The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 20, 1859, Image 3

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    nth, 3308. i
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nB-STA*g-&uLiawff t ,
Powoltou, near KbiUwJol
success,-at Jeaat ap ferL
s aro , conocrped.
ety, thaaks.lo Uspreaenf
:l mo * 1 fluHrUUmgjpon.
;i! Knr were o«r
us, ami speaks of lt.a« n
s 11,0 spciety -ia well ih
Tlie Funner* rllicj,
iii'tiieut cstahUßfimeiit o'"
- i: «piltt|s|c;R U
: is i« a»«oi^p«»*iw.
s .volimax to ctt
■ is-a inaiiifist.dolcrjiil
t’;p fiiniers'iEwugttoiit
«ir profession on JilpW
a Ui .°
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i e i dollars m deLi*.
>pi:nino '
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•: uies,-
;.UTOI!S f
.mi to any in «!»• ijiu-ket.
;j.L|iu« sow
to Ijtttter julffcuu,;,
Miybody to call.’.
A* ;*
‘ YOmHE^:
.1 {! a.ivlcivtp young mtn ofi
!:•! wJmt jtmr at;
cure uf |
r;.' «on of four motiirr. i
i «. brick in
• ■l*—the subscriber waulM
Jujtt returned from lb.
11 i! stork ofllemvadiß^f
gl OF 4
m aliv
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U ■ •>. a K'-w l «.4M<rtoi«ni a*'
nssEs mils, .
>-f r. hi.-li will bo «ol4;
iCAsi:; 1
in" in tlvo alKj»o,j;««,_ur|l!
rclta'ing krf I ffip
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nilo ihi- IjntlutraiacbnrcU-
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IviiE ANDlvffi.
; ' ••j-kls, which jaro wSitli
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I lAinicr, Uuri^er
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■< -1 order..
amlotiriqD lux** 1 *
i.'ioerilMT. --a
xarot. m. v
• ' nfonu^thc
nl* Apricot
- .vurruiited.
n it. TAYLP 11 -.
i OHESS-'fßjJ
i-l.n AOAIKfirWSS
i-. Colds, and atWtf-JR?!
t. the oxposod state
1 oulhiuiU vPWRSBgS*
,• v{ o. w. KKaaweg'-
Yellow, P«U
. ’ r-m
,r *sm
Itowk frilm
C? nevertheless fresh as when first penned They
are not ours, fisir.mder.-uo ma’am-they be-
Jmg to have
his ears'pulled; d>at tire eau’t reslst the tempts,
tlon to .eepy them; Ton needn't read them if
you are particularly fastidious •
A TliTmn« , ii l **i or<,e,a gaz ' - warning,
To press—bis list down over his eyed!”
But the above is not all that is said about
your fashions, ladies. Here’s another fejlow
who writes for a popular magazine, who dis
courses as follows upon the “ skeleton” (what
dye-call-em) fashions of the day;
“ A woman in this rig hangs In her skirts like
a clapper .in,a bell, and I never meet one with
out being tempted to take her by the neck and
mg her.”
Another fellow, speaking of the. way women
display their arms add shoulders, and conceal
their feet, ankles and such, makes the following
dangerous revelation; |
n«n | *y'jS®* r h , '
Etf* 01 ™ b HAILB O PEN
««(#«■ Tl'rof'P I '. 7 55 AijM.
»» \ f
. ™ “ c 25 P. M.
T3OA. M. Mid 615 “
office open f jr the transaction ofbneinca* from 630 A 31.
-Si r. M-, during the week, and from 7.30 to 8.30 o’-
tW jun” Vs7*tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, T*. 31.
* Train r-»"t arrives 1,25 A. M., leaves 1,30 A. 51.
*? ,rM West “ 7,55 “ “ 8,15 “
. , .* East “ 9,05 P. M. “ 0,20 P. Si.
** « West « B,IOP. 51, « 8,23 P. Si.
lf( , “ Kart “ 7,35 A. 51. “ 7,50 A. 51.
,1 „ .. West “ 6.25 P. SI., “ 0,40 p. 51.
jtiH.I.TP 5 VFIJL’UfI BRANCH connects with Express
(i| , „ u .| West, with Mail Train East and West, and
r th tore! KHn'lit Eastward and Westward.
* r 'n„. BI.AIIISVIU.E BRANCH connects witli. Johnstown
,r«T Train East and West, Express Train West and Stall
Train Hart.
Novenil-r 2'. )SSS
local items.
SurTiirr : .f Salks —We are indebted to the
Standard for the following condensed statement
of the real estate to be sold by Sheriff Funk, at
ibe Court House, in Ilollidaysbttrg, on Monday
nest, 24th Inst.
A -lot of ground an«L a plank dwelling-house,
mi High street, Altoona—sold as the property
of George Kerchner.
A lot of ground and two story frame dwelling
house, on Claudia street, AUoouft—sold as the
property of Charles A. Pierson.
A lot of ground and a two story brick build
ing, on Montgomery street, IJojlidaysburg—
.,,l.l as the property of John and Kezia Cox.
tnct of land contttining 80 acres, in Free
dom luwtitdiip, with a log dwelling house and
narn: al.-o, a tiact of laud in the same town
containing 130 acres, with a log cabin
oiid stable—sold as tlie property of Jacob
A tract of land in Allegheny township, con
isliiing CO acres, with two log dwelling houses
and two log stables—tsold as the propetty of
lurid t.'lossin
flic shine of Absalom B. Stewart in 214 acres
f land in Frankstown township.
A lot of ground and plunk house, on the
Midi side of the plank road lending to Altoona
sold ns the property of John R. Martin,
Mary. Martin and Margaret McClelland.
