The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 26, 1860, Image 2

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ttiraa Critene.
Whtre parties arc unknown to ns,ourrnlefdt adver
-1 sing it to require advance, ora guarantee from
Known persons. Ibis therefore useless for all aucU to aend
m advertisement* offering to pay at tbo end of three or aix
wrath* Where advertisements are accompanied wlthUw
meney. whether one, five or ten dollars, we will giro the
tiier tho full benefit of cush r^tcB»
Advertising Agents. 119 Nassau street. New York, and
JO State Streep. Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona
Tribunt, and the most influential and largest clrcnlating
Newspaper* in tho United States and the Canadas- They
H* authorised to contract for us atonr tows* rotor.
W<> aye indebted to Hon. Edwat4
McPherson, &» r public documents; also,
to Hon. L. W. Hall, of the Senate, Jacob
Burley, Esq.'j of the Bouse, and Geo. W.
Patton j favors.
|pccial election, held in 3)au
plUn oWnty! op Saturday last, to fill a
'vacancy, dcoaliioned by l the death of Marks
J), 'Whitman;. William Clark, the Peoples’
oandidate,wfs elected by ft
990 fetes. , i 1 •?' .
. ; i Jt . • • -
•j[lk'rKA.rL<W Hotoe Magazine, edited
by T. S. ArSur & Virginia F. Townsend,
for February has arrived,
and is a.weloome visitor. The engfav ings
and fashion plate are equal to those of the
93 and the heading matter is
excellent. |2 per annum; 4 copies 15.
Ptfenon’i Magazine, for February, is
on out table! and we find it to be a very
interesting pumbor. Our lady readeis
fad- the fashions and everything
relating to domestic economy fully up to
iheir minds! Address C. J. Peterson,
MG. Chestnut at., Bhila.
tor Bigler has introduced a
teas to punish hostile expedi
ohe State against another,
offence treason; and any per
tpens to know about the fit
iuch expedition and docs not
11 be fined and imprisoned.
bill in Gong
lions frfim j
making the |
son who hat
ting out qfi
disclose, aha
have, received the January
be « Fawner' and a
ivoted to agriculture, horticul-
number of ij
tare, *nd n
good jourd
is the ■h an l
iral affairs generally. It is a
d, and, on account of its cheap
iollar per annum —should be
[a of every i Farmer. Address
igler, Philadelphia.
J*nTAf. of GoNSPiRAXORa.—Tbe Legis
lature of jtVirgUria having authorized a
special term of the ditcuit Court for the
epuptj ( Judge . Parker has
directed nUice to be given that the term
will be commenced oa the first day of
February Uxt. It is: understood that
Stephens and of the Hater’s
Ferry then betrled.
: Tnj! Contractors. —A
number' of letters _were received at the -
FostoffioejOPsepartiueat in Washington, on
Tuesday, from mail contractors in differ
ent ipaxts pf the Union, declaring.their in
tenfion to break off the lines, if ap- \
propriatipn is made by the Ist March.
Representatives, w sp long
delaying organization, ia assuming a
CpßNtirAjiL ORE Moustain.—Qne; of
tho elements of Pennsylvania riches is tho •
Cornwall ore mountain, in I,ebanon coun
ty, This Cornwall orated, ia .a geological
wonder, containing, as it does, upwards of
fifty millions of tons of the purest iron
OfQy which can be mined and -loaded into
cars for ten cents per ton. We are in-
tShat in a singie season more than
thousand tons of this ore,
valuable than the gold mines .pf
Gafifornia, have been taken out. The
Cornwall- mines are owned by: different
the Coleman heirs owning a
proportion. - * y
i»KA N BAB.-~fhe Territorial
Tffinalafapra of Kansas, after organising,
joint resolution adjourning from
to Lawrence, which Gov. Me-
The Legislature then passed
tiie resolution "over the Governor’s veto,
ijT* two-thirds vote. A question having
tn to the constitutionality of the
majority adjourned toLaw
r||<», and the minority remained at Le-
Compton. Both factions claimed to be
the legal body. The alleged reason
bf the 1 majority for quitting Leoomgton is
the 'insufficiency of accommodation. An
attempt to reconcile .the difference will be
ijifody J?y the introduction in both bodies
tit-dt resolution favoring an Adjournment
to Leavenworth
betahd bcissoks.
■ ’6mn am two hundred and Maetaen vesselMaidny
ww-Onrnrt u In Smslenthlaweeh tn XMUdajahtiTg-
The attendance la large,
ta. A Company with a capita] of fIOOjOM, hss.hssA
formed in Washington City, for manufocturlng Wine.,
AST There is a surplus fond Of ton thousand dollars in
the treasury of the Pennsylvania State Agricultscal Society.
A&- A resolution baa been 'introduced into the legMl*.
tore of this State,to redneethomdaryofthe aasmbors from
$7OO to $5OO.
SW*Mr.H. of 'Klifrtx cotmW. lately
found thirty ratwin his qpm-bin with their throats cut.—
The assassin sms ay easel
tff- The n»rri»bnrg WegmpA says a chad of Mr. Cow
den, of that about four years, died on Sunday
l«st, from that t«rrible dta*aeo, bydrophobia.
