'ttJ 1 w > :■ that, at some period, everymem %fttghuman family is subject to disease m 4fitVbmc« of the bodily functions; but, 11m aid of * good tonic and the exercise •Cptalneonunon sense, they may be able so to MgoJgte the system as to secure permanent hstlth S In order to accomplish this desired true course to pursue is certainly Out which will produce a natural state of tfaiags at the least hazard of vital strength and this purpose, Dr. Hostetter has in lrosWediothis country a preparation bearing his asms, which is not a new medicine, but one been'tried for years, giving sotisfac tfon- to-all who have used it. Tne Bitters eperate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, •ad liver, restoring them to * healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable, thesys leaa to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or anyßilioua Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction •f tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, sc., these Bitters have no equaL Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, sogenerallyeon temeted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet,wrill be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any ether, dad the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOMETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, as per dtreetiogs on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters 67 some End; then why not use an article -known to be infal lible T AHnations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of diseaso and strengthener of the sys- tern In and among them all there is . not to bo found a more healthy-people than theOormans, from whom this preparation cm* wtted, biased upon sciontifla experiments which have tended to prove the value of this preparation in the soalo of medical science. Fxvse.asd Aocx.—This trying and provok ing disease, which fines its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducinghimto a mere sha dow in a ihort.ilme, and rendering him phy aicolly and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of lIOSTETTER’B RENOWNED HITTERS. Further, none of the above-slated can be contracted, even ia exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create aMtse* nor offend the palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of. ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved at speedily as is consisteut with the pro duotloa pf a thorough and permanent euro. For Ferton* in Advanced* peart,, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and Infirm body, these Bitters arc invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only be i tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these'Bitters are indis pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishment! is inadequate to the demands of the sbild, consequently her strength must yield, and hero it is where a good tonic, such as Hostetler's Stomach Bitters', 1s needed to impart temporary strength and .vigor to the system. Lames should by all means try this remedy fbr all eiascs of debility, and, before so doing, should juk their physician, who, if he fr acquainted with .the virtue of the Bitters, will recommond their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. —We caution Uio public against using any of the many Imitations or counterfeits, but ask f»r Hoststtbr's Celebrated Etoracb Bitters, Sod .see [that each bottle has the words **Dr. J. Hoototter’s Stomach Bitters’* blown on the aide of the bottle, and stomped on the metallic cap covering tbs eoik. and observe that our autograph signature is on the lsbeL JOT Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEB ft BIdTH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and Mid by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States. Canada, South America,and Germany. Or Sold by 0 W Kemlcr and A Roush. Altoona; Q A Jacob*, J K Patton and W U Murray, UolUdayHhurf;; and * Berlin, Tyrone. [Aug. 25, IHSO-ly WOOD, EDDY & t’O.’S DEhAW A RE STATE LOTTERIES! CAPITAL P&I2E $lOO,OOO The following MAONIFTCEXT SCHEMES will be 4n«n by Woon, Ennr i Co., Manager*, at Wilming ton, Delaware, in public, under superintendence of 'sworn commissioners appointed "by tbs Governor. Delaware Lottery, CLASS NO. 678, DRAWS ON SATURDAY, DEC. 81st, 1859. ; 78 dyiimixri—l3 Drawn BaXhit. 