OOSTETTEE’S SUMACH BITTERS. f 'Sale a &et that, st some period, every xncm fttr«f the human family is subject to disease ggtfisturbance of the bodily functions; but, *Rhthe aid of a good tonic and the exercise common sense, they may be able so to lajjprilstf) the system as to secure permanent MO. In order to accomplish thuudesired g|tfsci,tho true course to pursue is certainly • Ihatwhich will produce a natural state'of Ifeiljgs at the least hazard of vital strength and For this purpose, Dr. Hostetler has in- , tfodaeed to this country a preparatiombearing f ' his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters ijjjWrfß powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, Mu liter, restoring thpm to a healthy and Vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro •eftfofstrengthening nature, enable the sys tom.to triumph over disease. For the euro of Dyspepsia, Indigeslion, Nau . aea,FUtalency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction •f ifip Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps,' ftrwntery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these flPna have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con traded by new settlers, and caused principally dty tha change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any ether, and the cause of which may always be Attributed to derangements of. the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, as per direetlcns'on the bottle. For this disease every ; physician will recommend Bitters of some kind; then why not use an article known to be inful \lible f All nations have their Bitters, ns a pre ventive of disease and strengthener of the sys tem In general; and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based npon scientific experiments which •have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in the scale of medical science. Fryer axd Ague.—This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow, in a short time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of HQSTETTER’S RENOWNED BITTERS. ! Further, nene-of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if the -Bitters aroused as per directions. And as they neither create nausea ; por offend the -palate, and render un jtecossary any change of diet or interruption of Ordinary pursuits, but .promote- sound- pleep and digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily as .is consistent with the pro* duetion of a thorough andpermaaont cure. '! For x Pertotu in Advanced Tears, who are suffering,,from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitten are invaluable as a restorative of | strength land vigor, and need only be tried to be appreciated. And to a _ 'mother while nursing these Bitters are india * pensable, especially where the mother’s nour ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her must yield, and here it is where "a\ good tonic, such os Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, is needed toimpart 1 temporary strength and;! vigor to the system. Lames shopld- by all means try this remedy for all eases of debility,? and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend thoirustfinall cases of weakness. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for BosTEtraa’a CsucßßAizn Stomach Bitters, and sss that each bottle has the words “jDr. J. Boststter's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the- bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap eorsring the eork, end observe Umt our autograph - dgnatnz* is on the label. |’. NWpared and sold by HOBTBT'EEB ft BIKITH, Pittsburgh, Jpa* and sold by all druggists, .grocers 1 , and dealers generally throughout the United States. Canada, South Amaclea, wd Gsmuasr. 49* Bold by G W Kessler and A Roush,' AUoopa; C A Jacobs, J K Patton and W 0 Ixhrray, Holliday aburg; and B Berlin, Tyrone. | v [Aug. 25,1589-1 y WOOD, EDDY ;& CO/S DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES ! CAPITAL PfilZE $lOO,OOO Ih* following ' ■ ' MAGNIFICENT SCHEMES | »m be drawn by WooD,Ei>Di iCo., Maßager9, at Wilming ton, Delaware, in public, wider the gnpcrbdtendence of ■worn commiasiooets appointed by the GoTeriior. 1 DELAWARE LOTTERY, CLASS NO. 618, DRAWS ON SATURDAY; NOV. 2§tb, 1859. - 78 Ifumbtrs—XH Prawn Ballots, 1 D.Grand Capital Prize of $100,000! ' 1 Pries dr $50,0001 100 Prfecs of 31,0001 3 « “ 20.000 170 “ AOOl a .«. iiywo os “ « iooi 3 “ “ 6,000 1 65 « 3 “ 6,000 i 65 « « 60 3 « « ■ ? 65 « « 60 2 “ “ ii 4AIO « “ 40 3 “ “ 2,000 27040 «.