S.«ptooM Crime. & ALTOONA, PA. *I^BSI)AY; J SEPT.?IS,IB69 agfciWtor# parties are unkoown to nsromnulafor adver tising is to require payment In advance, or a guarantee from k&iWripersons. It l» therefore uselessforall such to sent] ttsatl WUseiuan t« offering to pay at the end of three or six tnouthe. Where ndrertiaementa loycd tbeTern, is converted Into one of |he£nq»t dangerous pol&ieid vehicles in country,-by the party in .'This ifltxue; und pity. ’tis, /tie true. Bat on ¥» Tre presume all ; ’ ,ys|> tAe ad intent in such mattere know Tall well Ko# areicwiid ; cd “thereby, and the wIU of the people o%n to dm consideration of •.propped, ’ the .election of Postmasters. ' To this the raisedthat the Constitution ' and otber States officore^ooiad^ which spokoi of proposes Chicago Press and Tribune 'says that 'to him bud Vest in the since the 15th day of last May, the price-, laigfc-t 1$ is' togued :thatthe ; of standard wheat has fallen in that mar-: people.%ave tothc couptry the tionsiitil- ket Oeventy-four cents per bushel! I* tidn, ,awi take %t:awaj,i says tbatthe sesult ip grain dealers and alter ornbridgeit tosuit themselves. We j Speculators has; been vely disastrous all believe that'at thistrme public- opinion | along the lakes, and that the losses at Chi demands aueh "a change. In how. many cago,!Biilwaokie, Baeine, and other points, instances are .persons appointed to, the im- oannqt be less than half a million of dollars, portant position of postmasters, simply on accountof services rendered the party in poorer, who are notoriously incompetent and exceedingly; objectionable to the whole community in the vicinity of the office. .Had, the people the. privilege of chosing their officer in this capacity, the majority would always be satisfied. To effect such a. change would require an Amendment to the Constitution, and we l)«*l£eve it should be made, at least the question should be agitated. Such an al teration in the mbde of selecting the offi cers referred to, could make the matter no worse than.it is at present, but might be productions of much good. Mysterious Affair at Harrisburg. —We learn from the Harrisburg Tele yraph of Saturday last, that a tragedy, in volved in considerable mystery, is now the prevailingsensalion in that place. It ap pears that a short time since, a colored woman was imprisoned in Carlisle. While in jail she disclosed the fact that about eighteen months since, while she was em ployed as servant in , the house of Mrs. Black, of Harrisburg, two gamblers, one of them named Knox, came to the house, accompanied by a stranger, for the pur pose of gambling for money. During the evening a quarrel arose between them.— The stranger drew a knife, and Knox a pistol. -Knox fired and shot the stranger through the head, killing him instantly. The colored girl says she has been pre vented from tolling the story heretofore by bribes and threats. The girl was brought from Carlisle to Harrisburg where she .repeated.-the. qtory. Knox being in Philadelphia, a despatch was sent to the Mayor to have him arrested, which was promptly done. Search was made for the body of the murdered man in the place where the girl said it had been buried, but no trace of it could be found. Knox aas brought before Judge Pearson on a writ of habeas corpus, on Saturday after noon, where he entered bail in three se curities to the amount of 516,000, to ap pear at Court and answer the charge of ' murder. John S. Dye. — We notice that our oo temporory, of the Erie City Dispatch, is after .thi? double-dyed scoundrel, (who ed its a Bank Note Detector in New York,) with a piece of timber which is sharp at bpth ends. ' We gave the same individual a?“ puff” in our “ black list,” some two yjears since. The man who trusts to his Director will be grossly deceived. It as great a swindle as its author. Fortu- i nately, we believe none of them are sent! to this sectiony and hope there never will i be. He cheated every printer in v the 1 country with whom he had dealings, and | the man who will systematically cheat the j printer will cheat everybody else but the j d—l; he can’t cheat him. , Work for the Next Congr.,ss.