< W fT PLUTO'S bitters, A Np (D ’S BAjUiSiir ™ d,cma °S ** J>ru m \cir great popularity on/w Unb ™**£Z ‘^ i ’ lall C»C4j mdtu ■cd them worthy. Dyspepsia, Nervous System, ’ r the Kidneys, ising a disordered the stomach tnd permanently cured by ERS. ' ’, hat atyuind a that of any viU a ‘ re > **rnovr wau mg-standing * leneußroncMti*, la. leomoou, Xneipleat a” « most astonishing cures Consumption. also at once cheek and Diarrhoea proceeding Bowels. •prepared by Dr. C. M. 418 Arch Street, PhUa : sold by druyyisu and herywhere, at 76 cents Uure of P. M Jackiqk wrapper of each bottle. Wished annually by the CEEYBOM’S AIMASAC. my and commendatory of the cojuttry. Thus if ay by all our ayents. A* ftounb and o tv a: complete. \f>yby*>r.Uauct's£ p a tpHt Oman’s Co., Oct. Ist, 1856. ving been afflicted with fail determined to give your Pin, ich 1 saw in eoini of the p a . " m for some months, until I them to fie w Bnrt rate artl ■id, I havenothadaueattack : uf good health. Tours, Ac., - JO.V ATMAN 1 mended to mo by Mr. Noth i hoge address you oent them, i.pilopay, ore aipfclfic for all e ise. Price $3 pep box ; two 'jr $24. Penoni'enelddog a cent them through the mail, th 8. Hnnce, No.lOSßalti o whom orders from all par u in innocent sheep should bu tten on : to the onduing of a " might abo bare deplored »' the uncouth manner In « hatcher up the cloth mod* ie same harmless sheep. To >f working up cloth wisely to the best the : the Brown Stone Cluthlog 03. 603 and 60s Chestnut at., ne their stock of‘garments SHEy f S ATEO Syrup. PUBLIC. j of over TEN years -nl-scribcr is preparcd to u(- III? I* which hat never Jiitwl hare peon given in vain. It Msant and effectual preparv >r «ai«. 1 ' and effectually; in-’ u> wise—unlike, in this re»- urpciitine preparations—nor ay shape or sum; but is a ml so harmless iu its sstioa my take It. • 1 ! t seutle purgativea that can i case, even, where ho Worun i ~uired,‘iu nine cases.out uf j million Of the digestive o»- 5 childhood; and save your iii Ijnesa, or cohmUlona. UM-d it kre perfectly dejlßht snee to any other preparation olnaaie land Retail ad If. W. liuladelpWa;i’*._i _ iTajnwßET, w-» li xjna, Pa. FEED AND PRO- thiiiy inform th#'c«l»W «f is opened a atoreoftba aborn iu«.and: Julia streets, Eaat >u*tantly on haadafttllenp- Ilia ' i RIBS. * .. •it prices as low aa those of n. Uhl siodc of prortwouc; hferiy Sides, &e. iu they can,be bo»«Wsny ined .from the beat mills iml ia warranted to be what uirj tmd hogs, always on i rtment that? at** l • •mvnr with whatever sell nt price! which wiu stofe.^ UE.f BT BKU ; L c.—the sub tfully announce Sjv. \idnity, that he awk DBEI All* wm XTO -<{. and Julia street*, i-tanfly on Uue, which he wm ilhpos* SP.OU^0 G t, bemudi saperiorly ;ly ntl«Bdod W sAaropt i. )T FOB mSoTm. wqgw- T S!—THK Stg n the citfcva* of AU*®* '■■ 1: of ' T TER CJ^IJP 1 ? . !-■■ to order ’ m ioUN e 9’M^^ See idve^®* - pwraa frihm 4ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE! HAILS CLOSE. fosliTV Way at WrtKirn “ W»twn Through and HoUldavsbarg, Kutcru Through Mall **“' HAILS OPEN. Through Mail, 8 20 A. M. Wwtem Through auJ UolllJaygbnrg, .7,40 « ffrft Rebecca, up Rebecca'to Clara, down Clara to Main, down Main to-Logan House w* C w n* n L will be delivered by Col. L. . aftcr which the procession will h e dis missed. The illumination to take place at 7 and be kept up until 9 o’clock. , The torch iighlproccssion to form at? o’clock on / lr Kmia street, right resting on Caroline street On motion adjourned to meet on Tuesday tvemng next, at ti o’clock. GLO. B. GBAMEE, Chairman. !»• T. CALDWELL, &c’y. After reading the above attractive programme, “ would appear almost unnecessary for us to & tary companies, and civic associations has “ ncr been seen ip the country, and in very few it n?’ ° f the Ci^eB; in addition to which we ‘ U have the mosie of eight Brass Bands and * “umber of martial bands; sufficient in tbem «a lot.!? 5° nn , a - procession, and certainly vhn i rac “ Te feature in .the programme to those "“o love music—and who does nht ? ' ; iers e° ttea U P by the boiler-ma tbe ocn, materially to the interest of •moU^ 00 ' and we should like toheCihdirex who L,° owed by Other branches b{ mechanics, Xh* i coaven, Cntly get up such arrangements. He 14,k T “!!?