The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, September 01, 1859, Image 1

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tlaMisStd whtt.ri'
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•ocuring the Best
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i all orders to
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' Adrrrtiwmeole Sot uiarkodwiththe u out her of insertions
V UI Ih) con tinned till forbid and charged according
'"ftatoaw aoticw five cents per line for every insertion.
Obituary no tkcs exceeding ten lines, fifty cents & square.
tribune directory.
IWtbfl/rian, Rev. A C. Claok, Pastor.—Preaching CT
... .ialbstli morning at 10)4o’clock, and in the evening at
■i' oVlock. Sabluith School at # o’clock. A. M., in the Me
re?. Room. Prayer Meeting hvsry Wednesday evening in
,i_ rt'um. \
H/Uiixlitt fyitcojtalfßer S. Caemsrox, Pastor.—Preach
‘a f«ry Sabhsth morning at 11 Vclock and in the even
‘4 jalbsib School in the hcctureßooin at 2 o’clock, P.
S'* General Prayer Meeting in wme room every Wednes
to rrrniiig- Young Men’s Prayer Meeting every Friday
Implied LuOitran, Uev.J acob Sttck, Pastor.—Preach
ul titr) SabkUli morning at 10Uo’cIoek,ond at 0U o'clock
,7,1, nriiing. Sabbath School In the bccfhre Room at
;i',iViock, P. M. Prayer Meeting in same .room evtp-y
Wuoilay evening.
CnilM UrdUrcu, Rev. W. D. Dick, Pastor.—Preaching cv
(hSabbath morning at l«’.j o’clock and in the evening at
ji> oVlock. Sabbath School in tlie Lecture Room at 9
iVWk. A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening
prr (ataht Kpitropatj Itev. R. W* Outer. Roct<ir.—Dlrlne
Smite every Sunday, at 10J4 A. M_ and 7% o’clock P. M.
IKtrcry Wednesday evening at 7 y r Snpday School at
y. "‘clock AM.
Btv. Jonx Twions, Pastor.—Preaching at 10J.£
~v>k in the morning, and at in the afternoon.
ftifhrf.—Sabbath School at U o’clock. A.' 11
Wag every Wednesday eveninir.
i/rioin MtUwdiM, Uev. Ssydcb. Car, Pastor.— Preaching
( rrrr Pilibath morning at U o’clock and In the evening. in
ir uU Uuiou School House.
U*Hu Wny at
"-'tern **
Intern TUroufth,
Evkrn through Mai)
Inftra Through Mail,
lifi'-rn “
:''.'jytlmrg 7 30 A.M. ami G 16
* • open fir the transaction'of liimlmm from C. 3() AM.
' ■ I*. M., daring tiro work, uiul from 7.30 to 8,30 o’-
. .a StlDililjr.
iuc 1, ’57-tf> JOHN SIIOKMAKEIt, P. M.
i'« train East arrives LSS A. JI-,1 leaves 1,30 A. M.
“\ West “ 7.55 “ I •• 5.15 ‘ ‘
“ I Kart “ 9.05 P. M. « 9,20 P. M.
“ West “ 8,10 P. M-, « 8.25 P.M.
I-' •• }UM .*■ 7JJS A. M. “ 7.50 A.M.
■ “ \Vc«t *' Oj» I*. M., “ (5,40 V. 31.
r . 11-kU.IDAVSBURG BRANCH connect* with Express
* itml Wi-it, nii<l with Mall Train Hast mill Wwt,
UI.UKri VILLE BI&NCH Connect* with Johnstow n
. Train East and West, Exprus* Train West and 3I»il
’i tut. ' •
Sornaber 29,1858. TAOS, A. SCOTT, Suj,'t.
V'lniMi* htlgr, A. 3'. 31.. No. 2Sl,'meets (in second Tues
(e ~f «ifh month, in the third story of the Masonic Tem
mT'.; o'clock. P. 31
U. '«/-o')i Kncnmpmrnt, A. Y. 31., No TO, meets on the
("atli Tm-t-lay of each month, in the third story of tile 31a
*«■»■ Temple, at 7> i o'ci.ick. P. 31.
.ilf'tofiii Mgr,, I.'ll. „f o. (•„ Vo. 47n. meets every Friday
•'-nil l ., in tl,u recoin] storv of tlic Mdsoulc Temple, at 71 -i
•Art. P. 51.- ■ • V *
r-nneta Mgr, I. 0. of O. F.. No. 5.12. meets every Friday
•'mitig.iii the third storv of Patton’s Building, on Virginia
I'f-rUt uVl.ick, P. 31.
