0.00 tlio Iron City Con
    nety, whoso date are Mid protloue to,usd i ."i Ticket which will JjJJ .Mien under 12yciraqfii. outer the cuclo.urafct i"" 10 . Mo , L ' lb =ra of the Bool.lt 1 Anlin.ils entered on thoßecr-! iii'-kd iy Morning, and all Anl l;at the enclosure u «trU u iiuiunis will only be ewartnj to hiilca of the Society. :o forward to tbs Secretary a ■ml to exhibit, prorlous to the : .iitp r °p t r arrangement! may emovetl from the ground* nro r., i wl thont permission (ninths i'r>Tjjiuui, though awarded, • u.'.cd with the uwner*e Mine •i on the book*, and will take ui number. In their arrange. - x ord* fy*r such purpose will /off MATCH. ; *’• at 9 o’clock, emd >ll T.nm. '■* ,* bir \ H , t appointed Urne. ’ ■ or! re bis own tenth.: - tbs exertion of ill /mr ?tr ’ia generally, to make the Re. .untv. l Premium List can .hare the Mreiis to the fiec’y or callhr . .-ociety. • ■i'tr.! -:uea Holler. Seth n.MoCuo*. mid W. W. Jackson. ' ID CALDWELL, PrevhUnt .'.surer. j UitNJiY AT LAW I 'o, Pa , ‘ - ai Court* of Blair, Cambria, Are and adjoiningoonatW.— if the United Staten, xfily attended to.. AgentLr unty Land TVartaate, and all rynnclng and the law. t.C'ESi m l Andrew Burke, Z«q~Bfct*> l;:;cro, Prce. Judge of Tayttts nerd Clemens, of Wheeling, Va.; i.‘ rg; Hon. John W.KHUnger, ■rter, Philadelphia; and Hon. ui r. June 16,1889-ly. : ' > K ALE 25 MILES IxUroaJ In the Statu,of New for Agricultural purpose*, a c'.ay bottom. The land 1* a nii forms, and hundred* froip .raw eottliug ond building.— (i ami can be seen growing.— i kcf-ur? from frosts. Tern* iv.iUle within four years by i:r—Leave Vine Street Wharf . by Kailruad for Hauunonton, letter, Hauimouton Boat OSes, ;y. See full advertisement to , PERSONS KNOW h-.sA to the firm of Rudjm *' I Bottle their uccouuts without ;n Kivfj. 11l thirty .-rvtt the public withallklnd* 3. ; feilinp to #ctllo. their ec i t not expect longer Indel ii. aud long credit# will #® o6 i that lift'd imialgn! eo much MARTIN RUNTAIf. ' MARjJLK YAKI). ■„v-r rcc-.-'.ctfully Infom tho . .. d n Nl/.V ilARllRBIARI?, J Front Strati, ln UoUSd»j«- r-.uvtii.tly op hand* full I ARBUS. o■. xeoute order* for ■ • Haunt!, Table Taps, v. .rkmanllha manner. O-Cm.* ■; ’,OT FOR SALE.— on . .»oeja on tha second foOTi * .» premises and obtain .i' iLer* nl » MAIIGT. U. MeCaOJ*. c'cysSLZOK ST LSW> I;LAIR CODNTT; fA. i Court# of Stair. C*®** l * iadlaua countie*. . Use collection of Ctalot. uage fluently. _ v:th J. M. Ch*ny,,**4-»^ I: TO THK3ESl rhitc idripe—SgSßESS® r Vv\?riy'charges and r !, : p..ped -f accordingtci J* .iUNAXUAN HAMIWP” - i :,u-3t. tSERY.—Tbo®jJ* ’ ready Ut-eewanMUg. TAtt0 C- to change tfcej vi,iU the *<>st Office, to drop ail I anB wgly cents they have about I **** Monument contriba- I S® doing they will contribute to a I tenZ -ri*! the town of a detestable ■** o» i^ What d .° y°“ Bft y» fellow citiseos, is I Idea a good one? Upwards of AOO of the graduates of the IW atihi ; lMii r C : l||r Commercial CoUege Jlu ““Payment, raoeiving the first Iwwdred pter cent. upon toi Btede to obtain a practical busi- for full information, Circular, w. JeffiMiiß, Ftttjffiurgb. piwut Crtet. local imiMs. m.Soine.ptople orift trite* joke, yoUre wy fr*o*> pais one-Hrth«, •a |K>ople should So. rThoabWhoWttrim* joke Invariably get •‘ riled- when intereating Httle item i*, tholooal column f M»«r favonfc paper, and liml out about the onlv a ‘ 4O tbe itk «ly*puffofsomo store, or arioou. orsome *bourwhichittey \ciHb-: nothing, ttey fling down the paper fa* a pet Now the beet way we know of to overcome the annoyance that each abrupt terminations produce, leto call at Taylor’s Saloon, next door to the Bank, and get a plate of fine fresh Core Plant Oysters—of course-first calling at the Tribune office and ask ing us to go along just because we fooled you again. Something New.