' ! lEWS. York;, continue tg llrltbh PedodlflUg, [Ciuucrratlro}. (Whig). EW W (Liberal). ' ? MAGAZINE (T^j). , hc thr «>*»t^is^. Tory ri: character; li Science, LiteS&T ■< they ever have ttood. ■•iiifi considered ladU csaionai man, whilejl* '« they furiiieh a taota .> current literature of in cua bo peuibly oh- m tlie JlrHiali trablUh. Keprlnta, inaunueh aa • uf shbic fiber* about ft tel V 7 OB ».« - . ft ou • c . * 00 ■ .7,00 ?.oo 10 Ou \fums never StUad linen given in vain. It r.nd effectual pr*paro- It, and effectually; lu ■■e—unlike, in thto r*o-» Uue preparation*—nor,* mpe »r form; bnt to o ■ hannloes in it* a.Uon it. tin purgatives that oan . even,where no,fforai* cJ, in nine case* out of bin nf the dlgoitiv*or- UJhood; and aave yov i-s 4, or convuUion*. it are perfectly dellgh|> .o any other preparation do end Reta&*tJ(f>W* .iideiphla. Pa. v. uunsiiKT,«. ». an, I’n. i IED AND PRQ- y inform the cttbui of wmed a store oftheabare mul Julia stmts, Risk .ally oh hand aftll lhp- IE S price* a* low aa those of in* stock oTprowtoUau, crs r - Sides, -r> nanulactnresL* B ®?* : e much Superior »•**: utteii'ied to. A jhjlS^ SAJICEL I. yW* B ’ 7 FOII SALE U;S Oil the BCCOUiI floor, US OF ADjft. ,-K,ntod by‘b«o?Spr. on the Altoona, P^anfis?Sto ‘ ’ MC 1.-nlicated and rewtr, t her rcsldcnc*, to of :. ii j.ogim township, -mj, tide. on.or Ixdbro theH^ 6l! i.-r-oushnowlng®^, e .. Aified to tuMAl^dmmtrntrl?. rs: -F Hr i^ the citizens pi FEE CLOTgfc to order onjlhort “/OU^O’BO^- olianpe of v ofHatnwaa^T? WjAi.i, scHIP 1 •«. -kC : *** HAIW OfcW*! ■ MOl • U*n «■• \ A« «X«; gswaffi «*r*^. u s i-k , 7 20 P.M. VZ> ‘‘ . f T 35 •< njlH»y* bar * the tnuwqßtiaii of biuinew from 7.00 A M "X* ■*»■ to 8.60 oV ’ s ' ifOHN SDOKHAKBR, P. M. schedule. * _ *rrlvM 9,22 P.M., le»T«« 9,i0 P. M. - .. y ai t Ii.4QA.M< 8,00 A.vil* (Hi “ s 8,43 I*. M., « #,06 P. M. « “ iUS A. M.- « ,11,85 A. 51. 0 : n"t ■< fr&P.X., « 7.48 P.M. ' ,at r mAYSBUBO PRAN'CB connect* wlthExprese TM W«t, withal ail Train KaatandWeat, and t* ia *" £.1.1,1 BaatwarJ and Weatward. , rti nHASCII conuecU wlthJohmtown iod VA U*pr«M Train Waatand Mail JO3 -" "* === LOCAL ITEMB. , TXIOS. A. SCOW, \0 Papke- Next Week.—According to the ‘ a °i caftom among newspaper publishers, no M er w iH be issued from this office next week. J bo jg as well ns onrsekea haTe been soverc taiked’with workduring;theh««ewniqnthB, we f4el U*at all bahds . TUB C*^sß?A«ost— Thdwany . .last : a iroud ds/.ftr tie people par [icalsrly w to those who took to active part in rttUng op thedemonstration. Those who opposed affair most haw 1 felt somewhat chagrined when they observed the little .effect their oppo litioa had upon the people. With bat.few ex teptiona, the people of Altoona considered it light and proper that the introduction of such B oJem improvements as gas iand water, into] a torn only ten years old, should be properly gel tbrated, consequently they determined it should t* done, and it was done right handsomely,much tg the credit of the tpwa and inhabitants. The op Wednesday afternoon, ibit three of the bijass hands engaged fdr the ttcuion, viz: Millerttown, Newport and Bloom [,],]. wo uld arrive on; the evening trains, stirred ap the people, and on. the arrival of th»-' Mail Tnio the depot was crowded with old and young. The UiUerstown and: Bloomfield bands arrived (j this train and were taken charge of by the committee appointed for the purpose and escor ted to quarters provided for them, die former at ffhite Hall Hotel, ami the latter at J. Dcrno’a ■Mansion House,” each discoursing, music.