1i hjl’lwt Unit, at some period, every mem ber of found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon-scientific cxperimenls ! ,which iupre tended -to prove the value of this', great preparation in the scale of medical science. ' Fevee and Ague. —This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow ih a short time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally, useless, can be driven from the'body by the use of HOSTETTER’B RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even ip exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither'create nausea nor offend the palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep •tad -healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily ai is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and .permanent cure. For Ptrsona in Adtmced 'Years, who arc suffering ft:om on enfeebled constitution and infirm body, .these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength 'and vrigor, and need ’only be tried to be appreciated to a pother while parsing these Bitten an indis pensable, especially where the mother’s nour ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, ahd licrc it is where.a good tonic, such as Hdstetter’sStomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Bodies should by all means try this remedy for all coses of debility, and, before so doing, should ask; their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. —Wo caution tiie public against using I nay of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask [for Hostbiteb’b Celebrated Stomach Bitters, : and'we (hat each bottle has the words "Dr. J. ■BosteUer’a - Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle,- and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph eignatiu o is on the label. iKT Prepared and sold by HOBTETTBE A SMITH. Pittsburgh Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. AS* SoM by 0 W Kessler and A Roush. Altoona: 0 A I Jacob*, J K Patton and W G Murray, Hollldayslmrg; and B Berlin, Tyrone. [Aug..35,1869-1 y WOOJJ, EDUY & CO.’S DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES! CAPITAL PRIZE $37 600 TICKETS SlO. WOOD. EDDV & CO. MANAGERS. ' ; j SdCCiSSOES TO GREGORY <£- MAURY. This undersigned, having become ownersofTHK ABOVE XOTTEIVYCUAUTEH IN DELAWARE offer to Ihc public thti following scheme, to bo drawn each Wednesday in BEPTR, 1859, at Wilmington, Delaware, in public, un der the ouperiutendeuc* of sworn conimisiiuuors appoint ed'hytto Governor. / Class 480'Draws Wednesday, September 7. 1869 Class 402 Draws Wednesday, Sept. 14. 1869 Class 6U4 Draws Wednesday. Sept. 2 , 1859. Class 51C Draws Wednesday, Sept. 28. 1859- THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND THREE UON DEED AND NINETY-SIX PRIZES! Nearly one Prize to every two Tickets! Numbers—-13 Drawn Ballots. Magnificent scheme. EACH WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. I Prlza Of $37,500 is J 37-500 1 “ 20,000 “ 20,000 ;V, “ ■ 12,000" 12,000 1 " 8,000“ ,8.000 1 « 6,000“ ‘ ,000 s I «• 2,392“ 2,392 40 Prises of 1,000, are 40,000 eb> “ 600 “ 30,000 ■ no p ■200“ 6t,000 , . .-.t'i 'O6 ■ « 100 “ 62)00 • ■ v'Bi ■ •“ 80“ 6,200 40“' 2,000 - " " so ." , 3,900 , lie 20 “ - 94,900 27,040. 10“ ' 270,400 - : 32*598 Prise* amounting to Whole Tiekelt s\o—Uaiv6 ss— Quarter: $2.50 Ccrtlflcatet of Peckago* will be sold at tho fallowing rates. which is theriik. ■ Ca)rtili*M olfKbzg of2o Whole ticket! *■" ’ 28 Half . “ "■' “ - 26 Quarter “ ' ZOTTERT—CLASS NO* ilk, |>RAWS X)N: SEPT. 24th. 1859. . S'&umbav—ltPrawnßan/its. .1 Grand Capital Prizeof $7O 000! rPriMQf c '>■ 1 Priaes'of I^-000 . 6 « « 6.000 1 »- “ 16.000 100 “ « ' 1,000 lt,A 10,000 *c„ Ac.. Ac. •■sFs' ’ Prizes amounting t6|U|>8 t I9T!- $10; C*»fer»s6. ORl&RI NG TIC KETS OR CER'riPJC A'EES, •: the amount of money to onr address. tor what yon ' purchase; name theLnttenrln which yon winli lt and whether you wish Wholes, Halves or Quar of which, we send whaVis ordered, by fihrt with the scheme;' ' ■ . kl^pSfitely;after the drawing, the drawniuotfibers wilt a written esplaitatiun. 'n ; ' . v ’ ‘ T ?