrocession to
the vulgar crudities and preposterous dogmas of
tho cqmgiqn t is baaed upon collapsed theories
■ anJdußtyparflJoxes. ’' ’ v“'
The quly two gentlemen who rose above their
professional tiWejubhces hud took a philosophical
view tf.theiwhpla.subjetdi,. wore Senators Tur
ney jmdQall* Ajl the .other lawyers brought
with them 'the lampy smell of then? boasted
iUeuiratidna viginti annotvm.
f ix*HKtt.-HWo "aeo
noticed <that John G. Boker, the. father
in-liwtof tThhnDeaif, thd coachman, .who
eloppyriWt “ h,xf oW'a MaryAnh,” about
thrceyejufcago, i Q New York, and about
whichtfeere so. muah, the time,
jpnart. - A clause- in thmunstru
i&efiS<*|pats “ Mary Ann” off from the
\to have had when it was
firetlmipaed, ihc deceased even mentioning
his desire to' have her name entirely ob
literated'from -his wiU* Js elso said
that.-“ Mary Ann” does not appear to be
affected by being disinherited. Immedi
atelyt after his marriage her husband ob
tained a situation in the Custom House at
New York, and now baa a comfortable
dhd is a good husband. ’ No doubt
“Mary Ann w considers a good husband
pre&£sbfcto riches, and so does-every
senspßjromftn. ■- ■
Tlje i«8olutionB of i llie Adelphian
TeacherA’ AssociatiiOQ, jhj® , -.uwyoid^fely
■'**£* *'IK
• s&£)£■'& "
. " ’ r W ■£s£»&£ fiS>U f:
Hope It IHay Pasi.
A'bill lias been introduced into the
® ou f9> having for its ohjqct ifie ffflhlica
tionixfthe Ws of the
'*Bie 'fell vis:
,1. .To require notice in each jc#nty&Hof all
applications for local be
published only in counties aa iftaylbe con-,
cerned. 2. To advertises!! general lawsin tiro
papers in each county .-under nnmber
of tuxables ; over a certain nnmberfw !in Phila
delphia, Lancaster, Allegheny, &e. f four papers.
Also, to publish all local laws in two papers
jublishediaAho epnnty.. The.paperain iwhioh
laws are published to be selected by the people,
each voter voting for one, i‘ Public Printer,” and
the persons In each oonhty having the highest
jmd next highest number of votes are eiected,
(same oa the election of inspeotors of elections,)
the object being to give each party one, and
thus it oat of politics. j
■ Thisis agood bill %nd we sincerely I
hopedlmaypaas. If'it does, it will be a j
good thing jfor printers j but wo believe j
the people .generally are willing that their.:
moneyshouldbe spent for”'their own in- j
formation. ~ Ihcfact of requiring all no-!
tices-ofintended'applications forlbcal leg- 1
islation, to' bfe published, would often give
people an opportunity of knowing what is
to be done, and if the legislation asked for
does not: suit them; they nan have time to
remonstrate. * Many bills •are now run
through the legislature for the benefit of
individuals of corporations, which would
never be' heard of, had they to he first
published at home.
Important Arrangement.—We un
derstand that an important arrangement
has been .entered into, and we believe
gone, into efledt, between
nia Railroad-Company: and the Jersey
Central Railroad Company, and the com
panies owning intermediate roads, where
by tho oars belonging to the first named
company, loaded with live stock destined
for New-York, -will run via Reading and
Allentown, direct td Jersey City. This
is an important arrangement and will be
of advantage to all the companies inter
ested in it. i
jjgf- Godey’s Lady’s Book, for April,
arrived first of all the monthlies we receive.
Godey is as regular as clock work, if not
more, because a clock will deceive occa- ;
sionally, but Godoy never fails or disap
points. This number is an interesting
one to the ladies generally, as it contains
the Spring fashions, many styles of which ‘
are given, and some of them very band-:
some. The fashions alone are worth the ■
subscription ffrice to any lady who wishes
to keep up with the fashions of the day. ■
Price $8 per annum. We will furnish it
to any of our subscribers at $2,
Change of Place. —The Democratic:
Central 1 Committee who have in charge
the arranging of the , time and place of
holding the National Convention, are now
considering the propriety of changing it
from Charlestown to Baltimore. The;
causes which have led to the proposed. 1
change is said to be the exhorbitant char
ges the hotel keepers of Charleston in
tended to put on—most of them placing,
the figures at $5 per day. The hotel:
keepers of Baltimore have pledged them-:
selves to charge only regular fare.
- Peterson’s Ladies Magazine, for April,
is on hand, and of course we. have exam
ined the engravings and reading matter,
all of which we find iully up to the mark
we had set down. The fashion plates are
numerous and beautiful, and as this is the
time when ladies uro on the lookout for
such things, we presume our copy will be’
in demand j hut the price is so low that
every lady ought to take it for herself, (of
her husband or beau for her.). Price €2
per annum.
ebrritpmdmst qf the Tribune.