* of excursion tickets, good ftrom He ii ne will afford all persons on visit our R ‘ a hne opportunity to do. an a ™, 0u . I l tai h cit y. which many desire to pftttient i 8 tiinb witness one-of the (Sm. , Btte W “uld wish to look upon. Joa willT l i B l < ? l S. and aU » and our word for it tiotu b® disappointed in your expec ta int that tkf 6renc ? 40 ■**“ d ‘ B Plny. and trill find halves ,-j )^ e , of Altoona do nothing by ttictra' ‘hat then town is ho "one-jjiorse” reader* will remember that some vraeks amee we noticed the fact thata youae hou ** of Mr. MBler, in Amd caM t° «e the child kuowilas H lfa& ” tad ** «P 0» taking it iip became ho much affected that she J at? 8 l d be “ E tkoTnother of it This she dented but afterwards admitted the troth of the impeachment of the woman WasMotihen given, but it was afterwards pub lished as Miss Alcott, of Allegheny Gity., Ar tides in relation to the affair haring come to her notice, she publishes the following catd in the Pittsburgh True Press of Monday last which is prefaced by n few remarks by the editor of the 1 rets. Our readers can draw their own conclu sions : f So A. 51. 8 00 A.BI. 8 00 “ 7 09. P. M. 810 “ The Fostoria Foundling. —A few days ago wc ptekea up a flollidaysburg paper, in which it was stated that Miss Sarah Alcott, daughter of a Methodist minister of Allegheny, was the mother of the famous Fostoria foundling. We published the statement as a sequel to what had already found its way into the public prints, in reference to this mysterious affair. The lady alluded to (now Mrs.. Kearns) denies the state ment in the following “pathetic” manner : Editor Daily True Press-SirYou have done me a desperate wrong, and haveeither ignorant ly, or willfully lied about my fathejr. lam not the mother of the Fostoria child, neither am I the mother of more than one child, and that one I did soy belonged to a doctor in Allegheny, I never admitted that the one in Fostoria was mine, for, according to Mr. Miller's statement ! it, was found on the third of February, when I ; was at home in my mother’s house, audio prove this tact I can get twenty witnesses. This is I more than 1 will bear, and 1 have seea misery enough without ypu adding to my unhappiness. Misery is only a word to some, but to nifi it has been a terrible truth that I have had. to learn day by day for the last three years ; it will not make itself a places I cannot wear it as a gar ment: 1 have mutinied against it wildly, desper ately, with a passionate, fiery strength that you could not realise. I have dashed myself against my jrrisou walls—yes, and yet love tbe knife that wounded me. Oh! why was I made strong enough to live through it all, and give life to one who must always bear the reproach of her unfortunate mother ? Why shoulu I be tossed upon a boiling seu till it stupefies into a calm and leaves me a wrecked being upon the barren desolate shore? Is there never any more sun shine to fall upon my pathway? Am I still to grope my way onward without one cheering word of consolation, with no star to guide me not even my daughter left me, but cruelly torn from my arms and given to strangers, and whilst my heart was bleeding from the wounds of that cruelty, reproach and shame is pointed in ano ther direction. 1 believe you to have a kind heart, and that you have some sympathy for the unfortunate, I then.solicit your favor in correct ing this scandalous report, and save me the trou ble of prosecuting you and others for using my name in so scandalous a manner. Allegheny City, Dec. 2 !’• S-—My father has his ordination paper or certificate. The Register of this week contains the following item, which we commend to the care ful perusal of all the boys into whose hands our paper may fall:— - . Bovs, po youixeae that !• — Andrew Carnegie has been promoted to the honorable and respon sible position of Superintendent of the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad I Only a few years ago he wept into the service of the Company in the capacity of an errand boy for the Superintendent's office at Pittsburg. From that humble .position to his present proud one, lie has made his way with no other helps or in fluences than a faithful and watchful regard to the interests infers employers and a careful and prompt disohargeof the duties of his place. He has received thh rewordof‘ merit;—and his suc cess issuch a striking incentive to dike conduct on the part of all boys in all places that you should never forget it. Be attentive, ;bc indus trious. honest and faithful like Air. Carnegie, and like him sooner or later you will get a rich reward. Kemembee the Pook.