—'T&rc6»»era will please write their signatiireeplain, and' of their Post Ofllea. Oranty and JStatA j. ; : * NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS! : ’ ■ '■ who prefer not sending money by mail, can use TRE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, looey for Tickets, la eum* , fTen Dollars, and - be eout ns ” AT OCR RISK AND EXP.ENSE, dty or town whore they hare an nffleo. Tbs order mast be enclosed in a “ GOVEKNM E?i T ICE STAMPED ENVELOPE,” or the Express mot reieire them. ■ s for Tickets or Certificate*, br Mall or Ea dlrected to WOOD. EDDY A Co., Wilmington. Delaware. (rawingß of the Delaware State Lotteries nr* the Now York Times and Herald. ALL CKSCiUFTIO^S neatly and oxpedlciouriy exeentedatthi* office.' CFBOTAOLES ANI/ KYB FBLSER £3“ twi fyr rale at . BTOBLE K ,ft TO BS DRAW* T\B- COGGSWELL’B NEW MEW-1 I # nat-war.w , . j Stad tkt fißombig OertifeatßtoO* QgSotef qf Got Mai icint in htfiammatary Ditautt. ■ “TOr tho iwt twelve year* I hare been more or lew. ‘ troubled with Inflammatory Rheumatism. commencing - early In the Spring; and lasting until cold wsather.aet ip, ‘ when 1 would be relieved for a while, only to be attacked again in theSprlng. All my Joints would swell and be very eore. attended with the most acute pain. My'Jbet, • shoulders, arms, and hands troubled me most, so mnchso < that I could scarcely walk, and a|jhost always required as- ; sistance In dressing. During this time X would try every- , thing 1 could hear. of. in the hope of finding a cure. I also | tried several physicians, but nothing- seemed to help ms ; the least In the world. About two and a half years' ago I was attacked as usual, and as usual tried everything to get j rid of it, but to-no purpose. I kept growing worse,and ; finally had to give up and stay in the bouse, where ! was > confined about four weeks. This time my lest swelled, j and were so sore that X could not stand on them or get on my boots, and my hands swelled to,twice their uanaialae. In Diet, I was. to all appearances and belief, totally used up. About this time my parents, who reside in Maine, sent for me to come homo. I went and after my arrival I commenced trying another remedy, hoping to be cured, hot resulting the same as all others.. Tor weeks 1 had not been able to drees myself or to raise my haud to myhead, and suffering the most excruciating pain all the time.— One day my fitther came In with a paper In which waa ad-i verttoed Dr. Coggswell’s MEDICAL SALT, for InfiamniSe tory Diseases only, nnd wanted ■ spto read and nee what T thought of It. I read and laughed at it. pronounced it a humbug, and told him that I had been humbugged enough. He keot urging me, And at iMt said X conld but try it. nnd 1 1 If I would write to Dr*C., giving him a description of myn disease, he would pay the expense'. Ofconrsel cubld not: refuse such ah offer and sent for one box. It came in doe season, but my foilh was nbt increased, and I laughed at | the Idea of so small a dose doing me any good, and: told my | wife that I believed Dr. C. and his Salt, both humbug*.— However, I commenced using it and the result was per foctly astonishing. I could hardly realise It myself. I slept soundly all night, which I h«d npt done for a long time, and when I awoke In the morning, strange** it may seem, I was entirely free from pain. I had then taken , hot one d.ae, and bathed lively before going to bed. That morning I Ml so weU that I hardly knew howi to contain myselfinnd went down stall* and-told the follw how well I felt, and from that day to this I have-not suffered one moment’s pain or had ah attack of my once dreaded enemy. Khenraatism. 1 amperf tlj wellahd hearty, and wherev er I have a chance I recommend it- A fneod of mine, re siding in Brooklyn, is now trying it for a bad case tf neu ralgic rlieumnthbn, and so far it is working admirably.—- This is a long story, but I have told ail the facts, which ! ] can bring witnesses fo substantiate if necessary; aiul will j again say that in the MEDICAL SALT, a sure cure may be found for all inflammatory diseases, and would urge all who are afflicted to give ita trial. GUO. 1L DvNCAN, No. 117 Wall Street. New York. When it Is remembered that the'MBDICAL SALT is as efficacious in all other Inflammatory diseases as in Rheu matism. (see descriptive circulars) il will at once be seen that it is a most valuable remedy. Surely those thus af flicted will find In their own condition and jin the almvc statements, enough to induce them to give rat* MEDICAL SALT a trial. , ' Price $1.00; Chronic packages, $2,60. D. C. TAYLOR & CO.. General Agents. No. 202 Dock Street. Philadelphia.. For sale in Altoona by A. KODSU: at li lls Mills by B. F. Bell: In Hollidaysburg by Geo. A. Jacobs, and by nil enterprising Druggists, and wherever the Trihunt pass.