The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 12, 1860, Image 3

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incs of the prig ft#
■at popularity only
abounded satitfac.
all cates; and the
m worthy.
ipsia, Jaundice,
ous System,
r rom a disordtrtd
math and dig*tHve
manently cutidhy
U hat aepdrtdtt
if ««y filmier pre- ! -
riding ; . ;
B,SrondhltU, la
nia, Incipient ?
' v ''' '■&
once check .and
:hcea proceeding
red ly Dr.C.M.
rch Street, Philo
ly druggists and '
here, at 75 cents
f C. M. Jacksok
r of each faftif,
I annually by the
ouv’s Alxahao.'
■“ commendatory
country. TJi&t ■
all our agents.
• Housh anj Ol w. ‘.f
l9, 'sa-ij .
Uiese pilU nns tbe k
>■■ They are mild i„
ting all irr^iwriMaa
••’* in the aids, palpiu
a(rw;Ucmß,' hjr»teVft*;
•te-> disturbed
nne. ,' ■
1 *n the #f
» hich
u.auUfu’., amiui* b#,
mula can
nuver an obstruction
to decline, ’V
i'ILLS ' ■ ' ■
"u for all complalnU
:c y aru luvaluabbyifi- l
■'j.'larUy. They are
them at difflrent:pe-
S ihe sanction of sqma '
■i rrlcai ' v
n 'I when Uory thould
V.ce One Dollar each
& .
■ &
re.>, pf pio Ajjtnto.-
sing prke to tho,Qoh
ally, ;. ,>V
Uiixenai Actsrr,
i:uhvav;.S’cw XtjtTt.
it llolliilayebnrg by
f Ucc. 8, im.-T#;'
. .at tbora ace mor*
■ricaus, than cafi b**'
iition. The re*eun,}*
and forget the want*-
i -<l business. lu.alt
1 1 little good. .What
iurigorator tu.'Dr. j.
\ uua ilt.iiizen of the
iil'on the
i.uliiight lamp, hate .
•• Riiiiais,”, and prpr -
dlkacioua '
he agent which la^>-
which is merely de*
nature to
"wj will nut give;itj»
inform his oldcu»-
jmblic generally
received a LißdK
toi tmeut of
off-ring for wafer i
mr.Le them; up .Ini'
> the best workmen
all work made wfjl.
eive satisfaction.
Stock of Oasts’
Coixars, Uttnaa
i . NtcklijB,Stocks,.
i irge assortment off
ii :li helsdetermined,'.’
this side of Phila
; nvited to call and
, i-aaitre inahowing
A. IX. uut.irO P. “•
;; ;iic» If youhaVJ.
ia: with a large «i
■ r OvorcoaU, Droaa
..d rury thing kopt
which ho,offer* at .
.;;ibk-d to sell rerT .
I mp in
I lie able tosIM
rI havii coSetaj**.-
I-' in the lowort PWJk .
c served HJ> Qb •
i roasted in“»«»£*?:
ii :!ii"l, in ovprjr otll- .
he tiuiei. •
nter any circnnWtWJ
:;,.0 hxnm, £*
XL. lower thmn-W*
,N suokmakkb.
low, Pari* Green. WT
KESSLEtt’3 ‘ V
r h. TUOHfSr
olt SeituPino sjpf\
tci ut this aS.c«.
poiina i£Mt,
JIAXM CJtOSiV : | •>
?»00 AyM.
8 00 «
810 *
pita* 11
n ° a,d * J * lmrg ’
j£wr“ Ibw“« h M *M A i L Sr OPEN.
»etrr»wV» 7 20 P.M.
&** 7 36
for thetrmw«!UoniofburinaMft'om:7.ooA,M
-duringitoe week, imd from 7.60 to 840 o’.
\ railroad .schedule. .
Tnun BMtwrirei le»T«« {>,4o P.M.
HP«“ 1 r wit* “ B,aO A. M. ,: “ 8,40 A..M.
” .. Eut “ " 8,00 A.M.
.. W«t « 8.46V.JL, «'«,<»*. M.
„ « x««t “ 1146 A. M. «,;11^36,A.M.
'i4 West “ 7,26 •»*«,' F" '
Train Enat and Welt, -EapreeoTrain Walt and Hall
20, IMS. icuos. a. #corr, a^t.
local items.
Shewn’ s Sales.— The following properties
,i!l bo sold by the Sheriff, Court House,
ilollidaysburg, oh 23d;—
The interest of James two
( iory frame dwelling of
land, in Snyder township. • {-
A two story, frame houM,Ai4Jst.ii)f ground in
Ilollidsysburg, the property of:Blrd. Q.,j^fcop.
A story and a half log houaeandtroctof 8
•cits nil land in North Woodberky township, the
property of Jacob L. and Joseph L; Dougherty.
The interest of rD^ridlC._.:|lll^. l lA; lot of
ground in Logan thereon two
dwelling booses and other buildings.
The interest of ihlargety O’Fricl in a large
iso-story house, npd lot of ground. ‘utHollidays
bur£ ‘ ' .
Tbc interest of Joseph & Caroline Schenk in
i three story house situate on Virginia street,
Altoona. '■ '
The interest of rDavid Vfortz and John De
n in a tract of 172 acres of land and a two*
dory frame house, in Frankstowntownship.
The interest of Oliver Hart in a tract of 75
acres of land and dwelling boose in Allegheny
township. j (
The interest of George W. Walters in ft-tract
of land in Juniatajtbwnship.