—“ The poor ye have always with you,” was not loss an admonition than a fact, when it dame from the lips of the!; Saviour. It was intended for all tiinc, and cal culated for to-day as well os two thousand years ago. The poor we hare with us, and it is our duty to provide for their wants and ;contributQ, to their comfert. There is more dcstitutioiiAnd suffering in our populous town than most people dream of. ' . Utahert charred and dying Are typical ofblotted, dying hope*. I’omforing o’er tills truth, mammon’s hands relax And yield a tythc 10 humble charity's. Or dutch her gains with more convulsive grasp, Aud laugh with thewlnds nt grief-worn want.” The We a thee.— Very unpleasant, but never theless quite seasonable, is the damp, muggy, foggy weather which has been with os for Hie last few days. Though just what we ought to expect at this season ] of the year, it is uncom monly hard to take, after the soft, hazy days .of Indian Summer we have b££n enjoying. Satur day, Sunday and Monday lost was all sorts.ex cept s-unshine. Beginning with rain, then tur ning to hail and sleet, and afterwards a fog dense enough to hide the other side of town.— How long this may continue we can’t tell, but we hope soon to realize a sight of the clear skies, and sharp, crisp atmosphere of December. - j Arm Bbokex —On Thursday last, a young man named George Eisenberg, in the employ of Dr. Good & Gemmill, of this place, had his arm severely fractured immediately above the wrist; and his head somewhat bruised, by being thrown from a horse and the horse afterwards falling upon him, while riding through the farm of Mr. Hutchison, a short distance below town.— It appears that while riding past Mr. Hutchi son’s house, a dog ran out at the horse and coni' tinned in the .road before him until finally he got detween his legs, throwing the horse down and Eisenberg off and under him. * BQT' Boys Md girls.Tiere is a word for you; get out of bed early in the morning—sing, dance and j°“P eyes are fairly open; do up yop chores and morning work with a will, and thep hie off to school with a light heart and a clear Lead, and you will be happy all the day. The active boy makes the active man, and the sloir, moping, listless;, laiy man was once the bo* who grumbled when he had a lesson to leant. Wake up, thin, and off to school. Cuubcuks TO BE uauThi) with Gas Weup ‘derstopd that the Presbyterian, Lutheran, Heth fnptoi and United Brethren Churches are *o be lighted with gas. All these churches are now w;ell lighted with chandeliers, but, we ima gine that the wngrcgatioim wiU be much better satisfied with the improvement which the gas light will make. Mrs. S. Kearns. ~ lett “ Bhows repota- Sook-keepSng ia disbmtpartsof the Union, and indicates the valWof a Diploma hearing the authors signature; : ' , Loipsville, November 24, 1859. n Me. P.-Dprr, Merchant's College. PitbibnreiL -Oh opening this institution iSndH hnsiness men of the city had a ence foj your system of Boolr-keepine 1 therL and*’ Tl d «fh ted - 10 the of Manuscripts and all other systems. Many of the ablest and most experienced accountants in Louisville havfe examined Harper’s enlarged edition of you work, and say that they have met with no othe r work on the subject containing so much practi col information, expressed in so clear and forei ble a manner. .9'“ntndenta express the greatest satisfaction with their rapid improvement lam entireh convinced that an equal degree of proficient can novpr ne attained by students who are taueh by the Manupoript System. In fact that systen is now recognized as an exploded humbug by most business men throughout the West. The public have Ipst confidence in it, and the rival College in thisicity will soon have to adopt Duff’s Book-keeping,; if they desire to keep up with modem improvements. Lutbbban Colony.— A meeting for the perl manent organisation of the proposed Lutheran* Colony, to locate in Missouri, will bo held in Altoona, Pa., on Thursday, the 29th inst., at 10 o’clock A. M. All persons who feel inter ested in the success of the interprisc, are re spectfully urged to attend, ns business of impor tance to the members of the Colony will be transacted. For further information address Geo. W. Patton, or Dr. D. R. Good, Altoona, Pa. Gfp to the City.