BOSTETTEB’3 STOMACH BITTERS. Ir a fact that, at some period, every mem ber qf the human family is subject to disease! •r distnrbance of the bodily functions; but, witjh the lid of a good tonic and the exercise ef plain common sense, they may be able so to regulate the system as to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which will produce a natural state ot things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, Dr. Hostettcr has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, bat one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and diver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. ' - ' For the euro of Nan tea, Flatulency, Loss of Appeutc, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of., the Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Bitter* have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, and caused principally, by the change of water and diet, will be spemily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which x is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than.any ether, and the cause of which may-; always .be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can bo-cured without fail by using . HOSTETTBR’B STOMACH BITTERS, as pet directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bitters of some kind; then why not use on article known to be infal lible! . All oatioßs.have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of .disease, apd strengtbeaer of the sys tem in general;. and among them all there is not to .be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from.whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in the scale of medical science. . Fever abd Aoob.— -This trying and provok ing, disease, which fixes its rclehTlcss grasp on the body .of man, reducing him. to a mere, sha dow in a abort time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, con be driven from the body, by the use of HQSTETTEB’S RENOWNED BITTERS; Further, none of the abbve-stated diseases can be contracted, , even situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor KVBRY ;irfcoK JVelto $2O; Zfc/w* $10; Quarter* $6. ’Certificates of PsCkagcs in.the shore scheme be sold •t thatotowrag nteS, which is the risk: \ Certificate Of Packages of 20 Whole Tickets, **x» no “J 1 **•/ ,26 Half «• “ . 26 Quarter «. 74 76 * ' 28 KlgUtfa « 87 37 SPLENDID"SCHEME. .io n wuws JS'Apa WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBER. d«J»-676 Drawa Wednesdhy. November 2,1859. Clnu bSS Draws Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1869. Clitiw'WH) Draws Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1.859, " Cisss 012 Wednesday, Nor; 28. 1859. Class 024 Draws Wednesday, Not 80, 1869. one Prize to every tyo Ticket*! 78 Oravrn Ballots. 3 CAPITAL VRIZB QF Si 40,000! IVrtte of $15,900 ISO Prise, of 1 19,000: 66 “ i A 5,000 66 « ■ 4,000 s ; es « ’ Mi v J : V. s* ---MO “ ■ mmvhjgt y I,OOU . 4,745 . ■ 1 SObfW,MO, ■ ".Sa AUHiftß"*- 55^«dr/ey/$2.60 ■-- W ,tho aljovp aeheiue, tab* sold at the itlto wlngrate*, of26 e tlckeu r x simo. 'r* ' u 28 Quarter “ x 87.37 IN OBDEUINGTICKETS ORCERTIFtCATES. KncToee the amount of money to onr address. for what you with tojmrchoso; name tho Lottery In which you wish It invested, and .whether yeuvriah Wholes, UulrVs or Quar tore. on:nSreiptof whleb. we semi what is ordered, by first wall, togetherVith tho scheme. ■ - 9 ■ llninnllatety after tho drawing a printed drawing,' cer waUhn° tlle ConunlMlunel: ) willjbe sent, With an expla- wri !S signatures plain, and jl»e the name of their Post Office. County and State. AjJ.cpnjninuloitiiipii strictly confidential. 