c |e pwma Crikne. ! ALTOONA, PA. thb: 'AY, JAKUAEY 8, 1860. AS. Where parties are ttnknown to ns, our rule for adrer isingUto require payment in advance, or a guarantee from lt to therefore useless for aiUsneh-to send « Advertisements offering to pay at the end ot three or six months.'. Where advertisements are accompanied withthe nionaj! whether one, ftre or ten dollars, we tfill {fire the the foUbeueht of cadi rates. ;«e Jf. PEITEISGILI it CO., Advertising Agents, 11® Nassau street, j Kew Sork, and 10 State street, Boston, are the Agents for the Altoona Tribune, and the most influential and. largest circulating Newspaperslnthe United States and the Canadas. They are Mtborbed to contract for us at onr Uneut rale?. Thanks. —Hon.S. S. Blair, will please accept our thanks for numerous favors in the way qf public documents and spceqhcs. BenjsV Subscriptions.--We :yrould remind our subscribers that now is the time to tcnew their subscriptions to the Tribune! S&» T|io Legislature of this State was organized on Tuesday last, without diffi culty ordelay. See “Letter from Harris burg” foi| particulars. K&> Gerrit Smith has so nearly been restored Jto complete health, that he, on the Ist iiisfc., returned.to his home, by the desire of his nearest and dearest friends, and the approval of his physician. A state ment is afloat that he will go to Europe as soon as ho is sufficiently restored to health to bear,the fatigue of travel, Fpr some time past, rumors of a duel between two Congressmen, rGtrow, of Penna., and Branch, ;of Carolina, have been afloat, and gained some cre dence, but a letter from Grow to Branch, dated Dec. 30th) entirely settles the mat ter. Grow announces His determination not to fight a duel, but to defend himself in dcbatcj whenever assailed. 8@» Gdvernor Black, of Nebraska, in his'message to the Territorial Legislature, dated Dec. 6, warmly jirgcs the admission of that territory into the Union. He con fesses that she does not possess, at the present time, a sufficient population to en title her tb a representative under the ex isting ratlp of 93,428, but he .enters into an elaborate argument to prove that this is no legal barrier to her .admission, and cites the example of Florida and Arkansas. Bennett’s Dollar Monthly.— We have .received the first number of this new candidate jfor public favor, and find it all we had Anticipated. The story entitled * The Mountain Lilly ” promises to be one of deep interest. The .poetical contribu tions are' of the best, and the humorous department is side-splitting. We are of the opinion that the Monthly wil 1 be a deeded sqccess, if the publishers can af ford to get up as good a copy each month as the one'before us, for the small sum of $1 per year. Bennett & IJameliu, Phila delphia. | President’s Message.—The annual tbe President was sent to both Houses on Tuesday of ijast treek. Quite a discussion sprung up in the House in reference to reading it be fore a Speaker had been elected, but the objections ,were voted down and the mes sage read; It is about the usual length of such and too long for; our space,c6nsequently, wehaveuot published- 1 it.. Htope who desire.to read it, havej ere oh|sdnod it in«. office, New York, *h> A Hit-—Helper seqt a splendidly botutd copyof the uiwbridged edltion'df his *“ Impending Oridto n td Mis- - witha letter,, returning that gentleman his sincere thanks for themagnificent advertisements he has beatow»d,free of eharge, upon hla book: ' ' r ‘ " ' AWthtfy—the hull of the,“Standard Jhitcb JheUttle Jokers hive him by thetaUand judge \by his bellow ing.. 4h«y wem’t let go £helr hold and he can’t maho themdoit, to “ctrt andrun" or‘‘ermandbeorit.’’. Tbs Harrisburg Ihirioi £ CTnion, after noticing the fact that the -President did not send an advance copy ofhls message to that paper, says. ‘‘Wo shall ,giye it; to our readers to-morrow lf wo have soffiediut space, and if it is worthy of so much type.