— Call er send and get a circular, aud do not fail to try the New Medical Salt. Dec. 16, ’5B-ly. WEST ALTOONA CABINET WARE ROOM.—The under signed lias lately made arrangements to hHHBSEHk •ihd possess many other advantages over the common cof rtiis. The remains of th« lamented CLAY and WEBSTER were encased in these cases. For sale by ISAAC CROMER. November U, 1858. Altoona, Pa. TTATS ! HATS ! !—SPRING AND IX SUMMER STYLES. The snbscriher has jn?t returned from the city with a largo and well selected stock of Men and Boys’ HATS iMi ' OF n AND Hi ALL CAPS, 4H STYLES > FOR SPRING & SUMMER WEAR, ot every color and shape. Also, a good assortment of LADIES AND HISSES FLA 18, of different varieties, all of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Persons in want of anything in the above line, will please give mo a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell at the very lowest possible prices. Store on Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. •Altoona, April 2S, 185D-tf. JESSE SMITH. I>ED LION HOTEL, t ALTOOXA, BLAIS COVXTY, PA. Till* old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cars-in Altoo na, has passed inen the hands of the present proprietor.— Long experience in the business warrants me in assuring the travelling public that ho pains will be spared to render guests us comfortable as possible while sojourning under my root The TABLE will constantly he supplied with the very best Che market affords. Thu BAR will be found to coutaiu an excellent assort ment of LTQCQKS Wall kinds, Including that choice bevo rage LACKS BEER. The STABLE is in charge of an excellent and experi enced Ostler. The proprietor hopes, by his long experience in the bnslues and the facilities at his command, to make the Red Lion. In all respects, a first class Hotel. The business of tin, Hotel will be under my own personal supervision.' A liberal sbarcof public patronage is kindly solic ted. JOHN W. BCHWEIGKKT, Proprietor. May 19. 1559.-tf A YEll’S CHERRY PECTORAL, jTV. It. E. SELLERS’ Imperial Cough Syrup, JJoojland’s German Bitters, ’ Basrhave's Holland Bitten, Sand/ord 1 * Liver Invigorator, Lindsey's Blood seareker, Clarke’s Female Title,-' Duponea’s Golden Pills. Wright's, Aye ft, Wilson's and MeLane's Pills. I Merchants Oaryling Oil. Verry Davis' Pain Killer, V ; Matehetfs Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, Arabian, Nerve and Bone Lenithmt, ■ L in store and for sale at ; Sept. 2.1858-tt] A. ROUSH’S Drag Store. $593,392 $119.50 74.75 37,87 J. a. ADLUM, UPml3i>liaW , IKJNA, BLAIR COUSTT, FAi / - Can At OH tltae* be found at the store of J. JB. Uiietnan. . Alteon*. October!; 1857.-ly IT I LOUR.~THjI BEST QUALITY OF FAMILY FLOpB. foroole, Wholesale andßctall. Appljr tO : ■ f J. SHOEMAKER, Doc.lL ' Moeonlc,Temple. / :UIKAM TARTBR/SPP^ILOABBO- S6oa.S«iaratnB, W«hiiig Sods, Durkce’» Baking Powder, In store and for wdeot-v. v-'- r v,v 5« lowest it' ‘JO, OUCH’S. A LL -gH-E; ST A XJ)ARU PARENT L ‘ ' at ~ __________ __ |gpjTOON : OEOTKATE'OP MAG- JBW' f KENT—?b all spcnte* Fhmv, arareqpport*Hity. & A deiightfwL ame. beatthf cbwutie 2S mitm Smetkear/vf J+OaUfkitLi , whencvr 1 it is called for, and »'thorn nnti. e. 4. is received from Krecutnrs. Administrator*. and others who dt siic to have it ill a place of perfect safety ami when- interest cun be obtained for it. 5. The money received from depositors is invested in Real Estate. Mourn suks, Ground rests, and such other find-class securities ns the Charter directs. 0. Office Hours—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 3 o’clock in the evening. HON. U. L. BENNER. President. ROBERT SELFRIDGK. Vice President. W. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Hexbt L. Bexser, Francis Lee, Edward L. Carter, F. Carrou. Brewster, Robert Seltridge, Joseph B. Uakrt, ■ S.amuix K.; Ashton. Joseph Yerkes. C. Laxorkth Muxns, Hexrt DirrexuEßPEß Office : Walnut Street. S. W. Corner of Third St. I’biia delphia. April 14Mi 1 1 BY ATLANTIC TELE*. K.Vi il - Lid you hear the news fr-mi Flo--;,- it \ • 1:' not.we will tell yon what it is. ft I. that 11. .V iT;’K lias just returned from the Eastern cities w.lb « !.w g>* - u j - ply of 1 : READY-MADE (.TOTHING. conEistlng of all styles and qualities of Ki cTirjp, D-e-.- Coats. Vests.; Pants. Boots agi) Shoos, and 1 very thine kept in an establishment of the kind, all of which In- oilers ul nnpVecedentially low priceH for cash, ilavinc purr-lias—! ids stock at Cash prices, he is thereby enabled to s-ll v.-vy low. Me Invites all those in want of anything in bi- tin- 1- give him a cgll. feeling sure tiiat he will be abb- to u 1 - - satisfaction. . JIEMIV TUCK. Altoona Sept. 30, IKaS.-tf riiHK; fSRKAT QUESTION VVUD ii 1 ■ now agifates the mind of every person Is, where cku 1 get the b-st article for my money? lit: regard to other matters, the sub- vHf scriber would not attempt to direct, but if yon |H. wafit anything in the line of ; ;SOOTS OR SHOES the Invites an examination of his stock and work. Tie keeps, constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which lie offers at lair prices. lie will ’give special attention to custom work, allot which will lie warranted to give satisfaction. None but the best workmen are employed Remember my ahoji is on Virginia street, immediately opposite Rejisler’s Drug Store. September 3, ’57-tf] JOHN U. ROBERTS. Boots and shoes —the un denrigned has now on hand, and Will ’. a sell cheupiat his store in the Masonic Tcm pie, a largeand complete assortment of BOOTS AIND.SHOES, ready made, or made to order, Oyerahoesi ladies’ Sandals, Gum Shoes. Cork Botes, and-etrerythlng Inhlallne of business, of tWSbeSt quality and on (he mbst reasonable terms. Ail cnSfom wotk warranted. ’pft-tf.l J. SHOEMAKER. t>oor£ AND SHOEMAKEIL—TH E JL) subscriber respectfully informs the citterns of AiMo najand vicinity-that he still continues to manufacture Boots ondi Shoes of; every description, oh the shortest no tice, at his shop on Main Street next door to the Tribunt office. Hhbworkigdone up in the best of style, and chu not fail to give satisfaction. Only „ive him a call. : ! Jfov. i.:1868.-ly. : L. RICKARDS. J EVFS PREPARATION FOR EX- Ji /fermlnatiug RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, am! Bed-bugs without danger in 'its use under any circnnutan res, for sale at tbo Drug Store of Jap.aj ’jWrtf] .6. V. KESSLER. ( UMBER FOR SALE. IfjavwgHiNahKs, fio,ooo lathes, andhll kjndt of BHUIDING MATERIAL, lower than the lowest, IclrCash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER. YES! O YES! —GENTLEMEN v 7 draW nl«* and hear. JOSEPH p. IBODT innoun cettothfi that he b Rady to discharge bis duty aagn whenever called npcm. ' 2' ’6fl. - SAFETY TRLST Company. RULES HIKF’Q PF AK is Ofting con- X WiaXSic by toy ««*» aa the large, splendid tod cheap atoch of @32PapilaDio CSSK ®>€dfiBs» now'belng opened at the MODi-.t PTOUR• "?d w bile Rta still a mooted question whether dr not g; bl do p cured by going to the former place. otthe Model loci confident in saying that gnld-cau taraveaoy persona-purchasing goods of them. - .--'l'- Our Stock at preaent wUl.be fcwßd "tA jttj* **“ more varied than heretofore, and wo hope to bo ante to . please the tastes of the most fastidious. ■ , Foreign and Domestic IJry Cowls;" Such .at English ami flinch Du***l*, . Made and fancy Silk*, tfench Bril liants, jigurtd and white Mar - teilles, Lawns , Giaghcyns, Prints, Muslins, &•. Also, a splendid assortment of While Goods. Hosiery. • Gloves. Mitt*, to. 'We have also QB hand a lano tot of , CARPETS*, bought at auction lor cash. which wiU ho sold wry cheap. AUage assortment of beautiful. Spring and Sommer SHAWLS. BOOTS & SHbES, Wooden 4l Willow Ware, ftueeusware, &C., &C., &G. , Peidir.g thankful ti> oar friends fur thHr patronage hero tofore,\ we are determined to evil Goods cheaper than ever for cash in fur prompt monthly payments only. We cor dially invite onr old and new friend* and lustoiuers to call and see our new stock, which we will he pleased to show them. J, & J. LUIVTUKU. ’April 7th ’.'9. 1 ■■ DCV ALL’S GALVANIC OIL. Prepared originally by ft. DU TALL, for merly of the riillege ofjtnrgeons. at Pari*, fa now of fered to the public. W" for the care of sore and pain ful diseases [ I For instance —Pain or soreness Ip any part of the; ey l tem. ILhcumat ism. pain inf he bark, breast or side, healed breasts, n-uralgia. burns, sprains, headache. 