«3_ Jackson. theAwericanDeer.yae beaten byJMOoe
Bowan. *f«*ekneyWfck,Bear Aondon,ooOhri»tma»days
■hta ten mflej*co,Jn 68 minutes, wtd 23 seconds.
M. On Thursday .J*si> the eaqyess freight train ran into
a drove of cattle andiitieep near Anderson’s Station,killing
five or sU cattle and several sheep and wounding others.
Aa-Tbomembers of tbeGe&etol AeseroMyofXennrteee
paid their respects. In a body, on th*Btb intfc. to tbo widow
of James K. Poik, at her residence in Nashville.
: ' M.TUe amotint ofburable property in Kansas, as shown
by the report of the Territorial Auditor, is
The indv. jtednms of tbe : Territory amounta to $26,000.
g*.The mayor ol Trenton, N.J, waa on Monday last
arming, d before aualderraau of that city, on a charge of
frst d«ving through the streets, and fineds3,4o.
ja All men come Ip»o the world alone, all leave it
alone; king and prieet, warrior and maiden, philosopher
and child; all alike must walk doath’a mighty gaUenee
alone. N
Va- Terriblo Atbtt.—Amari Mined Clark, residing in
tolngton. Ky, onfte MhJnstant, killed hi. wife, child
H.aOsrward* attempted to commit
yy At Barton, recently, a German died on a Friday
morning before daylight, waslmried about noon, and the
•omo afternoon hi. good..wore .old at auction. Rather
quick work, that!
©a Wednesday week thehouse of Mr. Michael Oar
rity, near Locke’s MAls, Mifflin county, was destroyed by
fire. Two children, aged five and ten years, perished in
th* flame*.
SyiMrlW. H. Radcliffo, formerly of Cleveland, his
been notified by the Postmaster in New Orleans that the
Republican jeumaia of the former city are incendiary pub
lication., aqd that he must stop receiving them.
resolution ha. been introduced in to the. Virginia
nous* of Delegate., inquiring into tlioyroprioty i»f taxing
bachelors, past thirty year, of age, $lO per annum, for th
education of poor children.
t£.ln Jackson, Oregon, about a month since, a man
named Otterbury waa .tripped, tied to a tree,-and thirty
applied to hi. bare back-with a raw hido,for selling
whiskey to Indian, who were camped near the (plains.
At the late term ot Court at Peoria, Illinois, seven
teen divorce cases were granted, all but three of them on
application of the wives. A large number of case?, in ad
dition were continued, obe was withdrawn and several were
49-In Georgia they Mem to have a law to prevent mat
rimony among the too old a. well a. the too young. The
Legislature recent'y passed a bill fer the relief .of Caleb
Webb, an old man 70 year, of age, and allowing him to
marry. ,
49* Judge finun, of St. Louis, a prominent lawyer, fol
lowing th. lead of Judge Catron, of Tennessee, has pub
lished an earnest remonstrance against the bill to enslave
the free colored people of Missouri, now before tho Legisla
ture of that State. 4 s
49*Prentice say**- u A the Northern abolitionists do not
think it wfong to steal our slaves because they are men,
they perhaps will recognize the fact that as negroes are
the descendants of Ham, It is larceny to appropriate other
people’s Bacon.”
49k. Mr. Tenbroeck, the owner of American race-horses
in England, it is said, stands to win $300,000 upon bis horse
Umpire, at the next Derby races, jr to loose only $3,000.
All his Bots were'made when tho odd. against his horse
were 100 f> 1. Now he }s first favorite.
in “ Ten Years of Preacher Life,” says:
“I confess to a gratefullovo of log cabins, ami .am much
inclined to the belief that their humble rooft-have shelter
ed a greater amount of health, content, happiness and vir
tue, than style of domestic architecture.”
US- A young man, calling himself Davis Ferguson, and
other aliases,'hae been traveling recently through Wiseon-,
siu'and lowa, and doing a large business in the way of
marrying young girls and appropriating other peoples pro
perty, Within three weeks he married no less than six
wives. - ■ “
435, George W.' PArsons,of Dnncannon, Perry county,
was killed, on Thursday week, by the fell of a tree, while
he was engaged In cutting timber for the re-building of the
Nail Factory at that plow, which was recently destroyed
by Arc. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his
*3. The London correspondent of the Independent states
that elfenor Mbrtara wasl recently in tliat city seeking aid
to recover his stolen child. He met with much sympathy
in high the Pope, adds tl t e writer, on to
the boy like grim death, and the chances of his recovering
him are anything but flattering.
wy_The Boston POct, after rehearsing at length the re
cent persecutions of Powers, who was tarred and feathered
in Jtonth Carolina, And jof James Cranagle, who was so
summarily expeUedsfiromAlabama, warns tho South to be
careful how it treats Irishmen, or she may lose those in
the North who have hitherto been her warmest friends.
43-Bent op revenging ihls death—lt is said that some
partie* in Adanu county, PtL, recently seized upon South
qne Mysw, tupposlng that he was tlie constable
who Ferry notoriety. A com.
pany, it is said, is banded:tb bake iis life, hut bn discern
ing theii-mistake,tliey wleased Myers.
yjt- At Pike’s Peak. Pec. Ist, the merouty congealed at
SBX degiees below zero. Liquor froze in the gre® shops,
and write .and ale .bottles hurst," and an -ox ftobe to death.
