f'riknf. Tarn' ALTOONA, PA. fOTBBDJtT, OCTOBER 6. 1859. Where partiee tre-antoown to ne. onr rale tor adrer ttetog i* to require payment lu a4ranco,or a guarantee from ■ frvyn porfinw. It ii tberetoraw»»le*» for nil each to tend aeaSrertfeemeiite offering to fay it the end of three, or aix ««ltlw. Where advertlsemenUare accompanied with the whether one.flveor ten dbUare, we w«lg(ve the" : adrertUerthe full benefit of cash ratee. - ;f : M. PETTETOIiI * CO., Advertising Agents, U 9 Nassau York, and 10 gtateatreet, Boston, aye the Agents for the AUoona andthe-most influential and largest circulating HsiTspapers iu the United State* and. the Canadas. The; to contract fcr us at onr>;ic«t rotes. 1 ■ • .• f i Political Abase. ; wreck’s issue of the u Democrat ' sn& SeMind,” a Durbin paper, published A& Jphensburg, Cambria county, comes . hwUmedwith low abuse and false inuendoes gainst the Peoples’ candidate for Senator in this District. If the writer of the editorials of that paper expects that by snob a course he will further the prospects bf ftlrr Durbin, he is very mhch mistaken. After the manner in which he commented bn the attack of the Johnstown Tribune bn Mr. Durbin, we thought he would be tho hist man to indulge in any tiling of the kind i but it seems that bis fear, or indig nation gbt the better of his judgement and betrayed him.' Here, where Louis iff . Hall resides—where he is well known to every man in the town and surrounding Country,-we say- to the Sentinel that not one man can be found, of any political patty, but will admit that he is an honest an able advocate and a well-read •afcyar—* man whose private character is ikboye reproach. The vote he will receive here next Tuesday, at the hands of all parties, jfill show that the people of Al toona esteem their neighbor and will fitly rebuke the Sentinel man’s false insinua tions. { This journal has taken no part jn the present political contest, further Hhan to recommend a neighbor and friend —a citi zen of our town--to the conference, as a 'Suitable candidate to be placed in nomina tion for Senator. We did so because we -Believed him better qualified than his competitors, as veil as froin a feeling of local pride. Not one word have Vo said against the private character of Mr. Dur bin, nor do we j intend to j but wc do not believe (and this we say in the kindest ibanncr) that D. is qualified to repre sent this district in the Senate This we :,-have been told by good and honest Demo crats, and we have never heard it denied 'except in a party paper. Even in the excitement of a political campaign, no n)fln has pretended to say that Louis W. Hall is not qualified to ’ represent us in the Senate and to adorn that body.— Admitting this to be so, v wc are for Mr. Hall because be is the better suited for the position. The same charges him with being (he Attorney for the Pa. R. 11. Co., and says as he ia paid for that, he would go :to Harrisburg to do the bidding of the Company. A ,firie specimen of logic, tru ly, Capital reasoning, ain’t it reader ? Sup pose he is a Solicitor for the Pa. R. R. Go., is it wonderful that it pays him for hia lf Mr. J. pr any other At- tprpey of Cambria county, is’ employed '■ (o defend a horse-thief, bitto be inferred that Be will steal a horse if the horse-thief should bid him dp so? Preposterous pre sumption. But that ~is what the logic would lead to, placing the Company in the samp category which the Sentinel wpuld seem to do. That paper b hard put to for arguments, or else tho editor b ex- trtmdif acute. We say to our readers, independent of party, rehukethe vile slanderer of your Col.' Hall,v by giving him such a .vote in this, place; as- .no man, ever .be fore jreceiyed. He will legislate fairly .ands honestly for yon all, unbiassed by part*- *ao icings, ,fOr' have never knbwn p&rty jnan. The day has gone bp when elections are .to be carried by a!l«rieß, or by strict .pajcty drill, no whp the oandidaW for the suffrages eif jibe people may be. The ballot box is understood to express the popular will of district or State, where the •iMtiODiB held; Let the popular will be in this district~>let the for the candidate most lit to them, find who yrill Jw* attend ’^^! ir .fill be 1 - fe,- '. if ... . ,->. v—JV •■*• • i QnxMfKJATiONs of Voters —The law requires a, person whoi okimi the righfcio vote, to have of tb&Ubtembnwealth “at leasft ope year, > an3 3n the at least ten dayslmmedWely proceed ing such electjpn, undwithintwo yea?