A„:triran, i'r.l: IHirerfy. - V.v; »f Ottr Union '■■ ■ ■ ■ Tnft Flag, S}. : . Aptering ~ f >K r?a^ !aff"'( CUr> ’ Unrptr'* U<&l**^*"*& i J’Mvrint, - 5 • :■;, Clipper, ,1* t*iU„ - *«'> .. . ,; r -'•"•wiean. Hunntr o/'/,^. D.VIUKg, • - I r vw%ia2gs^. ; Shite, '• ] i-. Knv t -!., , ( Dni w^ng a ’J^ ls . ■■l. IkjuliK iiiul in w. itmuiiry line. -Toyi. I-» -if every variety* We. lV , tM? r< * •■’•'“‘“e*, Ac.: S »sa,« ! ‘ ,llc, ‘ 11 ** applied. Trr tL*^ IL WfrtiNaEii. I ■ DIXON’S IHXON'S LINK ’TMIX'HXEffir J' FAMILY I’APKR, :*UiHKr» iir i JWN * CO.. ! ““ t - V A /j /iVA’ 1 ' ti Ql|i hf thm r •ry Voj*fs n/ o^da^^ fl ° T9ui s^usciiiraiox. »p’ GIFTS! $2OO cud, 1 125 - . JOo •• 1«0 - "15: •■ •*• - -•• 10 “ ,9> “ ■Vutclw, 'hullW, ■ irjjwicj ,W$ mJ K ituliHVu* uxml Cn«s Gul.i ■f Brncrletn;jusST£Waj .. .vSk nOcrinjr ‘ fur Sale] Wi"iß make thfin Bp id most ilnrallemtul the ijtvl Workmen I t all workßualt will U I < ft(vo' Mttbfarlleul fl J ' stuck of flmri OtKJDP. A Cowm*,' . ;Uma-j tvlU.Ti-iiieCi, Neck ti ■s.Slockj'J : at in ii larce fuuortiueiit ol • . nil of evhiili hov'dctirmlneAl !••■ lKiHsl l r, flii*'*Weof fhilaj 1-jntlfull.v' JqVitM ito.call and nil take pk-uaure loabowind mi .from cyv.il. i|£ns>. 31 J TIIOMASijkwAT, < )TKh.—THE SUIH - ;I all a” iS-i-aMf fniwtu lar nMj i •.»»■:. !«■ liuiui.msly (fmijili'-l • i iti v anil rilif*. ulul 1 1 lx li*.r. ■ an.la, llis clrarpn are a* !. i llnifl in llii-i>Wv,«n’ IVimn. roruuallcinal pur t i ■ Inat old Rfe WlilrVj joux nrtwju.M ni:SAIJO2S.MI]iKS [; ilrAjul ji> |lh* State'ofAVw >• f.*r A^ri^nltiiml I !.v fniitoiii. * 1 ! . tHt'IlH, nuil .lintidMdf if o ™ ■«■ s.•Tllinis mid bundll'l-'''" ■:ithft " ,li,rr I llallr.mil f.y*:l!ninOTvH*' ,n « i r. Ua!iiiu«ituh.Po»lOfllc«, j'T full ml Xl' All SAiiK < ol & Sl«je.Store, firing and sSminer re and jatters. ii.iwn our entire, stock »* • :'-nt.or*rco*t. ■ bound tocleW U ou * •JVE TO &fr. r BARGAINS! _ I'KOPLEfT CHEAP SB°* C. \C KIMBAIA- ; to change their viTtlMrDient of the nR» D,oa Lllillt. _ 1 VEGETABLES"! ivi' daily daring tbo •t-IpUlu acd PitttburgUj »“| Radishes, Cttcumher*, w. Fresh Lake Fish* Stand oa Main *trc«». flr,t j ,0 MATHIAS OTTO' . PRINTS, i ’( . rod to thePoWI 6 ‘ b *i AOCKTA __ STRONG * co ’ „ NEW TOKK 9X ifcl* *^ fi j Pffßiwr Kte. local Cirr Coukcil or Ashort time tlnce the'City Council of Phllarfeiphl*.«Xtended ,0 invitation to the City Councilor Cincinnati to nat tb« Quaker City; ! which invitation was ne sted, and on Monday morning last, thoparty, niimbenog some ninety or one hundred persons, including » number of ladies, started on the tri). They arrived in Pittsburgh; on Monday night at 9 o’clock, apd, were received by a com-, mittee and escorted to the Monongiihela Hoose where * gfand supper was served up. They rtnwincd in the city until 4 o’clock jon Tuesday afternoon, when they embarked on the Fast Line, for this place, at which’ they were inyi ted to stop ' over night and take a glimpse of the Alleghe nies as they arc seen from this point Informa tion of their intention to stop with us having b«en generally published throughout the town, arrangements were made to have; VpnTries’ Cornet Band of ilollidaysburg, and the Altoona Brass Bend in readiness to receive them. Short ly previous to the hour for the arrival of the train, the Bands performed aeveral airs in front of the “Logan House,’’ which soQn collected n, a large crowd of people to hail the guests. Owing to the heavy load of passengers, .