The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, August 25, 1859, Image 2

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    ~vjZA,-i'i mma
HA>Wb(npiHlH mo unknown to ns,onrraleibr odter
■ tutoc it to nqntro payment in advance, or a KoatanUefrom
know A pwvou*. It U therefore tueleu for all rack to Mod
adTtKl»a«iaiil« offering’to pay at the end of three or Hx
aooUn, Where adTertkecieaM are aeoompanled with the
inooey, whether one, fire or ten dollar*, wo WiU gtre the
adTtfttMr the foil benefit of cathTstes. '
AdrwtMos dgwite, 119 Namaa street, Kew York, and
IOBUto MdMt, Boaton, an the Agwrts fcr thq Mtoom
Tnbmmt,mAlk*m«*t laflaaatial end Urgett drenlatiag
Nvwajopen ht the United; Staff* and tbeCanadai. They
ere ant£p^*edto contract forjujat OM^fcweitfnfci,
New Xtos.-r-The Pittsburgh Daily
JSvening Chronicle* appearedin an entire
new dress pa Saturday evening last. It
boasts a circulation larger than any two of
the twb cant papers. As a newspaper it
is one <jf tbe.bcst in the country, and we
are pleased to sec this evidence of its pros-
"Whig National Convention. —A
correspondent ; of the National Intelli
gencer recommends ; a National Con
vention Whigs of the United States
on the 4th of July nest, at Richmond,
Baltimore or Philadelpbia,for the purpose
of nominating candidates for the offices of
President and Vice President of the Uni
ted States, dr, if separate nominations be
deemed, inexpedient, for the purpose of
selecting among the candidates already in
the field such as' may nemost eligible to
a majority, of the Whig party.
Cattle on R ai£roads . —An impor
tant decision was made by the . Supreme
Court at Madison, Wis., on-the sthjnstant,
in the case of Henry Slacken vs. theMil
waukeeand Mississippi Railroad Company,
from Crawford county, for killing cattle.
.The court sent back, the case for, a now
trial, but decided that Railroad companies
arc not bound to fenee against cattle, and
that they are liable for gross negligence
only in cases of injury to cattle wrong
i ally uponfthe track. Railroad companies’
are bound to use ordinary care merely.—
This decision is in accordance with the
recent decisions in other States.
reference to the proceedings of
the Democratic County Convention it will
bo sqcn that the name of Hon. %f ohn Gress
woll of Hollidaysburg was brought for
ward in connection with the nomination
fot Governor in IS6O. It is with pleas
ure wo notice this evidence of his party’s
high regard for him, and we believe the
Gubernatorial Convention will .have some
difficulty in finding a better man for the
office.. With Calvin as the nominee, on
one side .and Cresswoll on the other, the
people would be sure of having a good
Governor, no matter which would eome
out ahead; 1
Me. -Oreely,. in letter from Salt
Lake -City, dated July 12 th, estimates the
tptal number of emigrants now on the
plains and bound for California, at about
thirty thousand persons, teams of
oxen, mules, horses and loose cattle,
amounting at the start to little less than
one hundred thousand .head. Of these,
more Chan one half (are dr .were) working
oxen. The Emigration covers the great
trail for an extent ■of more than seven
hundred miles, or folly halfi the distance
from the settlements of Kansas io those of
California west of the Siena Nevada.—
The head^of. this magnificent column 'wifi
enter the valley of .the .Sacramento early
inAognatj its extreme rear will .be strag
glingxibwn the mountain slopes, sad, lank;
Jmd ee iate as the Ist of October.
10* AlpF prohibiting
the aakand manufacture <if caiwpho«<» nn j
bunungfliiuL Frame compilationof ac
cidenfcXipm their nee we: learn thajt .the
hw .Some four hun
dred dost their liyee hj the
use of those fluids, and over $1,000, 0000f
property hosbeen destroyed. It has now
anived at a point when ite aggregate is one
of and horror, and it seems tp
usanevilwhieh demands the interposition
of law .to protect the citizen from using a
production which carries with it death and
destruction. The evils arising from it are
of a ,character which should enlist every
philanthropist and friend of humanity in
an eflmft to make it one of the prescribed
of our country.
We hopo&at an means may be devised to
je«de fto» its peimjcioua
C* ■ nil
; oomplmenttri
notices of nontxnatioQ of
CoL.L. W. H»I1, as the Peoples' candi
date for State Senator in this district —-
They will serve to show that the CoL,*l
thougli a young man, just entering/upon
public Hiie, has already • made’ his mark,,
and is known abroad as well as at home
Mr. Hall is a lawyer, and a young man of
distingnitfaed ability, well fitted to ndecntbe
honorable poeition for which be has been select
ed. His . success is concededbythe candid of
all parties in that district.— Harrisburg Tel. :
We are gratified to hear of the unani
mous nomination for the State Senate by the
Peoples’ patty of the district composed of Blair,
Cambria aad Clearfield nountwB,.of|Col- Lewis
W. Hall, of Altoona, apromlnent and distin
gnufaed member' of the Blair eoimty ’Bar. If
the people of the district bnaw-thair Interests,
they. will bee to it that CoL Hall is sent, to the
Benatobya mqjoritywhioh Will teU on the cor
rupt dynasty at Washington, and secure a Sen
ator who will do honor to Ms constituents and
himself.— Lancaster Union.
