The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 10, 1859, Image 2

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i VQ. Wham parties ate unknown tons,onrnilefi>r adrer
thing i* to require payment hindrance, ora guarantee from
knownpereow. It istberelbre ueeloee for all euclito send
'A* advertisemeatobflerlng topoy at the eod of three or «lx
lyHlfo* .Where advertisements dTe accompanied with the
money, whether one, five or ton dollars, me will give the'
•drortiser the fall benefit of cneh rates."
• s. m. PEmMnx. & co..
Advertising Agents, 118 ■ Nassau street, New York, and
.10State street, Boston, ere the Agents for the'Altoona
TrAnne, and most jtnfluentlaland largest circulating
Newspapers In the United States and the Canadas. They
. .Me Authorized to contract for us at our lowest rates.
Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania.
. ~ Governor of the laid OmmotmtaUh.
Fxuow Cm?*J<s :--pio 'Wc«rfag» vonchaafctl by a- kind
.Providence tltroafU the. past year, demand oar grateful
ligalncall for Ifao sacrifice of Xhankegiving
anoprsuso. Cndcr.theprotection of a Government that
secures to all eflUol r)ghts,.wohavo purtued, unmolested,
the m ll&v wlOi moi;® ikonusual pros
perity. Tho'earth, tinder tlio labors cf. tho husband
. nun, lias yielded Uor increase, and bur barnaand storc
’ houses areproivded wjth,tbßlrnita-oftho 'harvest. We
have not only been pn)scrvod from tbo ravages of the pes
tilence, bißthe past |has .beed a year distinguished for
. .health in our largo cities and throughout all onr rural dis
tricts. Our couißry.has been, preserved la peace.' Our
homes have boen tho’jhodee of tranquility, and blessings
.Inpomerable have cliwtered,around.«ur domestic hearths.
Our various schools and seminaries of. learning are diffu
sing throughout our community a higher intelligeuce,aud
Imparling to our youth nobler aspirations. The institu
tions of oor holy religion ore well sustained; and under
impure and genial Influence, the spirit of unity and love,
thjeaarnestpT yet better'daya, Is most happily developed.
TaGod, the Great and the good, \ve are indebted, for all,
ami to Him lot pralse bo,rendered. ■ '
Wlththeso scntiniouU, opd m accordanoe with the known
wishespf many ofmy fellow-citizens, I, Wiuxam F. Packer,
..Governor of the Commpnwealthof Pennsylvania, do bere
bj appoint TffURSDAX, the 2Mh day of NOVEMBER
next, a* Xlianksgivinß and praise to Al
mighty God, anirecotuineud to all onr people to lay aside
on ihat d-iy, tbolr customary worldly business—assemble
In,their respective places of worship, and unite in praising
God for Hi*.excellent greatnesstoward us~beseeching llie
gracious goodness!
Given nnncr my great seal of tbo State, at
Harrisburg; this fourteenth day of October, A. D. issu,
and cfthoCommonwcalththe cighty-fonrth. '
By tiro,Cover nor: !i - WJI, F.P ACKER.
. -Wk. BT.'Mimas, Site. Commonwealth.
TXT ANTED, by a Gentleman with a
’ll ' small family, if wo.Rooms to furnish and occupy
for Six or eight weeks.' Apply at the Book- Store oppisite
the “Tribune” Office.! ; L ‘' lo.-2t
election in N. Y-,
'■ resulted in tHc ‘success of
StotG ticket by a large majority ; they have
also carried both branches of I the Legisla
.,turo. New Jersey has also elected the
Opposition ticket by about 2,000 majori
ty.- Massachusetts re-cluctud Gov.
" Brulcs by about 35,000 plurality. Mary
. Jandias elected:; three Americans and three
Democrats to Cjmgress. 1
Brown’s Speech.
T&e Clerk haying asked Brown whether lie had
anything to say why should not be pro
nounced, Brown stood up, ' and in a clear and
distinct voice said:,
“I hay?, .may it please the Court, a few words
to say. In the .place, I deny .everything
hnt what l have all along admitted, 'the design
on my part to free the slaves, ’ I' intended oer-
.te a clean thingaf that matter,
'aaffdid.last winter, when I went into Missouri
and there took the slaves snapping
of a gun oa eiffieif side, moved them through
the country,and finally left them; in Canada, fl
designed tO'havC'flone the same ngain oh a lar
ger scale; that was all I intended. I never did
intend to commit m urder or treason, nr destroy
.property, or to excite or incite the slavcs to re-1
£ellioh, and to .make an insnrrcction. I have
another objection,' and that ;’is, it is unjust tha,t
J should suffer suchapenalty lad I interfered ’
*in the manner, whioh l a'dm\t, .nnd which l admit
has been fairly proved;; thotruthful
itejjs and candor of portion of the
witnesses who haw ttis case, - Had
I ho.interfered
ftth the intelligenit, the’ sd ca'lfea be
half of fritods, wther father, mother,
brother, sister, wifa or chlldren, or any
pf thatplass, and suffered or sacrificed what I
Jbave in this interference, it.would have been all
right, nyerymb ll in this court would have deem
ed it an act worthy of reward, ra.ther.than pun
ishment. ; '
V-JChls Court Acknowledges, ns I suppose, the
validity of the Ipif of God. lasee a bdok kissed
Kbrt, .Which, I suppose, io be the bible, dr at
leuMfaehew testament, that teaches me that
aU things whatsoever I would that men should
do In pi e 1 should’do even fo to them; it-teaeh-,
to remember thetni -that are in
JHmt nsboand with themj, J endeavored to act
instruction; I sayiamyettboyQung
that.God is any respecter of per
i*oh, 1 believe, that to have interfered as I have
' done.