-there' being some 260 on board, tbe traindid not reach this place until a few minutes before >lO o’clock. After the arrival of the train, the Bauds con tinned ;to play, alternately, for half or three quarters of an hour, until the guestk had been seated to partake of an excellent supper pre pared for them by those prince of landlords, Messrs. Miller & Rowe, of the “ Logan House.” A fine collation was also served up to the Bauds nml « few invited guests. Supper over, a few nirs were performed by the Bands, when Van ' Trios’ Jlaml took passage for home on a special irain prrrvidcd for that purpose. ,U o o’clock next morning, a special train was filled up for an excursion trip to Gallitzin, to enable all who wished to obtain a sight, in day light, of the most grand and picturesque sce neries to he found in Uic country. The greater portion of the party, we think, availed them wlves of this courtesy extended by the Penn’a 11. R. Co., and they certainly did not regret it. Tli« morning was clear and pleasant, affording a fine opportunity to view the scenery without being ng sometimes in the delectable ®asement of trout-fishing, at which he is an *pert, counting his trophies by 'hundreds in of dozens. Jones is a “trump-” take him ** Jou will. t Ew and after Monday Kran °b Train between this place and • 1 sysburg will make three trips a day in- V*“ ° f t,ro ’ M now - The first trip will be made e morning uat present. The second train leave Hollidajsburg at 10.10 A. M., arri- Mu g * t J thia Btati °o *t 10,45, where U will be Cetd * d c £o th P Eastward andpro ref _ prw?e Creek, from which . point it will Local fyeightWmtdotd, arriT- Hit u,- The Th« .will be be , 6 “ at Present, This arrangement will rest accommodation to ithe local trewl, *»« #° °fthe aiwwawodajUMn train, the due? ‘lsstsehcdnle. The “modflOon-: field of c, Bfix«°T' m . Wblcll4o tiita hiiti 18 n - ht “ d - the^ 2lsibf JuneW Sir. A. Word, of thfc place, GonetAl “f Car Department , because no tenoning or mortising is required; consequently its ap plication to old-or new cars adds to their efficacy. The application of the patent td old cars is veiy easy and the expense small when compared with [ the increased amount of service the oar will thereby be enabled to perform. It is not only a saying in the wear and tear of the car bodies, but is less destructive to the road bed, and has been demonstrated to be a saving of at least 20 per cent, in locomotive power. This latter quality would alone be sufficient to recommend it, if it had no others. ' From the numerous let ters Mr. W, has' received -from; railway men, acknowledging the merits of his improvement, ire think it will bd universally adopted by rail road companies everywhere. We should, be pleased to see Mr. Ward handsomely rewarded j for this evidence of bis skill tod ingenuity. I Tkslpjjbascb Mass Meeting.— On Wednes duy last, | the Grand'Division of the Sons of Temperance of this State, met in the Altoona Division Boom : and' in the evening a mass meet ing Mas held in the Methodist E Church. Wm, .Nicholson,i G. S., was.first called upon toad dress the meeting and responded in a speech of about an hour’s length, abounding in sound ar gument, apt illustrations,, humorous anecdotes, cutting sarcasms, and great encouragement to the metiers of {he order to persevere in the good w °rk. , The meeting was next addressed by Mr. Baker, ofj Philadelphia, who directed his re marks moire particularly to the young and the duty of those having charge of children to instil into their minds principles of temperance. He related several incidents of the good effects of this early total afetinance education, which ap peared to have their weight upon the audience. The closing remarks were made by H. K. Smith, 6. W. P., who is a pleasing speaker, and bis words are always to the point We only regret- ted that the lateness of the hour prevented him