1 Orand Capital Prize of $lOO.OOOl 1 Prise iof. *50,000 ' 168 Prize* of *5OO 1 « t* 20,000 65 “ « 125 -8 “ ;« 10,000 65 “ 100 3 •• " 6,000 65 “ “ 80 3 " « - 4,000 65 « 60 T" * SMO 4,810 *• • 43 3 “ ** 3.500 27,040 - « 20 100 ** XjOOO ' Prize* amounting to $1,186,785! KEARhY 1 PRIZE’ TO' EVERY 2 TICKETS. WMe Ticket! $2O; Balixt $10; Qndrten $5. Certificates of Packages in tbe above scheme w ill be said at tbe foHowlngr*te«,whlch i» the riak ; Certificate bf Packages of 28 Whole Ticket*, $239 00 « ” .i 26 Half « 149 60 “ t u 28 Quarter 5 74 75 ! " 36 Eighth 37 37 1 SPLENDID SCHEME. '• 10 K DtAW* EACH .WEDNESDAY INI DECEMBER. Class 686 Draws Wednesday, ipecembOr 7,1859. dan 618 Draws Wednesday,; Dec. 14, 1859. Cd&s 660 Draws Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1859. dais 672 Draws Wednesday,] poo. 28, 1859. JUarly one Prize to every two Tiekets! 16 Koiebcrg-13 Drawn Ballots. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $10,000! iMt»« , fivno espdzMof i « ■ 10,000 « « .3 - ?• ■ - - 7,800 M , 1 :*• rf 6,000 «5 “ 1 > 4,139 ISO " VJnKtoSof WJO 4,«» “ tif’W too ajlfio « 9QO • *■■■ ■ 800 ■ i ! aa^OS-Prtees SmounUngto'sM9^S9. -i TuhtU $6-r.§««r*., BBSSLKR’?. : GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, lilt). 1, "ALTOONA MOUSE,'' ALTOONA, PA., "ISTHEBE MAY BE fV riaralarPubUcatioosof the day, as follows? ■ New York lNeridg, I flKKnWffr American, ■( ■ iSao Terk Ifbxerty. • t FtagofOurXfnion, ~ , TmcFtag, , if' American Vnion, ■ - Saturdag Ettning Tint, ■ v itoOar Newspaper, SstndagMerctsry, ■ IBicrfy -dfopoeiue, ■ EVoat Leslie's Pictorial, Sarperts Weeklf, Ballou's Pictorial, Prank LesßPs lU, Genian Paper, The muttrated lI Md, [German,) - / The item York Clipper, Rational Police Gazette, United States Police Gazette, Boston'Pilot, Irish American, ; Some Journal, Banner of light. Spiritual Telegraph, . Weekly Tribune, Porter’s Spirit, life Illustrated, '• Prank Leslie's Budget of Pun, Yankee Notions, ’ Altoona Tribune. Nix Nax. DAILIES: Philadelphia Press, New York Herald, Ptlhlii ledger. New York Tribune, . Pittsburgh True Press, New York Times. North American, Pittsburgh Chronicle, Evening Bulletin, Everting Argus, Ptnnsylvaman. ■. To which will bo added the uew publications as they appear. Magazines, Novels and Romances, Miscellaneous Books, School .Books, Copy Books, -Slates, Pena, Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in loct every thing in the Stationary line. Toys, No tions and Games of every variety, Pic tures and Picture Frames, ic. ta, A-icholce lot of CONFECTIONERIES, of every vari ety. Also. TOBACCO and SEGARS of the best quality, N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this county, for ROIIN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does pos itively cure all sores to which it is applied. Try It. 7-tf.) H. FETTINGER. BiEW GOODS ! SEW GOODS! At McCormicks Store, Just arrived, and are now being offered for sale, an ex tensive assortment of goods of all the different styles and qualities, which the Philadelphia market affords, in the way of dress goods for Lading together with ail the more heavy Cotton and Woolen goods for Gentlemen and Boys wear, also a full stock of BEADY MADE CLOTHING for men and Boys, of the best material and latest Styles, in the way of business, dress and over coats, with pants and vests to ! match. Also all the different varieties of goods, such as Hardware, ' Queenswnre, Cediuware, x Tinware, Stoneware, &c, GROCERIES, Family Syrups, Sugar Brown and Vhite, Teas. At, Ac., with at! the variety of spleen necessary to make up a full assortment. Men'i fine and coaree Boole and Booteei , Ladies “ “ “ with without heels, in all the different material, with a very pretty assortment at Bonnets. ALSCi MEN AND BOYS LEDGER HATS AND CAPS, and all other articles usual! y kept in country stores, all of which will be sold as low as in any other house In town for Cash, or exchanged for any article of produce, which can be consumed here or exchanged in the East for others. Altoona, Oct. 27th. ’59. EIGHT REASONS WJEM EVERYBODY SHOULD GO TO C. B. SINK'S STORE 1 HE HAS A LARGE AND WELL J • selected assortment of Dry Goods, which are worth going to see. 2. lie has an unequalled stock of GROCERIES, fresh and pure, which he will sell as reasonable as any merchant In the place. 3. He Las Hardware, Queens ware, Stonewvre, ©l2)@3o J B. lIILEMAN HAS JUST RE • ceived and opened at his old stand, on Virginia st., a large and attractive assortment of seasonable goods, com prising all the novelties in EREGES, DUVALS. LAKE’S. GIXGUAif.