HOSTETTER’S stomach bitters. It Is a fact that, at some period, every mem ber of the hitman family is subject to disease mr disturbance of the bodily functions; but, vrith. the aidj'of a good tonic and the exercise of plain condnon sense, they may be able so to regulate the!, system as to secure permanent hrfVii , In iorder to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which Jrfll produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and We. For this purpose, Dr. Host otter has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to Oil who { have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, jrestoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem totriumphover disease. .For the cure oif dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite* orany BUiouß Complaints,^arising from a morbid ihflßion of tbo Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery,'Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Bitters have no equal. Diarrh the New iiodicnl Suit. Dec. 10. *oS-ly. WEST ALTOO NA 0 A BIN E T AVARK ROOM.—The uud< - r signed has lately mini.- arrangements do business on a more extensive scale than heretofore, and is now prepared to execute all ORDERS FOR I URXITURE, OF ANY KIND, AT SHOKTEST NOTICE. His workmen are acknowledged to be capable of doing The very best worlc in the line of Cabi net Male in//. and all those who entrust him with their orders may rely upon receiving finished work. lie keeps a couatnut supply of Furniture on hand, to which he invites to attention of those intending to “GO TO HOUSE KEEPING.” Call on him at at 1 his room in Loudousville, near the PliUik Hoad. COFFINS MADE TO ORDER. November 11, 185 S. ISAAC CUOMJ^K. I A ISK’S METALIC RURJA'E CA ' SES. —This is a new article in this section of the country, although extensively used in the East. They are a sure protection against WATER AND VERMIN, and possess many other advantages over the common cof fins. The remains of the lamented CRAY and li EDbTER were encased in these cases. For sale by ISAAC CROMER, November 11,1858. Altoona, Pa. QPECIAL ANNOUNCEMEMT FROM THE Quaker City Publishing House ! 100,000 Catalogues, NEW, ENLARGED AND DEVISED—NOW HEADY FOK DISXRIBL’TION. Superior Inducements to the Public! tji), A now mill sure plan for obtaining GOLD and SIL VER WATCHES, aud other v.ilnabWß’rizes. Full partic jilars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon.«pplication. Valuable Gifts, worth from 80 cts. to $lOO, GUARAN TEED to each purchaser. $lOO,OOO in Gifts hava been dis tributed to my patrons within the past six months—slso,- 000 to be distributed during the next six' mouths. The inducements offered Agents an- more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having the Publishing and Bookselling business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to con duct the Gift Enterprise with the greatest satisfaction to all. 4Kj- AGENTS WANTED in every Town and County. For full particulars address DUANE RULISON, Quaker City Publishing Uouse, 33 South Third St., Sept. 22, ’5O-fen. Philadelphia, Pa. Red lion hotel,, coryry. pa. This old established and popular nearly opposite the place of stopping the passengerrars in Altoo na, has passed into the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me in assuring the travelling public that no p:dns will be spared to render guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning under my roof. The TABLE will constantly be supplied with the very best the market affords. The BAR will be found to contain an excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of all kinds, including that choice beve rage LAGEJt DEEP. The STABLE is in charge of an excellent aud experi enced .Ostler. The .proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the bnsines and the facilities at bis command, to make the Red Lion, in all respects, a first class Hotel. Thu business of the Hotel will lie under my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public patronage is kindly solicited. ■ JOHN W. SCUWEIGERT, Proprietor. May 19, 1859.-tf AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, R. E. SELLERS’ Imperial CoUgh Syrup, Uoojiand's German Bitters, Bcerhave's Holland Bitters, Sand/ord's Liver Invigorator, Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Qlarke’s Female Fills, Duponco's Golden Pills, Wright's, Ayer's, Wilson's and McLane’s Pills, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Matcheli’s Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Nerve, and Bone Zenimenl , in store and for sale at '1 Sept. 2,1858-tC] A. BODSIPS Drag Store. 