1* 0 ' 1 l*aid immediately after prizes at ■ he usual time of 4u days. •Our Single Number tottery PRIZE $lOO,OOOl ■ Suturjai/, November 19. 1859. * Halves $10; Quarters $5. Otam for Tickets or Certificates In the above Schemes tolndinetadto- “ - JF/)Q[K EDI}Y & 00. Wilmington, Delaware. ahJKlOj).iHgty. t CO., Au£usta,Oeor£fa. . HPfIY * CQ„ Atlanta. Georgia. >jpp DR. COQGSWfiLL’S NEW MEDI - n||lH .. »■>,.» the/oOnmi*Sl (^.(Ux^Uthe^fieae^oftkUXtd- icine'in lafUtmMVttory Diteatet. ‘•For the lui twelve jears 1 have bee»more.or less troubled with Inflammatory KXtemuatiam, eombieiiciiig I early in UmSpring. and listing until coldweathdrset in, ' whtfi I wotild bn relieved .for a while, -only to be attacked ' again in the Spring. All my jointe would swell and be . very sore, attended with the most, sente pain. My feet, shoulders. arm’*, and hands troabh d me moat, sonmcU to tlmt 1 could scarcely walk, and almost always required to , s(stance in dressing. Dying this time I would'lry.vjwy - thing I conld hear of. in the hope of finding »cnni. ; ; *Wto 1 tried several phys.ciaus. but nothing soemedtohelpme the least in the world. About two and a half years dgb 1 ; was attacked a* usual, and to usual tried arerything to get 'rid of it, but to no purpose, I kept growing worse, and ! finally had to give upandstay in the house, where I was confined about four weeks. This time my. feet swelled, » and were so wire that I could .not stand on them orgeton my boot*, and my hand* swelled td x twlceiheir usual sta-jj 1 In {act, 1 was. to alt appearances and belief, totally used up. About this time my. parent*, who reside iti Maine. sent for me to come home! I went and after my arrival 1 commenced try in*another remedy, imping to I* cored, but resulting the Mine as all Others. For week* 1 had twt been able to drees myself or to raise my hand to my head, and suffer! g the most excruciating pain all the time.— One day my Cither came in with a paper in which was art vetfisM Dr. OoggswelL's MKDICAL SALT, fo* Inflftmmsr ■ tory Diseases only.and wanted me to read and see what 1 thonght of it. 1 read and laughed atiV prOnounced it a humbug, amltotd him ttat lie fceot urging me, and at last told 1 could but.tiy It. and if X to Dr. C-, giving Lima description of my 'disease, he would pay the expense.- Of course I could not reltaso such an offer and sent for one UJ*. It came In due season, bnt my fititb was uot lncreaeed. and I laughed at the iilea of so small adore doing me any good, and told my wile that I believed Dr.C. and hi* Salt- both humbugs.— However, I commenced using Jt and tl»e result wa* pfer fretiy astonishing. I couM hardly realise « myself. , I slept soundly all night, which 1 had not done fta 1 a long time, and when J awoke in the morn ing, strange as it may s«-nv. I was entirely free from pain, 1 had then taken but uned *se. aud bathed:freely befiire going to bed. Tlmt morning I fi-It *<• well that I hardly knew how to contain mywilCnnd went down stairs and told the folks how well I felt, and from that day to this I have not suffered pue moment’s ns in or had on attack ofniy oncedread«l enemy, Itheumatism. - I am perfectly wall and hearty, aiul wherev er I liave a chance l recommend it. ,A friend of mine, re siding in Brooklyn. Is now trying it for a had case of neu ralgic rhenmati-ra, and so fur it is workingadmirably.