% EMBROI DERIES, LACES, HOSIERY <£ GLOVES, and all varie ties and textures of LADIES DRi’SS GOODS, together with a full assortment of goods for gentlemen’s wear, such as Cloths, Cossimercs and Vestings. Also a full stock of Hardware, Queensware and GROCERIES, and an assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, OAITORS, &.C., of all sizes and styles, which equal to any in the market, and will bo sold at fair prices. Haylpg recently enlarged my store-room, I can now display, my largely increased stock to better advantage and would respectfully invite everybody to call. May 12, 1859. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB _J SCKIBEP. would respectfully In form the pulilir that ho has recently re- i/jStfC'V fitted the above Hotel, end is now pro pared to accommodate his friouda and patrons in a comfortable manner, and hc^BaSir mmrwST will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table wjU.alwnys be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his liar filled with Kquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place,-and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor liim with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have Just received a stock cf No. 1- French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. \ ; Also a large stock of excellent Brines,, for medicinal pur poses,; {together with a lot of the best old Bye Whiskey to ihe found in the ronntrv. ' Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] rpSE GREAT QUESTION WEIGH ■ I .now agitates the mind'of every person Is, where can I get tho best article for mysHHI money? Inregard to other matters, the sub- VH icribor would not attempt to directi bnt if yon want anything in tho line of . BOOTS OR SHOES lib invites an examination of his stock and work. : Tie kbeps constantly on hand an assortment ofßoots, Shoos, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., Which he offers at fair prices. He will give special attention to custom work, all oi ; which will be warranted'to give satisfaction. None but tho ’ best workmen are employed Rctnember my shop is on Virginia 'street, Immediately . opposite Kessler’s Drag Store. September 3, >57-tf] JOHN 11. ROBERTS. rpHE HAMMONTON FARMER.—A , X .Newspaper devoted to Literature andAcriculture, also settiOgfonrtn {tall accounts of the new settlement of Ilam jnonttm, fn New Jersey, can be subscribed fbr at only 25 cents .per annum. .A Inflloso postago stamps for the amount. Address to Edi ,tomf the Farmer, Hammonton, P. 0. Atlantic Co- New Jersey. .Those wishing cheap land, of tho best quality, in one of thdhealthiest and 'most delightful climates in the : Hnk>p, and where crops are never cot down by frosts, the terrible scourge of the north, see advertisement pf Ham* monton Lands. - ‘ . Boots and shoes.—the un ! derslgned has how on hand and will null jchcap at JiUstoriJ Jn the Maaorijc Tern ple, o large and complete assortment ofBOOTS ASP SHOES, ready made, or made to order, H Overshoes, lAdlcs’Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork . Soles, and everything in his line of business, of the best quality and on tho most reasonable terms. All eastern work warranted. Jan. 2, ’M-tf.] TJERSONS wanting change of nlimate JL for health. Sec advertisement of Hammoaton 1 Lands, column. L • ; 1 v-’. : SOLUTION OR CITEATB OF MAG KJ; NESIA-a cooling Cathartic, mild In it* operation and agreeable loths taste, prewired and for salis by ■ ~ i.• KOUHH, Drvffitt. TVTBW AGRICULTURAL BETTLE n| MKNT,— 7b aU wanting fbrnt, a rare £* dSiSsffla and Oimdte PhOadeipiiia, on tike ,Qna*R and Atlantic Saangd Lew estate conshting of several thousands of acres of productive toil has been divided Into Farms of various «»«• tosirt Ou putchaeer. ApopUlation of some Pyte*j «“■* And, Own warisos parts of the Middle States »»d New England have settled thewthe past year, improved their places, and rtdsed excellent craps. Bie price o V to^ obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to $l5 per thousand. Brick* from the brick yard opened in the place, every ar ticle can be procured in the place, good carpenters are at hand, and there Is no place in the Union where buildings and improvement* can bo made cheaper. The reader will at once bo struck,with the advantages there presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market: and unless these statements were correct, no one would be invited to examine the laud before pur chasing. This all are expected to do. They will *ee land under cultivation, such is thn extent of the.settlemcnt that they will no doubt, meet persons, from their own neigh borhood; they will