The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 29, 1859, Image 2

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Cfe JWnmt Crtkttt.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1859.
: to,n»,«irnil«tor*dTer
tatagU.fckceqmirepaynunt inadnaee,or«gnaNwtee&vsi
knownpffXißa. It ia tie refer® tir all •acktoMad
«■ ®dTertl»*m®ntB offering top*y®t tho.ettd <rf three or ciz
voatkt. «t® accompanied with the
«»e»®y,-w better one,fjro or ton dollar®, [ere wID gfre the
adW i Pill theftdlbenefttofcatfamt—. \ .
§. i«. peTTEif«ii.i. & ce M t
Adrertiaing Agents, 119 -Kaaeah etreet, NewTork, and
lo'State -street, Boaton, aro the Ageotq for tbo Altoma
' SVOamfcaadthe nuet iaflaentlal and larger clrenlatiag
Wewytpcra ln the Potted State® and thn Canadas, They
are attthorleed to contract for m at oat lowest rates.
Are Ton Assessed f
Voters should remember that next Sat
urdayis the last day they cau be assessed.
Those Who wish to exercise the dearest
right of a free citizen should remember
this,: and see to it that they hand their
names on or before Saturday to the
Assessor of the Borough, or Township in
which they reside. John ,MoGlelland is
the Assessor of this Borough, and we be
lieve Win, Young Anderson is Assessor
of Logan Township. Hand in your names
to them that you may record your ballots
for tbe man of your choice on the second
Tuesday of next month..
Tbe Senatorial Question.
The party papers in this Senatorial Dis
trict have been agitating the Senatorial
guidon in the use of rather bitter invec
tives in some quarters —-more bitter than
vrill be'of advantage to the one designed
to be henefitted, or injury of the one
sought to be disparaged. Personalities are
always disagreeable in political contests
and should never be indulged in further
than the want of intellectual capacity in'a
candidate may warrant it. If a man bo in
capacitated, intellectually, for the proper
discharge of the duties of the office for
which he is nominated, it is right that the
people should know it, but further than
this, personal invectives and Impeachments,
except for indictable offences, should not
be indulged in, as they have and always
will work to the injury of those who use
them. i
The office •of Senator is one of more im
portance than inany people attach’ to it.—
The man who holds this office is expected
to assist in framing and passing laws for
the government of the people of the State,
end unless he has some knowledge of the
laws already in force and of those yet re
turned, he can not speak and vote correctly
when they come before him for action.—
Party preferences, wc are well aware, too
often.cause men to overlook proper quali
fications, and the party is voted for rather
than the man. This should not, and we
are inclined to think will not, be.the case
on £ he; second Tuesday of October. The
day in which men can be induced to “ go
it blind’' for the man whom the leaders of
the party to which they belong have nomi
nally set up, is well nigh passed, arid
voters now think and act for themselves.
This is rigfy, and a man who does- not
think and act for himself in the matter of
ohosing those who shall be. placed in
authority can pot be called a freeman.
In. comparing the candidates for the
office of Senator in this district, it will not
take long to decide as to who. is the best
qualified, intellectually, to fill the office.
It must be and is admitted by the friends,
of Mr. Durbin, who are acquainted with
him, that in this respect he falls behind
his competitor, Col. L. , W. Hall, of this
place. Col. Hall is kno,wn to possess all
the qualifications requisite to a proper and
faithful discharge of the duties of the of
fice for which he is a candidate 3 and t.W
he will discharge them impartially, politi
cally, all who knows him can testify. He
has never been an ..ultra party man, and
wo are confident that .he would not nggjftt
in carrying out party sohems to the detri
ment of the interests of his. constituents
or State .He will undoubtedly receive,
as he rilwuld, a large vote, irrespective of
party, where he is personally known; and
ehoul4 ha,elected, ofwhich we have no
douht,,he wil l fill fcheoffice with, acceptance
and credit to his constituents*
AUantie Monthly continues
interest as it increases jy
fBf* iaqwasea the interest
in JMg <ff,n&ped comnmiiicatioog, and all
are of the very highest
or4 siSp .writwd
j V- y*f ?<■ ■>}*-*.