Trihr, No. 115. T. O. It. 31— hold r-tat t'lh Conn
?* mr y Tuesday evening in the I. O. O. F„ Hall, in the
, 'J‘k Tempi,., Council Fire kindled at 7th run 30th
vv A. ADAMS. C. «/ It. [June 25, ’57-1 y
n„» „f .tm rricn, Camp No. 31. meets every 3lon-
in the tbfr.l story of Patton’s Hall, bOJ^o’cloclc
(limp. .Ye. 54, J. S. nf .(., inerts every
'"nt ** le story of .Patton'* Hall.
•' """i Dirisinu, .Vo. 311. £ nf ]•„ meets every Sntur
" (•vcbiii ß . hi the Odd Fellow*’ Hall, 31asonlc Temple.
I'lwm }frri„ tl ,ict' Ulnrarg and Heading Jtnoui Attncia
■■■ii un-ets stal«Hy on the Ist Saturday evening in Janua-
V?!; Ju ' s ' "'h Octotsf- Board of Directors meet on
n evening in each mouth. Room open from
"Wo clock every evening. (Sunday excepted.)
inef? cfrta 't>— President, Hon. George Taylor.—
J. Penn Jones, David Caldwell.
VWeaerfory—Joseph Baldridge.
*Wer and Uugli A. CaldweU.
wn/—James Funk.
g? - L. Ileirit.
Bar l ‘ l ‘art ’ J ’ B ' McF “ r ’
A - Caldwell.
Appmuer —Joseph o. Adlnm.
Surveyor— James L. Owinn.
Monnow, A. C. McCartney, Jo*. B, Hewitt.
I OireOort-Qe orge AVeaver, Samuel SWvcr,
*f m *totie>U of Cbmmon &Aool#—John Dean. \
al T° ona borough officers-
J - S t- Cherry -
Robert B.
°/ WMS^U^UOTW^eT 7,
“ u W*rt •* R. Qrwnwood.
hiftior.-e . ’Barth “ Jacob Bottcnbcrg.
« Bard-rtteniy BcjU, Jrab Szirik.
« I! ® B.jttcOhii^^MoblleMer,
ftorth « ( 0» W. Human, John Condo.
0 t BA< S_j rKUNKS ' to-
***»yotter TOCH ’ 8
Kof# -
DnoM i* wk *t
7 25 A.M
7 i - . A.JI
7 55 A. M. onil « on I*. M
«oo •*
130 “
7 55 A. M
735 «
7 00 A. M,
6 25 I*. M.
raw, live stock and
***• *mm
“ amd “
SjJ I !**.**, of thUCpmpttiiyto those iocanaci
*•<«* for-actlve life by sickness or
20 00 do do Sg
30 00 do do S “
36 00 do do asm
«00 do do So
»00 do do anon
• ’ • BtUCfMUt* \
‘ h*Abram,VlcePresY,
XJwb Kitchen, goc’y, Wm'Pearson, Xreas.,
®. K Peter Dickinson,
*S2SW i. tSSiffiF'. . :
the Company at homo: .■ •■ • “
r .. "’HiUHMOM, Augusts, 1867.
I «ni pewonaUy acquainted with the Directors and <MB
com of the West Branch Insurance Company at lock Ha
ven, Pa., and cheerfully bear testimony to their high char-
b "**“® as . men- A company under their control
will undonbtedly be safely and prudently managed, and
oil loesra which it may sustain honorably equated!
May 6,1869-du ,
- CE> Qp E2> @3 0
a eeived awl opened at hi* old stand, on Virginia st
a largo and attractive assortment of reasonable goods, com
prising all the novelties in 1
ami all varieties and textures of
together with a foil assortment of goods for gentlemen’s
wear, such as Cloths, Cassimercs and Vestings.
Also a full stock of Hardware, Queensware and
and an assortment of
bg6ts, shoes, gaitors. &c.,
of all sizes apd styles, which equal to any in the market,
and will be sold at lair prices.
Having recently enlarged my store-room, I can now
display my lately increased stock to better advantage
and would respectfully invite everybody to call.
