1 Pain Extractor. on. more or IwjredtoWwu trike* at tbs root w L PATS' RTTPACTOK n nomination at «■»— <|u i PATS PSTKACTOft og agrcatcatalottnaftf^. Sbro Nipples, Cqww. on, Chilblains, Ear Ache, PU«, im, Scold Head, Ball ot, * * ? orm, Barbers’l^^ PoXj * ircdolotu that *o ta »njdltl|*y t toona; Gsotgo A. JacpH Hel- Urnggisto and patent Btediciaa ted States and Ckaadasir ibers street, NswTfork. ;j C- »- CHACB, & DYE-HAIR Dm ILOR’S HAIR DXB I I Ikil in the Wgridl '* lions, and should bs aroidsd, If H AIR. Djred iastMtb to « of Black, wUbout Um itest 11.13 Imvo been awwcdsd to Wjn over 80,000 patron* of Uia. Cunphi HAIR I*VE larodacatA-tetir mature, and is WAOluwn»^ t , <-t loom I ‘ private rooms) atiha Wi r Vork. ' 6 nna, and by Snigglste in all a!-Stales. :iaiivc amt addw* ; of <;och Box, of r wm; A. BATqiELOR, *» T^^lrwr^ftwk.- ally luth to'tpMk' a jrgrd.ln itcut medicine*.’’ lt ' >slcAr thitKjphyilclM, i r.inodie* canbot bafowlj. U.nal Association. f Writing, enclose t wo,lett«f r.vr.dEXKixs. puiebtirgbi fr- ill SALE 26 MILES ailroad in tb* State 9 f »•" t for Agricultural' pen****’ d»y bottom. ihebwll*» l f irms, and hnudrtdi ft® 3 ow sett Wag andbnßdin**" and can ba scan growing— v cure from frostS* ! r.Wa withinAnur yaaft W “’l :■—L*are Vina Sweat Wfrri v Railroad forHsinm«>»°n, tier, UamnsoOtoo Post , . Sea full adtertmsmant in • K IISON S iCSfOWr ;< (I to the Aral oIAUTTW JIPJ{X*»- ■ MAEBLE STABj>; i Front StruU, I" BoWW coMtantly ob band*Or marble, r xocutc order* fof /merits,' T(tbl& Tbp*) ■i. i ktnanlik? JBWPth 1 ' -i ai.* ; ■ - ISERY.r— The gob ally Inform the Ui Sit Ilia rc*4y nesting of .dp- V X /f cttisi Apff^d r-c* warranted.— LINING 'u rpentinCj r to establish hrirta* pjaca pffgiui Critent LQC : ”ed»eo : »f thi^hcßomtßon^twito^in L regioß vi. bMutifol j -hut, for UiebenAfitoftboaeof „ readers who were so unfortunate as not to we gi»e w.poaaible perfect desoHpUoaof! the eublime .. The san bad iet in » clear bright sky.and . jfier dark a peculiar appearance, resem [line twilight, was obaerred in the north. .A# , , T ening adronoed the Ughtbecame'inorein “ e and it assumed a streakyJtppewance the 'mu of which were variegated with greeiCblue ‘“j crimson colors. These beautiful lights “yacd w shoot up from the northern horizon; 7hcr» time they gathered in the centre of the CLrtna, rather south of the zenith, end from ihit point the rays tjirciged, .covering- the east* rm western and northern skies, and having the euot appearance of a oanopy spread out oVer the sky and extending in arches offcolored. light to the horison where it seemed to fade but— While the form of a canopy or of a gigantic trsneperent umbrella was, still retained there were constant Changes in -progress among the r»ye of light and in the arrangement of the colors; battery new and brilliant efficts constantly pro- ‘ daced as though the magnificent components of the Aurora had been chopped into pieces, and placed in a titanic through which the beholder watched the celestial fire works, as the gigantic instrument revolved, Ijand .brought shout new and stillmore exquisite .combinations r.n l effect*. The crown.of the heavenly canopy had a murky red appearance, which extended east, and west, intensify!ng pear the eastern and western boriion into deep imdbrillbDterimson. Id tho north the spurs