Sip. managers. ’BT+MaUST. MwewrftHß ABOVE AUEoBW to3fe« public ** B «ch Wednesday io Ztelnvan, in ptftiic, qq. ' commi—ioagra appoint- a August 8,1869. August 10, 1859. August 17,1859. , August 24,1859. _ •* August 81, 1869. wSmS and I*** 1 * «*• loe?ery two Tickets! ?SSunber»~i4 Draws Mioti. ioSS ..JSBJ .-.Mg •- --tJ- - • ■ • - 1 4000 i f-v.--. ■ 4MD* 1 2.000 ■ 400 " . UMO jf i |: : 3 ♦■-■ 'jgg'. ~ ■ 1# * -.| . 283,240 SM.GO 1,01 • oM 11 «(hAl|« *2B teboU (fete* fMl^o '7 ■ • * 26H«lf « > 'TWO ■ •/«. , “ SB Quarter M B^2» h 't •. .^h. > . - I: tB 1 7(780 dc, Ac, Ac. ’ _SMI? Brt«a amounting to sl^o2^ool IfWc TieSut* $2O; Sakxe $10; Quarters $6. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. SnejowtheamowatofinooeytooDr addreee. tor wbat yon wiebtqpnrthaee; name theLAttery | n which yon „i,{, if tmrte* »nd wh«ther jou with Wholes, halve, or Qoar wrt, ob receipt ofwhlch.wo awn! wbat it ordered, by flnt BaihtOfHber with thewcheme. Mnmeolately after the drawing, the drawn number, will fcejemt With a written explanation. ' * ■•“r* 11 W ?J. theirjlgnstnres plain, and ginth. non of their EoetOfflcc, County and State. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ™ o,# “«* »«ndiq* money by mad, can ate THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, whereby money fob Ticket., In sum. efTen Dollar., and npwanU, can be eent ns At ODE RISK AND EXPENSE, worn any _eity or town where they ham mi office. The Company cannot recslye them. p Mail or Ex prsw, to be directed to WOOD, EDDY 4 Co m- T> . L. Wfimlnghm, Delaware. EIGHT KEASONS EVEKYBODY TO O. B. SINK’S STORE. 1 he has a lakoe and well ■A • eeleeted aesortmeut of Dry Goods, which arc worth 2. lie hu’* an nneqnaUed stock of GHOVERJES* fresh ' ** ** reasonable adaay merchant QUtaU * an > «**• Aod'wieet? CUlUdr ‘ :n ’ enibraei f i e all elxee, qualities 8. a line stock of BATS for Summer wear—Amt toe. pink ofthe Cuhion-01l very cheap. JJi a * wn y | ! °H band an assortment of Btady- Maie CUhltg, to suit the seaeon. y r 7 . ;“ “ b ftnd * larpro stotk of CUXJa, attrimmt aud Vcstw which ho will make up to order :on short notice etyld) and at price which miwt give satin 'TSSZ^ivSSP"****- CHEAP GOODS AT McCORMICK’S STORE. JUST ARRIVED, AND NOW BE v INO opened, a very extensive assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, different varieties usually kept iu country stores, Mralnlly Selected In quality and ittyle to gait the season, Pry Goods department, of Prints, Lawns, flhallyg, Delaines. Ic. 4c., in all their variety. Misses an.> Genfs Gaiter*, Boot* 4 Shoes, H*t», Caps, Bonnets, 4c., 4e. 0 Hardware, Queentware. Cedancare „ Z*af and Panama Bait, o‘ffu, Sugar, Tea, MUaues, Bice, Dried FhaiAa. de., Dried Beef. Sugir-Cand Utmt, ShoaJdm, Sidet, de!7 all. of which will bi aoid or exchanged for alt kinds of pro duee, inch *» Butter. Bgga, Lard, Tallow, Bags, Soap, and Grain of any- kind, a* low if not lower than any other house U» town. Betyg very thankful for past patronage, * **7'P***J*oe to receive a Tbit from LAIR COUNTY MAIIBLK YARD. freeman Agporer respcetfully Infcrai the Pwks.*tt #=7>«Tee*ttblhhed a NEW JIAKIU.K YABR ot Wooorner if Allegheny and Front Street*, In tluUMan! wherethay wiU keep couetantly on hand iMlu torment of choice Marble, and be prepared tb execute orders for TamfyStotie*, Monuments, Table Tops, ’prompt and workmanlike manner. JApril U, ’5O-6m* J® BOUGHT AT H. TUCfI’S, * Co’« PaKnt SboiiVwgeamttae^Shlrte !$»•- SBPHENE. BURNING FLUID, ■MWOtI, Spirit* of Turpentine, WUfeZ«ad and ftriple. cheap at A. BOOBH’S. . jp^^SgiaMj A. McCORMICK. establish Manu- [| eOWSffEU.