* Bathereool, ah' Ad ministration organ. ’ ■ . <®,Tho editor of the Standard tries-to maltera “bull* out of our remark that business would he suspended in this place on “ Christmas and New rear’s day,” by lmlici sing the word day. We have always beard the 25th of December colled “Christmis* anid the Ist of January “New Year’s day." Not much of a “b«tll” after aB, The Pittsburgh'of Friday contains an ac~ Count Of a confidence man luynwl Wtlilmjj lf«ilfai'yfenS Hrowin Michigan and succeeded in fltecingMine of V* ' ■ ■ j too iMichigander* to tho amount 'of about $lO,OOO. He Ijivejs as)hia reasons for thus acting:, that his father ew. ciieatedout of a-stim of money, by Korihaiid beik determined to be revenged. Stated— to fndneethe.little Jokers to lot rtd on- Ilia tall of the hull of toe “Standard; Jd/Var he can neither frighten them awayhy orahakethem off, ud they arc annoying him Wtsomo of the members of the bend “pitch Ip himf. : . *gro inanrrection occnrred at Bolivar, Slogan’ ight week, which created consMerableexclto e negroes collected in toe public square and. Commenced an indiscriminate attack bn the whites, with ftre qrm« and stones. They were, however, boon driven to the Woods. A number wore arrested and lodged in jail.— Only one person was seriously injured. ■ lond bellowing and great pretentions availed in Siaymaker’s bull might, on a memorable occasion, have-ftighfenod a locomotive off the track and thereby savedhh| hide.. The pretensions of the qaodmpod over the hill Are ffke'y to prove pbnut os available in frightening I theljttla Jokers. The fcte'of the former should proven Warajidpto the latter. | Ap Irish coal-miner, named Thos. McEnally, help ■*4 sjj’ ;bhtty” to drink a quart of tanglefoot whiskey, at Johnptpwn, on.Satnrdupeveiiing week, from the effects of whidjJj^became so “darkly, deeply* beautifully blue” that iie opuld not get home that night, and has not been heard ermittcd to -“ look upon his like again,” In the sajme Opacity, for some time to come. His attempt, however, to construe our reference to himself into nn in sult t) ill; the members of the band, is ridiculously silly.— We atpofthe opinion that nil of them have sense enough to |iisto|g;tish between an allusion to one of their number .and « reference to nil, unless, perchance, it should be the bull qf . Ujo “Standard Dutch breed.” We imagine the “ wish wof father to the thought,” in his case; but if he really took it ns lie says, he argues a very small amount of perspicuity for the members of the band, certainly much loss than we%ave them credit for. Opposition County Convention. Agreeably to previous notice, the delegates elect |of the Peoples’ Party, met in County Con vention in the Court House, at Hollidaysburg, ob Tuesday, December 27, 1859. On Motion! SETH i|. McCUNE, Esq., was chosen Chair man, .and H. C. Dbrs and H. C. Nicowsavs, Secretaries, Ihe following persons presented their creden tials and were admitted as Delegates; Allegheny —Jno. M. Gibbonev. Jos. Higgins. Mnlw-4-Jno. Irvin, E. B Tipton. Altoona—X. W. — John W. Humes, H. C. Bern. ‘ * VT.—Peter Reed, W. U. Boyers. •' j AV. IV.—J. O. Adlum, J. Good. Ferree, Sam’l B. Confer. CUtharfye —Frederick Kyle, 0. W. Reed. Q&y*pojsr~Jno. Dean, Joa. Burr. Bollidaysburg— W. IV.—Geo. Port, F. McCoy. _ * N ? i>. W.—Jo*. W iiliiima. Jod. Smith. Jim m/u—Abraham Yingliug, Geo. P. Kelly. Bogan— Abraham Loudon. L. Tingling. Franicstown —Seth R. .McCone, Samuel Smith. FreMovi— Dr. L. F. Butler, Benj. Farher Tyrone -ftoro.—F. M. Bell, S. Berlin. 2yrone-fCurtfe Kidder, Robt. Stewart Snyder-jilticai Burley, Caleb Guycr. Woodherry —Sftmuel .Dean, David Yingliug Taylor— R.’Shiffler. John Kemp. Bnislo a—Jas. Roller, Henry Wike. Greenfield —Jacob Walter, David it. Lingcnfeltor Martuaburg-S. P. McFadden, Henry 8. Iflicodemus. On mqtion, the Convention proceeded to elect a Representative Delegate to the State Conven tion, which resulted in the choice of Wm M Lloyd. ; On ipotion, tho Convention proceeded to elect Senatorial Conferees, which resulted in the choice of the following persons John Half penny, Geo. W. Patton and Samuel Dean. On hddtion, the Convention proceeded to the election of Congressional Couferrees,-which re