— Our young friend, John Lowther, of the “ Model” Store, down stairs, left for the city this morning to lay in a supply of goods suitable for the season. He will be on hand with a new stock in time for the ladies to rig themselves out in a grand attire for the cel ebration. Of course there will be a great many beaux in town that day, and the ladies will have to put on their best “ bib and tucker,” and John will bring the articles. Who Knows Him. —A few days since a mag was arrested and placed in jail, at Harrisburg, for thowipg a rail at in engineer on an engine on the Lebanon Valley Rail Road, by which the engineer was somewhat injured. The Tdegarph of Tuesday afternoon states that the man arres ted is frdm Altoona, where he has relatives liv ing, and is evidently simple or partially de ranged. Who is he ? B®»The Iroh City Commercial College of Pittsburg, Pa., guarantees to give thorough in struction in every branch of study advertised in its circular. It is now the largest and most thor ough Commercial School of the country, and students ore constantly attending from the most distant States. Broke Odt is a New Place —G. W, Fisher, the celebrated artist, of Hollidaysburg, has op ened a Dftguerrean gallery, on Annie Street, in the room formerly occupied by John W. Cla baugh. All who want good and true'piotures should call on Wisher at once. Public Sale.; —The American Hotel and Washington Hotel properties in this place, are to be soljl at Pft.blic Sale, on the premises, on Thursday, December 22d. The first named is a large throe story brick building, well adapted for the purpose.i The second is a good frame building with a! basement. Also, a large two story frame dwelling house situate in Loudons ville. Per particulars inquire of JOHN SHOEMAKER. Altoona, Dec. 1, IBC9-3t. Notice is hereby given )to the Stock holders ‘.that tjie 7th instalment on the Capital Stopk ,o£4)jj6 ;Alx6ono Gas and Water Company, he, c|ue made payable pt the Banking & , Co., on Friday,' >’ 'i! :I f BENJ, F. ROSE, Sce’y. November, ITfh, 1859. Xq. 1. Xlterary Emporium Still 11. Fettingcr. begs leave to announce to his numerous: jand 4hc public generally, that he is now clbsibg out the balance of his stock of fancy and staple articles below cost, in order to make room for his muiense new stock of toys, notions- and fancy articles which be will have on hand for; the Holidays. He now offers a rare chance for bargains. N. B. Also, a large stock of school books sel ling at cost. Call and be convinced. JBST Wje copy the following article, (which wo publish by request,) from the Democratic Standard ot Nov. ; 9th. and would call the atten tion of the School Directors to it. It is a fact that school books are accumulating very fast, and those who send children to school know how expensive it is to supply them with the necessa ry (?) school books. The Directors too, should think of the teachers4-of how arduous their task must be of classing their schools when so many different kinds of books are introduced, and. should tiy to; relievo them of this unneces sary troiahlo: — i ? Money Expended for Schools. Mb. Buiet — Sir:-— I desire to call your at tention to* the faipt, (and 1 have po doubt but ■what you have already noticed it,) of the useless expenditure of money annually for school books. There is certainlyanreat deal of money unne cessarily spent fi«bis purpose, and it should not be so. It is a well known fact that the country is flooded; with school books, and there is no end to the i number of authors. Almost every year a new series of spelling and reading boohs, and Arithmetic, Grammar, or Geography is published. Then it is the policy of the au thor to have' them introduced into the schools. It is a neui. book, And having “the advantage of all the latp improvements of the day/' muat ne cessarily supercede all others of the kind. In order, therefore, to give a place to this aujteri ot (?) arable, boohs that have been bought six or eight mbnths agb must be laid on the shelf No one will doubt, the propriety of renewing a Geography Once lid five years ; because in this fast age towns are. almost daily springing into existence, .and in .our own country, new States are