The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 24, 1859, Image 2

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    C|e JUOOIW Critanu.
, . • i: '
THUBSDAI, NOVEiffim 24 r 1859.
-ft ' . . • • ' » T ' * '•*
t®, Whore parties are unknown to us, our rule for adver-
MnK to tewafrifaepayuisat inadvaacivora guarantee from
kiiown ptnwu|, i Itiathereforeuseless forall each to Mad.
ai admtiaemenU offeringto payat the end of three or »Ix
mon the, advertisements are accompanied -with the
money, irhefl&r'etieyflW orten dollars, we WOlglve the
•* m |iwi , «ib^ix>’.€3o.,
AdowtUiag Ageats, ltd 1 Nassau, street, NewYork,and
to State streety Boaton, arc : tho Agentsfoi ihtAttoonn
iyfowtc,,andtto most influential .And largest .circulating
Newspapers in-tho United states and the Canada*. ’ They
an authoriicedio contract for us at our lowest rata.
Old Tlrginla in a Slow.
If We arc to believe the telegraphic
wires, (and wo. do not see .what incentive
they havcjito lie about it,) all Virginia,
and especially that part of it lying contig
uous to Harper’s Ferry, is in a terrible
all oiiginating out of a mere
supposition that the Abolitionists ore about
to attempt] to rescue old John Brojtvu from
their clulphos. The mere suppositions
took the form of rumors—not capable of
being traced to any responsible source, but
tetiJl sufficient to inflame the public mind.
A barn anil several stacks of wheat were
burned one night last week—a certain in
dication that the rescuers were on hand,
t 7
whereupon Col. Davis, the officer in com
mand at Charlestown. telegraphed to Gov.
Wise for troops, whicji were sent to . the
number of a thousand, with -field pieces
and ammunition, accompanied .by Gov.
Wise himself, who probably thought there
was some truth in a despatch wbicli an
nounced that parties had crossed from
Ohio into| Virginia at Wheeling.
Mow we do. not for one moment
bend any Saab a thing as an attempt at
rescue. Mad as the ultra Abolitionists
are, wc can'not for a moment believe that
any considerable number could be found
* ' S’ ■. ' i ' ■ ;
to set their lives upon a cost in such a
doubtful enterprise. The Virginians know
this too, hence they have simply made
fools of themselvbs in alarming their wives
and children unnecessarily.
The arijay pf the chivalry is to encamp
at until Old Brown and his
fellow prisoners have paid the penalty of
their folly! It will be a gala day when
tbcso piisjguidcd men 'arc ushered into
the chivalry, but,the Aboli
tionists will not be there... to -haunt their
dreams, or dirturb them iu their feast of
blood, i ;■
“Kpt Yet Quito Dead.”
The, Democrats ami ultra Republicans
UaVo been .preaching noil promulgating
the opinion that the American party is
dead, to sill intents and purposes. The
former wrote friendly epitaphs, and the
latter claimed take its place on the po
litical,chessboard. The American party
is not only .not dead, but in many of the.
Northern it holds the -balance of
power as-a seperate and distinct organiza
tion apaijjt from Republicans, ;
Rcpublicans, or XJcmocrats. At the late
election in New York the Americans adop
ted a pari of the Democratic ticket, and
the four Democratic candidates for whom
they yotld were triumphantly elected,
that a Large number of
Foreignei| ? cut these candidates onsus
picion;” hale to say thatihe
Americas'party Is,dead-yet. It is an imr
portent eluent in politics/ ahd will prob
ably playjia conspicuous part in thcNjam
paign of |Blso.
Coxg,|«£6s.—Congress will meet qu the
already the Solon? are
congregating at Washington tel discusk
the af&i*l df t&e like
prite*fij|&ra,.who go intp training a, few:
s?tic hotif. W© shall no doubt
gharp apayring daring the. vifttep, jn jiddi-!
tiop;to the usual quantity of gasand drtm-;
domhe. > *|Phe Savers, the Freeidna
Shriekers' and the Fire Eaters, will all
to iheir pent;up,
eloquence, and we may reasdnably look
- long as the
noad: law and riot act combined. The
llteperis Ferry insurrection and the hang
ilf ’of 0$ Brown and his confederates will
'enter so largely into the business of the
that we presume no attention will
be ppyl *n* f.he tfemands of the jpepple for
p or of a f>>
oige ■
forJhyoa eotin.
«-Am|y day’fiwToeeday— «Ber therdta;
- % i-f; < ' L ‘
a «jrt^.j^dlnn^r r > £%.■' TV' SJ-;
*|lbb. Uvery stock at the
Americasßouoe (table. V ••• , *'.... ■
A9~OeI- John Itiriemon, of Holliday »bnrjr,«hbt a white
partridge on Friday last.
d9»The Christinas Hollidays arc approaching. A time
lyfaiat4oia>rati;MH v -x.
99~Qea. Michael A. Trank, of Clnustld, will be a can
didate for Bergeonbat-Arma of the next Senate.
49>The Hon. 8. .A-Bonglass Is rapidly recovering from
hla recent illnew.
