ADY. J of David! aseof David I [ouse of David{ AIIAJI, LL. D. (i tho author’# Uteet ear* 17:; pap*. Price *l.* ' iORQK Q. mt Street, Phnadti^^ - , i ,/r / • 'r^ SE OF DAVID. ages. Price $1,0).. lUJEO EVANS, mt Street, PUUdclpUc IRE! IN BOHDARE, iubam, LL. D. K™- Price sl3#. '• KGKO. EVANS, " lit Street, PhllaßelpM^ >P THE . ■8 ®a«r: ft ul Correspondenc* OFFICERS: ■O.N, 1.8 AND OUtXI, *. « ii!i tbe dates oftbeir lh a list of DiaUngbbked heir Capture, ay Acta of tbe bnßlatn' Pension Laws; iod e U>t Amy, who acjtilrgd the Land Warrants, etc. iFFELL, ;roLtTio!»eaT Ctinu. ißKee. Price |U(. ■ pular Books. ;el and the Demon ■ce Em's in Womans iifo. i Nights in » Ba r . loom. :el of the Household ; Hind but not the Icurt. ut Histories auti •ife Pictures. 1 riels of & House ceper. ves from the Book of Inman Life. ramatic incident*, wjtl! fiance, thesa irerluofl. ui amongst modem u- the District, StlUth i throughout the ooiih- ■> nearljr (90 pages, and 1 Mezzotint angraetokt, •io. volume. Eriee jiCso PUBLISHED. •e French. lIS OUDIN, KUR, ' ;,rcr, .Vwromaneer, Enchanter, vlor, StetmeUnr, Hand, fc. .CKJUtZtE, . . rcfully arranged..;, nh, «0 page*. Prlss'gl oIBHABY. and Pataldlp.. ft of Gentral Samutl 1 Uoutlon . x 'ft of Southern Htrott md P alriott. blie and Vrivalt Lft of Daniel Webtler, übtmted •with fins men- cloth. Pries sf.' 3us Women, yatiem, I.zdy Jana 6r*T, B#a oli-vn. Charlotte Edited b J 6 WITT. 11’ortraiti on Staal. ftgvi. Prica $1.3». :he people; [>. of the Myrtle strait ml. f'irtl Stria., ion hr i ACKKN7.IE. . . ■' , withtkaantker. tjr-i. Price $l. ■ . f the Boak and 21 ilthcrof tho abote hoolU Cient, worth fromMcW ny pcruon InthaUnlW i ttlogw. of Book*)' ■ n of book, til i.hf j, and which ** z their addrew. , ... wruble dealißKt *" * • IE G. F.VAHS, . ; ;V Gift u-ut Street, Ph M«4p^; it is the beat pU** h? 1 TO AOBNT8« | hi the atereotyP* - TUB «««■ o»_n*TO| f the attention *»•**• :;i: OF DAVID,” !■»• * -books a, and it bidsWr to ( .brother «lmIlfr*o«- r the aame authpr, 70,008 copies }>* T, Jfte as P oompanlon W ).•’ erery reader « lo * evolutionary*^. t-h a TMt amount th« Revolution,ana tuo ;* Peutiioxi Ciftun»» j A i VAXS. PuWtan«' ■ >reet, PhiWdl**^ L FrIBND. I [END, A ftABB Moulha. . v( «kl; iouW P^ or J Vooal » B Publication of }sn0 v, F ,° r TEx£“«J but -la Dronoon*^ i-*" f-jearl/, ”,M» ° rhd.» U 11 have ** Icrtot coatiatKlif-^ioj ClArloaet* £k numberiatlD^^ pOMa ®ritae. a.TOONA if AIL SCNEOUIiE. * IUIMCMW*. •fUftTO u MAUj g OPUK. j|J£ 79 7 20 P.IL pfltrQ | 725 “ the trwuMtlon of bnilneu fromT.OO A M , duriug the week, Aad ftom 7AO to 8.50 o’. JOHN SHOKMAKEB, P. M. RAILROAD SCrtfiWLE. . . Train E«t arrives 10,30 P*; loaves 10,35 P. M. W«"W»“, a 8,26 A. M. “• 8,45 A.M. “ ~ East “ 8,04A.M. “ 8,20 A. M. /*'• West “ 8,45 P.M., “ 9,05 P. M. „ East “ 11,20'A.M. “ 11,40 A.M. «»“ .< West “ 7.25P.&L, “ 7,45 P.M. 1 imr I.ruAYSBURQ BRANCH conoectawlth Express Th "„„ii West, with Mall Train East and West, and **"£2 >'re. gfit Eastward and Westward. nLAIKSViiLE BRANCH connects with Johnstown nsiu Eost iml West, Express Train West and Mail 29. 1858. THOS. A. SCOTT, Hup’t. local items. Adpmbs to Yodko address to the T oung men of Altoona will -bo delivered in the Presbyterian Church, at 11 o’clock A. M.,’on Sabbath next, (March 4th,) by Rev. A. B. Clark, t xhe middle block of pews will be reserved fpr their accommodation. All are invited to attend. A Mobil Bot.— On Wednesday evening last, the Local Freight train If eat, on the Mountain’ Division, ah hour and thirty minutes be- hind time, and consequently was running at a pretty smart speed. About a mile east of Con , f ß»ugh, at a sharp curve, a largo rock fell on the track and broke, one-half going intti the rirer and the other half remaining on the north tnic k on which the Local 'Freight was running. A little boy, on his way from school, discovered the rock on the track and hearing the train coning took a red cap from the head of his lit- tle sister, ran with all his speed to meet the train and waring the Cap, succeeded in stopping it. The engineer says that bo certainly would haTOtTUD into the rock, had ho not been signal led, as he could not have seen it in tiqie to check the-train. The, boy who thus.exhibited m much forethought, and a knowledge of the me of signals, and the consequences to the train in case it was not stopped, is said to be only about 10 years of age. The taking of his sister's red cap 1 to use as a signal, evinces a self-' possession and thoughtfulness in such an emer gency, which would do credit to any man of mature years. For one of his years he .is cer tainly a model boy. His actions in this case certainly deserves (and We are pleased to say he has received) a.suitable reward. CHunca Doue Loafing.