— The National Legislature, at is next ses sion, will have considerable service to per form in the way of creating new govern ments, State and Territorial.. No less than four Territories and two States will ask recognition. Thu people of Southern Nebraska, disappointed in gaining annex ation to arc moving for a State Government. The Governor is about to call an extra, session of L.e Leg'slature that thi work may be regularly commen ced. They intend to apply for admission in company with Kansas. In addition, the people of Jefferson, Arizona, Dacptah and Nevada, are also anxious for Territo rial Governments. We have received from our young friendj James Ritchie, formerly of this place, now among the Rocky Mountains, a copy of the Rocky Mountain Gold Re porter atid Mountain City Herald, pub lished at Mountain City, Jefferson, (the name given to the new Territory about to be organized by the Pike’s Peakers. ) 'lt is the size .of the Tribune, and is published at 10 cents a single copy, f 2,50 ,a year >t the office, or $3,00 if mailed to the States. Advertisements ire inserted at the.ra.te of 26 cents per line for first in- jiuid IQ cents per line afterwards. Qjxr advertisers would oonsdder these pri ces pretty steep. ttßi, The inevitable Parson Brownlow is again extan tj though in rather a damaged condition. He is now at the Virginia Springs f»r the bene- ■ _ - ** **•* r H:ISP?*«t -p Peer Poremost-A Mr. Hall ! S*2 ? T** ported. Of one handed counties, from after a successful asoension from pendionlar ovot n i PaM6B - dOW ° pei " which retards hui. been received on the N®f about seven miles mher a peculiar I PEN AND SCISSORS. ! Dr. J. H. Wiatrode is to deliver the Address at the Huntingdon County Fair. Judging from the accounts published in {he papers of Huntingdon, the rowdies of that place must be equal to those' of Baltimore. 1 Burned—a whiskey distillery, at Jersey (lity, ;pn Saturday . a-week. Loss, $20,000 in money ; morality nothing, i The new Reformed Church, at Martins burg.iu this county, will be dedicated with appropriate eScrcises on Saturday, Sept 24tb. #Qj„ x There are ten million dollars worth of property in Philadelphia exempt from taxation. The city fans three hundred and ten churches. Pretty nearly all men are benevolent when jt don't cost their much. Tom never sees poor John suffer bat he thinks that Sam ought io help him. ; Ward Beecher says, “A man nev er hasgobd luck who has a bad wife,” which probably accounts for the very great number of unfortunate occupants of this planet. tGS* Wien Forney has retired from the Cen tral Ptcst, Bellefonte. and is succeeded by bis partner, Mr. Kurtz, who intends going it alone hereafter. Col. A. G. Curtin, Hons David Taggart, Levi Cline, John Covode and Dr. 6a/.:am are spokch of in connection with the nomination for Governor, next year, by the Peoples party. 'ggjrOneof the Railroads in New York, is said to be the safest in the world, as the Super intendent keeps a boy running ahead of the trains to drive off the calves and sheep ! tgJuThe receipts of wheat at Chicago, from the Ist to the 20th of August, reach 405,000 bushels, against 139,009 bushels for the entire month of July. Jgf* “ I have been to the capital to see your friend sworn into office," said a politician to an opponent, on the evening of the 4th of March. “Yes, and I have been to see yours go swearing out." Bro. bell, of the Star , hopes that Bro Nash, ;of the American, won't get Spear'd in bis engagement with the Unton. If Nash gets Spear'd, Speer will stand a good chance to get ( g)Ndah'd. tOT Steam power has been applied to sew ing machines. An upright engine has been in troduced Into a clothing manufactory at Albany, which [occupies the space of about one cubic foot, and works several sewing machines'to perfection. B@,„ The Reading (Pa.) Gazette says’that a snapping turtle, the largest ever caught in Berks, county, weighing 22*lbs., and “able to crawl with a man on his back,” was secured a few days ago in the vicinity of Kurtz town'. ®s2?