—Out young friend, A. Roush, of the 'Drug Store down stairs, it now engaged in putting up a preparation for. the de struction bf rats andmlce which effeoturily set tles’ tbe “ camomile” • for those pests in very short order. We hare tried it and find the number of our Doctoral visitors very sensibly decreased. - Prom the qualities, of the ingredi ents used in the composition of the “Destroyer,” it most produce its 'effect in a very short time. Rats and mice partake of it very readily. A few doses will be sufficient to rid almost any house of these pests. Price 25 cents per box. A Welcome Visitor —lt afforded ns much pleissure, on Friday last, to take by the band our esteemed friend, J. C. Boggs, Esq., Chief Clerk of the Freight Department of the Ponn’a R. R., now located atPhiladclpbia, who was on a-visit to his friends in this section. He looked as hearty as in days “ Bang Syne,” and reported the Altbonians he left .behind as being in like condition, with one exception, which we will not notice further than to intimate that it was hinted to ua that in all probability a pretty I—well, no mattes, Dick knows what we mean. Writing School.— Samuel Brenizer, a pro fessor of penmanship, is now in this place and purposes opening a writing school. We have examined bis specimens of penmanship and think them equal to any'lire have ever His system of teaching the art is, we think, su perior to that of any professor who is now trav elling. He hoots at the idea of a writing mas ter teaching the art perfectly in six lessons,— He gives twenty, at the end of which time the pupil can write ns well as the teacher. Price $3,00 per scholar. Casstille Seuinart.— ln our columns will be found the card of tbe above Seminary. From nil that we can learn, and wo have heard mention made of it frequently, we believe it is one of the best institutions of the kind in the interior of tbe State, and well wor thy the patronage of those who have children they wish to placo at such an institution of learning. It is distant from any large towns, and consequently distant from their .vices and aluremeats; nevertheless it is easy of access.— Send for a catalogue. Returned.—The friends of Miss JPlnnlc Scott, the faatjipnable milliner, will no doubt be pleased to learn that she has returned from her western trip, {without falling a victim to the darts of cupid,) and that she is now prepared to attend! to all their wonts in the line of fashionable bon .nets, dresses, &c., for the fall and winter sea son, in her usual prompt and elegant style.— Call in and see her, ladies. Lost.— Some place. on the streets of Altoona, on Thursday evening, Ifth inst, a package con taining s4o—two $5 bills ob a Pittsburgh Bonk aud six $5 gold pieces. A reward of $lO will be,given to any person finding the above on de livering it to thc subaoriber. or leavuig it at tho Tribune office. J. A.McGUIEE. Altoona, Sept 22, ’69-lt. S&" We issue our paper somewhat earlier than usual this week, in order togivcour devils Who are patriotically inclined occcsionally, a chance to attend Camp Logan, which is now open at Tyrone. We expect to bu there also to see and be seen and will report next week., Coal. —lt will be seen, by reference to our advertising columns, that Jacob Wagner has taken the coal yard formerly kept by Mr. John Allison, bud is prepared to furnish coal to all who require it PmsTiKO m Eokopk.