—Every paper in the country should contain an article weekly,' on the jirnicious and reprehensible practice of church door loufing. It is a trick indulged in by a set of young men, who, while they have not , yet sufficient courage to walk up to a girl abd offer their arm, have all the inclination. They no doubt sometimes screw up their courage to the point, and.think they will take a girl home, hut when the ladies step out of church the courage of the;would be gallants all ooze out at their finger cuds, and instead of being gallants, as 1 they should be, they make .themselves blackguards by indecently peering into the faces of the ladies and making npgentlemanly remarks.— Since these young men have not the courage or manliness to ask the privilege of accompanying the ladies home, we would suggest .that the la dies act the gallant and.ask of the young men the privilege of escorting: them home, as they certainly should not he allowed to N stay away from their mothers so long after nightfall! We hope the ladies will consider this matter seri ously and do something for the young men soon. We know they will receive the thanks of the mother’s of the young men for bringing them home at reasbntiblo hours.. Tut CoLPomeoa.—Mr. Jonathan Foqht, Col porteur of the American Tract Society, who has just finished canvassing this place, gives us the fallowing statement of the number of families visited and. the amount of his sales as compared with those of last year:— Vnmilic. vicited in 1859, 663,—Amount of sales, $271 95 “ “ 1860, 827, “ •«; 303 20 incr«L"p, Mr. Focht myites It his business to visit.every family In the town which he canvasses, taking the streets m regular, order, and his facilities for obtaining, the exact number ,pf families, are, therefore, the best that could be adopted. The increase in the number of families in this place, in. one year, is more than double what we imag ined it would be. Taking the general average of five to a family, we have 870 of an increase of population in one year. Should we have a corresponding increase for the next five years' (some think it will be greater), we Will be after spplying for a city charter. ’ Hr. Focht desires us to .return his thanks to the citizens of this place for the kind manner in which they received his visits and their liberali ty in the purchase of his works. Fa.ebweu. Sbbuox.—Wo understood that Hot. J. Stock, of the Lutheran Church of this place, preached bis farewell sermon.on Sunday übrn'mg last, and on yesterday took his depar* tare for Chombersburg, from the obnroh of *hich place he had received a coll. - Mr.' Steok 11 able minister, and we regret,bis departure from our midst We Lope he .may find his new home pleasant and that his ministry may be successful. Bev. M. Fitohner, of Newry, has been named as his successor,'& ibis place, hut w * have not learned whether his selection has h«n fully decideii upon imd coiwiiired in by the church. ArpoxstUßjiT.—Samuel D. Young, Esq;, of I’hiladelphia, has been appointed Superintendent °f the Middle -Divieibo 6t the Penhta Railroad, sod enters upon the duties of his office to-day. He comes highly recommendedas an experienced tod careful railroader, haying heretofore been wnaected with the Philadelphia Division. We »«lcome.him .toahome in our mountain city, Chops' he jnay find the nhange froin oUy.Jo ftwntain life an sgreiable onh in treiy respect Borocqu Accocnt.—lp another column of to- ! ‘PicT*trE E G ai B BT -W. 11. Amey, of Harrier day’s paperwillbe foaud lhe receipteandexpen- burg, wouldrespectfally inform theoitiiens of ditarw of the boroughfor thepashyear. We Altoona and vipihity that he baa taken the pic bdierh that if ever a set of men tried todo their tore gallery of Wr. CUbangh, ‘hi thir place, *| Ioa * w ko B*** them the charge of whore be U located permanently, and hopes by |htir irae tboae who composed the strict attention to basinesa tto merit the patron* Board of retiring Couneihnen. That they should age of the pohiiA;: please oil, could not have been expected, and we Pictures of ijll the latest styles made at abort , dfa’t believe there ever was a board that pleased notice, durable, at prices to' shit the everybody, nevertheless, we think the retiring times. - • >•); board pleased about as many and did as much A fine anortmehi of oases on hand. for the improvement of the town, as any of their at dty prises. ’ predecessors. The members of the board for the Picture frames furnished to ordee coming year entered upon their duties on Pictures inserted in Lockets or Pins. Monday evening last They have a wide field !:i Feb. 16, 1860—3 m. for improvement open before them.and many conflicting interests to enconnter, but we hope and believe they will pursue that congee which will be productive of the greatest good to the greatest number, without doing a radical wrong to any. 7 SOA.M, 8 00 A;tt. 800 “ 7 00 p: m. . 