Two wolves were driven into town by hunger. The weath
er was supposed to be cnlder tiy SOdegitcsthanal any time
last winter. It cfasinged '9O degrees In tbcspoce of Sfl hours.
Bad writing.—The Postmaster General in his lato report,
makes astateinent with* regard to the superecriptiohof
though not new, is descrying attention.—
He says “ the rßasM why leltors do not reach theirdesli
naUpb la traced Ida,
thenuetvee,whb, either misdirect or donot .write a legible
band.” '■ "v- • ■■
• **- Chester connty) in this State, was the scene of ano
thertenribletragcdy the other day. A urgroman, named
AlfrsdJdUler, attempted to force an entrance tothehouse
of Uary Poulson, with a view of getting some wood tollgfot
a fire,-and was struck down by \be latter with an axe anti
"instantlyhilled. The murderess Is iu Jail in .West Chester
and looks as If the occurrence had destroyed her'reason.
ya_ Jas. Murphy, residing in. touisyUle, Ky., the day
before Christmas, in attempting to extract a bone out of
a hog’s throat, was badly bitten by the animal. In lets than
a week he was'attacked by symptoms of. hydrophobia,
which lasted until Thursday, when he got better, but on
the 6th instant be was again attacked, and; soon fit
horrible agony.
S9* 8.0. Sherman, of Beloit, Wisconsin, was caught in
a machine shop by a shall, the other day, tmd whirled
around at the rate.of sixty revolutions a minute. When
his clothes were all dragged off ho fell to the floor. The
soles of his boots were entirely whipped off by striking
against the frame of a grindstone which stood nearly under
the shaft. His hack and one arm were badly'bruised, as
were also bis legs, though it is thought his wounds are
not fatal.
A conspiracy has just come to light in Providence,
8.1., wherein it was shown that a woman and her daugh
ter and son-in-law, bad brought a charge of an infamous
crime against herhusbaud. They hoped to have the hus
band and father convicted, and sent to the State prison, and
so acqnire possession oi his property. The daughter, how
ever, when 1 brought into Court, swore that the charge wa s
falsehood that she under tbreatsfrom tbe jMrties
before named, who were at once eoaunitfoj, fotakethsir
trial.jfw'yeiinry. ■■ • .
Utter Broni
;i JUwu*BH»o, Jan. 2i, IMO. ; ■
Otniltmm j—t The Tariff resolutions introduced
%gr Mr, Strohg were debated on Wednesday lait,
tad pa**ed,only 24 voles being recorded against
them. Boideeply is Pennsylvania interested In
t« increase off duties on iron end coal, that I
think tbe resolutions would hare passed without
a dissenting voice, but for party rancor, which
induced cine of jthe Opposition members to add
a resolution reflecting upon the President
this is to be regretted, for in Pennsylvania there
is opposed to a protective tariff, let
poUlkians be fOrced into whatever attitude they
may. But that these resolutions! will have any
.effect, rdo n|t believe. lam rather disposed
to think tbat ilie independent sovereigns who ait
at Washington; will be- disposed to treat with
contempt anijf effort to instruct them in theitdu
ty, especially when suchinstractions cpme from
what they! in t|cir lofty grandeur look upon as
a very inferiptf body.
.Insuring against loss by firo, in Philadelphia
has become an. uucertain business;- "Within the
lost few years the Legislature has granted' a
large number!' of charters for new companies,
and it is said that many of them arc noW open
and doing business upon fictitious capital. Un
der such circumstances it is the duty, as well as
tbe interdst, of the solvent companies to crush
outf the existence of these bogus institutions, or
suffer hereafter for their short-comings.
To effect Ibis, some gentlemen arc now here,
working for -the passage of . a bill having for its
object a thorough monthly examination of the
standing end condition of each insurance compa
ny in the cities. This bill, if it, posses, will be
likely to knock some of the bogus companies
higher than a kite, and it is not unlikely that it
will send to jCoveutry some that have standing
in the community.
The contested election case, Wiley vs, Duf
field, resulted adversely to Duffield, who has ta
ken his departure, and Wiley has taken his seat.
The Committee, after a patient investigation re
ported, WUeypelected by a majority of thirteen
votes. The base of Donnelly vrill not be dec?
ded for a orton days, as the Committee
will probably ;move to Philadelphia to take the
The Philadelphians are after more Passenger
Railway 1 charters, notwithstanding nearly all
the main thorough fares are already occupied.—
Broad street,;it appears, was, by some means or
other, overlooked last winter, and several com
panies are after it with several pieces of timber.
It is supposed to be the last really profitable
speculation left jn that line.
There’ are ‘Some six or seven applications for
bank charters, and also a bill pending for a free
banking law. If there is to be any increase of
banking capital in the State, I say let it bo ou
the free banking principle. Let the people who
have bank-notes in tbeir pockets have the assu
rance that they will be redeemed, and it will
put an end to the everlasting currency-tinkering
No bills of any moment have as yet been pas
sed, but I Uye in the hope that we shall soon
have something to write that will, at least, be
worth the Ink and paper used. Yours,
Tub South Carolina Commissioner. —Mr.