of light .assumed colors which varied in hue and intensity almost mo-, nentarily; green and blue were-the principal colors in this portion of the display. The stars,' which shone brilliantly in, the southern heavens, io««• Altoona; from the inducements it bolds ®l t° invalids and kaflwtPg in the spinmer season, is blaSsedpanlo 'Fith strange preachers. - Oh Sunday Dr. Alday from tlm Philadelphia Con wtnee preached two meet excellent sermons in ** Methodist church. He is 'linguist, -Aiient indeed* Ptfaund. May Iqpk ,)|ke pgsap t ~ -• "iPresbytqrlan ‘als6 > ;'.W^^i^iA^tp-; interesting and learntjd &coursOT by BOT s *®nel Wlioh. All who Mih.iferemaeh Pthfied and bensfittad.: Y e .Bony auch» teilojr,. but hi# I bwbm best,and therefore hli, we can do JjL** good yap of «** goed fa- ****** mtdOL: AWbOIMIOS ft.- aTAha^C!* 6 ■^^ ; *Uendun<» ofthe memhi£ maw^L^SS 011 ’ ttat tbc aeelitt The following subjects, selected for dben fate' sememe since, willb*tt^p*^ e tng to-morrow evening;. strO good Sabbhth ;, • ■’ H, *** “***»« »f the particular defects m a teacjwr which of succcal most frequent? ■•»***>• Sabbath School Superintendent -dth. How can we secure o mojre general co: ®B9f*ttion qf the mernhership of the ohnxohes In the Sabbath SchuoDentsrpriae ?....,• . - There uRi abo .be a discussion on a resolution offer?a do awaywith Sunday School celebrations or picnics. 4 correspendeut-WriUng from Duncans vdle, gives jus an .account of e pic nio hold in Moore’s mrisVhaviß tfemaapt gathering. Revs. appropriate Hfi Baya further, that * * there are hopes entertained here that the Por tage Iron Works will start soon, hut it is quite uncertain Every one in this vicinity is pray ing that they may start and thereby revive business |n Duncanswale.” The examination of teachers for Allegheny school-district came off on Tuesday,of last week.s The npplicants. with ono exception, wore quite young men. The fol lowing selections were made by the Directors; Duncansvillo, Ist school—Mr. Suitor. ** 2d **. **.. John Clingerman. Foqt of Ten—Mr. Ingersoll. Bonington—Mr. D. M Alhangh. Sugar Run— t Mr. J, Alex. Black. Spencer's Run—Mr. H. A. Conrad. Dysart’s—Mr. J. M. Stiffler. x ’ The Peksdytebian Colony.— The Presbyte rian Colony project is getting along finely, as we understand from Mr. Crawford, the Secre tary.‘ He informs us that ninety-one men, (most of them having families,) have signified a desire to embark in the enterprise, and have of fered to inv|eBt some §50,000 in it. Their vo cations arojvoried aad suitable, comprising far mers, carpenters, cabinet-makers, tinners, prin ters, teachers, preachers, stone-masons, mer chants. attorneys, clerks, &c. &c. Having now secured nbont the complement fixed upon in the first place, the managers of the affair will issue a call fpr ji meeting of those interested, to be held in the bourse of a few weeks, to appoint a committee to visit and repori upon proposed lo cations for the colony, &c. Several poipts are offered, and strong inducements ore hold out to secure the settlement, but no one .is able to give anything mote than , a vsgne guess as to where the choice will fall.—Persons at any time desi ring. information as - to the Colony, should ad dress John A. Crawford, Hollidaysburg, Pa., enclosing a P. 0. sUupp.