49*Ie there to be no Tall parade of the Clair County
Somherreturned in the «teanifrOwada,an
Saturday last. s
49*The' British have withdrawn their naval forces itam
SattJuan, with the-exception of the Satellite.
’ 4&>A printer named William Smily waa murdered and
robbed in Indianapolis, on Monday night last.
*®_Large quantities of,sliver on continue to arrive at
San Francisco from Carson’s Talley.
gjJThe offliialretunu of the Kcw Jersey election ahow
that the majority for-Olden, (op.) is 1,629. \
B3,The physician of the Utica Asylum baa fidth in the
ultimate restoration «f Oerrlt Smith.
■ 49~A womannamedKerr, drowned herself In the Mo
nongahelariver, near Pittsburgh, on Friday lutW-
School Building, in Uartinaburg,
israpMly approaching completion,.
4&-The Poet office Kill be open for one hoar after the
arrival of eimh'mail—morning, noon, and evefiing, to-day.
C S®*Tho name of the mother of the Foetoria foundling is
'Sarah Alcott, andhet,place of residence is Allegheny city.
aS'Flro Counterfeiters npdmall robbers were arrested
in Warren on Sunday last, and taken to Buffalo for-trial.
'A good haul.' .
’ffss.Four hundred dollar* were collected fur old John
Brown's wife, at a meetiogheld by. tbo -sympathizers, in
Boston, on Saturday evening.
OJfo election far-Birectors of the Central Bonk took
place on Monday—the matter being adjourned over—ln all
probability indefinitely postponed.
. 4SsrThe Uric Bail Road is to be sold under a foreclosure
by tlie first mortgage bond-holders, for non-payment of in
ftjuSlgn painters should learn to punctuate. There is
nothing so shocking to the nerves ul » printer as a wrong
pointed sign.
K£.Murray Whalion, Esq., has resigned the office of
Collector of thc.port of Erie, and Charles M. Tibbals has
been appointed to fill the vacancy. '
Aw-Uarkins Ott, one of the oldest Engineers on the Pa.
Ba(l Hoad, dlo-1 at his residence, In WUmorc, on the 6th
Inst. W
CS-Vhe Philadelphia “ Ledger” is now printed on paper
made from the fibre of.Eorghiim, or Chinese Sugar Cane,
after Uie juice has been extracted.
<£«'T. P. Fenton, Esq., formerly of Ebenaburg, has been
elected Prosecuting Attorney of Leavenworth City, Kans
as, .Good for Tom.
fett-Tho petition for a writ of error from John Brown to
the Supreme Court of Appeals- of Virginia, was denied on
Friday laal.
4®-Tlie double 1 track on tlie Pennsylvania Rail Road is
completed astfar as Spruce Creek. The trains commenced
running on the new track last week.
.•i-John O’Dounel proposes giving- his friends “ fits,"
and John is just the man who can do it. Uis shop la in
Main street.
tKsjrhe Democrats of New York have nominated Wm. F.
Ilavemycr as their candidate for Mayor,' and Samuel J.
Tildon lor oerporation counsel.
Ad-Thcre are eight hundred convicts in the Ohio Peni
tentiary. Quite a respectable *• poppcrlnshun”—in num
bers, wo mean. * .
ffSUThe Johnstown Tribune hoists the name of Simon
Camorqn and Edward Bates for President and Vice Presi
dent of these United States., „
flgbSlr Qrautly Berkley, the English Nimrod, who has
boon, hunt log buffalo ou.tho western prairki, passed here
on Ms way home,. cn Friday'last.
Nichols is likely to supercede Mr. Oulkn as Pre
sident of the Reading llatlßoad Company. Mr. Nichols is
the Superintendent of the read.
*3_llrant*s City Hall.'in narrisburg. ia to be opened as
a Hotel, on the Enropeanplan, on or about the Ist of Jan-
uary next,
CS'Col. John G. Given and MaJ. T. A. Maguire, well
known citizens of Cumbria comity,- have connected then}.-
selves with, the Davenport Daily Democrat and News.
CStFires in Mobile on the 11th Inst, destroyed £>0,009
worth of property, and a fire in New Orleans on the 13th
swept away eighty-three tenements.
trP.Quito a number of Cameron Clubs have lately l*en
organized in various sections of thoEtate. Simon points
up I
tt3L.Tho painters ore putting the finishing touches upon
the new building for the resident Engineer of tho Pennsyl
vania Rail Road. 1
fi2_U. B. Johnston, the pollidaysbnrg Banker, has Jus
erected a building a shade ahead of anything in the town
over the hill.
ftJUFoster i Fleeson, of the Pittsburgh tKsputch, were
tried in Greensbnrg last week for libelling a' lawyer, and
pcqnltted, .
49*Proi. Lowe did not leave for Europe in bis mammoth
balloon, on Saturday la^t—owing to the weather. When
ever he does go, we shall make a note of it.
