The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 10, 1859, Image 3

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r.rt;, !,. and which we can oifer kt
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. lorygolatton,
- ilmt tliit people call and'axaniinabbi>^i
■ all times take l>rms«&l^n2|^ toek :
r- 1553. .
i.AT .
lJ G AN D summer
I opcncdit bis oW on Ttrehils it
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; ;u:i easortmsijt of goods for g*ntlem*n »
“-*ia. Coc?:l’tickm and v s ' ■
’ : «tk of Hardware, Quecfiawareind
-- ; ;
lf!;i of ' •; w"' ■ V 1
m.vlc«, which etjuftltoony Ip' the jn*ik»t,
liit fair prices. ■ ,
;> t nlargcd ray. store-room, 1 o*n bow
Stouk tol»tteriWr«at»f«
>-• ::ully Invito everybody-tp chU--,;.
• V /. *>
BODY SHbUM)io %6
rmaat tlf Dry Goods, whilst *r»-jrottb
: 'incquaUrd s!ock-of<7.S<JCEffi£Sj
- -■ will fell as
■■•r'. Qntentwixrt, Stoneunrre, of .&•
' , V - .
l. . .■ cH»a ot Boots ajid ShOertat Gents, La-
I i lalcj-en, embrapiDg,oVM^,';qdul(i«*
! 'clock of HATS for Siyamw t|re«r—J««
l„--hiou ’-;+■»*- •''
yv oil hand aii aaeortmsnt of Stadf
• -!i!t the smuor. ■ ■ ' ■
1 .ml u largo slots
will make up to order ;Ojj short noth*
' vie, and Bt jauOt'giTo Mtli
sa paonie to iomo BBiJfuy—janJr .tp
> itaclt,' ff-riilig conSdeot.thst “ tht/i* 1
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nd wdiraerix;t<>d Block dfilebana 80/I
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U 1 Sf.T'jrr purcha3h>jc el»6wt(«*> M 1
■ at the Idwert , fc
i -f, isiu-tf. . ■■; v^8SB;BSBTB-
■j ‘*;tr offers' at Private Sato
and Julia streets,
■ •■in and Kitchen
i: -J sleeping rooms on tho
The lot Is in good order. - .
v to view the premises nndobtew 1
1 -.-nil upon the subscriber- Lmru
' Uh, 1553-ir. -
U’KD FUR C^EStss2i
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■• f~ih ir n and tho coiilinn«l €B*£kz wx -
’ 11.0 I'rr.g Store of O: JT. ttgSSP-'
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W«3. . 7 25 P.M.
i-V * 30;AV Mi wid «16 “-
« for the tratwacUdn of burineM from 6.30 AM.
iIjSSWS.' ■nJ - *«“ 8 M to $00? o’-
. MU TriJn Bftit mini 't&'-JlMi,: ' leaverfij4o P. 31.
*«r« M WeBt « « 8,40 A.M.
“ .< But “ I&AMt “ |^»A,iM.
fc*‘ West “ B,4SP;SL, “ 9,05 P. 31.
• „ « ' But- « ;IW6 A. 41. «Hi3S A. 31.
T .. West “ ,7‘,Bs'E. M„ “
1 „ riOLUDAYSBDBG BRANCH connects with Repress
J l ",® {iat »ud West, with Mail Traia Basßiind Wert, and
Freight Eastward and Westward
BLiinsVlLtK BRANCH connects with Johnstown
jftj Traiii £wt and West, Espreaa Traln AVest and Slall
Train Ess l - '
>;ureais«r 29, 1858
local items.
too na.— lt is said by those who have supervi
sion of the Gas Works, thatgaa will be manu
factured and ready for bumingand water ready,
to bo supplied in our progressive town, some
lime during the first week in December. That
this will be one of the grandest additions ,to our
town, ever received, all will freely acknowledge,
and in the scale of raodern improvement will
flaco us in advane'e of everything outside of the
cities; Our business places will no longer emit
ihc dim light of tallow candles and oil lamps,
but send out a strain of bright, clear and wel
come gas light . ; !
Since the addition is of so much magni
tude, would it not bo well to Introduce the
gr»nJ affair by appropriate ceremonies. We
hate in our town a .Lodge of -Free Masons,
Chapter, Council and Cpmmandcry, two Lodges
of Odd Fellows, an Order of the I. 0. of Red
Men, a Division of Sons of Temperance, two
Camps of the Junior Sons of Ameriisa, two Mil
itary Companies and an excellent Band, a Fire
Company and apparatus which-is a credit to any
place, six Public Schools, and other As
sociations. A grand parade of all these Lodges,
Orders, Companies and Schools, would be one
of the most magnificent sights ever seen outside
of any of our cities, and wo think all would
unite in it; at least so far as wc have been able
to ascertain, everybody is in favor of it; and as
such a demonstration without a speech would
not be finished, we have those in our midst who
cuuld get up a nice .little addres-on the rise and
progress of Altoona, which .would make all feel
hippy and proud. And to climax the'Vhole we
would have a grand torch light jproceasion and
general illumination ip the evening— ; those who
have gasßlamlnate with it, and those who have
not, illuminating with candles, lamps, or what
ever they may sec fit.
