The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 02, 1860, Image 2

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    PH Jltoima Critome.
• .
1 it ia therefore ateloes forall a«whjtoaendf
U •>»V •dVortiMaents offering to p»y at tie end of tb»e Dr fix.
' -'mMtbi. -Where ad v ertleemenU are accompaaMl j»U4» : the
I one, Ore or tondolli**, we will glraitbe
the fell Benefitofcaehratee., ;j.
r.tJUwtWng Agents, 119 Xauaa<treat,M<iW Yatkj and
Boston, are the Agent* fortUe
tHbiUK, and. the most influential ami .largest cpcoUtiaK 1 .
Newipepere in'tho Dnitod Btate* and .tto Caiiadae. ffh»y
' ere authorized itb-contract for w* at onrioicert rnUx.
•. t •;> ■ ■ !: _L • • ■
' I '''■ '' \..
; Well,-the grand farce has been played
- Wk Washington, and a Speaker has at
ducted. During the latter part
'^lwt. ! 7re4k an the first three days pf the
ihe country WMina
of Inncertaintyy 'because of
’the ohmiking of candidates and curious
(predictions with reference to
jrho would eventually be selected to fill
•the-Speaker's Chair. On Friday afternoon
itit, tliV news came over the telegraphic
wires that Smith, of N. C., a South' A met:
. icon, had been elected, and great was the
joy of th,e members of that party. Bui their
rejoicing was of short duration. The
next meriting the wires conveyed the in
telligence jthpt Mr. Smith lacked one vote
-pf ; ap'election. Speculation was now at
-fault.. That an election would; soon *be
effected all felt certain, but who: would be
the man Was the question. Yesterday af
ternoon tlfe wires brought us. the intelii
gence; that Wm. Pennington, of Nopr Jer
sey, <old Dine Whig, had been elected
Speaker; and John W. Fotney, clerk—
is Altthe infoirmatioo we have on the
' W shpuld .the report
tiUmin without contradiction until pur pa
per is circulated, we shall be induced to
♦believe iticorrect, and shall give the bal
lolling, &c., in our next.
Excursion, —The Le
■Bddhtutcs .of Kentucky, Tennessee and
Indiana,-together with the Governors and
heads of departments of those States, late
ly visited; the Legislature of Ohio, at Co
lumbus, j The delegation consisted,of five
hundred persons. The excursionists came
up.thoOhio,to Cincinnati, on a steamer,and
' were‘met;a short distance below that city
hy twp atdamers filled with Cincinnatians,
Fjth ,banns,pf nlusic, and streamers iflyipg.
Great preparations were made for their
receptionist Columbus. They ' were con
veyed ovir the Sliami Railroad in' a spe
cial train. On their arrival at. Columbus
a national salute was fired, and they were
‘ members of the Legislature,
to the
Stoth Hopse. Such a'meeting of the offi
«ial- of t#d Southern and two
State? trill undoubtedly have
M? 4eh|L tp destroy much of the feel-
lately enjendered. |
1 « •• - >■. — ; ".
V bill bden
* ,df Penpsylya
®|^3C4* prpluldt tlje
inaUon i|an fis in the State. It'requires
that sdl.persona, such as merchants, hotel-
Lj &ot» eyery-on? engaged, where them: is fiecesstarily
bef®** tile County
Wd ( that he dri they will not
pay-ontiqv'oiroulate bank-notes of a leas'
<tondmindtiqn than $5; whereupon the
‘ grant, him or, then* a li-
J j heir business,, whatso-
No .action has yejt been
taken onjthesubject in either House. it
isnowdhe law of Yirigidia, audit is said
at the proper time, but
we:Jiiirel to notice it: The
mttnber Ipefdre ub fully sustains the high
publication has acquired.
that which is really interes
ting .Of finds- a place in it. It
mastwread to be appreciated'; and many
oftihe-arttcles contained therein may be
re-readi#ith profit.’ Price $3,00 per an
I ■: , ••• , <, ..... .■
Chikouse.— The Cardhml
VJoorof jfcmo haa issued nn edict forbidding In
dies in crinoline. The confes
- ; l v
- MaMUtyafHiulMurt..
. Itkrnot «a tmnatml thing to m «n.advertlM
awntpublialnd bj the husband of-eome trout
wifi, cautioning the public octtotrosther on
his account, as he will pay no debts af bar con
tracting, and it tuppoeod that such
an advertisement is auffleient to relieve tbe hus
band from all liability for the psyment-of each
debts. This, it seems, is a mistake. An inter
esting decision Teas made last week, by Justice
Sanford, at Newark; ji. J., in a..<nvil anil One
man sued another for the paymentfor the board
of his wife fur sixteen months at six dollars a
month. The defendant set op that that be bad
advertised his wife, and giveu public notioe that
he would pay no debts of her contracting. The
justice decided that while this might serve as a
warning, it was no legal way of getting clear of
lhawife’s liabilities—-that the husband, in' the
eyes of the law, was liable for the wife’s debts,
so long as rite continued snob. Judgment *war
accordingly given for the plaintiff in the full
oach.mnoticedetersothersfrom jgw-'
mg credit to a wife so adrertiseed, ’does It;
Aunoapt to anything. . But if she can get credit
aq£ itiie husband iis worth any things he is boand
o^ 6 *’ ” We think the decision
right; When A man marries be takes his wife!
