*«* lv 111,1 ' s^sswaass^ « ite Co ‘®«wi!SlSL!if ia cum* ™ - lrtc ^_i_ii ' u,eSS!2 - : ' '^ :r uf *Ww««rt2! .V“? ““Aw, *t, r ■ ihi ■-ii«niij£ spar "*"* * tii t JBWt-fcul ■ a-va.-Uf eflurt iuv« jZZ i M-.-jaUiv u. li ll .y oaß Z?*s ■ i.-i aa.ticriroa. or Saebiel >"• i!^rnriajtion t „ W/S.UIU In v ais.il (ill 1, unufcji eo^, . ■•' r 1,,!. of TWO PTtMiy : lactam the r . .-1 l UeiDga^j,. '•'. K: ‘“ '* tfll I* «wt to tile l ' l - f ana luetlioih ; • art trf grew xalnt. 1 ■ ;j “ ?*• ■ V; ru A! »^urtiuu,Xo.“K a -.’ HJ:jO:TW£!£jg3" , r . [free. Sfy’f] :-n-XTiN€oo& ' XL> OXSJUC& SAT11&0 '•'•■ ' 'Si-ring to 'll*. «dBk a K 1. OoXSTMISO ..; v iuai’ it destined to «u- FT EL ■’tlr, quinkly > >» arias* i ' ■ insnirued fere HeSa«K J iw that tmmfammta ■ui danger of floee anikiny. ur the niiirtm- airruij by ’■'*’■« ere invited tn call »t Teranle, andle*- "*rtX STIOtMAK*k/ ■ •.,I'uifvr mair OnaAf. •T-lor C.-iktogaMdSc iAns-iiaissc. :K GAZETTE.— r ' :ni * «»d kto i eirmlated fireat Trials, Crimhuil yn-.Lii*- u.« to he lotmdiu any f"r sir tnooUi*. u -i> 'aid write th* mtn» itv «• *■■-•*- ■pi < iai ri i MATftELL* Cs 7 Yurt Puiioe CutPiy AV w Tunl-jCSTy. - pane’s - TED - FUGE ILLS. i call the atten rridcyiizidl more i-:dans of 'he most pqpu fore the puhhc. ■s Cfirlrtlci LiverPiHs* n'/mend thcan. as but iamply for ir ports, vsah: : ms ; frq» ; tjlj>e r has also jbdto : .e most- sarijs : riots Aianfcls a PILLS, ?. CcXiri-AJKTfS, EME*T3S, : -'S» In cases cf . AGUE, ter tafcaig © vnriahl^ .rent- erne.'- the above crejEJsaa’!^ dance *widi tbe ;tcd popularly rnetors. KOTH^jRSj H, PaJ Drug, : been - ssbx^s r ze now givc^or d *< Ac ioJd among w 6 the dayy re ■nd^faßT^^ id, : ; .j orders to Piltsl»aifi» ** ir-ioring r ' ,,e (. vrrparta of i iriOBAC - paid- fcsij* cius:te«“^W^ e , . i IK I i ' K^B : ■ :'v^B'' : I^B;. ' - UcCKUM 4 DEBS, TOL. 4. THE ALTOONA acorn* * /narahle in*»ri»My in 2[S?’ffi3!-a t tta «,*>*» of tteti-e <® ttul Of 3 ioaertloc 3 4a. 3 4a. *s *s* ‘.S sTbTi !S is is Sw** »t.d u thmtt—ih.3faat»i« ,:,utrr tp *“* iJ*® l3olo - ~ moortfas. OxßGßtfat. 1 jmc. (!« $3OO $S 00 & la* or hm, 2*o *4 00 *7 00 aj.agnti*, 4 so «ee .id eo > r 6 00 SOD 32 00 m*, 6 00 10 00 1400 „w™r, lo OD 14 00 20 00 ilalT uraiams. 14 00 26 00 40 00 “ d Ex ' Sotie !f' 176 «ithßhggtochmQC; _ . . . ._.... ~ , MOO ... or Bomoo« Cms>. Mt ißtfiwny S .u *iib mner. per year, 500 unicolum* .tf » jmlitiad danctor or iadM&nl io . li trill Vue cJmrpni occardtag *n thrabov* ntm. .jnffiiiwneiitF not oarkiid with Hk- number of faUKTtkna irlll b* continued tail iorbid mod barged according tern*. . Viomim jiutiw* lirr crait* par line Ictf every »Dtta*rr unticw ci<-«sdii»g t*n lima, My -cento a. »gttire. tribune directory. CHUfiCHES. MINISTERS, AC r R<-v. A R. Cuok, Pastor.—Preaching ev uuraius »t K»l£ o’clock, ant in the mating at ■ I’dor* Snhliath School at 0 o'clock, A- in theLec la.i auum Prayer lifting every Wednesday evening in * !ij» IVU' TOtilll. Epi:.r»paL Rev ft CnxtGHTOX. Pastor.—Proach ,,... .tttt morning at 11 o’clock, and in theeven ~ tiabliaiF Scnooi iu tin- Lecture Room at 2 o’clock, P. ,r i„.i,erai Prayer Sleeting in same non every Wednes rvemut Young Men’* Prayer Meeting every Friday ,nnmf _ _ _ „ r-1,0,1,cat Lutheran. Rev. 3 icon Stax, Pastor,—Preacb , J, ier , r-» i.b«th morning at o’clock, and at 6LJ o’clock rujuug .-Jiiiuatf School in the Lecture Room at )., riiict. T“. M. Prayer Heeling in in-mr room every H«Ju» evening. s ; aSni ItrctirtiL. Rev. W. B. Rid. Pastor.