The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 12, 1860, Image 2

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    P —-v ow *•*»*_»»*"****•
O - J**!; . ud^S^f? -XOtahtMan andTyrroe commeo' 'rtuli-j public schools 'of tha State is 684,751—0 f Grantley P. Berkeley has boon thh cabjoot of
■ -'■■ ■■-• j -'■ l »•■•• , wuiag holiday*. Twocr three turkeys each. a >conditio* - schools, 11,485—and of teachers, 14,071, The some ridicoleinthe English paperson account
’.; ’ ta-IPbyl* It alwayspropsr to tain op a peony coilcc- ” .j balance 1 -schools hare been in operation, oh an average of ho J
.' , "*** $ r over the whole State, five months and was' !lfa'pnr&r
■■'- .MSg-On. Partington think* Oat the oUlvs of liberty ,-4te» iftmth - «p<lB,- The average salary of male teachers is $24 .86, that thooaso^.Mrißcthelqr.bya
j arertaflMwlthth«fath«»of the Aniedam«s*to; : -.,961. 0f - will he li- and of female teachers $l7 79, and tha coat of letter addressed to sayi: “I /
T , ' '. *I. ...e sale of tho pub- instruction per pupil, fifty-three centsamhnth. gave the death wot Ut &e jirti buffalo ! ever mi';:
in that state aihiMtto ntneky,d,ed,tl,i f?^ aßce lie w«rlf>- _ a balance of $27,397,- The average tax for tuition, &p., is about fire —on the hastily bought but excellent chestnut
’__ _ euaw. 9611> .a for by the ordinary sources and a half mills,, and for .building purposes, horse—and, on that same honev whom I christ
.hopßimpsoahasbekaliwitad tOidetoeriifotac- of ■ Baring the last thirteen months, about three and one-sixth mills, on the dollar, ened “ Taymouth,” I did that: which 1 believe
M tare on “Travel* in tlw Holy laud,” to HolUdayaburg, ♦' been actually paid on the principal of Inoluling the city of Philadelphia, the entire nevericor done before; I drove from a herd, and
“toe Uae next week. ,ae public debt, outside of the ordinary State oostof tuition, &c., was $2,047,661 92; the fairly rode down—unbounded—to a ■stand itill,
4S-A. monster cannon, welshing tons, expenies, $3,009,282, and this,too, with, a re- building expenses $531,413 86;. and the whiojo an inunense buffalo bull, end thin; when he re-"
ifldMßWm . - ww cutstPittibiiig, midday last, for the ok of the V. tactidn of ! State tax from three to two anda expenses of the system in the State for the year fused tolly any further, but turned, in alibis
fi. Government ’i half puUe, land exclusive of the Central Road $2,679,075 77. It is by a contrast of the pre- power of limb and fury, to fight* 1 killed him.”
z:..^m——. . . ... . tonnaj|p Uk. The Governor thinks it a good sent condition of the system with that of 1854, This, says Fortes Spirit, will certainly be news
ALTOONA. PA thingithatthe State is now rid of herpubllc when the Agencies now operating so beneficially to our naUve banters, that Mr-Berkeley shot,
; — “ getting tt through, their Isays that nothing but the grossest were crested, that the results are most plainly from the back of a horse, the srst buflfalo that
""■•■■ • 1 ■ ■■ ; mismanagement can prevent the sura and speedy seen. Within that period, the whole number of ever turned at bay; Certainly there is some
toTITtoHVAY lANTTAHV 19 TfifiO \ «- A w«ten»iphP« «|W of oar pubKo debt Govern- pupils has increased nearly one-seventh—the thing very modest in this, as bhffalo have been
xuumwux., SJUIUOAI xa, xouu. - killed in the manner alluded to by Mr. Berkeley,
■"-"' ■"■ ■■—■.■ i..... i. i mi. ..I i m vaJ twoitßi. -■ V'.-. •• r '~' i*> sutjects jdf a purely governmental character, cherf, the best index of improvement) one-; either with guns ox arrows, since tho v memory
WherepertiM are unknown to iu,onrni)efi>radver> -W&-A Dit^r/Qaasthnw—'HeneoaetiaMs talk abois dirty When ithe State debt shall have been extinguish- sixth for males and one-fourth for-females.— jof man runneth .not to the oontrhry, particularly
to payment inßdTaoce,oragaaisateeftißn - These results, with the others which the official iso far as the. arrows arc concerned. We look
known persons.; It ls thercfbro iuclcss for all laeh to eeiul the . out the.imppsitiou of a State tax on real or per- report will exhibit, unerringly point to the duty ! with intense interest for further developments
‘us aditrtlMinents offering to pay at the end of three or elx sonalegtatet-the remaining soorces of revenue as well as necessity, of the utmost careandat- with regard to Mr. Berkeley’s adventures.
