The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 22, 1859, Image 1

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    L'lON, JPHIL-
1 v tpecuxl
icd % affected I tHth Ptr
the awful <le»trn\tion
* ami thedeceptions
lf of such disease* k
r Consulting Burgeca. l
iu;. to open a Dl«n«b!
f di-.eaac*, In nil their
atis, to all who Rpft, Y
condition, {age, oeca. ■>
M if extreme poverty
V,e of coargtj It fa '
ommunda the highest
nHi the moat approy.
tie ir Animal Report
h, express the hlgh*»t
attended the labors
of Stipermatorthtea
nerrluen, Oleet, By’
■m e. Ac., ami order a
ensuing year.
feel assured that
!' lit effort hnyotbooii
ally to the young, anj
es. with renewedtial
lists! cause, ’ ’
it.irrha-u, or Setninil
nsturhut ion, or Self.
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( t ? on Urn nature and 1
"T-Vi i J lieingpnb.
' H ; to the
1 uiethwU oftreat
. -li e of great value.
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liich Li destined to ea
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H-'i» arises from this
Teamed can e*:
as that unnloamot
• consumed Inside of
v-T of dues nr chim
'ie mortar loovetltdliy
■ nrc.invifedto call at
•■"itir Temple, and ex
< pir Stair Onmty.
r Cooking and Km;
[Aiirl 12,1856.
■ ami Criminals is in
Jr uintnl throngbont
■•at Trials, Criminal
I-' SOUll*, !■ igelher with
■t. to bo found in any
si for six months, f«
00l write their names
• I her reside 'plainly J
At. Police Gazette.
-Veio Tork Oily.
;all the atten
:de, and more
dans of the
e most popu
re the public.
mend them as
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?qrts, viz.:
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Ague, •
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fail; when ad
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•rug busip^Syj
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i ow give their
attention to
\nd beipgd®'
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the day, the.y
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1 ittsbnrgli, Pa*
riiii'frumotl , crt^ t .
. LMnz
■ : u uiiiot J;
1 i .
\ol. 4.
jIcCBUM 4k DfcßX PnMithew *n<l Proprietors.
(payable invartoWy to advaaco,); $1,50
Ml , *ors dincjotiuucd at tlifl 'expiration-of Uio time
[ii for
. 1 insertion 2 do. 3 do.
, r |«99, » 24 ♦ $ 60
l<nir liaxl! ( s litre*,) 6® i l6 1 «
, ‘ l 'T ',w - ) 100 160 200
*•* .. •• )■ tT 160 2-00 260
r " : " three \>eot* and load tUauthreo montlia, 26 cents per
/,i«»re f« c tic!l luKlt ? 3 months. 6 mpntha. 1 year.
„,u iS t 1 60 $3 00 $6 00
SI, HUM or . 260 400 700
On c«.iu«ro t ,4 00- 600 10 00
T" 0 , 6 00 8 00 12 00
’J hreo l< AOO 10 00 ... 14 00
““. v .10 00 14 00 20 00
Wf i 2 * ! 14 00 26 00 40 00
*»««»•« Notices, " 175
bjstUo year, three squares,
nfth liberty to change, _ .... 1° 9°
i>i, wlonal or Cardi. not wWodUjg S
with, ratter, psr year, i 6 00
A.J'j- natations er a political characteror individual in
t net iriU be charged according V> the above rates.
tdrertbementa not marked with tha number of insertions
Joiircd, will be continued till forbid and charged according
, u the above terms. ‘ lt , ' ,
Uialnew notices five cent* per line.for every Insertion,
obituary notice* exceeding ton linos, fifty, cent* a square.
f , I, QOflS, U. D.
]NO entered ‘into Partnership in tho Practice of
Medicine, respectfully! tender their services to the Public
m ibe several branches of their Profession.
kills will bo answered either day or night at their office
_ «tiich is tin) some as heretofore occupied by lira, limit
- Good,— or at the Logan House,
"iprilrist, lS59&n ■
\V r . M. LLOYD & GO
; ' Altoona, pa.,
{Late “ Bdl,Johnston, Jack 4 Co.”)
Drafts on the
Cities, and Sliver and Gold for sale. CoUectiejns
laric. Moneys received ou deposits, payable on demand,
without interest, or up6n time, iritb interest at loir rates,
y.b. 3d. 1559.
