The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 08, 1859, Image 3

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    9 From Virgin^
Cißw Powr, fiurr, Co V
■-I.W In Baltlnm* ln
po iw<l of yours lB6 *.
rommecdcd a* **#,**(o, •
l;ul time one of mj •wr« B JJJ? r I‘h» 1 ‘ h »
boot twelve ycqi,. VV hen
" ‘\ h the PiUs dwS*
V had cno elncc. My -it,
ilkHcto »ho maj have ”"***'**
!t. I tuppoac you
iliance w ill oblige mo. Tour,
tic PilU aro alio
on of iicrrotu dlainae.V
wcuted by the aont*.
caux, or ordinary haada^itTfli* 0 '
rcakencd by perlodlcalflt^ 17~t4 I 7~ t4
’ dowu RaJ Spirited,by
ccjH from ‘ *** of t^ o
other pain or dUablUty oruj.' l
lonot thowondeKbl madUewV k
xr with the euuro ofVnZw
■rives immediate benefit two ttl
:it once calm*, ™ 61
votte organization. 1 ™
the courtry bjr Mail,
:o ’ 108 Baltimore itruit,
i--.:ttrodo,»s;tWelWdo^r tl
: generally luthto •ni*-.T, J
lied “ patent
de of xnedical uthiM, that J
i of auch W«mwu3
t ho Sartorial AnocletiuQ,
>e m«t •trli.-gcatmlee, »*■■*]
lupin, have actually W
■o recommend the bm of DR.
I BITTERS, for thorn
ralent during the beam,,*,,*,
that there axeuo wmedi*, lh
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it <jftlu> ny.tenu
“ e hvr of th* Wert« n “1
OW convince.! ,tat-they J^ wf l
ooapted for their 4U«, nti> 1
ouutry. during the eou.Hr
•til is equally Urge. ■- "I
i dealer* generally. j I
r.t la another nyiynm, :• I
, ur,<l b y Da - K«m*s
,1:n - io p ‘tuburph, p*, wWeh it
■ ccnt * «**• It U«n' XC 'U t ,
. for «p.>nor ««l4w4er BM# .
rice to Ml•Wlroqoba It.: Behlb«
’..He Iron City College, Um
i - ii und l*«*i arfiAnte«4oam
Sift t.*. ■
p ding dwlyj|«rta l 28flfl
- t full coone, f«aa«tolOwt <T
uuastngi U Kmomateed to be cog
w*..f any,Ha«lnee»«j
to $l,OOO
time—No VmmUoo—lUrit*
tor Best Bftnaitnihip
(led in 185%-,
i'.«l at h*lf;,r»ce. ■
. ; s or Writing. tutfmttmo Uti
Pittsburgh, Fa.
Kail rued in the State efM
>• t-.4t for Agricultoral ptirpoe
ith a cluy bottota. tlie land I
’■•■'- ill tornae, am] hvttdrvdilh
i.. uuw ecttliog aiig budding.
and can be even growing.
1 Hud —cure from ftoetj. Ten
, ini vide within Srtir jwr* by «
’•‘Mi. —Leave Tine Street Whi
Jl. by ItaJlroad fcr.namTnontfl
by 'o tter, llanimOtatoo Poat Offli
>f.y. - See foil auTertlMtnial
c '.'-btfd to the firm of Aiutjna
mat settle their icconnts wIM
l.cvu civen. luthlriJd«J»h”
l-.-d will be placed; In t|M btndii
rti a. .
-.atrful for tltep*troiW£« hrrrt
i roil hjliliMf DY the cllitcm I
1 to «ervf the pgullt with til ilaj
croons fulin(c to .Settle th'ir I
umit not cxpeetlonzif inill
;t-il, and King ctedlll vlll »ofl
:. re tli at h*Ve Ittilulgn! to mol
r. U 'rarer re«noctfullT infiir»> lb
iM •: il.od a N EW MARBLE TAW
'! nrd Front SlruU, In Holllilty
i ■. p constantly 'ofi bind t MI»
:a execute
>:t umrnts, TtthU T*p.
i: 2 w.-.rkmtallkt manner.
. 'iSMtalA
r- Kt I’riratoS^la;
<;' ctijdod by h»f,
,;;1 Jolla otrelit,. if ■
’ IN A COod.Two-'^^Ht||l
I,'.lining a
Kitchen op
i. g rooms op tjia tocond floor,
- in gvyjd order. .
i ha premise* and obtain fort" 1
i the subscriber
- MAR6T. B; SfcCßß*-
'-tt : - -
U&.j v _
i, *«
er«l Coortt of feltlTj
11 ImManXeonPtlH.
■n to the coliaetiOß of
ado. ■.■
ingunge fluently. . j
nr. with J. M.CJbany, *«1» °1
rnand- —'
. rop- **
I) fro cartridge. ■
?:he .wifcli J
L,;feachors for togas J
OißSth. Tha B»ml« b 0
. M, In tbo CoUIn«»ll> 1 '
lust be present I
Drf pencils T«n tcwb^r*
ibih, ism-vn.
m ploy, an acU'T* fcr
l ' travel and take order***
(i!;iry of $OOO
and pnrtfcular* *PP'J ■
i-:a, 212 I’vari Bt.