sulted ?inj the choice of the following persons : Geo. AY, Reed, Caleb Guycr, Job Barefoot. The following resolutions were then offered and adopted: Jtesdlved. That the Delegate just elected to the Harnsburg Convention be, and he is hereby instructed to vote for and use all honorable means Ip secure the nomination of Hon. Samuel Calvin fpr Governor. Resolved, That the Delegate be, and is hereby instructed to vote for the adoption of a resolu tion by the State Convention, recommending Hon Simon Cameron as the choice of the people of Pennsylvania for ' President of the United States. ' Resolved, That the Senatorial Conferees be and they are hereby instructed to vote for Jacob Campbell, of Cambria county, for Senatorial Delegate to the Harrisburg,Convention. Resolved, That we will discountenance every effort, no matter from what quarter it may come to disorganize the-Pcpples’ Party of Pennsylva nia, and that our Delegates to the State Conven tion are hereby required to use all proper means to secure ;a victory for the Opposition candidates for President and Vice President in 18C0. On motion, the' Convention adjourned. SETiI R. McCUNB, J'res't. H. C. Pees, 3 „ . . H. C. . Nicqdemce, / S ecTclaries - Tub Mill Decided Urolr.—The votaries of the manly art and admirers of muscle in our neighborhood, will doubtless feel interested to learn that the great contest for the champion ship between Heenan and Sayers has been at length dccided upon, and the month of March fixed] fori its settlement. Heenan leaves onWed nesday next for England. He is now in Balti moro.giving boxing' exhibitions at the Circus, and-is tp; popular with the pugs of that city that he draws crowded Louses every night. His friends are very confident that the veteran Sny ers will have to succumb tohis greater strength, i j amount of money has been ataked on,his success. In England, where Tom Sayers is .considered invincible, the feeling is all m his fat6r, and the defeat of the American is therefore considered as much of a certainty as if it had.been already accomplished. ? Huirs.—Hall't Journal of Health rM a * *he tendency of India robber shoes is to j jnhko tbe feet cold, thus endangering the hence they are useful only in walking, when; the ground is muddy or woshy with molt -5“ ! In these cases they aria invaluable.— Wh»a fibers are on the feet persons should keep moYihg, add remove them on entering the house, j If the rubbers have been on the feet for seveirpli hours, botkshpes and stockings art ne oessarily damp by the pondensation and confine ment; of the pertpiration;' therefore. all should ° e -f and th ® “kked feet held to the fire until they nre perfectly warm and dry in every i P? same .rule holds goipd in relation to leatherjbpots and ahoes made wafer-proof. For oompon purposes leather boets and shoes are the,besp, if kept tell blacked, with several re newals lof dry sooks during the day, if the feet pertpirt profusely. condition of affturs in Mexico does not Iniprofe, arid robberies and murders on tho v? j tilings of daily occurrence. So haye things becomo tbattJie State Company WVfcfven notice that they wM. not be able mpcn longer to run a lino between the city of ; for (scarcely day has fr ol * l nuumen,” said tyiultyro#, **forltfnce had mypocketplal&t % the milcst Sever Horrible of a Family. '■ Oh Saturday Afternoon Inst, any the Pottsvillc Journal, duringthcprevalence of a ssvere snow ■ ’ * young mAh who bad been seett from St. ■ Clair, to Hazleton-with a team, for thai purpose of removing the family of Mr. Valentine Frantz, to the former place, - found it necessary to un niteh Jus" horses, and leave the Wagon* which contained the* family, on the mountain, to go home and have his horses’ shoes sharpened.