43'BroivnBvllIe has riot been captured and reduced to
ashes by the Mexican outlaw Gorlinas, in spite of all tbe
telegraphic despatches'to that effect. ,
ggUMullOney read in a paper ■•Give your eldldren fresh
ajr.” “So say I, bedad—rbe rayson av which I don’t flit
me.hrokeq windys wld onld hats and coots.”
fcJL-Gcorgo Herrick has opened a Restaurant ir Main
street, nest door to Naglcj’s Hotel. George' understands
tfce Business; ‘
Benj. iS Howlt, Esq., Shot at; and wounded a large deer,
on Brush-Cun, onaday last week. Ho pursued him until
night overtook him,but be hid not overtake the venison.
ftSrMiramoa’s army, hariug been dbserted by their lead
er, hart pronounced in- favor of Santa Anna. Old “Santy”
has probably been waiting lor some time for his turn to go
in and plunder. . .
9S,The argument fora new trial in tho case of Thomas
G. Rutherford, con victedof turning the Western Honso of
Refuge into a privateharem, baa been postponed untU next
Saturday. ’ .
CSTA cub bear, weighing about 100 pounds, was shot on
the 'plank road between Wilmoro and Ebensbnrg, one'day
last weok. WieMvirminia aresaid to'be nnnsUaliy plen
ty ih'.the tfStateof Caiuberry ” this year,' .. ..
ISJU Q reen, one' of the colored .insurgents at Hopper’s ■
Perry.Uthe same darkey who escaped from .G aysport aev-
ed ahdaomeabontlonlst*.' " r : • -
V&jQor. Weller, of California, haa appointed Judge H.
P. Hann, fonnbifly of Kentucky, Unlted Statee- Benatur,to'
fill the.racancy bcoulonod the death of theJlon. David
C. Broderick.
t&Xhe Philadelphia authorities commenced demolish
ing the market sheds bnMarketstrect, Third add
Front streets on Monday. They hare wcuptod the' street
for nearly two hundred yean.
49-Ura. Clark,
old, wca baptized bn thp larths^b^Ji A .cage
for those who boliero that there ia no except
through infant baptism. 1
ay-Tf you have nothing but pork kid iknr Want for
dinner to-day,' give thank*, aid reflec tbdw !jnany poor
devil* in the \rorld would/if they but hear
ty meal on diy bread.- '
'IQ.Tho laat Tyrone Stir Mnta^^thep^rtJe^iwo^M,;
toteniv* -I
reality went with a proetiluta named Minnie fiarrer. itf.
the direction efO&tada, teavlng
ed wlfe and two children. Be redded atoaetlmeln thie
place,ahdat apbthertime toTyrone the devil
doee notaseign him a prominent placo tnlieH,' then tbatv'
to.w) an ineOtetlon. -
' &ttcrcM, tlie Koman gladiator* of
■the getting “week In the
kneea";'evidently on the point of being played out. Sor
ry for te; WadiiJntm»ted party, weettfoyedthoeo
uiu hugely.' 'ft ?: : y ■'■ <.-y-. ,■•
EJ'-Thaddensllyatt pnposeafondshing thojwHle with
a photograph and autograph of old John Brown for onp
dollar, eighty per cent, of which is to be appropriated to
wurt afimd for the benefit of Brown’s wife andchildrem
He sold thirty-five of them on the 18lh Inst.
< o_ u Der V nabhanglgc Beobachter,” published in Johns
town, asks ns for an exchange. We should like to accom
modate our ‘“yarman” friends, hut wc already get the
Huntingdon several-other papers that wo are
unable‘to road. ‘ -
*aJlorrow:B. Lowry, of Erie, purposes paying a visit
.to old Qssswottame Brown> As the Virginians are in a
high state of excitement at present, Morrow i will do well
to pat asnafflsbit bridle upon his tongue before he leaves
■flo_Ko less than six passenger trains dine doily at Al
toona .—Standard.
The passengers on (he two morning trains breakfast—
those oia-the noon train dine—and the passengers on the
three evening {trains take supper—in Altoona. “ Verily, if
one would learn the news he should always go from homo.”
• •! i *
49~The late|t news .from Uaiper's Ferry is that every
thing tji quiet,- hut that Qov. Wise had received despatches
from the Marshal of Ohio, and Gov. Chase, advising him
that a force offcom 600 to 1000 - was about to leave that
State, under John Brown, jr., to rescue John Brown. AU
fudge I
«-a man ip'Hartford, Conn., has made application for
a dlvorce frem-his wife on the ground of her being lazy I
This la one of the cool Jokes of the season, and reminds us
of the Sandwich Islander who called upon the blacksmith
of a whaler to. have his teeth filed sharp in order toblteihis
wife's nose off, because .she would not go out and catch
-fish for him. . .
