The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 29, 1859, Image 3

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U“ City Q,,.
»cil ond best
arge, Hall* :
Calculations, ,
L ciiuuj.
a fu l' c °W“o, from e told » .
luating, j g gunra,,^to; Jj**
ki of lin y
to $l,OOO.
lSm *r-*o v ttcatloa—a*TU w , t
i for Sest Writing
The-best Mid gr<»ts,T„. . ■
Hull or U le Colon.J
iVtil at half price. “Wusr*. .
c u lar, Specimens of , !
tmbeUlHhed ; V J
fl »t»bttrgh, f a.
iIR CODUXy’ —’
1!0U> 118
/ daysburg ,
Hi aud Vtb, 18 5».
ritorluuK exhibitors of U o rm«.
try, Orniii Fruit, A*ric«iwi
•1 y ankle of Uun^SwiJ^j!
»n. hi« lady, and children ua.n.
md at all times during the E,
.V'i'My »n‘l enter thulnclosnr.
1-12 TICKETS, 25“<SENT8
Ico im the oround0 round * '
I.US. .
- '.’.cicty, whoso.d»i»arB- M j,,
■ iiib- rs previous to. and arti,'
a Ticket which wJltndmitUni
12 years
aif-r the enclosure atpiffiiii.
■me_ Members of tho gocW.
A n imaU entered on
u. »duy Morning, and oil j» b i
“!> ‘be enclosure
iimm.s will ouly bo awarded to ,
of the Society.
• forward .to the Secretary.
“ ,l ,‘ u exhibit pravMU&lL
“ ut proper arrengemenUinaj
■ Moy.d from the grounds pr*.
. about permission from the
i* n -in i um,; though awarded.
tlie owntr*s name
i m the liooka, and vrin taUo
I number, la tlieirarruns*.
t.iras for such parposewdl
« t 9 o’clock, and. all Imnig
’ A t;lrt % appointed tlm«.
■ .Invi? his n<fu team.'
the exertion of all our yat
•r j'y *’»■
i’rcmimu List otnfaaTethe
■Mress to the Bsc’y or coUldk
urns: \ .
• ii.J W.W.
l« C-VLDwiH^iiwMont
... i’*- . . - \
i al Court* of Blair, Cambria,
i • • ami tuHoi*jlng
t ho .United States,
i ’.ly attended to. .Agent for
uty Laud all
iiiunng andrthplayr. ; v: "
r;.s: '• , 'V
a A ndrew-Burke, Esq., VHt«-
1 re. Pre». Judge Of Varetta
■ rd Clemcna, of Wheeling, ?**
ii Uiin. John AV- KilUnger,
a. if, f- nod Mod,
re. Juno 10, 1559-Xy.
Ktiiiia-it] in the State-of Now
r <" r Agricultural porpoAvi.
I < The laud in a
ill fanii“, aiul hundred* from
j/. nettling unJ
-:nd can be «ecu growing.—
secure front’ frost*. Terms
iMv within four year* by en
i-—leave Vine Street Wharf
» llallroad for Hammouton,
li- r. rianliiioufon Fu«t Office,
see full advertisement to
n ty the firm, of Runyan *
-'■UK- thgir accounts Without
given. In thirty days here
in be placed in the hands of
fu! fur the natiolwge herelo
i liimsclf- by tbs cltfreH* of
. ve t be'public with ell Kinds
- 'filing-to fictile theirlac
t, not i-Njicct longcr indnl long ciodila will boon
fiat have indulged (binneb
■over rcovaitfully jnfonu the
! j 'rout atrccU, InljlAlltiUyf
r astiuifly OU Ml full «*•
•■v rub; or dir* for
ntfiifs, Table Tojm,
■ Kmaniihe panner^
- nn-.jsn tin; eccond lloor, A
. d order. '
I niißee and obtain further
-’.iiHCribcr. ' *\
I :\SKLZ.OJ!t ■4%-30-p L,"
( nrta of Bhtlr,
ujrioa cromElw. ’. .
th'i collection cf,CW®*i
fluently. ; . V
ith j. M. Ctanry,
■ inform L tho'
i :>t Tin
J:KZS, retulyJ^HK
l s ‘ J "e «r Jp- fPPir
and Jprieot
i s warranted.
i.iw* Vsoil any lagw~ r '
r-JO.VA BUKWKBi thor*-
• ii and never will h* *™J
hiainging said stamp J’**
i juml, by the proprietor*
ty change
-■itMjing Country,
; ing. Where the
Ttisement ol tboXLuntO 0 *
:eson oe EN*
ier. aa agent for an
! Comp % P t
carry on theirbos**
; Ilamiuonton, fr»» *SJ,
nut the past
da. in another CollW**'
pMita CriJw»c.
Cos* ' Having a, leisure day-on Wed
of la*t week, we jumped aboard the
gut Train at 8 o'clock/, in then:orniDg,and in
tfceeonrse of three quarters /of an honr arrived
tie flourishing city of Tyrone, where it was
reported the military most had congregated W
lh* week. After viewing the; city a abort time,
rt eeen from the veranda of the City Hotel, we
determined on a “splurge,” and forthwitn
proceeded to cany onr determination into exe
rtion by splurging through the mud for a half
*!lc or more, until we arrived at the tented
field, where we bebeldlho “pomp andcitcum
jtance of glorious war,” under rather rinfavora
lie jiUspiets, the rain of the night previous hav
ing lomevrhat cooled the ardor and wiited the
iMthen of the plumed warriors.
