V HOSTETTEE’S ' CTOMAGH BITTERS. v that, at some period, every mem human family is subject to disease of the bodily functions; but, Wta xJte aid of a good tonic and the exercise, 'common sense, they may bo able so to 5 -:sPSd£W'the system as to secure permanent '•™“‘ ’ln order to accomplish this , desired . -■MM,. the trae bourse to pursue is oertainljr which ’will produce a natural state of • the' ca9t hazard of vital strength and this purpose, Dr. Hoatetter has in- Woroed to'this country a preparation bearing his name, whichia not a new medicine, but one , . that has been tried for years, giving eatisfac- * tunic all who have used it. The Bitters ■ l #p«rate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, Ud liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simpte pro- of strengthening nature, enable the Pya im to triumph over disease.: - the cure of Dyspepsia, lndigestion*Nan. S^JfUtulenoy, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious . Complmnts, .arising -from a morbid- inaction of tho Stomach jor Bowels, producing Cramps, Cholera Morbus, «c., these no eqnaL ■: ' V ' ■ JHarrhqaa, dysentery or flux, so generally con> new settlers, and.caused principally. By the. change of water and diet, wfll bc speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation, ardiseaso which is probably more prevalent, inwall its various forms, than any other, .and tho cause of which may always be'attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can be .cured 'without fail by using HOSTETXBE’S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on the; bottle. For this disease every phyipclan will recommend Bitters of some kind ; then why not use an article known to be infal lible? AU natiishs have their Bitters, as a pre ..yontivc of disease and streugthener of the sys tem in general; and among them all there is . not-toTbe/found a more-healthy people *b»n thtfGepnans, from whom this preparationema ttstod, based npoh-scientific. experiments which -hbays-ktonded :to jprove tho value pf this .great in the scale of medical science. . AndAOde.—--This trying and provok ing diseasc, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in d sborf time,- and rendering him phy- Sisally and mentally useless, can be driven frosoi tho body by the use of lIOSXETTEE’S ,BBNOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the discaaescan be contracted,'' even in-exposed situations, if the' Bitters are'used as per directions. And as thoy neither create nausea nor offend tho palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of orilinaty pursuits, hut promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved-as speedily as isconaistent.wUh the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure, vjfhr Ptnoxu' in Advanced Years, wno are Suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to be appreciated. And to n mother while nursing these Bitters arc indis pensable, especially where tho mother’s nour ishment is ,inadequate to the . demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and ■■ hero it is whore a good tonic, such as jfetjlbtter’s Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart ttjimporluy. strength and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by all means |iy this remedy far all oases of debility, and, before so doing, should ash -their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of tho Bitters, will recommend thejr use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION.-—We caution tho public against using any, of the many imitations or counterfeits, blit ask for Ho&tetteb’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, andsoothnt each bottle'has the words “Dr. J. Hostetler’s Stomach Biters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on .tho metallic eap covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. S3h Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa- and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. AS- Sold by Q W Kewler ami A Itonsli, Altoona; G A Jacobs, JK, Hatton and W G Murray, HolUdayahurc: and SBfrlin,,T}ron;o [Aug 20. 