L'lON, JPHIL- 1 v tpecuxl icd % affected I tHth Ptr the awful M if extreme poverty V,e of coargtj It fa ' ommunda the highest nHi the moat approy. tie ir Animal Report h, express the hlgh*»t attended the labors of Stipermatorthtea nerrluen, Oleet, By’ ■m e. Ac., ami order a ensuing year. feel assured that !' lit effort hnyotbooii ally to the young, anj es. with renewedtial lists! cause, ’ ’ it.irrha-u, or Setninil nsturhut ion, or Self. 1 organs, hy the Con. ' ( 'r >’ of STAMPS, ( t ? on Urn nature and 1 "T-Vi i J lieingpnb. ' H ; to the 1 uiethwU oftreat . -li e of great value. i’aswiLSno?^ (Doc,g.i r . ! : i m m :ntin cook- GAS ASD SA VJJCO liich Li destined to ea LKL quickly foul regular H-'i» arises from this Teamed ero.lt can e*: as that unnloamot • consumed Inside of v-T of dues nr chim 'ie mortar loovetltdliy ■ nrc.invifedto call at •■"itir Temple, and ex shoemaker, < pir Stair Onmty. r Cooking and Km; [Aiirl 12,1856. GAZETTE.— ■ ami Criminals is in Jr uintnl throngbont ■•at Trials, Criminal I-' SOUll*, !■ igelher with ■t. to bo found in any si for six months, f« 00l write their names • I her reside 'plainly J VFSEIX *OO, At. Police Gazette. -Veio Tork Oily. vne’s ED UGE LLS. ;all the atten :de, and more dans of the e most popu re the public. Celebrated Pills. mend them as ut simply for ?qrts, viz.: lI%GE, ns from the Las also been le most satis- ious Animak PXLIB, , Complaints, m ents. Sick a cases of Ague, • it taking variably make ■v at dire. -- 1 above ipen arc Unrivaled, fail; when ad ,mce with vthe vd popularity victors. OTHERS, - , Pa. ;; •rug busip^Syj been success-- c last Twenty i ow give their attention to \nd beipgd®' vl’Lane’s id liver Edk ;cupy the )ld among the the day, the.y re ncit^P c uring the Be? 1 al, and com most thorough til orders to 1 ittsbnrgli, Pa* riiii'frumotl , crt^ t . pr.^roi . LMnz for ■ : u uiiiot J; ns'ftNT 1 i . McCRUH &iDERN, \ol. 4. TUK ALTOONA TRIBUNE. jIcCBUM 4k DfcßX PnMithew *neot* and load tUauthreo montlia, 26 cents per /,i«»re f« c tic!l luKlt ? 3 months. 6 mpntha. 1 year. „,u iS t 1 60 $3 00 $6 00 SI, HUM or . 260 400 700 On c«.iu«ro t ,4 00- 600 10 00 T" 0 , 6 00 8 00 12 00 ’J hreo l< AOO 10 00 ... 14 00 ““. v .10 00 14 00 20 00 Wf i 2 * ! 14 00 26 00 40 00 *»««»•« Notices, " 175 bjstUo year, three squares, nfth liberty to change, _ .... 1° 9° i>i, wlonal or Cardi. not wWodUjg S with, ratter, psr year, i 6 00 A.J'j- natations er a political characteror individual in t net iriU be charged according V> the above rates. tdrertbementa not marked with tha number of insertions Joiircd, will be continued till forbid and charged according , u the above terms. ‘ lt , ' , Uialnew notices five cent* per line.for every Insertion, obituary notice* exceeding ton linos, fifty, cent* a square. f , I, QOflS, U. D. DR S. GOOD & GEMMILL HAY ]NO entered ‘into Partnership in tho Practice of Medicine, respectfully! tender their services to the Public m ibe several branches of their Profession. kills will bo answered either day or night at their office _ «tiich is tin) some as heretofore occupied by lira, limit - Good,— or at the Logan House, "iprilrist, lS59&n ■ \V r . M. LLOYD & GO ; ' Altoona, pa., JOHNSTON, JACK & OCX, HOILWArSBURQ, {Late “ Bdl,Johnston, Jack 4 Co.”) Drafts on the Cities, and Sliver and Gold for sale. CoUectiejns laric. Moneys received ou deposits, payable on demand, without interest, or up6n time, iritb interest at loir rates, y.b. 3d. 1559. f ANDS ! LANDS ! I LANDS!!! 1 i The uuderslgnedjia prepared to locate LAND TVA'R RAXTS in tho Omah* and Nebraska City Land Offices;— deed selections con uOw.bo ipade-near the large streams .aid settlements. The) Lauds of this Territory, now in Marhot, tiro of the best quality. an, Selections --caroftilly made. Letters of inquiry ro uted. Alex. f. McKinney. Orexyous, Cans County, N. Tor. July U, 186a.-tf reterbwces: Bov. A. B. CLARK 1 , Alteona, Pa. IVa. 51. LnOTD * -pi, Bankers, Altoona, Pa. McCrux * DsnJtl'-Rditors. “ Taos. A. Scott, Bujt. P.B. R., “ I). UoUurtrie, Esq, Huntingdon, Pa. T D. LEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW fl » ALTOONA, BLAIR Co, Pa, #UI practice law in tho several Courts of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Clearfield,. Centre and adjoining counties.— Also in tiro District Count of the United States. Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agent for ib.. said of Heal Estate, Bounty Land YTarrants, and all tasiaoss pertaining to conveyancing and the law. XlxrE&ucxs: Hon. Wilson McCantflet aad Andrew.Barke, Esq., Pitts burgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pres. IJudgo of Fayette J uJiclal District; HonJChouard Clemens, of Wheeling, Tag Ho* Henry D. Foster, Uyeonstjurg; lloiil John W. Kiltinger, Lebanon; Hon. Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; and Hon. diorgv P. Hamelton, Pittsburg. June 16, ISoO-ly. Dentistry.— dr. s. kimmell, OVKBATirS [«6 MECHANICAL DENTIST. Teeth inei-rleJ, from one to a full set, on Gold or Silver Plate. V Teeth filled with Gold, and,warranted for ten years. Teeth Extracted by the Electro Maghctie Machine witb- ct Pain. i All operations and Work done cheaper than anywhere «!»ir. the county, andl a deduction made,. of the railroad npeiuea from Altppnajtu Holliday aburg,, from all opera* him? amounting to five dollars and over. Office on Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Uullidaysburg, [Dec. 16,1858-ly ¥&. BOYERS, • ATTORNET d COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. Will practice in the peveral Courts of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon and Indiana counties. Particular attention given.lo the collection of Claims, ■'•■l prompt remittances made. II" speaks tl>« Gorman language fluently. tj' Office, for the peccant, with J. M.Cherry, Esq., op pwite Kessler’s Drug Store. V Altoona. August 4,1»59. —tf . WM. S. BITTNER, DENTIST. afeice in The masonic tem * / PLE. Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro Magnetic Machine. [Dec. 23, 'oS.-tf 45“ A Student wanted. DR. WM. .R. FINLEY; RE- g Sl-ECTFULIW offers bis profesaionaljWMm services to the people bf Altoona and ; the eining country. BbHm He may be found at the office heretofore oc- wHSH copied by Dr. 6. D. Thomas. Altoona, Sept. 80, 1568.-tf ■ BF. ROYER, M. D., . • Offers his professional services to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. l > The best of references can be given If required. Office at residence oh Uninch street, East Altoona, three Joarr above Conrad's Store. April 28 ’59-ly. A YES! 0 YES!—-GENTLEMEN \J draw nieh and bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT Announ ces to the public,'that ho Is ready to discharge his duty a» an Auctioneer whenever called upon. [Jan. 2 ’4O. SO/XX) LATHES, ahdaU kinds of EUILWNO MA33R&&, lowest, for Cash. Apply to. JOHN SHOEMAKER, PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZING Paint, also Chrom*. Oreen.’YsHow, Part* Omn, Ary p gronpd oil at P-tf j r v .KEgSLHB’S SAFETY ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1859. |Mrg. A CttRISTMAS imur. AT TBZ LITE BOBSBI S. COBEAD.. Where, where; is hot Xhns spake the sages Who songht; their Saviour. from a&r; The King—the God—the Bock of Ages, Who hither Jed us with his atari Where lie the. King? But, star-forsaken, They searched the palace halls in vain 1 That Star of £(ope its light ires breaking O’er a low brut on Bethlehem’s plain. They saw—re/olcod—and knelt before him i And was it stronge-that thus.they hewed I When God’s own Star was beaming o’er him. And angel anthems hymn’d aloud I “To Ood be' glory 1" Spirit voices* In Hoaveu attuned, now thrill the earth } "And peace to man;” thus Heaven rejoicee Ovcr tho Man-God’s humble birth. Joy I For our orb’s eclipse 1* over! Joyf Earth grows green in Heaven’s own breath J With Faith around, and love above her, Hope to the hopeless—bliss to deathl •Toy I Jay / With angel voices ringing Over the earth, can earth be dead t Let praise, and prayer, and joy, upsprlnglngt Front a worjd saved, the glory spread) Joy ! For the fiuthful shall ,not perish! Christ lives to save, died to atone; Hut lot this truth each bosom cherish; Jit suoa the pure in hoot alone/ I WAIT FOR THEE. Ihc hearthls swept—the lire is bright, 1110 kettle' sings for tea; The cloth is {spread, the lamp is light. The mu®os smoko in napkins white, And now I wait fur thee. Come homo,Jove, come; thy nUk is done; The clock Ucks listiugly; Tho blinds ore shat, the curtain down, The arm-chair to tho tiro-si de drawn The boy is on my knee. - Como hosle, love, come; his deep fond eye Looks round him whiatfully; And when the whispering winds go by, As if thy welcome steps were nigh, '' He crows iaultingly. In vain—he finds the welcome vain. And torus his glance on mine So earnestly, thaf yet again, ' His form unto my heart I strain, That glitnee is so like thine. Thy task is done—we miss thoo here; Where’er thy footsteps roam, Ko heart Will spend such kindly cheer, Ko beating heart, no listening ear, Like those who wait thee homo. Ah, now along tho cross walk fast, The well known stop