MemmjngiSr, the Commissioner sent by the Leg
islature of South Carolina to Virginia, has been
addressing the Legislature of the latter State oil
the subjectiof his mission. He argued that, if
the Union must be continued, the South must
demand otliei and more efficient guarantees, or
make concession aftec. concession until she has
losi. all influence, all consideration and all right
in the Confederacy. He urged the propriety of
a Convention of the Southern States to consider
the questions growing out of the relations of the
South [to tlie Northern States. There is some
diversity fn the South as to the propriety of
Mr. Memminger’s mission. Mr. Ferry, one of
the ablestincmbers of the South Carolina Leg
isluture. publicly expresses his belief that it is
in bad taste and Quixotic— it was like a neigh
bnr going-to a gentleman and telling him his
honor was-wounded, and he must resent it or
fight, yifginift was able to see for herself what
her lionbr required, and did not need the promp
tings of South Carolina.
1 r I* • . _ . i
jgjr:Ei ;H. Rauch, Esq., the Chief Clerk of
the Pennsylvania House of Representatives,
writes to bis paper, the Munch Chunk Gazette,
as foildwaff—MV first official duties were the np
pointment of the pages, pasters, folders, and
•-hull Scrubbers.” The pages receive each $1
per dby , the pasters and folders each $l, and
the “scrubber's” 60 cents. For pages there were
some twentyptiye applicants, and six appointed:
for pasters- and folders about thirty five appli
cants; and eleven appointed ; and for scrubbers
(women) vhbout seventy-five applicants, and
thirty-three appointed. These appointments
are extremely annoying. Nearly every appli
cant pfesefita strong recommendations with the
'plea bf destitution. I was cpinpellfd to disap
point &uh.jr. some of whom, no dpuht were very
poor ahd [needy, who would be gfeatly benefit
ted by tbp pitiful sum of fifty cents per day.
ifuyrjiQ'AND Selling. —the following sensible
hit guit our lattitude, ds well as some
others; and may be rend with profit, by all en
gaged )n .buying and seUiitg:
« Some are not honest in buying or selling.
Tbmr rus is. at all times, *to buy as ,chen p as
they'can; and sell as dear as they can. This is
a wickcd'.rulo We often trade with those who
do tipi; k|ow the worth of the thing bought or
soldi | ;It|,w cheating them to make the best bar
gainl we ddn. Sometimes we trade with those
j)d great want, and we fix our prices,
and inabb them too high if tye sell, or too low
if we buy. There is a fair price for everything.
He wliU u just' and true,* and who loves his
neighbor aa himself, with soon’ find , out what a
faiit jpHcUis. Almost all menuae tom many
words in; .buying and selling, and there is al
most alleys a lie somewhere.” '
.ggjp late letter from Texes, in speaking, of
the recent intense cold weather there says
“Trro ice-houaes at Wace, in lat 49°, Were filled
last Wheh. Oxen 1 out on the pubHc roads died
by hundreds. Ihftve seen as many as forty sheep
dea«ji > n due pen; all of which died in one night.
In several places hogs in fine fat order, have
frozen. :ind especially when in floored pens.—
Some! few'horses have been found frozen, and
the chickens generally are shedding : their toes.
We learn from the Houston Telegraph that, du- N
ring the late cold weather, there were from fif
ty to sixty persons frozen to death in Texas, at
least °f whom were under tho influence of
liquor when fioien. There were also many
thousands of hogs, cattle, and sheep frozen to
death itL that State. In that region the people
art #p;‘unaccustomed to cold tha| what . would i
not^jbie much : hope isteirijrty mtro i
tlwre. £ ..' V;-;
H«ire .Ol 1 —Extraordinary Yield.
m>: -i-J'■!,
Binoe our lost, saysth* Venango Speelctor, *
pamphos been put into the oil welh.on the * ,rm
at gkmiltpn BPCliolheEv oh OU Creek}- two
mile* nbore lb© moUttf, end the yield ©f oil i»
beyondexpectation, beingne»-double thntpr
Drake’s. A number of perwhSTwiT* visited tbe
well* and nU agree that on* gallon ef pvre o»
u pumped every mimic ! The quantity appear*
to be limited to the capacity Of the pump, and
no doubts are entertained ©f the Supply holding
out. The proprietors are busily engaged in
making preparations to barrel the oil, wliicn ap
pears to be. the. great difficulty in the way. Cal
ifornia and Pike’s Peak will haveto knock un
der to this. -
Other wells are being sunk in that vicinity.—
One, a little further up the creek, in which our
young friend Kim Hibbard is largely interested,
has reached tbe oil, and bids fair to equal the
best in productiveness.
There is no difficulty in obtaining sights by
giving a per centage of the oil, pud ther** ap-
to be a general ••pitching in” by those
desiring to try their, luck.
jpgy» Rev. A. S. Finch publishes in the Brock
pprt Adver'iitT a can! of warning to the public,
und h.s brethren, tire clergy* in particular,
against a woman whom ho married early last
fall, and who has since deserted and ruined him.
He explains how his ruin was accomplished.—
While attending the Brockport camp-meeting,
a woman, small in stature; wearing spectacles,
and prepossessing in appearance, appeared,
pursued him in a carriage, and told him of her
esteem, and'how much she was ,worth, and in
duced him to marry her. He consented, the
knot was tied, and she, having accomplished his
rnin, Ibrsork him, probably to find another vic
tim. Mr Finch assorts in his card that this
woman has served two men, at least, in the
same way oefore—bne residing at Belleville,
C. W., the other in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin
man she left in a destitute condition, with three
children to provide for.