*®“ The Washington correspondent of
the 2fofth American cays tlie dispatch
receivetHtam Gcir. Harney by: tiie last
Culifpioia mail, in regard to the military
occupation of San Juan and the complica
tion with Governor Douglass, W®ge so un
satisfactory to the* President, and- occa
sioned so dutch apprehension as to indnoe
him to call upon Gen. Scott to proceed
immediately to the soene of difficulty and
by his personal and influence to
arrest the drifting tendency towards a
collision between the American and Bri
tish forces. Gen. Scott responded, with
the patriotism and alacrity which have
always distinguished him, and started upon
.the journey on Tuesday at noon, carrying
.Instructions prepared by the President,
whichinvest him with full discretion to
remove every existing obstruction to a
pacific solution jof the issue by diplomatic
arrangement as was contemplated by tbe
late administration. >
To General Harney’s impetuous charac
ter and conduct may be attributed this
new entanglement which was anticipated
in some form when he was ordered to the
Pacific, by those who knew his rash pro
clivities. The administration is not with
out a certain misgiving that trouble may
occur before General Scott can reach his
destination. Precautions have been taken
by every available means to prevent such
a contingency, and besides the prompt
presence of Gen. Scott, efforts will be
made to' anticipate bis arrival by dispatches
by the overland route, checking any fur
ther movements on the, part of Gen.
Harney. There is nothing in the state
*of the question itself which is not easily
susceptible of satisfactory adjustment, and
which will be brought to such a conslusion
by General Scott, no matter what aspect
it may have assumed before his appearance.
Nd serious anxiety need, therefore, be
entertained concerning the probability of
a rupture, though ignorant or interested
persons may strive to spread such an im
pression. Indeed, Lord Lyons, the Brit
ish ambassador, has manifested the best
possible feeling in this affair, and has
written to Gov. Douglass in such a spirit
as cannot foil to facilitate Gen. Scott’s
pacific endeavors. The importance of a
telegraph communication with the Pacific
'is fully demonstrated by the predicament
in which the government is now placed,
actually involving our friendly and peace
ful relations with a great foreign power.
The Irish Revival Movement. —
The singular religious movement in Ire
land, which we have previously noticed,
is attended with incidents that stir np the
bitterest prejudices. It appears that in
several placeis members of the Roman
Catholic families have been drawn into
the revival excitement, much to the dis
gust-of their friends, and quarrels have
followed. Several have appealed to the
courts, and the religious and party news-
take up the quarrel, and indulge
in the most violent invectives. The strife
is, certainly, not a becoming one, but it
seeems 6o be the fate of Ireland to he rent
always irkto factions by senseless prejudi
ces and cherished bigotries.
Gist Book. —We have received from
G. G. Evans a copy each of the “'Life of
Col. David Crocket,” and “Three Per
Cent a Month.” The life of Col. Crocket
is alone worth the price of both the books,
to say nothing of the valuable prize which
accompanies it. The work is written by
Crocket himself and-who that has heard of
the man will not at once infer that it is a,
rich production. “Three Per Cent a
Month,” is also well written and well worth
the price asked for it. Price of each book
$l,OO '
The Lancaster Bank. —An effort is
now being made, which it is thought will
prove successful, to compel the stockhold
ers of this exploded, institution .to “face
the music,” 1 and do juatiefe to its note
holders. Five eminent lawyers of Lancas
ter are now acting for the creditors and
depositor and are determined to push the
matter through in all. forms. tjiat can be
brought to bear. They will not stop short
°f the highest tribunal in the laud to
obtain justice for their clients. " '
Slaveeyin Texas.— Another M< tho
dist preacher, the Bev. Solomon McKin
ney, has been ordered out of Texas for
the offenoeofspeaking. against slavery.—
A pubho hneeting 'of the citizens of Dal
las adopted a resolutions denoun
cing .titeMetimddstohiuoh north in general,
and Mr. McKinney In partioular, and
warning the preacher to depart
tSt Peiertovrt Magazine fop October
has been on oar table £>r severe! days. It
contains a beautiful steel engraving en
titled (t Chick I Chick! Chick V* which' is
very expressive' and life-like. Xhe litera
ry contributions are oi the rame high
order which has ever characterized this
periodical. Price $2 ; 00 peraopmn.
Counterfeit Gold Dollars ate circulating
qujite freely. They are made of hoary metal
cohted With gold, and the imitation of the gen
ui|ie is so perfect that it requires a good judge
the fraud. Look out for the decep
tive little shiners, if you would not be victimi
®od J and when you detect a stranger trying to
pass them, put him through.
B6?“Tbe Eemaining Elections this. Fall
Thie elections in California for State officers and
membeis: of Congress took place on the first of
September lu October, elections will occur in
Pennsylranla, Ohio, Minnesota, Mississippi,
Georgia, lowa, and Kansas. In the early part
of November the following States will vote
New Tor£, New Jersey, Louisiana, Maryland,.
Massachusetts,, and Wisconsin. '
BQuilp thirty-one words, how many that can
bo ifffaWapaticMly inserted ? Answer, fourteen.
said l .that that that that man said* was not
tho|t that that one should say but that that
thsjt that men said, was that that that man
should nqc.say, That reminds us of the follow
ingsays *nd sMds: 8., did you say, or did you
“F* flmtl said you said ? because C. said
y°4 s«d you ievcrdid saywhat Isold yousaid.