—Preaching ev stiuaUi morning at o’clock and in the evening at • ~ c i.,Ki. sabbath School in the Lecture boom at S -inrk A M Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening ,■ nun- ron; /‘rotoWnl £pi» r '>pal. Rev. IE W. Oum, Pastor,—Divine g-v,*, ’jr ami ,ih Sundays of cadi muntil at K% o’clock j;_ and j}* H. Sunday School at ft o’clock A- 53. faW.yic Rev. Jolts Twiogs, Pastor.—Preaching at 10 \i . liu ti><- in online, and at ln the afternoon.' Bqstir.. Rev. B.H-FWB, Pastor—Preaching every balilmlh mxuuig It o’clock, and al-n iu the evening, Sahhath KW at» o'clock, A. 1L••, Prayer Meeting every W’edues ,< evening. afncca MOitacUtL, Rev. Erimai Cak, Pastin'.—iTeaching firr Fniiiintli morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening, in ; - Puiuu School House. ALTOONA MAIL SCHEDULE JIAIbS ChOit. biien Wai at ** iulliilaj Kfftsni TliiHin^h. U&ctd Through Hall _ MAILS ticfrn Through Mail, I? tnem Through, Cancn Way, IjBKTB “ Muiijillicp T3PA- M, and <5 15 ** (Met open Sir the txwaoctMqi «fl>o«uu» frinn 630 A JL t :3c T'. ll_ dating flu vnk, tad from “JO to BJO o'- Uuck. 'lll BDIMIb}'. Jtm« 4, ’ST-tf] BAtUtOAO SCHEDULE. I tier® Train Rust arrives 1-25 A. 3L, lave* USD A. M. “ Halt * 5-55 " “ 6,1* * * Put “ tm* * sag p. m. • « ajn p. il « «i * 6,10 P. M. “ 6JS P. XL >i«: “ Last “ 7 A* A. 31. “ 7,50 A. M. “ H.*t - «w»T: UL, “ G.-UI P. M. Tiif !btuLU>ATKßOßGßßASCQcani>ectitirith.Express Train Cam and Heat, sod with Mail Train East and Heat. Tiit ELATIL6 VILUK BiLANCUcunnect* with Johnstown Ksj Train East and Hast, .Express Train Heat and Mail Twin Cadi. S««Ulbei 2*!, ISiR. MEETINGS OF ASSOCiATiONS- Itvutaiu iod//r_ A. T. M_ Xa JSL, meets on second Tne*- of each mouth. hi the third ktory of the Masonic Tem =: 7L ..’dork. P. M. Ifonttam £ncusipatrat, A. V. V, So 10, meets os the iosrfli Tmxiax of each month. in the third story of tfaeMa niiir T-mjild, at 7*4 o'chad:. I‘. M. AUimna Mlgr, I. u. «f O. F„Sa. 472. meet* every Friday '••ruins. m Co second stun uf the Masuuir Temple, at 'duct. ¥■ 11. Ttratulu Mgr.. I. O. of 0. F_SiaS32, meets every Friday 'vmiint.ii, th' third story of Patton’* Bußdiug, on Virginia • ’.trrt- a; 7U .'duet. P. M. IKniuiajr. Tril> ni arr ac • !5-«5 KBSXkB T 25 A.M • BIJ JJ T 25 A. M. and c 5l r. N 600 “ 7 30 “ 5 55 JLJL 7 35 T' 00 A. SI. 0 25 P.SI. JOHS SHOEHAKEU, P. 31. TQOS. A. SOOTI, StffL XJTTEST BBANCH ff na,unao(cin ME AL TS IMS UR A SCE comp a rr » WOKHAnat, *A -s?* KE ®», AGENT, ALTOONA* BLAIR COUNTY, FA. MXULTB MJE&AXrMKXr. C«wqpay«> tbofe inaqwo ?? *«! re *j* )? ■«*«■ <« uoddem, eqmO* d» Wfag «t the rate of ID **•»«*& $ iS W J 2 * £ 30 00 do 20 00 »00 do do at) SS t £ »• »« do do |g{£ xiee *» f »» J Tb Fewtw®, Trews, w™£S£ nmn * ■ißßUrauamaaT^ fobae A it«ye^ SeuioelCbmt, I JohoßHall. The. Bond ofDirector* aribedt die followtog tetteonU S2fSS^^: *“ * ?P,,^tal Wn£u*sro**,pA_ Augmd 5,1857. I m com uf tbe TeKßnaob lanmaoo Ccanur at T-mfl? «o vwi. i‘a, and cheerfully bear teßtjmoriy to thair Wh cb»r ■cter a* '’“““ mm. A company under their control will nudonbtodly U- wifely and prudently managed, mfl iritoihlt nay sustain ImonUj noted- GREAT OPENING SPRING AND SUMMER (J& CE> C£> 0 JB. HILEMAN HAS JUST KE • caved and opened at bis old stand, on Virginia at, a large and attractive assortment of seasonable goods. com prising aP flu novel tia in SEEEGES. dcc,ils, CSIXTZEK LAWKK GISGHAMK EMBSOWEBJES. LACES. BOKLEKT £ GLOVES, and all varieties and textures of L.IDLES DBESS GOODS, together with a fun assortment of goods for gentlemen's wear, such as Cloths, Coasimeree and Testings. Also a full stock of Hardware- Qneensware and GROCERIES, ment of and an BOOTS, SHOES, GAITORS, &C., of all sizes and styles, which equal to any in the T»wr3c«t and vcQhbe sold at {air prices. Having recently enlarged my stare-roam. I can now display my largely increased stock to better advantage mid would respectfully invite everybody to con. May 12.185 M. GKOCEKY AND LIQUOE i v STOEX.