« 20 32006,Prises amounting to 21,186.7861 KEARhYAjm'IZB TO; EVERV 2 TICKETB, .Whok Tiekftt |2D ; Ztifra $lO ; Quarter* $5. ' Oertlßcates ofPackagosin jibe abort scheme wfflhesold at the following rates, which la the risk: ' ’ ; CertlQcate of Packages of 26 Whole Tickets, ’3299 00 ' “ 26 Half “ 149 50 “ *• i&Qurter ** 74 75 ; *■ • * ■ ;2jKE|ghtb, “ , 37 37 SPLteDp> S «®EME;. . ao niacini ■ "EACH. WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBER, dais 676 Draws Wednesday, November 2,1850. (%5a.688 Draws Wednesday; Nov. 9, 1860. ei£ss 600 Draws Wednesday, Nov. 16,1859. €iaas 612 DrawB Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1859! j Class 624 Draws Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1859. Kesrly one Ppize to every two Tickets ! 9ft Numbers—l 4 Drawn Baling, 1 CAPITAL PRIZE QP $40,0001 1 Prfceof $15,000 189 Prizes of f' r *• 10,000 '65 “ • ‘ 6,000 65 « , 1 “ 4,000 05 “ • 1 “ l3O « : 1,000 4,745 “ ■ ■ 600 27,040 “ " r ,: Prizes amounting to $589,58®. Whole Tickets $10 —Salves ss —Quarters $3,60 Certllicitesof Packages In the above' Scheme, to be draamoach Wednesday, wlUbe sold at the foliowingrates, Suw»t»OfPackago of 26 Whole tickets $149,50 , “ ' “ 26jialf “ 74J6 ) - “ 26Jln«rter “ 37,37 IN OfiDEBING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES, Snclote theamonnt of money to onr address, for what you wtth topnrehaso; name the Lottery in which you wish it Invested, and whether you wish wholes, Halves or Quar ter#, on receipt of which, wc.seniHvhnt is ordered, hy first mil, together with the scheme. Immediately after the drawing, a printed drawing, ccr- Ufiedtotiy the Commissioner, will bo sent, with an oapla- Purohsaerfl Will please write their signatures plain, and Ktwsjto name of their Post Office, Comity and State. MMtatanications strictly confidential. of tI,OPO and under, paid immediately after otheriprizes at the usual time of 40 days. fliir Single Number Lottery • GLASS 47. CAPITAL PRIZE sloo,oool' on Saturday, November 19, , 1859. - *~lWhole Tickets $2O; IMrcsslo; Quarters $5. or Ccrtiflca tes in the above Schemes ;T?WOOD,EDDT* Av, Wilmington, Delaware, •; OP, WOOD, EDDV4 CO, Augusta, Georgia. %. jWOOI>, EQDT k CO, Atuanta, Oeoigta. 9Kjm«rcMngiar th«yDeUware SUtotownrtesare f waned to 0» Meir Tfltk Zhaeß and Herald.' ■-' TVR. COGGSWELL’S NEW MEDI - / CAL SALT. • (ht/oUoaing OrUJlcatct fe IhtSJUncy tftUtUecL icine in Inflammatory Dittma. - “For the last twelve .years 1 bare been more or leas' troubled with Inflammatory Rheumatism, commencing early in the Spring,, and lasting until cold weather setiln, when I would be relieved for a While, only to be attacked again in the Spring. All my joints would swell and bo very fore, attended With the most acute pain.- My feet,, shoulders, arms, ami hands troubled mo most, so much so ’ that I could scarcely walk, and almost always reqniredas-; sistancc in dressing. During this time I would try every thing I could hear of, in the hope of finding a cure. I also . tried several physicians, hut nothing seemed to help me tho least in the world. Ahont two and a half years ago! was attacked as usual, and as usual tried everything toget rid of it, hut to no purpose. I kept growing worse, and finally liad to give up and slay in the house, where I was confined about four weeks. This time my feotsweUed, and were so sore that I could not s tand on thcnv,or get on my hoots, and my hands swelled to twice their tumal sue. In feet, I was, to all appearances and belief, toWly used up! About this time my parents, who reside ip Maine, sent for mo to come home. I went and after myorriral 1 commenced trying another remedy, hoping to cured, but resulting the same as all others. For weeks I hadnot been able to drees myself or to raise my band tomyhead, and suffering the moat excruciating paw all tho Mmo.— One dav mv father came In wltli a paper in which was ad vertteJ Dr. Coggswell’s MEDICAL SALT, for Ipflammar toryWecoses oSy.and wanted mo to read and see what I tfacmcdit of it. I read and laughed at it, pronottneed it a Dug, and told him that I liad been hum He kept urging me, and atlaat said I could but tpr **>“4 If I wouldwrito to Dr. C., giving him a description of my ji.—~ h e would pay the expense. Of course I could not n>r»e such an offer and sent for one box. It came in due wanm, bnt my feith was not increased, and I tenghed at the idea of so small n dose doing me any good, nndtoldmy Wife that I believed Dr. C. and his Salt, both humbugs- However, I commenced using it and the result was-per fectly astonishing. I could hardly realize it myself. I slept soundly all night, which I had not done Torn long time, and when I awoke in the morning, strange® it may seem, I was entirely free from pain. I but one d.«c, and bathed freely before going to bed, .That morning I felt so well that I hardly knew how to contain myself,and went down stairs and told tho folks how well ’ I felt, and from that day to this I have not suffered one moment’s pain or had on attack ofmy oncodreaded enemy, Rheumatism. 