utility inform tb«
t ii.U at Jits
IT TREES. ready
;■ misting r f Ap- • I
, ,;/■ and JpnO*
il tre«« warrants. TA yiX?l^
HT AT a*
P % q_ j, HimtDkad.—lt ls with feelings of
jwpiet sorrow that we this week neord the
nf oar late andesteemed.fellowftowns-'
jno Dr. C. J. Hirst, which occurred otf thuri
fy morning last at Galesburg, Illinois, to
v bich plane he removed about the middle of
Jbso last. He was attacked with billions fever
|i#ft ]j after his arrival at Galesburg, from
tbich ho nem recovered, although at times he
fU ,blet° be up and move from thence to
jjonmoutli, 16 miles distant, and back. It wos
reported in this place, some few weeks since,
th»t ho was dead, but because we had nb
foundation for the report, we did not notice it,
bettering it false; but. the letter received on
Sunday morning, from Lis brother, Eev.. Wm.
Hint, leaves no room for doubt, destroys onr
hopes and confirms the fears we had that such
would eventually be the ease. In Lis death his es
timablo wife losses one who was to her a husband
iu every sense of the word, and no higher tribute,
to bis memory in this respect could be paid;
bis relatives a kind and affectionate companion,
and the community an exampleofperaeverance,
integrity, liberality humanity.morulityand nil
last adorns a man and makes him a useful mem
ber of society. His relatives, in this the hour of
their bereavement will hiaTe the sympathy ©fall
who enjoyed the pleasure ofhis acquaintance, as
his demise is universally coupled withexpres
•ions of swkow. In the midst of their affliction his
friends can console themselves with the reflec
tion that he had made suitable preparation for
tbs change which sooner or later awaited him,
utd that ere long, if they too are provident as
he, they shall meet him where sickness never
comes, where death is no longer feared, where
(ho p.ia of parting is never felt, and sorrow is
SchMitß Ended —The Summer of Fifty-nino
is pae: and gone forever and we have entered
upon the delightful season of.the “ sere and yel
.,n »f; The harvest is past—the Summer
“tl— the leaves of variegated hue are al-
Ksu. making their appearance on the forest
iracj—and soon the voice of the “Katydid”
»ad the light of the glow-worm will usher in
the Autumnal evenings. How short the time
seems since Spring was with us, so swiftly do
toe seasons pass! .The years of human life
Lave very aptly been compared to the degrees
cf longitude which shorten as we approach the
poles. The ardent youth thinks the years of
fearful length until he attaint maturity-then
they seem shorter, and increase with every sub
sequent period of life’s journey until he ex
claims, with Jpbj|“ My days are swifter than a
weaver's shuttle.” Autumn is the most de
hgbtful season; teeming with the fruition of the
year—the harvests are gathered, the fruits are, and plenty abounds. It infuses a soothing
and tranquilixing influence over the mind, and
disposes to contemplation and gratitude.
Citizens’ Engine and Hose Company.— The
teal with which the members of this company
hsve entered into the spirit of their work, de
serves success, and if we do not have a good
fire company and a good engine, it will not be
die fault of those engaged in the work, but may
bo attributed to the short-sightedness of the
property-holders of the town. The Committee
tppi mted by the company to receive subscrip
tions and mpney for the purpose of purchasing
in engine -and a quantity of hose, desire
that nil subscribers should pay up previous to
the 12th of September,-and w,e sincerely hope
the response will bo instantaneous and libc-
ra’. It seems to us useless that we should
here recount the advantages of having a good
fire engine and company in this place, as we
presume all are nwarc of them; therefore
ve will only add that now is the time to aid
ia securing what’ the nature of the build
lags and the good sense of the people tells them
that the town demands, via: a means of protec
lion in case of fire.
The Encampment. —From the extensive prep
arations now being made, and the number of
companies from a distance that have signified
their intention to participate therein, wfoelieve
that the encampment to be held at Tyrone, com
mencing on Monday week,. 19th of Septemb r,
will bo one of the largest and best ever held iu
the interior of the State. > There are 11 compa
nies in this county, all of whom will be on hand,
together with some 10 or 12 companies from
f.swbria, Clearfield and Centre. It is also ex
pected that -Cupt. HnmbriglitV company, from
Lancaster, and the Duqueane Grays, of Pitts
burgh, will visit the Encampment. Arrange •
meats are now being made with an aeronaut, of
Lebanon, John A. Light, to have a balloon as
cension on Thursday afternoon. This will add
materially to the attractions of the programme.
The ground selected for the encampment is well
adapted to the purpose, and has been suitably
prepared. The citizens of Tyrone are taking
great interest in the affair, evincing that they
*re a public-spirited people. We hope their ex
pectations may be fully realized.
Tobacco for Sots. — A strong writer admin
wters a wbolsome doso to the boy chewers and
lookers, assuring them that tobacco.hasspoiled
ln d utterly ruined thousands of boys, inducing
4 dangerous precocity, developing tbe passione,
softening and'weakening the,bones, and
“joring the Spinal mariow, the brain, and the'
*iol* nenroua fluid. l A bog who early, and
n <luently smokes, pr in any jray usee large
of tobacco, nprer isknown to make
4 ®»n of much energy of cbatweter, and gener
4'y lacks physical and mnsbaiar, as well as
Cental energy. We would particularly warn
y» aho want to be anybody in the world, to
4 ua tobacco as a mostfcneful poison.