“No one can deuythat those who are to make
newlaws, or modolirte oldlaws, or repeal them,
ahould understand what those old laws ore, and
know what the nature; of law is, both ia its ab
stract, and its practical workings. Mr. Hall
possesses undoubted qualifications in this par
ticular; he is, furthermore, a man of unblemish
ed moral character, honest, and capable in every
respect, .fit to compete with the beat ability the
Democracy ..can bring into the field..
we are . satisfied that Mr. -Holl is in every way
deserving of the iaufifeoges of the People, and
that fib bear :tbe Peoples’' banner to certain
and glorious victory. —Tyrone Star.
Mr. H; , we may here remark, is a gentleman
of fine attainments and ability, and quite able
enough to; do owmt to the district and valaable
service to the Commonwealth. He; is a good
public speaker, and industrious and energetic
in whatever be undertakes, and os s. Senator
Would-be watchful and attentive to his duties,
manfully standing up for the Peoples’ cause
against thebod policy and practices of tbe Pree
Trade, Molly Maguire andLecompton Demoo
racy. .His nomination is well received in the
county, and his prospects of a large majority
quite flattering.—2foW«fai/«6ury Register.
Alive Again.— The Bkirsville True
American has been revived again.
editor indulges in several columns of ex
planations and apologies for the sudden
demise of the paper, and promises to make
further exposures of the means used to
put him down. In our humble opinion,
a paper the size of the True American
never can be made a paying concern in
that part of the country.
, Godev’s Ladies’ BooK.-The September
number of this tip-top Magazine is on the
Junior’s better-half’s table, and* she (a
good judge she is too,) thinks the Country
does not patronize a better publication—
the Tnbune excepted. The present num
ber, ice think, is “superlatively good !”
Subscribe for the Ladies’ magazine imme
Peterson’s Magazine. —This, says
the Senior’s trowsers-mender, is the best
Ladies’ comforter on a dull day, which
can be got up by the votaries of the “ Art
Preservative.” The September number is
on her table, and compares favorably with
its predecessors. The difference of opin
ion between the Junior’s and Senior’s
wives is only a matter of taste; for Peter
son is good as good can be.
B@U The Democratic Senatorial Conference
meets at Tyrone to-day.
- B&> A question for' surrey—ls a crazy tens
meat a madhouse ?
JB* ADgammon—the atorj of the woman in
in TrumbulPtounty, Ohio, giving birth to eight
children at one tiiqe.
David Witherow has been re-nominated
by the Peoples’ Parly, of Mifflin county, os
their candidate for Assembly.
The Harrisburg Telegraph of. Friday last
publishes the county ticket of Clearfield county
under the head of Centre county nominations.
BQu A Mr. Love has purchased the Parkin
son lot, on Chesnut street, Philadelphia, for a
tailor shop. He paid only $65,000 for his shop!
IS&- The Harrisburg Telegraph says the Ap
ple crop m foot county is a fine one, the trees
eveiywhere being loaded down with the luscious
WSSF A Conductor discovered a lady carrying
a skull in her hand, as she rode on the ears.
“ What have you there!” said he. “Only a
dead-head!” she replied.
say that shutting the eyes
makes the sense of hearing more acute. Perhaps
this accounts for the habit some.people have of
always closing their eyes during sermon .time.
Mens. Blondin crossed the river on his
rope on the 18th inst., .with a man,on his back.
During the performance a row occ wred,apd a
man sixty years of age, was thrown .over the
river bank and killed. His name was Colwell.
Clerical Happiness.-A person preaoh
ipg i tiresome sermon on happiness or .bliss,
.wh£n he had done, a gentleman told him he hod
forgotten one sort of happiness: “happy • are
.they who did not hear your serinon.’* x
A Telegraphic Operator totedy “.vamosed”
from Newport, Ferry bounty, in his haste'
getting to liquidate his board bill. He jmid ac
cess to the Eail Boad Hooks, and took occasion
to help .himself to a passage ticket to Pittehnigb
before he left. His name is L. Bartow.
A most horrid case of poisoning Lasjast
been brought to light in Taylorsville, near Day
ton, Ohio. A Mrs. Conklin, while in child-bed,
was poisoned, causing the death of herself and
child. The husband and servant girl named
fiarab Kessler, between whom a close intimacy
existed, are suspected.
Van ilice,—A clergyman took Dan £iee
tuple Him jasa&e to dwtiw^ie
geousequippages and magnificent retiiw»e”(Wfe
quote: fiwm? Bwdei’s MUs) were ehteringßart
fcrd the other day, Ban distributed til? tracts
Pbong the <i*>wd on th«
promise, fiuthfully.