That Altoona is oaf of the most enterprising
towason the continent, all who have over visited
it will acknowledge. That we Shave the mate
rjal|g) got up .one .of the grapdeist celebrations,
bo one-will doubt, and we know that there is
spirit enough in the people of this place to .pre
vent it being a failure if it be once determined
upop. All,that is wanted- is a start, and we
will have it. Let arrangements 100. entered into
at once—have a'meeting of, the citizens’ called
for {Saturday evening next—have : suitable com
mittees appointed ,to perfect the affair and
CTorvihiag will go off-with a hurrah.
Our Firemen want a chance to show them
sGves and their handsome machine, our mili
tary want an opportunity to turn out in their
might, our .associations of different kinds , want
on opportunitj to show themEelves, and the chil
drep, the hope of our country, want a holiday.
Therefore, lot the celebration come off. If this
suggestion bo entered into with spirit it will be
all we have? pictured'! it, and the archives of
Altoona will contain the history of an inaugura
tion of modem improvements which will be re
ferred to in after ages with pride and pleasure ;
and that our neigboring towns will read an ac
count of which will strike them with astonish-.
meat. Remember the ffrst week in December.
Asornra TaiAt.—At four o’clock, on Satur
day afternoon last, the Citizens’ Fire Co.,
tnjugbt out their superb engine for another trial
themselves in- .working the ma
chine. It wds first worked qt the crossing of
\ irgjinia and Annie streets and rendered entire
satisfaction. Other trials in different parts of
v the town were equally successful, and fully
satisfied all that in the engine and the company
tha| worked it, they had a valuable safeguard
in dose of a visit from that destroying element
—fire. Well may the Citizen boys feel proud
of thejr machine—both as to its appearance and
work—for certainly there is not a more Land
eomp the one that can excel
U id throwing watWwWhen itis properly worked.
As a matter of court require a little
®oriß make the ma
chine do her if, ,they continue to run
ter out once a wcqk, ' or moirb if required, they
will soon leam all the “ropes.” When jthp
Company again calls upon- our citizens for
taaterial ■ aid, \we feel confident .that they eon
°ot refuse to contribnte, because all mjust feel
ia interest in company .and nte
«t{ng all which would conm
btttejto her esciknqy In ’ case tif fire. Ihe at
icotioh of-the members of thecompaßy Is bes-
direateditaa inanoUicr
TJ 1 ?' a,v
gm £u ggestlon(!.,.U -i' -
‘ .’ <£ir , vV , . 3 «»:
■ J®* MEMiiid^Xla*l*ro : is
' m Pr6grfiSfl
as gOB, o q[ ifoatul
ia «hf great price.”, The mee ting hav*
2 «en kept np nightly for four weeks, many of
v *; kere v participated therein are much
j end would be glad to receive assistance
it *V|*k er riWBM. W© hope they may receive,
t»o irho arenow “ halting between
epeediiy choose ‘‘the better
be thus kept upyetenot
'■ f oa * ?eelw, gy longer., ' '
Tiros. A. scoir, sup't.
v:-.% . p
notioe. of a heroic ocjh
one of our townsman, which We find in the
Standard. Such coolness and.presence of mind
iswtffOiythehlghbstpraise;-i■ kv ■■ -ji.C
readfltB%will doubtless recollect rending a tWU
*“?? mpident, published by us so me time siniSj
-enginpt, -mpon Bome’w««iam -rail rook,;
hOTing cratrled dowirupon the cow catcher!#
the cngkic and Bavipg tt, child, wjlchwas play
ing upon the road, from destruction by throwing
it on the track; •' f. j ;
.. ore infonned'tlmt ah almost precisely simj-i
r ' a itadent occurred <m the Pennsylvania Hall-'
-on -Pridqy 'last." As one bf'ffldlSelgkt
trains.east pounded a shaip carve,; near Borree
Siding, the engineer saw a small«Ghild sitting in
the middle'nf the'ftrack, playing, unconscious of
US danger. He instantly whistled down brakes
and reversed his engine, - nut the .weight of the i
train and the high speed at wbiohitwas rnn
fiingi:ronlJorod it impbssible to stop before reach- ;
, mgtho,oh?d, 'Which moat inevitably hive been;
crushed to death. In'this, emergency, when'
most •mpn would'have stood paralysed with hor- ■
coadactor of tbe train. Daniel McCoy,
with ja bravery and steadiness of nerve that has ■
■ fewpandleis, . ran to the - front of the engine,:
crawled, down on the cow-catcher, and, holding;
himself, with one hand, leaned as far forward as
possible, and as be approached the child, with
a sweeping hlowfof jtho other he threw it off the
track. ■ It was theiwork of an instant, and re-
a steady hand and cool head to accom
plish it, bat .ho was > equal to the emergency.
Thq;train' Was immediately stopped, and on
going back the child was found lying at the foot
of a small: embankment, some twenty or thirty
-feet from the track of the road, alive and kick
ing, but somewhat stunned and braised. The
child belonged to a.farmer named Keif, residing
immediately along the road. As may well be
'supposed, the parents were profuse in their ex
pressions of gratitude to the noble hearted con
ductor, .but for whom* their child would have
beeu carried to its home a shapeless mass of
flesh and bones. All honor to Conductor McCoy
—compared with whose disinterested act of he
roism, the boasted feats of warriors sink into in
Mvsteejous Disappearance.— We copy with
reluctance the following item from the Pitts
•ourgh. True Tress, of Wednesday last. Fain
would we console ourselves with the belief tha tthe
surmises may prove incorrect, but alas, the plot
continues to thicken, circumstances connected
therewith pointing almost unerringly to the con
clusion arrived at by the*writer of the item.—
Mr. Keeseywas well, known to many of the citi
zens of this place, and enjoyed the confidence of
all who became intimate with him. The news
of his full, (if it really proves to be as surmised)
astonished every one :•
Rev. T. L. Keesey, minister of tho Curofa of
the United .Brethren in, Christ, residing in
Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pa., having
a wife and five children, left home on the 29th
of October,-to fill an appointment for Rev. B.