The interest of Mary Ann Yonder in a hit of
ground and three story frame building in Gays
A two : and a half story brick hoaseaud lot of
ground, |n Tyrone; the property of Charles
Jlcrrymon. y
A two-story brick dwelling and lot of ground
;n Tyrone, the property of William Davidson.
The interest of George Burbank in twolots of
ground and two hquses, ip Duncarisvillc.
A Pact of land in Allegheny township con
uining 10 acres, the property of George Bur-
Mat. - f
A tworatorytbouse and lot, of ground in Al
fcna, the property ofMax well Grove.
The of Driesbacb pnd John W.
K «t in p anil 10t.,0f ground in
The interest of Martin Smjth m.a.tfl’Otistpiy
brick dwelling houseaud lot of ground, in Hol
lidaysburg. V
Tte interest :Lysle in 37 acres of
ItmLin Allegheny-township. ’ *
acres of land in Blairtownship,
perty of Mrs. Hart
The interest of W. L. Bush in a two-story
bouse and lot of gthundJn Foatoria.
The intereat of Felix Kennedy in a dwelling
bouse and lot of ground in Loudensyille.
The interest of -|fon. B. Finley- in a brick
dwelling bouse and lot of ground in Franks
town. i
£ lidding on Tiitß Hitt.—During the latter
pwt of last week, the bill on Julia Street was
ihe scene of unusual excitement. It was a per
fect sheet of ice frqm Emma street to the rail
road, and everything (n the shape, of a sled, ora
toard that would siidd, and even ladders, were
used as vehicles to .ride down upon, not only
by ' joung America,” but by those who have
«ted for several yhars. Several of the larger
wja asked us to give them a “puff,” but as our
‘Miaesa would not permit us to look on long
enough to find out who rode the fastest “cut
leV’we cannot give names this week, but will
hke pleasure in doing so on a future occasion,
would the hill again be in good sledding condi
ton and our time permit us to inform ourselves
correctly; suffice it to say that, up to this time,
ae young juveniles are equal to the old ones,
wd it may be, a “lectio” ahead. " ■
P- 8. Permit ns to suggest an idea—one
’c wo think will prevent the recurrence of
“ wcidept similar to that mentioned elsewhere.
those ascending the hill with sled* or boards
,\ the B ‘de walks, andleawo the street clear
“ ose Who are dsspepding. ; !
State Hkvesp* j|b6ji BtAiu C6.“—looking
»er the Report of .the Auditor General, for
J •we find that t|be State rcceivedfrom this
directly. wia indirectly,’ ;&«
®rmt 6f revenues from thesourcesiiamed:—
11011 Corporation stocks—Central '|’
broken <1 *<••••••• •>...... . 1,486 77
Distill,— •■- "***i’;“* ••;••••»• •■•••••• .' 85 50
«otn, saloon nnd
*Wbg hou#L *'• *”*<•"*&? -{.♦
«d .-£■ „
Metli • . 11 227 7^
i? '&r,vs<* -. MM,
<»htiat** ................ 5 76
JfrUeia Uoenll’- - ( ■■■?X7 > j 64
on Writs •
“ JSr, WlU8 » IM% «t« 689 os
&^ te -TAmpna ,43 R? , ..
■■ A sP? n y-. : ._h.. - j - io oo
' 10 00
, , '■■■A-' ■ TotaU» -78-
«» Crr**
it of jS® **9
nday and Saturday «Tcn^lafit.
, °“ Prlday Rafting
l«t, the members of Homda^u»
ina iheja^o-
Th ’ Whine
“ d *P ?£"•£,«s
76:01 lOOjieraans. «o-houra,)
houra,) (he snpper'Was excellent; consisting of
fl»6 substantiate and maay the of
life, end waarelishcdby the entire party. The
utmost g<m£fteling prevailed, and theiflollidays-
left b high eplrits, evidently well plea-;
sed with the mender in which they had been
entertained. The members of Altoona lodge
will accept onr thanks Tor chalking our hats for
. the occasion.
A Mkdioai £sAHiNATioi<.--Often when a
physician is called in to sxamihe a patient’s
condition, hefinds tiwt tite lungs !are half gone,
or that destructive lesions hare 'occurred, sb as
to render a cure, in many cases, Impossible.
The patient .will finti.tbeftttfe couyA which he
.thought had ,merely,annoyed him .betimes, has
laid waste a large .portion of an,-.organ/whose
fimctioDs aretieoessarjfitb -human life; .we mean
the lungs. If the 'incipient cough is hfisded,
' and a timely resort is .had to medioinei such as
Dr. Keytar's Pseteroi! Syritp, h real scientific
compound, prepared by a oarefui physician,
known to mahy of The cough will
never end in an inflammatory condition jof the
of the* longs and bronchia ; 4 but obstruction will
be removed, free .bating, health, in the place
of disease,.and,consumption for want of a nidus
will never take hold' .the constitution. Sold
by G. W. Kessler, Altoona. ■
Bibik DicxiosAßT.4-Mr. Pocht, the colpor
teur of the American Tract Society, who is now
canvaasing thla towp, ,hfte, -among bis .stock of
valuable books, a Bible Dictionary which should
be in the hands of every Bible reader. In fact
Jt isindiapensible to a proper understanding of
|he various names of persons and places and re
ligious rites and ceremonies mentioned in the
Bible. The Dictionary cannot be properly ap
preciated until used. All who have time to do
t», should call at Snyder’s Tailor shop, in the
“Brant House,” and examine Mr. Focht s stock
of Books. You can purchase cheaper from him
than from ady book store in the and
it mattersnot what book you purchase, you
will get the worth of your money in good read-
Abm Beokks.—John McCoy, aged about 12
years, son of Daniel McCoy, of this place, had
his arm broken on Friday .evening last, while
riding down Julia street, on a sled. He was
riding with his breast on the sled, and his hands
holding on to the front of the ruilnors, at a
speed of a milo in two minutes, when he struck
a sled which was ascending the hill, breaking
his arm just, above the wrist Ho held on until
he came to the foot of,the hill when he was
picked up and carried into Dr. Finley’s office,
close by. -Df. Finley not being at home, Dr.