Uaeeisbobo, March 20, 1860.
OenU lf the joint resolution passed by both
Houses to adjourn on the 8d of April is no.tre
considered, we have but a very few .real working
days lcft,-and I am informed that there are upf
wards of four hundred bills awaiting A action|
many of .them bills of great importance to the
people. The revised Penal code has not founU
its way to the House atthe time I write, and the
Appropriation bill, which is always regarded as
most impor tant bill of a session, involving
as it. does ah expenditure' of upwards of three
I millions of-dollars, has not yet beennoted on in
either JBonse.. This bill should never be passed
without at least a week’s deliberation, and evef
i*7 item in it should be closely scrutinized. ? ,
Harrisburg has become a city by.legislative
enactment—but it lacks many important ele
ments of a city in fact However, if the mea
sure bits any tendency to reduce rascality in the
I place, a desirable end wilVJbe gained!. It'is uti- . , . • ....
safe to go through portions of the town after
nightfall, owing To the want of efficient police
Bori.g Uu, *i«.rf£or
six highway robberies were perpetrated, ami r-s - -i “ . • .
only week before last a young man Was stabbed to be nameroua-Hcandidateß for county bffl
in the street in presence of two of three persons, in the Pooples’ Party, UuV&u.
and yet was permitted to escape. - #S- being filled op—the dangeroiui rats, on Virginia
' Air. Beardsley some time ago introduced a street, caused by layingdown the gia and 1 water pipes,
bill for the publication of the local laws in'.the ' *^W.a iW6,«f'WbUinpomtcd
local papers. This failure to make it a special to the Comity AJ«w House for the ed»ab e yiif.'
order foreshadows its fate. Old fogy Peupsyl-1 : r- „ , ■' .. r :_i - £■ '
vania is n,t to be entrapped into any such raod r ! I :
ern innovation ns spreading knowledge-before ' Ba f lrolul “ rtfclaB *Ol be pretty ‘ ACiIE*-'
The Homestead bilf has been defeated in the r#V Who Mttlad Vlrginlw? John Smith. Vfbo apart-
House by a most decided vote. In this, too, wi tied Vitginut John Biown. Who settled Johnßrowirt in k-d sold at is cent.
are behind the age. Twenty-two Staies bav*
a T B, ttnd j one . 1 te'auwhp
; • ■■■■■“ ■ - p- .v. i’:, t , % l_ :■
IfeinUv into the Bt*«et, k still to American, died In Pb.Tadelphia,
ffctoim ohr huipahe snd^nfetoleoPStote.'" ‘ WstowAywntef of last **rt.
iii^|^'';.^:'H«nkiiV%?.4^:the7(mßgnt*pn^t;;Cat ' - *• ,Is,l ‘' tt - of BpruM
;&nd fnralta the action .of the Senate, lhaveex- Creek,-lad one of bis legsbadiy crpshed by some of the
niniiwd this la wcritioAlljv *ndl do opt see toy : machinery in isetfs that place, a shortumesliice.
thibg qbjectioßable in its provisions, further week* a«o,"a chap who waapedUog“Helper’s
tosaTbefeot that there is no necessity for addi- imptndiag Crist*” in Ferment, waa attfidted by s hear,
tional banking capital at present. Tbis neW of wi. w,t. f , ■r tu .w««, mftar pedlar Is
itfcii bill drill be taken by toe Senate, where it living yet. - " '
the'^Oovernor’a-head in bothHousea, bjftoote ,- • *
thana two-third vote. I must confess this iras 49" A watch man named Parson*, at top Outer Depot of
:T*th(tr unexpected, and XcanOnly pay thfttthere ‘thePenn’aKß., Pittsburgh, waa ran overbya freight
; k B<k>e hope how for the Mifflin couhty bank- train, on Thursday night lost; and so severely Injured that
: ; : The amended Penal Code.lras passed, toe Sbn- lie died in a few boors afterwards.
I ate. § Mr. Ball bad toe section m&king the poi
soning of horses a mere dismeanof, punishable
i by: imprisonment in toecounty jail, strioken out,
and;; a sew one substituted making toe dime
punfkbable by imprisonment in the Penitentiary.