A Most Thrilling Adventure
Last Monday, morning, about eleven o’clock,
Bays the Portsmouth (Ohio) Tribune, the new
wire suspension bridge spanning the Scioto just
above its confluence at this place with the Ohio,
was uxidernuned and prostrated by the force of
the Scioto current. That morning, at an early
hour, Mr. JJ, 3. Cassidy, and two other citizen’s
of this place, crossed .the bridge in a buggy, on
a hunting expedition. They were but in the
woods all day. and had not heard of the fall of
the bridge. They returned in the evening, and
arrived at the crossing after dark. A span of
the .bridge reaching from the shore out over a
portion of tho river still remained as it had
been left by the structure, breaking in two.—
The hunters, all in fine spirits, and unconscious
of danger, started over the bridge The driver
noticed the horse hesitated after going some
distance, and urged the animal forward. The
poor brute Advanced a step or two, and again
stopped. The driver got out, and to bis horror
discovered the bridge gone, and the horse's
head projecting over the yawning gulf. They
#ere'on the very brink of death! Another
step forward would have plunged them down
into the raging torrent, where the angry waters
rushed like a race-horse to the Ohio.
A Decided Cuabacteb. —Miss Lacy Stewart,
of South Sci;uate, Mass., recently died at the
great age 0f;96 years. The following account
is given of her strange personal history;
Her father was a white man—a sea captain—
and her mother a full blooded Indian. She was
brought up in one of the first- families in the
town of Scituate, and ha<f until within a year or
two lived in the family down to the fifth gener
ation, Within that time she had been unable
to support herself and became an inmate of the
almshouse. She was a woman of gooditnanners
and possessed a great deal of pride. She was
much averse to going to the almshouse, and un
til the day of her death Was in the habit of dres
sing in a very gay style. She requested, j us t
before she died, to be laid out in her bright pink
dress, and lo have on her lace turban, which
was decked very gaily with feathers and showy
ribbons, and her ’kerchief round her neck. She
also wished, her coffin to be lined with flowers.
She also requested to be buried in the burial
ground with; and near the family she had lived
with most Of her days. She wished to be car
ried to the Methodist church and have the
Episcopal minister attend her. funeral. She re
quested the minister to state (which he did)
that she had never been out of the limits of the
town, and had never entered a church door un
til she was carried in for burial.
Biography or a Knife. —The Cleveland Her
ald relates the history and travels of a jack
knife, which passes to the “ homeliest man”
that can be found It says that about the year
1845, Dr. j.' V. C. Smith of this city, was pre
sented with;a large jack knife to which tradi
tion assigned a long list of homely owners, da-'
ting 6ack to the early days 'of New England.—
In that year the Dr. met the Lieut. General of
the BritishPr&pices, W. R. Stephenson, and,
struck by h|s .superior claims, at onco surren
dered thevaluable relic to his keeping. In
1851, the Lieut. General met Ossian E. Dodge,
and with eloquent speeches oh either side, the
knife was transferred. Whilst giving a concert
in 1858,-Dodge was accosted by Mr. J. S. A.
French, of Nashua, N. H. Stunned for the mo
ment by the personal appearance of the gentle
man; Dodge could scarcely answer the question,
but hurriedly presented the knife with a few
words of explanation. In the possession of Mr.
Frchch the knife has remained until a few days
since, when, conceiving ho had grown handsom
er than of oldj he returned the relic to Dodge.
.On tVednesday last, Mr. Dodge, impressed with
the wroog |»p was daily committing, in keeping
the relic ffiim its Rightful owner, presented it
to Charles F. Brown, of the Cleveland Plain
dealer.—Boston Advertiser. -
Affecting Incident.— -The scene of the
of the Royal Charter on the coast of
England, was at latest advices a most harrowing
'<s'«•!"One peculiarly' affecting incident is thus
related.. A poor young woman was searching
along the beach to endeavor Ip find some trace
of her husband.., about whose fate aho was un
certain. She discovered a Waistcoat which had
justlbeen Washrf ashore, and which had been
Kang up itf front of the tent by one of the coast
guaid. Alspost frantically she pulled it down.
T,t proved ; to bo that of her husband, a man
named Baijett, who had been painter aboard
the Roya! Charter. The grief of the poor wid
.ow yraa almost heartrending to witness. Some
of tire atanders : by in an attempt to comfort her,
.suggested |hat she might be mistaken. “Oh,
no’,“;safd she, “here isiny own work upon it
Myrkashand, my-busband ; God look down upon
l:. - .