*, to have paid A State or at least ten days befoifcsiil'election; But a citizen of the United States, who .has preyipudy; Ja^n, yoter of the State, and removed therefrom and ■■■■*■ \ ; returned, and who shall have resided in the Election District, and paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote‘after residing In this State six months. But ? m the twenty-one and twenty-two years, • who have resided In the election district ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to * vote although "they shall not have paid taxes." Th? States Union Hotel. —While in Philadelphia last week, during the Fair, we, together with several of our citizens, had the pleasure of stopping at the States Union Hotel—Jas. W.-.Pow.ee, Proprie tor,' We have never stopped at a house where the “ accommodations for strangers and travelers" were as good as at the above hotel. The table is the table of the city, and the proprietor, Col. Power, appears to make it his , whole study to please his guests. We advise all out readers who contemplate visiting the city to pitch right into the States Union Hotel, and the good things to be bad. there. The Artisan. —We have received two or three copies of a paper bearing the above title, published at Cincinnati, by the American. Patent Company. It is an exceedingly neat paper of eight pages and is well filled with matter of interest to all, but especially to inventors and me h nics. The low price at which it is published, 81,50 per year, should place it in the hands of every mechanic *in the coun try, and they could not invest the same amount of money to the same advantage in any other way. Address American Patent Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. California Elections. —The latest arrival from California brings intelligence of the State election held on the .7th ult., which has resulted in the undoubted • ■ • —' choice of Mil (on S. Latham, the Lecomp ton Democratic candidate for Governor, by perhaps 20|000 majority. Scott and Burch, (L. D.) j are alsq probably elected to Congress, although it is stated their opponents Baker and MeKibben (who received the united vote of the Republi cans and Anti-Lecomptou parties) have the benefit of a slight doubt in their favor. Methodism and Slavery. The division of the Methodist Episcopal Church in this country, several years ago. through the slavery question, did not settle that question in the Northern division. Several Con ferences, located in the slave States, adhered to tho Northern division, under a promise that the “ General Rule” of the' Church, relative to sla very, would not bo disturbed. This rule simply forbids the baying and Selling of human beings. The membership of the Church, within the Con ferences alluded to, embraces many slaves and ’slave holders. 1 Tbe.latter are content with the Rule of the Church as it exists, having no dis position, to sell the slaves now owned by them, i or to add to their stock of human chattle by the purchase of others. Tho Conferences of many of the Free States, however, have within the last year or two expressed an unwillingness to ex tend church fellowship to those whin, under any circumstances, will hold a human being in sla very, or will, to any'extent, support the insti tution of slavery, These Conferences have agi tated a change of the general rule, by the next General. Conference, so as to exclude from the membership of the Methodist Cnurch North all I persons owning slave property. The question seems to have been pretty well discussed by tlie clergy and "the organ's of the church. The con ferences-this year elect the delegates to the General Conference, and enough elections have beqn held to warrant the opinion that there is great probability of the Rule being changed.