The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 01, 1859, Image 2

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||e|ptooM Criimne.
•f£ k t
.njJpJWfcarepartiea are unknown to ne, onr rule far adrer
raflulro payment inadyance, or agparantoe from
kSwnp«sons. It is thetefate nl*lA far all such tosend
«*dd*MtlseinentB offering to at the end Of three oral*
*eid*. VWhere advertisement! are acafmpanied'with the
»eo«Br,:; whether ooe> five often dollars, yre will jgtr* th*
aldyartiaer the foil benefit of cash rates. , ...
WVf* II -■ V<■ " 'V ! I". . ■ • '.-..1 . / : ■..
" PETXJEfIieMX * CO, j_
.#,4(|n*t|rtnc -Agents, 1W Jfaaaan. afreet, «®w York, and
Udteia street, Boston, are tj»ed£onte,for:tho Jitoona
and'the.mqst htftueatjal j*d liuieit circulating
Sdmpapeta Jotho United States and the Cpnadaa. They
are toamtfact'farnsat ourtowertyafei.
'’ Tax Har-
?TeJegrajph says >—The trial of the
svit-cknsed by the refusal of the Pena*
. eylvania Bailroad to continue the payment
«if the tonnage tax -trill conrc up
to-#6nibw (yei6terday:£ From this the
§tate has hitherto been -derivinga revenue
of some three- hundred thousand dollars
par. annum. The road haring refused to
pay'it, jl 1 dint is the consequence. The
rpdd %ht the suit until it reaches the
<Sppretae Court of the United States,
should they loose the verdict ol the trial
this week. The Attorney General, St.
George Tucker Campbell and Win. A.
Phctpr are Trained on the part of the
Commonwealth. The, attorneys for the
road, Musts. Stanton, fluylerand Kunkel,
haye strong hopes of gaining their case. —
They .Wtil come out flatfooted for the un-
of the- tax. j The North
jfateriem, in noticing the iqatter, says :
’ f‘We are inclined ;to think.that, in contesting
thjapuit,tbe Attorney-General and Mr. Cftmp
hetiuuih traveling. .Having “gotits
h|ck up,f : ti)e rood is determined; to carry mat
ters through, and show that two wrong do not
■like a rights nor ever will. Whoever happens
■ be ia Harrisburg during tbe- progresa of the
hear some thousand dollar sepeches
of,the vecystiffeat kind.”
Biding oh the Cow-Catcher.—
Since Willis’ description of his cow-catcher
exploit on the Baltimore and Ohio Bail
road, many fool-hardy passengers have
solicited the conductors da that great
thoroughfare to allow them to try the sensa~
tion. A day or two since, a lady and
gentlemen insisted upon taking a jaunt on
the cow-catcher of ; a train coming jrest. —
Their request wap granted at last, and the
train being slightly behind time, they
were carried along in this unprotected
Way at the rate of fifty nrles an hour. —
lichen relieved from their position, they
. .could not have been pursuaded to try the
1 sensation a second time. The train bad
not gone two miles further, when the pilot
struck a : (Sow and’ shouldered it. If the
'passengers had continued to occupy their
popdtion,they must hare been killed.
JSgr The latest advices from Europe
-state that Prussia is continuing her mili
tary preparations on a very large scale.—
She has not only armed her flying artil
lery, with rifled six pounders.; and her
Jrhole artillery on foot with twelve-pound
ers, hut is going sow to raise her infantry
of the line from sixty-four to one hundred
regiments, which will increase her field
-army to about four hundred and fifty
thousand; not including the “ Landwehr”
of the Second levy, which is destined ex
cluaiVcly for garrisoning the twenty-eight
Prussian fortresses. Prussia, like- Eng
land does not seem to have any extraor
dinaty amount of faith in the French
Emperor. .
. Democratic Senatorial Coneer-
JBNOE.-—The. Democratic Conferees of
this Senatorial District, met at Tyrone on 7
■ThUrsdaylast. Dr. R. W.; Christy, of this
county, "was .chosen ) Ghmrman and Cyrus
mer, of Secretaries. Maj. Theo
titis' cidunty^, • Augustin
of Clcwhold, weronooiinatcd : jfor Senator.
batiAts wore ha4-witeotit making a
at thistime Maj. Snyder
his name, and on the22lstbal-
and g for
jDnrln.n haying received a
,yua}Qrity of all the yotes Least was there
upon dodared the nominee.
_ . .
: J. Donelaon died recenly
, :']& tyvimna, of erysipelas. Mr Dopelson
-tbo private secretary of Pre-
J* pltson, and editor of the Wash-
Tjfcfy} and subsequently of the
fffiyjßife-- Ip 1856 he was a candidate of
/or -Vice Preiadeok
' iexmeasee to Louisiana.