—Jlol: Register. Altoona! Gas and Water Works. —Quite a large force jof men are now at work laying the gas and water pipes through the streets, exca vating the basins for the water and gftaand lay ing the foundation of the gas house. Should the weather prove favorable, and all the pipe arrive in time, the works will be completed by the first, or, at farthest, the middle of Novem ber. It is the intention of the company to have all the pipe laid down through the streets by the time tl\e- reservoir and gas works aip fin ished, so that water and gas can beconveyed to all parts of the town as noon as If is received into the reservoir and manufactured at the gas house. Thqse who wish either should signify their desire ( to the proper persons immediately, so that the jiipes may be tapped opposite their residences or pLices of business, as they nfe laid downf thus saving trouble hereafter. Show Anpcr.—On Monday morning last, a travelling caravan - stopped at this place ami pitched a tpnt on - a vacant lot up street, and hung out a number of life-size pictures—one of a lady called the snake-tamer, who performed various.feats!;With the subtle .enemy who temp ted and betrayed mother Eve. Another of a mermaid, with a womnn’-s head and fishes tail, likely the same one we read of in P. T. Bar naul's life of himself -together with others which vvo did not stop to admire. Very few of ouf citizens exhibiting a desire to “ go in” and “ get squeezed” or. humbugged-, the proprietor pulled up stakes- and left next morning. The people of. Altoona have been eo muoh surfeited with exhibitions qj’ this kind lately, that it now re quires sometjiingentra to draw a crowd at such entertainments. ’ Bovs is rijtE ‘‘Lock-Up.”—Two small boys, whose names, we did hot learn, were placed in the “Lock-tip” on Tuesday morning last, charged with; stealing plums. “ The way of the timnsgressqr Is hard,” and they have early found .it s4| We hdpe i* may prove a warning to them. We think it right to .inflict punishment on boys for a crime like this, and hope that more exam ples may be made, nut plum thieves are not "theonly ones who should be thus dealt with.— There are a r umber of boys about town who ate hou«| ip the “ ud we. haye the authority of our .Constable for Apying that he hw bis eyjeon some of them and;wflllock thm up pqnjr d|ty before they : ap» aware of it ApoitsSfl.-rJadgQ Taylor, of Hhntingdpn, ha# accepted ,the .thohlaaagcrs of |se £tair Agricultural ty, idah address oh the oceasioa of .the oomingFair.- ;Thoae whokaow the manneed not be told that it'will be well worth listening to, and to those .▼hp ,hare nothad the pleasure of hearing him, .we ?an promise that it will be one replete with information. | " ~ .'" CB*Mdß.—thc time of holding the Military Encampment at Tyrone, has been changed from the 17th of October to the 19th of September. It i# expected,that quite a number of companies from adjoining counties will be in attendance. The committee of arrangetpents are now busily mgltgtd in fitting op ,tbf ground, .and wMlhro irarjfthing in good Order. ‘ * : «P;| class s?^hfldrehin : - = >*, :0» the same evoking, by tho nim, Mr. WILLIAM SOUSTnf the Cove, to Mwr.ELIZABETH LoN6BNECK £RofHollidayabnrg.