:forT‘*betfer and .worse,” and if. he makes a bad
bargain in-matrimony, be should stood by .it- ag
in any other contract Wives art often, adver
tised, by worthless husbands, from bad motives,
ns for shy other .reason,] and this decision will
pntedt all good-wivesfrom such an ootragonpon
their rights. -
‘ The above we find going the rounds of
neWspaperdom, and deem it fight that we
should give our readers the benefit of the
information contained therein. We are
not disposed ip question the legality of the
decision when applied to such cases as are
men tinned in the last sentence of the ex
tract quoted, but we think there are cases
in which it would not be just. We re
member a case which occurred in this,
place hot long since, in which such a de- s
cision would, we believe, be entirely
wrong. A woman who had nothing but
tyro children, formed a matrimonial alii,
ance with a man who possessed a little
property in his own name, which, we feel
sure, could have been the only charm he
possessed. After living with him some two
Weeks, she deserted bis bed and board,-but
continued to make purchases for herself
and . children on his account. It would
seem that she had njarried him lor the sin
gle purpose'of making him responsible for
her debts, and that she did not intend to
live with hitn. He complained of her
leaving his bed-jjwt ai a time when a bed-
was most needed,..and very natural
ly refused to pay bills of her contracting,
unless she Would return to him.. As has
been the custom heretofore, he advertised
her, and we believe that, were he to be
sued for debts of her contracting since the
date of the publication of the caution to
the public, and a decision as above to he
given,it would be unjust, although it might
be legal. We believe women marry men,
as often as men advertise their wives, from
bad motives] and that a decision which
would be right in one case would be wrong
in another $ consequently the decision
aboye should not bo considered unsettling
the question of a husband's liability for
! his wife’s debts.
Letter from Harrisburg.
ChrrtspontUn ce »f the Tribune.
Habbisbubo, Jan. 31, 1860.
A long array if petitions rolled in again to
day, on divers subjects—many of which the au
gust committees will never do the honor of open
ing, especially those asking for the abolition-of
the office,of County Superintendent, and Ujose
asking for the passage pf an unconstitutional
“personal liberty” bill.
I-have heard of a scheme on foot for the for
mation of A new county.out of parta of C/iqpbria,
Clearfield, Huntingdon, Centre, and Biair,-to be
called Logan, and Tyrone City tg be the county
seat. The .whole thing looks exceedingly nice
mapped but to suit those who are pecuniarily
interested, andthere is no doubt but the town
ships proposed-" to lie taken for this purpose
wottldibm avery j beat little couuty—but, will
the counties thus. to be curtailed of their fair
proportions, submit to without a kick, at
least ? Blair'Won’t I know, for it is conceded
thet this (munty rn already small enough. But
where is the use of talking?—they could not
carve out a hew county that would meet the re
quisition of the late amendment to the Consti
tution. .
To-day the Committee on Vice and Immorality
reported a bill entitled an “An Act to prevent
recovery for the sale of adulterated liquors.”—
This is a wholesome law. A .case was in
L|ncaster last fall, in which a fiquor dealer tried
ttT recoverby law for a. number of barrels of
VOIJ Eye.” . The: defendant proved the “old
rye” to have been nothing jbut strychnine torn
juice, and so the plaintiff failed to get a verdict
This .action was tried ftt common lajr- What is
: noW“ proposed is a special law to meet the case
at .opoq, and a good ope—providing it
will not, Hke only too many others, be a dead
letter upon pur .statute hooks. ' <
.'" I seo lhat the Senatorial delegate from -your.
diatriot U instcuctod to go for Calvin first, and
for Curtin next. If all of Mr. Caivin’e delegates
vbte for the second ballot, there
Will Be no occasion' for a third ballot He is
gaining strength doily, add his nomiCatioa is
now universally 'conceded. ■ * • . t
The Board of-Revenue Commissioners meet
here bn Thursday next, and some of thent : h#e l
already arrived. Their session will last some
four weeks. during which time they will fix thb I
bounty rates and levies of each county in the !
Commonwealth. It is confidently expected that'
the State tax will be reduced to two mills' TbV
flourishing condition of the finances of the State
it is believed, will justify such a redaction.
To-day an act* passed the Senate relative to
challenging jurors, (on second reading) in civil
cases. Its provisions allow both plaintiffs and
defendants four peremptory challenges.
There has been very little worthy of note
transpired here yet. but we live ia hope, and I j
am very muoh mistaken jf busines does not be- J
gift to look up amazingly before .the week is out. I
49*'£t)Mb>s—tbe acntet fcwr In ad^tonttyroM. "i
IS. George Herrick, of this placentae token charge of
the Tlptotißcitd. 'v-;-'"' . Syiv;-
Editorial Bnloe meet* la Borrisburg oo
■ ncmberof emigrants carried 1 «W the
Kmn*k B.j &, daring 1859, woa 14,850.
49*-C|oi.A-0<!orUo bln teen elected President of tbe
Clearfieia'CQd Tyrone Eeilro&d.
Offti* Qf the Tyrone Sar, ai to
who la tbe outhor of our HarHslmrgletten. ' s ‘
49?. Beirljlr. Jackin, rf Hollidoysborg, baa teen elected
a Vice Preliiilbßt efthe Pennsylranlo Historical Society
49“ Patrick Kelley, of Philadelphia, shipped f 75,000
worth of borecs from this, county to Philadelphia during
the hurt year.