Now* ifyipu say tsat you did not say what I
thch What did you say ?
r : ''
•r i: •
I'jb*'' ■
■MS* Godey is always the Jirtt of the
monthlies in point of time and character*
Praise of it is superfluous. It is &e lady's
book of this country,and as such, deserves
the large patronage it receives. . Price $3
peir<u)iiriin. AA :" •
Boring General Scott's absence. Gener -
al iWbbl, senior officer) will be acting Comman
der-In-Chief the Atlantic States.
An Illinois editor says his party is on
the verge of a precipice,' bat calls upon it to
march** steadily ahead.”
have a “bullet-maker” in the U.
S.: arsenal in Troy, which tarns oat conical
shaped musket balls at the rate of 80 per minute.
tSFA price fight between “Australian”
Kelly and Ed. Price is to come off in Canada
some time in the early part of October.
US*" Lawrence Todd, a citizen of Illinois,
lately deceased, bequeathed his entire estate,
valued at $30,000, to Girard College, Philadel
phia. !
JST* Graces Coming— not to Altoona, but
tojfioliidaysbncg. Baily’s & Co’s Circus is
advertised to exhibit in Hollidaysbarg on Friday
afternoon and evening, Oct 7th.
That was a horrible affair—the murder
ofiDean, and the sealing up of his.remaiue in a
till boil “Whatßean?” asked a half dozen
vo|ee at Once. Why Sardean, of course.
spin and weave, to knit and sew, was
Knickerbocker girls’ employment, but now to
dress and catch a beau is all they call employ
ment. :
SgL Two horses were stolen from the stable
ofjCoL A. McAlister, of.Springfield'Fnrnace, on
Saturday, night lost, and have not yet been re
H®"?? “Folks say, Mr. barkeeper, that I can’t
be |trusted out of sight, but I’m in sight now—
can’t Thave a “cocktail“No, but you’ll
get a “smash” if you don’t vanish instantly.”
|@U A inquired of his. pastor the
meaning of this line in Scripture—“ He was
clothed irith curses as with a garment.” “It
signifies,” replied the Divine, “ that that indi
vidual had got a habit of swearing.”
“ Do you wish to see some tracts ?” in
quired a colporteur of a lady who made her ap
pearance: at the door, in answer to a lusty ring
of the door boll. “ Yes, sir,” replied the lady,
“ toward the door.”
We hate received a copy of the “ New
England Magazine of Industry and Trade,” pub
lished at'Boston, at $1,50 per annum. From
the cursory examination we have given it we
think it well worth the subscription price.
l®»It is on inexplicable fact that men buried
in an avalanche of snow hear distinctly every
word uttered by those seeking for them, while
their mqst strenuous shouts fail to penetrate
over a few feet of the snow!
Beards and Whiskers.—As the season
for cultivating beards and whiskers approaches
apace. Wo would simply propound this question
for juvenile debating societies: “ Which is best
—fcar-faces or bare.fuces ?”
A Lancashire dentist recently deceased,
willed in due form that the whole of the teeth
extracted by him, should be buried with him.—
It was done, and the grave wherein he lies, re
ceived 30,000 human teeth 1
iB®“ At the sale of Government arms which
took place at Washington on the 14th, rifles
sold at from §1 to $4; muskets, $1 to -$2,60 ;
cannon, to 3>12. The harness averaged
about $3 per set ; flints, 1 cent per hundred.
In the Ohio legislatare, a lawyer some
yeftrs ago introduced a bill in favor of instruc
ting convicts in the State Prison in the art of
printing, whereupon the printers ; of CoKimbus
presented a petition that the said convicts might
be instructed in law.
wise compensation Providence
does afford,” exclaimed a pretty belle during
the gale of Wednesday; “the same wind that
musses bur crinoline blows dust in the eyes of
the wicked young men who would take advan
tage of birr admirable confusion.” Philosophi
cal young woman that, says an exchange.
S®“»PoBt Office Robbery.—Recently a young
man natued Isaac Black, son of the Postmaster
at Dunbanhn, was arrested on a charge of ab
ducting; letters containing money from the Post
office at that place. He entered into a recog
ni*ancei with approved security, in the sum of
one thousand dollars, for his appearance .at the
United States Court to answer the charge.
I®“ Ned, was arguing in favor of giving
wdman elective franchise. “ Why shouldn’t
women vote as well as men? Are they not ca
pable of forming correct opinions' on political
subjects ? Many a woman knows more than
her hudband,” “ That may be,” said Jim, “but
do you suppose I’d have rascally politicians
electioneering with my wife?”
ClMileace to M. Bloat!*-
The local editor of the McKean Ciliten, throws
out the following. laughabteNehaUcnge to M.