“ I have always,freely admitted,.wWfhaTe
done in behalf of his despised poor' race wasiio
wiuDg but right. Now it is deemed nscessaiy should forfeit my life for the furtherance
of the ends of justice and Single my blood fup
tfcerwith the blood of my children! apd .with the
blood of millions in this slave country, whose
' ‘rightsare disregarded by wicked, cruel and unjust
I admit so let it be done.' Let me
iwookjfurther, I feel entirely satisfied
treSßnent I have received on my trial,
considering all the circumstances, it has been
tpojre generous than I expected; but I feel no
consciousness of guilt, I have stated from the
first what was my intentions and what was not
Inerefhadany design against the life of any
peraon nor any dispositlsn to commit treason or
the slave to rpbcl or make any general in
v «mrrestion. I never, encouraged any man to do
W, But always discouraged any idea of .that
kind. Let me say also in regard to the state
made by some of those connected With
i I heard it has been' stated by some of
tbat'l induced them to join me, but the
contrary is true. X do not say this to injure
4ho». but as regretting their weakness. Not one
«£ but of his own accord, and a greater
eir own expense. A number of them
w and never had a word of conver
i till the day that they came to me,
as for the purpose I have stated.--
©done.”- .. ;'
- -V
a llntmaUc-Associ&titai.
jjgp” Flretneu, read in
onrlocalcolumns. - T w
SST Some menneref get into
no one will trust them. t’ ’ 1
JBQf* Potatoes are ,(telling ftjr %s.f«nta per
bushel at Hastings, Minnesota. - V'. - ’
The-taost curious worldis a
woman who is not curious.
Of file
the duelists, reaianecl, .
Kay* “ J)onJ|^H;t o sec Sixth Annual An
nouncement, nWlbrilliant offers, in another
’ sale.of3ufp Choate’s Uhraty,-just
cbmpletedbyauotion, reaUze to his family
about $16,000. ~ ’
‘ jg?*'Alad named Jaimes died'sudaen
ly" in I HolUdaygbui£,- a"short time since, of a
disease similar to congestive chills. 111 .
J6ST“ Don't fail to see Sixth Annual An
nouncement,” and brilliant offers, in another
column. ' i ; \ ,
JB©“ What a'horrible creature ! A bachelor
says he dislikes young married couples because
they are so aptto give .themselves heirs !
young’man in New York having ad
vertised for a wife, received' word from eighteen
married men that be might have theirs.
A. country editor comes to the conclu
sion that there ere two things that were
to be lost, sinners and. umbrellas.
jjQyTho Postmaster General has discontin
ued 75 post.offices during the post week, many
others having been-previously abolished.
B©, Arago,. when shown on encyclopedia,
•said a great thing—“ Ah lif we had but a dic
tionary of-what we arc ignorant of.”
" Don’t fail to see Sixth Annual An
nouncement,” and brilliant offers, -in another
• B©» General Garibaldi has issued a Procla
mation summoning the Italians of the Legations
to arms, and a collision is shortly expected.** ;
M. Allison, Esq., is announced
to deliver a lecture at McAlistcrsville Acade
my, Juniata county, on Wednesday evening
BSU “ Strike while the iron is hot” is an ex
cellent motto : but a still more striking one for
a main is this “ Make the iron hot by striking
WS&° Austin Avery, of Windham, Ct, has a
pumpkin vino in his garden 1328 feet long,
which has'produced sixty pumpkins averaging
nine inches in diameter.
BSaf" Mrs. Faytadling says: “If it were not
intended that women should drive their hus
bands, why are they put through the bridle cer
The stable of Mr. Jacob Esholman, in
Millerstown, Perry county, was consumed by
firo about 4 o’clock oh Sunday morning week ;
supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
JHS§* “ Boy,” said an ill-tempered old fellow
to a noisy lad, “ what are you hollering for
when I go by ?” “ Humph !” returned the boy,
“ what are you going by for when I’mhollerin ?”
8©- The Terry, Freeman says that the “ Peace
Union Convention,” composed of a number of
spiritualists was to assemble on Tuesday of last
week, at their Ball in Tuscarora- township in
that county.
• I
A fearful accident occurred on Tuesday
morning, on the Chigago and North Western
Railroad. A train consisting of thirteen cars
ran off the track, and eight persona are reported
to have been killed, and a number badly injured.
JSfSST George Knee, formerly dispatcher of
the Pa. R.;R. Co., at Huntingdon, had his
hand severely smashed whilst engaged in coup
ling cars at Saxon, on the Broad Top R. R.
on Friday week. '
JBST*'The Democratic Senatorial Conference
which met at on Thursday last, chose
vG. Kelson Smith, of the Johnstown -Echo, Sena
torial Delegate to the next .State Convention,
pith instructions to yote for Gen. iEeuiy' D
Foster for Governor. . .
B®* There is in the county infirmary at
Columbus, Ohio, .ap : nld .woman of eighty-nine
years, called .the “last of the Mohicans,” be
cause she is the lost Of a family of twenty-four,
equally cblebratedfor tb'eir " longevity and lazi
ness,- nearly aU of Whom have' died in
various poor houses in Ohio.