months. .Where edTtrtfoouwnU are accompaaledwithtte u^% m «q Utm oi4eehobl> the editor for a he, “ C for al l pur- tention on the part of all public agents, to this .' T
vaeewgr,; whether one, are or ten dollars, we will giro the • , - '■ until that jendrso anxiously, looked to,, primary, social institution—primary in impor- „ _ ; o
dTertisertbefull benefit of cash rates. j i wisdom, as well as sound policy tance, no leu than in the career of each citizen. Nbwspapkes is
-• ... ■-■■• : - - • the offleeofgonnty - -esourees should be carefully To strengthen, to retain pure, and to properly 8,864 newspapers published^in the United t,
„ wamwaimiwnaww« •«. ‘ i irfi i our present sources of direct this fountain-head;of social influence, is, States wd of wbi(&B18 are
8. M. PETTBIirCaaUI. Jt COly i law. r - diminished—that it seems to the Governor; the great duty of the I ® rk *. 419 m Pepnsylvania, 882 In Ohio, 221 in
Adrertlfllng Agents; 110 Nasmo street, New Vbtlt, and agu Can any one tell horw'yonng men who visit dlsrepn- all departments oi .. ’’d consult a in his highest and most responsible mi and2lo in Massacbusctts. lcaving 1,510
lOhfoto street, jßostob, nre 'the Agents .for the. Mto«na table honses apd dehsoflniqolty,at night, con look an proper economy—that «U>xira, Me .. -dun- capacity, as the framer of the future of the .*<>* *se rest of the States..- be a cort
3Vi&Nn<, and the most laQoenUal.'and largest ciccttlntiag . honest nutn or a rirtnoas woman in foe foce, next morningt pecessary- apprepriations should be avoideu— State. • oua piece of statisticalinforiaatloil if fre could
itnitod States and die Canadas.. They 4y- Wo havc rocolved tha Trlbunp Almanac, published and that new scheme for cmbnrrussing the The Farmtrt'Eivh School discover how many persons , wad. each one of
aw. aift!t6rli«l for us otour lowest rata. bv Orasier A CoNow York. It is one ofthTbest Htatirti Treasury ehould With, marked condemna- ™ rarmtre nt 3 n zcnooi. ,
•• -=4==^.v;-^-.r-. a ,-.x..'^ e ' tiott * ’TWs Is sound doctrine, and will we trust, Within its bmiled means, this institution has those 8,3G4 newspapers, also amount of
- nfa L;. m»..' . he religiously followed. been m successful operation during the past reliable matter is published, in miles; how
toniole spw “Sir, lenvy neither the heartnor the of that man fln d E ri o S 1 * 1 Sf t Sunbur y those branches of science Which pertain to a alinerB « contribute to them, the options ex
'Onntry is becotu from the Northj.who rlses here to defend slavery on prin- 08 comp led with the terms of high order of education, are daily engaged in all pressed about them, anil as a ojimax. to infor
ed of, and did- Ciple " ■ : journriient bf’ the ft! P ractical opwationaof the farm-fitting mation, hoW many subscribers la each newspa
m, . 4®-Wa notice the name of our Senator, Hon. L. W. bonds for $2,000j000, and also $1,000,000 mort- *“ 1° T 6^” 1 a* 0 1 10 ” 11 1Ue * a , nti -*, 0 , ! P ers P a 7 subscription promptly.
The present IXaU, on thi foUowlng Standing Oommitteesfn the Senate, ga ge bondsleaving mortgage bonds amountine- * hroa g h J out tho an amount and kind of.
tr sntir« ftn v*k«-—Estate* antlEscheats, Library, New Counties and' to two aud'a half millior-- nf HrMova ,nn « knowledge wmch must ultimately produce a ■—:
'TTZ ■ ; - • ga »kcalendar for isco.
Senator^Maapii'appeared in AVodneßdax to be delivered to tnc from time to . « -r?. " =
Uflt and week, clad inTirgiuia home-spnn, whilo a Sontliern mem- time, paripmsu, with thdjrogress of the work, trustees f have it KlirgrVu h
must the other Home sported a suit of direct «lmporta. « by the r*s and estimates of Jopes of if,
ion " the hand* an ? - When terest which is everywhere felt throughout the
lon Sportsmen should remember that the gome law mentloliedp , have P<* n Commonwealth in the further extension aud pro- »
q went Into offset 6n the ut instant, Thepoescwdon of ©unc company, |as directed by law, of the i UBt itution, cojnmends it to our care
being prima fecia evidence, a prosecution can easily bo rae ««tte trill still hold, as absolute owner, ftn( j protection,
sustained. three toad a half millions of dollars, as men- r ‘
mu m i j ' . t:oned the act of Assembly, with interest, at fiemarks on our Banking System,
, ? ,* n a . ** 0 . ,° V<? a °>, „ a the rate of five per centum per annum, payable Governor Packer still thinks our present
that two hundred convicts ore now uck m the Ohio Peni- E euu-aun U all 7 , on the thirty first davs of Janu- Bunking System extremely defective and that
tent arr, WI U; what U donominatodascorabrcad torrheoa. ary and July of each year. It affords the Gov- unless radically changed, he cannot approve !
Mraiud an epidemic form, and appear- ernor p i eaßur / to be able to infom the bills creating new banks. He states that his
ances preaea ore alfrm ng. General Assembly, that the progress of the work convictions have been confirmed by time and
Th, Smoking Car.—The smoking car has become an for thc past year has been higher satisfactory. reflection, that his opinions remain unchanged,
“ institution” nponsomo of onr railroad linos, and it has Tho Eastern division of the road, extending an 4 tkat be cannot approve of any increase of
been suggested by some of the gentler sox, whose drosses from Sunbury in thecounty of Northumberland, banking operations under existing laws. If
have suffered, that a chevying car be *!bo attached to each to Whethain, in the county of Clinton, a dis- corporate privileges, for banking purposes, are L; IK i UNE. «.
train, , • tance ,of eighty-oue miles, is finished ; passen- needed to accommodate the business wants of Sunday..(JJ
«S-Arithmetical puzzle,—lf four dogs with sixteen ger apd freight trains passing over it daily.— i any portion of the State, justice requires that 'j{ B jio ha* !! ’. o'l-d 19 2C
ifcga, con catch twenrt-ninb rabbits, with eighty-seven legs. The Vfestekn division, extending from the city such institution should bo compelled to protect Weds'day.jla folio 23 30 .. Weds’dsy, . uid2o 27 .