Blondin:—A single telegrapHVWire shall be ex*
tended .firom the American to uie Canada shore,
without a tingle guy, directly over the cataract
at Niagara Falla. The “Bocal” of this paper
wearing a pair of cowhide boots and dressed in
the coetume of a female dutch cook, will proceed
to the middle of the wire, with a common clay
pipe as a. balancing pole, driving before him a
nog and cow, and carrying on his back a cook
ing a oqop of chicken*, a bod and bed
ding, a keg of lager beer, a barber’s chair, and
various cooking utensils. Be will' then unload
himself and immediately go to bod. After a
snooze of fifteen urinates he will rise, dress him
self, take a glam of beer, milk the cow, kill the
bog and dress it, cook fresh pork for breakfast,
after which he Will eat a wolfs meal. He will
then throw one hundred and thirty summersaults,
sacking an egg while in the air at each evolu
tion, alighting the last tithe on the tip of the
cow’s horn, and while in this position will take
the chicken coop, and after having taken the
chickens out one at a time and wrung their
necks consecutively, will balance on
the tip end of his nose, balance the cooking
stove on his right hand thumb, balance the bed
stead on his left thumb, at the same time finish
ing the beer and making a Dutch speech to the
admiring crowds on either shore. After wich—
after the manner of Levi North’s celebrated one
horse act—the “ Local” . will perform the one
cow act. The foreman of this paper will then
come out on the wire blindfolded and shackled,
walking on his hands. Then there will be a
representation of Keenan and Morrissey’s prize
fight, in which the Local” and foreman will
exchange sundry knocks and kicks, and black
eyes. The last scene will be both parties stand
ing on their heads, and will, in this predica
ment, play a rub of twenty one games of old
sledge for the treat of all hands. The whole to
conclude with a representation of some of the
loving scenes in Borneo and Joliet.
We learn by the North American, just arrived
at New York, with later news from Europe, that
a serious accident had already happened the
“Great Eastern,” the mammoth steamship late
ly built in England. A tremendous explosion
occurred off Hastings, on her passage from the
Nore to Portland, the harbor from which she
was to start for America. The, funnel was
blown into the air, tearing to pieces the grand
saloon, and doing great damage to the internal
fittings of the vessel. The guests on board had
jqst quitted the saloon, and all fortunately
escaped injury. The explosion was terrific, but
the ship resisted the shuca, lbs f-ame sustain
ing no injury. The accident made so little dif
ference in the movement of the ship that her
engines were not stopped till she reached Port
land, her place of destination. A coroner’s in
quest on the body of the fireman killed showed
that the supply of water to the boilers through
the water jacket, was stopped because of the
failure of the auxiliary pumping powers. Sec
ondly, that a top in the stand pipe which acts
as a srfety valve was turned, apparently inten
tionally, so that the pipe was useless. The in
jury to the fittings will be repaired at an ex
pense of $25,000. During the trip, the Great
Eastern was almost without motion, when other
vessels met with were tossed by a stormy sea.
On her trial trip, under very unfavorable cir
cumstances, she attained a speed of over fifteen
miles per hour. It is thought her usual rate
through the water will be over twenty miles per
hour, which will make her regular passage from
Europe to America extend to about six days.
A pleasant item for lovers of champagne.-, —An
American traveller in- the streets of Paris seeing
the words, “ Wine baths given here,” exclaimed:
“Well! these French .arc a luxurious people.”
Then with true Yankee Curiosity, and the feel
ing that he could afford whatever any one else
did, walked in and demanded a “wine bath.”
Feeling wonderfully refreshed after it, and hav
ing to pay but five francs, he asked, in someas
tonishtnent, how a wine bath could be afforded
so cheaply. His sable attendant, who had been
a slave in Virginia, and enjoyed a sly bit of hu
mor, replied: “0, massa, we jest pass it along
into annudder room, where we gib baths at four
“ Then you throw it away, I suppose.”
“ No, massa; den we semi it lower down, and
charge three francs a bath. Dm-'s plenty of
people who ain’t bo berry particular, who bathe
in it after this at two francs a head. Den, mas
sa, we lets de common people hub it at a franc
“ Then, of course, yon throw it away,” ex
claimed the traveler, who thought this was go
ing even beyond Yankee profit.
“No, indeed, massa,” was the indignant re
ply, accompanied by a profound bow, “ we are
not so ’stravagunt as that comes to ; we jest
bottles it up den and sends it to ’Merica for
champagne.” —Life llluelrated.
Fatal Accident in a Cistern— Tico Children
Drowned and a Mother nearly Drowned. —
Through the medium of a private letter, we learn
of the sad death of two children of Mr. Joel
Wilmot, who removed from this city to Carthage,
Jefferson county, about a year ago. ° ’
Mrs. Wilmot, (formerly Miss Patridge, of
this city,} it would appear, was at home alone
with her two children on Tuesday last, and
went to v draw water from a cistern covered only
with a board, in the shed adjoining the house.
