9. CJrpotma Crite. ALTOONA, PA. m ?-»i •* m '■ 3WRSDiY.FEBIOM« ) 1860. JKn»Wbttro parties »re unknown to uuionr rule for *d»er i#jto l«luJre p»ym«it in adTMceior#g*ai»nt«ilrom k»ownper*ou-!. ,;|ti#tb#r#lbr#.aHla#»lursn »nck to»md offering to ptjr at tbe en|clfeg>pn.ti the c|ty and droppedtbeir old candidates and took up new ones. On Tuf«.dnytth« forces of the different parties W«Kc- *efrt«red op their candidates, the | “MbCHernard,-' of THinow, a Doughs|DemborSt, the Republicans and a nUtabar of ‘ Americans r bn William Pen- nington,; of New Jersey, an Old Linfe ,0n the call of the roll for the forty-third ballot, "if was confidently ex ited jthat Briggs, of Now York Oity, an ih^egen4c nt P cmqcrat, and Higgs, Dem ocrat, frqm the district adjoining Penning ' would ydte for Pen nington,; which, as parties then stood, jrpuld elect. h im. .On Briggs pa Ino being filled, hp aptwered “McClernard,” Know ing that >this was decisive of the ballot, erpn -if |iiggs voted for Pennington, all iaterest paa lost in the monotonous re- sponses pn til - the stentorian -Clerk chal lenge dffH. Winter Davis,” of Baltimore, Americakt, who, in his clear, ringing voice, gate baC< the response, “ Pennington ” Then - ’tie* said,, the galleries resounded With enthusiastic cheers, mingled with niues. This revived the hope of Pen- ningtpn’s election, ,in case Biggs should vote for |bim, and this Biggs haoi promised it could elevate him to the Chair. The vote of H. Winter Davis had H|iKsd, .his power to redeem that pledge, iAs the reading clerk called out his name, eve,ry eye was rivited, and every ben fi,on. Biggs. The response “ Mc- Clernardj” cau§cd considerable excite ment. Thus ended .Tuesday’s proceed bag# ; ton lacking one vote of an «-.Thc Ptpuse met on Wednesday morn lhg', and-;aflet'-one Or twO dilitory motions were indulged in, the 'roll Call for : the '■ t , j ■ Toriy-fourth balloVcofninenced. The’ re a cpnclusiph, for al-, tjwbgh _aud . Biggs bath .voted for MflGlernprd, it was believed that the .lat ter would change to Pennington if that Would sebure hi8 r clection; -Thb tally dis closed tjiat the whole number of votes present was 283—necessary to choice 117 i 116.' NtfW came the . and ;forceB to the vote, but just-then Hr. Briggs arose and in a few |gaive bis rpaadps for changing his Jfpm McQlernarii .to .X^ehniiig'tou-.—- . > -excitement .hadsomewhat -Booook -and 'Sherman: tdj tjhe *s|Rhdfjfiiit ; fe; ..*■.V: / •fc? e fe k^ S U ? p0 ‘ p the eye “ tB tfae P?Ta «#l>ti~[ . :; -:a:' ; :’-/X i v Jfor *igb*w«»k«. ihedaily sessions of thd Honsehato been opend by a prayer from a Chrts- ' Thin ijjj were by an fnvocation to the Coil of- Abrtn«w,' Iwtnc, an(l Jacob; froth ‘th&Tips of* 5 #*iri*h B^bbi,-Slothed ii» Jtie; jjorgeous liabUi nentt of the Hebrew priesthood. lie fepvepUy o)iy e]ect a .man tn.presi ie,oy er them V jm. Tfli’eq the ’ resnlif tif ‘tlic^ 1 ti^ ewiV said it \Wisb dispensation bad more influence over ’the ,Cu>ia|MH). its ,;tjpe*:,ian(l t i> allot, |whiie: Mr. Banks was chosen onj ha Bnd thlrtyithirtl. ' I draee, a motionwas matte to proceed to flie el^onc^*Clerk } A wallbcQ made priition biU, srhic^fas alao llSt. excitement and confusion was so all attempts dfjt&e Speaker Family, d-motion was made to adjourn.oxer until Friday, in or der to give tbe Speaker time to arrange the committees-—which motion prevailed. The House, met on Friday, and after a Uttle talk, (proceeded to the election of a Clerk. Mr. Schwartz nominated John \V. Forney; Mr. Smith nominated James C. A 1 Idn, date Clerk-; Mr. Nelsonnominated Samuel of Teunsssce; Mr.. Cobb noidinated ,J i>LH. L. Lawson, of Ala. A vote was then bad* with tbe following re sult?:— Whole number. 221 NeeeuMtyio a choice.. .111 'FOf U6^......... tirV.i... ••*■*••.. *.i...M. ....... XX*. v ; -A11qu......... .................. .....