I HCtSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS. Iff is a feet that, atsorne period, every mem ber of the human family is subject to disease •r disturbance y of the, bodily functions,; bat, With the aid of a good tonic and the, externae pf plain gpairtiiinn they Biay beablouo to regulate the Isystohi as to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the;tlho course! to pursue is,certainly that which fill prbddbe a natural state of things' at the least hazawfof vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr, Hostetler has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name,'which is not a now medicine, but one that has; been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them, to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simplc pro ceas of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the lndigestion, Nau eoa, or any Bilious ComplaintsHarisinig from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Bitters have no equal. - . Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generallycon -1 traded by and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia,» disease which ia .probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always bo attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTETTEfc’S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions onithc bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bittcrs of sonic kind; then why not use an article known to bc infal lible ? AU nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of'dwoaso and strengthencr of the sys tem in general; and among them all there is not. to bo found a more healthy people than, the from whom this preparation ema nated, based!upon scientific experiments which have tended to .prove the value of this great preparation in thc'acalc'of medical science. Fever Asi> Ague,— -This trying and provok ing diseasc, |vrluoh fixes its relentless grasp On the body of reducing him to a mere sha dow in a short time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can bo driven from the body by the use of IIOSTETTERS RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of tho above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if \thc Bitters arc used us per directions. And as they neither create nausea, nor i offend the palate, and vender un necessary any change ■ot diet or interruption of ordinary [pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as. speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure. For Persona in .Advanced Years, who arc Buffering from an enfeebled constitution and Infirm body, these Billers arc invaluable as a restorative of .strength and vigor, and need only be .tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters' are id dis pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishment is [inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and hero it is where a good tonic, such as. Hosteller's Btomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for all casofe of debility, and, .before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted jwith the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. —Wo caution the public against using nny of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask fuV lIOSTETTBU'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEnS, and see that each bottlo has tho words rt Dr. J. UoslcttcFs Btomach Bitters” blown on tho side of the bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph signature is ion tho label. MS' Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEB. & SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa- and sold by aD druggists,; grocers, and dealers generally throughout tho Uuited States, Canada, South America, And Germany. OS- Solil by G W Kessler and A .Rnnsh, Altoona; G A Jacobs, J K Patton and W 0 Murray, UollWaysbul-f:: and 8 Devlin, Tynjne.' \ [Aug. So, ISSO-ty XYTOOD, EDDY & CO.’S Yf ' DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES! CAPITAL PRIZE $lOO,OOO Tlu) following MAGNIFICEXT SCHEMES will bo drawn bv Wood, F.ddv & Co., Managers, at Wilming ton, Delaware,'in public, nmler tiio ?up--rinteinloucu ol sworn commissioners appointed by the Governor. L(fITER¥, OItjASS NO. 678, DRAWS OK SATURDAY, DEC. 31st, 1859. IJB Xumhers— l3 Drawn Ballot*. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $100,000! T Prize of ' *50,000 108 Prizes of $5OO i ; 65 « « 125 3 « « 1 10,000 65 “ “ 100 n « « : 6,000 65 « “ 80 8 « « ' - 4,000 05 “ 50 3 « » . 3,000 4,810 “ “ 40 3 « « : 2,500 . 27,040 •* “ 20 100 “ “ I - 1,000 32*190 Prizes amounting to $1,156,755! KEAKLY 1 PIUZE TO EVERY 3 TICKETS. Whole-Ticl.eis SST;. Halves $lO ; Quarters $5. Certificates of Packages in tUc above scheme will be sold af tUoTtollewing rates, which is the risk;i Certified tool packages of 20 Whole Tickets, $299 00 « f « 26'IIslf “.. 149 60 n i “ 20 Quarter , “ 74 75 1 « - i « 20 Eighth “ 37 37 SPLENDID SCHEME. f 10 BE DBX'WH IN DECEMBER - 6hgs 636 -Draws December 7.1859. Class 648 Draws Wednesday, Deo. 14, 1859. Class 600 Draws Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1859. Class 07i-Diawa Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1859. Nearly Due Prize to eveay Wo Pickets ! T 8 Kumbers»l3 l>ra*yn Ballots. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF §40,000! 1 Prize of ' $13,000 C 5 Prizes of i «V 10,000 es * • **']■’ ■ 7,500 ® ¥• 1 u : 6,000 06 « 1- « 1 ■■■■■■-■ ‘4,139 180 i“ ' SOPrWjaof 4,680 *• 60 .**! 800 &MO !“ «o - ! .'-300 . Prises smoontiog to WhaU TiikeU sio—ffulvu es2,m of Packages )a the above Scheme, to. he otthe fcUbwtog rates, Package of 28 Whole 1149,50 • : ji» . f «*? ■ 26 Half V “ '.T4,W •V * "■ •! ■ v h 26 Quarter ■“ IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Encls«oihfamoiuit.of iboiwy to puf ; wiili to ptfrcba&o; name |n whlcli you Trtih it Invested, ftnd ters, dh rrtelp* of WhKhi we send what la ordered, by first ai^l, ■: ' ImmeJlKtely ofter tho dra wing,.apflu ted drawing, ccr tlflowtoby the Commissioner, wBI be; sent, with an oipla- Pnrcluslire wlll please write their signatnroi plaln, and givefhenameof their PostOfflce, Codnty and'-State. ' All communications strictly confidential. : Ailprtw* of ll£Oo and under, paid Immediately after' ShVjiratriDg, other prises at the usual time of 40 days. : Our Single Humber; Lottery ’ . ; - .03L.ASS 51, ■ ' PBIZB $lOO,OOOl ■ 17,; 1859. #j>Mo!riSk«tsS3): waives sio; Quarters sfi. , or Certifies t«9 sn the above Schemes to be directed to ■ t-i’.' v;- '■ i ; ; - ! ; Wool>, £I)DY &.Co., Wilmington, Delaware, ' • :«r, I wooivapb** „ ' : taiTM'Drawjnesofthe OelAwWeState Lotteries are paUtthsdlhthe Sew York Times and Herald. -pvR. JOQGSWELL’S NEW MEDI- Sc/otototo? Certificates t« tte RsuxKy cf thU3ltd .ieinein hiftammaiory IKtautt. «»or the tart twelve years I have been mote or ices fronted with Inflammatory Rheumatlgm, commencing SSr in thsßpring, and lasting until cold weather set to. When 1 woffldberclieved for a while, only tobe attacked . rJS" In the Spring- AU my joint* vW.uld swell and be !Si sore, attended with rthe most «cnte pain. My feet, Shoulder?.' arms, and bonds troubled me most, so much so that fcould warcely walk, and almost alwaysrequired v>- rtstauco in dressing. Daring this time I would try et«y , thing 1 could hoar of, to thediopeof finding a curt, laio tried* several physicians, hut nothing seemed to hr l] nie the least to tto world. About tw.. and a half year* ago I „ w usual, andas usual tried everything toget Hd of it, but to no purpose. I kept growing worse, and mn/'wero sfisoro that 1 could not stand on them or get on r | np. Ahout tory - t u Tjronouncwl it a thought, of U. tomhinTtlWt I badbecn humbugged enough, humhng. and told nim nia . d , couTl | p u t try it. and . lie kept urging Wft eivimr hima of iut if I would Ofcourse Iconhl not disease, he WOU, S„£ L J *, ono jt came in due rofnsesuch an not increased and Ihiughcd at season, but my mh .and told my th -r nS ved "and hb £dSt humbugs.- butono dose.ami bathed■ for a had case of ..«- found for all intlamnmtory thseas-,•*...t0d “• who are afflicted to give Yurie. Vv'lion it Is remeinborod tlmt tUo MEpiCAL ‘Jr u-i.mß hi till other Inflammatory dim***'* •'» 111 i * ,lcU 1 deprive circulars, “ that it is a roost valuable r.-medy. Pniely tm.m« “ llicted will find in their own condition and ni tto n - Statement*, enough to induce them to give the iIi.DU.AL SALT a trial. 1-rice $1,00; Chronic & w F Bell: in Uollidavsburg by Oeo. A. Jacobs, and by iOl enterprising Druggists, and 'riierever th.- Jrd.nnc goes Cal! cr send am) get n circular, aud do not fail to tiy rn. Now iJcdical SaU* Pec. 16, ’6B-1 y. • SPECIAL AN NOUN CE MEMT FROM THE Quaker City Publishing House! 