— he Newport baud arrived on the Fast. Line, and its greeted by a large crowd. Forming inline, they struck qpanajr and proceeded to ne quarters assigned them at Col. Wood’s Al wua House. During the. evening the Bloomfield end Newport bands complimented the general (jpnriotcudcnt and Mr. Burkholder with a seren ue. Quite a number, of strangers arrived on the evening trains, the presence of whom, and ii« music of tho and ex pectations of our citizens, imd-had theeffect to mr ap those who had been somewhat indifferent ibjattho matter. ■!, -■> ; * ; "v Thursday morning -dawned upon us, : bright, ititttiful, and bracing. Notwithstanding the bi uag propensities of - Jaqk JFcqsti thestreotswere tire with people lopg bcfqro the hour fori the irrival of the Express Train ■ which wap to bring in the Scott Band of Mifflin and Patterson. -The win arrived on schedule time, bringing, with it tiw expected band and several cor loads of visi on. The band was escorted to quarters n Bowmans Exchange, Hotel. An extra train of four cars was run from Huntingdon to' this place, folio wing the! Express Train, and arriving iboat an hour later: This train brought the Huntingdon Band apd as many visitors os could «!ivbe picked into.it. The band was quarter ed »t the “Logan Rouse.” The Fast Line from lit West and tbs Hollidaysburg train, arriving lathe morning, alaoibrought quite a crowd of vis itora. Later in the day the people from .the country arouud began to pour into.town, and the number was increased by the arrival of the Hollida ysburg Train, which brought in five full ur loads, together with Van Tries’ Cornet Band, »hicb was escorted, to quarters at Geo. B. Cra nw’a. . , Agreeably to the “Orders of the Pay,” the trass bands met in front of the “Logan House” ‘t 1 o’clock, and proceeded from thence, under ■he directions of the Marshal’s Aids, to escort die various companies, Lodges, &c., into rankr, 2 o’clock the procession was completely formed in the following order 1 Chief Marshal and Aids, Altppna Brass-Band. Soldiers of the War of 1812. Soldiers of the Mexican War. Martial Band. Altoona Guards. Logan Rifle Bangers. Van Tries Cornet Band. Good Will .Engine and Hose Company. Huntingdon Brass Band. Mountain Lodge, No. 281, A. Y. M. Scott Brass Band. Altoona Lodge; No. 473,1. ,0. of 0. F. Newport Brass Band. Winnebago Tribe, No. 85, I. 0. R. M. Millerstovn Brass Band. , "whington Camps; No. Jl, 31, 45, 64, 69, 60, ]r: s. a. . P - j Bloomfield Brass Band. : Boiler-maken from Altoona Shops. procession then proceeded over . the route •*ni down in the programme previously pub- and halted ip front of the Logan House, ♦b«re an address, Appropriate to -the occasion, ddWered byCoLL. W. Holl; bntfte crowd 80 great that wo could not got close though * } die stand to btfar more than a few wordnof * At the closp til the address theprocession *•* dismissed. f |Wp had notan to the rnunblr %f >&ose in the proepaaion, but *** it [ following a£p fte names and Ages pf fte wiers of 1812, nme in number, wno appeiMd ** Precession Daniel Cramer,. agediigty- J-.Qtori o of Hol- J»hurg,si*tyfpnr; Mr.sixty-five; ’ Afiolphos Hall, sixty-four | and John Daniel Gtamer. ahtodlas marshal for ‘‘‘reurans. . "1.: ttpa who |ia«. a IfiiuthaiTCjWlt toward them.—, batoki rnedtheir batlla ''«Ub in' ■««.