v#sociAno N ;^? 11 vases. ■ a J)tcUd roialy <-‘1 tins class of d’law^ 6 ? • ®Se3 ll 'r ! advice * D »11 tuL. p T **i** «ifiSdStai 1 r> s iS ;l »'l m cnKaM.oTott*’ 0gn > ' comm/nd* o rfC,e ; « ■ ■‘■ i J "‘“ I fu “ii*U the u/j*? *--■ tiition, in their i ' H which Inw nttonded th l *. iK ®^j 11 '" tIH - C! »o of ,#b °3 ; j!- ;,co : G on oorrl "”V or iJ ' S 3 ■ P on for t bo order 1 M, ‘ u ortho pu*t. ru?« , v Ar * * 1 p\o of bttijftTolent o.v mall ‘ lle Cod "i: nil receipt'.of *vfSjHji oovrEl " >ru and Tract.£K«*llJ ; Sic., nreion.fnn.l enJ •;nl."i!ion. niid i " i * *°nt to tIJ t% X V - -■- rw. i-i T ' \T&~\ i. ; *’‘> l-KPf? TTIKr. . and rcnli. Scarifies fronuliU .! , nI L/ , J r >®* n ied ere Jt can m. ■i :m unpleiS^ l ; v <-on*nmca • .wy danger, of flue* or chlns ■ '«jl or the BiortaMooVenbd byj ' ' ‘ *’ \ * | Br ? to con „ - *“ Tciuulu. nml ■*. ? JOHN SUOJSmTkkr, , ‘''ant f„r Blair Ouuntv ’" h- > laTlor ®?<>Wnk,an
  • ?dy clrciUjited tUrounlKiut , t * ,e Of«at:trU!», Crhuhul .i ilr'Gn tlioMme JtomtlierwlU not to bo fonnd in anj ’ •!"”« for j»ls«.nt)ui,u a ho slionia write their nniuuai : .‘.c where they rctiidaplalulr 1 '<. W . M ATSULt ACO. 1 >vew York Police Oamtte. iWto Tork City. ’LANE’s ’ SATED’ IFUGE -N” r> PILLS. e to call the atten e Trade, and more r’hysicians of th« o f the most popu bcfbre the public. a nr 4 1 Celebrated 1 nd Liver pills. commend them as 11?, but simpdy for purports, vir. : . lIMIFUGB, orms from the It has also been !i the most |atis ) various Animale FR PILLS, v er Complaints, i‘. KG EM ENTS, SiCIC In cases of * .v. CD AXjUJEj. after invariably rriak* nanent cprc.c r the above. cy are to fail ordaiicc with "th e i anted popuhutfy’ ropristorSj r Brother** ■ lch. Pa.' s p . r Drug busing. vc been sycccs®" the last Twenty hi now give sird attention t° . . arid Liver Piltf occupy the Wg* l hold amongp® i’ the day* th*f pare neither tin* 6 i, curing the Be»t i rial, and ; most thorough ; all orders to , s rittsbiirgbi ?#• o if erdering from otll*SjMnot , tltelrordemdU^ prepared by • os-o -vvißrnoß to orxb» 1 .ft putd, toany °;££- t fir twelve rsi.ifuiia for fonrtedir _ . . C 1.:: swla mutt * ■ ~ m a o ~ - ~ '• ~~~~ ~ ' rt———i ■■ -—~ -- ~ TOL. the; ALTOONA 'mBD^E. jji-CRUM , A DEBNV PaWfchew *utl Stpprietorß. pw annum, (payable InVariaMy ln«a»*nce,) tI,SO All p«p«w OUcowtinued pOd’fcf . HUM W MWIHUDra. 1 insertion 5 do. S do. »oar Udm or !*•» ' $■ S 5 : $ 87% •jo ilj- iiuuro, ( ’L®, .’6 100' •SriL “ ort0 rt ) * <*> 1'» 8,00 Can* ‘ (*»,** >,. i*«- 2W . , 260 o,»r thre* w«!oi aa.Ues* taan tlir^oawottis.ZUcenUper i..ai.-o fcr t-Mii iusertUto. ■!* • | •• ' * ainonth«. 6 months, 1 roar. . 8i so ga oo *5 oo '260 - , oo 7qo *oo 6 oa lo oo' 6 00. 8 00’ 12 00 ■ 8.60 logo .14 00 OO - M 00 80 00 •t oo -*& nrt Jlslliini k**, CM two “ ‘ Tittw toon “ XJa.tr a c-inn a, S«wiUJOB, •lit.OO■ -■‘afc OO *«mi«rs,r!ouoe»i w ij-tUMit' aJrtj-tililug-by th» yoajr,: three »qiUr**, aitii l.lwj iy to climixo, 16 00 pi, rvuiual or ! Buslhesa CanU, |*ot exceeding 8 Aith paper, ~ *.©o 0w... '..-.lcatiejM of a political character or individual in will he charged According t? the Above rate*, divert; auineiite no t marked MjU| the number of insertion* ler'jvl v, ill la continued till forbid and charged according iuibovo id-ms. i ; ; e jcmhm* auticcs flvq oenU per line for every Insertion. Oiumary actio* excascdhig fendinea, fifty cents* square. k B. OMS, x. d. : >, v oswnii, m. »; RS. GOOD & GjBMMiLL lIAV -8 / i.N'g entejted into Partnership flu the Practice of IlMlciue, rcspeorfqlly tesder. their services to the PabUe In tii jsvenii branches of their Profession. Cel.i will hi answered either rtiy or night at tlieir office —sbi.b in the Bime as heretofore occupied by Dm. Hirst t IjV'.l —or at the Logan Hotue.' April 21st, le&93m W. M. i& CO., AZTOOXJ, PJ„ JOHNSTON. JACK & GO., 11 HQhUifArSJIO&G, PA., (Late "Bell, Jokntion, Jack $ Co.") Drafts on the principal Cities. an 4 Silver and Gold for sale. Collection* AiO«. M-iQ-'Ti fecaired 9udupopite, pnysMo on demand, v.'