Preachers la America are better paid
than in any other country. There are in .New
iTork, Philadelphia, and Boston, some who get
from §lO,OOO to $20,000 a year. The Rev, Mr.
of New York, has lately received from
the members of the church ho preaches in, a
house as a present, worth $21,000.
S&“ A party of sportsmen, three in number,
recently returned from a day’s hunt in [the
neighborhood bf Seymopr,Jnd., bringing in two
hundred ami twenty.squicrola, ninety-one quails,
and twenty pheasants, some -piegebns, snipes,
and other
At the Chester Cpnnty Agricultural Ex
hibition, . werw three pumpkins, exhibited by
Lt.wis.MfiG(dlpngh; of West Goshen,. weighing
respecifillly ISO, 100 and 80 pounds. They
compand first premium. Some.ppmpkins,
those. ■..
:' fi@°* On Monday Mat* r a Imy in New York,
while bn bis way to the Park Bank, was robbed
of $4, Eastern .bills, belonging to his em
ployer, J. Frost, a broker. The robber dashed
a quantity of spirits of turpentine into the boys
face, and then; sewed the juickage of money,
and escaped.- ,
A conyontion for prayer and consultation
in regard to ,the mcans liest adapted for promo
•tingrevivals: of religion and, s adwieingthe in
terests ofChrLst’s Kingdom in we opened
at on Tuesday last./ ■ -iThie .inteoddc*
tory sermon was to bo delivered by Dr. Jnnkin,
of Holiidaysbnrg; r, ' r r 1 ' ' v'-
B@» Tho LewUtown Oaztlle says that the
horao thief
this county, is the ’ saMe'.'perEoa wi n was con- 1
1846, ondeij the name of Jack frost. J»ok
also sent :tho penitentiary, from Juniata
county, some sixteen or eighteen
forniike offence. |He. must have ii'ipeculiar
propensity other people’siorae
fleshtohis own tae.. ~
A little 'soariip, five years old, Stood at
the switch dh;«ale df thePhiiadelphia rtilwaja,
the other titb -car threaten-,
hjg that ifthedrivfcr did not giro 'hint's sent, he
wouldmovothe switcbahd throw the oar, off the
rail. ; The driver told him to clear but the
tdpoped more 'the ewitohi and his
hand was taken offi by the passing wheel.
! gippcys, recently, who had been
loitering about the bouse of Mr. Thomas
■HolmeSjneariPrenjteville, Prince William coun
ty, Va., it is said, persuaded him to look into
the case,hf a iratcb, in which was cloroform,
and whifst hewasiaboring unier the effects of
the inhalation, took from him the key of his
bureaq, and stole ; iherefrom - a .thousand dollars
in gold with Which? they decamped. ,
The, Louisville Journal has no complaint
to make against CJov. Wise’s lenity in avowing
his }et|6emt Smith off with a lec
ture, as a penalty- ! for his abolition offenses. —
The Journal thpks the being-compelled to listen
to the lecture a severer punishment than con
finement in Ithe* Penitentiary. i
is istatdd that J. Edgar Thompson,
the present efficient President of the Pennsyl
vania and . Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago
Railroads, has accepted the Presidency of the
Pacific Railroad Company at a Salary of $30,000
per year. A pretty good salary we should say.
About $5OOO better than President of tho Uni
ted States. _
B@.„ A Ppetic Riddle.—The following is gen
erally conceded ta .be the best riddle in the En
glish language. The answer is contained in
every line ;; . .i; ...
'Twas whispered In Hqiven, ’twos muttered in hell,
And .Echo caught' faintly the sound os it fell;
On the confines of earth 'twas permitted to rest.
And the depth* of the pecan its presence confessed {
'Tnil Ibe found in the sphere when it is riven asunder,
Bo seen in thojliglftuing and heard in the thunder;
’TwasTillotted to (nan jwith his earliest breath,
Attends sit his jliliitli. add awaits him in death;
It presides o’er hip happiness, honor and health,
Is the prop of-|h Is: house and the end of his wealth;
•Without it the sapor, the seaman, may roam.
But woe to the' wretch who e-pels it from home;
In the whispers oif conscience its voice will be found,
Nor e’en in the whirlwind of passion he drowned;
’Tv-ill not pollen ihe tout, and though deaf to the ear,
’Twill make instantly hear;
But in shaide let; it rest; like a delicate flower,
Or breathe oiijt Softly—it dies in an hour.
CCS- Mr. Jonathan :'Hoeghman, of West Union, Park
County, lUinu)s, writes to the proprietors, Fleming Bros,
of Pittsburgh; that he had suffered greatly from a severs
and protracted otfacjc of Fever and Ague, and was com
pletely restored,t6 health by the nseofthe Liver Pills alone.