SQL':Jaaiia -Russel Lowell very pleasantly
who see things as other
folksseethpin, which hevitoto:—- N
• None (Urea confess he canfcotsee
die spies.
And Uke potatoes, fools are bred
| From : - ■
■ advertises tore quar
ter of I a million of dollars irorth of Pennsylvania
fives. | The i diminution of 'die State defit' pro?
grcssM) qniedy and steadily at the rate of about
$1,000,000 i per anoTBS. The interest is paid
regularly, without borrowing or the slightest
financial difficulty, j "
Timely wit.—When Sir Waited Scott
was at school, a boy in the same class was
asked by the dominie what part speech irfft was.
“A noon sir," said the boy. “Ton young
blockhead,”, cried the pedagogue, “ wbat exam
ple can you give of such a thingT” '“lean
toll ybu, sir,? interrupted Soott: •* You know
there’s a verse in the Bible which says: ‘they
bound; Samson with triihsS ”
JS”QnPnday evening, aays the Rochester
Union, after suspending work for the day upon
the rope, J 4; Delave went put some fifty feet from
the bank of. Palls Field, and. turned a sununer
sault on the rope. This was done over a chasm
140 feet deOp, and with rocks at the bottom.—
When we take into account that not a single guy
was made firat to the shore to stay the rope, it
was as dangerous a feat os any that Blondin has
yet performed.
Democratic County Convention,
Pursuant to call, the Delegates from the sev
eral Wards, boroughs and Townships of Blair
county, assembled in County Convention, in the
Court Douse* Hollidaysburg, on Wednesday,
August 17th, 1859.
The l Convention was temporarily organized
by selecting Dr. J, P. Thompson os Chairman,
and John Cox, Esq., as Secretary.
On potion,; A. J, Crissman, Walter Graham,
John Woods, E. B. Isett and S. T, Murray were
appointed acoinmittee to report-officers for the
permanent organization of the Convention.
On the Convention adjourned till
1J o’clock P. M.
The Convention met at o’clock.
The committee to select officers for the per
manent organization of the Convention, repor
ted the following, which were unanimously
confirmed ;
President—WALTEß GRAHAM.
Vice President —Geo, B. Cbauee, Henry
Secretaries—M. C. Stehley, Ed. Patterson.
On motion £hs Convention proceeded to nom
inate a ticket for County officers. The follow
ing named gentlemen were duly nominated 5
• Assembly. .
WILLIAM L. DEEP, of Williamsburg.
' Register and Recorder •,
DANIEL D. WOODS, Tyrone Borough.
: County Commissioner,
ROBERT €. GALBRAITH, Tyrone Township.
: Director 0/ the Poor,
JOHN M.'BIJRRET, North Woodberry.
■ County Surveyor,
On motion the nominations were unanimously
Dr. A. J. Cfissman offered the following res
olution, which was adopted :
Resolved, .That Muj. Theo. Snyder, of North
Woodberry township, is hereby declared to be
the choice of Blair county for State Senator,
and he is hereby duly authorized and empower
ed to select his owri Conferees.
‘ On motion, 'the Convention proceeded to elect
a Representative Delegate to the next State
Convention. ißlaj. J. R. Crawford having re-
majority of the votes cast, was declared
ddly elected said delegate.
On motion, Col. John Woods, R. L. Honell
and E. B. Iseit were selected as Senatorial Con
ferees .to meet the Conferees from Cambria and
ClearffeW counties, to elect a Senatorial Dele
gate to represent the District in the next Demo
cratic State (Convention. -2
S. T. Murray offered £J;efollowing
which Were read and adopted
Resolved, That, ( as Democrats of "Bloiipoanty,
we will yield an anient and hearty support io
the ticket which is now presented to us, and
that wc will use every effort and moke every
endaavor to for it a triumphant election.
Resolved, That the Democracy of Blair county
know no faction or cfaujentlon in their' ranks
that, as a unit, they affirm their attachment to
the never dying truths of Democracy, and de
dare their determination to adhere to its great
Resolved, ;That the hightoned and liberal
coarse; of the Hon. John CresswelT, oar late
Senator, meete with our entire approbation, and
that we'unanimously present him to the people
of Pcnnsylvopia as eminently worthy of an
electipd to the position of Governor of this State
thqt, his integrity of character, per
soniu popularity and ability are unsurpassed.
On tpotio4|the President of the Convention
was authorized to appoint a County Commit
tee for the coming year. '
Oh motionj!adjourned sine die.
■ j ]f ' [Signed by the Officers.]
As Impatient Wife The Buffalo (N. Y-j
Express says 4 woman named Louise Strivens,
Jh® of * :canal boat captain, getting'tired
last Safurday pf lying idle in port, waiting for
her liege lorjdf and superior officer to finish up
a spSfOith Whiph be bod been engaged for seve
ral daye, while the boat was loaded and ready
Poraßtirt,hW him arrested and locked up.