.fiun; Interest, or upon time, wilk interest £t Uir rule*. I'eb. 1853. r ANDS ! [LANDS'!! LANDS !!! I i The uudocsjgfied IS prepared to locate LAND WAR JUNT3 In the Omaha aurt Na’orstka City Land Offices.— Ho»l selections can now be made near the largo streams end leulemsnts.. The Lauda of [this Territory. now iu Market, are of thh heat quality. i-lh- daloctionaf carefully, made. ; Letters of inquiry re vusled. ALHX. F. McKIN.NKY, ' OmtrpauS, Cess Comity, X. Ter. -My U, IWD.-f ' 1 If Axrsitsxeßi: %**. A. B. Ct-iat, Altoona, Pa| Wk. M. Luirp 4 Co.. Bankers, Alteon*,,Pa, MoOpm & Ditair, IMitors. “ Tno*. A. Son*, Supt. P. K. R„ “ D. McilUHTßift, tlaq., Huntingdon, Fa. T D. LEiST, ATTORNEY AT LAW f I ALTOOXA, BLAIR Co, Pa’., Frill prnCtlco'UW'ln the several Court* of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro and adjoining count!.*.— Alsu in the Distitet Count of the United States. Collections of daJnJa profnptly attended to Agent for nile sale of Real Kdtatc, Bounty Land Warrants, and all Fishiest pertalnliig to conveyancing and the law. I; iIKFSRKttCKS; Haa. Wilson MjjCsudle* and Andrew Burke, Esq. Furgb; IThn. Samuel A. Gilmore. 'Pres. Judge of Fayette Judicial District; lllon. Cheiuird Clemens, nf Wheeling, Va.; HsaHenry 0 Foster,Circe uebarg: Jinn. John \V. Kiilinger. Lsbtn iii; ilja. Win. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hun. • wrge ?. Hsmoltpn, Pittsburg. Jnne IC, 185‘J-ly. IAE:S'TISifIIY.—DII. S. KIMM ELL, 1/ ppEßAtfre & mechanical dentist. t‘-t'a liuortod|jfrom one tu a fall set, on Gold or Silver j| T«th flllbd withOold, aiif( warranted for ten year*. Teeth rixtractedby the Electro Magnetic Machine wlth »l Pern. \ i i All operations and work done cheaper than anywhere •Wait the couutyj and a deduct! oh made, of thp railroad .tpsttse* from Altoona to Hollidsysburg, from all opera tives am matin.: to five dollars and over. Odice on Montgomery s'.reel, opposite the Exchange Motel, Ib.llidayskurg. Pa. [Dec. 16; 1858—ly \\ r Li. KOYERS • T T • attorney a counsellor at la ir, ALTOONA, BLAIR. COUNTY, PA. Vltt faacltee in tjho several Courts cf Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon end Indiana counties. Psrtimlar attention given to the collection of Claimi. •aJ prompt remittances made. Ha rpsake the German language fluently. Offlca. fir the present, with J. M. Chsrry, Ksq., op- P«lta Kastler’e DltSg Store. _*Hooo». Auguat (1,1859. —tf WM. [S. BITTNER, SURG-iON 3DENTIST. OFFICE IN THE MA.SONIC TEM PI.2-. Teetb(estracted without pain by the Electro Magnetic Machine.; [Doc. 23. 'ir.-tf 41“ A Student wanted. Du. WM. yR. TiNLEY KE- & hPKCtTFITT.LY offers hi« ••tricaa to the poodle of Altoona and the ail-\iiS£Say eiaing country. Ha may be found.at the office Wetolore oc- Wpiwl by Dr. G. D.liThoniaa. JURIS* Altoona, Sept. 30, 1368.-tf TL F. KO> r ER, M. D., i!£nj^r t: ‘' ibual ,ar * icct 40 v* e c ‘ t i icn »° f Th» boot of refi’rtiucei can be given if required . M rasidanedon Branch alrcr., Kan Alt.»na. three noose C'terodvi Store. 1 April 23 'sa-lv A i r E3l 0 YES A.f taw high and laar. JOSEPH P. TROUT mnoun *" t« Dae p'i-,ic, that, he i» ready !to - discharge his dntv wu Auctioneer Whenever called nppn. fjnn. 2 ’6B.' J. G. ADI.XJM, ALTr.oNAIi'BLAIR COCNTV, PA. at all times be found tt the store of J. B. Bilemrui. Altoorri, October t, 1857-ly | Iteto lioofc The subscriber has lately X opened a BOOK,STORE next door to "torarr ..f and Annie \trcdt, ***** may., bo i y . ,n * Standard Author*,- New VUSUcdtlone, Litcratur^ p, 'Periodicals and Staple"and Fancy Stationery in large parietite, >boA".'