— There are now in France 1037 printing offices, ; which employ 9,500 compositors, 8,000 pressmen, and 900 correctors and overseers. The printing, force of London, alone, greatly exceeds that of all France. The little kingdom of Belgium fajut at the present time, 262 periodicals, whilst ftwtce and England count only from 270 to 800 each. Holland has 100; Prussia, 70; Austria;: 40; Spain, 54; Switzerland,2B; Portugal, 13; Ben nuirk, 14. There are about two thousand peri odicals published In Europe, at the present time, aiid nearly 1500 ib ( the rhst of die world-excep ting the CuitedStates, where, should the pres ent ratio of increase be not retarded by a money Janie, we shall soon have ‘five thousandrogn- or mofeibau are to wbridpuij^ather. ’ JiU Immense Peach OrchardwTbe Caasedy .peach orchard, in Sassafras neck, ; (n this coun ty, now the property of Mr. Reybold,of%la ware, comprises 650 prietor hw Already realised SSa.QOO this eea »P». »d expects his sales to exceed, before .the season is over; 1f40,000. JWT Egypt has 600 miles of railroad. The fint locomotive ton, tnnmmieswereused'for fuii, making,a h°t fire. The .supply of mam, mice is said to be almobt inexhaustible, and are nsed by the cord. ' Xhs militia of the .IJnited Stetes, asjuat reported by the Secretory of War, numbers 2,766,726. This Immense army, with two wedis drill, would be quite as efficient as either of the fighting forces at Solferino. IW* Wise, the awonaut, went up beautifully afe w weeks ago. ’Tother Wise fell as beauti fully about the same time. I€BU Doing nothing, is so near doing evil, that the space between them is ecarcely die eernable. We fear thatrattlesßakebitee willgrow ~s>* as * j#Seign «»*• ~ . BPEC l A L WOT y Xti-. JScfA & Jlteitimore Street, Baltimore, jjdd. VTe feel folly sadsfed that these 113 of tins most stubborn cases ofEpllep *y, a* wolf a* the |ndldcr fcrnu of «ts,‘ 1 such « screw tbUjartuous .will find Pillji equally efficacious in curing overyform of nervous debility :—no matter whether manifested in the acute and ekcrnchrtfng form ol Neuralgia, Tic-Doloreux, or Nervous 'Headache, the misery pi Dyspepsia or Indiges tion, the suffieringslbf Bbeu mutism or Gout, the melancho ly hallucination Undepressed spirits or hysteria, their ef fects will be equally happy and certain, persons in the country can write to the inventor, and have the medicine forwarded to them by malt The prices are, one box, $3; two Ik>X6B $5; twelve boxes $24; and sent to any part of the country; free of postage. Direct your communications to Sztn S. Baser, 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. HAIR DYEUHAIR DYE—HAIR DYE Will. A. BATCHELOE’S HAIR DYE! The Original and Best tn the World! AU others, are more Imitations, and should be avoided, if you wlahlo escape ridicule. OBAY, Bf3D, oriiBCSTY HAIR. Dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Block, without the least btjnfy to the Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medal* and Diplomas hare been awarded to Wm. A * nlnco X 639, and over 80,000 .apportions have been made to the hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. BAtCUBIiOK’S HAIB DYS produces a color pot to be , 18^8-ly w> iMa* the (Bouner that liw Jost passed away, tbonsaiid of sufferers 1 from dysentery apd diarrhoea hare of fIbSTCTtEIt’B TMWiSKS, a medfclnewhfch is evidently destined tonflmtalna permit, aent place Inithe public estimation. Billions diarrhoea is am, of those diseases Which baties the sklllof thephysl eiu; Sis medicine they administer to act upon tbs taw els never seems to resell the sonrcooftbd evil. The «wb- is to get a remedy that will reach all the digestive organs, and give them simultaneously a rush of vigor, to rid themselves of this disease. This problem is. solved by the Birrxjts, Which never fidls to conquer.the most stab horn cases. It is only felr to say, that during the season Just closed, this medicine has achieved more cures than any other ever presented to the public, and during the fall, which that terrible Scourge,' the fever and ague, is so prev atenti the BntXBS wQi gain fresh fame. Sold by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. B9*Be advertisement in anolliur column. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. BAXCUELQU’S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass aIL They are elegant, light, easy and durable. fltitog.to * charm--no turning up bchind-no «bpynng to the only BrtaWtolimeirtwbore dfe property iuderstoodsnd ' WM. X BATCHBIOB, 333 Broadway,' New 'jock. Important to Females—Dr Chebsb- KAS’s PttiS.-—Tba combinationof tpgpcdlectQ, la these PUl* Are the result of a long and extensive practice. They ttre-nflil In their operation, add certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruations. removing all ob strnetions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in tfre-aide, palpitation oftbe heart,- dtotbi-bedfleep/whlch always arise from interruption of natare,tadnelug with certainty periodical regularity. Warradlod purely vegetse ble, and free from anything Injurious to life or health. Ex plicit directions, which, should be re«4,j accompany ey-h be*- Price $l. Bent by mail by enfcibeing $1 to any authorised Agent. . R-B- fiUTCHINQS, General Agent for the United States, 165 Chambers street, New York; 3b whom all Wholesale ordert shouldhe addressed.' Sold by G. W. Kesskr, Altoona; Qeo. A, Jacobs, Bolll daysburg; and by all Druggists in the United States. Ceil on the Agent and get a pamphlet free. Nov. 18,1658-ly, 49* As this it the season of the year when worms are most formldableamoig children, the proprietors of ST Lane's Vermifuge, Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh, ibeg leave to call the attention of parents to its virtues for |the expeliing of these annoying, and often fatal enemies of children. It was invented by a physician of great experience in. Virgin lo, who, after having used It for several years In bis own practice, and found its success so universal, was induced at last to offer it to the public as a cheap but certain.and ex-- coilent medicine. It has since become justly popular throughout the United States, as the most efficient Vermi fuge ever known, and the demand has been steadily on the increase since its first introduction to the public; Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh, Pa AU other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Vermifuge, also hits cele brated Liver Pills, can now be hod at all respectable drug stores. None gentanewUhout the signature of *8“ The heavens were Illuminated on the evening of August 28tb, 1859, by the most splendid Aurora Borealli* ever seen In the Country. Kay* of parti-colored light flashed across the sky, and the changes were beautiful in the extreme. At one time a rapt observer; remarked, that ho fancied he could see the sparkling lights form them selves into the following words: Buy all your garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of liockhill A Wilson, No’s 603 hud 005 Chestnut St., above Sixth, Philadelphia. MARRIED. „2?J£?. 8 . tbin " 1 ’ ir > Newry, by Rev. Jos. Fkhtner, Mr. HENRY M. STIFFLER to Miss JAKE ELIZABETH Me- CONNELL, both of Freedom township. fV nB . da,r ’ by Ren A - H. Taylor, Mr. SAMUEL FINK, of Indiana county, to Miss MARY J. JOKES, of Frankstown, Blair county. On the same day by the same, Mr. JACOB H.STIFFLEB to Miss AKKA M. PIPER, both of Allegheny township. On the 15th inst, by Rev. ffm. T. Johnson. Mr. R. J GETTEMY, of Altoona, to Miss MARY £. MAYERS, of n cstmoreland county. * COAL! COAL!