!. WP£,
A * p Tho' colored folio of this
will-bold a Camp Ueeting '■ near Bitisb
■ • ft dutaneofroin .HoUid»jrd(nrg..oom'
*»BelD g to : mq^
attended by ■ aoAfcflka. Wo
jitmitr* **** *** ft * «s»p dwtefifc^
jltnui Cribm
local items.
tiooartv'pwa C^J^'* w *****‘r
“ on the Ist ultimo.
Oh i l where la thy blush I” Oh I p*.
haSt ‘ hoa floWn to 1 Oh!Waa£
"« ton! d,d «»y floriou B deeds die with theet-
Are W ® pohiibhuig a paper to enlighten heathen
we talking to Jroe-made citiaens
of Nation? We are reaUy
ashamed to publish the above disgraceful feet,
but we beg our distant renders to exercise n
little chanty for onr town—perhaps oar people
did not know there was a contribution box in
the post-offico—we hope they did not; and-now
that they; have had due notice thereof, we hope
to have a|. mach better report to give of the pa
triotism of the cifuenship of Altoona, at the end
of next month. Wo shall see.
Bsath! bt Skake-Bit*.— We learn that on
Thursday! of last week, about one o’clock, a lit
tle boy of six years—son of John Weaver, who
lives about two mijes above Bald Eagle Fur
nacc—followed a eat to the lower end of the
pmlen, when a.rattiesoake bit him eleven times,
just the knee. Another little brother
called to bis father, who was at.some distance,
that bis | brother was bitten by a snake. The
father ran, picked up the child and put some
clay on the wounds, for they were bleeding pro
fusely ; he then carried it to the boose, but’be
fore reaching the hduse, the child became death
ly sick, yomited copionsiy, and was soon en
tirely helpless. A physician was sent forJbut
about ninjc o’clock the next morning, deathfput
an end tp the little fellow’s sufferings, ifis
thought that the fangs of the snake had struck
a leading artery, which carried the poison
throughout (he child's entire systciu at once, so
that nothing could be done for him when the
physician arrived.— Star.
Child paowsED. —On Friday afternoon last,
a little boy, aged about two years, son of John
Wejsh, living on Branch street, East Altoona,
wandered; out of .the house, while his mother
was doing something up stairs, and went to a
well in thje yard, on which there was a loose
board. As soon as the mother came down stairs
and missed the child she made search for
and discovering that the well-board had been
shifted she rushed to the spot, only to find her
fears realized, -The cliild had fallen in and was
drowned. The water being near the top of the
well she reached in and pulled him out and gave
the alarm to the neighbors, a number of whom
came in immediately and endeavored to resusci
tate the child, but it was too late—the vital spark
had fled. Mr. TVelah is a brakesman on one of
the freight trains on the Penn’a Railroad and
was from home at the time. An inquost was
held by Coroner Fox and a verdict in accordance
with the sibove returned.
Boys in Trouble.— On Sunday last, a num
ber of bojjs of this place feloniously entered
the orchard of Mr. Bell, residing over the hill,
and carried away a quantity of apples. Excur
sions of this kind having become rathgr nu
merous, Mr. Bell concluded to enforce the law,
made and provided for such cases, and make an
example of the lads which would be a warning
to others. | Accordingly ho had a warrant issued
for their arrest and placed in the hands of
Constable! Ely who succeeded in nabbing two of
the boys on Monday evening and conveying
them before Esquire Cherry, who imposed a
fine on each and then let them off. The Con
stable has no doubt caught the others ere this
and made them settle up There are a number
of bad boys about this place who need a touch
of Ac law, and we are glad to know that they
arc about to receive it.
Opening of the Schools.— On Monday last
the public schools in this place were opened un
der the supervision of the teachers heretofore
announced. As a matter of course there was
considerable confusion among the “ young’uns”
in gathering up books. &c , and many wry faces
were made as the command to “ potter off” pas
issued by the parents. Wo can easily imagine
the feelings of the juveniles who are thus de
prived of the sports which they were enjoying
during the holidays. Once we dreaded the
words “ school commences to-day,” and would
gladly have escaped to a land where there were
no schools- Now, however, our only regret is
that we djd not gladly welcome the sound and
make befljer use of bur time ; and so it will be
with those who are now enjoying a privilege,
the most to be prized on earth, that of obtain
ing a good education.
tSF It is seldom that a drunk man is seen in
om Streets, consequently the boys consider it
almost a throat to come across some unfortunate
individual 1 who has imbibed sufficiently to bring
liim within their reach to torment. Passing up
street the other evening, we quite a
crowd collected in the neighborhood of the IL
R. ticket i office, in the centre of which was a
wretched looking being who had taken on such a
heavy loac of tangle-foot Whiskey that he could
n 9* Oavig ite, and .the boys were enjoying the
dtleetable pport of letting him “ drap” heavily
.on bis posterior at every opportunity. It was
no: doubt inn for the boys, bat hard on the di
lapidated yadividual’s corduroys. Seriously, we
could not but think that boys who would thus
impose op! an unfortunate man werb as much
deserving of a place in die “ Look Dp” as he
phom they tormented
Nttw Book, Stationery and Periodical
Stor*.— Anew store of the above description
has been opened one door below the Post Office,
in the upper room of Brant's Building, by Mr.