Two lots of ground in East Freedom, with
.’u|iroTemcnts—sold as the property of Janies
A lot of ground and frame building, on Juniata
nreet, llollidaysburg—sold us the property of
Fioinns and John Shoemire.
A tract of land in Logan township, containing
•■'cres, with two small log dwelling houses
mil a log stable —sold as the property of James
Tart of a lot of ground and a two story frame
dwelling house, on Bhiir street, Holliduysburg
-sold as the property of Pat Morgan.
A tract of land in Tyrone township, with
iiiproveraents—sold as the jft operty of Ihos.
i riasman dcc’d.
A lot of ground in Loudensvillc, Logan town
■ !:i r, with improvements—sold as the property
■'f Kolia Kennedy.
Two lots of, ground nncl buildings, situate
in .Newry—sold as the property of Catharine
I’art of a lot of ground on Montgomery street,
’nil four lots of ground on Allegheny street,
Hollidaysljurg with improvements—sold as the
property of Thomas Bingham.
A lot of ground and a three story frame dwell
,!lS house, in Gaysport—sold as the property of
Miry Ann Voder.
A tract of land in Allegheny township, con
:Jo acres—sold as the property of Kub
’i’ I. Burrell. x
nu:Ni;vr Fmr Excuse.—We learn that the
1 li/cus’ Fire Company, of this place, have pur
di.ecd from tlie Good ( Will Fire Company, of
liui.idelp.hh, the engine that Company,
i i n tkm? to getting their Steam Engine. The
'"'ad Mill is a first class Engine, and said to be
best ami handsomest of the kind in the city,
it originally cost the Company £2,AO'), al
thougli. if we are rightly informed, the Citizens’
1 -aupany get it for §l4OO. It is expected to
l; 'e on .Saturday week, on what train we have
i. .t been informed, but presume it will be duly
nnounced. Should the Weather be favorable,
»e presume the Company will exhibit it by a
! recession through the town. The gentlemen
engaged in getting up the company And collect
ing the funds for the purchase ol this much
needed and truly useful article, deserve the
(banks of the entire community. We shall have
bore to.say about .the “ merahedn” hereafter. 1
A Mnnuv Party.—On Saturday cvcning.last,
niny of our'good citizens were slightly taken
back by the appearance of half-a-dozen -ear
rwgcs and wagons, (In one which was a string
band,) all well tilled with passengers, driving
iron Virginia street, nftd halting at the Logan
Of coarse everybody wanted to know
,lat it meant, and forthwith repaired to the
House, where they found it tp-be a party
friends of Hall, who had cone, ever
IWn to compliment arid dphgrat
i| 4te njon iuß election to the Senate: Col.
• nude hiii appearance rihdaddressed theaudi
®ee assembled, in his nsualJiappymanner,
his friends for .the interest lhey mnui
ttted in his and the compliment paid
% after which ,-ihe party again took passage
u the plank roluiifor the towri *‘ over'the bilk”
Aj; MettpdiatCbarpb
tafr webope it will iMomplißh
gooa'crt it closes. On Sabbath last, Re*
'®" ; *;'°® e ktod morntag andeven
ii™^T l 8 t,ieoft • n tlie eTealne Vus the cower?
„ Jallqr, and hip discourse
j, Ue was Xpllowejl by
’ v pjUioxtiltion. Pre-
Iftio Q»y&
’ *“«* had a-good effeoi .
7 26 A.M.
7 86 A.M.
7 28 A. M. «nd;fliJ6 P.-M.
$0 « <
vso: “ ■■
TilOS. A. SCOTT. Siifi't
a woman has leys as well as arms, and
why, if it be the custom, should uotoue be seen
as well as the other ?”
A Cop of Watke. —The following sentiment,
which is as “ apples of gold sot in pictures of
silver,” is from the tragedy of lon, written by
Thomas !Noon Tulfourd, an eminent English
writer, who died in 1804, Many a sermon—
many a volume Of sermons—does not contain as
much of the milk of human, kindnets us this
brief quotation from a theatrical play:
_ . “ f Xu a little thing
To give a cup of water; yet its draught
Of cool refreshment, drained by fevered lips,
Slay tend n shock of pleasure to thC-soul
More e.\«iuisite tliau when iiecfnrt-nn juice .
IU news tlie life of joy hi Icippiest hours!
lie a little thing to speak some common word
Ot comloi t. wliicli'hatli ulluost lost its use,
\ut. upon the ear of him w ho thought to die
Lniuourneil, -twill fall like choicest music"
Apology. —We feel that we owe our rcnlcrs
an apology for want of attention to our last is
sue and tlie numerous errors which appeared
therein. A heavy press of job work which has
kept ns'busy’, .night and day, for some time past,
is our excu c fur want of attention ; and the
fact that the proof was read at a late hour of
the night, when Morpheus almost led us cap
tive at his will, is our excuse for the errors.—
Bear with us yet another week, friends, and
then we shall he able to do justice to our paper
and consequently to y ou. ■.
Bl.vik Coustt Fami.—A heavy press of job
work prevented our'.-iUeiulhig the Fair held at
llollidaysburg, for which we feel sorry (not
about the job work, but because we didn't get
to the Fair.) as sve understand it was the best
ever-held in the county, and wo heard it re
marked, by persons from abroad, that it sur
passed those-of .surrounding counties. Little
Blair is seldom behind in anything .she under
takes. AVhen her citizens attempt to get up a
Fair they do it; and when they undertake to
elect a Senator, they do it.