—THE UNDER signed would respectfully in ,■■■ i m mm form the citizens of Altoona that hcfiC O AXmal?t9 has taken the Coal Yard formerlyßn JMT * Jaßaftir kept by John Allison, and is ed to furnish all kinds of Coal at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, for cash or prompt month '’essrsfrmm. ’mmw&xiu. NEW WALL PAPER, Jo. ■■ - FOR AUTUMN 1859. void Embroidered papers for Parlors, new style Beautiful papers for Halls, Chambers and Cheap Wall Papers, from &A cts. upwards. Window Shades, Testers, Borders, Ac. W. P. MARSHALL * CO., AT TRUK OU> STAND No.ST Wood St,- Pittsburgh. STRIPED FRONT, Have facilities possessed by no other house West of the Mountains for obtaining newest styles. In, refined taste, and at low prices, from the best French and American manufacturers. [Sept 22, ’59 ) THE (fotfbHle Jlmuiarj) AND NORMAL SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES & GENTLEMEN. Cheapest School in the Land! Send for a Catalogue I Address M. McN. Walsh, A. M., CASSVILLE, HUNTINGDON Co, PA Sept. 22,1859-3 m. OP E CIA L ANNOUNCEMENT n OX TBS Quaker City Publishing House I 100,000 Catalogues, NEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED—NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. i Superior Inducementi to the Public! ?!“ for , obtain , in 8 Q0LI) and SIL- V , " ATCIIE3, ana otlicr valuable Prize*. Full nartie jjjjjj? {riven in Catalogues, which will bo sent free to all upon application. r orth *“2? 50 ctß - to GUARAN- Sr" t f/“ ch Purchaser. *lOO,OOO in Gifts have been dis nmi ?^L t 2 With,n the P“t six months—SliO,- 000 to be distributed during the next six moiilhs The inducements offered Agents are morel liberal »b.n those of any other bouse in the business. fnrrt.-*?!J >e t n J. n tbe Pnbli9h,n 8 and Bookselling business yeare ’ my “perisnce enables mo to con dnct the Gift Enterprise with the greatest tatisfoctian to 4®* AGENTS WANTED in every Town and County. For lull particulars address DUANE HULIBON, Quaker City Publishing House, 3a South Third 8t- Sept. 22, *S9-tm. Philadelphia. Pa. CAUTION. —ALL PERSONS ARE hereby cautioned not to trust my wife or any of my family to any goods, Ac., oh myi account, un joss ft written order from mo be presented, ’as I will oav no debts contracted by them without my content. w Altoona, Sept. 15, 1859-31, HENRY DEBS. Pennsylvania insurance JL COMPANY, of PitTSßcnon. W. R. BOYERS, ACCENT ALTOONA , PA. Capital and Surplus over. *150,000.p0. DIRECTORS: i AACarrier, , Geo !W Smith, A J Jones,' WadeHaihptou, r Bobtet Patrick; " L Y O !S On ’ 1 Orier’Sprool, Jaur u Babkins basTpsld iosses from the datefof ttsitSJr ♦itLl’P to tSa 7' 1869 i to amount of $302,885.07, In addition to regular semi-annual Dividends tif from 5 to 16per cent, affording evidence of Its stability and useful new. Losiet LiberaUg Abutted arid Prompt® PtttLT A- A. Cxmueb, Pret't. I. Qbix&Spbocl, Secty. BARGAXNSI j AT BfcCORMIC&’S STOI^E WE ARE NO W OFFERING AND will sell all articles, of Spring and SoiDiaer Dress poods AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, As pasting stray, and our tax* of Do lalnoB, CBWUe«, Lawns, JJrillianta, 4c., to very heavy, we want to close them out'to make roomfor our Pait and Winter Stockf . ; “.. ““ Pajfpwi wishing to purchase such goods would do?wall tocaa and examine oar stock before making their-pnr ehaaoa;, We/ beroby notlfiod not to purchase or sell any laser hmr kegs with the stamp of the ALTOONA BREWERY there ou. as such kegr never have been and never will heaniri Iroib the BrtWory. AH kegs Contaibglng said stamp will .he claimed and taken.wherevcr found, by the nronrletore of Hte Brewery to whom they belong. proprietor* July 28th 