In forty-four mtoates/jjow many legs must the same rah- of Erie, to; the borough of Warren, in Warren the community receiving its circulation, by re : Thurbday.;;3 10 17 |l 31 . . Thursday. . 71421 M .
bits have to getaway Iroin eight dogs wiili thirty two legsj county, & distance of sixty-six miles, is also cjuiring that ample security shall be given for j Saturday. ,13 12.19 20 .. . . Saturday.. 2 9 lt> 23 30 .
in seventeen and a half minutes? completed, with regular passenger aud freight the prompt redemption of its notes, the suffi- ■ ■ ■ '■■■ . ■ - - •
■-l "ow cunning over it daily. Making one cieucy of which no act of tho corporation could JULY. II AUGUST
'•'-tv-seven miles, along the line impair. All expci-ieuce in this Slate, and else- LL L; !
Hecu already brought in- where, Las demoastated that tho present system I » }?, ‘Sfo '. 'I MondliyV.' ! 613 527 ' !
' "ndred and seven allords little or no protection to notebplders be- Tuesday.. 3to 17 *24 31 . . Tuesday;. . 7.14 21 33.. .
were fin- yond the personal integrity of the officers cou- iVetU’day. 4 Ills 25 .•. WedaMay. 1 8162220 . -
1! - troliiu e tUe ihAnagemeat of the several banks. oit2o“ ! ! I! 3 it™ « 3?. ‘
A Safely Fund Recommended, Saturday.. 7114 21128 .... Saturday., till IS 25 ,
• • Congress.
Tbe-Pitti burgh “ Chronicle” speakVthe
Ituthin saving that the country isbecom
ing mostthbroughly ashamed'of, and dis
gusted with, its Congress. The present
condition of affairs is a stinging satire on
out Republican-government, and a re
proach. jtmopg the nations. The vast and
momentous interests of a great people must
be pressed (jut of view and consideration
to enable piddling politicians, and babbling
stump-speakers to spout out their wordy
and senselcss harangues. Time was, when
the Goths ipvaded the sacred preoincts of
the Roman Senate, the and reverend
Senators {were found sifting in solemn and
imposing silence,, whoso very impressive
ness conveyed the weightiest rebuke.—
Were such an irruption now to be made
in our legislative balls, the representatives
of this glorious Republic would be found
as crazy and noisy as flies in a drum—caqh
arc violently affected with a verbal diartr
hea, and all together gabbling, and squab
bling, and iahting, like so many old maids
at a tea parity . But it makes little differ
ence to..thflj people, of the country, save
those counseled with the Postal depart
ment whd Can not get their pay, as it will
be only nigger, nigger, nigger, after the
House shall have .been organized, and we
have, already had such a surfeit of nigger
that we, almost loathe tfao .proceedings of
Congress as published in the daily papers.
After an organization shall have been ef
fected, if such an u\cnt will really tran
sput we imagine it will require consider
able hunting among “wool” and “niggers”
to&od outs what our Solons have been
The suggestion rof from one
'of the Carolines,-that the members resign
and return to their constituents, appears
to be the [most sensible suggestion yet
made. Of one thing we feel certain, and
that is, tluU .one-half, if not more, of them
would not igainhave an opportunity to take
88 a day out Uncle Sara’s money with
out rendering an equivalent.
'S&f* The election for, State Treasurer
occurs on jtbe 17th inat v ,. ; (next Tuesday )
There are but tiro prominent Opposition
candidatesf—Eli Slifer, the present Treas
ures and Henry D. Mporc of Philadelphia.
The Opinion is that Hr. Slifer will
be successful, having the advantage of
position* and perhaps of personal popular*
ity. After this term, should the political
compluxiofr of the legislature remain un
changed, Little Blair”- will present a
good man |for the office, than whom none
more capable can be found. •
>®*4Elip Shirleysburg. Herald has been
revived, aid the copy before ns is coflsid
erabe of ah improvement on isr
sues. 'As [soon as tlio Messages .pre pub-;
.tho editor purposes’ jgiving; his
readersn- graphic sketch of the murder of
the family, by Eobert McOonaghy,
jibe trial and confession of
should create a sonsa
sation, and we hopo friend Buts may real r
ize hap&hmely by it. :
GUicmnati Commercial says
l* that the general euper
intaa||^^|>fr tiie Pittsburgh, Ft* Wayne
& under Receiver Ogden,
wiilbeeoiifided to Ties. A. Scott, of this,
place*-er?Geo.- W.‘ .Cass, of Pittsburgh.—
Under ;the auperintandenee of either of
‘the:gentlemen named, the road would be
creditably end profitably managed.
idnssAGß.—ln another
part of lobby's paper we publish extracts
from Gov.'Packer’s Message, containing
.the m(»t ihipbiatant items of interest to
our' ',: 93m entire message is a very
onMondayhight last.
JSS~ TheEcv.Mr. Spurgeon’s new tabernacle, in Lon
don, is designedto peat, on the ground floor, 1,572; first
gallery, 701; upper gallery, 674—total, 3,037. Standing
room, 2,SGO. Altogether, 5,597 persons. The estimated
cost is $75,000,
,*S-Attentlon is requested to the advertisement of Mr.
J 5. Anthony, of Now York, whose Instantaneous Bteresco
pic Views and Sterescopic Instruments arc said to be un
equalled. Mr. A lias bronght the art to each perfection,
that views can be taken, in a fraction of a second 6t time.
Singular State of Prison Discipline'.—The prisoners
in the Jail at Indianapolis, Indiana, are a funny set offel
lows. They heltTa mock trial on one Quinn, chargld with,
wife murder, a few days ago, and convicted him. !They
then made a rope from strips of blankets, and proceeded to
hnng him, which they very nearly accomplished, the turn
key catting him down barely in time to save his life.