€' l «ia :’ ; Afttr :had servedrh *h6 kciifeahTffcr. pbrey, who commanded Company Ik [ Secbndiße-; gimont Pennsy iTaniaVplunteers, in|dexico, act ,ed as Marshal. The.flag in the possession of the Jackson Independent Blues, while in was carried by'Mr. -John Condo, of'this place. Another dog,>much torn,.and riddled with-bul let-holes which was impossessioii of Company 8., Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers in Mexico,, was borne by Maj. R. J. .Crazier, a Mex ican soldier.. ■-v.vVl'l ;' Next in order oaiino the Cood Will Engine and Hose Company. The Engine and reel was hand somely decorated with wreaths, .banners and flags. Two grey horses were attached to the en gine to draw it, when the prade«d.on first form ed, but being anaccastoined to so"much music and excitement} they became balky and were detached'fram it. There were aomb sixty mem bers of the. company inprootfsaion, in citizens* dress, wearing glazed -oaps' iahd a belt with a plate in front on whichthe:,name qf the compa- ny is engraved. : i [ The. Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men and Ju nior Sons of America followed in regular order and made amost impoaingappearanco. The Ju nior Sons carried an almost innumerable num ber of banners,' wreaths and flogs, some of which were very handsome; i Bringing ap the rear.came the boiler-makers: from the Altoona shop#. Qpawagon drawn by two horses they had a boiler and furnace, with two boys heatipg,:two men driving, apd one hold ing on rivetsi Behind the wagon came some 15 or 20menfrom'the shop, op foot They attract ed a great deal of attention. The failure pf several military companies to comply with their previous promises, rendered the display in this particular less imposing than wo bad anticipated, but we think the people of Altoona have'the more reason to be proud of it, because it was almost entirely local. No other town in the State, wo say with pride, apd with out fear of contradiction, can get up such a dis play within itself. That our boast was not an idle one, when we said our people did nothing by halves, and our town was no “one horse” concern, was fully jgrpven to all who attended the celebration. The ceremony of turning on the gas and wa ter was performed By Mountain Lodge of Ma sons, who left the procession as it was being drawn_up in front of the “Logan House.”— Speeches were made by W. M., Geo. fi. Cramer, aud others. But the grandest display of the occasion is yot to be noticed; if that of the day and even ing will boor comparison. Between six and aevea o’clock, our streets resounded with the ma rie of the brass bands which were out serena ding in different localities. One after another the lights appeared.in the windows of houses in all.parts of the town, and by seven o’clock our streets.presented a beautiful appearance, being almost as light as day. We fear to risk a notice of particular houses or places of business, lest we should not do justice to all, as’jt appeared to us that each vied with the other in render ing the display * attractive. The shops of the Company were illuminated by over two thou sand lights, placed in various shapes in the win dows and cupolas. The belfry of the shops was lighted up with signal lanterns—red, white and blue—hung in rows around the open space, and large locomotive head-lights were placed in the dials immediately underneath the belfry, the .whole forming a most magnificent sight. To G. W. Sparks, Esq.; foreman, of the tinsmithing department, belongs the credit of this arrange ment. The residence of Thos. A. Scott, (ijen. Sup’t P. B. 8., and the offices connected therewith, were brilliantly illuminated with gas and can dles. Gas burners were placed in front of each window and covered with different colored globes and the word “WELCOME,” in blue gas letters, describing a semi-circle, wae placed In front of the building, the Whole forming a . varied and g orgeous display, worthy of the man, the place and the occasion, and.was universnlly*adroired. The residence of W. H. Wilson, Resident En gineer, P. B. 8., presented a beautiful appear ance. The two nipper