I' >»,
.Tin StfsiiainnDianfKD.—
The Jplt borf for a
in the Tres«*W Department by
U»9anburyand ErießailroadCompany,
ffer the
lations entered into virJJi the >S^|b^}ieQ
surrendered‘to■ that company of
(ihe Governor. As we previously an-
Harrisburg, arid Mitehd of Clinton, were,
appointed a board of viewers to examine
the progress ofthe work between Erie
and Warren, on the Western Division, and
ditmni. They reported in the affirmative,
and consequently; the Stafte relinquished
the iafit sewirity in her possession for the
coropteltoh of the work.
clergyman, of Phila
delphia, jPrtsbyterian, Baptist,
Methodist/German Befomed and Dutch
Befoib&ed,) have united in an address to
«Christians of in denominations” in
which they propose tbit the first Monday
in Oojfcoher next bo set apart as a day of
special prayer " that God would grant
that bis believing children may be made
perfect in one, and that by the operation
of the Holy Ghost, all Christians may be
so joined together in unity of spirit, and
in the bond of that they may be
an hojly temple, acceptable unto Him.”
(Qh Opened—a new periodical, &c., store,
next door to the Post Office.
fgf- Clbsed—the eyes of, several people' in
town lately with bogus gold dollars.
jPgr- Increasing—the dimensioned of crinoline
on our streets.
gSf*- Decreasing—the demand for linen coats
and oilier summer toggery.
Left—Friend Kimball of the “ Peoples’
Cheap Shoe Store.”
Arrived—the man with the glazed cap
and military walk.
Reasonable—the price of tomatoes.
ggg* Unreasonable —to expect a printer to
Airnibh his paper to subscribers who never pay
'for iti
Full—the tickets of both .patties,
“ pitch in.”
IQf* Empty—the honor of being a candidate
for a fat office when there is no earthly chance
of anjdeetion.
Scranton is giving lesson B h 1 the
“ manly art of self-defence” in Hollidaysburg.
Xbe butchers-of Philadelphia are dab
bing I together to compel a farther reduction in
the price of fat cattle.
yjp* A disease known os the “ black tongue”
is destroying heads of deer and cattle in South
ern Missouri.
jjgjy The colored folks of Huntingdon intend
holding a camp-meeting & short distance from
that place, commencing to-morrow.
jQy Prof. Gardner is lecturing the people
of PHtsburgh on things in general and soap in
Gamp Logan is the name given to the
military encampment ,to be held at Tyrone, on
the tilth of September.
Barlow has been re-nominated
for the Legislature by the Peoples’ Party of
|gp» Friend Brown, of the Centre Democrat,
has been nominated for the office of Treasurer,
by tlie Peoples’ Party. Success to you Billy.
If this world is a “ fleeting show” there
are la great many people who contrive to get
into it for nothing. It is full of “ dead heads."
A man named William Thompson was
ran Over and killed at the crossing below Cam
bria jCifcy, bythe Express Train East, on Wed
nesday morning last.. ; *
ISP* The Peoples’ .Tarty of Juniata county
has nominated Bbbt C. Galloher for Assembly,
subject to the decision of the Representative <
A Strange Visitor. —On Saturday last, a
blaok snake, four feet and a half in length, was
discovered crawling into a front window at the
residence of Mri Oliver Stonebreaker, in West
Franklin street, Hagerstown, Md.
The Democratic Senatorial Conference
of the Mifflin, Juniata, Perry and Gumberiond
Distnet, met at Newport, Perry; County, on
Thursday last, and nominated Dr. B. D. Craw
ford! of Juniata oonnty, on tfie 87 th ballot.
Watson, the fellow arrested lat Harris
burg for forgery some timrsince, Who was said
to hail from .ttiis place, has been convicted and
sentenced to two years imprisonment in the
county jail. /
: Cad Her Then.~A young Indy was re
proved in company for wearing her dwtssfolow
la .the neek,by an old maid. - She replied it-was
economy. A gentteman repiiea be would like
to s'' into such economy. - v t. -
Seven gentlemen who filled
of 'die Stoate/ moag
arel Hon. Jobfv CressweU.of thU counity, have
approaching., State AgridnlluxaL Pauv 'Signifi
cant, wry. ~'•
the. Lancaster daily Jßvttmg Sxprm, sneatiy
printed and spicy sheet, from the condition of
its adtertisiog colnmns.ire think itmnst pay.