■*.. ......... * 77 , Tajlor... ;•••••:* Dawion .:.. .....V 8 A “Clerk ;being elected, the House then proceeded to Ballot for Sergeantj-at-Arms. Henry W. Hoffman -was electedSergeaut at-Arms in place of] A. J. Hlossbrenner. The vote for: Ciossbrenner stood as fol lows;: Por Hoffman, American, 114 ; for Glosabrenuer 92, the rest scattering. On Monday^the House elected George Mafstdii', of New Hampshire, Door Keep er, and JoaialiM. Lucas, of Illinois, Post Master,.after which it adjourned over un til to-day. Campaign op 1800.—Now that Con gress has succeeded in effecting an organ ization, the farce of manufacturing candi dates Tor the campaign of 1860 has com menced. A telegraph despatch states that the Republican party has been in terred and a new Party organized to consist of Republicans and South Ameri cans, whose candidates are to be, for Pre sident, Edward Bates, of Missouri.; Vice President, Simon Cameron, of Pennsylva nia, and W. H. Seward to have the Eng lish Mission. A pretty strong ttam, but the programme may be changed. We have just received from the publishers, Leonard Scott & Co , New York,.the first number of'the 50th volume of the American edition of the Westmin ster Review. This publication contains 184 pages of solid reading matter, on top ics of intertest to every reader. The pre sent number contains a long article on the subject of “ Christian Bevivals,” which will be read with great profit by, every one into whose hands the work shall Pnco of the Review §3 per annum. Bennett’s Dollar Monthly, for Pcl)- roary, is before us, containing a continua tion of the interesting story entitled “The Mountain Lilly,” from the prolific pen of Bennett, together with !good selections and original contributions. The Monthly is undoubtedly the cheapest magazine now published. Price 1.00; Bennett & Hame lin, Philadelphia. OGF* The Student and Schoolmate, ed ited by W. T. Adams, N. A. Calkins, and Fattier' Forrester, is b Jure us. It is pub lished by BobispuxGrteue & Co., Boston. Every number contains a speech, a dia logue, anda piece of music. It is just the book to be placed in the hands of children. Terms 81 per year. teller from ilarrisburg. Correrpondence of the Tribune. IiARKiSBCBO.feb 7, 1860. h?«tltemsn.*—To-day. things look a little live ly. The Philadelphians are here in full force, looking.-rftpr their interesta. One party in here tO the passnge of the new Insurance .another is hero to oppose it. Some arp here ,Uip new .Paasenger and olUerß.to oppesp them- The fight will probably «a» warm in f day dr two. t ■ To.tdnj,4|l t&e j3ejmte, nnotlier petition—-be- oi'CUiipmau toutusUip,because a mar- I inng the third—was presented, praying that the decided not to openfr«*«ibovl» according to .Statoiuakoaahppraprintionto tbe different -rairn ..... ™ i cre , • . _.. „ , , L ' are now in California mucty-four O. ThoLui r a measure finds no favor with jronr corpspon- 1 disbursed charities during last year to tbe amount of dent, wbotbitUis that tbe business of appropri- ! SW,ohO. nting%oney«rc*dy carried slightly beyond ! • .looted a Methodist, Zr_ w . . . X v • - j tbe eon.of a Methodist prcimher, to the rtsinmiiible office ol tbe bounds of propriety, and who believes that [ of.bngb>nd— the Un>t dissenter piaix.il in such additional approbation would be "run- \ judicial ojuco since the time of Cromwell.' u iii .g the thing in the ground ” There nre some 1 ‘Wh sipped— the young lady.found guilty .ofinfanticidet ten' the' Stale, and *sthey‘ would 1 y «IJ. place eon* since.’ , . , T : biw departed for other regions. M hose fault fait tluU idle probiibly turii up their aristocratic noses at less | wu» Unfa permitted to'evade the cans«iupnce«’of her guilt? than a cool thousand..dollars each, here-would j. . lit' the letter postage la u&j was 's7l,- jo $lO,OOO absoiutely given toWrtfd educating ?t*R vj'* ,W; stamps sold, 'tbe ficb. ’ ' > ' ’ ■■ receipts, $(301,31351. Oiiiipenßatioii U) pdstnms- Among the members of the Assembly J recog- if' 1 Bt4 5»; traneportatiim, s3 boga itbyKsliwnW cT Altoona. It is Andrew Craig. Esq.-former- propth-tor* of the St. Churls* Uutel, la £ipt. : Thompson, 1 isth'lnstS ho Kaivod,? auapacktoghfabaggage Jert fvr fnd orterf of biaiiturestvo \V. T. -t borne.’twfriWy feiglrtened. ?lm *uporfliiity of ayiug bnl tuukes a qulfft. unobtru- { led tl * er^"Hb M f** f ‘no «d«rra tIK- doviL’* ■iTfi meiuber.’ lie is u Repub- ! jininifaes tlieJieetZ but jmjw with *licat»‘; kndrepresepts the district composed- of' hoW 'and piiya wlih .iisgrace; he | -IVestinioireJntKl and Armstrong counties. % •. viiMjp with pain'; he pruuiiWproat 1 On Friday last Judge BelTs prolific brain got} »“*! iife, hutp«y< withdeatb. off thr .fas offered .as « joint tyft.iramtoM we .resplutipn:- \ " ! rniule iujjire gold. it aOLBia, la the present rrfali of our public affairs’ and ! .WUCaptw of Ulasbee.—A writer injthe Anterieari Mtdi iu'view of the - nufortatnUe alien: | ' 's' ■ • .-• "> Vrt. {* ■ h-_-r of tbe Oui.'ii, and die of the original thirteen .wfifib j ‘ ClutrJee W. |dt of ifa. wntrtbntcd largely to the establishment of our National! box been at yntfk farafcwyearw^ WVnfou M fivleii. therefjre, -- r : and dfatriuuting typei fc*v mas • hem mean* of effecting titese oWects, i.cUibm. plan* BavebiieUfnlly br themiiet tN» During • the re* a visit ie‘l «itfN at the r*4sdepce r of. Nicholas Longworth, at Underwood, of, Ken ""iferalwd, TJurt bthe ownt'orthto, iwinjtac-. Uwkjr, |»Tige-iipited: Sr. Longworth as the raped, ttb^iealtm' oftha two.lWnaea *all apiwint a ■■«>. w , j pi.__ nrranscmeutu (iirthi rt* \ t*pt®WOWUfp man Of tu6 uH«i m. 4* «pOs»|iSra ieoe. of the Ohm House of Representative*, .KCMtH&TbU'SheOovernaror tbfevlommonwealtt be ITv - ■ - reqne»teffto ti«i»«Blt a copy of tlmao resolutions to the responded with the following sentiment: . : ™r« ofKeewckyv _ ***!*£■ to prove to the the WO od of the lance, obi- P. Y. » ihat the ht,««fe. I emblem of strengthtthe Bnek* Inld otri--hßtl eye of and) refill,i.ig is * wo* wdefißitely postponed Some Re m»n, cmVem of beauty. ChiiMiry. hea*y and t*ha_fn.ght swallow this dose;b«-» mitjonty ? strength, the Vine bathos It. home o.she hills j ot '. n , w ., „ .«»nal I°f o>4°« Kentucky and Tenuesse. shill twino /■‘W 1 General report. In .t he say* that the whole number ttn blein af Union _J t tUe bundle of drJ and ofarrn* issued to dump | , e „ I(?0(ea flf tb# R Republic, but in thf irasiyear amounts requisitions-unfilled amounting to 12 3 returns of origado ius|M>cu)r*. county commissioner* tui(l county treasurere; inrelation,to amtitiug the accounts iu the brigudus; iu auditing file Adjutant General's accounts ,-nsto contested elections ,*ud,courts mortis], ami many other mutters,' which 1 Will not mention burn. I will, ut iui early day of the' atnaidix, aund my suggestions in relation to them all Iu detail’’ A cumber of tbe prominent military men have had this subject under consideration here for some time, and a bill is now before tbe House whiob will remedy nearly all tbe defects of the presentllaw. Tbe want of arms rests with the General Government. Tbe; following Uw inrelntnn to. liens has passed, the House : AN ATT supplementary to the several acts relative to the liens of mechanics ami liiatonal-rmn, : istoxiON. 1; Be. it enacted iy the *\enuie and limit* rf Beprexejituti'rt!, 0/ the Vointnon weaWt 0/ Peuv.iylcunia in (rentntiAstcmhly *nti t -and it is hereby euwpted by the au* ifivriiy <*J]the euine: That whi*n aov jaaft&r workuiau ur coutiitctup shaft. on d»*ni.tmi. to j>Ay any jouruoyinau ur labgiyf empjoyni in cr£ctlug ur constructing, rujioirmg building or property. belonging or adja- tbef4juuto,ibo wage* «luu to him* it shall In.- tin- duty of 6.uch journeyman or laborer to give notice in writing, accompanied by A statement. Kupporteii by affidavit, that the baipo.is correct and unpaid, to the owner or own-rs of earli building, of asul and. of the amount /iu«* to hini, ami so clomand.nl, ana ttyo owne« or own-rs of *»uch building eliali thun-upon be n.t|iiired Co retain the amount owing by him or tiium, to *ucji master workman or c*iu trjfctur, giving him wntteri uoiico of such dafin and d.iknian ur contractor, as *n um- h paid un account: Pnjvided. That the owner or owners of any building or buildings, ag-uimt which Midi claims shall Im fiiad? aliall not be required t«> pay the same until su- h journeyman 01 lalmrer shall have obtained final judgement ugaUist sd.