—The undersigned Would beg leave to an nounce to the citizens of Blair county arid vicinity be bos ojtened bis new Stare on Tujnnfa Ural, tkrrr dmft below the Sigteriuttmdaifr Ojfux, where bebsejnst recanted from the Bast and Vest a large aaortiuent of 1 Foreigji and JkmeWßtJaqaau, JhS consisting as follows; French Otard Brandy, Cognac Brandy ~Peach Brandy , Cherry Brandy , Old Burgundy Fait, Old Part Wine, Jamaica Bum, Holland Gint Old Rye W/dakey, Jdcmonyahda Whiskey, mid Mhine ITbie, which he has himself imported. Hutailerß of Liquors and Farmers win find it to their advantage to imv of him, as he will sell at CITT PBXCKB. He wfl] alsukecp cuustanßy on hand on GROCERIES, Buck ar Flour, Boom, Salt, Fish, Tobacco, Sc~ gar*. Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, ifc~, sc., AH of which will chcmp for ca«L orConatrj-Produces Onr aatl tli** jmblir generally' air respectftiDj ifr rlttiJ to give hb a call Inshire jmrchasmg eHdslicr«Vs LOUlf PLACE. AlicKma* Maj 2G, ISSfi.-rtf B> E. 0003 k, JL J, j| eODOLL, JL. 2. TiBS. GOOD & GEMMILL HAV 1/ ISC entered into Partnership in the Practice of Medicine, rwqiectfnlly tender their services to the Pnhlic i,n the several hraudbes of their Trcdemdoa. Calls will he answerull either day ur nlglil at tlieir office —which is the same as heretofore occupied by Dre. Hirnt A Good,—or at the Lagan House. Bx. GKMMTI.T. BJEFEBB TO Pins Gturner, M- O, Prot Obstetrics in Penn'a Meihcai Cullege, Philadeljihla. F. Gram Skits, S. Prut Institutes of Medicine in Pean'a VeduU College, Johx Sbll, M h, Prat Surgery in Pa. Med. CuL. and Sur geon to the A. Hospital, PhOsdi4]>hia J. A Luden. M B, Huntingdon, Pa John SlcCnll.rfi, ML, e John Scott, Eeq. - _ “ Hiu’lxbthi, Jr, Esq. u F»,U Lilt'd, £gq, HoQidaysbnrg, Juln; Cresewcih Jr, Esq, ■“ Saniacl Ma&ken, Esq, Bull’* Mills, Gen.BP Bdl, A (dm BcH, Esq, “ A}iril Slst, IKSS-Sm Dr wm. e. fixley re- » fPECTFCHT offers hi* jiraianiiia]uM|& scr rices to the people uf Altoona and the jauring country. Ur may be funnd at the office heretofore oo enpied ij Dr. O. D. Thomas. Altwma. Scpt-30, IKSR^tf BF. ROYER, M. D , • Offers his prafesmonal aerclce* to the citiscn* of Altoona and viontty. ' The best of reference* mm he given if required. . Office nt residence on Branch street. East Altoona, three doom Conrad's Store. [Aprfl 26’59-3y. TTkENTISTRY—DR. S. KDfMELL, 1 / OPERAITTS <£ JfB&LASICSX* JfESTIST. Teeth mnertnd, from one to a&U Bat, on or fißrer Hate. ■. ■■'■■■" * - Teeth AQsd vrith Gold, and wernoitadiar ten years. TeetbOxtractedbr the Macao Wagßfittr Machine yfth- OStEsitta -* AO ejiermUaiw and wade dene cheaper .Own anywhere ttaitOe Conner, and* dednoSoa snide, of the railroad i ■jin—i fimn AHoanato than aB «o»- ttanamuußtfncto Owe ddßarS end over. O»ec.M,U6S-dy WM. 6. BITTNER, surgeon oenttist. i rYFFEGE EST THE MASONIC TEM-i VfBJL Twdh —teaetaj nrWnail tdn hy theiaectTO ■' ' 1 T>LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE ett, jSSScadfar, end rf woj dea flratafiiSw&er I'emtir, ntaaxeiaoiiaideiateiaßaqT. Qiaajiaay tn thr Mate, ■Qfce with MLAehnatan, dhifc* on. blx. caubtooa, Jan.g,»-tf ■ ■ '■. j Lycoming county mutual rrox rSfICBASCK AaESCTWgie rntdenfigned. Agent edife) Sgoanuag Sntmt] Rre Insurance Oorma&, It gsdHlmrirriiffymjnenre agahmt lose criSauiagiPfytirß, JNrKßmm, FicrfUhtrt and dVepnfj ttf every 4MO%Ni town or oocntay, at as leaaionhferdtMas aay.ceaapetiy ia