Thiais right 'Che law-sends a man to the Pen
itmtiary for stealing a horse, even if. the owner
I recovers the. animal, bat under toe old statute a
mau.wivs only sent to jail for poisoning a horse
and - placing him beyond the recovery of the
A!day or two ago Senator Finney introduced
a bill, which proposes relief to.thejSunbury and
Eriejßbitroad Compaby, by extending the time
for the payment of the yiterest hnd year. Such
a bill would not be of much practical effect —
They want such legislation os to enable them to
Issue first bonds, by which means they can com
plete;: their road and equip. The supplement in
troduced by Mr: Strong in the House will come
up iii order this evening, if the objected bills on
toe private calendar are reached, which is doubt
ful'. think thes is no question about the pas
sage of the bill in the House, but if it gasses in
the Senate, it will be by a very close vote. The
fact is, the politicians are a little afraid to show
their bands, although to-day.a majority of the
Senators are in favor of the bill.
’ The near approach of the end of the session
causes the claims of the differed candidates to
the • Speakership to be canvassed. ’ For some
: years; itTiaa been the custom to elect a Speaker
for the recess, and then re elect him Tor the
next;session, if the party continues in power
It is Therefore likely that the man who is elected
this-gpring will be re-elected next' winter. I be
lieve there are several aspirants, (in ,the domi
nant;; party,. of course,) but if I am rightly •in
formed Robert M. Palmer, Esq., of Schuylkill,
is the most prominent, and quite likely to get
the nomination. Mr. Palmer is a very able man
and {-possesses oratorical powers second to no
man who has been in the Senate lately. Not
only is he an able debater, but he is exceeding
ly well booked in Parliamentary rules, and the
practical workings of deliberative bodies. These
Are which most of the applicants do
hot possess, aud which are' so absolutely neces
sary in so august a body as the Senate.
1 have no local legislation to chronicle worthy
pf note. Yours," LOGAN.
Harrisburg, March 20, 1860.
Dear Mac & Harry : — Having had occasion
jto sojourn in this young city for a few days, I
Imvebeen very much pleased in listening to
the interesting sessions of the two branches of
; the Legislature, some of which I became deeply
-interested in, and thereby prolonged my stay
somewhat; and now, having been kindly offered
a seat at one of the desks, by my friend, the Dr.,
I hare concluded to drop you a line, thinking
that news from the Capitol of the State might
be iiiteresting to you and the readers of your
The General Banking Law has been passed
by 'the lower House. The Military bill, after
receiving many rather singular amendments,
was finally killed outright, to the great chagrin
of a. certain. M. D., whose course, by the by,
waa the leading cauaeof the failure of. the bill.
The bill incorporating the city of Harrisburg
has passed both branches and received the signa
ture of the Governor..
Both Bouses are working very industriously
: now, holding three sessions daily, preparing for
the final adjournment on the 3d of April. There
are many bills of a local as well os some of a
general character now before the two Houses,
and" many of them warmly pressed by their
: friends.
The bill for the revision of the Penal-Code
. has occupied much of the time of the Senate for
[several days, aqd was finally got through with
, pn Saturday, and has been sent to the House for
concurrence. This is decidedly the most impor
tant bill, of a general character, passed this ses
: slon, and wus very strictly scrutinized and the
i merits of the different sections ably discussed
; by many of the Senators, a number of whom
are; attorneys, p noticed that your talented
young friend, Hon. L. W. Hull, took a deep and
andompi ohiising inteibst in the amendments and
discussions upon this bill, as, in fact, he does in
all the bills under consideration before the Sen
ate?. Many of the most important amendments
to the bill referred to were offered 'by him and.
through bis instrumentality, passed by the Sen
ate? One whole section (generally looked upon
as i very important one) 'which,, in committee,
bap been stricken out, he succeeded in having
restored again. I also noticed him to take quite
an :octive part in a bill brought up for the re
lease of the securities or a certain Dr. Ham
mond, of five thousand dollars Dr. Hammond
was a defaulter to the State to tbe tune of $20,-
OOOr-money belonging to the Slate which he
Lad actually collected—while his bail was only
$5(000. Now his bail ask to be relieved of pay
ing; that. Principally through the manifest
exertions of your enterprising, young Senator,
in opposition to the bill,- it was defeated, and
£-5,000 thereby saved to the Cbmnumwealth.—
NoiSemitor appears to adhere: more closely to
the' business of the Senate than Mr. H. He is
always in his seat and ever ready to record
his vote or express his views .on all questions
before the Senate. '
' ’ A fire occurred in the Stntc.-Cnpitol Mills Inst
night, eiitireljr destroying the building and nia
| chipery and a considerable quantity of Hour
| and grain;. ’
Should’l return this-way. next week, I may
write you again. Yours, in haste,
i occasional. -
. patroniied—the jjtft book store.
The iMcet curiosity—«£gsfrom » “best ofthleTea.”
' <&> The water i« to. be let into the “raging canawl” on
th»2£iU> ihst. ■ ...,;V /
tSuHon. L. W. Hall will accept our thanks for contin
ued favors In the'way of public documents. So member,
we venture to say, attends to his friends better In this and
every other way than Mr. Hall.