“ Whilst a congregation was worshipping in u Dutch Church in Rochester* one day lust week, the floor gave way at the centre, slidifig all the worshippers into one mass and then popped them in a heap to the basement floor Singular to relate, no one was seriously injured. BgH. The daughter of the proprietor of a coal mine, in Pennsylvania, was inquisitive as to the nature of hell. Upon which her father repre seated it to be a large gulf of tire of most pro digious extent. “ Pa,” said she, “ couldn’t you get the devil to buy his coal of you!” B?S,The following is true of more things than one in every day life;—“You charge a dollar for killing a calf, ym smutty rascal," saida; planter to an old uegroo. “No, no, Mussa," replied the gentleman from Africa, “ charge fifty cents for killing calf, and fifty cents for the know how.” Bgk- A Yankee in Brooklyn has invented a machine which changes money. It is used by railroad conductors who receive and give change forfatg without once -.handling the coin. Won der if; he couldn’t invent a machine to pay passengers fare for them. It would be very acceptable. : JjSSPvGeorgia is probably the lightest taxed State |n th.e Union. Its State tax is only two thirds of a mill on the dollar. A man owning |> 10,000 worth of property pays only §6 02 taxes. ; Georgia is one of the most flourishing Statesjj also, rapidly rising in manufactures us in agriculture. \ A darkey on hia way to the colored pampmeeting at Huntingdon, t) short time since, accidentally, of course, rolled up Hon. John Govodp’s shawl along with his baggage when he jot offtbe cars at Huntingdon Station, and did not discover his mistake until the constable took him on a “ whereas,” He then forked over. | The following is the verbatim, et litera tim, etpunctuaiira, et spelatim, et capital! m di rection ou a letter dropped into the Post Office m this place, a'few days since; I 1 MnnGnmerey Connttey I ’ ■ Lour marring toWnShlp Caßnet PoaSt oFfist .i 4 De Grant Pa. and was taken up | ’■ Importanl Arreiu tintmimdioas, hopes were entertained j «*. _ of his recovery. Alter he was thrown out, the ten ,p ta have been made, to; throw the passenger-, balloon ascended, carrying with it a little dog ; trains on the belonging to IheiEreonaut. i ffog ' , ' i The Gmcumth pipers have jfrnie mterarttng v Another “ champion” has turned up , disclosures oonce*toing w|m> utuler- A negro rnSandnsky, one clay last week, eat J took to accotnplisSftbe Vißiiny. W^tsbn^hp#® ninety large peachea on » wager of $250. He j rtLmd 'thtt-Jfefls arose from the repast apparently refreshed and , in Ready pro- j resumed hie artistic avocation ns boot-blank, | ceede( | to the points where the attempts bad] amid the enthusiastic cheers of a large and cn- > been made, and by, shrewd’methods managed to | i lightened oonconrse of bis fellow-citizens. j ascertain who the pameA : and by * flWr'j i tern of wireworking, ingratiated himself so t&T “ The Rooky Mountains,” says Horace j thoroughly into their favor that he learned i Greeley, “ with their grand, . aromatic forests, j when and where the next effort would be made, their glassy glades, their frequent springs, and ; aud stealthily laying his plans he was rewarded *?■« «"*”■ «*• *•*“«• -«•“ | I their pure, elastic atmosphere, and their yin- j scvt ral times undertaken.to throw the curs from I equaled game and fish, are destined to be a f the track for the purpose (tf robbing passengers j favorite resort of civilized man. I never visited -j in the confusion which Would necessarily follow | a region where physical life could be more surely ! th f “ coiae , nt « thatthelntentionwasto place . I a log on the road near a'Steep bank on the night prolonged or fully enjoyed. - | o( - tbe w uioh, had; the plan been carried g&>F. D. Rutter, residing near Orbisonia, '■ oat, it would bare caused ;the loss of numeroda Huntingdon Co., advertises a stray horse and * kv ® s< ' v, ; Renny was expected to.go to Mmcennes and i ™ rrm « e - wh,ch were ,eft nt hls hOUBe 0D the get on board the train, observe the car contain 2jth ult. t by an unknoVrn taun, who bad with iug the passengers Ukely to have the most val j him a woman and child, and was rather a suspi- uttbles, and when the train reache4 the spot i cious character. He left in the night and has w , he^ e k W!i ® t 0 b ® throwojoff, to jump from the ! . . , . . . , , , platform as best hq could. Other persons in j not been heard of since. We have read several the i eague were t 0 bo stationed at the point I