^*.?isf r rJ' , «l oc ‘ >ot of BHKKJ MOSfO.hIDSIC -WS and MCSICAI iXSTROMKSTd. Tho cltirens ol tooidt. : • J}” 411 °™em attnhiled to. with urojuptnew and dlupatcb. U.'SHIVn. J)HNIN(S- & SASH MANU flaaing Mill and Sa«h Wannfnr« tott/whsis lie wHI continue to fill or* 'work Bntr» i scnptions of his person got abroad- One said that he was an awfully tall .man and had a v9 l cf M k e thunder f anotKeK that he Pf light hair. He was a blue,eyes and black hair with some: ho h a “ red face—he* was as pale os death-—his nose Was Roman one day,”ore * His dress was ajl Ae .eoloiis of the rainbbur, andae 'for his horse, .that was of every shade aud breed fchat wfts ever hoard of, and a good, many more-beside that have jet to be found. He wojre a black half-maskp^ fiber it v« always obJi^hgononghi[oßßp 8T BK7. S&WAIID C. JOXBJ* WISTEB. °?.i 80 f 8 to give each of his victims a full tos face, only no two ot them couia ever agree as to -what it was like. My lather was a Gloucestershire man.— He stood sj* toet three in his stockings, andi measured thirty-six inches across the caest. |He could double up a half crown betweeq his finger and thumb, and was as braye as a lion. ' So, many a time and oft, when any one talked of the dangers of the rcay, M would set his great teeth togeth er, his head, and say that he should the man J v ’ ho could r °b him on toe. highway; and as I said before, he did I see him.j and it was Tom lloeket. . tother was a lawyer, and was, at the time I have mentioned; engaged in a groat tithe cause that was to be tried at the War wick Spring assizes. So, shortly before Christmas, he had to go over to look up T Jhere was no cross country coach, s£ he rode; and being, as I have said,: a prave man, he rode alone. Ho transacted bis business, and my poor mo ther beidg ill, and not liking to leave her alone lotiger than he could help, he. set out to ride home again, about half past nine thataapje evening. It was as beau tiful ; a : winter's night as ever you were out in. Hispnag was a first-rate hunter, as doci.p as as a dog, and jfit to carry even his weight over or past anything. He held a brace; pf excellent pistols in' his hol stcri l( |iuti|he jogged along,' hamming a merry tujae, neither thinking nor caring lor any rubber under the sun. All of a sudden it struck him that the pretty bar maid pf inn just out of Warwick town, where be lied stopped to have a.girth that he had broken patched together, had been very busy with those self-same pistols; and suspecting that die might Lave been tampering with them he drew the charges and re loaded them carefully. This done, 116 jogged on as before. . , ' Ho , had ridden about ten miles, when i he came to a wooden bridge that there was in those days over Avon. Just be yond it rpgc a stolfisb hill, at the top of which was, a sudden bond "in the road.— Just as piy father reached this turn, a j masked hprsemau suddenly wheeled upon ■ him, and hade him — 1 Stand and deliver !' j It vyaa Tom .Rocket! In a second my fa- j ther a pistpls were out, cocked and snap- j ped witinp a yard of the highwayman’s j breast ; bdt, one after the other, they mis- j sed fire l ;The pretty bar-maid—a special j favorite of-Tom's—was too sharp'to rely j on the‘old|dodge of drawing the bajls, or I damping tjie charge ; she thrusts a pin in to eacp todch-hole, and broke it short olf. “Aliy mpre V' Tom inquired, as coolly as you please, when my father's second pistol fliULpd in the pan. “Tea I”'shouted my father in a fury, '“one on your knob!’’ And seizing the weapon last used by the muzzle, he hurled it with all his might and main at Rocket’s bead. Tom ducked, the pistol flew over the hedge; and my father thrown out of balance by : his exertion,,lost his seat, and fell heavily on the gniss by the roadside. In less time than it ta'kes to say so, Tom dismounted, seized my father by the cel lar, and printing a pistol within an inch of bis lace as he lay, bade him be quiet, or it would be worse for him. “You’ve given me a .deal of trouble, said Trim. 1 “So'just hand over your purse without any more ado, or by G-J I’ll send a bullet through your skull—juß there and laid the co'd muzzle of his pistol ou iuy father’s, for eh cad just between his eyes. It is had. enough to have to look down the barrel of loaded firearms upon full cook, with a highwayman’s finder Upon the trigger; but to have the cold muzzle pressed slowly upon your head—ugh .'