neu lilt TIERS, BAUAIHIC tet of the preemt it popularity only bounded iatitfac til eatet; fpd the t worthy./ pila, Jaandlct, ous System, tidneya. ■om a ditordortd tuck and digeetewe nanmtly cured by 1 hat acquired « f any timilat pro e, WITHOUT Tilt idiny i, BroneldtU, for ua, IneipUat "j etionithinytmtrt* ' iptios. one* ditch mi' rlusa procuring red by Dr. C. U. reh Street, PA&h hy druggitf 'Vni. , \wt, at 75 cent* f C. M. Jackson *• of each botiU. i annually hy the jut's Aliiana q, id commendatory country. Thtu all Our agentt. Roush and G.->T. [ui*y 10,'6tWy ; TOLK ST, SA.TB or d Liver Pills; ■e. v'hother Itproceed ■'ueroly hysterical Wa» 'FLAXES CELEBRJU ' Fleming Bros, Pitta-. all, ■waa entirely r*> io.iUh, and cheerfully' Utcr Fill* to all ska- x DR.anuira'B i u fact ur«d by r FLBU 'I ore are other Ptfy« -rfero the publWlir. hi* celebrated Terwl ii» drug stores. Mon* f ■ ' '■ 1 ’.fAi**. FLEMING BEOB. ■BMAIiBS. ' PILLS, liiiiEe Pills are thore f. The/ are mild in .tirgall inegti|Mfttier oPitructlona, whether •in in th» «ld«, palplta -3 hyaterice, f cCCif disturbed steep, lure. FU-L^ a tir the treatment of which haTacentigned f beautiful, amt the pa female can enjoy good r.icver an abstraction > ;o decline. FILLS o’.vn for all complaint* licj are invaluable, an . regularity. They, jar* tii.'m at different p*" i~ the sanction of nope end when they ehsM Vries One Dollar-wh frc-n, of the cdin g price, to the ow> . i r/il’r, i, Gi.KißAi Aa**T,v'' ■oadway, New York. ; in UoUidayalmrg- by i | Dec. 8, mat there .inore j*. : Iran*, than Can lip c-aion. Xhe .wMM If \ r.iul forget thf WWhi tvof kusinew. I»aU do little good. Whft .nrigorator ff pr. J. in hie CKhpBIUTKO ;-vou9 denize* of :the • upon the lamp, hate. : “ BiTtwa,"' efficacious mscUcmss. the agent whlch lf • invited to call ana : Jilrfisuro in gpowipje : <1 A. M. until THOMAS ELWAT. ilkgraph.— •biropcf 'lf J • ;lmt UENKY TCCK :st!o» with *lW?« ,OTHING. p* of Overcoat*, Pf*** , nd everything kept of which he offer* ■ Ji. Having purchaMO y cu&bltd to W» vtiiiug in his line ■••..■ ill bs able to giro UENBY TCCK. S ! OYSTERS! i-,.. I have concluded ;il9 to the lowest powtr bo served up on tnd roasted in the .hcl ponimonts. XWE^T*_ nrnished, In every oto h (he time*. _ ; .'Oils CMFrCB- x Uollidnjsbpr*- • 'pda f*ito • LTOOHA MAH. ACMEDUU. MAILS GLOBE, MdrffoUWaT.lmrg. gyw-%,,*,. t^V 1 ' 7 30 P. 54. aittf”', ~ . 736 “ * the trimuctloo bustnea ft-oci 7.00 AM (|urißg the week, «nd'frou|.7.£o to 8.60 V. JOHN BUOEMAK2E, P. M. RAILROAD schedule. T.»iu arrives 0,22 P. M., leaves 0,40 P. K. T ‘. \Vest “ 8,20 A. H. “ 8,40 A.M. ' « laut 7,40 A. M. “ .8,00 A. M. f.-- „ W i-t “ 8,48 P.M., “ V^F.U. „ E»,t “ 11,15 A. M. « 11,36 A. M. 8“' .. w>,t •< 7,26 P. M., “ 7.46 PM. ' „nuvsmmoßßANCHconnects with Express I West, with -Mall Train East and West, and Eastward and Westward. "'f ni UIISVIU.K BRANCH conui>ct« wiOi Johnstown /It Vrai', East auJ West, Express Train West and Mail «£££, aa, 1868. TUOS. a. acoTi,Sup't' ' LOCAL ITEMS. Hobberv.— On Sunday night, or rather Mon djf morning last, some gentleman in search of wcadcloth, entered the etore .of Mr. Thos. El «j, in the “ Uniat House,” and helped himself some eight or ten pieces,of oloth. He effect' ( j w entrance through the front door, by means } f & false key, and after getting in looked the door again, He tbenmade his selections, tak iog all the best pieces of cloth on the-shelves, inde pattern of a blue cloth coat, partly cat (D t Bis pack raade up, he removed an iron lar, with which the book.door was secured, and pysed out the back way,, leaving the door of tie work shop open. One of the workmen in the dop did not leave it until 12 o’clock on Sun dit night, so that it is .evident the robbery did cm take place until after that hour, and the rabbet must have been watching bis opportuni ty Joe Ely was fitted out with a search-war nut as speedily as possible, but has not yet sue (isded in discovering the whereabouts of the tasting articles. Mr. Eiway estimates his loss it about $lOO. ; V I Tin Game Law.— Together with many \pf our ta.Jiporaries, wo hare been in error in regard to tie provisions of the game law now in exis tence, Luring confoupdod the oid with the new !»». The. act of April,. 