Christy was called and soon reduced the frac
tnry/and the Boy is now getting along very
well. The boy Wjas also somewhat scratched
and cat aboat the face, bat sot seriously injured.
Coxobst..—A grand concert ip to be given in
the Court Iloase, in Hollidayaburg, this (Wed
nesday) evening and to-morrow (Thursday)
evening, by the celebrated Blaisdpll Brothers,
known as the Swiss jßeil-Klngers. From the
highly commendatory notices they receive from
tba press everywhere, we are induced to believe
that their concerts &e highly entertaining.
Not being able to obtain a Hall in this place, in
which to giye an exhibition, they have agreed
to delay the hour for opening their performan
ces until after the arrival of the Branch .Train
from this place .to Hollidaysburg, in order to
to afford our citizens who may wish to hear
them an opportunity to do sp.
t@“* Rev. Alcxacdcr Clark, of the “School
Visitor/’ says;— j
“We have hud ample opportunities to know
that the entire faculty of the Iron City Commer
cial College is composed of competent and
faithful instructors, that every inducement an
nounced in the 1 widely diffused advertisements
of this institution is promptly carried out, in
the course of study and discipline by whidh this
college has wpn its.present reputation.”
Omcsns of MonxTAUf Lodge, A. Y. M.—At
the late election for officers of Mountain Lodge,
A. Y. M., the following persons were elected
officers for .the ensuing year,l*.
.Wr -M.—George B, Cramer,
■ S. Wi—William Boyden. ,
?• Wl-—C. B. JHostctter. ‘
Sec’y.—Benj. F. Bose.,
Treasurer— John Shoemaker.
On our outside viU bo fb|imd a.aketdhof
the Altoona Gas and Water Works, toge&fer
with thespeeoh of Col. L. W.. flail* qa the
■fon of the celebration. We hadintended'ajdd&
ing other mformation to the account given, bu.t
a prew of vvdrk has prevented iw from coUect
ing the, items, hencewoiefer It until next week.
A protracted meeting was com
menccd in the Presbyterian Chtuih, in this
pla<», on Monday eyening last. Praye* Meeting
(srtiy waning at 7 o’clock; Thcixcnmentof the
on Sunday
mbndng hexfc' Rev: W. B. Cririg, ef Bloom-
Hold, will (waist in the services. , -
J ,9 10,78 -“’R ev * J* B. Mengcs, of Columbia,
. P Ma 9 h 1“ the Lutheran Church, in this
P l * 6 ®* ~o n Sabbath morning and evening neat,
at the uaual houra for worship. Rex. Menges
9? to be a 9?e preacher, and the congrega
gationand the public are invited to attend, i.
' J?noPEßiy foe Sale.—By reference to om
advertising columns it will be aeon that Maj. J.
;D. Leet offers, for sale his property situate in
Hollidaysburg. A bargain, we doubt not, may
bft had in this property, ns the Major ,is anxious
to sell out and settle in this place.
*©* The election for officers of the Altoona
Mechanics’ Library and Reading-Room Associa
tion came off on Saturday evening last. We
have not received a list of the offieent eieetod.
continently tre cannot give it. : -- 1 4 ! - "■
terlaliult for .lan. term, iB6O.
'' taunyitasu ■
•£P3*ui.t9a*3John Dougherty.
*» - i
J Bretmeman t» M Qrabill
Eauch VB LlOylt&Hill, -.-. V
Burn*’ ,hem TO;Shoenberger’a ox’ts. ~
ClearMS yt Ti’ Co' vs Adams *
Mary .l .•'■ :
QewrgoJackaoit to Blair Co. Iron & Coal Co.
JosepEßpielmhn TOJohn Branuan. "
WMcKillip’B Admr.TsD MfcKailp.
:■>’ . x 6ECOX» TOtEßu'
K M Lemon to Franklin Platt & Go.
.Same ; TO'McLanahan, 'iVatson & Ce.
; Same ts J K MoLonahan.
■J W EileyTs Samuel Brady.
B.OTriel’i admix to Watson, White & Co.
C Garber’s exrs vs Shoenbergers ex’ra.
Saule tsA P Wilson.
Joseph Kemp to E Lytle. "•
T G-Pommioy «t fd to Allegheny B. E, i& C. Co.
C Stewart>B Pehn. 8,, E. Co.
H B Wilkins vs George Port
Daniel Camcrer to Darid Camerer’s adm’rs.
Some to John Camerer’s adtn’rs.
Daniel Shannon to George Wehn.
G J PhilipsTs W W Jackson.
B Habensehaden ts F W Bauch.
Q Clapper’s ex’rs to Nancy Clapper.
BeltzhooTer & B.ossler to John Dickson.
Louis Plaok to W W Jackson.
G S*Hoot« to Daniel Young.
Samuel Isett ts' Joshua Barley.
Samuel Calria TO White,. Euff & MoYey.)
ChaffisM, JStont & Go to A Patterson.
J M Campbell Tp J W Cramer.
John Moorehead ts John L Ickea.
Blair Co, Iron & Coal Co. ts E M Lemon.
Ignatius Heim TO Charles Hughes.
