C .v be sSßs?i itloni of tfe dij, «cncan, rk TiUrerfy. \ Tnu JTfaf, i'ni Jhtrpcr’t lU|>; Viebniiß,- '■'■ Vl' litoer rd World, «ftnnm.,) Wr ' 'if. ./ . •• •AU.IKB; ' r »■ *sass > ' iMicvr Romance*, MlKdl*iM«XTf pt ® r - T. Envelope*, -Praytng^J^f B ’ It Hook* *ad In fact aSL?® l->u.rv line. To"£ .k” T ,' * of every variety, pj c . ' ‘icture Frame*,-*c. - v '•'FF.Cn'IONERIKa.rtf evar. 1 SUGARS of tbo bent quaSlv rl * Olesiile and Retail AgentTto^l. KHU.VTKD SALVE, ftdiv, Inch it is applied, fty & , - FKTTIHOBB bixon’s rat i & DIXON’S- LINE -tifvi. wESKtr i > FAMILY paper LX WN & Qoo { l-LBS '-r 67>Ts ; ; / “ ■■ - ,v» •■: ,}i 11 . 10 ‘ —jin.-, k? »’£' ■ tv «o|.i I'fjfti #; ~ .vcT-wori)i AiffujjkOimit i-nmMUMy onrrcWpt of'll Irt-T*** n. tojt.v *cb: 'i -"ii 4 Dixnn’i tine," i- ‘n Street, Uatthhotr, Hi. SIGN K t) AVOITIi inform JAoMr A pnMlc gn»»T» UB received ilu fc- eortinvritef VtSTINGS,; eflrrioit o bought thfriwol re-pcct folly hi Tiled tojt ■hull. take |>lrtMTirp .jB« lua-a from 0 A,U-lu»tU .TIIOiIAJ.KLWAT. K) l El.—tHK St: >i« ■ r'-o-ntlyre* lU'W |>T*. uk-fni* itndi ftiul hc] i.r'it Ait AgtvMiWoTor ..1 -.V.I y;. !i'- |ilXlirloU»\.V*tlppl Miiilrv nii'l HtW. Wwl h” ■ 1 i iii.l,. 11l- cl)ftfjW »re >t• .-r ItnM hr lhr i'lwr. a™ l li-- of t*T tin** n k.\ jj-cH ujf M!t illtciwliu* tp lUwr»r if, 1 :.nI.U.a»WI IWTiMIf . ... i: a No. i rm&i ■ l.• •i. t Wirii’n. fur mi'ilicin*! I' 1 .1 tin.- J«( uU Rjfc,«W»t-. v dOHX BOWMAN •)n.SALE2j>MII^ ■llailraoit ftilthfe. Stale -A f> r AKrifuUOrM' u ilwy *TliP i.xll iiu4 rt l t ■ HrttUns mkl ,btilWjng —t,'»ve Vine .wtttt “"1 . i»y 1!ailrood tor.«*W2{| • ttiTj Uaann«il«m1 > W ®7l y. Bop fttU *dmta«o»Bi I NUA*L S&fcE t3oot & f firing aWdanußtT' las audCatttf : down onr entire »fnek •' < •■•nt. orcr cortj are bound te cISW' it °W l hue to jnrt. ,T BARGAU PEOPLES' 101 soperii)temi«Bt' aif. $ ter to dhango increasing r rc going. 'lvc ./'.V \ *-.A VEGETABLES' Jtadithei, hu, frah UWf*' a ttaniioa Main , us '‘ MAiawa<»» Y A' P RIN ti r.J to the PnbUd '■■}■• , - ■ : ' ■• ; AtfCStS. ■ ■ . S MSTRONG A COjt, NSW *** l djbsgrw** mpmstoaß or ta*B. or Tji-3)*r Saturday/ ■nrniof lut, P' B. 6. B.,.' ! Bei>j. by Bros. 31. Clabsngh. W; C. M'Cormiiik, R. M’Creft, »• M- Green, 3. Delo, J; iVV. I Kenner, and J. R. Finley, opened, pifigtoDS of the Sons of Temperance ntßir- and Tyrone City, the former in the Bwrn | 0g and the latter fn the afternoon. After (j,, Birmingham Division bad. been formally instituted, the following officers, were elected md dfllj installed by the D. D. 6. AV. P.: -- pW. p.—John R. Thompson. W. P.~Gco JuwdsL ofpnjtn.ajivjh thab tbeiHstfteir® JWOSOW bTthebonds for $200,000 6f thhnotes .“Pttthcrn Bank of-Qeorgial u.concern had a tilnck mark hStfiadh* isspeidahle lkofc jroteißdportfcrs.-- the notes were.wpftitters, jne road officers endeavored to regain tbjfSir wnde, but have not yet been ablh tO diwSlter i' ! ‘ ■ , For s time past,- tiie; &llef^tp ; 'pnjpws h»ve been dlßcussing the propriety 'of" t “« *<***» which' the contractors and ttjic. road refer- .^, wc on. 'JrOm the abovejt appear ih of hioney «o fiFTOtttr'lmufr* g$J v// r... . ikts »- c?^SR^ rj*r ty? ‘ alrcsujy''^Uensire tB W n »es-*r ; cieuii'f)|. *Haf& f is .?* ffßfoS&iir &e Howal&ld JJ. oif rtad^- jS SWp* wass f oqy}« ;&>£« 'S? #!£& f 0 lwwr : i **THJK?®,F,*'»?!»n,lMgv a» t^^^ l *'*~ ,^t^B e “oath* two of ■;rai» animals bare been tap- »T ' at an oro bank neat r*^Stlm 1S T.°“- - e,n * . e *»' ,n 11,18 P lace ‘ A P rclim * iiandstmtely bound in one v..| umpi iSao. doth, iiiflry raesitlng ,Wjaa he)tl a few evenings since, ' Puififabcd by. 0, 0. 439 Chestnut St., i imisope 20.name^placed upon tbclistttf.mem-. rh,l!Ukl i >lli *‘- |tnc )V*R OF ISo9.”—'This handsome volume {■ss&'•• \ Wflibfn I,y &adim* Julio do Margucrittcs, and suitably | f I,all > 114 WblCh the .illustratcd vrith llujft And Portraits, bos Jn«tbeen published I mbmbera are requested to be proaent, and those by O. G. Bran* (th« original Gift Book Publisher) of Phlla j wishing tpjoio‘ th'fc jfiteipaijy fire’.cordiallyiinvi- dtdiihi*,at the_jow fa as%eQ famed os it jteJtoattcnti. We wiib the new company pros- j and "ti *° pASI ( *‘ i• $ ?