8 10 Run-otf and Bexakdown. —Oa Friday eve ning last, two horses Attached to a carriage, the property of Col. £. Baker, of Allegheny Furnace, took fright at something in front of Mann's store, and started down Virginia street at a speed not consistent with safety. First the carriage struck a hatcher wagon, standing in front of Leonard’s Market bouse, .breaking an axle of the wagon, proceeding a little further, it run into the gutter in front of Joggard’s store, where one of the wheels broke down and bronght' the. carriage to a sudden halt, but the horses being inclined to go on broke the tongue loose and proceeded on their way dowq town, much to the detriment of tree boxes and trees, and were finally brought up by a tree in front of the Superintendent’s office. The driver, wVo was in the carriage at the time, and bad a fast hold on tbe lines, was jerked out rather unceremoni ously when the carriage halted, but was not much injured. Goon Flour.—Good flour is almost a godsend these days, the preponderance of bad flour being aogreat. That which is now called good wheat flour, would hardly have been considered good rye flour a few years since. The fault, however, is said not to be with the millers, hut in the grain, it having grown too large last year, and been too much exposed, to the sun while ripen ing. Be these excuses for bad flour true or false, we know that the flour manufactured at Baker’s Crystal Spring Mills it good flour, (not withstanding the defects : in the grain) as we have tried some of it. This Mill has always been celebrated for .turning out the best flour to be had in this or any other part of the country, and it bids fair to keep up its reputation. Flour from the Crystal Spring Mills.may be had in sacks of 25 or 50 lbs. weight,' or in barrels, at almost any of the stores in town. 'The Best Cough Kkhkdv Knows. —There is no doubt about the fact that Dr. Keyser’s Pecto ral Syrup is one of the most remarkable .cough medicines now offered to the public. Old cases of lung disease, bronchial, and every variety of lung disease, have yielded to its wonderful pow ers, and we therefore feel no hesitation in re commending our readers who .may be afflicted in that way to try'it. Theresa very little cost at tending the purchase of a bottle, which though it should not core) it will do no harm. We know Dr. Keyser to be a regular physician ; conscien tious in the discharge of his business, and our readers will Audit safer to trust such a man’s statements, than hundreds of those who ore un known to the community. For sale by Geo. W. Kessler. Small Pox. —ls this a Fact?—lf the follow ing, which we find among the local items .of a cotemporary, be true, it will certainly be of ad vantage to gas companies and gas (fitters:—A medical gentleman writes to a Now Fork paper that, from all the information he can obtain from medical men now having coses of Small Pox under treatment, that there is n? house where gas is burned, of the ordinaiy consumF* - tion, in which the disease has yet found lodg-. raent. The gas is a powerful disinfectant, and' hence there is no contagion within the circle of its influence, lie says that a person burning gas may contract the disease abroad and take it home with him, bat it wilt not be communica ted to any .other member of his family. • We stepped into the picture gallery, of Mr. Amey, n few days since, and examined a fpw of bis specimens, and if we are a judge of good pictures, and we think we are, we consi der his specimens the .best ever exhibited in the place. - Why, some of the pictures of our friends were so perfect that they almost spoke, and we felt like saying “ good morning” to them. .If you .wish to view the beautiful and perfect, go to Amoy’s gallery. We will not advise you to get a picture taken, for the reason that you will not leave without one if you examine his speci mens. 31 25 Daxs to be Bohn Ox.