-h contractor*or contractors, and all shall be panldiy sudi contractor ur contractors, but if such cun traiji«>r ur co itrimturs. are unable to pay the cost*. tli*i» and in th*t •*a*t* the costs to which the owner or oWiivr# nuy havy been subjected, shall be deducted fr«*\u the moneys coming to sw h Journeyman laborer or claimant. Under tho provisions of this act. Anil it is fui thtr prnvi dtdi That such claimant or claimant* shall bring a s uit aguhn>t.6h;dr«-outfttcier or coutnetors within one month oitej giving such and if no shit is brought within fiiiiu tbs.notice is to have no effect whatever. 1 thin ns 11 very important net. affect ing as ij dura a Urge ciass of the community. Today in the Senate quite an animated dis cussion'. arose ou a bill introduced by Senator Miller, entitled ‘•an act for the relief ot tlie tax payers of Wasiiingtuu county.” It seems that in :tii ;evi! h.iur the tax payers aforesaid volc«l tor the County to take S-0,1/00 of stock in the ilempfieid Railroad, under the delusion there never would bernny interest to pay on the ootids issued. Tip; bond holders nre after the bond-is suers : with a pointed piece of timber for their ‘•tuotviah.” They have got a judgment. and the case is in the Supreme Court, but in, the mean time the Cotnmissionoi s have levied a tax t ' pay the interest,, and it is to resist the col lection of this : tax, until the dcci.-i m of the Supreme Cout . Mr. Miller's bill is intended, but as it smelled somewhat of repudiation, it was voted down, 19 to 7. Tltere is nothing new to chronicle in the Gu- line, except that it is now alleged that John L. Dawson, of Fayette, will be the Democratic.nominee. Yours, PAN AND SCISSORS. I'lie Huntingdon Union is publishing the Pcnna. Railroad in i>lic«>i. iar We notice tli it Ciabnugb's sky light dagnpi roan gal lery lias been opened by Mr. Amey, of Uurrisbnrg. i, Trump—the Leahs’ and Havin', of J.bensburg. We notice the names of tin ee of the loi mer ami lour of the lat ter^inthe Republican borough ticket. Large and still increasing—the number of persona who ui e anxious to serve their country in the capacity of Justice of the Peace of the borough ol Aitoona. 'lhe effect of character in always to command con alucratiou. Wc B|>ort, uiul laugh witn men and women who have none; but we never conUtie 111 them. branch road from Crcssou to Lbeusburg.i* one haifgnided— work to the value of $20,000 having been done. slp,oOo will yet be ten ui red tu tiuinli tile rood. A little daughter, of Mr. Michael J. Sun tb, of (iallit sin, Canlljria coilnty, was scalded to death, on Saturday week lastj by upiitttiug a iiau of boiling water on hei licad. Chevalier Wykoil, of tbo L'ew York Ucrtud, was summarily ejected, on Wednesday, from the House. of Hejirtsemotives, at the instance of lion. Huger A. Pryor. , ttti- A .resolution Ims been introduced Into the Peiin’a Legislature to reducuthe pay of Legislators from S7OU to SaOu. W (ieu that resolution passes, we will let our readers know iu an extra. feS- Timothy says the first time he went courting, he felt as ifi pink angel hod hauled him down a rainbow, with a piiico of chum lightning, smack iuto a pile of down. W liar’s Upi-'ui? The Court of Snyder county has decided to remove A western editor has received sixteen offers for marriage since leap year has set in, but he has not excepted one of them, the an swer to this invariable question. How much property have you in your cwtx right ?” not being satisfactory in either case. SPECIAL NOTICES. GERMAN BITTERS, OR. HOOFLAWD’B BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded ealisfac tion is rendered by them in all eases; and ths people have pronounced them worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all. dieeasee arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the etomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial hae acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. It trill cure, without fail, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold,, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of A fey> doses will also at once check and cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding from Cold is ths Bowels. These medicines art preparedly Dr. C. M. Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia,, Pa., and are sold ly druggists and dealers m medicines everywhere, at 75 cents per bottle. The siynatur: of C. M. Jackson will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called Eveetuody’s Almanac, you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country.’ These Almanacs are given away by all our agents. ' 1,1 iu AltvM.jiH, »*y A. U<>u*h and (t. W. K easier, and by aU ItruggUtH.' (may iff. ’6Q-ly J Varum* tlua.no* have been started relative to tl.e origin of intestinal worms, and y»t the on. ,rion is still a vei.,) one among medical iinihor'tiwa. Of oar fact, however. all aro informed. and in which all agree—the fatal nature of the influence the) exert oil children. Al Ibi-si uon of the the attacks of worms are moat frcijncnl as well ns m..»t dangerous. e take great pleasure in direr ting the attention of parents to the Vermifuge of Or. M Lane. i>re- T*red by Fleming Hroa., TiUsbingh. It is one of the most e.vtraordinaiy medicines ever ml . need to the public, and hue never failed of Success when :: ! ‘-d £»" I’MelMsers will he careful to ask for OR. M’f. A'.'E'S CVI.KOI*.ATKO 'VKKM 1 Fl.'liK, linimifnctured by KLICM 1-Nti Oilvtc., of I’itl-loiiidi. |*a. Thera are other Tills I'lirje'rt.ng to be Liver Tills, now iitfoga the i uiyJic. Or. M t..ni‘*. s genuine Li.vcr Tills, also his celebrated 1 ena ; luge, mil jiow lie had at all i. spectable drug stores. Xuue g-i nine without the signature of v«.tr, LOG AN, Feb, ‘J. ISBO. FI.EMI.VG BROS, Fold li y druggist* nuil dealers everywhere. FITS! WHY PROMINENT. For a long time there was n u paragraph making: its reg ular weekly appearance in our oilman*. with (he brief, but emphatic word* -Fits 1 Fi ;.s r always «f the h. ad, to some au offensive cantiop, but not e* to Uie beue void! t and hu mane, who could sympathize iu the sorrows’ of ethers. Some pern, ms are shocked at airy indication of disease and are even tin own iiuohcivons cxcitcini'nt on witnessing a hearse or coffin. Shell arc to he pitied. 'Vo should always strive to look disease and even death in the face with yalnirtes*, and especially tajte every opportunity foe alleviating digeitse.— Viewed I- this light, the alirertiseuMits of S'. S'. IhViice, of 100 Baiiimorc -tni-t, Baltimore, .Md.. possess a certain In terest, and those who know of one suffering from Epi -1 psy. Spasms, or Fit* of any kind, should feel it a pleasure td cut out his advertisement, or in some other way geml wfird hr the afflicted of tjie great value of hi* remedies. They can lie sent to any part of the country hy mail. Prise, {3 per box. Two, Twelve, $2l. Feb. 9. 1860. Mexican Mustang Liniment. poor, bond and free, all colofa. gradtaand conditions of life, we hear tire- name me cd of pra.ie award ed this wonderfill article. are healed, palns.reiievrd, live* saved, valuable animals mad- useful, a -,d untold Ills asmiaged hy tliisgreat medicine. which U surprising to the Jiulginoud of nmu. Vviiat family docs not require a atao ilard Liniment f M iio ever heard of the same i-ifecti pro duewi by any other article? For cuts, bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, strained horses, Ac,. it Ima Uo equal. imilaUwt*. The genuine' Mustang Liniment la sold tiy all rc«jK!ctnbfo Di uggistV a rii»nblo for tlw reatoratloa of rhoallh. The numerous acknowledgements of Its superior | excellence and beneficent have assured the p'ropri «*®r» that it cannot Cat prove a great cure to the afflicted, •&>lmpart vitalityto the through system. •3- Seh «dvei Uscment In another column. , ?el> 9,1 W». : Oh that lak'flpiw'of -an innocent cheep chonM he j ‘hiatfe into parchnu-nt, widwritten on to. the nndaing of ft man I” quoth Shakcpfp*,. jj p might .ftar? d.plorfi nncpulh manner lit ■which conW hogrtictm* baior* butcher nfc the olothmade fiam tl«rw«d ; grow» by the»e »aj(ieimrnUee»*lniopi To •rt of wQrklng up cloth wtoejy weMw i> all'at the BrowinStone (Sithlhg •, USD.