.A. Wo»M Passing as a Max for . Forty
Years.— most, extraordinary revelation was
mode at mjr jmjuesfc recently, before the Core
fiorfor Sftttbrd, England. ThVbbdy of a man
dn alnloe .at Mode syheel, on the
riVctj Irwell, and ip { tbe evening an: inquest was
; .. ftn' iflqtdjy, f
ceased, wbb'went by the name of Henry St&kes,
Wasf ln faot, a wonmn ; that she has worked as
a biwkSetter for about .»■quarter of a century •
been twice married/during that
Pejidd; baa kept a beer shop in Munbii.cster
Way; iwndajsted "a plan,; af
ter £&• eiaorination, : a verdict of
** *>«s( p- ,• v
EAmHtAKtBAFi'ATiyo SiCklm.—The cor
respondent of thti NfT-Sork Timet, at Honolala,
affordsns intereataigparticnlara of the homi
ci3e;|itif(ita|ted % Kamehameha. The
'TSbjfe, vlth the QtUMo. Royal, aod a na
nwirotts soitOi lSawaU upon a|apMr
cxenxntiD,' Tufited the Island of Labaina, vltwe
their etaywas brougbtto aolose on the. lOfllbf
September. Ordering .the royal yacht to'plre
pare forretatn to tlie capital* the Kington the
morning- of that day, - embarked • alone on thti
TesBel,Jeaying his-, attendant to follow' at their
Imsute. calm delayed the yacht, and at
night, takinga small boat, hia Majesty return
ed to shore, and proceeding to the lodgings of
Mr. Henry Nelson, his Private Secretary, en
tered into a violent quatrel with that gentle
man, and presently shot him fatally in the
breast. The cause of the difficulty is not as
certained. Surmises as to the indescretions
on the part of the Queen, obtained momentary
currency, but were instantly discredited. No
statements have been made by the official pa
pers on the subject. Mr. Nelson was formerly
a resident of New York, and ifrom the accession
of Kamabamelto, until the fatal quarrel, had en
joyed the monarch’s unlimited confidence and
A Noble Little Girl.— Tho Warren town
Flag contains an account of a death, lost Thurs
day week, of a little gjrl of eight or nine years,
daughter of Mr Traverse Gough, living a few
miles from Haymarket. In the absence of all
older than herself her clothing took fire. She
first tried to Suppress the flames herself; then
she asked her little sister of four years to throw
water on her; but the little one ran, instead, to
call the neighbors. When they came, they
found her lying oat in the yard, and, in reply to
the question “ what she was doing there?” she
said. She thought if she staid in the bouse that
the house would catch fire, and burn tue baby
up too. What a noble, sensible remark for one
so young ! She retained all her faculties to the
last, conversed freely, and bore her sufferings
with a fortitude truly remarkable for one of
her age. The interesting little creature de
served a better fate.
' Coustebfeitebs Hung. —An excited crowd
of Missourians, residing in the' vicinity of
Moscoutah, 111., recently found three men in
their midst, with about, ten thousand dollars
worth of counterfeit nriney on their persons
and determined to put a (top to such high-hand
ed violation ,pf law at dnee, they took two of
these men before Judge Lynch, tried, con
demned and hung on the .spot. The
third one, being a ci|izen of Illinois, and
thinking it the duty of .Illinois, to honor their
laws, the Missourians banded him over to the
folks of Mascoutafa, tofbe dealt with os they
might see fit. ~f
The great tiandard heiicmes of the preeenl
age, have acquired thiir great popularity only
through years of trial . Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all eases; and the
. people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the. Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The BaUamlo Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that 0/ any similar pre
paration extant. It will curt, WITHOUT VAIL,
the most severe arid long-standing
Congh, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
flaenza. Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performei the most astonishing cures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses trill also at once check and
cure the most s(vere Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold in the Bowels.
(. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa. , anfi ■are sold by druggists and
dealers in meditines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jackson
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle,
t In the Almanac published annually by the
1 proprietors, called Evekybodi’s Almanac,
you will find tistimony and commendatory
notices from all farts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
tER. For sale, in Altoons, by A. Roush and Q. W
Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may 19, ’B9-ly
US_ Mr- Jonathan fymgbman, of West Union, Park
County, Illinois, writes to the proprietors, Fleming Bros,
of Pittsburgh, that suffered greatly from a severe
and protracted attack pi Fever and Agud, and was com
pletely restored to health by the use of the Liver Pills alone.
Theeo Pills unquestionably possess great tonic properties,
and can bo token with decided advantage for many disea-;
ses requiring invigorating remedies; but the Liver PUls
stand pre-eminent as a jneans of restoring a disorganized
Liver to healthy action; hence the great celebrity they
bavo attained. The numerous formidable diseases arising
from a diseased Liver, which so long baffled the skill of
the most eminent physicians of the United States, are now
rendered easy of cure, thanks to the study and perseverance
of the distinguished physician whose name this great med
icine bears—a name which will descend to posterity as one
deserving of gratitude. This Invaluable medicine should
always be kept within reach; and on the appearance of the
earliest symptoms of diseased Liver, li can be safely and
usefully administered.
AS* Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane’s
Celebrated Liver Pills, manufactured by Fleming Bros, of
Pittsburgh, Pa There aro other pills purporting to be
Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine
Liver Pills, also bis celebrated yormifuge, can now bo had
at all respectable drug' stores. None genuine without the
signature of
fl®” Even those who are In the enjoyment of perfect
health frequently hare need to hay* recourse to tonics as
preventires of disease. Wo aro nCvei too well armored
against the assaults of ‘Uho that flesh ts heir to.’*—
Such an Invlgorator they may find in HOSTETTER’S BIT
TERS—a medicine that sahhot be taken regularly without
giving vitality and elastioltyto the system. thlssea-
Bon, particularly, the strongest man is pot proof against
the malaria. In certain sections of Jheconntry. in all
cases of fever and ague, the Bitters is moro potent than any
amount' of quinine, while the most, dangerous cases of hil*
Upas fever yield to Its wonderful properties. Thosowho
have tried the medicine will never, use another, for any of
th<f ailments which the Hostetler Bitters professes to snb
•b*®- T® thoea who have not ms do the experiment, wa
cordially rkommehd a® eMly applidstion to'ihe Bitters,
Whenever they are stricken by disease*; of tho digestive or
gans., : i.: druggists aad dealers generally, everywhere
ASf-.Sa advert ieement hTsflotter eolnmf!' ’
Bar a tong time a certain clam of dtieases have baffled
the skill and practice of the most eminent members of the
regular asedlcalfisculty. Bgramost kmeag these wsmirfit
Instance epilepsy mfifidllog fits. . J|spptiy : now bjr. the skill
and inventive genius <t{ an endive ojPlk®^pqre,.