stoiries, in front, wore il luminated With candles, and quite a number of different colored lights Were hung around the porticoes below. The back part of the house, whioh could be plainly seen from theutreet, was brilliantly, lit up within, and each light of glass in the window covered with different colored pa per. It attracted a .full shareof attention. The new three story building erected by C. Jaggard, for a store room and halls, was illu minated -in every window, making the street in front almost-as light as day. The Masonic Temple, (three-story) was lighted up in the same maimer. In front of Geo. A. Ogelsby’a gas fit ting and plumbing shop, was a beautiful blue gas star, the workmanship . of which reflected credit on the establishment. In front of the residence of B,- F. Bose, Esq,, appeared the word “ GAS” in blue gas letters, which came in fbr afullahare of admiration. The drug store of G. W; Kessler was illuminated with Carbon oil lamps, wbioh reflected -much light upon the pWcpt jwfi credit .PH?® 1 ,&« owner. The Altoona Bowman’a fiaihmagei White Hall Hotel, Mansion House. And in fact fill ftp Hotels and places Ftfe 1 V* l be iii us to particnlarly refer to any offtemunless ?!• noticed ,aU; Andto j)o bo more fte4oWnat 80’clock, as seen from tip htUs pn fioyond description.-- Bmflng atttlfistime the brass bands. Vtreets aid serenading ip Jf- iV t npt-ln ypix Vohftt jle strains with music. 1 i':. bal loon. 20 feet lang jup.i 10 feet In diameter, manufactured by some oipihe ‘ygung men abcut' ftp |p &t>m'4be^gTa|nmeofthedaj,- • About the? same Ifinie a beautiful display hf fire works iedi|'{toee.'fr(tt -the verandah of theL»~ gap. House, attracting. hm kuaMuecrowd to witn»ss thetn.| werealsomade from differentotherplnesi in tbe town. A crowdiof .hoys,: ho the number of shine 40 or 50, .collected all the-etore boxes,.barrels, and whatevercombustible material they could lay their hands oh, and taking it to the top of the hill above Wei|tAltjpOna, lighted a tremendous bonfire, and did*ny amount of yelling. While all these sights were to be seen, ano ther scene waa-beingienaeted, which was a fit climax to the sights and scenes of the day and evening—we refer {hje torch light procession.— At about httlf past ; seven o’clock the Marshal and his aid aiioeeedhd in getting together all those who intended: poking part in this perfor mance, and although the number in rank was small, they folly made up for the deficiency in comicalities. Proihihent in the procession wore four or five Carts ahd wagons with bonfires built upon them, fallowed by men carrying picks, shovels, &c., representing the appearance of Altoona some ton yepra ago, when the railroad was building, and some of the men were em ployees of the Company at that time. Qn .a banner, borne by one of the men in the proces sion, was a representation of the first house in Altoona, or rather the old 'farm house which was occupied by the person who owned the land on which the town is built. (Tho house is still standing, but presents a rather dilapidated ap pearance.) The odds of the banner bore the fob lowing inscriptions “ Population' of Altoona in 1859—4,600”—j* 1 perseverence and Industry Worketh i There were other banners and but we.did not learn the in scriptions, thereon. The procession was loudly cheered-as it passed the crowds collected at the different street corners. It was accompanied by tho MiUerstown and Altoona Brass Bands. ' About half-past seven o’clock in the evening, the cry of fire woe raised and -the fire alarm struck upon shop bell, whereupon the Fire Co. had their engine and reel out in a few minutes and took them up Virginia street at 