There were some .twelve , companies on the
ground—eleven belonging to- this county, and
one to'Phillipsbug. Clearfield county. We did
not take the tronble to inquire the names of all
the companies and their officers, consequently
(Minot give them in regular .order. The morn
ing lookingjijather unfavorttbje, -battalion drill
»us dispensed with, and company drill, for 2£
hours, ordered. Accordingly iaU ihe ccmpanios
appeared on the drill under their res
pecilvc officers, and each selecting a spotseper
ate from the others, commenced their evolutions.
Tbraugh the hla^ r Qsn. Bell, who
was acting as Brig; : General, We obtained w 'fa
vorable position on thefield from which to view
ill? msnoeuvers of the companies. Sc far as
we could judge, all the companion went .through
their evolutions with much skill and credit/
some of them far surpassing, our expectations.
Our attention was first attracted to the Holli-
Jnjßbwg I'encibles, who were going through a
wry pretty manoeuvre of loading and firing in
sitting and lying positions, which they execu
toJ admirably. Next our attention was directed
to a company of red shirts, in a distant part of
tin; field, which we were informed was the Juni
iUKiflo company, under command of Lieut.
Ilcrre!, who were engaged in a manoeuvre styled
picket filing, and so well did they perform it
that they became the observed of all observrs
;\,r a time. Cysidcring that this company has
(i iy been organized a few months, it centainly
Ifiervta credit.
Js we said before, all the companies did well,
and we hope none ufUl take offence at our men
tioning of the above two, as it happened that
wc were ia a position to observe them more
{.trticularly than others.' ,
I During the exercises, Gen. Bell desired to
kvi' a little amusement ip- the way of skirmish
tug, and accordingly requested the Juniata Bifles
:uj Logan Hides to commence .the exercises by
iccrciiv surrounding and capturing the Tyrone
tav::!iv. who were manoevreing in distant part
tim lie'd, and were unaware of the design.
Accorl.ugly the two companies formed together
af t n r manoiTreing for some .time, proceeded
w mat part of the field occupied by the Cavalry,
riu wore drawn up in line and standing at
cast, little dreaming of the intention of the Ri-
I Stacu. Ere they “smelt the rat,” they were
iW captured. A quick wheel to the right
Kth-' n oat at a space not closed in the Rifle-
stu’B ranks for. want of a fatr men. This open
'H maJe; then commenced a seige of skirraish
‘n *> between t^c two Cavalry companies and the
HiSciiien, which, for a time, attracted the atten
ds ri ail. Just previous to dismissing for din-
ser. an agreement was made, between the Ri-
ttitti:; and Tyrone Cavalry that in case the Al-
agHcny Cavalry should again .charge on the
i;rsi.T the latter Would not interfere. Relying
tr. this agreement, when the Allegheny Cavalry
‘t “3charged, theßiflemcn received them with a
volley, which putthc Cavalry to flight, and
•“« l.iliomen pursued, intending to capture some
Ue horses, which they would have done, had of the Tyrone Cavalry broken the
and riding in behind the pursuing
“.en, run over and knocked doWu some six
them, severely but not dangerously
vii.:ur two or three of them. The skirnish-
• c'jgheut was highly exciting and amu
• ‘ O . .iLd had ,t not been for the'interference of
‘.'roue Cavalry at this particular time,
MU havc'erded admirably.
la the afternoon, a heavy rain prevented the
M-bos appearing on the ground until after
|-A‘e o dock, at which time they formed in line
battalion drill, Gen. Negly, of Pittsburgh,
•‘-e as commanding officer., The companies
r 'e J-at through a number of evolutions, in
, Uh lut >' acquitted themselves handsomely—
.'. to then utssarwal, we splurged” our
v through the mud and rain back to-the sU
-amipatmtly awaited the arrival of the train
•>-h should convey us to our home again, ful
; Acw-d, the of the duy> the .. el .‘
I 1 ,“ the ,offn - and of the;fact that to
- .oidic' ll clothes and parade the streets, on
ay. may be a gloriously fine thing, but
r aad^ u 3 3 wc would rather be excused from
Sect W “ iX boar 3 “ a wet
/ JICCIUEXr, ~On Monday Oast, about
ifl Maurice. Fitzgerald gang,
, A ‘” ander Shar P. engaged in laying
the road - between Birmingham and
t c j v attempted-, to. jump lon an Eaet
r-iic T ***% Jto*“ the. purpose of'
»uT,V or fear.hundred- yards to ; &e place
si. ( j .* left *>V dinner. In jumping he
tod k f 0tl “ B dnd feliwit h one foot on the
® fore he oould remove it itwas caught
“ nd 80 severely crushed that anipu
kfou Er. Gemmill.vaß
«!» »“Pototio^ j ipimediately
W “peratinn ,r he ““fortunate man bore
W* and the fir. loft bn
appeared in a fa-
I (j" ■*» t
Swl? rpfrtm^e,to, mr ad-
K W . if & ei f -.fhMpw legal
teit of th . oyer8 ' E has been appointed
k of PK , ? Fllt aad hife Insurance Com
the Cornrhopivealth
\H this
appears «o be thA
of amiaber aT
juveniles In this place. They .