100,000 Catalogues, XEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED-NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. Si-pniar ItulnrcinoUs /<> th* Public! was \ n<‘ «• ami Hurt' ;d'Li; :‘ur ( ■' t.ii:'!t ’1 r 1 1 01 .D ap.il Ml.- VEK WATCHES, ami other valuable Prlzs. Full parti'-- ulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to nil upon application. ‘ ... Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 cts. to .-100, ul AKA'S TJJEU to each purchaser. Sloo,i.Hiy in Gifts have been dis tributed to my 1 eat ions within the pastsis months C UOn to be distributed (luring the neat six mouths. The inducements offered Agent* are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having been in the Publishing ™l Bookselling business fir the last eight years, my experience enables me to con duct the Gift Enterprise with the greatest satiafactlan to nil. , , „ as- AGENTS WANTED in every Town and mnsnty. For full particulars addn s Id’AKE Kl 1.1-' N, Quaker City Publishing House, 55 South Third Ft., Sept. 22,’69-lm. Philadelphia. Pa. Red lion hotel, ALTO OXJ. BLAIR roVXTV, PA. This old established and popular HOTEL. located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars in Albs na, has passed into the hands of tne present proprietor. — Long experience in the business warrants me in assuring the travelling public that no pains will be spared to Vender guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof. , The TABLE will constantly bo gupplioJ with the very best the market affords. ■The BAR will bo fomid.to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice bevo rage LAGER BEEP. The STABLE Is in, charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. The proprietor hopes, by his long experience in tne bnslncs and the facilities at his command, to make the Red Lion, in all rcspccts, a first class Ufltcl. The business of the Hotel will ho under tny own personal supervision. A liberal sharebfDuhHc patronage is kindly solicited.’ • JOHN W. SCUWEIGERT, Proprietor. May 19, 1559.-tf AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, , R. K. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup, Jloojland'a German Bitters, Bwrhave's Holland Billers, Sandford's Liver Inviyoraior, . Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarke's Female nils. Duponco’s■ Golden Pills, Wrights, Ayer's, Wilson's and McLane's Fills, ■Merchants Gargling Oil, 100 80 80 « SO 20 JO Derry Davis' FainKilier, Match lit's Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Nerve and Bone Leniment, ' in store'aud for sale at Sept. 2, ISog-tf.] A. KOUSITS Drug Store. E LOUR—THE BEST QUALITY OF FAMILY FLOCK for sale, Wholesale andßetaih— apply to , • ’ J. SHOEMAKER, • Dec. U, 1856-tt : Masonic Temple. CREAM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO NAIB.of Soda, Solaratus, 'Washing Soda, Durkco’s BaWngPowder,lnstorc andforsalo at ■ V : . Sept. VSB-4t] ' A. JtOUSJTS Drug Store. CELLING OFF—A LARGE AS SOKIMENT of Boots and> Shoes, Buffalo and Call Overshoes, at n.TDOTS Dec. 0,1853. riAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, t/, Linseed oa,'SpirltB of Whitelead and Alcohol,fcr Solo cheap at' A- HOuSITS. KOCEBIEB.— —A LARGE AND complete assortment of QrowAesVhaveinst^boen-rt- at t& store of . T)ERSONS wishing to establish Manu- X factories in a now and thriving place iggood. See advertisement of thogammonton Setnomant, /■'IARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, UM \J BKEfLAS, &N, caubcbought clipper at H..3SQIP3 than at any other place In .the country, f [Dec, v, 18*1. A LL THE STANDARD PATENT JX M£DICIOT3 AT [X-tf. KESELEB!S. GREAT CENTRAL | LITERARY EMPORIUM,; NO. 1, “ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA, PA., j, XTTTtEEB-MAY BE HAD ALL THE* yy popular publications’of the day, 23 follows: Jj JSew York Ledger? $ Few Turk Mefenry, Few York 'HVfWy, • Skietiline American, * iVciO Yerk Waveriy, Flag of Our Union, S Tout Flag, American Vine n> , ■Saturday Eeemng Fast, Bottur Xewrfxipr.r, \ Sunday Dispatch, | Sunday Mercury , Warrrhj Magazine, Frank Leslie's Pictorial, Harper’s "Weekly, Ballmis Pictorial, Prank Leslie's JU. German Paper, J he Illustrated World, (German,) The Fete York Clipper, Falimutl Pnlipe Gazelle, United