— This is adong story, but I have told all the (acts, which I can bring,iritnesses to substantiate if necessary; and-. I will again say that In the MKDICAL SALT, a sure cure maybe found for all inflammatory diseases; and would urge all who are afflicted to u trial. GKO. 11. DUNCANj Ko. 117 Wall Street. New York. When It Is remembered that the MEDICAL SALT Is as efficacious iu all other .Inflammatory-diseases as in Rheu matism. (see descriptive circulars) it will gt once-be seen that It Is a most valuable remedy. Surely those tints af flicted will find In their,own condition and in the above statements, enough to induce them to give the MEDICAL BALT a trial. ; Price $ItOO; Chronic package*^ General A«eut». Xo. 202 Dock Street. Philadelphia. For a*Ue In Altonim by A. KQUSU; at B* ll» Mill* by B. F, bell.; in U»dp(Uy*lmr« by Geo* A. Jacob), and by nil enterprifliug Druggists, and wherever the Tribune goe*.- Call rr and g**t a circular, and do not fall to try the New Medical Salt. ' • , pec. 16. . ,\ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT raox ths Quaker City. Publishing House! 100,000 Catalogues, NEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED—NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. Superior Lvlurementt to Oie_ PuUic I «a-A new and sma plan for obtaining GOLD and SIL VER WATCHES, ami other valuable Frizes. Full partic ulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon application. Valuable Gift*, worthfrom 50 cts. to $lOO. GUARAN TEED to each purchaser. $lOO,OOO in Gifts have been di.i tribated to my patrons w thin the east six months—sJU-0,- 000 to be distributed daring:the r.ext six luunihs Tl.e inducements offered Agents are (non liberal than those of any other house iu the business. Having been lu the Publishing and Bookselling business (or the last eight years, my exiierienec enables im- to Con duct the Gift Enterprise With the greatest satisfaction to all. * . AS* AGENTS WANTED in every Town and.Connty. For fun particularsaddress DUANE RULIBON. Quaker City Publishing House, S 3 South Third St.. Sept. 82, ’6t>-D**;'* U. TUCK'S 1)00,9.18685, /'IAMEHEiVE, BURNING FLUID, \y Linseed OH. Spirits of Turjwptine, White l*ad and Alcohol, fur sale cheap at T A. ttOUSU’S. ROCERIES.—rA LARGE ANjD VT complete assortment of Groceries bare Just been re ceived atthe store of J.B. UILKMAK. PERSON a wisbinj; to establish Wuim factories In b new and thriving place where business isgood. Ses advertisement'ofthellimmonton Set lenient. riARPET RAGS, TRUNKS, UM BRELLAB. fteV con be bought cheaper at 11. TUCK'S than at any other place in the country. [Bee. 9,1858 A LL THB/STANJ>4BD PATENT »WCIS«:At IL-tf, • '■ a K£SSUES%; OR E jA.Tr OKN T HAL.. „ LITERARY EMPORIUM, T ho. i; “At rooNA hovse,” autooma, pa.. \lTHEltlfi MAY BE HAi) ALL THE ff popular of*l» day,** £>Uo*>: KtMTork Jjedgeti ■■■ ,ji- ' i" 2ft«B IM ttferffr, Xtm Terk Hfcrerijr. jbmo-icaxViuim, - i ■■ ■,.■:.■■ , . JJdttarKemigaper, •■'p SundayJkreurg, ■'' , t VTaverty Uagaane, ■. Frank JbesUt't Pictorial, ! ' ■,Harper’s Ballon's Pictorial, Pratik Latte’s JU. German Paper, . Ihe Illustrated World, {German^ The Neta York Clipper, i Pattnnal /Wte Gazette, United State* Pllipe Gazette, ' , Boiton Pilot, H: Iruh American, Pome Journal. 1 Banner of light. Spiritual Tdegropk, Wteliy Tribune, ' PzrUr’t Lift IttustrOtdU Prank Ltstidißadget of Fun, Yankee Potions, Alioutm Tribune. 3W* Pax. i DAILIES: Philadelphia Prist, ; Pete York Herald, Public ’: , Peso York Tribune, Pittsburgh True Press, Pete York Times, Porth American, \ Pittsburgh ChnoucU, Peening BuHrUn, ■ Prating Argus, Pennsylvanian. - To which will be iddtdtiie now publications as they appear. Magazines, Novela and .JlomanceS,: Miscellaneous Books, School Books. Gdpy Hooka, Elates. I’ens. Pencils, luks, Cap and tetter Paper. nvelopea, Drawing and Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in tact every . thing in !the Stationary line. Toys, No tions and Game* of every variety, Pic ture* nndOOT AND ; SHOEMAKER—THE > rMWfftilly informs the citizens of Altod na eqd vicliilty that he still Coutinnas to mannftetnro