- Two deaths occurred from the explosion* of cam
phene lanipa, in this State, hut week—i-On* in Colombia
and the otter in Lancaster comity.
The .reply Of the School Director* WGaysport, tothe
card of school teacher Scott, put* a different face oh the
affair. Soanehody haa teen imitating Thm Pepper. :
49rTvroj hundred and thlrty-eeven tons of coal were
brought down to Huntingdon, 'from Broad Top mines, in
one day. Mbit week.
jau A little daughter of Mr. Anita, of Lewistown, died
recently fttea tbe effect*. It ia supposed, of a new tent
which she; swallowed aome time since.
Mr- George Boyer, of Bald Eagle Furnace, broke bis
leg above the kuoe, by failing oo the ice, on Saturday week
He is-now)fing : in a critical situation.
. 49*There is a man in Cincinnati in possession of* pow
erful mempty. He is employed by the Unman* Society co
remomtertbo poor.
. The term “Lineey Woolsey,” is derived from the old
Saxon phrase “Linnet hie—moles hit,” vis : Flax is here—
wool lit heiro—a it off composed of both material*.
JtSP iac-iihyor Henry D. Gilpin, of Philadelphia, died in
that city OaiSunday morning last. The decoased was C. S.
Attorney General under Prusideot Van Buren.
(9®. Francis Mitchell, porter of the steamship Marion,
was sentenced to he hung lb Charleston, 8. C., on the 2d
of March, Tor assisting a slave in his attempt to leave the
State., *
Col. iMcOinnes, of Bourbon county, Ky., passed
through Covington, en route fur Cincinnati, on the 14th
uit., with fourteen slaves, intending to emancipate them
there. '.
ASP* Thh laiwistown Gazette says that a wagon load of
deer phssdd through that town on last Tuesday. If they
were hot Filled out of season, we think the late mild
weather would render them a little stale.
93L kev.tPeter Cartright, the Pioneer of Methodism in
the West,ihis lately been lecturing in Harrisburg, Car'
lisle, Cbambersburg and several other places. Wo would
like to heir itim lecture In this place.
Had the wan who attempted to butt the bull off the
bridge been tntiuly as thick-headed as the bull of the
“ Standard Hutch breed,” it would not require evidence to
satisfy us that be succeeded.
A Legislative Prayer Meeting bos been organized nt
Harrisburg. for the special benefit of the members. It
meets at S o'clock every morning, and. is actively partici
pated in by a number of the members, and the dergymen
of that place.
Next Tuesday week U St. Valentine’s Day. Be
tween till* and that day wo presume any number of love
missives will be exchanged. We hope to note a large de
crease ip the number of vulgar and obscene engravings
usually sold about this time.
The ■ now treasurer of the State of Minnesota, in
taking possession of that department, was put in posse*;
sion of itwo.tbree cent pieces in specie, and $l,Oll in bills
of broken apd worthless banks. lie proposes to hand the
identical Coin over to the Historical Society.
•9- Professor Espy, whose theory of storms has been
the subject ot so much scientific discussion, died in Cincin
nati, on Wednesday. lie was for many years employed as
a government meteorologist, and In former years a teacher
in Philadelphia. Ho was a man of considerable scientific
fl®* Master George W. Plummer, of Tyrone, is announ
ced to deliver a scrit-s of lectures in that place and the
towns adjoining, during the winter, the proeeeds of which
will be devoted to the education of ids brother, who was
maimed lit'the Hollidaysbnrg encampment, a few years
since. •George is only 14 years old. ■
2®“ A physician of Milwaukic, Wisconsin, lately made
a partially new nose for a man named Ward. The doctor
cut a piece pf flesh from the patient's arm and attached it
to his posiyaud having, by a process peculiar to such ope.
rations, covered it with cuticle,- in a few days he had as
sound and good-looking a nose os over the natural one was-
49“ A. distillery and three dwelling house* wore recent
ly destroyed by fire in Pittsburg. Sorry for the dwellings
but not forithe distillery. Could chronicle the destruction
of every crop of the last named institutions in the country
without a feeling of regret, but with a well founded con
viction Hint frail huinnnity would be bent-fitted thereby.
t3U Bqw true that is 1 Many covet Wealth, and in spite
of alt obstacles, obtain that which they desire but it is
not sußiciobt. and in after years, with 'breaking-hearts,
they will'pine for love and sympathy in the midst of all
the splendor which their wealth has given them. Belter
far chops? it noble heart, and dwell contented in an bum
ble home,
’CB- jQqvf. Whitaker, of Oregon, having refused to appoint
a day for Thanksgiving in November, a delcgatioh of sev.
ruty-five bodies'wilted upon him, and, in compliance with
their-rpqnest, he came out with a short and crusty procla
mation, setting apart the 2Uth of December “to beobserved
in such A.manuer as the citizens may deem most appro
priate.” .
43b- The,editor of tho Juniata Register has turned bis
attention: tp playing jackal lur il.e “ little jokers.” “Birds
of a featljer,” Ac —Standard \
We teippctfuUy beg leave to decline the soft impeach
ment P’ujt us in any cl»«s but that, Mr. Standard. ’Twas
your sido bo meant to shinuey on, but didu’t know how to
do it : I
HeNct Wabd Beecher on "Politics and Re
lioion.;*4—ln n recent lecture on this theme, in
New Yhrk, Beecher pointed out at great length
the ditties of ministers in respect to infusing the
religions; elements into politics, and poured a
torrent; of ridicule upon'the pulpits ‘hat ignored
the importance of politico-religions teaching.—
He »alg itjie country was more indebted to the
secular newspapep for the spread of religious
news Until to the professedly religions journals.