With U. J. Jones to assist in the editorial de
partment its circulation will increase. ’
#gk.Ono Opposition candidate for Congress,
in Kentucky, was elected by three votes; in the
fourth district, in the same State, the candidates
run' a tit Yole, In Tennessee; one Opposition
candidate for Congress is elpote.dihy .rotes,
there ixay lit ■* paint loib^oc§pt
it I
timber which onrneighbor “ intt
mates bu been poked at us by- n P,
on tie mountain, but if so, tie ahnrp "point is
in thin fonj* of those who use itrwehavenot
niiai named Irefy, recently
pardOM* ettt of the Pejfltentuury, went into*
; roffii£mnhtit«^
dditientdifiMt hie i&intf betireea-the 13*d**
of tbe la4e shoan, b 7 bothama were;
complete!}; severed, about mnWray between the
mar^^ilbo«fc;" L - T’;-: ■•
|gf The Huntingdon Anuriean of last peek
says that two men while plowing in a fields miles
from that place, turned up. a nest of snakes, and
after fifteen minutes, hard labor; succeeded in
killing vipers and 20
blocksnakfes. Also, that a Mr. Hampton, while
qn arrying; Atones in Franklin township, came on
a nest of copperheads, and, with a club, killed
one hundred and eight of them.' “ Sdm Snaix.”
The Newport OateOe of last week, says:
“We are happy to learn from credible authori
ty, that what we state din oar last week’s issue,
in regard to L. Bartow, former Telegraph Opera
tor of this place has proved incorrect We
deem this! due Hr. 1. Bartow, the father of L.
Bartow, as he is a gentleman in
both as a conductor and citiaen.”
Partingdon says that when she
was a galishe used to go to parties, and always
had* a beau to extort her home; but bow she
says the galls undergo all sprts of declivities,
theltark-pf extorting them home revolves on
their dear selves. The old lady drew down her
specs and; thanked her stars that she had lived
in other days, when men could depreciate the
worth of the female sex.
.tSf" A correspondent of the Miltonian says
he found the following notice nailed to a tree in
Union county;
Mr. Birr Shuterdon cum on toy grounts for
abate birts mit your togs ef you doe 1 will push
telaw so hart as I can I will let you feller now
daii 1 wont (tan 'dis shaten eny longer so you
mush luck out mit me of by ginge I will shute
yoa, ■
If the writer con not “shute” any straighter
than he can “ spell,” he is not very dangerous.
Blondin’s Latest Feat.
Blondih; has given another exhibition on the
rope at Niagara, which exceeds in daring any
thing that he has yei attemped. After first
crossing to the Canada side, laden with fetters,
be Started back with a cook stove swung on bis
back, the culinary appurtenances thereto, con
sisting of; saucepan, ladle, sundry dishes, and
a pair 6t bellows securely fastened upon the.
stove. It must not be imagined that the stove
he bore upon bis back was a full-sized cast iron
“Victor,” neither must it be fancied a minia
ture affair—a disguised spirit-lamp chafing dish.
It was a goodly sized, properly-fashioned cook
ing stovd,; made of Russia sheet iron, and boost
ing of a fcmoko-pipc about two feet in height.—
Arrived jut the centre of the rope Blondin se
cured his pole and proceeded with nonchalance
to .make 'preparations for “camping.” Un
slinging his stove be placed it upon the rope be
fore him, sat down, and with some pitebey,
combustible material built bis fire, exciting it
with the bellows, and soon raising a smoke
winch proved the genuineness of the prepara
tions for. cooking. When a proper degree of
heat had been attained, he produced his eggs,
broke them into his dish and threw the shells
into the; river. The omelet was prepared with
all the skill of a chef de cuisine, and when it was
complete he lowered it to the deck of the Maid
of j \ht Miit , where, we doubt not, it was divided
info the ' smallest possible shares, and eagerly
treasured by the passengers. Gathering up his
“hotel,” Blondin re-adjusted it upon his back,
and quickly landed himself and it npon the
American shore, amid the loud cheers of the
Branding Flour.— The editor of the New
York Examiner has been sojourning in Roches
ter, where he visited one of tile large flour mills,
and was initiated into the mysteries of branding
flour, lie says:—“Branding to us poor outsi
ders baa been a source of a good deal of mys
tery. Ip pur simplicity, we have supposed that
a brand was a true indication of the place where
the flour was ground and the wheat it Was made
from. But this- is an egregious error. There
arp tricks in all trades but ours. Only the
very best flour is labeled by the name of the
mill, where it is ground. Inferior flour is
branded Corinthian Mill, New Mill, or some
other mill that is owned by the man of the
moon. ‘All/these practices - are known in the
coni exchange as. well as the mills, bat to us
poPr consumers, who buy a barrel of flour once
a quarter, it may not be uninteresting to know
that all the best family flour is branded doable
extra superfine, with the real name of the mill
and- manufacturer. Genessee flour is as übi
quitous os Orange county milk, Goshen bntter,
or "relics of the ship Constitution among the
curious. ' Genessee flour is for the most part
made from Western or Canada wheat/
How TpET Predict- the Weather at the
Smithsonian Institute.— Professor Henry, at
thje Scientific Association, gave an account of
tbje method pursued each day at the Smithso
nian Institute, to record and predict the weather.