State Agricultural Society.—The annual meeting of
the State Agricultural Society will bo held in Harrisburg
pn noxt Tuosday. An election for officers will be hold, and
1 other business pf importance transacted, We are plqased
to learn that the affairs ofthe society were never in a more
prosperous condition—there being between nine and ton
thousand dollars of a surplus fund in the treasury.
US-Out Harrisburg correspondent, in his letter of last
week, said that' Col. HaU would “mate his mark in tlio
Senate ;” whereupon the editor of the Tyrone Star remarks
that “ from a long personal acquaintance with Col. Hall,
wo are able to say that he (Col. Ball) is fully competent to
write his own name.” So is the witty editor of the Star;
but can he not be so conditioned as to be forced to mate his
mark— *’» the mudt
A Sisgciak Cabs of Suddeh Restoration of
Heabihg asd Speech.— -A young .man named
Joseph Wheeler, who had been deaf and dumb
for some four years back, and who has been
looked upon as a Hud 'of pet by Lieutenant
Gastiuel, of the second district police, where he
slept at night, was, through the means of an ac
cident, yesterday, perfectly, restored. Daring
the firing of tie salute yesterday, in front qf
Jackson' Square, he went up very near the
month of tho carilfcn, and before those aronhd
coaid interfere to take him away, the cannon
was .touched off, and the concussion knocked
him down, throwing him, fifteen fleet. He was
picked up .senseless, and taken over jto the po
lice station, «here some water was sprinkled on
his 'face.' 1 Ip the htter'surprise and astonish
ment of all around, as soon as he opened his
eyes, he spoke as fluently as any body, and
heard apd answered, all questions put to Mm,
and is, up to’this time, retailing language out
in large doses, to thb astohisKment' of a crowd
of incredulous lookers on.—fr. O. Della, 27th,
B&> •** Touchstone,”‘ writing from Philadel
phia to lFilAe’s dote of
says: .;■ " : 4,; ■ ;
i 'Don't bp, too sanguine pbont Keenan beating
Sayers; Xspw fiifl set-to .with Aarpn Jones bn
Saturday ’evening, and observed him make sev
eral mistakes in his sparring, which, ‘ for obvi
ous reasons, Jones did not take advantage of.-
Thwe Knifes he laid himself open to severe pun
ishment, and he seemed flashed and excited.-
Sayersalways thinks when he is fighting. I fear
Keenan’s animal courage will banish all thought
but going in to win in bull-dog style, and that
won’t do with a practical hand like Sayers,
whom, with his youth and strength, he can'
. Wear out, if he will only think what he is
about. But we shall see.”
Worthy or Notb.—The Post Master General,
in his report, thinks “that the franking privi
lege to bh paid for odt of the national
treasury, and that publishers of newspapers
ought to be made pay postage on their exchang
es.”. A pretty thought I—Beautiful, indeed !
Members of Congress (poor fellows) only get
$BOOO a year, and their postage should be paid
but of Undo Sam’s purse 1 But the editors
(wealthy dogs!) should pay postage on their ex
changes. If that recommendation of the
thoughtful P. M. General don’t receive a merited
rebuke from the press of the country, we are in
deed, greatly mistaken. Mr. Holt mag be a
candidate for an elective office, some day, and
bis friends of the press may remember the kind
thought contained in his report of 1860.
Couldn’t Hold his Cats.—-A burly Tennes
seean, who was being mode a Son of Malta at
New Albany, la., (he other night, unable to
“hold his oats,” broke from his~ tormentors,
knocked the sentinel at the door, senseless, bol
ted ibr a coffee-house, and sworo ho could whip
any Spa pt Malta in the United States, and
'that he would whip any newspaper establish-:
ineftt that : iold of him.
Extracts from Hus ar«w<»gL
Ilf Q«*n« commences ibj congratula
at the favorable condition of onrStote finances.
Tbe avaQabfcbalanoe In the Treasury oh the 31st
of D®omb?» w*s $889f323. Thepubliodebt of
Ilia State, ; funded and unfunded/ is now $38,-
1W8,»1. pf fhis Bnm $11,081,00(0 will be R
qffidated'by; thoproceeds or the sale of the pub
lie works, leaving only a balance of $27,397,-
961 iojbe jirovided for by the ordinary sources
of revenue; [ During the last thirteen months,
there has been actually paid on the principal of
the public <febt, outside of the ordinary State
expenses, $3,009,282, and this, too, witha re
duction of! State tax from three to two and a
half hulls,land exclusive of the Central Road
tonnage tax The Governor thinks it a good
thing [that : the State is now rid of her public
works/ and! says (hat nothing but the grossest
mißtnnqagciment can prevent the sore and speedy
ektingnisßihont of oar pabKc debt Govern
ment actionis generally simplified and limited
subjects jdf a purely governmental character. 1
WbenithoState debt shall have been extinguish
ed, the State expenses can readily be met with
out the: imppsition of aState tax on real or per
sonal-estate^— the remaining sources of revenue
being mord:ihaa sufficiet for all legitimate pur- 1
poses. ;Gnjtil that .end,'so anxiously, looked to,,
is secured, true wisdom, as well as sound policy
dictates, bur resources should be carefully 1
none of our present sources of
revemip shopld be cut off, or diminished—that
all deportments of government should consult a
proper economy—that all extravagant and un
pecessary* appropriations should be avoided—
and (Hat evpry new scheme for embarrassing the
Treasury should iqeet Witb marked condemna
tion. 'This is sound doctrine, and will we trust,
he religiously followed.
Si/tnbury and Erie Rdilroad.