— The persons composing the family,'left in that dangerous position, were Mrs, Frantz, fivesmall children, ~ And an elder daughter and her hus band. After the'driver had'been absent some time, the family left the wagon) for the purpose, if possible, of reaching home; but the rain fall ing fast, and freezing as rapidly as it fell, impe ded their progress. Mrs. Frantz sank to the ground a dozen times in a distance of between one and two miles, yet she clung to and protec ted her babe with the fervor which characterizes a mother’s love. At last, Mrs. Frantz, overcome by cold and fatigue, could proceed no further. The young man placed her and four of the chil dren on the ground, in as sheltered a position as he could find, picked up the remaining child, a boy, in his arms, and with his tyife proceeded home as rapidly as possible. On reaching bomb he informed his friends of i ♦he occurrence, and they strrted in search of! tho unfortunate sufferers. When discovered, ! Mrs. Frantz and the children were insensible.— ! The mother was lying on her back, with the . babe pressed tightly to her bosom, while her ! clothing was frozen to the ground. One of the ! children, a little girl, while attempting evident- | ly to crawl up the hill, had slipped ; her clothing i was stripped’ from her person, and she was i found and frozen to the ground. The ! The children were taken to a place of shelter; i but Mrs. Frantz was hot removed until a wagon 1 had been procured. The first inquiry from her | lips, when restored to consciousness, was for i her children. The boy first taken home, has ; died. It is thought (hat Mrs. Frantz will reco- , ver. The babe is well. There is, however, i some doubt of the recovery of the other chil- 1 dren. - ; Great Luck.— By tho following Certificate it will be seen that Wood, Eddy & Co., the great Lottery Managers of the United States, are still selling large Prizes, and what is more impor t|uot, ore paying them with their usual prompt ness. Frog Level, Newberry District, 8. C December 7th, 1859. THIS CERTIFIES, That having drawn to Numbers 18 50 74, the Grand Capital Prize of §40,000 (Forty .Thousand Dollars,) in Wood, Eddy & Co.’s Delaware State Lotteries, Class C 24, drawn in Wilmington, Delaware, on the 30th day of November, 1859, I have this day re ceived from the Agent tho full amount of said Prize, and hereby give permission to publish my nanie - I. M. SPENCE, CALENDAR FOE 1800. JANUARY. |j FEBRUARY. ?. UU ' J , aj ' •• • i SlPliS-p"-'- Sunday.... 511219,26 Monday... 2 916 23 30.. Monday .. . 61320 ”7 Tuesday .. 3101721 31 . . Tuesday ... 71121 28 Wcd’sday . 4 11 18 26 . . . . Weds' Jay . 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday . 5:12 19,26 . .1. . |Thursday . 2 9 16 23 . Friday.,.. 6113120 27 . ,|. . | Friday. ... 31017 24 Saturday.. l 7 14 211281. J. . iSaturday . 4lllllb!25 MARCH Sunday. , . . Monday. . Tuesday. . . Weds’day. . Thursday. 1 Friday. ... 2 Saturday.. 3 4ill!18 25 5 12119 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 9 16 23 30 10 17124 311 MAY. || JUNE. Sunday. ~ . 6132027 . . Sunday.... 3'lo 17 24 Monday ... 7 14 21 28 . . Monday ... 41118 25 Tuesday .. 1 8152229 . . Tneadnv.. . 51219 26 Weds day. 2 9162330 . . Weds’day. . 61320 *7 Thursday. 3 10 17 24 31 . . Thursday. . 7 14 21 28 Friday.. . 4 11 18 25 ... . Friday.. . 1 8 15 22 29 Saturday.. 5 12 19 261. . . . Saturday.. 2 0 16 23 30* . July. |( august. Sunday. ..1(8 15)22(29}. . igundav. ;. i, 612 19 2«i Monday. . 2 01023 30 . . Monday. . . 6 1 13 20 271 Tuesday. . 3101724 31 . . Tuesday. . . 714 ’1 28 M eds’day. 411 18125 . • . . Weds’day. 1 sIIC 22 Thursday. 5 12 19 26 ... , Thursday. 2 9 16 23 30 inday. . . 6 13 20 27 .r. . . Friday. . 3 10 17 24 31 Saturday.. 7 14.21 28 . . Saturday.. 4111 *lB!asi. ! SEPTEMBER. || OCTOBER. Sunday... -I 2 9:16123 30 Sunday... 7i 14 21 2iT Monday. . . 310 17 24 . . Monday . . lj 81622 29 Tuesday .. 4111825 . . Tuesday ..2|9;10 23 30 Mods day A 512 19 20 . . Weda’day . 3 10 17 24 31 Thursday. . 613 20 27 . . Thursday. 4*ll 18 25 . . Inday .... i 14 21 28 . . Friday .. . 5|12 19 20 . . Saturday.. 3 I 8 15 22 29*. . Saturday.. 0'13i20-27 NOVEMBER. jj DECEMBER. Sunday. . . .1 4111118 251. . I Sunday. .. I ! 2 9 10 at; 30 Monday . . . 6 12119 20 . . | Monday. ... 3 10 17 34! 31 ' ‘ 2 27 • ' [Tuesday ... 4 11 18 25 . . Weds day. . 71421 28 . . Weds’day . . 512 19 20,' Thursday. 