SHEY f S 3 AT JEW. ®yrnp. public J f ovcc TjjJjN • i: ‘ vc ‘ licit filVftU In " •I> VMjilj-, nm l efl . •* «• irr=-ntm« -Mai/tf Of form. ■‘•i'»l.urmC hW ».' t'lla it I purgnti ■ - «“«•* other f»aar«*»v ilSi m SwVjfii Si n ■?il'»K?lt. ■■'^tincogk- f ' !> C - 1 * s SXTjjye I;; iiSTt-ring to thu.pnWl, !•'MlNO F • wilicU ‘iartltui lo j. KPET. iZ'^&ssggZ nr*'e«u at £?*»£* . [Ang. 12, 1850. - gazette.— - nnd CiiniinaU la tu i.nculntjfil tUr ‘Ogolher with to f(j qi ui ln ' ■ 0 Gtjuttu. ,_ -VaH> JfeyjT. £yy f _ ■r! OYSTEKS: I hav» conclude I;.--, to thi) laweatpewit l'° » crT .«l up «m ti, ' :i “ rotibp.-j in thtahaU i-aulweilW. TJUftTO. .niuhwl, jn , T#t y it t -tfi»,tinie». - >IJUK KfiIFMS, ti?ej UolliJayqtmnt. ane’s rEjD' UGE LLS. :all the atten de, and more nans of the ; most popu re the‘public^ Celebrated iver Pills. lend them at it simply for orts, viz.: ?UGE, is from the as also been most satis ius Animals ILLS, OM PLAINTS, 1 r.NTS,.SICX. cases of . GUE, : / rakir { g Qui- , viably make ' t cure. above meh- : L T nr,ivaled, ;[ whenad .c with [the popularity ,ors, •, v... HERS, ..., business,' v- n success ; .t-Twenty , give their ; mention to .1 being dc’s Celo- ivetrKk the high) - :nong the „dav, their. :..itheh time \'i the Beet raid com*' >t thorough a tiers to , borgb, P«» ::t om ..■dbync**** i, togKethjm* v<- t!ir/^Vi *■■ * ■*• J ' '■; _**' ' ’ ‘ '■.• .. ** ; jdoCBUM & DERN, VOli- 5. tUB ALTOONA TRIBUNE. jjcCBU’ 1 4 W® 2 ** PuWlshora and Proprietors. m fnayalAo invariably in advance,) $1,60 per aU1 ’, ‘ auconf at '.the - expiration -ef the time krvs of AnVrimßixa. ‘ ! ' 1 insertion 2 do. 3 do $25 $ 3714 \ $6O «r 6"" .60., .75 *1 00 >• ) 100 130 200 !«' ,'>4 » ) 160 200 260 lilt* ’ e and leas than three ninths, 26 cents per ** lor each in.ertion. / , ,a«ts M linear 1«». 1«* v 10 00 14.00 20 00 U 00 25 00 40 00 f,3T ‘ , llilf» ootnmn, Notices, **“> ****** ,n „« • ,ll "; 1 - ~ivit'-l- change, ~ _ 10 00 *;' ■ ~j .ir Uusincsa Cards, nqt exceeding 8 * ?' Vffiil, I'iipcT, per year, 5 00 of » political character or individual ia ' 7*1(1 l*c charged-according to. tins abpro antes. "T irrli-ernoot.- not marked number of insertions will Pc coutiuued till forbid and charged according n.five per line for every insertion. a'liuary entrees exceeding ten lines, fifty cento .a. square. Krs. GOOD k GEMMILL hav- I I Ty (i (■ntori'cl into Partnership'll! the Practice of iw„'Jnc respectfully tender their services, to the Public , , c v, ral branches of their Profession, r-ii. will be answered cithor'day or night |at their office « iikh i J the sam-as heretofore occupied by Drs. Hirst Mienl.— er at the Logan House. ‘ ij ; ril 21.1. . wTmTLLOYD & OC)., ALTOONA, -TA, JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., JIOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., (Late “Beil, Johnston, Jack £ Co”) r\ K A FTS ON THE PRINCIPAL I f line's, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections Meuej-s received op dopofsite, payable on demand, miiaiui interest, or upon time, with Interest at lair rates. ‘rcb.M.lSoO. ... c f ANDS ! LANDS!! LANDS !! I I / Th- undersigned Is prepared to locate LAND WAR HIVTS in the Omalia and Nebraska City Laud Offices. — can now be made near th< large streams u,i di’ttteujeiits. The Lauds of this Tei ritory, now in Market, are of the best quality. \ . . ja. .Selections carefully made. Letters of inquiry re ,,£t«i. ALEX. F.McKINNEI, Onzaroua, Casa County, K. Ter. July U, 15i9.-tf MIE1INCB8; Rct. A. B. Clark, Alteona, Pa. Wu. si. bunco & Co, Bankers, Altoona, Pa. Slefnoi A Uses, Editors. “ Tiled. A. Scott. Supt. P. R. R.. “ 1). McMcbtbus, Esq, Huntingdon, Pa, I D. LKET, ATTORNEY AT LAW t! ALTOONA, BLAIR Co, Pa, _ . , . T.practice law in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centre and adjoining counties.— l>u in the District Count of the United States. \ Cellections of claims promptly attended to. Agent for lit Itle qf Real Estate, Bounty Laud Warrants, and all tonnes* pertaining to conveyancing and the law. _ REfERSNCES : Hon. Wilson McQendles arid Andrew Burke, Esq., Pitts torpli; non. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pres. Judge of Fayette JuJiml District; lion. ChcnordClemens,ol Whceling, Vag Hus ll-uryD. Foster, (jroensburg:.Hon. John W. Killinger, filiation; Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon. Sftirsu I*. Ilamelton, Pittsburg. Juno 18, 1859-ly. v W R. BQYERS, TT • J TTORNEY -st quality and on the moat reason&rlo terms. All >-iS'j.n work Warranted. Jan. I. 'iC-tf.J WM. 8. BITTNER, SURGEON DENTIST. { Vi’FICE IN THE MASONIC TEM- V m ~ [Dec. 23, ’SS^-tf. *4* A indent wanted, nil. "WM. R FINLEY HE- * 1/ SPECTFCLLY offers his profession&l tea to c)io'people of’ Altoona ami the Country. . n, may be found at the office herotolore oe- Bosh *pieJi,yDr. O. D.Wohn«.' \ Altoona, Septi ;.. \\ h\ ROYER, M D., . , Offers hie professional serricMto theeitiMns of ‘•tooca and vicinity. . : ' • li 4 best of refcrenciaf.cftn bo given if required. WDet at Altoona, three CmnujyShn*!. >4; -Up April 28 '69-ly, \f EDICAT&D PER CHEST PRO jUJL TEcroE, \ saw .shield .aqainst .those Jie will acll at aiicta per »S*[!°* lot of Oarbon OU 'Xampe of Jon©* intent 07 ES! 0 J—OENTIiB^IEN mioST u inid*r i “ l C ’ ♦hat lte W wadr tb fjan.?l6B. : SS EYE PEESER KEBBUSVS BziO'tO 20x24,; AND CUT LB4H> ZINC W&HT ATM. HUGH’S, %e. * Wajhi**#* Shoulder Be«n Pine Shins J^ F-A W»*Ji AS- 3 months. 6 months. 1 year. $l5O $3 00 $,6 00 2 50 4 00 7 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 J. Shoemaker. SAVING FUND. National Company, SAVING FUND— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COilPAKY.—Chakteekd nr the State of Pxnnstlvaku. 1 76 , „ RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. , 2. Five per cent. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. \ . .■ SyTho money ,is always paid back in gold, whenever it is called tor, and without notice. 4. Money is received from JB realtors'. Administrators, Guardian*, and others who desire to have it ln,a place of perfect safety, and wheredntcrest can be obtained Jbr it. 5. The money received from depositors' is invested in Real Estate, Moetqaqes, Ground rents, and suclt other first class securities os the Charter directs. 0. Office Honrs—Every day from 9 till 5 o’clock, and.on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the evening. HON. H. L. BENNER, President. ROBERT BELFRIDGE. Vice President. W. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Henry L, Benner, Fearcia Lee, \ Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert SelfbiPoe, Joseph B. Barry, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yebkes, C. Landreth Musns, Henry Diefkndebfer. Office : Walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Tliird St. Phila delphia, April X4th, ’6O-ly. Commonwealth Insurance Co., UNIOX BUILDINGS, Zd STREET, w- R. BOYERS, AGENT, ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Chartered Capital $300,000. INSURE BUILDINGS AND OTHER PROPERTY against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also against perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transpor tation. DIRECTORS. Simon Cameron, Qeo Bergaor, W F Mnrray, Geo M Laumon, Benjamin Parke, F K Boas, M illium Dock, Wm U Kepner, Jno H Berryhill, Eli Slifer, A B Warford, Wm F Packer. James Fox, OFFICERS: SIMON CAMERON, President. BKNJ. PARKE, Vice President. 5. S. CARRIER, Secretary. Sept. 29, 1859.-(im PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY, af|||n|fcL-nan. W. R. BOYERS, AGENT, ALTOONA, PA. Capital and Surplus 0ver.5150,000.00. DIRECTORS: Jacob Painter, A A Carrier, 1 Geo W Smith, Kody Patterson, A J Jones, Wade Hampton, Henry Sproni, . N VoegUtly, Robert Patrick, C A Colton, I Grier Sproni, Jas H Hopkins. This Company has paid losses tom the date of its incor poration in 1854, up to May, 1859, to amount of $302,835.07, in addition to regular semi-annual Dividends of from 5 to 15 per cent., affording evidence of its stability and useful ness. Losses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. A. A. Carrier, Pres't. I. Grier Strode, Sedy. " f HTY INSURANCE COMPANY, \_y dffux, 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. W. R. BOYERS, AGENT, Altoona, Blair County, Pa. CruEinc Pebpetcal. Capital $200,000. Organized 1851. Insures from loss Vy AYrc.