Boots and Shoes Of .evdry' description* on the shortest no tice. at his shop oh Moln Street, next door to the Tribmie office. Ills wiHjk is'dnpe np in the best of style, and can* not (all to stive satisfaction. Only „lve him a e«t*,at :thd lowest prices', at H. TDCIEB. ‘ V* 1858. v : -ijv®' PERSONS wantin': change of oliinutc for health; Bee advertisement ofUiunmontott iands. in an itlicr colnnm.' . ■■■■ ’, - ; SOLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAG* NESI A—at cooling Cathartic, mfld in its operation ana to the taste, prepared and lor sale hy •> , - Jane 2*. A. KOPBH. Ortrgffuf. To all wting Farms. Se« adffifiHC. msatof HjtmmonhmSnub. " •> TVTEW ASRIOULTUUAL -Smfri.B- TIT ARIA L. DE TTOWAK» ASSOCIATION, pjjr a,-,.-:.. consistingof SevwaTthousands oftacw* « '.the MaW drqsfrmenV *«»#2g» f^sa^A 4 ssa^K'«s?/S, M nirti of the Middle State* 4m*Ne* Female «l*r>a»tiwnt; la>rtructk)il r*? J lswslr Bmwi? SacnTomi raitd excellent crops. The price of thf !*««• •*! poor be-t Remain SMflnarHW. t;- \. i ; ■-. ?“?, ,V! r* 10, , **,* *** of slttht low sum of froni SSU per acre, the Ml » *TJ The feat brWIW th* beat aoalltr ibr the nrodnctioii of iFaml. CZiwrrt Cbr», each—the Summer w«o» to winweiK?} ottlpe Ift Moth oj wuii a of Jieir Jtaehojisrune* and VqxtalUtt. IXIBCONSIDEK&>TUK day of May. ending oil the last Wedmwdayof, i **“• Of «trom?pi2£ BUST RROIT SOIL T?PtlllE tJXIOX, Thu place 1 in per- the Winter Suasion to Commcuce oil theUtMonita vI? No- j J"*l‘cnie fret qf eharnt^t iMly secure from frost»--lhe destructive enemy oftlieltar- vember, ending on tho luntWcdnesday of March, i.The , nuedleiw to ndd tlu , t the A^* u ‘t[ ,l a■«**• *»••« aml Moral I‘hUosophy, Logic, the lam- I ptlllis . „,* STMS£ gunges raid Cump««ition 4c.) - £ »°° , of ** «*»* **« lor • desirable aud active place EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTAL BRAS CUES. 1 m *i* THE MARKET. ■ Mm.ic (Including use of instrument) . ■; ■aa the reader may perceive from its location, M the Drawing. *ano i they haTwrcsolveil Hi derate Uieuwlves.with ; . ! ..BKST.IJJTttETOaON, I (In water Color.) MO Produce bringing donhlethp price tliau in locations away | Needlework, . .“r" An admirahielteiiort tm „ from the city, and more than double the priceth.-ui tho Inatiuctions in vocaljnuaic gratis. One half the above Uie fhm W fhinnSm, MairtniS!. c," 1 B**lb*l 8 ** Ib *1 West. It is known that the earliert and best'R-uits and 1 duUrges, to ho pahUnvariahly htadwwce. •, ; nt.^and^«r &£ Tegetahles in this latitude come from New Jersey and are aunually exitortea.' «v iirdw^aTt,- 5 * 9*®B - Vfintw, uud d<*Hghtful climate, where are ut- » KXiIA D UK VkTwiJt's terly ifpknowp. The result of the change upon those from GKO. FAIRCHILBi Stc'y. ’ .**•*> tho north, lias generally been to restore them to an. excel- I Dec. J-lj lent state of health. * In the ovay of building and improving. lumber ran he ohtuinetfat the mills at the rate of sin to sl.': per thuu-aml. Bricks from tile brick yard opened in the place, every ar ticle Can he procured in th» place, good car|ieutera are at liniid. and there is no place in the Union where buildings and improvements ran be made cheaper. The reader willed once be struck with the advantages there presented, and ask himself why the projwriy lias not been taken up before. The reason is. it was uevijr thrown in the market: Hud unless tliese statements'were correct, no one would he invited to examine the laud before pnr clnuing. This nil are expected to do. They will see laud under cultivation, such in the extent of the settlement Gist they w.ll no doubt, meet persons, from their own neigh borhood: they will wit iess the improvements and can judge the