WS O“* ottBr *»«* Wal or fowl S
then «f • boy,
tod Btree |*^
tt will sdoner or later «-
ZVf *! If iadttl Bed8 ed “ will lead tp
acts ormhuinamQr toward associates. It will
create du.iruat in the mindanfthose who wit
ness such acts of barbarity7*Thoy willnatural
“fer that a boy *bo will thus abuse a dumb
orute, without cause, would not hesitate to treat
them m like manner. No boy iu whose breast
there is one spark of humanity of manly prinoi
pie. would be guilty of abusing an animal with
out cause. Boys who are righly trained at
home are seldom guilty of conduct such as we
have alluded to; and those who do indulge in
it are as much a disgrace - and reproach to their
parents as-to themselves.
Autumn— The season of the “ sear and yel
low leaf?’ has come again. The forests are rap
idly changing everything indicates that
summer’s glories nave; fled.
“ The melancholy days bate come, the saddest of the year."
And while we regret.the departure of summer
aud its many scenes of beauty, we cannot but
look with pleasure on the varied glories of au
tumn. The trees, which a little while ago were
omdin bright green, are now changed to red
and yellow ; and, the gay flowers which glad
dened the C| ye have withered away, yet we have
the rich fruits of thefefee add the vine. mellow
and rich to, the taste. ' Yes, autumn. With its
melancholy* till possesses many redeeming f ea .
tures. '
Morn onihe mountain, liko a summer bird.
The ' ef wU, «’ ant] 111 ‘he vale
Kisi WVh .T?' I ’, a Bw< ? et ? u '' P“«ion«te wooer,
wSi? 1, Washing leaf, and stirs up lift,
W ithin the solemn woods of ash d,
ttl hCr ( - beaC hr' 1 nla P le yellow-leaved,
?2 fuw .“> ,ike a taint old mad, sits down
By the May -side aweary ,—Longfdlow.
Buegla.rv.-_On Wednesday morning a week
ago, Mr. John H. Roberts, upon opening his
store, discovered that seven pairs of boots were
“among the things that were”—there the night
previous. Upon examination, he found that the
back-window shutter bad been bored, the bolt
lifted, and the window hoisted ; Reaving no doubt
that a burglar had been practising his art da
ring the night. The burglary was evidently
perpetrated by some one well acquainted with
the premises; \for the small hole bored in the
shutter, was in the exact place necessary to
raise the bolt, which was an upright one. The
results of the burglary were not exactly bootless,
but we think the thief ran a great risk to obtain
so small a booty !
A New Book— We have just received from
the author, U. J. Jones, a copy of a book enti
tled “ The Rights of Railway Travellers and'
the Eights of Railway Companies in their vari
ous capacities as Common Carriers,” being facts
of importance to those not versed in railway
law—baaed upon common law, special acts, and
legal d ecisions. The author has bestowed much
care and research in the compilation of this
work, and has arranged in a convenient form all
information necessary to render railway travel
ing pleasant rather than irksome. The work
should be in the hands of every traveler, and
every railroad employee. It may be bad at Fet
tingers.Periodical Depot.
Suicide.—An old man named Tricce, who
had been living about Springfield Furnace for a
| number of years, committed suicide on the
I morning of the 15th instant, by hanging himself
| with a halter to a tree, near his own house.—
Ho had been iu bad health for some time, and
on the morning of the occurrence walked out
without his shoes. Soon after his wife followed
him and told him he ought to come in, as he
might take cold; but noticing nothing more ul
usual, she proceeded with her work of prepa
ring breakfast, and when it was ready a son
was directed to call him in, when he found him
as above stated, entirely dead. He was about
o 4 years of age, and leaves a large family to
mourn his untimely end.— Register.
.flgk-A sensible clergyman of Cincinnati
j writes to the Commercial against the “ absurd
vulgarity of whipping children,” and asks—
“ Cannot something be done by our school board
to stop this relic of barbarism in our public
schools ? So long as there is no law on this
subject, incompetent persons, yvho know noth
ing of n child’s nature, except its susceptibility
to pain, and who cannot restrain their temper,
will continue to make education hateful to the
young, and good behavior a matter of fear. For
people of sense know that no child was ever
made to love knowledge or virtue by the rattan,
which only degrades both into a kind of infant
Tub Enclosure. —The enclosure of the
grounds for the approaching Fair has been com
menced and will soon be completed. The loca
tion is a beautiful one—the area is considerably
larger than that of former Fairs—seats wUI be
erected for the accommodation of the ladies—
and every other facility provide! for the conve
nience and comfort of exhibitors and visitors.—
The managers seem determined that nothing
shall be wanting op their part to render the ex
hibition a complete success, and if their efforts
are properly seconded, it will he.—Standard.
Academy > exhibition
given by the scholars of the
in their school room this (Thursday) evening,
doors opening at 7 o’clock; ‘ The performances
vUI consist of declamations, dialogue’s, songs,
music, &c>, and vill no doubt be Interesting and
amusing. Wo ate sorry that they could not ob
tain a more capacious room In vhich to hobb
their exhibition, as the school room vill un
doubtedly be too small to those who
may desire to attend;
PaoTßAcra^WTiwa.—Aprotracted meeting
has been In progress in thp United
Chorohintbis place for some time past,
jhw resulted, in the a vokening ondcon version of
qoito a npwber of persons. Ihe meeting is strU
iept s tp be hoped
wore good irUI yurt be acconiplishel.