the State. QSn in the Waannir Ttagde. to] jnyit ehqemajUeb, j^an. 6 BRAT WESTERN INSURANCE JU» TKJJST OemPASTT—lnannaioc tm Stid « ■ananaß' aftyerty wflTha tfedad an the must i anaantda teMntfa tberageatris AitaosaashSs nßeatadaaaSt. Pare Err, ik»! . joa» atoEtiumu . Agent. OF ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1859. Select Jaetrj. Aim! alasr I «d not tbmfc, Amul pant 3mm of deep delight- Thwtwnghb could toudk the golden link Bm then bnween ns aeexnedso hi iylo Wt time dream what rime nay bra^; Tbe heart it a mysterious thing; A change caate o'er thy gentle tow, And « are bot as atxangrac now. Yet sometimw in ay sadder moods. Amid the aoenerof toil and strife, And oft in woodland wolitudm. Afar from, dork and bogy life. Thy image tinea to my eye As bright as iutbe days gone by; Thy voice- low, musical, and dear. Steals like a spirit 1 * on my ear; The vanquished joye come wildly h««-> Along life's dark and arid truck; Cdd thoughts within my bosom stir, And 1 am stiQ thy vasshipper- The bird that o'er id y j wtfbwuy Che fieetxqg vision of & dream, Che atar that lighte ftvfa&e the Then toms awer ite «flver beaut— Cbeaßj these are emhkema to my heart Of what then vast, what thoa art, Che bird, the dream , the star are Hows, Asd J am left alone-—alone; Tet still I hear with sweet H*e song the bird aang in her flight; 3Qie dream with all U* fidiy train fitiQ hanptß the chambers df my faraiii; And afutz> when Z bJslt Ckrougb tears where beamed ih*» azar t It aefixne Again to ham on — Xhe glory of my dooded sky* And on its lovely &*t I Che pictured Image cffihy And hnetd in worship at when Its JEkien-iight upon me burst. SWed Uliscfllang. From tUt Ohio Cultivator. •Simdasr Doiop amos g Hones. Osr parson is one of the kind who gives the people the worth of their money,so he gets up pretty extensive sermons for such hot days. JLast Sunday I sat till he got to ilthiy, and, by that time, I got as dry as a contribution box j so I stepped out to get a drink at the pump. The meeting house is at the comer, and the horses are hitched along oh both gido* As I went out X saw something was on foot amongst the nags: most of them had their ears hack, and were showing their teeth and stamping in anything but a I'e ligious mood. When I got my fluid down 2 stopped to investigate the disturbance among the horses, and as I knew horse latin, sat down to take notes. All outside the rails and hitching post, in a pared gutter, each beating a ta<-.fay> with a quartette of iron bools, which I at first thought would be more profitable for the blacksmith and farrier than for the owners, but, as the owners were mostly rich, it was none of my business. The little Black reached bis head over to tie little Ghpsnut and whispered some thing, when the Chesnnt mowed lie meet ing be organised by calling the big Bay to the chair. This motion was carried, and the chairman proceeded to state the object of the meeting as follows: FiXLOTS" Houses ;• —We hare now or ganized ourselves into a convention for the purpose of peaceably discussing our grievances in accordance with the repub lican character of our inalienable rights. We are brought from our stables and pas tures, evciy Sunday, to be tied up here, is this hot weather, upon a pavement of villainous holders, exposed to the heat of a mid-summer sun and the bites' of the merciless: files. Many of ns have not a stitch of fly net to our backs, and all of us have been more or less incapacitated from protecting ourselves by having our fails clipped to gratify an unseemly tosh ion which neither our masters nor mis-; tresses seem, disposed to honor, at this time, in ' their outward continuations.