He iilfb juJvocateJ a judicious application of re
ligious’ principle, not only to politics, but to nil
the -ddties of life, nud expressed the opiuim that
untiEj woman goes hand-in hand with man to the
hallot-hox, nothing like political pmi,ty will be
ThS >f IS* IN 1856,— At a recent
Unioniineetirig in Knoxville, Tenn , Judge Bai
ley. Northerly of Georgia, made a speech, In
noticing: Which the Whig of that citj remarks :
i “ The Judge madoone startling disclosure
Wjhich|w||R entire! j new to us. He said that du
ring Iho Presidentisil contest Got. Wise had ad
dressed fetters to all the Southern Governors—
and that the one to the Governor of Florida had
been «tb«iwn tp him—in which .Wise said that he
*«« oh in readiness to prevent Fremont from
taking,hie teat, if Heeled, and (taking the co -op
eratlo|lor those to whom he wrote I” ,
Aho*heh Mail Robbsr'Arbested —United
St»tes| Marshal Dougherty ari-eslci : W
young-man named Bartley Thompson, at Hun*
tiDgdob,| pn Monday, on a charge of robbing the
post office at Mill Creek, in Uanungdop county.
Tbepbst bffice is kept in'a dry goods storo. shd is alleged, besides carrying ofif a
number of letters, also appropriated to himslslf
some dry goods, which were found in the woods
where .lie was in the habit of loafing. A. lock
and key; belonging to the mail Bag'lh the post
?%?» ft>un< * oo &»»• Thompson la nowih
SMieplaC Wltb a Dead Person.
i"' v
say: Wu were pat ia
P«te«a*ion of the facta of a case, a few day* ego
and assured of theirauthooUcity, which cause
oar blood to run cold upon every recurrence of
tliem to our memory. A young meg returning
at * late hour, slightly inebriated, to his boat S
ling place, a. iiuuae in a row of buildings exactly
(dike ia-—-—street, entered by mistake the
hotwre adjuiuiug the one in w jtich he Used.—
-Groping his way in the dark up to the second
floor,.'he unlocked what be supposed to be bis
owa room deor, and entered. lie could find no
matches, undressed himself, tumbled into bed
and was almost immediately in a hasty stupor.
Borne time in the night be was awakened by tbe
contact of a cold body, and being sobered, was
: enabled to see by the rays of tbe moon in the
bed with him a dead man \ The truth flashed
upon him immediately, be bounded from tbe
bed, donned his clothes and rushed from tbe
house, never waiting to lock the doors. The
day previous & person had died ia the house
next to his The body had been
habited in grave clothes, and locked up in tbe
room in which tbe intruder found it- Ue bad
not noticed tbe hardness of tbe bed, nor its
scanty covering, but laid down and slept sever
al hours with tbe dead body. Tbe young man
says tbe experience of that night has taught
him a lesson which temperance lectures never
Wrestling with an Elephant. 5
A rather curious scene occurred in Philadel
phia, on Monday during tbe perfor
mance iu tbe menage tie. A young man, who
bad for some time, been carefully observing tbe
monster elephant, determined, like a fighting
gladiator of old, to try the strength of tbe huge
bulk ot flesh with his own. There is at the end
of the elephant’s tusks, which are of largo sire,
an iron rod, binding one tusk to tbe other Our
hero seized hold of this, and leaned his whole
weight upon it. The elephant not altogether
liking this sort of treatment, determined fur b i
part to punish bis antagonist. He raised bis
great head aloft, and the young fellow w*B
swung from the groun 1 until he almost touched
the canvass covering, and was no doubt much
higher than bis most wjld ambition ever carried
him. The animal repeated this, and a second
time he descended to the ground, when the ele
phant, perhaps thinking it best to temperjus
tice with mercy, wrapped bis trunk round the
hapless and now thoroughly bumbled youth,
ami very unceremoniously laid him in the mud
that overspread the floor. The wrestle was en
ded, the elephant coming off the victor, while
his combatant picked himself up. and, amidst
the hearty laughter of the spectators, vanished.
Heard From. —Adam Kemerer, the default
ing and absconding Millville' Constable, return
ed to, the home of bis father, in, Westmoreland
county, some week or two ago. Soon after his
return, he wiute x to his wife at this place, re
questing lier to come to him, and telling her
tlmt he was the victim of misplaced confidence.
Ills story is, that while on his way to Blair
county to execute a warrant, ho fell in with
severa! Englishmen, who induced him to accom
pany them to Canada. Alter his arrival there,
his new friends further induced him to try bis
band nt a little gauie of cards. Being but a
novice in the tricks of the game, his companions
always managed to hold the best bauds, and fi
nally •• sewed him up.’’ lu short, they cheated
him out of all his money, not leaving him
enough to come home with. Ho also says be
wrote to his wife from Canada, informing her
of his whereabouts nud misfortune, but so fur as
we cun leuru no such letter was ever received
by her. This, however, is his story, and we
give him the benefit of it without comment.—
Our readers, who are ncq-iinted witn the cir
cumstances of his disappearance, can form their
own opinion as to its probability. His wife has
complied with his request, and is now with him
in Westmoreland county. —Johnstown Tribune.