With the tmtoatonding that he should be re-
on the following Monday, and then, ieav
ing fS in the hands of an officer, id be given
him when he; Iras sobered and set free, to pay
hisfareto BeOhester, where he couli overtake
her, |he startad eastward with the craft, assh
hupg the oepromjl, and transacting all the
Db&xec raoi the Bite of a Tdetek. —The
(Mass.) QavlU giyesthe partion-
Jars of ft death of a boy in Plympton, in
consequence of a bite on the fihget from a tor.
Ue. The symptoms were the same as hydro
phobini. after the bite, the lad became
titvemh, and; after the finger bad been lanced
black spots appeared on the other band, and
paroxysms followed, in which the sufferer would
snap and bite iat whatever come in his wav
after the manner of a turtle. '**
The Biggest Eatteessake.—A rattlesnake
was killed, lately, 20 miles west of Terre Haute
21 feet in length, 18 inches round in the larg
est paijt, and which had 111 rattles: This,
eame enake, or one like it, was seen-in the Same
SW**Hyi thirtyi years' ago. the monster Whs
A Night or Cam*.—the i town of Preston,
Connecticut, last Moniay aight, was the was;
of a wholesale-incendiarissi, which is unptol
lelcd in this country. I( seems that a.. man
named Chapman had quarrelled with and abused
his wife in such a manner that she could,
live with him, and returned to the bode w fitt’
father, a farmer named Wheeler, i A'short time
since hedrove to the house of his father-in-law
and stole away his son, a lad seTeayearsofage,
whom he ill-treated for several days, during;,
which he was pursued. An officer finally over--
took hitnat aplace called Nbank, took the boy
away from him, and served on hint a petition
for a divorce, his wife having resolved upon
such a step. On Monday night he retained
from Noank in a perfect rage, not only against
his wife and her fitmily, but- against the whole
town for taking her part. At * late hour ha
commenced his fiendish; career, and, as be pas
sed along the road, he fired nine buildings, most
of them barns, fall of grain, Wagons, fanning
tools, Ao., which created a loss of many thou*
sands of dollars to the different owners. At
length the stealthy viDian came to the bouse of'
Jlr. Wheeler, his father-ui-law, wherqthe clo
sing scene of this diama of devastation was en
acted, and where he no doubt intended to mur
der the whole flunily. The Wheeler family
were aroused by the son of one of their neigh
bors whose buildings; had been fired, who came
there for assistance.r Before they could get
ready to depart to the assistance of others they
discovered their evn out-buildings on fire, and
while they were carrying water to extinguish
the fire in the barn, one of the boys discovered
Chapman at the corner of the house, attempting
to set fire to some dry brush lying against the
house. He immediately gave the alarm. A
regular fight now ensued, and Chapman snapped
a pistol twice at the head of Mr. Wheeler, but
the weapon missed fire. The contest was final
ly ended by a son of Mr. \r heeler discharging &
musket loaded with shot at Chapman; the lat
ter fled. It was afterwards discovered that
this spot proved fatal to the wretch, for when
parties went out to scour the woods the next
morning, his body was found near a spring,
where he had gone to bathe his wounds. In
his abdomen were found about one hundred
shot wounds. A general feeling of relief fol
fowed, when it was known that the incendiary
no longer lived to prosecute his fiendish re
Raised Fbou thb Dead.— A curious case oc
curred last week at Home, jn this county.—
Mrs. wife of a German of that name, af
ter a short illness, .was supposed to have died.
Her husband made immediate arrangements for
her funeral, having procured a coffin in, this
city. On placing her body in. the coffin a gen
eral perspiration was observed throughout the
skin, which was reported to the husband, with
the suggestion that the burial be deferred in
the hope of re-animation. To this the husband
objected, and had her interred the same day
(Saturday.) After the burial- services were
over some relatives of the supposed deceased,
who reside in this city, arrived at Rome to at
tend the funeral, which had already taken place
and hearing of the circumstances caused the
body, which then had been four hours in the
grave, to be disinterred, when, to tbeir surprise
and joy, they found signs of life still remaining,
—Restoratives being administered, Mrs. Peters
gradually recovered, was taken by her friends
to this city and is now well. Wo are informed
that she refuses to again live with her husband
The circumstances connected with the affair are
strange indeed, and should undergo iuvestiira-
Uoa— Columbus, {Ohio) Fad. ■
The New Monstkh Ibon Steam Ram—which
will be afloat and fitting for sea by June, 1860
—has the following dimensions :—Length, 380
ft. ; breadth, 68 feet ; depth, 41 feet 6 inches ;
and her tonnage no less than 6,179 tons ; weight
of empty hull will be 6,1 00 tons ; engines are to
r 3., horsc power—their weight, with
boilers, 900 tons. She will carry 950 tons of
tinn f ad Ler ““ament, etc., will amount to
1,100 tong more. Thus her total weight at sea
will be about 9,000 tons. Which will be driven
against her enemy’s ship at the Tate of sixteen
miles an hour. All the decks are earned on
wrought iron beames of the most powerful de
scription, to which both the ribs and iron decks
are bolted, while along the whole length of the
vessel from stem to stern, are immensely solia
wrought iron beams, at intervals of five feet ia
side the ribs, which are again crossed by diago
nal bands, tying the whole together in a perfret
net work. The broadsides will mount 14 of the.