2,40 speed. Luckily, it proved to be a false alarm, and the Good Will boys were deprived an opportunity of testing the merits of their 'machine, and re turned with it at a slower pace than they start ed out. No accidents of any consequence resulted from the illumination, and the articles most in, demand the next morning were warm water and soap. The Hollidayiburg, Newport, and part of the Huntingdon Jfiapd, together with the greater part of the strangers in town, left on the even ing and by it) o’clock our streets were almost deserted; It was generally remarked that there were fewer intoxicated persons to be seen on the day of the celebration, than would bare been found in a gathering of equal num bers in any of the-ißurroanding towns; and we are glai to have it to say that we did not see or hear of a breach of the peace occurring in any part of the town. passed off in the most harmonious manner. All who came to see and hear were perfectly satisfied, and were loud in praise of the display of the day and evening. Lecture by Bishop Simpson.— We are pleas ed to be able to announce that Bishop Simpson, of the M. E. Church, will deliver a lecture on Palestine, nr the Holy Land, in the Methodist Church, in this place, on Tuesday evening next, December 27th. Having lately spent several months traveling through that country he will be able to speak of it and the people as he seen them. I As a ministejr of the gospel he is ac knowledged to be second to none in the coun try ; possessing grpat descriptive powers, and a master mind well stored With knowledge which will render his : lecture instructive and enter taining. To those who have ever heard him preach, he needs no recommendation at our hands, as they will consider it almost a duty to attend his lecture.; i No one who attends his lec ture on Tuesday evening next can possibly re gret it. Tickets 25 cents. To be had of Rev. S. Creighton, falter C. Roe, at the Logan House, D. T. Caldwell, at the Bank, Thos. El way, Q. W. Kpssler, J. & J. Lowther, and at the Tribune office. ; Is TowN.-r-lir. Jonathan Fodlit, Colporteur of the American Tract Society, is now in town with asj handsome;and cheap a lot of books as were over offered to the people of this place.— His Gift Books'for the Holidays are very appro priate, and all who desire to make a really val uable present of this kind should at once call at Jacob Spyder’s Tailor Shop, corner -of Main and Annie streets, and get a book. He has beautifully illustrated Bible Dictionaries which ore worth ten times the price he asks for them, to those who ,read : their Bibles. We would ad vise parents to make their selections of presents for tholr chlldren jfljom Mr. stock. He will temain for sevpral weeks, and intends visiting all the families; in the place. . EdlitobiAt. Visxtoes.—On Thursday last, quite {a number of the* editorial fraternity were in toiirn to see the sights and take notes of the celebration. Among those whom wo m|t were; Nash, ;of the Hnntihgdon Journal and gmavan, \ Speer, of .the Huntingdon Union, Hartzel, of thePLttSburgh Dispatch, Foster and Atkinson, of the Commercial Journal, Pittsburgh, and W. S. Campbell, formerly of 1 the Juniata Sentinel Judge' Jones, of the Register, Trough, of 7 the Standard, ■ Raymond, of the Whig, MoPikcf bf thw Johnstown Rcko, and Keenan, |bf ,the Democrat, were also in town.'i— Quite of beggars.” •' ... ; gumption,vDfc' jreipmnil ifero conveyed to the Lutheran Church on Ssinday wh«re »n. flenpoa bythe after which they: were followed to . their last lasting place, in the a largeCloak«,whith ofn bd had at the Kodef. ■ < - ; 'fitful DIED- HO LJnAYJUFJJSi “ Christmas comes