Whiio she hastened to return at the cry of her
babe, Arthur, aged about three years, it is pre
sumed, fell into the open cistern. la seeking
to she also fell into the cistern,
with her babe ip her arms. The precise hour
at which this occurred is not known.
When Mr. Wilmot returned, not finding any
one in the house, be looked for his family, but
saw nothing'' till he heard a groan, evidently
proceeding from the cistern, and looking there
beheld his wife. The ciaMn* must be; quite
deep, for ho was unable to take her out till he
obtained help from a neighbor who heard bis
call and came in. While drairing her out, the
father saw the body of his little son in the water,
and on enquiring for the babe, was told that it|
100, was in the cistern, from which its body was
afterwards recovered. *
Mrs. Wilm°t is very feeble, almost insensible,
oMd had been able to give very little explana
tion of the accident. Her life is considered in
danger. The children were, the eldest, three or
years old, and tho youngest about aa many
months.— Utica Herald, Sept . 15th.
, I®* ® l, J- C. Ayer, of Lowell, Mass., has
been held to bail in the sum of $20,000 to ap
pear and answer for his assault upon and stab
le M<> - fay, Secretary ;of the Middlesex
Mills Company,
House and lot fob sale—
JChe offers for silo a XL_a
stt,late in lioudoMvßie.
AitODna, two doors fto3 theWlTSil*
of the Ponn’n KaU Bomb? The RHI IIK
160 fhet.'deep j neJfIUJUK
wSSTIn a k°° d twootory frame bniidlqg.VßßßßHl
money to he paid
to JT 111 *>B given,
icriber redding? th-TBon 018 KMafredwfll call on the sub
—Sept. 8,18iW.-3t ; j 3dDQO«B.
■•, *.,?•*•* -t - ..’-“I >:”-■. '
Foreign Mews.
A Wine Bath.
X ING CORN -Gould’s Sj?
<m); implement known thatwM tea flu
g«ra from the «tUa of «xowtottoOi to hook
4 'possession of <Ww 300,0<»kttCTgof•£
provahowjtiWafcMture. of rtilahfo*****Art
in in diSbrinf loeallties in fc equally as Battering
as the following. 1 ' : ! ’■
Messes ooftek lso*-Bir»>ri vte4 oactomd
pairs of yonr celebrated, Husking ythlmWes. libongpt a
pair of yon last fidl and J bate an them for hteWßgevef
Since. If there are any'; who don’t think worth while to
buy ft pair, let thtau tear their flogfer nftlU off; tor one, I
woa f t. They will outwear anything of the kind 1 ever
saw, and for husking they ren’tbeheat
Yours truly, WM. MORROW.
Tiro, Crawford Co, O, Nor. Bth, 1868.
Messes. J. H.Godld A Co.— Gents; find,oo
for six pairs of yonr patent Husking Thimbles of the uses
represented by the measures enclosed. I used a pair last
vesr and 1 prefer them to all the great, small, and little
giant Corn Buskers. Yours Respectfully,' A. H. BELL.
HOfeboro Montgomery Co, 111. NOv. 27th, 1858.
J. U.Oomn A Oo.—Alliance Ohio—Gentlemen; I rc
celved in good order the six palrs of Uuaklng Thimbles and
can say that they are all that U represented of them, I
have distributed them among my neighbors, and could
have sold a great many if I had. had them in season. J
will myself, or got some one to do to, apply for an agency
for their sale in Central lowa next season.
Yonre Ac., RAMuKL M. DYER.
Bast Desmolnes Polk Co, lowa, Dec. 20th, 1868.
The Husking Thimbles are sent] by mall (post paid) to
any P. O. address, for ene dollar per; (Jozea, (six poire) As
sorted sizes with circulars, directions for using Ac, by Ex
press for five dollars per hundred, (50 pairs.) Circulars
giving wholesale tonus to'these desiring to become agents,
sent for one letter stamp.
AGENTS WANTED. Money Sent by mail at our risk.
Orders tilled with promptness.
Address J. U. GOULD.
Dec. 12, ’s9—lt. Alliance Ohio.
virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Zt__D
Court of Blair county, there will be offered
at public veuduo or outcry, on t|io.premi- ffiXwl 1 1 ||A
sea in Logan town-hip, said county, mi QHSJjB
Saturday , October B th, 1859,
Containing about 6# acres, (the exact quantity not known,)
about Imlf of it cleared and under fence —die balance wood
laud; having thereon erected a
and other haildiuga. There fa also; on this fitnn a fine or
chard of good fruit. Said land being situated in Logan
township, about two miles from did borough,ot Altoona. —
Two large springs of most excellent water on the place.