A Respectable Scoundrel. A clerk, or
salesman, in the large mercantile establishment
of Wood, Murrell & Co., Johnstown, named
Stephen G. Evans, was detected und arrested,
s nue two weeks ago, while on a wedding tour
in Philadelphia, for robbing the Company of u
considerable sum of money. It is not known to
what extent he carried his thefts, as he was a
very fast young man, but the amount of nl ie
teen hundred dollars was traced to him—thir
teen hundred of which he was forced to dis
gorge, and his note taken for the balance, when
he was permitted to depart. ‘-SteVe,” snys
the Echo , “ played the respectable so well, and
assumed so many winning ways, as to enable
him to captivate and marry one of the gayest of
our gay boiles—the daughter of one of our most
worthy and respectable citizens. The gay young
buck was too respectably connected, nud tiie
amount stolen was too large, to justify a prose
cution. it is only when a wretched, destitute
urchin purloins a small sum, or when some poor
man or woman steals n hum fur a famished
family, that a prosecution and punisbmenpis
deemed necessary."
Mr. D. W. Roy, editor of the Vicksburg
Shn, was shot deat|, last week, by Daniel ,S.
Shepherd. The latter was employed as book
keeper in the Sun office. Mr. Roy held the of
fice of collector of the port at Vicksburg, and
entrusted all his business to Shepherd. While
Shephard was on his bridal tour, a few weeks
since, Mr Key caused him to be arrested, in
New Om-nns. on a charge of'embezzlement.—
Shepherd was released on a writ of habeas cor
pus. and, immediately proceeding to Vicksburg,
demanded an investigutiou. He was examined
and acquitted.
Health Rules.— The celebrated Abemelhy’s
rules for the preservation of health were simply
tlie following ; "Keep the feet warm. the head cool
and the bowels 'hpen,” The Indians understand
fully the necessity of protecting the feet; and
although ninny tribes dressed so scantily as to
appear almost naked, yet their feet Were guard
ed by well used mocassins. And when they re
pose in their wigwams they always lie down with
their feet towards the fire. When travelling and
obliged to encamp in the open air, they dig a
hole in the ground, *sn which they build a fire,
and then lie down in a circle, and each one ban "a
his feet and aud ankles in the hole.
'Fast Tbavelliks.— On Tuesday evening, the 1
24 th uU., says the Brpokville Jeffersonian, a
number of invitation cards were received by the 1
printers of this piece, to attend a banquet andM
bail in Pittsburg, oifthe 17th of January, the I
birth-day of Benjamin Franklin. As a matter j
of course no one attended, as the invitations I
were received seven day* after the ball took i
place. Thews letters each bear the postmark at'
Pittsburgh, January 10, and were only fourteen]
days in coming ninety miles. This is; the way
business is done between Pittsburgh and this? 1
county. Passengers come through in’2s bourju
whilst the mail is nearly as days.’
JDjcath -*A little son of Mr. Briggs,
of 01mstead t Cuyahoga county, Ohio, came to
his death in a singular manner last week. Hi*
fiither, who was dressing togs. Ijfd placed h%
W the branches of ;ah f apple-treOhenr by, Hrhefi
he could look on and be out of the way. " The
\** new hy his father, and direot
v frequently passed In car
rying hor water, 4c. Nothing nousnnl was oh
»^ r e6ta»e tinjeTlhs Cither
bis little son* id his horror hpfound
bun dead! The oloak had oaOght on a Umb
wmmtom, .t , rrt “* “=
' f. vT^TF"
Sunday... ll kilfi £Li».*
Momisy;v, 31 »i 16)23 38ji
TtwwUy J. 5110|M 24 3lf.
Wed’ntoy. 4 11(18 2S . . .
1 Thnrodhy, »13*19 28 .
Friday.. 4 . 613,20 27 . ;i,.
Satonlay.. flU‘2l!ss -
■ MARCH. ’II 5 ; APRIL. ■
Suiui.iv.... 4 HilB|26 . . Sunday. • • 1| 8(16,22 » . ■
Monday.. . 5121020 . •• Monday.. 2| 9|16|23 90 . •
Tuesday.. . 0132027 . . Tuesday.. 3.1017(2* .. . •
Weds’day. . lU2I 28 . WsrfcidaT. 4111(18,26 ... . •
Thursday. 1 Bfl6 22 29* . . ThnWlay. 6|12|19|26
Friday.... 2 0f16;29 SOf. . Frida*. .. 013 20,27
Saturday.. 8’ 10 17(21 81*. . Saturday. 7H4 21 2»
:^_^lL_^j!june I____ 1 ____
Sunday... . fl 13i20{27}. . Sunday... *. 3 10,17 24 . .
Monday ... 7 14-21 381. . Monday... 4 11.18‘26 . .
Tuesday .. 1 8 15,22!29 . . Tueeday.. . 6 12,18 20 . .
Weds'day. 2 016 23‘30 . . Weds'day. . 0 13(20(27 . .
Thursday. 810 17 2*;31 . . Thursday. . 7 14J21 28 . .
Friday... 411 l 18 26 Friday. .- 1 81622 » . .
Saturday.. 6 12 191201. . . . Saturday.. 21 9 16128 SO . .
Sunday... 1) »,10,22;29 . . Sunday.... 6' 12)19j20 V.
Monday. . 2! OrlOiaa'SO . . (MowMiy., . 0 IB|B>l3T ; .