witness the improvement* and can judge the character of the population. If they come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot bo held on refusal. There are two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers who improve, (he Railroad Company give* a Free Ticket fornix mouths, and a half-price Ticket Tor three years. In connection with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving tow n has naturally arisen, which presents in ducements for any kind of business, particularly starts and manufactories. The Shoe business could bo carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton busi ness, and manufactories of agricultural implements or Foundtries for easting small articles. The imptovement lias been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent Increase of business. Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small ones, as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from #lOO and upwards. The Hammonton Ftsrmer, a monthly literary and agri cultural sheet, containing full information of Hammonton, cun bo obtained at 25 cents |>cr annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of alt incumbrance when money is paid. Route - to the land( leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia for Hammonton by Railroad, at 7 1 ,j A. M., or 4}< P. M. Fare 90 cunts. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a princi pal, until they Lave decided as to purchasing, os he will show them over the land in his carriage, free of expense letters and applications can be addressed to Landis A Byrnes. Ilamraonton P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia.— Maps ami information cheerfully furnished. (June 30 ’59-Cm.] v rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD I respectfully inform bin obi cus tomcrs uml the public generally that ho has just and handsome as- CLOTHS, AND which he Is now and is prepared to the latest stylo & ner, aft none but aro employed, and bo warranted to He lias also a good Stock .of Qksis’ FURNISHING GOODS, such “as Shirts, Collars, Csder shirts, Drawer*. Pocket Handkerchiefs, Keck T 1 is. Stocks, Suspenders, Hosiery, &c„ also a large assortment of READY-MADE CEOTIIING, all of which he is determined to sell as cheap as they can be bought this side of Phila delphia. The public are respectfully Invited to call and examine my stock, as I shall take pleasure In showing them. • Doors open at all times from 6 A. M. until 9 P. M. Admittance free. May 6‘ 1869-tf THOMAS ELAVAY. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! ' Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable light within their reach, should call at the store uf the undersigned and examine these I .amps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. Tl'.at they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. Thiil tlie light is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps arc admirably adapted for tho use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories, Halls,Churches. Stores, Hotels, and ore highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect.satisCiction in all coses. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] 0. W. KESSLER. Logan hotel. —the under signed respectfully informs the citizens of Blair county and others, that he has opened up the LOUAN HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff Kees, JH at the. west end.of Hollidaysburg. reception of strangers and travellers.— 1 Everything connected with the house has been refitted in the new with the choicest furniture, ic.. ic. The house is large and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. liis TABLE will be furnished with the very best the mar ket can afford, and no pains or trouble will be spared to render those who may choose to favor hrm with their pa tronage comfortable and happy during their stay with him. His STABLING Is ample, and an obliging and carefnl hostler will always bo in attendance,' The Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place and Williamsburg,.stops at the Logan Hotel. Dec. 17. 1857,—tf.] JOHN KEIFFER. BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Did you hear the news from Europe? If yon have uot. we will tell you what it is. " It is that HENRY TUCK has Just returned from the Eastern cities with a large sup- P ' r ° f READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of ail styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Tests, Rants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment of tho kind, all of which he offers at unprecedentedly tow.priccs for cosh. .Having purchased his stock at cosh prices, he is thereby enabled to sell very low. JOHN’ BOWMAN. He invites ail those in want of anything In his lino to give-him a call, feeling euro that he will be able to give satisfaction., - HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Sept. 30, 1558.