100 80 60 tO 30 ao 10 T7LOUR.—THE BEST QUALITY OF JL' FAMILY PLOUR for sale, Wholesale andHetail.— Apply to J. SHOEMAKER, Dec, 11,1860-tf, Masonic Temple; CREAM TARTER, SUPER-GARBO KATE of Soda, Salaratus, Washing Sods, Darkee’s BukingPowder, in store and tor sale at 80pt.2,’68-tt] A. ROUSH’S Drug Store. SELLING OFF—A LARGE as sortment of Boots and Shoes, Buffalo and Call ilversboes, at U.TUCU’S Dec. 0,1838. 1 i~IAMPHENB, BURNING FLUID, \y Linseed Od, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and Alcohol, fur sale cheap at i A- ROUSH’S. riBOGERIES;—-A LARGE AND at thestoreof J.B. iiIiiEMAN. "OERSONS* wishing to establish Manu i ' factorial In a new .and thriving place where bnslnces is good, fifee adliertisement ofthsHammnnton Bft’lentent. /“IARPEP BAGS, TRUNKS, UM \J BRELLAs,Aegeanimboag^^pwatTH.lDCffS than at any other place in theconntry. [Dec. 8,1868.. A LL ‘THE STANDARD PATENT XL MEDICINES AT [l-tf. KESSLER’S. GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. 1, "ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA, PA., WHERE MAY BE HAD ALL THE populM Publication* of tiic daj, ia follows. iVeio York Ledger, New York Mercury, New Turk Weekly, Scientific American, ; Aete Tirrt UctreKy. Flag of Our Union, True Fluff, American Union, Saturday Evening Pott, , Dollar Kewspaper, Sunday Dispatch, Sunday Mercury, llhr erly Magazine, Frank Leslie’s Pictorial, OarpeFt Weekly, Halloa's Pictorial, Fiank Leslie's 111. German Paper, Ihe Illustrated World. (German.) The New York flipper, , National Police Gazette, United States PAttc Gazette, Huston Pilot, Irish American. Dome journal, Danner of Light, Spiritual Telegraph, Weekly Tribune, J\>rter’s Spirit. Life Illustrated, Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun, Yankee Notions, Altoona Tribune. Nix Nax. DAILIES : Philadelphia Press, New York Deraid, Jhiblie Ledyef, New York Trdtunc, Pittsburgh ’True Ib-css, New York Times. ■ North American, Pittsburgh Chiomcle, Keening Bulletin, Keening Argus, liennsytranuin. To which will be added the uew publications us they appear. Magazines, Novels and Botuances, Miscellaneous Boohs, School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Feus, Pencils, Inks, Cup and tetter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Paper. Blank -Books and in foot every thing In tlie Stationary line. Toys, No tions and Games of every variety. Pic tures and Picture Frames, 4c. tfi, A choice lot of CONFECTIONERIES, of every vari ety." Also. TOBACCO ami SEOAKS of the best quality, N. ll.—We arc sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in tills county, for BOHN'S CELEBRATED SALVE. It doespos ilieelu cure all Sores to which it is applied. Try it. 7_tf.J H. FET'ITNUER. SEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! At McCormicks Store, Just arrived, and are now being offered for sale, an ex tensive assortment of goods of all the different styles and qualities, which- the Philadelphia market affords, in the way of dress goods for Indies together with all the more heavy Cotton and Woolen goods for Gentlemen and Boys wear, also a full stock of READY MADE CLOTHING for mon nml Boys, of the host materia! and latest Styles, in the way of business, dress and over coats, with pants aud vests to match. Alsu all the djll'crent varieties of goods, such as Hardware, Quecßswnre, Cedaiwaro, Tinware, Stoneware, &c , GROCERIES, Family Syrups, Sugar Brown and Vhite, Tens. iv_ Ac., with all the variety of spices necessary to make up a full assortment. Men’* fine, and coarse Bools and Bootees, Ladies' ‘ “ “ with without heels, in all the different material, with.* very pretty assortment of Bonnets. ALSO MEN AND BOYS LEDGER HATS AND CATS, ami all other articles usuall y kept in country stores, all of which will be sold as low as in any other house in town for cash, or exchanged for any article of produce, which can be consumed here or exchanged in the Hast for others. Altoona, Oct. th, o'.*. EIGHT REASONS WHY EVERYBODY SHOULD GO TO C. B. SINK’S STORE ] HE HAS A LARGE AND WELL # selected assortment of Dry Goods, which arc- worth going tosee. 2. Ue lias an uneqnalb d stock of CfiOCKIiJK.