The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 03, 1859, Image 3

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f announcing to thrir frlt-ad* * U &
e public at largo Urat Urer S? **♦*»•
selected With cat * (ind
*- ***** to offer iuduccmeuta
lt: ‘< ifi'luOiiipall the,n*woi*«fr”
■■ D. Parlint, Of
Pl.iUr.;. which hare bee tt hSS ,l ?**W«.
Hii at a advance.
av! \Kaiic.v Cossimerps, gHtlnoJ.'* .
r Mod: of FLANNELS and Jtnu'ilf**®*.
uap of Muslins. Tlckii.^lJ^^lGS
< 1.-, ami Comforts, Ac. ■ "* nh «n», Lrif.
ine stock of ,
Wooden & Willow War.
[)TS & SHOES * '
I',.(iI()VCS Allll Ifosittrs* anJ vr .?
> to call especial utteautlfto^ r
' ol Fdhn V' ldit
; n. «»d which w. «*
& *“* by
nntry Product taken ’
v<!|ii'utfully iiiyito .«»•
'•'JOlih, m call and |« 1
ck at Mudcl I’ricas. *•
J - *
3. '.'.3,
Beto (Softs.
f Alt ion.i. tin* KUrronndloe.igbnhlrv
• ■ that Ik* lihk just rcturhivt 1
: ! ' !vk NKW GOODS,
■ i!'° f'-rmcrlvoccunled
•'*• in town which is “."*****• It,,
' - m.v u. i.iiumrrntc S
;V a Wl.K&^
~ he has, everything.ln.tbelHie^**^
w hwh they can'nnt fcil f ,
I ESJVwti.ii ,i,i u
\ iil' WAKE. l"™'
t k*i v wdttftminc hl, stnek.
ll u ln win-,
'•■■■. ™ l ? a ,-a<l.Ufejn away tv>ici ii
■ >A jm’ini; tKflu, ttl t*
' r exhibited*iti the,town.
i •
. of ,V' ', -
£■> <3D 0
-11 M AN HAS .JiUSl' ilE
r at his oiii oiv'virgiuu «,
itVi uf» m * l,t
< mxtzss. ■ • i ■ '■■; ’■
■ IAWXrt ■
eifCGium ‘ ]
i nostpfrif^^a^^]
nr-rti<!« ami U-xt»rc* of' ■ • -
f-00v.% ■ ■ : , /'"‘y'•■■■
ill assortment of KnodjifUrgen|Un»'i{
<':if.<itm res «|id Vetting*. '
■> :1 » of H.artlWnVc, Qu6«ni«fct* u 4
:>OC ERliEfejV - |
which c/juaJ tg itny in th«
f.iir iiricin. " _i
• my sfor.e-roojn, <%n now
i iii-Tr.-iscii Htbek to 'fetter *dTnntn*
li'ily luvito cveryhody fojtiilt' ’ ."
0.1 >Y SHOULD 00 TO
i:lit uf Dry Oo<xl»,‘iwhlch MoVerth
i’ ■;u sll.-d stock,of 'GMiaa&tJJßg,'’***
- m! ;.l! ;ta rv-aaonahlcaaauyTmrchni!
* C;j«».*wsr*, Sonttavre, 4c,
»» of Dmtt and Stoetfyt rOsnt*,
3i:l<iivii, cirrlincUig ttJJ tiles, jjiHUllln
of lIATS CfrSwninct w«u—J"*
'■'■n—;il! very ;Y'
o* uu iiuuj au ussortmiAt <“>»
• .i: tli'. ev^on.; v:l ;‘ ‘ r .
. i ijurp*' htotk QtyZhkhSiOwiX&P
•vilj nwUc up to oVilor-on ihort tou?*
11", wd at jit* f*ti*
"> . to roiiie
">k. fooling c<> u th«y Vul
' ny- without asking.
the **
i '■ *’ .•( '■•■'.:• ;
ni-«. Just mind What _
'••"id and takodire of yaW JtAJ i a favorite iimofjtfr 'inowf*
i U<: mu and it brick'|u Oiebtlwn
■ te Kud heads— : the rntacribsr
i i> that he has juit returned from w,
: i well sdeotod stock OfMwl
a shape. Alio, a gopd assortmM* •»
ictius,’ all of which will h* •***
:ap for gash.
t of anything In tho ahpv« bn«r
b ln.-fure purchasing elsewbers. •* *
u I li •; very lowest possible pt"**" „v
tr-.'.t. ujiposite the '
. jkssb BSiixn
. i ufiferfr-at Private Sals JfrjyL
iTnowoootijik'd by her, anl;
i .line and Julia streets,flHH 81 !V
House Is a good Two
ii.:, containing 1 a
r.: and Kitchen on tho*” 1 . g
1 -ba-jiing rooms on the second w"
) • lot is in goodordor. *,rlher
1-. vj. ; »- Uic promises and obtain *“
ill ujivn tho subscriber. '
M.UtOT. M. 3IcCRE»
t!i. :
>l respectfully inform the
low bn liAud fit hi* NUfrS^B^V
*! yu UJT TJitXS, rood/ Wn|
iirf Kill, ajnslstiog Cf -4P"
.''nine, Cafe omi Jprit&
i -<ot. AU tree* warranted.