-8 wg: " lilt' nMtt Mn l ime bmnMiiriM troubled With luflammatarTM mxiij to the Spring, and lasting imtllcoldwi*ther*et Su when T wouldbft reUereJ for n while, only to he attacked apilnintteSprlng. AM my jolnts wonld ewdland be eery aore, attended with the most acute pstto. My feet, ‘F n » , > «od bands troubled me moit, ao much to that I could scarcely walk, and almost always required as sistance la dressing. Daring this time I would tryevery thing 1 mold hear of, in the hope of finding a care. I also ttied seyetal physicians, bat nothing seemed to help me the least in the world. About two and a half yean ago I was attacked ae usual, sad aa asnal tried everything to get rid of U, hot to ao purpose. 1 kept growing wane, wad finally had to gire np and itayln the house, where 1 was confined about font weeks. This time my feet swelled, and were so sore that I could not stand on tMm or get on my boots, and my bonds »w ei led to twice their usual sis*. In foct, 1 was, to all appearances and belief totally need np. About this time my parents, who reside in Maine, seat forme toeome home. 1 went and aßer my arrival I . fomwenred try tog another remedy, boptngto be eared, but resulting themme as all others. For weeks 1 hadnot been able to drees myself or to raise my hand to my head, mid suffering tbs most exomciating pain all the time.— my fotber came in with a paper in which was ad. vertlsed Dr. COcgswell’s MEDICAL SALT, for Infiamma tory Diseases only, and wanted me fo read and eee wbat I thomdrtoflt. Inadand langfaed at It. pronounced It a -hmnttnr. and tnld hlmthst load hem hnmlnyp«lnnnngli . He keot urging me, and at last sold I cnnld but try It. and If I would write to Dr. C, giving him a description of my disease, he would pay the expense. Of course I oonld not refiuesneh ao offer and sent for one box. It came ip due mason, but my faith was not increased, and I laughed at ’ me Idea of so small a dose doing me any good; and toldtny wife that I believed Dr. C. and his gait, berth humbugs.— However, I commenced using it and the malt was per fectly astonishing. I could hardly realise it myself. 1 slept soundly all night, which I had not done for a long time, and when I awoke in the morning,strauge as it may mwn, 1 'was entirely free from pain. I had then taken ‘ but one d-se, and bathed freely before going to bed. That morning Ifelt so well that I hardly knewnoW to contain myself and went down stairs and, told the folks how well 1 frit, and from that day to this I have not snflered on? moment’s pstn or had on attack of my once dreaded enemy. Rheumatism. Jam perfectly wsllond hearty, and whoier- I hare a Chanoe I recommend it. A friend of mint, re siding in Brooklyn, b now trying it for a bod caae of neu ral ipe rhenmatlsm, and so for it Is working admirably.— Thwis Along story, bat I bare told all the nets, which I can bring witnesses to substantiate if necessary ; and will again say that in tho MEDICAL SALT, a sure cure may he found for all Inflammatory diseases, and would nine all who are afflicted to give Ita trial. QUO. H. DIINCAN, No. 117 Wall Street. New York. When it is remembered that the MKDIOAL.BALT is as efficacious in ~ all oilier Inflammatory diseoses os In Rheu matism, (see descrlptivsclroulars) ft will at once be seen that it. is f-inost trainable remedy. Surely those thus af flicted will find in their own condition and in the above statements, enough to induce them to give tho MEDICAL SALT a trial. Price $1,00; Chronic packages, $2,50. i D. C. TAYLOR & CO, General Agents, No. 202 Dock Street. Philadelphia. For sale in Altoona by A. ROUSU; at D Its Mills by B. F. Beil; in UolUdayshurg by Ueo. A. Jacobs, and by all ] enterprising Druggists, and wherever the Tribune goes.— I Call rr send and got a circular, and do not foil to try the New Medical Salt. Dtp. 16, ’oB*ly. Red uon hotel, ... . ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, PA . iiits old established and popular HOTEL, located nearly opposite the place of stopping the passenger cart Id Altoo* na. bos passed Inw the hands of the present proprietor. tout; experience in the business warrants me in assuring the travelling public that no pains will be spared to render gnests as comfortable us possible while sojourning under la y roof. 9 Tlie TABLE will constantly be supplied with the very best the market offprds, - J Tlie BAR will be found to contain an excellent assort rageLA^ER iac,ulU,, S that choice beve The STABLE b in charge of an excellent and exneri encea Qstler. * The proprietor hopes, by hta long experience In the bnslnes and the facilities ut hb command, to make the Red Uon. in all respects, a first class Hotel. The business of the Hotel will be tinder my own personal supervision. A liberal share of public patronage Is kindly solicited Kay 19. W SCU ™*W i^ricior. A YER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, mian fe Gewan'mS? CoUBh **”*’ Barhave's Holland Bitters, Sand/ord's Liver Jnciyorator, Lindsey's Blood Searcher, Clarks' a Female Pills, or . Duponeo'a Golden Pills, Wright s, Ayets, Wilson's and McLane's PUlsi _ _ ~ „ „ Merchant’s Gargling Oil, Perry Davts Pam filler, ’ ]hfate/uttls Fourfold Liniment, Mexican, J \erct and JSouc JjCJii/ucHtj _ instore awl for sale at Sept. 2,-1868-ttJ - A . RODSITS Drag Store. XTOME TESTIMONY. J. J. , (From the l#ewistown Aurora-1 _ , aTe beel> . «aa<3»a ALTOONA, BLAIR CnURTT. PA. ' BESTQUALITY OF 'SLi 'fU)V& ftr (ale, Wholesale and Retail ■’■'ssa. pKEASI TAKTEK, SUmt-CAKBO NATK of Soda, Balaratus, Waahlng Soda. - Oni-Va.-. Bulik Powder, In More and. for sale at » B»pfc2, , tB-tf.] A. ROUSHS Drugstore SEALING OFF—A LARGE' AS- Rd&TJIBNT of Boota and Shoe*, BuflWof And Call w &%%. • ; A LL THE STANDARD PATENT JCX MEDICTWEB At (1-tf. KBSStBR’S. TO 20x24, AND CUT M to order by O; W. KRSBLKR. CPECXACLiS AN#UYE PJEBSEJU KJ Ton frritltU &-«} OMUWI. ; AORI<3DIiTUEAL SETTLE-['DIKE’S PEAIC » <»n -:: aU leroffy ftomr, a rare opportunity JL siderable excitement, bat not sotnnch by any means. too delightful and Healthy dimate 25 atile* Southeast ef as the Urge, splendid and cheap stock Of *'^-~m^ : ****** cs^cciiDcsiss* Ag olf eafate consisting of ecreral tbonaands of acres.of now being opened at the MODEL BTORB.and whrielt ia Wthw boendiTHedinto Farms of varioussirea Bta i a mooted question whether or not gtM can; be pro to»n«ttepnPch*BCT- A popniation ofeomc fifteen Bun- i cttred by to the , former ptace , the proprietors of the *•* from: various parts of the Middle States and New ; Model feel con&lent to »ytog that goM ton »W W« hr hare, settled there the past year, improved their ; persons purchasing goals of them. £“*S. tom low. Mm of from $l6 to $2O per acre, the soil is of more varied than heretofore, and we hops to beahU to for the production of IFArat. Cbnxr.Omt, please the tastes of thomost 1 IHSCOKSIDfiKKDTUB. . ■. --rfr-SM BEST FKPfT SOIL IN THE UNION, the place Is per- F01&lSffl tfitl DOffieStlC GOOOS, fectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemr of the for- “ * * yy.i uopd of frain. grass and fruit ye now growing and Such as English and French Ducal*, can be Men. By examining the place itmdt, a correct , ' » ? n . n •> 7 j ndgment v c*B beformed ot the productiveness of the land. OlarJc and fancy OUKS, Jf Tench Jiril- liantt._Jyund andwhite Mar rMlt has boen, tint within the post j»r, »onie three hun- SeillCS* LaWM* GtnqhatMa drtd fuMoetltate been erectad. twomilU,one rteam, four n/* . »*■’,. * • toons, some forty vinyards and Peach orchards, planted, ■ /TlWtt, MtWKfiS, ®C, and a large, number of other improvements, making it a Also, a splendid assortment of White Goods, Hosiery, desirable and active plate of business. Gloves. Mitts, Ac. We hare also on hand a large lot of THE MARKET, • CARPETS, bought at auction for cash, which will be sold to the rtoder may perceive from its location,is the x‘rrffi 8^aSßWtlllent of Beautiful Spring and BEST IN THE ONION. Summer SHAWLS. Produce bringing double the price than in locations away BOOT'S ST-TOBS from the city, and more than double the price than the _ West. It fo known that the earliest and best fruits and WOOQ6H & WlllOW