1 i The uuderslgnedjia prepared to locate LAND TVA'R
RAXTS in tho Omah* and Nebraska City Land Offices;—
deed selections con ipade-near the large streams
.aid settlements. The) Lauds of this Territory, now in
Marhot, tiro of the best quality.
an, Selections --caroftilly made. Letters of inquiry ro
uted. Alex. f. McKinney.
Orexyous, Cans County, N. Tor.
July U, 186a.-tf
Bov. A. B. CLARK 1 , Alteona, Pa.
IVa. 51. LnOTD * -pi, Bankers, Altoona, Pa.
McCrux * DsnJtl'-Rditors. “
Taos. A. Scott, Bujt. P.B. R., “
I). UoUurtrie, Esq, Huntingdon, Pa.
#UI practice law in tho several Courts of Blair, Cambria,
Huntingdon, Clearfield,. Centre and adjoining counties.—
Also in tiro District Count of the United States.
Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agent for
ib.. said of Heal Estate, Bounty Land YTarrants, and all
tasiaoss pertaining to conveyancing and the law.
Hon. Wilson McCantflet aad Andrew.Barke, Esq., Pitts
burgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pres. IJudgo of Fayette
J uJiclal District; HonJChouard Clemens, of Wheeling, Tag
Ho* Henry D. Foster, Uyeonstjurg; lloiil John W. Kiltinger,
Lebanon; Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon.
diorgv P. Hamelton, Pittsburg. June 16, ISoO-ly.
Dentistry.— dr. s. kimmell,
Teeth inei-rleJ, from one to a full set, on Gold or Silver
Plate. V
Teeth filled with Gold, and,warranted for ten years.
Teeth Extracted by the Electro Maghctie Machine witb-
ct Pain. i
All operations and Work done cheaper than anywhere
«!»ir. the county, andl a deduction made,. of the railroad
npeiuea from Altppnajtu Holliday aburg,, from all opera*
him? amounting to five dollars and over.
Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange
Hotel, Uullidaysburg, [Dec. 16,1858-ly
Will practice in the peveral Courts of Blair, Cambria,
Huntingdon and Indiana counties.
Particular attention given.lo the collection of Claims,
■'•■l prompt remittances made.
II" speaks tl>« Gorman language fluently.
tj' Office, for the peccant, with J. M.Cherry, Esq., op
pwite Kessler’s Drug Store. V
Altoona. August 4,1»59. —tf .
afeice in The masonic tem
* / PLE. Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro
Magnetic Machine. [Dec. 23, 'oS.-tf
45“ A Student wanted.
Sl-ECTFULIW offers bis profesaionaljWMm
services to the people bf Altoona and ; the
eining country. BbHm
He may be found at the office heretofore oc- wHSH
copied by Dr. 6. D. Thomas.
Altoona, Sept. 80, 1568.-tf ■
BF. ROYER, M. D., .
• Offers his professional services to the citizens of
Altoona and vicinity. l >
The best of references can be given If required.
Office at residence oh Uninch street, East Altoona, three
Joarr above Conrad's Store. April 28 ’59-ly.
\J draw nieh and bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT Announ
ces to the public,'that ho Is ready to discharge his duty
a» an Auctioneer whenever called upon. [Jan. 2 ’4O.
altoona, Blair county, pa.
Can tt all times bo fotand At the store of J. B. HHeman.
Altoona, October 1, ISfijT^ljr
Rein Book gjtore.
X opened a BOOK STORE next door to _s»gv_
»*corner of Firymfavand ylnnte streets,
Old and Standard Authors, N’evo ’Publications,
Lyhl Literature?. Periodicals and Staple and
Fancy Stationery in largjfearieties.
fei/ lew and yery ailect lot of SHBCTMUSIC.MHSIC
iff and MUSICALINBTRUMKSTB. The citizens 61
™ r ‘*respectfully imrlted to call. ; ■ v\-v'
ytAIl orders attended to with promptness and dispatch.
Altoona. Nor. 3,1869-tf , . H. SMITH.
r-, FACTORY—Thij Bubscribar' woulif'iinhouhbb that
-• ess removed his ' ‘ v :
Planing; Mlii and Santa 91 sumfac
{. . ‘ ' *; i r
»to AltooMi, where he wilt continue to fill "or
fetch o5 tte ?. d wnrit enlrastod to #Uh dea
-111 ** 0,1 ,ot udjoiiitor AlUwn’s Steam
Hui BMm 8Mm - r'• ■ CflOfl. MeAULBY.
