The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 03, 1859, Image 1

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iC titMnhtd hy
\ c L k an ' i di3t rt*tai.
ilunate victiius of
;;o directed their Oon»nlUtt*SS^
tli.vof their name,, to opa,MESS’
T , “!“ ‘ jf . ‘ htir condition, (iff
ie ) ami in ci»«-» of
uh i niduine frtt q/
e As<tH:iiU!ou comniaad«llS?ii2r *
p - and will furnish
Association, in their Annual
Sexual Disease*, express
uecess which haaatteuJsd
;cou 111 (ho cure of SnpennataJiJw~?
mpotcace, Gun lorrhdea, Olfjtc l
niim or Self-aluise, &c_ andVSu?*’
rie plan for the ensuing year *
loview of (ho past, feel asiurad
mere of benevolent efforthan?Sf*
afflicted, especially to
i' vote themselves, with renMrrflSf
jvixt! much tlespjp "
—■‘tn despised cause,
irt ou Spehiiatorrbcea, or Smi*..
*1 Oii:inwni,
of tue sexual organa, hi th. r,
l; -.ent Lv
r 1 reatui'iit.Dr. GKORQEiijut
rfecuii. Howard t°U
: By n
* • [Dec. Mjr.
[a. CM
o™&el D gas ™*>**tvo
s >|l) SMOKB
patented, which I* deattned h, »u
-iriuirc* ;
"‘••re enally, quickly amf ragnj,,,.
- uit xnioll ot gae arUe* fromu^j,
iit in.nil cuonuaw) trnlt cuie»-
from amoke a» tWttniJeaaMjt
i liatloa la nlao.couamnodEalde of
line any floe* nrchiin
'vitii hoot or the Kortarlooienpd b»
■ u tins. v ;■ 1
ill chaae stovct aiv invited to Mil at
.. r, in the Mnaonlc Temple. and ax-
H,U A jail far Blair Cbunlu.
Li light, Vorlor Cooking and)!»
rnal of Crime and Criming. t,
■ ia widely circulated throughout
u.a nil tlm Grcat Triaia, Criminal
-ilitoriaUoa the gome, together wlte
;il Matters, not to bo found Id an)
per nnnom; fl dor »lx moufha, it
■ '-f. (who should write, their qiuu«i
ii i State they reside plainly >
To 0. W. MATSKhL * 00 M
r. of New York .Police Gazette.
-V<iw Tnrk‘CUy
.v. >r x>
:av(*tp call the ttten
the Trade, and more r
i physicians of the ;
to of the most
ow before the publici
W’lane’r Celeltfitd v
i and Liver^dls.
: recommend them as
e-alls, but simply for
me purports, yi^.;
I Worms from the
i). It has also been
vi ih the most satis
s to various Aninials
• ‘\V
: Liver Comjpiaints,
See. In cases of.
and. Ague,
} or after taking
tiost invariably make
permanent ourc.
for the aboyemcn
s, they arc ortriv?led,
town' to fail whcn .au
accordance wth t& c
rccedented populap. 1 /
he proprietors.
g Brother^
Pa. ; .
v* have been sycces3-
: for the
cy will now give their
ne and attention to
ture. And s bang^ -
t Dn Cclfi*
fuge and JJy& *?•,
t. to occupy die nig
now hold among w l6
es of the- day?
to spaf6 neither
n procuring thc-Bcs
material, aid
n the most thoroug* 1
idress all orders to
BROS. Pittsburgh,
•hysiclans ordering frolo lurtiact
do •Roll to write tbelr
.. . X'lantt, prepared
To there wishing to KjT** fifth*
i)V mail, postpaid, to
; of Villi for twelve
»! of Ycrmlfnne tor
irs from CasodsßrtStUMWW"^
frer.«, V » A Rtuski •Sj-ft’ ’tjo-ly
~ r*a»y *v* ”
Altoona Jribuiit
VOIi. 4-
jjcCBCM t DEUN. Pubtisiien and Proprietor*.
' vn»rnble invariably in advance,) SI,M)
. diicoatiiiued at tbe expiration of the time
ill P*l* r *
p!l f«r.
M »ai or jldtmwsdco.
1 inaertion 2 do. - 3 do.
$ 26 $ 37& ' $ :60
50 - 75 T OU
" 100 1 40 2 00
W “ .. ) 1 60 2 00 . 2 60
jir»* and leu than three moatU*,£6eenU per
for u®* l 3 month*. 0. month*. -lyear.
$ I 60 ' $3 00 $ 6 00
3 60 4 00 TOO
4 00 * 00 10 00
6 00 >f 00 12 00
juUaeior ie«#i
h# u .
Uilf 1 column,
• of a politioal character orrndiTtdual to
t u ill be charged according tnthe above rate*;
“TilertU'-raent- not marked with the uniter of insertions
jMiK.I, »iH bo continued till forbid and charged according
Bve cent* per line for every Inecrtlorr.
OUtuarj- notice* exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a square.
D.M.B. J. M OEMMIU, *. D.
I / ING entered into Partnership in tha Practice of
respectfully tender their services to the Public
lilieVroral branches of their Profession.
Cilii will be answered either day dr night at their office
,likh i« the same as heretofore occupied Ly llra.Hirst
i Ooui —or at the Logan House.