Ttujis Une-third of the purchase money to bo .paid on
confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual
payments thereafter, witli Interest,; to be scented by Judg
ment bond and mortgage of dm purchaser.
Sale to commeuce-at 10 o’clock A. M.,'of said day.
Adm'r of Tfenry Kantner, tats of Logan eld'd.
September Kith, 1869-3 t.
Quaker City Publishing House!
100,000 Catalogues,
s Superior Inducements to the Jhillic!
1 now and sureplan for obtaining GOLD and SIL
VER WAIVIIES, and other valuable Prizes. Full partic
ulars given in which will he soul free to all
upon application.
Valuable Gifts, woHh from SO cts, to $lOO, GUARAN
TEED to each purchaser. $lOO,OOO in Gifts have been dis
tributed to my patrons within die post six months—slso,-
000 to be distributed during the next six mouths.
The inducements offered Agents are more liberal than
those of any other house in the business.
Having been in the Publishing and Bookselling business
■for the last eight years, my experience enables me to con
duct the Gift Enterprise with the greatest satisfaction to
AGENTS WANTED-in every Town and County.
For full particulars address DUANE KULI3ON,
Quaker City Publishing House, 3o South Third St-,
Sept. 29, 'so—tm. Philadelphia, Pa.
Cassbillt Scmhwg
Cheapest School in the Land 1
'end for a Catalogue !
Address M. McN- Walsh, A. If.,
Sept. 22, l»o»-3m.
COMPANY, of Pirrsni'Buu.
Capital and Surplus over $150,000.00.
Jacob Painter, A A Carrier, Goo W Smith,
Kody Patterson, A J Jones, Wade Hampton.
Henry Sproul, X Voeghtly, Robert Patrick,
C A Colton, I Grier Sproul, Jas XI Hopkins.
This Company has paid losses from the date of its Incor
poration in 1854, up to May, 1859. to amount of ,«30i835.07.
in addition to regular semi-annual pividends of'from ft to
16 per cent., affording evidence of its stability and useful
ness. Losses Lite rally Adjusted and Promptly I’Utd.
A. A. C.uiniEn, /Vejr’l. I, Giukb grnoit, Sec'y.
will sell all articles of 1 ,
Spring and Sommer-Dress Goods
tho swwon is rapidly pawing away, uiulAour stock of De
laine*, Challics, Lawns, Brilliant*, 4c., i* very heavy, we
want to cl oho them out to make room for our Fall aud
Winter Stock. '
Persons '.visiting to purchase such goods would do well
to call and examine onr stock before making their pur
chases. W e will sell all articles in oar Store ut great
ly reduced prices, such os Hats, Caps, Bonnets, BootTand :
felloes, 4c., Ac. [Aug. 4,1859.
, X .YOUTH and MATURITY just pnb-
Ushed Gratis the 25th Thousand.
A few words on the Rational Treatment,
without Medicine of Spermatorrhoea or Lo- iQB3B3w
cal Weakness, Nocturnal Emission*, Genital and Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay of the'System, Impotcncy and
Impediments to ma rriage generally, by B.De Laney, M.D.
The important fcet that many alarming complaints, orb
ginalmg In the Imprudence and solitude of youth may bo
easily removed without medicine, Is In this small tract,
clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly
successful treatment as adopted by ! the Author, fully ex
■plained, by means of which every : ane is enabled to core
himself perfectly and at the least cost, thereby
avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. J
Sent to any address, giatls and phst free in a sealed en-
Embroidered pwpen for PkrK SFSjuH'***'
Beautiful papen for Balls, Chambers and panels.
CTifqp H&B Hrp<ri, IWuifti cts.'upsnirds. ‘ -
Window Shades, Testers, Borders, ic.
W. P. marshall & PO.,
At tarn otn piAsn
Ho. 87 Wood St., Plttshnrgh
Have facilities possessed l>y no ,-opier bon* Wert of the
Mountains for obtaining neweststyles, In refined taste.
and ' at low. prices, from the best French and fimeridia
mannfeefurers. [Sept.aVWV
V_/- signed Would respectfully In _,■■ m,_ __
form the citizens of Altoona that hcCCO
hns taken the . Coal Yard formerlvKiWM"
kept by John Allison, and is pm&lli. ■KWH
41to<n%Cept.lS,1859-St. ■ '■• <. v HEKBYICTR.
r*V» *>r * fullconree la jite'lwif CMjrCoiw- ,
ctalSchool in the Dnited l™*C«tta xt
Four Larg* Halls,
Tor Writing, Commercial Calculation*, Book K-. ,
time to complete a full coin*.