1 cramp in the stomach, or any other disease that is SOKK and PAINFUL, and it is only < ver this classoti diseases that we claim a perfect VICTOK Y. We say ' positively to our patrons we can relieve the aulh per' 99 times out of 100. We would just &iy to the pub lic. Prof. Du Vull was 2a years in diringing to this medicine sajaTiority over all others. Price 50 cents per buttle —% per cent, cut off to the trade. All orders must bo addressed to J. D. STriN LHOAD. Proprietor, Sept. 2,1865-ly.) iLewistown. Pa. Agents for Du Vuir# Galvanic. Lehr. G. \V K»***b*r. ami A. Kuu*h, Altoona, anti all (Kiitara in modi- ♦'verywhore. » 1 )ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON X OIL LAMI’S! Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Every person desiring to obtain the' wry Inset and cheap est portable light within their reach, shonld call at the store of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we fledge ourselves to demon strate ,' Ist. That NO APOIDKXT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning !id. Tliat they are v* ry easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or leas light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 1411 That tlie light is at least all per cent, cheaper thAn any other light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents Mechanics. Seamstresses. Factories, Hulls. Churches. rto.es. Ilot-ls. and are highly recommended for family use. Tile burner of the Carbon OH Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purppS“ of a new ianp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction io all cases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.] G. W. KESSLER "11 AG N U M ES T VECTIC A. Xd 1 I’ARSIMONIA."—Did every one who reads the heading of this article hut understand its meaning, they would immediately re|>air to the shop ol JOHN O’DONNELL," FA Sill OKA BLE TAILOR Main Bt.. Altoona, a few doors below the Red Lion Hotel, and select a suit of clothes from the large slock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he has just received from the East, feeling sure that in doing so they would be carrying put the motto. It is not necessary here to mention the different styles an I pnantitie of the goods on hand, suffice it to «ay that lie has everything in the ling of gentlemen's wear, and b kuows how to make it up -in a fashionable and durable style, on terms as 'reasonable as tliose of any other nn-r chant Tailor in tlie (dace n‘ •Give him a call ao-i you will soon discover that you can carry out file motf • adopted by dealing ailh him April 28.'59-tf. T OGAN 'HOTEL. THE 3 NDElt | J SHJN’ED i>*«D»Ttftiily iaiorni.f tlv citizen*‘of llltiir c mity nuJ :,i her#, I.JJJ J'-'n be h«us opened up tlu I/K3AN jffi* >* foim»*rly kept by HieriiY I{wa. it the vr*fst end of lii»UMuv*burL r f.»t reception of stnuigera And traveller*.— Everything (>jun**ctrd with lh»* house has been refitted »» th«* new with the choicest furniture, Ac., kc Thcvliouse 1* large and cummodioQH, and well calculate for ronveutence and comfort. Ills TAULL will be furnished with the very best the mat ket can afi'oril, and no pains or tremble will l»o apand t« render those who may choose to fgv ir hjm with their pa teenage comfortjilde and happy during their stay witli him His STABLING is ample, and an obliging auucarefr : hostler will always be in attendance fcC*.. Tlie Williamsburg stage, which makes dally trip* between this place and Williamsburg, stops at the Logan Hotel, Dec. 17 ISs7.—tf.] Stoves. Tin & Sheet-Iron Waie, Spuming. T as. w. higg would respect ff FULLY inform tin* citixena of Altoona and vicinity that be k* »*ps constantly n« hand a large assortment <»l Oi>tliny. P-trhrf, Office and .S7iop Stntes of all sfyU« and -i/es, to suit the wants »*f all. which he will «cdl at ]oa jirirpH. on reasonable'terms. He alteo k**eps on hand a large stock of TVh and Shfft Ware consisting of all articles f»r niliiiHiy pnrjswe- Cm I UcaiU'x. Pipe* dx. Alm», a large lot of east Iron Force Uttmps UT. , i*Hrticitbir attention paid to putting up SFOUTT VO eitlior in tuw n «»r SjMjutihg (tainted and pm up on the nn.