—Bom on a Sunday, a gentleman; born on, a Monday, fair in the face; bora on a Tuesday, full of grace; born on a Wednesday, sour and gram; bora on a Thurs day, welcome home; boro on a Friday, free in giving; bora on a Saturday, work hard (Tor a living. We do not know what day we were born on] but think it must have been either Monday or Saturday. The women think the former, we think the latter. i Fbesb Fish —John Nagle requests us to in* form the oitUens of Altoona, that he wiU keep constantly on hand a large supply of fresh .fish, direct from the eastern market They are so put up that they ore as firm and fresh when they arrive here as wheh first canght Give him a call. 19“ A newsohedulewent toto «lfeet on Mon day morning last on.the. Pa. B. B. ft makes bqt little change in the running of the .Passen ger trains. The,Fast Line East now leaves this station at 8.20, being 20 'mihatUs later than heretofore. Ibis is the only alteration. Lwtron CospsaxNc* —Her. S. Creighton, on Tuesday morning, left for Conference, which met at Lewisbnrg, Pa., yesterday. According to the usages of the Church, he will, we jpre earn*, he beAbsent two weeks, if net longer. ; . None*.—Notions is hereby given .to tht Stock holders that the 10th and last instalment'on the Capital Stock of' the Altoona Gas and Water Company will be-due and made payable at the Banking House of Wm. M. Lloyd & Co., on Friday, March 16th, 1860. . BENJ. F. BOSE* &c’y. MARRIED. At the Lutheran Parsonage, on the 23d nit, by the Rev. J. Steck, Mr. JAMES (A. McGUIIUStoMiss ELLEN PLECK both of Altoona. In HoUidayahnrg. by tho Rer. Lloyd Knight, Mr. JOHN BTULTS to Miss JANE CURRY, all of the Loop. On the 26th ult,, byjthe same, Mr. JOHN HARPSTEE to Miss ELLEN JANE WERTZ, both of Prankstown twp. On Jan. 12th, by R»y. J. H. 0. Dosh, Mr. THOMAS C. DONALLY to Mias RACHEL HAMMELL, both of Blair Co. On the 19th ult_ bji the same, Mr. J. B. ICKBS to Miss PRANCES M. BROTHERLINE, of HoUidaysburfc. DIED. On the 21st nit- i n Will iotnsburg, Miss KMIIA PATTER SON, aged 16 years. On the 23d in the nnta place, SARAH ANN HEWITT aged 2 years. * > On tbe'2Qth ul(., Ip the same place, SARAH ELLEN DECKER, aged ,3 years j 6 months and 13 days. On the 21st ulti, in’Duncausvillq, Mrs. MARY S. COLE, aged39years. WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE containing f Williams E L Hcnsli Henrietta WOakland A J _ llumphreys D ' . .WnyryMr Herity DanT , Young David Uibmun Jno ’ Persons calling for letters on this list will say they are adv rtised. JOHN SHOEMAKER, P. M. Mar. 1, ISCO. The only preparation wor thyof ; UNIVERRAL CONFIDENCE AND PATRONAGE. For Statesmen, Judges! Clergymen, Ladies and Gentlemen, in all parts of the world testify to the efficacy of Prof. O. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, and gontlenvn of the Press ate unanimous in its praise. A few testimonials only can be here giren; sco circular-fur more! and it will be impossible for yon to doubt, 47 Wall Street, New York. Dec. 20tb, 1838. Gsmtuekto : 'Tour note of the 15th lust, has been re ceived saying that you-heard that I hod been benefited by the use of Wood’s Hair Restorative, and requesting my certificate of the: fact if I had no objection to give it. I award it to you cheerfully, because I think it due. My age Is about SO Scare; col* of my hair hi auburn, and inclined to curl.. Sotoe five or six years since it began to tarn gray, and it|ie scalp on the crown of my Read to lose Its sensibility nDd dUndruff to form upon it. Each of these dUagreeabllitieeJncreasodwith time, and about four mouths since a fuarthwoß added to them, by hair felling off the top of my head 1 and threntning to mate me baljj. In.thlk unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Woodjj Halr Rrtteratiyc, mainly to.arrest the falling off of my hair, forji had really no expectation that hair coaid ever ta rcstordd 'to iti original < color except, from dyesi J was, Howeycrj, greatly surprised'to find after the use of two tatties only, that not only “was .the falling off arretted, but the coljrr waa restored to the gray hairs and seusibUltyto.the scgtpj and dandruff ceosedtoforna on hiy bead, nry ranch to tha gratification of isfr wife, at wboee solicitation I wda induced to try it. For this, among Uu» many obligations I owe to her sox, 1 atronglyrccoiinneidull husbands who value the admira tion of their, wives to profit by my example, ' end use' It if growing grayorgettlngbaUl. ■ Vwy respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To O.J.WoodA Broadwey.New Vork. My family are absent from the city, and 1 am no longer at No. 11 Carrot Place, ’ ; Siatnaston, Ain- July 20th, 1859. To Prop, \J, Woppt Dear Sir: Yonr “ Hair Restore tiro” has done my halt so much good since IcomnSenced the use of it, that I yrlah to 'make known to the PUBLIC of its effects onthe hair, Winch are great. A manor wo man may he nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your “ llttir Restorative,’’ the hair will return more bean tiful.than cveri at least this is my ex)ierionce. Believe it aH! Yours truly. WM. H. KENEDY. P. B.