-—Household Goods, Buildings and Merchandize generally. Insure* Lives —-During thn Natural Life orforSliortTerraa. Inlatid.lnsurance—Od Goods, by Canal. Lakes and Land Carriage. ROBERT PERRY 1 , Pratt. H. K. Richardson, VxeePreJt. Gw. C. [Sept. 29, ’6»-r6m American Life tgjjfturance and Trust Co* Capital 5900,000. Company Building, \Vahmt St., S. E. comer of Fourth 2hila. x W. R. BOYERS. AG’T, alt.oona, LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES, OR AT JOINT STOCK RATES, AT ABOUT 20 PERCENT. Eggs, OR AT TOTAL AUSTINANCE RATES, THE LOW EST IN THE WORLD. A. 'WUtLLDIN, Pres’t. i. C. SIMMS, Necty. -/ > [OcL 27th, 18$3-ly. Blair couintyi insurance jP,? NCY ;“i V' O .Of. the Blair uonuty Mutual tiro Insurance ..Company, is at all times ready to Insure against-loss or damage by fire, Build ings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property; xd every dee cription, in. town or country, at as reasouableiates as any Company in,the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack 4 Lycoming county mutual .INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned, agent of the Lycoming Mutual Firo Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. Buddings, Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every description, in town or country, at as reasonable rates As any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan.3,’ftft-tf ] JOHN SHOEMAKER, jgtnK Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY I—lnsurance on Real or T 1 ho effected on the most reasonable toms by their agents in Altoona at his office .in Anna St. March 17, !859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent ttnited states life INSU- V.~.?‘i?^? c 5 0 ® pan3r v A**"®?' Ann * Street, Altoona. March 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. ; J. <3r. ADLUM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ALTOONA. BLAIR CO, PA. 1 1 fonndat the store of .J. B. Hiloxnan., BATXi BO AD LANDS NOB pXT.ta • 0N LONG CREDIT., AND AT WW RATES OP INTEBKST HANJBAL AND 6T. JOSEPH A ■I^J'ROADCOMP ANT.IwVIbgoTBr6OO, OOOACUES S' State, ® r Mfceeort, »hfcS wait grant- ald la the construction at their S^’ltte-al 1 te^ ttC Pal ]>oTtk ’ u fe* sale, on the ™w?il^n? ltCr P 1 ? 1 of tteeetana*.ire within six, and all wnain fifteen miles ofthe Railroad, which is zrawoomple ■£SYV“ open fur nao thronghont Its entire length (206 t i hl ?r. ph a coun try which la unsurpassed by anjrln the salubrity of Us climate, thoforUUty oflts 6oU f and the extent of .Its mineral resources. Por further ijifonnation, apply at the Land office of the Company, or address by letter, JOSIAHHONT Tfsnnihsi Atn ** an The Etna, which I was to goe forgotten), he hastened to as sure me,jus he went hacking and bowing Out of the room." I Vent to bed and slept When ( I awoke it was broad day. I was staged in find myself: in a strange room, haying dreamedl myself home in New Encland, aa far Irom Franee and Frenchmen as'ifl crossed tli© Atlantxb. The sight o| the large hpndsome - chamber, thepof ished floor, the elegant h«d-enrt»ins, We extinguished bougieltn the tablewhere I had left it, quickly recalled my situation; and I remembered with a thrill of appre hension that I had come to Havre to get on board the Etna that was to saif at day light. -■=?■■■ Quieting my fears by recalling the story the hotel agent had told me, and the pro mise that 1 should be awakened six, I looked at my watch—- and found teas al ready past seven ! ; i That looked like treachery. I was in my clothes in a minute. I ran down stairs and called for the landlord. “ What will you have, Monsieur ?” said a pretty-faced maid, with a coquettish smile. r . '•> “ The landlord !” I demanded; 1 “ The landlord is not here, Monsieur.” “ The agent who brought me here last night,—where is he V* “ He has gone off to the railroad-, Mon sieur. He will not return before ten o’clock.” “ But he was to put me on board the Etna !” I said. “ The Etna ? I know nothing about it, Monsieur.” “ And the six gentlemen who are to sail in the Etna—where are they ?” “Monsieur,” replied the maid, with perfect politeness, “ I have not heard of the six gentlemen.” “ They are not here ?” . < “ Not here !”