These Pills unquestionably possess great tonic properties,
and can befallen witfi decidcd advantage for many disea- !
ses requiring I invigorating remedies; but the Liver Pills
stand pre-eminent as A moans of restoring a disorganized
Liver to healthy action; hence the great celebrity they
have attained; The numerous formidable diseases arising
from n diseased Inver, which so long baffled the skill of
the most eminent physicians of the United States, are now
rendered easy of.cure,-thanks to the study and perseverance'
of the distinguished physician whose name this great med
icine bears—a name which will descend to posterity as one
deserving of gratitude. This invaluable medicine should
always be kept within reach; and on the appearmipe oftim
earliest symptoms of: diseased Liver, it can be safely and'
usefully administered; ;
tt2k Purchaser* will be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane's
Celebrated Liver Plll4 manufactured by Fleming Br6s. of
Pittsburgh, Ptt iThep are otlier Pills purporting to be
Liver Pills, now befortstho public. Dr. 'M’Lano’s genuine
Liver Pills, also liis celebrated Vermifuge, can now be‘had
at all respectable drug stores. dVbne genuine without the
signature of '
For a long; tithe a certain class of diseases bare baffled
the skill and pirnctice of the most eminent members of the
regular'.medical faculty. Foremost among these wemight
instance epilepsy or foßing fits. Happily novv-by,the skill
and inventive jgeuius Of an eminent chemist of Baltimore,
31d., this diseasd has;been brought within the means ot a
cure. TV'e allude to tljf preparation cnllftl the Vegetable
Extract EpilepUS lift’ Biyented and prepared-by Dr.
Seth S. of Street, Baltimore,-Md. —
Since their disporery many persons who had given Up all
hope of ever bfingeuidd, have been restored to the full en
joyment of h^pdtjb,, prominent among these we might
enumerate Mrj jlarrison Lightfoot, ofHnntsvillo, Alabama.
Mr. X. bps , Bjjjfered ks uiacb from Epilepsy, as any other
person in.tho yorld: never knowing what it was to pass a
■week without! jiving an attack, and often falling in the
Streets of HttliUrlllo; He is now fully restored and has
not had an uttpek for more tlran a year,' Dr. Uanco’s Pills
have been; this e,ure ; cause of this euro. These pills also
cure all modjflcdticna of Fits, Spasms,-Cramps Ac., and
are : very, servi<ppl>laf^r;porsonB:ofweak herves. Dr. Uauce,
sends them to any p art of thoicountryon the receipt of a
romittanef. Price, onto box, $3; two boxes ss;' twelve
boxes s2l;—Allditcss Sfirn S. Hascs, 108 Boltimdre Street,
Baltimore, Md ' | H
tpodc 'wpo are in, the enjoyment of perfect
health frequently hawneed to have recourse to tonics ns
preventives o| .disease! Wo ape nevei too well armored
ngaJust the admits 'of “the Ills that flesh is heir to.”—
Sucli an invigorator rimy find in HOSTETTER’SBIT-
TEBS—a medicine that cannot be token regularly without
guying vitality imdeVisßcity,to the system. At this sea
son, particularly, the strongest man is not proof against
the malaria, m i certaip sections of itho country. In all
cases of fever and ague, the Bitters Is more potent than any
amount of quinine, wbile the most dangerous cases of bil'
lious fever yield to its;wonderful properties. Those who
have tried the medicine will never use another, for any of
the ailment* which the Hostetter Bitters professes to sub
due. To those who have' not made the experiment; wo
cordially recommend an .early application to the Bitters,
whenever they are stricken by diseases of the digestive or
gans. . i -
Soid by druggists and dealers generally,' everywhere,
in another column.
i "l > m •
Kjus'a PttlS.—-The combination of ingredients -In these
PJUs are the result of a long and extensive practice. They
are mUd in their operation, and certain in correcting all
irregularities, painful menstruations, removing oil oi>-
structions, whether from- cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the ride, palpitation of the heart. dlsturbod sleip, which
always arisefrpm interruption of inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Wawanted
hie, and free fromany thlngiulurlooa to life or health. Ex
plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each
boat. Price* iJ'J..' Bent' by-mail ,by cuc|peingslto any
Agent., •- ;
'■ JB. B. BIITOIIZN'OS, General Agent for the United States,
165 Chamber* street, Mew York, J ; '
2b ieTum alt Wholesale ordert tkould he aiSntitd*
' Sold by 6." W, Altoona; Geo. A; Jambs, Holli
dayaburg; and bynll Druggists in the United States.
.Call on the Agent and geta pamphlet free. -
Nor. 18,18S8-ly. - - 1
■ * Mk ?®~, n o tnmlng rip bediind—mothrteking
off the head j indeed, this is the only Est&blishmejsaiWhere
rip?'jrnfrnrTf tniisriiliwil awl ’ ’
-I *' 263 BreaeKvsy, KtwTork.
SB. HOOFL&inrS :
'. - ' ASO - ■ ■
Tit great standard medicines of the present
acquired their great popyLmly only
through yean of ttiah Unbounded taUtfae
" <ion is rendered hy them maUcases; optf the
people have pronounced them worthy. j'
UTer Complaint* Dyspepsia) Jaundice,
Debility of the Nerrons System,
Diseases of thoKldneys, v
All others are mere imitations, and ihoulu be avoided, if
you wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY, RED, or ROfeTY HAIR, ftyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without tho least
injury to tho Hair or Skin. .
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80.000 applications have
been made to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dy e,
WM. A. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not
to injure in the least, however long it maybe continued,
and the ill effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig
Factory, 283 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and towns of tha United States.
jC3' The Genuine lias the name and address upon a steel
plate engraving on fear sides of each Bor, of
Nov. 18,1 SoS-1 y 233 Broadway, Now York.
has calculated that tho amount of light which flows from
.the solar orb could bo scarcely produced by tho d-ily com
bustion of two hundred globes o( tallow, each equal to the
earth in magnitude. A sphere of combustible matter,
much larger than tho sun itself, would bo consumed every
ten years-in mnntutning its wonderful brilliancy. It
would be a splendid sight to sec an immense transparency
illuminated by means of one of these tallow globes, and
having written upon it, “Buy all your garments at the
Brown Stune Clothing Hall-of Uoekhill i Wilson. Nos.