—You can pnblfah the above if you like. By pub lleUing in our . papers you will get more patron age south. 1 s<|e several of yonr certificates in the Mobile Mercury, a strong Southern paper. W. H.Kenedy. WOOD’S KAIR RESTORATIVE. Poor. 0. J. Woohr Etear Sir: Raving had the misfortune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever,.in iNew Orleans in 1851. I was indncod to make a trial ofjyonr preparation, and found it to answer os the very thing needled. My hair is now thick and glos sy, and no words cam express my obligations to you'in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. f ; ’ FINLEY JOHNSON. The Restorative is ptit up in bottles- of three sizes, viz: largo, medium,jam} small; the small holds % a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds'at least twenty-per cent, mope jin proportion than the small, retails for twodoltars per bottle; tbo largo holds a quart, 40 per cent, more iu proportion, and retails fors3. O. J. WOOD, A Cpi Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114,MarketStreet St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Q. W, ’Kessler, Altoona, and by all good Druggists and Faucy. Goods Dealers. ‘March 1,.’005-ly , A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. jLJL Notice ishercby given that letters of Administra tion' onthe estate of William Benner, fate of Altoona, Blair Conntv, deceased, hare been granted to the under signed reeidrag as aforesaid. .All persona knowing them selves indebtedto said'estate are requested to moke imme diate payment,'and thme having claims will present the same duly authorised for settlement - ; .* OEO. UAWKESWORTH, Administrator. Altoona, Feb. 23, *6 • iTtßHGriftn,stoneforonlTerts, 40 00 “ UkeM Masden, hauling, 160 “ John Swires,. 44 760 u TJWilUam*,'' “ : 160 . « Miller Knott, • i 000 “ John Bobinson, for loinber, 768 ** WBKeUw. painting index boards, 16 26 - u J D»t, painting and glaring ‘lock-up,’ 425 J L leket, nsiM and spikes, in 1868, 4 60 “ Bobelt Green; for stone, 10 00 “ PeterKned, layingparement, 825 ** J B Hileman. mereumndtee In 1867, SOI “ 3 M Campbell, filling alley. 810 a John Allison, for stone and labor on 1 Green street in 1868, 18 76 u John AlUsan, for stone end labor on Green s2reet in 1860, 1175' “ Jurors view on Catharine street, 14 00 “ Jae tGwln, for surveying .and ma-. > king plot of Catharine street, 6 00 Oct, 10. “ Robert Green, for filling street, 160 “ B B Taylor, claming Council room, 100 “ for total labor on streets, . 368 00 “ X J Williams, for 2219 cable yards limestone for MeAdamMng Vir ginia and Clara streets, at 60 cts. per cubic yard, 1776 20 « T-J Williams for 166 cubic yards McAdamtoing Catharine st., at 80c 124 80 « J O Adlnm, Secretary of'CooncQ, 26 00 “■JO Adlom, making duplicates, Ac* ■ 600 « JK Ely, borough Constable, SS 00 , “ Iff 11 all, attorney for Council, 76 00 ,| $2653 81 : LIST of Outstanding Debit » “ Do do 300 “ “ “ Miller Knott, 743 Sept. 11. “ George Metzger, 14 70 “ “ “ Jas Korns, 750 “ “ “ David Irons, 150 Dec. 19. “JR Ulleinan, 3 01 “ 23. “ John M Campbell, 152 50 1860. Jan. 20. “ Robert Green, 70 00 “ Louis Plack, on Judgment, 199 00 Henry Lehr, 78 44 $7OO 58 Cosh paid to divers persons, as per order, $l9BO 68 “ “ J B Udemon, on order of T J Williams, 34 57 Treasurer’s per centage, 53 42 Balance in Treasury, We, the undersigned. Auditors of the Borough of Altoona, Certify that we have examined the accounts and vouchers of Daniel Price, Treasurer of said Borough, up to and in cluding this 25th day of February, 1860, and find the same to be correct. THOMAS McMINN, DAVID GALBRAITH, March Ist, 1859.-4 t Auditor t. GLENN’S * ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE, (COMER OF TUX FIVZ STORT BLOCK,) North West Corner of Eighth and Race Streets, . . PHILADELPHIA. ’ The public are respectful ly invited to bear in mind 'hat at this Store may be found an assortment of fashionable and handsome Moleskin Dress Hitts, Soft Hats, High, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Olazed , Caps, Plush and Plash Trimmed Caps for Men and Boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, at Fair Prices. 