E D Cummings Ts Penna E E do, ,
Martha Boyer to Directors of Poor of Blair Co
Martins, Peddle & Hamrick to Blias Baker.
W A Wood ts W W Jackson. '
Chaffees, Stout & Co ts A Patterson.
Blair Co. ts Jacgb Fries.
Henry Z Le wis TO Thomas K Harris.
Penna. E K'Co TOE M Lemon.
John Smith ts W Sboenbergor.
Darid Closain ve James Williaihson.
,E McClain vs WW Jackson. -
Bryan, Gardner (& Co. ts WE Finley,
Eichenaohn & Shaffer ts J Dearmond.
Michael Hays vs Samuel Eoyer. I [
Jacob Ressler vis Shoenberger’s ex’rs. i
' is JOS. BALDEICE, Proty.
Jan. 4, 1859.'
List of GrandeJiuttM—Jaa. Term, 1860.
Bell, Benjmpin Merchant Antis.
Beegle, Dplniel, farmer, Juniata.
Bittner W, S M Dentist, Altoona.
Brenoke Christian, Farmer, Logan.
Bushman Charles, Founder, Altoona.
Dively Michael, Earner, Greenfield.
Eller William, Musician, Altoona.
Fox John, Blacksmith, Tyrone Borough.
Green David M., Conductor, Altoona.
Hoover Baltzer, Carpenter, Woodbcrry.
Kotler Wm 8., Plasterer, Altoona.
Lingepfelter Geo., Farmer, Greenfield.
Moore Johnson, Lumberman, Altoona.
Maxwell Wm. 8., Plasterer, Tyrone Bor.
Martin Jacob L.,' farmer, Taylor.
McNamara ThoSi, sr., Gent., Hollidaysburg.
Orr Joseph K., Farmer, Tyrone Tp.
Rhodes Jacob, Farmer, Huston.
Reifsnyder J. L;/'carpenter, Altoona.
SHaw Henry, Former, J uniata. 1
Stewart Craig, Boatman, Hollidaysburg.
Shock Dari el, Blacksmith, Greenfield.
Thomas Wnr.,.Carpenter, Hollidaysburg,
Tingling, Lazarus, Blacksmith, Logon.
Beamer, Thomas,- Blacksmith, Snyder.
Barefoot Job, Chirk, Blair.
Backmg fib fianagef, Snyder.
Bouslough Jacob,; Farmer, Allegheny. .
Clapper fiehry, farmer, Huston. V
Crumbaker Henry, Fanner, Frankstown. '
Dunn William, Eiutem-maker, Hollidaysburg.
Dysart Wm. P., Banner, Antes.
Deckerlsaao, Wagon-maker, Woodbony.
Daugherty .George R., Carpenter, Altoona.
Emigh Christian,: Farmer, Greenfield:
Everhart J”. C-, Merchant, Martinsbiirg.
Elway Henry, Laborer, Altoona.
Earlcnbaugh' John, Farmer, Taylor.
Fisher" Jesse,: Fainter, Tyrone Tp.,
Funk NiobolasG;, Lime-homer, Alleghany.
Frederick John, Farmer, Nor th Woodbcrry.
Ferree jCJeoirge Manager, Logan.
Graham Walter, Gentleman, Catharine.
Gheer John, Cabihet-mokor, Antes..
Gibboney John Mi, Founder, Allegheny.
Irwin John, Farmer, Logan.
Kiddm: CwtiSj Gcrllrainer, Tymno Tp.
Law Jaeob, Faraer, North Woodbcrry.
Moorq itiaxWpll, Merchant, Frankstown.
Miller Christopher, Laborer, Snyder.
Milliken Samuel/Lumberman, Antes.
Mosdon James/ Farmer, Freedom.
McFarland John,' Farmer, Snyder.
MoFadden John A., Gent., N. Woodberiy.
Riddle David M.jFurmer, Blair. '
Buggies John M.y Blacksmith, Allegheny.
Snivoly Geo, It., Miller, Woodbcrry.
Snowberger Jacob 8., Farmer, Taylor.
Tries James, Carj-inspector, Altoona.
Toole James E."i Merchant, Frahkstowu.
White Uendpreon 8., Machinist, Altqoha.
Wagoner Jacob,Cbal Merchant, Alt Oona.
Bmley William .C./ Gentleman, Gaysport.
Barr Joseph G., Gentleman, Gaysport.
Burkct Peter,, Gentleman, Tyrqno T]f.
Campbell John, Farmer, Snyder.
Crawford J. H., Gentleman, Gaysport.
Conrad D. E. r Merchant, Hollidaysburg.
Crawford James, Farmer, Tyrone Tp.
Douglas Wm. S-i Glerk, Hollidaysburg.
Dodson Samuel, Farmer/ Greenfield.
Darlington Wm. B;, Lumberman, Ajutes.
Fleck Henry, Fanner, Logon. &
Glrinn John, Coal merchant, Logan.
QlnnerJohn.Blaoksmitb, Taylor.
Gibson Riling/ Laborer, Logan.
Hartzell George, Carpenter, Altoona.
Harman George, Plasterer, Altoona.
Haffly John, ,!Khncr, Martinsburg.
Holland Thomas, Engineer, Allegheny.
Hamer Alexander/ Carpenter, Woodbcrry.
Hard Thomas W.,/Shoemaker, Gaysport.
Hart Ellis, Laborer, Allegheny." '
Boon David, Former, Allegheny.
Lanbe Daniel, Shoemaker, Altoona.
Layman Wm., Farmer, Taylor.
Long. Hemy, Farmer, Greenfield;
McCoy Frank, merchant, Hollidaysburg-.. :
Mclntyre Jacob, Saddler, Martihsborg;
Mulhollen James, Farmer, A Q tes.