% fresh and pure, which he will bell as reasonable as any merchant in the place. 3. lie ha* Hardware, Quean ware. &tonewvre, dx., of the most fashionable stylet). 4. Ho hna a large case of aud Shf/es for Gents, La dles, Misses and Children, embracing all sizes, qualities and prices. 5. Uu lnu» a fine stock of lIA 7V> fur Summer wear—just the pink of the fashion—all very cheap. 6. Uo keeps always on hand an assortment of Heady- Made Clothing , to suit the season. 7. lie has » n hand a large stotk of Ch-thSi CXtSfimemand Vestings, which he will make up to order on short notice in a fashionable style, aud at prices which must give satis faction. 8. lie don’t ask people to come and buy—only to come and examine -bis stuck, feuling confident that if they but examine they will buy without asking. Altoona, May 5,185 ( J.-tf GREAT OPENING O/-' SPRING AND SUMMER (X> x> ix o JB. HILEMAN HAS JUST RE • ceived and opened at his old stand, on Virginia st., a largo and attractive assnrtmeutof seasonable goods, com prising all the novelties in EREGES, DCCALS. LAWXS, GIXGIIAMS. EMBROI DERIES, LACES. HOSIERY d: GLOVES, and all varie ties and textures of LADIES DRESS GOODS, together with a ftlll assortment of goods for gentlemen’s wear, such as Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Also a full stock of Hardware, Qneenswnre and GROCERIES, and an assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITORS, &€., of all ami styles, which c*jhal to auy in the market, and will be sold at fair prices. Haying recently enlarged my Ptore-room, I win now display my largeljy increased stock to better advantage and would respectfully invite everybody to cull. ' May 12,1559. I EXCHANGE HOTEL. —THE Slf- A SCRIBEU would resiiectfully in form the pnhlic that ho has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate bis friends anil rtVlaiM patrons in a comfortable manner, and hcßaf ffiwSr will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and Ills Bar filled with liquors of choice .brands. His charges „are ns reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they ran not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage,' and fully intending to deserve it, ho throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have just received a s\ock of No. 1 french Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whlakey to be found in the country. \ Altoona, May -7,185U.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. THE, GREAT QUESTION WIJIGH now agitates the mind of every person is, wbero can I get the best article for myMHft money t In regard to other matters, the scribcr would not attempt to direct, but if you want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES ho invites an examination of his stock and work. Ho keeps, constantly ou hand an assortment ofßoots.Slioes, Gaiters, Sllppcrs.ic., which ho offers at fair prices. Ho trill give special attention to custom work, all ol which wll] ho warranted to give satisfaction. None but the best 'worktnen are employed Itoipember my shop is On Virginia street, Immrdlatcly opposite Kesslers Drug Stpre. September 8, ’57-tf] rpHE HAMMONTON FARMER.—A ' JL newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting fourth full, accounts of the new settlement of Ham monton, in Now Jersey, can bo subscribed for at only 25 cents per annum. InclOßo postage stamps for the amount. Address to Edi tor of the Former, Hnmmonton, P, 0. Atlantic Co., New Jersey. 'Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates nt the Union, and'where crops ore never cat down by frosts, the terrible scourge blithe'north, see advertisement of Hom meaton Lands. : Boots and shoes —the un, designed has now on hand and will sell cheap at his store in. the Masonic Tom ple,a lorWand complete assortmentofßOOTS . AND SHOES, ready made; or mode to order, !aB Overshoes, todies’ Sandals. 6nm Shoes, Cork Bolds, and everything In his lino of business, of the best quality and on tho moat reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. *u».2,’6ft-tf.] SOLUTION OF CITJLATE OF MAG- M NBSW.-<-ra cooling Cathartic, mild in its operation and. agreeable to the taste, prepared and for sale by Jmie3i,’l3sB.-tf - A. ROUSH, Druggist. QHOE Business and Factories can be -;K3 carried on profitably at Hanunonton See advertise meat of Uammonton Lands. XTEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLE-, I 1 KENT.