They have a map of the United States hung 'upon
a board. With pins stuck through at the points
where the observers of the Institute are station
ed. Tbelnstitnte has doily reports by telegraph
from p>ahy of these points. Each morning an
affflistants bangs a cprd on the' pins to indicate
the' stateof the weather—black if raining, green
if 'snowinjg, brown if cloddy, add white if fair.
AU storms travel east, and thus they are able
,to| predict with great certainty the Condition of
the weather twelve hours in advance.
...LA. Bhjdqb Ceackino.— On the Cincinnati and
Dayton Railroad, the other-day, a lady and gen
tlemanwero seated together, and facing tfcem
on the opposite seat sat two gentleman,-editors
of tWoGerman papers. When near Dayton, the
tfcipgpissed through a long, dark bridge. Amid
of .the cars, a very
suspicions concussion was heard by those near
est the Jady and gentleman alluded to. As the£
■ emergedintofhe' daylight, one of the German
.editors lelowlyHdrejv his .’spectacles down over
W and « Vejl, I tink dat ish
»|tam h«d bridge. I hear him crock od£ two,
three, timet!"
' tagir , ||ome weeks since.'Mr.Stalter, ofSloats •
Mlgh, Rockland county, killed al&rge rattle
snake, which be carefully skinned; Some Mime
he accidently cut bif with the
knjfe he bad used for, the purpose, when his
hand and actn began to swell.’ The fkmiiy ’sent
for a pbyBician, who, not being infphhed of the
facts of! the case, prescribed &r the swelling,
apd left ; Mr., Stoiter daily became worse, when
the physician wps again sent for. but fopnd the
unfortopate man past mescal aid.' Beibjre he
fas coyerad,..Tritii
■ ; ;; Mor«*bO«rt Spafgeon.
>pm*, 5f the 9** * bdal *
aed in Home of his ’Characteristic humor.
“ Content.” he said; " ®» d « our cup run over,
while discontent knocked the bottom out.
The,, story , whieb h*d recently! appeared m tne
ushers about his having e large fortune left him
was a complete hoax; if he wete to haw s gnm
ea for every falsehood tdd about him j he eould
build his STeatohapel 'very stton, and probably
have enough left for a wthedral or tofft* #
Christian men Sometimes fel| terribly foal of
Saeh other,- like th 4 two English ships which
broadsided each other for hours in a mist with- _
out knowing that the British 4*B was flying at
their mastheads. The laxy man was one of the
i biggest sinners on earth ; if he;, did nothing else,
he broke one, of God’s greatest commandments.
I There was a very strict Sabbatarian gardener,
, who was very hard upon his'maater about the
observance of the Sabbath. His master said to
him, “Why, you break the commandments
yourself." “Howt” said* too gardener, “I
don’t work ou t Sunday.’* “ No," quoth the
master, “ nor any other day.! Just repeat the
commandment." The gardener obeyed, and
when he came to “ six days shalt thou labor
and do all that thou hast to do,” his master
said, “There, stop -there ;• that is as much a
part of the commandment as that the “ seventh
day is the Sabbath.’ ” The' stickling for secta
rian distinctions was as absurd as if a hungry
man about to eat some bread were told by a
Churchman, “No bread like the tin loaf, ’ or
by a Methodist, “ You must eat twists." The
hungry man would say, “ Giye me some bread,
and I will settle the shape afterwards.” It-jars
somehow upon the feelings to see the copious
reports which the country papers give of Mr.