being almost j annually admitted Into the JJnion, W'W Tailrbads, &c., constructed, and henco the' face oftho country changes. *|Jut •Where the necessity of three or four different kinds of Geographies in one school, as I know to be the case in many schools in this County ? F. U. Woelet, Principal. J Ahead! .Besides, it takes the time of the teacher—three or four scholars In each class, whereas, if all had the same kind Of books there need be but one class. , . ! Bnt\hdw many different English Grammars have we—and reading and spelling books ? I fear this question ia hard to answer. lam glad to say, however, that Grcenlcafs arithmetic is rapidly gaining favor in the country, and is be ing adopted every where by the School Direc tors. I wish to see the day when as much can be said of somebody’s Grammar. We have now an English, grammar for almost every part of and they all have their admirers. You, "hear some who allege that Brown’s grammar is the best ever written, and should be in every school; others again will give all praise to Kirk ham’s ; others to Bullion’s, Covell's, Smith's, Murray’s, and a host of others. The Directors should make a choice of one.of these and use it exclusively for at least five -years—and a well bound grammar will last a much Ipnger time, with proper core. The same policy should be ; pursued in regard to all the other books. By j this means a great deal of money tnat. is now ! laid out for books can be saved and used in pay ing taxes. Again : if this method were adopted and strictly adhered to, some books would answer for several children, A for in stance, when A. has finished it and ia about to get one higher, wan-be laid aside for B. and C., tdnd so on. But where the books change every year, ibis can not be done, for “the book A. had at school will not do now—it is not the right kind—the teacher says we must get Osgood’s now, McOnffey’s are no longer in use.” Then, if it .happens to be a new teacher, the old say ing among parents, (and they are right too) is applicable— =“a new teacher must have new books!” Directors should reflect upon this matter, ami sooner they adopt a plan to stop this sys tem ot new books being introduced annually iu their schools, the sooner will the people cease to grumble, and the common school system will re ceive the praise instead of the curses of the peo ple. Our colleges, and all the higher semina ries of learning adopt their own books, and ev ery. “Tom, Dick and Harry” is not permitted to come with their new and improved books; the Professors or those who have charge of the in stitution will not countenance or encourage em * Now axu Then. Hollidaysburg, Sept. 18,39. MARRIED On till- *-9lh lilt- by Kov.L. Holmes, Mr. JAS. BUYER, of Blair Co , to Miss SUSANNA WOLVKRTOV ol Hun ttngdon Co., Pa. - On Thursday, Dec. 1,1851), at tho Lutheran Parsonage, gn Newry. by tin; Itev. Jos. Fiililner. Mr. ANTHONY U. SSELW’ITZ, to Miss MAKY STOKN, both of Alleghany ,Stownship. Dl-c. 1, 1859, near Murtiiisburp. at lie-house of George Bateman, by llev. Henry* SMIVrt. Mr. WII.UAM IJATK MAN to Miss MAUXA SOItUICK, both of Woodbcrrv town ship. DIED. In Tyrone, on the IRlb ult.. MART K.. dattghter'.if Pin, day/‘ IZa A- ue '-' ri,) S- r ' a S I-ti 5 years, 7 months, - and Jt! In Martiiisluirp. on tho Sd imt., JACOP, If. BAKNDOL LAU, (merchant,; in the 28lh year of his age. BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE BRITISH REVIEWS. X SCOTT & CO., New York, continue -A- • tu publish the following leading British Periodical*, viz.; Tll£ LONDON QUARTERLY* (Conservative). 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Froo Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). These periodicals ably represent the three great politi cal parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical—hut liolitics forms only one feature of their character. As Or gans of the most profound writers on Science, Literature. Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stCM-d, unrivalled In the world of letters, being considered indis pensable to the scholar and the professional man. while to the intelligent readers of every class they furnish a mure correct and fratwfactory record of the current literature «>f tlie day, throughout the world, than can be po»sitdv ob tained Irom any other-source. JCARLV COPIES. The receipt of Adrtnicc SfiaUi from the British publish ers gives additional value, to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now. be placed in the bands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. ~ . . Per ann. ior any one of the four Reviews, -Cl 00 For any two of tlio four Reviews, "5 00 4 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of. tlio Reviews, g 00 lor Blackwood's Magazine, 3 qq lor Blackwood and one Review, 5 00 lor Blackwood and. two Reviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood ami the four Reviews; ID m.i Money current in the SIM where issued will be received at par. A discount pf twenty-live-per cent., from the above pri ces will be allowed to Cum ordering four or more copies of nay one or more of the above works. Thus : Four co pies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for s>.); four copies of the foul' Reviews and Black wood for $3O ; uud so on. JajjiM the principal Cities and Towns these works wi.l l>e Oefrvered Free of Postage. When sent by mail, the I’os lAUK to any part of the United States will be but Tw'rnty fonr cents a year for ‘-Blackwood,” and but Fourteen Vents a year for each of the Reviews. N.B, —The price in Great Britain of the flvo Periodicals above named is $3l per annum. THE FARMER’S GUIDE to PRAC TICAL AND SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. By lU.VBT STEPUise, F. B. S, ©f Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture In Yale College, Now Haven. 2 vols. Royal Octavo. 1600 pa ges, and numerous engravings. Tills is, confessedly, the most complete work on Agricul ture ever published, and iu order to give it a wider circula tion the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to FIVE DOLLARS FOB TUE TWO VOLUMES!! When sent by mail (post-paid) to California and Oregon the price will he $7. To every other part of the Union, and to Canada (post-paid), $6. work is sot the old “Book of the Farm,” Remittances for any of the above publications should al ways be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT A CO. No. 54 Gold Street, New York. December 8,1859, IVrGTICE.—LETTERS OF ADMIN .I-T ISTIt ATION having been granted by tin- Orphans’ Court of Ulilir Co. to the undersigned, on tins estate of Dr G. D. Thomas, deceased, late of Altoona, Pa., nil persons baring claims against such estate, are hereby notified to present their accounts duly authenticated and ready for settlement, to the undersigned at her residence, in Altoo na, or to Mr, James Hutchison, of Logan township, one of the former exeentorsof said estate, on nr before the 13th day of December ensuing. And all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate, am notified to come forward promptly and moke payment,-as no longer Indulgence can be given. NANCY JANE THOMASj Administratrix. Altoona, Xot. 23d, 1853-Ot. rjiHE PENNSYLVANIA BITUMI- I NOUS COAIi & IRQX COMPANY. The general annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pennsylvania bituminous Coal and Iron Company will be hold at the Girard House, In the city of. Philadelphia, on the second Wednesday of December, 1859, at which meeting an election will bo held for Directors, a Treasurer and Secre tary of said Company.' The poll will open from oho to two o’clock, P. M. E. BENSON, Prtt't. December 1,1859. E STRAY.—GAME TO THE RESI DENCE of thc-subscriber, in Antes township, Blair .county, on or about flio Ist of November, 1860, a LIGHT RED IIEIPPER, with a white face, supposed to be about two years old. The owner Is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will bo disposed of according to law. Antes tp., Dec. lst.-3t , DAVID CHERRY. PRIVATE SALE.—THE HOUSE & LOT of Thomas McCulla, In Altoona, (formerly Grcensburg,) is offered at private Sale, i Lot 19U feet ftnnt by 150 deep. For .further information InqUlte^f the S 1,1859. McNBAIdT Blanks of all descriptions neatly and exi-ediciously executed at this office. AXD TERMS. CLUBBING POSTAGE, 6tb Annual Annomieeflfeiit! cqsTraraDsoocassoi'Tirif" . ART. ASSOCIATION. . iiatfifssx " r “ so:i WHICH WILL KTfITLB BIX tO » "Suf“ Stool Engraving. - Shaker, and 3A—A Free Season Admission to tho Galleries. 