— To all ibanting fbrms, a ran opportunity ; in a delightful and healthy dimate 25 «fles j Philadelphia, on the Camden and, Atlantic Railroad Nett jersey* , An old estate Consisting of aovcrdl thousands of acres ot j productive toil has been divided Into Farms of various sties j to suit the purchaser. A poVtnlation of some FifUen Hun- . dred, frotn Variotls parts of the Middle States and Now England have settled there the past year, impiyved their places, and raisetl excellent crops. The prico of the land is | at the low sum of (tom $l5 to $3O per acre, the sod Is ot . the best for the production of Wheat, Cbner.Cnrii, Peaclics, Grapej andVeifetuldes. ITISCSJNSIDEREDTHB BEST FRUIT SOIL IN TUB UNION. The place is per ft-ctly secure from frosts—the destructive (enemy of the far mer/ Crops of grain, gras- and fruit are now growing and can be seen. By examining the place its. if, a com et judgment can bo formed ol the productiveness ot the land. Tlie terms are made easy to secure the rapid improvement of the laud, which is only sold foruc /i«if improvement. The result lias been, that within the past year, some three hun dred houses have been.erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some' forty viuyartls and Peach orchards, planted. and a large number of other improvem- tits, making it a desirable and active place of business. Produce bringing double the price than ip locations away from the City, ami mure than double tlie price titan the West. It is known Unit the earliest tytd best traits and vegetables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and are annually exported to tin* extent of millions. In locating here, the settler has many advantages. lie is witlitn n few hours ride of the great cities of New Eng land and Middle States, ho is neat h!» old friends and asso ciations, Pc is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and ciailixation is at hand. He can buy '-Very article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his produce for the highest, (in the West this is reversed,l he lacs schools f>r his children, divine terrier, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers are ut terly unknown. The result of the change upon those from tlie north, lias gem-rally been to restore them to an excel lent state of health. Lu the way of building ami improving, Iniu'ifr can In obtained at tKc mills ttl the rati* of $lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the plan*, every ai tan be {.rocuml in the place, good carpenter* axe at haiul. and Mien; is no place lu tin; Union where building* and improvements cun be made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the advantages then; presented, tmd ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it \\u» never thrown iu the market; and unless these -tatcinentf were cornet, uo one would bo invited to examine tlie land before pur chasing. This all are expected to do. They w ill see land under cultivutiou, such is the extent of the settlement that they will uo doubt, meet persons, from llodr own neigh horhood: (hey will witness the improvements and can Judge the clmmrter of the populating. If they come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to May a day or two and .be ready to purchase, u* locations cannot be held on refusal. There ore two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers who improve, the Railroad rompanv give* a Kree Ticket for six mouths, and a halt-puce Ticket lot tim e years In connection with the agricultural settlement, a new aud thriving town ha.- naturally uriseir, which promts in duo mrut.* for any kind of business, particularly stores ami mauu/urturiw. Tin Sin* business could Is- carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton bu.->i ness. and manufactories of agricultural irngicmthU or Foimdcria for cm sting small articles. The impioveiiient has been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of business. Town lots uf a g»*«*d size, we-do not 4bll small ones. as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from $lOO and upwards. The JJfunmoriton Dinner, a monthly literary and agri cultural sheet, containing full information of Ilammouton. con Ih. obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is paid. Route to the leave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia fur Hammuntuii by Railroad, at 7?.j A. M., or P. M. Fare O 0 cents. When there Inquire fur Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences »u hand. Parties had belter stop with Mr, Byrnes, a princi pal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will show them over the land in his "carriage, free of expense Lett'-rs and applications can be addressed io Landis A Byrnes, ilamniuittun P. 0.. Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 2*)2 sv»uth Fifth Street. Philadelphia.— 'Map? and information cheerfully furnished. [June 30 'olM'mi.] . riniE UNDERSIGNED WOULD I respectfully Inform hi* c»ldcus- tomors and iho that ho ha* just and handsome ;u>- CLOTHS, AND which ho is now ami is prepared to the hite.-t style A Her, os hone but arc employed, and be warranted to JOHN H. EGBERTS. J. SHOEMAKER. TU£ MAUKKT. as tbe reader may perceiv* from its location, is tlie BEST IN THE UNION. THK TOWN OK lIAMMOXTON ll<‘hp* iildo a piMtl Slock of Gents’ FURNISHING GOODS; such as Shirts, Collars, Under- SHIBTS.VDrawers. Pocket Handkerchiefs. Neck Ti «. Stocks, Suspenders. Hosiery. 4c.. 4r.; also a hirjre assortment ctf READY-MADE CI.OTIJING. all of which he is determined to sell us cheap a* they can be bought this side of Phila delphia. The public are respectfully invited to cal! and examine my stock, as I shall take pleasure in showing | them. Doors open at ull times from GA. M. until 9P. 11. Admittance free. May 5- ISoO-tf THOMAS ELWAY. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap osf portable light within their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lanfps liefore purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate 1.-t. That NO ArCIDENTsOaii m-nir by cxpl'»*ion. ‘id. That Guy rmjt u«» oflvupivu odor while burning. 3U. That they arc very easily trimmed. 4ths- That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they hum entirely free from smoko. Gth. That the light i« at Wst 50 per e»*nt. cheaper than any other light n«»w in common ukp. Those lumps are wlmirably adapted fur the use of Stu dents, Mechanics. Factories. Halls. Churches, Stores. Hotels, ami are highly recommended for family not*. The Imrner of the Curiam Oil Lamp attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new bmp. We guaranty perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. 10, ISpS-tf) 0. W. KESSLER. I OGAN HOTEL. THE UNDER- J SIGNED respectfully informs the citizens of Blnir comity and others, that he has-opened up the LOG AN MfSJiSffr il HOCSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Rock, jH it Die west end of Uollidaysburg. 5 >r reception of strangers and travellers.— Everything connected with Hie house has been refitted in the new with the chvdcest furniture. £c.. &c. The house isdarge amifiummodiuus, and well calculated for convenience and jjtmjfort. His TABLE will be furnished with the very best themar kot cun afford. and no pains or trouble will be spared to render those who may choose to fav >r him with their j»a tromige eumfortablAand happy during their stay with him. . Uis STABLING Ik ample, and an obliging ami careful hostler will always he in attendance^ The Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg, stops at the Logan Hotel. ' Dec. 17,1857,—tf.] BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Dili you hear the news from Elinope? If yon have not, we will tell you what it is. It is that HENRY TUCK has just returned from the Eastern cities wftli a large sup- P ‘ J Of READT-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of oil styles ami qualities of Ov'ercoats, Bros. Coats, Vests. Pants. Boots ami Shoes, and everything kept in an.estahiishment of the kind, all of which he offers at unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Having purchased Ills stock at cash prices, he is thereby enabled to sell very low. He invites all those in want of anything in his line to give him a call, feeling sure that lie will be a'ble to give satisfaction. HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Sept. 30, 1538.