The Cleveland Plaindealer announces
that Mr. J. W. Fitch, U. S, Marshal of Northern
Ohio, on the preceding day received a bundle of
official documents from the Chairman of the
Harper’s Ferry Investigating Committee, com
manding him to summon Joshua R. Qiddings,
R. Plumb and John Brown, Jr., to appear be
fore the committee and testify under path all
they may know of the organization of “ The
Sons of Liberty.” or any other organization
connected with John Brown’s “ work in hian
sas." If these witnesses refuse to obey the
summons, they are to be arrested under warrants
which accompanied the subpoenas The Plain
dealer also states that the Sons of Liberty, at
West Andover. Ohio, have decided deliberately
to refuse to obey tho summons, and to resist if
any attempts are made to enforce it. The same
action has been taken at Oberlin,
Hunting a Pantueh.— Abraham Niv ling, of
Janesville, and Amassa Smith, Sr., of Beccaria
Mills, Clearfield county, went recently to the
Moshaunon woods to bunt panthers. They
soon struck the trail of a very large one, which
they followed for four successive days, camping
at nights by a large fir*, without shelter or any
kind, daring very cold weather. On the fourth
<l»y, 27th of December, the animal caught a rab
bit, after devouring which, it proceeded about
two hundred yards, and laid dowu. Here the
dog found it. when it took to a tree, ascending
to the height of about seventy feel. Nivling
raised bis guo, and brought it down the first
fire, the ball entering the nostrils, and, after
traversing the neck, lodged in the breast. The
•‘varmint” measured twelve feet six inches
from end of nose to tip of tail.
An Inhuman Motuee.— ln Chenango, N Y.,
the other day. a woman, named Julia Anne Ca
dy was arrested charged with attempting the
life of her illegitimate child. From the state
meat of the little one it would appear that its
inhuman mother thrust it head foremost in the
stove, and held it there until she thought it was
dead ; she afterwards placed it on a bed, which
she set on fire, and then leaving the house hur
ried to one of her neighbors, to whom she Sta
ted that her place was on fire. The child, in
the meantime, recovered sufficiently to be able
to leave 'he house, and when the mother return
ed she found it out of doors, but burned to such
iyt extent that its life was despaired of. The
wretch was arrested and committed to await the
result of the child’s injuries.
Cause of.Camiuienb Explosions —A rorres
pouilent of the Uoston Journal t-xplains this mat
ter,; — "Explosions are not genenlly caused
by contact of the fl.iine with the fluid itself, but
with a gas that is always escaping from the
fluid when open to the air. I’cople not under
standing this fact, think they may safely fill
the lighted lamp, if they do not allow the flame
to touch the fluid itself, but the invisible gas
arises, ''touches the flame, the lamp expljdes
anil the consequences are sad, perhaps fatal.—
Never bring a lighted lamp within u foot, at the
very nearest, of open fluid.” Experience has
demonstrated, by a great sacrifice of human
life, that the fluid should never be brought with
in a foot of the lamp.
OgL- A most distressing occurrence lately
took place in the town of Bloomer, Montcalm
eounty, Michigan. At tlio raising of a large
barn, a couple of small boys were playing with
a large hro.adare, when one of them suggested
to his playmate to lay his head on a block and
let him cat it off, which wag done, and the sharp
heavy axe instantly servered the head from the
.body of (be little fellow. Just at this instant a
large "bent” of tlmframe was poised midair;
but the men engqged in it were so shocked at
the sight that they let go their hold, when the
huge timbers, with a tremend >us crash, fell to
the ground, killing three men instantly.
Tut, Consequences. —Speaking of disunion,
the Richmond Dispatch says : “It is impossible
'to exaggerate the horrors and sufferings wbidh
for years wohld follow & dissolution of the Union
For ourselves, we have no idea of a pcaceful
dissolution. As we have said before, it would
be war from the star*, war to the knife, and-tfae
knife to the hilt The widely extended border
between the North and South would be a lino of
blood. Every accessible bay and inlet of every
river would be entered, and, ever and anon,
large masses of men burled upon the Capitals
and important points Of Southern States.”
The most powerful pumping engine in
the World has just been put in operation at the
Brooklyn water-works. v M attest made about a
wpek ago it raised 611,0dd pounds one . foot
high. With 'one pound of coal, and ‘delivered
15,500,000ga110ns of water to the;reservoir in
twenty-four' hoars.; The tubes ' which convey
the water from the,'pump to'the reservoir are
4,000 feet long, and three feet in diameter, and
the amount of coal which it burns in twenty*
four hours'la fifteen tons. It is sixteen per cent
more powerful than the great Leed.wnrden en
gine'of the Ilolland marshes, and cost $lOO,OOO.
11®.. The Virginia House of delegates has
adopted resolutions instructing the Committee
on Schools and Colleges to inquire into the'ex
pediency pf reporting a bill prohibiting School
commissioners throughout the Commonwealth ‘
front subscribing to : anytencher.maleor female-,
who bails froifi Hie North of Mason and Bixpn’s.
line. uiUew shall, have resided jft’ the State \
of Virginia for at least ten iwri
pmious.' ‘ !'/:?