Spurgeon’s “sermon*,” copiously interlarded
with “laughter." '
A Man Killed bt a Roostkb.— About three
weeks since, Henry Black, of this place, under
took to sever the bead of a hen, when he was
attacked by a rooster, which spured Mr. Black
on the hand ipto an artery. The wound being
deemed very slight, was not noticed until it be
came painful, when healing remedies were im
mediately applied. The was healed, or
partly so, and Mr. B. considered himself able
to resume his labors again. On the 13th last.,
while Mr. B. was iu company with one or two
citizens, he was suddenly "attacked with intense
pain, accompanied by a sickening sensation at
the heart, and he would have fallen, but for the
timely aid rendered 1 him by the citizens, who
supported him to his home, where a scene of
suffering commenced that it were impossible to
describe. He continued to grow worse until
the Tuesday following, when his pain became
so great that his shrieks were heard at the dis
tance of 400 yards. At this date a remarkable
occurrence took place, which; though to the
general reader may appear incredible, is fully
verified by many who went to witness it. He
drew his entire frame together as though to gain
strength for the act, and his voice broke forth
like the crowing of a rooster. This was re
peated from time to time, and such was the
similarity of voices that outside listeners, (fur
all couldn’t gain admissionJi asserted their be
lief that it was a rooster. TJuring Mr. B's ill
ness he had the best medical attendance, but
withal the sufferer seemed destined to die from
the effects of what was at first considered a
trifle. After four days of indescribable suffer
ing he died on Thursday last. Mr. Black leaves
a widow and four children to mourn his death.
—Newport Gazette.
A Living Head on a Dead Body.— Mr. Ar
chibald Campbell, a respectable farmer in the
township of Camden East, while engaged in fin
ishing a dwelling on his premesis, the scaffold
gave way, and he was precipitated head fore
most to the ground, and dislocated his neck ;
but very fortunately and mysteriously did not
kill him. When his head was brought to its
proper position, the vertibrse of the neck re
turned to their place with a dull but distinct
snap. The whole body is paralyzed and dead
from the neck downwards.—He is not capable
of moving a muscle or experiencing the slightest
pain Fortunately the nerves supplying tl>c
muscles used in respiration were not paralyzed,
and he can breathe and lire; had the injury of
the spinal cord been a little higher, he would
have died immediately. The sense of sight,
bearing, smelling, &c., arc normal, and his in
tellect is unimpaired. When last heard from,
however, there were some indications of a re
turn of sensation and the power of motion, and
it is just possible that Mr. Campbell may par
tially recover.— Newburgh ( C. W.) Index.
Singular Disease. —The Gloucester (Mass.)
Telegraph says that an unusual case of sickness
is now in the hands of Dr. Haskell, of Rockport
A boy, about five years of age, a son of Mr.
Eben Knowlton, has contacted the disease of
glanders by climbing in the stall where a horse
affected with tne disease had been kept, although
it was not knoiyn at the time that the horse
was affected. Cases of this kind are very rare,
and most generally prove fatal. The present
case is a very severe one, and will probably Inn e
a similar result.
The Louisville Journal is advocating the
construction of a railroad bridge across the
Ohio nt the head of the Palls, as entirely prac
ticable. It is estimated that a doable structure,
V?ith a track for locomotives and another for
wagons, can be constructed for $800,00(h The
net work of railroads in the Northwest, it is
claimed, would make their connections with the
Louisville and Nashville Railroad—the great
central highway to the South.
Ah Evidence or Hard Times. —One night
last week the corner-stone of the Lutheran
Church, on Beaver creek, in this county, was
removed, and the coin deposited therein at the
time of the erection of the building, amounting
to ninety cents, stolen. This isabout the mean
est theft that we have ever been called upon to
record, and gives indubitable evidence of hard
times or great rascality somewhere. —Eagers
toion (Md.) Herald.
] tS&* Bope-Walking, like whooping cough, is
catching. Two boys at Brockport, New York,
have learned to do it over the canal at that
place, and propose now to walk over Black riv
er, at Watertown, Jefferson county. Net? York,
where it runs through a frightful chasm. This
is Young America all over. No Frenchman can
iptroduce anything here as the study of a life
timo, but some Yankee boy can compete with
him suecessfnHyin sixty days. , .
' 'Notol BxATOTE.-t»jriie last lieghdatnre of
hjfohigui passed an apt empowering any- num
ber of not less.than ten norpiore than
pno bundled, to themselyes'lnto a
body corporate’** for thU propose of'apprehend*
ihg horse-thioTM and biter felons,-'? pkl-invest
ing each-member of snob a body,-when engaged
i§ making an anreat, with the powers-of a con
stable. "■■■'■ * '■ '■ '■ ' 1
. hook mulshing firm QtZbiU
hpf* v°r*
to oe mm Ufa*, bath JB^psoiTsnd Phlllipa Veing
dead,- aft* r ireeks
einco, wjd ppwwe i»v6 from Boston intelligence
of the D. PUUlips.
Ta* PnnranTAmi. B«it»ft*n--—^h*. New
York Courier and 3nqwer, g
ferenqp to the dispute managera of
the four nut lines of the weboerd
to thewert. :4fe* speaks ,& thproutethrough
Pennsylvania; * &'!'.-'iv i-• .