9*® erj ?* ;be had at ail times, the
latest paper* togetberwith all the popular
yoeWy wd monthly publications of the Country. ‘
Also, school hooks of all kinds andstationery
* n purposes, dive the pefr estab
and. examine for
-v. v'
yierfkp ps-' —We aoknowledgenVislffniin onr
respected of the Bioimille
-lash ; RMdever
Thursday which they owe to their fellow-men who are the
»*ht lust, between tW hou* *s*«* 4 slave, bfimmperance.
of tuii.;,- trenofeced under jj, e Baptist Denomination, assembled in the Baptist
wilyaindi Church of this place, on Wodneatoy last The
j.!, 0 ” ™ session continued 'until Thursday evening. A
; displays, if we Oikf bo style large number of delegates were In attendance
r f man *® unexplained; l£ indeed, and the proceedings of the Association were
ey ever can. . to them philosophers and, characterised by the utmost harmony and brotfa
. w
Th»t they effect the temperatafe of the
atmosphere now fully demonstrated, hence we
infer that electricity produces the phenomenon;
but the wheHfore of its' assuming the appear
ance it bos ;-on the two occasions referred to,
and its appearing at particular times, is wo
think,, the mystery.
CoNtESorc op Court.—A man named Meloy.
who wr6 an important witness for the Common,
wealth in several liquor caeea which came up at
last Court in this county, but who was non nt
when his name Was called, was brought up at the
adjourned Court on the 24th ult., on attachment,
and fined $2O and costs, and ordered into the
custody of the sheriff until the sentence be com
plied with. 'The Judge intimated that his
straightened circumstances La J this time secured
him a imodcrnte punishment, but that a fine of
three times that amount would be imposed in
like cases in future. The Pittsburgh Chronicle in
remarking on this case says“ Judge Taylor is
not a man to trifled with, and if there were
more courts !l|ke his in the State, there would
be fewOr rascals."
Travel ox the P. R. R,—For some time past
the trains on the Penn’a Bail Road have been
carrying a greatly increased number of passen
gers, rendering the addition of another car nec
essary. On .Wednesday morning of last week
there were eight cars in the Express Train
West, hnd all crowded. The certainty of ma
<fcing-ccnneciibns, the safety and the excellent
accommodations the Penn’a Central guarantees
to travelers, is gradually drawing the travel
from its rivals, none of whom can ever hope to
successfully compete with it in any of these par
ticulars. Thb traveler, (rho is not interested in
the success of any of the .rival lines, who once
passes over tlte Penn’a Central will be sure to
praise and patronize it ever afterwards.
Nr.w Restaurant— We arc pleased to inform
our readers, that Wm. B. Smith, of Hollidays
burg, has opened a new restaurant in the base
ment of J. &; J. Lowtfaer’s building. Mr. Smith,
as a caterer tothe sense of taste, bears a repu
tation unsurpassed by any other follower of his
profession in the Country—wo speak by the
book ; for many a meal, fit for a King, has it
been our pleasure to devour at his table. He
intends serving up, besides Oysters, all the lit
tle delicaoies which the season furnishes, and
the wants of the people demand. In fine lie
determines to keep such a Restaurant as Altoo
na never knew or heard, of. Call and see him.
I®* A competent authority says that those
little Mack headed eruptions of in the
pores of the skin, upon the face, which are vul
garly Known as “ flesh-worms,” and which are
so troublesome to many people, may be got rid
of, and: prevented from returning, by washing
with tepid water, by proper friction with a tow
cVandiby thje [application of a little cold cream.
The longer these little corks are permitted to
remain jin itbipkin, the more firmly they become
tt time when they lose their
moisture, they are converted into Utile bony
spines, |as dense as bristles, and having much of
that character^
Tomatoes.—?-Mr. John Rutherford requests us
to inform the Citizens of Altoona that he has a
large stock bf the largest and. best tomatoes
ever raised in, this part of the country, which
are now fast - ripening and ready for market.
He will-leave them a t the houses of those who
order from him. Those who can npt see him
will be supplied by leaving their orders at J. &
J. Lowtjher’sJ ;Henry Bell’s or at John Lehr’s,
at which places he will deposit them for sale.
Uoludatsdubo, September 6, 1859.
Messrs Editors ;—The Public Schools of
this place opened oa yesterday (Monday.) The
children, who have been enjoying a season of
holiday; will now have to shoulder their satch
els and .trarelj to the school room. As I listen
ed to the ojej school bell, yesterday my mind
ran. bade to by by-gone school days, and I
thought' with [what a bejivy heart I took my
books in hand to go to school, after enjoying a
holiday during the summer months. No doubt
some of | the children, wended their way to the
school yesterday, with regret, whilst others
went with very happy hearts. May we not
hope that the; children will now improve the
high privileges which they enjoy, as regards
A vei£r pleasant Sabbath School pie-nio came
off bn Saturday last, in the locality, known as
" Pole-cat-Hollow,” situated in Allegheny towoe
ship. The devotional and intellectnal exercises
were conducted by Revs. Dosh and Junkin, and
consisted of hyinns, addresses and prayer. The
repast, whiohiwas ample, was composed of the
richest and m'odt excellent “good things.” All
'delighted and well satisfied with, the
joyous manner In which they bad spent the day.