| j! LoaATt Ripef R-viiasas.'’' )
r M:csd-vy ilvfcuing- I 8ept.25th,1859;,/
Wti, the members of the Altoona Britan ■ni.nj
.tniw «*., r*p. Sk
meihod ofjretunung thanks to those throueh
-whose exertions our recent trip to Camp Sn
was rendered so pleasant . p .uogan
To the worthy host of the Tyrone nit« n.,.i
° nr :s
wish bim therococss due snoh » worthy boni.
face,; and, trust that his purse. KV» {,;«
may filled plece“ ’
TapaptJpdl, of the Tyrone Artillery are
we especially indebted for bis exertions to ren
der onr stay agreeable. We trust that the day
is not far dutont when his post shall beinftonf
instead of oh the right of the Une, for we feel
well assured that if he is strict with Lis men on
paradq, he will be no less careful of the where
bJl£d i *° B ‘ rengtfaen their man at the
The; landlady of the National Hotel will please
accept our sincere thanks for her attention—
An, mother, you understand that a soldier loves
™^f£ P ' r “ "I 11 nS 3 !ol X and we assure
you that the remembrance of the creature com
forts which you so lavishly spread, shall often
rise up before os. For them receive a soldiers
thanks, and taay your shadow never grow less
By ordertof the Band,
v JOHN P. LEVAN, See’y
Cheap To^toes.— Mr. Rutherford informs
us that he has still a few more of those excel
lent toronioei? for sale, and now offers theta at
the low price of 50 cents pep bushel. Orders
left with John Lehr, J & J Lowther, Henry
Bell, John Conrad or Isaac Hooper, will be
promptly filled, and the tomatoes delivered at
the residence of those ordering, if desired.—
Surely everybody will put up tomatoes at the
low price at which they are now offered.
Hodbe-Kkepebs, Fabmebs and Hotel-Keep
em.—-Xpw if the time when Rats and Mice
most infest jour houses. If you look to your
interest, you will at once go to Roush’s Drug
Store and buy: a box of bis Rat and Mice De
stroyer, whicli is warranted to be-a certain poi
oil vero “ in : One or two applications are
sumcient for anj .house.
An agent from 6. G.- Evans Gift Book
establishment has been in town for some time
past, disposing of books and gifts very rapidly.
If the gifts are really what they appear to be,
we are at a Iqss to know how they can be dis
posed of so cheaply.
The great standard medicines of the present
age, hope acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
U»r Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of tbe Nervous System,
| Diseases of tbe Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial hat acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any timilar pre- s
partition extant. It will cure, without fail,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doaea will olao at once check and
cure the moat aevere Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold iij the Bowels.
These medicinea are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jacked* & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, .Pa., and are aold by druggiata and
dealera in medicinea everywhere, at 75 eenta
per bottle. The aignoture of C. M. Jacksou
will be on the puUide wrapper of each bottle.
- In the Almanac:published annually by the
proprietor », called Everybody's Almanac,
you will find testimony .and commendatory
notieea from all parta of the country. Theae
Almanoea are given away by all our agenta.
„ ior sale, in Altoona, by A. Roush and 0. W
Kessler, add by all JJruggiats. [may 19. '59-1 y
The. Original and Best in the Wmidl
AU others a|-o mere imitations, and illould bo avoided if
you wish to escape ridicule. ’
ORAT, 11 ED, or RCB'i'V HAIR. Dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least
iiyury to tho Qoir or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been awarded to Wm.
A. Batchelor since 1880, and over 80*100 applications have
been made to the hair of his patrons of Ids famous Dye.
MM. A. HAIR DYE produces a color
not td-bo distinguished from nature, and is wjuuujrran not
to injure In thi least; however long it may be continued,
and the ill tacit of BadDycs remedied; the Hair invigo
rated for Info by this Splendid Dye.
-■ Mad0 > *>W o i applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wl~
Factory, 233 Broadway, Kew York. “
Sold by Drhggists |Q Altoona, am] by Druggists In aU
cities and towns of tho United States. ’
tha Giujuine has the name and address upon a steel
plate on lout- sides of each Box, of
Nov, 18,18S8t-ly
fl®-During the summer that has just passed away,
thousand of sufferers from dysentery and diarrhtea have
been relieved by‘the uso ol HOSTIiTTER’S BITTERS, a
medicine whlqhj is evidently destined to mantain a perma
nent place in $b pnbjje estimation. Billions diarrhoea is
one of those diseases wljlch baffles the skUI oftbephysi
cian. The medicine thijy administer to act upon the how
els never seems |to reach this source of the evil. The diffi
culty is to get a'remedy’ that will reach all the dlgestoe
organs,anil glvd them simultaneously a rualiof vigor, to
lid themselves of this disease. This problem is solved by
the Durans, which never fills to conquer the moat stub
born cases, ill £s onlyikir to say, that during the season
Just closed, this, medicine has achieved more cures than
any other over presented to the public, and during the fall,
which that terrible peonage, the foyer and ague, la so prev
alent, the w&‘goto fresh famo.
Sold by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere.
49“50 advertisement'inanother column.
#’D TODpJBBS surpass ait-.
* «»o -«*r wJmw
233 Broadway, New York.
Bailey’s Magical Pain ttiacwr.
In all diseases iuf .uuinanon predon-?—'tos—
now to afliiyißfSiauautirtß stiikes at ihe root of disease—
hence an immediate cnre. ,■
anA nothing else, will allay inflammation at onco,and'mako
a certain core.
will cure the following among a great catalogue of d i»eas j 8 -
Btime, Scalds, Cato. Chafca, Sore Nipplee, Cora*, Bunions,
•Bruises, Sprains, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofula,
Ulcere, Fever Sores, Felons, Ear Ache,: Piles, Sore Eyes,
Oont, Swelling*, Bhenmatism, Scald ijead, Salt Rheum,
Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Barbers’ Itch, Sm»R pox,
Measles, Bash, At, *c.