Armstrong 100 lb. guns, which, with two
broadside guns on the upper deck, and two port
guns forward and two aft, will give her a total
immanent of 86 guns, each throwing a 100 lb.
shot over a range of nearly sixty miles. Cost
of the hull will be about £200,00 • engines ;
about £45,000 more, or £320,000 in ail S *
* Wales.—A great revival in Wales, is descri
bed in some of the English newspapers. The
clergy and ministers remain after the services
to converse with crowds of inquirers. Numbers
oi public houses have been closed; eight in one
smaii town. It is now ‘spreading into North
Wales and the religious intefest is very intense •
“no enthusiasm,” writes a clergyman Of the
Established Church, “ but a deep, profound, and
awfully solemn impres si«;.b prevails.” In some
districts notorious for an oath Is
now never heard ; drunkards In thousands hare
become total abstainers ; and, if conduct be a
test of sincerity, we may hope most favorably
of the religious movement It is estimated that
in two bounties only, 9,000 persons within the
lost five months have been turned to God.
The Rome Sentinel relates that a three
year old girl accompanied her father upon a
visit to her grand-parent in the country, where
a blessing is invoked by the white-haired patri
arch before each meal. The custom w«£ one
with which our little friend had not been made
familiar at home, and of course on the first oc
casion she Was silent with interest and curious
watchfulness. But when the family gathered
around the board the second time after the com
mencement of her visit, she was prepared for
the preliminay religious ceremony, and observing,
that her father did not seem duly conscious of
the approaching solemnity, she called him to
order, by saying with stem gravity, “ Be still,
V t a^J, 3rand P a P a ' t 9° in 9 to talk to his plate pretty
I. 0. 0. F.—Defaulting Grand Master.—
Geo. Loving, Grand Master of the Order in
England, recently absconded with $20,000 of
«ie funds. A few days since, a person from
Toronto, named' Snath, knowing Loying by
at Clifton on the Canada side of
Sr Faai t- H ,® “terview with him, and
JJS* .he was in pecuniary difficulties,
promiMdib the matter secret, provided be
was furnished with a few hundred dollars:
They employed a livery stable keeper to take
them to some place, to whom ho made known
towo facta,, but after a private interview with
l»e was the person ho' bus
tk* N«»t day both parties disappeared,
and have not been seen since: ! ’
«»wu* Journal of Health says•
When a child is taken with croup instantly ap
a?d frl| Wa . t6 *T ice T at 6r >
Thl>wL W tbe .« e< ? t BW * c h«it with a sponge.
The breathing will almost instantly be relieyed.
Scop as possible let the soffereT .drink a* ffinsh
as it canthen wipe it dry, cover it warm, and
noon a quiet slumber will relieve all anxiety.'?
OUM wSw has repeatedly 'fri«4 this
Broadcloth tMeEnemy of Health.
Professor Hamilton, in an able address on
hygiene to tl« graduates of Medical
College, denounces Broadcloth: as an enemy
to exercise, ahd therefore to health. Bis re
marics ere painted and Sensible. He says
“ American gentlemen have adopted as aoa
tiohal (CQStamei iß^ojoth—thin, tight
fitting black suit of broadcloth.*' To foreigners,
we seem always to bec-in mourning; ere travel
in black; we write m black, Wei work in black.
The priest, the lawyer, the doctor, the literary
man, the mechanic, and even the day laborer,
choose always the samp unvarying, monotonous
black broadcloth; a style andi material which
never ought to have been adopted out of the
drawing-room or the pulpit ;l because it is a
feeble and expensive fabric { because it is at the
North no Suitable protection against the cold,
nor is it indeed any suitable at the South.
It is too thin to be warm in the winter, and too
black to be «00l in the summer,! bub especially'
do we’object to it because the jweirer i* always
afraid of soiling it by exposure;./ Young gentio*
men .will not play hall, .or pitch iquoits, or wres
tle end tumble, or any other siniUAr thing, least
their broadcloth should be offended. They will
not go oat into the the storth, hOceuse the
broadcloth will dose ha lustre if the rainfalls
upon it; they will not ran because they have no
confidence in the strength of tile broadcloth;
they dare not mount a horse,; Of. leap a fence,.
because broadcloth as everybody knows is sO
faithless. So these young men,-aid these elder
men, merchants, mechanics, and all, leant to
walk, talk and think soberiy j epd carefullyj
they sejdom venture tq laugh to the full extent
of their sides.” , d , , j ■
Read this/all'Through.