1 amporfecUy wcUandboartyyapdvhereT cr I bare a chance I recommend it. A friend of mine, re siding in Brooklyn, is now trying it for abadta® of neu ralgic rheumatism, and so-fer it is wiwking admirably— Dili is along story, but 1 bate told all the foots, which I can bring witnesses to substantiate If necessary; and will »pajn say that in tho MEDICAL SAW, a suro tore may be ■found for all inflammatory would urp all who arc afflicted to give it* trial. GEO. 11. DIISCAN, N 0.117 Wall Street, New York. TVben It ia rcmombcredthat the MEDICAL SALT te a* efficacious in all other Inflammatory discus esas In Rheu matism, (see descriptive circulars) It will at once be seen that it is a most valuable remedy. Sorely those thus af flicted will find In their Own condition and in the above statements, enough to induce them to give the MEDICAL SALT a trial. - Trice $1,00; Chronic packages, $2,50. - i i D. 0. TAYLOR A CO n ; General Agents, No. 202 Dock Street, Philadelphia. Tor sale in Altoona.by A. ROUSH; at Bells Mills by B. p. Bell; in Hollidaysburg by Geo. A. Jacobs, and by all enterprising Druggists, and wherever the Tribune goes.— CStll or send and get a circular, and do not lull to try the New Medical Salt. Dee. 16, *te-ly. . W'EST ALTOONA CABINET WARE ROOM.—The signed has lately made arrangements to do business.on a more ,extensive. than horetofbre, and is now prepared to .1 execute all ORDERS FOR T VRRJTERE, OF ANY KIND, 4T SHORTEST NOTICE. iffis workmen are acknowledged to be capable of doing very best worlc in the line of Gobi net Malcing, i s and all'those who entrust him with their rely upon receiving finished work. He keeps a constant supply of Furniture oh hand, to which he invites to attention'of those intending to “GO TO HOUSE. KEEPING. ” Call on him at at his room hv Loudonsville, near the Flank Rood. COFFERS MADE TO ORDER. November 11, 1858. ISAAC CROMER. FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CA SES.—This is n new article in this section of the country, extensively used-in the East. -They are a sure protection against WATER ANN VERMIN, and possess many other advantages’ over the cojnmoircof fins. The remains of the lamented OLAY andWEBSTEK were encased in those coses. '■ ' For sale by ISAAC CROMER, November 11,1858. ■ Altoona, Ba. SPECIAL ANNOUNCBMEMT fSOM THE Quaker City Publishing House! * 100,000 Catalogues, NEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED—NOW READY FQR DISTRIBUTION. 1 Superior Inducements to the PaUic! '■ H l «s-a new and sure plan for obtaining GOLD.nnd SIL* VER WATCHES, and qth'er valuable Prizes. Full partic ulars given in Catalogues, -which will be sent free to nil upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from 50 cts. toSIOO,,GUARAN TEED to each purchaser. $100,090 in Gifts liar# been dis tributed to jhy,patrons within the past six mouths—slQo,- 000 to be distributed during the next six mouths. . ■ The inducements offered Agcnts are more liberal than thosepfany otherihunsc to the business. Having been in the Publishing and Bookselling business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to con duct the Gift Enterprise with the greatest satisfic-tlon to all. . t A®' AGENTS WANTED to every Town and County, i For full particulars'address DUANE BULISON, Quaker City Publishing House, 33 South Third St, ; Scgt 22, ’59-410. Philadelphia,JPa. Eed lion hotel, N . V ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTr, PA. This .old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite.tbo place of stopping the pasflßigor cars to Altoo no,hfts passed Into tho hands of ,the present proprietor.— Long experience to the bustoess.warrants me to assmtog the travelling public that no pains will be spared to render gnests as cotufortablc as possible while sojourning under my roof. i; 1 -- . • The TABLE will eonstontty.be supplied with the very heat tho market afford*. ' The BAR will be found to contain no excellent assort ment of LIQUORS of ail kinds, tobludtog that choice beve rage LAGERBBES7\ . . The STABLE is to charge of on excellent and experi enced Ostler. The proprietor hopes, by .his long experience in the basinet and the £miUties attoS«otiintond, to make the Red Lion, to alt.respeets, The business of the Hotel wfli.be undet toy own petodpaL supervision. A liberal share of public patrcmi^m:J>todlylwlicited. JOHN W. SCHWEIO||RT, /Voprieh)r. May 19, J859.-tf ' “*■ . A ¥EBiS CHERRY PECTORAL, -ARI. * B.E. SELLERS* Imperial Cough Syrup, UoofiawTs German Bitten, > ~ Birr have's Holland Billers, SandforjdCa Liver Invigorator, ; Zindtey'eßlobdSearcher, Clarke's FemalePilti, ' T' ";“"V Golden Pills, Wright's, Ayer's, Wilson's and BfcßandsPtUs, ; Merchant?s Gargling oiL Perry Dam' Pain Killer, ■ Maiehttfs Fourfold lAnimenl, Mexican, Arabian, Nerve and Bane Ltnimeni, ; to store and for sale at ’ ;" ' - .Sept. 2,1858-tt] A, ROUSH’S Drug Store. ■ ,275 MO 80 60 80 ao » T7LOUR.