hut onco a year,' v And when it comes it brings good cheer.” The shock “of an earTh quake was felt throaghsat the country upon tb«Ar met of more then ONE THOUSAND ACttES of new and splendid Books for the Holidays, interspersed WITH HUNDREDS OF COEDS of School Books at reduced prices, enit THOUSANDS OP BUSHELS of Stationery and small articles, comprleing every varMty and kind imaginable. ■- THUNDER SQUALLS of Music and Masical Instrumental SS3 m <3O OP S 3 of Musical Toys sod SMALL SPRINKLING of Toney Articles, for sols at cost I Superior Trench, Gor man and Italian Violins and Bows which must he kept separate or they will go to playing. None of your corn stalk fiddles! Spanish Guitars Just arrived from Spain ahd the Spanish Provinces, Flutes, Fifes, Accordeons, Banjos, Tamhoriues, etc. Ac, Also the agency for the Best manu factured Pianos ami Melodcons. *i. Come and sovl No charges for examination. Politeness and decorum tlio order of my room. • ' ■ : Remember the place, Virginia Street, opposite the Tri bune office. HERMAN SMITH. Altoona, Dec. 20, ’fid. , OUR MUSICAL FRIEND, A RARE Companion for the Winter Months. s Every Pianist, Should procure this weekly Every Singer, Publication of'Vocal and Every Teacher, Piano Forte Music, coat- Evory Pupil, ing but TEN ' cents a Every Amateur, number, and pronounced By the entire press of the country, to be best and cheapest work of the kind in tbs World.” Twelve full-sired pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for 10 cents. Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, 2;soQuarterly, $1,25. x Subscribe to “Onr Musical Friend,” cr order it from the nearest Newsdealer, and you will. Lave Music enough lor your entire family at »n insignificant Mat; and ifyouwant music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet. Clarionet, Accord eon, Ac., Ac., subscribe to the SOLO MELODIST, coptajuing 12 pages, costing only tks cents! a mjmdjui ; YxaBLT, $2,50; Halp-Yeabiv, $1,26. All the back numbers at JO ets, and bound volumes, containing 17 numbers, at $2.60 each, con stantly on hand. C. B. SEYMOUR A CO- Dec. 22, 1359.-3 m. 10T Nassau fit, N Y. r IAUTION. —EXTRACT FROM 01}- DINANCE No. 13. entitled •’An Ordinance for the batter regulation of tbo peace l and order of the Borough of Altoona”;— *‘Sec._ 6. That any person who shall wilfully deface or tear down handbills, notices, ordinances or posters, in pub lic places, within tcu days from the time of putting them up. or shall break, mutilate or injure any fruit or ornamen tal tree or shrub upon the side-walks of any other place in the Borough, tno person so offending shall, npsu being convicted thereof, pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars,and m default of payment thereof, shall bo confined In the "Lock Up” house not exceeding forty eight hours.” Notice is hereby given that the-above ordinance will bo strictly enforced in reference to the bills posted np by the Altoona Gas and Water-Company, Dec. 22, ’69.-3t. * B. F. ROSE, Sec’if. THE CITIZENS OF ALTOONA AND I vicinity who visit Hollidnysbnrg should pot fsil to call at the “Model” Book and Variety Store of 3. C. WEST in Allegheny street, nearly opposite the American House.— Mr. WEST has just received a large and endless: vaylety of the most handsome Books, Toys, Ac., ever brought to this part Of the country. His stock consists principally in Abn ey Gfi Boots; American, French and Italian Toys; Orna ment! J Baskets of every shape and pattern; Mantle Orna ments; Stereoscopes, with an endless variety of views, col ored and plain; a splendid assortment of Jewelry, so that all who desire to make Holiday presents Cannot Mil to be pleased. He bus something new in the way of ornaipents for a Christmas Tree, which are unsurpassed. IBs window alone is an ornament to the town and a curiosity worth see ing. Every thing is sold as cheap as they can he purchased In the Eastern cities. Ail arc invited to coll and examine, Dec. 22. 