Slates Police Gazette, . . „ Boston Pilot, : /mTi A Home Journal, s|f Spiritual i\ieejraph. Weekly Ti'i dialer's Spied, Life \U art ruled. Prank, \Lcslir!s Ikuhjti ef Fun, Yankee. Fotwns, Altoona Trilruuf. tx DAILIES:' Philadelphia Press, Few York ’ - Pu'utie. Ledue.r. ; -'«» 3»»* Tribune, Jittiburgh flute Press, Foolork Yimes. Forth American, Pittsburgh Cb ron.de, Ercnina Ikdlelitt; Keening Argus. Fcuntylmnian. To which willhefc-ldetlthe new publicationsinsi they appear. Novels bii.l Kouxauces, Miscellaneous liwks, School -Books.’Copy Hooks. Slates. I ens. Pencils, lulu, Cup uii'l Letter Pajxr, Envelopes, Drawnij: and Tissue Pujw-r, Blank Books and lx: fad every lliiuit iu : tlie Stationary lino. Toys. No tions nixtlOames ofevery variety, Pic tures ami Pictnre Eranies, ie .vn) A choice J..t of CON RUCTION EUIES, of oyery van ctv XohACCO ami SEOAKS of the best qualify. Si r_w are «.le Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for UOIIN S CELEBRATED SALVE. It dopujw- Uh-.'h'i cure all sores to which it is applied. Try it. j 11. rtl SEW (iOOIIS! SEW UOOltS! At McCormicks Store, Just arrived,, and are now being offered for sale, an ex trusive assortment of goods "full the different sty b-s and i.uaUlies, which th- Philadelphia market affords, in tho \vav of dress gbods for Ladies together with ml tile more heavy Cotton ami Woolen goods fur Gentlemen and hoys wear, also a full stock of READY MADE CLOTHING for men amt hoys, of the best material and latest Styles, in the way of busulcss, dress and over coaU), with pants .ami vests to match. Also all the different varieties of goods, such os « Hardware, Queeußwnrc, Cedar ware, Stoneware, &c , GrIIOCERIES, Family Syrup*. Sugar Brown end Vhite, Teas, Ac., Ac with all tho variety of spices necessary to make up a full assortment. Menlsfine and coarse Boots and Bootees, Ladies “ ; • “ “ icith ,j- without heels, In all the different material, with a very pretty assortment AND BOYS LKDGKU HATS AND CAPS, and all other articles usually kept in Country stores, allot which will be sold as low as in any other bouse in town for cash, or exchanged for any article of prtslr.ee, which can lie consumed byre nr exchanged in the East for others'. Alniona. Oct, 27th, o»'J. EIGHT REASONS WS*Y EVERYBODY SHOULD GO TO c. B SINK’S STORE. l HE HAS A LARGE AND WELL # acli'ctc! ifcoortmcut of Dry Goods, which are worth 2. *ilo lias fth uuetinall'M Stock of GROCERIES, frvah ami i»ure, which lie will .sell do reasonable ajany morchaul in the pbice. \ 3. He hits Hardware, Queei&warc, MvncwvrCf av. y of the must fjurtilomil'rte styled. 4. J!e has a large cum* of Jh*ds and A/W.t for Gents. Rv tUw> f Missed ami Children, embracing all sizes, qualities and prices. „ . , 5. Ho Ims a fine stock of HA TS for Summer wear—just the pink of Uni fashion—all very cheap. ? 0. He keeps always on hand an assortment of Ready- Madc Clothing, fii suit the season. 7. He has on hand » large wtottfof Cloths. meres and Testing.', which he will nmko up fa order on short notice In u fashionable style, and at prices which must give satis faction. , 8. He don’t hsk people to come au l buy—only to come and examine,His stuck, L co nfident that if they but examine they will buy without asking. Altoona, May 6, ISu'J.-lf GREAT OPENING I OF - I SPRING AND SUMMER: OD CO OD cS3 o JB. 11l LEMAN HAH JUST RE reived and opened :tt bis old stand, on \irginia st.. a Urge ami ittnicthc assortmentof seasonable gpods, com prising nil tin- novelties iu EHEGES, DIVAL.% 7..1 WXS. GTXGJTA.VS. EMBROI DERIES, LACE.S HOSIERY d: GLOVES. »i. l nil varie ties unit textures of LADIES DRESS GOODS, together wit[i n full assortment of goods for gentlemen's weals such as Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Also a full stock of Hardware, Clneenswaro and GROCERIES, and an of BOOTS, SJIOES, OAITORS, &C., of all sizes and styb-s. Which equal to any in tile market, and will bo Hold lit fair prices. Having recently enlarged ray store-room, I engi now display ray largely increased stock to better advantage and would respectfully invito everybody to call. ' Slay 12, 1559. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB 'j SClirjiEl'w would respectfully in- I form the public that he Ims recently re titled the above Hotel, and Is now pre pared tb aycomnlodnto his friends and Kg itflraffiijiHr patrons in a comfortable manner,and will spare no pains in making it an. agreeable borne for all sojourners,' His Tabic will always bo luxuriously supplied from the nfcarkets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with.liqnors of choice brands. His charges aro as reasonable ns those of any other Hotel in the place. (Un! he Teels satisfied they can not bo complained of by those who favor him wlth their custom. F.yporting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, 'ho throws Optra his house to the public and invites a trial. * I have just received a stock of No. 1 French Brandy, for mediciiinl purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found" in the country. Altoona, May 27, 1809.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. GREAT QUESTION WHICH noW ; agitates the mind of every, is, "whorO 1 can I get the best article for money? In regard to other matters, the scriber would not attempt to direct, but If you HL want anything in tlie line of , || BOOTS OE SHOES IJ ho invites an examination of his stock and work. 3« keeps constantly on hand an assortment ofßoots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which he offers at fair prices. ■ He will; giro special attention to custom work, all of which wftl bo warranted to give satisfaction. None but Die best workmen aro employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store. " ' ■■ Soptcidbcr 3, ’6T-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS.. TlliS HAMMONTON FARMER.—A nohftpaper dovoted to liitcraluro and Agriculture l , also setting fwirth full jiccouutH of tlio hew settlement of Unm monton, jit Now Jersey, can bo subscribed for at only 25 cents ptrnnnom. ■ liiclobo postage stamps for the amount. Address to Edi tor of tlio Farmer, Uamrabuton, P. 0. Atlantic Co., NoW Jersey. 'lhose Wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of flip healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, dhd where crops are hover cutdown by frosts, the terrible hoonrgo of tho north, see advertisement of Ham monUmfnnds. : T>OOTS AND SHOES.—THE HN dOraignod bos now oh hand and wIQ sell cheap at his store in tho Masonic Tern- pie, n tees and complete assortment OfBOOT3 wHI AND SHOES, Toady made, or made to order, H. OvershocB, liiuUos’ Banda!3, GamShooi, Corn Solea. ohd everything in his Uno Othnshitss, o<( the heat ijuaiity and on tho most reasonable terms. All cußtomworfc warranted. ■- Jon.^’So4f.l QGLUTION OF CITRATE OF MA6- ■ NJSSIA —a cooling Cathartic, mild in to operation, and agreeable to the taste, prepared and for eaia by : -Jnne(?4,lBss.-tf • • A. ROUSH, Dnmitl. QSOE Business and Factories can be ■ profitably atHaaononton ' See adtertlse iHjent df -pammonton Lands, Tiuware, J. SHOEMAKER. XTEW AGRICULTURAL SKTTLE MENT.—Jb aU wanting fhmtt. a put and healthy climate 25 ' f " 7 « X' u , v,£ 1 r/tiiaddphia, an the Cuviden and. JOanlic RaUrnad ->«“> , estateconsistitig of soWral thouMudkofMrexof , toil to* been divided into Kaimß of' tnriacs | 4L S ttt< me purchxßcr, A population of whip Fifteen .WM dred, from various- parts of tUo Middla Stiles and Kow England have settled there thepast year, improved tiicir Dittoes, am* rnisal exaeUtnt craps. The price of the tomr w at the flow ghm of from $l5 to $3O per acre, the soil wQf the hew Qualify for the production ot Wltiat. 1 ptmh.tr, draper and Vepetatder. ITTS CON SI DEB EH TIIE BEST FRDIT SOIL IJi THE UNION. The pUcei* Per fectly secure ft»u fpists—the destructive enemy of tin 1 i«r mer. Cn>p« of grain, grrfss and fruit ore now gpiwitig ami can ho seen. By examining the place Itself. a < correct . Judgment can ho formed ot the productively-ss of mo lami. . TUo tarras are madooasy to secure the rapid improvement of the land, which is only sold for dciaoUntprn-.ru-i,!. me rcsillt lias been, that within the past year, some him- , dred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, lour stops, some forty viuy.ards and Reach orchard*, pi an lee. and a large number of other improvements, making it a desirable and active place of business. ! THE MARKET, j KB the reader mav perceive from its location, is the , BEST IN THE UNION. Prodnra bringing double the price than iii locations nw-ay from the’ citv, and more then double the price than the West. It is ‘known that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables iu tills latitude come from New Jersey, and are annually extorted to the extent of millions. In locating here, the settler lota many advantages. He is within a few hours ride of the great cities of New Eng land and Middle States, ho is near his old friends and asso ciations, 1-e is in a settled country where entry improvement of comfort and ciaiiizatiun is at hand, lie can buy every article he wants at'the ch-aix-st price, and sell his produce for the highest, e made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the advantages there presented, and nsk himself why tie- property has Dot been taken up before. The reason is. it was never thrown in the market; ami unless these statements were correct, no ou- would be 'fnvited to examine tie-laud before pur chasing. This all are expected to do. ■ They will -ee hind under cultivation, such is the extent of the settlement that they w ill no doubt, meet persons, from th-ir own neigh borhood; thev will wit teas the inipr.o em-r.ts and can judge the character of the p filiation. II ll- y collie w ith u view to settle, they should come prepared to stay u day or two and he ready to purchase, us locations earned be held on retnsah . , , ~ Tiit-re are two daily trains to Philadelphia,.ana to a.l Pi-Ulers who improve, the Railroad Company gives a tieu Tiekgt for six mouths, and a half-price i ickct lyr tlucc years. THE TOWN OF KAMMONToN In connect ion with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town hitf naturally arisen, ic/m -I, yn.nntf m dui rvuiiL' fjr any kind uf business, parln-uhirty stares and tnannfactdriex. The, .S'/ios business l oiild li- carried on in this place and market to gissi advantage. also cotton busi ness. and manufactories of agncnUuial tmylwnU or y,,un-l. cies /nr casting small articles. The improvement Inn. been s,,'rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of business. Town lota of a good aize, we do not sell .mall ones, rns it would effect cle’ improvement el tho pin. e. mu be nuil at from SIUO and upwards. The Hanimnnton fninurr. a monthly literary and agri cultural sheet. Containing full information of Uammoiiton. can he obtained at 25 cents jm-i* annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is paid. Bottle to the land k leave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia for Uammoiiton by Kailroad.’at 7V. A. M., or 11..',I 1 ..', P. M. Fare ‘.lO cents. M lien ther- impure for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences ,n ham!. Parties had la-tier stop with Mr. Byrnes, a prim e pal. nit til they have decided as to purchasing, ns lie will show them over the land in his carriage, fie- of expense Litters and applications om he addressed to Landis A IP, rte,liammonton P. IP, Atlantic t"o- N'-w Jersey, i r S.' li. Coughlin. 202 South Fifth Street. Philadelphia.— Mapsutmi information cheerfully furnished, j.luni dO'dy-um.j K IT N D ER 81G N K D WOULD J[ rohiH-cifully inform hi* ol.lciw tojjuTs and the public pt*nci^l!> that he ha? just received a large ami HANbboME aa- sortmeut uf CLOTHS, Casslmeres, and vestings. whirl) hf is now ofhnn" for sale, ami is prepared to maae up in Hu* latest stylo k most ■iu;ah’..-man ner, as none hut Iho la-t workm-n aroemployed. anil all w oik made will ho warranted to givo satisfaction, lie has also a pood Stock of 1 1 e> Is ELTIMSIIIXt; GOODS, emdi a.- SniETd, Coli-abs, Under snuffs, Drawers. i' l okot ITandkorcli iofs, Neck Ti *s. Shooks. Suspomh rs, Hosiery. A-c.. r him with their, pa tronage comfortable and happy, during their stay with him. His STABLING is'ample, mid au obliging and careful hostler will always h.« in attendance! Tho Williamsburg stage. which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, stops at tho Logan Hotel. i Dec. IT, ISiiT,—tf.] JOHN KJJFFER. BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Bid yon hear the news from Bnropo? If yon h:wo not, we will t»;U you wjj.it it fa. It fa Unit UEXKV TUCK has ju.«t returned from the Eastern cities with a large .■mp** Ply ° f READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of all styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Vests, Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of the kind, albof whirli lie offers at unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Having purchased his stock at cash prices, he is thereby enabled to sell very low. ; ■ Uo invites all those in want of anything in his lino to giro him a call, feeling sure that ho will be able to give satisfaction. HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Ecph 30,1858.