May 12,1840.
it STORE.—The undersigned would beg leave to an
■ nounco to the. citizens of Blair eonnty and vicinity that he
Ims opened his new Store on Firpintu street. tAree doors
below tht Superintendent 1 1 Office, where he has Just received
from the East and West a large assortment of
Foreign and Domestic liquors,
consisting as follows;
French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy, Peach
Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Old Burgundy
Bine, Old Port Wine, Jamaica Rum,
Holland Gins Old Bye Whiskey ,
Monongahela Whiskey, and
Rhine Wine,
which he has himself imported. Retailers of Liquors and
Farmers will find it to their advantage to buy of bim.
as lie will sell at CITV PRICES.
He will also keep constantly on hand an assortment of
Such at Flour. Bacon, Sail, Fith, Tobacco, Be
gan, Sgrup, Sugar, Coffee, SC-, <jc M
All of which will he whl cheap fo{r cash or Country Produce.
. Cur friend* and the public gi-rierally are respectfully in
vited to give its a call before purchasing elsewhere:
Altoona. Ma'y 2G, 1850,-tf
D. R. GOOD, M, D. J. H nrwirm., n.
ing entered into Partnership in the Practice of
Medicine, respectfully leader their service* to the. Public
in the severnUnauches of their Profession.
Calls will Ik- answered either day or night at their office
—which is the same arherctofore occupied by Drs. Hirst
A Good, —or at tlie Logan House.
David Giluert, 31. D„ Prof. Obstetrics in Penn’a Medical
College, Pliihulelpliia.
F. Gtijnrer Smith, M. D., Prot Institutes of Medicine in
I’enn’n Sledlriil College.
Jons Xmi, SI. I)., Prof. Surgery In Pn. Sled. Col, and Sur
geon to.tlie Pn. Hospital, pjiilndelplifa
J. B.J,hileu. MB, Huntingdon, Pa
Joliu.lJcCnllocli, MD, “
John Scot*, Em), “
1 ffm Dorris, Jr, Esq, “
Win SI Lloyd. Esq, HolHdaysburg,
John Cresswell, Jr, Esq. “
Samuel SHlliken, Esq, BeU’s SlOls,
Oen B F Bell, “
John Bell, Esq,
April 21jt,18d93m
SPECTfDLLT offers his
services to the people of Altoona and the
Joining country.
Ho may be found at the office heretofore oc
cnpied. by Dr. G. D. Thomas.
Altoona, Sept. 30,1«58.-tf VHP
B F. ROYER, M. D.,
0 Offershis professional services to the ciUzena of
Altoona and vicinity.
The beet of reference* can bo given If required.
Office at residence on Branch street, East Altoona, three
doors above Conrad’s Store. ’ [April 38 ’59-ly.
Teeth inserted, from one toa fall set, On Gold or Silver
Plate. '■■■ • i
. Teeth filled with Gold, and warranted for ten years. -
. Teeth Extracted by the Electro Magnetic Machine with
out Pain. -- ■
All operations and work dine- cheeper than anywhere
cha in the county, and a deduction made, of the railroad
expenses from Altoona to. HoUtdaysburg, from all opera
tfaiM amounting: to fire dollars ana over..
Officeon Montgomery street, opposite the Exchange
ITotel, Holliday*Vnrg, Pa. [Dec.lB,lB6B-Jy
PLE. Teeth extracted witbont pain by the Electro
Magnetic' Machine. *■ •’ t ' TDec. S 3, *SB^if
A Student wanted. ;
JD AGENCYj—The nnderslgnedj Agont of the BUir
Oonnty Mutual PIN Insnranoe Company, la at hit
times ready to insure against loaa or damage by.flro, BtcSdr
i*gt, MereJianditt, Turnttun and property, of everydes
cnptiom fB town or country, at as reasonable rotes as any
Company in the State. Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack A
0°- B-T. CALDWELL, fiyent.
Jan. 27, ’5O-tf, *
Lycoming county mutual
agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is
at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fl|*e,
Buddingt, Merchandue, Furniture and Property of every
description, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as
any company in the State. Office in the Masonic Tomnle.
Jan. 3, ’5O-tf] JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent,
Great western, insurance
AND TRUST COM PANT.—lnsurance bn Real or
personal proparty will be effected on the’mbet rebsonaHo
terms by their agentrin Altoona at his offiee in Anna St.
March 1’ * W JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent.
An Incident Massacre of Wyoming
. It was a night of! blood and fire—a
night of oaths and 'shrieks—a night of
prayers and curses.