—THE BEST QUALITY OF JL FAMILY FLOUR few- safe, Wholesale- andßetail. „ • v. J. SHOEM AKER, Dec. 11, ISSB-tf. Masonic Temple. pREAM TARTER, SUPER-CARBO vV NATE of Soda, Salaratns, Washing Soda, Dorkcc’s Baking Powder, In store and for sole at Sept. 2,’58-tt] A. ROUSH'S Drug Store. SELLING OFF—A LARGE As sortment of Boots and Shoes, Buffalo and Calf Overshoes, at , H.TCCH’S Dec. 0,1858. CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, . linseed 00, Spirits of Turpentine, White Lead and Alcohol, for sale cheap at : A. ROUSH’S. ri ROCERIES.—A LARGE AND \T complete assortment of Groceries havojnst been re ceived at the store of J.B. HTT.BMAN. PERSONS wishing to establish Manu factories in a now and thriving place’ where business isgood. Sco advertisement oftheHommonton Set dement. CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, UM ’ BRP.TiTiAS, Ac, can behonght cheaper at H. TUCXTS than at any other place in the country. [Dec. 9,1858. ALL THE STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES AT [I-tf. KESSLER'S; G-REAtT CENTRAIi' 4 LITERARY EM PORUIW, NO.l, “ALTOONA HOUSE,” ALTOONA, PA., TWTHERE MAY RE HAD ALL THE -r Jffao Tori i, ■ <■-.;■ Scientific American, ,w - •" . •“ PiagofOur Union, ' '■■ :»gePiag, ••. * i j !/»- f Aa*rieg» ffofofr , ' ■ ■' / ! i'K ■'-■;? , i : j flbndajrfti^afcA, .„,■ Sunday Scroery, ■ V*' ' Hbwlj ■ ‘l ! !•-;■•• , sFrankJMidt Pictorial, ■ . SaSou'S Pictorial, Prank Leslie's ia*,:whlch ho offers at fair prices. Ho will give speeiai attention to custom work, all oi whlch'will be warrahtedtogiTegatiafactiun. Nonebutthe best workmen ard employed v '' Remember my shop.is bn Virginia Street, .Immediately opposite Kessler’s Drug Store. ' September 3,. ; JOHN H. ROBERTS. The HAMpHTON farmbrAa newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting-fourth fnll accounts of the new settlement of Ham monton, In M«w Jersey,canbo subscribed for at only 25cegts per annum- ■ ; ■ ’ .. ,• \ Inclose pottage stamps Artheamoimt. Address to Edi ’tor of the Former,.llamnibnton, P. 0. Atlantic •Jersey. .391036 wishing cheap land, of the best quality, to .one of the healthiest and ,most delightful climates to tho Union, and where crops are never cut down by frosts, tho terrible sconrgo of the north, see advertisement of Ham monton Lands. Boots and shoes.—the un dorsigned has .now on hand and will sell cheap at his store in the Masonic Tern- VjHl pie, a larp and complete assortment ofBOOTS AND SHOES, ready, made, pr made to order, Overshoes, Ladies’gandais/Oum Shoes, Cork Soles, and everything to liis line of business, of the best quality and on the most reasonable terms. All custom work warranted. ; Jan-2, ’56-tf.] , ; J. SHOEMAKER. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER.—THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Altoo na and vicinity that ho soli continues to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every description, on the shortest no tice, at his shop on Main Street, next door to the Tribune office. Ills work is done np in the best of style, and can not fell to give satisfaction; Only give him a call. Bov. 4,1858.-ly.' ! L. RICKABDB. Lumber for sale. 00,000 SHINGLES, i 60,000 BATHES, and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, lower than the lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER. The largest assortment of Boy’s wear, such as Jackets, Frock and Overcoats Pants and A'ests, at the lowest prices, at H, TiJCirg. Dec. 9,1858. PERSONS change of climate for health, sdc advertisement of Bsmmontoa in another column,:, . SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG NESIA—a cooling Cathartic, mild In Its operation and agreMblo to the taste, prepared and ter sale hy Jnne 21,1858.-tf ; A. BODBH, DruggitL TO all wantiqg Farms. See atJvcilwe meut of Hammonton Rands. -- IWTEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLjB jLY MENT.—Than tuantingfhrmt, a rare opportunity in a delightful and healthy cUmaie 25 ihtfer Sndhaitt[of Philadelphia, on the Cumdentatd Atlantic JCauroad ,vt» Jersey. ‘ , _ , An old estate consisting of several thousands of acres of productive ton has been divided Into Farms of various rims tosuif the purchaser. A population of some Ftfteenfiun~ drtd, , from various' parts of the Middle State* and Hew England have settled there the past year, improved them places, and raised excellent crops. The price of the land Is at the low sum of from $l5 to $3O per acre, tho »pn w of the best quality for the production of Wheat, Cfeeer, Oys, Patches, Groves and Vegetables. IT IS CONSIDERED wD BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE UNION. The place is p®- fectly secure from frosts—thcdesfructive enemy of the far mcr. : Crops of grain, gross and frqit arc now growing and can bo seen. By examining' the place itself a correct judgment can be formed ot the- productiveness of the land. The terms arc made easy to secure the rapid improvement