} t nj OasEßt. M. D.. Prof. Obstetrics in Penn’a Medical
fiilltid’i Philadelphia,
j lirixst Smith. M. D., Prof. Institutes of Medicine In
ftan'a Medical College.
jiijSDO, M- D-. I‘jpf. Surgery in Pa. Med. Col., and Sur-
IMO to iliel’a. Hospital, Philadelphia
J. li. Ludon. M P, Huntingdon, Pa
join McCulloch, M D ly
John Scott; Esq. . ■
ffai Dorris, Jr, Esq, • *•
tfm M Lloyd. Esq. Hcdlidaylbnrg,
Join Cresswell. Jr, Esq. “ •
Samuel Milllken, Esq, Bell's Mills,
lii-n It F Dell,
John Bell, Esq. “ v
April list, tsia 3m
\\\ M. LLOYD & CO.,
■■ ALTOONA, f-l ,
{Late "Bell, Johniton, Jack # Co ”)
nRaF T S m THE Piimc 1 P AL
I / uili’a. am) Silver and Gold, for tate. tbollectionii
Bit received on d«|iodte. payalda iin demand.
«,i!i u: interoel, or OpoU Gmc, VvitU hitereat lit fair rate*.
K->. 3:1.13i3. ’ T- ' - ■
fAs US I LANDS !! LAN US !!!
[j IV un.lfiiiKinal'i* prepared to locate LAND W A Ti
ll.T.s in llio Omolia ftUtV Nebraska City Lund UITk-ie.—
»„J i. h-etioiivcau >m»W lie liiade near the lar;;e streams
ii,l i..ctlcmeiii<. ; Ttu Laud* of this Territory, now hi
ttki-Laro of (he bc»t qU;vlity.
Selcctloni carefully mode. .Letter* of iinpiiry rc
‘ albx. v. McKi\m;y,
OkcapuLU, Cuss County, N.Jer.
,’j’t 14, IStO.-tf
It. ■. A. B. GIVW. Altoona, Pa.
Ws. M. I.wlnA Con Bivfikers’, AltoonA, Pa.'l A.Dens, Editors. " .
Timii. A. SooTTi Sppt. Pi It. R-. “
li. McMctTHliu Esq.. .Huntingdon. Pa.
tilt?Wc!icu Uw.lnith'jjeVejhlCOurts of Blair,Cambria. Cleirti-ld, Centro ami adjoining counties.—
llwlu'tliu District Count of the United State*. ■_
of claim* promptly attended to Agent for
fcula-if Ileal Habile, Bounty Land With-anU, and all
UtioM pertaining to conveyancing and the law.
lloa. Wilson McChiullu* ami Andrew Burks, Esq.. Vitt—
hrrh; If Samuel :Prwi. .»u<lsta of Fayette
•tUhl District; Hou.CheivardClemcns,of Wheeling, Va.;
llulliurv IV H(iii.ifolin W. Killlnger,
Uioagu: Ifm. Win, A Sorter, .Philadelphia; and Hon.
inrun I*. lUuu'Uun. Pittsburg. ' June 16,.1859-ly. •
i kimmeel,
Tr?!h inserted, from ' oho jth a.full sot, on Gold or Silver
iV?., ■
Teeth filled with Oofil. itnii warrantedfor ten year*.
lVth (extracted by tho JJlcttro-Magnctic Machine with-
K'.l'sin. ' ' ■ .
ill ip-rations and work done cheaper than anywhere
Kofi tire county, and a deduction made; nf tho railroad
upeiHrt from Altoona to UollidaysburiS, from all opem
k'ti amounting fo five dollar* and over.
t - uaice on Montgomery Street, opposite the Exchange
Ik-1. 11.,m,W-urg, Pa. ’ .’[Dec.'lfi. ISSR-Iy
u; k. buyers
Hill, practlco in the aeyeral of , Blair, Cambria,
lluntingdonaudlndiann counties.
Psr’.icular attention given to the collection of Claims,
ai prompt remittances made.
1I» speaks the German language fluently.
Office. for the present, with J\ 51. Cherry, Esq., pp-
K*it» Kessler’s Drug Store. '
Aliontia. August 4. IMP.—tf ‘ . ....
\j PLB. Teeth extracted without pain by the Electro
hsgnetic Machine. • ■ [Dec. 23, ’63.-tf
A9* A Student wanted. ,
DU. \V.>I. R. RE- M
BPKCTFUI.It offefel&
"Dices to the people and the ad-vJBBy
He may be (bund at the office hcrptptore oc- aBbSI
r.pi«J by Dr. 0. !
jlb-111 a S-pt. So. ... ; . .^WiPr
]\ b\ ItOYKiipMr
Offjm hU profoMional eMVleeatothecitizens of
*A««aau.i vicinity,.' V ■ v r&fJ/T:
li" li *‘ t re f' i r*neai\»n be given If required.
v&a »t reside no * on branch street, Hast AUdomv.tbree
«>'?< ili it. C-mr,ul ? a Store.' ' '• t ' ‘ April 28’W-ly. * .
y in* ui-h and hear. JOSEPH >. mOtTf tnuoaa
■“tothe p'i-.ic, (h»t.lie is reedy to discharge his duty
** Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjan. i ’56. :
. ■ J. o: :AX)DtTM,
£|^tsi < DbE£L(^> 9
AWtIuSA, w/iIR "CiiUNTt'.' PA. \
“** U ill time* bo (bnokot the store of J. B, Uilumen.