As “fnalx” (stories appear to be in therage,
I will give a abort one. On Sunday last, two
young lijds of tiiifl place. whilo in the neighbor
hood of the -Reservoir killed a water-snake,
which measured about three feet in length.—
After killing it,; they opened Hand found 'with
in it ihifyjtyi (jmaU one, each measuring about
10 or 12 inches in length. I do not vouch for
the truth-of this story.
The lecture of the Rev. D, JxYerkes, before
theWasjilngtdman Society*, on Tuesday evening
last, wnsoneof the- most able and elegant ad
dresses (jn theMnbjeot of Tempetahee, to winch
we hare ererliltened. He Was iiatehed to byv
.large ad respectable audience, With great atten
tion. of Intemperance was fuUy pic
tured to the ipiods ;of bis audience—the many
woeaapdisuffhriogs which it baa oduaed—iho
,apjhii|^a^Dj2r 1 iriWeJUectei ~ lt%»| : :
its ■
1 &iri&Wrf,wwS*' : ;#trip
Ob Thursday; September 2nd, 1869, by J. M. Chsrry,
in Altoona, Mr. GEORGE SHARRAH of Huntingdon
00, to Miss REBECCA KEES ofPinSgrovs Centre Co.
Slat nit* near Tiffin, Seneca Co, Ohio, Mr. MI
CH AKL EHHART, Sr, fcnnerly of thU place, aged about
65 yean. ' ,
In Logan township, on the 80th nit, tin. MARY ANN,
wife of Wm. Black, aged 52 years, 10 months and 12 days.
EBQY an<*. good character, as agent for an estab
lished Fire and Life Insurance Company. Address Box
482, Phil’s Post Office. t 3ept. 8, ’soBt.]
DENCE of the subscriber, in Lot g* _■«
gau township, on or about the 4th of Ju
iy last, a RED Axp WHITE UEIFFEK,
supposed to bo three years old, with the
left ear cropped and a broad white
down the lice. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her
•way, otherwise she will be disposed i.f according to law.
Logan Township, Sept 8,1869-3 t.
HousjeS and lot for’ sale.—
The subscriber offers for sale a X—_J>
HOUSE a LOT, situate in Loudonsviße,
adjoining Altoona, two doors from the fIH S I ||S
main track of tho Penn's Kail Road. The MS f
Lot is 60 feet front by 160 feet deep The
House is a good two-story frame
with all necessary outbuildings. A balrgain may ho had
in this property as tho owner is desirous of removing from
the place. Possession given at any time.
TERMS:—Ono-third of the purchase money to bo paid
in band. A title ctor of all incumbrances will be given
Persons wishing to view the premises will call on the sub
scriber residing thereon.
Sept. 8,1859.-3 t JAS. T. MOORE.
Next Door to the Poet Office,
Where may be had a full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS.
STATIONERY, and all tho Weekly and Monthly Pe
riodicals. Also, tho Philadelphia Daily Press
and Lkzwxr constantly on bond.
Sept 8, 1859.-1 1 ‘ “
October siii, 6th and 7th, 1§59.
in Premium* to meritorious exhibitors of Horses.
Cattle. Sheep, Swiuc, Poultry, Grain Fruit, Agricultural
Implements, os well as every article of Household .Manu
facture anti Mechanic Arts. '
Which will admit the persmi. his lady, add-children under
12 years of age. to the Ground at all times during the Ex
hibition, provided they accompany and enter the enclosure
at the same time. SINGLE'TICKETS, 25 CENTS.—
Tickets to be bad at the Office on the Ground.
I. All the Members of the S ciety, whose due’s are paid,
and all who may become Members previous to. and at tlio
Fair, will bo furnished with a Ticket which will admit the
Member, bin Lady and" Cbildren .UQdet 12 yews ofugp, to
the Fair, provided they all enter the enclosure at the same
U. Exhibitors must become Member* of the Society,
and have tholr Articles and Animals entered on the Socre
tary’a Books on or before TaoMfoy Morning, and all Aui
mala miut lie brought within the enclosure as early as
noon of eald day. 4®* Premiums will only be awarded to
thofce who comply with the Kales of the Society.
Persons are desired to forward to the Secretary a
th** they intQud to exhibit, previous to the
28th of September, in order that proper arrangements may
be made for their accommodation.
1 1 \ . Articles or Animals removed from the grounds pre
vious to the close of the Fair, (without permission from the
Freaiden ,) cannot receive a Premium, though awarded.
V, All articles must bo labeled with the owner’s name,
and their number as entered on the -books, and will take
precedence according to sold number, (n their arrange
ments and accommodation. Cards for such purpose will
bo furnished at the office.
Will take place on FRIDAY, at 9 o’clock, and all Teams
must be hitched and ready to start at the appointed time.
Each Plowman is required to drive his own team.
•A The Managers solicit the exertion of all onr Far
mer's Mechanics, and Citizens generally, to make the Ex
hibition creditable to onr County.