49- A hill has passed..the House of RepreeentaHvesma
king it unlawful to kill grey black or fax squirrels between
the first day of January and the flr?t day of September, in
the counties of Dauphin, Adams and Allegheny. . .
49- Red path’s of Cspt. John Brown” says
that, at tbe commenceinent of his career ho “failed 'ln a
wool speculation.” Thonathor might have added that he
ended his career by anotber failure in a m>el tpeculation .
49* The season for building has already opened in this
place. We notice a number of houses, some quite large,
now in course of erection. It Is predicted that there will
be more booses put up this summer than in any previous.
Hope the prediction may be verified.
49* The first political song of the campaign appears in
the last.untnbervf the Oreensburg Democrat. If the songs
of the season are to be of no better quality than the one
referred to, we think the fewer.we haveof them the better.
Zeal sometimes overbalances prudence. .
WJuThe National Union Party having fixed upon the
9th of May as the time, and'Baltimore the place of hold
ing their Convenfion, speculation is rife as to their proba
ble action. I.t is generally thought that Bates will be nom
inated. with the view of forcing him npon the Chicago
63, Corporal John Keefer, Proprietor of the “ Logan
House,” ilollidnysburg, died on the 9th iust. Having been
a volunteer in the Mexican war, he was buried with mili
tary honors by tfie companies of Hollidaysburg. All who
have enjoyed his hospitality as a landlord will be sorry to
hear of bis death.
A bill has been introduced into the present legisla
ture exempting Professors of, aud teachers in
Academies and Common Schools from taxation. Our
neighbor of the Huntingdon Globe asks “ why not include
clergyman, printers, judges, etc. ?" and so ask we. Wo
hope the bill can’t be passed unfit printers ore included.
t£9„ A little daughter of 'Mr. Lamp, of Huntingdon, was
rescued from drowning in the river, ut that place, a few
days since, by a lad named Westbrook, wbo plunged in af
ter her and brought her to the shore. When tukeu from
the water she bud coused to breathe, hu: by the timely ap
plication o f restoratives she was brought to and is now
well. v
Another attempt wag made to rob the'duelling of
Itev. 11. Baker, in Lewistown, a few eveuiugs since. The
thieving scoundrel attempted to .get into the parlor, but
the doors leading thee cto being locked, be made his way to
the pantry, lie was surprised before be bad time to ap
propriate any of its contents, and made his escape in the
JSf- Appointments—Thoa. A. Scott, Super
iutendeut of the Penn'a Railroad, has been appointed to
the Vice Presidency of the Company, in room of Wm. B.
Foster, deceased. Enbch Lewis, Esq., at one time 2d As
sistant Superintendent of the Koud, has been appointed
General Superintendent. The change docs take effect un
til the first of April.
tlj- Van Tries' Cornet Baud, of HoUiday&burg, paid a
visit to the Scott Band, of Patterson and Mifflin, a short
time since. A series of rVsulutioDH**passed by the former
Band, after its return, higlUy compliments the members of
the latter, and the citizens of the two towns generally, for
their hospitality. A more hospitable set of people than
those who inhabit the towns mentioned arc hard to find.
t®. The Supreme Court of tins State has decided that:
•'ln the highway the right of passage belongs to the poli
tic, but the title to the soil, stones. wood ai.d grass contin
ues to the owner of the land.’’ A person has no more right
to pasture his cattle on the highway than he bos to pas
ture them in tbs fields of farmers, and is equally liable to
action for damages. Let farmers, especially those who
have suffered so severely from this unlawful practice, take
heed and protect themselves.
43~ Somebody says that bouse is ho home which holds a
grumbling father, a scalding mother, a dissipated son, a
lazy daughter, and a bad-tempered child. It may be built
of marble, surrounded by garden, park and fountains—
carpets of extravagant costliness may spread on the floor—
pictures of rarest merit may adorn its walls—its tables may
abound witb dainties the most luxurious —its every order
ing may be complete, but yet it will not bo home. To moke
it such there must be a change of inmates.
tt.v A New York paper was lately “sold” by a wag of
a parugraphist, who furnished the following item:
“ Horrible Circumstance.—Timothy Hay, was Literally
caten up by a horse in Sullivan, last week. The horse was
a vicious one, and youhg Hay. having occasion to go be
fore him in the stable, was seized,-and before assistance
could reach him was almost totally devoured.”
Poor Timothy! wo always thought he would come to a
violent death. He was severely Injured about the knees,
Inst summer, by coming in contact with a scythe. His
brother, Clover Hay, wo arc informed, shared the fate of
poor Timothy.
Chills and Fever 1 'Chills and Fever!