McGarvey William, Farmer, Logon.
Marks John, Laborer, Tyrone Bor.
■Moore J. L., Manager, Tyrone.
Nelson Thomas, Laborer, Altoona.
Pope David, Carter, Hollidaysburg..
Rhodes Isaac, Farmer, North Woodberjyl
Spang Job M., Merchant, Taylor.
Shriver Daniel, Farmer, North Woodberiy;
Stonebrokor John,: Farmer, Sflyder.
Taylor Josiah S., Grocer, Altoona. :
Removal.—C. Jdggnrd lias removed'bts goods
into bis noyy palacial store room, on ths corner
of Virginia and Julia streets, where bo is now
prepared to receive and entertain bis customers,
in eicellent style., Hie room is the largest and
finest in the plaice,: and would bo-no discredit to
a cboaaut street bouse. It is an ornatnent to
tbe town and a credit; to tbe 'ptOprietor. Walll
» andtako al6ok;at it. /"
, i» fast ap
proaching for the spring elections. Among the
ofSegg ,to f be elected ~;j»iU be. a .Josticeqf the
Pekoe; amd-maoe of
aa candid&tes fortheunpqrtant pro
pose ‘W^i«n» : .6i£ble,'; East
Wafrd. J Mr. Gable ik a qualified
to fill the office. For integrity,- Industry and
sobriety, he il second tomdne in the borough,
and should he be elected - the- oltisena trill be
proud of their officer.
• Jan. 11, 1860.
None*. —Notice is hereby given to tfaeStock
holdere that the Bthinatalment on the Capital
Stock of the' Altoona Qaa and Water Company,
will bo doe and made payable at the Banking
ilonse of Wm. M. Lloyd & Co., on Monday,
January IGth, 1860.
BENJ. F. ROSE, See’y.
December, 20th, 1869.
A new schedule will go into operation
on the Fenn'a Railroad on Monday next. No
change is made ia any of the Passenger Trains
except the Express postward, which arrives an
hour later. '
On the 27th tilt., byßev. J. A, Mellck, Mr. ALFRED A
SMITH aittl Mies.AMELIA TDRNBAUGH, both of Antis
township, Blair county.
On the same day, by Samuel Jones, Ksq., Mr. WILLIAM
MYERS, of Cumberland, to Mrs. SARAU W. 0 IhQERICH,
of Tyrone, this county.
On the 29th nlt.,by the same, Mr. WM. ROGERS to Miss
MARY J;~QARONEK, both of Snyder Blair Co.
On Tharsdny last, by Rev. Geo. W. Young, Mr. EDWARD
BELL and Miss SARAU £. both of Antis tp.
At Tyrone, on the SOtfi nlt., of Scarlet Fever, REBECCA
JAKE, daughter of Wm. and Margaret Stoke, aged 3 years
and 3 months. .
In Sinking ViiUoy, oh the 30th ult., Mr. JOSEPH BBI
DENBADGH, aged 27 years and 13 days.
In Duncansvilie, on the 2d instant, Sir. MICHAEL STO
v ER, aged 72 years, 9 months and 27 days.
? t/ 25th ult, a St. Bernard SLtITj with a light-colored
spot over each eye, light-colored legs, and a long buajiy tafl.
Answers to.tho naiue of “Fanny.” Any person returning
her to the owner will receive the aboxs reward.
Altoona, Jan. 5,1860. j. e. VVELLS.
SALK.—The undersigned purposing changing his
location, offers for sale his-Real Estate in the Boroughs of
Uollidayaburg and Doncansville, 4c., including his private
residence, which is one of the first class properties in Blair
county. For further particulars inquire of*the subscriber
eitlier at Hollldaysburg or Altoona.
Jan. 12,1860.-tf j. p. ujet.
North West Corner of Eighth and Race Streets,
The public are respectful
ly invited to bear in mind that at this Store may bo
found an assortment of fashionable and handsome
Moleskin Dress Huts, So/t Hats,
Uigh, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Cloth and Glazed
Caps. Plush and Plush Trimmed. Caps for Men and
Boys, Fancy Hats and Caps fur Children, •
at Fair Prices.
Jun. 12,1860.-ly
American and foreign
E. ANTHONY, 308 Broadway, New York,
After May Iff, 1860, at SOI; Broadway, two doors from the
Si. Nicholas Hotel.
The Stereoscope is the most instructive, interesting, en
tertaining, amusing and exciting of modern inventions.
’ None are too young, hone too old, none too intelligent,
none too uneducated, to acknowledge its worth arid beauty
No home is wcplote without it. and it must and will
penetrate everywhere. - .
It presents to your view every part of the world, in all
the relief, boldness, perspective, and sharpness of detail, as
if you were on the spot. '
. Bhotogrnphcrs are everywhere exploring Europe, Asia
Africa, America, in'search of the grand and the bcantilul!
stock/* their skill aro constantly enriching our
We have'an Immense variety of jrnper Views of Scenes
in Paris, Loudon, England, ScoUand, Ireland. Wales, France
Belgium, HoUaud, Switzerland, Spain, The Rhine, Versailles
bt. Cloud, Fontainebleau, Tuillerics, Holy, Turkey, E-rnt
AUicns. the Huly Land, China,, India, Crystal Pafefe, alio
Oroups Historical, amusing marriage scenes, breakfast
scenes,pic-mes, statuary, 4c., 4e!r An cx<fuwite assort-"
JUumlnatcd Interiors of Palaces; Churches, and
CaOisdrals of France, Italy, 4c., Ac. ' The effect of these
illuminated views Is most rcniarkabl’'. '
_ Eveiy gentleman of wealth and refined tests should have
In hm drawing-room some of our exquisite views on glass
with a revolving stereoscope, showing 12, 26, 60 or 100
scenes. Nolhing can he more fascinating, andonocan offer
no greater treat to a friend fond of the picturosuuc and the
, Anthony’s Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views are the
latest Photographic wonder. They are taken in the forth
fth part of a second, and everything no matter how rapidly
It may be moving is depicted as sharply and uiltiHl'l. os
if it had boon perfectly ,X!IJ? an additional I
valuer for to the beauties of inanimate nature it adds the
charm of life and motion. Tha.proeesa is a discovery of
our own, and being unknownlu Europe, we receive from
Loudon and Paris large orders for Anthony slnstantaneous
Glows of American Ufa and scenery.