1 51522 29 . . Thursday . . 6 13120 27T. ! Friday ... 21 0 10j23 SO . . Friday .... 7 14121 28 . Saturday .3> 10'17*241. .. . iSaturday.. 1 8 15122 2oi. ! SPECIAL NOTICES. Wo do not think a person can evince a more benevolent trait 6f character than being moved at the distress and suf. forings of others, and furthermore, anxious todoallin their power to alleviate by every possible means human Buffer ing. In this view of tho case, wo. do not know how the humane and benevolent can do an action more in accor dance with pliilanthrophic views, than by calling the attention of their afflicted friends and acquaintances to the fact, that Dr. Seth S. Hasoh, of 10S Baltimore street, Bal timore, M. D. has discovered a preparation, which is put up in the form of a pill, that has a specific action for curing Rpilepgy, or falling fits, spasms, cramps, and all forms of nervous diseases. Among those who have been perriia nently cured, wo might mention a member of tho family of James U. Beadle, Huntsville, Alabama; Mr. M. 1». Sledge, Cabin Point, Surry county, Va., and Mr. W. D. Ligon, Grenada, Mississippi. We might go on enumerating a number of othefs, until we had entirely filled up this col umn of our paper; but wo think we have said sufficient to (satisfy every person that the subject under consideration is one of vital importance to every one. Reader! if you are a well man or woman, iyid have ho need of a remedy, perhaps yon know some person who is not equally blessed as yourself, if so, cut out this hbtice, and send it to him or her. Jt will cost you but Utile trouble, and probably it wiU make you instrumental in curing some poor, afflicted mortal of that dreadful visitation, 'Epilepsy, or falling sickness. Dr. Hance sends his pills by mail, free of postage, to all Ijarts of the world, on the receipt of a remittance. His prices are.: one box, $3; two, $5; twelve, $24. Wo have given his address above. MKB. VANDEKBIIJF, No. 185 SUFFOLK ST, SAY’S OF ■ Dr ; Celebrated layer Pills; 43T Being, hnwdi, and not knowing whether it proceed ed from derangement of the liver or merely hysterics I was persuaded to purchase a box of Dt STLAXES CELEBItA TED Lived riLLS, prepared by Fleming Bros, Pitts- had used them all, was entirely re lieved. lam how enjoying perfect heid th, and* cheerfully recommend Dr. IPhone’s Celebrated' Liver Pills to all Sim ilarly evicted. “ - . . Nejr Tork, March 25,1852. wm becaref ’ il t 0 Mk fiw Dtt, M’LANE’S UTEE PILLS, numufeetiired by KLEM- PUk, W b.lbro tho public. »r. M’l«ntfa genblao liTer PflU, also his Tehni B*>>wm wiUMmt tiwtfgoat arc of IMK:r'-f, —• 4 -4-# Sunday. . . 1 Monday. . 2 Tuesday. . 3 Weds’day. 4 Thursday. 5 Friday.. . 6 Saturday. 7 Benevolence. FLEMI-VQ BROS. GERMANBITTERSj '■ '■■>&s■ ■■ ' DR, BALSAMIC The great standard rkedkines of the present apt, have acquired their great popularity only through year* of trial. Unbounded satisfae- Hon it rendered by them in all cates; and the people have pronounced then worthy. liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous System, Diseases of tho Kidneys, and all diseases anting- from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organ sfare speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassingthat of any similar pre paration extant. It will cure, without ran., the most severe and longstanding Cough, Cold, or HoarSshMsrDro&ohitia, In* fluenza, Croup, Pnsqiaonis, laoipie&t ‘ Consumption, ' and has performed thsmbst astonishing cures ever known of . x OonfirmodOoilsiunptioix. „ A few doses will also ’at once check and cure the moet severe Dlnrrhoah proceeding from Cold in thb Bowels. These mediants are prepared by Dr. C. M- Jackson & Co., JVb. 418 UrcA Street, Phila delphia, Pa., arid are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents per bottle. The iignature of C, M. Jackson will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called Evbbvbodx’b Almanac, you will fold testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of 'the country. These Almanact are given away by all our agente. WS- For sale, in Altoona* by