— If it is, the Southern Conferences attached to the Northern I division will at once withdraw, and then must follow another vexations distribution of the property of the church. We notice that in some sections societies, con sisting of clergy men, and laymen; are being or ganized to prevent, .if possible,'this second divi sion of the /tlethodist Church.' The design, we presume, is to bring an outside pressure of sen timent to bear upon the General Conference Among the declarations of these societies is’ the following:— , ' ' “We an convipcedthatjnstead of altering the Genem sple op slavery, and thereby .making a new condition of membership, tho true policy • of our Church in its legislation on the subject is. to pdd to the chapter on slavery such provi sions as shall define moro strictly the duties of masters to their slaves, and gradually fit the slave to assume ..the position of a freeman. Tbp Chrittian Advocate of Cincinnati, ;one of the organs of the Church, is. opposed .to pro posed alteration Of the general rule;— Jfarruiura Telegraph. Mtstkbiocs Poibosi.no Case. —lt is reported that oriTuesdayafternoon, W little hoy handed Miss Rebecca Stall, a young' girl, of McVey town, an apple, stating that it was the gift of a yonpg man, whose name ho was not permitted to give. She ate the apple, and was shortly af ter seized with violent sickness, accompanied with all the symptoms of poison; Drs. Worrell and Vanvalzah were speedily called, and suc ceeded in saving her life, though had they arri ved five minutes later she would have been past recoveiy. g®* Ralph Waldo Emerson says that wjhen a man claims more consideration than bis facul ties'entitle him to, be is a politician.' Emerson himtelf then has as fair a title to be considered rspUSmw is any map ye knotf of.—iowtmffo t>irw Airo ■ ; occurrence. afiKPle&tr—Agricultural •week. V "Gur citizens vprit aUriled early op Saturday L } * • - toomioK Insfe by tho iunounceiuent tliat James cure of luxury wporerty. . pj**. county, a pri- IgjuGood edaeation is the foundation of vate in'the“Jaci son Artillery," was mortally iinniithif i ' - i ~ wounded by a shot from a musket in the bonds v!1- i* .) A !»„_»*,*, Twm Worts Edward Mills. of Patterson, a private in the Snorted— ftat the lron Works Inf^tt y f » ftt C amp Ground, on wore ito be; started last week. \ i tbe' pterions niglit betwoen 9 and.lo o'clock —> Weekly Harrisburg Telegraph has Mtl Milk) was on duty as a Sentinel, and was - . , . . strictly charged not to permit any person to beea|Onlarged and improved. pass the line without giving the couptenugn. — Bale-faced —that ** Bear w»«. Bare 1 ’ pun Mr. Platt, approached the Camp, and was cbal in the Johnstown Echo , oTKatTweek. longed by Mr. Mills with/* Who go« «herer* , to which the former replied,— Hold on,-stran 'WSp' Which is the best at araving—hn artist, | ger _i want to speak with you,” and walked a dentist, a horse, a^tar-actor, or a tapster? j towards the latter. When within a few puces , . • - m , ia ! of him, Mills ordered him to stop, and was in Horace Greeley returned home, from bis |th(j of charging bayone t. when his foot overland trip to California, on Monday evening atruc (- a Btone) |l»e concussion of which dis of last week. ■ i charged'the musket, the c intents entering the . ... . ~, „ abdomen of Platt. The musket was loaded eleven English cricketers beat the wUh nn ei{ , ht .p e nny rail, which entered the twenty-two Canadian cricketers, at Montreal, ieft epigastrium, pierced the stomaoh, passed on bn Saturday and Monday, 24th and 261 h ult. through the body, and made its exit about an ' J ,V, x . „ . , .inch from the vertebral column, inflicting a JB®“ In blast the Blair County Agricultural haßt , y wound Mil!fl - ialme diately surrendered Fair, at Bollidaysburg, and the Huntingdon bimself, and was placed under guard. On the County \Fftir, at Huntingdon. - following morning, after