-tf OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! In coneequencc of the hard times, 1 have concluded to put down the price of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi lilte standard. They will hereafter he acrred up on'Hie Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell and served npwith all other accompaniments, TWENTY EIVE CENTS. They will also be furnished, in every oth er way. at prices to correspond with the times. JOHN KEIfTER, Logan Ilouse, Uollidaysbnrg. Doc. 17, tf.] /CONCENTRATED LYE, FOR MA \_y/ KINO Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Washing, ono pound equal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Ptdm Soap, Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and for sale at June 10,1858.-tfJ A. BOUSH’S. Liquors. —a‘ large* amount of --well selected MQ.DORS has been .received at the “LOGAN HOUSE,HoUidaysbjrg, which will bo sold at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to coll. [Dec. 17, tf. QUBENSWARfi, JUST RECEIVED. - A large and fashionable assortment art the store of . J. U HICKMAN. Hair oils, colognes, pom odes, Shaving Cream, loUefcSoops, ftc, for sale by !-tf.l ; " ' 'W? 0- W.iKESBDBB'. ■' Hardware of all desorip tions just received and for sale by Oct. IMf ] . J. B, IDILKMAN. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, Sash and Varniih brushes at . TIT ARIA L. I)E PEYSTERMEMO IU RIAL ?CHOOL.-TM-i MONDTY\ B MAVr U i'u. S££?« audwlll connect with it aMaleA en ?f^tJPn£!^ict^with tho Male department, yomig men wIU be wUh n view to their entering tlio advanced ow CoUcgoe; or. if desired, Uielr^nc»Uono^leteitoafl \Z }SSnSM"SS.w, 8»to» »<«"»SS. t *». p «nmuicr Session to comnSenCfton tbs lit aiOft* “g on the last Wednesday of Soptemter j ■ w|‘* , r (tension to coouucnw on tho Ist MondftT 11 T r ou the last WedncsERSONS wishing to change their busiursd to a rapidly mrmwolng Country, a Now S’ttleiueut wluTf hmit)ied» an* ;r<.»iu£. Wio rt* rite climate U mild and drlightful.ulSoe advertisement of llie Ilamniou tou SoltK imut, in another column. The green (book, just PUB LISHED. 160 PAQKS. PRICE 25 jrjgjfa'tm Cents ; Uu Single and Married life; or, the MjJffVSUb institution of Marriage: its Intent, tllll gallons, and .Physical and Imgal I>isbue vli flealious; the ruiianal treatment of all private diseases in both sexes, ftc. To which is added a poetical essay, enti tled " (Jilh'iHictltae or the art of having and rearing beau tiful and healthy children, by tho late UuBEET J. Cclver- WELL, Esq, M. D. , _ _ . Sent free* of puetago, by tlie Publishers Cn.AS, K LIVE ft Go., Box 4580. New York,or Dexter LAIR COUNTY DAGUERREAN ) ROOMS.—Mr. G. W. FISHER, the Hollidayshnrg Artist, begs leave to inform our readers that ho is prepared to take ' • - - Photographs of deceased persona, from Daguerreotypes, at tho shortest notice and Cm tho most reasonable terras. He has just received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, including a nety pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is pre pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, AMBROTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH. Give him a coll. Room* on the comer of Montgomery and Allegheny streets. Ilollidnyidiprg, Pa. [June 17-tf. G. W. KESSLER-—PRACTICAL *\ DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to tlio citizens of Altoona and the public gen-tfßpjjpjite, erolly, tlnit ho still continues tlieil|rug on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly v on hand, for sale, WholesalonudßktaiL DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- E 3 and DYE-STUFFS. ; By strict' attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all as regards priced and quality,, he hopes to merit and receive a snaru qf public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions careftijly compounded, fl-tf. ’ WALLPAPER! WALL PAPERII —wcaie now receiving Kt tho “ MODEL STORE,’’ a largo assortmenr of ’ ' , WALL PAPER AIVD BORDER, ' ,i i \ . * purchased direct from tho in New York, and we can therefore offer