notices of horses and carriages disappearing in where the accident would; 1 occur, and they were different parts -of the country, without the own- to assist in plundering the living, the dying and ! ers consent, and quite likely this is one of them, A compact had been formed by j which various parties m ease of an arrest, were | ftS?” Horrible—The telegraph has mentioned to swear to the innocence of the prisoner, or do that a'man named Joek Murphy, who was con- anything to prevent his punishment. | victed of murder in Henderson. Ky.. was execu- course ' * b ® dastardljf outrage of throwing . ~ off the tram did not take place, and on Wednes jt n • y wee . T e Henderson Reporter Jay morning the mayor received a telegram states that the culprit's neck was not broken by from Runny, dated at Clay city, stating that the fall. After he had bfaen suspended ten two scoundrels who had mode the'attepipt had minutes, he changed his handkerchief from one b ®® n nrr ®f tt,( * and lodged dh jail at Salem HI. , -r- ibis will probably bo the first step towards jaud t the other, and maue signs which were breaking up another gang of the most desperate not understood. After hanging 27 minutes he outlaws that infest the South or West, was cut down. # t , JfeJT Mr. Prentice, of The Louisvil!■: Jour.tr!, who knows as well as any man the virtues of “old iMonangahela,” envies- the Pittsburghers their glorieus supply of his favorite beverage. He says: “The Pittsburghers are fortunate; they get their delicious, pure drinking water from the Allegheny River, which bounds one side of their city, and are supplied with ex haustleas quantities of Monongahela, which lave the other.” t&n- A day or two ago a party out riding Stopped at one of the hotels in C 'pnke, Colum bia County, New York, when four young ladies, in company, repaired to an out-housc in the vi cinity, where they had no sooner entered than the floor gave way, and the whole party were precipitated into the vault below. They acre unable to extricate themselves from their un pleasant situation, and must have perished, had not their cries attracted the attention of some men who were near, and who went to their as sistance, and rescued them. Intebestino Expbbimest.—We were seated in the magnetic telegraph office on Friday night last, about the time of the appearance of the aurora boreallis— between 9 and 10 o'clock, nnd our attention was called to-experiments which Mr Sees, the operator, was making. In order to test the relative effect or power of the elec tricity whilst the aurora was at its or rather ilie most brilliant, he moved a little lever (called the circuit breaker.) which plays over a brass plate having an ivory knob in its centre, and which is used for the purpose of breaking off the connection between the several wires; as this lever was moved to the ivory knob there would be most brilliant scintellations, and by keeping it over the knob some fifteen or twenty seconds the ivory became ignited to a flame, and was considerably burnt, emitting'a strong smell. This was repented several times, and with different results—varying with the bril liancy of the aurora —and after its disappear ance Mt. S continued the experiment, but without perceiving anything unusual. We rive this simple statement, leaving the .scientific to measure and develop any importance it may contain.— Harrisburg Union. ! Tu e Oldest Chubcu in A mebica —lt was j built in IbSl. in the town of Gingham. j cbusetis, and is still occupied as a place of war. ! ship. The bell rope hangs down in the mid lie | of the house, where it was place'! in order that 1 the bell might be rung instantly to pivc itlnrm :ot any sudden Indian incursion. There are . many of the old fashioned squ ire pewu in the I house, enclosed hy .vhat resembles more a high I and substantial un- umted tenoe than anything j I s * l st ‘vii in the modern church. The frame is i of oak, and the beams are huge and numerous I Th( * old house is good for two hundred years i more. Xhia old church has an old pastor, the j Rev. Joseph Richardson, having preached in it I for fifty-three years. v A Family of Governors. —The Boston Express, in an interesting historical sketch of the Boyls ton market, mentions the