1859-tf. WILHELM A 880. TOOTH & NAIL BRCSHES. Cutlery, Port Mooo*l«^bU^^ WORMS. FLEMING BROS- AuUmrbf^O^^Moi^Mad,’’ Ttdauepie'ti&s &-: FRONTIERS; heroes o#the west. Westward, the tottiftw bf Empire taken ita way." Hook./am. which for eev u* frw, liiiauawjgjl nm th> pen of the gifted author, who trsadsnOw. alone lift path once trodden to om own ®??P or ] j l ** vtllcontalngraphlc pictures of the conflict* of tha hardy Piopecr, whose strifes and struggle* with hi* Indian foe, rival the talee of fiction and the tiagte conn twrfcit* of the mimic stage,, Also thrilling nawatlvS Sf the daring dectri, the heart-trials, tils heroic devotion and self-denial of noble women, the mother* of the Westl Be neath the overarching forests, hand to hand, and fool to foot, the intrepid adventurer has encountered in deadly aelt beauts in U»e backwoods, and hit gallant achievement* have thrown a halo of romance over tha. waving prairies, the grand eld mountains, and the majestic ritew of th?Wd ofthe aat tin£.■ • •. Tho Work will be printedbn fine white paper, tnctsar. D .„ t ZS e, w a nl. ,L , pp iS prlat^and i eatltlftl,l y uJMtwieafcr the most skillful artists. 12m 0., Cloth, Price; 1.25. HAMLIN * dO, Publishers.- S^et,PhP * d#,phlJU Mi “*° chlot 2 - Tho Kentucky Herb. 8, The Maid of Fort Hennr, 4. Wreked on th* like. 6. A Leap to/Life- 1 A. Loreftlumphant, 7. A Desperateßnconnter. H. Mad Aon. 9. The Oambierii Outwitted. 10, The Oarltut Scouts. 11. A ?teht ou the Prairie 12: Tlie Tranpert Story. IS. An Arkansas Duel. 14.; The : Prisoned Bride. 16. Attacked by ludiaas, 12, A Miraculous Escape. 17. A Mother’s Course. lg. The Dead Alive, 19. A Daring Bx ploit. 2u. Kooky Mountain Perils. : ii. The Guerrilla &“«?• Pi *teht with a Bear. 23. The Haunted House. 24. Bill Lukens’s Uun. 26. The Faithflil Negro. 20. The Backwoodsman’s First Love. 27. TheUsst Stake. 28, Ad venture of a Colporteur. 29. A Night with The Wolves.- 30. Col, Bowie of Arkansas. < 1 f Agents wanted in every part of the tlnioi adas, to whom a liberal discount will boallo ..Jl GREAT CENTRAL. LITERARY EMPORIUM, NO. 1, "ALTOONA HOUSE." ALTOONA. PA., WHEKE MAY BE HAD ALL THE popular Publications of tho day,** follows: Mew York Ledger. s ' ) Mew York Mercury, Sew York Weekly, Scientific American, Mew York Huverly. flay of Our union. True Flag, American Union, Saturday Evening Put, Hollar Mcwspaper, \ : Sunday Dispatch, Sunday Mercury, Wavtrly Magazine, Frank Leslie’s Pictorial, Harper’s Weekly, 1 Ballou's Pictorial, Frank Leslie?! 111. German Paper, TU Illustrated World, (German,) The Hew York Clipper, " Natumal jyiice Gazette, United States IKlice Gazette, Boston Pilot,. Irish American , Home Journal, Banner-of Light, Spiritual Telegraph, Weekly Tribune, fbrter 1 * Life Illustrated, Frank LcsliYsßadgetof FunJ Yankee Motions, Altoona Tribune. ' Mix Vox DAILIES: PhOalelphia Press, Mew York Herald, Public Ledger Mew York Tribune, Pittsburgh True Press, Mew York Times. . Xorth American, Pittsburgh Chronicle, AA V r,'i n9 Ar Y ut ’ Pennsylvanian. To which v. ill be added the taevr publications as they appear. Novel, ond Romances, Miscellaneous Books. School Books. Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks. ' C *Jt. lulJ Paper, l.nvelopes. Drawing and Tisane Paper, Blank Books and Ini fact every ‘ thing in the Stationary line. Toys, No tions anji Games of every variety. Pic tures and Picture Framer Ac. »»- A choice lot of CONFECTIONERIES, ofevorr vari cty- Alsu, TOBACCO and SEQARS oftjia best quality, N. B.