iO-3:u R. B. TAYggU
nchltl*, Cough*. CcldA 0 f U>»
hicU arise from the tH**™ _LLiofe'M
lluUon ami the CDntincti cw»gjy l _ -
ti.e Putt Store of O.W*
iE? ANDJETE TB^^ 1 '
lished Inst week, with the exception of one of
ilie streets in East Altoona, which was rendered
impassable, by the excavation's for the gas and
water pipes, A trial of the Engine was made
m front of-the Presbyterian Church and a stream
liirowu n little higher than the top of the light
ning-rod. Another trial was made in front of
rhe Logan Ilouse and the water thrown over the
\ highest part of the'hiuld ng. The machine ren-
Icrcd perfect satisfaction, and Altoona now boast
u.e ii .i.dfotncst, and one of the best engines to
A Bold Bihular.—On Friday night last, the
houses of C. J. Mann, Esq , and Rev. J. Stock,
were entered by means of false keys, by some
daring burglar, who ransacked them effectually,
but d*wl ! not get bia fingers on anything in the
first named, which he deemed worth carrying
off, as .he was evidently in search of money. In
the second he met with about the same success,
to far as money was concerned, but spying a
good overcoat, and remembering that winter is
coming on apace, when bo might need such an
erticle, be concluded to appropriate it, and it
wcurdingly disappeared with him. . Look to
jour door and window fastenings citizens, as
this is the season of the year, When visits from>
tuck nocturnal pronlora may be expccte^.*
Kew OvstEtt,
wri a good many who don't live in town, knows
John Alexander, the polite, hccpminpdatjng and
good-humored boas porter at the “Logan House,”
• a nd of course, os soon as we tell them that be
W bought out old Daddy Smith's Oyster Sa
toon, on Main street, just above‘Ken’s store,
wtiybody will be calling on Kim .for a plate of
Wen, fried chickens, boiledeggs, confection
. * r >es, perfumeries, segars, cter ete., nil of which
0 keeps constantly on bana. We can bear tes
tl®ony that his oysters arc among the finestwc
ever tasted in the place. -He wilis,ervo
1e ® to fondles .or parties by tbe can, dozen,
or bushel, -as desired. jQiyie John, and
Mo|s(», a caU| gpntlemen, and you
*“1 be well treated.
|l(ooiia Cfilmuc.
«A»t scmeouU. \
|■■:, 7 96A.W.
7 36A.*.«rf«00P,M.
-r MA | W \ OfKH, 0 fKH,
. . V^.M.
#<fWD w»y. 0 26 P.M.
730 A.M. and 616 «
own for the tmzwwllon of bu*iua»from 6#)AM.
U° ilwiag 41 *® ww *> and &om 7J0t08.30 oV
ci Juuo,l, ’M-tf]
. «... Train Bast arrives WS A. M., leaves 1.30 A. M.
|«proH *„ l \vost “ 7.65 “ “ 8.15 “ ,
* ~ Ka*t “ 9.05 P.M.' “ 9,20 P.M.
.. West “ 8,10 P.M., “ 8,25 P.M.
•• Eafct “ ,7.86 A.M. “ 7.60 A.M.
‘‘l! 11 « Writ > 6,25 P>M., “ 6,40 P.M.
. iiOLLIUAYaBUBG BRANCH connctts with Express
, Th * Fj ,, t West, with Mall Train but and West, and
Local Freight Eastward and Westward. ■
*Tii« HI, UUBVILI.E BRANCH connects with Johnstown
/»t Traiii East alld w <st, Train West and Moil
Train Esat- „
Jiovcinlicr 20, Icea
looal items.
DiSißEssiso Accident. — Again it is our pain
ful duty to chronicle one of those distressing ca-
IsmilifH. which are the concomitant results of
railway improvement. The facts of the case
ure as follows:— On Friday morning Inst, Wil
liam Miles, foreman of the coal deliverers to en
gines. in the yard in this place, came down'to
tbe yard a few minutes before 7 o’clock, and
was crossing the tracks to bis work when be
was knocked down and run over by an en
gine and tender which was*backiug down
the yard, find instantly killed. It is supposed
il,at he did net bear the engine backing down,
oh account of the noise made by another engine
naich was pulling a train up the yard and was
close in him, on an adjoining track. His legs
were completely crashed from the knees down,
and the back part of his head broken in. A
ifrsoti who seen him just ns .the tender struck
him, roii to him as soon as the engine passed
„vcr him, and attempted to pick him up, but
louml that life was extinct. Mr. Miles was an
old resident of this place, and was muck rcspec
icJ by all who knew him. Ho leaves a wife
iud two children to motfru their*sudden loss.—
His remains were followed; to the Catholic Cem
etery. on Sunday, by the largest concourse of
people, with one exception, that wc have ever
seen in Altoona.
.Utiv.vL or the Fine Engine. —According to
previous announcement,' the engine of the Citi
icns Fire Engine and Hose Company arrived on
Haturday morning last, and tit 1 o’clock in the
afternoon some 35 or 40 of the Company met
for parade. They were dressed in-wbitc shirts,
Mack pants and glazed caps. The Engine,
which is. one of the prettiest in the country, and
we may include the cities also, was handsomely
uveorated with wreaths. The company, after
taking charge of the machine, paraded through
itic streets laid down in the programme pub-
t • fuunil in either city or country.
'.nuther trial of the Engine will be made on
s iiuriay afternoon nest, at 1 o' dock.
Thanksgiving. —Thursday, 2l\h inst., is
Thanksgiving, and no doubt many of our voung
toilers ate anxiously awaiting its arrival, with
ms.', ns of roast turkey and accompanying “fix-
iti? ” The turkeys, too, are no doubt holding
animated meetings, cndcayoriag to decide which
< f them shall have the honor of gracing the ta
ble of an editor on that as that is an honor
to bs prlicd. Of course they do not wish to be
bartered to him for “ filthy lucre,” but to be
droppeO into his sanctum in bis absence, or left
at his house, “ with the compliments of ”
hi-., or without any compliments’, sfn they get
tbrrc. "ft
1 • I s
I‘. t’. VTe have no coop; therefore those
"bo contemplate playing us a foul trick will
please tic the legs well, and we prevent the
birds frolu straying away.
T > rotlseled JJeejting is .still $n J»ro*
fr { M in Although the
byno meana
pepplo wbo baveit in#barge apr
*heir duty w the matter,
»nL •'.be
m thing nccdfiir .T <; - *
TIIOS. A. SCOTt, Siip't.