Dick,’ in Altoona, on the following Sabbath.—
He also intended'to step on his way in Johns
town several days. On inquiry It was ascer
tained that ho had not been at cither place, nor
can any traces of his whereabouts be ascertain
ed. Mr Keesey is an able and popular preacher
—happy in his family relations —no man was
more prudent and circumspect in his deport
ment, a most kind and affectionate husband and
father. For some days before ho left, he ap
peared to be gloomy and in deep trouble.—
Simultaneous with his leaving home, a very
handsome and fascinating young grass widow,
-also disappeared in a mysterious manner. Thte
disappearance of the grass widow on the same
dny_ that Mr. Keesey left. Las thrown a dark
oloiid around the circumstance and filled the
hearts of bis wife and friends with tjie deepest
anguish.' We hopp, however, that a few days
will explain the matter in such a manner as to
relieve the character of the reverend gentleman :
tvoju suspicions that now surround him, and re
sto. him to that high position in the affections
of his congregation, that he has hitherto occu
pied. Any information concerning him will be
gladly received by his wife, Margaret Ann
Keesey, Greensburg, Pa.
Messrs. Editors :—l am not entirely responsi
ble for the torturing of “cat-gut” and “ horse
hair” alluded to in one of, your “ pen and scis-;
sora” items of last week, as haring occurred 1
across the street, at the Book and Music-store.'
Some of the musical amateurs and performers;
on .the violin, belonging to the borough, with
ther view, no doubt, of giving me a demonstration -
of their valor in the use of cat-gut and horse- •
hair, paid me a visit with their instruments, one ;
or two evenings last Week, and although it is the i
exception rather than the rule, in my store, to;
have much music until after business hours, in
this instance, l without giving offensive, a must- '
cal bravura wak unavoidable.
_ If, however, at any future time, being imme
diately under the eye of your sanctum, in the
trial of tnusiepr instruments, I should happen
to send up a strain, please excuse
Altoona, Nov. Bth, 1859.
Hold on now, Mr. Bookseller," no. excuses
whatever. We are partial to the dalcet, strains
artistically, extracted from feline intestines by
the vigorous application of elastic £1 aments from
the “ narrative” of.a valuable quadruped, and
.very much regret that your rule will not admit:
of a daily repetition of the harmonica! sounds
to which we so vulgarly alluded last-week. , i
llahdsojie Shawls.— Every lady we know,
likes to sport a handsome shawl. Yon need not
attempt to deny it, ladies; and we intend to tell i
you where yon can find as pretty an assort
ment of the article as can be found this side oif
Philadelphia, and that is just beneath ns in the 1
“Model” store of Messrs J, & J. Low.ther.-L
Ask way one who has examined their stock, anjtlj
yen will be told that‘they are magnificent artl-li
oles, and more than that they are cheap for the"
quality. Cali and see the shawls, ladies. I]
P* S. jA fresh invoice of those handsome
Cloaks, Eaglah’s, &c., have just been reoeivedi
and we the ladies to call immediately an|l
examine.them. ' |v' ■ ■
v LutWer ab,,,Comsx. —We understand Ihajt
at9 yp6iag made. to . organize
Lutheran Colony, to emigrate to Missouri, ' Q. ;
■W-. Patton and Pr. D. R. Good, of this place,' are!
the originators of the project. Persons wishing
to unite on suoh an enterprise, or desiringinforj
mation can confer with them until arrangements
are more fully matured. - j/i IS .'SS
The object in attemptingto organise adoj
nominationnl .Colony is to secure church prirt
leges at once. It is,not Resigned however to bo
exclusively sectarian. ’. * '' J '’
■ Thasks. — o or thanks are doe Capt. Cramer,
the .**Model Conductor” and member ofVad
.C?met Sand, for complimentary tickets,
to the; Band Concert, giyen in Somdayahurg.
Friday evening' last We
joould in attendance, aswehaveeince
i roads, where mishaps aid break-downs are of
j common occurrence. . AVe have heard it said
| that no traveller has yet been killed regu
lar train on this road, although ia a few instan
ces fthe employees have. The same, probably,
cannot be said of any other road in the Union,
at ; least not of the length. To all going
eastward, we say, be sure you take the Penn
sylvania Central.
Irive often thought ofwritingan article atmtift.
to?the one copied suggested to as in the
earnsmanner it was to the editor of the Journal- ■
'bton so folly ex
pttwted .we copy the article tmd ask for it a
thiughtfoLperuaeil. 5 , ..'4
- .j& gentlemancalled on os a few days since
Ipd for oop paper, to be sent to a
a distant State, saying that. U saved
hiijn writing letters, and would apprise his Mend
of jwhat waa going on in this quarter better than
he could tell him if he should write ; besides,
hfe would shre, in postage stamps and paper, in
ay cm 1 , more than to subscription Would amount
ta, ? «hat was a sensible and philosophical man,
but we know of scores who have done the very
sonic tfiing, though they hare not given ns the
reason in the same language. What better
Present can be made to a friend who has gone
to| -another part of the country, dhan a newspa
per published inthe vicinity he has left? In it
he; will seek every week familiar things. The
taarriages and deaths will be looked for with
deepest interest, while all the local news of his
town or oouhty will possess a charm that he
neVer knew before. It willbe like talking with
aneld friend, every time he takes up tiie paper.