character of the p< pulation. If they come wit(i a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay a da)- or two and he ready to purchase, os locations cannot be held on refusal. There are two daily truing to Philadelphia, uml tu all settlers who improve. the Knllruail Company pyes a Free Ticket fur six mouths, and a half-price Ticket fur three years TilF. TOWN OF lIAMMOXTOX, In connection with the agricultural (settlement, a new an-1 thriving town ha* naturally arisen, which presents in ducements fitr any kind •>/ business, jtariiculariy stores « mi mentu factories, The ,Shne business ould bo carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton busi nesa. and u)HUuf>cts»rlets of agricultural- implement* 01 ffiunUeriet fur casting small articles. The impmvonunr ha' been 80 rapid as to injure a cbuKtaut and pfernianeiit iurreu&e'- of business. Town lots of a good size, we do not sell hmail ones, as it would .effect the improvement of (he place, can be hud at from $lOO and upwards. The iiammontun Fur our. a Uionthly literary and agri cultural sheet, containing lull jprurmatiou of Ilunimoutun. can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable— warrantee deeds given, ch ar of all Incumbrance when money is paid. Uoute to the living leave Tine etrWtt wharf, Philadelphia for llanWpotuoii by Hailruad. at A. M„ or 4% P M. Fare 90cents. When thtre inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences on’ hand. Parties bad better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a princi pal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will show them over tin- hind in his carriage, free ofExpense betters and applications can ho addressed to Landis A Byrnes, llammontou P. Atlantic To., New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin. 2»j2 South Fifth Street. Philadelphia,— Maps and information cheerfully furnished. (June Jlo PATKNT KKROSENK Oil CAHBON jaiL LAMl’ti! Unrimlal in licaufy. Simplicity Safely or Economy. _ Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap eat portable light within their reach, should call at tin store rtf the undersigned and examine these Lamps In tin purchasing clsewiiere. and we pledge ourselves to demon strata Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. Thjkt they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less . light. 6th. That they hunt entirely free from smoke. tith. That the light >s at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps 4tre admirably adapted lor the use of Stu dents. Mechanics. Seamstresses. Factories. Halls. Churches Stores, Hotels, and are highly recommended for fiiraily use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lump can he attached to old aide, hanging and table fluid anil oil -lamps-at a small expense, and will answer every purpos- of a new limp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all case*. Aug. 19, 1858-tf] ** G. W. KESSLER. "MAGNUM EtiT VECTIGA! Ifi PAltrilMOM A/*—PiJ every one who r?;ufc ih< bending of this article but undcistaml iu meaning. ihe\ would inuueiiialely repair to the chop ol JOHN O’DONNEU,, FASUI ONAISLE T A ILOR , Main St.. Altoona, a few doors below the lied Lion Hotel and select a suit of clothes from the large stock of IS I’RING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he Imsju-t received from the Hast, feeling sure that in doing so they would be carrying Out the motto. Iti* not necessary hereto mention the different styles and quanlUie »f the goods on hand, suffice it to -ay that be has everything in the line of gentlemen - * wear, and In knows how to make it up in a fashionable and durable style, d &ah|onaUe assortment' at the store of J. B IXILEMAN. 