—it makes me Creep to think of it. My father made a virtue of necessity, and quietly:gave up his purse, i “ Much gqod may it do 'you” he said; “ tor there’s;only three and sixpence in it.” *‘ N»w; favour pocket-book,” said Tom, not beating him. “ Pocket-hook I” inquired my father, little pale. “ jrt)ckef-book !” Tom repeated ; u :p. :tfiic|t:black one; it is in the left hand pocket qfydur ridingcoat.” ‘“Here if is,” said my father, “you know so about it that perhaps you conf tell what its contents are worth ?” “ I’ll see,4 Tom replied, quietly taking out aj*d iunfqldihg half a dozen legal look ing documents. ' • “ They-are law papers-—not worth a cent to r yqi| or any one else,” said my father, c: -f - : ■ ' ' “ Thep,”;ijTom replied, “I can. tear tUerji up,” qnd houiade as thoughhe do .so* ,; .'V . fl Hold on- year life!” my 'father shouted, [struggling hard, but it) vain, to -1 ’■ , Qh rsu|r : ;are worth something then;” wid w|tTh r a ' * ' • lt wouid take a deal of trouble to make thein butagain,” my father replied 3ulkily-f < f that's all.” . 1 •’ f How much trouble ?” Tom inquired, wUh A look. f . i very well that tiifiso papers 1 ALTOONA, PA,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1860- are worth more than a hundred,” said Tom. “ A hundred and fifty then,” said my father. “ Go on,’* said Tom. ‘*l tell you what it is, you scoundrel,” cried my-father, “I'll stake five hundred against them, if you’ll loose your hold and fight me fairly for it.” Tom only chuckled. “Whjr what a hiuliy you must take mo for,' he said; “ why should I bother my self fighting for what I even get without.” “ You’re a cur, that’s what you are,” my father shouted in a fury. “Don’t be cross,” said Tom, “ it don’t become you to look red in the face. Now attend to me,” he continued in an altered tone, “do you see that bridge ? Well ! there s a heap of stones In the centre, is there not ? Very’ good ! If you will place five hundred guineas in gold', in a bag, in those stones, at twelve o’clock at night this day week, you shall find your pocket book and all its contents in the same place, two hours afterwards.” “ How am I to know that you will keep your word ?” my father inquired, a little softened by the hope of regaining, even at so heavy a price, the papers that were so valuable to him. “ 1 m Tom Docket,” replied the robber, securing the pocket-book upon his person, “ and what I say I mean , and what Isay I stick to. Now, get up, and mind,” be added as my father sprang to Lis feet, “ my pistols don’t miss fire.” “ I shall live to see you hanged,” my father muttered, adjusting hia disordered dress. “ hhall I help you to catch your horse,” Tom politely asked. “ I 11 never rest* till I lodge you in'jail,” said my father, savagely. “ (live my compliments to your wife,'” said Tom, mounting his horse. “ Confound your impudence,” howled my father. “ Good night.” said Tom, with a wave of his hand, and turning sharp round, he jumped his horse over,the fence and was out of sight in a moment. It was hot qu:te fair of my father, I must own, but be was determined to set a trap fur lorn Docket, bated with five hundred guineas, at the bridge. He post ed up to London, saw Bradshaw, a famous Bow street runner, and arranged that he and Lis men should come down, and help to eaten i om ; but just at the last moment Bradshaw was detained upon some impor tant govern men t trial, and so another run ner, !