To seme it may appear incredulous that so many diseases
should be reached by one article; such an id-a wUI vanish
when reflection points to the feet, that the salvo is a com
bination of ingredients, each and every one applying a per
feet aaaidote to its Apposite disorder.
In i its effects is magical, because fhe time is so short be
tween disease and a permanent cure; and It is an extrac
tor, as It draws all disease out of the affected part, leaving
nature as perfect as before the iiyury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say that no bouse, work-shop, or manufactory
should be one moment without It.
No Pain Extractor is gen nine I unless the box has upon it
a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey,
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoonp : George A. Jacobs, Hol
lidays!) urg ; and by all the Druggists and patent medicine
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 165 Chambers street, Now York.
Nov. 11,1858-ly c. V. CIIACE.
Nervous Diseases Controlled and Con-
| Of all the various ills that detract from the enjoyment of
j human life, moat of them may be traced to a disordered
condition of the norvoua system. The horrors of Epilepsy,
or Falling Sickness, arise In most cases from this cause.—
Our readers may remember, on several occasions before,
wo have alluded to the wonderful cures, or modifications of
Fits, made by the Vegetable Extract Epileptic Fills, in
vented and prepared by Dr. &tii S. J/anoe,o[ 108 Baltimore
Street, Baltimore, Md. We feel fully satisfied' that these
Fills have cured some of the most stubborn cases ofEpilcp
sy, as well us the milder forms of Fits, such, as severe
Cramps, Spasms, &c. Wo now record the fact, that persons
will find these Fills equally efficacious in curing every form
of nervous debility :—no matter whether manifested in the
acuto and excruciating form ol Neuralgia, Tic-Doloreux,
nr Nervous Headache, the misery of Dyspepsia or Indiges
tion, the sufferings of itheomatism or Gout, the melancho
ly hallucination of depressed spirits or hysteria, their ef
fects will be equally happy and certain. Persons in the
country can write, to the inventor, and have the medicine
forwarded to them by. mail. The prices ore, one box, $3;
two boxes $5; twelve boxes $24; and sent to any part of
the country, free of postage. Direct your communications
to Seth 8. llaxce, 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
Important to Females—Dr Cueese
i!A.N’s Tills.—The combination of ingredients in those
Tills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They
are mild in their \ipcratiouj and certain in correcting all
irregularities, [Gainful menstruations, removing all ob
structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache,pain
in the side, palpitation of thq heai*t, disturbed sleep, which
always arise trom interruption of nature, inducing with
Ceitaiuty periodical regularity. Warranted purely vegeta
ble, and free from anything lujurion., to life or health. Ex
plicit directions, which should be read, accompany each
hox. Trice $l. Scut by mail by enclosing $1 to any
authorized Agent.
R. B. UUTCIibiGS, General Agent for the United States.
ICd Chambers street, New York,
To whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed.
Sold by G. W. Kessler, Altoona; Geo. A, Jacobs, Holli
days burg; and by all Druggists in tlie United States.
Call on the Agent and get a pumphl-t free. . s
Nov. 18, 1868-1 y
As this is the season of the year when worms are
most formidable aum: g children, the proprietors of M’LaueV
Vermifuge, Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh, beg leave to call
the atteution of parents to its virtues for the exp-dlm- of
these annoying, and often fatal enemies of children."'lt
was invented by a physician of great experience in Virgin
ia, who, after having used it for several years in his own
practice, and found its success so induced at
last to offer it to the public as a cheap hut certain and
ceilent medicine. It lias since become j..,pn’i
throughout the United Sut-s, as tiie most nil. ~t V.-rmi
fuge ever known, aim the demand has been st-inidy on the
ir since iu lirst inirodnction to [lie public.
*5, Turcbusei'S will be careful to ask for Dr. MLane's
Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Rios, of
Tittsburgb, Ta AU other Vermifuges in comparison are
worthless. Dr. MLane’s genuine Vermifuge, also his eel.-
brated Liver Tills, can now be had at ail respectable drug
stores. None genuine without the signature of
«3~Tlio heavens were illuminated on Che evenin'-of
August 28th, 1869, by the most spl. a.iid Aurora Borealii,
ever seen in tho Country. Kay, „f pnrti-eolond li-bt
flashed across the sky, and the changes were beautiful" hi
the extreme. At oue time a rapt observer remarked, that
he fancied he couid see the sparkling lights form them
seives into .the following words : Buv nil your gnrm „
toe Brown Stone Clothing Hall of IWkhill ,i frtK.,.' N„'s
Wo and bbo Chestnut St‘ above Sixth, Phtladelphia. V
On the Bth instlnt, at the M. E. Parsonage, by Bov.
U t’ n ’,i RENNER to Mrs. SARAU
x>.hAl<hs, Outh of this place.
Altoona, lilair County, Pa. »
Charter Perpetual. Capital $-,“00,000,
Oroaxizid 1851.
Insure* from Isms by Fire.; —UnigclioU Goods, Buildiasrs
und MwrclmiuUao generally. ®
Insures pita During the Natural Life or for KliortTonuj.