A. Ruu*h an.l G. W. Kessler, and by all Druggists.; [may 19, ’59-ly IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHKESEMAJrS PILLS. The combination of ingredientsrin these Pills arc the re j suit of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in | their operation, and certain lu correcting all irregularities i Painful Menstruations, removing nil obstructions, whether i from cold ot otherwise, headache, ;pain in the side, jwlpita : tion of tho heart, whiles, all nervous affections, hysterics, j fatigue, pain in the back and Ihtlbs, ic, disturbed sleep, which arise from intorruption.of nature. DR. GHEES EM AN’S PILLS was the commencement of a now era in, tho treatment of those irregularities and obstructions which harecunaigued ; 80 n,!U O' thousands of the young, (he beautiful, ami rl.e be loved to a premature grave. Nq female can csgoy good | health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction j takes place the general health begins te decline, j DU. CHEESEM PILLS ■ are the most effectual remedy ever known fur all complaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are invaluable, in' , dating, with certainty, periodical regularity. They Qre I known to thousands, who have-used them at different pe | nods, throughout the country, baying thcsauctiouof some of tlie most eminent Physicians in'America. Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should not be used, with each-Box,—We' Price One DMar each Box. containing 40 Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to bo bad free, of tho Agents.— Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to tho Gen eral Agent. Sold by Druggists generally, R. B. HUTCHINGS, Oeszbai Aoest, 14 Proadway, New York. Sold in Altoona by O. W. Keseiex; in Hollidaysburg by Geo. A. Jacobs. (Dec. S, 1839.-ly. APRIL. 8 15 22 29 9 16 23 30 10 17 24 . . 11 18 25 . . 12 19 26 . . 13 20 27 . . 14:21 28 . . ■ftß-Itisa common observation that there are more sufferers from debility, among Americans, than can 6o found among any other civilized; nation. The reason Is obvious. We take too little exercise, and forget the wants of the body in the absorbing pursuits of business. In all such coses, ordinary medicine caii do little good. What is required is just such a tonic anil invigorutor as Dr. J. Hostetler has given to the world, in his CELEBRATED *’ BITFURS.” The weak an-1 rieryous denizen of the counting-house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop-board, and the prostrated gtudent of the midnight lamp, have found a wonderful regenerator in tjio “ Bitters,” and pre fer it to more pretentious, but less efficacious medicines- But it should not be forgotten, th.ajt the agent which is so magical in its influence upon a frame which is merely de bilitated, is equally powerful in assisting nature to expel the most terrible forms of disease. ' Who will uot give it a trial? Sold by druggists .and dealers evL-rywhero, *3* advcj tisement in another column. fcS- *’ O n TIUT me skin of ah innocent sheep should ba made into parchment, and written on to the undoing of a man: - ’ quoth Shakxpeare. Ho might also have deplored the ruining of men’s forms by tflie nnconth manner in' which some ungracious tailors butcher up the clotli mtiis from tho wool grown by theec.same harmless sheep. To see the perfection of the art of working up cloth wisely' and well, and so as to set off to tfe best advantage the forma of its wearers, call at the Brown Stouo.Clothing Hall of RockhUl 4 Wilson, NoS. 603 and 605 Chestnut St., above Sixth, Phila. and examine their stock of garments for gent lemen and youths. ’ i’ ; rjWIE UNDEBB IGXE D WOULD in(j.nuhi B old CUH- S£S« SE£* CLOTHS, Cassimeres, . * ND vestings, which ho 13.n0w offering for gale. SSS saaas iSiiP 1 b^GOO#?- snratftDrawew, 8 ! Stock* YM » ADK Cl '9 Tl ”^o Boots and Shoafc apd everything kept In an establishments* theklndrpqW which ho offcrsat nnprocedeutedly low prices forcssh, Having purchased low °° k at Cft! ° P r * ces > he is to Sell very . invitis nil Oiose in want off anything Jn his line to grve him acall, foelincWuro that be will bo ablb to rive satisfaction. ( I. ■ HEKRY^Df# Altoona, Sept. 30|f858.