—and she shrugged her pretty shoulders. Here was a predicament I No time was to be lost in parley. I read on my ticket, purchased in Paris, the address of the Havre agency; I rushed out, got a police man to direct me, and in a few minutes was standing in the door of the Cunard Company’s office. To get beyond the door was not easy, the office being crowded with second class passengers, waiting their turns to get their passports. I thought if all these people were going in the Etpa, my passage was safe enough. But due showed me his ticket —it was for another vessel; and when I asked him if he knew of the Etna, he answered in broad Yorkshire accent — “ She sailed this morning.” That was startling. And when I look ed oyer- the dense crowd before me, and made a calculation .as to the time when my turn would come at the clerk’sdesk, I con cluded that it would not be much before noon. So I broke through the regula tions of the place, raised my hand and my voice, and brandishing my ticket, de manded information regarding tbb Etna. The appeal attracted instant attention, and a clerk promptly came ardana to rue. He looked at my ticket with surprise, exclaiming in honest English, “ Wjby sir! you should have been on boafd last night!” I rapidly told my story ; to which I goi the rather unsatisfactory reply,- “Itis a pity; for it is impossible to get on board now. She quitted the warf at daybreak. She is out of reach before this.” “Is that positive I inquired. ■ “ She should be—-hut you have one chance in ten —to jump on board as she is passing one of the locks, if it is not too late. I’ll send a man with you!” ; I blessed the honest Enghshmaii in my heart, told the guide to meet me -at the Hotel de Belle Vue, and ran hack to se cure my baggage. . ' N By this time the landlord made bis ap pearance; and I saw plainly by daylight what I had only a vague suspicion: of the night before,—that he wore perhaps the most villainous countenance that’eyer be longed to a keeper of a hotel. , It was a bad face, full of avarice, craft, malice abd jeering diabolical roguery “ Scouhdrel!” I said, “ you ved me 1 Bring my baggage, and bo-quick I I am an American, and I’ll have leisure to see you well punished, if I l|se the steamer!” ' T This threat I hurled at him as he went to set out my baggage. . I meant* every word of it, for surely I never saw |a thief whom I would more rejoicingly hive as sisted to bring to justice. The Franck arc strict against all suchkqWeiyy especially where there is an American in. the casethe fellow was a coward withal; and he doubtless , perceived that ft would be for his interest to get rid of ’ipP as speedily as possible. My baggaga wassat the door at the moment’; when wqr 1 guide arrived with a hand-cart. - /;h'. :; ■ “We must burry I’- he said; and; I took leave, in greater haste than I would have desired, of the only rnmqphy whom I had been cleanly takin ip. By a useless, : perfidious lie, he had. ni&de the price of a night’s lodging and a utpx-can dle out of me j and toe very paltriness of the sum,; for the sake of which I|e had caused me to risk so much, v shqj|ed the ; utter selfishness apd , I have dwelt upon thjs Unoiupident, when perhaps I should be describing the beauty and terror of the seaj hat to mo snob trifles, indioariog what staff the hit man heart is made nodess in terest than the most gnnd and awful works, of nature. " ■’ The remainder of the adventnrejaaay be briefly told. I reaohsdwifch myguide asd'hsggsge the last of thedrawalia the EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. river through which the eteamerhad to pwa—too' Me I I stood ' Upon thi eve, and Cavr the Etna below* steaniixg tod headed seawai^-1 There