Fast Fkkight Tiui.v— On Monday last there
was tin additional freight train placed upon the
Pennsylvania railroad. The train runs in close
connection with those on the western roads, and
makes a reduction of time of twenty-four hours
between Philadelphia and St. Louis. These in
creasing facilities for transporting goods to the
'Vest in so short a time must have the effect to
bring to the Pennsylvania company a corres
ponding increase of business.
Tuasus —The Junior hereby returns thanks
to Miss Ella J. Humes for the present of a
handsome boquet of fail flowers, hoping that
site who thus rejoices the heart of the printer,
by culling and arranging sweet boquets for Lira,
may find her pathway strewn with the flowers
of prosperity and happiness, and be able to
pluck and retain ns a tompauion through life,
the handsomest flower of the masculine gender
which grows iu the world’s garden.
BSf* i oung men wishing to qualify them
selves for business should avail themselves of a
course of instruction at a commercial college.—
Uehavea couple of scholarships in the Inin
City College, Pittsburgh, which is one of the
best institutions oi* the kind in the country,
which we will dispose? of at terms that will make
it an object to secure lliem. ’
Child Scaded,— A little daughter of Daniel
Null, of this place, betwee n tyro-and three years
old, was severely, but not dangerously, scalded
about the face, neck, and breast, on Thursday
last, by the accidental upsetting of a pot of
boiling coffee.— Standard.
Postm ASTK.U' —CoI. Samuel McCamant has
been appointed Postmaster at Olivia, this coun
ty, vice John Sislcr, resigned.
A Nice Vouxg M ax.—A young woman in New
York has lately sued,a man for breach of prom
ise of marriage, and recovered S9OO. The
principal evidence against the defendant was
thti fact that he gave the plaintiff his tobacco
box, and borrowed a gun of her father, bothof
which circumstances he thus explained in his
testimonyheard her-evidence in regard to
my attachment for her. When I would pass by
her father’s house she would come out and ask
to rjde. I never took her out riding bat once
or twice in my life ; once to Peafield and once
to PitUford—l am not positive which was first.
I went to Pittsford with her alone'; she went
with ns to Pcrifield, I remember leaving my fo
bacco boxwith her; Ihadbeen to singing school.
Nothing was said, ori the way about affection for
her. Jt was cold, and they asked me to go in
arid Wrirm mytolff 'whieh rdldL" I£od got warm
and .etartod for the door. . Took out my tobacco
box and took a chew df tobacco. Mary reached
out her fond . across the stove for the bpx. I
let her have It. She said when you take this
box you have got .to take mo. I said vciy well
and she his got it yet for all that I know. I
had no .talk aboutjnarrying her then or at any
other time* X used to go there ocoasionollyto
borrow the oW gentleman’s gtra, apd sometimes
they hollered at me. I had borrowed his gun
Cerent times, as
I wanted to .use it.’’ ",. " \ ' '
JL A; ooßKsinr. WnritZ*
Off Pluniher % tnm I‘Wladclpliia, him opebeda
GaaFUtingwid Plumbing establishment In. Brant's Row
tbbeedoorabfcldwtboPdatOffic*.’•■*■ ;y •■ 'f'.. ■
‘ lie will be pleased (9 attend to all orders Jn bis line with
promptness, neatness and dnrability. -f ■
‘‘■ltS*- Ail work warranted.
Altoona, Oct. 6,
•#»* During .the; summer that has just passed away,
thousand ofsufferers from dysentery, and diarrhtoahave
teen relieved by tue use ol HOSTEXIBR’S BITIEIIS, a
medicine which is evidently destined to mantoin a pertna*
nent place jn the public estimation. Billions diarrhoea is TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. —
ono of thoao ciiseased which baffles the skill oftbephysi- JIJL- offers at private f, ,jj
cian. Xho.jmedicim; .they administer to act upon the bow- ££ NoHh* SS
els neyer s<|cms toteach the, source of the evil. Thodiffl- nn. The House is a good two Story Blank «Kj| I wlgE
culty is to ttit a remedy that will reach all the digestive ?, ui 1 1J * n S’ 'weatherboarded, containing:a jeroEedlefll
- simnltancbusly a rush of vigors th ontho
ritf Uicmscjycs of tyla disease. This problem is solved by -mid floor, and AUo a good Porch And Bal
tho Bitters, wjilch>never fiUla to conquer tlio most stub* conytotho bock part oftlie House. A goOd cellar, ami
just closed,; this medicine has achieved more cures than ■ formation, call on the subscriber, residing thereon.
any other ever presented to the public, and during the Ctil. S'’” & osmajl frrtmd dwelling House on the aaroo lot.
i. _„v , , ~ r, The terms of sale will be mode easy. ' *
which that terrlbje scourge, the fover and ague, Is-soprev- fOct, 13.] J. • Wm. KENaiJIK
ulent, theßißEßSiirili gate- fresh feme.' ' * " —-* "
Sold by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere
,49TBn advertisement iirtmother column.
W]L%l»t, easy and durables ; •
Fitting id achat^-- noturning upbohind—no shrinking
off the ieiifr Indeed, this is tbo only Establishment where
threethlngi or* properly enderstoodand made.
' ■ f,- ." ■- ' im Dtt4dw*y. Etw.yerk.
I- * »
I]f I I HII ||
J. ;|ii - - akx> L ‘ r
! f CORDIAL, ,
The greatstandard medicine* of the pretent
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through year* of trial. Unbounded tatu/ae
tion |it rendered by them in all cases; and the
peop}e have pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility or the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and aU diseases arising from a disordered
liver'br weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre
paration extant, ft will cure, without rain,
thfi rqost severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza* Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of '
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also at once check and'
cure ike most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold is the Bowels.
r These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jackson
wiU be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
f In-the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Everybody's Almanac,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
«5, Kor sale, in Altoona, by A. lloush and 0. W
Kessler, ami by all Druggists. [may lit. - SU-ly
Dailey’s, Magical Pain Extractor.