Still more, it will keep alive in him a warm re
membrance of those he has left behind—a re
membrance of friendly faces, of kind neighbors
and scenes hallowed by associations the most dear
6f all that have been experienced in life. He
will laugh over comical occurrences recorded of
his neighbors, take a deep interest in their cattle
shows, their Fourth of July celebrations, and all
their public ceremonies. He- will also rejoice
over the list of marriages, and wefep over the
obituary of some old acquaintance. We know
of hothing which Can give mote satisfaction to
an absent friend^than a home newspaper! and
to every one who wishes to keep distant friends
or relations posted up concerning home matters,
and at the same time save time and money that
would be spent in writing letters, we recommend
the idea suggested above.— JPalmcr Journal.
Pa. Central R. R.—The editor of the Mer-
cer Dispatch , who has had occasion - to travel
over the Pcnn’a Central Rail Road, makes the
following mention thereof, in his last issue. No
fitter road in the country receives so many and
highly complimentary testimonials as the P. R.
R. The Dispatch says
Having just returned from a trip over this
road. We can add our testimony to that of all
who travel on it, that it is'one of - the best, if not
the very best, managed r»ad id the country
When a person starts on this road, he feels con
fident of arriving at the end of his journey in
safety, and well conditioned; not so with other
Purr’s Mekcantile College, Ison
ings, Trmi street, PiTTsacEcu.—The splendid
new hall of this institution is in every way
worthy of its long established reputation.—
Dqff’s system of Book-keeping ag here taught
by its author, has long had the unanimous com
mendation of his numerous students' of the
American institute and chamber of commerce of
New York, with four first premium silver medals
from state fairs; silver plate .and first premium
diplomas from a number of state fairs, and the
United States fair, with the first premium for
best business pennmanship by the last* Ohio
state fair, over'nearly all the bcsUpcnnman of
the west, is a decisive verdict upon the superi
ority of the writing department of the institu
tion’; Np institution of the kind in the country
offers the commercial student the combined ad
vantages of such teachers of book-keeping aud
©©“Harry Gray, that prince of Railroad
Conductors, dropped into o"ur sanctum on Wed
nesday afternoon last, and gave us the shake of
a hand which every man grasps in friendship,
for we think Harry has as many, if not more
friends and fewer enemies, than any man we
knp|v of. He stands the racket of a railroad
conductor’s life remarkably well, and is in a
vepy good humor in consequence of the fine run
he will have after Monday next'. His train will
be;a favorite to travellers from this point. Suc
cess to Harry and the Fast Line.
ftfiKTEB Aeeakqemkxt.— The winter arrange
ment of running the passenger trains on the Pa.
R.’R./has been perfected and the schedules are
out; An arrangement which would have better
suited the citizen’s of this place could not have
beeii mode. By it,‘fill the trains arrive at this place
at imeal hours, consequently the “ Logan House”
will hereafter' serve up six deals per day to
passengers. For time of arrivil and departure
of trains and mails from this station, see sche
dule at the head of Local column.
At a meeting of the minis
ter of the different churches In Altoona, the
following arrangement for religious services, on
Thanksgiving day, were madeA union meet
ing in the Lutheran Church, at 10$ o’clock A.
Mij when a sermon will be' delivered by Rev.
Sembower. A meeting for the benefit of the
children willbe held in the' Presbyterian Church,
at o’clock, P; M.i at which short addresses
will be delivered by the pastors of the different
ohMrches. ; -
JlETtrBiiED. have heretofore neglected to
notice the return of our young friend, Lige
Taylor, who has been rusticating among the
la&es down the road for the- last month* Ho
looks as though the trip hod agreed with him,
apjd hOf feels better prepared to serve up those
delicious Cove Plant Oysters, a good supply of
which he always keeps, on hand at bis saloon,-,
neat door to the Hank. Bob in and see him,
alt ye hungry.
; |B@u. We notice thatthe .* r Great South
trap between this place and -Hollidaysburg is
noyr under the charge of the handsome and
agreeable conductoi, Capt. Pranks,-the “model”
conductor, Capt. Cramer, being off on a visit to
th| City of Brotberly'jLoye .and othereeaport
tglms. The countenance of Capt. P.. IswWrays
welcome, as a to all who have occa
sion to travof by railroad. s
ComnoH are out for a grand
cotillon party* at Stahl’s Hotel, in this place,
this (JFriday evening. jUnder the supervision
of such a capital fellow aaAlex. Toughn, who
jas door managfr, the party oan not jbe
' i .For the Tribune.