11AIE OILS, COLOGNES, POM JL JL.ades, Shaving Cream, toifer Soap*. Ac. fi.r sale by 1-ttl F O. W. KESSLER. HARDWARE OF ALL DESOIIIP- Uuns jttst received pad for sale by Uct.ilS-tf] I;. % d. B. IJILEMAN. Hair, mtl shaving Faint, Sashand Tarnlah'Briuhesatl ■ ■ . • ' " i' T KBasi^a’s.- rj.LASS 84q TO 20x24 AND GUT \JR toorder by V , .. <3; y. XjtMLBB.v '-v.- V • 'l'll K U N 1) EII BIG N E D WOIILD 1 rvk|ivclfiilly iuform- Uis ol. Thu inijhirtiukl fact that muiiy CMinplaintn. »>ri io ilw imprudence nml »dilu«le of ydtith muy l>o Piisily removed witli'-ut in in itniail tract* clt-ai ly demopHlrated; and tin* t ntircly miw and highly jiuecejtßful ti o.itim nt a* by the Autinir. fully e.i plniued. hy means which every one is enabled to cure |K*i fectly aim at the hint possible edit, thereby avoiding ail the a .vertUed noalruina of the day. to any address. p.atiA and post free ju tt sealed en~ •wlopf, l»y (jxwt paid) two pofltlly cimipbithawl. f 1-tf. ■ YIT ALL PADER! WALL TaREHII y T —wc are now receiving at th«‘ i a large asaortmenr of , r-y { 1 - W A Ll* PAPER AXD npBDER, purchased direct from the manufacturers It* New York, iind we can therefore offer grektindnci-iMnts&tiiuse : Avho wish to pnrehatts.. Call and examine otfr ktdck?.' March 17th 1859-tf. - . ■4. 4 Jvd.OWTfCER. / lON STANTL Y RECEIVING NEW Ready Made Clothlng,"Bf the latest Fashions, cheaper than ever, at; ■ " "iJLiTiriT'J Dec.9.1R58. . U-TUCIIS. % S1*I.KN1)I1) ASSORTMENT OK JpINE AND- LARD OILS, OAM - " : . {;KESSLER’S. /"W BAND AT McCORMICR’S Store assortment of Fend y-Made clothing. A BDQMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus •Mk. 'Braced Rwaafitai-f T ■- ■■ ' ;[-K«SBLE|CB.-.. .pOBEST PRICE Ilf CASH JL t*Jd Rjt Bftf Hldetf. by ! \ '; Eiutir, limns. Shoulders, Siihs, t* v- iS '« g. • << U 5 O § K to w tjf »•■* O fl‘ L 3 as ja OOH |S ■w*t* ;i ■ received a t.mnt bortmept uf Cassimeres, VESTINGS, uflVrijig for sale, nmko tiiom u]> in mostiluniUlu man* Hits Unt workmen all work milile trill pivo satisfaction. Stuck of Gems’ GOODS. Coll tits, Uvdkb- f* RE AT liMl'tf.U YEMENI IN COOK \T ixo STOVES. COXSUMrfJOX OFS.VOKB AXD OAS AXD S 1 mv» OF FUEL. ' TUe tubscrilier taken, pleasure ia olTeiinz to t!ie rpiiLlir » NEW OAS AND SMOKE CONSUMIXH * Cooking Stove, recently patented, width U dcsUutd u> la perccde all other*, as it requires 4 ONE-TUIUI) LESS FUEL than other stoves ami U mofe easily, quickly and recnkn ly heated. No unpleasant smell ol gas arises fiuiutldi slow from the fact that it Js all consumed ere it CUICJ . cape. There is no trouble froju awoke ns that nuplisuanl and often anudViug exhalation is also consumed Inode „f the stove Neither is there any danger of flu,, urckiui.' m-ys becoming dogged with aootor the mortaoluowued ht tlie gas arising from nail fires. ’ I’trsous wishing to purchase stores nre Invites! to -«11 ( | the Store of the subscriber, iu the Masonic Timid*. nnd«x uiniuu the above stutps. JOHN SHOKMAKI.II, y W Agent fnr 111 air Cwm*. N.B. All kinds of Air-tight. Parlor Cooking ami K Stoves on hand. . [Aujf. li ifcr,,”” "VT AT lON A L POLICE (UZETTK i. r Tills, Greet Journal of Criinii and Cruninnhk in its Twelfth Year, ami is widely circulated through, .ut ' the country. l ( t contains all the Great Trials,'Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials oO the some, together will information nu Criminal ’Matters, not to be found ia an) other newspaper. tts. SuWript-ion* $2 per annum J 1 for -ix month., u he remitted liy subscribers, (who should write their umm, and the town, county and Slap' wlrere. they reside niaiuti \ To tJIW. MATSKI.I. ICO Editor i, Prop'r, of New York Police Gtuteti*. 10-tf] , AVie IVrt;. Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE^ LIVER PILLS. W E . beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. Bl’lnnc’s Cfklrattd Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them zz universal Gure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the hufiian system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Wor ms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the! cure of Liver Complaints all Bilious Derangements, Sick H ead-Aohe, &c. In cases d Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fall when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. = Their unprecedented popularity, has induced the-proprietors, ’ V Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, Pa. to dispose-of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the j last Twenty .¥ears* afid they will now give their undivided tirne and attention .to theiTmafipfacture. And bqing de- that Dr. M’Lahe’s brated Vermifuge and Liver rub , shali ' coiitinue to. occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they wilt continue to spare, neither nmc nor expense m procuring tnc and : Purest material, and cota* pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to PLBinn Bios. Pittsburgh, P. 3. Dealer! andPhjsicians entering Flemming Bros, will do well to write their lyapitaiif wowe but Dr. Jtttnei, pnvlrai ha. To Ujo»* winhiag tf th* trial,\we will frrward by mail, post paid; toseyf*” tp< |. box of HUa for t welre lUw £££ age ettanW; dr one vl»l of Vannlftme -cehtefampe.; All ordet* V terTsnd by tllptnggistt. * ' {&* L- - . ; - »,?SK m ' /\’ -..VV**-- 1 • VOL. 4. j>£ : AL' {aagable 1 —which ii the same us I i *ttto Logan usSsc* wr Ds. QEMM nsTfaGiuntr, U. o„ Prt peatpi Medical College. M- D., Prof. S gwjjlio the Pa. Hospital ’-WIL linden, M D, Hu *a»McCuUoch, SI D Ktaj, Woalkorris, Jr, Esq, Esq. Ht gSwel MflUken, Esq, eOn^tßell, . AjsriEl^lßHiam Wr**. LLO OTO|*NSTC)> ' rzp&k «»J 3eli, Joh TjM j'TS ON l A-Mraoi and Silver * received o or upon ti f 4NDS f LAND JLJ-Th* undersigned is pr HINTS In the Omaha and 8004 Selections can now he I and settlements.' Ths Lon Mvket, oru of the best anal Selections carefully ij QWSted.; Qy JulyH, IW9-tr nm Her. A. & Gluts, Altoo W*. H. huam A Co. Bii MoOspi A Dns, Kdito: Thai. A. SCOTT, Supt. P D. KoUcxtxu, Esq, 11 f Vl}. LBBT, AT I •I ALTOONA, BI.ATII will metloe law in the ,«-v Huntingdon Clearfi'lJ, CV: Aten in the District Count.< Collection* Of claims nroi UmtMlloOt Beal E«tate' 11, Wipe** pertaining to coiiv Rernni Bon. Wilson McCandten n rarKh; lion. Samuel A. Gi Jttdiml District ; Hon. Clu- Hon Henry D. Foster, Grcon, Dsmu>oq ; Hoc. Wm. A. P,> Get**# F. Hamelton, Plttsb TpKTISTRY.— IJopziuTirE a m JpMfr bupttoi, from one Bate. Teeth filled with Gold, an -Terth Sxtneted by tho K ennia. AH operations and work •tee hr the ootyity, and a dec ezpeheec from Altoona tu n tlmii amountingto five dolb, _fi9u Ofike on Montgomery HolHdaysbnrg, Pa. W B. BOYEI ▼T AttOßysr * ALTOONA, VIA practice in the sorer Huntingdon and Particular attention giren remittances mad He enaass the German lain . Ajp-Offlee, tbr the present posite Heeder’s Drug store. Altoona Angnst 4, jsso.— WM. S. SURGEON fYFFXCB IN TH \J! PUS. Teeth oxtmcUi Magnetic Machine. A9-A Student wanted. R. FI XJ fPIOWUTXT offers "rrfcesto the people of Al < "'Pi*4byDr. O.l>. Thomas. Altoaayfiept. ao. iws.-tf B:* IK ROYER, # OOsrehU prefrssio end etelnlty. Can ~ vflw «fWeWence on Bran, Conrad's Store. Aplßsi o y£s ,'Bl«h awl hear. . "4 w-abneor wttenevur cn October 1, 1857 .-1 BlffiOOUNTl Vreeman £ U r,*%£Sff»thqr haw wtabiw Allegheny an, flwT?at k* P : Choice • r^:iarifo»« ihP a prompt and vi -hAprll 14, ’5O (IMW CO A. •OBW regpeetfu, of Altoona t fcjSSRJ* ■■Otml Y.r4 foi