was the great dark hulk, rising out of the turbid water of the Seine, so near, yet too. far, to step aboard of, by any magip that I Waa master of, on that exci ting occasion. „ , But I perceived that she had stSl a hint out, attached to a wharf but a short dis tance from me over the water, bttV» ?o% way off around by the Whhrtpp and street. A man on the wharf stood ready to gsst it off, and ah officer on the qaartordapk seemed Watching, to give the Word* I swung my hat ami shouted. At the sanko moment my ghide palled a boatman', who rowed , over to us from the wharf-aidpa ep posite. I descended rapidly a doien feat by a stairway to the water j the guide tumbled down my baggage to the boat' man j the.boatman seized his oars; 1 stood tip in the stern and .shouted again; than' caincthe tug of war! Be sure that I watched eagerly, and be' sure that my heart was glad to see the’ huge sagging line still Stretched from ship to shore! And . now it was evident by the gathering of forces op that side of the steamer, that I was observed, and progress Watched with if pffit with sympathy. RowVrow I" I Cheeritigly said.’ “Here' is your money 1 now good and strong'! Now! Hurrah'/’ “ What do you want ?” cried a voice from the quarter-deck. “I am a passenger ; I want to oomd aboard,” 1 answered. ; But it looked like a difficult and rather ugly business to climb that vast ship’s side, rising steep and tremendous high above my head, as the boat floated under' the stern. • “ Quick, then; we are waiting for you !” And a ladder of cords was dropped down to me. I ascended like a squirrel—if so undignified a comparison is permissible.— My baggage was drawn up after m 3 by sailors, withrfopea. I bad triumphed' 1 ! “ Nane ?” said the steward. I produced my ticket. “ All right,” said be. " You are yerj'. fortunate. I have been anxious abed* you.” “ About me V ’ “Yes; your name came hf the list (tf passengers from Paris; and 1 was afraid you woirjd get left/f i- Just then the cable splashed in' tbewa? ter; the engine moved; the sea hcdifcd'i and the steamer was off. I was conducted through a£ elegant cabin to a beautiful state-room, which the steward informed I was tobavealltomyi self; and there I sat down with a strange? ly thankful and happy home feeling, atioh as few experience, I imagine, on setting out upon a voyage across the’ ofiean. ■ Here for the present I must hold iby pen; for I have made so long a story off my adventures in getting aboard, thafc it will be necessary to leave’ for anptlfr chapter the haps and mishajps of the homeward voyage. ■ ' ■ '■ A Dead Shot.—The editor 6f tfte Akw bama Flag got off the following aquib i 1 “ Why is the editor of the LoeiaViUt Journal’s career, through life like a pgte.. brated tune? Because it is the Koetme March." ■ ~ V Prentice, who is a dead shot, Idadedhis >iece, and taking aim, let the.other maw lave it right in the teeth, after th&;hs? owing manner, to wit: ; . ' “ Why will the: editor of the ai the close of v his editorial careeiy r it tune of Pagaininni’s ? Because he be executed on a single string." IQu “ Do you keep matches V* asked'* wag of a retailer. “Ob, yepj a|l was tHe reply. “ Well, tbeb, trotting match.” The retailer Mmed£ ately banded him a box Cathartic Pills. SOU A inan who don't behove thw world it growing bettor njojin - may coins whanihe lionK arid the lamb | shall lie down together, out if lamb will be inside the lion.- .. ' ,' > •Spin the threat of a map death while eating sausages, We foi&dV large piece of brass marked'“Kdo.* ■8" Why was Adam's wife called Bre t Became, when she appeared, man’s of happiness wap drawing to a close. * IS»“l7pioniB not always strength,” a* the sailorsaid when he sa# the phriwf mirung bis tnm with water. > . gentleman, who spoke of haring be#D/ strockby a lady’s beauty, was adyff sed to kiss the rod. . like shaded silknjust fet viewed in allaituations, or its octets Wor deceive you. 4V"The beet way to bumble, a. |*r*a# 'aab is to taka zro notice of Bros. \ , > : - *;%k t?. ,h' .. V> . • • ,vt NO/ 6; ■.‘■2l r> \ r'{