Among other things wo have just published Stereoscopic
Illustrations of the Scene of the Fulton Street Prayer Meet
ings, in which many hearts feel an Interest. The particu
lars of this will bo found In our catalogue.
Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will bo forwarded to
any address on receipt of a stamp:
Panics at a distance sending us $3, $5, $lO, $l5, $2O, or
$25, can have a good Instrument and such pictures as they
may request, sent by Express. • ■
Views alone, (without instrument) can be sent by mail
Parties who wish to bo advised of every tiling really val
uable in the Ijne that comes out, may send ns their names
to place on record, and wo will keep them posted at anr
own expense.
Men of leisure will find Photography a most fascinating
and delightful amusement. ' Wo aro prepared' to fit out
amateurs with everything necessary for their success to
gather with instructions “How to toko Stereoscopic Pic
tures.” ! E. ANTHONY,
Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials
Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. ’
■tO' Merchants from eveiy section of the country are re
spectfully invited to make an examination of our stock, os
our discount to thofrode will he liberal.
wan > tod^° , * QBAFIIEItS " — class Stereoscopic Negotiate
Send by mall a print unmounted, with price of Negative-
Jan. [Cut this out for future reference.]
\J Miry has loft my bod and board without any Just
muso orlprovocatic*, this id to warn all jfersons from
boring qc trusting her on my account, as lam determined
Id pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Altoona, Jan. 6,1860-3 t.
* Aire *■
JL: a liberal salary and sxpenso
will poi«id. The articio is needed-by every former oUd
mechanic in tbo country, and will meet*with ready
For particulars address • J. O. OABY, Patentee,
: . ! . ; 81. Nassau Btrect, New York.- .
1859. 3ROI Trade 1859.
e J e . r to- this Market! la connection with the
supplied with choice Brands, of
■the various grades Of ■ “■*
' PiLOtJija! ■ - - r r
A&o, Bacon, CAeidiC Whale, Tanner’s and Zard
‘ C, ' ■ip Oils; iTeitVork; '", V
.Together with alliklnds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Aril,
ctei} all of which will be sold low forcasb.ThO'Meit.
<*“*» of this placo aro invited to Call before purehasind
elsewhere. At the Old Stand 1 ■
Oct. 27, '6O-2ni.] . WM. M. GOTIMLY & CO
- 271 liberty St., opposite Eagle lintels Pittsburgh ‘
\~s- BRULLAS, &c„ can bo bought cheaper at H. TDCIPS
than at any other place in the country. [Dec. 0,1858.
il MEDICINES AT (1-tf, ~
=‘-S -y w ,
o P 5. :
- o**} St • fe* S* • fi*-. ,
S rVTSalf**® §B
- W * “ li fl|.l ««
W g M il oK | XK
. tL-ll | b*sl gg
I> A - .1 a A|i£3
'v: :*t|: °S
Our Musical Friend, i
Companion for tho Wintw Mouths.' -
Every "Pianist, - Should procure this weekly
Every Singer, Publication of Vocal and
Every Teacher, Piano Forte Music, coet-
Every Pupil, lug but; TEN cents a
Every Amateur, . number, and pronounced
By the: entire press of the country, to he “The best and
cheapest work of the kind in the World.’) -■
Twelve full-sized pages of Vocal and Piano Forto Music
$i r 2s° C ° nt *’ le * rly, ® 6j Quarterly,
Subscribe to “Our Musical Friend,’' ot order-it from the
nearest Newsdealer, and yon will have Music enough for
year entire family at an insignificant cos);; and if yon want
music for the Flute, Violin. Cornet. Clarionet, Accordeon,
4c., 4c., subscribe to the SOLO MELODIST, containing-12
pages, costing only test cssm a mjkbsb ; Ybarlt, $2,80;
Ualy-Vearly, $1,25. All the back unmberii at 10 cts., and
bound volumes, containing 17 numbers, at $2,60 each, con
stantly on hand, i C. B. SBYSIOVR 4 CO,
Dec. 22,1359.t3m. 107 Nassau St, N. Y.
DfNANCE No. 13, entitled “An Ordinance for the
better regulation of the peace and ordur of thu Borough of
Altooga”;— ■ , m b
‘•BSC. 6. That any person who shall wilfully deface or
tear down handbills, notices, ordinances or posters, in pub
lic places within ten d-iya from the tlmrfof putting them
up, or shall break, mutilate or injure any,fruit or ornamen
tal tree or shrub upon the side-walks or any other place!n
the Borough, the person so offending shall, upon being
con victra.thereof, pay a fine not exceediug ten'dollars, aud
J* default of payment thereof; shall bn confined in the
Otfck Up” house not exceeding forty,eight hours."