“Now itjano ,tuw for. on? New Yorit Mana
gers to shut'theireyea tdthe : jfhota. Th® wu i?
to the West by thePennsyltania Central, and
Ft. Wayne and Chicago lines, bias features which
will alwayfriSlije it a 4K|i(H<si|thjrougMipe, not
the least of which is the beauty of the country
which it traverses. Our wide 'land cannot pre
sent a richer agricultural scenpry than is spread
out all along tbe upper Sasquehaaav »*>» “«**
picturesque scenery than feasts; the eye as the
rood winds its astonishing wjyi «w the high
ridges of the Alleghenies. ®oo ; scenery upon
the Baltimore and Ohio which ,we hare
never traversed, may, perhaps, at particular
points be on a somewhat grander scale, bat the
line of that road is too far South to bring into
any such’immediate' coni|ftifitf6b with our New
York routes. It is the Pennsylvania Central
that is our most formidable rival.
A Hugh Eattlesmak* Kniab —A. large rat
tlesnake, measuring some four or five feet, and
having some ftcoi/y-sewn rattles, waa killed yea
terday about two miles below town, by a party
of boys, sons of Mr. B. Keegen. The reptile
manifested a determination ; to die game, but
the lads fortunately Wept beyond reach of its
fangs. It is thought terbe ope of the oldest and
and largest hilled in tbjstcgipn for many a day.
— Oretnt&urg Dm. 2!>th tiU. • .
DR. HOOFIiASD’S balsamic
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only '
through years of trial. . Unbounded ialisfac
lion is rendered by them in dll cases; and the
people have pronounced (hem worthy.
Ilrer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous Systejn,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases prising from 1 , a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has, acquired a
reputation surpassing that Of any similar pre
paration extant. It will cure, without fail,
the most severe and longstanding'
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluenza, Croup, Fneumqnia, Incipient
and has performed, the most astonishing, fives
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A few doses will also qtonee check-, and
cure the most severe Diarrhoea proceeding
from Cold in the Bowels.
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
per bottle. The sigaaturJof C. M. Jackson
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called Evxbtbddt’s Almanac,
you will find testimony arid commendatory
notices from all parts of the country, ~ These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
tgju For sale, in Altoona, bylA. Itoush and 0. W.
Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may ID. ’59-Iy
Dr. SeV% X Haim :—l was in Baltimore in April, 1854,
and from a paper I received of years was induced to buy a
box of your Pills, recommended as. a sovereign cure for the
Epileptic Fits At that time one of By servants liad been
afflicted with fits about twelve years. When reaching
home, I commenced with the Pills according to direction.',.
Ido not think she has had one since. My wife, though, is
somewhat induced to believe she may have had ohq only.
Enclosed you will find five dollars, for which you will please
lorward mo two boxes. I suppose you can forward them
by mail. Your compliance will oblige pie. Yours respect
fully. ' 51. P. SLEDGE.
Dr. Ilance’s Epileptic Pills arc also a sovereign remedy
for every modification of nervous disease. The nervous
sufti rer, whether tormented by tire, acute, physical agony
of neuralgia, ticdoloreaux, or ordinary headache, afflicted
with vague terrors, weakened by periodical fits, threatened
with paralysis, borne down and dispirited by that terrible
lassitude which proceeds from a; Ikclr of 'nervous energy,
or experiencing any other pain or disability arising from
the unnatural condition ol the wonderful machinery which
connects every member with the source of sensation, mo
tion and thought—derives immediate benefit from the use
ot those pills, which at once cainia,‘'lnvigorates, and regu
lates the shattered nervous organization.
Sent to any part of the country hy mall, free of postage.
Address Seth 3. Ilajxce, 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore,
Did. Price, one box, s3;two do.;:ss; twelve do, $24.
When the celebrated Dr. Rush declared that drunken
ness was a disease, he enunciated; a, truth which the expe
rience and observation of medical men Ip/every day con
firming. The many apparently insane excesses of those
who indulge in the use of spirltnous liquors, may he thus
accounted for. The true causa of conduct, which is taken
for infatuation, isyery frequently a diseased state of tho
Liver. No organ in the human'system, when deranged,
produces a more frightful catalogue of diseases. And U)
instead of applying remedies to the manifestations irfdtor
case, os Is too often the case, physicians would prescribe
with a view to the original causes fe wer' deaths would w*
diseases induced by a deranged state of the Liven
Tlirde-fourths of the diseases enumerated under the bead
of Consumption, have their seat; in- a diseased liver. Dr.