The terrible ravages which tobacco (a making
On the bodies and minds of the young, seems to
be attracting the attention of medical metf in
various parts of the world. In a pamphlet ju§t
issued by Dr. Seymour, of onprivate
Lunatic Asylums, and the cauko of insanity of
late years, the Doctor denounces with emphasis
as one of the producing causes'the immoderate
smoking indulged in tty boys and young men at
the universities and now cal
led colleges.” .The Dootor’s reiuarks ere as ap
plicable to they oaths of this country as those
ot Europe. No one conversant ;with disease can
doubt that excessive smoking* especially in the
case of young people; must be ;h|ghly injurious
to both mind and body. Its effect is to depress
the circulation; the heart becomes weak, irreg
ular in its action, and the pujjse is scarcely to
be felt. The victim becomes irresolute and
nervous, his appetite fails, arid his mind fills’
with imaginary x evils. This may continue for
years, bat at length the smoker dies off sudden
ly; then examination has shown that the mus
cular structure of the heart is imperfect in its
action ; the loft side is thin, and in some cases,
in which sudden death has occurred, there has
been found little more than a strip of muscular
fibre left on that side.
Libkbtv in Pabis. —The Spy system in Paris,
it is said, is more annoying at jhe present time
than it has been since Louis Napoleon’s reign.
These pleasant companions are iibiquitious.—
I on get into a rail-car or an omnibus, the con
ductors are spies; a courier takes a letter to the
post for you, and the Government knows who
you are, and to whom you ore Writing. Vou
take a season ticket on the Railroad, the police
must know where you live, in city and country,
what you are doing and who you are in company
With. The Government takes, charge of year
whole being, what you do and suffer, what you
eat and drink, what you hear and see, what you
read, and what is acted and sang before yon;
it takes away your spontaneity, and gives yod
iu return widened streets and a beautiful city,
battles and renown, at five friincs—fur this is
the cost of the Italian campaign to Frenchmen
per head.” '
Not Satisfied. —Last week a hard working
sailor returned to Milwaukee, after a five years
absence in California, with but! little more cash
than he took away with him.! lie left a wife
and two children when he went away, Cud the
first thing on his arrival wai to seek out his
family. He found them in the Ifhird Ifard, and
after kissing bis wife, saw with astonishment
that his children, like sheep in!the wheat, bad
doubled in the five years, os in the place of two.
there were now four, and one quite small. He
looked at his wife. He then 1 fooked at his ba
bies. Thea at his wife who stood silently by.
Back and foi-th, from one to the other for full
five minutes be gazed, then broke oat with:
“ Well, Mary. for a small woman, withouthclp
you’re raised h—l amazingly I”;'
Experimenting on BATTtßSjfAKEs. —Several
rattlesakes brought by Prof. Christy from the
South have been used at the Ohio Medical Col
lege in a series of experiments to ascertain an
antidote for the poison. A few days since a dog
was introduced to the snakes’ cage, and was im
mediately bitten. Prof. Foote ‘administered to
luiqbrandy containing five drachms bromine, fonr
grains of iodide of patassinm, and two grains of
corrosive sublimate. He recoiered mashort
fame. Another dog was suffered to be bitten on
the Bth ult., and the bromine, iodide Of potassi
um and corrosive sublimate administered alone
An hour after he seemed to be recovering slow
ly. The next experiment will bn to administer
brandy alone, which is claimed to be an effectual
A Strong Box.—The impossibility of render-'
ing a strong bo? altogether safeiagainat theft by
means of skeleton keys, has ltd a locksmith in
Maine to bit: upon theinge
nious idea of constructing a strejng box without
any keyhole at all, and which‘even the owner
himself cannot open- Why, what’s ithe qae of
such a box, you would ask ? Bat, observe, ia
side is a clockwork, the hand of! which the own
er places at the hour and minute when he again
wants access to the box. The . bc-c
gins to move as soon as thedid is shut, amp
opens the look from the inside & tbo mpWritt
which the hand indicates. Time, dependent
upon the owner, is the hey to'the lock, a kby
which can neither be stolen from him npy inij.
tated. ■ j' r, >: : " .
What American Mibsionahim abb Doing
A correspondent of writes
from Mount Lebanon • “ Education in' these
mountains is making/ considerable progress,
owing to the energy and activity ofttbe Amerit
can ’fhfb have schools in ttfrth
every district in Lebanon,. and! have done o|grs
for the OaiMe among thoeo mountaineers, daring
the twenty yews theyhave been in the country,
than SertSJi-llonian Catholic, Greek:
Maronite,, or Greek Catholic—with all their
wealthy convents, and possessing, as they do,
fully one-third of the land of Lebanon, have
done m the last three centuries.