Inland Insurance Ob Goods, by Canal, LrJ;..-s and Land
Carnage.' ROBJiBT BERRY, l‘rat
„ _ „ H- K Richardson, 17. v prut.
Qe °- C - Ueuibold, Stc'y. [Sept. U 9, “59-tim
ommonweaith Insurance Co.,
Chartered Capital $300,000.
_l_ PROPERTY agaimt Loss or Damage by Fire Also
ggjj* perils of the Sea, Inland and Triu^or?
Simon Cameron, Geo Bcrgner, W F Mnrray,
I-auman, Binjamiu Parke, F K floas, ’
WSr*r k * WmHKepner, Jno H Ifcrryhill.
jltris, A B Warford ’ Wm * I,ack " :
c o r. * PAKKB, Vico President.
E. S. CARRIER, Secretary.
Sept. 29, iBS9.-6m
List op letters remaining
In the Altoona Post Office, Sept. 29, 1859 c
Alexander, WmTiJ Itel, Ann C
Brail ton; Joseph Iheuson, M
Bolloy, Miss Jones, Jno
Bentley, Hon Grant t Kjeater, J n
Barns, Mrs 0 Knight, QP
Cunningham, J it Belbig, F—3
Cor.Wm Bond, J It '
Murphey, James !
Campbell, J II Murphey,'Dora i
Garner, Eliza D McGuire, S
Coughlin, John McClelland, S J
Collins, Mary Kfckles, WE
Crist, AM Puntm.Mary
Draper, John * Parker* Haalen j
Den Ger, David'. lUgaa, Daniel i •
Emory, Tj S ' Silver, Jno
■!»¥(,% \ StnUi-Kebecca' ;
Hnch, E K Shbenberger, E F |
Green, Catharine ,r T«wney, K ! W . ! ■ •
Hpops, Wm JtgertiThoeP
®“2jpe-Mre Kmaded, Sanaford—3
Mrs-M . Wheeter,DB^
Houseman, Cdhollne WWch ld*i e A .
„ r - i ■
Person*calling fi?r hetten <to,ihil Ids*. «m
they an advertised; Jo3StotoMjsCß^l^^
«the Bo-
“ Werttrard. the dottra. „ W»- *
™» W<t rk, 1* the onftr one In An* jbm. A_;
«•* ywus fa u emanate?from the pen ofS’,, fog***
j who treads now atone the path ont?SoS£uJ? , s? Rnthor ’
I IS wilt batata 25SSS
of the hardy Pioneer, whoso strgfea and stnmlsa 2“?*!r£
Indian too, rival the tales of fiction eom!
tcrfcite of tho mimic stage. Also thrilling
“f <^, tho hoart-triais, theWlc deTotioTand
solMetJai of noble women, the mothers of the West t Be
neath the overarching forests, hand to hand, and foot to
SJhS*rk* a,1 I Tenttirer h «s eqobuliterOd : in Mi
c T^ t ' h * r ‘ lfflan desperadoes who mode their haunts In
tla P Ulant achievements hare thrown
a nalo of romance over the wavine prairies, the <?ranri rM
spsr- aad th ° n,ajwtic
Notnro these; pages wanting tn those gentler aoanss
■ ib* vi?t« p ,^‘ Mae '^ fn > n °d which are pictured with ail
Jthfiil 1 !? J° r , wlxlc * 1 tho author is pre-emtoently
dbUngnlahcd. His delineation of Frontier character, and
£^!^ or?r ?f ?“» > " h «k has always
“q^an^ce wy ‘ “ **■ ”* ttlt *“f ***>*>.
The Work will be printed on fine white paper in clear
* ppro ? rtate, y and beahflfui )j 57uat rated by
the most skillful artiSte. limo, Clothi Price' J
HAMLIN A 004 Pabliihera.
. WOTIWTSL Str |**» * hU ~ l * 1 I* hta -
T h u « 5 ° Chk ' r ' 2 - 11,0 Kentucky Hero, -a Tho
fnri d tr f r rion S' - *' W " kw} on the hake. ,6. A Leap
s vfi f ? r 6 rmtuphnat ' 7 - A BfsperataJCnooanter.
Mad Ann. 9. TheUaiu biers Outwitted. During
ll. A light on tho Prairie. 13. The Trapper’s
htory. Id. An Arkansas Duel. 14. Tho
by Iniliiina. 18. A Miraculous Escape. 17 a"
»to?t *>n n ra f - s l . B - T,leD o*‘‘Alive. 15.
plot*. 20. Bosky Mountain Perils. 21. The Guerrilla
, 2 '-' Pi«fct wi,i, u Bear. 23. The Haunted House.
■A. hill Lukens u Ituu. 25-. Tho I'aithftil Negro. 20. The
Backwoodsman’s First Love. 27. The Last Stoke. 28 Ad-
A'? « “ Col ! H T t ?" r - 29 - A Night With tho Wolves.—
do. Col. Bowie of Arkansas.
Agents vyautcil in every part of the Union and tho Can
adas, to whom a lllienil discount will bo' allowed,
ttthere may be had all the
*„ popular publications of the day, us follows •
New 1 ork Lalyer.
Acm Turk Mereary, ;
•Veit* York Weekly.
Haentijia American,
■ A etc TrW, Wiieer/y.