It was a night never to be forgotten.,
It was a time when old men and aged
women, young men and maidens, and chil
dren of all ages, from the suckling infant
upwards, were; being brutally murdered.
It was a time when long endeavored
homes were being devoured up by the
dames of a fierce conflagration. It was a
time wheix inhuman savages and equally
inhuman white men were gloating their
fiendish passions with deeds which the
pen of mdn could hardly conceive—which
the Recording; Angel has registered in the
great book of eternal life —which all the
tears of a|l thchosts of Heaven can never
wipe outJ ‘
It was a dark time in the valley of Wyo
ming—a period of brutal and remorseless
Who has no(;; heard of that terrible event
in the history off America ? Is there a loyal
man or woman who has not felt their blood
run cold and chilly through their veins,
when the memory of that scene of carnage
and devastation has been recalled to their
minds ? Point me to one such, and I will
show you a being who is lost to every
attribute of humanity.
If it were not impious to curse at all, I
could well find} it in my heart to curse the
butchers of Wyoming—to heap up male
dictions on their heads until .they towered
heavenward, even to the throne of the
But God is just, and the bloody deeds
which at tjhait time outraged Heaven have
yet to be attoned for, and in a manner
that will fully Indicate the suSlime just
ness of the Great Judge oh high.
And not only ; will they have to answer for
it, whose .hands were on that occasion so
deeply steepdd |n innocent blood, but even
sp will they haVe to answer for it who en
couraged and set them on. Even so will
he be called on whose high handed tyranny
provoked the war, and whose myrmidons
but executed his will, when they instiga
ted American Indians and American tories
to perpetrate such fearful deeds as the
one which, upon that dark night, raised
such a shriek of horror in the beautiful
Valley of Wyoining.
Stand forth George the Third I Stand
forth, butchers! of Wyoming active and
passivel What (answer will ye make to the
Lord God of Graven in the last great day
of final reckoning ?
Let us go Back, my reader, to that night
of 1775.
The massacre was atits height. Eve
rywhere there fa a fire, fire, fire—every
where blood flowed in streams. Groans,
prayers, and corses loaded the
air. Bedsjunsl and white renegades,
dressed and paiUted to resemble their sav
age confederates, were wildly rushing
about from point to point, committing
deeds almost fob horrible for belief, lire
fiendish bujtoheif of Wyoming were reve
ling in a sfidurndlia of Wood.
In the parlorof a neat little, house as
yet untouched by the flames, as yet on*
desecrated by the lawless footsteps of the
human batchers who were rendering the
night hideous, three persons were assem
bled. One was a white-headed old man,
another a white headed old woman, and
the third, a beautiful young girl, of not
more than eighteen years of age. The
old man’s nane fas John Habncr. The
venerably lady was his wifet, and the young.-
girl was their orphan grandchild. ller
name was Mary Morton, and for many
Theroll b© no more Sorrow There!
pNjtfDS to me of heaven,
WheOjlam called to die ;
Bing<obpge of holy eeatacy,
to waft my soul onhigh.
There'll he no more sorrow there,
TharoTl be no more sorrow there,
In heaven above where all is love;
there’ll be no more sorrow there.
When Cold and sluggish drops,
offtty marble brow ;
Tlreok ferth ip songs of Joyfnlncss,
Let heaven begin below.
then to my raptured ears
Let ondjswoet song be given;
Let musc charm me last on earth.
And greet me first in heaven,
ji Chorus.
When the last moments come,
Of, watch my dying fece;
Xo catch the bright seraphic glow,
Which h each feature plays.
Tjion close my sightless eyes.
And layino down to rest;
And chug) my cold and Icy hands,
Upon my lifeless breast.
When ’round my lifeless day,
Amcmble those I love;
Thentinp of heaven, delightful heaven,
My glorious home above.
years she had resided with her aged grand
As may well be supposed, tall things
• considered, these three persons were in
great tribulation. A bloody death stared
them in the face, as they could not con
template their fearftil fete with anything
like calmness.
, Qld Mrs. Habner and Maiy Morton
were weeping and moaning wringing their
alternately embracing each
other j alyj old Mr. Habner was tottering
up and down the room, a picture of the
deepest distress.
Suddenly the wife arrested his steps by
saying— r J
u Father, father, ft is too dreadful to
stay here and be murdered ! pon’t you
think we might escape if we were to try ?”