? 1111 II I I! I
the •onriet fever. On leeriayfolldwjng, the
four were Committed to one gwe| #»« oa th ®
return from the ud office, the |»rettt»
the remaining, child who had Seen deft « home,
and sick with the same disease, had also dwd.
The cup of affliction could hardly bd more trying
to parent’s hearts., | r, ~
The New Hampshire Tatrtdt states.that
on Friday morning seventeen . dressed
young ladies were seen marching bp Main st.,
in Concord, drawing a barrel of dpnr on a baud
sled, walking in couples and drawing by a rope,
with the odd one for a leader. Mpon inquiry,
it was ascertained that they were; the girls em
ployed in a tailoring establishment* whose pro
prietor offered a Wrel of flour to a poor wo
man. on condition that the girls should drawn
to her in this manner—a propositipp ,veryreadi
ly accepted by the girls, and yery| handsomely
performed. i
A Cmui MvKonKD BX *■ Do&.f-On Sunday
last, a .on of Mr. Christian Rider* residing m
York township, about seven yeprt pf age, was
mangled in a most frightful maqnfer by ft large
dog kept on his farm. The bo* was amusing
himself in playing with the doig.when nUmt
once the dug became enraged and fell upon the
child with the ferocity of] a tiger,? and inflicted
severe wounds upon his face, arms and one of
his limbs. We ore told that a piece bf flesh was
torn from the boy’s leg by the engaged annual.
York Preu.
Cheat Dkptu or toe OcEAS.r-?nta following
account of the deptll at which the ocean bos
been sounded, will give,some amount of the
vast valleys that exist in its bed.| ; The sound
ing wua performed in tho Atlantic, and tho
bottom was reached at 7,70(1 1 fathoms Of !&,-
412 yards, .being over eight mllde.- The time
required for this immense length iof line to run
out was about nine hours and a half.
January. 11 FEBRUARY.
Sunday ... 1 bli 22;2-J . • 6|VJjIU Vju".
Monday... 20 10 23,30 Monday ~?. « 13j*0 . .
alUl7 24 31'. . Tuesday .# • * }I4 . •
Wad'sduy .41118 25 . .1. . Weds’day; 18 13 |Jj29 . .
Thursday. 6; 12 19,28 . .'. . Thuradny, 2 9 16 231
Friday.... 6113 20 27 . .;. . Friday.... « » • • •
.i 7; 14 21123 ~ . . Saturday . 4 H'18.25*. .. .
Sunday ..1 . *■11 1 18,23'.'. (Sunday;.! II 8j13!22 29 • •
Monday.. . fill'dllO 20 . . Monday. 2 9116 23 30 . .
Tuesday. . . 0 wlaulw . - Tuesday.. 310 17|« .. . .
Wuds’day. . TU1;21,28 . Mcds'diiy; 4 ll|lB|2o .. . .
Thursday. 'l S 13'22 29 . • Thursdays 512 19j20
Friday 12: 91G 23 3U 1 . .' Friday .* 6 13-20-2 i .. . •
'3 xo 17 21 31'. Saturday.’ , 7 ill 21'28 .. . .
MAY. 1| ; JUNE*
Sunday. • • •, 813 20'27j. . Sunday, .?. • ** •
Muixlav .: • 7-14 31(38 . . Monday .. . MM* .
Tuesday .. 1 8.16';22;29 . . Taenia?.;. . 8 «.M 26 .
Weds’dav. 2 9,16 23,30 . . W.ds’day. . 6 13L» 2. .
Thursday. S.U>(l7 24 31 . . Thursday. . < lAjdl 28 .
Friday 4 1l!lS 35 .. . . Friday...!. 1 8 15122 39.
Saturilsiy.. 5 T2i19126i. . . . 3 0h0'23 30 .
Sunday. ..1,8 15133, 39 . . , Sunday.. ~ . 5 T2.W 28
Monday. . 9 10|33 30 . . jMonday.-. . 6 13!2o 27
Tuesday.-, 3,10.17,24 - 31 . . Tuesday.. . 7 3S
IVtsis’day. 4 11 IS 351. * . . Mods day. 1 8 IS. —39
Thursday. &l 12.19 26 Thursday. 2 9 10 23 30
Friday. . . 6i13.30 27 ... . L Friday. . . 3 10 17|24 31
Saturday.v7il4r2l!2B .... Saturday.. 4 11 18 25 . .
Sunday. ... til 9 10 23 30 Sunday. • -1 ' U;21j28 .
Monday. . . .1 3110 17 1:4 . . Monday ..'ll 8,15 22 19 .
Tuesday.. .' 4 U IS 1 23;. . Tuesday..l2 9.16 23(30 .
Wuda'day . . 5112 19,261. . Wedsday. 3 10 17 24,31 .
Thursday . .'6 13 20 27'., Thursday .’4 11 |IS-23 . . .
Friday . .. I 7 14'21;28 . . Friday. . 5 12 19 20 . . .
Saturday.. 1 8 15'22<29 . .' . 6 13 20 27, . . .