OpsBBVB tdb -Rules.—Rules for the govern
ment of all places of business, associations, and
in fact for everything, are necessary. r<a this
Mason a number hvn been arranged for (hs
gevernment of those whose curiosity may induce
them to visit printing offices, or who may cos.
siitute said offices their loaling places; It *
expected that fits rules will bo univmaltv ob
served;■ ; ■
1. Entersoftly.
2. . Sit down quietly.
Subscribe for the paper. .
4. Don’t touch the poker. :
b. Suy dothiug interesting. *,
G. EngageJu no controversy.
- 7. Don’t smoko.
8. Keep six feet from the table, \
•- 9. Bon’t talk to the printers,
i 10. the papers. ■
11. Eyes off the manuscripts.
Gentlemen observing these rules, when enter
ing a printing office, will'greatly, oblige the
printers, and need.not fear the devil ,
I,’. 8. Persons on business are not required to
be particular in observing the rules.
N. B; The ladies who sometimes bless us with
their ever welcome presence, forn few moments,
ore not expected . to keep the rules very strictly,
and iddeod it will be agreeable to us to have
them break tlie fifth, eighth and ninth rules as
.often os convenient 1
Puesdvteriak Cotosr,— A convention of
representatives connected 'with this enterprise—
which we have already several times mentioned
—met in this place on Wednesday, 26th ult—
Me had not leisure to attend its sessions, but
we uhdcfstand 'that'its deliberations were mark
edly much ability, sound practical wisdom, and
gentlemanly, comity, whilst a most remarkable
.degree of harmony .prevailed in their courses
and decisions. After a .close session of a little
more than two days ami evenings, their plans
were matured—an exploration committee ap
pointed, and a central executive committee, to
receive subscriptions of stock and to shape the
enterprize according to the written constitution,
and carry the whole into effect. The delegates
were from six diilcrcnt States, and they seem
like earnest men, determined to go forward.—
Dr Junkin of this place, was requested to net
as Chairman of the central executive committee, j
John A. Crawford was appointed its Secrct.-.ry. I
and Rev. J. Jl Hamilton, of Bell’s Mills, and j
Captains Minier and Stiller, of this vicinity, are j
the other members. Messrs. Montgomery, of j
Ohio, Ross, of Lawrence county, and Kyle, of 1
Butler are the exploration committee. An ini- !
nation fee often dollars, to bear expenses, is to j
be paid by the members and all becoming mem- j
bers. Wo wish the enterprise every success. j
We arc requested to say* that any communion- (
tious addressed to Secretary Crawford will be j
promptly attended to.— Slundurd. j
Scene in an Editor's Room . Oblijina patron.
—Now I want you just to put in a little local
notice of my new stock, will you ? .
Editor —Of course, how many lines will you
have ?
Pot—Oh I suit yourself. You know-where
my store is and what it is.
Editor —But our charges are fifteen cents a
line, and if you will say how many you want,
there will be no difficulty about it hereafter.
Put.—What 1 do you expect to charge for it L
1 don't want to advertise, I only wan.t a “ puli’.”
You don’t charge for them, do you ?
Editor —Not if you wilt al!*w me to come to
your store mid walk off with whatever I please
to take without charge. Will you agree to that?
[Exit patron in rage, with a great big lie;, iu
his car.!
i J
SQL Once mure x we that anonymous
communications receive no attention at our
hands, no matter how meritorious they may be.
A Patron,’’ who sends us a lengthy poetical
effusion certainly knew our rule, if he has been
a reader of our paper, and might tiierefoifc have
spared himself much .'trouble. Wo have little
enough time to attend tp communications which
came to'us duly subscribed, without poring over
anonymous epistles. “ A Patrons” epistle may
be meritorious, or it may not; weiinve not rend
it for the'reason above given. Anonymous com
nmnicatiou are not preserved,—they generally
Cud their way into the.stove.
SEi.r-ArrßECiATioN.:—Some men can never be
made conscious of their own value. If they
succeed in life, they are neitjhcr indebted, in
their own opinion, to circumstances or Provi
dence, but purely to their own merits. If they
fail they are straightway-persuaded that the
most powerful combinations were formed to
produce that result, and they ore conquered in
spite Of their merits. Such ore the men of
whom the. Frenchman said—‘‘/if I could buy
them for what other people think them worth,
and soil them for what they think themselves
worth, it would bo one grand speculation”
New Be ancii Road.— Workmen are now en
gaged on the new route of the Branch track be
tween this place and Ilollidaysburg. The new
route .branches off from the main track at the
West end. of town' and inters ects the old
track ;io .the vicinity of the plank road crossing.
When finished it will materially shorten the dis
tance to Ilollidaysburg. to be traversed by the
Branch Train, and all delays, will bo obviated.
The old jtrahk through the .towm is to be filled
Redaction or Time.-—On Tuesday last, Ist
ipst., the time of daily labor in (he shops of the
Penu’a Rttll Road Company, along the whole
lino' of the Rood, wasreducedto 9 hours per
day. Tbps is done in order to retain all the
bahds employed by the Company, sdnring the
winter, and obviate the necessity of dismissing
any who might be upable .to find immediate'entr
ployment, and suffer in consequence.. >
Admitted. —On motion of M, H; Jolly, Esq*
Mr.; It; Boyers, Esq., of this' placo.was, on
Monday of last week, admitted to practice in
the eeTerol.JCoarts of this county, .
On Tuesday, on motion of Wm. R. Boyer#,
E5q.,... Win. A. Esq.; was admitted to
practice in the several' Courts, of Bl^r county.
j AcdiDBNT.—Wo karn from the Tyropo &or,
tiiAt ?Jr. Jos. Gamer, miller at.Beyer’s JJill,
was' sewered/ Ipjugred.' a short two since; by
-being over bj* a couple of young menou
Tyroiw. : '
if any; b/ipe of the recovery of the l^iiir^d^atf.
I BlatbCoohtt (JrAßrtE S«B«oirs.— Oct. 1859.
~CoMJ ; ,vs. John Ttuag* —lndicted for Assault
•oil Battery <m the person of Mrs. M„y JuM
; Fni«y t ] la Altoona, on the dtbof July
ptbfigbtorfghmted abtmtMw. Fraley* ctethe*
» Young* way to the pomp, and m.
Wted 3a nobody being -hurt; though it wm
prbren, that both parties > had received blmra ;
the Bit especially suffering from a lively applll
cation 6f woman* ever read; weapon—a broom
ftich.- lifter a patient hearing of the ease, and
a short ireiirement, the Jury brought in as their
verdict that the, Dft. is not guilty, but that he
one-half the costs, and that Maiy Jane
FralOy, the prosecutrix, pay the other half of
the cosfc. But this was not all of the difficulty
between these parties, for the Grand Jury bad
ungullahtly found a “ true -bill" for assault and
battery ; against Mrs. Fraley for beating Young
the broomstick as aforesaid ; and Young
had also a caste of Surety of the Peace pending
aigainsjt ier. In these cases however, a settle
ment liras effected ; —Dft. agreeing to pay the
docket boats, ond Prosecutor to file no bill.
; Com. : vs. Isaac Edwards. —lsaac is a rather
bad specimen of humanity, with “ a rich Irish
brogue”, on his tongue and a sajde “ better
half’ <|t-his board ; and who had “ concluded to
work less and steal more.” He was brought
before ,Court on a charge of having stolen'some
bushels of corn, three or four bugs, and some
chickens and hams, some time in April last,
from Mrs. Massey S. Lias, at Canoe Creek.—
Ihe principal witness against him was his curly -
headed father-in-law, “black as the ace of
spadosi” who accompanied him in his adventure
for ;the| plunderbut witnesses were of small
account,; for Isaac scorned to deny the truth and
skid he acknowledged the corn” but the bacon
h® didn’t steal. At all events the witnesses
faued to make out the bacon, and the Jury found
Isaac gpilty of petit larceny. [Not yet sen
Com . vs. Alex. McFarland. —This was a bit of
a fray between a pair of old folks ; and Dft.
Stood charged with assault aud battery ou the
person Mrs. Eakcn at Cbarlottsvillethe
ground,bf the trouble being the rent of a house
apd the i “ dressing" of some butter. Verdict,
guilty.; ;Dft. sentenced to pay a fine of $5, and
l Com .ys. Adam Matthews and Catharine hit
wife and Caster Crum—The Dfls. are a Dun
cansville party, and were arraigned for resisting
James Williamson, Constable of Allegheny tp.
in .the, :discharge of his duty. He sought to
nialioa tevy on the property of Dfls., but they
interfered by laying hold of him and making
most violent threats of personal injury to him,
and; finally succeeded in driving him off ami
preventing the levy. The jury brought in a
vtrdictiof guilty.
Com.- vs. John Murray — indicted fur stealing
a;horse from Mr. Christian Snively of Woodber •
ry tp. on the night of the 29th July last. It
appeared that he had taken across Tussey
Mountain in Huntingdon county, with horse,
apd was seen in passing that way; but what'
disposition he m ado of the horse has not been
learned. -. He was arrested, as we have before
noticed, ;in one of the passes of the Allegheny
mountains, having in his possession a quantity
of counterfeit coin, a revolver, aud a bottle of
chloroform. On his trial nothing was elicited
as to his history or his home ; but after his con
viction, when called up for sentence, the com
mon wealth undertook to show by records from
Mifflib county, and by witnesses examined, that
he had; been convicted of horse stealing in that
county , ifr 184 b, and sentenced for a term of
three years to itho Eastern .Penitentiary, but it
failed to .establish the identity of the man. lie
therefore, could be .sentenced only a? lor a first’
offence. jud the Court impose! upon him a fine
~of sfi and the posts of prosecution and an im
pris'qnmt|nt in the Western Penitentiary, at bard
laibdr for a term of four years.
, Janies Shoemaker.- —lndictment, keep l
mg |a Tippling jllouse in Martiusburg, from July,
seagibnif True bill; and Bft. pleads guilty
and i Sabinas. ! Sentenced to pay a finoofSlO
'■ i y- ’ 1 ' * * I
apu costs of prosecution.
i Qom.-uij. Jesse' St. Lin they. —Fornication and
True bill. Continued to next ses
sions ; -anil! attachments awarded for several
witnesses in contempt.
;Gqn».*ra. Banana South. —lndictment, Assault
apd Battery. .Grand inquest return not a true
bill, and that Francis Uibbs, the prosecutor,
pay tint boats, except the $4 to the county.
|Goni.‘ ti«. Anil Bulger. —indictment, selling li
quor on' Sunday, in Hollldaysburg, Dft. pleads
guilty and submits. to pay a fiineof
$lO and jeosts iiind undergo imprisonment in the
county Jitil for 15 days;—Same Dft. was indicted
for selling lienor without license; and plead
guilty, - and .was 1 sentenced to pay a floe of $2O
upd noslt^.— Register.
; Bdods Mom ey.—Tins article, never scarce,
appehrs -to be unusually plenty in this place at
this tim?, espe sially quarter dollars, and those
handling monuy should be on the lookout for
them, as they are well gotten up and are very
deceiving. The large quantity of them in cir
culation at thu> time has given rise to the sus
picion that the re ar N c a few 44 shovera” in town.
Examine all the new quarters presented Just
noyr,;or;yoa may be victimized. X
• SST.U the person signs himself a b Well-
WisliW;- Will give us his. name, his commanica
tiop Bhptll appear, as we consider'itexcellent
sihd to jibe point* and one to which he should
nht be ashamed to attach his real name. We
hopeihti will gratify us immediately* as we de
sire to publish the article ere it loses its inter
est; but we can pot unless we have a re
sponsible name. r
i!' i ' —.r— A . ■v, r 7 .
Tins Ppblic.— Osswalt desires as to
idfbrbi' f 4Ae public that- be has taken chargeof
the confectionary store, two doors above the
Masonip Temple, where he will keep constantly
onhand ; a good assortment of confectionaries
nbis, fruit, etc. He will also keepfreshoyfiters;
jyillbe served up at ,ejl times. AJso,
fresh better and eggs, ; potatoes, ■ honey, >
together with other kinds of marketing.’
|Tp tai, more bf those beau
&o ye- ■
,;nt>-Jtbe ■ O,-
. ri fco : i'iciSr -• '’-f-rp'-
tST The Grand Jury on Thursday submitted
the following:
I ib the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter Setsiont : We would respectfully re*
port, that w® have visited the “ House of Em
ploymenti” and are pleased to state that we
found It in good condition | the floors of all parts
of I the honae .remarkably .cleans a sufficient
amount of clean and warn covering on all the
beds, the paupers clean, ana comfortableas their
eircomstances wonld admit, and alfneedful at
tention given to the sick and deerepid. We
Consider the management of Mr. McQraw to be
all.that eonld be required, and such that insures
justice to all the inmates oif the bouse, and will
inure,to the best interests of the tax-payers of
the county. Signed.
And by all the other Jurors present
Same day—
The Grand Jury do respectfully present that
during their session their attention has been
called to the appointments; of the offices of the
Prothonotnry and Register and Recorder for
the preservation of the Public Records; and af
ter a full examination * they are convinced that
'the Rec.irds of the county are not sufficiently
protected against fire and other accidents owing
to the improper construction of the rooms in
which the records are kept. It is highly im
portant in the judgement of the Grand Jury
that provisions be made at the earliest day for
the erection of vaults in the most approved plan
for the protection of the public records, and
they do recommend the proposed olterations to
the favorable consideration of the County Com
missioners. Signed.
And by all the other Jurors present.
School Bells.— We understand that the
School Directors have purchased a couple of ex
cellent bells and intend, putting them on the top
of the School houses in each ward in a few Jays.
Bells have long been needed nt those institu
tions, and the.juveniles will no longer have the
excuse of “didn’t know it was time,” to plead.
Notice.— Notice is hereby given to
holders that the sixth instalment on the Capital
Stock of the Altoona Gas and Water Company,
will bo due aud made payable at the Banking
House of Wm. M. Lloyd & Co., ou Wednesday,
November 16th, 1859.
BENJ. F. ROSE, Sect/.
November, 30th, 1859.
At the residence of the bride's father, on the 25th nit.
by the Rev. Jas. Maple, Mr. GEO. F. DKIiN, of Cincinnati,
to Miss LAURA, daughter of R. S. Lockwood, Esq, of
Franklin, Warren comity, Ohio.
Wc are pleased to learn that the groom has wisely *■ fol
lowed the-footsteps of his illustrious'' brother, the Junior.
We hope he may realize all the successes of the lifo-matri
moniai his brother bos—and a few more. StNion.
On tile 2ntli ult., by Rev. Jos. Ficlituer, LUDWIG GETS
LEH, of Bedford county, to SOPHIA MUSSELM AX, of
Blair Co.
On the 25th ult, at Maria Forges, Mr.SAMUEL TREES,
Sr., aged 67 years and 11 months.
DISSOLUTION^ —Notice is hereby
given that the Partiwrship heretofore existing l.e
-i tween the undersigned, trading under the name of J. S.
1 BURKHART A CO., was dissolved by mutual
Tuesday, October 25fli, 1859. The Hooks and Accounts arc
! iu the bunds ofj. S. Burkhart fur c ollection.
Nov. 3d-3t EMILY KINSEL.
fl®-. The subscriber will continue to carry on the GilOt
CERY BUSINESS in the old Stand,aud solicits the patron
age of the public. J. S. BURKHART.
Hcto Booh &tore.
i A opened a BOOK STORK next door to mfmtSkmi
the corner of Virginia and Annie streets,
where may bo found . Hmism
Old and Standard Authors, Hew Vublicalions,
Light Literature, P eriudicals and Staple and
Fancy Stationery in large varieties.
Also, a new and very select let of SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC
Altoona are respectfully invited to call.
<t2vAll orders attended to with promptness and dispatch
Altoona. Nov. 3,1859-tf 11. SMITH.
_J iu the Post Office at Alt xina, Novembei 1,
Angle A Co Kinjpey, E A
Alenau, M M Kecjian, T 3
Baker, A V Kodken, Jno A
Bcchtcl. JO 2 Lloyd, Gideon
Burkholder, A 3 LingulVlt Jno
Boyden, Maggy Leonard, Win
Bower, Henry Mnsmeller, Geo
Canton, Felix Mowroufz, Roh
Ch\wbaugh A Walton Mathers, Slarg’t
Clay, John 2 Manley, David
Conrad, Henry McAlernan, M
Cunningham, Andrew • McClelland, S J
Cox, Jan Mctjuwan. Jas
Darlington, Win . ■ O’Reson Dan’l
Ermold.Wm Purtlll. Mary
Fickes, Henry - Parker, Jos L
Frazer A Kiestor. Piper. Jno
Felton, Wm Bodkey, Rachael
driving, Michael Butch, Martha It
Gray, Samuel ' Baibsey, Geo.
Hcrvey. Wm X 2 Bnnsb-ad, duu lee
Heine, Joe 1 Slioenberger, E F
Johnston, Thoa Steen, Jacob I.
Irwin, D Wcakland; A J
lisenberg, Sarah A Young, Wm B
Johnston, R D Young Abm C
Knox, Jus W 3
Persons calling for letters (in this list will please say
they are advertised. JOHN; SHOEMAKER, P! M.
J| SCRIBER would rospectftilly announce
to the" citizens of AttooUa and vicinity, that he
has opened a -■BBSS'
on Helen street, between Annie and Julia streets, East Al
toona, where he will keep constantly on hand a large as
sortment of everything iu his l|uc, which' he will dispose
of on reasonable terms. ■' *
put up on short notice. He also manufactures Leapxd
Iron Spouting, which is said ti> be much superior to gal
vanized; sKfct-iron or tin.
AU kinds of Job woik promptly attended to. A share of
public patronage is solicited. I SAMUEL I. FRIES.
Oct. 27th, ’69-tf.
At McCormicks Store,
Just arrived, and are now boils’offered female, an ex
-1 tensive; assortment of goods of all the different siyi»s and.
qualities, which the Philadelphia market affords, in tbe
way iof dress goods for Ladies together with allihe more
heavy Cotton, and Woolen goods for Oeiitletuen and Boys
wear, also afnllstockof
for men andßoys, ofthe ma|terlaland latest Styles, in
of business dress and [over coats, with pants and
vests to match. A|so all the different varieties of goods,
such as -[' -
Hardware, | -
' Queenswnre, _ \ , j
Codaiware, :
‘ . TTownw, N
; Stoneware, &c., ■■■•
Family Syrups, Sugar Brown an * Thite, Teas, Ac, Ac,
with all .the vartety of spices make up a tall
a^rttnent';' ; v / r:
Men's fine and coarse Hodts and Rootses, , /
Ladies »• ‘‘ '**' j with | without hide,
in material, with a very pretty assortment
and all other articlcs'uaualiy kept In conntnr stores, all of
which will be sold as iowaa in any other Loose in town
for cash, or exchanged for any article of prodace, which
can bo Consumed here or exchanged in the Hast for others.
Altoona, Oct; 2Tth,
■ Point; also Chyorne. Greta, TsUiow. Psds grasp, dty
» frontfl offs* ftdtf -- ■ ■ •■rtBUlhWS. -. .
® .
Pajra to* a full com*) iuthe irotjcity OoUcgs,'tbe large*
most extensively p*tron!z*d aid t>e>t organised
rial School tnthe United Static,
Ittar Lmic'Hllli,
For Writing, Commercial CahjulattoM, Book-VeepOg sad
. lectmiso..,
Usual time to complete from 8 to 10 weeks
Every Studeit, upon graduating, Is guaranteed to bs com
petent to msnsge the Books of any Business sad qualified
to earn a mlary of from
Students enter at any Vacation—Beview at
pleasure. ; I ■
First Premioto ftr Bert*Writing .
Awarded this Institution. Tim best and greatest variety
of Penmanship in aay one Hall of the Dnioh, is found here.
03. Ministers Sons at half price.
For full information. Cirtular,Spccimensof Bnslnemsnd
Ornamental Writing and Embellished View of the College,
enclose five letter stamps to | ; F. W. JENKINS. -
. Sept. 22,1559. —ly , ! Pittsburgh, Pa.
Prospectus of a new work
Author of li Clara Moreland,” PraiHo Flower,” “ The Be
fugcoa,” “Illaucho Bertrand,"'“The Artist’s .
Bride,” Ac., Ac., entitled
" Westward, the coarse of Empire takes its way.”
This Work, ie the only one in Book form, which for sev
eral years has emanated from the pen of the gifted author,
who treads now alone the patty unco trodden bjftmr own
Cooper. It will contain graphic pictures of the conflicts
of the hardy Pioneer, whose strifes add struggles with his
Indian foe, tival the tales of fiction and the tragic coun
terfeits of the mimic stage. thrilling narratives of
the daring deeds, the bcart-tmls, the heroic devotion and
self-denial of noble women, the toothers of the West 1 Be
neath the over-arching forests! hand to hand, and foot to
foot: the intrepid adventurer has encountered in deadly
combat the ruffian desperadoes who made their haunts iu
the iKichwoods, and his gallant achievements have thrown
-a halo of romance over the waving prairies, the grand cld
mountains, and the majestic rivers of the land of the set
ting «un!- .
Nor are these pages wanting in those gentler scenes
which make up homo-life, and which arc pictured with all
the skill and fidelity for which the author is prc-eniincntly
distinguished. Ills delineation of Frontier character, and
of tlie scenery of tiie Borders,.has always the advantage of
an accuracy which is the result of an intimate, personal'
The Work will he printed on flue white paper, in clear,
open type, and appropriately'and beautifully iilnstratedby
the moat skillful artists, 12m0., Cloth. Price. 1.25.
it AMLIN A CO., Publishers.
1 No. COG Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. I. The Mingo Chief. 2. The Kentucky Hero. 3. The
Maid of Fort Henry. 4. Wrcked on the Lake* 6. A Leap
for Life. 6. Love Triumphant. 7. A Desperate Encounter,
s. Mad Ann. 9. The Gambler# Outwitted., 10. The Daring
Scouts. 11. A Fight on the Prairie. 12. The Trapper's
Story. 13. An Arkansas Duel. 14. The Dr isoued Bride.
15. Attacked by Indians. 16. A Miraculous Escape. IT.'A
Mother* Courage. IS. The Dead Alive. 19. A During Ex
ploit. 20. Rocky Mountain Perils. 21. The Guerrilla
Queen. 22. Fight w ith a Bear. 23. The Haunted House.
21. Bill Lukins'* Run. 26. The Faithful Negro. 26. The
Backwoodsman's First Love. 27. The Last Stake. 28. Ad
vi nturc of a Colporteur. 29. : A Night with the Wolves.—
30. Col. Howie of Arkansas.
Agents wanted in every part of the Union and the Can
adas, to whom a liberal discount will bo allowed.
IXG opened, a very extensive assortment of
of all tile- different varieties imually kept iu country stores,
carefully selected iu quality and styjo to suit the season,
consisting, in the Dry Goods department, of Prints, Lawns,
Shallys. Delaines, Ac., Ac., in all,their variety.
Also —Ladies. Misses am' Gent's Gaiters, Boots A Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ac., Ac. ••
Hardware, Queensware, Qedgrware,
Leghorn. Palm Isnf and Panama Halt, Coffee , Sugar, Tea,
Jhlnstee. Bier. Dried Pirehrs. <fc.. Dried Beef,
Sag ir-Cured Hams, Shoulders, Sides, <£c.,
all of which will be sold or exchanged,for nil kinds of pro
duce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lark Tallow, Rags. Soap, and
Grain of any kind, as low if’ not lower than buy other
house in town. Being very thankful for past patronage,
we will consider it a very great Civor to receive a visit from
our friends, and bo much gratified in having the pleasure
of show ing them otir Goods.
Altoona. May 5 1859. . A. McCORMICK.
CnsslriKc Jlmhiiirii
Cheapest School In the Land!
Send for a Catalogue!
Address M- McBT- Walsh, A.
Sept. 22. 1559-3 m. "[ [ ,
! 1 1 STORK.—TIio Undersigned would beg leave to an
jwunee tu the citizens of Blair bounty and vicinity that he
Rub opened his new Store ort ITrofnin ttree£, three doort
below the vrl>i:r<3 hchasjnat'recejved
from the East and West a large assortment of - '-*
Foreign and Domestic Liquors, flj^B
consisting as follows: _ ■ -
French OUird Brandt/, ! Cognaeßrandy, Beach
Brandy, Cherry Bratfdy, Otd Burgundy
Wine, Old /‘art Wine, Jamaica Rum,
Holland Gina 014 Bye \Vhiakey, j
Mononguhela and
tthine\ Wine,
which he has himself imported! Retailer* of Liquor* Anil
Farmers will llnd it to their advantage to buy of him.
a* ho win «eii at cixr prices.: ; -
He will also keep constantly on band an assortment of
Such aa Flour. Bacon, Sdl(, Firh, Tobacco, Se
lf am, Syrup. Sugar; toffee, , £c..
All of which will be sold cheap for cash or Country Produce,
Our friend* and the public generally are respectfully In
vited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.
xoms w.Acp,
Altoona, May 26,J; i
will sell oil articles of - -
Spring arid Simper Dress Goods
tbeseasop isnipidly passlng Awsy, and our stock of Be
laines, ChaUios. Lawns, BrllUfnts, Ac, W very heavy, we
w»a* to* close them out to' make room for our Phil and
Winter Stock. ! i-i
Persons wishing-to purchase such goods would do well
to cau and examine-onr stock before making their Unr
phases. ‘ We wfll also Sell all articles in ' our Store at'great-
SDo«, U Ac* Bonnets, Boote^and
, The Hero of One lltaidrtdTits per Month I
I would respectfully set forth niy claim to nubile atten
tion, os a Fashionable Tailor, an folio**:
Because I keep an exeellontassortment of Cloths, Cassi
meres, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examined,
always please;' ■ i-
Because my work- is made; up in a manner that takas
down the country and gives ait; toy customers a city ap
pearance. ■ T' ; ; , . ‘
Because I am not inferior as a Cutter to tbe best to he.
found anywhere. >1
■ Because long experience in' my business gives me entire
control over it and I am not dependant upon anyone to
lift me out'of the suds.-
Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, aedther*.
fore my taste os a Cutter and Workman unimpaired. :
Call on'me, in the corner room of the *• Brant House.”
(Jive mo a trial and you will'go Swey pleased.
Altoona. May 26-s in • • JACiIB SNYDER. •
terminating BAJ6, MICK, ROACHES, ANTS, and
Beddrafs without danger in it* -tuel under any circumstan;
■ck, for sale st the Drag sfofenf
• ■ r-i Tf. ukub.
Ami the various affections consequent upon a dlsocdsre
Such as Indigestion. Acidity of tho Stomach, Colicky Pates
Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Oosttvsasss
and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, ilhenuatie and
Affections, it has In numerous instances proved
highly beneficial, and In others effected a decided cuts.
* purely ysgetable compound, prepared onstrietiy
scientific. principles, after tho manner of the —'~Vtil
Holland Professor, Boerhave: Because of Its great success
In, the most of the European States, Its introduction into
the united States was Intended more especially fcr those
ofourfcthcrland scattered here and there on r the fees at
this mighty country. Meeting with 'great success among
them, l now offer it to tho Americanmublic, kaowioc «*■-*
Itstruly wonderfol medical virtues must be acknowMtsd
It is particularly recommended to those pers-.ns whose
constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous
use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Qene.
rally instantaneous In effect, it finds its way directly to ths
seat-of-life, thrilling.and quickening every nerve, raisin*
up tho drooping spirit, and, in feet, infusing new *■«*■«*
and vigor in tho aystem.
CAUTION.—Tha great popularity of this delightfel r*>
ma has induced many imitations, which the public should
guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy any*
thing else until you have gtain Boerbave’s Holland Ulttora
a Cur trial. Ono bottle win convince you how infinitely
superior it is to all these imitations. *
O" Bold at $l.OO per boftfe. or six bottles fer $A by tbs
BENJ. T*AOE. JR., & CO..
Manufttelioitig PharmaeinUtU and CAsmfofe.
T. W. Dyott * on*, Philadelphia: Barnes A Park, Msw
York; John D. Pork. Cincinnati; Barnard, A 1 <v.
St T-ouis; A. ROUSH. Altoona, Pa, and by Urnulik
. Merchants generally thrsoghont tbe United Btatsa
and Canadas. {October 14, 184«.-ly
All wanting farms in a de-
UGHTFCL CLIMATE rich toil, idil MK«n frMi
irosu. See advcrtUeinent of Hanixncntca UimU in nnothtr
J INO CORN—Gould’*Patent Hashing Thimbu is tha
only implement known that will entirely protect tbe Sa
gers from the evils of excoriation, Ac., common to husk
ing corn by baud. .
Wo are now in possession of over 900,000 letters Of ap
proval, over the signatures of reliable formers and plant-'
ers in different localities in the U. 8., equally as flatteries
as the following. *>».
Messes Qovu>A C<h—SirsI send enclosed gl'for six
pairs of your celebrated 11 asking Thimbles. I bomrht a
pair of you Inst foil and I have need them for huskingever
since. If there are any who don’t think worth while to
buy a pair, let them tear their, linger nails off: for one, I
wont. They will outwear anything of the kind lever
saw, and fur busking they, can’t be beat. • V
_. . • Yours truly, WM. MORROW.
Tiro, Crawford Co, O, Nov. Bth, 1858.
MESsdy. J, n. Ooctn A Oo.—Gents; find enclosed AI,M
for six pairs of your patent Unstring Thimbles oftha sis**
represented by tbomeasures enclosed. 1 used a pair last
year and 1 pftfor them' to all the great, small, and Utils
giant Corn Ituskers. Tours Respectfully, A. IT, Wei.f
Hillsboro Montgomery Co, HI. Nov. 27th, 1868,
J. H. Godin A Co.—Alliance Obio>—Gentlemen; X r*-
celved In good order the six pairs of il asking Thimbles and
can say that they am aU that is’ represented of (bent, I
have, distributed them, among ray neighbors, and coold
have sold a great many if I had had them- tn season. X
will myself or get some one to do so. apply for ah nui
for their sale In Central lowa next season;
. Your* Ac, SAMUEt DTBR.
East Dcamoincs Polk Co, lowa, Dtc. 20th, 1848.
.»?DU aa H^ ngTh i mWea by mail (postpaid) te
any P. O. address, for one dollar per doaco, (six As
sorted-sizes with circulars, directions for using Ad. 1 by Ex
press fur flvo dollars pur hundred. (50 palrr) Circulars
giving wholesale terms to those desiring to beebms oasnts.
sent (or one letter stamp. • •
ACIEN l’S TV ANTED. Money sent by mail st ourrish
Orders Ulted with promptAess.'
• • Address J.IIjGOCU).
Dec. 12, 59-U. ■» ; > ; ABUnceOhlo.
PERSONS wishing to change their
buMinvM to a rapidly iircrowelng Country, a New
cetuemcnt where hundred* are going. Where the dloai*
8 dellghtfnl. See advertisement of the lUtemea.
Settlement, in'attnther column, * ' s ’
•A BOOK roil KV*
’ u y b o d y.—stXhxlinb
iER’S great work for the mar*
•“•> (Tr for (hose contetap]*.
igka sola the last year. The
ugle. married, and the mar
’ll lia i;i'y- A lecture tm
nt. nr how to ch«*»4 afptH.
-t: a complete work ott Md.
It contain* hundreds poMUhed—warranted to tw «Dltk
- : .o amnnut ashed for it. 25 cent! In maeu)_
linage stamps enclosed, will secure a copy hy
OR. TELLER Jins devoted a lifetime to the mm
e«ge on which his book* treat. Addrcaa J rv.iiVS
No. 5 Bearer afreet Albany, N. y J * TJSt *f». M.O.
l^A K m.h AN P S FOlt SALE 25 MILES
T«r»»* on aFii U^ Railroad iu the State of Rev
Jen-ey. Soil among the best for Agricultural mJiSZZ
being good loam .oil. with a clay boVtom The
large tract, divided Info innali farm/nml l.nns«sr^”
Theenra n^!l COU ! ,try " rc now Bctfliiig slid
The cnips produced are large and can be seen mvwlß« ••
l£m C i\ l SV e iof? l ' li^I,lful and Be 3 cu< ‘° from froeuT Term*
from $lB to $2O per acre, payable within four
Mn wentf- To vl!.|t the jSaiß-l.aTo TlneVfreft 5,2»
at Philadelphia at 7J* A. SI. by Railroad for U«£»SS2$
* »«S|- »• J- HA by Ictir.irummonton P^ffi
£!SSK: t"' 1 ™’- ■« “■ «■«"££»
W*?. m ample time has been tdveu l n thlrt*
"' couu * H n »svttled will be placed in the v«»H‘ of
a proper person for collection. wbus os
- Altoona, July 28, isso.-at . RUNYAN * BANFOBD
fec,H B’T'tcfol, for the patronage hereto.
0n 116 firm ancl -Blmaelf by the Stiiraa'of
Altoona, and expects still to serre the public wlllj all
of meat as usual. All persons tuning to settle their
counts every thirty day* must not expect longer Indnl
gencc. ILy capital is limited, and long credits will too*
J>ere are that have Indulged sous*
credit to their rmn. N MARTIN RUNYAN.
1*1*" «-r Pari?" ***
Window Shades, Teeters, Borders, Ac.
ax Tam ots stum • *
No. 87 Wood St, Pittatarsjh.
- [Sept. 28, ’».]
with P, Drc}lMe or “11 » n T lagsr beer
* P ° f AtTOONA BREWERY there
?“’r.^k^ ncvor h »ve been and never will be eold
w^n?«5 re,l !f rjr i AU keg * “mtAlttßlntt said stamp will
bo claimed and taken, wherever found, by the proprietors
« «V> »!? w wy to whom they belong.
Jnly 28th ISS»-tf. WILHELM A BRO.
RAPE growers can carry on their bui-
M «l Banuneetoaf Wea tete
to*™-., Vißysrdss«t (mttto pWMSstto. Bm
«<vetfliem*sf rfH*mo»Wi»oß Lands, is another eetaa a .