an investigation, he '!' . . was'released, all the facts elicited showing that Why is there no difference between la- tUe diBcbarge of tho WOB accidental. Dri. dies’! fair and fair ladies? Because they both Worratl anJVan Valzah were sent for without attract the beaux, delay to dress the wonnda of Mr. Platt, and ■ ! ■- , * were unremitting iu their attentions to him. Left-Old Billy Smith, whoopened a I rting n „ lha “ Dl^}ca i and surgical skill restaurant in tbe room under J. &J, Lowther’s coul ,j suggest, nutil Monday afternoon, when ho piilled up stakss” and left a week or | expired: two since:; Both Mr - Mills and Mr. Platt were esteemed in their respective homes as quiet, sober, res pectable, inoffensive men—both are married men, the latter having a wife and three chil dren—and both are members ot the Methodist church, the former, it is said, a class leader. — While the sympathy of the wb.l j community is extended to the bereaved family of the deceased in their deep affliction, the Bore distress and bitter agony experienced by Mr. Mills over tbe unfortunate occurrence, enlist fur him tbe war mest feelings and c. mmisserntion. Mr. Plait, upon his death bed, exonerated Mr Mills fioin ail blame. The remains of Mr. Piatt were token to M !- rev, in this county,-where he formerly refilled, for interment. His funeral took place on iocs day afternoon at 1 ocb c,k the Ued Loir. 11 • >tv I. P. S.—Since writing the above, Mr. Mills has been arrested by the civil authorities, but, upon a'hearing before Judge Wilson, was permitted to enter into a recognizance for his appearance at November Court. —Letvislown Dem. store, Do—Qur yoang friend Geo. M. Smith, i who kept A confectionary store a few doors be low ’tother Smith, has sold out his stock and vamoosed Good-by, Smithies. Pardoned—Hocker, convicted some three years since of murdering a man in Wil- and sent to the Penitentiary, has been pardoned by Gov. Packer. Jaincs Pitt is a candidate for office in Georgia. One of the Georgia papers says that he hasll ! t*le speed and no bottom.” lie is the ‘‘bottomless Pitt,” wc suppose. jgijjgF* A non of Michael Boyle,'of Millville bor ough, Cajiibria county, while getting nuts in the woods, a short time since, ate seme poisonous substance/ from the effects of which ho died shortly afterwards. ... BExcursion tickets are now being sold froffrthis; place to Huntingdon Fair, Blair Coun ty Fair', pi Uoliidaysfaurg, Conemaugb Valley Fair, at Blairsville, and Cambria Ouunty Fair at Ebenshjurg. Ai number of our merchants have been to |the and laid in their supplies of Fall Goods. 0f course, if they expect to .sell them, they will give notice of their arrival through our! columns next week. 9Q, Horace Greeley thinks the cheapest method of managing the Indian affairs of Cali fornia, and perhaps the most humane, would be to hunt and shoot down all the Indians from the Colaradatothc Klamath. The expense of running the caloric en gine used in printing the Cincinnati Penny Press bftB been for six months but $l5, while that of steam would have cost upwards of four hundred; dollars. A Ltvß Alligator. —Among the many curi osities on exhibition at the Huntingdon County Fair, is a genuine live Alligator, sent from Alabama, as a present to Master William Dor ris. So We learn from the Globe. jSS?" A Premium for Rat Scalps.—Parts of Illinois are so terribly infested with rats that onp of the county agricultural societies—that of Logan—has offered three premiums of §6O, $3O and $2O, for the three largest exhibitors of rat scalps at their fair. Mr. Alex. De Armitt, of Oaysport, was stabbed by a man named White, while settling a partnership account ever which thev quarrel led. White drew a knife and stabbed De Ar mitt in the hip, fortunately touching no danger ous part White immediately fled. Leslie, the fellow who hired a number of ladies to go South as teachers, swindled them oat of their money and baggage at New York, was arrested at Washington and brought to Philadelphia for trial, and was sentenced to three years hard labor in the Penitentiary. B&. As the season for putting up slaves has again arrived, we should like to have the names of those * who £o through the Operation with the use of sundry expletives. It is said that no mpn can put up a stove pipe without an oath either express or implied, therefore we should like to have the names of those who can do so, just to list people know who ore the good natured mjen of |be town. iJSjgF* Great Human Endurance.