The Governor states that so far the Sunbury
and Eric Road has complied with the terms of
their contract, and have received, since the ad
journment bf the last Legislature, the canal
bonds for $2,000,000. and also $1,000,000 mort
gage bonds ;• leaving mortgage bonds amounting
to twp and! a half millions of dollars, still re
maining in the Treasury ;of the Commonwealth,
to be delivered to the company, from time to
time, jparipiiteu, with tLp progress of the work,
as ascertained by the r&Skns- and estimates of
the chief engineer of the'skid company. When
the bonds, lost mentioned, Shall have been sur
rendered to s the company, las directed by law,
the Slate will still hold, "as absolute owner,
three and a half millions of dollars, as men
tioned jn the act of Assembly, with interest, at
the rate of five per centum per annum, payable
semi-annually, on the thirty- first days of Janu
ary and July of each year. It affords the Gov
ernor great pleasure to be able to inform the
General Assembly, that the progress of the work
for tbe past year has been highly satisfactory.
The Eastern division of the road, extending
from Sunbury in thecounty of Northumberland,
to Whetham, in the county of Clinton, a djs- j
tancc of eighty-one miles, is finished ; passen
ger and freight trains passing over it daily.— i
The Western division, extending from the city |
of Erie, to; the borough of Warren, in Warren
county, a distance of sixty-six miles, is also
completed, with regular passenger and freight
trains now cunning over it daily. Making one
hundred anit-forty-seven miles, along the line
of the route that have been already brought in
to practical 1 operation—one hundred and seven
miles of which, exclusive of sidings, were fin
ished during the past year. On the intermedi
ate portion of the line, between the borough of
Warren and Whetham station, a distance of one
hundred and forty miles, ninety-five miles and a
half are graded, leaving but forty-four and a
half miles yet to be graded, to place the whole
of the unfinished portion of the road in a posi
tion to receive the superstructure. If no unto
ward event, shall delay its vigorous prosecution,
another year -will not pass before the entire line
of the road will be finished and in use ; thus af
fording a direct and continuous communication,
by from the city of Philadelphia to tbe
harbor of Erie.
Central Road Tonnage Tax.
In pursuance of Acts of Assembly imposing
a tonnage tax on tho freight of the Pennsylva
nia Road, the State has received the following
hmounts-In ’5l, $7,521; in ’52, $16,(550,
in ’53, $65,228; in ’5l $112.880; in ’55, $139,-
280; in ’s6* $226,018 : in ’57, $176,933 ; in’s9
$222,563. Since July, 1858, the Railroad Com
pany has refused -to pay this tax, and conse
quently there is now due from said Company, on
that account, exclusive of interest, tho sum of
$350,405 00.
On [the 21st of February, 1850, an account
was settled by the Auditor General, against the
company, for the tax on tonnage, from the 21st
day of July, to tho 30th of November, 1858, in
clusive, amounting to tho sum of $97;375 22.
From this settlement, the company, on the 19th
day of April, took an appeal to the Court of
Common P&aa of Dauphin .county • and in tho
specifications of objections which were filed/ it
was averred that tbe tax was unconstitutional,''
and on opinion, to that effect, signed by eminent
counsel, was filed in the office of the Auditor-
General, at'the time the appeal whs entered. In'!
August last, the! qaso was tried, and after a full
investigation and argument, the constitutional!-.
ty of the law imposing the tax was affirmed by
the Court, and a verdict rendered in favor of the
Commonwealth for the amount claimed, with In
terest, The case has since been removed by a
writ of error, to the Supreme Court of the State
and will, probably, be heard and decided by that
tribunal, in the course of the present winter.—
Onthe 25th day of August last, another account
was settled against the company, for the tax on
tonnage from the 80th of November, .1858, to
the 20th day of July, 1859, amounting to the
sum of 5B, from which an appeal has
also taken by the railroad company, and
be tried the present
month, '"
The; Governor, on account of the magnitude
of tlieinteresta involved,-thinks it necessary to be
explicit ofc this subject, and says it will be
observed, that the powbr of the. State to grant
chartered privileges, to a
railroad company, upon the condition that it
shall pay to the Commonwealth a portion of its
earnings, in the shape of * fixed tax upon -the
.freight carried over, the ;rpad, is questioned by
the company, and that too, offer the grant ha*
taken and while tbo corporation is in the
full enj oyraeht of all theben'efits Conferred upon
it by the charter. The question, it is true, is a
legal pne, and itsdecißion.therefore, rests with
the judicial department Of the government; but
I have notrtheslightest doubt, that the decision
when; had,; will 'indicate ‘the right of the gov
ernment to improve the tax,’ and to compelcor-
its own creation to obey, the
law from .which they 'denvetheif existence.—
When it is remembered that' the tax was
originally imposed in order'to indemnify
the State, to some extent,' for losses'.which she
was sure ' to sustain'ftom a .competition, which*
was inevitable, between the railroad' authorized
and her ihain line of public works ; and that
this competition did not only seriously affect the
revenues of the Commonwealth derived fyom her
public improvement, but ultimately induced the
sale of the? main line to the railroad company it
self, at a price many millions of dollars below
What it wotild have produced in the absence of
such competition, it is certainly not to be pre?'
sumed that the will willingly
yield her demand for revenue from this source,
until she is, at least, fully indemnified for the
pecuniary injury sustained in the depreciation
of her own' property, by her liberality extended
. to the company which now denies her, power to
enforce a contract voluntarily entered into upon
a consideration entirely adequate.
■ ; of the Common Schools. ■ •
Th? annual report Of the Superintendent Of
The Governor believes that the present mode
of receiving, keeping and disbursing the public
revenue, is entirely unsafe, and recommends the
immediate attention of the Legislature thereto.