«it mnon»ide terms. [april 14. ISftJMy w. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTUOSA, I’A -JOHNSTON, TACK & CO., lIOLLIDA YSBUIIG. iVI;. {Late ''Hell, Johnston, Jack £ Co ’■) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Sliver aii-1 -Onhi fur salt*. C*dleotious raadtf: Moneys roceivtui ;-n cl- poAit-. payulde on denmud without interest, or ujiun time.-with interest at fair mb s h’eh. 3d. ISnfi. VEW SADiM.LhVi SHOP. — THE a. v subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona arid vi A" Mk Cinity, that he has opened a Shop on Virginia street, next door toi J. j' Lowtber’s Store, where he is- [T‘f tr uiaiiufiicture Uarness. Horse Gdsrs - o! all kinds. Saddles, tfridles, Helters, Whi]>s, and every thing in his line on short notice and reasonable terms.— Articles of the above description always on hand for' sale'. Having a full knowledge of the btininess.,] hope to be able to render satisfaction to all. and ask the patronage of those wishing anything mmy line. ) HENRY WEU.N. Altoona. June 9,1859,-tf . i . > OYSTERS I OYSTERS! OYSTERS 1 Ilk coneeguence of tint Imrdl times, I have concluded to put down thnprlce of my OYSTERS to the lowestpossi hle standard. They will hereafter be served ni> on the Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS, and roasted in the shell and served npwith all other accompaniments, TWE.NTY EJVE CENTS. They will also be furnished. In every oth -6r way, at pricos to correspond with the times. • ' JOHN KfcIKFEU, Logan House, Hollidayulmrg. j Dec. 17, tt] ( IONOENTRATEI) LYE, FOR MA- V > KIXO SoftSoop, and Soap Powder for W*«hlug,one pound « ' [Dec.l7.tt aUEENS WARE, JUST RECEIVED. A large aud fashionable aMortment at the store of - V./ ;..- --;: • T J. B lULJtMAN. - Hair oils, colognes, poiM adca, Sharing' Cream, TuQet Soap*. Ac. fur sale by ; - t-tcl '•- ■- j; -jp- - a. ir. kksslek. Tf ARDW ARE OF I ALE fcESjGRIP- TTAIfi, HAT. lOOXH. SHAVISG,., JfcJb ■ 1 sjMeusrs. * AffiUUA L. |)E PEYSTEB MEMO- HOWARD ASSOCUTIOnTpS? ;V1 btat wnrnou-ThisiMtUfatkm,wbtehJs located JLI adrlfhta. i , .Yrr MONDaTInMAT. Itisintend* d a* _a mmgi vith it ft Viif 4 fctwlv D#pwUMnt lo wow **» oThuman life, earned by Sexual CoUexes' of tf Jvstrwl, thrir education completed. In the practised upon the unfortunate victims of such n) the Oftwtfimtdeij, either talid or omamtntal, taught a* a aunxtabU act worthy of their name, to open • >2' a . nofir best Female Seminaries. s}«*> of diseases,laaUe^ Tbey-ar wW be divided into two Sessions of®°”«« k V;h s l ‘ d * k ?’ tfw “** to «dt each—ue Summer,; Session to commence on the IrtMon- by letter, with “description of their coadhtou,Cta. *!!¥) ending on the l«»t Wednesday of September- potjon.Jhahits of 1 fe, Ac ) and in theWloter Session to commence on thelst Monday in No- and to fWrnu* medinme frtm if «eo>ber. cndiuJTon the last Wednesday of March. The nwdleea to adil that the Association ctenmanAo^L.l* » Will b* dirtied Into two quarters df elev«n week* Medical ski •of the age. and will fUrolsh each. Term*, per quarter, as follow*^—rii.: | edjmodern treatnynt. _ Nvtew QAi in RR IVrHR*) • The director* of the Association, in their Aeanl a * SOLID BRArtirHEip. ! upon the treatttwht of hexual Disease. exo«l.???•»•« Primary (Including Reading, Writing. Orthofr - satisfaction with the snee.» which has mphy. Arithmetic. II nun mar. and Orography, Ac.) *A,OO of the Consulting Surgeon In the edru of Advanced (Including the Natural anencee. M«lie- ; Seminal Weakness, Impotence. Qua mafic*. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Logic, tbs tan- _ . phille. the ytceof Onanism or SelfahnaTkc J!!*’*’*P gmqn* and Composition Ac.) *“ ,uu eontinuunce of the same plan ibr the ensnln*’*—, '*** • WTII i OR ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Tho Director*. on a review of the nastaSvz!- . . •*»; ss^ttssasStoS# RSSo.. sir ; Nettle work, ... ~u fine *,,lf the above An admirable Report on gpermaturrhoa. «■ «. Instructions in vocal mnrie grat£ One half the above We(lklKM? Tfce of charges, to be paid Ifak Daft • a,UBe ’ "»d other abuses of the 5 »«■ ?