WST6> QII66IUWUO, vegetables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and are ,< i , > sig_LM mutually exported to the extent of millions. WlAßtrs^T?gi In : locating here, the settler has many advantages, Me uiemr 1 * ‘ ~ v *« I f T«n is within a lew bonre tide of the great cities of New Eng land and Middle States, he .is near his old friends and asso ciations, hett in a settled country .tehere every improvement of comfort and ciuiluation it at hand. He can buy every article be wants at the cheapest price, ami tel l his prodace for the highest, (in the West this is reversed,) he has schools for his children, dtrine sendee, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where levers are ut terly unknown. The result of the change opon those from the north, lias generally been to restore them to an excel lent state of health. In the w*y of bnDdtog and improving, Inmber can be obtained ut the mills at Hie rate of *lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every ar ticle can be procured in the place, good carpenters are at hand, and there is no place in the union where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. She; reader, win at once be struck with the advantages there presented, and ask:himself why the properly has not been taken npbufore. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; and unless these statements were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land before pur cluuing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cnWvatfon. such U the extent of Gw settlement that J“V JEt “•« PWHB*. from their own neigh i a « * the improvements and can judge the character of the population. If they came with t 0 wljUe, they should come prepared to slay a day ? r ,, 0 a ®“ *P purchase, as locations cannot be held on refusal. There are too daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlors who improve, the Railroad Company pives a Free Ticket for dbc months, nad a half-price Ticket fur three years. THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON. j.is2 n ? ecUqn w *^ l e “KricuUunil settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, which presents in ducements Jur any kind of business, particularly stores and mpna/aclones. The Shire business could Is? carried un in this place ami market to good advantage, also cotton Pusi ***** JUauutictories of agricultural implements or Foundenes far casting small article*. The imptovement lias been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of business. Town lots of a good size. «ve do not sell smad one*, as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be hod at from $lOO and upwards. • The HammMim Farmer, a monthly literary and agri cultural sheet, containing full Information of H.mwnnpp'i, cau bo obtained at 25 cent# per annum. Title iudispa[table— warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is paid. Route to the land: leave lino street wliarf, Philadelphia for Hammontoi. by Railroad, at l Uj A. M, or p. M. Pare 90 cents. When there inquire lur Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences »u hand. had better stop witli Mr; Byrnes, api inci pal, until they have decided ns to purchasing, as he will show them over the land in his carriage, free of expense, betters and applications can he addressed to Latnli.-, k Byrnes Hiunjnonton P. 0., Atlantic Co, New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 South Fifth Street. Philadelphia.— Maps and information cheerfully furnished I Jane 30 ’oft-fmi.i SAVING FUND. S' 1 G FUND. NATIONAL Lr THUST COMPANY.—Chartered nr the State of Pennhtlvania. , , , . . r ules. 1. Money Is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. 7 ** It hi EK *' Kf ' T- * ntereBt i» paid for money from the day 3. Thj money i, always paid back ip cold, whenever it i* culleq for, nml without notice. 4. Money Is received fl-om Executors, Administrators, bunrdiaia, and others who desire to have it in u pine- of perlect safety, and where interest can bo obtained for It. c. too money received from depositors Is invested in i-M,. ..state. Mortgages. Ground rents, and such other Amt ;, As securities as tire Cliarter directs. 6. vhce Ilonrs—Every day from 9 till S o’clock, and on Mu " 8 “’dockin the evening. U0N.,11. L. BkNNKK, President. SBLPUIDQE, Vice President. W. J. JIKKD, Secretary. „ T „ DIRECTORS. itEsat L. Benner, Francis Lee, C^ TER ’ F- Carroll Brewster, ItOBEKT SELFRIPOE, JOSEPH B. BaBRT, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Tehees. ' C. Munss, llenbt Bifpendekfer. Office t walnut Street, S. W. Corner of Third St. PhUa delphla: . April 14th. '5O-1 y. By: ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.— Bid you Jiearfthe news from Europe? If you have not, we Will tell you what it Is. It is that lIEM;Y TDCK ply T rcturu<:a from the Eastern cities with a huge stip- READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of all, styles and qualities of Overcoats, Dress Coats, Vets, Pants, Boots and Shoes, and everything kept R 1 ? 1 of V l6 klnd > all of wl ‘lcli L offers at 5H. P . 7 tedl f ,o ' v l’ riccß for M*- Having purchased liia stocfc at cashprlces, he is thereby enabled to sell very Ue inyites aH ttoso in want of anyUiing in his line to £ 1 C'dL.ftcllng sure that he will Be able to give eatiftfaetton. tiuvwv tppl ? Altoona. Sept 30,1858.-tf TLCK ‘ The great question which now agitates the mind of every Demon ~ • w, where can t get the best article formytifll money f : In regard to other matters, the sab scrlber would not; attempt to direct, bat if yoa want auythiug in the line of . BOOTS OR SHOES ’ r , h « invites an examination of his stock and work. n on hand an assortment ofßoorts,Shoos, Gaftora. 81ippcre. ic„ which he offers at ialrpricetj. wbw.'wniST e rtrtentofßOOTS jARD SHOES, ready made; or made to order Otemhom, hadierf Sandal*. Gum Inl2*lineofbn^ewLof rarta » Enable term*. All Jan.a'SMfit Ti°?L ASI) S»°EMAKBB.—THE SySJSK . " -1. RICKARDS. T£w mi&ti&llQti EOR EX “ACIIRS, ANTS, and iwaer “* tbtmo^ a fo^ 2 *V S6 - tf T G. W. KESSLER. f U3iBEE FOR SALE. KWW. loy “Abusive odor while burning. Jd. That tliey uni very easily trimmed. 4th. That they arc easily regulated to give more or less light. oth. That tliey burn entirely free from smoke. , titb. That the light is at least iU per cent, cheaper than a “f other liglit now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for tlie use of Sfu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls. Churches. O'?! 1 are ••'eftvly recommended for family use. Thd burner of the Larhon Oil Lamp can be attached t„ old side, hanging and table tiuid and oil lamps, at a small cap- use. and will answer every purpos" ,jf n new laun " >“ guarantee p rfeei satisfaction in all C as-« Aug. it). l>/,s-tl.; o. W. KESSI L'l fc *l] A(I N U M E« T VECTIGAL ITA I , ARSIMONIA.’-Di,l every one who reads the .leading of this article but uinlcrKtuud it* mcanintc. ibev would amuediandy rcpiiir to the shop ol * J JOHN O'DONNELL, F A SHI ONABLE TAILOR , Main St.. Altoona, a few doors below the Red Lion Hotel and select a suit of clothe* from the large stock of • ’ SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, which be lias just received from the East, feeling sure that in doing so tliey would be currying out the motto It is not necessary hereto mention the different styles and quanlitie; of the goods on hand, suffice it to .ay that he has everything in the line of gentlemen’s weal, and lie knows bow to make it up in a fashionable and durable re! * s ''liable os those of any other mer chant Tailor in the place. * Give him a call and yon will soon discover that you can cany out the motto adopted by dealing with him * April 2S, 59-tf. I OGAN HOTEL. THE UNDER -1 J SIGN hi) respect fully informs the citizens of Blair county and others, 1 ysrtj tliat lie has op-ned up tiie LOO AN HmA , S nODSE. formerly kept by Sheriff Rees, HfllHEfflfa it the weal end of Uuinda^aburg. reception of tttrangors nncl tmvejlens.—- Everything connected with the limise has been refitted in tile new with the choicest furniture, 4c.. ic. Ihe lions- is large and commodious, and w-11 calculated for convenience and comfort. Ills TABLE will be furnished with the very best the mar ket con afford, and uo pains or trouble wifi be spared to render those who may choose to fav ir him with their iw tronage CO, ,.Putable and happy during their stay will, him. lii** *.l AULjNO is ample* and an oblbnair and careful hostler mil always be in attendance. 8B- The Williamsburg stage, which makes daily trim Hotel* ** tUS pl:lco ““ ll " illiamsburg, stops at the Logan Dec. 17. Ifi.'T.—iif.]* JOHN KEIKFER. Stoves, Tin & Sheet-Iron Waie, Spouting, TAS. W. IUGCr WOULD RESPECT f f hb'l.i.l inform tlie citizens of Altoona and vicinity Umt he keeps constnully on hand a large assortment of tmlmg, l\ich,r , OjliCt: and ,SA..y> Slyrt. of all styles and sizes, to smt the wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reasonable tcrnin. He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- S Sl'Z C,> “ si3t, T« ,,r a “ Hrtick: ‘ for culinary purposes- Choi Scriltle* Start Pip, tCc. Also, a large lot of Cost Iron Force Pump*. -1110111100 paid to putting up SPOUTING, cither in town or country. Spouting painted and put Ul> on the most reasonable terms. [april 14,1859-ly” P W . M. LLOYI) & GO., . ■ ALTOOK.I, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., UOLHDA YSPURG, pa., {.Lale “ Bell, Johntton, Jack £ Co ”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections w!X e '.,m °i neyS . recehred depositc, payable on demand, rcb 3d lS5U OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! 11l €OQeeqaeDCo of the h&rd tiinM T Ka*a , Chafing Dish at TWENTY CENTS and roaSrf sssawaSSSJsgs er way, at prices to correspond with oSJ. 17 oth ' JOHN KEIFPER, HoOidaystmrg. Dec.l7. tf.] «... b "„ d T IQUORS.—A LARGE AMOUNT sfufe •old.tths»^.^inbe man wanu^./^uT*^ 0 £* Q'S^Sit; : -L-- •; . J. P HnmMAK. COLOGNES, pom- TJ OF; Ahh DKSGKIP : -**** - MMWai’S. ARIA L. I)B PEYBTBR MEMO- j TTOWARD ASSOCIIScm^W 55 ifl RIAL XjLiHM&glgJl. y. 7frrf*K ffia. ilitoniKßhfrCtott,him't,<*irfetTftlar gii'„ MONDAY hi MAY. I&intamMdMapenaansnt School; fir OH relief eflKatUshamd and wiilconnectwith Ita Male A Fetnais Department. In J ' -"nm WeMf the Male department, young men wfii bo Instructed with r The Hovasb Awocunoa, in riew tftbm a rMw to their enta&x tbsartraOCed elaeeeaof oor beet ; ofhuman Ml atoa~t t. T n~—i dtWnw.. Onllegea; or. If desired. their education completed. In the , practised upon the unfortunate Peesals department, Instruction will be girenln any,nr all ' Quack*.several their fvl^!!S I . ( hwea*cl? pt the different branches, either roW Or omoauhtai, taught ■ as a charitable act worthy of their T»mrii a * t^> * i Vriii tfdnr best female Seminaries. , | sary for Hie treatment of (lib class *SCw 1 ■ Tim year win be dlrtded into two Janlona of fire months • forms, and to gire medical advice each—the Summer Session to commence on the let-Mon- ;• by letter, with a description of thsfr *** a hoJJr* day ef May. ending on the last Wednesday of Seplsmhsr— , potion. habits of life, Ac-) andfssa jT” the Winter Session to commence on;'the Ist Monday In No- ! and suffering, ts/widd atdttis On twh. rembar, eliding on the hut Wednesday of March. The needh-wi to add that the Association t, £ Sfsslons will ite divldedlnto two quarter* ofelsren weeks Medical drill of the age, and wHt ftinHsim 0 * thaki|»J* each. Terms, per quarter, as o* modern treatment. . ““ we moot tpp^ SOLID BRANCHES. their Annul . Primary (including Beading, Mritlag. Orthor- artSsfitction with thes^SStfhSk!r < *'*' |,re *»tt*&il2 ranhy, AritnmeticTwamma^wd ; oiogmphy, At) ROG Advanced (locftiWnf the Natarm! SokaorsTiwb** Seminal nmtics, phllis. the gimgee and Composition Ac.) cootintmaceof the m om EXTRA, OR ORNAMENTS BRANCHES. The Directors, on . wrJew of y** * Mnslc (Including use of iostrotuent) 110,00 their labors In this sphere of benerole n r Oat Drawing, ' *l,OO £ g™* benefit to thaafflirtrt, *”• W. • Painting (Tn water Colors) BJO ®rj hare .