following noteworthy incident; Levi Lincoln, who signed the charter of the Boylstop Market Association, as Governor of the Commonwealth, was the father of the last Governor, Levi Lincoln, and was Lieut Gov. when Gov. Sullivan died, thereby becoming Gov ernor Governor Levi Lincoln, the elder died at Worcester, April 11, 1820, aged 71. His widow, Martha, died at the same place, April, 1828, and was followed tp the grave byltwo sons, both of them Governors—Levi. Governor of Massachusetts, and Enech, Governor of Maine. There probably is no instance on record where a mother, and the widow of a Gover nor, has been followed to the grave by two sons themselves Governors of two States in'our Union’ Incendiarism.— We are informed thijt on Thursday evening last, in Hopewell township, one of the most inhuman and fiendish acts was perpetrated that has ever disgraced our county three men in disguise, with blackened faces wen) to a widow’s house, darned her out, to gether With a few articles of her furniture, and then set fire to the house, and burnt it to the ground, leaving the poor woman to the cold chanties, of tl,e world. No ( cause can be os signedjrhy they committed this hellish deed,— At last accounts, a warrant had been issued for their arrest It is to be hoped that thev will Amrtcan™* ****** f ° r eir a^ogB.-~ ffunt. Save tub Man with tub Rkd H.uE.-k-It ro qirrts great coolness and experience to steer a ennoo down these rapids, (the Bau.k St. Marie,) and a short time before our arrival (writes a correspondent,) two Americans had ventured to descend them without boatmen, and were oon scqucntly upset. As the -story was reported to us. one of tbhm owed his life to a singular coin cidence. ' As the accident took place immedi ately opposite the town, .many of the inhabitants were attracted to the haul of the river to watch the struggles of the unfortunate young men, thinking any attempt at aTescue would be hope less. Suddenly, however,'a person appeared rushing toward the groupe. frantic with excite ment “Save the man with the red hair!” be vehemently shouted; and the exertions which were made in consequence of his earnest appeals proved successful, and thbred-haired individual, in nn exhausted condition! was safety lauded “ He owes me eighteen dollars.” said bis res cuer, drawing a long breath, and looking appro vingly oh his assistants. The red haired man’s friend had not a creditor at the' Saul. and. in default of coupeting daio)'. was allowed to pay the debt to nature. •• Anil I’ll'tell yon what It is." said the narrator of the foregoing incident, complacently drawing a -moral thereform, “ a ann 'll never know how necessary ffic is to society if he don’t make Ills life valuable to his friends as well us to himself. - Tho extensive religious awakening in Ireland, greater than heretofore in that coun try, is extending to Scotland nnd Wales. It has reached the colliers of Staffordshire, and in one place it is estimated that there are .five hun dred converts. From ambng their nan number a collier has been raised (ip who daily preaches tho word with great, power. In many of the coal-pits daily prayer mceii/igs and Bible read ings are held. In South Wales, ho extraordi nary is the revival interest, that all the churches and chapels are crowded on week days as well as Sundays. Prayer meeting, in churdics, in school rooms, in work shops, and even iu fields, are held morning ami evening. In one'town eight public houses have boon closed since the, work began. It is now spreading into North Wales. A clergyman of the established Church writes : “ There, is no enthusiasm, but a deep, proiound and awfully solemn impression.” In some districts, notorious for blasphemy, an oath is now never heard, and drunkards in thousands have become total abstainers it is estimated that in itvo counties only,. 9,000 persons, within the last five mouths, liuve ; >becu converge! A Second Sam Patcil almost.