«*>»!■ ''
t)um county marble yaud
iJJFreeman it Uoover resj>cctfully intirin the
that they have e.ubltstied a NEW SIAKULR VAUD,
{*««ejrner if Allegheny und‘Fr<mt Streets, in UoUldaye
they wIU keep constantly on bauds full as-
r , Wd bo prepared to execute orders for '' -
Slone*, Munununts, T<thle Top*,
»a,,J e “ in a prompt and workmanlike manner,
Anril 14.
f|0 A L! 00 A L!—THE UNDER
w,3nIa respectfully in -JtA
W tSL i! .‘5 cn ' of Altoona that beM® AIA/fg
b»h.*?d ha £*** l Yard foniierlyKtiiiT" ateS ,
Amwn, and is prepa?-*®# ; '
«f Can* »t the ehortegt notice sad
» *jt cash rlritMmptmaOtb
600 ■> 10 oo 14 oo
10-00 U 00 so 00
14 <» «00 40 00
1 T 5
Stats of V£s.n3ylvamv
, , S RULES.
l. Sidney is received every (lay, und id any amount,large
oremaH. • . , « , s»
2. Five pxk cekt. intercatispaid for money froth the day
it is put in. n
3. The money 1* always paidhack in oous arhonevar it
Is called for, and without notice. ■
4. Money is received fruni .forctrtors. Adminitfraiart,
Guarditmt, and others who desire to have ft in » placeof
perfect safety, and where interest canbeobtuincd forjt.
6. Thu money received .from depositors is invested in
Real .Estate, Moktoaoes.GbocM) rests, and such other
first class securities as the Charter directs.
0. Office" Hours—Every day from 9 till S.o'clock, ami ou
Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in ths evening.
HON. U. L. BENNER, President,
IV. J. HEED, Secretary. .
Hurst L. Bunks,
Eiwars L. Cartes,
Kojwr* SijFttiMit, Joseph b. ISabrv,
Paml'el K. Asutox, Joseph Verses.
Office : Walnut Struct, S. W. Corner of Third St. Phila
delphia. April 14th, ‘5!Mv.
Capital, *300.000 | Premium’Notes, 5152,000
Chartered, 185 C—Charter Perpetual.
Will insure against Firo and Sickness. Also, on first class
Horses,Mules slid Cattle at reasonable rates.
The weekly payment i(f this Company to those incapaci
tated for active life by sickness or. accident, equals flic
nmiiial deposit. For instance, by paying at the rate of
$ ft 01) per year, draw weekly § 5 DO
lo 00 do do 10 00
20 00 do do 20 00
30 00 do do 30 00
55 00 . do do 35 00
40 00 do do • 40 00
50 UU do do 6'o 00;
G- C Harvey. Prc-'t, I T T Abram, Vice Prest,
Tlioa Kitchen. Sec'y, | Win Fearson, Treas-,
D.K Jackman, Peter Hickinspe, ’
Wm White, Chas A Mayer, ,
Samuel Christ. John B Hall.
■fhi! Board of Director* submit the fallowing testimonial
from Governor Win. K. Packer, showing the reputation of
the Company at home ;
Williamsport, Pa.. August 5. 1?57.
I ira personally acuiiaintcd with the Ditvctors and Ulfi
>cers of the West lira nth Insurance Company otLock llu
ven. Pa . and cheerfully bear testimony to their higli qhnr-.
uctet ns business min. A company under their control
will undoubtedly be’safely and .prudently. • aiiaged, and
all losses., which it may sustain bouorablv adjusted.
May 5, IH6O-('ni
(ommoinvealUi Insurance Co.,
Chartered Capital $300,000.
X PROPEUTV agHiust l-oss pr Damage by Fire. Ako
niroiiiit perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation fetid Trausp«ir
tatiuu.' . • ■
Simon.Cnmeron, Cco Bcrgnor, W F 51 array,
tb o M Launmn, Benjamin Parke, F K Boas,
IVilliata Dock, Wm il Kepner, Jno U Bejryliill,
hli rillti-r, , , A B Warford, Wm F packer.
James Fox,
SIMQ.N CAMF.BOK, President.
BKXJ. PARKE, Vice President.
F. S. CARRIER, Secretary. a
Sept. 29.1869.-bm
of Pittsburgh.
Capital and Surplus over $160,000.00.
Jacob Painter, A A:Cartier, , Geo W Smith,
Kody PalttiWou, A J Jones. Wide Hampton,
lleiiry Sproui, , Ji Voeglitly, Robert Patrick.
C A Colton, 1 Grier Sprout, Jas II Hopkins.
Titis Company IBui paid tosses frhm tlie date ’of its incor
poration in IbSi, np to May. 1860 to amount of $302,835.07.
in addition to regular scmi-aunual Dlyldemls of from A to
15 jh.t renb, aflordiug evidence of its Maliliity and useful
ness. Lnsut LibtraUg AJjiuial anti PrpmjAly IM&l. ’ ■
A. A. Cuuoca, iVej'L I. Gena Srnot;t, &c’y.
- ■;— ~z.3c i i :
P nil ADR L PH I A .
Altoona, Blair County. Pa.
, .CtugnmPwpxTCAL. Capital $200,000.
OaoaxtzxD 1861.
Intura from Lott bg JFYre;—Household Goods,.Buildings
and Ui-rchauißzo generally. >
Inturtt Licei—V url ug the hatural.LUenr forShortTerms.
Inland Insurance—On Goods, by Csmtl, Lakes and Lund
Catgiage, ' ROBERT PERRY; /Vaf.