. NoJMo B hereby givsn that the above ordinance will be
strictjy enforced In reference to the bills posted up by the
Altoona Gas and Water Company, y
Dec. 22, ’50.-3t. * B. t’.'ROSE, Scc'y.
House and lot roii sale.—
The subscriber offers at Private Solo ■ e ' -
the HOUSE and LOT no w occupied by hoiV-MEOr9”SV
on the corner bf Adallno and Julia streets, ffiSa 8 OJA
K;ut Altoona. The Honsc is a good Iwb-.SjKJ S m SflK
Story Frame Building, containing a Kelt JMMLk&Jtg
Parlor. Diufng-Room and Kitchen on
floor, four good sleeping rooms on the second floor, 4
a finished Attic. The lot is in good order. - '
. Persons wishing to view the premises hnd obtoln further
iinformation will ::.I1 upon the subscriber.-
... . " M.UIGT. M. McCUUM.
Altoona, Aug. 11th, 1859-tf.
4. ,V“ eic ” there nothing superi
is a medicine highly valued for its pleasant' taste, safe'and
rapid and sure cure of all bad Colds, CoUghs .Pains, Chilly
and ievonsu Sensations in the system. ; TUO united testi
mony of all who have used this dnvnlhatile Balsam, pr>
uounco it of superior merit, and one of Hid Safest and best
medicines m the country. This Balsam can be had at the
store of J. B. Hileman, in Altoona; CoK Fl ftli, Boll’s Mills:
an D« «
-L 1 giveg to ail persons interested, tbatian application
was made at tlio last term of the Court ij Blair county, for
a charter ifor the Ist Baiitlst Clmrch In
*‘ at tho ., C ° nrt Erected ahotice of such applt
cation to he given, and declared that ff stifficiont reason
he sliuwn to tiie contrary at the January tend of said Court
the churter of incurporatiou will to
Dec. 22 t 1559.-3 t. 7 1 v A. REES.
• LYON'S «
Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy.
Jiy jr l "*f
known, which is fully conuboniteif by alljifrwticing phy
sicians who have used it-in their practice, j-. ... ....
For Summer Complaints with! Children,
A Cure is guarantied or the mohev will be re
' /uttded, :
m it willcffeclualljr relieve thatafflfcttyii] as wellas
Diarrhoea & Bowel Complaint,
The pure article is altogether superior,? and a sovercicn
and SURE REMEDY lot Tip B
,Disj>epsia, Flatulency;, Cramp, CoUe, ‘ Languor,
Low Spirits, Gineral Debility,
ness, Liver Complaint, efc-li .
Physicians, who have used It in their pnicfice, speak bf
‘‘J! most flattering terms, as will bp faaby teforwee
tho aumeroxia lettcrn and certificate*..; iv : *
’d- HAItX t, Clncinnali.
a. Rotrsii;
Nov lO H!60 ICgale a^ d * otail • 4gent for JHair county. .
Worm Syrup.
A FTER A TRIAL of oyer iTEN'years
in private practice, the subscriber is prepared to of
fer to the public a WQRM SYRUP which fiu iwf Slid
to perforai cures wnefootherg have been given In vain. It
is Beyond ttopute the most pleasant and effectual prepara
tion of the kind ever offered for sale. ■ ■
. 1* perfonns its
Juring tho nervoursyrtem in no wise—unlike, in this r«a
pectj to the pink Root and Turpentine preparations—nor
does it contain mercury in s"y shape or form; bat Isa
P^l?T e S*ttWe production, and so harmless' in its action
thaj the most dclfcate may take it :
fOiMsfedlau.nv b.’
Edition otthTfftos
gww, so frequently met during childhood - rLI
children from severe spoils of sickness, or onr
»• »■
?TiMow Bordere, 4c.
0 it ram but staxd , U *
' No. S 7 Wood St.^Pittsburgh.
posetpwed by no other honife West of the
MountalM lbr obtaining newest styles. In defined taste,
and at Jow prices, from tho best French and American
manufacturers. . ‘ [Sept. 22. >59.]
KS£» A large and iashlonable assortment at the store or
■ j-brileman.
- n ‘^
■ftf"' ,t»" 3«,Z=TxS- • - ■
Oheipast! Best! Largest!*-
.. $35.00
l?aj* fcr Itiitfoßin SiQgle and Doable Enfry Boofe-S«ep«
: ing, Arithmetic and LectunA, ;-•
' AionfBftfefcr'iaD, Stationery £7. Tuition $33,
to complete a fUll'clAlree, from 0 to 10 wotkt
~7“ J . upon- graduating, l« gtmrantewi to'lM‘ioai
° f * ny
[ WOO to $l,OOO.
Stedantt (enter at any tlae-jfo Vaeattbm-lUThw at
for Beet Bttsinen Writing fj- ItfiOu ro
»»d Ohio B State
Ateo, at th* principal Palte oftho Union for the pact four
SguhUnJefon Sona-receircd at half price.
lor foil Information, Circular, 3poclnion*of Bi^leMui
F. W^JfWiKINS^ B** 8 **
Bopt. Pittsburgh, Pa,
, AT THE' -
JL plcMur© of announcing to tlu*ir friciuls and cuitom
-9N ii ivd) ii tho public at largo that theyaro now ro*
4*lTlug Ihejr
which Karo been selected with care and bought at priOQt'
which will ciiahlo Hi to yficr iuducviuvuts to I’HJThmtti
Onr stock of v
la , targe and varied, including oil the newest •lylee o
J\intt, a<ngluxmt, /Warner, /bpffns, Taftacta*. JPUnn mui-
JVinifd Slennot, Slack' and fbnnf &lki, rfc. Alto, SkafeU,
Ctoilr <mi| CWA Dt ester*, vrhfci have boon brought nrr'
low and wjllbe sold ftt a small advance. . .