In all diseases inflammation more orlesspccdominatc-s—
-now to nllay inflammation strikes at the root of disease—
hence an immediate euro.
ami tmUnug else, Will allay inflammation at once, and moke
a certain cure.
will cure [he following among a great catalogue of diseases;
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes. Sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions,
Bruises. Sprains,-Bites, Poison. Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula.
Ulcers. Purer Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Piles. Sore Eyes.
Clout, Swellings,Rheumatism. Scald Head. Sait Itheum.
Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers' Iteli. Small Pox.
Mfasir?*, liarfh. Ac., Ac.
r° liomf * it may appear incnMulmw that so many diseases
should he reached by one article; such an id-a will vanish
when reflection (mints to the fact, that the salve is a com
bination id ingredients, eacli and every one anplying a per
fect an. idfite to its ap]iosite disorder.
In its effects Is magical, because the time is Bo short he
tween disease and a permanent cure; ami it is an extrac
tin'. ns it draws all disease .art oT the affected part, leaving
nature as.perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say no house, work-shop, or manufactory
should be one moment without it.
Xo 1 a-iii Extractor is genuine unless the box has ujmn it
n stool pi.(to engraving, with the mimo of Henry Dailey.
Sold by 0. W. KessHr. Altoona; George A. Jacobs. ILI
- and by all the Dnigghu and patent medicine
dealers tho United Status and Canadas.
Principal Depot, IGo Chambers street, New Volk.
Nov. 11; ISoS-ly c. F. CIIACE.
Nervous Diseases Controlled and Con
Of all tlie various ills that detract from the enjoyment of
hitman life, most of them maybe trace,! to a disordered
condition of I lie nervous system. The horrors of Epilepsy,
or Falling Sickness, arise in most cases from this cause.—
Out readers may remember, on several occasions before.
Me hate alluded in the tvoliderfn! cures, or modifications of
Fits, made by tbo Vegetable Extract Kpibptio Pills, in
vented and prepared by Vr. Seth S. linnet, of luK llaltimore
Ftre.-t, Baltimore, Md. We feel fully satisfied that these
Mils hnve'curcd some of tlie most stublHiru cases ofEpileje
sy. as tveif as tlie milder firms of Kits, such as severe
Cramiis, Spasms, Ac, We now record tbo fact, that persons
Mill find these Mils equally efficacious in curing every form
of nervous debility no matter whether manifested in the
aente and exmiciatiug form ol Neuralgia, Tic-Duiorenx,
or Nervous Headache, the misery of Dyspepsia or Indiges
tion, the sufferings of Rheumatism or Gout, tlie melancho
ly hallucination of depressed spirits or hysteria, their ef
fects will be equally Vnippy and certain. Persons in the
country can write to the inventor, and have the medicine
forwarded to them by mail. Tlie prices arc, one box, $3;
two boxes,ss; twelve boxet $2l; and sent to any pagt of
the country*, free pf postage. Direct your communications
to Siih S.Uaxok, IDS Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
r/ic Original and Best in the World!
All others arc mere imitations, and ibould be avoided, if
you wish to escape ridirub*.
GRAY, [RED, or RUSTY HAIR. Dyed, instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without tlie 1-ast
injury to the llairor Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Tin.
A. Batchclpr sincelS39, and over 80,000 applications have
been made; to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
AVM. A.-BATCHELOR S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to he (listingu tabes! from nature, and Is warranted not
to im'nrc tlie least, however long it may lie continued,
and Oio ill I effect of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigo
rated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at tho Wig
Factory, 232 Broadway, N'ew York.
£oid by Druggists in Altoona, and by Druggists in ail
cities and wßis of tho United States.
AS* Tho Genuine has tho name and address npon a steel
plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of
Not. IS, JISSB-lj;
233 Broadway, New York.
Important to Females—Dr Cheese
***’B The combination of iagrcdionte in these
Pills are the' result of a'loa&and extensive practice. They
are mild in their''operation, and carton} in correcting all
lrregnlarities,painftd menstruation.vremovlng all ob
structions,-whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the aide, palpitation of thb heart, disturbed sleeft which
always arise from interruption ofnature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warrapted purely vegeta
ble, and free from anything Injurious toi life or health. Ex
plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each
box. Price $l, gent by mail by enclosing $1 to anv
authorized Agent.
R. B. UCTCIIIXOS, General Agent for the United States,
ICS Chambers street, Xew York,
To whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed.
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, HoUi
daysburg; and by all Druggists in the foiled States,
Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet free.
Nov. 18, 1858-1 y
Ab this is Ul6 season of the rear when worms are
most formidableomong children, the proprietors cfM'Luue’s
Vermifuge, Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh, beg leave to cull
the attention of parents to its virtues for the c.\p..-!)lug of
these annoying, ami often fatal enemies of '-Jiililr-vn. It
was invented by n physician of greet -'Vp-ri'-jee in Virgin
ia, who, after having used it lor several tears in his own
practice, ami found its success so universal, was induced at
last to offer it to the public as u cheap loti certain and ex
cellent medicine. It has since iiec.itne justly popular
throughout the United States, ns the most efficient Vermi
fuge ever known, and the demand iias been steadily on the
increase since its first introduction to the public.