I Fire Company
0 > Whita jEngine was brought out
for-, exhibition and irihl on Saturday ?week,
drawn by some 85 young men, clad in white
shirts, black pantsjbndj glazed caps, with faces
betokening- happy heOrts, Tur doubt from the
consciousness that they would now be able, by
its aid, to render material service in subduing
the tiivages.of :firo and i thus add to the security
of property and their neighbors happiness. I
■ thought, os they passed me, theso are noble fel
lows,, willing to sacrifice time and risk life for
the b enefit of their fellow men, and will not fall
into the many vices so ; common among firemen
in our large cities, but will be an ornament to
our town. An hour or two passes, and they
have gone'oyer our principal streets, and the
machine is brought into service in front'of the
Presbyterian Church, for trial. . She performed
well, no doubt to tbelsatisfaetion of all. But
what means this? Two of the firemen are
walking rapidly towards the “Altoona Souso,”
and down they slip into tbo bar-room. In a
few minutes they come out again, giving their
months an omnions wipe, and return to the en
gine. This, I; is a beginning of Fire
men’s habits. After several trials in front of
the ebureb, the engine was taken in: front of the
“ Logan House,” and another trial made, after
which she-was housed.; What now follows ? I
am sorry to say that these same persons who
promjiscd so fair at the beginning, to the number
of 20 or more, arc seen going into the afore
mentioned bar-room to partake of that which
will create within a fire that cannot bo quenched
by water, and all the fire engines in the universe
are not able to extinguish. Young men beware
how you begin tbo fireman’s life ! you are ex
posed to dangers you know not of. Let no
temptation draw you from the paths of sobriety
and virtue. Surely it docs not follow that be
cause you are firemen that you must be a de
bauchee also ? thqt because you are resolved to
save your neighbor’s property from the ravages
of fire, you must partako- of the intoxicating
cup that will, in the end, consume your very
bodies - and sink thorn down to a drunkard’s
grave, and doom your, souls to a, world of end
less woe ? By no means. You arc men, and
as such at once resolve no more to follow in-the
steps of too many of your brother firemen of
our large cities. Como boldly out and make
your company one -noted for the steady habits
of its members and its usefulness to society.—
Then those who assisted you in procuring
your fire aparatus will assist you again, if needs
be. But ou the_eontrary, if intemperance and
rowdyism should follow this investment, be as
sured they will not be so ready to lend
ing hand in the future. Thus your usefullness
may be destroyed and the good you may other
wise accomplish will be lost. That these re
marks may have the effect to cause a watchful
ness on the part of all the members of the
“ Citizens Fire Company,” is the desire of a
Changed Hands. —Scarcely had own paper
of last week, containing a notice of the prrpric-'
tor of the grocery, two doors below us, been
.circulated, ere the grocery passed into the hands
of-Geo. W. Cunningham, who now stands be
hind the counter, ready to wait on all who may
give hiip a call, in the line of confectionaries,
cakes, pies, fruit, nuts, oysters, potatoes, &c.,
all of which he will keep constantly on hand.—
Drop in and make your" bow to George.
8@» Rev. 8. Creighton, will deliver a Sun
day School sermon, in the Methodist Church,
on Sunday morning next, after which a collec
tion for the benefit -of the Sunday School con
nected with- the church will be taken up. All
who feel an interest in this appropriately styled
of the church” arc expected to be
is hereby given to the Stock
holders that the sixth instalment on the Capital
Stock of the Altoona Gas and Water Company,
will bo due and made payable at the Banking
House of Wm. M. Lloyd & Go., on Wednesday,
November 1859.
BENJ* F. ROSE, Sec'y.
November, 30th, 1859.
Hoelidaysbueo, Nov. 8, 1859,
Messes Editobs: —On Friday evening last
wc bad the pleasure of attending the Concert
given by the Van Tries’ Cornet Band, at the
Court House, in this glace. The performance
was emphatically good: manifesting an improve
ment seldom, if ever, made before by any Band
in the State, in so short a time. The audience
though not as large as -jvas expected, (from the
amount of tickets sold,) was respectable and
appreciative; and all left the Court House fully
satisfied that Van Tries’ Band cannot be greatly
excelled. Great credif is due to Mr. J. P. N
Epwbotham their teacher, as an instructor, and
a musician.
On the following eveuing we enjoyed another
exquisite musical pleasure. Miss Kate Sean,
the American Prima Henna gave .a Concert in
the Court House. Miss' Bean possesses a pure
soprano voice, of great compass, and bids fair
to rank among the best of our Native Concert
singers. : i
The “ Camp Meeting’* in' the methodist church,
still progresses, and will no doubt continue the
entire week. Services are held daily, after the
fashion of Camp: Meetings,, and some good has
been done. We hope ; the meeting will result
in the saving of many I souls, and the glory Of
the Cod over aIL- W.
No, 1. literary Emporium Still
H. Fettinger begs ! leave to announce to.his
numerous patrons and the public generally,
that he is nbit closing put the - balance of Ms
stock of fapfy and staplo articlea Wo» cojt, ia
oiderto moke room fox' bis immense new stock
of toys, notions and fancy articles which jbo will
have on hand for the Holidays. lie now offers
a ran chance for bargains. .
N. B. Also, a large stock of school books sel
ling ihtoosa Coll and bo convinced.
. : ■/-" r'-'iZ " 'J. • IV . :.-V •;
, “'Dbk- f **»' Sixth
aadibifljdaat offers,' ia, aaolher
coloma. ' |
■ LiHdN*^
Pin* AW® Catawba Brandy.
lbr * sbows.thatit la.the
known, which fa
physicians who have
osediltatbefa practice}; v J
C°mpl«l*tt>i t h Children, a cure fa guar
antced or the money Wiß bereftinded. as it will cßbctnall v
Velfero that affliction, asgweU as Diarrhoea a^ltowdcSi.
: »■•■•. -■•■*?..r
- article fa altogether superior,
and a sororrtga and sure remedy for Dyspepsia. Mituhm’
cy. Cramp, Colic} Langupr, Dow Spirits, General Debility.