5T Lane's celebrated Liver* Pills* prepared by Fleming Bros.,
ace a certain cure. \ '
4S“ Purchaser* will be carefulto oak for
IN6 BBQ 3. pf JJa. i|| Tormlfnges ia
compfrte6n“ftr» 'worthless; Xtor. Vomi
fug% alao his celebrated liver Pills, cannow b« bad at alt
respectable ityug store*. None gmvitfa utyUnVatbraaiurt
of ■ " -..j . : Jl-dSIHQ S»os :
Important to. 3£em alles^-Pit Cheese
iLut's Pnxs,—:Thc> combination • of ingredients in these
Pills ue the rcsultof a long anil extensive practice! > < D|ey
aremfld in their operation,. and' curtain in correcting all
irregularities; painful removing all ob>
atructiops, whellier from cold or otherwise, headiache, pain
in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed aieep,whlch
always' arise from interruption of nature, inducing with
certainty periodical regularity. Warranted purely Testa
ble, and frrt from anything injurious to life or health. Ex
plicit directions, which should borecU, accompany cUch
$!• Sent by mail sby enclosing %V to any
;?nthdri*ed‘Agent,' ' : V."''/ ■
-B-B. IIDTCHINQ3, General Agent for. the United States, 1
;C9saitfu«ins strcetj’New'Yorkj; ■ : 'i' ;
. off WhoUtate ordtn thauJci be addressed. ■ ‘
V ?#* Kerahr, Affooim} Qeof£ n«Ul.
Stn(p*.«' |
A Voice From Virginia.
Cab:.'! Point, Surry Co., Va.
Diseases of tlie Liver.
Dailey’s Magical Pute Extractor.
In all dtMMf.ißfluuutioe *“»«*lss»jtndinnaat«a-.
bean an hunpolilhle cun,.
and nothing dre,will allay InflamsaatiSO at
'• certain euro. *
wfll'Ctm the followingainongßgreatcntalognaofdh^,
Bunw, Scald*. Onts, Chafb%B<m>Nl|*hn, Can* >:
Bruisee, Sprain*, Bites, Pofatru, Chilblain*, 6&, §NUa
Dicer*, Feror Sores, Felons, Ear Ache, Hiss, Sort, g-J
Gout, Swellings; Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt AwT
DaWnees, Erysipelas. Ringworm, Barbere*lteh,q» nn j.’
Meaaies, Bash, Ac, Ac. . "
To earns l,t may appear locredtlaus that so
should be. reached by an laeawfl] n>k ,
when reflection point* to tb*fcst,Wl the ealnlseco*.
fttoattonof Ingredients, each andsTery oaeaepiyto,,..
fcci antidote to its apposite disorder.
In Weflbetais-insgiesVhoanisii ih i '■than, Ja M . ahst^
tween dlsesseaad a p«maßM»t cnrs;?ao«l It I* an a»nc
tor, as if draws*!! dlsessoTmt of the afltetedptTt, ha^ ar
nature* psrfcet as bofcro the injury. u is
cessaty to say that no bouss, work-shop, or
shonld bo one moment without It. . ™
No Pain Extractor la genuine nnleea the box has npoe ,t
a steel plate engraring, with tits nsase of Henry hath;
Uartufcctursr. ’
Sold by G. W.KcssJen Altoona; George A. J«*a, g^.
Udaysburg; and by all the Dreggistaand potent
dealers throughout the United States and Canadas.
Principal Depot, 105 Chambers street, Kijr Toth.
Nor. 11,1868-1 y C. f. CBACB.
WM, Ai> BATCHhLOR’S hath DYB *
The Original and Bat in the Itbridi
AH others are mere imitations, and should be atoUe.) if
you wishto escape ridicule. . r ' 1
OKAY, RED, or RUSTY HAIR. J>yeiU*»tanHj
beautiful ami natural Brown or Black, without tbe in,,
injury to the Uair or Skin. . . . 1
Fifteen Medal* and Diploma* hav* been awserdad to Va.
A. Batchelor since 1839, and over SO,OOO appHeatfow hs».
Been made to the hair of hit patron* of Ua famous D>e.
not to ho distinguished from nature, and it wuiuxnp dm
to tnjnw fh tStf tea»t,however long it Mftyh*
and thetH-affect of Bp£ Dye* remedied; im,
rated for Life by this Bpldd'llciJ>yc. ■
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private , rooms) at iht Vi c
Factory, 283 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggist* in Altoona, and by Druggists in sli
cities and towns Of the United States.
teg- The Genuine has the name and address open 1 1U(1
plate engraving on four sides of each Box. of
Nov. 18,1608-1 y
93 * Physic lans nro generally loth to cprak a Tor j |„
praise of vrhat are called '‘ patent medicines.'-’ Indetd, it
is an article in the-codeof mcdictlTethlcj, that aphyiklia
who sanctions tho use of such remedies cannot b« contiJ.
crcd a member of the National Association. Bat thm
nro exceptions hi-tha most stringent rules, ami tnsaj ul
the disciple* of Ktculnpiu* have actoally been comptlud,
by the force of facts, to recommend Ch e nss of DU. j. nog.
TETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS,.for those diseases which
are prevalent during the summer sad Ul.-
Tliey have ascertained that there are no remedies i# Ua
pharmocopia which can compare with this womlsi falcon*
pound for derangement of the system. Thousands of ban
lies residing along the' low grorfnds of the Western tad.
Southern rivers, are now. convinced that they htvs baivi
a medicine peculiarly Adapted for their ailments, whih u
other portions of the country, during the summer awash,
the demand for tint article is equally large.
Soldhy druggists and dealers generally.
9c?. See advertisement in another column.
This disease can ho cured by Du. Krtltii TSOnutSl
Ur.HZDi, prepared by him in Pittsburgh, Pa , which is pot
up in bottles and sold at 23 cents each. It Is an excellent
medicine, when diluted, fot spongy and tendsr gams, sad
is worth ton times its prico to oil who need it Sold has
by 0. W. Kessler. (Dec. 9,183Wj.
They are elegant, light, easy anil durable.
Fitting to a charm—no taming up behind—no sbrinkius
off the bead; indeed, this Li' the only EaUbliilnneat who'
these things arc properly understood and made.
. Not. IS, ISSS-ly 2311 Broadway. New York.
O.O 0
Pays for a full course in the Iron City College, tbs Urgol
most extensively patronized and best organized CeffiO'i
rlol School in tbo United States.
357 Students attending daily. Maxell 1839
Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 tolttwsek i
Erery Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to be re a
petent to manage the Books of any Business and qusUM
to earn a salary of from -
$5OO to $l,OOO
: Students enter at any time — No Vacation— Kern’" 1
51 Premiums for Best Pezunanihip
awarded in 1858.
43U Ministers Sow received at half j.rice.
For Circular and Specimen* of Writing, enclose two
stamps, and address
Sept. 30,185 S
1~ from Philadelphia by Railroad in tbs Ststs olN**
Jersey. Soil among thebCatfor Agricultural
being good loam soU. with a clay bottom. Ths ha*”*
large tract, divided into small farms, and hnndrmiir®
all parts, of the country are now. settling and baaoH--
Tho crops produced afe largo 'and ean he seen groaisf"
The climate is delightful and secure from frosts.
from $l5 to $2O per acre,' payable within four tens
stalments.' To visit the plate—Leave Vine Stmt
at Philadelphia at 7H A. M. by Railroad for
or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter, llammontoo Poet w"'
Atlantic County, NeWJersey. 'Set full adterttsesm*
another column. \ • -
XI ISO themselvesfndebted' to the Arm of
Sanford, will please call and Settle their sccounts '
delay, asampictlmahaabeCngiveu. IntMrty ,
after, alb accounts upsetped will be placed in th* *****
a proper person for collection. - ' .
The undersigned (Ms grateful for the patronage
tbrehestowed onthe flrmand himself oyth*
Altoona, and cxpectsaUU toserve the public wlttaUtw*
of meat as usual..' AU persons failing to settle .
counts every thlrty days, must not expect leapt
gence. My capital is limited, and long credlfr j «m'"J
place mCwhereothers are that have
credit to their ruin. MARTIN BOhY**^
I—Meatrs.Freeman i Doorer taW..
MbUc that they.hnyeestablisheda
on th 6 corneror AUrgKetiy and Front Sretb,
burgt Whore they will keepMn#t*ntly onhMn»* ,l “
andbe prepartd to execute ordir* ft* ,
&mb IStbtie ' MoriUtoietito;' TaBU *T'
*c» in a prompt and workmanlike mannO 1 *
llolUdajebufg.AprU 14, ’SSMJnI.*
/\ gcribor would rrspectttaJly.Jufcrnrth?
public that ho has now on band at
sery, various kind* oTFRUIT TSBFS, "»4T90
for transplanting this Pall, consisting cf4PJ Wl m
jptu. Rdchi Ptwn, Prune t Cage and Ayria*
JVeir.graftcd in the root. All tree* warranted. _.•»«£
Altoona. Jnly 14, ’59-3m B. B-
J atirtawl OH, Spirit# of 'Turpentine,
Alcohol, for sale cheap at , A ~ gw
TIERSONS wishiog toestoblu*^;
ark* indthrtsWpl ,^[
I#good. Bee adTettise^utpLheHamMlw® o*’ 0 *’
333 Broadway, New fork.
Pittsburgh, P»
V s *
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WhttMh* for
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