grcot lmluccments to thoso who wish to purchase. Call and cyarfilnu our stock. * March 17th, 1889-tf. ! J. A J. LOWTHEB. Constantly receiving new Beady Made Clothing, qfUie latest Fashions, cheaper than over, at ILIOCITS. Dec. 9,1868. ’ *A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF r\ Undershirts and Drawers, Cotton, Woollen ' and Bilk, very low, at v | ; H-TCCXTS. Dec. SMBSB. ' . ' PINE AND LARiD OILS, CAM phone, Burning Fluid, 0«$on 00, Ae.,at Jan.VSfr-tf] • . jg - KBSStBR’S. ON HAND AT MqCORMICK’S Store —A splendid assortment'; of Ilcady-Mada clothing. Call and seij. - n : l .' N0v.25,-tf. A RDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus ■XA. , Bruceifcrsdleat J : *-tf ■ ;• KEBSDEIV3. The highest Price in cash ■paid lot Boo?aides,bj^:?’• -j; 1,. ICKBS. Howard association, phil. ADKLPHIA. A Benerdmt hutituHoKi tstahUtkai by (peefal radowstm for the relic/ of the *Uk and distressed, affected with fir tdent and £pvlmie diseases. The Bowass kwsxsuxm, tovlswof the awfUl destruction of human lifts mmol by Sexu»lDl»wuw,'wid'«Ji«det ® ¥ W fl .3 d, o 3 St. | ** S| | 9d It.} « O S-a-Sl s|l| >’« STOVK3.' COXSCilllloy Of SMOKE. AND GAS.IAD SAfiyo OF FUEL. The euhscrilier tnkes pleasnro'in offering to the public® NKW GAS AND SMOKE COSSUMINO Conking Stove, recently jmtented, which is dysOned to in percede all othdVs, as it requires ONE-TIIIUD LESS FUEh than other stoves ami is more easily, quickly ami n'cnlnr ly heated. No unpleasant smell bl gas arises linn this stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere it ean «■ capo. There is no trouble from smoke as that miphmnnt ami often ameiying exhalation is also consumed Inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of Hues or ddtn neyd becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by the gas arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase sloven are invited to call at the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and «. amine tiro above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, •Suit Agent for Blair Omulf. N. B. All khul* of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and E ss Stoves on hand. [Aug. 12, ISifi National police gazettb.- This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals I* in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughput the country! It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorial«ou the none . I .evlte r wilt Information on Criminal Matters, not to bo found in any other newspaper. ftxy.Subscriptions $2 pqr annum; $1 lor six nienths, t« be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their neuv and the town, county and State where they reelde plnlulyd To G. TV. MATSELh t CO- Editor. Si Prop’r. of New York Police Oazetts. 15-tf] iV *“ inrl 1 %- Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. beg leave to call the atten * ’ tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. MTane’» Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE' LIVER PILLS, Forthecure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sica Head-Ache; &c. *in cases of Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, P"a. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to ' their manufacture. And being e termmed that Dr. M’Lanes ce brated Vermifuge and Liver shall continue to occupy the hig position they now hold among t great remedies of the day, will continue to spare neither tun nor expense in procuring die e and Purest material, and com pound thenrin the most thoroug manner. Address all Ptd er | FLEMING BR0& FitUbargb) P. S. »(^crBaiidPb^lcl^6r^«f^^ is *ict Flemming Bros., wflbdo waß;ty yrlte wib jbJ ly and (die none but Ifr. JTXjwie*, tli*w* in. Tn of*’ trial,.-Vro will forward by mallfpw *Ai.«*vcc« l I“**’ United States, one bo *,° r U*iyt ago Btampa, or one vi»l of S crwifnua cent stamp: All onlera from CanruU must In ecco. by. twenty cent* extra. ■■■; . • . Bll ,i «. W K ’:’ i For s«l», in Altoona, by A. Kuii*b «'• •v • r, unit hv all I'niirsisb 1 . L"” ■ a. iS’ r> jsilfeisl' ■i&r? . M jS|yS«^a.r life ':*m& sSm ffcaL-i M-'v- Em* A** >• " ,tpj»t *1 VM, joitN TV^AF ,, ’if . i - .. - f ! li ffka under KlHi iB |bo 'OnoftiyUeltona i Uurkfltehru of tl MLkSeleeUoiu *3*l*44* 18M. %*r. A. B. fii 'Jfkll. Ltor '*«Cac* 1 D Ecu ' 'MCKoMutru ■m D.LKI tie* AtTOON’i WBt practice law Batbfdoa>