54a Broadway, New York. , ” s In addition to which, aver four hundred Valuable Work* f***" subscribers as Premiums, comprising ciioico Painting), Sculptures. Outlines, *c7 by theftm American and Foreign Artists f The superb Engraving, wliidi every Subscriber will re ctiv« immediately on receipt of subscript 100, entitled “ Shakespeare and his Friends, Is of a character to give unqualified pleasure and satfafto. ti°». No work of equal value was ever before placed with- In reach of tho people at such a price, the Engrevlrur k of very large size being printed on heavy plat* paper”** by 38 inchra. making a most superb ornament sdHohie for the walla of either the library, parlor, or office. It can bo sent to any part of the country, by until. With 8S mw ’ packed in postage pre-ptdd . Sucl *- a work delivered froo of charge, and 1 tmw *> r thr <* dvllartf bUUbltn TIONS will ho received until tho Evening of Tuesday the 31st of January, ISOO, at which time the books w ill close end the Premiums be given to Subscribers. natri H t V J , t<> n single subscription. Those nmittiug *.15 are entitled to sis memberships. Snbscriptmns from California, tho Caoadai, and all For of&“ 8 t 0 **’* Clubs Will *> r “ circular The beautifully Illustrated Art Jounjh 'giving full par ticulars, will be sent on receipt of 18 cents, lu sUmpa or coiU * Address, C. L. DERRY, Actuary C. A. A., I) T rtTnu-pfr “ nd Broadway, New York. V- l. CALDWELL, llofmrary Sectctary, Altoona. GRAND DISPLAY rpilE UNDERSIGNB THE 1 pleasure of announcing to tlieir friends and custom ers as well us the public ut large that they are now re ceiving their ■ J 1 FALL STOCK OF GOODS, Whirh have boon suh-ctud with care and houfiht at prices wlm h u ill vuaMo us to uller induccmeuU.tu purchasers. Our stuck of - . LADIES’ DBESS GOODS Is large and varied, including all the newest styles of J riots (i n,l).’aims, /b;,, Valencias. I‘tdin and , I)//. ./ M-n„u.< l!h,rK- and p„„ry ,SV//. Shawls, 1,*,!.* and I n.th wlueb have been brought very low and will be s. Id at a small advance. I'Oll THE GENTS, Wo have Black 'and Fancy Cassinieres, Nat incuts. Jeans, Iwee.U, Ac. Our stock of FI. ANNULS and 1)1 )M F. ST ICS is birge roiiaistiiig of Muslins, Tickings, Denhams, Drib lh*d Hhuikets iuid Cuiiifurts, Ac. Wl- have also a hue stuck of . Qucensware, Wooden & Willow Ware, ROOTS & SHOES, /.• [thy K nit (htod.n. Glove* und Husi. ry, ipif * ° All-Wool, Wool Filling, List and Rag Carpets, 111 and which wo cun offer at prices that will defy c.iiii|*tifioii. I. lIUCKIIIKS f.,1 a-iK' by Wholesale at City prices with Jr only add) >l. All kind* of Country Produce taken nt the highest mar ker price. W e respectfully invite nit persons in want of i o-ap and good lililHlS. to call and be convinced tlmt we «i MoiM ut iludcl IVic*!? l . J. A J. LOWTHEK. .Altoona. Oct. I.j, '.',9 i LYON’S Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy. r pHH UNIVERSAL I’IIEFERENCE i w «*'*“"■**» Brand allows that it id the t-nly PI UK UUANDV jhr MEDICINAL, PURPOSES known, whichj* fully corroborate by all practicing dliv sinaud who have used it iu their practice. For Snramer Complaints with* Children, -4 Cure is guarantied or the money will be re funded, Od it will effectually relieve that affliction, ns well os Diarrhoea & Bowel Complaint, AS A BEVERAGE, Tin* pure article is altogether supi-rior, ami u sovercl-n and SURE REMEDY fur ° Diywpsia, Fiatulmcg, Cramp, Colic, Languor, Low Spirits, Uincral Debility, Kcrvous ness. Liver Complaint, etc. . Physicians. wlm have used it iu (heir practice, speak of it IQ the most Haltering terms, as will be seen by reference to the uumerous letters ami certificates. A. HART i. CO., Proprietors, Cincinnati. A. ROUSH, Sole Wholesale am] Kctail Agent for Blair county. Nov. lU, Iboll. TUB Cassbide iSemtuarg AND NORMAL SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES & GENTLEMEN. Cheapest School in the Land! Send for a Catalogue I Address M. McN Walsh, A. M.> CASSVILLE, HUNTINGDON Co., PA. Sept. 22, IS3O-3m. 1859. Pall Trade 1859. A CAR D.—THE UNDERSIGNED and arc now oSt:me FRESH GROCERIES ever brought to this Market I In connection with the supp,ied wiUi choicu •* FLOURI Also, Bacon, Cheese, Whale, Tanner's and Lard Oils; Mess .Vork ; Together jvith all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Artl clor, all of which will bu sold low for cosh. The Mer chants of this place are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. At the Old Stand v S *■■ • 5 Oct. 27, ’s!