' B. K RictUßDSdx, rice Pru't. ■‘ -
Oro.C. DTiurßoto, Safyi • [Sept. 29.’59-flm
AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of the Olair
Conuty.. Mutual Hro. Insurance Company,. .la at ait
timet ri'ady .to.lnsure.against lose or damage by Are, Build
itiat. Merchandise, .Furniture find \Fniperty,ot every des
cription. in town or country, at as reasonable rates ae any
Com]iany in the SUfte. Office with Hell. Johnston, Jack A
Co. • , :. V. I. CALDWELL,' Agent.
Ji j HUE INSURANCE undersigned,
agent of the bycoming Mutoal Pure Insurunce Cuhipury, is
at all tlmi>a rcatlyto lnsurv against loss 'or damage by rre,
'Buildings, Merchandise, ■Furniture and Ihroperty of ovary
dewtiptiun. in town or countir, at as reasonable rates us
any company in tba fitate. Office in thdidnsonlc Temple.
Jan. 3. ’3O-tf) JOHN SJIOKMAKKK. Agent.
\ JT AJ.D TRUST COMPANY.—ldeorauce, on Rpal or
pemuml property will' be effected on the moot reasonnlde
term* by their agent* in Altoona at Ida olWce'ln Antia St.
Map i. iT. insi>. ffmrv siumimArkh: Ae--nt; |pi
\ Allegheny, Street, North Ward, ~
A large stock of all kinds of LIQUORS of the very best
Rrands, Wlllbe kept constantly on hsml, and will be sold
in lots'to suit porchnsers;:at prices as reasonable as they
can be had any Where jp the country. [May 12. ’69-tf
-1 J RANGE Company. Agency. Anna Street, Altoona.
l7, IfW. ' JOHN BHOEWAKKK. Agent.:
neatlyandwtpedlcloasly egacuted attUe^Sßce.'-
Francis Lb*.
F. Cabroll Brewster,
: Bflcd iPottrjj.
1 Open, Honest Heart
j. 1 ;UJw an open, honest heart, V ,
i Where frankness loves to dwell,
; Which has no place for base deceit*
• Nor hollow words con tell:
. But In whoso throbbing plain are seen
■■ The import ot,of die mind,
Whose gentle breathings utter nought
i But accents true and kind.
I “fccom” tho one empty act
And honied word* of art
Betray the feelings of the'soul,'
With perfidy’s keen dart:
No more kind friends In such confide,
Nor tn their kindness trust,
. For* 4 block ingratitude” but turns
Bure friendship to disgust.
** Contempt” is but a gentle word,
Aiueliug (Ur too mile!,
For one who “ confidence betrays”
Apd guilt has sore beguiled ;
That bate which hellish fiends evince,
When iu dark torments tosa’d.
Is apt more foathsume to the suhl
Than one' to honor lost.
: Thun give me one with' hearts oa free
And gmr’roue as the air *
: Whose ready hand and greeting kind
■ Give proof that •• troth” is there.
Whose smiling i annteuaucu well shows
Affection warm is found,
Au<lßpirits,jpure ; ag saints, whose notes
Through Uearcu's vaults resound.
EEc Gentle to tby llusband!
B 6 gentle, there are lioura when he
-By anxinua care i? tossed; -
And shadows deep lie on his brow,’
By business trials crossed.
Be gentle, 'tis for you lie toil*,
AmlthiuUs, and strives to gain and homo happiness—■
Don't let him strive in vain.
Be gentle, though gome hasty word
Should, lull, it was uot meant;
A smile, a kind word will recall.
And ninny mure prevent,
Be gefitle, Oh "’twill soothe much care.
And make each burden light,
A gentle tone will smooth the brow,
And draw an answer bright.
Be gentle, though it may seem hard,
To check uu augi-y word;'
Yet try, and it will study bring
A fail and rich reward.
elect Uliscfllauj).
How are ye ? How d’ye do ? all of ye ? Wall
I am here, 1 reckon, and uu mistake. I'm all
the- way from Hum Pint, where father carries
on the Lard ana Sausage business, eaten-aire, I
tell you Bed flannel is in some demand in them
diggius, I reckon. I'm something of crab in
them parts, I do suppose ; but 1 don’t amount
to ho great deal here. I'm a live Yankee »ho’,
and: by ;the great home spun, I’ll put her through.
I’ll be darned to darnutiou if 1 don't, if it kills
every cow- in dads barn. You’ll surch one
while, I’ll tell you. afore you’ll find a man, that
take .liim by and large, is equal to one of our
fr> e and enlightened citizens. The British cun
lick all the work! and we can lick the British
We’re clear grit—ginger to the back bun, you
may depend, it’s generally allowed there ain’t
the beat of us-to be found 'anywhere. Though
1 say it tb|t snduldu’l say it, we-fairly take the
ohiue jdl creatiou. We arc actually equal to
cast. ’ ’
1 guess the Yankees can see a pesky ways
further abend than most folks. They can e’en
a’moat: seb round tot her side of a thing—aiid
soui on ’emhas burl their eyes by it, and that’s
the rpuison-such a sight of’em wears spectacles.
l’m here-but t don’t zactly know what
to Uo now I’m here, ispoau’u 1 tell you a small
bit itbqut nby sister Sal’s courtship? You don’t
know !bal| any on ye, do ye? Sol Slpcum.
down at Rum Pint—Deacon Slocim's oldest
darter? The very sight o’ Yankee gals is good
for Wore eyes, Ido believe. The dear little crit
ters, they <fo look so scrumptious and jo
gredlgobd-i-Jick 1 it makes my month water think
on ’em. Wall, sister Sal was a real witch of a
gal4—almost evtiflastln sweet gal, was Sul—you
will scarce ever - see a mure out and out,- com
plete critter than she was—fast chop, real up
peri crUst ’ laud no mistake—as full of fun and
frolic us a kitten.