-tf M “? TLCK - fySTSTEESf OYSTERS! OYSTERS' bio standard. They wi)l^crea|t«r ; be servtd° ' f^rc^&^ey or way. at prices Dec.l7.tt) * logan HonscfHolfj^hnrfe. CwSkJ? A^ S > TRUNKS, UM- A mewcSS .? T 4 PATENT J.X. HfiDICIKSS AD - KBSSLBIt’SV WEST ALTOONA ; ORBERB FOR f htmTUPp Of AKTKWDw AT SHORTEST Notion _Hfa workmen are hßknowladg*rfn.t ,~ AGJ^ ?%e vary best -work net Malting, ‘ Ut «- «n«M. w “GO T 0 IIOUSE-KEEPISGv Cull oh him at at bb room hi Loadon«.!i’i Plank Road. #,»r a COFFINS MADE TO ORhpn November 11, ISSB. , TASK'S METALIG BIiRUT. r . X? SES,—Thb b a how article in tiiti JL.c 1 ' ‘ country, although extensively iu th« t!!?™ 'h. a sure protection against ' MATER-AlfD VER.lfjy and possess many other'advantages 0 »,. r n* ' (ln». Tiic remains of tho lamented CUy • •■'•■won Were encased in these cases. aftt * « £f!Sl£ g For sale by November 11, 18S8 G-RE AT OPENING OF SPRING AND SUMMER Cm CE) t2> raq ER T B. IfILEMAN HAS JUST Rf -the iiort'Ules in UWKU, A/f IdA. IFVSL a uts *■ OEttlK.% LACKS, ami texture* of together with a full lusortiueut of goniblbr wear, such an Cloths, Cawlmeroa and ‘ AUo a full stock of Hardware, Uma nXaad GROCERIES, and an Mftortmo'nt of BOOTS. SHQES, OAITORS. ic , of an cir.es ana styles, which canal to ' , and will i w *,ld llt fi, ir prices/ ’“* u "»-wark.t. Having recently enlargctl my store-room i „ dispjay my largely Increased stock to U ttjr . " uml would ros|>cctfully invite everybody tb call atKM * u i< May 12,1859. . J DR HERSHEY’K CELEBRATED Worm Syrup, TP THE PUBLIC. A FTER A TRIAL of over TEN years /X.. I" private practice, the subscriber is prepared i„ H ‘o' 1 " !»“»»«** “ WORM SYKtli* which bis It™ tit to perform cures where others have been given ia lain i is beyond dispute the most pleasant and effectual n~L. tion of the kind ever offered for sale. p It performs its cures safely, speedily, and effecta-dl, • io jurlug the nervous system in no wise—unlike, iu thiirll pect, to the Pink RodUnd Turpentine preparations-*!*- does it contain mercury in any shape or form- lotu . purely vegetable production, and so harmless iu'itssrii that the moat delicate infant may-take it. **“ J It is one of the best and most gentle purgatives that administered to children, in case, oven, Shere mWorTt exist, end w nil that may bo required, in nine cases out of ten. to restoi* the deranged condition of the digestive J gaiis so frequently met during childhood; and uve childiea from severe spells of sickness, or convulsions. Those Physicians who llavo used it are perfectly del.cbv ed with it, and use it in-preference to any other ptviars'kia ever offered. 1 Manufactured mid Sold Wholesale and Retail at \ w Corner 1 north and Ocorgo St., Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale by A. BODSUi U NEW GROCERY FEED AND pro vision STORK. The subscriber would respectfully inform th. cith.m „r Altoona and vicinity that hs has opened* storeoflhoabovo kind, near the corner of AduUne and Julia streets, hut Altoona, where ho will keep constantly on hand atoll sun ply of everything in Uls line. Hiq groceries are all fresh and will bo sold at prices as low as thus U any other establishment in town. Uis stock of provision! consisting of - _ ' ' Flour, Hams, Sfiouldcrs, Sides, Ac. will bo sold a little cheaper than they can be honzht ear Avhorc elee. His Floor Is,obtained from the best mills lit the Western part of the State, agii is warranted to be what it Is represented. l aud ° f FevJ for hom3 > cows and hogs, always ou 1 intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all times be ablb to supply my customers with whatever Ui* t may need, and I intend also to sell at prices which will make it a saving to those who patronize my store. Jnly*2i 185S-3m. v HESRT BELL. SPECIAL AN NOUNGEMEMT • .men tot Quaker City Publishing House 1 Catalogues, NEW, UN LARGED AND KEVISED—XOW READY FOE DISTRIBUTION, Siqtf Hor Inducements U> the -Pnbhr: i ~ow HU ' l sure Plan