1859-lp "PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON JT Ott LAMPS! Unfundediii 'Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. defirihg t° obtain the very best and cheap MvpotwneJight wltbjn their reach, should call at the •tow of the Undersigntd, and examine these Lomps.before purchaslng ctsowhere, and We pledge ourselves to demon i trace ■ NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. That they emit no offensive odor whiio burning. . 3d, That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give moib or loss light. , *. ®*W. TJutf they, burn chtiroly free from smoke. Ctp. Thftjhe light is at least 50 .per cent, cheaper than 1 ‘ wi y other light now In commonxuso. These Umps areadmirably adiptod lor the use of Stn- t ’ (u -’ tories . u «! I®- Churches, Htorm r llotois,and fro highly recommended forfeiniivuse. V? , l'W rl>er of the Carbon Oil Lamp can ha attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small ofPJO**?! and will answer every purpose of; a new lann. : We guarantoo perfect satisfaction In allcases. •Adg*.W» 1858-tf.] 0. W. KESSLER. T OQAN HOTEL.—THE UNDER SIGNED respectfully informs the'' el t mens-of Blair county and-others, ;A afiSftS ■'""'•'N ’ that he has opened up the- LOGAN HOUSE, formerly kept liy Sheriff Rea.vM3SlH®*® 'tithe west ehd ofUolliJaysburg, fiiril>«Bl,y» PgRMB»- redepUon of strangers and traveller*. * earthing connected with the house has been refitted in the dew with the choiiost furniture. 4c.. Ac. ' Theihouse to large and commodioiis, and well calculated for convenient* and comfort. i His TABLE will be furnished with the very best themar kat can affo.rd,>nd no pains or trouble will be spared to Md«r ttosowho may choose to favor, him with their pa "gywjggggffiwte Mfjlyppy during their stay withhim. , , a J!fP* p > an d an obliging and cartful h^tlKrjdinAlways be;i|i attendance; l which makes daily trips place aniTVllliamsburg, stops at the Logan ilQuUt' Dec. ;17.1857,—tf.j JOHN KEIFFER. ]\nO,TIC!E.-r-ALL PERSONS KNOW- C-1 fhomielveaindchted to the firm of Runyan A *dd wt A ,e account*without tlmehfa been given.- In thirtyday* her»- a™ r > aff aepontita unsettled will b* placed in the hand* of • PtyWr.WWOh for collection. : 1 ' AUflopayJuly 28.1559.-3 t A SANFORD, feels grateful Tor the patronage hereto- YjSsSvJI? 1 himself by the citizen# of 10 *"o.t he public with all kinds *u persons failing to settle their «. wery th rty days, must not expect longer tndul ““d long credits will KJon Swm Si Pth T ttrß tllat indulged so muoii cradlt.to their ruin. , MARTIN RUNYAN. Aliki RERgONS ARE i? f wf no . tifiedll i it . io pircHaie oraall any beer «P with the (tamp of. the ALTOONA BHEWKiIT ttoe- Rr»»^ C 'T.A' 1 ™ aad nerff wUl.bosold “•Brewery. AH Jccgs contoWWn* wld dtaiho viH M taken, whepcror found,-Sy - the proprietors theJhrewwrtewhoinfheybolontr. ' v ™ Jnly 28th 1860-tf. CONCENTRATED LYE, FOR MA- V> KING Soft SoajJ, :*nd Soap I’owdepfor WaahJha one Jane IQ, ISas.-tfj ; A. ROUSH’S. • riREAM TARTER, SUPER-GARBO ■^ d "» S*»ralh*, Washing Soda, OUrietf* Bapt.3. iB-tf.] A. ROUSH’S Drag Store. Epi* oils, colognes, pom- L BhiiTliij Oreom, Tofl«t Soaps. Ae. for «to W -* T r l Q. W.KESSLEB. ■ of all descrip^ rsoe trad, and forsalohy ‘ qetl ryJ ~-. ■ „ J-.& gnJSjftAM. . mm®;, >v 'A'}. Eiair EVERYBODY SHOULD GO TO C. B. SINE'S STORE I ' BE iHAS A LARGE AND WELL JL • selected assortment of Dry Goods, . which are worth koine to see. Z lie ha* an unequalled stock of GROCERIES, fresh and pure, which he will sell an reasonable asanymerchant to the place. 3. He has Hatdux&e, Queensioare,\&oiuumre, etc., ft. the mcnt fashionable styles. 4. Ho liasa-large case of Bonis end Shoes for Gents, la dies, Aliases and Children,. embracing ail sizes, qualities and prices. . ; 6. Heha* Afina stock of HATS for Suturner wear—just the pink of the fashion—all vory cheap. 0. Ho keeps always,on hand .an assortment of Ready- Hade Clothing, to suit the season. 7. He has **n hand a large stqtk ot Cloths, Outimerts and Testings, which he will make up to order on short tk>tico in a MsbiqnabU stylc,,aud at prices .which mustgive satis faction: - : - ' . 