—We are solo Wholesale and Retail Agent. ii> this eounty. for ROUN’S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does los ihtely cure all sores to which it is applied! Try'lt V II. VETTING ER. EIGHT REASONS WHir EVERYBODY SHOULD GO TO O. B. SINK’S STORE 1 HE HAS A LARGE AND WELL /oiag\fee t e da3?Jltm °” tofl>r>, Which Wo worth 2. lie has an unequalled stock of dIiOCERIES, fresh Ik U &: h ‘ Ch h ° wIU 6ull as aa aay merchant mL^iMeiTrTes. ne f ? rlin >C confident . that If the; but examine they will,buy without asking. ,:' . Altooua, ISiD.-tf b CHEAP GOODS Me CORMICK’ S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE fj IXG opened, a very extensive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER of all the different varieties usually kept fu country Store*, parefally selected In quality fluid style to *uit tbtfscason «hoii* I .“n } n - t,ie Oods departmentTif prints, Lawns! Shallys, Delaines, Ac., Ac., in all their variety. aftsssaarKS?^ r * Hardware, Queeivnoare, Geddrvare, Leghorn, Palm Leaf and Panama Tfats, tOMTee. Sugar Tea. Afofafrer, Pice. Dried ate' xfed Beef ’■ .i, • r!F a^,?H Ttd &“***’ Shoulders, iSkfrs, tfcT V ’ all of wnlch will bo sold, or exchanged fofbll kinds of nro. nmh as Batter, Eggs, hard. & W W 2nd Grain of any kipd, asfuwlf not lower‘than auvother house in town. : Being very thankful tor Ihast mSwwteY mfrTriinS M 1 * Y,r ? greatfaTor to receive of ou?o£g atlfla ' l^ln ; a * Pl«“ I wonldj-cspecffutty set forth my claim' itb public atte*. i Won, a*s PashiowMe Tailor, as folio**-; P C o>Cloths.Cassi- MwJ* whieh, vjhetj i* Bp * manner that takes down the country hud gives oil my customers a dty tp pearance. 7 ." . • - ■ Because lam not inferior as a Cutter to the best to be found anywhere.. , fX Because long experience In my businets hiTsi ms entire control Over it. and ! am not dependant upon any one to lift me out of the suds. ■ iV i Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there taste aud>ykmannpiihpalred. : i' Call oa tne,Hi the corner room of Mouse ” Give me a trial andyoU will go ayrhy pi«ated. : < ■ Altoona, May2B-5m ' JACOji SNYDER T7XCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB fiSSSSS 1 KKggg is ' fitted theabovo Hdtel.'ana to now vrfe- ACS3A~ .S pared ' to Accommodate bto friends midflSaHßlSw patrons iu a comfortable manner, and will" spareuo palns in making It an agit>Mhtohom^^^l SHs'SSfnS*— of the country and cities, and his Bar f HU Cbirgos are m rtMe of auv other Hotel In tito place, and ha not complained of by thoao who their custotp. Expe«ing torecelve a share pHtrunags,' and ihlly Intending to deserve it be Smottb open hi* house to the public and invltos a trial? a stock of No. X ?wnch Brandy, for medicinal purposes. ; a largo stock of excellent Wines, formedislnal pur* £*?•* together with a lot of the bos* to w fttmd In the- country, Atioona, May g, 185&.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. nhHE HAMMONTOJf FARMER.—A JL newspaper devoted to jUter&nre and Agriculture, alao sotting fourth foil accounts of the new settlement of Bam* monton, in New Jersey,can be sabecribed for nlonly 25 cento per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Edi tor of, the Parmer, Hammonton, P. 0. Atlantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality. In one of the healthiest and most delightful climates mtha Onion, and where crops are never cut down by ftuets, tha terrible-scourge of the north, see of Ham* monton Lands. • r|AN BE BOUGHT AT HJ TUGffS, SUrti ®TS»E3?S!&, ' OIBGISE OP THE KIBSEti,’ L>ivcr complaint, WBAK3STESS OF ANT KDfb FEVER AND AGUE, Aail tb« *UiNi affection* consequent noon a .i.i.s „ stomach or liter. Irneb m IhdtfsstloD. Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Nlu. of Appetite, DecuoadencT. CfttimMiA. :Kva” a 'tyr , ‘ S^3^iM‘r‘!S r p ra‘3s3£s Holland Professor, Boerbsve: Became of ita great immh State*. 