Mteona, Not. 17,185 p.—-tf
O-USS Bxlo TO 20x24, £iO) CUT
' fcr * o,c «* [I-tf.J , £ESgUUx’S.
s. •
Stats or . PKNNsnvAau.
, „ RULES.
I. Money is received every day, and In any amount, large
.or small. ,
2- Piv* pee cbbt. interest Is paid lor money from the day
it Is put in.
3. The money is always paid,back in COLD, yrhenever It
is called for, and without notice.
4. Money is received from Executors, Administrators,
Guardians, and others who desire to have It in a place of
perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it.
0. Tho money received from depositors is invested in
Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground rests, and snch other
first class securities as. the Charter directs..
j. x gkxxhl, u. v.
C. Office Jloure-rEvory day from D till 6 o'clock, and ou
Mondays aud Thursdays till 8 o’clock In the evening.
HON. H. L. BENNER, President. '
W. J. REED, Secretary.
Henry L. Benner, Francis Lhb,
Edward L. Carter, T. Carroll Brbwstrr,
Robert Seuridgb, Josrpb B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph YAkes,
C. Lanbritb Mu.nnb, -Henry DirrENDiRFBR.
Office,: Walnut Street, 8. W. Corner of Third St. Phila
delphia. April 14th, ’5O-ly.
Commonwealth Insurance Co.,
Chartered Capital $300,000.'
PROPERTY against lews or Damage by Fire. Also
against perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation And Transpor
Simon Cameron, Geo Bergner, W F Murray, •
Geo U Laurnaa, Benjamin Parke, F K Boos,
William Duck, Wm U Kepner, Juo U Borryhill,
Ell SUfer, A B Warford, Wm F Packer. ■
James Fox,
BENJ. PARKE, Tice President
S. B. CARRIER, Secretary.
Sept. 20,1859.-6 m *
COMPANY, of Pittsburgh.
Capital and Eorpins over $160,0004)0.
Jacob Painter, A A Carrier, Goo W Smith,
Body Patterson, A J Jones, Wade Hampton,
Henry Sproul, N Voeghtly, Robert Patrick,
C A Colton, X Grier Sproul, Jos H Hopkins.
This Company has paid losses from tho date of Its incor
poration in 1864, up to May, 1860, to amount of $302336.07,
Di additiouto regnlarisomi-nnnual Dividends of from 5 to
16 per cent., affording evidence of its Stability and useful
ness. lasses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid.
A. A. Carrier, Prat. X. Grier Sproul, Scc'y.
P'll ILADELP H I A . '
Altoona, Blair County, Pa.
Coaster Perprual. Capital |200,000.
OnaAMZKD 1861.
Insures from Lott by Fin Household Goods, Buildings
and Merchandize generally.
Insures Lttes —During the Natural Life or forShortTerms.
Inland Insurance —On Goods, by Canal, Lakes and Land
Carriage. ROBERT PERRY, Pratt.
H. K; Ricoakdsox, Pifcc Pratt.
Gxo. C. Helmbold, Scc’y. [Sept. 20, *69-6m
American Life Insurance and Trust Co*
Capital Stock, $500,000,
Company Building, Walnut St., S, E. comer of
Fourth Vhila.
W. R. BOYERS. AG’T, altoona,
J. C. SIMMS, Sufy. [Oct. 27th, 1869-ly.
Blair county insurance
AGENCY.—Hie undersigned, Agent of the Blair
Comity Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all
times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Rudd
innt, Merchandise, Furniture and Property, of every des
cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any
Company in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack A
Co. J). I. CALDWELL, Jgeni.
Jan. 27, ’59-tf
Lycoming county mutual
rote INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned,
agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is
at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire.
BUOtifctp*, Jkreiumdite, Furniture and Ptmaiy ofeyenr
deecriptton, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as
any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Temple.
Jan. 3, ’56-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.
Great western insurance 1
AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Beal or
personal property will be effected on the most reasonable
tc ™ s Altoona at his office In Anna St.
March 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.
Agency, Anna Street, Altoona.