The receipts and disbursements of the Treasury
are each, annually, from three to four millions
of dollars. At times there is on hand a balance
exceeding one -million of dollars. The State
Treasurer gives security to the Commonwealth
in the sum of only eighty thousand dollars, lie
deposits the money of the State when and where
be pleases, and it is paid out upon his own check
exclusively. His accounts are , settled by the
Auditor General, once a month, and this is, ap
parently, the only safeguard provided by law to
prevent the illegal use of the public funds while
under the control of the State Treasurer! That
the Treasury of the Commonwealth has hitherto
escaped from disastrous defalcation, is owing to
the integrity of the officer, and not to the effi
ciency of the laws; and while our main reli
ance, in the future, must be on the honesty of
the officers to whom the department is entrusted,
it is, nevertheless the plain duty of the govern
ment, by proper legislative enactments, to pre
vent, as far as possible, the illegal, improper or
fraudulent use of the funds of the State by a
faithless and dishonest public agent. I respectful
ly recommend that provision bo made ny law that
no money shall be deposited iu any bank, or
elsewhere, by the State Treasurer, without first
requiring security to be given to the Goiunfon
wealth for the prompt re-payment of the sums
deposited ; that all chocks, issued by the State
Treasurer, shall be countersigned by the Audi
tor General, before they are used; —and that
doily accounts of the money received, deposited
and disbursed, shall be kept in the office of the
Auditor General as well as in the Treasury
Department; and that weekly statements of the
balances in the Treasury, and the places and
amounts of deposits, shall bo kept in a book to
be provided fur that purpose in each depart
Revision 0/ the Penal Code.
The commissioner appointed in pursuance of
tha resolutions of the 10th of April, 1858, to re
vise the Penal (Code of this Commonwealth,
says the Governor, have presented their final re
port, which is herewith transmitted tb the Gen
eral Assembly. I& importance to our whole
community, and the great labor devoted to its
preparation, commend it to your early and earn
est attention. The manner in which the duties
of the commission have been performed cannot
tail, in my opinion, to receive your approbation.
Local and Glass Legislation.
The governor repents his just and sensible re
marks about the numerous evils arising from
local and class legislation, and calls the atten
tion of the General Assembly to the fact that ire
have, on our statute books, general laws for
the incorporation of railroad, turnpike, bridge,
plank rood, gas, water 1 , insurance and other
similar companies, and that all corporate pow
ers granted by the Legislature to such compa
nies, should be under these general laws, so
that there may be uniformity in the provisions
of similar associations, and that the time of the
General Assembly may not be occupied in pas
sing bills of great length, when a simple refer
ence to the details of the general laws would
would answer every purpose.
The practice of'sending to the Executive a
large number of bills immediatelypreceding
the final adjournment of tho Legislature, is
highly objectionable, and ought, as far as prac
ticable, to bo discontinued. Its necessary con
sequence is, either to compel the Executive to
approve bills which be has hot fully examined,
to sign them alter the final adjournment, or, if
he disapprove them, to : return them to the next
General Assembly, \ritb bis objections. Thus
imposing upon a succeeding Legislature the
final disposition of bills, with the origin and
passage,of which it had no connection, io il
lustrate theevils resulting from .this practice,
the Governor says, that, of the large somber of
bills for his approval, within a dhy or two of the
adjournment the lastidegmlatdie, ihp is ooh
s trained by appose of 4aty, to return with his
objections, twenty-three to the present legisla
ture forreconsideratldn. ' 'J.
Sumliiy ... II 8 16.122 29 . . Sunday... . 612 Idiitti.
Monday ... a 9162330 . . Monday,.. . a 1320 37 .
Tuesday .. 5t01724 31 . . TuMdutf*. • 71421 28 .
Wud'aday . 4111 18 25 ... . Weda’day. 1 815 22 291
Thursday . 5 12 19 20 .... Thursday. 2 9 10 23 . ,
Friday.... 6 13 20 27 ... . (Friday. ~. 3 10 17 34!.
Saturday.. 7114 21 2? . .'. . I Saturday .14 11 18 231
Sunday 4] 11 18 25 . . Sunday, ~ 1 8 lo 22 29
Monday. . . 6121956 . .' Monday.. 2 91623 30
Tuesday. . . 6132u27 . . Tuesday.. 3101724 . .
IVcds’day. . 7 U2l 28 . . Wdda’day. 411 18 25 .. .
Thursday. 1 b l.i 22 29 . . Thursday.; 512 19 2flj. . .
Friday. ... 2 o*l6 23i30 ; , Friday. . . «113 20?27'. . .
Saturday.. 3Ill)tl7l24l31 . .1 Saturday. 71U121!2b1. . .
Sunday. . . . 2 U 1623 30 Sunday^.. . 7142128 . .
Monday. . . 3101724 . . Monday, ..1 8152229 . .
Tuo.-duy .. . 4111525 . . Tuesday.. 2 0162330 . .
W.-ds'day. . 5121920 . . IViyls’diiy.. 3101T24 31
Thursday. . 61320 27 . J Thnrsdily. 411 18 25 ... .
Friday ... 7142128 . . Friday ?: .51219 20 ... .
Saturday. . H «o 22 291. . teaturday.. 0'13120 27 ... .
Sunday.... 4 Ills iH : . Sunday.-.. . 2 U 10)23 30
Monday ... 512 IS) 26 . . Monday/.. . 310 17)21 31
Tuesday ... Gl3 20 27 . . Tuesday ... 411 18 25 . .
Weds’day. . 7 14 21 28 . . Weds’day . . 612 10|2« . .
Thursday .1 815 22 29 . . Thursday . . -.6 13 20 27 . .
Friday ... 2 0 16 23 30 . . Friday:.... 7 14 21 28 . .