-ly. toothache. This disease can hs’enred by Ktyter*t IbottasAs JU mtdy. prune red by him la Pittsburg, which is pat up in hotline uud sold at ii cents each. It Is an exoalleat medicine, when diluted, for spongy end tender gome, and is worth lui times iu price to alliwho seed it. field here by G. W. liesalsr, Drujrgiit. i AUrvorßjau.lilS69.-em. j De Forest, Armstrong & Ud«, DKY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 & 82 Chambers St., N, Y., WOULD NOTIFY- THE TRADE that tli.j are opeuing W«klj, Id new oed beau tiful |iaturQ«. the ' WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO run AMOSKEAG, A S.w print, which e*cet» evci-y'l’rint in the Connlrgr for p.rfectlou of execution uml ila-iga iu full MsJdrr Color*, i fur Print* are cheaper than any In market, end mMting with extensive ante. Order, pruuiptly altend.-d to. yrh’-y 2. ISBO.-1y r OST. —ON MONDAY OR TUES | J PAY uf lest week, a CAT.P-BKIN POCKET-BOOK. Lt.nUiiniun mindly Ouu-liUl*. redeipta. anus, Ac., which ara of no value to any person but the owner, a* payment on all the notes therein has been shipped. The r-ceipt* will he sufficient to decide ■ lie owiivrahip of the hook. Any per son r-uirnintj wiid pocket-book to tlie sn'iv.-rih.-r. wdl be snitahiy icwnrdid. JOHN - CUXMMiH AM. V'OTIUK IS HBREiBY OFVEN TO 1 y ail ]ier*..us, not to purchase a PUOMISSOKY NOTE by Jolt a Cuir.iiiigliaiii nail Michael CoEsiilay ;o Oeo. V.Vltn fiat“.l A dl.st, 1837.-for $l4O and some'cents, (iuyal-le twelve moutlis alter dafe. aa we are determined not to Pay tiia same quiea* compelled bylaw, never having received value therefor. JOHN CUNNINGHAM. MICHAEL CASSJOAV. Jan. 20. 1800-tt. TTALUABLR REAL ESTATE FOR T SAL”.—llio undersigned purposin'; changing: his location offers for sale ids Keal Kstoty in the Roruuglts of II llidayshiny; and D'lucmtiville, ic.. indading hi. (irirau residence, scinch is one of tlie first class properties ip Hlnir cniity. For further p irticnlurs inquire of ths subscriber cither at IMllidayshurg or Altoona. Jau. 12. 1800.-tf J. d. T.imp * Our Musical Friend. j; ‘ OUR MUSICAL FRIEND, A RAKE Compauyon ior Use Winter Mffnms. Every Piat.ist, ShmiK (irocuro this weekly Kvery Singer, Publication of Vocnl * nd Eve'-v Teacher, Piano Forte Music, cost- Kvery Pupil, ing hnt TEN cents a Every Amateur, uinnher. and pronounced By tlie entire presi of the to be •‘The best and die«l>e.t work of the kind in thb AVerld.” Twelve full ei.ed pages of Vooal hnd Plane Forte Music for 10 cents. Yearly. $3; Half-yearly, 2.5 U; (Juaitcrlv. 51.23. Subscribe to "Our MusienJ Ftiepd.'' , r order it from the leeuest New..), aler, and you wi)( ; liave rdu.ic enough fir Jour entire f. iniiy at an Insignificant cost; and if you want In use- for He- Flute, Violin. Cornyl Clarionet, Acci.: Jeon. 4... ic.. aui.scribe to the SOLO MELODIST, containing t 2 Popes, costing only tkn c*nw’ aj-NCMBSK; VeioLT. tfi, so; II kaput, $1,23. All the baejr npmheis at 10 ct*.. and bound Velour s. coatatolng 17 iitiMbet*. at $2.50 each,'cun stanrly on hiiml. ' C. B. SEVMGUJI i CO , n-c. 22. 13V'--2m. ! 107 Nassau St., v y. NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, A2fD FOR SALE VEXtY CIIRaP BT C. JAGGARD. Jan. 2C. ISCO. Ilf INTER GOODS" YV WILt BE SOU) AX; REDUCED PR X'C ES\ i To. mnks room for an EARLY SPRING STOCK, At TTB.jj lUO,\ FBOST. Jan. 20, 18. n .i^;-' FULL STOCK OF Li Orocerlfsp, ; " - Hardware, v . ,v QuecpWue, ' ...... % , Oils' T 'G' ■ Palnls, ' • Etc.j Constantly fbr;*al* by Jan. 26. XS6Q. t | C. JAQQASD. jVLQCII DELIVERED. 'wirmvT caAnojs. Jao. 20, 1860. ,v, C. JAGOAKD. Bakery andGroceryStor& , This sußtsuiuiiKJi kbei* goS STANTEYon hand' ■] 4 ; >v~/ ■ .-, rr ?