Cbawfobd Countt— From the
Aleadvfile Journal we leam that another mu--
der was committed in Borne township, last
Thursday. James and Isaac Coil were out
lodging, having a bottle of whiskey, when
intoxicated. He got quarrelsome
wdan altercation took place between him and
fleuui v g a handspike he knocked
OW?, v Who J n fallin e struc k his bead
against a log, where he was found dead.
of Centre county,
his political friends for
b f . lho People’s party fdr Gov-
CMlllct with rn C9*mm»mnt.
mount and son* negroes on the nW.«- 4tA ‘
Mr. Thomas S. Bialand, of St .Mary. The* ?
hating pursued the .negroes into the 41
calmly seated himself on the front niam, !”**»
tinixing some doien or more neitroes wKn4cfu
arriting from the sugar house. Thn r> WBrtt
concludes the story as follows
with the scrutiny, he entered the parlM^S.!?
tio ? “ d 40011 fo ™ol PoasessionS
when the door was opened by a nenroe
flew, ht him awl seined bin by
negroe was a powerful man, and after b.***
setetely lacerated got him hade* his fW
four balls were fired Into hiaheadfroznh
ter in the hand of a bystander] TheetereeeelSl
had noir reached the spot,deemin*
ordered the negro to remote hie feet *h**T*
ftom n a^
' ICuAcoordihg; to a eorrespomleßt of sfW
«** «• «^.^Msras. , ass&
fuagfira A Wtdnnm atzL when 0
noanbes blsintantioD of appearing »
*** Ile will also, when recroeeintr
witti hiin a stow trad cooking «t«iL can ?
[ho nuddlooftha,repeal
tete tor tLapaasengon of the Maid of theMul
A Rochester journal »ys that be realixed •»
800 from hi* last option at
that he has probably, made $5,000
m *op«-walljutig ore* ft* great rirer.
Mice f
rats arc very easdy destroyed if wow t about it
,n .:P“??. a S G ?‘ Hv * WKlflcor
mix them Oiy m equal u h» drv
Both rata and mice eat.ravcbously, the plaster
aets firm, after it niojstpned, bocoßtes a Ittma
matde tbvir, and kiUsfo a certainty. ■ ' *
Traveling is tery nnfch'liko cating C rabr~
You have much shell, ninny daws and little
meat, Bu t to read of travels is to have your
orabs. served up to you without trouble of
opening or extracting.”
Pays for a fail course in the Iron City College, the
most extensively paaonlifod anff best organized Commer
rial School In the United States.
357 Students attending dafiy, KaroUBs9.
Usual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 wttb.
Every Student, upon graduating, is giiaitanteod to be com.
potent to manage the Boplts of any BnUncss ahd quaUlhd
tb corn a salary of from
$5OO to si,ooa "
Students enter at any time—jto Vacation—Oevlswai
51 Premiums for Best Peftmaoship
awarded in 1858.
OS, Ministers Sous received at’half price.
For Circular and Specimens of Writing, enclote two letter
stamps, and address F. W. JENKISS.
Pittsburgh, pa.
Sept. 30,1858.—1 y
J. D. Lcr.
fX.' NA. BLAIR Co, P*,
Will practice law lu the several Courts ot Blair, Cambria,
Iluiitiugdou, Clearfield, Centro aud adjoining coualW—
Also 111 U»o District;Count of tho United States.
Collect to ns of claims promptly attended to. Ageats for
tie sale'of Beni Katate, Boulity land Warrants, and all
business pertaining to coimyMieiftg and tie \*.
. • . a . Rareiucrfn;
. Uotf. Aidre* BUrtat
bbrgh; Hon. Satnucl A'/ sllmoroi Pros. Judge of Fayette
Judicial District; Hon. CheuMdClemens, ..f WhwUas.Vaj
Hop. Jnhior Ilut r nslde, UellcfcsHc; Don. JohnW. KtHtoset,
Lebanon, and Win. A. Porter.PMtideßihla,
June 10, 1850-ly.
GRAPE growers can carry on their busi
ness most successfully at Jlaramontou, free ftuea
trostu; Soma forty VlnyWdsgct out the paat scans. fot
advertisement of Ilawmonton Lands, in another column.
J SClllllKll would KapKtjliiflf In
form the public that lie lias recently re- 4 >s|iQcy
fitted the above Uutoi, and la now pre
pared to accommodate his friends and JjjUßj
patrons in a comfortable manner, ami icKSSCp
will spare no pains in making it so agreeable home for all
sojourners. His thMewiir always be luxuriously somSM
£ tu *n the markets of the country apd cities, ami lit Bar
filled with’ liquors of choice brands. Ill* chargee- are u
reasonable as thoee of any other Hotel ih the place, and be
feels satisfied they can pot bp, complained of by those she
favorhlm with their custom. Eipectingto receiro Sahara
bf ppblic" patronage, and fully Intending to deaerre It, be
throws open his house to the nubile and Invites a trial
1 hpre Just received a stout cf Ko. 1 .French Brandy,
fur medicinal purposes.