V Purchasers will la- careful to ask for Dr. M’l.ane's
Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Uroa. of
Pittsburgh, Pa All other Vermifuges In comparison arc
worthless. Dr. M'Lanc's genuine Vermifuge, also his cele
blitted Liver pills, can now be had at all respectable drug
Xmc genuine vilhuut the signature of
s tor fa,
CViur IT htui tale ro p££t> the Sl's A philosopher
has calculated that the amount of liglß which flows from
the solar orb could he scarcely produced by the d By com
bustion of two hundred globes of tallow, eu- 1, epud to the
‘iirlh in magnitude. A sphere of combustible matter,
much larger than the snn itself.^w-mldbe c n.-umed .-very
ten years in uiaataining its w-nd, rful bi tlli.incv. it
would he a splendid sight to see an immense transparency
illuminated by means of one of these tallow globes, and
hating written upon it. But all four, garments tit the
Brown .-tone Clothing Hall a Roekhill A Wilson. No-,
ts.'d and Dili Chesnut Street, above Fixth, Pldl.nlelpli.a.”
JL sCND LOT of Thomas McCulla, itt Altoona. .formerly
Ore-nsburg )is offered rtt private sab-. Lot 0-_»i f. ,-t don't
by I.AI. For further information information impure of
the oc-upsnt. BERNARD McNEALI?.
October '2O, lsi9.
Jl J Logan House, (probably by mistake! on tic evening
o! the 11th or morning of 12th. a Band-Box marked Thomas
Lilason. Butler, Pa , containing two Bonnets—one of tine
white hair, trimmed with pink riband: the other a dark
tvtnt-r bonnet trimmed with red riband with black edges,
and one pair of white kid shoes. Whoever has taken timin'
will be entitled t" a suitable rewatd and the thanks'of the
owner by leaving them with WM. .N'E.SBIT.
Altoona, Ocf. 20, IfCby.-lt
I JL subscriber, if a sufficient number offer, will form a
class for instruction in Drawing, the course f which will
Linear Perspective, Projection appli
ed to Machinery Drawing,
.Shadowing. Architectural Drawing. Ac., to cm., ....-no- \ v ..
vembvr Ist, IbSU. EDWARD lIODM-.TT.
at John Bowman's Exchange-Hotel.
Altoona. Oct. IJ, ’nO,
lEnttwlg Jletu (go oils.
people of Altoona, the surrounding country, and
the - rest of mankind," that he has just returned from the
city a large stock of NEW GOuDS. which he off,-is
at reasonable prices, at the stand formerly occupied bv B
Kerr, and recently by W. O’Neuli, on Main street, ‘ills
st.Vk is the only one in town which ia
and lie flatters himself that lie lias something to please tlie
■■ye of of every lady, and suit the wants of every gentleman
lie deems it unnecessary to enumerate all the articles oii
the shelves, (as to do so would re. pure a whole m-wspapei,.
but Mould say that lie lias everything in tlie line of
which Ibis meridian calls for. and all just snit.d to the,
se;is,in. together with a well,selected assortment of House
Furnishing floods. Midi as Carpets. Window Blinds, Shades,
which will commend themselves.
lie has a grout.variety—fivni which the* otii n-»t fail to
nutlvu a *iitjsliu;U)r;y selection. lie ha.s ulso u ti{>-tup llf *-
ami . heap asb,.‘had ulis f^
of the place of«B=» * growing or mam
uincture. Also, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARK. and
rytlnhg necessary to complete a store in a thrivin- town
like Altoona.
All he asks is that tlie people call ami examine hi* .pick
>wnch he will at all times take pleasure in *howjni', and
lie leels confident that he eaa ?=**nd them uway ivjuiciuir. jf
m*t in the j.mchaao of junt such an article aa th *v wante.L
at Uie remenibninec of having looked um.hi the hamUnni
est stock of Goods ever exhibited in the town
Altoona, Oct. 20. 1859.
6 6 33C© JBBZ 9 ©
pleasure of announcing to their friends .in,l custom
ers as M*eJl as tlie public at largo that tli-v are now re
ceiving tlmir
which have Ilia'll selected with care and bought at price
which will enable ns to offer inducements to purchasers
Our stock of
Is large and varied, including mi lie n. e -ivies of
Prints. G nyhnnu. Delaines. Poplins. is. i‘h,in and
Printed Merinos, Bluet and Pane;/ Su!:t. ,fe. Aisn, Shawls
finals Lind Clulh which have Uvn nroe.ght very •
low and w ill he sold at a small advance. J
We have Black and Fancy Cas-iingres, Saliuents, Jean-,
Tweeds, 4c. Our stock of FI.ANNULS and DOMESTICS
is large, consisting of Muslins. Tickings, Denhams Dril
-1 lags, lied Blankets and Comforts, 4c. ■, ’
Wc have also a line stock of
(lueensware, Wooden & Willow Ware,
Zophy Knit Goods, Gloves and Hosiery! and Notions of all
kinds. We wish to call especial attention to our inree
stock of 6
All-Wool, Wool Filling, List and Rag Carpels,
Bought at Auction, and which We can offer at prices that
will defy competition.
GROCERIES for sale by Wholesale at City price} with
1 rcight hnly added. . .
All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest mar
ket pHce. Wc respectfully invite nil persons in want of
cheap and good GOODS, to call and he convinced that we
have a Model Stock at Model Prices.
Altoona, Oct. 13, ’59.
V/ Winchester 4 Go’s Patent Shoulder Seam Fine Shirts
Dec. 9,1838; -; ;
QIIOE Easiness and Factories can be
Kj canicd on profitably at Hammon ton. See advertise
incut of Hammohton Lands.
eompscy. Agency, Anna Street, Altoona.