- .On the Camp Ground at Woodberry, Iflh iatU bythe Rbr. B. Blake, Mr; ABEL MYERS, of Marta Totem, to JCasDEtAWAKE THOMPSON of the-aame plao*. - 9IEO. of 27th -ink, JTdbn J.Canan and wife—in the JlErof ' ' r Jn .wfimtirttPSip.. sonof Robert and, months. ' i - A TTBKTIONI Aitooma Guards ■!—» _£jL Tba arahercbycomiaaDd- - : " cd toanttatyonrarmory,inthe - ' § Borough of Altoona, DAT, September 10th, ISSfI. at ■*^MBBr 3 W 9o’clock, A.M,precisely, prop-' •••'•• S erly equipped for drill, ana pro* ’ ' '* Tided with eight rotmde blank cartridge. Bept.let.2t. IT. w. BSTDER, OipL List of letters remaining In the PoetOfßeeat Altoona, September let, 18W. AnMtrong, Tha*. • ; Irrim, A; 0. • ' Alexander, Chaa. ' Johnetoh; J. H. 2 A(bm% Lada B. Knot, Alex. Bany,S. U 2 Kennedy,’John M.' Bnama, B. v ' sforrisay, T. Barron, M. ’ Mullen.P. Brawley.John M6laj£ W. ; McCTenen. Mary rI > , Ell . en „ McMurigel, Jane R^ n . n^e £T’ K °‘ McCUto, James . Nelson, Sarah A. Coapbell, A. M. J. . OKeeC Hiche CUiS, John Price, Tbo«.H. • Cooney, Margaret Klchard, Mary A. Commerfcrd, John Donley, M . Steel. MarthaJT~ 2 Bally, John B&“jSTn B*tensn,M.B. sS^MoSS? ParreU, Mary SpanTMarr Foennaer, Xavier Stokley, M L. Goodall, Hannah Btorhbawth. Joe. «"»*»»• Geible, J, F. Washington, George Gray. Samuel Wilaon, Ana Garrety.Bernanl Wefat, Wolfkenlclt Beylin, 1. B. Wllmore, Maria Houseman, I/eri Wells, E. D. 2 Hoover, O. 8. Yates, Wm. Houseman, Lydia Young, John _ Persona calling for letters on this list will, please say they are advertised. - JOHN SHOBUARKkTpTm. ]VrOTICE.— THERE WILL BE A ■L 3 PuMic examination of Teachers for Logan township, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. The Examination will ir^,S CnC n “1 8 °’f lock A - M, In ‘be Collinsville School h. pUcant “"f* 1,0 Present at that hour and with paper and pencil. Ten teachers are re quired to supply the schools. Isjgan Township, August XSth, 1859^2t!° UDON ’ Stc ' v ' SlftSOA THB SUBSCRIBERS T em P l 0? an reliable man in each section of the State to travel and take orders for SEGARS & TOBACCO, by samples. Will pay a salary of $OOO to s*oo per year, payable monthly. For samples and particulars apply to or address, inclosing stomp for return postage, i r.-. , CARY * SMITH, Aug. 18-St] Tobacconists, 312 Pearl St. New York. House and dot for sale.— The subscriber oflbts at Private Sale g the HOUSE and LOThow occupied by her, on the corner of Adeline and Julia streets, 8 i I lift East Altoona. ..The Bouse ,2s a good Two- gM c ■ a 18. Story Frame Building, containing ’a Parlor, Dining-Room and Kitchen on the ■wi first floor, four good sleeping rooms on the second floor, tc a finished Attic. The lot is In pood order. Persons wishing to view the premises land obtain further [information will call upon the subscriber. MARGT. M. McCRUM. Altoona, Aug. nth, 1859-tf. WE. BOYERS, « ATTORNEY ots and BhooB, Ac. - [Ang.A,JBsal >■ wishing to change tibteir JT business to a rapidly increascing Com&t, aJew SHtlemeot where hundreds are going. WhorithO dlStte : Is mil d and. delightful- SWadvertisementofthonanirnen tpn Settlement, in another column. ' -i-> ; riANRB BOUGHTAT H. TUQIi’S, Bkferxnces JOHN BOWMAN. ■ ' ‘ HOSTEafTSBfS ir* STOMACHBITtaiS. hJ&£fSt£ at *& a !!* m P««od, every mem- I* TOl >iwt tedlsoa** fho , functions ; but, 1 " J^£j£.*?