603 and Wo Chesuut .Street, übove.&lxth, Philadelphia.”
Bakery ami Grocery Store.
stantly on band
Fpcsli-Eaked Bread, Cakes, &c.
Presli Butter, Bacon,
Also, a choice lot of SEGABS and TOBACCO.
Nev. 10. ‘ _ Viiginia Street, below Annie Street.
1 1 STOLE.—The undersigned would beg leave to an
nounce to the cßiv.ens ofßlair*county and vicinity that he
has opened bis new Store on Virginia street, three doors
below the Superintendent’! Office, wherebe bus just received
from the East and Most a large assortment of
Foreign and Domestic liquors, IwA
consisting as follows: flSBwSe
French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach
Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy
Wine, Oli Port Wine, Jamaica Rum i
Holland Gins Old Rye Whiskey,
Monoitgahela Whiskey, and.
Rhine Wine,
which he bus pimself imported. Retailers of Liquors and
Farmers will find it to their advantage to buy of him,
as be will sell at CITY PRICES.
Such as Flour , Bacon, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Se
ga™, Sgntp, Sugar, Coffee, cj-c., sc..
All of which will lie sukl cheap for cash or Country Produce.
Our friends and the public generally are respectfully in
vited to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere
Altoona, May 28,' 1850.-tf
The Hero of One hundred Fits per Month I
I would respectfnlly set forth my claim to public atten
tion, as a Fashionable Tailor, as folio :
Because I keep an excellent assortment of Cloths, Cassi
meros, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when 'examined,
always please.
Because my njprk is made up in a manner that takes
down the country and gives oil my customers a city ap
Because I am not inferior aa a Cutter to the best to be
found anywhere. ,
Because long experience in tny business gives me entire
control over it, and Xam not dependant upon any one to
lift me oat of the suds. •
Decease I arn still on the sunny side of forty, and there
fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired.
Call on me, in, the corner room of. the “Brant House."
Give me a trial and you will go away pleased.
Altoona. May 2fo-5m JACOB SNYDER.
JL 'subscriber, if a sufficient numbof offer,-Will form a
class for instruction inDrawing, the course of Which will
include •,• ■ ■ ■ ■'■ - • .• :
Linear Perspective, Projeetioni appli
ed to Machinery Drawing,
Shadowing, . Architectural Drawing. Ac., to commence No
voraber Ist, 1859. EDWARD UODNETT, ;
at John Bowman’s Exchange Hotel.
Altoona, Oct. 1.3, ’69. . f
J>Rivate sale —the house
j AND DOT ofThmuas McCulla, in AUqonaJ (formerly
ceh*hurg,) is offercd at private sale. Lot 92jSj feet front
by ISO. For further information jlnformatiou inquire of
the occupant, BERNARD McNEaLIS.
’ October 20,1859. ! ‘ '
-XX. LIGHTFUL CLIMATE, rich soli, and secure from
frosts. See advertisement of Uammpnton Lauds in another
column. ■ ■ - '
jLi terminating BATS, MICE, : ROACHES; JUSTS, and
Bedbugs Without danger in itauso uSder any drcriinstan :
ses, for sale at tho ~
?rin.3VW-tf] .• v ■O. w: KB3SLBR; :
frrira., Hams set-qw,ra«, past ssaacaL ! gaa
sdVtrfusmeß t ofHam»watea LaS§»/ la aa6(t«?caffimri.
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Bklsamio Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paraiim extant It wilt cute, without 1 ts.ii,
the most severe apd long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at ones cheek and
cure the faost severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold is tee Bowels.
These medicines arsprepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson & Co,; No, 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa.,'and'are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jackson
will be on ihe outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Eveeybodv’s Almanac,
you will find tetlimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
tgvr. For sale, in Altoona, by A. Koush and (!. W
Kessler, and by al 1 .druggists. [may 19, 1 59-by
The Oriyiuil and Jiest in the Wvrld I
lie will also keep ednstantly on hand an assortment of
fIOUAM) BlTliißS
And the various affections conscqneutuMn i > disorders
STOMACH OK tirksM^ -;
Such os Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomachj CfUcky Tains
Heartburn, Lots of Appelitej I)espo»denby, :f3o«Uvene«
Blind and Bleeding Piles, Iw'bH Nervdus.jßhjthwatlc and
Neuralgic Affections, it hna in numcroua ilistanhea proved
highly beneficial, and Jn others effected a decided cure.
This is a purely, vegetable compound; p»»rsll>n strictly
scientific principles, SlhW U». : manner of |th£i celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerhave: Because of jfo great success
iu the most of tlio European Slates, Us Introduction into
the United States was intended mova cspbCirdly for those
of our fiilberloud scattered herfhnd there Jo Vi# the face at
this mighty Meeting with groat »u«s(« -among
them. I now offer it to the American public, Knowing that
its truly wonderful medical virtues must bc acfcnowledged.