March 17.1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.
slgned would respectfully in- . . A
form toe citizens of Altoona that heffCO
token the Coalyard [ormorlygeaT*
kept'by Jolm;ylUteon, and Ja prepar-'IBP WSr9
edre ftirnltoaU Jklnda of Coal at too tbbrtost nbtice and
on too moat reasonable term*, tor cash or prompt month-
J &riTiBw». ■- ■ ““**»
LUk tectqk a safe Shield against those
Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and other altbo
th< : k nglt ? ««te from toe exposed state of the
totttoa continual changes ofoux
jClimato, tor Sale at toe Drag Store of G. W. KESSLER.
jATA Just arrived at the store of A. Housh, a splendid
tot pfaMo, 1, Cmbon Oil, wWeB he wfll sell ataiWpor
qnyt also»lot of Carbon Oil Lamps of Jonto Patmt
which'are warranted to be superior to any othcrklmh ;
Altoona, Nor. 24,169-tf. ■
''■-• • • • •
t:e\ts preparation fob ex-
Ded-bugs without danger in Ua use under any circnmstan
jeKftw site at toe Drug Store of
Jan. 24, ’66-tf] - O. W. gmwr.wte
ahdaU kinds of EUILWNO MA33R&&,
lowest, for Cash. Apply to. JOHN SHOEMAKER,
Paint, also Chrom*. Oreen.’YsHow, Part* Omn, Ary
p gronpd oil at P-tf j r v .KEgSLHB’S
A CttRISTMAS imur.
Where, where; is hot Xhns spake the sages
Who songht; their Saviour. from a&r;
The King—the God—the Bock of Ages,
Who hither Jed us with his atari
Where lie the. King? But, star-forsaken,
They searched the palace halls in vain 1
That Star of £(ope its light ires breaking
O’er a low brut on Bethlehem’s plain.
They saw—re/olcod—and knelt before him i
And was it stronge-that thus.they hewed I
When God’s own Star was beaming o’er him.
And angel anthems hymn’d aloud I
“To Ood be' glory 1" Spirit voices*
In Hoaveu attuned, now thrill the earth }
"And peace to man;” thus Heaven rejoicee
Ovcr tho Man-God’s humble birth.
Joy I For our orb’s eclipse 1* over!
Joyf Earth grows green in Heaven’s own breath J
With Faith around, and love above her,
Hope to the hopeless—bliss to deathl
•Toy I Jay / With angel voices ringing
Over the earth, can earth be dead t
Let praise, and prayer, and joy, upsprlnglngt
Front a worjd saved, the glory spread)
Joy ! For the fiuthful shall ,not perish!
Christ lives to save, died to atone;
Hut lot this truth each bosom cherish;
Jit suoa the pure in hoot alone/
Ihc hearthls swept—the lire is bright,
1110 kettle' sings for tea;
The cloth is {spread, the lamp is light.
The mu®os smoko in napkins white,
And now I wait fur thee.
Come homo,Jove, come; thy nUk is done;
The clock Ucks listiugly;
Tho blinds ore shat, the curtain down,
The arm-chair to tho tiro-si de drawn
The boy is on my knee. -
Como hosle, love, come; his deep fond eye
Looks round him whiatfully;
And when the whispering winds go by,
As if thy welcome steps were nigh, ''
He crows iaultingly.
In vain—he finds the welcome vain.
And torus his glance on mine
So earnestly, thaf yet again, '
His form unto my heart I strain,
That glitnee is so like thine.
Thy task is done—we miss thoo here;
Where’er thy footsteps roam,
Ko heart Will spend such kindly cheer,
Ko beating heart, no listening ear,
Like those who wait thee homo.
Ah, now along tho cross walk fast,
The well known stop <loth come;
The bolt is drawn, the gate is past,
TH« boy la wild witlfjoy at last—
A thousand welcomes home.
IWetf lllkelkmi.
“ God taro iperey upon ua!” This exckma
tion was not more sadden than Startlingly ut
tered, and sent the chills creeping from the
leaping heart in pricking sensations over the
skin. It was the first, time I had ever noticed
such a tremor in the old squatter’s tones, or a
manner which indicated that he ever felt fear.
It was something Ufansuol, and with my own
young pulse quickened, I watched the old man
by the dim light of the fire.