-tf . OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! In coneequence of the hard Qtnjw, I have concluded to put down theprico of my OYSTERS to the lowest possi ble standard. They will hereafter be served .op on the Chafing'Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and rosftted ip the shell and served np with all other accompaniments, TWENTT PIVE CENTS. They will also ibe furnished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. V \ JOHN KEIFFER, Dec. 17, tf.] Logan House, HoUidaysburg. CONCENTRATE!) LYE, FOR MA KINO Soft Soap, and Soap Powder for Washing, one pound equal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Palm Soap, Chemical Soap, etc., on hand and for sale at June 10,1858.-tfJ A. ROUSH'S. Liquors.; —a large amount at well selected LIQUORS has, been received at the “LOGAN HOUSE,” HoUidaysburg, which wi» he sold at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who has only to call. [Dec. IT,if. J. BHORMAKEH. ' Tins TOWS Of IIAMMOSTOS. Queensware, just received. A large and fashionable assortment at tbe store! of J. B HILEMAN. mAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM 'ades, Shaving Cream,Toilet Soaps, Ac. for sale by irtt] O.W.KEBBLEB. TTARDWARB OF ALL DESCRIP .XX tlonsjast received and for sale by Oet IMO ' J. B. HZLEMAK. Hate, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, Sash and Tarnish Brashes at . *ES?LE*'B. , 1%/FARIA L BE PEYSTBR MEMO-. SLagsaag^s and will connect with tt > M»le* College*; or. If desired, thelreduc^on "ito each—the Summer fcewdon to ttnnmocco on tho rn Mon day of May. ending on the hurt the Winter Session the lst Monday ▼ember, ending on th* last Wednesday of March. Tno Sessions will be divided into two quart ersof eleven mu -- Terns, per quarter, as follows—v U SOLID BRANCHES. , Primary (Including Reading, Writing. DrtLog- , raphy. Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, *c7) s*,oo Advanced (Inclndlng the Natural Science*, Mathe rontlca, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, the Laa guages and Composition Ac.) *°> uu EXTRA. ORORNAMEXTAL BRANCHES. Music (Inclndlng nsa, of Instrument) He nn Drawing, Painting (In water Colors) JJS Maa/Hfl sgrtpb. Instructions In vocal mnate gratis. One half the More charges, to be paid Invariably in advance. „ K r!w. OLIVER, SupmiUa»d*nt Male Dqrt. A. B. CLARK, ** Mr. . Principal “ v Miss C. M. CLARK, " FcmtOt “ March 10,1860.rtf IVTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE. —The undersigned would beg loara to an nounce to tUe citizens of Blair county and vicinity that ho has opened Ida new Store on Fi rginii street, thru doort below the Superintendent's Office, wKern ho has just received from the East and West a largo assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, consisting as follows: French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy IFtns, Old Port M ine, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gins Old. Rye Whiskey, Monongahda Whiskey, and Rhine H t«e. which he has himself Imported. Retailers of Liquors and Farmers wilt find it to their advantage to buy of him, as he will sell at CITY PRICES, lie will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of (GrIIOCERIES, Such as Flour. Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Se gars. Syrup, Sugar, Coffee,-Jfc., All of which will be sold cheap for cash or Country Produce. Our friends and the public generally are respectfully in vited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. LOUIS PLACE. received a lvroe sort men l of Cassimeres, VESTINGS, offering for Rate, Altoona, May 26,1859.