*, ‘ti-w*i■' k •* ■*- ;v - •l l # \v, ■s. - 1 ; au “ “*usk>t # .8o tuut tUe reader may tmdentand on. wbat 00 wy* | f There , W 6 jaea .eaaoglt m this place to ground she base* here*pc*(ahey of a glorious Future, tfatit gboil' companies. 3&C kpOlfe .tlds nuthfir, who lias .travelled largoly through oompomestheire l are in » place or feduntV. the r ba*re4!l«ied ibr period ifiMilan, each. Opposition a&2ivfe i .. “K . jv...r’ Wtfal which,she personages Whom she 5 “ PA U !N , 0 r ‘ »%»?? fcfaumtely kheW; • SPbc slutfafartof Wrarions Stttca^ow jBSF? ... j i. digged in htfafalil|es,ar« given, withbiograjihical sketches oftbefovercigtiß generally, and' Statesmen, whom thewar ! A deal jMdSte' ? i«~Wt*o(racipa w^ib. W Of Uii worlti ihs canacs of tb? nuf Mi''ybflrb: .-fa nppeniaj an A/^ount^f Waj-ltaeUnpl to tho ■ presont tmie, of EaUaatGue rrOla.lcaiicr. ~ J' . ! -r )T?W[ tI ? o !. tlult ito iba work) Br. S. jSbfiftoo and foreign .Editor ■ Warmly aa%fa«; to Resigns . rA; “HW of fate 9oak, ontt« handsome prescttt. trili bo sent A-|wiwCl!»Wjfi*d CaWßgnaofjßooks and Gifts;wlthtoduce mentafo Agentsj-will bo sent free, pn^^topliaUlon'.. 4 iP' i n I ’ Xtems.—The GraudDivisionof SonsqMenl perance lielii i'iwmion'in ibis 1, place' yesterday.: A tejnpwaww was held m tfi® ' T'- >jU S o*.sp; IrOAt,, qf Homan, Jtio Uvestost, and jibe e&nyalespeati r!! fi "- .... v ., ... '7 ■ ~. ~' V• •• . .Nr-; rj-ir ‘ Coqsrr Fair.—We notice large' posers, Madeljihia, postpd.np eround town, stating;ithaiti'aJDonntj|Ejijir ■ uitt .be held id HplUdaysburgoil the 4Uf[ 6th; ,ftnd sih j&t October, 1869. Qaery~-How many rasre jpepplp nill bp attracted to the Fair by -thoseonehnndred mammothppstprs.thapwpuld have attended, bad several hundred posters ofiv respectable size (printed at ono of the county offices, thereby costing less) beenproperly dis tributed throughout tbe county ? J- Brio a dike Genebae.—Our next doorneigh bor, 'down stairs, Maj. \U. Wehn, is, tre Stand, a candidate for the abate office, by Uip election of Oeu. Bieil to tbe posi 'Wti&SS&Ff an|»- ceWmtbfficer. t of. faw-.fiftjr Mfto extra for a berth. Hthlsfetruv iw 4oobt. ««r other xoads wIQ-do theßame. »ale ffeß mow w* see of theiA, *he eorrieS oorafortfl/iha actlre for achfering tom (tf railroafl mahagemeirt ■ THB .Qo»OEM.-,The Weleh Miner’s Club Con cert, advcrtiaed to come off atfikultz’s Hall, on Thursday evening last, proved a faaure, there being only some half-dozen of persons in atten dance. Although they have now met with two plaoe* /we understand that they ara not jto five it Op, bat long to arrangement by which they can secure : ah; audience and prove to the people that they are worthy of patronage. EbtuEhbd.-— Harry Bell has just returned from the city pith a large supply of the fresh est apd best groceries ever brought to the town, and he intends to sell them as cheap as any oth er establishment in the place. CalPnroaud and -examine his stock. Look out ; foe Them.— -Spurious “ fives” on the Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh are in circu lation. The genuine “ fives” of this Bank have fi View plr the steamer “Allegheny” passing the j unction i of the two rivers, 9, locomotive on the right end, and a female head on the-left. S&T. Joseph' W alker, a printer, who worked a considerable (length of time hi the Whig office, Hollidaysburg, ay-car or two since, died in Bal timore a | few days ago. local corrgspohoekce Hollidaysbup-o, July 26th, 1869, Messiis. ■ Epitobs;— The July term’of our county Court, commenced ou Monday, Judge Taylor, presiding. Very little businca has been done up to the present writing. The attendance of the country folks is yery tair, considering that tliis is a very busy season with them. We shall