• razor, a no less celebrated officer, took bis place It was settled that the tenners should come by different roads, and all meet at a way side inn. about five miles from the b rid ire, af eight o’clock p. m., on the day my father’s pocket-book was to bo return ed. An hour afterwards they were to join him on the road three miles further on.— i heir object, yoii see, in talking this round about course was to Mile Tom's spies and accomplices, jmd to get securely hid about the appointed place long before the ap poin ed time. My father was a little late at the place of. meeting; but when he arrived there he could see no one about, except a loutish looking countryman in a smock frock, who was swinging on a gate hard by. “Goodnoight, maister,” said the Yokel. “Good night to you,” replied my father. “ Gan ye tell me who this yer letter’s for,” said the yokel, producing a folded paper. " My father saw in a moment that it was his own letter to Bradshaw. “Where did you get that?” he asked quickly. “Ah !” replied the yokel,'replacing it in his pocket, “that uJ be telling. Be yer expecting anybody ?” “What’s that to you ?” replied my father . , “Oh ’nough,” said yokel, “only a gen tleman from Loudon—” “ Ha!” cried my^'fathcr; “what gen tleman !” , “ Will a: name beginning with F; suit you ?” asked'the yokel. “ Frazer ?” The word fell involuntari ly from my father’s lips. N ' “ That s the name,” replied the yokel, jumping down from his seat, and chang inghis tone and manner in a moment.— : - “ I’m Frdzer, sir; and you’re Mr. Sandi ger, as has been robbed of a pocket-book containing valuable papers; and; we’re going to catch Tom Kockct as has got it —that’s our game, sir. All right, sir ; and now to business.” ' “ Bqjb where are your men t" my father' asked, when. Frazer had 'explained the; reason for his disguise, V.'■ ; V'. v “ Allrightagainj air,” said the runner, “ they will join ue. We have not much time to lose, so pleaseUp lead the way.” .. fc’ouiy father led the way, followed by Frazer; and by the time ; £hat they earnp' insight.ofthe bridge, they had- been jolli ed by four London officers in different dis guises, add from different directions-i- Gne appewed as a tramp, one as a pedlar andther-es a gentleman’a servant leadidg a horse, and the fourth as together is pre-ooucertw solrfeme. Sly father gave Frazer gjekt: credit for the dexterous way in ‘whidfc he had collected hia forces. ? " i The, bridge upon whiph| the money was to be placed, consisted of ;two arches [ across the river, and was joined on cither aide by a long sort of causeway, builtupon, piles over meadows, that; in the winter time w,ero generally cohered with water. It so happened! that the]very next morn ing after the robbery, i heavy rain set in, and soon the floods wei*ejout, sp that there was no way of getting bn the bridge but by going along the causeway, which ex tended a distance of a! hundred yards, sloping down gradually to,-the river., This causeway was built of Wood. At some places the timbers were covered with earth and stones, but at Others the road way had woruout and they were bare, so that any one looking npj from underneath, could see who was passing overhead. Mr. h razor’s sharp eye took ip the position in a moment. He got twb Ihnrdles out of a field close by, and with spine rope, that he had brought for another; pupose, fastened them to the so thptfthey hung like shelves between the roadway and the flood, one at each side of the bridge, and about 20 yards from it. This Was his plan ; two of his men vrfre to be'hidden on each hurdle, whilst lie and my father, in a boat that was concealed beneath the main arch of the bridge, unseen thejmselves, could watch the heap of stonea.s|hqre the money was to be placed, and th 4 stolen pocket book left in exchange for it. As soon as Tom Rocket, or any of hjsT friends, remo ved the bag in which the! gold was placed, Fraser was to whistle, and;: his men were to climb from their hiding; places, and