Tuesday.. 3jloilTI21!31 . . . 7 14;21i28 , .
Wede’day. 4!1i:i5126 .• . . WWday. I 8 16-32 29 . .
Thursday. 5‘12,19 26 Thursday. ,2 91638 80 . .
Friday... Bjl3 20 27h .. . Friday... '8 10 17:34 31 , .
Saturday.. 7i14121126(. . . Saturday..'4ill 181261
Sunday. ... 21 9 16(23 80! Sunday..,] .1 7;14 31(28 . •
Monday.. ‘ 3 10.17 34‘. J Monday Jl! 8,16 22!29 . •
Tuesday.. .! i'll, 18,26;. . Tuesday.,'2l 9110 23 30 . .
Weds'day. .' 6jl2|l»j2oL. l7 91.81 . •
Thursday. .! 6118 20 27!,. Thursday.‘4 11 18 26
Friday ... 7 ; 14'21|28!, . Frida* ... 8 12 19,26*. .. .
Saturday.. 1 816 22129’. . Saturday.. 6 13'20'27 . . . .
SuiIKHV. ~.1 .1 4,11 ' d
Slou(iav 1.1 5:12 1, -I
Tuesday. "W,
Weda’day : 2t .1
Thursday, i
Friday . .
Saturday .i
We do not think a person can evince a more benevolent
trait'of character than being moved et the distress and • of
fering of other*, and furthermore, auxioua to do ell in their
power to alleviate by every possible means human suffer
ing. In this view of the case, we do not know how the
humand and benevolent can do an action more in accor
dance with their philanthropise views, than by calling the
attention of their afflicted friends and acquaintances to the
fact, that Dr. Situ S. Hanoi, of 103 Baltimore street. Bal
timore, M. D. has discovered a preparation, which is pat up
in the form of a pill, that hoe a specific action for caring
Epilepsy, or falling fits, spasms, cramps, and all forms of
nervous diseases. Among those who have been perma
nently cured, we might mention a member of the family of
James H. Beadle, Huntsville, Alabama; Mr. M. P. Sledge,
Cabin Point, Surry county, Va.. and Mr. W. P. Ligou,
Grenada, Mississippi.. We might go on enumerating a
number of others, until we had entirely filled up this col
umn of our paper; but we think wa have\*aW sufficient to
satisfy every person that the subject under consideration
is one of vital importance to every one. Reader 1 if yon
are a well man or woman, and have no need of a remedy,
perhaps you know tome person who is not equally blessed
as yourself, if so, cut out this notice, and scud it to him or
her. It will cost you but little trouble, and probably it
will make you instrumental in caring some pear, ef&icted
mortal of that dreadful visitation, Epilepsy, or foiling
Dr. Uance scuds hit pills by mail, free of postage, to all
parts Of the world, on the iVcsipt of a remittance. Hit
prices are : one b-i, $3; two, $5 ; twelve, $24. We have
given his address above.
' '» 1 T •* -
• v > >
lb 126 . ;6uud«ir...
19 26 . .1, Monday...
20;27 . .1 ! Tuesday . .
21;28 . JlWedatUy. ,
22 29 . .}iThur«J*3r . .
23 30 j. .1 .
at . .1. . 1
. 6j13 ■
. 7 Ud
\ BjlS|!
2i 9 16C
Th» combination of ingredients’in those Pills are tbs re
suit of a long and extensive practice. They are mild In
their operation, and ceitaiu in correcting all irregularities
Painful II nttruatious. removing all obstructions, whether
froth cold oi otherwise, headache, pain in thp side, palpita
tion of the heart, whiles, all nervous affections, hysterics,
fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Ac., disturbed sleep,
which arise from interruption ofnature.
was ll.e commencement of a new ran in tho treatment o
these Irregularities ami obstructions which have consigned
so man; thousands of the .young, the beautiful, and the be
loveil to a prematura grave. No female can enjoy g«o4
health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction
takes place tbe general health begins U decline.
are the mest effectual remedy ever known for all complaints
peculiar to Umales. To all classes they aro invaluable, in
(fuel Tip. with certainly , periodical regularity. They are
known to thousands, who have used them at different pe
riods, throughout the country: having the sanction of some
of the most eminent Physicians i« America.
Explicit directions, stating when, and, when they should
not be used, with each Box,—(As Price One Dollar saeh
Box. containing Vi Pills. •
A valuable Pamphlet, to bo had free, of tbe Agents.—
Pills sent by mail, promptly.- by enclosing price to the Gen
eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally,
14 Broadway, New York.
s old in Altoona by 0. IT, Kessler; in Hollidaysbnrg by
Geo. A. Jacobs. ,'Dec. 8,1859.-Iy.
Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Diver Pills:
Being unwell, and not knowing whether It proceed
ed from derangement of the liver or merely bystories I was
persuaded to purchase a box of Dn. U’LANES CELEBRA
TED LIVER PILLS, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pitts
burgh, and before I hart used them all, was entirely re
lieved. lam now enjoying perfect health, and chsorfUly
recommend Dr. M’Lxne’s Celebrated Liver Pills to ail sim
ilarly afflicted.
New York, March 25,1552.
*3“ Purchaser* wuTbe careful to ask for D*. M'LAKB’B
ING BUGS., of Pittsburgh, p*. Thera are other Pill*
purporting to be Liter PHI*, now before Die public. Dr.