* Sl V*™ te ” r gratuitous distrihetlon.'aml afflicted. Some of the new remedies a*d tnMW? 8 J® ®s ment discovered during the last year, arc ofm« Address, lor Report or Treatment. Dr. OSomnt nodf. Consulting Snrgeon. v C f U Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. K7.RA D. ILKAUHV km i?? 01 *- GEO. FAIRCHILD; Sec'v. , 'I'H E UNDKRS IGNKD WOULD 1 respectfully inform his old cus tomers ami tlie public generally that he has just received a LiBOE ami UASUSOME as- gortmciit of CLOTHS, Cassimeres, AND which he is now and is prepared to make them up In tiu* latest stylo £ most durable man ner. as none but the best workmen are employed, and all work made will be warranted to Rive satisfaction. He has also a goad Stock of Guts’ KUUMSHING GOODS, such as Shirts, Collars* Under shirts. Drawers Pocket Handkerchiefs, Neck Tf», Stocks, 4c.. 4c: also a large assortment of READY-MADK CLOTHING, all of which he is determined to sell as cheap as they can be bought this side of Phila delphia. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stoek. ns T shall take pleasure in showing them. Doors open at all times from oA. M. uutil 9P. M. Admittance free. May 5- 1869-tf THOSIAS ELWAY. GROCERY FEED AND PRO XI VISION STORK. N Tin* subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that Us has opened a store of the above kind, near the corner of Adeline and Julia streets. East Altoona, s'here Jie will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of evci ything in his line. His G R O V ER lES are all fresh and will be sold at prices as low as those of any othei establishment in town. His stock of provisions, ■msisting o^ Four. Hams, Shoulders , Sales, &c. will be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought any where else. His Flour is from the beat mills in tlie Western part of the State, and is Warranted to be what it N represented. All kinds of Feed fur horses, cows and hogs, always on hand. ■ I intend to keep such an assortment that I shall at all iimet be able to st.ppl;, my ciistomors/with whatever they may need, and 1 intend nl«o to son at prices which will uiitki it a saving to those who patronize rav store. July !«. I«58 3m. UKNRY BKEI,. ' i .NWIHER BREAK-GLT. —THE \ woubl inform hhi old cuMtomors that he uas> upimvd out again at bln old Mtiind. vrh'trr he h»*p*'B to r» c«-iv«' their crtlU. lie has a<>w on band the cheapest and Ik*sl assortment of srs constantly on hand a suppy of FLOOR, FEED AND GRAIN\ which he *e*lls at the lowest market prices. FORK.always on hand and retailed in quantities to suit purchasers. JOHN I.KHR. December 16. 1858-ly JOHN KKIFFF.K i STONE & GO’S GIjASS PHE . \ « SERVING JARS, for preserving all kinds of Fresh I'rnits. Vegetables, Mince Meat, Oysters, and all such per ishatilv articles. t q .The main secret of preserving fruit in » fresh condi tion co-isists in having it tboroug|ily heated when scaled tit* . ui in expelling all the air (bore may be in the vessel, cm tl: * when the fruit cools it will-form a vacuum. iVr are now manufacturing the above Patent Jgr, (hav ing bought flu* right from Messrs. A. Stone A Co., and are prepared to fill all orders at short notice We furnish Covers, Win-s and Cement, with printed dl rectum* witli cadi Jar. Manufactured and wild Wholesale A Retail by . CUNMKpHAMS i CO.. (flats Manufacturers. April 23.1859-6 m No. IC9 Water St., pitfcdmrg. Pa, Blair, county Daguerre an ROOMS.—Mr. 0. V. PJSHEB, tlie lloHldaysbuTg Artist- liegs leave to inform onr readers that he is prepared to take' Photographs of deceased persons, from Daguerreotypes, at the shortest notice and on the i .cflt reaximuble terms. lie has just receiver! a large stuck of durable and neat cases, of all sfetst and styles, including a new pattern of Family Case fof fbttr persons, and-to pre pared to fill them witli perfect -likenesses, AMBIIOTTPK. DAGDEKBEOTYf E OK PHOTOGRAPH. Give him r call. Rooms on thd jmnier of’Montgomery and All>*giieny streets. H illidaysbtirg. Pq.. [June 17-tf. directions. I Their unprecedented popularity has induced; the proprietors, Fleming Brothers, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ to dispose of their Drug busing in which they have been success-, fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they 'will now give their undivided time; and attention w their manufacture. And being termined that Dr. M’La? e ’ s brated Vermiftige and Liver *, : shall continue to occupy the position they now hold among J great remedies of the ywU continue to spare neiu-et * nor expense in, procuring It^ElV im NEW • I^^^tliorougb \J Madedothfnfc FwhioM, cheaper pound them m the most * , mwer. Address all orders.