se cure whoever it might be] If he leaped over the railing of the causeway, and took to the water, there was the! boat in which to follow and capture himL ■ Mr. 1 Fraser was very pubtioular to prac tice hia allies in springing! quickly from their places of concealment,; and impressed upon them and my father itjie necessity of all acting together, keeping careful watch and strict silence. “(Audi '.now, sir,” he said to my father as a distant clock chimeJT a quarter of twelve, “ so, piime to get to our places and to bait the -irap ; please to hand me the bag that I ma!y mark it, and some of the coins so as to be able to iden tify them at the trial.” Hej had made up his mind you see to nail Mj. Tom Rocket this time My father gave him the bag, saw him write upon it, and: make some scratches on about a dozen of the guineas, aiid then my lather let himself down; |ii the boat, in which he was immediately joined by the runner. ■ “ lL ’s all right,” said, Fraser, in a low tone “ Do you think he will chine f whisper ed my fathen “ Certain,” replied Frasbr; “ but hush, we must not talk, sir, timesjldp.” For three mortal hours did my father sit in that boat, and tlajj runners Jay stretched out ou the broad of their backs upon those hurdles watching for Tom K6cket to come for his mpiiey; and for three mortal hours not a soul ' approached the bridge, not a sound bp|f the wash of the swollen river was heard,;! i By the time that the eloee struck threof my father, who had - teen nodding for the lust twenty minutes, fell fast asleep as ho . sat covered up in his cloak, for it was if Litter cold night; but was very speedily by hearing Fraser cry out that they were adrift, . "I::, Adrift they were, sure dpongh. The rope that held them had been! chafed upon the sharp corner of a pile,'(io Mr. Fraser explained,) till it broke, anddray wentthe boat, whirling round and round in the ed dies of the river, fit to makefany one gid dy- So strong was the streajn, 'that they were carried a mile and a half down it, before they could get ashoreii ; My father waff for returning directly td: the bridge/; and so was Fraser; but, somdhoworother; they lost each other in the dark/ahd when my father arrived there, haying run near ly all the way, he found, to his great sur prise, that,the officers had )e|VHo rush ed to the heap - of, stones; audtbcre the first thing ithat caught hi*|eye was his pocket-book—the mpney %casffaonel ' Lord how he did" swear I If f Determining to haye it |nfc with, the runners for deserting their; posts, he-hur ried on to the innwhdrb; t|ey' ha|i diet, and were to pass the night. j|He knocked at the door; No answer. ||Gre knocked | sgaip, louder-. Ho lvHe was not inf the very host of tempers£as you may guess; so hegaye .the door a; ’heavy kick; In it flow| aM i teght'. raethis view that. &iflj took' his breath. Tied into five chairs, hand and foot, trussed up like so niadyChristmas turkeys, wi|h five gags in their mouths, add their five;-pair of eyes; glaring at him owlishly, sat mq retii ilt. Fraser and his four Bow street runners.— Tom Rocket had managed the business at the bridge himself! How he - managed lb,: get scent of the plot, and to seise the offi cers'altogether, just at the dick of time, m jrfather never could dud oaf» and no one faiowjjyet. ‘ ’ Upon examining my father found a&hl» t>n vHch daeWtten • - ' l i ; v.K| ■ i.