M’Lane * genuine hirer Pill*, also his celebrated Term!
fuge, can now be had at all respectable drug store*. None
genuine wiihoat the signature of
Jan. 6,15<0 ~
..W'ltisa common observation that thera sura more
sufferers from debility, among Americans, than can be
Cnmd among any other civilized nation. The reason is
obvious. Wa taka too Uttloexercise, add forget tbo wants
of the body in the absorbing pursuits of business. In all
inch case*, ordinary medicine can do little good. What
i» required is juit such a tonic and inslgorator as Dr. 3
Hostetler lias-given to the world! in his CELEBRATED
“BITTERS.” The weak an i therroha denizen of' the
coantlng-houso,the exhausted toiler upon the ehop-board,
and the prostrated etndent ofitbe midnight lamp, hava
found a wonderful regenerator in'the “ Bursas," 'and pn»>
fer it to more pretentions, but leasefflcacious m*dirin«t
But it should not be forgotten lliat tfceagent which |*sa
in itf influence upon a s frame' which fat merely
blUtated, is eqdallypbwerfcl In assisting hatmW expet
the moat terrible forms of diseeseJ \Vhowfll not ArTflTi''
trial? "v. ■
*>°W Bjr druggists anil tealen arpfwlHm. ''
«S- Saa in anq4f r coin»T, ■'
. ,-i- y^ ml ; • —v . i
Or nut m W»k, an innocent theep iMIIm
made into parchment, and written oh to tha undoing of a
“*?!” Ha tplght al» h*». deplored
nneohth manner in
jbutcher up tha cloth outdo
■ gtt^a . W «««>• harmlei* ihaep. To
•aa the »rt df »orking up cloth wisely
wan, and to at to act off to tha boat advantage tha
«*U at • th* Brown atom Clothing
#•.!»}»■>, VoiaWondfiOSChartnutlk,
fiW9U^^*i*NrOwltrtoak of garment*
v-^v •■>. ,'■• i •’ ■■ • s'" '
i a .
’[29 ‘
• 4
121 w,
I 3»
IjiWtar... } *
Wtdrtty: li 8
as i,.
2 1 9|ie 23,30
3110 17 24 31
4|ll!18 25 . .
5 12119 30. .
fi‘l3 30 27 . .
7,14 21 28 . .
8116 22 29'. .
s '
Aim *
the great Handard mediant* of the;pntm
tgt, have aeguired their great popularity oniy
through gtan of trial, Unbounded tatufr*.
tioni* rendered if thm in dU earn; <md fa
people have pronounced them worthy.
llw CowpUlßl, Owepala, Jaaadk*
Bebllitj of tbe Kenrou Systee,
Blmuco aTtke Udaep, t
and dll Httatte anting from a dinrdau
Uverer'wtakneet tf the etomaeh and digutm,
organa, an tpeedily and permanently cured h
The BaTioftrio Cordial ha* aeguirtda
refutation turpaeemg that qf my eimilarpr*.
portion actant. It wilt curt, wit*orf ua,
tho tnoti torero and longstanding is
Coufi, Cold, or BoarMSMB, BroaeUg ( h.
flaoasA, Croap, PmobobU, imaiiU w * t
and hat performedth* mott attonuhing turn
nor known of
Confirmed Oonsumpttoik
A few doott will alto at one* ohoch tai
oun the mott ttotrt Diarrlusa protetday
from Cold m thb Bowil*.
Thtte medicine* art prepared hg Dr, Q. K.
Jackiob k Co., iVb.4l3 Arth Street, Pluto--
dtlphia. Pa., and an told budruggiitt and
dealer* «n medieinti 76 cam
per bottle. The *ignature o/C.
will be on the outeidt wrapptr i of taeh bottle.
In the Almanac publiihtd annually by the
proprietor*, called Kybbtiodt’i Auuxxe,
you Will find testimony and eonmmdatery
notice* from all part* of the country. The**
ilnuMci are given away by all our egmte.
For sale, in Altoona, by A. Heuth tnd 0 W
XaMler, and by all Ornggiato. [maj 19,'w.jy '
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
Ircftir rich and poor, bond and free, aUcolors.gradsssa4
conditions of life, we hear the same meed of pruiss
od thli wonderful article,- Soree are heated, pains nlisrsd
Urea saved, valuable animals made useful, and unlcld Uii
assuaged by this great medicine, which Is surprising t„
Judgment of man. What family does not require s its*
dard Liniment f Who tret- heard, of the same effsa,
ducod by any other article? For cuts, brulsss, sprslas,
rheumatism, swellings, strained horses, 4c., it bos ao sqnsl
Beware 0/ imitations. The genuine Mustang LlnimsnWi
•old by all respectable Druggists and Livery Men iu svsry
town, parish ami hamlet throughout North and South
America, Burope, and the Islands of the Ocean, fciyn
Proprietors, Ns* Tort
Job. 19, 1150-1 m.]
Tbit dlaeaai cu ha curad b j Dr. Key ter* i. TboLKtih Mt
vudy, prctiared by him in Pittsburg, Pa. which U pat ap
in bottlM and sold at Si cent* tack. It It an uctllut
medicine, whan diluted, for spongy and tandar garni, acl
ik warth tan tUBM IU prioa to all who a*od It. Sold hot
by Q. W, KoMlor, Druggist.
Altoona. Jan. 13,1839.—5 at.
Howard association,
A Brr.evdmt Institution established by Special JSadcaowuaJ.