; ; . ' "
Pays for a full course in the Iron the larges
most extensively patronized and «*** lorganiaed Cothmer
rial School in the United State*. I '
Four Large'! Sails,
For Writing, Commercial Calculate as,Book-Ko«ptag and
Usual time to complete a full cou: -se.from 6 to 10 weeks
Krcry student, upon graduating, id guaranteed to bo com
potent to manage the Books of any Business and qualified
to earn a salary of from
$5OO to $l,O }&
Students enter-at any time—Xe -Vacation—Retie* at
pleasure. 1 ! ’
First Premium for 3 sst^Writing
Awarded this Institution. The hist and greatest variety
of Penmanship in any one Hull of tl e Union, U found here.
C*>- Ministers Sous received at haif price.
For full informatioti. Circular, Spc unions of Business and
Ornamental Writing and Embellish'd View of the College,
enclose live letter stamps to F. \V. JEXKIXS.
Sept. 22, 1859.—1 y Pittsburgh, Pa.
Prospectus of ainew work
Author of “• Clara Moreland,” “ Brairio (flower.” “Tho Re
fugees,” “ lUancheUortraud,’! •< ®, e \ rtist’s ’
bride,” 44c., en [itleil
' OR ;
•• Westward, the course of Empire takes its way.”
This Work. Is the otjy one in Boo! form, which for sev
eral yearn lias emanated from the pe I’oTthe gifted author
who treads now alone the patli unci trodden by our own
Cooper. It will contain graphic pictures of the conflicts
of the hardy Pioneer, whose strifes and struggle# with his
Indian foe, rival the tales of fiction ami - the tragic coun
terfeits of the mimic stage. Also thrilling narratives of
the daring deeds, the heart-trials, tie htToic devotion and
self-denial of noble, women, the mothers of the Westße
neath (he over-arching forests, ham to. hand, and foot to
foot, the intrepid adventurer bag encountered in deadly
cum bn i the ruffian desperadoes who made their haunts in
the backwoods, ami his gallant achievements have thrown
a halo of romance over the waving ( ruifies, the grand cld
mountains, and the majestic rivers of the laud oftho set
tin*; mui I
N.-i are these pages wanting in -those gentler scenes
which make up home-life, and which, are pictured with all
the ski)l and fidelity for which the at tilth; is pre-eminently
distinguished. His delineation of Frontier diameter, and
of the scenery- of the Borders, has aid-ays the advantage of
an accuracy which Is the result of mi-Intimate, personal
ar.| nail.lance,
file \\ O. k will 1.0 printed on line [white paper. In clear,
open type, and appropriately ami beautifully illustrated by
the most skillful artists. 12m0., Cloth. Price. I.'>s
HAMLIN A CCI- Publishers.
No. GOO chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
No. 1. The Mingo Chief. 2. The Kentufckv Hero. 3. The
Staid of Fort Homy. 4. Wrekcd onkho Lake. 5. A Leap
f t Life. t). Love Triumphant. 7. A,Deapemte Encounter,
s. Mad Ann. ‘.r The .but.biers Outwitted. 10. The Darin-
Scouts. 11. A Fight ou the PrairiK 12. The Trapper's
M,n y. 1.,. An Arkansas Duel. U The Pi isoued Bride
a. Attacked by Indians. Hi. AMirdtulons Escape. 17. A
.'[other's Courage. IS. The Dead Alive. JO. ADaringEx
ploit. 2u. Rocky -Mountain Perils. 21. The Guerrilla
P'ffht with a Bear. 23. The Haunted House.
24. Bill Lukens’s Bun. 2A. The Far hfnl Negro. 2(i. Tlie
Backwoodsman's First Love. 27. The Last Stake. 2S. Ad
-tiltiro of a Colporteur. 29. A Nig it with the Wolves,—
ou. i.’ol. Howie of Arkansas.
Air.-I.ts wanted in every part of the Union and the Can
adas, to whom a liberal disc mint will be-allowed.
-1 7’ Me COR MI CK’£ ,V T 0 R IT.
(J ING opened, a very extensive a. sortmeiil of
of all the different varieties usually k ■
carefully selected ill quality and sty I
consisting, in tire Dry Goods'departm .-
eitallys, Delaines. Ac., ic.. in .ail theii
Also—Ladies. Misses amt Gent's (!; ,
Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Ac., Ac.
Hardware, Queensware, kjcdunrarr,
Lnjhorn. I'.lm In./ami /'.mania //< Li. t'liljn . Smjar. Tea,
MobtwSt Hie*. Dried }\ai‘hrf>. t'Vj., J>ricd /><•/’,
Sfuj'ir-Cnrcd Hums. WtottUlcr *, cfr.,
nil of w'nirh will he sold or exchanged far ull kinds of pro-
Juri', 6uc 1 1 :is Butter, Kgp*. hard, Tuljo>v, lings, Soap, ami
(iralu of any kind, as low If not K wet than any other
house I*i town. lleing very thankful fur past patronage,
w »)i consider it a very gnat favor \a receive a visit from
cur friends, and bo much gratified iu having the pleasure
of showing them our Goods ‘
Alti.xtoa. May 0 1859
dfassbillf £ nniirarj)
Cheapest School injtlic Land!
■V'. W for a Catdlojuc!