^rPafeea''^|r‘li|f ? - Fresh Butter, Bacon, l*£oDll, GEQCEiUES, A Choice Lot pf Chpatstaiß Candies, &c. Also, a cholro lot hfS K 0 '• V r . JACOB RINK, Nov. 10. : Strtjst, heIoW- ; Annie Street. B.osrs 4.20) dereigned his now on lmud and will •ell cheapMhls atoroluthe’Alhsonlc Tern- MHI pie. a large audconiideto assortment of BOOTS u AXI) SHOES, ready made, or blade to order, Oterehqeii,'Ladle*’Sandals, Guta Shoes, Cork ■, Soles, andeverythiug tn hJalloo Qfbti«lnfce*,of WSPBfc- Iho quality and 05 the iuo«rea»onabh> tenna. AU ? cohtorn-worlt warranted; V. r , v •• - ...j X J. SIiOBMAKEift. pr o§s* gainst Those feaVftil diseases Bronchitis, Cojds, and other affcc tho ox P l)0e<1 »tmto' of the and th* continual change.dfom Ohynte, fur sale at the Brug Store of G. VT. KE3SIEB. SUITED STATES LIFE INSU P*?^- a r-,„A»»ne.T, Ann* Street, Altoona. JO*!# SHOEMAKER? Agebt. 'P QF ALL descriptions v •>- r *. DR. CHBRSKM AN*S PIUJ. £mtJ 8 W4«f* g», Stationery J 7. 7WUo« —» _ » j*it*» JC2, OUw » S* , Croat Umt to oomplrt* a fall coanc, fhan ft a.,. f^nt y g^ww, R , i. S i»Wti?, l o O J* , »» petaut Jo mxti!t(f» ll>« Booti of aHjr&itf.^'rj*; 0 W to Mrn a ixiarj of *>om * 0 *8»O8 a f r*t.'- $6OO to &1600. Etodeate eater »t any time-No pl?«wnrtK R,T lr»rt Pn*ml«nn for Best Bnolnose Writing » . c-iv»>l I’iit.itojrjrb. PhKodjrtphia ana Ohio st»t. v L r * - Alm. at th. principal rain of tie Union for the nilft years. • * Ptet -ME3U. Minister* Sons received at liul/ptio* ' I'or full infcrnmUor-Clixnlai;, Spec ia »«.*■»»—, . Orr.’tmenUt Embellish ea V !«*.,»,, ®T* ''«f •n-cioie 15»j letter stampe to. F. tv ) iTtv. I ***) LYON’S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandt TM UNIVERSAL PUEFEKJJWd *"■* tt “ »*£ MKmCXNAL PURPOSE knowu, which b tx\\y corroborated M «u *r*rtvi aicia&a wlw.lmv® o*o4 it Ixl ttair prooict W" For Summer Complaints with ehlldren A Curt it ffuaraniudf or the bt r*. funded. “ 11 wJI relieve that affliction, at *»n fc( Diarihaa & Bowel Complaint AS A BEVERAGE, ’ The|uru article U superior, and a tot*,!-. and MlUt KKMhDY fur ***** Ditpeptia Flatulent y, Cramp. Cotit, lan no r Low Sptriit, Gmtral Deiiiiily, AWaw- ‘ nett. Liver Complaint, tie. Pjiysloians, whohave used it In their practice. . nu > . it la the moat flattering term*. a». will bl a Mtl yl to tua numerous letter* and • irti&catti. 1 • A. HAHTk CO., Proprietors, Cinclnaail A. ROUSH, Kovfllb “* AiW “ for V * Dll. TEI.tFR lini devoted a lifetime lathe cure of in ease on which liia book* trout. Addreee J. TKLLKILII » No. 6 Beaver street. Albany, N. V. • Dr; Vi. hols' Female Pill«, |Pa box, with Ml dlrwdoaa Married ladies shonld not us« than. Sent by mail it drcsa Dr. Teller, ns above. April Hlh, 'JJ-lj 1859. Fall Trade 1859. A U A RD.—THE UNDERSIGNED XJL have just received and are now offering the larnti and must varied stock of * FRESII GROCERIES ever bu-nght to this Market! In c cuectloa with iK, above, cliey are constantly supplied with choice Irakis, .f the vai ions grades of , FLOUR! .4 Ito, Bacon, Cheese, Whale, Tanner't and Lari Oils ; Men York; Together with all kinds (jf Pittsburgh Manufactured Arth do«, all of whioli will be sold low fur cash. The iter chants of this place are Invited to call befur. purehiilai elsewhere ■ At the Old Stand Oct. S, ’oo-2tu.] WIT. 11. QORVLY k CO, 271 Liberty S..»ppn!;e EoyU Hotel. Pittsburgh. HOW A 111? AaaOt'lATlO iS j PHILADELPHIA, A Voievoleni T'isiihititm established b'j Special Endaitmnl, for the JXlir f :./ tv Sick and Pietrused, ajjticttd toiih Virulent and Hvifiemie Diseases, and i.-pt dally fir.t/k Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Mcdicul Advict'given erntia, by tto Acting Surgeon, A* all who apply by letter, with a description of tbfir condi tion, (nge, o.cupo'b a, I! .iUii_t of life. 4c.,) and' in cum of extreme yoVvi ty. Mo licii -sfuruislicil free of charge. VALUABLE UKVOiIXS on Sperr.taturrluaa, and other disease--) of tlio Sexmd Orbin', and on the rzv icuintw employe’ 1 in the Di rpensnry, sent to- tbs afflict*! In italad letter ecvulopcg, tree of charge. Xvo or tjnee Slam in ivr porta z« will be acceptable. Address, DU. J. SKILLON UOUQHTON, Acting Sur geon, Uoe-ard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, I'tli adelpfcia, Da. By