/nr the lieliff of the Sic!; and Distressed , afflicts! seWs
firulent and Epidemic Diseases. and especially for the
Cl.rc of Diteasel of the S-.xnut Organs. ’
Medical Advice gireu giatk, by the Acting Surgeon, to
ell who apply by letter, with a description u! their cocdl
tiou, {age, accupatnn. L.ibiU of life. An„) and lu diet if
extreme poverty. Medicines furnished free of charge.
VALUABLE REPORTS oa Spermatorrhea, and other
discuses of the Sexual Organs, and un the taw umtttid
employed In the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in lealid
letter envelopes, (vee of charge. Two »r three Stamp! bt
l<ostaee will be acceptable.
Address, DR J. SKILLCN IIOCQUTON, Acting Bur
geon, Howard Association. No. 3 South Ninth Street, Phil
adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
OEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. (Jan. 19, ’60.-ly
to SUL
FACTORY references, a-liberal salary and exp****
will be paid. The article la needed by every farmer aid
mechanic In the-country, and will meet with ready tala—
For particulars address ■ J. C. CART, Patente*,
81 Nassau Street. New Turk.
Did youliear the news from Europe! If you hire
not, we will tell you what It is. It is that IIE.NItV TCCI
hae Jnat returned from the Enetoru cities with a Urgs •*?
ply of
consisting; of all styles and Qualities of Overcoats. Drw*
Coats, Vests, Pants, Boots and Shoos.- and evarytbipg kspl
in am establishment of the kind, all of which he offaja al
unprecedentedly low prices'for'cash! Having purchase!
his stock at cash prices, he Is thereby enabled to sail wj
low. 1
lie invites all those in want of anything in bis lias is
give bim a call, baling sors that he w»U he sbla ta |tt»
Satisfaction. HKSBT ICCf •
-Altoon%, Sept. 30,1858.-tf
Beto Book gjtorc.
The subscriber has lately
opened a BOOK STORK next door to WSTitB
Ike earner of VTrpinia and Mini* strut*,
where may be found * wbEiSSw
Old tnd Standard Author*, New Puilkationi,
Light, Literature, Periodical* and StapU tmi
Fancy Stationery in large varietit*.
Also, a new and very select lot of SHBKT MUaIO, MCSIC
BOOKS and SJCSICAt INSTRUMENT:*. The citixeas «
Altoona are respectfully invited to call. b
ga.AH orders attended to with proiaptaesasnddi»pe‘ uli
Altoona. Nov. 3.1869-tf • H. SMITH'
JT' TALTORI-—The rahacrlbax would annoußOt mss
Sahas removed his
Planing Mill and Saab Manufac-
from Tipton to Altoona, wbaro ha will continue to Jjß*£
dura and attend to all work* entrusted to hjnt>
Altoonai, Nov. 17,1849.—tf U
JLI a jflscsw.vrcai
Tfceth inserted, from one towfUß set, on Gold or BU
* -m
Tooth filled with Qold,and warranted fcr ten
Teeth Kxtractcdby tho Electro Mwnetfc iUeaw* W 1
; UtPain. ' t. .
AUoperationsend work donooheaper th»» »
•lieit the county, and a deduction tow ®T
expeneeafrom Altoouato EoWdaTshurg,
tjoeu'atnounting to Ere dolUra and otw. ... ~.a«««e
S'jr* **
b .
f SALE.—The undersigned pnrpodnfot
location, offers for sale his Beal Estate in
HoUidaysburg and Dnncansvillo, 4c.. including _ni p* jjjj
residence, which Is one of the first class properttf*.__ )f j
county. For further particulars Inquire or Ute •“
either at IloUldaysborg or Altoona. • vgf.
Jan. 12,18«0.-tf j. p,
\J BBEIitAS, 4c, can be bought
than at any other plaoe in the country. r*ry -
r- ,
• Lit f.Un 'J l ' t
‘T\ -
, K_*m’-*&*•
M* - |. ~
».. -Mkisa.
’ 5*
' lij, "
... »
, Vv'i*.
Jw&b M.
CaliiOf ttf Blwi
UWlMBWPg po l
- fc
m6mi;ih* »el«t
•ICtomfltkni. l
«aA|os*ta ulo
_ C
14 iB
peWt to J trigs
•rer oonstractcd
rtssmhlsr tko oi
tum of the line,
Wop# highly finis!
its chief I
not itt its attract!
qualities which g
•J*** the rnilro]
bate ton(f been d«
It nnuuned fur
plilh. It consul
•htyul pf the vast
ttdfatary locooiot
luUon, a little att
that of Mr. Gri
the amolth, a gre
She made the nit
distance of one
■poo twenty-five
high cate of apeei
possession of ext
is a cbmpleto sm
Qrier. of which,
one of the flrst i
aej woif Teel pro
Hoxuntg Acc
we a
We dentil, oa Mo;
of 8.10
etteodiiig'to the <
th*T|)U|«o, btf wn
whirled him arou
hi* body in a hon
«M»«d in. his cc
broken in three p
W* finger naiht to
from hie body. 1
hie house and die
•Mitfeot. He wa
•ftetienat* husbo
*‘fe nnd four chi
•ad. ..
So Mosn Lao]
?Pjlor has.
plants refuse
*Wj#na in thi* pla
B, “»J of the sale
644 ato n u
the tei
* •Pehinstltutiot
* % Place after
H house roon
and tm
h® in