8. Ho don’t ask people to, come, and buy—only to conie and examine his slock, feeling confident that if they hot examine they- wfll buy without asking. Altoona, May 6,18t>9.-tf GREAT OPENING , . OF . SPRING AND SUMMER ^ ar HoT£l * located nearly opposite the plsco of stopping the passenger care in Alt&v nn, haa pnssed into the hands of the present prodrirtOrS Long expfenencoin thfc business warrants mo in assurine the tra.ellu.gpubHe that no pains will be spared to rontlef my rbor C °™ forta jlo “ ppssiWe ' vlUlo Mourning under The T-UJI.E pill constantly bo supplied with the .err best the market nltorda. ■ ■ The BAR will be fonnd to contain an excellent assort. iDclndi!ls ttatchoicei,BT '> iß charge of an excellent and oxperi- Xho proprietor HojwSj by Ills lone cxticrienM in tW«- buslncs and the faclilllcs at l.is.couimLd, ?o mak£ thcßrf Uon, In all respects, a first class Hotel. The bnslntvu of the Hotel will bo under nyr own personal / kindly 9 " * May 19, 1859.-tf?“ fcCUVTEIGKRT, Proprietor. ' TQ the public.—THE SUB- J[ BCKIBER woulil respectfully .announce. to e clt&em of Ylclnity, that ho AND RETAIL 2TIV, S$E3tT-JSpy WAME & STO¥ZSTOSEsW&rSk' on Helen street, bptween Annie and Julia stiPets, East Al toona, where he Will keep constantly on hand a large as sortment of everything in bis Une, which he will dispose of on frasonable terms. ’ : . : ’ , .) ' . ' i ROOFING & ■: SPOTTING put U P‘ on short notice. Ho also mondiictnres T.«ib» ?«* Sponfldg, -which Is said tt-be wddi «(*rioi ltewal ranlzcd Sheet-iron or tin. v . - ■ All kin* °r Job'.wpik brompfll attended to. A eh»re of - it YEB£S CHEERY J X3L , ; Jft. & SELLERS’ JiQperUl Oorcgh SjrropJ sMen, ' ‘ <. Fcerhavt'* MoUqndßHtert,' SandfotFtLvier Jnvigorator, ( " . . Xdndty'eßloodßeareherJt Clark*'* Femal* Fill*, ’' ‘ 1 , • McLane'e Fill*, ■ *;£ , ; MereAltnf* GargUn&.t)U,\ feriy Davit* Fain Millet, .. ; .-’*"l ’ ‘ M&teheif*FourfotdLinimenlf Mexican,. Arabian, Nerve and Bone LemmeiU, . ■ Jnstoreaadfar Sept. 2, l?«8-4'-■• • |lt preaeoteto jour view every wf r |he wurtdv fn «U reflet; bold ww, perspective, and eharpness of detail, as on the apot. .“ i Photographers arc everywhere exploring Europe, Asia, America, in geaifch of -the -grand and the beautiful, <«id the results of thdrskill are constantly'enriching our i ; |We have on immense variety of poper'Wlews of Scents talWs, Londom England, Scot! arHVlrt'land, Wales, France H«lgiam,lloUmd, SwjtzecMuLSpain] TheßnliSe, Versailles sf. Cloud, Fontainebleau, TulßeHea, Italy, Turkey, Egypt Athens, the Holy laved, China, India, Crystal Palace, also Hfoupo Historical, amusing marriage scenes, breakfast *d:nee,pic-nica, statuary,' Ac. i An exquisite assort ment of Illuminated interiors pf Ple in the line that comes out. may send us their names tepilace on record, and wo will keep them posted at our liven expense. ‘ 5 Men ol leisure will find Photography a most fascinating aiul delightful amusement- VVc are prepared to tit out amateurs with everything .necessary (or their success to gether with instructions “ How to take Stereoscopic Pio tW«s- ’ E. ANTHONY, importer and Manufacturer, of Photographic .Materials, i Stereoscope's and .Stereoscopic Views. Merchants irom every section of the country are re- | spgctluily invited It* make an examination of our stock, as* i out discount to the trade Will bo liberal. 5 ! Pj*bioon.vpilEKS.—Firiit doss Stereoscopic Negatiuoe ; |end by mail a print unmounted, with price of Negative- ! . Jan. f2.~i;n (Cut this out fur future reference.] | i grand display AT TUB 1 , ' fHJi UNDERSIGNEDID VE THE pleasure of Announcing to their friebds and custoni •W «» well os the public at large that they are now rc ediving tlieir i,: FALL STOCK OP GOODS, which have been selected with care and bought at juices Which Will enable as. to olfor inducements td pm chasers. OUR stock of eadies 5 DPESS goods g jfiT"e mul raffed, mcludiug all the uewe*t stylos o O vyhovi.'i, Vdaiues, -Poplitu, \'alenciat. Plain avd Printed Men hoi c. Black and Fiincy SiWs, t£v. S/iaiclz, and Cl> th Busier** which luir* toju brought very I loir.