Nervousness, Liver Complaint, etc. • . "
. Physicians, who hate need it in their practice, speak of
| it in .the most flattering terms, as will bo seen by reference
; to the wuncrotu tetters and certificate*. r
,'Ai lfAJtTiifl’CG., Proprietors, Cincinnati.'
-■ A. ROUSH,
Sole Wholesale and Betail Agent for Blair county.
Nov. 10, 1859. 5,
6th Annual Annoaiiceraeiit!
cq.MiScp) EVCC2SS or «lb
From all sections of the country subscriber* to this pop
ular Art-Institution, (upwin it*sixth year,) are bring re
ceived in a ratio with that of any prUvious
year. , i ■ ' 4
■ *#i SCRIBING $3 '
w aicn u|tu. tsnuE him to
Is I .—Tho beautiful Steel Engraving, “ Shakspcaro and
His Friends.” '
2d.—A Copy of tho cjcgaatly Illustrated Art Journal,
one year. *
A Free Season I Admission to tho Galleries, 6»3
Broadway. New York.
In addition to which, o vbr fottr hundred valuable Works
ol Art are guen to subscribers as Premiums, comprisin'*
choice Paintings, Sculptures, Outfbies, ic, by the first
American and Foreign Artists
The superb Engraving AvhicU every subscriber Will re
ceive unnicdinldg on receipt of subscription, entitled
“ Shakespeare and, Lis Friends,”
i> of a character to give I unqualified pleasure and satisfac
tion. No work ol equal value was over before placed with
in reach of the people us such a price. The Engraving is
of very large size, being! printed on heavy plate paper, 30’
by 38 inches making a most superb ornament suitable for
tbe walls of eitlier the library, parlor, 01-oißco. - ■
It can be sent today part of the country, by mail,'with
safety, being packed in a,cylinder, postage pre-petid.
Think of it! Such a Work delivered free of charge, and
the Art Journal, one yeac.tbr three dj,liars’
SUBSRIPTION3 will ho received until the Evening df
Tuesday the 31st of January, ISOO, at which time the books
will close' and tho Premiums be given to subscribers.
No person Is restricted: to a single subscription. Those
remitting slo are entitled to; six memberships.
Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all For
eign Provinces, must be £3,50 instead of S 3, In order to de
fray extra postages, &c. '
Persona wishing to £qrm clubs trill apply for » circulat
or terms, ic. 1
The beautifully Illustrated Act Journal, giving full par
ticulars,-will be sent, da receipt of 13 cents, in stamps or
com. Address,
i C. fi. DERRY, Actuary C. A. A,
648| anil MS Broadway, New York.
DISSOLUTION —Notice is hereby
given that the Partnership heretofore existing bo
t ween the undersigned, tracing under tie name of J. 8.
BL UK lI ART & CO-, wad dissolved by mutual consent on
Tucsuay, October Hsth, IBSIU The Books and Accounts are
in the bands of J. S. Uurjkbart for collection.
hov. 30-31 I EMILY KISSEL.
remv continue to carry on tho GUO
ti-Ui BLSIM.SS ui ths old £>tu2ul,axul «*oHcita tht* patron
age of the public. ' J. S. IWHICIUKT.
Jteto Bbcft gjforr.
The subscriber has lately
opened a BOOK STORE next door to
Uio corner of Virginia qrid Annie struts,
where may bo fomgl ||
Old and Standard KttOAVubUeatem,
Light Literature , periodicals : ]
Fancy Stationery. in large varieties. _, x '
£]??•“ Pew and very select lot of SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC
Altoona aro respectfully; invited to call.
ftß-AH orders attended to with promptness and dispatch.
Altoona, Nov. 3, 1559-tf : H. SMITH.
At McCjaflnicta Stole,-
J list arrived, and are; how being offered for sole, an ex
tensive assortment of of all the different styles and
qualities, which the Philadelphia market BffbrdsJin the
way ofjdress goods for Ladles together with all the more
heavy CLtton and Woolen: goods for Qoctlosacn and 3otb
wear, also a full stock op = .■
for men and Boys, of tho boH material and latest Styles, in
.the way of business, dri ssi and over codta, with pantt and
vests to dhtch. Also M tho JMRrcnt varieties <ff goods,
sach as. \ • • 7 '
Hardware, ‘ f fif ' ' -
Qdecnswaro, if ... !
■ Tinware, . .... ~ ,
; Stopeware, &c,
Family Syrups, Sugar Brown aid Yhite, Teas, Ac.. Ac
with all the varictyof apices necessary to makeup:* full
assortment. 1 ;l v: ! v.
Men’s fine and eoitrtot Boots and JBodtees ,
Ladies “ «;[ f mih fioithout Kedt,
In Ml tho different material,.with a very pretty assortment
Of DOQQetf; '
in country stores, all of
MjNfaa in any other) house in town
S?" 7 or exchanged; f<3* any article of produce, which
can beconsmnod here ot exchanged intheEtotfcr dthers.
AlJOona, Oct-27th,’60). . .
Cheapest School in the Landl
.v /brj a Catalogue
Adless M. McN- Waish, A. 11.,
*> *-■
<?RE 9®SBUNB.—
sunt purchasers, diffused through every State and Terr-l
to^foar TJnlon—will continue what it baa
been—the earnest champion of Liberty, Promts, and of
whatever will conduce to our national growth faVirtue.