Wall dim Monroe was a courtin sister Sal,
and lie fairly turned the gal’s bead. Jim was
a desperate idle, good-for- do-little' sort
of d fcllowl; but the more he wuqted Sal to give
him up the more she decluredsha wouldn't do it,
and; we yoitplaguey uneasy about it, for his char
acter wasn’t none of the best. Vile was u uni
versa,! favorite with the gals—though be didu t
behavei.very putty neither—forgetting to maify
where he llhidn’t ought 'to forget to by a darned
siiV. ; ■'V ■ , ’
4t Inst, one evening, when be came a court
in, iutl'icr jßuj'B to bim, *’ Jiro!” says be to him,
undT says :Jiin, *• \Vhat ?” and saya he, Jim,
yourll cum to no good if you net like old
Scratcli du > yo« Ao como iilto a
decent 1 nmu’s house, and your room would be
ten; times more agreeable than your company.—
1 won't consent to Sal’a goin to them quilting
parties'and buskin frplics'.no liJonj witli you
fixed to oi>.e on W '^
•rNuw iou’tr says Jim, (he was all-fired
iiok i(t e.f ader,) ,*• now duu’t say uo more
aboutthnt—rmgoiug to
take a funh. : ~ '
m! father, “ and you couldn't stock
it too, by ail it won’t do. 1 tell,
you once for nil, you mart give up nil thoughts
of dal from how to everlasting.’* v
When gal heard this she nit tike mad, and
tried to bite in her breath, and look as if there
was nothing particular in the wind-^—then she
blushed all over like the scarlet fever—then the
color comes and goes, like the Northern Lites,
till MjlLFf#’ as white as chalk, d«ddown fiho fell
kendSpS oh the floor in a faiotin fit •.' "
M.l eed/iwiyii father, “ I see how it u,.” and
be ld pw at the »ld fashioned Wist* tiiai
hung over the mantle-piece (we need to dull it
old Bunker) anti a drawn it outmnde a clip at
him as wicked asif.he was a stabbin a rut with
a hay-fork—but Jim, he oiitaaof the door like a
streak of Tie, and pulls it to after him, and fath
er pends old Bunker clean through -the pannel.
*• I'll chop you as fine as mince meat, you vil
lain,” said lie, “ if I ever catch you inside of my
door again ; mind what I tell you; you’ll string
for it yet,” ' *’>
Wall, Jim mode himself considerably scarce
after that: and I kinder thought be had given
up nil hope of Sal, and she of him. When one
night, a most particular uncommon dark night,
as I was coming home fttom Neighbor Dear
home’s, I hecred some one talking under Sal’s
winder. Wall, I stopped and listened, and I
swan to man, who should be near the ash sup
lin but Ji u Monroe, a tryiu to persuade Sal to
run off to Bbode Island to be married. It Was
all seltled atwcea ’em—and he was to cum with
a horse and shay to the gate and help her out
o” the winder, just at nine o'clock, about the
time she generally went to bed. Then be axes
her to reach her hind down for him to kiss
(lor •he was proper clever at soft swader.) and
off be sot, hut foot over the gate, in less than no
Wall, I ciphered N ovcr this a spell, a calcula
ting bow 1 should reciprocate that trick tvith
him, and at lust i hit on the very checker. I
recollected father's word at partin’, “Mind,
Jim, you’ll swing for it yet,” and thinks I,
friend Jim, I’ll make that are prophe-ji come
true yet, I guess. So I jest slips out and bunds
down that ash sapliu’ under Sal’s winder, and
fastened it down with a notched pug and noose,
and put a jbig slip-knot just over the truck from
the path to the winder, so Jim couldn’t get there
■without tumblin’ into it.
Wall, jisc as the clock struck nine, says 1
Sally, hold this here hunk of twine a unnit,
till I wind a trifle on off, that's a dear crit
ter.” So she sot down her candle, and 1 begins
To wind and wind ever so alow, und drops the
ball ever now and then, so as to keep her down
“Sam,” says she, “I Jo believe you won’t
wind that twine off to-night ; I vow 1 can't stay
no longer; I’m e’en a most dead asleep.
“ Hark !” Ecs I, whal’p that ? I’m sure I heard
something in the ash sapliu’, didn’t y.ou“ I
lucred tho geeso there, that’s all,” says she,
•* they come under tho winder at night.” 13ut
she looked scared enough, and says she, “I
vow, I’m tired of holding my arms out this way,
and I wou’t do it no longer,” und she thro wed
the hank on the floor. •• Wall'.” scs I, “stop li.
minit, till 1 send old Snowball out to see if any
body is there—perhaps the cuttle is got into the
stirs gardin’.
r'-- f
Old Snowball went out, though Sal said it
was no use, and soon came a runniu’ in with his
hair staudm’ on ecud. aud his eyes as big as a
soup plate, “ Oh, Oor Oriuighty 1” ses he, “Oh,
muss,-i I Oh, Miss Sally.” ses he. “What on
airth is the matter with you ?” shid Sully.—
“Oh Gor Ormighty, niassa I Jim Monroe, he
hanged himself on the ash suplin’ under Miss
■Sally’s winder!”