43- NO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS.-®* Jan. 12, lS«).-ly ; New wall paper, FOR AUTUMN 1869. Gold Enbroidtred pspen for Parlors, new style. Beautifid papers for Halls, Chambers aud panels. Cheap WidlPapers, from ejects, upwards. Window Shades, Testers, Borden, sc. W. P. MARSHALL & CO., AT TUBIR OLD BTATO No. 87 Wood St.. Pittsburgh. STRIPED FRONT, Have feclUties possessed by no other house West of the Mountains for obtaining newest styles, in refined taste, and at low prices,, from the best French and American .manufacturers. [Sept. 22, ’69.] House and lot for sale.— The subscriber offers at Private Sale the HOUSE and LOT now occupied by her, m on tj|ie corner of Adaline and Jnlia streets, fIRSB ■ j {]A East Altoona. The House is a good Two- HIM 2• IK Story Freme Building, containing; a HrUI.iHHBnMHM Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on the* 55 -*”™* o * first floor, four‘good sleeping rooms on the second floor, * a finished Attib. - The lot Is in good order. Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain further imfbrmation will call upon the subscriber. . MARGX. M. McCRUM. Altoona, Aug. 11th, 1869-tf. Great wall paper depot. We have just received a very large and splendid stock of WALL PAPER and BORDER, purchased direct from the mann&ctnrers, which enables ns to sell at much ■lower rates than those who buy email' quantities from sec ond.hands. We invite those wishing to purchase to call and examine our stock. 1 J. 4J; LOWTHEB. Bebrnary 3,1860.-3 m. * WANTE D—A SITUATION IN the HARDWARE, or other kindred business, by a married man of fourteen years experience in the Retail Hardware business Reference given. ' j Address Post Office Box No. 163; Lancaster, Pa. Beb. 16,1860.-3 t /"lALL AT THE NEW FLOUR, PRO \J VISION, BEED AND VARIETY STORE, in tbe old Post Offiee building, and examine the stock and price*. Ibb. 23*1860.-tf. rpHB VERY BEST ARTICLE OF 1 . FLOUR, from tbe celebrated Lewlstown mills, kept atthe new Blonr and BeodStore. Call andget a ample of it. Pricesslowasthelowest. [Feb.28,’60.-tf,; IF YQU WANT ANYTHING IN the Provision or Tkriety line, oelFat the New Store,-in Old. Pest Office bnllffing, onTirglnla street and buy on reasonable terns. ; [Bob. IMO-tfr I T> AKER’S FLOUB —A YERY SIV £'OR SALE.—& HOW AKD LOT, - QQ.. SJS ; -ti! J/ Ijij 8 >—' iSl.llirfl. Kj i 1 te tp *5 (T >-b» ja . | „ „ h rvi s* § ii-cs-ae oo g W Bk#8|I!« , wr- gpf 1,-8 | M;?.** o LrnJ B i f 8oM« S rH “s||§B e * at I |l w 15 -S If *5 11 a* it I. hH ,°l H 1 $B3l 60 $7OO 60 (2773 25 2 00 CR. $2 00 4 60 1 00 De Forest, Armstrong & Do*. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 & 82 Chambers St., N. Y., WOULD NOTIFY THE ; TRADE that they are opening Weekly, in hew acd beau tiful patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO TBS AMOSKEAOf: A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country ibr perfection of execution and design in full Madder Color*. Our Prints are cheaper than any hr market, I and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. Feb’y 2,1860.-ly H ’ ; Bakery and Grocery Store. THE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON STANTLY on hand Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c Fresh Butter, Bacon, FLOUR, OROCERiESi A Choice Lot of Christmas Candies, &c. Also, a choice lot of SEQARS and TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Nov. 10. Virginia Street, below djjrnie Street. $2771 25 2 00 25 CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, offux, no south fourth sTjtser, W. R. BOYERS, AOENT, Altoona, Blair County, :Pi?.: enABTKB PZKPITOAL. CAPITAL S2Q{|LOOO. Oboaxizid 1851. :■■■" Insures from loss by Pire; —Household Gobds, Buildings and Merchandize generally. Insures Lives —Dnringthe Natural Lifii or ftj Short Terms. Inland Insurance —On floods, by Canal, Lakes, and Land Carriage. ROBERT PERRY, Pres't. H. K. Bichaxdsox, Qio. C. KcutsoLD,' Sec'y. [S«p£. 29, ’69-fim American Life Insurance and Trust Co. Capital Stock, #500,000. J Company Building, Walnut St., S. 