Wo have Black noil fancy Casshnore*, Satlnents, Jeans.
TwoeOi, do. Our stock uT KLANNJiLS ajol DOMRSTICS
j? targo, Vonahting of Muslin*, Ticking*, Denhams, Brit
li»gi>i Blankets and Oum&tti, do. " T *
Wo have also a (no stock of
ftueensware, Wooden & Willow War*
Zaphy Knit Goods, Glove* and Hosiery, and Notions ofatl
Jcinds. Wo i wish to call especial attention t 6 our lan*
Stock of r-
AIU Woof, Wool Filling, Lial and Rag (JarjatU,
Bought at Auction, and which we can offer at pricer that
will defy competition.
GKOCfJUrKS for sale by Wholesale at CUT price* with
Freight only'added. ' ■■
Allklmleof Country Produce taken at tho hlgheet mar
kpt price. We raitectfully Invite aU persona In want at
cheap aqd good 0001)8, to call and tie convinced tkat wa
have a Model Stock at Model Price*.
Altoona, Oct. ISj ’5O.
Sntiiel|> ileto (®od9a.
R. A. O. KERR j '
,* j pwoplp df Altoona, the surrounding cmuitry. and
tho “rest of mankind," that lie JiM justrefnrued from the
city with a large stock of NEW GOODS, which U* odors
at reasonable prices, at the stand former! v occmded ty B,
Kerr, and recently by Wi O'Seali, da lialn street. liu
stack is the only ono in towu which is - •
and ho flatters himself that he lias something to please the
eye olof every lady, and suit thowanta ofeveryicon tlematu
Uu dooms it unnccwjstrj: to enumerate all the articles on
the shelves,.(as to do so would require a whole newspaper,)
hut Would say that ho has everything in the line of * ”
which this meridian calls for, end alt just suited to tho
reason together with a well selected assortment of llonre
ho j>5S a great variety—from Which they can -not' bit to
joy; He ■ haa also A tip-tbp are
sortnieat of m good/ fresh
and cheap as fp edf behadUibsido
oftho place of *I||IB»» *l re Iri> ” growing or man
complete a store In a ‘ thriving tp*n
AU be asks' is that the people call and examine bis* took.
J* h jch at al , tM ¥ M Rl«««ro In showing, and
he icels confident that he cun pend them away rWoicinz. If
“ o ‘‘“ the purchase of jjust such an. article as.thiiy wanted,
at the remembrance of having looked upon the luunlsom,
est stoefcof Goods over exhibited in the town,
Altoona, Oct. 20, 1859. (
in going to parties, Jast mind What yoUr at:
Beware of your head and take care of your IIAT*-
Ua.e yon And that* fiVoHte wn of ' .
liar attache to the One KtrifaßHck tn the other. ’ '•
Speaking about hats and heads—the subscriber would .-»
respec t folly annoutlcl? thathe has' just rettirticd ft,™ thn
city with a Urge and well select©}! stock of 31en and^Boys*
HATS "op
of qvery colpr and shape. Also, a good assort man t>f ••
of; different satieties, all of which: wRV he sold
,? ar «®“l **» want of anything in the above line. wHI
plMsegirema a call before purchasing elsewhere, as X am
determined to sou at the very lowest possible prices.' 7
Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church.
. Altoona, Aprtl 28, 1860-tt • J££S£ SMITH-
LEU’S great work for Uia dun
T *ed, or for those coutenipla
ing marriage—2oo pages, (tall
)fX , LATE3. Price2s coats—.
>ent to all parts under real, by
nail, POSTPAID. 600,000
opios sold the last year, Ib»
Ingle. married, and the mar
ied happy, a Loctureon
Lore, or how to choose & riut*
acr; a complete work onUd
rifery. Itcontnins hundred
. ...jhed —warranted do he worth.
—me amount naked for it, 25 cents iaanscMne
gistngo stamps enclosed, will secure a copy by rsttt^Q^
omlnlS devoted a lifetime to the cure of
onae on winch his books treat. Address J, TELLER. M nT
X.O-* Benwr street. Albany, N. Y xAhiJSit,M.|».
Mwk^°h l d?p/ C K mI ?^ Kl l’ rSI \ bor ' witl * f “« dlreotiiw.
Mamed ladies should not use them. Sent by mail. Ad«
dress Dr. Teller, as above. April KthTw-ly,
Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Wale,
" ‘ he citizen * of Altoona KEk
nuu vicinity that ho keeps constantly on hand aHßtt '
largo aseortment of Choking, lUHof, Office •
Shop Stoves, of ail styles and slips, to soil the'WHß '
Slf 1 «*<* > *0 sell at low prices, on roah^-.
on hand a largo stock of Tin nnd SJkeH--
CM &S i 'K>ll artiClei for
of"! 010
an Invention which needs only' to bo
and should bo possossed by every &nnw .
requiring ouch a macluuof * “nsor, batcher or so*
;.¥^. p * r *i cu h» r attention paid to nUnm
ojthor In town or country.- Snontlnir
on the toost reasonable IKmt ! ng ■
’ - - ■- -*■■. ,
that h ’ form ’of Altoona
that ho has Just received his stock of ■ ■■'
ho it prepared to raaio up to order on abort potto*
ainl ou os rowocidbiu terjas as any other IMJortoui*
l' lac « \ JOHN ’ 1
Altoona, No* 17th, 1853.
celling; LAEGE ££
01 ***■ aua ao«,
Dee. 9,1888. H-ICCDB
l<r 'v
■ V