>bo a large stock of cxeelltnt Ttliree, for medicinal par
posi-s, together with a lot of the best old Kjo Whuh.J te
be fimud in the country. '■
Altoona, May 27,1859.-1 y)
I from Philadelphia by TtUtrood in ttie State of No*
JotTpy. Soil ' among 1 the best for Agricultural paipcssf,
bptoE good loan*' sou, 'tilth » clkjr bottom. The toad U a
large tract, divided Info small &rmii, tmd hundred! froo
«U parts of the coUntryage nowaottliug tad bnlldint—
rae crops producodarehttgis, -»ftd «*abe.»o*n growlng
n>e ftpm tout*. Tm®j
from $l5 to $2O per aery, B^aUewithin bur years bt eo-
Btalmcnts. To visit the Tine’ Street Wharf
at Philadelphia at 9l.,by ’Rhfirbad Ibr lUnansnlt*,
or address K. J. by letter, uamjuonton Poet Offles,
Atlantic County, New Jersey. -Beo fiill- a4v«rtlaemost to
another colomii. \ . -''i l/* -i .
Spring and Suininer Dress Goods
the season Is rapidly passing away, and our etock of Be
wines, Challtoi, 'lawni£ BriUlfckto,! At, fawy heavy, *«
toi close them outio. make, poomlar pur FaUasd
Winter Stock. , ’ .
; Persona wishing .to purchase loch aooda would do- trth .
to call and examine onr stock wofore i»w Wpr their par*
chaacs. We will also sell aU lQ csr Stow
ly reduced prices, such as Hats, &m,Bonnoto, Boots a*4
&oes,*c.,Ac. tSg.4
JL N INQ themselves Indebted to the firm of Runyan 4
Sanford, will please call and Bottle iboir accounts wltbo°t
delay, as ample time baa been given. In thirty dsys b°*l
Mter, all accounts unsettled will be placed in the band* ol
* prop*? person for collection.
■ Altoona, July 23,1859.-3 t BHUTAN 4 SANFORD.
The undersigned feels grateful for the patronage bsrsfc'-
fore bestowed on the firm and himself by the cltlmns of
Altoona, and expects still to serro the public with sllkinds
of meat as usual. All persons tilling to settle their ac
counts every thirty days, must not expect longer indul
gence. My capital is limited, and long credits wfli * w ?
place me where others are that have Indulged so woes
credit to their ruin. MARTIN RUNYAN.
Altoona nursery.—The Sub
scriber would rcspoctfully inform the
public that ho has now on band at bis Nur
sory, various kinds of FSVIT TBEES, ready
for transplanting this Fall, constating of Ap- '
pits, rtach. Plum, Prunt, Gage md Apriarf B
IVccr. grafted In the root. All tlrccs warranted.
Altoona. Jnly If, ’69-3m ' R. B. TATWB-
PERSONS wishing to change their
bittiness to a rapidly increasing Country,
Settlement where hundreds are going. Where tbs «“*• -
is mild and delightful. See advertisement of the naß*?*"
ten Settlement, in another column. .
Blanks of all
B. U.Otiar.
os 1
pi*** l * • p° w
no t*t«^witoeJ
w lMsbwrt«
folWwl^:* 0 *
o b«m«U* wd *
liquor*#**^ s 1
bat »wy <«* P
iaila]|«d t> littla*
lv i : -/• -•
*t foi
tacho&lrtß b® P«
Cbpwh Bxopks
which has tan oio
for tfco purpose of
mentfo wiU be reo
28th of August at
wainscottiug,, wim
ofthe internal woo.
one*) And the Vu!
long boon darkened
adorfcVl with a boa
member* and friec
generously aided it
debt * few mouth;
nuking thpao imp
realize hn ample rc
ices in the increase
of thip place of wort
BlfitßßtßßT Wit
king Elderberry Wit
(hofollowing recipe i
then ripe, ate first
(tripped with the li
shears. Next they i
be done by means o
pestle. Let them r
when the juice is pr
press, ot any othtfr <
the juice ll twenty n
four pounds of whit«
milk worn acid a bu
%|Jbi|a beci
stand thied: days,
wine’ « fop boil
ArpjjtptpD| SQ -
Uoleu apjStw wit^ou
•o» ind put
small I
grains. gT (pound c
hhin batter of eggs, i
the frult aUUI the pn
snick Oten, and cat
lihe mealy palp of t
\ h - browned rind,
r W wherever the {
Mded m a yellow,
r er J pretty even to t
letter to flfe taste,
M ptoye.. .
s - or Pic Nic
■®o!d ouhaud
itiee on, the beeasi
•Web off on T
mcu informed it was
tTsr gotten ' up iu
ILia ga” provided by
of the compan
fitte that a portion c
F« carefully packed
f e and <
rNon who stood In
r tte Pleasures of u
Uong* Faib._o
bQrid »y etenfajg
M the Sup
, l «W €hurch,
’ w <»»eofthebe»te
a profo
thc eyo
°*t tMtldioua epedi
y«teaiug b said
al the f
know that
fop the o
teachers i
buiV *2? c han
teachers ’ In;
M '*Bcnthe 29 th
* new di