-tf Oysters: oysters: oysters: In coneequence of the hard times, 1 have concluded to put down theprice of my OYSTEKS to the lowest possi ble standard. They will hereafter bo served up on.tho Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roosted in the shell and served up with all other accompaniments, TWENTY-: FIVE CENTS. They will also be furnished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. JOHN KEIFFfeK,. began House, Uollidnysburg. Dec. 17, tf.] /CONCENTRATED Lft FOR MA \_J KING Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Washing, one pound equal to six of common Soap; Castilo Soap, Palm Soap, Chemical Soup, etc., on baud aud for sale at June 10,1868.-tf] A. ROUSH'S. Liquors. —a large amount oi well selected LIQUORS has been received at the “ LOGAN HOUSE,” Uollidaysbncg, which will be sold at the’ lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to call. [Dec. 17, tf. Queensware, just received. A large and ftishlonable assortment' at the store of J. B HILEMAN. Hair oils, colognes, pom- Odes, Shaving Cream, Toilet Soaps, 4c. for sale by G. W. KESSLER. Hardware of all descrip tlons just received and for sale by Oct. 15-tf] J. B. UILEiJAN. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, SaA and Varnish Brushes at M'~ -ARIA L. DE PEYSTER MEMO «IAL SCHOOIk—TWt located n Altoona, Blair County, Pet* a, will t School; MONDAY In NAY. .It la Intends da* and will connect wIA KaMala* the Male department, yohng men yUI Be instrtfowwun, a view to their entering the adranwd olaaws of be« Colleges; or, if desired, their JL air Female dcpaitmont, instruction wilf Cft fetfett to oi the different branches, either solid Qt antaiHcnlal, tangnt n our hest Female Seaiinarie*. ' . ...• Hie year will bo divided into two Be*ton» of nve rawjtna the Smnmor Session to continence on the Mon day of May. ending on the lost Wedne*toy of September— the Winter fusion to commence on the Ist Monday ,B No vember. ending on the last Wednesday of March. The Sessions will bo divided into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, per quarter, os follows—Tis.; SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Beading, Writihg. Orthog raithv. Arithmetic, Grammar, ami Av.) Aavuuct-a (Including tho Natural tcivm ;i*. Math©- jimtica. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the Lau gnip‘> and Composition Ac.) i EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Music (Including use of instrument) . JlO.OO Drawing, i Painting (In water Colors) Instructions' in vocal nnisic gratis. Due half the above i charges, to he paid invariably in Advance. - , |{ W. OLIVKU, bupcnittcndent Male yep f. i A. B. CLARK, " , . , ” I Mi. I'rineiptfl of Miss C. M. CLARK, “ ftmuk “ March 10, ISoO.-tf '\rE\V (! ROGERV AND LIQUOR STOKE. —The undersigned would beg leave to an nounce to tio' citizens of Ulair county and vicinity that ho Inin opim il lii* new Store i m Virginia strret. three doiirs In l'fW lit,- Si'p. rinUndent’s Office, where he has juatreceived from tlie East uml West a large assitruneut of [ Foreign and Domestic Liquors, consisting as follows: French OlarJ Brandi/, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy Wine, Old Port Wine, Jamaica Rum i Hellond Ginn Old Eye Whiskey, Munungahela Whiskey, and * , Rhine Wine, which lie lias liimsijlf imported. itidailers of Liquors ami Ksu-iner* will tind if to their advantage to buy of him, a* ho will ftidl ai CITY PRICES. lie will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Such as Flour , Bacon , Salt y Fi*h , Tobacco , Se gars, Si/rup, Sugar, Coffee , ,jc, ' The Howawt Amociavios, inview ofiha awlid (W-,., of human Uncaused l»y Sexual Diseases. »nd u,,, ( | oC( ,r,' n practised upon the unfortunate victims of such iUmII > Quacks, several y^^araa^d^lVctcdthcir^>}nHaltiDcsT^lJ' , as a charitable act worthy of their name, to open a tv£T* n * , sary fob the treatment of this class of Ummms, in iUi ih' forms, and to give-medical advice prolix, to all who «^ >r i by letter, with a description of - their condition, fainciw' y pation, habits of lift, Ac.,) aud in cases of estrennris.^T, 0 " and suffering, lo furnish inetliciue fita needless to add Mint tlie Association commands the i, Jt, “ Medical skill of the urc, and 'will furnish the qft»t edmodern treatment. . ‘ Tlie directors of the Association, in their Annual hensn 1 npon. tlie treatment of Sexual Diseases, express the UieCT' I satisfaction with the success which has attended the iS?