** t0 u mc and th ® exercise rqwWw wstem as to secure permanent to accomplish this desired object, the trneooorse to pursue is, certainly that which still produce a natural; state of tainga.at' the Uasthazsrd of vital strength and life. For . this purpose, Dr. Boat otter Kny fa»- tfodneed to this country a preparation bearing Us name, which is not a.nqtr medi can P 9 subscribed tor at only 25 cents Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Edi tor of the Farmer, Ilammonton, K O. Atlantic Co- New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land; of the :beet quality. In one of the healthiest and most dellgbtM ;dlmates in the umoni and where crops are never cut down by frosts, the terntdo scourge of tho north, see advertisement of Ham moptoji Lanas. Fkesh fish & vegetables,— Ihe subscriber will receive daily during the season, bv EiprM*, direct from Philadelphia acdPfttsburgh. all kinds of VEGETABLES, such as Sallad, Onions, Rhubarb, Radishes, Cucuptbers, Strawberries, se. Abo, FrtsKLake Fisk, all of which may be had at his stand on item street, first door above 1% B. B. Co. ■ Altoona June 2,1859.-3 in MAtfHIA? OTtO. PLUMBING, GAS FEPDINO AND GAS FIXTURES.—GEO. A. OGBEShY,' Practical o* r m?H r B^Wadtfphh^ Jmr opened a Gas Bitting aadPlidnblng tstablishment : in Brut’s Row three doors babw the - ’***“” ?Mnr * HewUl be pkajed to aitand to allordenKiu Usilnewith promptness, neatness anddnrabißty. “ A9*AUWorkwarratited.’ ’ Altoona, August A; 1859.-im* --■ * ’ are kegs widths stamp of the ou, as smut kegs never haye been and never will bo sold from tiierßrswery. AU kegs contalngingi said stamp will tlu Du a ° d y 8 h wherever foond, by the proprietors Jitly ?80l IM9-tt- A BRO. M O TIGS IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Book Amounts andNoteeof i)r.C. J.Hlrst, and aUdot the late firm of Hirst * Good, are left in my wmto whew knowing themselves :T -? Jnlyl4.-tf . JACOB OOOD, J.V. Jk TCCnpied by-g: Tpclk earths cornet of !fW-^ &«“*• lni l uir ® r.■s* ;■« -^sha-nnoV -q-«B,TOorB 4 nailbbushes. BOBHH4WBr SBB CEUBRATXD HOLLAND BE3TKDT At MBBIBB Or TUB KRNIEIS,* liver complaint, OF ANT KHJi* FEVER AND AGUE, And the twteia alfecjtloak consequent upon adlkotdsrsd „ . ~. STOMACH OR LIVER, BocbjWlndigestion. Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Paisa. Hautlrani, Low of Appetite, Despondency, (hwiMmo Bleeding Pile*. In all Nervous, Hheuiaabo and HOTOtinc Affections, it has in numerous instanceo.proved Beneficial, and in others effected a decided cursT setontifle principles, after the manner of the coMrated Holhad Professor,Boerhavo: Because of Its greatsdtoew • SjSwpcan States, its introduction into tba United States was Intended more especially fin; those of oui Mherland scattered hers and there ovtrtha Aeool ftis mighty country. Meeting with great sncccw among umn; I now offer it to the American public, knowing that its wfflderftM medical virtues must bo acknowledged, i ” " pWtfculwlj recommended to those persMit irffoat iCQnitJtaUoni bkm have been impaired by the conUnnout use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Oene tortanlaneone to effect, it finds Us way directly to the •OOt of lilt), thrilling and quickening every nerve, raisins topoptog spirit, and, to fact, infusing now hsaith and riitortotbe system. ° r thig dollghtfttt tW ma has induced many imitations, which tho public should Bs not persuaded to bnyany «*« until yon have glvcft Boerbavo’s Holland Bitten a air trial. One. bottle will convince you bow toßnltely superior it is to sll these imitations. * M - Sold.at #l.OO per bdifle, or six bottles for )&, by the sou raaraUkToKs, " BENJ. PAQ-E, jR., & dO.