I had known Luke Blair—“ Old Luke,” as he
was called—for ton years, and yet knew noth
ing of his history. There was a mystery about
him which none ever penetrated, and an eccen
tricity of manner which gave his movements a
peculiar interest to his rough, bat true-hearted
comrades, fie spent his time in the woods,
and never brought in anything but Wolves*
scalps. ; There was a fierce burning look in his
eye as he flung them upon the ground, and bo
would sit forbears after one of his excursions
with his head! bowed between his hands. As
unsocial ps wap the squatter, he was respected
by all who hSd.come in contact with him. Ho
was brave to madness, and yet as cool in danger
as in his camp.; Nor was there anything rough
in his manners; on the contrary, there was an
easy bearing,- which—almost elegance—bespoke
a degree of education and refinement. And
when he did speak his language was well cho
Blair-had other qualifications which won the
respect of the i hardy spirits wound him. He
was six feet Sh height, broad shouldered, full
chested; and;form erect, and his limbs were
.models ofsymetry and strength,; bur and board
had growp unshorn since we had kpown him,.
and .were thickly sprinkled with gray. But the
forehead,: though darkly bronzed and deeply
seamed, was; plmost massive, and the head of
faultless mould. The eye was dork, lustrous,
and, in excitement, of peculiar and.fascinating
power, his neck was some sacred to
ken, whijoh po eye had' seen, .and which he
guarded;trlihiaj jealous care. There was some
thing aboflttiia old man—bis commanding pres
ence, his and his lonely habits and sad
won my yOung heart, and I
watched every 'opportunity of manifesting my
jregsnd. j 1 had engaged him to guide the to the
Mississippi, by way l of—Prairie.
For several days we threaded the dense for
ests which intervened, and under grant diffiool
ties. The snow had fallen to an depth,
the hold was flense, and tendered more intol
erable j&y thefiercewind
We were wartsiy dressed, bat there were tines
[INDEPENDENT in eveeything.]
when the weary frame began to feel the dreamy
influence of the sleep which steals so fat ally
over the senses. On the night in question we
had turned aside to seek the shelter of a gtofe
of small timber, and to find fuel for our fire.— l
We had faced the blinding storm all day, and
could hardly keep sufficiently awake to kindle
the fire and secure wood for the night. We had
just accomplished this when the hunter made
the exclamation at the head of our story. 1 was
awake at once, and the blood tinged through my
chilled veins, for I knew that Luke Blair would
not speak without cause.'• “ Hark 1”
Tho word was ,bttt a whisper, but had a terri
ble distinctness. His band had involuntarily
sought bis rifle, and his head turned towards the
woods. 1 heard nothing but the wild roar of
the storm as it swept by. “ There ’tis again!
Tlje devils are on olir track !’* and he clutched
his knife handle with a steady grasp, and
breathed hardly between .his nostrils. I heard
the noise this time which had attracted his at
tention befbre, swelling, as the storm lulled an
instant, into a Wild,. protracted bowl, as from a
thousand fished throats, clear, dismal, and
wailing with that fearful tone which startles the
boldest, even at their firesides. Blair turned,
find os our eyes met, he slowly whispered, “ A
pack of hungry wolves ! God have mercy upon
us 1” A sickening sensation went like a flash
to the heart, and then came burning thoughts
of home, and again tile chills, os 1 thought of
tho shelterless prairie and blinding snow.
“ Again 1 the black devils are on our tracks!”
As Blair spoke he laid his hand upon my arm,
and with an expression of sadness which 1 can
not forget, looked me steadily in the eye.
There was a tremor of the lip which I had nev
er seen before. It was not fear; I knew that;
but some terrible remembrance or presentment
which came over him with irresistible power.—
“ The hour has come ! I knew it would—have
felt it for days. Ido not fear death, but it is
horrible to be hunted down in siioh a spot as
this, and be tom to pieces by infernal devils.”
His breath came thick and hissing through his
clenched teeth, and his chest heaved with in
tense emotion.