“ ft would be but precipitating our fate,
wife, was the tremulous reply. «\y e
should not know which way to turn, and
more than likely, should run into the
greatest danger the first thing. We must
bear the worst, which will come soon
enough, knowing and believing that the
Lord does all things for the best—bear it
too, we had better, with as few vain re
grets as possible. For ourselves, we have
but little to lament, for at the best the
sands of our lives are nearly run out: but
here is Mary in the bloom of youth and
health, and for her sake I feel the deepest
sorrow of all, as I know you do too/'
Mrs. Habner was weeping to violently
to utter any reply, J
God bless you grand-parents?” said
Mary, tremulously, at the same tfmc alter
nately embracing the old people. “ God
bless your dear, goods hearts and reward
you. But don’t fret about me. I have
not been so vneked that I should fear to
die, and yet I am no better than others
that I should expect any greater degree of
mercy. The world is fair, but Heaven is
&irer still, and I will try to be resigned/ 5
.‘ I would that we could all escape !”
said Mr. Habner; “but since w:e cannot,
let us meet death as becomes Christian
people, innocent of any mime. Even in
this dreadful hour, let us kneel down and
join in prayer.”
Side by side, the two old people and
their pretty grandchild bent their knees,
and, in earnest, fervent tones, Mr. liab
le* supplicated Heaven in behalf of his
helpless wife, of helpless Mhry, and him
self, concluding his heartfelt petition with
a fervid and glowing appeal for his deso
lated country and suffering countrymen.
Meanwhile, the sounds, of the turmoil
had been gradually approaching Mr. Ilab
nef s house, and eveij while the last word
lingered upon the old man’s tongue, a sud
den assault was made upon every door
and window of the building.
All started.
“Do not move, wife, nor you, Mary,”
said Mr. Habner, recovering himself some
what. “ Let us meet death upon our
knees, and with our hands uplifted to the
throne of mercy. We could not perish in
a better cause—for we are about to die
for our love of country. God in Heaven
bless America !—nor could we yield up
our lives in an attitude more acceptable
to our Maker.”
Silently, all three remained in the same
prayerful position.
The next moment, several of the doors
and windows were suddenly burst open,
and, with loud yells and curses, a gang of
painted tories dashed into the apartment.
“ Cum, you cussed rebels, git up there!”
shouted pne who appeared to be the leader.
u 0 Lord, have mercy on us I” murmured
Mr. Habner, without heeding the furious
“,0 Lord, have mercy on us !” repeated
Mrs. Habner, in choked tones.
“ 0, Lord, have mercy on us 1” added
Mary Morton, tremulously, but earnestly.
“ Wal, if ye won’t git up, cuss ye, take
it there, then !” yelled the tory, madly.—
“■ Hurra for King George, an’!death to
the blasted rebels I”
VTith the spring of a wild beast, eager
for its prey, he dashed at Mr. Hajbner the
next moment scattering thp olid man’s
brains in all directions. At the same
time, another sprang at Mrs. Habner and
with brutal ferocity, served her (in a like
manner. A third seized Mary Morton by
the hair of the head, but just ah he was
about to execute his dastardly (purpose,
the report of a rifle rang out, and he fell
dead by her side. |
The tories hesitated and gazed around
them but could not discover where the
shot came' from, and so expressed them
selves.'' ■ "
: At the same time, Maty Mojrton lost,
consoiousness/and fell prone to me floor.
All this happened nearly at the same
time. • ■ V ' |
“That was a chance shot, I guess,”
cried the leader, a notorious renegade, an’
as there’s plenty o’work yet to doi, FU fin
ish this joh at . |
The outiaw stepped quickly toward
Maty, and, bending oyer her, wap just in
the act of laying bands on her person,
when another report rang out and ho &U.
dead. V . V" ; Vl i: ■
Thb butchering tones looked (amazed,
but at length, one of ijhrir humbler,.a lit
: Ihjw -opmw som butMo the :
back window, I*ll swear V’ ,
“We’ll soon see, n rejoined another,
with & bitter deadly oath.
The villian stepped quickly toward a,
back window, but bad not advanced three
Eaoes when another report rang out, and
e, too fell dead.
This time, every one in the room saw
where the deadly shot came from.
“ The cuss is out therewas thegea
eral cry, and for a moment forgetful of
Mary Morton, the whole gang dashed out
the nock part of the house.
Scarcely had they well quitted the room,
when a handsome and athletically-built
young man glided in by the open front
way, and quickly lifting up the uncon
scious girl, crept away to the back entrance.