oftheiland, which Ja onlraold toractuatimprmement. The resuU'haa been, that within the past year, some (Ares hun dred houses have been erected, two railla, one shSm, four store*, some forty vinyardsand Peach orchards, planted, and a large number of other improvements, making; it a ' desirable and active place of business. TUB MARKET, as the reader may perceive from its location, is the BEST IN THE UNION. Produce bringing double the price than Iff local ions away from tire city, and more than double the price than; the West. It is known that the earliest and best ffedta and vegetables in this latitude, come from New Jersey, and are - annually exported totho extent of millions. In locating here, the settler has many advantages. He is /within a few hours ride of the great cities of New Eng land and Middle States, he is near bis old friends and asso ciations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and daiUsation is at hand. lie can bay every article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his produce for the highest, (in the West this is -reversed,) he has schools for his children, divine service, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers are ut terly unknown. The result Of the change upon those from tho north, has generally been to restore them to an excel lent state of health. In the way of building and improving, lumber can be Obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every ar ticle can be procured in the place, good carpenters ure at band, and there is no place; in the Union where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. Tbs reader will at once;bo struck with the advantages there presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken'up before. ' The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; and unit** these statements were correct, no one would be invited to examiA) tho land before pur chasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, such IS the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt, meet persona from tbeir own neigh borhood; they will witness the improvements and 1 can judge the character of the population. If they come with a vie w to settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or two and he ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on refusal. There ore two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers who improve, the Railroad Company gives a Free Ticket for six months, and a hulf-prico.Ticket for three years. THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON. In connection with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, which pretents in ducements for dny kind n/^biitinest,particularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe business could becarried pn in this place and market te good advantage; also cotton busi ness, and manufactories of agricultural implements or Boundaries for easting pnall articles. The Improvement has been so rapid as to Insure a constant and permanent increase of business.- Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small ones, as it m jn ld effect the improvement of cbe place, can be had at from SIQO and upwards. Tho Hammonton Farmer, ti monthly literary and agri cultural sheet, containing full information of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 opnts.pcr annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance wheu money is paid. Route to the land, leave Vine street wliarf, Philadelphia for Ilammontoti by Railroad, at 7% A- M, 0c4% P. M v Fare 90 cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences on hand. Parties had better Stop with Mr. Byrnes, a princi pal; until they have, decided as to purchasing, os he will ■how them over the land in his carriage, free of expense Letters and applications can be addressed to Landis & Byrnes, Hammonton P.. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or 8. B. Coughlin, 202 South Fifth Streep,'Philadelphia.— Maps and iuforutution cheerfully furnished. [June 30 ’59-6ra.] PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! k Unrivaled in Beauty Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est portable fight witlun their reach, should call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon strate ... Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by'explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning 3d, That Urey are Very easily trimmed. 4th. That they ore easily regulated to give more or less -light. Cth. That they burn entirely free from Smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These, lamps are admirably adapted for the usd of Stu dents, JlechaßitSi Factories, Halls. Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use' Thc.burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can he attached to old side, liangihg and table fluid and all lamps, at a small .expense, and willuhawercvery purpose of a‘new limp. VVcgUarantee perfect satis Die tdorl'iu all rases. Aug. 19, 1868-tf.] G. IV. KKSSLKR. EST VECTIGAL LvX, PARSIMOXI A.”