for obtaining GOLD an 1 SII V ERA' ATCUEs I , and other valuable Prizes. F'. Ipart!:- titans giVin in Catalogues, which will he sent free to all upon application. }^ n “b!e Gifts, worth from 50 cts. to $lOO, GUANAS TEED tu each purchaser. |lOO,OOO in Gifts bars been dis tributed to my patrons within the past six months—sl3o,- 000 to Iw distributed during the next six mouths. The Inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having been in tlje Publishing add Bookselling tnsincsi for the.last eight years, my oipcrlenee enables mr to can duct tho Gift. Enterprise with thagroatest natlsfacliso ts all. AOENTe- WANTED in every Town and Connty. For foil particulars address PHASE RCLISOS, Quaker City Publishing House,,33 South Titlrd St. Sept. !51, ’5O-tm. ' Philadelphia, Pa Bed lion hotel, ALTOOXA, BLAIR COVXTV. PA This old established and popular UOTKL, locab:J neatly opposite the place of stopping tho-paasenger cars in Altoo na, bos passed Into the hands of the 'present proprietor.— Long experience in Upi business warrants me in Msaring tho travelling public thst no pains will be spared to twist guestaas comfortable as posable while sojourning under my roof. " " the TABLE will constantly ba (applied with the very, best the market affords. - ; " ' . The BAR will l>o found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice beta rage I.AGBR BKER. The STABLE is In charge of an cxctlK-uC sod osperi euced Os-tler.' Tlie proprietor hopes, by his long experience in ;hu»me» and the facilities at iris coniajand, to make the Kt-J thm. in all respect** first claksTfoleL The bosinws »f |!ic Hotel will bo muter myowupe mono 1 supervision. A libera) share of public patronage is kindly noHicitH. JOaN U'. aCHWEIOERT, Propria*. May 19, 1859.-H i- * mo THE PUBLIC,—THE SUB A, SCBIBBH wouldraapectfiiilv announce « to the citizen* of Altoona ana ricinity. that he iffß baaopcoodn . MfljVi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (BhL TW, SJiE£T-IJiOX WAXJEI6 STOVE tin Helen etroot, between Annie and Julia street*, Bait Al toona, whate ha will keen oonetawtly on band alargo *»• ■urtraent of everything In hi* llnevwhich he will dI*P»»» of on reasonable terms. B.OOFINGU & SPOTJTINO PW VP 00 notice. lie. ftlsamaimficturc# X»w p^ which is said to bo roach superior to g*»* van teed sbeet-iron or tin, -•- • * • . A!k kinds of job woi k promptl y attends {o, A ib**® ** public patroimg* Is solicited. ■ SAiIU£L I. FBU23.' Oct. 27th, rMMf. ' : , ; V • AYER’S CHEEKY PECTORAL. . K. B/SEttEßS’lmpetoCOTgli SjrflPi iloojlantfa Gtrman. J&ters,.; i \ ‘ Sarkavd* ' Holland'Bititi'i, Sandford't Liver Invijyotdlor, 1 Jilocd Seecrther, Clarke't Female Pille, Puponco's Goldtn PM*> Wrioht% Ayer's, JR faon%tnidscLan< > s Pilb> ’ ' Perry Daviaf Pain Killed, - : r Ma(chtU's FouT/oldLmimenl, Mtii^n % Mrvt lmid J3one Lenimtni, instore wul lot M]e«t Sept. 2, WM-tt] . A. KOOBITB »ni« Stort- BEST QUALUr OF Apply to - .. 4. SHQWAJWy: ISAAC CROMER, Albania, l'». tfiss *•» V. r V v^jT&w-' ■rfW*' >■/ s§nSp^i isfflpk* l tfala, IWff- „ M?tTCU of th« Vaitaii u. which, ♦•lt* broofMln A i 1 retuif|hU*im bandOOCHUmu ‘'dudeh&da" receipt* were Jodgeoof Ihi pUpoon th« 2( 1L Cromer,. of d0n0r*..... Hon Boturdoj loot, mandi^U.... <, ( arrived in Son 1 on eqfcrprising of Bioireoanty woUffc- (vilued CoantJrSaperiu regordfor him i broted iti. non week, with » 8u tb*t p1»00......t JaTeottWhave mow on Jnlin school It dumist hill MfMn tb low degree, tnd tbeygodpna “ (peo£....;A shot theWeitond of hunt, «n the hill tdlfdttne npon “drt# Wibead,” dovnt^igame. co«i>ki'«fiunter dozianibbUi—t Goodfrrthein t trectfdin front. a dufeabl* impr ?o*t (Msco aftt s I «nd ntii dtpot, with frit best apt ■uthttailo# ,wm( to eoaplate a StaHtfUrjtfcoT •w bo remembei »nd makaott firei “frwo,’* aadE no i SHop-frtmso.- hat i •*•1 »Mtaaoes, wi they mlaaed n wwttar by a pen to thtift, All tl thei t * ien L Shortly u w | equ b y w *fll any me K*k«ti>sww in t bicb o > : '4V« S •fNctod I «q with the 2* *•*«& for o nL w^‘i»«u e v L «frfkaa-b«cn t 4S fl ‘ bte? tc OOQU\i Bn vSjSratetiyirei