1859, provided that no prion shall kill,or destroy any phea (jnt between the flrstday of February and the day of August, or any woodcock between lie first day of February and the fourth day of Jb>, or any partridge or rabbit between the hit day of Februoiry .and the first day of Ooto ber, under a penalty of fire dollars for each and every offence. It yrill be seen that the law goes mo effect on the first of February, and hot on ue first of January,' as stated by us a short mac since. iirsNixa Streets. —Fur a longtime, the sub let of opening streets through the town of lireeneljurg, (now part of Altoona,} to cor rupond withthoso in Altoona proper, has been ipit&ted, and several ineffectual attempts hare hen made to accomplish so desirable an im ;rjT(iment to the and convenience tf the town and people. At the last term of the Court a petition praying for the opening of the uresis was presented, whereupon the Court ap pointed a committee of qlx to view the streets ■jewed to be opemjd, and assess the damages to'’ -/1-holders whoso' property would be itynred thereby. The Committee attended to the dpty «si?ued it on Wedkphfday last, but we hare not ■urned what report jthey intend to make. s «ious Accident.—On Thursday, .Dec, 22d, *hi!o Mr. Thomas 'Ba* a citizen, of Bcccaria tewnsbip in this county, was coming down the t.-ush mountain in;Blair county with a load of r,rB > the front end-board of the slcd-box, on rhich he was seated, camo oat and caused him Nil down in front of the sled, which nui pn i' E, and the rough-lock catching him, he was that position until a neighbor of his, fa ° a short distance ahead, came to his hi and extracted him from his perilous situ m. He was injured niuch in the region of '•it abdomen and thighs, and will probably not "aoi er for a long lime, if ever. —Clearfield Jour. N rr " r " ' ■ 11 iu'\g Mux is Altooxa.— We uudei stand 'kai an effort is no«r being made to raise capital kficient to putup' a Rolling Mill at this place, wd it is thought by those who ought to knpw, •att the effort will be successful. That such , u enterprize would pay, \is not doubted. We Upe to see the matter entchedjnto by our cap uts with that Spirit which ig characteristic •I our citizens. The erection of such a build er would add greatly to the prosperity of our ‘jtn. We shall have something more to sav ‘out the enterprise hereafter. noticed; the (Superintendent of the Ikoom Gas andWpier Worlumaking a tour of town on Monday mominglast, faking down ke number of feet of gas oonsomeid during the a onth ending on the 15 th inst.;>andwe presume |»« by this time -g4> consumers know whether “W or candles, : Capt. WM. E. LEONARD. Patrick Morris, 0. S.. We find the altove in the Whig of this week. What it means yrs Pen not exactly divine. It is all Choctaw to us; but probably intelligible to the initiated, i ; Altoona, January 9th, 1860 At a stated meeting of the Good Will Engine and Hose Company, held on the evening of the above date, the following resolutions were adop ted:— * the thanks of the Company be tendered Messrs. McCrum & Dern, of the Altoo na Tribune, for thbir many favors; also, to Miss Anna M. Rose, for. a beautiful wreath presented on the day of the; parade; also, to the citizens of Altoona in general, for their liberality which has always been prompt when solicited. Resolved, That this resolutionbo published in the Altoona Trihiipt. ‘f* W. W. SMITH, Secy. In another column will be found the card of Gormly & Co., of Pittsburgh, to which wtf- invite the attention of oar mer chants. Thbse who deal with them - will find them prompt in all their transactions, and dis posed to do the fair thing towards all their cus tomers. Give th(|m a trial. Messrs. Bailors f From various sources of information, I have been led to believe’ that the. opinion ti current that I am only transiently located herd, and that .1 am soon about ip remove from this place.