One of the greatest romed'ea that has ever been laid be
foi e the public, for Fever and Ague, and which have re
ceived the highest encomiums from the press and the peo
TV ho would endure the tortures arising from this terrible
when it can be so easily cared 1 Who would endure
sleepless nights, burning fevers and icy chilis alternately,
when a remedy can lie obtained for a mere trifle I And yet
how maiiy families Unger out a painful existence under this
deadly blight, and do nothing but gulp down quinine uhti
it becomes as common as their daily meals, and yet they
arc not relieved. None-hut the foolish and weak would
hesitoieto procure these valuable Bitters, and save them
selves intense agony. Sold by druggists and daalors, every
where: figL.Sec advertisement iu another column.
. We think the following letter from a respectable citizen
of -Mississippi will answer the question, and remove all
doubts from every unbiased mind:
Dr. Stth & ITance, Dallimort, Sid. —Uear Sir: I take great
pleasure in. relating a case of spasms or fits, cured‘by your
Invaluable Pills, My brother, J. J. Ligon, ]ma long been
afflicted with this awful disease. He was first‘attacked
while quite young. Ho would have one or two spasms at
r.ho attack at first; but as he grew older they seemed tbin
creaso likewise. Up to the time he commenced takingypur
Pills, be had them Very often and quite
him body and mind. Hfcljtind had suffered sertously} but
mow, I am happy to say, Tie is cured of those fits. . Ho. has
enjoyed fine&ealth fir'the last five months. Ut« mind has
also returned to its original All thk I take
great pleasure in os it may be the iqeans
of directing' others to tifie remedy thSt will cure
•Youra respectfully, UGQN.
P* l ® o ® who is-suffering from Pits. orSpasms,-should
~$3; twogfi;
.^d®N^ce;. Addrew Braa & H 450?, 196lliliitodr«8to
Baltlmore,Md. ‘
Grenada, Miss., Jons S, 1855.
s/ ; ■ A.VD '■
fAr ftealetandard ntdieint* of the prextM
age, haveatpuredXktirgreat popularity only
(Arouy\ year* qf trial. Unbounded tatirfae
tion it rendered by (Aon in all txuee; and tkt
people woftX'y. •'' '
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jsiadlee,
Debility of the K<bito«» System*
Diseases of tb« Kidneys,
and all JUttasu arimf' from a ditordertd
liver or tetaknat amd dtgutma
organs, are tpeedify artfatmnuntly miniHf
The Balsamic Cordial hataequirtd a
rtputatioh w&as*m#ifate/‘<ai}f tmilarfr*
paraticntxtant Itvtf l cure, wiiaowratt,
the mail itvere and longstanding •/’ V'
Cough, Cold, or Hounwuo«,Broiu!hiti*, la
flnenu, Croup, Incipient •
and hat performed themott ationithitijf
ever known of 'y .hi;-,,;
Cnnfirmail B^nwHwpMnii.
A few data will alsoat one* cheek 1 ami
cure the matt severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold in thk Bowkls.
These medicine* are prepared by Dr. C. M. :
Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are told by druggists and
dealeri in medicines everywhere, at 7& cent* ,
per bottle . The eigndiyreof G. M. Jackson
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Evshtbody’s Almanac,
you will ■ find testimony and commendatory
notices from all part* of the country. Tkese
Almanacs are given away by qll our agents.
«S~f or Milt), m Altoona, by A. Uoush anil Q. W.
Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may 19, ’59-ly
You are all nurses, in one sense of the word, yet can you
determine and treat the diseases of your children f or can
you notcall In a physician when they aro ailing? Accept,
then the aid Dr. Eaton brings yon in his Infavtilz Cordial.
He is a regular physician, and frem much experience in In-:
fantile Complaints, has compounded this preparation—with
out paregoric cr opiate of apy kind—su as to be a sure relief
to your suffering little cues in all the ills Attending their
teething; and (hr coughs, or cfuup, or convulsions, and also
lor Summer Complaints, it ls it. certain cure. You may re
ly on it with perfect confidqupe, that Dr. Eaton’s Infantile
Cordial could never have attained the ceieboltyit has in
tbo United States, If it werei not the best article for
Infantile Complaints that la put up. . It U fast superseding
all others.
Dr. BRONSON'S BLOOD FOOD, advertised with the
Cqrdial, is the most invaluable necessity to every Mother as
well as every unmarried lady. ■ Bay it and rtid the circular
enveloping the bottle, and yOh will get the particular infor
mation yon require. See advertisement. For sale hy
A. Roush, Altoona. ,
The combination of ingredients in tbeso Pills are the re
sult of along and extensive;practice. They are mild in
their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities
Painful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether
from cold ut otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpita
tion of the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics,
fatigue, pain in the back and limbi Ac., disturbed sleep,
which arise from Interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of
those irregularities pud obstructions which have consigned
so many thousapds of the young, the beautiful, and the be
loved to a premature ■ grave. No female can eqjoy good
health unless she la regular, and whenever on obstruction
takes place the general health begins te decline.
are the most effectual remedy ever known for all Complaints
peculiar to ftmales. To all classes they are invaluable, tn
ducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. .They are
known to thousands, who have used them at different pe
riods, throughout the country, haying the sanction of some
of the most eminent Physicians in America.