-atid will bo sold at u small utlvauce. f; FOR THE GENTS, TTethiu* Black arid Fancy CasalmercH, Satire nta," Jeans, Iwoods, Ac. Our stock of KLA-XN’KLS and fe.lfarge. consistiug of Muslins, Tickings, Banliaius. Brii lUgs, Bod Blankets and Comfort#,* Ac. N W;e-|havo also a fino stock of (lueeneware, Wooden & Willow Ware, BOOTS & SHOES, Zoplir Knit Goods, Gloves aqd Hosiery, and Notions of at! kipds. We wish to call espieial attention to our large i stock of AlUWool, Wool Filling, Liti arid Rag Carptis, j Bojtght at Auction, find which wo can offer at jiricee that wilt defy competition. | GROCERIES for sale by Wholesale at City prices with Freight only added. Al) kinds of Country produce taken at the highest tnar ket jirico. We respectfully invite all persons in want of cheap and good GOODS, to call and'be convinced that we haira a Model Stock at Model Prices. ".I, ‘ J. *J. LOWTULEB. Altoona, Oct. 13, 'off. JUST OPENED A STOCK OF Betu ©ooijs. R A O lif cd p iXTOvil) INFORM THE GOOD T J people of Altoona, the surrounding country, and thi “rest of mankind,” that lie has Just returned from the city with a large stdck of NEW GOODS, which he offers at reasonable prices, at the stand formerly occupied by a K««, and recently by W. OVNeali, on Main street. His stow is the only one in town which in : ENTIRELY NEW, ac e «? atU:rB | hi . m '‘ ell , tha f lle ,ms sonietliing to please the tiUdy,aUi BUlt th,! w, ‘ nh °f crery gentleman. ' lnn f c ™^ r y tu enumerate all the articles on W liu ’ ! l B ° wou,d require a whole newspaper,) ■bnf would eay that ho has everything its the line of ' LADIES’ DRESS GOODS ri’o! 1 ' l !‘ ia I " eridil , n , rails fur, and all just suited to the season, together with a well selected assortment of House eudl w Carpets. Window Blinds, Shade*, *^c, Which will commend themselves. „i F °R GENTLEMEN, he hw a gmit variety-from which they can not ft.fi to sorfiLnt^of 82 ' 01101 —' Llcctio:l - 1,0 •>«* n-lss a tip-top as andeheog; k cab £BRoCbe'haj'This^T. 11 of the flier uf CSST—SctK i £S '3 ™ haJ this « Ulct-AluSna COnJl ’ i,:te “ atoro ‘P a thriving town AUhi asks is that the people call and examine his stock wh ho will at.nil times take Pleasure in showing Tmi he conftUeut that ho can seAd them away rejoiring if nut.tti the purchase of jnst suclAn article as they a anted ! ‘r^ b T CC Or ll! .‘- ng , <" >k<:d n f° n fhs handsom est stock of Goods ever exhibited in the town Alpona, Oct. 20, ISS9. T|OOK QIJT FOR YOUR HEAD! -IJ| A poet gives the following advice to yoanr men m> ■ goingito'parties: J 8 ■ Sn going to parties, just mind what your at • Beware of yonr head Sand take.caro of your HAT • Ichst you find that a favorite son of your mother,’ Jlasmi ache in the one and a brick in the other. Spppng abdut hats and heads—tho subscriber would minuull I ce t \*. at *i e has Just returned from the city-.lvltU a large and welt selected stock of Men and Boys' ■ HATS • jggg : OF CAPS, -iHf), S TYLE S, FOR FAIL AHD WIXTEE, of every color, and shape. Also, a gtfqd assortment »f . I lADIES and hisses fues, of different varieties, all of -which will be sold j CHEAP FOR CASH. Psbions In want of anything In the above line win pleap give me a call before purchasing elsewhere as 1 am .«£«7«ry lowest prices 1 £pre on Mrgtnm street, opposite the Lutheran church Alpona, Aprii2B, 1869-tf. ; JhSsßSMim’ Stives, Tin $ Sheet Iron War«, ■-.J SPOUTING, &C. '"T W- BIGG WOULD XUS inform. the ci tizon* of a ' “ a “ a t constantly onhand*®ffiß'l of OMirigs Purlar, fi«iN«| °f “W eijrlej! and sizes, to. : ! : r on hand alarge stock- orn n -o»ul,SA«rf. •■•f%^JONia' reta * ed ***&'■? MtetnfiteirMnntr, i " ,jI&PEOVEi> SAUSAGE fiTUPFEB, ;,n intention which needs only to bn Men to ba annreein, I t, b h PO * ,,9aa J? b J eTBr y brmtr, bnicW-SrfhoM .reuniting snob a machine. • town or cpnntrr. Spooling painted and^wVwi! ‘ : -rESiiw * -■ : r?' “ ' BLACKWOOD’S 31 AG AZIN E REVIEWS. X SGOTT & GO., New York, continue : J,.* topubUshthe following lading British Periodicals, . ■ ■. > . 