— Besides, onr check reins are left tied so tight that we cannot bite a fly from our shoulders, or ease our aching muscles a minute. ;In view of these abuses, we feel that oar condition cabs loudly tor redress , ami hopetois convention will devise some means of relief. The Blade that nominated the Chesnnt as Secretory, which was agreed on. The Cream Color moved a Committee of thiee to urejajarii a platform for the can mdentkmia themoeting. 1 Gaped, and the dMariappoSitcd the Cream, the Bhch, and sdd Committeel ■ . HHtSej this committee ' was commlting ■ together,' the Gbir eafledioran expres-, the difereotmem- : Yellow Marc— Besob&l, That the mercifcl men is merciful bo his hast. Adopted. ByoidWhite— " R-oolvpd, That every horse shouhibe constructed so is to protect the flanks and fISDEPKJfDEKT IK EVKKTTHIKG-] EKED BUSS* legs as wdl as the back and the ears,” and in this form the resolution -was adopted. By the Bobtail Black— Hesolved, That this is an abridgment of our own natural rights to curtail ns at one end and tie the other, while the flies are goffered to sock our blood. Carried with the greatest unanimity. By the Black Pony— Resolved, That these flies bite like b—l. Objected to by the Deaeon’s Yellow Mare. (The Pony had been brought up in a livery stable where his morals had been sadly neglected.) The little Sorrel said the Pony was right. The old Dun thought the language too strong for the place, but wonld vote for it any other day but Sunday. The big Gray moved to strike out all after “ Besolved/’ and insert “ that these flies have the faculty of caus ing the members of this convention, and our race generally, much pain and annoy ance.” At this the Pony fairly kicked one leg over the shaft, and bit a splinter from a rail He said: ' u M r * Chairman, the horse just up is an old fogy. Igo for calling things by their right names. This standing up here in such weather is a d—-d outrage which no Christian horse could endure. Master is in there on his soft cushions, hearing Shadrach, 4c., in the fiery furnace, that did not burn them a bit, while we stand here in a fiery furnace thgt does nearly take the hair off, and tormented by flies to boot! I protest against Dun’s milk mid water substitute, and call for the previous question on my resolution. This was seconded by the Bobtail Black, littht Sorrel and Dapple Grey, and the res olution wes carried by a large majority. The Cream announced that the commit tee on a platform was ready to report, and presented the following: - Ist. Since the horses are deprived of their natural defences, they should be ef , factually secured against flies, &c., while confined in harness. 2d. No good Christian will leave his horse tied in the sun, upon the paving stones, when there is a shade and soft ground within fifty yards. Sd. The man who keeps a check rein hitched up while his horse is waiting by the hour, onght to go to the place we read of. 4th. The provisions of the Golden Buie should be constructed so as to apply to horses as well as men. This platform was adopted by a unani mous neigh, and the Secretary was order ed to furnish a copy to every horse con gregation, in the city for ratification, with the request that the subject be acted upon next Sunday. -Just then the people began to come oat of the church. The little Black tossed his head and gave the Chesnnt a wicked leer. The Yellow Mare whinnied for her colt, the Pony champed his bit sulkily, but all were so glad to get awny that they moved off at the word, and I guess that this,convention, like many