* j of tho Oousultiiiß Surscou in the cure of Supernwtorrito M Seminal Weakness, Impotence. Iloiiiorrlma, tilect v ' , philis. the vice of On aatsm or Self-ahase, Ac.,'and or,V of the same tjiu cusninc vmr r ' I Tlie Dirytors. on a review ofth e past. feel ' ,■ | their labors hi tilts sphere of houevident effort h«\ j J* 1 ; of tibeat benefit to the afflicted, e*|Kcially to tlie ' 1 they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed \ ' to this very important and much despised cause. *’**• An admirable Uoport on Spermatorrlirea. ~r c, I Weakness, tho vice of Onanism, Maslurliat i„ u , abuse, nnd other abuses of the sexual organs, lv u„. ' suiting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (hi a s,T,i„i ' ' ope). KHEK OK CIIAKOK, on receipt of IMo sTv'ue for posUigc. Other Itepurta and Tracts on th,- , u ,. ir ul ' treatment ofseximi disoaiwU, Ac., arocuiisnintlv , lislied fur Rvatnitous distribution, and will ~, f ' afllift.aj. Koine of the now remedies ami m. i1,..u I menl discovorci duritiß the last year, are i,f Addnws, for Report or Treatment, Dr. liKiiitijy , ' I lIOI'V, Consulting Snrßcim. Uoward Asma (ali..i, \ . j Ninth street, i’hihulclpliuu Pa. Bv order nf th,- ti, " ' h/.KA p. UEAKTIV El.I. J*.,*' 'V** | OKtX KAiItCIIII.D, .Stc'y. QQ g, ' M S <0 i _ •«* 09 I a-11 I 5 * Ix 2 W « jf ' _-2 o , l-H < PtC -S B CQ PS J o *3 £5 “o»| *ri S **s f r >-5 __ • m 8 | O 3 g .S ■ «- =-r a p a -sj-s 2 C 3 O ~ 5 H ——h c> 4> m < b bn I— <- is'S g ■ n c> « fc and n-uUi ly lie.tied. No unpleasant Kmell ol arises fr.,,7, i( lvt stove from tlio fact tlmt it is all consumed ere it ai; cape. There is no trouble from smoko ns that unpleasan, and often annoying exhalation is u,lso consumed iusuli the stove Neither la there any danger pf flues nr clnm ■eys l«coming clogged with sopt or the mortar loosened by the gas arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited in rail «i the store of the suhseriper, iu the Masonic Temple, ander amiue the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER. Suit AyaUfur lllnir n, u ,Uu N. 11. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. ( Aug. Pd, IS-Ve" National police Tliis Croat Journal of Crime mvl Criminals i» its Twelfth Yean, iluil is widely circulated tlit the country. It contains- all the Great Trials, Criminal OWs. anil appropriate Editorials on the some, Ijln- 1 with information on Criminal Mutters, not to be lotmJ in nuj other newspaper. ftt). Subscript ions s‘2 per annum: JI for six ui»uUlm< be remitted-by subscribers, (who should write their runner ami the town, county and State whore they reside nlauily j To U. W. StATSEU, i CO.. Editor & Prop’r. of New York Police (bizett* Stw l urk Ci/y 15-tf) Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. VXT’E beg leave to call the atten * * tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the Qountry, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the puSlic. We refer to Dr. Chns. MTanc’s Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: ; THE VERMIFUGE. F6r expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Wdrms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liver Compeaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head- Ac he, &c. In cases ut Fever and Ague, preparatory to or afteir taking u '' nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of their Drug business in which they have been success fully engaged for the last 1 went)' Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention t 0 their manufacture. And being termined that Dr. M’Lane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pus shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, the) will continue to spare neither tinie nor Expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thoroug manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BEO S. Pittsburgh, Pa. «P. S.' Dealers and Physician* ordering Flcmmlngßrns., will do well to write their order® ly and late none but Dr. .VLanet, prrparnl Off . » Pittsburgh, PU. To those wlshiaß trial, we will forward hy mall, poet paid, •’>?*., post- United State*, one box of FUhr for. twelve '-ago stamps, or olid vhlofAerrttfane for cent stamps; All orders from Canada must be jcromi ! by twenty cents extra. - i n W Kr«» i For sale, in Altoona.'hy A. r»n«h an.l l«- 1 i;-. and by all lMti!-!;i-ts. . : A>rr) w ’ * 'i-.-y* VOh, *■ -A tfeciumf pftW s&Mi »f&m : ■ “■ T Or»r thm UUM or »«"t <)n» :.v -two “• :m-- " Thwo rouf.-'- ■ Half acedttfUV ph iwrtejAfcffeff iitMwgly Bniln^WSW* 1 oijUu*ry aR S. €K Iggg JOHNS' ■» _- 1 (£#*“& ■pwRAFTi J U