-tf PERSONS wishing to change their business to a rapidly Increaseing Country, a New Settlement where hundreds are-going. Where the climate is mild and delightful. See advertisement of the Hiuuujou ton Settlement, in another column. ' i make them np in mould urable man the beat workmen all work made will give satisfaction. rpHE 'SECRET INFIRMITIES OF X YOUTH AND MATURITY just pub- wjigs- Ushcd Gratis the 25th Thousand. /JaWjBL A few words on the Rational Treatment, without Medicine of Spermatorrhoea or Lo- mmUmfmr cal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, Impotency and Impediments tp mi rriage generally, by B.De Laney, U. D. Tbe important fact that many'alarming complaints, ori ginating in tbe Imprudence and solitude of youth may be' easily removed without medicine, Is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment os adopted by the Author, fully ex plained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, giatis and post free In a sealed en velope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 88 East 31st Street, New York City. Sept. 22, ’59-sm. i (''l RAPE growers can carry on their busi er ness most successfully at Hammonton, free from fronts. Some forty Vinyards set out the paat season. See advertisement of Hammonton Land*, in another column. | JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero qf One Hundred Fils per Month ! 1 would respectfully set forth my cipim to public Atten tion, as a Fashionable Tailor, as follows: “ Because I keep au excellent assortment of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined, always please. ■, Because my work is made up in asanuer that takes down the country and gives Oil my customers a city ap pearance. Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to the heat to ho found anywijere. Because long experience in iuy business gives me entire control oyer it, and I am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of tho -suds. Because X am atilt on the sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and Workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the “ Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go away pleased.' Altoona, May 26-8 m JACOB SNYDER. Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. G. W. FISHER, tho Holliday-shorn Artist, begs leave t i> Inform our readers that be is prepared to take ! Photographs of deceased persons , s from Daguerreotypes, at thd shortest notice and on tho cost reasonable terms. He has just received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styjes, including a now pattern of Family Case for four persons, and is pre pared to fill them wlthperfect likenesses, ' AMBROTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE DR PHOTOGRAPH. Give him a call. Rooms od the corner dt Montgomery and Allegheny streets, HoUidkysburgpFa. [June 17-tf. GW. KESSCER—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to the citizens of Altoona and the public erolly, that he still continues on Virginia street, where ho-, keeps-constantly SUf on hand, for sale. Wholesale aiid Retail, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, TARNISH- ES and DYE-STUFFS. " - By strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all os regards- price and quality, he hopes td merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants Supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from A distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefttlly compounded, [t-tf. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER!! —wo are now receiving" at the “MODEL STORE,” a large assortment: of 1 ’ WALL PAPER ASfD BORDER, purchased direct from the manufacturers in New York,, and we can therefore offer great inducements to those who wish to purchase. Call and examine onr stock, s March 17 th, XBS9-tt | ?JTA J. LOWTHER. • CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW V_y Ready Made Clothing, of the latest Fashions, cheapo: than ever, at ; H. IDCIFfE^ Dec. 9,1858. . A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT QJt JTjl Undershirts and Drawers, Cotton, ’ Woollen and Silk, very low, at ” • Dec.o 1858. ■■ • " ■ -T- ON HAND AT McCJORMIGK’S Store —A splendid oT Beady. Mads clothing. Oil and see. -- ■> .v-"--.- -;V - Rov.SA-tt PINE AND LARD, OILS, GAM* phene, Burning Fluid; Carbon OH, Ac., at ■ ■ r Jan.3.»sa-ff] . ?l; KESSLER’S. A bdominal Supporters, Trus- JJI. BrsoSa fbr sale at " KBSSLER’S- rpHB HIGHEST PRICE IN CA&H X yld fa Beef Hldm. frr d. L.ICSBB. 0? iltb P^(®IPT!OKB ■JLr osatly abd ♦xptdielsiuly exeeutsdat'tbfrAlßea. ' jtowlbb AfaocunwT^ The Howaan Aasocuno*, In view of the *•*,» ■ of human life, caused by Sexual Diseases, tadSL!7*'**hs practised upon the unfortunate vlctimof *^j22? WcU several yetes ago directed their QwSStSfi? V as a charitable act worthy of their n.m« t onrl?r¥!*»*B l wry tor the treatment of this class of diseuMLU ?"f*w forma, and to pro medical advice ontfSTtoin by letter, with a description of their conditio / “••fflw pation, habits of life, 4e„) and in and suffering, to furnish malicme frtt ■.