Md, this -
cure. We allti|e[jjb thtTigttial'io
Extract Eplfe|^-r^^.lnvenlW : b*£-Pr,
Sdh & XOg-fottmaro Street, BalUmoWtiM- - *’
Since their bad givetwtp'aU
hope of ever befeg cored, bare been rtstorod to tho'ftiU en
joyment of health. Prominent among theso wo might
enumerate Ur. Harrison Llghtfoot,ofHuntsville, Alabama.
Jlr--L. has. suflctwl ae wucb frtan BpSlepsy,saiai>y other.,
person in the world: never knowingwhat it was to pass a
week without having an attack, and often fkliing in the
streets of liuntaville. Ha is now folly restored and has
not had an attack for more than a year. Dr. Hanee's Pills
have keen the eure cause of These pills also
cure' all modifications of Fits, Spasms, Cramps Ac., and
are very serviceable for persons of wesik nerves. Dr. Hance,
■ends them to any part of. the country on tho recefptofa
remittance. Price, one box, $3; .t^o ; boxes $5; twelve
boxes' s2l;—Address S*M 8. Baltimore Street, j
Baltimore, Md. - 'T •
What it would taxb to F«sd taatStit.—A philosopher
lias calculated that tbo amo'tmtof light . which flowsfrom
tho solar orb could bo scarcely by the d-lly Com
bustion of two hundred globes'of eqnal tq the
earth in magnitude, A sphere, of!combustible matter,
much larger than tho sun itself would be consumed every
ten years in mantaining, it* wotWerfol brilliancy . It
would bea splondidVlght to, smie trina^MtFeney
illumiuated by means of ono ofthesb .tallow globes, and
having written upon ,it, .“Buy : all. jpdp-gamenta at tho
Drown Stone Clothing Hall of. RqckhjU 'A Wilson, Xos.
603 and 605 Chesimt Street, above Ph^tadclphta. ,,
Ami the v&rioui affections consequent upon a diaorflsro
Such as 1 ndigestion, Acidity of tho Stoniacb. Colicky Pains
Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In oil Nervous, (rheumatic and
Neuralgic Affections, it haa in numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, others effiected.a decided cure.
This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly
scientific principles, after the msnncrof the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerhavo: Because of its groat success
in the most of the European States, its Introduction into
the United States was intended more-espccially for those
of oor fatherland scattered here and there ovi r ths face ol
tills mighty country. Meeting with great tuccess among
them, Xnow offer it to'the American public, knowing that
its truly wondepful medical virtues must be acknowledged.
It is particularly recommendedTo those persons whose
constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous
use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation, flans,
rally Instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the
seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising
up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, (ufuting new health
and vigor in the system.
C A UTZON. —The great popularity of this delightful r>
m.v bos induced many imitations, which the public should
guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy any
thing else until you hnve.given Bderhave’s Holland Bitten
a (air trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely
superior it is to all these imitations! '
49~ field at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles fur SS, by the
sole PBornuroks,
Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists,
T. W. Dyott k ons, Philadelphia; Barnes A Park, New
York; John D. Pork, Cincl||eati;Barnard, Adams *’ &L,
St. Louis; A.'BOUall, Alfifena. Pa., and by Druggists
ami Merchants generally throughout the United States
and Canadas. ' [October 14, 1853,-ly
84 0.00
Pays for a full course In the Iron-City Odlege,*the Urges
most extensively patronized and best organized C-ommcr
rial School in the United States.
Four LargevHallN.
For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book-Keeping and
Usual tiihc to complete a full'ceurso, from C to 10 weeks
Every Student, upon graduating. Is guaranteed to be com
petent to manage the Books of ally Business and qualified
to earn a salary of from
[ $5OO to $1;000.
Students enter at any time— so. Vacation—Review at
First Premium for Best Writing
Awarded this Institution. ls The beat and greatest variety
of Penmanship in any one Hall of -the Union, Is found here.
Ministers Sons received at- half price,
y For fall Information, Circular, Specimens of Bnsinese and
Ornamental Writing and Embellished View of the College,
enclose five letter stamps to F. W. JENKIN?.
I Sept. 22,1850. —ly Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bakery and Grocery Store. ,
stantly on hand
Frcsk-Btsaked Bread, Cakes, 4c.
Fresh Butter, Bacon, &c.