*■*** »»4 Needlework, . / j 2,00 toriUsveryto|«rmntand much Tnttrnctiuns in rocal marie gratis, i One half the shore A " ““"table Report on Spermatorrhoea. „ charges, to be paid invariably in advance. Weakness, the rice of Onanism. Mastnrtatfc,? ®**h»l B. W. OIAVKK, Superintendent Male Deft. ab , n »’ other abases of the sexast orraJ £l ,7 "•» A.B.CDAKK, -•■'! 1 Jfcmafe-, b y n.ail Mr. Priedpai qf Malt « »P*), »NBB on receipt of 1 wnSifJ.’il- Miss C. M. CLARK, « fimalt « for I*“tage.. ot^e, 1 * e l»rts and Tracts on thels! A,,P * March 10,1859-tf Ac., areconsunHv^’ 1 * I '* C'tolto"* dWHbnrion, m,u wHi i^^i ,, afflicted. Some of the new remedies uid bLuLT* *“ tts ment .lissorored dnrina the last year ar»2r? MATURITY just pub- r-r-r-w lislu d Gratis, the Until Thousand. /VfiFffl A few words oa the Rational Treatment, &3SsESw without Medicine, of Spermatorrhmaor io-SEflBSr cal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions. Genital niid Norrons Debility. I remature Decay of the System, Impotency and impediments to marriage generally, by B. Dk Laxlt, M. D. Ibe important fiict thiu many alarming complaints. ori« gmating m the imprudence,aud solitude of youth, may be easily removed without medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the euUrely new and hiuhlv successful treatment, as adopted bv the Author, fully .ex plained, by means of which every one'is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible coin thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. ' 3 put to any address, gratia and post free in a sealed cn- J'25 K iL“S two P«toKc stamps to Dr. B. llh LANKY. 88 East 31st Street, NeW'York City I Juno 3, |£59.-3m Jm A STONE & COS GLASS PKE * SERYINQ JARS, for preservipg all kinds of Fresh rnms, Vegetables, Mince Meat, Oysters,and ail such per ishable articles. I S, Tlie mainsecret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion consists in having It thoroughly heated witen sealed • \ d • ull the air there may be in the vessel, so th *1 when the fruit will (bnu s vacuum We are upw manufacturing the above Patent Jar, (hav ing bought the right from Messrs. A. Stone A Co, aid arc prepared to fill all orders at short notice. ■ We furnish Covers, Wires and Commit. ; with printed di rcctions with each Jar, Manufactured and sold Wholesale 4 Retail by ■ ■ ■ i CUNNING HA MB A CO., ■ HMIM.IMM. S..,»SKISS'a BUFFERING HUMANITY, READ N-7 THIS ' i ;-- T h e^ andorsiened takes this method ofTriform wg the public generally that then,- ia ; no medicine now bf icotT°m ° n U ti iC t 0 D . U TILLS GALVAN IC OIL Id relieving raffennff ' - »* » . I™* *f oheeryer of its effects oa atUeinl of pin«*bo «?^L eTer J- tth i ng from “ ncuraJftic a medical treatment In Ceiltra County. We applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful unhand gave some inwardly and in 20 Hitodtes thVMfl and when awakened was /rue fipm pain itodcouttoiuafso Tl'ls Is a positive fact which I am Willing' to make good at BBftstf* - «-! - Sept. 2.1858-ly.] Ohtoi ISiIL RVooms S°F N JX P#CERREAN bom i l i? to^ a P^ so S pertons, pared and Allegheny strccty. nMlfday^^^ ri W. KESSLER PRACTICAL Si Wt r££*S*i- ' *•**•* Phyßlekm prwerlptfoot . M fur chest pro ftarftj UojQtSST THOSE Dec. 0.1858. : U. TBCH’S. A tn^^ l S > n f SSORTM KNT OF BUk,»cry D * mw ® rs ’ Cotton, Woollen and _»*«. » IMS. fl.XCCtt’B. LARD OILS, (JAM «< * o H 2 s. a ta'-s Si IMPROVEMENT IN COOK \ T INO STOVES. x CO.ySUMPTJOX OF SMOKE AXD OASAXD Sj r/Vo OP PCEL. * J.' <3 The subscriber take* pleasure Id oflferine to the bul.i - NEW OAB AND SMOKE COXSL’MIxa T * CookUtg Stove, recently patented, which U Uestiurf n, iu percedu all other*, os it require* *" “ 1 OX E-TUI lit) LESS H'KL than other stove* ami U more easily, quickly and reiu! ,. ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises fr,™ stove from the. (act that it la all. consumed ere it esh~ cape. There is no ttvnble from a- that u-.nlesi., • and often annoying exlialation is aim consumed the stove Neither Is there any danger of (lu.« or chi.- 1 neys becoming clogged with soot or the luorUr luosn.d li'. the gas arising from coal fires. ’ Persons wishing to purchase stove* sre invite.! to rail ... the Store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Tempi,. ...a amine the above stove*. JOHN SUOKM AKKIU .. . -We Agent fur Htaiy fl.iiV,, N. B. All kind* of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and IV. gloves on hand, [ XfATIONAL POLICE GAZETTK.- I' This Croat Journal of Crime and Criminal, i. ir its Twelfth Year, and U widely circulate!! lliroiuliout the country. It Contains .all the Or-at Trials, Criniiiul Cases, and pprop-iulo Editori.dsou the some, together will information i n Cr.miual Matters, not to be found in other newspaper. ft*.Subscription* {2 per annum; $1 for six mom!.. > be remitted by subscribers, (who should writs their nntn*. and ths town, county and State where they reside tlsinh i To O. W. MATSEht k CO, Editor k Prop’r. of Xew York Police Oaxett*. .Veto York City. VERMIFUGE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. B’lane'j relckrtifd Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.; - THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to variovts Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER TILLS, Foe the cure of Liver Complaints, all Bilious Derangements, Sick HaAD-AtfoE, &c., 'Tn fcascs of : Fever and Aque, ■ preparatory to or aft?r taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make As specifics for the abows men and ai* ministered in accordance “with the directions. : Their unprecedented popularity induced th6T* ll by mi), pat paid, to toy part «f»* Uoitad State*, one box of PiUatbr twelve tbrw-e«l **eat»mpa,o(r one W Vennlfoo* *r fcortMtfcJJ adhtassr* Dr. M’Lane’s CELEBRATED A. NT-TJ LIVER PILLS ■i Jr V«V .■'M ■ • . . V-. Aift fg.-‘ v Is'- vdi*^ 'iZii* ’ *v?] f/, ’ J te* Ipr «■«•«» I* - * *»’ “ ' .;■■ ■■ ffclW.' ' j^a*oiWi(tDi *)ul .JjJSJpiWbßCOttt tribun CHUBCf K, v ; • ' jguikfM ‘o ■ t»v rvc& SithMtli m« Ini: giiliool M ’ Uetictal Prayer -' day crtlUag. Young .Truing. - ■ - ■ K’niagthcal luihera mg every Sabbath moi in ike evening. Said, o'clock. P. M. Pi Weditffday ovonlng. CHStd Bettkmi. lie midi bath morning ;U o’clock, Sabbath o'rtqck, A. M. Piny-1 lo wne room. HpUtUut Kpttrnp 'l j«rrlcu *l and Hi It Shu A. Vi CSl(kaur, Ber. Jon.v u’t.nck lu the luornin swrniofgt MW o’cloc SchoolW»clock, A. d»yev«lnjt Afric& MctkJuut, It rvery SaSoalh mw.nln, Ike'Ad Onion School II ALTOON Euler* Way at' Western “ IWlkliWbwrg^ Western Through, Edsttrh,Through Mai! ■, ■ . r." .if Euterh Through Mail, Western Tlirongli, Western Way, Kuietu '• llnlltdayabnrg tltHco open for the tra Pi J.M I’- M-, during, tl cli. t. 'iu Sunday. Jan* A, ’iT-Uj ft AILRC Biprcli* Train Knet agrn “ ' « West “ t'ul- ’ u E«st ‘ ’ « West ' MuH £a-t 1 “ “ West Tk« UOU.I DAY SUV 1 Train Kant NoyCßjlnH- 28,1808. . MEETINGS •WnmiuiV Lodge. A. . V 'lay nfeneU montli. in II ‘ T. O. ..I Ju tiro second M n flock, I*. M. Zmtgr. 1.0 ~ tlietlilnl si„. fln-cWat nVl.x!;. V. Ir!lhhlnfjjt r Trffir.S'i. fil, every even ■. norite Temple. - Conn W\ \. ADAMe JitHuir Suit n f Am'liA ’^ V \r 5,t t|,lrd >Vit!ii>i S ln;} (Unrn. A TiisjUay j„ ,|„.l OtvUiaui .V-. , sajereulnc, lu the Odd . Alloaim Mehauict' /./ ,* i m «*tattntwlly on (I M'rll. July mid «)<•(.. IstTuesday evening c '“ lOVe|>» Bkr,, ° U y<**t ** ■w' Aurth *< Q-^OGKItIES.- e^^or rtnu ' Orpet B : J p|,up ~i () S ItAXIi AT &*sor A^minal i! e ,v v /-j “ s "’' I '>4 t ’o?Ut vChrom *