It Is particularly recommended to those; whose
constitutions may have .been impaired hj dhe Sontluaun*
use of ardent spirits, or oilier forms of Gene
rally instantaneous in effect, it fimlsils Was directly to tbs.
seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising
up the drooping spirit, and, iu fact, infusing: hew health
and vigor in the system. " (i,
C A UTION.—The great popularity of this dpiightfhl ro
mo has induced iiiany imitations, which, this public should
guard against purchasing. Be nut porsufvled to buy any
thing else have given Boerhave's Holiaud Bitters
a fair trial. One bottle will convince you, how infinitely
superior it is to all these imitation?. 1 .
H&P Sold at $l.OO per battle, or six for $5, by the
Munufactui ing P/iurmaccntUU and.JCliftuisli,
T. W. Dyult & ona, Philadelphia: llarnif j il'ark, Kow
Yoik ; John I). I’»rYt. Cini'i;iim[i; hartuu’il,-Adams A t’o..
St. I.ouin; A. K> JUsli, Altoona, l’u., mill T;y
ami Merrhouta generally thraughout tbit: Uliited S:eU<
ami Cuiuulaa. fOctobfej’ 14j 18&8.-ly
Pays fur a full cf-urde in the Iron City largi s
mo.«t extensively putrvulizuti ami Lest Organised Comiaer
rial gchmd in the Called Slates. » ; :
Four Farg’c'HallS,
For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book-Keeping and
Usual time to complete a Tull course, from Gto 10 weeks
Every Studcut, upon graduating, is guaiiitt|teed to bo con
potent to manage the Books of any Business afcd qtydideJ
to earn a salat y of from , I
Students cater at any time—Ko Vacation'-—'Review at
pleasure. ‘-
First Premium for Best Writing
Awarded this Institution. The best and grottiest
of Penmanship in any one Hal! of the U uloU, found bore,
ft* . Ministers Sous received a; half price.
Fur lull information, Circular, Specimens of Business and
Ornamental Writing and Embellish’d Vie\y of the College,
enclose live letter stamps to F, W.; jESKINS.*
Sept. ‘22. 1559.—1 y Pittsburgh, Pa.
Stoves, Tin & Sheet Mi* Ware,
t/ spectfiilly inform the citizens of AltoonaSects.
and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hhndja6gsSE»l
large t of O', PitrUr, slsinHS
A ‘‘"P Ultra, of all styl -s and sizes, to suit the
"tuts ui all, wliich he will sell at low prjera, on reason
able terms. J i r
He also keeps on hand a large stock of JV/Lattd Sheet-
In.n nitre. consisting of all articles for culiUHiatpui'poses—
Coal Scuttles. Store Pipe, <fe.
He has also purchased the rght oi sale in Blair countv,
of u. v. Junes: : ■ ’
an invention which needs only to be seen-ito-lje apprecia
and should i" p. v-issed ly every farmer, butcher or those
requiting (melt a utfichino.
Particular attention paid to putting up SPOCTINO,
cither in town or country- Spouting painted ’apd put up
on the most reasonable terms. (April Jf, ISoB-ly
1859. Pall Trade; 1859.
-TIl liaveju -.t received and arc now offering; the largest
and most varied stock of
over brought to this Market! In connection with the
alKjve, they are constantly supplied with choice Bratals, of
the various grades of ' k * ~ } '
Aho, Bacon, Cheese, Whale; Tanner’s and Lard
Oils; Mess Vork,- ,
Together with ail kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactured Arti
cle., all of which will ho sold low for cash. The Mer
chants of this place arc invited to call before purchasing
elsewhere. At the Old Stand ‘I
Oct. 17, •59-2m.] WM. H. GORMtY A CO„
r r o th e public.—Tills sub,-
JL. SCRIBEII would respectfully announce ■■ ,
to tbe citrons c>f Altwna and vicinity* tbat bo
haa opeued a • , } \ v
TIX. SOEET-moX Tr.tffE <£• stove sr<?j?A‘*frS!!3i
on Helen street, between Annie and Julia afreets, East Al
toona, where he will keep cohstaatlv on hand a large as
sortment of everything iu his line, which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms.' , I
put up on ahoyt notice. He also manufactures Leausd
Irox Spontiug, which is said to he much iupdrior to gal
vanized sheet-iron or tin.
All kinds of job work promptly attended tuir A share of
public patronage is solicited. SAMUEL 1; FRIES.
Oct. 27 th, ’59-tL .! ’
American Life Insurance and! TjhisfCo.
Capital Stock, $500,01)0.
Company Buitdinj; Walnut Si:, S.]S.'corner of
- Fourth V/iila. • r. , .
iS T £ A. WIIILRDIN, Pra’t.
J. C. SIMMS, &c*y. [Oct. 2J|tS, 1859-1 v.
IA HENCE of the subscriber, in Lo- •' '*• 'r f ■ «
gun township on or about Uie Ist of Oc- fiaBSaBtET
toher, ■'ISSOv a small RED COW,,wRnV
white strijte'down her back, red jind' r
white spotted 1 flanks, white fora legs
frolh icnoea.down and horns’boied, sup-
posed te he about 4 years old. The owner is; requested to
come: forward*, teKyi.4.
*hc wm bo dlspos«lofaecoiidltte to !aw :
. Oct. S7th, ’Stn-Cti JOSEyg^CTiSQ.