That shot was a settler: it struck poor Sully
right atween wind and water. She gave one
lurch and’fell kerslump, right down in another
faintin’ fit.
Wall, father. I thought.he’d fainted, too; he
was struck all of a heap and completely dum
fungled. “ I foretold it,” ses ho, *• the last
time 1 seed him, but I didn’t think it would
come so soon ; I told him he’d swing for it,vet.”
Wall, father seized old Bunker, and I took the
lantern, and but we went, and there was Jim,
enough, snared like a'rabbit, hung up by
one leg and his head down, kickin’ like mad.—
‘•Cut mo down, Sum,” snys he, •‘all the blood
in my body has swashed into my head; cut me
down quick, for heaven’s sake.”
“The Lord be praised," said father, ‘‘-the
poor sinufcrUs yet alive. Why, ns I’m alive it
snared, "too. Wall, now, Sain, this is
some of your doing, I guess, it's a clever trick,
too. but a little spec dangerous. ’
“ Cut me down! cut mu down I” said Jim,
“ don’t stand staring and jawing all night, for
I'm chokin’ with blood.”
Father kinder pitied the rascal, and givin’ the
rope a dtp with old Bunker, let him down in a
jiff. Jim looked streaked euuff, you may de
pend : he couldn't walk a bit. and he swore one
leg was six inches longer than the other ' He
begged for heaven's sake if might be kept a se
cret; be said be would run tiip'Stntc if ever he
got wiml.;iie was sure lie couldn’t stand it.
“ It will bo one while, I guess.” ses father,
“afore you’re able to i-tber to run or stand, but
if you’H give me your hand, and promise to give
over your evil ways. I-will a secret, a id
you shall ho welcome to my house once more.”
Wal, Jim.promised it; it was till settled ; and
things grew as calm ns a pan of milk
old, and ’fore a year was over Jim was as steady
a* man us minister Hopewell, jand was married
to our Sal.
Nothin’ Was ever said about the snare until
after the woddin'. When the minister had fin
ished uzin’ the blessin’, father goes up to Jim,
and givin* him a rousin’ slap on the shoulder,
ses be, “ Jim Monroe, you Ve got the snare
round your neck now, instead of yoijr leg, tny
boy; may be the father of many saplinaT’
S&* Young Indies, if they kiiew how disgust
ting to man slovenliness is. and how attractive
are displays of neatness and taste, would array
themselves in the simplicity and cleanliness of
the lilies.of the field; or, if njiils to indulge in
costly attire, they would study the harmonious
blending of colors which nature exhibits in dll
her workh. ' Vj-- ■■
A girl of " good taste, and habits of neat
ness, can make a more fascinating toilet with a
shilling calico dress, ft,few ribbons and laces,
a »d sooh ornaments as sbe cab gather from tlie
garJeb;* than a vulgar,
worth .millions; "and has the jewelry and ward
robe of a princess." V | V.-V
Bjgu. A I bill has been introduced in the-Ten
nessee Legislature to prevent free negroes from
traveling On the railroads In that State, which
passed at tbe first reading. The hill provides
that the President who shall permit a free .negro
to travel on an; railroad within the jumdictiod
of the' Slate under his supervision, shall pay
a fine of five hundred dollars ; any conductor
permitting a violation of the dot shall pay a fine
of two hundred and fifty dollars; provided such
free negre is not under the control and care of
a-fiee white citizen of Tennessee, who Vouches
for the character of said free negro in the penal
houd of $l,OOO. p
jjgT-The way to! a printer is to always
pay him on the ppeseniatldn of his hill, for such'
on uneipecttdphejjOnienon
blood to Use bcadwid tteptr himintaapoplegy.
A IHonkey , i Bevengo.
When monkeya arw in ckpli'rily. they always
endeavor to be noticed by miters, partly for
vanity’s soke, and portly becanssr they hop* fur
certain donations 'of nuts,: apples and other
[dainties. Their jealpusy is easily exertedond
knows' no bounds If they Imagine their rival ia
getting mure than hie fair;- share' of the good
things. I waa once awitdeaaofa most absurd
scene of jealousy, ' . [fyT i '
A few years ago one ofWombwell’s well
known collections visited Oxford, wnd, as usual,
exhibited a large allowance of monkey a. These
little animals exercised all titeip ingenuity U>
attracting the notice of the visitors, in order to
obtain some of the. huts, cakes, &o„ which he
saw the elephaut receiving*. i'Uue particularly
lively monkey had obtained considerable emi
nence in bis art, and used to monopolize no !
i small portion of the various delicacies. Sud
denly he failed to procure j b}s* usual supplies,
and saw, with great indignation, that must of
tiie visitors, particularly the ladies, had turned
their ulleutiuu to the next cage. This of course
excited his jeatousy and curiosity, and exercised
all his endeavors to discover, the cause of bis
desertion. At length by diht of great perse
verance, he contrived to puke out a knot in the
board which divided their partition, mid on
looking through, discovered that the inhabitant
of tno adjoiuiuiug tenement hud lately been
blessed with u baby. That unfortunate baby
monkey instantly the object of his un
remitting persecution. Ilf watched it through
his knot hole—he put Lis hand round the cor
ner and tried to pinch the poor animal—-he
picked the* keeper’s pock;et ..of the food that
ought to have gone to his rivab—uud. in fact,
spent his time in devising* new annoyances.—
The mother all this time Wfis perfectly acquaint
cd with the evil designs of her neighbor, and
carefully kept her baby away from the danger
ous corner where the monkey’s hand was con
tinually intruding itself. Iu a short time the
littio one was suffered to go .about by himself,
and its untiring enemy redoubled his exertions.