Saturday . 3.10H7 i 341. . . . Saturday.. 1 8 15:22129 . .
IVe do not think a person can evince a more benevolent
trait of character than being moved at the distress and suf
ferings of others, and furthermore, aftiious to do all in their
jiower to alleviate by every possible) ijjeans human suffer
ing. In tills view of the case, wo do not know how tlie
humane and benevolent cau\do an action more in accor
dance with their philanthropise view*! than by calling the
attention of their afflicted Mends aud'acquaintanccs to the
fact, that Dr. Seth S. Uaxcs, oflo3 Baltimore street, Bal
timore, M. D. has discovered a preparation, which Is pni up
in tlie form of a pill, that hah a specific action for curing
Epilepsy, or falling fits, spasms, cramps, and all forms of
nervous diseases. Among those who have b6en perma
nently eared, we might mention a member of the family of
James 11. Beadle, Huntsville, Alabama; Mr. M.P. Sledge,
Cabin Point, Surry county, Ta., and Mr. IV. P. Ipgon,
Grenada, Mississippi. We might go on enumerating a
number of others, until wo had entirety filled up this col
umn of ourpaper; but wo think wo Jlave said sufficient to
satisfy every person that the subject: under consideration
is one of vita! Importance to every one. Header! if you
arc a well man or woman, and have no need of a remedy,
perhaps you know some person who is not equally blessed
as yourself, if-so, cut out this notich, and send it to him or
her. It will cost you but little trouble, and probably U
will make yon iastruiaSatP-l in cupipjg some poor, afflicted
mortal of that dreadful visitation, ) Epilepsy, or falling
sickness. ■'[ •
Dr. Hanco sends his pills by mail,;freo of jtostage, to allr
parts of the world, on the receipt of a remittance. Ilia
prices are: one box, $3; two, $5; ; twelve, $2l. Wchaito:
given his address above. ' \
Dr, M’Lane’s Celebrated Diver Pills t
dS'Deingmiwell, and dot knowing whether it proceed
ed from derangement of the liver cjr merely hysterics I was
persuaded to purchase a box of Dtt) SJ’LANES CELEBRA
TED LIVED. PILLS, prepared Jty’ jfloming Bros.,' Pitts
burgh, and before,! bad used them ;aU, was entirely , re
lieved. lam now enjoying perfect health, auffchoeiTuUjr,
recommend Dr/M’Lane’s Ckdcbrattm .Id ref Pills to allsinl
ilarly afflicted. I; '
Now York, March 25,1852. ; !i| :
43y-Purchasers will bo careful to |ik for DB. M'LANB"3
IKQ SHOE, of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills
purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public.' Dr-
IT Lane's genuine Lirer Pills, ajsofhis celebrated Vormt -
fuge, can now be bad at alirespec table drag stores. None
genuine without the signaturo of . i.-j r.* : ;
Jan. 5, 1860. FLEMING BEOS.'
that tbs sent of air innocent sheep should be
.made into parchment, andyritten pb to the undoing of a'
man!” Shakspcape; -Ho mljtot also hare deplored
the ruining of meaVdorms by tbernmcontb manner in
which some nugnufous tailors butcher up the cloth made
frbm'too wootlgfown .iff thosesaidi harmless sheep. To
see the perfection of ttioart of wording up cloth wisely
and well, and so as to sot off to "thtt tihst advantage tho
forms of its wearers, mil at the I Brown Stone Clothing
BW ofEocfoblE*Wilson, Nos- 603 and 606 Chestnut St,
above Sixth,PUla. and examine their jstock'of garments
for gentlemen and youths. ' ■ f /
3% ****» < * n P™* by Dir* pier’s TboOiaehe 'iter
vicdy by hiiu in Pittsburg, V&. r 'svjtiicli li put up
in bottled nad cold at 25 cents eitdh, It is- oa excclio&t
medicine, when dilated, for sponger ind tender' eums, and
ii worth times Ite price tp eUsthbiaeedit. Sold Bate
by <J- W- Kinder, Bpsgist, /
Altoona/jjin, 12, 1855.— 81 a.
•l' f.
The great etandard medicine* of tkt prenat
age, have acquired their gnat popularity only
through start of trial. - Unbounded- eatitfae*
tion ie rendered by them in all one* i and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Idrer Complaint, Dyspepsia, handle*,
Debility of the Herrons Bjitea,
Diseases of tfco Kidneys,
and alt:‘dueaiie arinngfrond duordend*'
liver or weakneee of the etomaek and
ergons are epeediig aadpermanentlg cured bu
The Balsaxxiia Cordial hae acquired «
reputation eurpauing that of any timilorprt- :
parathn extant. 'lt Kill cure, without uu,
the most tevere and long-etandmg .
Cough, Cold, or Hoaraeneu, BroabhitU, la,
fluwutn, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient.
and Ha* performed the meet aetoniehing ewa
ever known of ■ ' '
Confirmed Consumption. ■■
A few doses will alto at ante chsckand
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Colo ix xbk Bowkls.
► These medicines are prepare* by. Dr. Q. 51.
Jack Box & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, PhOa
dtlphia, Pa., .and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines -everywhere, at 76 cents
per bottle* signature of V. M. Jacksox
vpjf he on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
ln the Almanac published; annually by the
proprietors, called Everybody's Alxasac,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of. the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
#3- For sale, in Altoona, by A. Botuh and Q. w
Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may 15,'50-1 y
The combination of ingredients in these Pills ore the re
suit of a long and extensive.practiced They arc mild la
their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities
Painful Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether
from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpita
tion of the heart, whites, all nervous affection s> hysterics,
fatigue, pain in the bock and limbs, Ac., disturbed deep,
which arise from interruption of nature. .