JL ' FIXTURES.—OEO, A. t>yj>/.*/v,i
W*S&' a ‘ nd FTumher; from lfril,^tp^& B uriwmda
i wß j s lUl<l pl<m,l,in 3 estribllilnninl HrßrentVßow
three dcors be.ow thoJ’ost Qffice. ; ; f r°W
Ha Will be pleased fo attend to nil orders bA;. ih,- -Oi.
promptness, neatness and dutebilftr. * v ■ „
WSJ All work Warranted. ; ‘ {
Altoona, Oct. 6,1859.—1 m ■ [
TOsfcing to; tlieir
to ? IncrsfcM&g' cfetry.iKew
ijjap ilCp zjNC
'4-3' Oaijostje^Gmn.^iioir.MrfcOreeajif?
a-eronaf 01l .■ | •■■•■
8500 to $l,OOO. : ;
, _AT TUB ■ 1
« «2:
cnfring thole ’fTffilV T*> •*• «»»
I FAli sp® § mobs
Oiirstockqf V ■ ™ PUxtli^jj
i i ldndil ‘«?«>' > newort ~jf
Printed Jierinot, IBat£cnd ffuit y .SiJts,(mj
Chaksattd tuih.
low and will to «oM i&A bt V«tfu ttfJ -
VTe Lave Block and Fancy Coalmen-., Sating’ .
Tweoda, Ac.. Onr stock of FLANNELS and
w largo, consisting,, of Muslin*, Tickingi. u^i s,hs
liags, Bed Blankets and Comforts, 4c. ” ■ D * nl iaua. i)., ;
Woharo also aflno stock of
aneensware, Wooden. & WmoxTx^
Zepliy KnltGooda, Cloves and Ho»i* rT , anrtv„
W ° W, * Uto
All-Wool, Wool Filling, List and R ag c
Bought at AucUoa, and wliiohw*; can offer,,*.- fU ‘'
will defy competition. “ uerat PWrt th,:
GROCERIES for Sale by Wholesale at no
Freight only added. .- •* Citj pricti »!ti,
All kinds of Codnfry Produoe taken aiu- .
ket pricey Wo respectfully Z\Lrl^' u '‘ t n„.
cheap and good GOODS, to call a’,d w w ’■
have a Modfl Stpds at Mode] Prt«a t C ° nV ‘ ncc<! U»t si
Altoona,:Oct. IS, 5 59. *b >t J-LOWTIISH.
EntiwTa ilcto ©nobs.
W*- A. °. KERR
people of Altoona, the aurronndlnc .
t, ‘° “ rest -of mankind.” that he has Just^ni.T' 7 ' * rJ
city with a largo stock of NKw UyODS i fr< ‘“ ta «
at reamnablu prices, at tho atmdforWlv O «Lr, V 3""
Kerr, and recently by W. O'Xeali, on iiaiT f d by H
stock Is the only ono in town whiefc Is Ua
ami he flattop himself that he has sobi.>-Vm . • ’
eye of of ovaryholy, and suit the wants oLVmX?'? IU
Uo doom* It \iDuecc*jtii.rv to eniinjerato ~n t . y Swdu.-nug
the shew (hs to do so^ou^ a Xa“v,.-
but would say that he has overvthing i„ the’bni^
which this meridian calls for, and all Just auit( .,, , .f
season,.together with a well selected assortment r n *
iun.ii.hmgGoods, such ui Carpets, Window Blind, sl'.T
Ac., which will commend themselves.
be has a grant varloty—from which they mu V.
ufact ore. Ako, HARDWARE, QCilEXStfi'op B !'," l
uke to *** i» *
All he asks I* that’the people call andetnmin„ n
which he will at ail tiaeJ take iibsS W,r'\
ho (eels conhdont that he cun send them awn-
not in the purchase of just such au t^S'
at tho remembrance of having looked tin v "
eat stock.of Gomis ever cxhibitoiih tho tow n ' ■ Ao ~‘
Altoona, Oct. 20, ISSU.
CiS* <E> C£> .52j.‘cg3 0
• celved and opened at his okl stand, on Virdnl...
a largo and attractive assortment of seasonable i-Jd* C oE
prising all tho novelties in *
LA ir_v.%
r c, EUBROIDg/tIU,
and all varieties and textures of
together with a full assortment i f t-nods r, r ••niieon-.i
wear, such as Clothe, Cassimcres end Yeutlagi. . ’
Ako a full stock of HanJwarc, Queen, ware sad
and an assortment of •
of all sizes anti styles, which equal to any In tka mukil,
aiul will be sold at fair prices.
Hazing recently enlarged my store-room, I nn tc»
display my largely increased stock to better adraitsn
and would respectfully invito everybody to call.
May 12,1559.
. ’mWMt'W
everybody: should go to
1* selected assortment of Dry Goode, which are wcrli
going to see. ■ -
Hi? has an unequalled stock of GROCERIES, frek
and puff) which he will sell asT&iaonablc oa any mcrchial
in tiio place. ■ ) 1
3. He has Ua-rdware, Qutentwart, Slonewsre, <fc., of tti
most CisluoaaMc styles.
4. Hohaa a. largo case of JBoott and Short fur Ousts, In
dies, Misses and Children: embracing oil-tiles, qnsliUo
and prices.
5. Ho' has a hue stock of HA TS for Hammer wear—jsi>
llio pihk of the fashion—all very cheap. ■
6. He keeps always on hand an assortment of Radi-
Made Clothing, to c u!t tic season.