1U IntnSucMMitou . Btat.-« wM Intended more especially tor Omi of oar £dherland scattered her* and thereon * tha tenet thle mighty country. Meeting with great success th»an, rnaw offer it to the American public, knowthgtha* 1U troly wondoriW medical virtues must be «okno%l«lMd. It is particularly recommended to thuso per*,ns wCum ooaatttQtion* may have been ink pal rod by the continuous P?. 0* ardent spirits, or other form* of dissipation. Qene rally Instantaneous in effect, it find* ft* way directly to tU '|fo» thrilling And «verr oem, nldoc up tiiedr<>>ping jplrit, And, in fcet*. loAulng n«w ktAUJi and vucor in the system. • . - 1 C AttXJOJJ.—The great popularity of this dcllghtfcl ro ma has induced many imitations, which the public »hd*ld guard against purohjaing. Be not persuaded to boy My thing else until you have given Buorhavo’a Holland Bitten a fair, trial. One bottle will convince youno* tnffnltsly superior it is to all these Imitations. H *#“ Sold at $l.OO per bo'tle, or ais bottles for AS. by the sols mtOMUcmk*, and the Can ned. BENJ. PAGE. JR., & GO., Manufacturing Phea-maMntUU and f’*irnfifr „ i'msßuaau, pa. T. W. njott i on*, Philadelphia; Uarne* 4 ’Pm*. Nr* Vork; John D. Park, Olnciuuatt; Bntnartl, Admu 4 'Co_ S». I*>uis; A. ROPdU. Altoona, Pa., *cd bflinnMt « aril j Merchant* generally tbroagboat the and Canada*. fOctober U, Mttv-ly All wanting farms inJt ijjs- UQHTVPI, CLIMATE, rich »«ri, aw»a»«tt.&«. Sdtua ® ee ad wti*em(ait of Damnircton Land* tn •bother A BOOK FOR KV ' & Y U O D Y.—STAUXMNO AIBCLOSURKB.—Dr. iXt- LER’d groat #ork for themar 'lcd, or for thueo cuutempU inp marriage—2oo pagia.foll PLATES. PriceUoeutS— mi to all puru nuderseaLby ail, POST P.HI>. 000,000 ipiea sold tho last year, The male, married, and the mar ried happy. A .Lecture'on ■tore, or how to choose a part 'r: a complete work oa Wid •fory. U contain* hvudrtd* died—warranted to be worth ...... 'll for It, 2C cents In soeefa or postages tamps cncrosed, will secure a copy by mttfkef *!“•-, d,TuUd a lifetime to Ihe cnnt of die wae on which hit; books treat. Address 3. IZIIBS. * No. 5 Bearer street. Albany, Jf. Y. ’ ■ 4, ‘ stJ-.'?! 10 !? l l’ilhk SVaboa, wlthioß directions. Married lames should not uao them. Sent br asaß, Ad drsss Pj. Teller, aa above. Aprfl j. T 0 all wanting Farms. Spc advertise meat of Ilammonton Laud* ! ' t T.ANDSI LANDS 1! LANDSUJ p i vTH l, 'i« U ‘Ji icre ,‘? EHSOi\S wanting chance ofcliiMU Levi riling, IMPORTER OF WINES, Bli AN DIES, GINS, to». Allegheny Sheet, hind3of Brand*, will be kept constantly on baud, - and Su ‘°;’ llt P«re'>Mere.at prices an reasonable «(£•* can be bad anywhere in the country. CJHOi! Business .uni Factories turn 'mm* 100 ,? 0 ? ES Window glass. -I* / W from Bxlo to Stx36. ", i’utty Knirei, i ■■ ' 1 .-. ■ Extract Logwood, T^*?fpP pAINTS! PAINTS I . • Green. 3 Omm Clirome T«iiow. Burned . .< Teri* dl Birun*.’ ■ BedLeud.-; •w4ReuJM? *“kind.t»tor*«d for- TJUNCY TOILET 1 a»..* Drzlii’i Poncins, • r«ch andjAJmoijd* *- : r ;^ v . 13,18 M. j pBEFCJipKy ~ ■ Bfcttof fly Bdquot, rnmg&abi, .;,'• nooiiilitia, lWmor*j6*i Por mU cheap by rVW QU-S! , : -7 '-f ?uroEeflaedtiuired Oil, ■ JUUmlatim. J Pw*Owfi>n.oU, K«ramiao4, Cam pL one andltan Carbas Ofl nad Tor sals at T?OR the hair— JL Bnratt'i Cocoaioe, tjoa'n KaUitiroo, Bnperior B«y Rum, tolosßmafaUkJad*,,*, 4 jrooiar, May 12,1858. M RS - PHEBE BAILEY'S A RNOL P’ S WRITING FLUID. JWIM STATES LIFT Efts**. ; ! / OTABRAtXD UOLL.IM) KKMSBI K& • nxfxßsNC*»: Bpr-A. B.Cum, Aitocn*, Pa. ' ' - Riokura, Altoona, p«, McCccm AiDnan, Editor*. » f** Thos. A. Bcorr, Supt. P. H. R., « D.. McJluvmt, Ehij., Huntingdon, Pa. . : ’^S E ■ ■ -v • J-- ■ :-'V-A ■I ■ . - i‘ 'iv ssliF ■ J£': -