1. ...-v ■ Baa LOSDtW QUARTERLY (Conservative); a. ■ • A '■■ THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). /. BUB SOUTH WaTISUAUSVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMINSTER BEVIBW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). These periodicals ably r?i«re«ent the three great politi cal parties of Ohut Britain—Whig, Tory ■ and Radical—but politic* forms only ouo feature of .their character: As Or gansof the must profound writers oh Science, Litcramre, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever hare stood. Unrivalled in the world of letters, being* considered indis* ponsablo to the scholar nhd the professional man, while to the intelligent readers of every class they furnish a more correct and dattefactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the w orld, than can be possibly ob tained from any other source. . * EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Adntnet S«»i* from the British publish ■ers'gives additional to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can uuvv ho placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as jbe original editions; - _ ' Perann. For any one of the four Reviews, $s do For any two of the four Reviews, t 00 For any three of the four Reviews, "80 Fur all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For BiaekwoodVMagiizine, a 00 For. Blackwood and one Review, 6 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 0 oo For Blackwood and the four Reviews, ' 10 CO Monty current in the SiuU where issued iciti Is received at pOT. A discount, of twenty-five per cent, from tlia above pri ces will be allowed til Curts ordering four of more copies of any one or more of the above winks. Thus ; Four co pies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one .address for #0; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for $3O ; and so on. In all the principal Ciliea and Towns these works wi.l be delivered Free of Postage. When sent by mail, flic Pos- TAor to iniy part of the United States will be but Twenty four cents a year for “Blackwood,” and but JT/urtccn tints a year for each of the Revi-ws. N.B.—TThe price in Great Britfdn of the five Periodicals abovo named is $3l par annum. FARMER'S GUIDE to Prac tical AND SCIENTIFIC AGiiICULTDRK. V lly Ht-NHY Srspar.ss, !•’. 1!. S., of Edinburgh, and the, late J.-P. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Vais College, New Haven. 2 voU. K.,yal Octavo. 1600 pa ges, and numerous engravings. This i., confessedly, the most complete work on Agricul ture ever putdished. and i>* order to give it a wider circula tion the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to rivis dollars for tub two volumes ; i ■VVhiin by mail (port-puill) t<) Califoruia ami Oregon the price will he $7. To every other part of tbo Union, and to Ciixmiiii (post-paid./, §O. arThit work is not the old ’'BnoJ: of th? Farm." Uemitcaiicvd for aaiy of the above publications should al ways be addressed, post paid, tu tho I’nldishens LEONARD <(' )Tl‘ & CO. No. »>4 Gold Street, Now Tork. December 8,1859, GTIEAT CENTRA!. LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. 1, “ALTOONA HOUSE,' ALTOONA, PA.. \y HELEN AY BE HAD ALL THE T T popular Publication* of the, da/, as follows; xVeu’ York Ledger* jVttw York Mercury, Aru* 1 VtA WtsJ.ly, American, Aot v F erh If cctrly. Plug of Our Union. Jvuc Flan, American Fnioii, Saturday Evening Poet, Dollar Ncivrpciper, Sunday Dispatch, Sunday Mehrury, Wavtrhj Magazine, Prank Leslie' tPiclwial, Harpers If r €t,kly, \ Ration's Pirittri4.il s Fi'ank Leslie's 111. German I*iiper, Iht Illustrated If’ rUI, ( German.) The New York Clipper, National PAicc Gillette, tinted Slates JUtCc Gazette, Iknlon Pilot, Irish American. Pome Journal, Banner of Light. 4 Spiritual TeLyraph, Weekly Tribune. Porter's Life Illustrated, Pi auk Lethe s-Ikidyei of Fun, Yankee A otions, Altoona Tribune. Ni'je \a.e DAILIES: Philadelphia Press, New York Ur raid, • \ Public Ledger. \ A.