As he paused at the rear door to listen a
moment, the tories re-entered the house by
the front, having made a vain and fruit
less circuit of the building. The hidden
markesman they had not found, nor any
trace of him, for the hidden markesman
was the young' man who carried off Mary
Morton. His name was Harvey Moore
and he bad long admired sweet Mary in
secret, but up to the eventful period of
which 1 am writing, he had npt made an
open declaration of his feelings;
A braver, stronger, cooler man in the
hour of danger, could nowhere, be found,
and on that night of blood an<| massacre,
he proved his abilities to the utmost. —
Many a brutal, treacherous renegade, many
a bloody and remorseless savage, fell dead
to the ground beneath the powerful blows
of his good right arm, or the uheering aim
of his deadly pointed rifle.
Mary Morton was in good hands —
doubly so, because the young mau loved
her better than his own life.
Soon after re-entering the house, the
tories were made aware of the removal of
the young girl, and vented their ugly feel
ings in cursing her and her rescuer.
After appropriating what small valua
bles they could lay their bauds on, the
renegades fired the building, and sallied
forth to enact over again the same hellish
Meanwhile, by the most stealthy and
cautious movements possible, Harvey
Moore had succeeded in beating Mary
Morton almost, beyond the limits of the
bloody scene. Several times they had
been nearly discovered, but the Almighty
seemed with them, and at opportune mo
ments, the danger was turned aside.
In a secluded spot Harvey stopped, for
Mary was beginning to revive.
u Where am I ?” cried the poor girl, as
the young man rested her gently and ten
derly on the ground “ My God I” she ad
ded, suddenly recollecting herself, “ what
a fearful scene 1 Blood ! Blood ! Blood !
the blood of my aged and defenceless
grand-parents! 0, I see it all npw-—see
the brutal butchers at their terrible wdrk !
I expected to die too, and yet I am alive
and ” t
“ Safe, Mary!” broke in flarvey-Moorc,
speaking for the first time, “ I managed to
get you away before the infernal fiends
had accomplished their bloody purpose.”
“Is it you, Harvey ? and have you
saved me ?” exclaimed Mary, as she clasped
his hand and kissed it. “ God bless yon !
for life is sweet to every one, and none the
less so to mo.” v i '
What the young man would have replied
I cannot say for, at that moment, three
fierce lookjng savages, P covered from head
to foot with blood, burst suddenly upon
them from a patch of woods near by.'
Mary screamed, and Harvey uttered an
exclamation of surprise. , ;
With the spring of wild beasts, the In
dians rushed at them. The foremost of
the three attempted to close with Harvey,
but the young man dashed his brains ont
before he had a chance to accomplish
his purpose. The next moment, the other
two bounded up, and Harvey ponld not
keep ont of their grip.
Up to this moment the young ;man had
kept himself between Mary and the sava
ges, hut fearful that she might now get
injured, or himself overpowered, :he called
on her to fly. I .*
“ No, no, Harry, I cannot leave you
under such circumstances,” responded
Mary. “ Would I could help you. Tell
me, can I do nothing for you r” \
Meantime, the young man and the In
dians .were engaged in a fierce and deadly
struggle. i r!
“ Nothing, Mary ?” responded Harvey.
(t If yon were a man, yon might kqjflt one
of these fellows, but as It is, yoifhld bet
ter fly.” ;/!■,
Mary did not reply, for bjbjr', woman’s
wit was at work, endeavoring W conjuro
out some plan that' would aid Harvey.
Suddenly she started, 'uttered aloud
cry, and
“ Look there I there they comol” r f
So quick and natural was the iekelama
tion, that it threw the Indiana! off their
guard and' perfectly undeistanding the
words, they turned round toseewhat was
coming, in that way showing (Harvey a
more decided advantage. For a moment,
the young man himself was deceived, but
the next instant he comprehended the
ruse,, and suddenly upon! the sav
ages, buried hiskntfe In their bosoms in
sjaCNoesaioh. ■
an exsdamatibn
of :^£o&:jlSk
thc eirth. ■' ■ *
, JS**** of mind his no
doubt saved Ay fife,** exclaimed Hum,
•s be took the young girl’s band, “for
two brawny savages like those would beve
been too much for me without some belp.
now, my girl, let us move farther
■way from this fatal spot,' for it seems we
are not yet safe.” -
was not loth to comply with tike
young man’s directions, and they at Wee
started forward, eventually reaching a
place of safety, where Harvey left th*
young girl, and returned again to die
scene of the massacre, in hope of hcimroif
some fbrther service.
A few yoara subsequent, Mj»ry Mortoa
jrae united to Harvey Moore, id<l it i||g
from the lips of one of their descendants
that I learned the particulate of the event
which I have just related.
Where the Laugh Come*
Bunce’s and Sizer's farms adjoined s
each other. Sizer had an unruly sheep
which was in the habit of getting into
Bunco’s field. Bunee expostulated* with
Sizer several times, and then totfhuaU
he did not keep his sheep at home, ho
would fix him so ho would’nt jump any
more fences. But Bonce soon finuM the
sheep back again, so he caught him, and
with a knjfc severed the cuticle or akin
just beyond the gambrill joint, and be
tween the main cord and hone, then throat
the other hind leg through the
then put the sheep back over the fenoe,
who went hobbling on three lege. Sizer
soon after discovered the sad plight his
sheep was in, and' ho knew very well who'
was the cause of it, but he concluded to *
take things coolly,and await some suitable
opportunity to revenge himself. Present*
ly Bunee sold sow broke in SizerV field,
when he caught her, and with a ftarp
knife almost out her mouth from ear to
ear, and turned her back. Bunee disco?
ered this, he went to Sizer, in a neat
rage, and demanded what he did thatfer
Sizer said, “upon my word neighbor
Bunee, I didn t do any such thing.—
lour did sow split her mouth lava kina at
my sheep through the fence !”~~SSvracus*
/Standard. ■
Mistakes in Per CBMtAOE.-r-I&S'.-
takes are often made hy persons riot- busi
ness men in calculating per centage. |f
a merchant marks his goods for sale at to
tail at 50 per cent advanoe, and 88} per'
eent, be afterwards deduced fidm the
market price, he sells at cosij (because 88*
per cent of 81,50 is exactly 50 cents, the
profit on 81.) If he soils goods at 25 pee
cent aboye cost, and deducts-6 per cent -
from the bill for cash, his profits are *Bl
per cent, and not 20 pot cent, os some
persons at first sight would
U-oodshave been sometimes sold at a keft
through .mistakes in per ceutage.
I®" The rowdy is a terrible nuisance.
poor Dutch landioxdde.<
scribed his sufferm-s at the hinds
of these amiable beings«Tec rowdv
corned in and axed me to sell him son*
peer. I tells him he had more as would
do bun goot He call me von old Dutch
liar, and pegfin to broke two turn plow.—
My yife she call for de vatoh ’onto-
Fore de vatch ousegot dare, de rowdy
he kick Hans Scruggle pehint his pack; -
kissed my taughter Petey pefotohetfW
proke all ter tumplers cept teroltstotfu
pitcher, and spilt my vife and todder peer
parrels down inter ter cellar!
IS-Horace Greely writes fronr Bic
Sandy, Oregon, July 6, that “white men i
with two or three squaws each are quite’
common throughout the yromr !
and relatively comely Indian
bought from their fathers by wiute o&t
as regularly and openly as Gfreasaiaroul
Constantinople. The usual lunge ofnjicca
is ftpm |4O to sBo—about tM
horses. I hear it stated that thoughwll
other trades may be dull, that in'Jmoe
squaws is always brisk on Green Biyer
and the North Platte.”
A sharp student was called db tor
the worthy Professor of a oelehrated>ooi>
lege, and asked the question ■
" Can a man see without eyest”
" Yes, sir,” wee the answer. ...
' ‘ “ How, sir,” ored the amazed Profowor,
" can a man see without eyes t PraS Wt
how do yon make 1 that oat V*
"He can«a with one, sir,” repliedtflo
ready witted youth; and the wholeelafe
shonied with delight at his triumph onm
metaphysics, x
WSkJ* Bverjr dog has its day/’ andcV&y
day: has its dog. The cheat,'the tishm.
eat politician, the hypocrite, and the toatiy,
are each the dog of the day—they hare
snarl, growl, or whine through it, and then
each one, with hia tail behind his hinder
means of locomotion, sneaks quietly off
into his kennel of obscurity.
The best definition we ever hoard
of “ bearing false witness against yont
neighbor,” was given by a httlo endia
school. She said it was when nobodylm
nothing, and somebody w»nt
•-V-' .
NO. 80.