—A slave in Station county, Georgia, recently stole $3OO and fled. He was pursued for thirty-six hours, and kept cehstan tly on the tun. As one party would give out fresh pursuers would take their place, apd he was thus kept unceasingly on the run fqrtho'fpace of time above mentioned, when-ho fell dond in his tracks, with a bowe-knifo clench-' eijlmbisfiat. ;»£thW : etldenOeadd#' : ced at the, around, |g #pjftared that 'Mr. Smith, jfto. wit an excell&tSthd JoAxsfjjh ; agriboltamt and horticulturistsliad offsite biien greathr annoyed by persons trespassing upon bis premises and, ; stealing therefrom any choice fruit they may be ' able to find. Every means almoathad been I tried to put a stop''to these depredations, bat | without effect. Tderefore on Sunday last, after ! i talking the matter over, and referring to his { grapes, of which he had a fine lot just getting ! ripe, Mr. S. addressed his servant girl while at 1 the tea table, and. said to her, “ Now, Julia. I’m i going for the cows; you take the gun, which is j loaded with shot, and shoot the first person who ! comes to the grapesafter uttering which he I proceeded on to the pasture , • Having brought up the- cows, instead 1 of coming back - the usual | way, from some unknown' reason—probaLly to : see if thieves were about—came through the i garden, and directly between Itho’rows of grapes behind which the girl Was stationed with the , loaded gun at full cook. th the girls • testimony, she “did not see Smithy but saw ! some one’s legs I shot” He cried oat, *• Oh, my pod! whaihavo yad done ?” and fell down, the whole charge taking effect on the in side of the thrgh,. completely severing; the femo ral artery. The poor, frigliteiied girl, scarcely knowing what she did, tied a handkerchief round the wounded limb, to ’ stop, if possible, j the great flow of blood. But all remedies were ineffectual, and the unfoatunate man breathed bis-lust before assistance ootdd bo procured to ■ remove him to the house. ytfgf The frightful accident! on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, briefly mentioned by tele graph, is thus chronicled by the Cincinnati l‘r««; As the ten o'clock night train was passing along the banks of the canal, a short distance below Delhi, and obout twelve miles from this city, on-Saturday last, a rotten tie gave way under the weight of the engine, which caused a rail to br-ak. The engine; 1 however, passed ..vcr in safety, but the baggage car tore up the i.i 1, thereby throwing the train off the track, the first car falling bottom side up, full twenty feet off. The second car was thrown partly off and was badly broken. The third was capsizid into the canal, ami partly’ filled with water, and would have been ctuirc'y submerged and the passengers drowned, had the coupling given way : fortunately th.a was not the case, although all state that under the cit zamstences it is im possible to ccficeive how it held together against the shock it received. The .cars were twenty minutes behind time, and were going at the rate of about thirty miles per hour. Twenty-seven passengers were more or loss injured-—one of them, an old lady named Sny der, fatally. "7 SjughHy Mistaken. —On the occasion of the Aariora Bureallis, ouo night last week, a man named Houton, of this Borough, was led inm the belief, by the great light, that dawn was ap proaching, and being an early riser, he proceed ed to the Agricultural Fail Grounds to mow the grass off a patch largo enough for the Cricket Clubs to display their skill upon. After mow ing awhiie ho was much astonished to' find it growing darker and finally, on going home, and consulting a mantle piece, he found it to be only two o'clock. Another gentleman desiring to have Lis mar keting at the railrocd station in time for the early morning train; hitched up his horses and found himself ot the Depot -shortly after mid night, much disappointed as he foil sure the sun was aboqt to rise when he smarted. \ A farmer, a short distance fbora West Ches ter. wishing to make a full day at plowing, geared his horses, and comtmuced his work.