^ A SI'I.ETOID ASSORTS!ENT OP WiHU I Undewhlrtii and Drawers Cotton. Woollen and I >l F.a Under*and Wij«totaa»ordering J'MXB AND LARD OILS;' CAM-! BSK ***** f ' W. KESS LEH-r-'-PiIACiIOAL vJ » DRUGGIST, respectfully, announces to thy citizen* of. Altoona and the public erally. thnt he still continues theiDnSg biuiine cm Virginia street, where he keeps constantly onlmud.for sale, Mholesalo and Retail. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, 0114, VARNISH- ES and DYE-STCFKB. ' 'h <. " " By strict attention to aim a desire to render sat* isftctidn to all as regards price’ and quality, he hopes to merit and receive a share or public patronage. ‘Physicians and merchants supplied ohreasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attendedto. " Physicians pn-Bcriptfonsearefu|ly compounded. - [l-tf. WALL RARER 1 WALL PAPER!! —we are : now receiving at:the li MODEL STOKE,” a large aasortmour of . '; ; ' WALL PiPEB AirD HORDER, purclmscd dircct from the manufacturers In New York, and we. can therefore offer great Indnccromta to those who wtsb to pnrchase. CaU aad ertroiae oar stock. March 17th. 1969-tt ; JIA J.'LOWTHER. \| ELIGATED FUR CHEST. PRO ifl TECTOB, A SAfK ! SUBBED AGAINST «lOSM fcartnl diseases Bronchitis, Cough*, Colds, and other affec ■ tlona of the LngN which arise fitfa the exposed state of the to/artfowand thie bontlnual changes of out climate, for sale at the Drug Store Of O. W. KESSLER. GROCERIES that can be found in the town, consisting of 3s* I | fa s'i | W \ ' g- 4 tH &«,s| S S $-51 P 5 f SS si other newspaper. Ran. Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for tit montln,t; be remitted by subscribers, (who should write tigjy but.* and the town,' county and State where thry'reiide plainly.) To G. W. MATSELL * CO, Editor A Prop’r. of New York Police Gaiett*. 15-tf) iV«t yorkOOf. Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. "\X/ r £ beg leave to call the atten- * tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before die public. We refer to Br. Clias. H’lsne’s Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver fills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animal* subject, to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, Forthecure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head-Acre, &c. In cases of Fever and Ague, preparatory to or after taking Q U! ' nine, they almost invariably mak« a speedy and permanent cure. As specifies for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to, fail when ad ministered in accordance with the AND .5 jy«i *V^* >.■■■, • h. M«CItVM VOtei*?:- - M& -A ] o*' 'i'- 1 fix OaacqnAßi , •jir TRIBUN ' C^WRC R?v ffiggasSM SWBESf^f Tsasucts. «ryB*hh(#,»wruiug o'clock.itiabbatl o-iy su; !•«>* mapHSMWU - B<«yl^*fM»,Bnn(|B, AbO,w»WlV«dnesd: ytf p’olbck A. M. Thdpei’Bev. Joax o'ciowlut&e ktorui» rthjpHifrTfh lA * **' ibctlo* ewy Wedm J/rfeM K3ftod«n, every Sabbatti niormr thsotd tHUdh School ALTOON butern IY*y at Wssum “' 1 HutSitnXUrtmgfi if:’ r KMttity Through Mail wtttim Tbruugli, . jw?* HaUSbtjsbarg r Offleaopenyor the ti (oTJad/T. M..' during - '*u 8 * - K „.. R-AIL.fI Ifcwt m t-V West. •ittA'-jS -•■' "’CHt «uiUTar |ii(} West. .fusviu.: Vast auii HOTMBMr iO, is;3. meeting! fjod(je, AI oar of «tt(U month. 1:J I'to.rtfPWtfetiKk, I’. I JiMfo/fin ;£

J *RUy of eae| second! Xamfa i. o ereililhrln thjT third * n] «l.rw«Bp TuestUy ivl , twiwtoi (Uinp lu li d«8H« J[Hvif(oti, .1 fcjWWwi&Kiu tin- O I fwn meat* (rtatwlly v l a >i4 CM every J bU ' hlbj^tCt/^^^cconi Sheriff—^ l«mji! Fnn 4WWr^itf«Wj,'— 1J ■ QMllUy a mikissxoi is !|! • Jirtic". Clertfo C’omitu'jutdil JKStiiHttU Apprui-: ■] Cbunty .Sitrvfj '>/*—.l j a-MfUrtr—Joint hii «oi* Woiue Virtcio, 1- B. Riddle. Ctowttr— William 1 owfxrin!c/iu>nf o/ C ALTOONA I J**Uect Me iVacJ E. M. Jotl wjwii Omncil— Johl “TJW. ®*«W Price. 1 0/ Chun-l pouncii —J.J SWjwA-lVeajurij-] • “WWWkuC. Mc-Co "jOwfeefor—John] ' ■■Witori— Xhos. Jld Jacob Biel -iwe#jur«H V." i* Wwt i North ‘ (itfOCERIId .JP. “wuplote aasort the store of rjARRET B! .Jj/ MelL-Vs, Ac, , other plnd Sj&HAND j Jguf nJW “ *s&£7 i CLn