Flag oj Our Union,
, True Flag,
American C r «ion,
Tutunlsiy Evening fiist,
Vaiiar Newspaper,
Sunday LHsjtalch,
Sunday Mercury,
Wo Ctrl a Magazine,
Irani.- Is.dye's Iheiorial,
Harper's Weekly,
Ballou's LHctoriat,
■J'Vonh Leslie’s 111. Gcrman J'aper,
The Illustrated World, [German,}
The Aeto Fori Clipper,
National J’oliee Gazette,
Lulled Slates I ‘el tee Gazelle,
Boston Pilot, ln - <h Mneri
Home Journal. Banner of Light,
Tjantaal Telrir-aph, Weekly Ttdbune,
1 I'Za ‘ W Illustrated,
tn „ Ltd m\ Uud oa of Fun, Yankee Notions,
Alivoua Tnl/une, \- { , Vnr '
I hdodelph.n I‘ress, New York Herald,
‘Plashmrglfrrtte Press * *%w
Can and I - W° , “’'Vncils, Inks, ’
Lap and la tter Taper, Knveh.p.-s, Drawing and
Tissue Paper. Blank Books and in fact every
thing ni the Stationary lino. Toys, N’o-
Hun* uiul Gann*.- of overv \ariufy, Pic
turis uinf Pit-run* Fram**«, &c. \
A choice lot Of CONFFN'TIO Vfc’HTl'U r
' Ss -
r ; r ; m i, sMiS&sl SSSMTASJ
mo/;/ rim- all sores t° which it is applied. Try it 1
H. fktxinger.
m:M. 'w:
' l'g7'T assert,.„-. t of Dry Goods, which are worth
■' I 1" lma , a " nar I nailed stock of GKOCBBIES. fresh
la''A'piaef K “ “ s -asonabicL anl■ mfrcK
Qima> - f ' Xoncwrc, <&., of the,
di-A JlUes anTciiildr ***?* Sl,,u!s for ««“*• I-v
and prices U,lllll Vli.- <.-Inbn.dng all sizes, .jualfties
Made. n ' ,S ’ JrtmoDt of
Iv'hT; ! whicl “* otfc '*&“*** LUssimcres an ■!
S. 11.- -am t ask people to come and birr—on]v to come
that if ,bey but
Altnomu Way i. 18dU.-tf
-r!f c c 0 R J/ICK ' & '& TOR E
I.v. oj»t iiu-I. a very extensive aesortniimt of
Uaitere > &*• A Shoes,
Hardware , Cedancare
it Mr», i&Lii iea/amf Panama Unis, Coffee, Siiaar Tea
Molasses, Itwe. Driest Peaches. <fe , />S jffi ’ ’
StSS- ‘^SE
Alt °“ na - Mft > 6 18M - . A. MqCORMICK.
I . T! iC R ' r0 r ?S o,lc Hwdrtd Fits per Month!
I would rcspMctfull;,- net forth uiv claim to public attnn
lion, an a JashionaJble Tailor, as follow; 1 ’^atton-
Because 1 keep an excellent assortment ofCloths Cass!
s ’ MdTti "*<*• wh^S;
Because my work Is made up in a*mannor that takes
p^aranw. CoUntry “ Ud Kives all m y customers a city ap
foonU^nywlaTu! 10^a - CUUcr »&« b-t to bo
Because long experience in my business gives mu entire
control over it and I am not defendant up* anrono to
lift me out of the suds. - 1
Because I am still on thesunny side of forty, and there
fo«“ly 40810 “ a Cntter »»<! workman ndlMpaired r
• Call on me, In the corner room of the ‘•Brant House ”
Give me a trial and you will go away pleased; - !
Altoona, May 20-im JACOB SNYDER.
-A SCRIBER would respectfully In- ‘ li' i
form the public that ho has recently re- A-
fitted the above Hotel, and is uowpro- *-
pared to accommodate hiq friends radfllSH»fc.
patrons iu a comfortable manner, and hel^mßaßL
wi'l spare no pains in makingit ail aditoSsdlS3^?ss
Jojonrtiers. His always Hunolfod
SB wSh 1 n^ et3 °> ll L e Co “ nt *7and clttcsTana h£ Bar
oiled with liquors of chotce s brands. HLs chorees aro a«
,h MC ofan - vot hcr Hotel in the lihiS, ami he
favor^i^*un h *h y t can “ ot 1)0 com PTalned of hyttoso who
ornnbl.v th6fr K*P«tinßtoWbive a share
th m*°r t ' ee ’ W? full y Intending to ejeeerve
T . hls U ? u8 ° t 0 public and
formed® Btock cfNo - 1 French Brandy
of excellent Wines, for mMiainal pur
{*“?> toepther with a lot of the beat old Bye) Whiskey to
be found i» the country. - • " a
Altoona; May 27, 1869.-ly] JOHJSBOWMAN.