- w York Tribune, Pittsburgh True Pres*, Sew York Thun. North American. Pittsburgh Chronicle , Evening Bulletin. Earning Argus. Pennsylvanian. To which will be added the new publications as they appear. Magazines,'Novel* and Itomauces* Miscellaneous Hooke School EooJes, Copy-Hooka, flutes, IViiS, iViiciiH/Inke, ’ Gap and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper. Blank Books and in fact every , thing in the Stationary line. Toys, \o-S tionsanU Games of every variety. Pic tures and Picture Frames.. Ac. h*l A choice lot of CON'li.rTlllXKlilliS. of every vari ety. Also. TOBACCO and SKG AJl$ of tlie best quality, N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and' Detail Agent, in this county, for ROUXS CELEBRATED SALVK. It docs jms t/irt/y cure all sores to which it is applied; Tty it. 7 * tf -J U. FETIXXGER. HEW GOODS! HEW GOODS! At McCormicks Store, Just arrived, and are now being offered for sale, an ex tensive assortment of poods of all the different styles and qualities, which tile Philadelphia market affords, in the way of dress goods for Ladies together with nil the more heavy Cotton aud Woolen goods for Goitlctnen and Bovs wear, also a fnll stock of " J READY MADE CLOTHING for men and Boys, of the best material and latent Styles, In the way of business, dress and over coats, with pentsand such as' Dmtcll- Alllu :dl tlte different varistisa of goods, Hardware, Queenswaro, Cedatwsre, Tinware, Stoneware, die , groceries. Sugar Brown an ' Vhite. Tea*. Ac., Ac assortment! 111 T “ rJBt? 0t 81>icetf ueMe - Ja O' 10 wake up a full Men's fine and coarse Boots and Bootees Ladies “ = “ “ W/A 4 ■ without heels, ot Donncts W,itOlit matarial - with “ ver >' BOY 9 LEDGER HATS AND CAPS, •?*. f 1 °^r K wr M d «f usual. y-Dept in country stores. nUiif winch will bo sold in low as ;u any othef htmse in town for cash, or exchanged tor any article of produce, which Exchange hotel.— the sub- SCRIBER would respectfully in form tliu public that he has recently re- 1 fitted the above Hotel, and is now p~» T V pared to, accommodate his friends and MS patrons in h comfortable manner, and 'will spare no pains in making it an sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and'cities. and Ms Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and J« feels satisfied they can net ho complained of by those who ®l vor *■*“ with cuMom. Expecting to receive a Shari of public patronage, und fully Intending to deserve It, hi throws open his house to the public and invites a trial ' of Mo. 1 Trench Brandy, for mCctidnftl purposes. . of excellent IVinos, for medicinal bur poses. togetger-with ahrt of the best old Rye Wbhskey to })0 found In tile country, ■ ■» - * • Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] T?S G f BE !^ , E QUESTION WHIOH agitates the mind of every person ■■'•• ■ »«*pero can r get'the best article (brmvfiß : ; *SSSL f Inrdgwd to other matters. the rhib- wT not attempt to direct; but if isnht aDythlnginrthe line of -r' •; i jMK_ ■ •., WOTS Oil SHOES he invites an : Mcamlifetion of his stock ind work. " — g ß ec i4i attention to oushnu work, alt of >gißBteBaBa i>, *' i> ' t, "' fc . JSS&SS&i?** *r- >~**r JOHy JT. BjpXHBBTB. . T IQUGRS.-~A LAIIGE AMOUNT jLi <* veil jUQtJOBg hM' been recrflßd atthe nan etJl. : ■ ; - < • SRS^^J^W^ 36 W €2£ JiS» J 4, Ifflk-tf ' u> TERMS. CLUBBING POSTAGE, JOHX JSOTTMAX. TIT ARIA -L. DE PETSTER MEMO-" l rial SCHOOLi-i-Thlsl nstitution, which islocated n Atoona, Blair County, Penn’a, will be opened on the Ist MONDAY in MAT. It isintemlo das a permanent •nd wfU connect with it« Male* Female Department. In the Male department, young men will bo instructed with a'View to their entering- the advancedhlasscs of our beat Ooliejreetor* if desired, their'education completed. In the Eemalodepmtriteut, instruction will bo given In any, or all «the' diffemiV'brauchefl; either toUd ot omamaUtU, taught to our beat Female Seminaries. -,.v ' the year will lie divided into two Sessions ofnve months each—the 1 Summer Session to commence on the ii>t Mon day of May, ending on thd last Wednesday of Septnuihar— the Winter Session to commence bn the Ist Monday m sot