< Manufacturing P/iarmaetntitl* and ChtmiiU, J m PITTSBURGH, PA. v "^ T. W. Dyott A on*. Philadelphia; Barhto A *ark. New York; JohuT). Park, Cincinnati; Barnard, Adami A Co, St, Tsjuls ; A. ROUSH, Altoona, Pa, and by Druggists, and Merchants generally throtmhent the UnllM iKitw and Canadas. (October IMBMJ All wanting farms in a de- LIGU’ffUL CLIMATE* ricli mil. ud•ocnrvfront froau. See edvertieemeat oMtenuuontcn Land* la tawiber column. ' for it,. 26 MOtsio specie or stamps -enclosed, wHI aecure by return of DH* TELLER has devoted a lifetime tothf cart of in®r«tldb*. Marriott fadies should not use (hem. Sent byodJl: Ad dress Dr. Teller, a*above. 1 .. > April \ TO all wanting Farms; Sco> advertise*' mint of Uomuicmcon Lands. .■ !. T ANDS f LANDS I I -LANpaUT to pt ??! u^ d to bJcata LAKU WAR HANTS In the Omaha and «ebraak*CitT Oood selections can now be made near the latafeattealßa and ssiUeattnte. The Undt of tide tmOoa,' aSwXa Market, aro of the beet quality, * Ou Selections carefully made. Letter* often uta t* quested. ALBS. E. HcJEQyKKT? July U, ISSO.tf OwuPotu, Cau Count j,K. Ter. aepaaancaa: Rov. A. B. Ctin«, Altoona, Pa. * CO. Bankers, Altoonti, Pa. ; McChitji A Dt*s, Editors. ■« Tups. A. Scott, Bnpt-P.B.R- “ D.'ilcMrniau, Esq., Huntingdon, Pal T)ERSONS wanting cHange'of climate JL fcr health. Sec advertisement of Hkmfeoolho I *Ai4> fiTauothet column. r Levi riling, IMPORTER OF WINES, BRANMESifrIS£i ) :&: Allegheny Street, A large *tock of all kinds of LIQU «r» iLf 1 Brands, -will be kept constantly ophand; and'rtlvße wM’ in lota to u rwomU« u tb.r - c » n be had anywhere in tbb<»imtry. ' QHOE Business and .Factories cai*b« oh profitably atilwhmdhioh. Ees btMrtW wont of Ilanunonton Bands. 1 rtrt „ wmppw glass; IW from Bxlo to 2**3o, - ’ Putt? Knives, Paint, Wall and V&rnishSrusbei. Plaster Paris, 7i . ’ Logwood, • ;: Vi ' ' Ektort rjMMpod; ' 5 YetlowDe^ agagijF* . f>AINTS! PAINTS-] ■ 4Ca»ea Ctoonte OraenV : •SSSatfS to TOILET Bazin’* Ponclne, rtd AlnionA Bfowu Wiadaov, • t ■ May 12,15 M; H3KFUMERT" • • ■ < • Kbane Stravt^, r’™* Gilts r pits i l Pan Befine'd linseed 00, BstnlanfOO, '•” ' PnkMJwfcon OiV ■ KeroeoneOO, OrainlieM add Strain* *j|Sfc ' Carbon QU Tor ule *t X?OR THE HAIR-h- JL* Bnrnel’s Cocoafne,' - ■ ' . Lyon’i Kathsiror^ Superior Bay Rma, ■ Cologne* of «1 Ittakitf. • May 12.185!>. M llS - BAILEY’S IMPROVED BREASt PTTMP*.' A. large assortment of Nnrsw Bottfoe/ rumrs, O.S,tUml* n SUOU I'DER BRACKS for tadka, Gentlemen and Children. For sale by A. irowStr* A RNOLD’S writing fluid, . In Quart, Bint, Halfrint and 4 os. r~jl|n line Blade and Ited Inks, Stationery, - MayiB.lBS9. . ---* SOCm'M. TTNITED STATES UEB ISSB- BOOK FOR KV* BY BODY.—STARTLING ’SCLOSCUES.—I) r. TEL !B’S great work for id, or tor those coutemple ing marriage—SOOpagea, (tall PLATES. Price 25 cents— at to all parts under seal, by ail, POST PAn>. COO.OOO ties aold the last year, The igle, married, and t(iO mar id happy. A Lecture' bn tec, or how' ta choose » narfc r; a complete work on Mld fory. 1 1 cfiYitalna hundreds led—warriatedlo be worth »- ■- <. , . »;.v v# ,-, Ik*