Also, a choice lot of SEOARS And TOBACCO.
Nov. 10. x - Virginia Streelj belqw Annie Street.
Levi riling,
Allegheny Street, North Ward,
A largo stock of all kinds of LIQUORS of/the very hast
Brands, will be kept constantly on hand, Aid will be sold
in lots to suit purchasers, at prices as reasonable os they
can bo had anywhere in the country, . [May 12, ’59-tf
seriber desires to tetbrm: ,ths citizens of Altoona
that he haa just received hts stock of '
Which he la prepared to make Up toi order on short nottco
and on ss reasonahlo terms 'as anyVothsr'TiiHor in'tbo
place. \ JOIIIf O’BONRBLET '
Altoona, Nov. ITth, 185$; ;j :
Mid 60,000 SaiSOI/BB; jjsaooa lathes,
snrfftH Hna» ofBOT|OT?rO the
lowest, loriOMti. Applyto - JQftV hnnlFM jSnpt-,
Weakness of any kind
JLi termliuitiiiJg BATE, Midi!, BOACB2B, ANTB/aal
De44mgi without danger in iU use under toy cirenautea]
fjir e*le et theDrngfstoro of i
Jen. 24, ’66-tfJ -
£»■ «ch toll, and Mem from
of H»nimcnton Leeds In eaotber
r m wadtiog ,Farms, i Sae advertiao
_L mentofHeanontonfreoig, - h-. '
iioHtTjitf ; Q..TT. JtEiSWa
pleMttß) (*r«»nonne6|: to their Offcada and c-T**
ggffig t»|p»bu c at, large ttat>, J£ 2*£
bWaolectcd With cap* at&'bouKht at
Is large ami riirlc.l, Including all the ncwnt stri- 0
Cloatt and Cloth Sa*r»,wM«h hare been
1 loir and will be aohl at a tmaD advance, n *“‘ ***7
W* hare Black ami Fancy Caai!lmcpe*, S*Un«ot^j^
Tweed*, 4c. Our Htock of FLANNELS and
la large, conalatlng of Muslin*, Ticking*. HenhajaaTw?
liaga. Bed Blankets and Comfort*, Ac, **U-
Wo hare also a fine atock of
BOOTS & SH6ks -
Zephy J^U aiore* and no.lery.knd Nctto,, o ,„,
rtMk wW * t 0 «P« C >«l attention S
All- Wool, Wool FUling, List and Jta 9 Carpet
“* ""“f"—^
Frtjk?£ ~l* !<■! *U»* u Oi, prta . „„
All kind* of'Country Produce taken at the hlehiot -
Wo wpectf,,|l, inrito all penow*
cheap and good 0001)8,1 tocall and be convinced SS •
hare n Model Stock at M.xtel Price*. ,u,w « “»at M
Altoona, Oct. 13, ’S3. I
Stttirsljt Dcfo (j^oob.
R. A. 0. KERR
W oV W' Sl B>** THE GOOD
» T peoplo uf Altooua, U)e surrounding country
the “ re»t of mankind/* thafhe ha» Just return ed ftoi *2
city with a large stock of NEW GOODS, which
at seasonable prices, at the stand formerly occupied bVa
Kerr, and recently by W. O’Xcall, on Mslnsueet B, ni
stock is the only one in town which is
and he flatters himself that he has something to plea*, ,k
eye of of every lady, and suit the wants of evert wtnfew.
He deems it unnecessary to enumerate all the artlrW *
the Shelves, (as to do so would require a whole new«iJn.? < {
but would say that ho'has everything In the !i 0 « of*^ 1 -
which thls raeridian calls. for, and all Just suited to ik,
season, together with a well selected assortment ci H
Furnishing Goods, such at Carpets, Window DtlnfesU'W
Ac., which will commend thumsolves. ’ lfi *
he has a great variety—from Which they can not fail u,
make a satisfactory selection, Helms abo attp-tOE jl
sortment of ifega os rood LIT
and cheap as can CfglfcW be hafTthis iS
of the place *M a wfv- ro , t |
rything necessary to complete a store In a thrirtnc town
like Altoona. an
All he asks is that th: people rail and examine hits tuck
. which be will at all times .take pleasure la skewin' ml
ho tesls confident that Ua can send them away rvipldne if
not In the purchase of Jcstmch an article as they wanted,
at the remembrance of having looked upon the handwml
est stock of Goods over.exhibited in the town.
Altoona, Oct. 2d, 1559.
.Li A poet gives the following advice to young men cn
going to parties: ,
In going to parties, Just mind what ycur at;
Beware of your head and take care of your HAT
beast you find that a favorite son of your mother’
Has an ache in the one and a brick-in the other. ’
Speaking about hats and heads—the subscriber wtuid
respectfully announce that he has Just returned frem the
city with a Urge and well selected stock of Men and Boys'
of every color mid shape. Also, a good assemneat of
Persons ib want of anything in the above line. w«
please give rae a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am
determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices.
Store on Virginia street opposite the Luther—, cbnrth.
Altoona, April 23, 1859-tL JESSE SMITH.
Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware,
fj spectfully iuform the citizens of Altoona
and vicinity that ho keeps constantly on hand
largo assortment of CbaA't>p, Parlor, Office audHHk
'Shop Stores, of all styles nad sixes, tosalt the 11
wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason
able terms.
Ho aleo keeps on hand a .large stock of Tin end Shut
Iron Harr. consisting ofaJl articles tit enliuary purpows
Cba! Scuttles, Store Pipe, <fc,
Hu has also purchased the right of sals in Blair souitj,
of'R. V. JONKS*
IMPROVED; sausage stuffer,
an invention which needs only to be seen to be apprecta
and should bo possessed by every farmer, hatcher or thee*
requiring such a machine.
83- Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING,
either in town or country. Spouting {Minted sod put op
on the moat reasonable terms.. j fapril U, 1859-ly
1859. Fall Trade 1859.
have Just received and' are now offering the largest
and. most varied stock of '
ever brought to this Market! In connection with the
above, they ore constantly supplied with choice Brands, of
the various grades of ' '
■ Also, Bacon, Cheese, Whale, Tmntr't and Lari
Oils ; Mue Ear k ;
Together with all kitidvof "Pittsburgh Manufactured Arti-
all of which will be aoId; l6w fcr cash. Ths M*r
chants of this place era invited to call befcra purchasing
elsewhere. At the Old StAnd '
Oct. 17, ’6B-2m.1 . yfV- H-lORMIT 8 CO.,
271 Liberty St~ opposite &gle ffoteU 'Pittsburgh.
BCBIBER' would respectfully announce jwl
to the ettiaans of Altoona and vicinity, that ha ASb.
has opened a i
rev, ware 4 sroyt store. ‘ >
bri Helen street between Annie and Jolla; streets. Bast ii
toona, wbefe be-wllllosap constantlyon hand ajaige as
aortment of everythtng’ln hh Une, which bo will dltpoes
of on reasonable terns.
hilt up on short notice. He Also mannttetum tsanw*
now Bpontlhg, which' {(said to It* much superior to it*-
vanlzedsheet-mmorw. ' . .
'AH klndsjrf job woik pitunptiy attended V°- A abssj..®*
public patnmage is solicited. ' SAMUEL I- F*l**-
Oct. 2tth,’fiSa-tC
The mhecriberoffereetPrlTateSalo
the HOUSEAod LOT nowdtenpjed bVfagr,
on.the corner of AdelinoehdJ alii KWkBHI lilP
EeirtAltooh*. TheHotraele a good Two- HHIIIh
Stpry Trimoßtiflcllng, contaUnlnx s
Parlor, Dlnfeg-Room and KHch& ooifte* . »
.flrrt flbor. four good sleeping roomeonthe second s® o ** •
* finished Attic. Tho lot {a in good'order. _
wishing to vlewthe premises endobteln !ono«
toformetlon will call open thesnbecrtber. ,
> - 28AROT. M. McCRC*-
Alcona, Ang. 11th, 18}9-tf.
Medicated fur chest pbO;
bwfld diMMM. Broncbitii, Conch*, Col<U,»nd
theXngs, whicb uriie from the «p<S«d
chart, cuxxrrding tafcuhidh »nd the coptlbn*! e £*2f« SV. °
»t th» Drag Stori of O. W. KSISIS**
o. fr. KBSSLBB.
SHOE Business and Factories can's*
carried on profitably at Haznmoaton fcoadwt**
Hient of Hammonton Land*. -
Gan be bought .at h.. tuch'S.
Wlnchorter 4 Co’i Pmknt Bboild»r.9*«ll«*
■ DM.9.1858. ' -—■
T? tiu Chroma. GT««n. YaOow,
cft tt .
of different vartetiae, all of which will be sAd
j. a j. Lownuat.
M i i*#*
day jtfttnt?**"
»t»fc Soy
B»* fact is, •
ii» ftltjgtoiia a
Dftjr, «Bd U>c fti
OAtfiQM? 'The 1
hardy aad unco
we nottak* exnl
Wa pmninc I
pwiy *ai bfl <
most, ft ndt ail
tksChurches oj
It is to bo hope*
by all ii
will not bo take
sad desecrated I
4 CBAjmoH i
jolee !—4 chant]'
(an. Unlike Li
utrdie tho elec
suits heretofore
dtr, but be goes
Whether onr cor
coif qi!s4
tome fallow uni
to*blg wife, or t
the article'«B an
lie here a taste
‘>o», «
the benefit of e ;
«»we received i
' |IOW
Btr fornft. how
to u
infant. Xhd ric
ettd«Bv o
tab. Some me
to*» UaArift or
toetf-wHs^. aB
s «t a»o them fo
|he I
f!d f?*^ ocsfer '
s®?^-W bee
B / Jafaer&con,
M omnp|ty to if
*»'WBo'iure eo'po
tab ■ etwla meet
>QBie< poverty in t
®8 np«tVh»ter.
Ktoath ortwo fr
k* mortal* jj at
. • • introd
It *: