The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 03, 1859, Image 2

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• THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27.185 ft.
Where parties are unknown to ns, our rule for adver
tising Wto require payment in advance, or a guarantee from
known'person*. It is therefor?useless for all such to send,
■I Advertisements offering to pay at the «d of three or six
south*. Where advertisements are accompanied with tin)
MUffi whether one, five or ten dollar*, we will give the
,Sdt#rtl*ar the full benefit of cash rate*.
8. M. PETTEISGiIiE. &. CO.,
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau a treat, Newark, and
labiate etrect, Boston, are the Agants far the - Altoona
tribune, and the moat mfloontiai and largeet circulating
Newspapers in the United State* and the Canadaa. They
Ke authorized to contract torus at our hwut TaUt.
: Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania.
.ntrsrsnvjiXiA, ss. ; V
A Oottrnor <tf Oft laid Ommonuealth.
t IELWWdmsM:—Tho a kind
rravhlraca through the poit year, demand out grate/ul
ncogojtionaud coll &>rlUn sacrlflco ofTlionkigiving
Badpntae. t7a<l«r th« protection of a Government that
••corn wall equolrighu, wobave pursued, unmolested,
|b« various Avocations of lift, with more than'usual proa-
Jwrltjr. Tho earth,-‘ußderthe labors of tho husband
man. has yielded bar increase, mid our bams aud store
houses are crowded withtbe traits of the harvest. Wo
bare Rat only been preserved from the ravages of tne poa
llUoce. but the past dial .been a y«r distinguished for
health in unr hugojeittes and throughout nil onr rural dis
-triets. Oor .country baa been preservedin peace. Onr
homes hare been the abodes, of; tranquility, and blessings
Innumerable bare’clttsteifed around our .domestic .hearths.
•Oor various schools and deminaries of learning ’ are diffu
sing throughout onr community a higher intelligence, aud
imparting to otir .youth nobler aspirations. ¥llO Institu
tions ofonr holyrellgion arc well sustained; and under
Its pure and genial influence, tlie spirit of unity and love,
the earnest ot yet better day*, is most happily developed.
■Jo God, the Great and the good, wo are indebted .-for all,
and to Kim,let praise bo rendered.
With thot[e sent Imcnts, and in occonlanec with thekimvp
wishes ofmany ofmyfellow-citiiens,!, Wtuxxu P. Packer,
Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do lo re
' by appoint THURSDAY, Oi* tMli dayofXOrKUIIKR
nczi.M aday of gcneral/Thanksgiving and praise to Al
mighty God, and recommend to all onr people to lay aside
on. that day, their customary worldly business—assemble
inthiilr respective places of worship, and unite in praising
Qod fur Uis excellent greatness toward os--beseeching Ilia
gracious goodness.
Given mjuasjuy hand and the great seal of the State, at
Harrisburg, this fourteenth day of October, A. I). IfcSi),
and of the Commonwealth the eighty-fourth.
Jtythc Governor: i Wll. F. PACK EH.
WK. M. Biestxb, Sec. Commonwealth.
Tike Inson'ccUoik
Tohave- published all the details of the
fate insurrection at Harper’s Ferry, to
gether with even a meagre account of the
trial of Old Brown and his associates,
would have occupied all our columns, con
sequently wc have not burthened them
with -any of it, presuming that most of our
readers, who care particularly about the
transaction, have already been posted up
By the daily papers. Wc may say, how
ever, that dur ng the progress of the trial,
many men who have heretofore taken a
conspicuous pan as leaders of the Repub
lican party, have been connected in some
ways with Old Brown in his mad scheme.
Whether there is really any just reason to
'BO connect these men with such a consum
mate^piece of folly, or whether it is done
to injure them politically, time will tell.
If at be the latter, it will work to the in
jury of those en .raged in, it.
Old BVown has had his trial on the
triple, charge »of treason, conspiracy and
'murder, has been convicted, and doubtless
Before a week, will swing from the scafiold.
To All V'lpTbo iCojacernLfil.
All | shrewJ business -men agree that to be
nceemfot in business, three things are necessa
ry. To have a.teal gqid article,jo soli itrsheap.
and then—to let thc know it. ./These are,
the reasons trhy the Ptitoiury* Dollar Chronicle
—that widely-known family .weekly—has nt-
Untied SRQh .immense circulation, and so great
popularity. Ifo paper in the whole county is
. -better, cheaper, or- more universally liked.-—.
• Think of it . Each issue contains over thirty
eoiunns'of the Very latest spiciest and mosten-
selected and con.
The typo is bran-new, distinct and ea
pHy legible. Independent in politics and reli
gipn, -it conteinswotAmy dull, long, or prosy, but
'ls no Tull of wit, spiriC and interest .‘' as an egg
Ui liijl pf meat.” The market cattle, local,
neighborhood,' telegraphic, . and . agricultural
sews: 4s very lull: and reliable. Its two pecu
liar, pnd most popular features, however, are a
list pf all theSolvcntßanka of the country,
corrected, a n A inserted each month,
of .theialeat counterfeits' inserted
.f^jreek—together, worth many times the petty
:ct jbe paper. Single subscription only
per annum. In cltrbs of ten .to one
Jiddrew, only seventy-five cents, invariably in
Advance. Send to Charles M’Knight, publisher,
Ohrpnide Building, Pittsburgh, and the current
rpimber jiUl be forwarded yo.n free of expense,
can judge for yourselves, pud act ae
tSjf* We have received a copy of a paper en»
Itdedlhe Egyptian Spy, published at Tamaroa,
old friend J. S. Barr, Esq“, alias
VvfcsUow Moccasin,’ ’ formerly of the Huntingdon
Jmtriean. ' How the deuce “ Yellow Moccasin”
‘ *• Michigan Band-bo*” ever come to
in that part of Illinois styled Egypt,
-f» can discover, -unless it should
desire to enlighten
of that benighted locality, a
able to fulfil. Under
of suoh a “ perfect brick” os
'could Mt be othertlifinspicy
vHope b$ a^er^with
' gSF^'Amved—thebig “squitt’V-onßaturday
wintor&shions of
ladies;l»6imetak —? *'* * t:.- •%],
-' 1 *" • • ••. >■ Vvj i :
Bgh. Lovelier—#omo of the smiling fnces seen
inside of them. Ijl ~ =■ , ;
ggL-Thegas' and-water
pleted by the Istof December.
- 9Sr A protneted meeting irnow inprogresa
in the MethodfetCtardtlat fflolltdayabing. .
WjjL. Marriage, like Addling, depends a great
deal npoalhe bean-iog.
jgp Will be about again—the big “ squirt”
jgF~A grand Firemans’ parade came off at
Harrisburgon Tnesdaylast. v
Oasawatomie” Brown is statedto be
-the father of twenty-*W<> children.
■WI. Coroing~Tbank«ivigKB. with its. din
ners of darkey and jotber ** fislas.” ,
man canavpidhisownconupaDjr—ao
he bad best make It as good as possible.
-ladies, disinterested
friends, common honesty, audfirst ratebuttcr.
The New York-Aueniny Foil fngjgejsbi
that be hereafter colled 14 John Brin n’a
■ JgSf“ Somewhat uncertam—tho Harrisburg
editors about the time jhc new schedule will go
into operation.
There many a m whose tongue
might govern multitudes, If he could only gov
ern hii tongue. :
ggr Mrs. Partington makes Shakespeare sny:
" sweet, are the use of advertisements. ” It’s
so—if he didn’t-fiay it.
The greater the difficulty, the more glory
in surmounting it; skilful pilots gain their re
putation from the storms add tempests.
A number of rtnoymous-leUcrs have been
received by citizens of Harrisburg, threatening
the destruction of the-town by fire.
Hot true —that Hecnan, % “ Beniciir
Boy,” was killed in a prize fight in Canada. —
It was a fellow who. called himself Heenan.
Van Tries 1 Band will give a grand con
cert in Ilollidaysburg to-morrow (Friday) even
ing. Hope they may realize handsomely,
The editor win kissed his sweetheart,
saying. " please exchange,” is believed not to
have exceeded the proper •' liberty of the press.”
gigf* Copt, Bell, former editor of the Star id
now engaged in selling clothing at No. 55 North
3d street, Philadelphia-
BQk= Why are young ladies at the breaking
up of a party like arroia ? Because they can't
go off without a Leau, and are in a quiver till
they get one.
lt is'said that a lady, on putting on her
corset, is like a man who drinks to drown bis
grief, because in so lacing herself she is getting
6en. Shaffer, Senator from the Lancas
ter County District is already spoken of by some
of the papers as a candidate for Speaker of the
next Senate. ♦'
in the evenings—the Book, Peri
odical -and Music store across the street. , The
way cat-gut and horse hair has to take it is a
In one of (he Methodist churches at !
Newcastle upon Tyne, in England, upwards ofj
nine hundred persons have been admitted into !
the church.
{Sy* It takes three editors to start a paper in
New Orleans—onfe to get killed in a duel, one to
d : e with the yellow fever, and one to write an
obituary of the defunct two.
Some audacious scoundrel or scoundrels
entered the. Whig office, at ilolUJaysburg, on
Saturday night las', and threw into pi a number
df cases and galleys of type.
Halloween was permitted to pass unno
ticed in this place this year. This is as it should
be. It has ever'been considered “better in the
breach than in the observance.”
Gone—Old Billy Smith. His cstalish
jment is now in the hands of John Alexander &
Co., who .will serve up oysters, &c., to all who
call on them, in the best sty’e
f@“ Recovering./—We are pleased to learn
.from the Harrisburg papers, that Gen. Roum
fprt, Supt. Phila. Division, P. R. R., is rccover
ingslowly, from his recent attack of fever.
B£sn> Stated—by one one of the city papers,
that the whipping post is pine the best institu
tions in Delaware. If this be true, her other
“ institutions” are no* of a very good kind.
Jt&“ A man who don’t believe the world is
growing better, Says, the time, may come when
the lion sad the lamb'shall Tie down together,
but if it docs, the lamb will bo inside of the
Dishop Amea. of the Methodist Church,
was lately robbed of $lOO, at Galena, lU,by a
rogne who got into the, room whete he slept;—
The B*ishop was in attendance the Rock
River Conference. . ;
Black-eyed ladies are most apt to be
passionate .and jealous. Blue-eyed, r soulful,
truthful, affectionate, and- confiding. Grey
eyed, philosophical, literary, yesol.ute cold
hearted. HateVeyed, quick-tempered and fide.
B®t- Touitjf s Sjnrit of the South and Wett has
been anlted with poriw’* Spirit of the limes, ot
sporting paper In .the country, and those Who
wish to be booked. up in. sporting items should
not full to take It. v l
tfgg* A young man named Godfrey Gorman
was .instantly killed WiUmore, on Tuesday
mornitig last. Ho' attempted to jtunp from a
freight train, whilst in motion, and was caught
by one of the cars which ran over his arm and
head, crushing both. ; , - ' -.
Q 3&» From the Johnstown StUmne we iearn
that a spirited revival is now in progress'among
the Welsh-miners at that place. Since its com
mencement some ninety' persons.hayc professed
to find peace in believing. The voice of suppli
option for mercy ia daily heard to ascend from
Jwota ofmbers gathered 1 togetherinthe drifts
tbe .Company ,, 9 tallies/ Tlkfief vfMflJt-'ose
month wititfsscti scenes of riqting -opdj
drunke nnfeSs, are now used for gUccs of singr
ing, exlwrtaUoß and prayer. .
JQT That diamond wedding. At Ne# York,
«m a^^ ng^ip ti«>din blood. -Mlfßartlett
Siedman forridiculirgitin dog*
gone) Vewje, and; |*ben Mr. Stedmon Aowed a
disposition to fight, Mr. Bartlett—backed down,
and sued IflmiptktforUbcl! What • fortunate
result!l > r ’j‘" '
mat- neighbors of the Johns*
town TWiunc to give some Republicans abont
Ebensburg “particular fits” lostweek, unless
their good nature rather than a sense of justice
pedalled.) Ae thgjK did not do’lt,.we presume
they of course be good natured. Glad to
know it. j .i."
>, Xesthnnpial of Respect.-—The officers of
the Railroad Company hare had a
splendid Mirer salver, thirty-three by twenty
three gotten np for presentation to W,
A. Stokes, Esq!,..late Solicitor of the road. A
massive gobblct, intended as a present for little
41 Aggie,*i his daughter, accompanies it
;NM* York ladies are exhibiting
their hail! dressed in a somewhat novel fashion.
Thchairlspartcd down the middle of the fore
head, atianged ;in rich bandeaus, and then
wouud roiund the head in a double plait, form
ing a diadem; op the back of the bead is placed
a velvet bow; with long ends.
gS* Gjheiie is a new cause of trouble in-the
domestic laffaira ef Tippecanoe couuty, Indiana.
There is a turplm of $lB,OOO in the treasury!
and theref is h greatdeal of discussion and diver
sity of opiuidnns to what oughwto done with it.
It is very dobbtfol if any other county has a
similar affliction.'
80U Edward Everett. haring been requested
to preside at n meeting in behalf of the Indians,
andnold that the spirit of Daniel Webster had
requested him io do so, replied “ that a very
long and ardent friendship bad existed between
himself apd Mr. Webster, and he could not con
sent to receive tuny .communicaiion from him
through a third patry.”
BgL- The St Paul MinnetoHan says that a
physician in thit place asserts that 3,000 tmbies
were born there last Winter, and that the crop
the comipg Winter will be still heavier. The
Minuesofiqn says : “ We think his figures rather
steep, but this iS certainly a fast country, and a
profitable climate. In a few years we shall be
indifferent whether we have emigration or not.”
S&* As the train going west over the Great
Western a few nights since, was mov
ing along the shore of Lake St. Clair, a heavy
fog prevailing ai the time, a flock of wild ducks
came rushing agaidst the cars, four of them
entering the open door of the baggage car,
which was quickly .closed, and the game cap
tured. The spoils were divided between the
conductor and the baggageman. -
About aiweek ago a woman who rejoices
in the cognbmcin'of “ Dancing Sal” stole a horse
near Rochester, ; N. Y. A reward of $lOO being
j offered for her . arrest, she was pursued by a
' constable, wbe overtook her. and for safe keep
; mg confined her in the third story of a hotel,
: from whence slip escaped during the night by
j the aid of her bed cord, and finding the officers
;, horse was superior to her own, exchanged steeds,
| and mhdis her escape.
The; Agricultural Bureau of the U. S
Patent place ■ have received intelligence of the
shipment from tlarve, France, of a large swarm
jof Lombiirdy bees. They are of larger size than
■ the ordinary bee, and, haying a longer bill, are
' able to puck floorers inaccessible to the Ameri
i can bee; The,; product of an old hive of these
I bees is sometimes 150 lbs. of honey in one sea
! son. These bees will not be distributed
j 1801, by. which time it is'expected to rear from
the swam how in tranaiiu stock enough for six
, hundred; hives; ' ■
fig?” Death-Bed Conversion.—Lem, Showell,
Esq., the wealthiest man in Worcester County,
Maryland, and a lifetime Whig, died on the 4lh
inst. The Edglem Star says:—“On his death-
! bed, we understand, he called his relatives
! around him; andiold them he had willed them
! a very largo property; but from recent obser
| rations he bad become satisfied it would be of
| little value to them, unless the Democrat party
j is successful. | jlis dying request was, that all
j his family and .relatives should hereafter act
with the Democratic party, which they promised
to do, and. itr£ now with ns. The Showell
family, We . leap, number near a hundred iu
Worcester.’'* .■ I ] ,
BgU he Maryland Election Came off
jjtit wc have no returns. A
tbfcgnipbi was received in this
plhbe y|cstierd4y evening, stating that there
had been considerable rioting in Baltimore
and that svf respectable citizens had been
killed, j Crreah excitement prevailed.
, A Chu.d wmi Two H eads.— A correspondent
of the [Anson i (Me.) .Advocate, rentes that on
the TBth or September last, a male child was
horn in [the town of Palmyra, having two heads.
The names .of the parents arc John and Mary
Ward. J The‘.first, a natural head was connec
ted by; a npek of about the usual length and
size, to’the bpc)k or part of the first
one, a iSttle 'nbPve the point where the head and
.neck naturally Join. Both heads weije of about
the same size 1 , find facing opposite 'ways. Hair
grew perfectly [natural on. both scalps, but the
second bead was entirely wanting in features.
Therd were ai few small irregularities where
the factor features should have bgen.,appear-.
iOgasif nature had made an effort to form Tea- ’
fares; butyrithput success. ' Thobeaithof the*
child seemed good, and it grew’ well until the
. 19th of [the present month, when the unnatural
head wrts successfully amputated at the neck by
Dr. J. q. oF Pittsfield. A dissect loot of
this showed ,tbje skull to be composed of bone
and also what should have been bone
in the heck proved cartilage. The head
contained j h substance almost perfectly resem.
Wing brain, but of less density. It has how
been fiFe days since ! the operation, and the
child is recovering Very fast, v
A Rare C^isn.- —The Washington Constitution
Bays that a person who was recently allowed a
. pension ph accoent of a disability incurred in;the:
naval service,, and supposed to be of a perma
• oent obanuster, has informed the pension office
ttat he is banpily restored to health and there
,re*h,<la,Bh®d bis claim to the beneficence of
I similar insthnee has not
years, and U is ashooorable
*t ie*Bo?bl. ?T
10S*. A curiosibrUre recently been discovered
ini the sand\j»it of ICaptaiu NuUon, at Kittan
nlng. At
Surface of'the earth, the worbraen catne-opon a
substance in the form of a, scroi-crescpnN.abont
eight inches in diameter at one end, lapenng to j
a- point at .the other, and w*s abbttvseven or ]
eight feet long. The oiitside wwXphwolored,
but the inside presented a clcrtr white appear
ance, having a consistency not unUkeSewyer’a
Chemical Olive Soap, and ..when tried for wash
ing the bands, removed the dirt equally aa welL
The sand stratum ■ here Is entirely free from
gravel, bat where this was found, there were
several good sized boulders, and some gravel
underneath it. The editor of the j Democrat,
who has a piece of this singular formation, is
puzzled to know what action of nature produced
such a result—and adds: “if it was originally
a piece of wood, the transformation is moat sin
gular. If a tusk or bone, containing as it did,
an alkali, the absorption of the vegetable oil,
which is found throughout the Valley of the Al
legheny, may have produced the substance found
—a very passable article of fine, jwhite bard
soap! Whatever the origin and causje may have
been In the above instance, the result is soap
The origin and cause are questions for scientific
' j
Singular CaTasthophe- — A fanner named
Harris Durham was nearly killed | near New
Holland, Ohio, in a singular manner. 1 last week.
He was trying to catch an unbroken colt with
a lasso, which was fastened to the horse he Was
riding, lie threw the rope and caught the colt,
and at the same time, the rope caught in a cir
cular twist around bis neck, which dislodged
him from thcunininl be was riding, when both
became frightened and ran furiously around the
stable yard, dragging Mr. Durham by the neck,
and injuring him so severely that no hopes arc
entertained of bis recovery.
gS* Another item of presumptive, evidence
of the insanity of “ Ossawatomie Brown” has
besu discovered—it is stated that he is the fa
ther of twenty-two children!
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of tbe Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising. from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquirsd a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant. It will cure, without fail,
the most severe and'long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
-5 flaenza, Croup, Fneuxqonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses Will also at once check and
cure the most seven Diarrhoea •proceeding
from Cold in the Bowels.
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. Th'e signature of C. M. Jackson
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Evektbodv’s Almanac,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
If Ik. For .sale, in Altoona, by A. Kmish and 0. W
KeSsh-r, and by all Druggists. [may 19, ’69-ly 1
1 the Original and Beit in thr. World
.All others are mere imitations, and thould be avoided, if
yon wish to escape ridicule.
GRAY,.HER, or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and ■ natural Brown or Black, without the least
injury to the Hair or Skin.
I fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
jA. Batchelor sines 1 1839, and over BU.OOO applications have
-been mode to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
WM, A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR, DYE produce* a color
not to bo distinguished from nature, and is warranted not
, to injure in the least, however long it may be continued,
'and the ill effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the llair invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9- private rooms) at'the Wig
Factory, 232 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in all
cities and towns of the United States.
*f" The Genuine has tho name and address upon a steel
plate engraving on four sides of each Box. of
Nitv. 18, ISjS-ly
iMPoarAvTTO Females!-—j|)r Cheese
man's Pills.—The combination of ingredients in these
Pills are the resnlt of a long and extensive practice. They
sxe mild in their operation; and certain in correcting all
irregularities, painful menstruations, -removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
always arise from Interruption of natures, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and ftee from.anything injurious to life orhcalth. Ex
pftcit directions,’which should be read, accompany each
bo*. Price $l. Sent by mall by cpclosing $1 to any
authorized Agent.
H. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States,
166 Chambers street, New Y'or(c»
2b whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed.
Sold by 0. W. Kessler, Altoona;' Geo. ji, Jacobs, Holli
daysflnrgj and by all druggists in the United States, n
>CnB on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
Kov. 18,1858-ly.
Wart w wocu) tass w Fbsb ins Su.v.*—A philosopher
hw cahtulatod Oiat the amouht of light which flowafrom
the solar orb could he scarcely produced by the d lly com
bustion of two. hundred globes of tallow, each equal to the
ln magnitude. A sphere of cominpUblo
n»U(* larger than|p itself, would be consumed
ten year* In mantajaing its wonderful! brilliancy. It
would be a Qdeudid sigh t to see animmoijso transparency
hym»n*ofoao ofjtheso talljuw globes, and
«*?*“« w r»«e» upon & “Suy all your garments at the
Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhiuli Wilson, Nos.
603 aud 806 Chesnnt Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia.”
Ittting to a chadj—no tarnine up behind—
off the Mad; indeed, this b the only EstdhlUhmdPirhßr*
ttiss* things .are propfrlyuaderstood and 4ads.-^ : ‘ ' ■
*<*.«, MW-ly -■V»?fres^^isw^.
233 Broadway, Now York.
thgoreat restorative.
WWCISBK W> W^tatl.;
IS.Ur.. Jonathan Uonghm«h M V r f*^P #lon » r * rk
County, tfflaois, writes to the proprietor* Bro f*
o< Pitiabtcrgb, that be had «o»r*tfircatty frCtf a sever#
and protracted Attack of Per* jindAjooj;##*
pletsly restored to health by thewy-cftlia Pfltealone.
These Pills afMuestbmably patoeeu great,
i and can be taken with decided advantage fiJii many dieefc"
ri requiring tovtioratlßg remedies; bet life UVer TCla
stand preeminent as a means of r*itoringffc <B**ganszed
Liver to healthy action; hence the pit celebrity they
have attained.' The nnmerona formidable disease* arising
from'a diseased Liver, which so loogbolfied the tkillof
the moat eminent physicians of the United Mates, are now
I rendered easy of enre, thanks to the study and perseverance,
of the distinguished, physician whoso nsmothls great med
icine b.-ars—a name which will descend to posterity as one
deserving of gratitude. This inraluabls medicine should
always be kept within reach; and on the appearance'ofthe
earliest symptoms of diseased Liver, it can be safely and
usefully administered,
Purchasers will be carcftil to ask; far Dr-SPlenc's
Celebrated Ll« r Pills! manufactured by .Flem ing Bros, of
Pittsburgh, Pa There aro other pnta purporting to bo
Liver Fills, now before the public.' Dr. hPLOOo’s genuine
Livor Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had
at all respectable drug stores. Aon* the
For 1 a long time a certain clast of havo bafßed
the skill and practice of the most eminent member* ofthe
regular medical faculty. Foremost among these we might
instance epilepsy or falling fifa. Kapplly UpW h? the skill
and invunttvc genius of an eminent chemist of Baltimore,
Mdi, this disease has been brought wlthln the means ol a
cure. We allude to the preparation called the Vegetable
Extract Epileptic Pills, inverted and! pWpared by Dr.
Stfh S. 7/uncc, of 103 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.—
Since their discovery many persons who |bad given up all
hope of ever being turcd,'have been restored to the toll en
joyment of health. Prominent among theso We might
enumerate Mr. r.arrison Lightfuot, of Uuntsyillc, Alabama.
Mr. L. has tuffered as much from Epilepsy, as any other
person in the woi Id: never knowing what ij was to pass a
week without having an attack, andoften falling in the
streets of Huntsville. He is now fully restored and hns
not had an attack for more than ft year. pr. Ranee’s Pilli
have been the sure causo of this cure. . These pills also
cure all modificatic ns. of Pits, Spnshiß, Cramps Ac., and
are very serviceable for persons ofvreakuutroa. Dr, Uauce,
sends them to any part ojl the country ph lli e receipt of a
reiuittuncf. Price, one box, $3; two l<oxcs $5; twelve
Imx j, sJl;—Alldrcss Setb S. Uvxce, 108 Baltimore Street,
Baltimore, MJ. ;
43- Eyen those wh» are in the etyoyuieut of perfect
health frequently have iit c.l to have recourse to Lillies as
preventives of disease. We arc nevei too well armored
against the assaults of “the ills that flesh U heir
Such an iuvigoratof they may And in IIOST'I.I'TEU'S BIT
TEIIS—a medicine that cannot be taken regularly without
giting vitality and elasticity to the system. At this sea
son. particularly, the strongest loan is not proof against
the malaria, iu reitaiii sections of tliccuuutry. 'ln all
cases of fever ami ague, the Bjttcrs is more potent than any
amount i f quinine, while the me.-; dangerous cases of hi."
lions f-.ver Jieid to its wonderful properth a. Those who
have tried tin riredicm uiii never use aiiutlier, for any of
the ailments which the Hostetler Bitters.professes to sub
due. To th.ue who have not made the experiment, wo
cordiully recommtnd .-.n early application to the' Bitters,
whenever they art-stiuk-n by diseases! of the digestive or
Sold by druggists and b ub rs gen* rally, everywhere.
4a’.-’- aiv Ttisei;, -lit in an •'l, -1 .iiiinn,
Stoves, Tin & Sheet Firon Ware,
SpoutingJ &c.
f/ sportfully inform the citizens-.i AltoonaSjaßfck
and vicinity that lie keeps constantly an hand
large .assortment of (bo/, ivy. PUrtur. Office
Shop Stores, of nil sfyb s mui sizes, tii shit the 'V 5 —”
wants of nil, which he will sell at low prices, on reason
able terms. 1 s • ■
He also keeps on hand a large stool; of Tin and Sheet-
Irot) Hu re. pousL-ting of all articles for Culinary purposes —
Owl Srnttles, Stove I'ipe, i£c, j . /
He ha., also purchased the r'ght of sale iu Blair countv,
of 11. V. JOSES’
an invent ion which needs only to be -ben to be apprv-ia
and sluml.l bv j.. by, v.iy bum|r,i butcher or tins,
ivquh big -u, b u lum-hhie. J i ’
ft Ik. Particular ittt nrion paid tb I'n'Btig up SPOUTfNG,
uiibrr in town or cuti .try. Spouting painted and put up
on the m rt-inunabb- t: rias. [aptil 14, Isf/.My
1859. Fall Trade 1859.
/ \ ’ have just receive 1 and aro t...w!oiferiug the largest
and mo-t vuiied «t<wk ot i '.
ever bi. uglit io this Market I In djiinoetlon with the
above they are constantly .supplied with choice Brands, of
toe vai 1011 . grades of ■ ■
Also, Bacon, Cheese, Whale, Tamer's and Lard
Oils; JJess Ror'A-t;' " ' ■
; Together with nil kinds of Pittsburgh [Manufactured Arti
| rle,. all of which will be sold l.uv for cash. The Mer
i cluints of this place are invited to call before purchasing
e!.ewh T-. At the Old Stand !
I Oct. t 7, ‘fl*-2n1.l WM. M. GORMLY k CO.,
271 t.»
House and lot Fpit sale--
The subscriber offers nt privity |
sale the houso iiul lot now occnpfediby
huu on Chestnut St„ North VTarU Altbo- MMM | 5 |'[jA
lift. The La gocnl two Story Plmik EBM 5 mbi
Rnililing. W’ittberboartic'i, containing a JHrannK
Hall. Parlor, Uinmg-Uoom am! Kitclp n
on hint floor. four good si/.u slcvpirig rooms on the sec
ond, floor, and u Attic. Alsu a good Porch mid Bhl
cony to tho buck part of tin- IlMiise. ‘ A good cellar, .and
excellent wa.or at the dour. The lot 14 in good order, wi{h
a number of fruit >table. on- it. For further in
formation, call on tho subtwriber, residing thereon.
There is a small frame dwelling Hojiuo on tho same lot.
The terms of sale will be made easy*
[Oct. 13.] ; TTm. KINStOB.
American Life Insurance and Trust Co.
Capital Stock, $500,000.
Company Building, Walnut Sth, S. E. corner of
. Fourth Vhila.
J. C. SIMMS, n*?y. [Gif. 27th, 1859-Iy.
DENCE of the subscriber, in Lb- ** .
gab township on or about the let of Oe
tober, 1859, a small RED COW. wlth|a
white stripe down her back, red and
white spotted flanks, white fore ; lets
from knees down and horns bored;
posed to he about 4 years old. The oVner is requested to
como forward, prove property, pay charges and take her
away, otherwise she will bo disposed of According to law
Oct. 27th,'59-3t. JOSEPH YOUNG.
ws F,lter and Plumber, from Philadelphia, has opened a
Gas lining and Plumbing establish® mt; in Brant's Row
three doois b*.ow the Post Office. •’ : " \ ■ T i
lie will he pleased lo attend to all otidtxs in his line with
promptness neatness and dnrahilDy.-i • -’• .t;
flat AH w&.fc^ warranted. _
Altoona, Oct. 6,1859.—1 m > •
JL subscriber, ira saffipient- nnmbbr offer, will form a
class for Instruction in Drawing, the bourne of which will
include . ' y, vtre „ ■■■;•
Linear Perspective, Proj&ptioQ appli
ed to Machinery I^avirinK,
Shadowing, Drawlng,
vember lal, 1B&9. n - EDWARD uODNBTT,
at John Bowmatftf Exchange Hotel
Altoona, Oct 13, ’69. uotej.
®f J}'?®* 8 McCulla, in Altoona, (formerly
offered at private Sale.! tot 0% fret front
f? n Vj far *bar Information information inquire of
; mcnbaws.
* Ca ’ 11 P **“ t Shoulder Seam Fine Shirts
ftPP® Business, and Factories <san be
P r °et;hly at B*mmbb|<m - S»«Adv*rttae
*♦»*offfitinmonton Lends.
iv K tgle. Hotrl. Pittsburg^.
J. pleiunre of announcing to thrtr frirnd* M * ***•
ers u»f 11 aa this public me large ,n.» ,i,„_
,Wiving their ■ . , J •*« bo*
which have boon elected with ears tind bond • ***
which wUI enable vc to offer IndnctaaMuts S*
Oar stock of " F««h*wa.
Is Ijarge and varied, including ail'Oie
PrinU. G-nghatm', Drlaina, Fbteiefa^nS I ** of
Printed Mt-iinn*, Black «W
Cloak* and CMh Ihlifcr*, which have Ue n £**’
low and will benold at a small ad Times. t**j
W» liova Black and Fancy Casalmerra o,,i_
Tweeds, Ac. Onr stock of rusffi«&S
is large, consisting of -Mnstlhs, Tkkin e » , Tw i r Sjr >Cs
lings. Bed Blankets and Comforts, Ac.
We havealso a ftno stock of
Zephy Knit Goods, Gloves and Ifasterr. end \Z?
•“»“»-*** its^szi^
All- Wool, Wool Filling, Lul and Raa Caro*
Bought at Auction, and. which We can offer **’*'
will defy competition. a(t “ that
QUOCKKUiS tor sole by Wholesale at pit,
Freight only added. - Dficej with
'' ‘ AU hinds of Country Produce taken at the hid,-.
ket price. Wo . respccffnlly , invito idlpermns h. J ra * r
: cheap and goad GOODS, to call and bo u“ 101
hare a Model Stock at Model Brices. Bm . »•
AUooimi'Oct, 13, ’69. v J ' * J>
Biitiiflg sefc
W o m, good
T T K«Plc of Altoona, the surrounding cotmir, . ,
the “ rest of oo.nk.ud," that he has hurt o 4
city w.tii a large stock of SEW GOODS, whichlis 1 '
at reasonable pnecs, at the stand formerly occnnki .
Kerr, and recently by.AV. O’X.eah, uu SsTSiV
htock iu tlie oiu> tme iu town which « Ili,
and be flatters himself that hr has somethin-. t„ .
of of every lady.and suit the want. of evJN 2m ’
He deems it unnoces:ii,r.vW enumerate all the iitvi
the shelve*, (»a to do so w B uld require a whole ~222 m
but would say that be has everything iu the line«f W?t ''
whicli this meridian calls for. and all just , ‘
season, together with a well selected assortment 0 f n ’ "
Esirnnhing Goods, such at Carets Window lllia,U,St2?
if, which will .unimend themselves. o-aaiti,
he lias a great variety— from which they can V,, ,
make a sufisfiictory -it IvctioD. lie has also »tm-t, „
ufacture. Also. HAUPWARE, QUEEXSW i“ U
rything tioceSß.n y to couijdcto a store hi a (M 0.,.,
lik“ Altoona. ' **
All ho asks is,that the people, call and examine 1.1...
which he will at all times take pleasure m - ‘i
ho lewis Confident that ho can send Uii-in awny
not in (he rclntse of just such an article as tlievwaie
at Hie remembrnneo of having looked np„ n th, w.j
csl el-a-k of Hoods ever exhibited iu the t.wn
Altoona, Oct. 20, IS.SO. ’
CIS- CE> 0> 5£3 a
tf a reived and opened at his'old stau.l, on Virgin. r.
a large and attractive assortment of sctuoiiabi* towSs
prising all the novelties in
la >r.v.\
and =U vrtrietic« and textures of
together with a full assortment of goods f.rgentlsßdi
weat. such ns Hot he. Caasimeres mid Vestings,
AUo,a full stock of Hardware. Queeiuwars saf
and an assortment of
of all sizes and styi.-s, which equal to (tny in thtsurkt!,
and will be sold at fair prices. ' x
Having recently enlarged my store-room, I ty, re*
d splay my larg*dy in-Ten.-.. -d st. K-k to 1.-ctt r nivmtq.
and would respectfully Invite everybody to call.
Hay 12. 1559.
i ; .- ,wirair
_L • selected assortment uf Dry Goods, which arc wrcith
going to sec, \ ■
i. 11a has nn nneipulh-drstocic of OROCERIIj, bd
ami pure, which he will sol! as reaconabk; m any mirtkn
iu the place.
3. lie has ITardaeire, Qi:c*nr:nre, SaMfirm, <fc.i of hi
most fashionable styles.
4. i lie has a large case of 3 and Shoe: for Ocnta. U
dies, Misses and Children, oiflbrurtug all liii-a, ipidJM
and prices.
5. Ita has a tine stock ot'J/JTS 6>rjSummet
the pink of tlic fashion—all very cheap.
6. lie keeps always ou hand an ussortmsnt cf ti^ i
Made Clothing, tu suit the season. ,
7. lie lias > u hand a targe sthtk of Cloth:. (lr»notro««-
Icsiii/gs. which he will make up to order on dart ratio
ln.n fashionable stvlo, and at prices widch must jin !i:>
faction. f
8. Ho don’t a«k people to come and buy—only to e»»*
and examine his stuck, feeling confident that if they Vat
examine time wilt buy without asking.
Altoona. May 5, ISSO.-tf
Look out for your head:
A poet gives the folio wring advice to jmmj an 11
going to parties:
In 1 going to |arU(% Jhit h)!nd arbat jonr at:
Beware of vour Wi4aml*taka care ef }fur HAT;
Leajtyi.uflii.lthata,EiT,ifito »on of jmir im'thtf,
lliia aii ache in thc pue cud a Wet lii the cii l ? l '-
Speaking about hats end bead*—the ttibieriUr
resjifctTuliy announce that be has jint returned 6»® “J
city with a Urge and well selected stock of Men m» W*
of every color end shape, Alto. a good •
ladies ;Aisri| misses fuss,
■ofi, different varieties,' all of which will •>*
Persons in want of anything in the abo« U«»i
SI ease give me a Call before purchasing elsewhere •* 1
etermined to sell at tbs very lowest possible P rtt f_v
i Store on Virginia street, bpposita the Lnthtnn cu®^ -
Altoona, April 28, ItiJS-tt - - JESSE
XT 'The Aubscribcr offers at Private Sals
the HOCSK aud LOTnowoccnpicdby Her,
on the corner of Adaiine and Jolla streets, flnf I|B
East Altoona. The House is a good Two-^Bl!lm
Story Frame Bulbling, containing a
Pdrior. Dining-Uoum and Kitrhcn on the*' , |
ftrstfloor, four good sleeping rooms on the sccoßaw*"'
• Bllfahcd Attic. The lot is in good order. t.*ird«
Persons wishing to view the premises and obtain
imfbrmation will call upon the subscriber. —, r v,
Altoona, Ang. Uih, 1559-tf. - —•
Altoona nursery.—The snb-
Btribor would respectfully inform tM iIK
public that he has now on band at bii
*ry, various kind* of FRUIT TREES, readyVH
Tor tranupla ntlnj this kail, ounsistlne «f Jp “I''
piu, /VacA, Plum, Prune . Gage ond Jfrmt
Tree*, grafted in tins root. All tree* warranted-
Altoona. July U, *W-Sm R-
Medicated fuk
.ftarthl diuaaos Bronehitlt, Oi tight, Ooida * a “. jftit
llont of the Logt, which arite from the expo»“ „fcoi
cheat, according tofaxhion ami the <*ntmnel ““Cjjj.
Climate, for tele at the Pme Store of «• W.
SuS**" o **
»..r> Thrucgh MaU,
w2t^^ u#h *
srestsm way,
JrSoV M " duflt»« t**<
dock, on Sunday.
e juue i, ’M-tf]
, fc., «S Bast “
*■** u West “
Jpa* Train Bast and Be
Train !&“*•
jJsTembor CO, 1803.
wiScb or
Art follows :--0i
giak iid tondvr w
did, net hen
paAdigomt of tl»e no
pulling a
close »<* hi», on an
wereampieUly cru:
tod tho back part
person who soon kin
rnnio him as !
And alteni
.fonk#^rtt Iff® was o
old of this p
' IWO chl||dt«n to n
On Sun Jay, b;
one ex
■ V TQt Fl
sens-Fin Bogin) and
ipormug I t
35 a
, forjmradc, They wc
black pants and gin
if of the pr
we n»|y, Include the ci
decorated with wren
. taking charge of the :
11$| streets laid Join
lisbbd last week, will
flic streets in Bust Alt
impassable by -the es
water pipes. A trW
io front of the Prcsbyt
thrown A HtUe higher
uipgtrod. Another t
the lagan House and
highest part of the b'i
dero^perfect salisfuct
* Uifl hitidsouicfl, nnd
U found in either cit;
AQQgsr : trial otll
ftfteruoo n u
TiUKWtUviNG.— l
an.l uo
icaJ*rsaie anxiously
nxut turke;
in 9^ r ' Yli<} turkeys, t
have tb
hlc ofatt editor do tb
djjhrpritci -Ofcou
Ur|#ed (o him. for
•Ironed into bis sand
at bisoitasc, “-will
Jt*.*i; Without any
tbrtPf.,-'- ' \
r 'fc' S. • We have i
*bo eoutemplnte phi
plcaao tio the legs we
hifdfi from straying m
UoQSM of C J. Mann,
were entered by mu
burglar, wlio r
Uitdia uot get bis i
fitatnaincd, which >
ofgasbe was evident'
thesesopd bo met wii
80 .as money wy
and re
oil space, wl
«oOo*|»py' disappen
and windc
reason of
•V.» ■£■**,. ’W, ■- ■
ly wlii
>o9s PO
as so
it old
i strc(
be cal
/Its, bc
antly o
' °y stc
.ffTwef lasted ia I
Jp?* 1 W faniilcs or
bushel, as
*« BSptner, Molsou,
**Hb« well treated.
The Protract
N jn the Method
jnanifestcd is