Industry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. u will coatinMto
urge the emancipation not only of the Black laborer fanm
chattefism and legal impotence, but of the White likewise
front Land Monopoly, Intemperance, Ignorance, and Oat
dependence on remote Markets which paralyses —ysfan
by denying to Toil any adequate and morally certain!**,
ward. Believing that the chief evil of our fvrc!e fa the foot,
dlhete jgltlplicadon and dfaproportioii of Non-Preduotn.
-it willfaffltinua to war against whatever tends to degrade
Manual Labor or deprive it of Its just and Mlreeompesee.
It wilUnflexibly commend the policy of .winning hither
front'. Xnrope the Dseftil Arts, and, wherever they asay be
needed, the Artisans as weli, for wheso products oureemn
.try fa now running recklessly into debt, wbllo oar laborers
roam in fruitless quest of employ meat, leaving their chit*
“ r ??J n want of bread, though the farmer fa teo ofteh com*
peuea to sell hfa crops at most inadequate price*. In
short, while battling agvdnat FUiibuaterfam and every
other manifestation of that evil spirit which Books through
Sfi,.?P? U f y £ n . of . otl “ r conntriM that aggramhiSlteomt
which fa to bo truly attained only throughSc due devst
opmeut and cultivation of our internal resources, it Will
advocate a more effectively dl.crimlnathi TaSff.
° f ., tho 0 . Lends, the couslrucSoa bfa
KaUroad from the navigable waters of the MtsslsSopl
those of the Pacific, and. every other measure which Mm
to us calculated to enhance the dignity, or the reaunnenss
of Labor-and promote the well-being of Mankind
Thv «irrepressible conflict” botwcou Derkuess and tlchf
Inertia and Program, Slavery and Freedom, me vcs steiSifa
onward. Isolated acts of folly and madness may torthe
moment given seeming advantage to Wrong; but God still
reigns, and the Ages ere true to Humanity and *»-»•>
The year 1860 must witness a momomblo conflict between
these irreconcilable antagonists. The question—.•‘Shall
Human Slavery be flirther strengthened and diffused bv
the power and under, the flag of the Federal t?nloa?” fa
now to receive • momentous if not conclusive answer.—
. *£ n< ? for , ffceiandlcss, versus Negroes for the Nearoless”
fa the tattle-cry of the embodied Millions who, having Jnet
swept Pennsylvania, Ohio and the North-West, appear in
U>e new Congress, backed by nearly orery Ffoe Stale, to
demand a recognlUan of every man’s right tocultlvate and
improve a modicum of the earth’s surface wherever he has
not been anticipated by the State’s cession to another.—
tree Homes, and the consecration of the virgin eoKof the
-Territories to Tree Labor—two requirements, but one flol
icy—must largely absorb the attention of Congreeathrouah
the ensuing session, as of the People in the succeedfie
Presidential canvass;-and, whatever the immediate faene
we cannot doubt that the ultimate verdict willbeinaccoid
JhVilMlo WghUoS! lmi ' alti:Ll
Having mode arrangtmenU for fuller and more graphic
, of d °kga Congress, and of Whatever£
transpiring at the Federal Metropolis sliall seeta worthy of
public regard, and having extended both our Foreign; told
Domestic Correspondence and, strengthened our Editorial
stafflare believe Im Twbcse may safely challenge's com
parison with any rival, whether as an exponent 0/princi
ple or Os a. reliable mirror of the passing world. Wo pm
poso not to bo surpassed nor anticipated in the collection
or presentation of Intelligence, though we eschew »h"’
reputation for enterprise which fa acquired by bribing
messengers and clerks in public offices to connive at the
premature publication of treaties or other ofllciot docu
ments. Wo prize accuracy of statement quite os highly as
promptitude, but endeavor not to sacrifice the latter Wbllo
securing the former. Essentially, Tun Tnrnu.vs will bo
what it has been, while wo shall constantly study to im
pruvs its every feature, and “make each day a sritloou
the JaM.” Tim. general verdict of the Press and the Public
has affirmed the snccosS of our past labors, and those of
the future shall be characterized by equal carneStadsa'and
ossidity. We ask those who believe the general Influence
of our Journal to be. salutary to aid ns in extending that in
fluence through an increase of our subscriptions. • '
is printed ni it largo imperial sheet, and published every
morning amt evening (Sundays excepted). It contain*
Editorial- , c:i tho topics of the times, employing a large
carp* of the l»wt newspaper writers' of the day; Domestic
ami Foreign Correspondence; , Proceeding* of Congress:
ISerxjrtSOfhectare*lOlty New*, Cattle, lioree,and-Pro
duce Markets: Review* of Book; Literary Intelligence-
Papers on Mechanics and the Arts, Ac., Ac. We stmeto
uiukc-TuE Twucsg .a newspaper to meet the want* of the
public-rbita Telegraphic new* alone costing over $15,000 pec
annum.’ , • - r
THE J)AILT TRIBUNE is mailed to subscribers at 38
per annum, in advance; $3 for six months.
Is published every Tuesday and Friday, and contain* ell
the Editorials' of thbJ,Dal!y, with tho Cattle, Horse: end •
General Markets, reliably reported expressly for THE
TRIBUNE; Foreign ami.Domestic Correspondence? anil
during U»o seaside* ofCongreesit contain* a'summary of
Cungrosslonal dolngg,with-tho more important speeches.