*-2iu.] J WM. M. GOHMLV & CO^, 271 Liberty S{., opposite Eagle Hotel, Pittsburgh. Bakery and Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps con- STANTLYonhand 1 Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c Fresh Butter, Bacon* fce. Also, a choice lot of SEOABS and TOBACCO. v m JACOB RINK, * OY - 10, Virginia Street, below Aiknie Strict. Levi riling, . - IMPOSTER or . WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c. Allegheny Street, North, IFard; A large stock of all kinds of bLt P r ?“ :kept constantly on hand, and will S£-eo’d w?l° f ,,tt c ri*^ ]rs, " trrlces “ waadnkble anther van boihad anywhere jin the conntry. < [Mayl3, i 69Hkt C. W. KIMBALL, AGO., Bealres , in groceries and Produce; Rebecca St, Allegheny City. Pa. V.Lt Nov. 21, »59-2 t. '' ;; ** '•rf f ‘ y A EE WANTING: FARMS :nLxiGHmrtotiaAfa *h-s6u;«Ww»»i^. frosts. Seeadrertimanent T3ERSONS wanting change of clitnate imSSSJtr adverffe * m* AT THE 4 *.'*> «r room Jo- CJty OotUte£lh« iargt* aostMtenaitely putroutrotl asjii best orptali«*r ComAet oUS^lnUisOiil^StMit. ';; Foot Large; t * W for Writing, Ootanicrt W Caiculatiora, Book-Keeping Ad Vtoal time to completo'a ftUTcoursc, front 0 io 10 weeks student, upon graduating,' Is guaranteed to bo com 'potent to manage the Boobs of any Business rad qualified (o earn a salary of front . - f wod to 11,004 Students cuter at any tltno-^NoTacatlon—Be»ie* at pleasure. ’ tint Premium fa- Boat Writing ' Tho **•* and greatest variety ln any one Hall of tbe Union, ialbundbcte. ■I BOPpinistors Sofas received athalf price; Porlull information, Circular, Specimens 6f Suttees* aid Ornamental Writing and Embellished tleWof (he Cbftege, enclose five letter stamps to T.'Wi JENKINS. ‘ Sept 22,1859.—1 y ’ ' Pittsburgh, Pa. JUST OPENED A STOCK 0? .. Isnt(-r— Sfewjaa ns gelgl,. ftrsh andcheapas can be had this side of the place oI7X . ... *’ growing or man ufiicture. A Luo, lIAKUMAKK, QUEENSWAUR aud rytliing necessary to complete a store,in a thriving town Itko.AUoona. \ -® All he asks is tha t the people call and examine his stock which he will at all times take pleasure in showing, ami Im feels (xmfldeut that ho can wild them- away roWClng if net m the (micluiKo of justFucU an article os thet vtaftted at the rcurembiiiuco of having looked Upon tho handset* est stock of Oihmls ever exhibited in tho town.' Altoona, Qct. 20, 1851). , T OOK OUT FOll YOUR HEAD! £4 ,^!a7tl?' CS tUu fullowrns aa '*° ***** «* lu going to parties, just mind whatyonV hf: , Beware of your head ami take-care of voir A ‘ L«n.it you find that a favorite ami ofjour mother,' llaa an ache iii the one ami a brick fa tbo other. ' speaking about hats ami brails—tho subscriber Would leopectfnlly announce Hint he has just returned fault tho city u itli a large and well selectUl stuck of Jim and Boys’ HATS f>p AND HR ADD CAPS, STYLES, FOR FALL AN® WI\TER, of every color and shajio. Also, a goodTwwtiheßt of LADIES AND MISSES PHKB,. of different varieties, all of which vlllf fcb tiAd CHEAP. FOR CASH. . ersons in want of anything In thq aboreliue. trill please give mo n call befi.re purchasing efiww>hcre;arl am determined to sell at (lie very lowest possible prices, More on Virginia street, opposite the Iditheiaa'iSvlreh. Altoona, April 28, ISf.swf.; . J£<&£ gjiixil A BOOK tOIVEV- R Y B O PY.—STA'IrifUNO /IbCtOSURKA—in tE £ .Ell’S great work mfrtSemar- Ilhl, . or for tantiexaptaU if.IXATES. Prico'dA ceuta— lit to-air pAirt# uhdiJsdaLliT oil, POSTPAID. OOtCoOO tpiea Hold tbu )]ut year , Tli« iigle, married, and the mar* (wi-happy. A EoCtAruon on f> or how. to clioosii’ a 1 jtarf ■£ | » complete work on UM ’Wry. It contains hundreds d.ed-warrantca to Ur worth _ , a for it, 25 cents In bix-cim nr postage stamps enclosed, will Secure a copy hy return ol 'DU. TELLETt ha* devuted a lifetlmajo ttieenre of dis bonkstreat. Address X*EtS&M.D Ao.O Beaver street. AHmiu .*, N. V.- Mlrriedl!. o }?’ Pnis ’ $1 “> x - ♦“& fnir^tioh,. lUrrh d ladles ehoiltl not o»e them. Sent ittatt Ad dregs Dr. Teller, rig nUjvc. Xp^lTtVCMy Stoves, Tut & Sheet Iron Waite* _ SPOUTING, &C. TAS. .'U r . IMGGr WOULD tf speotfiilly infmn tUo citirons of"Altoomaffiv jind vicinity that lie keeps constantly on linni! sesaf- —» lie also keeps on hand a large sfoet Q f fiii o* it as of K°. \™JOSSV ChaWd 010 rsht “ ®Wc county, IMPROVED SAUSAGfi SXDFFER, . an invention which needs only to bfe‘ ite