7. Ho has ii largo stotk of Clo{ht t Qissimtrav‘i
Vestings, which he will make up to order on sburt notiw
in a fashionable style, and at prices which must giv« uilj
faction. . i :■ ■’ " ■
8. Ho don'tastpooplq to come and buy—only to ei»*
and examine his 3rak, feeling confident that if thtyl* l
examine thev’will bay withont biklnir.
i Altoona, May 5; m9.-tf '
Look out eoiv your heap :
A poet gives tlio following advice'to young ana *•
going to parties:, ' .1;
Ja going, to |h{iis what your at;
lie ware of your hew) and'taka fare ofyonr DAT;
Eeast you find that a favorite sou of your mothsf,
Has fin ache lb the fine ahd abrick in the othsr.
Speaking about hats tod heads—the subscriber *c«U
respectfully announce that he has, just retained from d*
city -with a large and* weir Selected stock of Men sad Bey *
ANi> :■§ ALL
ot every'color and shape. AIsO, a good asaorbaest ••
of different varieties, all of - which will b*
ip want ottoything in the •bowlins."*
plena) give mo a calf before purchasing elsewhere, u *
determinedto sell at the very lowest possible prlo**-
store on Virginia street, opposite the Lctheran ««“
• Altoona; April 28,' 1850-tC. * : ' • JKS3E SMITH
XI Thesu WrlberuflcrtatPrivateSale J'iA
the HOUSE find LOThot ocCnplcdby her, JgHgjjjA
on the corner of Adaline and Julia streets, Wjßl 31 \W
r'aat Altoona.- Thonousoi* a good Two- BflayUß
Diniug-Koom and Kitchen oh
first floor, four good sleeping rooms on the second bowi
a finished Attic. The lot Is In good order.' . . rtt<
Penions ■wishing to view the premises and ohUtn >' IIW
Imlhnnation will call upon the subscriber. __ u
Altoona, Aug. 11th, 1850-tf. — ■
Medicated fur chest pJ£
fearful diseases Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold*, ana
tfons of theXugs,-which arise from the expc»^ i *£ e f Cf f
chest, according ta/cihion and the
sale at.tho Pnig Store of (?»
SHOE Business and Factories«»Jj
carried pn profitably at Haiamcnton 1 Be* ** T
ment of Hammonton hands. ’■
Vv.Wnchestcri Co’s Patent Shoulder Seam 0
■:■ : ; v -
I vetn ff>r r.alu at * 1 1 -1 f-; ’ ‘
< V,' Ijl
; \
> ''• - a ltoo n a m /
I’th* 1 ’ th * tfansar
.. .v railroad
jSrS Bwl*ht East war
d»jTraln BMtau' i " Mt >
-j *
JSTlWntcflOE OF <
TOOEA.-K .b saidby t
don Work
foeturedand ready for
to bA EUppUcd in ou
. the first w
Uo*T»ill|ft« n6oftbe
received, ol
,«eole. of i
plttOtt ua ln advauce of
Onr business p
light of tallow
oat a sl^am
-> Qomfigaslight
Since the addition
tudo, Would it uot L
grand affair by appro
hwa in our town a
Chapter, Council and C
of Odd RUows, atK Or
Men, a, Division- obS
Camps of the Junior So
UaryGompnmes and an
Company and apparatiu
p^ce, ; Public Sc
sedations. A grand pa
O^den^, Companies and
pf the mdsi magnificent
of ah#of our cities,
utritein'it] at least so fa
to ascertain, everybody
’such a demonstration w
n not bo finished, wo have
coiujd get up a nice litth
progress of Altoona, wh
happy, and proud. And
would, have a grand tore
general illumination in t
have gas illuminate with
not, illuminating with c:
ever they may sec fit.
\lfhat Altoona is onf of
tdlfnson the continent, a
it will acknowledge. Tb
rinf \o get of tho
ho hhe will doubt, and y
spirit enough in tho pco
vent it being a failure if
upon. All that is want
wyThave it. Let nrran;
tilCnoe—have a mcetiu:
; evening n;
miltaec appointcd to
everything will go ofl’wi
thoir handso
tsry want an apportunit
WgbtjflW associations
WiOßpovtunity to show;
. drep,“ the hope of our c
Therefore, kt the celeb
suggestion bo entered ii
have pictured i
Will contain the
t|9£spf modern improver
fetfSg jo iu after ages w
<Um thatour oeigboring
count of which will strik
mont. Remember the I
AjtptnrE Trial.— At
3#y , afternoon last, tb
broughKmt their supcrl
hhd perfecting themsclv
chine. It was first wo
Virginia and Annie stre
satisfaction. Other tria
the town were equally
satisfied all that in the t
that ivorkod it, > they ba
In ease of a visit from t
—*fiw. Well may the (
oftheyr machine—both <
work—for certainly the
. some one in the country,
. U ii) thralling water whi
6 ' As a matter of course, t
store before th
chine do her best; but i
her out once a week, oi
.tsttl ’soon learn ail th-.
Cobapany again, calls
Stateirltlf aid, we feel
fftfttSa to contribute,
keeping u
aU qppurtenam
ser efficiency ii
**s™%i»f-the members
to act
f?? 0 f’jgfpßStions. .
lb-progress in the
g*** Tt&ppy to state Vi
ad success. A u
aa“ seeker?,” s<
. . «-->art of great prlc
■ ®4 wtn kept up nightly
®*® who have particip
and would bo gl
after charges. W(
many who tri
2?lapinloM” 1 apinloM” may speec
and fto aeetiag t
' ki lohfi