“ Here,” said he, lifting the soiled string jjter
his head, and taking a locket attached to it in
his hand, “is the shadow Of one you never
knew, but the original was once the light of my
young life, and came with me to this territory
when the world was bright with hope. I left
her in the cabin one day, and went to my work
as usual. '-She crossed tho valley and came
where I was working. Wishing to fell the tree
I was at work upon, I urged her to cross the
log over the creek before dark, snd I would im
mediately follow her. She had not been gone
but a little time, when there burst up between
mo and our cabin that long, freezing sound, the
howl of a wolf. It was answered as if from a
thousand throats up and down tho valley, until
one wild, startling, unearthly howl swelled pn
the still evening air. God, hdw that howl went
to the soul! I reeled ifl utter weakness a mo
ment, but soon rallied, and with the speed and
energy of despair, rushed down tho path. 1
had reached the stream, and was upon the old
trunk thrown across, when another and a dif
ferent sound reached my ears. It seemed that
my brain would burn into- ashes under tho fiery
heat, and my heart burst from my bosom. That
was the cry of my wife, a clear, wailing shriek
of mental agony.”
Blair dropped his head and throat his fingers
into his ears, as if that terrible sound wap again
ringing through the forest. A moment, and he
hurriedly resumed; “I remember no more un
til the morning broke, and the sun smiled
through the trees upon the terrible scene. It
was horrible ! The ground was torn and stain
ed with dark spots where pools of blood had
sunk away. Seven'long, black bodies lay around
gashed by the axe, some of them glaring fierce
ly as they fell, their tongues thrust out, and
the white fangs gloaming fearfully in their open
jaws. The axe itself lay within teach, red with
blood its -entite length. My own arms wore
also stained, and still damp. But, God of
metoy! a worse sight than all this met my gose
of returning consciousness. Tightly in my arms
I was holding the head of my wife, her form
barb and limbs torn into shreds.” The old man
sobl&d convulsively, and wrung his bands until
it seemed that the blood Wonld start from bis
fingers. “ Coming!” Again, and ncarelffian
before, the dismal howl rose above the atom.—
The camp, fire burned dimly in the blinding
storm of snow, and a sense of loneliness and ter
ror came over the spirit darker than the sky
overhead. “ Here, take this,” said Blair, as he
handed me the locket, “and if you survive, ear
ly it to , New York, and I will thank you.
Boy, I am not afraid to die. Death will be rest
and 1 shall see Maria. We must take to the
tree. It is freeze, or death by the wolves.—
Quick boy T Good bye.”
I felt the hot tears drop on my bands as the
old man pressed his lips upon it, and
then pushed on towards the trees. We had need
to be quick, for we bad hardly reached the
branches when a score of long, globmy shadows
shot out of the surrounding darkn&fc Mid sent
up a ycll whioh went to the Apart colderthan
the breath of the wintiy blast. They paidbut
little Attention to the dim fire; and scenting
their prey gathered in a shadowy circle beneath
ns.' ■■ !;.!’.!■"■
.“Leah yepseW hoy, uud wiuujead jgax
soul to.(Sod, for you will freeze, aad bette* rot
p| thf than be tomty the devas.?*' “Its
vt no use,” be' conticnrfj as
the sonxlct bf our guns might reach th* Inmates
of the eabinj /they 1 wouldnot bear ’em in thtj
storm, and besides, I swear by ttys living Qod
that I will send some of them to. h—ll before
Blair commenced bis deadly work, and as one
of the wolves fell others fought and snarled, and
gnashed their teeth over the horrid feast. Their
teeth soiuded. like the smiting : df steel hpon
steel. Still they howledmore fiercely asthe
slaughter went da. “My feua is wet, and .will
not go,” I heard Blair, matter with a curse.—
‘'Damn ’em, I’ll try them with the axe. My
wildly uttered warning was too late, foras it
swelled above the sounds below With unnatural
strength. Blair leaped down with a shout of
rftge and defiance, and with hia axe and knife
fought the pack lace to face. I grew sick at
heart as I watched with burning eye-balls the
struggle through the darkness, t could see the
black forms swarming around the trunk, where
Blair had backed' up. After the first howl of
joy, as it seemed to me, when Blair jumped
down, tho wolves were less noisy. and apparent
ly more wary,"for they seemed to realize that
they had an enemy to deal with. I madly
called to him, and muttered curses, &8 1 tried to
untie the thongs with which I had lashed my
self to the trunk. “Ifa ! ha ! glorious sport
here, boy; another devil tho less I” and his ma
niac laugh and shout came up scarcely less start
ling than those of the wolves around him. I
knew that he was mad:
I could hear tho vico-liko jaws close constant
ly aronud Blair, and now and then his axe sink
with a heavy, crushing sound into some skull,
and then all grew more dim; a delicious feeling
of happiness crept over me; the sounds of the
strife below died out, and sweet; dreams stole
over me lihrlhe summer’s breath. The reports
of our rifles bad reached the cabin; which, I af
terwards learned, was not twenty rods from
where we camped. Tho inmates, numbering
some fourteen, by the addition Of emigrants
who had stopped in the storm, came out with
dogs and guns, and reached the sjppt but a mo
ment too late. Blair had lodged his axe so
deeply in the bead of a wolf that the corners re
mained fast, and the others tore him down.—
They wore literally shot down with their fangs
holding to the tom flesh,, and his warm blood
jetting over their, skins. The mottled body was
snatched from them, and 1 cut down from the
tree and carried to the fiabin.