'S: corner of , Fourth Phila. ;U[ W. R. BOYERS. AQ’l*j ALTOONA, LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RSATES, OR AT JOINT STOCK BATES, AT ABOUT ifft PER CENT. LESS, OR AT TOTAL ABSTONANCK RATES, THE LOW KBT IN THE WORLD. A. WIHLLDIN, Pres't. 3. C. SIMMS, Sedy. [Oct. ffUb, 1859-ly. Blanks op all descriptions neatly And sxpedlefausly executed atthti office. J. a. ADLUM, NOT AFt Y P U Bi LIC . ALTOONA. BLAIR. CO, Pi; i Can at all times be found at the store oC Ji B.Hileman. October 1,1857. -»i Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent ' of the Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at ait times ready to insure against loss or fire, Build. inm, Merchandise,’ Furniture and Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in ths State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack * Co. D. 1. CALDWELL, Agent. Jan. 27, ’59-tf Lycoming county Mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—Thh undersigned, agent of the Lycoming Mntnal Firo Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against Mr or' dtknaxeYy fire. Buddings, Merchandise, Furniture and Prmefty'ot eVery description, in town or-eonutry, at as' redbmame rates as any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple. Jan. 3, ’56-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY .—lnsurance on -Beal or personal property wfll beeffected On the 'didst reasonable terns by their agents in Altoona at bis office in Anna St. March 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent UNITED STATES LIFE INSU RANCE Cbfopany. Agency, Anna Street, Altoona. March 17.1850. JOHN SHOEffiAKgRT Agent T EVPS PREPARATION FOR EX, JLi terminating EATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Bed-bngswithont danger in Reuse under wyrfrcumsfaa ceiforealeattheDrug-Storßof Jan. 3*.’86-tf] Q. Wj; KESSLER. SALE^y^^ lowest, lor Oesn. *Apply to - JOHN SHOEMAKER*' ROCERIES.—A LARGE AND compute aMortttient ofOroeeriee been re ' it-tbeitoa.'of : J. B- 'ptfiliEMAK. s JUST RECEIVED. y-Ji A Urg* and ftabfeiuble wortm«pt>t the «tore of r.X BBU<)SM[AN« T7LOXJBDELIVfiREDi *L**i ■ PHILADELPHIA,!’ ' ■ Cheapest! Best! Largest 11 ; S 3 5.0 0 Payafcr Tuition In -Single and Double Kntrr Bbok-Xat»i tn& Wrtttng, Ootnmercial Arithmetic arid Soonf 8 m»bsao, Sationtry JVlSrfOo* $36 pennt $62. Usual tfiu to (smpl(te a MI course.' from BtoWw*d» Every, Stodont, upon graduating, Is guaranteed toUtoK potent to milage the Socks of any Business anid vaattflsA to sera a salary of from ' $5OO to $l,OOO, : Students enter si any time—Xo Vacation—Settees at pleasure. - • FtretPremihihi for Beet Business Writing fir lMS<'tfr celved at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Ohio Stats Fab*, tain.** Principal Fairs of the Union for the past feat jauMlnhters Sons received at Half price.' _ For full information. Circular. Specimens of BusbMMSWd Writing and Embellished View of the Cdlieta, encldse flretetter stainps to P. W. JENKINS. Sept. 22, ly ' Pittsburgh, nic LYON’S Pore Ohio Catawba Brandy. rpHE UNIVERSAL PREFERENCE I which to given to this brand shows that it Is the only PUBS BRANDY for MEDICINAL PURPOSES knoHro, which to folly corroborated by all practicing phy actons who have used it in their practice. Foi Sosunei Complaints with Children# A Curt it guarantied or (he money will bi ini*, funded. as it will efbetually relievo that affliction, as wsUgit,', - Diarrhoea & Bowel Complalat, AS A BEVERAGE, The pure article to altogether superior, and e sovereign and SUBS REMEDY for Ditptpna, Flatulency, Cramp, Colic, Longman, Low Spirit*, Oineral Lability, tfervoue-* nett, Liver Complaint, etc. . ' - Phyilclene, who hete need it'lai their prtotfce, (peeler It tn. the wort Bettering term*, st will be eeenby reforexe lo the ndmercme tetters end eortlßcetse- A. HAST A CO, Proprietors, Ciuclnaett A. ROUSH, ? Sole Wholesale end Betel! Agent for Bleir qvuaty. Kot. 10,1 AM. v . BOOK FOB Ss - Y.—BTABTLIHO iSOtdSORES.—Dr." TBL .KR'S great work forth* mar led, or for thoao contemn)*- >z marriage—2oo p&ee*,ntiil PLATES. Price iaoente*-- it to *ll part* coder aoal, By ail, POSTPAID. 000400 >pien sold tbs last year, ffl agio, married,endthe mai led happy. A lector* oct Lore, or how to chooee • put tr; a complete work on MU* Ifrry. Tt contain* hundred* led—warranted to bewonb i for it, 2$ cent* in apeet* ir poatage a tamp* enclosed, trill secure a copy. t>y. f*tonrpf mall. DR. TELLER has derated a lifetime to the cure of dls ««*« on which hie book a treat. Address J. IRIiIRB, M. D, No. SBoaver street, Albany, N. T. -' \, - . ;>i. Dr. T Idiots’ Female Mis, $1 a box, with fall {Mm, Harried ladies ehould not nee them. Rent by man.Ad dreea Dr. Teller, as above. Ap^'lfth,Wl£ 1859. Pall Trade 1859. A CAR D—THE UNDBBSiaSfiD X\- have Just received and arc now uffwinmthelarftMt and Inoet varied stock of . ’ \ FRESH GROCERIES . " i ? over brought to this Harked In connection: with the above, the; are constantly supplied with chdce BntitdsFtf the various grades of , -;Jv7f7 FLOUR! V.