1359.-2 C, T?OR GOUGES, COLDS, PAINS IN B the Breast, Hoarseness, etc., there nothing superi or tp the INDIAN VEGETABLE COUGH BALSAM. It is a medicine highly valued fur its pleasant taste, safe and rapid and sure cure of all bad Colds, Coughs ,Pains. Chilly and Feverish Sensations in the system. The united testi mony of all who have used this invaluable Balaam, pro nounce it of superior merit, and one of the safest and best medicines in the country. This Balsam can lie had at the store of . in Altoona; Col. F. Bell. BcU’sMills: and at J. Snyder’s Drug Store in Hollidayehurg. Doc. 22. lS5a.-at.pd. IVTOTLCE.—NOTICE .IS HEREBY _L vi given to all persons interested, that ah application was made at the last term of the Conrt in Blah - county, for a charter of incorporation for the let Baptist Church in' Altoona, and that the Conrt directed a notice of such appli- cation to be given, and declared that if no sufficient reason: be shown to the contrary at the January terra oi said Court the charter of incorporation will be granted. * Dec.'22,1559.-31. ‘ A. REES. PROPOLALS FOR BUILDING A CHURCH, will be received by the undersigned until the 31st of December next. Plans and Specifications nuty bo scon at my office. JOHN A. WRIGHT, Chairman Buitding Cbmmittee. Freiuom Forge, near Lcwistown. Defc. 22, 1559.-21. LYON’S Fore Ohio Catawba Brandy. rpilE UNIVERSAL PREFERENCE which is given to this brand shows that it is the only PUKE BRANDY for ' i MEDICINAL PURPOSES known, which is folly corroborated by all practicing phy sicians who have usecPitin their practice. For Summer Complaints with Children, A Pure is guaranfiid nr the money Mill be re-' funded, as it will effectually relieve that affliction,-as well as Diarrhoea & Bowel Complaint. AS A BEVERAGE, The pure articib is altogether 'superior, and a sovsrehm and SURE REMEDY for ' ft Dispepsia, Flatulency, Cramp,' Colie,’. Languor., Low Spirits, General Debility, Ferpeuf ness, Lioer Complaint, etc. ■ Physicians, who have need it In their practice} speak pf it in the-must flattering tertnaV as will ho seoii mrelerecce to the numerous letters and *‘rtlficate*. -4 f A. HAST i CO-j Proprietors, Cincinnati. - A. ROtTSH, Sole Wholesale ami RetaU Agent for Dlafrconntv. Nov. 10,1859. . '■ /, V ;; : / \ l : :. PRIVATE SALE.—THE IiOUSB'& JL' I Bait adrertisenlent of Bammccton Lands in another bolttnin. ' \ : ! ' ■ * • ■ ' • ■ v ■■ ■ -«• - •' —V Planks gp all descriptions ■ aacectited at jhiaefflce. ' u -V rt •-rr r- •£ •-; *•/• ••■ Iff. ! " $40.00 l*y» inUw Iron City CoUec^3^*lf«pi* taut and but cW Schol ia the Qaltad 3t»tM. F*ar Xatfe Halls, Far Oaaotomlkt lfcok-K«pto« M(4 . • Xectmrc*. •-* /■■■ X7«o»l tine toooapleto> ftaircotmo, ftoa 6 tolO ( Bttj4»nt, open graduating, Is gttareat««*h l fcrowlateot~ajfa» afar tare. Also, lUUD\VARE, thriving tojjfa like Altoona. . ’i,”. All he asks is that (ite pehbUijtfl'tt&t oiamiile hia stocks which ho will at all times.takapleoafire'W 'sb'otring, ana he teele confident that ho cad soqd’thcA Stray rojoluhg.tf not in the purchase of Just such an article as theywantoo, at the remembrance of having looked hpoti tho est stock of Uoods over exhibited in the tows. Altoona, Ocjt. 20, 1859. v Look out fob ywb A poet dire* the following advfceifoyolingown «* going to parties: , ; In going to parties, jnst mind . ‘ Be warn of your bead and’ take caroof rpurllATi Boast yon nnd that a ferorjte ion of yopf iiStitt", 'V. Uus an ache in .the one and a brick iff the eth**.