Sun.lav. ... 4,11 IS. .( Sunday; , . . 2j 9 10-23 30
Monday .. . 5121920 . .) [Monday... • 3110 17)24 31
Tuesday.. . 6.13 20 27 . ' 'Tuesday . . . 411 1|:25 . .
Wed-May. . ?! 14 2U28 . .1 1 Weds’day . . 5)12 19,26..
Thursday, ll 8 IS|22 29'. .| iThiir-day . . 8.132U|27 . .
Fi-idav . . .'2; 9 10,23 39 . . iFridaV ;.. . 714 21,2 S . .
Saturday . 3 10:17'24 . J. .' Saturday. .1 8 15 22 29'. .
We do not think a person cau.evince a more benevolent
trait of character than being movedut the distress and suf
ferings of others, and furthermore, anxious to do all iu their
power to alleviate by every possible menus tinman suffer
in';. Iu tliis view of the case, wo do not know bow the
humane and benevolent can do an action more in accor
dance -.villi their philnntbrophic views, than by calling the
attention of llieir afflicted friends and acquaintances to the
fact, that Dr. Seth S. H.vnce, of 108 Baltimore street, Bal
timore, M. D. has discovered a preparation, which is put up
in the form of a pill, that has a specific action for curing
Epilepsy, or falling fits, spasms, cramps, and all forms of
nervous diseases. Among those ivfio have been perma
nently cured, we might mention a member of the family of
James 11. Beadle, Huntsville, Alabama; Mr. M. V. Sledge,
Cabin Point, Surry county, Va., and Mr. W. P. Elgon,
Grenada, Mississippi. We might; go on enumerating ft
number of others,' until wo bad entirely filled up this col
umn of our paper; but we think, vfo have said sufficient to
satisfy every person that the subject under consideration
is one.of vital importance <{o every one. Reader! if you
are a well man or woman, and have no need of a remedy,,
perhaps you know some person who. is not equally blessed
as yourself, if so, cat oat this notice, and send it to him or
her. It will cost you but little trouble, and probably it
will make you instrumental la curing some poor, afflicted
mortal of that dreadful Visitation, Epilepsy, or falling
sickness. i . : ~
. Dr. Uance sends his pills by ninil, free of postage, to all
parts of thu world, on the receipt of ft remittance., His
prices are; one box, $3; two, SS; twelve, $2l. We have
given his address above, j •
Mexican Mustang liiniment.
From rich and floor, bond and free, nil colors, grades and
conditions of life, we hear (he same meed of praise award
ed this wonderful article. (Soresare healed, pains relieved,
lives saved, valuable animals mide uscful, aid untold ill*
assuaged by this great medicine, which is surprising to the
judgment of man. What uunil|r ijdea not require a stan
dard liiniment J Who ever heard fit the some effects pro
duced by any other article? Fpr cuts, bruises, sprains,
rheumatism, swellings/straincd horse*, Ac., it has ho equal.
Beware qf imitations. The gchaifte Mustang Liniment Is
sold by all reapectable IhnggistS o;|4 Livery Men in every
town, parish and hamlet throughout ..North and South
America, Europe, and the Islands ot the Ocean. -Buy at
once. ' ; BARNES A Fare,
Jan. 19, 1100-lm.] i Proprietors, Kew York.
(5, “ On that tai axis of aa innocent aheep-ehopidbe
made into parchnfent, and written on to the undoing of a
man!” quoth SUaknpeere. Ho ! might also hiTsdtplorcd
the r uining of meii’a forms; by; thS uncouthmabnor in
which some nngraeldna tailors butcher mp the cloth made
from the woo} drown by these; aameharmlesa sheep. To
seethe perfection of th«| art of, working fip cloth wisely
and Welt,'and sons to set off to the 'best advantage the
foras of its wearen, calf at the Brown Stone Clothiog
Hall ofßockhm it Wilson, N0j.003 and 605 ChbrtnntSt.,
above Sixth, Phils. and examine. their stock of garments
fcrgcntleminaadyouths. | ; ; J ( .
Thl* di*e*»» east)* cured by Dr. J&yttr't Sbathaeht S*
mtdy, prepared by him in Pitt&u»,ftL« put up
in end eoldrt 25 cenW; lt U im excellent;
medicine, when diluted, fcr epopgy «ndtendergaine,*nd
it trorO» ten tiuee it* price to & »Wo seed it. St-Ufcero
'py? t l ' '
The great standard medicines cf thepresmt
ugt, have acquired their great popularity only
'through years of trial. Unbounded satufae rendered bp then in all earn} and tfe
people have pronounced them worthy.
XlTer Complalnt, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility oftlw KetTOM System,
Diseases of Ik* KUtaejv.
and all diseases arising from • disordered
Uver or 'weakness of the tiomath and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial Aaa acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pet- ,
paration extant: It wOteure, withocthh, 1
the most severe and long-standing
Cough. Cold, or HoarteneM, Bronchitli, la.
flaeuft| Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing turn
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at onee cheek and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proeeedity
from .Cold im thk Bowku.