— Opinions are; also entertained that a book store cannot be sustained here; that the citizens of Altoona'and vicinity, to their shame, aro not a reading people ; ttfat it will not p*y, &o Such opinions, if allow&i long to must injure the best prospects. The begetting error also of preauming to understand the bnainess of oth ers, without even ji shadow of a source for cor rect- information,; iis lamentable. Wishing to comet these mistaken impressions, ere they set tle into a general conviction and conflict with my legitimate and eventual success, 1 embrace, this occasion, through the Tribune— with your kind indulgence, of cudrse, —to state that so far from thinking of a rempval, 1 am daily receiving new supplies of books, stationery, music, &c., and jin the very best of;humor to wait upon my cus tomers. The word “ discoiilinue ” has not or will not enter into the catalogue of my affairs, unless per force of this perverted outcry against suc cess. ' This is an age of enlightened, refined and iu tblligent society. It is the age of railroads, tele graphs, printing presses, churches and' public schools. Who .would be ignorant or behind the age with such magnanimous public facilities for knowledge surrounding him? “Knowledge is power,” and books the medium through which we obtain it. Is there, then, no demand for a book store ip a place containing six thousand intelligent hdmon beings ? The ides alone of a negative is preposterous and absurd. Bat, says ono, ajre, mahy, 1 have now more books than I have time to read. Very well, you still need; them for reference, and in this progressive day if you would: keep pace with the times, an in creasing demand for more must of necessity oc cur. If youare a jroilroad man in this railroad town, and, as yon presume, have no time to think of anything else, go to the book store and purchase tbelife of Gep. Stevenson, or that of some other rail void genius, and yon will find, them reading men, thinking men, and men of inquiry, upon alii subjects.' I am not going away.'\ Desiring do 8,1 honest and legitimate is lespectfully poUcited. v -a- V : f| r ■ ■■ Jl. s., | Bookseller, se. To the Free and Independent Voters of (he Borough f • pf Altoona. friends and fellow-citizens—You willses by this declaration that I publicly announce myself as the Feepie’s candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace, East .Ward, of the borough of Al toona. Xhetjefore,' I would most cordially'soli cit £011? suffrages, .and, If elected, will endeavor to discharge the dnties of the office to the best af iay abiUty cpd judgment. ■;r -1; l . icp& „■ Altoona, Jan. t7th lB6oi Altoona, Jan. IC, 1860. BSjT Agoodcertificate. Pittsburgh, NoV. 18th, 1859. Dr. Extskr:—Although not an advocate of Patent Medicines, in general, B affords me pleasure indescribable torecommend your Pec toral Syrup. As a medicine il ls well worthy the attention of any person who may in any manner be affected with colds, coughs end hoarseness of any kind t and for itf peculiar qualifications for removing all that disagreeable sensation attending a severe cold.! I have been, more or less, in my life afflicted with the severest ,of cold, and hoarseness. At times my throat would become so closed a« to ■prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a few doses of the above Syrup, it would relieve me entirely. In recommending this medicine, I must un hesitatingly say, that it is the best remedy I ever found,, purporting to cure the above, nor should any family be without this remedy for diseases so prevalent. Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD D. JONES, Cashier, Citizens’ Deposit Bank. ' Messus. Editors The time is fast ap proaching for the spring elections. Among the offices to be elected, will be a Justice of the Peace, and since several persons are spoken of as candidates for the important office, we pro pose the name ot Vtfilliom Gable, of the East Ward. Mr, Gable is a gentleman well qualified to fill the office. For integrity, industry and sobriety, he is second to none in the borough, and should he be elected the citizens will be proud of their officer. 