— Several days ,; g« fellow .hulling from Rockland county. New York,, and culling' himself Jim Patch, jumped Irutu tlie mast-head ot the sloop Sophia into the water bel.uv. a distance of eighty five feet, at Albany N. Y The sloop'at the time 'laid at the lower dock. Sing Slug, in about seven feet of water At the appointed time in the presence of about four hundred villagers Jim made his jump, firing a couple of pistols in his decent - lie struck the water and jtuck in the mud, and that was the last that was seen of him until a young man made a tirivo from tho dock and brought him up by the hair. By the aid of a boat hook he was dragged ashore. After rolling him on a barrel he was restored to consciousness fiST-An engineer was walking on the levco at St. Louis, one day last week, when a nimble thief snatched his watch, a valuable gold lumt- I er, and ran off at a speed that bid fair to defy | pursuit. It so happened, however, that the party robbed had with hi bit a large Newfound land dog, and insteadof troubling himself by running, be spoke a few words confidently to hw four-footed companion. Off started themo b e amtnnl, and before t|ie theif had gone many , blocks be was dragged to the earth an.l secured .by his singular captor. The fellow thought, fit Jto submit to the warrant: full i rows of formidable teeth-.—and made, no resis j tance to the majesty of the law. House and lot for sale.— „ T, i e offers for Mle a i * fa Loudonsrfn?, jgnEßPk adjoining Altoona, two doors from the HBn 8!I \A nittfo track of the Henn’a 'Rail Road. The IMi > B °0 feet front by ICO feet deep Th iasH&MwK . £ 0 good ‘woetory frame building with all necciviry oiitbnildiDgs. A bargain may ho had «>n h i 8 L ro, *S5 r *“. tho ow ner is tlcilrons of removing from Poescmkm given atpn* time. . ■ ’r*S‘Mhlfa of the jmnjhaso Money to bo. paid iobaad. A tlt)o clear of ail incumbrances wiifbe given. Pweons wishing to view the prahilsca will call on Uminb scribtTresiding thereon. J-' ■ Sept: 3,188!>.-3t i;; JAS. T. MOORE. . BARGAINS I AT McCOR3II€K’S BTOR®, WE ARE NOW OFFERiia wRI sell all articled of I : ' Spring and Summer Dress Goods AT GREA TLY PRICES. As ont roonj to^ur^’^d urrebase anch> goods would do well : “ V.--- _ ; ' [Aug, 4.185?. S 450.00 tS^- In , 1 wrf | rtaf School in the Cnlte.l States. ' [ Kftr^ojto i Vem Onus to complete a full course, f rom 6 |,®nwx§hu*eßt, Upon gnufeatin*. ft m***' peteutlo tnrfnago the Bobia of say BtaJnm «» d U?c ® to cuns salary .of from > - ™ Ma W^ $6OO to $l,OOO. Stalledts enter at nny time—Sor*c«tio-. plwuiore. 81 , fm |«t PMOMUki ; awarded a 1858.> p *a- MioßrtßN Soria JwJf price; For Circular anaSpocimctui oMFritlji*, dnclo*, t* stamps, and address F \T jßXri»*' Un sept.3o,lftsB.—ly THE BLAIU torsri ' AG RI CULTURAL SOCI£T\ VTIM, HOLD ITS 11 FOURTH AHPTTAL EXHOittow ' /A” UOLLIDAYSU UHG October Wh, 6th and Ttk 1&lfl OVBIt0 VBIt S6UO TO BE DISTWBUTPn Implement*. «* M every article i:,n; fimiariandiMeclwnicVu * * ,lon “ !huW M«,, «* . 12 years of age. to the hibition, provide! they *v at the Mine time, SINGLE TU:KlClaP^n?^^®' , Tickets to be had at the - It lj I iKfl’ I. All tbft Mambaraof u w g, xwetr ‘ w w. and all who may biome Member ,T. "f ' ,s ‘ ! lair, will be furnished wish a Ticket which imi*"! *.* ,ke Member, to Wy and Children nn.ier 12 v r a rl“f“ Ulk ‘ the t air, provided they all enter the ii I*' 1 1 ' time. \ u *® t **Uf 11. Exhibitor* mast become Member* 0 t the W and have their Article* and Animal* entered n . .), o taryhi on or teforo TiW mala must be brought within the enrhwuS « „ u* noon ofsaid day. premium* will only ” those who comply with the Kutee of the 3dc* t v Wl ' ill. Uersoua ato deaire4 to forward u* f>,'. i’ . list of article that they intern! to exhibit L£“V 2S«h of September, in order t*at mlSzSZ**** lm tit min for **buj IV. Article* vfAnlnuUa. removed from the vioua to the does of the Kal t (without PrcMdop',) cannot receive a Vrcminm, though ammW V. AU ariich-s mu* be labeled with tbc o.tu rTi^. and their number a* entered on the book*, and wllb”T' precedence according to Mid number, in their til,, menu and nccvinmoSatiou. Card* f or .uch be famished at tiie office. F«*pon»iii TJlh\ PL O WIXG 51A TCIf Will take place on FRIDAY. at » o’clock, auj all mu-t be hitched and ready to .tart at the appoint Z tacit Plowman ih rcn Hired to drive l,i j uwu L‘am ™ The MaUKstew solicit the exertion , J»|i nUf t,. mer e MochauK-uand Citizens generally. to make the tv btbition creditable to our County. * tT9_.Any perron wishing a Premium Li«t can w same by sending hU I*. 