*2- Any per-on wishing a Premium hist can have the
same by sending his P. O. address to the Sec’y or calling
upon him at the office of the Society
Manac f.rh :
Martin Bell, Thad. Banks. James Boiler. Seth B. MeCune,
A McAllister, Joshua Boiler and W. W. Jackson.
, „ DAVID CALDWELL, President.
Jonic Dean, Sec’y and Treasurer.
B**pt. 8,
J. D. Leet. B. 11. OnutT.
r\_ NA, BLAIR Co, Pa.,
Will practice low in the several Courts of Blair, Cumbria,
Huntingdon, Clearfield, Centre and adjoining counties;—
Also in the District Count of tho United States.
Collections of claims promptly attended to Agents for
the sale of Real Estate, Bounty Laud Warrants, and all
business pertaining to conveyancing and the law. 1
Hon. Wilson McCandlea and Andrew Burke. Esq., Pitts
burgh; Hon. Sampel A. Gilmore, Pres. Judge of Fayette
Judicial District; Hon. Chcimrd Clemens, of Wheeling,Va;
Hop. James Burnside, BWlefonte ; Hon. John W. Killingcr,
Lebanon, and Wm. A. Porter, Philadelphia,
nlune 16/1859-ly.
t'I&APE growers can carry ou their busi-
X noas most successfully at Hammonton, free from
frosts. Homo forty Vinyards set out the past season. See
advertisement of Hammonton Lands,' in another column.
Exchange hotel.—the sub
scriber would respectfully in
form the public that he lias recently re
fitted the above Hotel, and is' now pro
pared to accommodate his friends and
patrons in a comfortable manner, and
will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for oil
sqjonmers. Hl* Table will always be luxuriously supplied
from the markets of tho country and cities, and his Bar
filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges' are as
reasonable as those ofanv other Hotel in the place, and he
feels Satisfied they can not he complained of by those who
favorhim with tholr cnstora. Expecting to receive a'share
of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he
throws open his house to the public and invites a trial;
I have Just received a stock tf No. I 1 French Brandy,
for medicinal purposes. !
Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur
poses, together with a lot of the brat old Bye Whiskey to
bo found in the country,
Altoona, May 27, M69.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN.
will (Ml all articles of ’
Spring and Summer Dress Goods
the season Is rapidly passing away, and onr stock of be
hdnes, CbaUtes, Lawns, Brilliants, Ac., id Wy heavy, W
want to close them out to make room for onr Falland
Winter Stock. ’
Persons wishing to purchase snch goods would do well
to eaU and examine oar stock before making their nor
chases. 1 Wo will also sell all articles In onr Store at e-eat-
P^Vtuchas Hate, C&pe,Sonnets, Boot? and
°hoe».*P- Ac. V-. ■; .' i ' [Ang.4, K 53. ' ;
T)jBRSQNB wishing to change their
» mlMairi <fcHgbtfol. tb* Ilßmmtm*
t'ntmttlemMit. in -
Mida and ritti. laonlre
ofjthesntwcriber. BHAJTNOH.
r}°- ’• HOUMt," ALTOONA. .A„
Pern IbrirJßreary, :•
■■'Km. Ps* MMfr,.. . ,'
. !|-
■■■ v:, -.-u, ,
Barper>t WhsMy,
AitlW|.JVMBi ,
Pottouol P>Hee Gcuette,
VniUd Statrs ib he* GaotOt,
Bonn Pilot, Iritk Jmtriam,
Home Journal, Bonn tto/IML
WNWF JHbwii*,
PorUr’t Sbint, lift ItlutnUd,
. Attest qfFVn, Fhnice JVbttMsu
JUoom Trtimmt. : iVS*ASm. :
fMtadOjMaPrttt, Poo Fort Btrald,
Aew For* TrUieOe,
PitHhurgh True Prttt, M Fbrt JYs. 7l
_ N °2! , ‘„*? tric S 1 ' . Pittsburgh Chronicle,
Ertning BulUhn, Evening Argue, Ptnnrflvanian.
To which will be added the new publics! ions «S (bey appear.
Magazines, Novels and Romances, MiseeUansot* Books.
School Books. Copy Books, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Inks.
Cap and Letter Paper, i.nvoiopes, Drawing ana
Tissue Paper, Blank Books and in feet every'
thing in the Stationary line.! Toys, No*
tioas and Games of every variety,-Pic
tures and Picture Frames, Ac.
US. A choice lot of CONFECTIONERIES, of svery vari
ety. Also. TOBACCO and BKO ARS of the best quality,
N. B.—We are sole Wholesale and Retail Agent, in this
county, for HORN'S CELEBRATED SALVE. It does ns*.
itivtly cure all sores to which It is applied. Try it.
J • selected assortment of Dry Goods, which are worth
going to sue.
2. Ho ha, an unequalled stock of GROCERIES, fresh
and pure, which he will soil as reasonable as any merchant
iu the place. ■ :
3. He has Hardware, Quecruwart, Stoneware, etc., of the
most fashionable styles. ! ’
4. He has a large caseof BooU and Stoet for Gents, La
dlea, Misses and Children, embracing aft Bizes, qualities
and prices.
8. He has a fine stock of HATS for'SThnmer wear—.fast
the pink of the faahion-*>aU very cheap;
«■ ,r « kct! P s ulwsjs oil hand an 1 assortment of Beady.