- 1 rtr Speaking about hat* and headset to ehtocribkr troald respectfully announce that heha* Jpet tetmied-frOth fled city with a largo and well selected stock of Hen tod JBsy»' hats •mr o AND M -,,ADti':; CAPS. FOR FALL AAD r ol orery color and shape. Also, a good assorttne^Baf' BABIES AND MISSES tVBM; & of different varieties; all of which will bosild CHEAP FOR GASH. H Person* in want of anything intbkaipfiHUiVMl please gfvn me a Cali before purchasing JTaol determined to sellat the terj lowest posalbUprlCel*. V. ■ ~ Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran ehtrtßh. Altoona, April 28, 1850-tC. JBS3B R T BO D Y.— TSChOSURES.—D t. TEf :R'ser«Uworkfcrtbsmar- ted, or for-those cootempter fSS&fifi tloall parte bfrdef sewSfr • ail, POSTPAID/ tie* told the Itit igle, married, and lift jaMr* -ed Mapitf.’ A teafifevetf ' iorf, or how to ChoeSe Wpgttit -r; a complete ■wit fc otf M .fcry. it hutdrate. jhcd—warranted to , b»Wolrth .'•1 fur,it, 25 penfaJP ipfttle or postage stamps enclosed, will secure'acopy tf mjwarty DR. TEDDER has devoted a Ufetime.de the ettre ordfit ease on which his books treat. Address J. tM.IEByM.Dj No. 6 Beaver struct, Albany, N. V. . ;■ •• • *boS, with'faU tftrtttioWi Married ladies should not tiso them. Sent by mail, id* J dress Dr. Teller, as above. AprllUt^’6My< Stoves, Tin & ShectlrouWare, SPOUTING, &G. JAS.W. RIGG WOULD RB-^ sped fully inform the cittern* and vicinity that ho keeps constantly on largo assortment of Choking, Parlor, Office andyß^lß' Shop Sfovte, of all stylo* and atee*, to suit tho Hi4-J* want* of all, which ho will’ sell at aide term*. r- He also kcepson hand a largo stockof Tin and Shed' Iron Ware, consisting of all article* lor culinary Owl auflJM, Stott etc. : ' f"; He ha* algo purchased tho r’gfit oif sale in Shdr’eoeatfc of K. T. JONES’ * IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFS*, 4 an lnTention ttiich deed* only to he' seen to be annroeta and should he jwssessedtby every tmetl butiHer or thoee requiring soch a macliioc. ■ * -1 . Particular attention paid to putting hb SPQOTINa. cither in towtt Or country. Spoutlw pSlifted on the moat reasonable'terms.' . faprll Hi ISSM?** ’ XT'ARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 MILES X ffom Philadelphia J»y Railroad In ‘the State of Mew Jersey. Soil .among the best for AgricnUuAiJ purpose*, being good luttnr sofl. with a clay bottopu Thedand i* « large tract, divided into small form*; and hnndreds than all part* ojT the country are now settling and blinding.-*- / The crops produced are large and can’ be seen growing,— Cllniata ls delighfful snd secure .from frost*.' Teem* 1 from $l5 to s2opcr acre, payable within fonr year* byei-v 'stalinents. ’ To Vtiilt the place—Leave Vine 3tiW< whiff at Phiiadelphia’at A. M. by Railroad tor fftiAlTnonten; ,or address'll. , . 1 No'. 87 Wood St., PKttbiirtf& ' ' 1 STRIPED ' FRONT , Hire facilities possessed by no other honae TCeatof/tha Mountains for <*>tAining neweet style*, hi refined WST •nd »t *)# prices, from the best Trench and a .manhfecttirera. [Sept. 32, wT 7 CAUTION. —ALL PERSONS ASB hereby notljled not to Jmftliase or aril any lagor beer kega withthe; stamp of the ALTOONA BRETC.ERY there oti, as snob kegs never have been end nerer will be eolft from the Brewery. 1 All kegs contalnping said stamp will bo claimed and taken, whercrer found, by the propriatem of the Hrewory to whom'they belong. Jnly 28tb-lfc!>-tf. WILHELM & 880. rUN BE BOUGHT AT H. TUjOJKS r 40o> t**mt t *rl 3* '.or BOOK tfOR Wf* Jit l'C' . V vm.