-' : ' * , “By destroying thesewritlnga I oould nave rained you. In doing so I should hive Injured jour client, whom I respect. For hie sake I keep my word, though rod hayeplayedme falao. ' Tom Rockst-p.” .Sere Mr. Josh paused, and puffed fer some time in silence. “ And what became of Tom?" interro gated one of the company. “ Well," replied Mr. Josh, “ after ha ying been tried three times, and {Jetting off upon some law quibble on each ockmk ston, he. who had robbed tho worth of thousands of pounds and escaped,* was ex* eouted at Nottingham Tor' stealing an old bridle 1” Indian Love. A young Indian failed in hiaattantlotur to a young squaw. She made complaint to an old chief, who appointedahearing, or trial, Tbo lady laid the case before the judge, and explained the nature of tho promise made to her. It consisted of sundry visits to her wigwam, u many in definite attentions,” and presents, a bdnoh of feathers, and several^yards of rod flan nel. This was the charge. The faithless swain denied the « undefinable attentions'* in toto. He had visited her father’s wig warn, for the purpose Of passing, away.; time, when it was not convenient tohunt* and had given the feathers and from friendly motives, and nothing for*' ther. During the latter paH of de fence the squaw fainted. The, pja*. : *as considered idvalidj and the offender sin tenced to give the lady « a yellow feather,* a brooch that was then dangling from huL nose, and a dozen fox tails." The. sen© tenoe was no sooner concluded than that squaw sprang upon her feet, and clapped her hands, exclaimed with‘joy : “ Now. mo ready fo W eourfetf Printer’s Ten Commandments; 1. Thou shalt love the printerr-rfer he is the standard of the country: ■ 2. Thou shalt subscribe for his paper— much to obtain' the mW of which you might remain ignorant; 3 Thou shalt subscribe to hit paper—- for ho laboreth hard to give you the news in due season. , 4- D" a business man,thou shalfc adrer-* tise that, through the profits, he may ena.. hie thee not only to pay for ttty paper,-but ‘■put money in thy purse/’ / J " - 5. -Thou shalt not visit him reginUeas of his office rules—deranging his-papers. 6. Thou shalt nothing that wilj give the printer trouble j that fe may not hold thee guilty. ■ 7. Thou shalt ' not read the manusotfot in Che. hands of the compositor—for ha will not hold thee blamclcSsi.. ;V; . 8. Thou shalt not see the newabeforeit is printed—for he will give it id thee in due season. ■ * - 9. Thou shalt not question him about! things in the office—l>em it thou shalt tell nothing. ' : ! 49* Thou shalt hot, at any' time, send abusive and iutimidatiipg;epwtref editor, cowhide more than five times perfdhnum. / . • A BBApxiFULlSxTJiAcx.—Bealitiful ur oldage, beautiful as theriow droop»u#df mellow autumn of a. rich, glorious summer. i.a man nature has fulfilled W designsj she loads him with- the fruit of a weH-spent life ; and by hi* children,she bears him softly away to tuo gray©, to which he is followed by blc*. sings; £od forbid that,we should not«0l - at beautiful. There-is another, life, hard, rough and lhoroy, trodden with bleeding feet, and aching brow ; a batthr which no peace foUpws this side of the gwye s which thojgraye capes to hnish Wow thd vxotory is trod j and strange that it should is the highest life of man. Gatf along the great name of history; there da: none whose life has been other than thi* . .who . had been recently >? d not orerboTv' *T(p™ brains, concluded, on tho mor-' °m^ ar !^ 8 ’ exercise a little by him selt- The. field selected for the purposes was his own apartment. Placing himself 1 ib ;ft military attitude, with bis awwA drawn, he exclaimed: f' g'. ; t Attention, company 1 Beaty JhL three paces, march I” and he tumbled down into the cellar./ Bis wife, hearipm the noise, came, running in, exclaiming : “ My dear, hate yoij hurt yourself?” ' u Go ahont your business, woman,’* u&l the hero, “ what do you understand abdrfc war?” • 'J : - .. f ft- ■:< It is a: fair. stop-. toward; lutDoisMCi and virtucto delight ip the company and conversation of good men, and *E^tei| : can t be, bad, it is better to hate ho hbtn*' pahy at all. Kpdnpsses are stowed away in th§, is rose leaves in a drawer, to BWes&, on, every object around them. Stover have a eigarin jonrmontifc' wile honverwog with a lady, h a Oizr%e «p where a My is •«w» r? ■vma ♦ NO. 60.. •H 'j 1 v \ ~i \ • >