order of t’’c Directors. E2iU D. UEAUTtVELL, Prut GKO. PATKCHTLD, .Stc’y. [Jan. 10, KAIL KOAD LANDS TOK SALS, ON LONG CREDIT, AKD AT LOT? RATES OF INTEREST rfMHE {IANIBAL AND'ST. JOSEPH JL U ATLKOA D COMPANY. baring ov.r 500.000 ACK2S ofl.iND lying la the State of Miwoari,*iriiicli?rnu grtnt a<{: by Act of Congress. to aid in tb* comtrnction ot their Load, offer the principal portion thereof, for win, on th* most liberal term's. Tiic greater.pirt'of tbeae landi are within fix. and all •vithinilfleen, alike of the liailr»ad, winch i* aow comple ted. and open for uat. throughout iu entire length (JO! milpn.) and run* through a country which la tmturpaanJ hy any in the f*lubr!ty of i{a climate, the futility of h* foil, and the wclent of it* minimi manure**. ’ For further information, apply at the hand office oft** Company, or addr.u hy letter, JOSIAU Hl'ST< hand CommUiloncr, IL A-Bt. Jo. h- a y.cb. A 'Ci.-lT* Hannibal, Mo, |>x ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— ’X) t>td tqu bear Uia new* from Euroi*! If job t»M not/w* will *«H you w l«»t it it. It 1» Am nGN'til ICOI frouith* EMttill «Ul** with « Ur|« CLOTHING, ’ constating of ttylef of Or«rw»U, D«*» Cunts, Vwt», l'»nt», Bo*t*»nd gbp**, and ererythtapng inaa«tj«lili>KuiNtt.of kind,aUof wblcb b» ofltaMj unprMedciitedljAow pnCM~fcr' ciiab. Haring puraJJJJ* hi* itvck atcaafa pricey, beta ther«Vy. enabled to *«U t**T Iprr.' . . < . , Hu invita* all tloae In want of anything in il» Il*» » giro- him * cal£ taeling *ur» that h» will la *ll* HJr satisfaction. IXS.NRT TCCt AJtoonm Sept.3o, - _ ' Retool* &tore. r PHE SUBSCRIBER HAS LATELY | opened * BOOK. BTOKB next door to . t ta* aoruer cf Flttfinfa and JfrttU ttrutt, JqMjmß / where may be Hand Old and, Standard Avihort, Jfew Vfd>UeBi*o»ii Light Literature, 1 P eriudieaU and Staph «•* '■ Faney Stattoriefy'inlarge varittitt. Altoona »nrmpcctftlUyinvited hi call.: .j, tEB-All orders athuxledto Wttb insiiuptne*»*ndd“EKr Altoona. Jl«v. 3. ISSOrtfV ' Jtt. BMlXii. tte imm mnoVidhtl ' ' ■ ,- •• ■■■ Planing: Mill and sa»l» af»n«* fa *' from Tipton to Altoona, whira!he will continue to .fftijL dare and attend Mall-wort entro»ted to him, * , uU3 j*Uch. Thi Mill la on the lot A Nor. U,lW9.—tf • •' T\BNTISTBy.~©n: S- KIMMBIiI* ..»■ »-• -v. . . , Teeth pea with QoW, and rtnwW Tttth iitrlilfd bjr the Kleetro Magnetic JUeUM wiw AHoperatloni and wort done cheaper -than olee lr. the county, and a deduction made, of eipoheee from Altoona to HolHdarsborg, BW* au r" ttone amounting to tire doltare and 6rer. ' ’ : «4_ Offlce on Montgomery atreet, oypoelU HoST Hollidsystnrg, Pa. [Pec. 1% rtABBET BAGS, TEUNKS. ® lifiy fliW pIKI <■ W» • t. 3 A "BOOK FOR EY. TRYHOI) Y.—BTARTun tsJ ;*■«,» great work for led, or for tlmte conUmoW ing marriage—2oo ntfet.fol if l'L A'l'fcS. Price 35 esota 'nt to all parts under seal k» t 'l, POST PAID. W0 H r 2 ■pi"* *oW the last year, '•£le, married, and tbs t» led happy. A Lectors at xX/Ye,Oflh>W to chooM 4 ■ler: a complete work so MM /ifery. It contains hCniksfc aired—warranted to be wank ;ud for it. Jo cents In spstls « „ •uj secure a copy by rstora if Be •^: s *** g^Ws»*« gH^Sf SSSttbroaigb JJJnt -Way. - *^^«md«y. «... * , I RA i&**sy> - , a> . * W< Wp. lßtVw*rlbo «■ Frida; After i *eefclty»* p tnfcjfigb *» wi it at BudfOtHlunghin touseieef the u Geor * a Wrt«^tb»lLo fomlihim, -but to aUtoiate bU fit He lingered fn ag d»7 eroning, vb tbs shade* IfifTOneral tool Out tbejulßV oon, and Ml*'. The Logai Wflß'ireGonipan * member, tunu-i latte «*« «| riwtiUr of their , reetm^ 'place in tl «M thf largest ev big «pd bo of ttCcjwat Disp m i «» Aiin. »its * pattern of «Jevc hit °,P i C*t*fot'bSr#| fWw'oee, to rem ' wywtjM 00-liibu * IngUly rcapcctei bff it Btidlved, That w friemia «• al&alytud aucl Wi(J k&»U —as a •Hlgirtg. ■' All who »'«h |n»,wiU nctoi tann-hearted and »od a helping: hau m>m’ That i. *Woal9ted to prei •“Mw as wo thin That 01 BOlliilj uZ*? I **’ That a family of our w Job P, operai Wd »r* i JWt cir toclc MJo^idready »o* * ****&¥*\th that 'iS&llttl* jobbti Coti RE;®t open