Beery Student, upon f»*nint«sj Jv***'
petent to manage the Books of any Busins- .-/ > "’ caj
to earn a salary of from . MM *“ a Wia*
WOO to $l,OOO.
enter at any time—No Vacatlon-R,^,,
First Premium for* Best Writimr
Awarded this Institution. Thebest and gr**ti t ®
of Penmanship in any one Hall of. the Doian iaSu, V , W *' J
229- Ministers Sons received at half price ’ *‘ ,r ’
Tor ftill Information, Circular, Speelmensof ■
Ornamental Writing; and Bmbclttthed View nfvk*'**
enclose five letter stamps to y w jp v “* Co,l ’«*'
Bept. 22,1859. ly HttsblTl
October Ml», 6th and tth, isa*
ryVM «M 0 TO BE
Which will admit the person, his lodv. and ehlMr.,
12 year* of age. to the 0 round™ ail Um«
hibitiou, provide they accompany and eo teeth.? *“
at the same time.
Tickets to be luid at the Office on the Uround '~ EATIU
I. All tho Monitors of the Society, whom
and all who may become Members nrevkuw t,? 03 ,al ! '
Fair, will bo furnished with a ,u
Member, his Lady and Children under Id rlu,!' U “
tho Pair, provided they all enter tho enclose at
11. Exhibitors must become Members d tK„
and itavo their Articles and AuimaU entered on tk?c Wj, ‘
tarv'a Books on or before Tuesday Morning,
mals must bo brought within the enclosure as rtf*
noon of sold ilay. Jti' Premiums will only be awSt “
those who comply with the Rules of the Society ** "
111. Persons are desired to forward to the Secret,,.
list of articles that they intend to exhibit, preens b, i\‘
28th of September, in order that
be made fur their accomm.dhtion.. ‘™*y-uwnta«a,
IV. Articles or Animals removed from tho crouudi
vious to the close of the Fair, (without pcrwi*»h.nfi™,u
President,. cannot receive a Premium, though awarded
V AU articles must bo lubeled with IhsLJEtL
and then number as entered on the hook*, uni w initab ’
precedence according to said number, la their am-,!
ments and accommodation. Cords for such puru,ae7ii
bo furnished at tho office. P ***' * il
Will take place on RHIDAY, at 9 o’clock, anil'll! Ttaio,
must be hitched and ready to start at the appointed tto,
Kach Plowman Is required to drive his own team.
•3- The Managers solicit tho exertion of «U , mt tu-
Mer’s Mechanics, and Citizens generally, to make the r.
liibitton creditable to onr.Cduniy. “
ftß. Any person wishing a Premium List can have th.
same hy sending his P.' O. address to the SecW «cnUlu
upon him at the office of the Society. ‘
Martin Bell, Thad. Banks, James Roller, Seth R. MdCum.
A McAllister, Joshua Roller and W. W. Jackson, '
s r, o , , D * VID CALDWELL, Preeidcat.
Johx Dean, Sec’y and Treasurer.
Sept. 8, *59-44.
Will practice law in the several Court* of Blair, Combri*.
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centro au<l comitki.-
Abo in tbo District Count of the United States.
Collections of claims promptly attended to. Agent fcr
tbo sale of Beal Estate, Bounty Laud Warrants, tad >ll
Lualnesa pertnining to conveyancing and the law.
. Rehuxces:
lion. Wilson McCaudles and Andrew purke, E*]., Vhu
burgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pres. Judge of tajclh
Judicial District! Uou. ChenardClemons.of Wheeling, Vs*
llo* UenryD. Foster, (irdohslmrg; lion. John W. Killlogtr
Lebanon; Han, Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia; tndlLo
George P. llamclton. Pittsburg. Juno 10, 1849-)y.
I' from Philadelphia by KailroaJ in the State ofSw
Jersey. Soil among tho best for Agricultural purpose,
being good loam soil, with a clay bottom. Tie- land is«
large tract, divided into small faxm-, and hutuirciU from
all parts of the country aid how settling and buildlug.-
Tho crops pro<lueed are large and can be seen growing.—
The climate in delightful and secure front frosts. Trrmi
from $l5 to $2O per acre, payable within four yearn by ca
stalments. To visit'tlio place—Leave Vino Street IVhsfl
at Philadelphia at A, 51. by Itallruad for lUmmsnPiD,
or address K. J. Byrnes, by letter, Haniiuoufon Pust-OfllM,
Atlantic County, New Jersey. See full advertisement Is
another column.
v IXO themselves indebted lo tho firm of Kuujm i
Sanford, will please call and sottlo tbeir acconuts without
delay, us ample time has been given. In thirty days line
after, all accounts unsettled will be placed in the hands tf
a proper person for collection.
Altoona. July 28,1859.-3 t Kb.NY AN i BAXIORD-
The nnilerslgniMl feels grateful for the patroiwge l»r>i».
fore iiestowed on the firm. and himself by the citizen* of
Altoona, uuiexpecta still to serve the public with all binds
of meat ns usual. All persons failing to settle their sc
counts every thirty days, must not expect longer, indul
gence. 11y capital Is limited, and 'long’ credits will soon
place mo where others arc that have ninth
credit to their ruin. MAItTIN ItCXYAS.