At .as* the time of revenge arrived. One
day he wns'observed to pay more attention to
commence that peculiar [Vibrating movement
whtcii generally prefaces ,ii monkey’s mischief.
Suddenly his bye was withdrawn from the knot
-1 hole, his hand thrust through like lightning,
j and withdrawn, bringing with it the tail of the
unfortunate little monkey! on the other side of
the partition, lie fixed als feet firmly on each
side of the knot-hole, and tugged away at his
rival’s tail, nltVruately ; sc|;cauiing with delight
and chattering with fear at (he punishment
which he knew would lotlijiyr The poor baby
monkey-on being assan.ted in such an unex
pected manner, set up a most heartrending out
cry, on hearing which her! mother flew toiler
assistance, and seeing berjiodspring apparently
fastened to the wall, seize-} it by its anus, auij
pulled with nil her might iii er Jer to release it.
The aggressor chatted, th® mother remonsira
t.d, and the baby seamed until the outcry
drew the attention of a keeper, at .whose ap
proach the aggressor loosed his hold pu his vie-’
tim’s tail, and'crouched into the furthest corner
of life cage, where he displayed exceeding inge
nuity in uvuidiug the cuts of the keeper's whip.
An Old Maid in si] Sleeping Car.
The Milwaukee Kews tells the following inci
dent, which was witnessed by a frieudin a
sleeping car on the Detroit and Milwaukie
road : The car was nearly full, and in hue of
the compartments was a maiden lady, neither
fat nor fair, but forty, who was wonderfully ex
ercised at her close proximity to some naughty
men, who were much amused at her nervous-'
ness. Looking about her with side-long glan
ces, and shrugs of disgust,- 1 she finally mustered
courage to put on her s* ulght;cap,’ r which ope
ration was almost too much for her. ’This feat
accomplished, she again cjjst frightened glances
at her suiTouudcrs, obviodstyalVaid to proceed
further At this juncture the conductor came
in, whom she imiueoiately button holed, and, in’
whispers heai'ii in the remotest part of the cur,
she indignantly interrogated him to know if
there were no curtains “ in tljfe house.” “ Cer
tainly, ma'am.’’ said the affable conductor, who
hastened to procure some.iat which she appear
ed exceed.n c ly grateful. "They Were soon drawn,
and she proceeded to make'herself as comforta
ble as the nature of the liccumstaucos allowed.
But she was destined tj enjoy very little re
pose, for every new coincfin pursuit of quarters,
who passed her cnb, would inquiringly draw
her curtain to see if it Was- occupied, when a
smothered scream would!.issue forth, which
caused ah instantaneous dropping of “ the rag.”
when the persecuted damsel would" subside for a
moment, only to be aroused on the arrival of
some new place-hunters As this process 'con
tinued tiirougliuot the night; amid the occasional
guffaws of the spectators,' it may be imagined
that the poor victim obtained very little satis
faction fur her tifty ccntfioutlay, add that she
internally vowed never to plaije herself in a like,
predicameurmgaio, ' ? V M
r T "rIV . ~ "
The following amusing anecdote comes
to trs as true: - V .
A man having a.large family, found it rather
bard to the table, has adopted the fol
lowing plan;' / V V* '
At evening just before* supper he calls his
children around, liim and addresses them thus:
“ Who will take . it cent nnu do - without his
supper?” V ."" u ■ v■■■
••I! I! II" exclaim the. children, eager to
get the prise.. ■ \ 'V - •"
The old man phlls out A fpeketbook fall of
red cents which he keeps fur the occasion, and
after giving them one apiece, sends them off to
bed a'/l!
The old man calls them round' and with gravity
asks— 1 V-■, v "V' v VS < *;V : ;r.-'''V
“ Who’ll gi ve a cent to hjtTb a nice warm bis
cuit for breakfast?’* : ;j '*
It is needless I o sny that the cento were forth
comings Qbbd plan. " ’
S@T The young, man, C<|ohy concerned in'the
late insurrection at Harpey’s Ferry, and distin
guished -with the title of “Captain” Cook, was,
Some sik or seven years ago,« resident of Phil
adelphia, and .employed at the Ltdger office,
where, for nearly a year; he “held copy,” ds
the printers cull'it, for the proof reader. He
was then about eighteen or nineteen years old.
jgr “ Mm has annty got bees in her mouth?”
■—“No; why do you ask such a question?”—
“ Because, that little man with a heap of hair
on his face, cotohedhold Mr and. told bet ho
was goiag to take the honey beylin* ;-aod
ebe said; " Weß, taake r
jj-- "I
■ Mi/!’
trios Totr.—ln the interior or
South CaroGn* there lived, some yean ago, on
old man, wry rich and not very well “ boated
op.” His only aon Was educated at the South
Carolina College; and after graduating, waa
sent to Europe by Ida indulgent father. Onhia
return hia father naked him what he saw 1%
Europe. * The. son replied that ho had seen %
greatmany rare and beautiful things and many
fine cities.
“ Did you tee any place you liked better
than home?” asked the old man.
“Oh. yes,” was the reply; I taw London and
Paris—-both eery fine cities.”
■«« Which did you ; like beat!” queried th*
father. -
V Pari*,” replied the son. .