Explicit directions, slating when, and when they, should'
not be used, with each Box,— the. Price One DoUar each
Box, containing 40 Pills. ;
A valuable Pamphlet, to be bad free, of the Agents.—
Pills fent by maU, proinpily, by enclosing pries to the Gen
eral Agent. Sold by Druggist* generally,
' H. B. HUTCHINGS, GmtouL AottT,
, 14 Brpadway, New York.
Bold in Altoona by Q. W. Kessler; in UollMaysburg by
Geo. A. Jacobs. (Dec. 8, 1859.-ly.*
Its vromler^ul.effects and consequent popularity—perhaps
no article in the history of tho Malaria Mediate ever acqui
red the same patronage, was subjected tp the some number
of severe and different tcsts,.and met with so few failure*
as the yiustong. Liniment. It hog Justly been styled a P»■
nacea for all external Wounds, Cuts, Swellings, Sprains,
Bruises, or Eruptions on Mein:Or Beast. It is so fora med
icine of surprising virtue that physicians are compelled, to'
prescribe it, and from soma ramarkublo enres of Chronic
and Distorted Rheumatic eases, it bas naturally attracted
mnch attention from the first scientific minds of the age.—
No family can afford to bo wilbant a bottle of the. Mexican
Mustang Liniment in the house. Beware iff imitation*.-
The genuine is sold by. respectable dealers in all parts of th?
world. BAKNE& tt Pablk, Proprietots, New York, ‘t
Bp Family should be without Them.
W* speak of JPEane’s Liver Pills, • prepared by Fleming
Bros., Pittsburgh, which; have brcomeaa indUjs'Uscv
ble Family Medicine. The frightful symptoms whichkrtse
from a diseased Uver inanilast themselve«,mbr6 or leas, in'
every family; dyspepsia, rickiieaUaehc. obsmiction of Urn
menses, ague and fever, pains inthe side, wlthvfry.hact
Ing cough,'are all the results of hepathie
and for these DrV M’Lahe’s Pills mo' a BOTWeign iemrty.
They have never been known to tail, and they shouldbe
kept at ail times by families.; ' ‘ ■ 1 - - !
DißEcnoss.—Take two .or tlur*«. goingto every n
.cond or third night. If ibby (So ijoJ purge .terr or these
iime»*t morning,. Mb fone « tvro more. 'a dtgki
breaifaU should tovariabjyfoUow'theiruse; :
The BiverPiU* may also be- nsedwberepnrgingi* sim*
ply necessary., As an l
nferior to none. And indoso* oftwo or tftfee, they give as».
toulshing relief tS" sick headache'; 'afsb in slight derange
meats of the stomach.
1 43* Purchasers will bocatoful to ask for DR. MTjASET}
• CELEBRATED• TEIDIIPUOE, manufactured by' Fliflji
‘lsO.BßoB.J of Pittsburgh, Pa. Tfaero are other Pills
purporting to be Diver Pill#, now before tbe public. Dr.
M’Lane T s genuine Liver Pifla, also bis celebrated Yerml
fugc.cannow be had at all'respectable drug stores.. Kane
gchttiito without the 'signature of PLEMIXO BROS
Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere.
Oh th*t the sett of an Innocent sheep should be
tnadeinto parchment/and Written on to tho undoing of a
manl” quoth Skdfcspeare. life might also have deplored
the ruining of inen’s forint by tho uncouth manner In
which some .ungracious tailors butcher up the cloth made
from the wool grown by thorn same harmless sheep. To
see the perfection of the arf of working up cloth wisely
■®d w#Ui snd-Sb as to sat off to the best advantage tbe
o|ll|*t tbe Stone Cjujthlng
WJB»n,;Noa. 603 and 603 Chesdmt fit.
' **“* •«bgatoji..,
frr gmitlsaten and yewthsl; ; ”
For Stateemeil, Judges,Clergymen. .
to all part* offhe worl.l>«H> to
■Wood’s UMr Reatorativa, and gtatlomra Bd!