Blair county marble yard.
—Messrs. Freeman & Hoover respectfully infcru its
Public that they have established a NEW MAUIJLEVW.
on the corner if Alkgheujt and Front Slrceit . In Wsllithjs
burg, wliero they will keep constantly on bund u lull u
sortmeut of
and bo prepared to execute orders fbr
Tomb Stones, Monuments, 'Tabic Taps,
Ac., in a prompt'and workmanlike manner.
Ilollidaysburg,' April 14, '59-0 m*
House and lot for sale.-
The fulwcriber offers at BrivntaSala . jl jilt
the HOUSE and LOT now occupied hv her.
on the corner of Adhlincand Jolla streets. IBCT 8 1 il»
East Altoona. The House is a good Two* DuStis
Story Frame Building, containing a
Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen oh the*^T pr> !”
first floor, four good sleeping rooms on tlic.sccoul flour,»
a finished Attic. The lot is in good order.
Persons wishing to view tho premises and obtsin fuitbci
imformntion will call upon the subscriber.
Altoona, Aug. 11th, 1869-tf. _
YTill practice, in' the several Courts of Blair, Csmbri*,
x Huntingdon and Indians' counties.
Particular attention given to the collection of ClsWi
and prompt remittances made.
He speaks the Herman language fluently.
43* Office, for the present, with J. M. Cherry, E*4i
posito Kessler’s Drag Store. • '
AltoomyAuggst 4,1859.—tf 1 ■
A ltoqna Nursery.— The sub
scrlhcr Would retpec&iliy Inform tho
public that he ha* how on hhhd irt big Jfur*
scry, various kind* of ready
for transplanting this Fall, cpnatetfng of Ap- WNT
pies, Hack, Plum, Prune, GSjpt mid JpHeU K
Trees, the root. All tro?* warranted. —'■"TT
Altoona. - July 14, ’59-am.’; ; ' B. B. IAYtOK-
hereby‘notified not to purchase or sell any fop r
kega with the stamp of the AtTOONA BBKWEBItWPJ
on, as such kegs never have been and never will b» "A,
from the Brewery. AU kegs containging %aid “fo®?!?.,
ho claimed and token, wherever found, by the rr°P rlffc
orthe Brewery to whom they belong. . __ n
Jnlyigth 1859-tf. '
"DERSONS wishing to change tiejj
JL buainese to a rapidly Increasing Countrji **?
Settlement where bnndrcde are going. Wh er * the
is mild and del|ghtftil. See advertisement of the o***““
tpn Settlement, in another column. .
T T BBOY and good character, as agent for
lished Firb and Mfo Insurance Company.
482, Phil’a Poet Office. L§«pt- *. *”2-
PJ.RAPE growers can carry on their bust*
new most successfully at Hammontom fr** u
frost*. Some forty Ylnyards Set out the past seejoa
advertisement of Hammontoh hands, in another
aad *t thb
• ’ 4*
. the
; bf spl
eM«M pv« til
on tl
pectivg officer;
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Thr#up|she <
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obmodf them f
(Mir Attention v
? enci
tqspjr pretty «na
•itting and \y
to;*' company o:
th* field, «hick
atißifie oompu
Uwtel,'who wer
pioket firing, an
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, A*’«R A»»4 be.
amHwhOpe not
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Caynlry, who ivc
of the field, hiuJ]
Aecopliitgly the
pence n
to that part of th
whft wore draw
ewe* little dream
fluacn. Ere tlu
almoat captured.
lefthiM Out at a
mSSliSwnka for
then c
inftlwMrecn the t
tionof all. dost
ner, aa M'rncm o;.
on u:
sgflWehVrgcd, the
keasy tolled whig
the Rifleineti purs
aliment,’ and ri
Hißtnftn, run ovc
n&tglkf them, t
injuring two or th;
in g‘throughout wu
*i D {»_pp4.had it ut
wffiiW J ntitc erded
In th«'afternoon
wmpoaies *ppcftii
throe w
for fcitttUondrin.
ITcr > put; through
>r ®Tioai3 to their U
"aj'tiroogh the m
tbif tjfcdpatiently at
ff M«U should conve
satisfied with th<
ep^V r iftf the '.tow
w «4r loldjer plothc:
s fine day, inay be
tto w
guard for
,ol tWh wet feet.
, Aletander
J* o^ 8 Cwek, attei
.*•?*« had left 1
i*>d Uforh he c<
f and so b(
I Waa dotted J
k S^: a ndpcrfarni
ankle. }
T u»td?! Vatloa .well,
fornVi * ;
[° r^«conaUs ou r’