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment uf
ttfose irregularities and obstructions which hare consigned
so'rnany thousands of the young, the beautiful, audtho h«.
loved to-a. premature grave. No female can ogjoy good
health unless sire U regular, and whenever an obstruction
takes place the general health begins to decline.
are the meet effectual remedy ever known for all complaints
peculiar to Ihmalct.' -To all classes they are invaluable, m
ducing. with certainty, periodical regularity.: They uro
known to thousands, who have- used them at different pe
riods, throughout the country, having the sanction of joins
of tha most cminad Physicians'in America.
; Explicit directions, stating when, and when thnj ihovhl
t>o< he used, with each Box,— the Ptice One Dollar each
Sox, containing 10 Phis.
A valuable Pamphlet, to be bad free, of the'AgeuU.—
Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to the (ion
end Agent. Soid by Druggists generally,
U Broadway, New York;
Sold by Q. W. Kessler; In Uotiidaysburg by
Qeo. A. Jacobs. [Dec. 8, K59.-ly.
43“ It la a- common observation that then mo more
sufferers from debility, among Americans, than con bo
found among any other civilized nation. ZhercosJoi*
obvious. tV'ii take too little exercise, and forget the wants
of the body in the absorbing pursuits of business. 'ln all
such cases, ordinary medicine .can do little good. What
is required is just such a tonic and invlgorator as Dr. J.
Iloatetter has given to tho world, in hU CEhEURA.XED
** BITJIERS.’’ Ihe weak am I nervous denizen of the
counting-house, the exhausted toiler upon the nbop-botrd,
and the prostrated studept of tho midnight lamp, have
foamfa wonderful regenerator in' the “ Btttsns,” and pre
fer it to more pretentious, hut less' efficacious medicines.
Uut it should not bo forgotten that the agent which is so
magical In its influence upon a. frame which is merely de
bilitated, is equally powerful in assisting nature to expel
tbe most terrible forms of disease. \Vho will not give It a
■ Sold by-druggists and dealers everywhere.
A 3, See adyei in another column.
1 rmpocflfclly- UiaoUcui
tomcrs and tho generally
that bo list) just (red a iaMC
ami iiANDSpiitaa-’ njntpl
CLOTHS/ tuneres,
which lie Ik now (Vting for sale,
and is prepared to 'o thcta up in
tho latest stylo & .durable man
ner, as none but best workmen
arc employed, and vrk made will
bo Av;irrantoJ to satisfaction,
lie bas also d coed of Ours*
eucJi M' SHniia, _ Usnits
smats, Drawers. Pocket UnndVerchlefij, Neck Tits, Stocks,
f Suspenders,’ Hosiery, Ac., large assortment of
:BE ADY-JdADE CLOTHING, all of whfchhe la determined
to eellas-choap os they can ,to bought this aide of Phila
delphia. The public are, respectfully iavited to call ana
examine my stock, as. I shall take pleasure in
them. Doors open at all timed firoja 6A. il. uulil 0 P- ».
Admittance free.
May 6* 1859-tf THOMAS ELWAY.
Bid you hcartbanewa ta, KaroiieJ If you U»»«
not, we will tell too what it k. -Iththat IIBNUY TICK
bui jnetrotoruod from tbeEastWif rftioi With a targe sap ,
ply of* ' • ' - • -
consisting of alt atjlw and dualitlea of BVorcoaU, Dn>«
CoaU, Vesta, Pant*, lioot%MHLBboe% and everything a'P 5
lo an establishment or ne offers »•
unprecedentedly lowprkaarlbr cash. lU»lßgpo r « u *' 1 '
bid ■ took at caalrprifcoij enibled to sell very
low. * • ■ ;r
-‘ lloinrlteeall thorn inwant-ofanylhiag 1“ b**
giro him a call, feeling aura that bowfll bo able w P»»
Sktlafcctlon. .. “ . HfiSRYTDCK-
. , Altoona, Sept. 30, JBsB.-tf ...
In coneoqtienoe oCtbelitfd tfine*, thMe’ co “£“kjf
ftt» ptltdowntbeprioeof my OYSTERS to tbo lowortpojM-
Westawi»r4."Thoy -iriirhereafter be »errcd WJ»«S
Ctaifing »tfb.»t TWENTY CBJrtS.nWl
and served up irith all other accompwilmMrt*
FIVE CENTS. They will also bo fwnlsbeO. lu over? oth
er way, at prlcca to correspond wHhtWtttw/
! ,
bogan-Home. gOUM»y»tp*-
: Dec. 17, tt]
i terminating lUTS, MXG& BOAOHKSt ANTS, w
-bugs without danger in it* n*b uadar any circonm»w
;es, for solo at the Drug Store of :
Jan. 21, ’56-tf] G. y. KES3LBK-
Lumber FQH.S44^^Si' ;: '
00,000 SHINGLES, 80.000 WOT . k'
Faint, alto Chnna*, Grieß'j
; n ground oil at fl-ttj- '
vi *****
fa# :
a UirtǤtpi7h(
itoryfrMao hot
It* intern*
' a&lßwt-
A ft 1
““If?* ■
inTytoiw, the i
T£e Jiterest c
A traoi of Inm
Uiniiig 10 itcrcs,
toon£ the propei
The lu£re»s of
Tjrons. ,
TheiuUscst a
StelvtttMt o
porty opMrs. Hi
Thsiutorest <
town., if,,-..
Iput onutwfool
u «d Chicles
b 7 "fwaagAme
| bM «»9 n
won# to find ot
, l»Sinn6t
1 tidaßhJ our turn
tbs |«sang jaTsni
'«4slWibf. •
«»thp Export
: 'x«ir«s!