Address M- MeN. Waist, A. M.,
iept. 22. ISSST-dm
X l: ': V ,ji . { °uery and liquor
A } STORE.— The under signed would beg leave to on
imungc to the Citizens of Blair couotyUnd vicinity that he
has opcrn-d his new Store on Virginia street, three doors
Ortow the Superintendent's Off!re, where helms just received
irom rim East and West a large assortincut of
Foreign and Domestic Lijqnors,
French Otard Brand;/, Cognac Brandy, Beach
Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy
II me. Old Fort Wine, Jamaica Rum
Holland Gins Old’ Rye dY'hiskey,
Monongahcla Whiskey, and
Rhine Wine, \
winch he has himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and
FarmerM will and It to their advantage -Jo bnv of him.
ns he will sell at CITY PRICKS. p ' 7 ’
Ho will al.-o keep constantly on hand art assort man t of
Such as Flour . Bacon, Salt, F,U, Tobacco, Sc
gars, Syrup, Sugar T C offei sc., ,J c.,
All of which will he sold cheap for fashor Country Produce.
Onr friends and the public generally ftr* rusiu-ctfully in
vito] to give \u a call before purcltasliig •‘lvwhere.
Altoona, May 26, 1559.-tf
will sell all Articles of
Spring and Summer Dress Goods
the season is rapidly passing away' and mV stock of De
laines, ChnUies, Lawns, BrlUtonts, 1* very heavy, wb
Winter StS° hm ® U * to make and
Persons wishing to purchase tmeh gtteds would do Veil
to call audexataino oar etoek. before] making their pnr-
V e T U i 0190 BullBll irticles it our Store atgreat
! v reduced priced, such as Ihrfs, Cdps, fibrihefs, Bbots and
aiiocs, Ac., Ac. • f [Ang. 4,1859.
The Utro of One Hundred
X would respectfully set forth my cU
tion, as a Fashionable Tailor, aa follorf
Because I keep an excellent assortm
meres. Vestings and Trimmings, wbiej
always please. * ]
Becanee iny work is made up ins
down the country and gives all-my el
pearifnee. '
Because 1 apt not inlbrior as a Cnttcj
found anywhere. I
Became long experience In my bush
con trot over it. and lam not oependati
lilt me ont of the suds. I
Because 1 am still on the snnny side
fore my taste as a Cutter and workman
Coll on me,ln the corner room of tjj
Glvwine n’trial and you will, go sway t
Altoona; Slay 26-Snr ' ' J
terminating RATS, MICE, BoJ
ngs without danger In itd ttso-hn
ir sale at the Drug store of
Jamth; •Mt-tf} ]
. 1
■pt-lii country stores,
lo to Knit I lie season,
nl>«f Prints,'Lawns,
variety. *
iters, lioota i Hliocs,
s r Sl
Pits per Month i
ito to pnbfic at ten-
mt of Cloths, Csssi
>t when examined,
manner that takeer
istomcra a city «j£
' ’ '•'V ■
- to. the beet tobo
lesai'glres ihd eh tiro
it upon anyone to
of forty, and there*'
l unimpaired.’’ . *
to “Brauf House,?’
Hbasod.. '
tCUK&v ASTB, and
And the various affections consequent upon a dlsorAsre
p _ v T STOMACH OR m'RR, , •
as Indigestion, Acidity of Hie Stomach, Colicky Po!»s
Heartburn, toss of Appetite, IMimoodetUy,-CbSOrenes*
Blind and Bleeding Piles, in nil Neiron«y fcheumtkTsnd
jveuralKH; Affections, It has in numerous insUuree prosed
U| Klily beneficial, and in others effected n decided cure. .■
This is u purely vegetable rompoimd, prepared on strictly
scientifloprinripliei, after thomannor of the celebrated
Holland Professor, Boerbnvcr Because of its great wueeeew
In the moat of the Kuropeiin States, its Introduction into
the United State* w;w intended mow especially Ibr those
of our fetherlnml scattered hero nad then Onr the file* ei
thiamigluy country. Meeting with great snqqw* among
them. 1 now after It to the Afticricaii p übl(c7 *oq wine that
its truly wonderful medical virtues must bo acknowledged.
It is particularly recommended to thee* porsimt whose
coustitutluiu may have been impaired by the coutinaeas
use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Qen*
rally instantaneous iu effect, it finds its uipy directly lo th*
sent of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising
upthu drooping spirit, and, in foot, induing new health
and vigor in the system.
C AI/TIOX.—The great popularity of this delhrhtftd /•-
ma has induced iminy imitations, which the public should
guard against purchasing. Bo not persuaded to buy any
thing else until you have given Boerlmyc’a Holland. Bitters
a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely
superior ft is to alt these imitations.
#3' Sold at $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by th.
sou; iiitupßiSTOk*, ■ ,
Manufacturing I'harmunntisU and CKtmixU, .
m ■ I’I'CTSUURGH. PA. ■:
T; W.Dyott & ons, Philadelphia; RaruesA Park, Nett
\orlc; John I). Park. Cincinnati; Unman). A Jams < Cg,
St. I(oui.i; A. KOXJiUI, Altoona, Pa;, and by,Dmggjgte
and Merchants generally throughout the Unlted Statee
and Canadas. (October 14,1858,-lj
Jl\. LICiIITITJI. CLIMATE, rich soil, and secure frofli
frosts. See advertisement of Ilammenton lands to another
column. s
J[. INI! CORN—Gould's Paten p Hnsk ing Thimhla lath,
only implement known that will entirely protect, thk An
■gera from the evils, of excoriation', Sc., common to hulk
ing corn by hand, v
We erenow in possession of over 200.000 listen of ap
proval, over tin? signatures of reliable farmers and plant
ers in different localities in the U. S., couallv ua Hatterlau
as the following.