— lire lung it grew darker and darker; and he was obliged to unhitch his teams and return j home. He was much surprised to find it but 1 little after mid-night.— Westchester Record. A Roiusso.v Gbusok Bog.—A very large Newfoundland dog, by some means, drifted oua rock just belpw the Niagara Falls, and which cannot be descended without assistance, except on the side,next to the rushing waters. Helms been there years, and cannot escape without assistance. A daring attempt was mice made to rescue him, but wais rendered fruitless by his ferocity. midnight howl is often licard. He is a kind of Robinson Crusoe among dogs, and, it is supposed, picks up bis precari ous living trum the fish and small animals ou his “ beat,” which is only half a mile in length. Intense o’biee —Some five or six months ago, the idolized bubo of a worthy couple resi ding in Camden died, e.ud such was the poig nant anguish of the mother, .that she was al most frantic, and would not permit it to be re moved from her sight. Tho necessity for bur ial become apparent, but it was thought that if its remains were interred, the mother herself would die. The corpse was ke\ t some time in the h mse, preserved in icfe, ; and no hopes being entertained of the mother’d infatuation being dissipated, jt was put in to, alcohol, and is yet kept within sight of the mother. —r-K-wi Hero is a story told by the Providence Fust: “ A.clcrgyman from a town near Providence and one qV his elderly parishioners Were walk ing home from church one icy day last winter, when tho old gentleman slipped flat on his back. The minister, looking at Lim a mo ment, and being assqrcd he; was not much hurt, said to him : “ Friend, BiAncra stand, on slip pery places.” The old gentleman looked up, as if to assure himself of the fact, and Said; “ I see they do; but I can’t.’! ! jVTEW GROCERY AND LIQUOR -i. V STORE.—The uhdrrßigtued; would beg leave ‘an nounce to the citizens of Blair County anti viclnJty that ho has op -nod bin new Store .on •firffinfo itreet, three doort below the Superintended ft OJJice, where he has j ast received from the East and West a large assortment of . Foreign and Domeßtiq Liquors, I^^ consisting as follows: aHHB- French Olard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Beach Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy TFine, Old Port H t?ii v Jamaica Run Holland Gina Old Bye Whiskey, ' , Monongahelg Whiskey, and ‘ ' tthine Wine, ' . which he has himself importedi Retailers of 'tiqnors and Farmers will And ft to their advantage .to bay of him. ns he will sell at CIIV PRICES.■ . ’ Ho will also keep constantly oh hand an assortment of GROOERIES, Such as Flour. Bacon, Solti Jfch, Tobacco, Se~ gariti Syrup, Sugar; Coffee, sc,fa, Al Jl of !fl lich will be sold cheaptir cosaior Country Produce. -£!i r J I ’l' ! . nc! * Ra(l th ,? P ublic goneraJlyare respStftiUy tn vitcd to give us a call before else when. Altlxma, May 20,1859.-tf P MTOa^tACK. Mediated fue cJhest pro- A SAFE SHIELD 'AGAINST THOSE oo 2^ CoU »’ and other alfcc vf the T.tigar wh ieh arise from the exposed state of the t£na conHmrnlcmmgee ofow climate, for sale at the Drug Store of G. IV. KESSLER. T KVI'S PREPARATION FOR EX IUTB’, M lo ®* BOACHEB, ANTS, and Jan. 31. ;»-tn pi O. W.KWeiiBR, v • not fcr aMI course*the Irwtsiy .College, th*ki», n|il «tteMprp*t^nd, (w. Four 1 For Writing, Commercial Calculations, ... ; Lectures, , " tTsual tfino to complete’ nihil course, from 8 tolo w, (4j Every Student, upon graduating, (» guaranteed to he com petent to manage the Books of any; Balinese and to Mn a salary of front $5OO to $l,OOO. Students enter at any time—No Tacation—lU*,, H pleasure. -4* '■ First Premium ftrßert'Writing Awarded this Institution. The host and greatest rtrtMt of Penmanship In any one Hall of the Cnioa, 1> S 9. Ministers Sons received at half price. For full inforawtion. Circular, Specimens of Ornamontal Writing and Embellished View of theOßtkea enclose five letter stamps to T.Vt. JENKIJtg Sept. 22,1859.