1 was all winter recovering from; my injuries.
The awakening from that dream of death was
a terrible awakening, and I Buffered more than
pen can describe. Blair was buried on the edge
of the prairie, and when I left in the spring, the
early flowers were already springing upon his
grave. The old man jests sweetly under the
shadow of the old oah.
I carried the locket to Ua destination. The
sister clutched it eagerly, and thafiked me,
though her heart almost broke under the stroke.
I remained in Now York through the summer,
and in the autumn the sister returned with me
to Prairie, and we built our cabin in
sight of the brother’s grave. Tha oak is now
dead and splintered, and the spot where he died
densely covered with an undergrowth, whose
vines shut out the daylight, and guard it even
from the footfall of man or beast; Last week
out dog brought out a skull, with the wide gash
of an axe hit through the top. Quietly, and
without knowledge of my wife, I went and toss
ed the. memento into the thickest; growth of the
place. —Daily TFfscomin,
Vkat Tbub.—A Pittsburgh Judge in charging
a jury recently. Used the following language
with reference to ardent spirits and its doings :
“Independent of its effects, individual, social, 1
moral, religious, and political; drink wields the
club—brandishes the bowie-knife—hurts the
ballet—nerves the burglar—inspires the thief,
and kindles the torch of incendiary. It first
maddens the tiger, and then unchains him.”,
Jones, while recently engaged in split
ting green wood at Memphis; itruck a false
blow, causing the stick to fly tipi It struck
him on the jaw, and knocked out a front tooth.
“Ah,” said Bill, meeting him soon after,
“ you had a dental operation performed I see.”
“Yes,” replied the sufferer, ** axe-iden-tal 1”
AST In Turkey, it is a law that no male child
bora of any daughter of the Sul top shall be al
lowed to live. This barbarous custom Is still
in fujl forep at the Scrglioi and a son recently
borp to the Sultana, toe wife of Da-
was pitilessly strangled immediately after
its birth. ' ■ r ?
S&~ It is haul by some Yankee to be on «k
-cellent plan .always to measure adman’s length
before you kick him, tot it is better to bear an
insult toon to make an unsuccessfU attempt at
thrashing a fellow, and get your eye teeth
knocked out. . *
•» ' - H . .
Men sometimes think that toe high dark
cliffs of sorrow will darken toere stfeaxp of life
forever; bat suddenly toe green and undulating
meadows spread tor Away in pastoral beauty,
apd- the daisies .bloom along toe banks .where
thewiUows bang with bending gracefulness.
' I®* Whs cleverly says, hi poeof hi? sketch
ed that a literary reputation is I to: be built at
like the walls of a
: fpr Wc^—and
a smart he the other for saritinf '
Slogitljp Cltaost story*
Moat ghost stone* sr* onlyfoolish and laugh*
able V but this one Is certainly melancholy la th» ■<
Within 1% fttat jiti the feople' of* tillage ltt ;
atfwtemState became greatly excit«d by the
alleged nightly appearance of a ghost inthe
TiUegO- grateykNi. t«* Of them, indeed, had '
dated to see it* but some had} andthey* without
making too fluniliar with it, had still nett it
come and go, walk about, seat itaelf, &o.; and
the statements of all those were too well adthett*
ticated to be disregarded.