The fabler.—a
newspaper devoted to Bltcmtnrc and Agriculture, also
wttwg fotSi ftli Account* of
HewJersey, can be subscribed for at only 25 cents
. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Edi
J«wy.< raose wishing cheap hind, of the best quality, in
oiw of
ent down by frosts, the
Sn P ° rtb ’
* c ®'? Plitoai Bh«UderBMttLj*hto BUtd
. •
celebrated Holland remedy vba
WEAKNESS of ant kind
fever AND AGUE,
•And the various affections consequent upon adlaordtrsd
,s°“ Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Mm
v«?™S? d la Nervous, kbouaatlcsnd
h-*USB£»ia£ BSf J3SSSST
ij'&STasssi sssn?*sSffss
the Pultr l States was intended mwi especially for those
of our fatherland scattered hero and there on r the face ot
this mighty country. Jleeting-with great success -«<«w>wg
ih(?iQi I now offer It to the Aowicfliii'Dßblie.
iN truly wonderfol medical virtues must ho acknowledged.
soi«". P , a i Icu l * r,y . rcconun * n<fed *° th 0 8« persons whom
constitutions may liavo been, impaired by the continuous
uso of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation.' 'dene-
V‘l‘s! 1 *?. 11 o'w S finds Us way dirtxtly tothe
Bea J 1 "* J l ®*’ drilling an d quickening every nerra. raistna
sWSOTsatf* ,a ■**-& Aw*
pinmt purchaWuj;. Bo not persuaded to buy Anyw
tfong else until you have given Iloerhave's UoUaud, Bitters
« fair trial. One bottle will convince' you how ia&nUely
superior it is to all these imitations. « umiuuwj
Sol d at §l.OO per bolfle, or sis bottles for Si, hi the
SEW. PAGE, JU., & CO..
Manufacturing J'hamwrtnUtUfttul C/umitU.
», ... n . „ WTWBOwfc. PA. • ’
A uns, Philadelphia; Barnes A. Pork.lfsw
kork; John D. Park, (Jinthmuti; lloruai-d, Wants A
St hmUs; A. KOUdU. Altoona, Pa., oudbjr BrugJKs
and Merchants goucruliy throughout thy Oilltsd autos
and Canadas. | October. Id, Ifiifo-ly
LIQIIItUL CLIMATE, rich soil,-and secure fcsia
column 360 aavt * rtwcmcnl of Uammcuton LuncU J» 4nothuJ
, n ° ® Y •‘-STARTtINa
iKU’ti great workforthelnar
i=«i or for those contempU-
Idk marriage—2oo pairealfuU
1 I.ATK3, PricexS cents—•
nit to all parts under scabby
'plus sold the las t year. The
|U SIe, married", uiol tho-m&r
id happy. A Lecture on
»w,or hour to choose a port
ir; a complete work on JJid
ifery. Itcontnlna buntfttdir
t)lu ied—wnri anted to bewortk
EX'* .iliilteTtaSSS
r ™ &S 3? Sis'Ate w
No. 5 Bearer street. Albany, N y
5l f^i«| iC bo 1 I ?r/!'. ,ml 'i‘, 51 “ ' box - " ith fall directions; '
dre" Sr Teller « ’l thCni - I*'mail, *(1-
nas nr. fulcr, as above. April 17lh, »5My;
'O all wanting Farms? Seo advcrtfci
ment of Hitmmonten Lamb. " ,
I&NTV‘In Ul tw S r? , ‘ c l l “ to locate LA.XDArAB;
r , i » f olnn,la Hllll Nebraska City Office—
Good selections can now boHnailo near the
and settlements. The UiX of ,1,.! S® -7**® *«*»»»
Market, are of the best q ,mii, y Torritory, !«,*to.
July 14, 1£09.-tf ORE '- rOUS; Cas3 County, S. Ter..
n»-v. a. a. Cl.\hk, Aitoonii, i'i». • •
}!““?• A. Scott, Supt.J*. R. r„ .<
I>. SIf.MiETBiE, Esq., Huntingdon, Pn; •
PERSONS wanting diangT of cHinat*
oadw «*“ofllaminoatou Un£
T Evi n.iLiNa, ~ '
Allegheny Sired, North Wardi
A large stock of nil kinds of I PA-i
Brands, will .* ke,d
Jn lots to suit pnrclias.Ts at nricvn . i ll " *«*B
cau tw km! anywhere ip itot country**
CJIIOE Easiness ami Factories can be
KJ carried on profitably at Uam’nontoo i JU« ,n_Li
mont of Uammonton Lands. Sc« adwtUv
100 £?££ JJU'WW GLASS,
Putty Knives, ,• . i
1W wan and VarmsU Bru,lter.
Plaster Paris,
Extract Logwood, • *' ■ - ■'
1 B * rn <J Primfi YeUo# Oefa»;
May ia! d IS^ rOWUI “ * tor ° •® 4 •S» *
' ■ ROV3IL
1 So |
* Cases Chrome Grceu.
S Caeca Chrome Veiled, -
Buroe] Uittb^r.
JtctlLead. * - . -
altkin d ',i n “ore ««>
J • ■ '-a: aovsß? * *'
Cleaver’s HoneyikS^ 43 ' 4 r2tV<sl SOAPS -
Uozlu’g I’onctnv
Poach and Almond.
Brown Windsor,
Military. Shavian
May 12, 3559,
■pERFUIttERY 7 *’ ”
Kiss Die Sweetly* ’ . ,
Butterfly Boqwct,
KondellOu; - I ,
'■ ± HO m
For sale cheap by
Sure Refined Unwfed Oit ’
fore Cferbon Oik
' Kerosene OH; - :
CMfcPheoa and
. Burnet’s Cocootne. . ~- .
'V lyonVKathairon,
■ Superior Ray Stun*
Cologne* of >H •.
May 12,1*59.
: oStoti.S3Mnl tSSniM. V
««|ymitKi Children. Foraaleby A ,.
.1? Quart, Pint, Half-Pint and 4 tM.
* ** tok*. Stationery. te,*« ,*JJRfc
May -■ - ' -. -V - ■. ■ n6VSß}im£
* - : -*K ';Jh
i ■ •
• : .
•• ■ ■ ' -