—ly s Pittsburgh, p,. IKON FINGER NAiLS FOR HUSK -INO CORN —Gould’s Patent Hushing Thimble lith. only implement known that will entirely pr.fct the aT gers fmm the evils of excoriation, Ac., common to htuk tug corn by hand. ***‘ • We are now In possession of over 200.000 letters of ae. proval. ovw; tho dgnetures of reliable fitrmera and tlaen ore in different localities In the C. 3., equatlv m8....*- «a the following. . , ■ ’ “ rla » READ! HEADIREAD! TEEUUSKIMG THIMBLE GA & TUB EAT Misses <3ocu> 4 C6-3ir»:-l aenU andose**! fore, pairs o» yo'ir celebrated Husking XMabtas. I bouihl* pair of yon last tall and I hare used thorn far huskier„„ since, if there aro any whqdon't think - worth while u buy a pair. let them tear their Buzer mils «fft lor ou«. I won't. They , will outwear anything of the kind I saw, and for husking they, oan’t ha Mat. Yours truly, WM. MORROW Tiro, Crawford Co.. 0., Nor. Bth, ISBB. BET l ER THAN ANY MACHINE Messes. J. H. Qocld & Co.—Qenta ; finJ rnclo««l i\ m for' pairs of year patent Husking TUiiublo of th«*ii M represented by tho measUrco tnclos-J. 1 used a pjif year and 1 prefer th«m to all tho dfoat. small, and giant Corn llu.krra. Youra JlespectfuliT. A. U. BULL Hillsboro Montgomery Co., 111. No?. 27th, issi THE HUSKING THIMBLES AHE AU'ffE REPRESENT THEM TO BE. J. U. Ootr«D A Co.—Alliance Ohio—Gentlemen; I rt ceived in g.wd order tho six pairs of U siting Tlilmlllte Mil ean sav thht tbi-y are »U that is represented of them, I have distributed them among my neighbor!, and could havo sidd a groat many If I had had them in season. 1 will myself, or g. t some one to do, so, apply fur on ageaet fur their salu in Central lowa next season. Your* 4*\, SAMUEL d. DYER East Desruomoa Polk Co., lowa, Due. aith, ISJB. PRICES. The llu.iVlng ThimMos are aoßt by rad! (pn*t psiiii to any P. O. add«e.*a fur «ms dollar per dozen, (Six pairs) As sorted sizes with circulars, directions for using Ic.. in hi press for fir,, dollars per hundred, (60 pairs.) CHrenkri giving wholesale terms to theme desiring to become sgenU, sent fur one letter stamp. AtH;NTS WANTED. Mcmej lent by mill »t onr ruk Ordert ullod with |iromptiiesi. AJdi'eu Dec. 12, ’ss—lt GREAT CENTRAL LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. 1, "ALTOONA HOUSE," ALTOONA. PA.. WII EKE MAY BE HAD ALL THL popular Publications of the da;; a* fulions: ,V( w 1 "ert Ledger, At w York Me may, Fna lurk Hick ly, ! Scientific American, j Fev Tirk. Ktvcrly. I Flag of Our Cruicst, I Fnti Flag, I American Cnim, ' Saturday Evening IW, Dollar Stytvuftt, I Sunday DUpakS, i Sunday Mercury, ! i Wdvtrly ihgatine, > /Vnni lalit'i ISctervi, j Harper's ’.lFukly, BaUou’r Pictorial, i Prank Leslie’s'lS. Demon Piper, I Ike Illustrated World, ( German, ) 7 At .V-.- Clipper, < F~il ,-r.al JK.-V ; Ca-taf .SWe/ T.A.-e CbrtK.',' j Durt'/n I'.b.e, frith Amtncan, . ; i/on- .A - Bhnner of Light, i Aj'trt.'c. I Trligraph, ' Weekly Tribune, J\rt- r'l Siirit, Lift Vlusiraltd, Pn-nk Leslie's Budget o/Fun, Yankee FMmi, ■di/00.