0. address to the S upon him at the office of the Society ‘ ” MvSmoers: Martin 8011, Tlnvl. Banks. James Roller, Seth R. MtCut* A McAllister, Joshua Roller and W. Wi Jackrau ' t ' „ , UAVIU CAhUWtLL. PimiAli .Tons Djs.vs, Sec y and Treasurer. Sept. 8. ’6U-Jt.“' J. 1). Lest. LEET & GEARY, 4 TTORNEWS AT LAW, AltOO- C\ NA, BLATR Co, Pa., Will practice law in llio several Courts of Clair, Cambrn, Huntingdon. Clearfield, Centre and adjoining coaatiti.- A !.->(> in the District Count of the United States. Collections of. claims promptly attended to Agiou kr the Side of Real Kstatp, Bounty; Laud Warrants, ts 4 til business pertaining to conveyancing and the law. lUrEEEitcss; Hon. Wilson VcCandles ami Andrew Berks, Esq.Pin*- burgh; Hon. Samuel A. Gilmore, Pres. Judge of Fsjftii Judicial District; Hon. Chcnard Clemens, ofWbefllng.Va; ■Hon. James Burnside,B* Urfonte; lion, John W.Killlnpr, Delia nun, and Win. A.Portcr, Philadelphia. June Id, ISbfMjv | A R.M LAN DH FOR HA LK 25 M I LKS 1 from Philadelphia by Railroad la the State otN.v Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural ptwpcatt, being g.K.d loam «u,il. with a clay bottom. The had lit large tract, divided into small larm«. and huadrrda frua all parts of the country are now settling and bollJlns.- The crops produced are large and cun be seen growing The climate is delightful and secure from frosts. Tsnai from $l5 to JUti per acre, payable within four ynri hj » Stalmeuts. To visit the' place—le-avo Vise Street Wharf at Philadelphia at A. SI. by Railroad for Hammenltn, or address U. J. Byrnes, by letter, llammontoo PnatOfflt.', Atlantic County, New Jersey. See full advertisement la another column. IVTOTICE.—ALL PERSONS KNOW •L v INCS themselves indebted to the firm rtf Runysn 1 Snufoi J. will please call and settle their nc'-untp will .1 delay, as ampk time has lava given. In thirty days lor after, all accounts misettled will be placed in the hands a proper person for collection. Altoona, July SW.ISW.-3t ’ RCXTAS 4* SANFOEP •. Tue m. lersigm-ilfeets grateful for the patrenegc hoit-v fore bcstowcil on. the. firm and himself by the nlirir.l c( Aliwim, and expects still to serve tin- public with all kinds of meat as usual. All persons failing to settle tb’l: O counts every thirty days, mr.-'t net expect longer inrttV guice. .Uy capita! is limited, and \llng erniit* will ir-o. place niIAKUT. M. McCKU! Altoona. Ang. JIU», 1853-tf. \\T K. £OYEI\S ‘IT • ATir&RXEydl COUSSELLOS ATl**< ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, W- Will practice in the several Court! of Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana countie*. Particular attention given ,to the collection of CU!* 1 ' and propipt remUtancoa made. He speak* the German language fluently. , Office, for the present, with J. 31. Cherry, £*l< c r porlte Kessler’s Drug Store. « - Altoona, August ESTRA ASIE JO THE RESI DENCE of the aobacriber, In t> gan township, on or about the 4ibof Jn- ly last, a RED AND WHITBHBIFPBK, WKM} supposed to bo three fears old. frtth _ left ear cropped and a brood white down the fhce. The ‘ owner is requested - . . to come forward, : prove property, pay charge* away,- otherwise she trill bo disposed of “ ' ' v JONATHAN lIAMIWOS Bogan Township, Etept 8,1849-3 t. A N ÜBSERY—The So* ; j{jt scriber would reepectfolly inform the jgAjCHL .public; that he has now on hand at his Various-kinds,orWfCTT TREES, ready iU|H pjr trausplanting this Fall, consisting of pH*, Peacft,P(um, Prune. Goge and Apricot Tna, grafted In the root. All trees warranted. Altoona. Jnly 14,’69-3m B- B. TAVj^ T>ERSONS wishing .to change their ’ I-’ business to a rapidly inCreessing -iiautf Settlement where hundreds are going. .Where the c. Is mild and delightftal. &ee adrertieementofthel 1 ** 0^ I* ton Settlement, in another column. TIT ANTED.—A PERSONAS' •f T EROY And good character, as dished Fire and Life Insurance Company- 482, Phll’a Poet Office. ' ifept- », /jIEAPE graven eao cany UT nessn»Mt auecssriWly at M twins, Somafcrty T byards set 1 00l fte ydrerilserttntiriltsfrtmehh'tt laaft, ft w •' rsSfi ‘ M«nife g # oTa * » dik» “«« t^ 1 . 0 && .mSm* f«tb«r «f eMhtlfe pr eontrwottd contttfo of «obW