others, will end only in talk. However, if no reform is effected in a short time, I shall look for, further action. SCIOTO. A Chukch Seized with a Biuors Attack.. —Last Sabbath was Quarterly Meeting of the H. E. Church, and, as usual on such occasions, the Sacrament was administered. After the meeting ad journed, the members went their several ways, some to dine with friends in town, some to their homes in the country. In about an hour the doctors were in requi sition in every direction ; to 2 whole mem bership was sealed with a~ simultaneous “bilious attack,” and the demand for remedial agents was general. The first smell of the sumptuous dinners prepared provoked sudden and involuntary eructa tion on the part of the orthodox members of the respective families. venerable Peter Cartwright, Presiding! Elder, for whom extra preparations had, of course been made, retired from the, prospect as dinner came on, a. little bent over, with both hands placed below his vest buttons, declaring that “ he didn’t feel like eating” One brother is said to have ipade for his house, half bent, and with a groan, tum bled on to the bed, and in reply to bis wife’s “What's the matterPf exclaimed in a despairing tone, « Oh! Iv’e got the cholera.” The epidemic spread all through the coomlry, exciting considerable alarm, and occasioning a general easting up of accounts. But the panic subsided when it was ascertained that antimonml wine had been, by mistake, administered to the whole body of communicants. | We under stand that “Unde Peter” stud “it was the first time he ever knew an attempt to Tamil die devil out of toelehureb”— Although!! was a serious matter, the sin ners, owing to the hardness ofjtheir hearts, did laugh.— Winchester (JH| Chronicle. JttZjrlff- [ \ 10* A witness before Jnd| Mmtaasppi, in an, answer i topfigd. ■l’s, shoe, Bob I” \ ' ' Whenesmo* toe judge said . “ Mr.Olcik, fine Hr. Jdw for and five for to Blondla’i Fourth Hlagatra. Exu. rA multitude congregated -at Niagara Fails on the Sd to witness Mens. Blooms’b | rope performances. He first made a rapid trip over his alight bridge to Canada, sajs the Buffalo Express, and on his return, when about half way to the centre, he stopped and sat down, then stretched him self at foil length upon the rope, then performed a number of daring antics, and finally stood upright upon his head, re maining in that reversed position for a length of time which seemed nmoment at least, swinging and lacking his feet in the most reckless though ludicrous manner that can be conceived of. Besoming his journey, he proceeded but a little way when he again halted and repeated his performance, with the addition! of a back ward somersault, and one or two sudden swings around the rope, which caused a general flatter among the hearts of the spectators, and brought little screams from many of the ladies. Starting forward again he proceeded to the open space in the centre, between the extreme guy ropes that branch off to eith er bank, where the cable spans" the golf without stay or Accompaniment. Here he paused again, and laying his pole upon one of the gay ropes, he swung himself under the cable and ron aeross this cen tral space of single cord, in the style of a monkey ; hanging beneath, and swinging himself along by his hands and feet, with great rapidity. Going back' again in the same gymnastic manner, when he had re turned to the point where his pole rested he began a series of performances which outdid in startling effect upon the nerves of the spectators, all that he had done be fore., Clutching the rope with his hands be swung his body clear