•* You liked Putiaagreat dud, did ynu?°
continued the old mao. ]
' “ Oh, y«*,; tejry much.” i ' *.
“ Then I’ll b«W it for you” triamphsqUy
replied the old gentleman.*
Corebct Spbasumi— We adtUe *U young ,
people to acquire, in early lifti the habit of nsing
good language, both in speaking and writing
and to abandon as early na possible, , any use of
slang phrases. The longer they live, the more
difficult the acquisition of correct language will
bo ; and if the gulden age of youth,, the proper
season for the acquisition of language be passed
in its abuse* the unfortunate victim of uegieo*
ted education is, very properly, doomed to talk
slang for life. Money is not necessary to pro*
cure this education. Every man bus it in hit
power. He has merely to use the language
which be reads,. Instead of the slang which be
hears; to form his taste from th% best speakers ,
and poets'of the country, to treasure np ehoiee
phrases in his memory—avoiding at the same
ti ne, the pendaptio precision and bombast,
which show ralther the weakness of a vain ambl*
(ton than the polish of an educated mind.
JSF* It is said that Governor Wise is not very
pbuiplimeutary to. the people of Harper’s Perry*
imputing to then, cowardice, in allowing such a
handful of men to hold a populntioa of nearly
two thousand inhabitants prisoners for twenty*
four hours.' lie also spoke of the fact of eight
or ten men keeping forty or fifty oiUiens In con*
fiuement. One replied— *.
Well; Gov ernor, but you must remember wa
were packed together like sheep.”
•• Yes,” replied the Gov., “ I know that; and
I must soy, I think you acted tike sheep Maw.’* 1
A Moiraxou Hrichm —We see it is statvd in
the Cincinnati Commercial that about five Loh>
died Latter Days Saints, from five of the wes
tern States. held a Conference lately iu, Illinois*
and decided upon Sending but eldets to ehpw
Mormons in Utah how they have fallen away
from the fnith first delivered to tlieir church-
They are to start" a monthly periodical called
the. True Latter Day-Saints’ and Autl-Polygaiu*
ists’ Organ. They do not believe in permitting
a man to be “ sealed” to more than oue« wife at
a time. . . ' 'V. :
IQF 1 The Omaha City Republican tayntbat
frauds were perpetrated at the recent election
of » delegate to Congreasin that Territory equal
tp those at Oxford-and Kickapoo. in Kansas.-
Returns froui F<rt Kearney gives Eastbroog
-38 majority, while U is asserted-that hot tw«o*
five legal vote?s reside there. The same paper
notices the discovery of on organized gang of
robbers in that neighborhood, implicating' ad
ex-Speuker of the House of au\
ex-Shwff, and several other prouiin'ent dUxeux.
465“ “ The crowd poured out of the
the clouds poured out their ruin/a rustie lassie,
most wtepirigly lamented to her awain like
those funny circuses, ! like your cakes and toery,
but had* I known t'was gaiiig to ruin , yt\rt
couldn’t Have got me here. I like thwaiUy
clown. I like the horse’s dash. but blessings
on’t my fine, new bonnet. wentto’everlalting
smash, 1 like these jolly, circuses, I sometimes
like the rain, but as jt.alwaya rains on circuses,
bless me!—l’ll never go'agiiin.’’
Boots —Boots arc said to bare been invented
by the Carians. A fhey' wS?S" nt first made of
leather, afterwards of .'brass or iroh, and were
proof against bottr rwslr op cUt It was from
this that Homer called the Greeks brazen-footed:
Foimerly. in Frohce, n great foot was much os*
teemed; andi the length of the sh'f. inthe four?
teenth century, waaa mar,k of distinction; ' the
shoes of n prince were two feet aodVbalffciigi
those,of a bam two feet; those of a knight
eighteen inches long.
I®* A nmn in. New York recently bought «
clock at auction for fifty cents. About a'w’eeg
ago be sold <ho clock to another man; who itfsr
taking it home. discovered that a
in the; back of tbe block was broken'. lie tbtik
out the glass todiav'e it replaced by a new oris,
when he discovered notes of the Bank of&ig
landtp the amount of ten thousand dollars, ft
Is reported that the heirs of the catate to which
the clock belonged ore going to commence suit
for the recovery of the money.
The Fincastle, Virginia, Whig says':'
“Wo announce the fool that there weresnMn
bean killed by two persons in this conttty lilt
week-and we hoar of several other gentlemen
who tilled from one to three each. We have
ho doubt there have been at least ont
fours killed in Botetourt county in thelkatW
#9u Five years since a farmer in Illinois,
notwithstanding all his neighbors insisted be
was*p!aying the fool, set out bn hitf farm o&S
thousand peach trees, and -this season he ifas
offered ten thousand dollars for the erbp, which
he Afterwards sold in the lot for fourteen thou*
and dollars.
- 8 &* ?t >s not work that kills men: it is worry.
Work is' healthy, but you can pUt mom on h
man than be can bear. It is hot the revolution
that destroys the machinery, but the friction.
Fear socreets acids; but love and trust are sweet
KSu If there is anybody under the canister
of heaven that I have in utter exeroesenee,
the amiable Mrs. Partington, it is the slaUdinrvr
going about like the boy constructor, oirca!isis(
his calorael among honest folks.
yjpu. A married lady being asked to traits,
gaveihe following appropriate answer* ;
11 hto thank yqn, sir—l have JutwaKlk'
hugging athosHj as pun attend
-I •'' - v
KO. $.
T- - ''-V