Wo. shall, as heretofore, giako THE SEMI-WEEKLY
HIUUUNE a Literary > aa well as a political newspaper,
uud wn ale determined that % shall remain in the hunt
rank ofjtmily paper*. ! '
Guo goby, one j-terr„43 1 Five copies, one year._slL2s
Two copies,; one year; 5-( Tim -to one ad/lxett, 20,00
Ten cqpie*, or over, to aidrestofeaeh tuUtcribtt, $2220
Any pemnsending u*a club, of twenty, or over, will bo
entitled to an extra eppy. ’For a club of fifty, wowUlseud
tho Daily Tribune one year. - . . *
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is sent to Clergymen
at $2 par annum; ' - - . ~
a large eight-page paper for the country, is published every
Saturday, and oontiilna Editorials oh the' Important topics
of the tithes, the news of the week. iutoresU»g'comd(km
dence from- all parts of the world, the New-YorkOtttle.
Horsa, and Produce Market*, interesting and reliable HV
Rical, MechanfoaranjV Agrksuljiural articles, Ac, Abf ’ » -
Wc shall, fluting this year, ashitbefto, conttautly labor
to improve the quality of the lies tr tie tfvoeuterUinmentaf
forded by; THE WEEKLY -TRIBUNE, which, we Intend,
shell codtlnuc to-ho the hast Family Weekly Nowepaper
published in the World. Wo consider the Caillo Market
Ri-porU alone richly with -o cattle raisers a year's sub
scription pries. .. . - -v •
TERMS: , .
o>;e copy;onc ycar, — I Five copies, One year, ~
three copies, oneycar,...". 5 I Ten.copies,ou. year,.:..;.,-.. y»
Twenty copies, lo aafi addrcaji...'.-..:-'.
an I any large dumber, $1 ca<J* ■ v
Twenty copies, tit adSriu of each suhnet&fr ~, ■ "t
and any larger number at SL2O each. . w’ .
A' l / person sending ns a club of twenty, - or more, will ho
cutUled For a elnb of fitly, we wUlmnd
the Semi-M •■•■ktyTribano'; and for a club of one hundred
tbe Dahy.Tribune.will be scat gratis. Wo continue teaead
Tbo m-tkly Tribune to Clcrgymcn for $l.
Sukcriptiona may coinmcucc at any time; Terms al
ways cash In-advance: AHletters to ho addressed to*
HOIUCiJ GHEJSWii & Trllmno Building,
- . - Naaaau-at, Kew York.
LEiES great work for the On
•led, or for those contttnSls
ng marriage—2oo pages, fall
PLATES. Price 25 Cents—
>nt to tfll parts under seethe
ipics sold the last year, Jhe
agle, married, and the mar
jed happy. A Lecture oa
Zoce, or how to choose a p*rt
'_ r : a complete work on 511<S
ifory. It contains hundreds
ibert —warranted to be Crorth
. d for it, 25 cents In speeis or
P^S 6 stami ’ s encloa<:ti ) 'till sccnrs a copy by return el
DK. TELLER lias devoted a lifetime to the cnt« of dis
case on which his books treat. Address J. TEJbLEB.M.D
No. 5 Bearer street, Albany, IT.y. , u
Pe ?? a, ?. Ems ’$1 “box, with fulldlrectfens.
Married ladles ehonM not use them. Sent by mail. Ad
dress Dr. Teller, Mahore. April 13th, ’M-ly.
Jl - from Philadelphia by Kailroad In the State otNaw
Joreoy; Soil among the best fcr AgriculturaTpiupSL.
’ wi ib 8 'I 8 ? bottom. Tbe^bin^iTe
i^ 0 §aun c ‘ rms ’ a “d hundred* thn
aU parU of the country aro now .Bottling and bnUdlnS—
We crops produced are largo and can bo seen rrowlnf*-
Sm ? eis l t te iSn‘ toW^trnl ana »*V C from frostr Tsema
from $l5 to 320 per acre, parable iwithlnibiir vmh h*trT
stalments. To visit the place—lAro Vino
er 1 ? A '. M ; b * iSoaSZ lUmmS^
K ->J' B yrnos. by lottcr.Mammonton PostOfflcs.
imSsoton: M full advertisement t»
o solves indebted to the firm of Runyan k
Sanford, will please rail nud settle their accounts without
<Wny, as ample time has teen given. In thirty date here
aftor, all accounts nuscttled wUI be placed In the iLmdiof
a proper person for collection. i M *
Alfoona. July 28, 1M9.-3t RUNYAN & SANFORD.
The undersigned feels grateful for tho patronage hei'st*-
fore bestowed on tho Arm and himself by the citizen*
Altoona, and expects still toserro the public with all kinds
of meat as usual. All persons foiling to settle their at.
counts every thirty days, must not expect l«Wr in<h£
limited > and long crodits E will too*
jue whore othors arc that hare indulged so miMfc
credit to their ruin. ; MARTIN BCNYAWL
papers for Parted
/^CT£ r,fcr Halls, Chambers and pawfa, ■
W- *>• MARSHALL & c&.
Xo. 87 Wood St, nttaburfb.
STRIPED front,
by n 0 other toms West of the >
rJSPWj* for obtaining newest styles, in refined tasMt
£rom l ’ ao best Franco
manufacturers.. [Septavw.)
VI/ hereby notified not to purchase or sell any lager Mf
keg* with the stamp of the, ALTOONA BHKw ARY there
nn»»» suchkbginsrer bare been and never will be eoM
®w»the Brewery. ;AUk»g»oont*ln*tog mid et|i» «DI .
- T nlr2BthJfsMf. WILHILM t BEO