Messrs fiot LP A Co—Sirs:—T tend enclosed §1 for six
pairs of celebrated Un-king Thimble*. 1 bought a
pair of .y<)u latt full ami 1 have u*tnl theiii for hodhlniTevor
if thttfe artfouy tfrlih ctmi't think worth ivlul© to
buy a pKir, let them e«*nr their finger ifoU< off; for oiifi I
wont; liny will mitweur ai/ythihg of tho kind T evtr
saw, ftud for hudking tkvv can't be beat.
truly, IVM MOBKO^T.
Tiro, Crawford Co., 0., XoV. StW, 183 S.
Messrs. J. 11. Goui-d A Co.—Gents ; Uud endoseiLkl.Cd
for six pairs of yodr patent Husking ThlmbU-s of tboilise
represented by the measures C-ncloa.-d. I used a pair Imt
year and 1 prefer them to all the groat, .(nail, and litti.
8 Vutirs Respectfully, A. 11. B£LL.
Hillsboro Montgomery Co., 111. Xor. 2Tth, 1858.
J.H.GOI-U, i Co.—Allianeo Ohio—Gentlemen; .1 re
celvtKl In good order the six pairs of Husking'ttiiinblci and
can nay that they arc all that is roprcsonte<l 6f them/1
havtj distributed them among my neighbor*, apd could
have sold a great many if I had had tuem' Itt SsSkin. I
vi illl nijself, or get some yn« to do so, apply foran agcney
for their sale in Central lowa next season. '
_ . - Ypnrsie . SAMupL A. DYER.
East Deemome* Polk Co.. lowa. Uek UOthy 1858.
Tho Husking Thimbles are, writ by mail (pb*{ foßdl lo
Rn i 9‘ at * l I . OSH ' l * lr ont * dollar per ilozen; («1* ptflr«l As
sorted sizes with rimihir*, din.-ctiori* for mdng by fcx
press for five dollars pgr hundred, (SOpttifs!) Ctrcalare
gt\iug wholesale terns to those desiring to become Aetuial
sent Tor one letter *trimp. ■
AGKNTS IVANTKD- Mohcj scut by mail (It onr rliS.
Orders filled with promptness. * ’
n i-> ti o ~ A,l:llt,s J.n. aocwk ;
Dec. 1_ 59—It. Alliance Ohio.
PEUSONS wishing to change their
btwinrs?* to ft rajmlly increiweing Coantry, ft Vow
fct'tUejneut where h uudrette are going. Where the climate
is wild and dolightfnl. See advertisement of the llaintncn*
ton.Settleiuent. in another cohunn. *' •
iSCLOSUUKB,; —l)r. TEL-'
iKK'S snat work for the tp«r
fjl, or f«r those rojitempl*-
If* AT I.S. i*rlcp Mi w«t»—
nr to nil ports tinder ieol. tr
«H, paid. ioo,m
ipie* sold th« last year; Xho
irlo, fitnrricl, urn! thc.mar'-.
jttl lispiij-. a 'Lcctiira on
Lore, or how to choose A part
ioc; n complete work oh Jfl*
ifery. 11 contains hundreds
to bV-korth
Ao. 5 Beaver street, AtlianJ-, X, y. • ’
Mart'i«l iCl ia , ii i S 1 a >-ox. with full dirfeUon*.
dress*!)!- r u " I " H ’/ d -'* ot -Eeutbjraon. AO
(tress Ur. T-11-r. as at-,rc. April 17 th, >59-1 y.
m AXJ)S 1011 Sale 25 miles
E °?.f l " llMl , “O'lf with a clay bottom. 'Fhe*(«imij»il
11110 Hn,all fartft*. and hbodrMbfraiti
iri! t,K J country are now muting and huliillm:.~
ccojis produc'd :\re largo and rim be titan grbVmi.—'
rUo climate it delightful and sreorff from frneUC wLj
titftiQlOtltß* I<l vjtfU tllO nliico—L< J*V« ViAIV fttrrtfe#
at Philadelphia A lu^Sm
mnddn*s M .J. Ilyrue*. by letter. ILimbiOntOtitorttWK
£SSSSL'. * v * 4ctie X: ;fr
IV9JJS k t^ l persons knqw-
JL 1 INO tiictnsclveg xudebioctttf (he firm of *
Sanford, will nrll and settle their atconntowSLmt
delay, a* ample tlplo has been gtren, In thirty darahere*
after, all accounts niwifttled »Ulb6 placed
a proper poison for collection; - 01
3n )* *?' 1859.-3 t RTOTAN « SANFORD
V tho patronage hereto
fort bostotred'c® the firm and himsOlf
expects still to serve the public vllhsHkjtarts
of )MtMwsL All persons failing toeetlle theft*'**!
copnts every thirty day*, must not expect longer btdiß,
gence. My capitail* limited; ana-iopn tSSr
credrt to their rnlp.’. . : . r. MARnN KONTANV '
"XTvEW WALL PAPJfiB, - " •. -
■ .t
BntrfW Chamber itfd SSta£&
£**?P *?**£’ ft,lM •' * ‘
>t indow Shade*, Borders, Ac. > r v
Hare (acuities posse Med b*no
MoqnUln* for obtaittiirc
and afc low prices;
manufecturew. v : French and Ajneiicaii
■■"■' ' [Sept. 33,- ’58.1
kotfor with PRrcfiwio or sell any tarar btar (
******* w™®»
•ssss&gSmp isßsuiaasgg
s^SP^Eis? *"“
Jwiyagthi&o-tc wiuiEtai *bbo.
growers can carry 01* tfcqjr
W MMiadW *tia*«»fally it nammobton_ fn
Vi«yar(!g m oumi'wfMH
, ->r.> •-