vember, ending on Oielast Wednesday of March. Ins. Sessions will bo divided into two quarters oTefttea weeks each. Terms, per quarter, as follows—vi*,: t SOLID i BRANCH ES. Primary (including 'Heading, Writing,'Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Qnmratar, and icil ~si/» Advanced (Including the Natural Sciences, Mathe matics, Mental and Motel Philosophy, Logic, tin Lan guage* and Composition 4e.) $5,00 EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. ‘ Music (Including use ofjnitrnmsnt) -$lO.OO Drawing,’ -I ’ $3.00 Painting (In water C6lojn) 3,00 Needle work, : Li 2,00, Instructions in vocal music gratis. One half the above charges, to be paid invariably ui advance, R. W. OLIVKR, SiiptrinUndmt Slrtlt ptffi. A. B. CLARK, - Female “ Mr. I— —, Principal JAdt - “ Miss 0. M. CLARK, *• FtnusU “ March 10, 1569.-tf !! ■ TVTEW GROCEIIF AND LIQUOR jL 1 STORK.—The undtrsigncd would beg leave to ao uounca to the citizens of Blair cmiutv and vicinity that he bus opened .his new Store on Vinjirn'i tired. Ihrte doors below the Znpcrintehde-nl’i Ogice, where he haa just Motived from the Last and Wcst a large assortment, of Foreign and Dqmestic Liquors, |||||| consisting asi follow*: French Olard Brandy, *Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy TFttic, Old Port -Wine, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gim Old Rye Whiskey, Monongahelqt Whiskey, and RJifnc Wine. which he ban himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and tanner* will find it to 'their advantage to buv of him as he will sell at CITY IBICES. ' ’ Ue will also keep constantly on hand on assortment of CxROQERIES, Such as Flour. Bacon, Salt, Fisk, Tobacco, Se ga rs, Syrup , Si/gar, Cofee, £c., £c.. All of which will be soldicicap for cash orConntry Produce. Our friends and Hie public generally are respectfully in vited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, May 20, ISOQ.-tf T HE GREEN BOOK. JUTS HJB -1 LISHKD, 150 rules 25 W4rrtv_ Cents; On hinglrfnud Married life; or, the Jsk!JailSL Institution ~f Marriage; .its Intent, Obit- Rations, and Physical and legal Disbuali- sSE3£jr flcatlons; the rational treatment of ~11 private diseases in both sexes, Ac. - To whlcli is added a poetical assay, enti tled ■■ CallijKtediaeor fllii art of haviogandrearing beau tiful and healthy children! by the late KamuiT J. Cld,TM wm, Esq., M. l>. * Sent free of postage, byi the Publishers, Cn.es. Kum 4 Cm, Bos 4580. New York, of Dexter op, I lus on twonabl. Urns, and all orders from a distance prompt Jy* attended to. ■ ' liiisicmnsprcscriptionvcpmulfy contpoondod. [l-tf. I EVI RILING,. . JM IMPORTER OF WINES, RRAJfDIES, fiINS, &o. A large stock of all ki ndeiof W Brands, w.Il be-kept constantly 6a )i»ad, «nd trill £ told in lots to enit purchasorc.at prices ce'reasonable nji-tKiw can be bad anywhere in th^gy* 'W WitliE, PAPER!» a Lie ttw“MODELSTOHZ,” BECJELVttfG NBW A ASSOIiIMEtiI. QF syKeSrlr*. ‘“ d ,»«"•«. ; ' • jswropiKft, ! PW jJiB LkliD, OHS, CA3I- 0 N SSS Store clothing. -- 1 "■ ;' ~- , \ • f.• -' I ■ ’ hot.2Vtt A Trus rc» ;■" •», ; ww«for#aJß*t ' -■■■ .-i :i i.. ■■■ , *I>HB HIOHBST iPKIGjB in- GABS. DR- HERSHEY’s* . . CELEBRATED wo r m Syrun ‘ TO THE PUBLIr ’ A FTEK A TRIAL of 6,et ten in privatti practice, the wilwortber is ! br ,^i^‘ lUtUca ' VuR5l Si '»UiP which W to, perform cures whoraoJhers have been hfcbeyoud dispute tho most pleasant and T *hTl, lion of tile kind ever offered for sale. *® :c{ h»l pre^i* , Jt performs its cures safely, speodilT ‘ „ Jnring the nervous system in u pect, totlH| ihnk Root and Tm-pcmi^ ..does it contain mercury in any >hap, purely vegetable production, and so harmu^" 1 '- tet h. that We most delicate latknt may take i» *** ■& it* It la one of the beet and most gentle nu',„,i. 1)« administered to children, incase evro Out t*. l. 6 M £ A k>t - « •“ wa « t PS .2 sfa i £*:|* 2 I w «f % "*5 - »w a‘s g<2 SM| Pri T So 2| Wi ' -fe ** fc «S E 55 tojs 2 o Pi ® 5"? § ’ &%§ • 2 , Stt&ti QSSIzs-sf I—( •««.