1 Jan. 11, 1860. MANY VOTERS.v is hereby given to tbe Stock-, holders that the Bth instalment on the Capital Stock of the Altoona Gas and Water Company, will be due and made payable at tbe Banking House of Wm. M. Lloyd & Co., on Monday, January 16th, 1860. BENJ. F. EOSK, Sec'y. December, 20th, 1860. MARRIED. On January 10, 1860, bv tbo Hev. C. Graham, Mr. 11. C. NICQDEMUS, to Miss HATTIE WISH ART, both oTMar tlnaburg, Pa. : On tbo 29th ult., at the Lutheran Parsonage, by Rev. Lh.yd Knight, Mr. JOHN 11. ROBISON to Miss MAUI A ROBISON, both of Collinsville, Blair county. On the sth inat. by the name, Mr. PHILIP HAUPSTER, ofFrankstown township to Miss ANNA MARIA BEACH, of Allegheny township. On the 6th uU., by Levi Evans, Esq., in. Hopewell town ship, WILLIAM KNYAUX, Esq., of Huntingdon eo, to Miss REBECBA CAMitEU, of Blair co. x DIED. In Harrisburg, on Sunday last, ELMER IRVINE, only sou of Col. Irvine J. and Kate Crane, aged 1 year, 1 month and 10 dtys. On the lotb ult., with Croup, FRANKLIN, son df An drew J. and Margaret Biddle, of lav lor township, aged 2 years and 22 days. Howard association, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Care of Diseases of the Sesual Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to ail who apply by letter, With a description of their condi tion, (age, occupation, habits of life. Ac..) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoea, and other of the Suxnul Organs, and on the sew remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to-tbo afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLON HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. UEARTWELL, Prts't. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Sec’y. [Jan. 19,'’60.-ly YALUABBE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.—Tha undersigned purposing changing his locution, offers for sale his Real EetuU in tha Borou-hs of Uollidaysbnrg and Dnnoansrillc, Ac., including bis private residence, which is one of tbo first class properties in Blair county. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber either at Uollidaysbnrg or Altoona. Jan. 12,1860,-tf J. D. LEKT. American and foreign STEREOSCOPIC EMPORIUM. E. ANTHONY, 80S Broadway, Sew York. Jfltr May Ist. 1860, at 601 Broadway, two doors from Ae St. Xichola* lit, til. The Storeoicopo is the most instructive, interesting, en tertaining, amusing and exciting of modern inventions. None are too young, none too old, none too intelligent none too uneducated, to acknowledge ita worth and beauty! No home is complete without it, and it must and will" penetrate everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the world, in all the relief, boldness, perspective, and sharpness of detail as if you ware on the spot; ’ Photographers arc everywhere exploring Europe, Asia, Africa, America, m search of the grand and the beautiful and the results of their skill are constantly enriching our stock. Wo have an immense variety of paper Views of Scenes in Paris. London, England. Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Franco Belgium, Holland,Switzerland,Spain, Thellbine, Versailles St. Cloud. Fontainebleau, Tuillmes, Italy, Turkey Egypt Athens, the Uoly Land, China, India, Crystal palace, also Groups Historical, amusing marriage sceries. breakfast scenes, picnics. statuary, Ac., Ac. An exquisite assort ment of Illuminated interiors of Palaces, Churches, and Cathedrals of France, Italy, Ac., Ac. The effect of these illuminated views is most remtrksld -. Every gentleman of wealth and refined taste should have in his drawing-room some of (iur exquisite views on gloss, with a revolving stereoscope, showing 12, 20, 60 or 100 scenes. Nothing can be more fascinating, atid pnecan offer no greater treat to a friend fond of the picturesque and the beautiful. Anthony's Instantaneous Stereoscopic View* are the latest Photographic wonder. They ore taken in the forti eth part of a second,and everything no matter how rapidly it may be moving, is depicted as sharply and distinctly as if it had been perfectly at rest. This gives an additional value, fordo the beauties of inanimate nature it odds the charm of life and motion. The process is a discovery of our own, and being unknown in Europe, wo receive from London and Paris largo orders for Anthony'* Instantaneous Glows of American life and scenery. Among other things we have just published Stereoscopic Illustrations of the Scone of the Fulton Street Prayer Meet ings, in which many hearts fee! ah intohsst. The particu lars! of this will be found in our catalogue. Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwardedto anwaddress on receipt of a stamp. : Parties at a distance sending ns $3, $5, $lO, $l5, $2O, or $25, can have a good instrument and such pictures as they may request, sent by Express. Views alone, (without instrument) tan be sent by mail. Parties who wish to be' advised of everything really val uable in the line that comes out," may send ns their names to place oareewAfOnd wo will keep them posted at our own expense. . ’ • Men of leisure will find Photography a most fascinating and delightful amusement. Wo are -prepared to fit out amateurs with everything necessary for their, (access to gether with instrhetiohs How to take Stereoscopic Plc „ „ E. ANTHONY, Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views.' > .MerchanU tfom every section of the country are re sptectfauy invited to tnatc sn examination of our stock* as our discount to tbe trade will be liberal* . To PflOTOGbafbxrSv—Flrat class Stereoscopic Negatiues wanted; ’ Send by mail a print unmounted, with price of Negative - Jan. XZ-4m. [Cutthisontfor fntnra reference.? p AUTION.-v-WHERKAS MY WIFE Mary has left mr bed and board without any just reuse or provocation,this is to warn all persons from bar-’ boring or trusting her on my account,, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting alter this date. ... V e ■ , MICHAEL, SCANLAN. Altoona, Jan. 5,1860-3 L , ... ... - ' AGEWTSWANTEDI „ '■ '■ '( ■ ' ... '■ • T 0 811 L - ; • car Y’s Latent cap AK» ; BBEAST LAIsTTEBN. rpo THOSE FURNISHING SATIS YACTOBY references, a liberal salary and expense, will be paid. Yhb article is needed by every farmer and mechanic in the country, and will meet with ready sale.— Yor particular* address J. C. CARY, Patents*, ; 81 Nassau Street, New York. ~ pAMPHBNE, BURNING FLUID, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and Alcohol. By side cheap ct ■ - A. BODSH’B. A LL THE STANMBD PATENT a* ■; ji-tr- - ; Aysstzrs. l : ' f Mf ’ XU Irs-ii-'J;: ' SE * ‘8; ,i:As , O „gI H 81 rft. o 1 § SI jj >4 o SI U JT" ■ fa. < go H ' P r“n s § > a *|oo -vj fi «r ■• OO ►» 'w/ I -g —v its si s r Our Musical Friend.. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND, A RARE Companion for the Winter Months. . ' Every Pianist, Should procure this woekly Every Singer, Publication of 'Vocal and Every Teacher,' Piano Forte . Music, cost- Kvery Pupil, Ing but , TEN cents a Every Amateur, number, ana pronounced By tbo entire press of the country, to bo best and cheapest work of the kind in the WprlfL" . ‘ Twelve full-sited pages of Vocal and Plane Forte Music for 10 cents. Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, 2,50; Quarterly, $1,25. ]; Subscribe to “Our Musical Friend,” or order it from the nearest Newsdealer, and you will have Music enough fob your eutiro family at an insignificant cast; and if you want music for tins Flute, Violin. Cornet. Clarionet,. Aceordcon, Ac., Ac., subscribe to the SOLO MELODIST; containing 12 pages, costing only tkn cents a NVMDM; Yeaiu-T, $3,50; IIALr-YiAiav, $1,25. All the back numbers tit 10 cts, and bound volumes, containing 17 numbers, at each, con stantly on hand. C. B. SEYMOUII A CO, j Dec. 22, im-sm. 107 Nassau St, N. Y. I House and lot for sale.— Tbo subscriber efferent Private Sale SmbQ the HOUSE and LOT now occupied by her, on the corner of Adeline and-Julia strocta, Kffftl | g gIA East Altoona. Tbo House is a good Two- Ban g a sjK' Story Frame Building, containing a Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on first floor; four good sleeping rooms on tho sOcoud floor, A a finished Attic. The lot is hi good order. 