Made Clothing, to sttit the season. x '
7. So has < n hand a large sfotk of Clothe, Outimeree and
Vemngt, which bo will make up to order on short notice
in a fashionable style, and at prices which must gtre satis
faction. . ; ,
8. Ho don’t ask people to come and buy—only to come
and examine his stock, feeling confident; that If they but
examine they will buywithout asking. ■
Altoona, May 6, 1859.-tf
fj INQ opened, a very extensive assortment of
of all the different varieties usually kept iu country storn
carefully selected In quality and style to suit the season
confuting, in the Dry Goods department, of Prints, Lawns,
bhailys, Delaines. Ac., Ac., in oil tholr Variety.
Also—Ladies, Misses and Oenfa Gaiters, Boots A Shoe*.
Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ac., Ac.
Hardware, Queenetcare, Cedancare,
Leghorn, J’ulm Leaf and Panama Sate, differ. Sugar, Tea,
J Tolateee, Ih'ee, Dried loaches. <fd, pried Beef,
, , Sugar-Cured Same, Shoulderf,Sidet, cfc.,
all of which will be sold or exchanged for all kinds of pro
duce, such as Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Bag*. Soap, and
Grain of any kind, os low if not lower than any other
house in town. Being very thankful for past patronage,
We will consider it a very great favor to receive a visit from
our friends, and be much gratified in the pleasure
of showing them our Goods,
Altoona. Ma» £ ISSO.
The Hero of One. Hundred Fittper Month!
I would respectfully set fortli my claim' to public atten
tion, as a Fashionable Tailor as follows; ,
Because I kel p an excellent assortment of Cloths, Cassl
meres, Vestings,and Trimmings, which, When examined,
always please, j
Because my ■gork is made up in a'manucr that takes
down the country and gives all my customers a'city ap
pearance. / *
Because I am not inferior os aCutter to tho best to be
fan mi anywhere. '/
Because long experience inf'my business gives roe entire
control over it ami I am n6(i dependant upon any ono to
lift me out of the suds. • .
Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there
fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired.
Call on me, in the comer room of this ‘•Brant House.”
Qlvs me a trial and you will go away pleased.
Altoona. May 20-sro JACOB SNYDER.
COMPANY, of PrrTßßtmon.
Capitol and Surplus over $130,000.00.
Jacob Painter, A A Carrier, Geo W Smith.
Body Patterson, A J Jonra. Wade Hampton,
Henry Spronl, Voeghtly, . Robert Patrick,
C A Colton, I Grier Spronl, ■ Jas H Honkfns.
This Company has paid losses from the date of its locdr-
P o ™,*??". 11118w - U P w May, 1850, to ambnut of $302,835.07,
w addition to regular serai-annual Dividends ofdfrom 5 to
16 per cent, affording evidence of its stability and useful
ness. Lam* laterally A<jjiL.ted and Prnnirdht Vnt*
A. A Cabbizu. JVePt. . .I. Qnrza firaoct. &c’y.
X. newspaper devoted to literature aqd Agriculture, also
setting fourth full accountsof the new Mttkroent ofHam
ptrdnn’ua *** W JersB-V ’ “ n eubserfbod forat only 25 cents
Inclose postage stomps for the amount. • Address to Edb
*P r of th^P ftrme r> Hammonton, P. O; Atlantic Co.. New
Jersey Those wishing cheap. land, of the best quality, in
one of the healthiest and most'delightful dimstes mtfie
Union, and where crops aril never cut down by frosts, the
terrible scourge of the north, seeadvertisement
monton Land*.
Fresh pish & vegetables.—
"otacribcr wni recrivtf daily fturing the season
oy Express, direct from Philadelphia -aM PhtsJmnHtalf
kinds of VEGETABLES, each as - - rmamir^, >
Sailed, Onions, Rhubarb, Radishes, Cueumbeh
Strawberries, £e. .
all of which may be had at his stand dnj M.E.
door above-pa, l #, R, (Jo. Warehouse. , i •
Altoona June 2,1850.-3 m MAIHIAB OCTO.
tssss- * n
Ho win be pleased toaUeadtc ail otderalh Utlinewlto
promptneWj MBfcMw and durability. i >- ■ “
MQf* All work warrautei ?V 1,-*
ISSfr-tm* *\i ;
hereby ndtlfed net to purchase orseU anV laser
kegS.wttb the stamp of tlfi ALTOONA
ow( as such kogiaever have been and; nev& <w!tf be sold
£»“ the Brewery. AU kegs centalngin? Wild stomp Will
1» tfie pitTprfetors
of the SreweryW.whom ttefcbelonif.'*; f - v
X*l that toe Book Aeconnto and Notes ofßr.C.jr. Hirst*
audalso of the latejSrm ofHirst A good, are left tn mi
JAOB poop, j. p, ■
And the rations aflhcUona consequent upon >j|wd«wl
„ . stolen ojt tire#,
Soeb w Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Mia,
A l , P* tl t e i Despondency, CnUmMi
ln all Narsons, ItbenßatioMd
tveurwglc AHfecUoot, it baa. in numccoua inMaacea proraA
highly beneficial, and In other* effected a decided cure. -
purely vegetable compound, pre|«red on atricilv
principles, oftcr.the panner of thecelebratsd
UolUud Proftaaor, Bokhara: Because of ita groat sneoeaa
*? *“® «wt of the Jiaropeirt Sfitea. Ra.lntroduction inW
tno united; State* was Ihtedded more especially ftw thoe*
of ow wthertand scattered here and there OTtrfce {Soeoi
thia mighty country, Meeting with great. auccoM-OStoag
them, 1 now offer it to the American public, knowing that
ita truly wonderful medical virtues must be aeksewledmil,
Hto p*nicmtor>y wcoßmeodftd to thoio vIMMo
max have been impaired by the coutiirtmpi
uae of ardent spirits, or other forma of dissipation. 0 ana
ratty htatantaneona in eflhct, it ffnda Ita way directly to tbs
aeat ofilfa,.thrilling and qnlckenlng every neare, tahki
up tho drooplng apirit, and, in fact, inftiaing new 653
and'rigor in the system.