-ia Tribudc. Fir Fit. t DAILIKS: I’hiladdphia. Press, Few York Ifrraltl, Public Ledger, Ft to Tori Tribune, Pittsburgh True Prat, Xtw York Timet. Forth American, Pittsburgh ChnnieU, Erening Bulletin. Evening Argus, Pennsylvanian. To -which wilt bo added the ucw publication* a* they »pp«*t Magazines, Novel* and Romance*. Miscellaneous 80011, School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pens. Pencils, Inks, Cap and Letter Paper, I.nvelopes, Drawing and Tissue Paper,.Blank Book* and In fact every tidng in the Stationary line. Toys, No th, il a anil Qdtnes' of ovary variety, Pic ture* and Pictum Vraihe*. Sc. ■ea- a choice lot of G( >.V FJ2Crf ON EH lES, of every vtrl ! ety. Also. TOBACCO uud SEtIAUS of the host quality, | N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent. Ic tbh comity, fur KOII.VH CELEBRATED SALVE. IMoeajw ■ itivetv curcatl sore* to which It is applied. Try it. j 7-tf.r ! Il H. PETTI VOEK. 1 'ARM LANDS FOllB A LE2S MILES I" from Philadelphia by Railroad in tho State .Ici-’oy. Soil ainonfe tlie best for Agricultural purp l ***. being good loam. son. with a clay bottom. The UuJ U • largo tract, divided into ymull Ciim 1 ', and hundreds from all parte of the connin' tire now settling and building Tho crop* produced ard largo and ran bo wen growing Tho cHniota is delightful and fecurc fionr frosts. Tern* from SIS to J2O per aero, payable within four yennby «c -atalment*. To visit tho place—leave Vino Struct Rh* 7 * at Philadelphia at A. M. by Baltrorul for llammi/nton. or address H. J. Uyrnon, by letter, Uaramonton I’nst OBce, Atlantic County, New Jersey. See full advertisement Is another column. ' AJOTICE.--ALL PERSONS KNW X w ING themselves indebted to tho firm of Rnnyso • Sanford. will please call and settle their accounts witht«> cl lay, as ample time ha» been given. In thirty dsy* after, alhnccoants unsettled wul bo placed in the Studs »■ a proper person (dr collection. Altoona. July 28,1850.-3* BWTAJi i gASrOBP- Theundersigned feel* grateful for the patronage hntte foro bestowed on tho firm and himself by tho eltltsn* «• Altoona, add expect* still to sirre Hie public with all Uj> a of rheat asusnul. All persons failing to settle tSsirsc counts every thirty days, must not expect longer indti* gonce. My capital Is limited, add long ci edits will*®* place tuo where others ,ar« that have indulged so credit.tMludr ruin. MARTIN HCNTAN-. NEW WALL PAPER, • ■ ■ - jRiRACTOVyUW- Gold Embroidered papersfor Ptrfort, new itjl*. Beautiful pavers for Holla. Chambers and paella Cheap Tfhb /bptrj,frcm ct«. npwanff. r Window Sh*drft r Teß(tim, Borde^vtc. W. P. M ARSHALL. & CO., at mm o» staxs Ko. 87 Wood St„ STM IPS# FROST, ' liars facil'tiea possessed by no other house Wist of “• Mountain* fbr obtaining 1 newest styles, to *»teeo»wj end at low; prices, from- tho • beet French end manufkctnror*. > . ’ ■ fSept Zt”:L. House and lot poh saik.- The subscriber offers At Private Sale ffA the HOUSE and LOT now occupied by her, on' the corner of Adeline and Julia street*, WIIW East Altoona. The Home 1* a good Two- BHIIIK Story Frame Budding, containing a Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on tho^* - * t first floor, tbnr good sleeping rooms on the second sew n finished Attic. The lot is in goodorder. . Persons wishing In yiew tbe premises and obtain iw" 1 " imformatlon wQI call upon the subscriber. . -.mi • MAROT. M. MeCKW- Altoona, Ang. 11th, ISo9-tf. ~ - A LTOONA NUKSERY.—The Sob* /v scriber would respectfully Inibm the public Chat lie has now on hand at bis eery, various kinda atPRVIT TREES, ready for transplanting this Fall, consisting of Ap pUt, Ptach-Plxm, Prune, Gage and ApricU 2Vas,gr«fted (n the root. All trots warranted. Altooh*. July 14. ’59-3m ! ,R. P- TAILo , /' > !R APE growers can carry on theirhusP \JT ness most successfully at Ilamnioatan, frH frosts. Some Ibrty Tiiiyards act out tho past advertisement of Ilamtnonfon Lands. In snnthsrcoi QHOE Business and Factories C 5 carried on profitably at llusmonton. B** WwitofaummontonUnd* ' T* LAN^SOrALLI)ESCIU^^ y 8 JD aeaHy aa4 «p*4l«t*jwly «*«** »♦,‘V* j. b. ooru). Aliianc* Ohio. IIP 1 .i&es--* *LT< ' '.j ll^Hfcroagl '^gßuvoe •£35?. M» *>' •and*. h .1 ■ > s V; ' lVBa» Tops ‘ *riT you poo r lift, •• you ft|||r poor i 80. BOt dUb ' Tnfcii. oarnei yoa?Mlf i» dcalinod ft ft oloftjy f the rt{ desiring the g tkof danger, aple of chn; ,cf eorti) and dUsena tc ■hjnf w*'refer the “ilodel fiwbicto of slip w»d layi aui ft°rc. BMW and rax )«t receded tt'thc tiins to ■■ Hi ha iaatruo t* io toc; odut Chi for th of hjs Swalhis claaa the. < •»*of tho bo ||*oir6ogli|y ac !|l of Uma SSp'jw