A few testtaoulals »iV*** •**
here given; ssoclrcular Ibr more, audit will iJnH
for you to doubt "““'•hapounj,
I „ *T Wall Strait, Kcw York; )W woi,
j OnruasNt Your note of tho Itth i.«T_ haT’ f I<w
oaivad saying that you heard that I had b«m kTZ.V** »s
’the USB of Wood's Hair Restorative, ;mdna!!!!l? flt * # by
certificate of the fact If I had no objection toil*?i m * *f
| I award ft to you chwijfuHy, because 1 tldlSl?j
, Ago is about 50 years-, the c.iot-of my hair u ,„u '
1 Inclined to cur). Some five or six yours since tt Si
turn gray, and the scalp ou tliu crown of m, k“.T*»«to
| its sensibility and dandruff to t..rm upon it. pil* s® l #*
I increased with ttmee of t W
(since n fourth was added to them, by hair tdlln* *****
i top of my head and threatntng to make me baht 8 *h»
1 In this unpleasant predicament, Ivd ferbiL, .
ward's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the f of 0 *>>
of my hair, for I had really no expectation thaf^^ e *
could over be restored to 1U original color
dy«*. 1 was, howevw, gtearly surprised to Rail in
nso of two bottles only, that not only was th. Am *•
arrested, but the color was restored to the rr,*, ? , “Sc*
solicttatfon l teaKtndnccd to try it, * Uu > 4t »hoH
( , Por this, among tho.many obligations I o w, t„ v.
I stransiy tctonmicpd.allbusfauKls who r a i * h ."*, r **.
tlott of thelrAtfves fo ptoSt by mv cianinh. k,mlr »-
gwwm SS ! > lUl ‘* «»» It 1*
Too. J.
Sly family arc. absent Bum the eitv Z, i 1
at Kd. U Carrol city, ami 1 «o *,
j To Pnor. ■>, J. Woob: S
I live” lias dotw my half sp much good ( u M i*
the nse of it, that I wish to
of its effects oa the hilr, which 'kregrvat a „
man may benearly deprived
your - ilair Restorative,'’ the hair will retnrn i, **
tiful than evef; «t Iraak fhin i, my expeK. SJ U u U
* 11! louts tijnly. WM. H Kevin* 1
nm s ~ Yon C““ puhtlsß the ahore if von lit*, ‘b, D T - .
dishing in our Southern papers you w ill c*t mots
age south. 1 lye several of your certrflcatki inThVlu??!'
Jfercury, a strong Ronthern paper. W. U. S Ba^
to .r iim
yellow fever.
make a trial of your prepatation..»nd feund It u
m the very thing needeT My
sy. and no words can express my obUtttloM m ,*T
; giving to the afflicted such a treasure. ** • *° }l,# *»
The KestbratlTe ispat up In bottle ofihtse ,t«. ‘J.
largo, medium, and small jibe small ho!* X' *??!’, U:
retails for one dollar per bbttle; tbs
twenty per cent.-more In proportion than th« m..n * Vo?
for two dullars por hpttlej ttfe large, bol*. IS II,J 1 l, J? tolU
cent, more fti proportion, and retails for 52, <Jttart, <0 pw
0. J. WOOD * CO„ i’rpprietors, 4U Broadw.. v
York,! and m Market Street St. U a \**\io‘ h N,w
tor sals by 0. W. Kessler. AlUsaifc, aud b, ,u ,
Drugging and Fancy Quoda Dealers. 1 **• l°«l
March I,’GO—l;, ,
Pure OMo Catawba Brandy
I. which .is given to this brand shows that it i> ..
only, FORK KKANDY for , *“ u
known, which u fully, pnrrpborated by all practicing
siciaus who have used it in their . w
For Summer Complaints vith Childreu.
A Curt is guarantied or the money will be rt .
a* It will effectually relievo that affliction, u ««H as
Dlarcluea X Bowel Complaint
The pure article is altogether, superior, and a sorersln*
and St’HK REMEDT for ’
Dispepsia, Flatulency, Cramp. Colic, Languor,
Low Spirits, Ointral Debility, Mat out
ness, Liver. Complaint , etc.
Physicians, who have used it in practice, tf
It iu the most flattering terms, as will be mu bytsAtwu*
to the uuutoruus letter* and eartlflcatesj
A. UAKT A CO., Proprietors, Cincinnati.
Sola Wholesale and Retail Agout for Blair countr
Nov. 10, 1859. . 9
Cheapest I Best I Largest!!
S 3 5.0 0
Pays for Tuition in Single and Double Entry Book-Xtt|>
ing. Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and U-cturw.
Board 8 $2O, Stationery 17, TWtfon $Si. eniin b
■ panel st ffi.
Usual time to complete a full courts, from 5 toM
Every Student, upon graduating, isjuamrU'ed to be scu
petent to manage the Books of any Business anJqmliJrf
to earn a salary of from
SMO to $l,OOO.
Students enter at any time—So Vacation—lUiUs «t
pleasure. ' ! -
First Premiums for Best Business Writing f>r IBM re
ceivcd a( Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Ohio StaU litet
Alsd, at the principal Fairs of the Union for tbs pod fust
years. ■ ; J,
• 8®- Minister* Sons received at half price.