c * uTION.—The great popularity of thia deJiAtlWn*.
ma haa induced many Imitations, Which the Mbufr a&ai
guard againat purchasing. Be not ,paraumie4 tahw «nr
thing eUe uatU you hare given BoerL»ca’» lloiiacdiiatsre
a Cur trip], One bottle will convince you how isjulUt
anperior It ia to: Oil these Imitations. , ■ . ' ' . ■■■”
Ai“ Sold at $l.OO per. bottle, oral* bottkafc* gft, by tie
sou raorautoan, - ;
Manufacturing J’/tamutetOfitU arid CktmUt,
v T - w ' D ,y o “ A Pgrt Hew
York; John I). Path. Cincinhatl; Barnanf, Adam* 4 Ca,
St. Louis; A. ROttitt, Altoona, PA,'
and. Merchants generally throughout the United States
and Canadas. [October HaABC%r)y
LIGIIT¥PL CLIMATE, rich mt), •ndt'care fr*ia
ftwt*. Sm sdrertUoment of Uammrntca lamb In anothtr
■lni'B thqaikr
'O) or (br those eoatrtnpla
! >narriitgo~-SOV.MBt«.MI
t to oil porta tiuder seAirtT
I!, POST PATD. roo$»
ie» sob) the last year, Tbs
;>o, married, aad the mar-
I happy. 4 Lecture o«
r,or how to chooio apatt
a complete WoHton MW.
ir X‘ 11 conbijnabuiidroUs
.. cavilsnedr-warrented to he worth
- v u,e ? the amount asked for It, 25 ccut* lit spcclalr
stamps Enclosed, will secure atopy hyr&ttraCf
i I)U. TELLER has deToWd a lifetime to tba can of dls
eMo on which hUbookslreST AtSLnffiW
No. 5 Bearer street.Albany,N.Y. '**?*' ” .
W«i *1 a boat, with fnM dinette*
JadiM should not umthsm. mail. Ad
dtess Dr. Teller, nn above. 4)^l.
TO all wanting Farms. Sco adterthc
ment of Ilßinmonton Linth.
Good *rlectioo» cbijudw IS* ge*r.. thp lu«p itlnmi
stasa. a sv" "* -JWS3®
r^tw&sns 1 -■»
July 14,1M9.-U
T)ERSOA'S wanting change of; oUiu*U
In anther column.** *'******
Levi kiung.
impOrteu OP
l i TB ” n,°? k £}P llh *
can ba had nnywlirtr hj tlia country. ’ [3la/12,”1f3(f
OilOli Business aujl factories can'be
Ldgwood, - ' ' ’
■" ; *** t *ifetlogwood,' *J. •, iy.f
flimnti.lL*-- . ■ ,;Ypß|t|o|l ItCIL *
J&StaS*** _r
—■• ■» . - • -••-•• : -4^ ,J fvyvSa,
* ,
« Cmm Chroma Qreen.
CCWWChrome Telfai" '
'Barnod Umber. ■ , • : ‘
& - Tarn di Slrne*.
»ndJtetol”bjf «* *»
Tj'iNCY TOILET ■' ,■ - 1
~. • -
M*y 12,MW. • Wrt * lrrt J®^^jg i »»
For (tie chop by
ru«n otfcsj
> PoMpvbmiOil,
CwHrfMoe add Buraia* VM*.
wbon Oil
A RNOLD’S writing fluid,
. lirQnart, Pint, Half-Pint afcfl 1 OS/Boti^
Jtaa'SsAek and Red Ink*, Stationery, la, it ' '
Hay 12,18 W. fiQOSWM
BilMfi iiTTfls
WBBiBB (ff THE UMffifi'
Liven complaint,
t-arskXNCM: .
Uer. A. B.CtuiK, Alteocvp*.
|f 4 Cou Caakini, ifteoaa, p*.' '
MoCrcm A Dxrk. Ealtoftr* ■ v •
toos. A. SCOTT. SopV KR, B, «
D. McMcKtm, K»g„ Huntingdon, h.
KU«wi»Bw»*tly, ;
?»<twisr 6«9««vi
: Bot&uu*, .v.,.
708 !mB HAIR— ; -
Wpwfair Bay Bom;
Cologne* of all kls^tr
- ri ij.A