—Did every one who reads the heading of tills article but understand its meaning, they would immediately repair to the shop ot JOHN O’DONNELL, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Main St., Altoona, a few doors below the Red Lion Hotel, and select a suit of from the large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which ho has Just received-from tho East, feeling sure that to doing so they would lie carrying out the motto. It is not necessary here to mention tho diffcrcntstylesand quantities, of the goods on band, suffice it to say that he lias everything in the line of gentlemen's wear, and he knows how to make it up in a fashionable and durable style, on terms as reasonable os those ol any other mer chant Tailor in the place. ■ Give him a call and you will soofl discover that yon can carry out the motto adopted by dealing with him. April 28,’50-tC Logan hotel.—the under signed respectfully informs the citizens of Blair county and others, 4-**!'“v-v that he lias opined up the LOGAN JBCSakT VS HOUSE, formerly kept by Sheriff' Rees, at tho west end of Uullidnysburg. for the|B£EBSSBfB reception of strangers apd travellers.—" Everything connected with the house has been refitted in the new with the choicest furniture, &c„ Ac.' 1 The house Is large and commodious, and well calculated for convenience and comfort. IDs TABLE will he furnished with the very best the mar ket can afford, and no patos or trouble will be spared to render those who may choose to favor hpn with their pa tronage comfortable and happy during their stay with him. His STABLING is ample, and an obliging and c£fn*fui hostler will always he in attendance? fi£S- The Wiilianiiburg stage, which makes daily trips between this place aad-Williamsburg, stops at the Logan Hotel. Dec. 17,1857, —tf.} BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— BM yop hear the news from Europe? If yon have not, we will tell you vrhrtt it is. It is that HENRY TUCK has just returned frotu the Eastern cities with a large sup ply of ° 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of all styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Tests, Pants, Boots nd Shoes, and everything kept in an establishment Of the kind, ail of which he offers at unprecedentedly low prices for cash. Having purchased his stock at cash prices, ho iatherebytonubled to sell very low. '4 ) ' • -He Invites all those in want of anything to hi* line to give him a call, feeling sure that be will be ableto give satisfaction. . HENRY TUCK. Altoona, Sept. 30,1858-tf , ‘ /"VYSTERSI OYSTERS I OYSTERS! V/ In conecquence'Of tho hard times, I have concluded to put down thonrice oLmy OYSTERS to theSowestpossi ble standard. They wiU hereafter be served nn im the Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, andrbasted to the shell and served up with all other accompaniments, TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will also be furnished, in every oth er way, at prices to correspond with the times. _ . , JOHN KEIFFER, Logan House, HoUldayßborg, /CONCENTRATED LYE, FO# MA vV KING Soft Soap,’ ahd Soap Powder for Washing, one equal to six of common Soap; Castile Soap, Palm Btmp, Chendcal Soap, on hand and fer sale at June 10,1858.-4fJ : A. ROUSH’S. T IQUORS. A LARGE AMOUNT Xi LIQUORS has been received u HOUSE,” HcOUdayshurg, which will be sold at the lowest ■ cash prices, wholesale or retail. The man who wants has only to caJL [Dec.l7, tt aUEENSWARE, JUST RECEIVED. A. large and feahionahlo assortmentif the store of J. B IIiLEMAN. HAEEt odea, Shaving Cream, Toilet Soaps, Ac. for sale by • O.W.KESBLBE. Hardware of all descrip tionsjost received and for sole by Oct.l6.tfJ JIB.HILBMAN. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, Saab and varnish Brushes at , KEgSLEB’S. rjLASS Bxlo TO 20x24, AND CUT’ VJ to order hj Q. W. KSSShEB. Maria l. db pbystbr memo rial SCHOOL.—ThW nstitotion, which is located n Altoona, Blair Cbnnly, Penn’a, will bo opened on t» Ist MONDAY In MAT. It is intended as a permanent School; and will connect with .It a Male A Female Department; In tho MnJo departioenVyoung men will bo instructed wrth a view to theirentering thoadvnncod classes.crow-best Colleges; or, If dashed/their education completed. Is the Femora department, instruction will be given in any, or nil ot the different branch**, either solid or ornamental, taught n onr best Punafe Seminaries.;, The year trill be'divlded Into fwo Sesaions of five month* each—tho SumfiMrSearion to commence on the Ist Mon day of May, ehdfog on the laM Wednaaday of September— tho Winter Session to commence on tho Ist Monday in No vember, ending on the . last Wednesday of March. The