from it, and hung for a lengthy period of more than seconds, suspended by the arms, and by one arm, over the fearful depth of the cb*stn Then he repeatedly turned such a suspended somersault as is familiar to boys, throwing his feet over his head and between his arms, and hanging with the shoulderjoints in a most unnatural position. Then he straightened his body into a horizontal position, still suspended by tire arms, thrown backward as described —an exer tion requiring immense strength and cal culated to exhaust the tmryqns systeu tremendously. After this he snspeimM himself by the legs, and b; one single leg, hanging head downward —whirled around the rope—turned more somersaults —stood upon his head again, and in feet performed nearly all the most reckless feats attempted by tight rope performers under ordinary circumstances. Twice again, before reaching the bank he halted and repeated some of these antics. The performance was wonderful, and exciting enough for the most greedy seeker after sensations; and was by far the greatest yet given by Mons. Blondin. Advice to Toukg Men.- —Socrates did not urge his friends to enter early upon public employments, butfirst to take pains for attainment of the knowledge necessary for their success in them. Are you stepping on the threshold of life ? Secure a good moral character.— r Without virtue you cannot be respected j without integrity you can never rise to distinction and honor. Be careful lest a too warm desire of dis tinction should deceive you into pursuits that may cover you with shame by setting your incapabilities and slender abilities in your hand. People who have the rashness to go into stations without proper authority and the requisite preparation tor the service of the public, not only involve; others in loss, but subject themselves toridieule. The tricky, deceitful, and dishonest are rarely prosperous; for when confidence is withdrawn, poverty is Ekely to follow. The shortest and shurest way to five with honor in the world, is to be in reality wbat we appear to be. When once a concealment or deceit has been practiced in matters where aU should be fair and open as the day, confidence can never be restored, any more than you can restore the white bloom to the grape or plum that you have once pressed in your hand. Error is the cause of manyttiscries, the corrupt principle that has produced evil in toe world ; ’tis this which begets and cherishes in our souls all the evils af flict us and we can never expect to gain true and solid happiness bat by !a serious endeavor to avoid It! Falsehood boot on ly one of toe most humiliating yioes, but sooner dr laterit is most certain to lead to most serums mime. ? ” Industry, well directed, wifl give a man a eotopeteney in a few years. ■ Tb* great est industry misapplied is usddss. ift. Theodore Hook sajM)f n&eads sadsfeamboatr; u They and time, pc* to mention » innhitale qf ■ -:l\\ M vof a question '\Wom Hocw Took bciag«&ed bj pßail, “ I e»noot» joar fell a *j«j7 froma hnavcr ' v r;.i five dollses editors and proprietors. Some fifteen jean uo a mah noted Geo. Bristol, left that cttj for tee sheets of tie Pacific. At tee time he left, he had a wifeand one child, tee httgr ter three jeus old. They leaded in tee town of Waterloo. At tee time, ha wife and child were living with her fateer.