*’ a- * . -i g-<3 w, e . l_3-D2 §c< S sstij • &*s)• -si rjREAT IAjPiiOVEaMENTIN iw>v VJ INOSTOYKC. '-V-Utv- COSSVM^OXO FS^OK,4p c*u xpm^ whicU **** •* - „ ONI-TUIKD lilisq FGEL Hum other Stoves aui i, mom uiuilv, nctekl. ~ , ly heated. .No nnploasant^ stovu from the tact that it is all consumed'!?, ■* tl,u cope. There 1. no trouble from W&?' 11 ,'** and often nnnoymg osbulalioa ia We,. tha atovo Noilhcr U them auy ufT J ''' fc * f neys bseomipg clogged with soot or tho a„rt-,r’'l n !; r ‘‘l!? - tho gas arising from coal tirva. ,v * Persons wishlhg to pnrehaso U,.v.?s srr in the store of the sob Scriber, iu tb. V.-,*,,,;. .V u , 1,1 •*>* *t amine the above stoves. . JohrsiUffiLT' I**- 1 **- N. B. All kinds Stovesonhaud., i P RATIONAL POLICE OAZimil JL Xhi» Great Jourunl of Crunv imd Cri- .u • its Twelfth .Your, and lx ’widely circulate" Zl h the country. It contains all tho Gr«f,t ’(iff ta-Subscription. S 2 per annum: ft f.-. r In . T ,. k ha romittwi by subscribers. (who ahovU I writ»th ir c 4 and Uia town, county and Stare where they -ui,h *h To G. W, MATSK'IL i (X. 4 * _ _ ... Edltor * I‘rop r. of K«w York I’nlkc Gaik . _JW y-ept Uli , OYSTERS! OYSTERS! CYSTS In conaeqwmca of the hard Uinta. I hawcoiici-jJ to pnt dovn thjurioe of my OYBTKKS to the j«2 Blb standard. They will hurcaftor bo- served nn TT Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in Ui.tuu aW accompaniment}, FIVE CENTS. They will alio ba fun Sh-4, in tTmaiE •c way, at print* to eorrtipoaa with tba lima. JOHN KElPflj, ttgan Home. Ifollidaj.iiL-f. LOUIS PLACK VERMIFUGE OVERFILLS. W E . beg leave to call'the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before die public. We refer to Dr. Clias. fi’Lane’j Celcbr&tcd Vermifuge and Liver Pills. j Wc do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the' most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head-Ache, scc. In cases of i Fever and. Ague, I preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably maka a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above mcr* tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never, known to fail when ad ministered in accorfiar.ee with the s directions. | . Their | has induced thie^^pprietors, | 1 Fleming . Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of theijr Drug bush-ess, I in which they have been success fully engaged for the jast Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided and attention to their mahpf&tyfc. Aiid being dc | termined tha| M^|ine ? s Gd«- brated Vcrimßige and -Biver Rib shall continue ifd occupy the high ppsidph Hdld: among Ac ' gfpat day, they. wiR cpihfcnwc to spare neither time :nor expense in prcieuringf’ihe Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the ipost diqrough manner. Address all orders to PLBIINfi BBo3i Pittsbnrgb, Fa. _r- 8. Dealers and Physicians ordering from oth«r* 4 |Jj*f . Flemming Bros, will do well to write their order* lyandfalc non*,but Dr.M’lanct, ywroared 6y Bros, Pittsburgh, fa. To those wishiflg.to glw rt>S.: total, we will forward by mail, post paid, to any !«* “J" United states, one box of Pills for. twelve threeaent •ge stamps, or one rial of Vermlfime fcr fiwrttontw*; cent stamps. AJI orders thaaGknad»jnn»tbo»oee«»P**** Dm. 17. tf-1 Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED A XT) -s . Y ■ js fSiX.' JtfoOJ VOL. ileqa’ par • Four lines o &>!?«■ Ttw ''lhte® Over » luW »qttaWb>r-‘ «u lines 01 lluo *qua ro ’ s T*» Tbr** K four Half«« lu One col nuu Adn>i»i*ira jlercliiint* t with Ul'o I'rofcoiio 11 - Hues wil ! Cowman i tf r»»t- w i t . 11 • Advertise desired.®' 1 lo the abov. BasUicJ* i ‘ fthltuory t. ft 950 PA 1 Dlf U»JlaaK iu Uw «»<*•' Call* vtlU —which is* i (itxxl,— April Ulat wTmJ JfOH 03. ■ {Lat DU A Citk-5, mini*. Moui without lull'! Fob. 3.1,1 H T AN I) I A The uii BASTS ’in t thwd Aflectin Mid kUludii Utrkot, nru - MU Select {ttwted. ' July U, IS : B«T. A. I Wk. 11.1 McCrcu 'TWXK A. • D.MeMi f D. i »| . : ALTO' nil) practice BaitlUgdnii. Alto in tlie I) -''QMlcctiuns tkfphiptße •' /,= ■ . W 'it'- ’ ijm. Wlh lion. SwD I*. Ud W.J 7? ■**' v Wl pnieti: £#rtkmlar tail prompt i .rat foiv Al .xertbc Ihsthobn J FALL WhlchheU sod on