YThat the few saw thf many believed* and the
Vthole commtlnily soon became elicited ripon (he
subject of this strange nightly visitation to the
graves of the dead. Of course the ghost was in
the Usual grate clothes* itt which, so ht atwa
know, ghosts always appear* and it wasentirely
regular in its hours—always arising among the
tombs, at just midnight, and leaving st near eaf
ly dawn! It had often been seen to Coke and
go, passing over fences is its eohrae; bat no
one had learned whence it came or whither it
At length the matter from being the town talk
bccarAe the town dread. Numerous individuals
got excited, and superstitious ones grew exohed
and melancholy and •taeitnrnJ people looked
doubtingly at each other as they passed, in twl.
light, and all contrived theit journeys at i that
hour, so as not to approach th last resting-plaee
of thiir departed friends.
The growing dread at length WlitttO iitimtef
able, and engaged all minds. There ohapoed to
be in the village a youth of nineteen* from Wes-,
tern New York, whose domestic education had
carefully excluded all faith in supernatural
agencies, and who, therefore, looked only io nd*
tural causes for explanations of the events and
occurrences of thia life.
This youth resolved to fathom this mystery of
the graveyard ghost He <fonad one associate,
and the tw<i after nightfall secreted themselves
among the tomhs to observe. Puumuallyj ts U»8
hour of twelve drew nigh, the ghost vhloi\ had
caused so much dread, was seen approaching.—
The .mooh was shining brightly, and the trhite
robod object was seen most distinctly. Over 4
coming fences, it entered the gTatl-yard
within' actual reach of the youths Who had set
on foot the investigation, and as the tight fell
fully ppen the face of the ghost, they recognised
the well-known features of an acquaintance, who
was then in her cariy widowhood. Her husband
had recently bees buried thcre,andsodreadfnl
bad been the shook that the reason of the vrifu
had been dethroned, and she was ttpw a pander
ing maniac. She saw not her observers* bdt
seated herself, as was her wont, Upon, the grave
of him whom she bad loved but too fondly. The
two then approached tho unfortunate, and'ad
dressed her in'kihdness. She knew themnot,
but conversed freely with them, calling them
angelsj and craving their protection. (She was
in her night-clothes, and her wandering thus*
through N the agony she bad suffered, and her
nightly occupying this sad seat, bad Converted
that poor mental wreck ,'of humanity into a
ghost.' On this occasion she could oot be indu
ced to abandon her post, and of necessity she
was left there to complete the hour* ef that
night’s pilgrimage; She is «mw m p hinatio
asylum. i • ;"V- 7''
Qsxicb, Talkst a*d Clkvkb^s*.— (Senius
rushes like a whirlwind—-talent marches’ like a
cavalcade of heavy horns—clcvfcriiossskims
like a swallow in the sUmme* evening,' with a
sharp shrillnote aud a sadden itathrag. tfh«.
man of genius dwells frith men and frilblfctuw I
the man of talent in bis but the eiWer
man dances here*
butterfly in ft hurricane; striking every thiflgbui
enjoyitig frothing, bat too light to be dashed "to
pieces. The tnau of talent vHll attsek theories,
the clever man will assail the indiVifinfti, und
slander private character. The man of genius
despises both, ho heeds none; he lives inhim
self, shrouded in the consciousness of h(«ryjfu
strength, ho interferes frith nttae* sfrjl walks
forth ftti example that “ eagles fly
Clever men write verses, men of taiefrtfrrite
prose, bat the jneh of genius writes poetry
80U A country captain, desiring to cross a
field catne to ait opening in the touch Urge
cnengh to permit two pet*oina to pas# abieest.
Unfortunately he vaa dedclent in thilltafy tac
tics, andcould not, remember the ordef trhfch
would bate accomplished. the difficult tack of
filing through, hot hie ingenuity did dot deceit
him, and therefore ordered a halt,- cud then
mid i s “ Gentlemen, you afe dismissed for poo
ininnto, wkefi you willfail in on t'other side of
the fenCo.*’ *
9St* Jhefe\is dew in one flower and not in
another, because one opens its edp and takes It
in, while the other closes itself and th* drop
runs off. God rains goodneSa and mercy MWide
as the dew, and if wo lack them, it isbocap*
Will not Open pnf hearts to ieceive them* *
■ “Peter," said a teacher to one of his
pnpflf» *?yoij[ aip Such a bad boy, that you pro
not fit-to ait in the company of good boys outim
Wfich. Cothe up sit by inp, airl^
4iflfc la the World
, totiwihj »gwtw«tof»ppwc«*tioß
,/; |of ifc .•• ,7;
v v»
■y< '-f -v
NO. 46.