These mediants art prepared by Dr. C. ML
Jackiom A Co., No. 4JB Arch Street, Fhibh
delphia, Fa.,and are told by. druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents
pier bottle.' The signature o/C. M. Jackso*
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
L In the Almanac published annually by the
'proprietors, called EvMnxßODY’a Aiiusae,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from aU parts of ihs country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
03a. for Halo, in Altoona, b i’ iloujh and (1. 'W,
Koealcr, and by all Druggist*. l«i*j 19, ’5O-lj
Dr. M’Laue’a Celebrated Liver Pills:
49* Being unwell, ami not knowing rlielhsr it proceed
ed from derangomentjuf the liver or merely hysterics I wu
persuaded to purchase a box of Da. M'LiXKS CXUEB&t-
TED LIVER PILLS, prepared by Fleming Bros, PUu
burgh, and before I bad used them all, woe eatitoly rv
llered. I am; now enjoying perfect health, and cboerAdly
recommend Dr. M'Lane'a Celebrated Liver Pills tj all ilai
llaiiy afflicted.
New York, March 25,1852.
Ap* Purcliasers will be careful to ask lor Dk. M'LAXDd
INO BROS, of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other PUU
purporting to bo Liver Pills, now, before the public. Dr.
M'Liuio’s genuine Liver Pills, also his cplshrated, Venal
fuge, can now be had at all respectable drug stores. Sea*
genuine without the signature of
Jau. 5, 1860. FLEUINO BROS.
Tbs combination of Ingredients In thoao Pills ara tbs n<
salt pf a long and extensive practice. They are mild is
their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregntarltis*
Painful Menstruations. removing all obstructions, whethsr
from cold ui otherwise, headache, pain tu the side, palpita
tion of tbs heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysteric*,
fatigue, pain in the hack and limbs, 4c., disturbed slssp,
which arise from interruption of nature.
was the commencement of a new era In the treatment if
those irregularities and obstructions .Which have consigned
so many thousand* of the young, the beautiful, and the be
loved to a premature grave. No female can enjoy geed
health unless she U regular, and whenever an obstruction
take* placo thu general health begins te decline.
are the meat effectual remedy ever known for all complaints
peculiar to Females. Xo( all classes they are Invaluable, fa 5
ducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are
known to who have used them at different P*-
riods, throughout the country, having tbs sanction of sea*
of the most eminent Physicians tn America.
_ Explicit direction s> gating when, ami when they Amid
not be need, with each Box, — the Price One Dollar
Dax, containing 40 Pills.
A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agsntl.—
Pills uni by mad, prompAy, by enclosing price to the osa
cral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally,
R. B. H,UTCHINQ3, Qwrut. Aowt,
14 Broadway, New Tork.
Sold In Altoona by Q. IT. KewUr; In UollMaysburg by
Geo. A. Jacobi. [Doc. S, 1!59.-ly.
Sir'll is a common observation that there are mote
sufferers from debility, among Americans, than can be
found among any other civilized nation. The reason Is
obvious. We take too little exercise, and forget the waste
of the body in the absorbing pursuits of business. In all
such cases, ordinary medicine can do little good. ITbst
is required is just such a tonic and inelgoratotj as Dr. J
Hwtetter has glvi-n to the world, in his CELEBRATED
•• BITTERS.” The weak anl nervous denizen of tbs
counting-house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board,
and the prostrated student of the midnight lamp, bsvs
found a wonderful regenerator In the “ Dittans,” and P 1 *
fer it to more pretentious, but less efficacious medicines.
But it should not be forgotten that tbs agent which is ee
magical in Its influence upon a frame which is msrsly de
bilitate*!, is equally powerful In assisting nature to exp**
the most terrible forms of disease. Who will uul *'
Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere.
See advei tlaement In another column.
1 roepectfully JnfuTOliU olden*-
tomora ■ ami th«) public K* 8 ** {
thst he h;u Jnat rctrivtd, a uwa
and HATfpsoJcs a*r aortnwnt of
CLOTHS, Casaimerei,
which ho. is now offering f° r
anti Is'prepaveU to Task* them ®P _
thalatost style A most durablsias*
ncr, as none but thei»«J *2*®-,
are employed, aud all work
be warranted to gi«
He hits also a’good Stock of®* s
furnishing GOODS:
•nch as Shims, Cotu**
shirts, Drawers, Pocket Handkerchlefe Neck T 1 -
Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac.. 4c.; also a large ee'orho*, .
KB ADY-MADK CiOTftINOi all of which beta
to sell as cheap as tliey can Sk> bought this
dClphig. The public are respectfully Invited to
entarnlao ray stock, as I shall take pleasure w»w>
thou: Doors open at all times from • A.M.entll»»- .
Admittance free. _ al9l r
May i‘ 1859-tf , , . THOMAS tV***-
Did yon heap tho new* from ' Europe flffO’jL.gj
not, we will tell yon what It la. that
hna juat returned from the Km tern cltlea with a Wl*
conalsttnß*of all styles and qualities of OTercos-Ui
Coats, Vents, Pants, Coots and Shoes,
In in establishment of the kind, all of widen
unprecedentedly low prices for cash. lUrttff P,
his stock at caen prices, ha is thereby enabled to _ t
)OVt t
110 inTile* alt those in want of anything In w*
giee him a call, feeling sure that hesrifl be awee
satisfaction. .
Altoona. Sept. 30, IMB.-tf
\J BEEIXAS, tc^csn
than *t any other plane in the country. »• - y -
v :;;f
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