~> Some two years after, tee father end moth er of tee woman died, their estates dispo wd of to satisfy mortgages, end life; Bristol and her child were throws wnesi■ tee cold charities of the world fora Svaig. She was very feeble in heakh,aedoC course was unable to takeeare of henel£ The mother and child came to tiya city, where they fired for fete fire at tee expiration of white time tee died, and tee girl was left alone ha tee world to do as best she eonid, bring now about ten years old, and a smart, active good-looking girl, she soon found a situa tion in a respectable family. Here sbe remained till ghc was 15 yean old, when she bound herself out to a ««n -liner. She served three years at that Wi nes? and had become mistress of bar pro fession. Now, tee strangest portion of this revelation is to be told. The girl ia now over 18 years old,'and a poteet mod el of her sex. During this fag interval it must be remembered that tee girl )fe all track of her father. Her beauty at tracted the attention and admiration of a spruce looking gentleman who mot heron Broadway. He was a man jof about 40 years, but bis appearance did not that he had ever seen over 25 «nmnua| An acquaintance was made between her and the gentle-man above alluded to, and a final engagement entered' into for mar riage. The day was set, and all necessary arrangements made for tee ceremony.— On the appointed day, the pair, accompa nied by their friends, met mr.teeparpOM of having tee plighted ones joined in wedlock. Just before tee miaister earn tnenoed the marriage rites, &n olj iy»ph entered. They were formerly ufatfe of tee Bristol family, and M watched tee girl grow up from infancy, and worn mm anxious to see the choice tee had made in a partner for life. ? Imagine the surprise of all about, tea tee old couple, aboTe referred to, reeoni zed in tee u man of the girl’s heart,” her own legitimate father. Par a moment all was amazement and 7*l*l of things being folly realised, thesoGßo turned to one of Joy.' An absent father had received a lost daughter, and teens* sembled throng of Mends were highly de lighted teat tee affair reauitcd as it did. The love that had before burned so brightly between the twain* had tune be* come a flame aa inextinguishable as tee fires of Vesuvius. A queer world this.— Alb. Statesman. Peteu His Ows Judge.-— -The fallow ing amoving incident conmmnieated by w Mend in Boxbury, occurred iu« school in that city : “ A lad, whom we will call Pete for the sake of a name, playing truant fam the school, and wishing an pt 'T~ ~ lii'i of such frauds. He then told Pete that we would leave him in the for half an hour to reflect gp this, and be bis ova judge as to the punishment due the of fence. The half hoar haring elapsed, the “ third position”—the of atten tion—and the teacher said—“ Now, sir, yon yourself are the jndge in Am base; what is your decision 1”’ Peter hesitated a little, then, hanging his head, pronounc ed in a whinnlng voice j the fiaQowxßg impartial verdict:— u Whg, oi vt’i ike Jute time, I think youd better let the poorjfek low go T” ■] ■ S9u> It lias been said that lajdrw btTfl generally a great fear tbis has been snpecbsallj asenbed lo their natural timidity ;but the trath is, that it arises from their «f -ban gattractive. tSf'hx youth hearts are trumps; in manhood diamonds and ehiha, to the ckoumstanoes; but after atfafain are sure to win when the |ne «||ft ceases. ' ' ■ . * ’ aouSi7ness, ls a eharaeteristieef a prettylarge pmoSn oT the better of thatwosezes.llaa7 a wonum, hkethe Spariiw bgpj carries a fox In ha honmu Appearances look well,” is the title of aparagraph on the crops, which we lately found copied into an exchange. It reminds us of rite “ sinfnlneaa of saw” KBP * Be content with what yoßhmnb” as fte rat said to the trap, when he saw that he had left part of his tail in It • , Pn*sa£tm*tion is * !: i: i *3- .U; V ♦ NO. 88.