- ; v;^ AUo, Bacon, Cheat, Whale, taAner'e gkjtßat'd Oils ; Ifess Pori ; ‘ Together with all kinds of Pittsburgh Hannlltetu¥ed Arti cle*, all of which will be sold low for. cash. .The Hk chants of this place are invited to call befcre purchsdosl elsewhere. At the.OldStand ■ Oct. 17, ’69-2m.l WH. M, GORIXLY * 00, 271 liberty af„ oppotUt Eagle Sbtd, iwWyirpA. Howard association, u PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Buiitutio* atabliihtd by f|rn'nl iWrfninniuf. for the Relief of the Sick and DittrtteedL afiteted with Virdießf dna Epidemic piteatet, and etpteidOy Jbr Oti Chire ifßiteaeet of the Sutual Organ*. < ' Medical Advice given gratis, b; the Acting- Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condt tion, Cage, occupation, habits of life, ic~) and in cassis of extreme-poverty, Medicines furnished tree of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases- of the Sexual Organs, and on the mw ujoDUh' employed In the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In esdlM l?t»5 tree of charge. Two or threeSUmjwlw postage Wlli be acceptable. " Address, DR. J. SKILLON nODGHTON, Acting Bor-. geon.HovrardAssociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, PhflJ adelphia. Pa. By order of the Directors. 1. . r . EZRA D. HKARTWELL. iWt QUO. FAIRCHILD, dke-y. [Jan. ft, ’wT-ly BAIL BOAT) LANDS FQB SALS, ON LONG CREDIT, , . ‘ AND AT LOW BATES OF INTEREST rriHE HANIBAL AND BT. JOSEPH JL BAIL ROAD COMP AN V, harirtg over 000,000 ACHES of LAND lyinjf in the Stats of Missouri, which m itinfi ed, by Act of Congress, to aid in the construction ortlidr Row); offerth* principal portion thereof; fur sale, on the taoet liberal terms. The greater part of those lands ar* within sis, (tad all within fifteen miles of the Ifailrmul, which is now comple ted, and open for-use throughout its entire length (Aid miles,)snd rune through a country which Is unsurpassed by any .in tbA salubrity of its climate, the-fortility of (te soii. and the extant of its mineral resources. Bor farther information,. apply at the l,md office of tbs Company, or address by letter, JOSiAH HUNT, '' Land Commlssioaer, U. A St. Jo. R. Rj. - Hannibal, >Io. Beb. 2, ’UO.-lyP BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.—' Did yon bear the news from Europe? If yon bnA not, we will tell you what it is-. It is that HENRY TUCK baa Just returned from the Eastern cities with a iargSsnp ply of v READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of aH stylesand qualities of Overcoats, Drew Coate,ye»U, Pants, Bdots andShoea, and every thing kept' In anestabiislunent of the kind, all of which he offer* at unprecedentedly low prices far cash. Having purchased' bis Stock at cask prices, - he is thereby enabled to solfVarw low;. ’• He Invites all those in want of anything in his line to give bm k call, feeling sure that he win he able to give satisfaction. HBNHY TUCK: Altoona, Sept. SO, ISiJkxtf ~ Beto Jtoofe gjtore. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS LATELY opened a BOOK STORE next door to tne earner of V&pwrta and Amris itrtets, /SUi MI .W wbe» may be Jbnnd nS&SpU * OU md Standard Authors, New vSSkSu,, Light Literature, Veriadieals and Staple and Fancy Stationery in large varieties. Also, anew and very select lot of SHEET MUSIC, HtiSIC BOOKS and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The cltirtns of Altoona an respectfully Invited to call. B9JUI order#* tte ruled to with prouptueea and diswtek. Altoona, Nov. 3, ISB9-tf H. SMIIBu PLANING MILL &. SASH MANU PACTOHT.—The subscriber would itmoaco# ***** be fam removed bis Planing mill and Saab Mannfiic* tory, from Tipton to Altoona, when he wiU continue to fill o#- «n i&attfaßd (o ill work entrusted to him, with dee peteo* TheMlU Is o& the lot adjoining Allison’* tteea Mip. THOSK McATCIT. ' 17,1859^~tf TVBNTISTRY. —DR. S. KIMMELL. XJ OPERATIVE S MECZAXICAX DENTIST. _ Teeth Inserted, from one to a full set, on Gold or BUvt r Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted Jbr ten run Twth Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine Qt Ptifi. All operation* and work done cheaper than aorwh*** the county, end s dednctios made, of the nOmd expenses from Altoona to lloUidaysborff* tn m lU oMiv tlona amounting to five dollars and oxer. ■ _'*S- Ofllee on Jlontgomery * treat, opposite the Exchange Hotel, HolUdayihnrg, fa. [Pec. 18, laftSy ri4KP&T BAGS, Vy SS*M4tS, d»-, can bebought cbeap*^H- l’Dujri than btfcer place la the country. yDec.SyllW, *