from extending bis address. What the effect of the numerous temperance addresses, with which wo have lately been favored, will ultimately be, time alone can tell. Certainly, we think, some good must come out qf them. Should the tem perance cause enjoy the same prosperity for the next five years to eome that the liquor cause has enjoyed in the last five, a great moral re formation will have been worked, and its fruits may be plainly seen. Fisher’s Gat.ef.rt. —While passing along the street, in Uollidayaburg, a few days since, we were very naturally attracted by the dispay of photographs hung out in front of Fisher’s Gal lery, and like every body else, tro stopped to inspect them. Among the likenesses, exhibited were a number with whom we are or werffac quainted, and we hesitate hot to say that more truthful, life-like.profiles could hot be taken. We noticed a large, almost lifersize photograph of Dr. in “oili which would do credit to any artist in the country and would be an ornament to any gallery. W r e noticed also, s photograph, finished in water colors, of Capt. D. 11. Ilbfius, dec’d.,- which is certainly a master-piece of workmanship and at once proclaims Fisher a prince of artists. We can not enumerate all tbe countenances and views arranged for the inspection of the pnhlic, suffice it to say his galory is almost os attractive as those of the cities. The fi&ne W Fisher, as an artist, . €ocBT PaocEKDisos.—We clip the following is not confined to this .locality. He is known \ ' tCmB ° f proceedings, from the Standard nil over the courtry, and liis advice and inatruc- ] of tlu3 week tion is much sought after. Understanding as he i t,l ° Uarlfin— lndictment, poisoning does every branch, of his business, all who call ' hors ® s, Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine upon him for anything in the line of amhro- ( of costB prosecution, and undergo an im types or photographs may rely upon receiving a l P nsonueat * a tke county jail for the term of correct and durable article. j e 'B^ ee a months, / Com. vs. Abraham Gomher—lndictment, horse stealing, Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of §l, costs of prosecution, and undergo fin imprisonment in the AVestern Penitentiary for eighteen and a half months: Rex Off. —'f'he heavy’ shower of rain which : fell between 6 and G o’clock yesterday evening, created such a flood of water in our streets that the sewers and gutters could pot contain it, in consequence of which the railroad tracks in front of the “ Logan House’’ were entirely sub merged. While they were still partially under water, the Branch Train backedvup on the in side track, next the “Logan House,” and when nearly opposite the Ticket Office, the passenger car suddenly left.the track and made a BTme for the Altoona House, in search of dry land. We presume the Superintendent lias no ohjec tipns to the “ model conductor” visiting Mr. Woods occasionally, but we should not bo sur prised if, hereafter, he refuses to let him take his train along with him. *Thc train was soon checked up, and no damage was done other than slightly fracturing pne of the trucks. No per son was hurt, but several were badly frightened. Ssresade.— the arrival of the Fwt Line, on Tuesday evening last, Van Trips’ Cornet Band honored several of our citizens, ourhitmble self (the Senior) among the num ber, with a serenade, for which they have the thanks of all so honored . The Band is composed of excellent musicians .and as clever a set of fellows as can he. found this side of sun-down. So long as such men as brother Trangb, the ‘‘.model condpctor" apd funny Aleck, are nhmt bered among Us members, It will be a popular institution. JlßAimm Sionr.