For full information. Circular j Specimens of Business t*4
Ornamental Writing and EmbelUlhedVienof theColUi*,
enclose fire letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS.
Sbpt. 2£ 1950.—!y Pittsburgh, Ft
ti , *cd for it,!Uti la ipoci* tr
pontage stamps enclosed, will secure a cupj tj rsturs si
motif - ...
Pit. bM dsTOted alifetime to
easeon which hla books treat. Address J. XKLtEB.M.B.
V 0 .5 Beater street, Albany/X. t. ,
Dr. VichoU’ PU& $1 o box. with fall
Married ladies should novuse them. Sent
dress Dfi Teller, a* above. April 17th, 69-1?-
. (toax&. pf tßt nit stdbt sioci,) ■
Nvrtk\Wo( Corner^of Eighth and Rnct SirnU,
'~ : d’k TmtADsiraju- „„ mT , rTr
. LT invited to beov in mfad<b»t nttbto StortmlJ W
nd on iuaortm<nt of fa»h|ou«ble anUlundMA*
. Molgtkin Prut Butt, Snfl Esit,
High, Low aM'Jtoijnth Depth "Crown,, Cloth and Oh** 1
Cap*. Plush and PltwU Trimmed Cap* for Mea *w
\ ..... ysj Fancy Hats and' Cap*for Chllur«%-
■' ' : J4 at pair Price*.
Jan. 12, ISGo.-ly ' .
illeto JSDofe gdow.
JL opened a BOOK STORE next door to WffS M
tbe corner of Viryfnfaand ttrttit,
where may bo found
Old and Standard Author*, Xeu> PubSf?<‘* l ' ,
Light Literature, Periodicals and Staple*
Fancy Stationery in large varietits-
Also, a new and very select lot of SUEEI infill M*
Altoona are respectfnlly invited to call. . ..^a
: H-g_All orders attended towithproiuptnes* ttoauoHj^
Altoona. >'ov. 3,1850-tf «•
Did yon hear tho news from Europe? MjE T r(i
not, w* will tell yon what it is. It that UhhhiA
liw jnat returned from tho Eastern cltie* with a ***>
consisting of all styles* and totalities of Ovenrosm k _ t .
Coats, Tests, Pants. Boots and Shoes, and*’? l 7 *l
in an establishment of the kind, all of widen “* r o>tHd
unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Itwng P- . TW
his stock at cash prices, he is thereby enabled to
■°He invites all those In want of anything la M
give him a coll, fooling sure that hs wlll bo »o -tjcJ.
jmtisfoetion. , HEAR*
Altoona. Sept. 30.1858.-tf ——
pbOUit DEUVBEB^^.,
•f *l*9
JER’3 great work for tho siv
:led t or fir thow ccnW»t" p
ting marriage— 2oo pap*. Wl
of PLATES. Price fconU
sent to all parts Dn.krWi.l-j
toples aoH the last jgar, It*
ingle, rmuTled, awl the su
net! hippy. A Lecture ec
iore, orhow to choose » pert'
ier;j> complete work oa MIJ-.
•ifrry. It contains hundred!
ilied—war ranted to b* «pt“
«Alh **•
•+> f -
' si
VA u
the UUA» R
i:: ; L
c -’
M4^: dr3
esp|Mo of
which un
thief turns
itsJ% » nJ
native of-Gt
juts worked
or more, m
Snyder, tw<
The ceenaar
with the int
taking with
‘ fare he prot
Previous to
ha must go (
which bad'
Up to go nl
they were at
taking the b
preceded to
ptnion, and
cloth, and pi
ter doing ao,
ing to give h
piolon?, and
Arriving hen
way and com
Without loss
Jot Elt, wa»
company wit
Oa arriving t
to the. Mayor
city wero oq
day. All pm
no clue to tli
coaid bo tiisr
the search, tU
the rivpt, na'
the wharf to
ped into the i
stopping, an
hosn seated
popped the it;
the ‘•wbtrcti;
buck to Altoc
deratruok, th:
ring of him \
he refused to
use in his d>'
cloth he had
Goesser then
nied Joe to a
taken paasng
had left hia
this place on
and os Mond
Esquire Cher
entered Mr.
which be bud
hid Shem uu.j
Company’* j
Pittsburgh, ,p
hia oTfn couf
jaiUo stand 1
It ia believ
in this transa
half of the g
To all queslii
yet missing, 1
hi< tack, and
thithe got.
it is to ne hcj
Gasser has n
hlng him out
the principal
the strength i
tested on T
"Lock Up.”
•od gare in t
. He stated
times ana sai
or money out
ojm and stea
*•«» ntm eacl
»j«>t of the
hint uj
e ,*“t L*- fio