't : Persons wishing to view tile premises and obtaln further imformatian will call upon the subscriber. r : MAKGT. Jt. MeCRUM, Altoona, Aqg. 11th, 1859-tf. '; i LYON’S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy. rpilE- UNIVERSAL PREFERENCE which is given to this brand shows 'that it Is tho only PURE BRANDY for MEDICINAL PURPOSES known, which is fully corroborated by all practicing phy sicians who have used it in their practice. : i For Summer Complaints with- A Cure is guarantied or the money Kill be re funded, ( as it will effectually relieve that well a* Diarrhoea & Bowel €oniplaiut. AS A BEVERAGE, The pure article is altogether superior, anil a sovereign and SURE REMEDY (hr I f Dispepsia, Flatulency, C ramp. Colic?: Languor, Low Spirits, Gineral Debility, Nervous ness, Liver Complaint, etei ‘ Physicians, who have used it in their practice, speak of it in tho most flattering terms, as will be aeeuhy reference to the numerous letters and oertificates. A. HART A CO., Proprietors, Cincinnati. A. ROUSH, Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Blair county. Nov. io, 1859. ■ ;; DR HERSHEY’S CELEBRATED Worm Syrup . TO THE PUBLIC. A FTER A TRIAL of over TEN years AJL in private practice, the subscriber is pippared to of fer to the public a WORM SYRUP which has mover foiled to perform cures where others have been givenln vain. It is beyond dispute the most pleasant and effectual prepara tion ofthc’kind ever offered for sal o. It performs its cutes safely, speedily, and effectually; in juring the nervous system in no wise—unlike; in this res pect, to the Pink Root and Turpentine preparations—nor does it contain mercury in any shape or fohn; but is a purely vegetable production, and so harmiesaVln its action, that the most delicate Infant may take it. ; ?S It is ono of the best and most gentle purgatives that can bo administered to children, incase, even. Where no Worms exist, and is all that may bo required, m nine; cases out of ten. to restore the deranged condition of the digestive or gans, so frequently mes during Childhood jTaniJ save row children from severe spoils of sk-kness, or convulsions' Those Physicians who have used It are porfottly delight ed with it, and use itlu preference to any othernre Deration ever offered. __ : Manufactured and Sold Wholesale and itetai] at V W Corner Fourth and George St., Phßadolphiai „ D. IIERSHEV, 11. D. For Sale by A. ROUSH, Altoona, Va. I « 1859. Pall Trade 1859 C Agar d.—the undersigned have just received and are now Offering the lara-cst and most varied stock of . 8 - FRESH GROCERIES i ever brought to this Market! In connection with the above, they are constantly supplied.with choleb Brands, of the vanous grades of- :i fi . ’ FLOUR! ; Alto, Bacon, Cheat, Whale, Tbnndfftahd Lard Oils ; Mess Vork f ' ! Together with all kinds of PittshnrghManllfettjredArH. cle«, all of which will bo sold low for cash: The Men chants of this place are invited to caUheforehrarcliaslnz elsewhere. At the Old Stand •’■il”;v,.,. * S, ’53-2m.J WM. M. dORMf* * CO -2TI Liberty SL, opposite Eagle Soldi Pittsburgh. iVrEW WALL BARER, 'H; ■ Gold Embroidered papers for Parlor^ Barn ti/ul papers for Hall?, Chambers and Spinels. ■ • W. P. MARSHALL & CO., At.tHlia du> BTATO - ■<'■■■ ■ ■ , No. 87 Wood 6k] sitwmrgh, - STSXt>EJ)‘ PSOStL:: by no other hoisbWestof thq Mountains for obtaining, newest styles, hiR-eflned taste. * Ud t i,? w " pr coi, ifi*®'''tW bestPmich ajid American manufacturers. . : ‘ GLENNS !? OHE PRICE HAT AND CAP STOBE, (osxhsr or *h* tiv* stout Biois.) North :Weet Corner of Eighth and h . CAPS, Jp.STYLM FOB FALL AAD WIATEH, of every color aud shape. ALso, a good assortment Of LApIES AND MISSES FUSS, of different varieties, all of which- will ho Mid- . * CHEAP FOR CASH, : ' ■;) Persons In want ,of anything in tiro above line,-will please giydme a «U 1 before purchasing elsewhere, a* I am deterinined to sell at the very lowest possible prices. Store «W|VlrgiDi*strcft, opposite the Lutheran church. : Altoona, April 28, 1849-tf. JESjSIE SMITH. A BOOK FOR EV ' K Y B 0 D Y;—SIAETWNO HSChOSDRES.—Dr. TKt* .EH’S great *ork for the mar- ■ led, or fjr those conte tup)*> ing marriage—2oo page*, (tall . PLATES. price its cent»-r -;nt to all parts under seal, by. mil, POST PAID. GOOjOOO ijnes sold tlie last year. The ngle, married, and the jnar- } ied happy. A lecture Oft Lore, or how to choose a part* ;r: a complete work on Hid* ’ if'Ty. It contains hundred# iied—Warranted to be ; * - , >1 for it, 25 cents in spodcor porago stomps enclosed, will secure a copy by return of ■ DR. TELLER has devoted a lifetime to the core of 4'