Sessions will be divided Into two quarters of eleven weeks each. Terms, per quarter, as follows—vixg j SOLID BRANCHES. Primary (including Beading, Writing, Orthog raphy, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Geography, Ac.) s4,°° Advanced (Including the Natnral Sciences, MotM mattes, Mental and Moral PhUoeophy, Logic, ti»Laff- , _ guages and CompoeiUon Ac.) ( lb® EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES; Music (Including use of instrument) | $lO,OO Drawing, i - IJ>OO Painting (In water Colors) : i ■ 3,00 Needlework, ■ _ . i. Instructions lu vocal music Off* naltthh above charges, to be paid invariably in advance., - R. W. OLIVER, Superintendent Male Soft. ' A: B. CLARK, x “ Kmaie “ Mr. : —, PrincipoX of Jfale J « ‘Miss aM. CLARK, « March 10,1859.-tf I;-i I" 7 I . ' -! • I - ’ • rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD respectfully inform hi 4 oldcus toiuera and the public . generally that he has just and uaSdsojib as- AND which be is now and is prepared to make thein up id the latest style. A most durahloman ner, as none but the best workmen nro employed, and all work made will bo warranted to giro satisfaction. He has also a good Stock of' GsxTsl FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Collars, 1 UjfMß- Slums, Drawers, Pocket Handkerchiefii, Neck Ti RE i\ m SORTING JARS, for preserving all kindSof Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Meat, Oysters, and all such per ishable articles. | : I t®»Th« main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion consists in having it thoroughly heated when sealed up, ond in expelling all the air there may be tol the vessel, so that when the fruit cools it will form a vacuum. We are now manufacturing the above Patent Jar, (hav ing bought the right from Messrs. A. Stone A Co., and are prepared to fill all orders at short notice. We furnish Covers, Wires and Cement, with printed di rections with each Jar. Manufactured and sold Wholesale A Retail by —' CUNNINGHAMS i CO., Clast Manufadurfrt. . April 28, X859-Cm No. ICiTWater St., Plttgbnfg, Pa. Blair county daguerrean ROOMS.—Mr. 0. W. FISHER, the HqUidayslmrc Artist, begs, leave to inform our readers that htfia'prepared to take . • i ; JOHN KEIFFER. Pholographs of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes,’ at tho shortest notice and; on the most reasonable terms. He has Jnst received a large stock of durable and neat cases, of all sizes and styles, (minding a new pattern of Family Case for four persons, and Is pre pared to fill them with perfect likenesses, i AMBROTYPE, DAGUERREOTYPE OR PHOTOGRAPH. Give him a calh Rooms on the corner of Montgomery and Allegheny streets, IXoUldaysbnrg, Pa. fJunelT-tf. GW. - KESSLER PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces M •'M to the citizens op AltOona'and the public' orally, that he still continues the Drug business, on Tirginla'street, where he keeps constantly \ Unhand,for sale. Wholesaleandßetali, DRUGS; MEDICINES,- CHEMICALS, OILS, YARNISIL £8 add DYE-STUFFS. ? - " Ry strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all as regards- price and quality, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. ' j Physicimis and merchants supplied cm reasons me terms, andaUordersfrom a distance promptly Attended to. Physicians prescriptions careftdly componnded. : jl-tt TTETALL PAPER! WALL PAPER!! ? ▼ —we are now receiving at the ” MQlfrEtiSTQftw » a largo oasortmenr of 1 f WAUL PAPER ';AJI3D, BORDER, purchased direct from the mannbctnrer» to New York, andwe ean therefore offer great todneements to those who ww to purchase. Call and examine onr stock. ;"S - > Mteeh ITth, 18S04L J. A J. jpONSTANTLY RECEIVING i NEW \J Beady thelateet FashionkcheaDer than ever, at JJLEUCIPSp DcCe9,lBW. X ,'j » > ’ A SPLE&DID ASSORTMENT OF Mndefshtrte and Drawers, Cotton, TWoßen and *pINE AND LARD OILS. 10AM- Ruid * 00, 1 Jan. 8, ’Sd-tf] KESSLER’S. r\N BAND AT MoCORMICK’S Store fbr«^«!P lendld »«<>rtniopt of Beady-Madei clothing. Call and see. ■> -- Noy.S6.-tt A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus- Braces for sale at ■'.'3"* ''■ ' . KESSLER’S. THE HIGHEST PRICE IN DASH paid ter Beef Hides, by . 3. L.ICKES. CLOTHS, I^.~ W OK. A ifetewtort fti«itift'«h «faW>ih«f M . /orthtr&tjWm nk** iderU and ipiattttic distant. . 'W™#! woVp-* fTOe Howtxn Assocunos, In view of the***.* lu ®» CMBed by Sexnal pr»cU*«d upon the unfortunate Tfoii^^™s“«e»PUo#, •ary for the treatment of this dan of • Mpsa forms, and to give medical advice oratiTtoTh _.‘ u t diseoveted during the last year, we of 1 to »‘- Address,for Report or Treatment. DrfJwffiX T|Ja «- MOON, Consulting Surgeon, Howard *• CAL. Ninth street, wXde«W Cr 2 A • Ezra d. ueahuth t OEO. FATRCiniJ), sec's. w Ali. Prt,x (Dec. S-u aJ-:£Si* gw. |f a||| <5 g ,jrSl a I gai ts § M .5 l*Sve;i| Skills • •Jwjplla ggi^iai »»"?