*-*“**>—*»» needless to add that the Association ** h Medical skill of the age, and trill *•*>*» od modern treatment. The director* of the Association, In thatr . upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, expreJ?Sfi*f*« satisfaction with the success which haanttendsrf ;**■* of the Consulting Surgeon to the core of "**>— Seminal Weakness, Impotence, QonaoefhSoS philis, the Tice of Onanism or Self-abuse, Ac •STh continuance of the nude plan tar tiureßsetoi'Tw M4w * The Directors, on a review of the pastCmT^TL. 1 their labors to this sphere of benevolent SaLrP I ** 23 M • ► X '53; | -to L) K-3<;n 2 Ws3§ hn ca s- g L 3 W s 5 t> £■< O* S QSBz i* * Wggjog ®-s QO a j.a SHr,. %t IMPROVEMENT L\ COOK \ T jya stoves. COysUMFTIOy OF SMOKE ASD GAS AMD umn OF.POBL. Tho subscriber take* pleasure In offering to tht bum... NEW QAS AND SMOKE CONSUMIN'O m Cooking Stove, recently patented, which li devils to I. pcrcedo all other*, a* It requires ,■ ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stove* and U more easily, quickly ly heated. No unpleasant smell ol gas srlw« train Um stove from the fact that it is all consumed ere It can t* capo. There is uo trouble from smoke s* that uiiplttMut and often annoying exhalation Is also consumed ImMe uf the stove Neither is there any danger of flues orchus noysbecoming clogged with soot or the tuoctaj loosened t.» the gas arising from coal fires. ' Persons wishing to purchase stoves are Invited to cal) ■< the eloro of the subscriber, in tho Masonic Temple, »ad.«» amino the above stores. JOHN SHOEMAKER, SjU Agent fur Blair Hand*. N. B. All kinds of Air tight, Parlor Cooking a«dia Stovcs-on hand. [Aug. li ISid, * RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE— -11 This Great Journal of (.'rime and Criminals fa i t its Twelfth Voar, and U widely c;rra!n»d tim.ujKiit the country. It contains all the TrUh. tV.uciai Cases. and appropriate Editorials on the some, together sltt information on Criminal Matters, not to be found la uq other newspaper. Subscription!! $2 per annum; *1 for r!r month*.t> be remitted by subscribew. (who should write their and the town, county and State where they nuMt plahihj To G. W. MATSELL i 00.. Editor A Prop'r. of New York. Poli.-c Gut-.K .Vue iVir 15-tf] Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE 1 AND LIVER PILLS. V\7"E beg leave to call the atten* i tion of the T more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the puolic. We refer to Dr. Chas. H’laae 1 * Celebrated Ventiifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-tdls, but simply for what their name 'purports, vii.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. , THE LIVER PIUS, Forthecure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head-Ache, &c. In cases of Fever and Ague* preparatory to or after takiag Qui nine, they almost invariably mai« a speedy and permanent cure. .As specifics for the above men* tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, ' and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with th« directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, * Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of their Drug business. in which they have been .success fully engaged for the last Twenty Tears, ana they will now give then •undivided time and attention their manufacture. And being •* terraihed that E)r., M’Lanf* brated Vermifuge and Li^ r {?, shall continue to otcupjf the | portion they now hold among, great tepa64ies of the day, W will continue to spare neither nor expen^ih'procuring and Purdit material, and pound them in the most e manner. Address all orders to FIBMINS BROS. Pittsburgh P. 8. Dealers and Physicians ordering Hemming Bros, will do veil to vHte ly and tofe none but Dr. Planes, jMS • Bros., Pittsburgh, FU. To thow *l^« trial, ve viU-fawd by mall. port { X£ United States, one box oM*i!U *»***£! tSSs age stamps, or one tM ofT wmifone”* cent stamps. All order* from Cansda * *S&S!SSim, * * w-13* JlS* efftedby s'U Drajffiita. . ■ - •tsg o^\ -i u F.;3S \ G**taj im WSfT-Vr:‘-\ *."• vtaip 1 'SwSPSB? All V**fci ik Met bardiiHegjSMku Labuoiti lion. Wd Uwtge-P. pfomoltu Alt, (ktMMßwtaVnß t' m a. . ;I k, ~.AL' Wni jmwbce in ■ sttou ii*Mpk* tiifco P«ttf K**o«r’x Sr WM. k SXJBG] opd Wwrfclno «3r» Student^ T\% AVM.I JLJJfesarFcd He m»» buiuuun toplwby Or.O. D Alfrone. B*pt. 3> | BV. liol • Offers kUi Ahw»*4tul vlciull The best of riTi ij Otßoratreshlrinj ‘''ton* «fco»e CnDruJ Oirisr dr*w «Ht v ptAJf!N( ailM Gtfe