—On Tuesday evening of luit ireek, at about balf-past eigbto’clook, ire witnessed j most besfetifol tbe oost brilliant meteor lire ever tdidil t W« nt Jittleweat of *enitb, pasaing rapidly in o Soutbweaternly direction, wit* > grbiwingsound simtarto tbat of a sky yocket, louder. For perhaps five seconds it iftupthe tpwn Vitftb Aind'^t be ! t i. rfi\ CAOOHT -“ rW * *** «* following hava bMn in tti B place and may be! known some of »ar bat he doe* not belong here;— “iChartos Wmbm. said to hail *w». aulX s rf*” 00 *- goods from *hei/respective Blows, ;; On meeting Dr. Patterson this moro® be g pem£° W^f. WB « uil V l,l(l to ■ , h . e boftrdin g bouse was subse llre itonorf ed w d near,y aU the ortid tWo-Gtory plank Ilouao, with a basement Kitchen. The other is a oue-and-a-ludf story Frame House. For par ticulars inquire of JOS. WEAVER, Sr August I, 1859.-3 t f ■ PLUMBING, GAS FITTING AND GAS FIXTURES.—GEO. A. OGLESBY, Practical from Philadelphia, has opened a Gas Fitting and Plumbing establishment in Brant’s Row three doom below the Poet Office. Ho will be pleased to attend to ail orders in hb line with promptness, neatness and durability. *S“ AH work warranted. Altoona, August 4,1859.-lm* 1?OR SALK A LARGE TWO . STORY DWELLING HOUSE, with g a Kitchen attached, a good Well of uniter MaSStK at the door, and other conveniences. From 11 ff A its size and location it is well calculated HM I ■ (IE for a Boarding House. Jt will be sold on very easy terms. Any person wishing, view the house and premises will be shown them h/calting on the subscriber at tho Store of R. H. McCormick, or on the premises, which adjoin tho Store, i' Aug. 4, 1859.-31 A. McCORMICK. WR. BOYERS, • ATTORNEY em ° Ut t 0 mako room f WILHELM A BRO. SELLING OFF AT COST OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER OOOJ)S. Give ns a call and secure GREAT BARGAINS' In BOOTS AND SHOES. We will continue for.FOUR WEEKS to *ell Unbalance of onr Stock of Sommer Goods AT COST! to make room for an early Fall Stock. ■ The Peopled Cheap Shoe Store. - Virginia Pt, twodooraboiow Superintendent’*Office. Altoona, July 28,1869. ■ •••C.-W, HiMwai.r. T? ST R A Y.—o AM|l YQ THE PREM- Jui i»M Of the anbecriber, near AbT ' , legheuy Furnace, Blair* county. about two month* dace, a BRIN BLEB STEER two years old, Ihe ovser b re- ' qnestedto come forward, prove proper-JXK*MJBia^ July 21,1859-et -■■■■• r -’ c. B. SINK. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, -i-T %t the Book Account* and. Notes Of Dr. C.j. ffint and also of the late firm Of Hirst A Oo&$ are left in jay handsibr collection, where allperson* knowing themselrea indebted Will make payment. Altoona, July 14.-tf JACOB GOOD, J. P. . IWTOTICE TO TBACHNBS:^Notice ±1 la hereby given thatan Examination of Teacher* to take charge of -the Public Bchool* of the; Borough of Al toona, will bo beldiaWr*tWard ; BchooTHou*o,' bn SAT - - VBDA.T, AUGUST 13,1859, commcnolngatß o'clock AtM. The Director* desire to secure the eerrioes of 8 Teacher* —d nuflo and f RTmaRP-fin: a derm of S ■ duwths. School* to open on the Brat Monday .la September; . Juiy MjISW.-td B. BOSE, Soe’yf^ DIED 1 !J »dEBaAV#SW If LUND BITTERS rtß CELEIUUTQ) UOIUND RK.MKDf MBBiSE W TOE KIDHEfg/ L.iVfeß COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS of any kind FEVER AND ACUE, And the ration Utectisoa consequent hpon Adinwdsrsd STOMACH OS LIZJSS, Snclv u IndlgMttpii, Acidity of the StqfctSCh, Colicky :^^ttrwaßnsa3£3 i®fciS33i tofts :Sd?£Scwr~* s <£■-swssss, i^vafessrs: Uaited States v*s intended more CBfroUUv to thoee scattered* ere and thcrToniMAe Jhc* at “Ptty. Meeting with '.great mcwuMßi them, 1 now offer it to the'American public, knowfogAhai itatruiy wonderful medical virtues must ba MtitaMnA ** J ecoßllnc nd l, d to those MiwhiwMs constitutions may have been impaired by the cSrtWrOTM ueo of ardent tpirite, or other farms of dmipalidbt ffita pallj inatautmieoua in effect, it finds its waydiraotW tat to - mag of tub, thrilling and'quickening etwr narre, raising ,n C,ct > »•» “ Sk ;3£,CRSSb|StiS n far trial. One bottle Wlll ywlbSn^tS superior it is to nil those imitations. ‘ . " *** Sold at $l.OO per bottle, or.slx bottles far M,lt ths sole PBopsuapas, BEKJ. PAGE, JH., & CO., . ** v^ t 3ss^t* a ** T.w.Dyon* ons, Philadelphia; Barnes APark. New lf 0 A • J«hn D. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard, Adams * Oa- ROUSH. Altoona, Rl, and In UnMka an*} Merchants generally throughout the Cnitat mM ond Canadas. jOctoher Id, WMi4lf-p' All wanting farms in A dk- IiaQTI'ULCUUATS, rich aaU. andseewefrom irosit. flee 4dvertUmn«mt of mail. has devoted 9 lifetime to the cqre ofdU ease on which his books treat. Address J. Tti.iJlj, w n No. S Beaver street, Albany, N. T. ' s-aur*.*, M?.^^ 0 J? Fe ? , “ I V,? u,a ’ •* » hox, with fall diroetifes. dresser Teller Um *“- Sent byaJivT*- aresa Or- Teller, as above. -dferil 17tbr’6d-lj. T° all wanfcin S Farms. Seo advertise -1. went of Hommonton Loads. Lands i lands i i lands ill P7f» ml to locate LAND WAS n^T?iJ.«, tho oma,l! ' ? nd NehrnskaCity tand'Oßcei. Qood feleetions can now be mode soar the Itm ittMai and sottlemeuU. The Lands of this Territory, nutria Market, are of the best quality. ** carefully mode, letters of laeulrr questod. ALEX. p. McKlNj^rf July 14,1859.-tf Oass Cbnhty, If. T*r. Kircßincst; Her. A. B. Cubs, Altoona, Pa. liWTD A Co., Banker*, Altoona. Pa. McCecji a Dsbx, Editor*. u Tnoa. A Scon, Bupt. P. 8.8., * v P. McMpbto*, K»q, Huutingdpn, p». PERSONS wanting change of cliraata- T EVI RILING, " -Li _ importer or * WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c. AUeghny Street, North ITonC A large Btock of «11 kinds of LIQUOKSOf fcL* Braiids, will be kept constantly on baud, and wU**b« In lots jo suit purchasers, at prices m nawMUa'u cap by had anywhere in the country. CHQB Business and Factories can b<* St?fltooutonffi. 1 Uammonton - .*? •**«!•*■ ion EOXES WINDOW GLASS. l\/u from,Bxlo to 24x36. 7 Batty Knives, Palnt. WaU and Varulah Broshe** Blaster Paris, 1 Logwood, - Extract Logwood, Camwood, 1 B y re , 1 < f rim * T *W«w Otluo, ia ***** *• JS 8* May 1-, 1858. . &QJm pAINTS! PAINTS I ‘ : ' A . 4 Cusob Cluymw Qrcep.. 3 Case* Chrome Yellow:. Burned Umber. t Xsm di SlninM- Bed&Sd.: *sss?g B^jsax IANGY TOILET “ Cleave So ***’ Bazin's Pqnclno, Peach and AlmondJ. Brown Windsor. Pure White Windsor, . Transparent, . SnlMnrßhaviiig. May 12,1859. ■pEHITOIEKr f?- ‘ j Kta» me Sweetly, Butterfly Bonnet. > Frangipani, Bondelitia, JMaontßbquet For *aje cheap by OILS! OILS! Ftair» Befloed lilniwtid 08, Extra Wd Ofl, SerowßeOU, for »»le «t ‘PORTHKHAIR JL_. Bumt’aCbcoalnel ' ‘ ' LyotfaKtfwiioa, • _ ‘ Snptoor aiyßnm,. _ tblognMor&Ußdi^ M«y12,18». IIfRS- PHEBB BAILEY'S - IW assortment ARNOLD’S WRITING FLUID, . • Pint. Hajtfint and * ™® Block and Red Inks, Stationery, |&,»t May 12.1859. J .gOEWfI UNITED STATES LIFE INSU. KANOE Company. Agency, Aura Street, March IT, 18M. JOHN SHOB»AB^aJS(P BOOK FOJI KV* 8 Y BO D Y.-STARTini t \SOLOSCKKS.—Dr. T*i fiß 8 great work for ttw )pr> fed, or for iboH.ecmtcfcurift' ".VCW^SMJ pi«s sold tho last year, The irlo, married, end nar _ied happy. A Uctara *e tore, or how to chooMViMrt '; a complete work ah SDd (vry. It contaiM iuhdjreJa iod-.wampfod to be wlrth for it, SfioeatrinapMleer geento a copy by return el ■■ T