> ft! IMPROVEMENT IN COOK VjT INO STOVES. « uu ' CONSUMPTION OF SMOKE AND CAS A VD vj r/v« OF FUEL. "Mmo The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the nnhii. » NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING pU - Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined in n percede all other*, as it require* —w 10 ONE-THHU) DESS FUEL than other stoves,and in more easily, quickly and ly heated. No unpleasant smell ol gim arise* frJr. stave Cram the tact that it is all consumed art it osn « capo. There is no trouble from smoke as that unnlmsu, and often annoying exhalation is also consumed iSr., the stove Neither is there any danger of One* or clii*-. neys becoming clogged with soot erthe mortar loosened k, the gas arising from coal Are*. • Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call u the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and .. amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Sole Agent for Blair Chunlu N. B. AH kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking sad L Slaves on band. (Aug. 12, me received a Labqk eortmeut Of Caaaimeres, VESTINGS, offering for salts "VTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE iI This Great Journal of Crime and Orimlntls 1s la its Twelfth Year, and is widely circuUtcd throueboat the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on thesome, together will information on Criminal Matters, not to be found is am other newspaper. , *3^Subscriptions $2 per annum; |l for six months, u. he remitted by subscribers, (who should write their aarne* and the town, county and State where they reside nialnhJ To G. W. MAT3ELL 4 CO, 1 Editor A Prop’r. of Mew York Police Gazette. 15-tf] Acie Tori Oily. Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. VX/TE. beg leave to call the attcn- T tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the N public. We refer to Dr. Ghai. M’l&ne’s Celcbuted Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal. Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE) VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, Forthecure of Liver Complaints, J all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head-Ache, &c. fo cases of Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost -invariably maL a speedy find permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, tliey are Unrivaled; and never known tp foil when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. ' Their unprecedented popularity hasinduced the-proprietors, Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twentv Years* and they will now give- their 4)|diyided dine and attention tc their nianufacture. And being de termined that Dr, brated Vermifuge and liver shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day> will continue to spare neither .o®* nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and <» m “ pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, **• P. 8. Dealers and Physicians ordering Statist* - Plemninc Bros, will do well to write tholroroW«_ ly and take none but Dr. ST Lanes, pwporw b -» Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to SP* trial, wo will forward by mail, post paid, tosoy PJJ*. United States, one box of Pills ibr twelve tbreH™ age stamps, or one vial of Venniftme for cent stamps. AU orders from Canada must bsacaw"^ by twenty ante extra. . - mm Vat sab. fa Altoona, by A. Bonah and (* er, and by all Druggists, l»W v > XCTD ’ J -‘' ■ K b : ?. .' : S ff s^ : F & PERN, ref PSEOO*A a j^|pjW(,PublUUcrs inToria>)ly in ?S>tl«uid kt the e . rt* M * «* am**’* l . ■• $ a Ito* thi &-OKJ of their ProIV fiSssilU he answered either day ( LLuii |s |hs same'as heretofore o 7n ihd■;> InrT* the Logan House. * lift. OKMMILL UKPE Prof. Ohstetru Prof, liuti Surgery la P Hospital, Philadolp Laden, M D, Huntingdon, P MD, “ :: Hollldavsburi Esq, beU'sMill JCSINSTON, JA< ' UOLLIJ r^Kiacyossa “Sell, Johnston, Jo Drafts on the CUioC, and Silver and Gold made. MCheys received on deposits, vlthouHnUrost, or upon time, with i F«b.Sd,lBfo>- r AHRS ! LANDS 1! L- I i The undersigned is prepsred to BtOTjlpfar the Omaha and Nebraska flood iSSetkms can now bo made near and sdHleUents. The Lands of thi ltUkdt,oro of the best Quality. s-a_ Bslsttintis carefully made. Lc Qsestod*'- ALEX. qa«wo, ; .. .. onarous, Cli ' \ . ftITfRXSOIB: Udff A.TL GUftK,Altsona, Pa. WtfcM. LIOTD A Co., Bankers, AU IfeQMl ADnX, Editors, TmKas Bboti, SupL P. R. ft., D7I|CMOnTKIs, Esq., Huntingdon T ATTORN I tl VAj&PONA. BLAIR Co, Pa., WtU Uw in the several Cour W«»hi«1iI- Centre and Alto DtlS|Swrlct Count of the Uni OgWMSppt claims promptly at: lbs tmtfß&l £*tat«, Bounty Lai. >llllllift jjnrl»llllhg to conveyancing Rmancxs: JadisM'Mltrlct; lion. Cheuard Clem lie ÜbatunHHUit. A. Porter, Pbt o*org*P.lliunoltoß, Pittsburg. n^PISTRY.—DR. S tli bid ; lino >n line