endeavor to give the proceedings of this week in our next. On last evening, (Monday) the Rev. George J.unkin, ,of Virginia, delivered a our citizens in thc;Court House. The subject of the lecture Was: The bearings of Mechanical In dustry dpou National Wealth.” He is a very able am| eloquent speaker, and well informed upon the subjects pertaining to all branches of I’olitical jEcontimy. lie wos listened to by a very large and-appreciated audience. On last Thursday evening, the Welsh Choir connected with the Rechabite Chnrch of Johns town, gave a concert of sacred music, in the Court House in this place. We regret to say that they did not meet with that,encouragement they deserved—the audience was very slim. They rendered entire satisfaction to all who Hatched to them. - We nrb very sorry to announce the sudden death of one Of our citizens, Daniel H. Hofiup, Esq, On last, evening he was sitting on the front porch of the Exchange Hotel, listening to a friend, who was sitting by his side, reading .the latest news; His friend noticed him cough ing and .apparently choking, ‘and upon tuning round found -that, h? was dying In a very few minutes |he whs a corpse. The deceased was one of tho ablest and most talented member* of our bar; indeed he had few equals asacriminal lawyer* in this section of the State. His unex pected death pas cast-quite a gloom over our community, as he wa& highly esteemed by all his follow-citizeiis. On to-morrojir.evening, (Wednesday) H. G. Uoyers, will deliver a lecture to our citizens on the “ Geology of the Alps and Volcanic regions of Italy. 1 ' Wew - Books. PEOPLI!. ByEcti jffcaii S»wm IKttnrtf. ’tf thoSlyrtle Street£hapcl, £impooL Jrint - aunt withth(>Avtlwr, ’*hdT* toostrirng ■ for-oxaggeratlon.Ttuth I* enough s>r him; would that this were ho fidUiCulljr- toadies the wont vices, yet you neverfoel that the censor himaslfmust have a coarse .taateor prurient imagination. Thsee Sunday afternoon lectures are not “ sermons,*' nor intended.to bo. In them he grapples with acknowledged evils; bat Still, while opening tho eyes of the people to the teal nature of much of what tholr dally life too often is, and showing what, it might be, be is never ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, nor chargeable with even seeming to let them go away with the impression that anything else, and not the kingdom of heaven, a the Erst thing to be sought. In Mr. Brown wb have a man who, we'shonld judge, can afford to go where any classes of Ghat's creatures are domesticated, for he is strong, and his strength is holy.”—iAndAty Ckrts tiau Spectator. A copy of the book, with a splendid gift, will be sent by mail, post-paid, upon the receipt of one dollar and twenty cents. A new Classified Catalogue of Gifts and Books, with In ducements to Agents, will be sent free on application- Address all orders to 0.0. EVANS, Publisher, 459 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. GERMAN BITTERS, AND . 08. HOOFLAUTO’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of (he present age, have acquired (heir great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by (hem in all cates; and the . people have pronounced them worthy. liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility pf the Nervous System, Diseases of tbe Kidneys, and all diseases arising from & disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial hat acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. It will cure, without fail, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and hat performed the most astonishing cures ever known of Confirmed Consumption. A few doses will also at Once cheek and cure the most severe, DUurhcea proceeding from Cold is the Bowels. f These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, PhUa delphia, Pa., and are told by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, af]f6 cents per bottle. The signature of C.. M. Jackson will be on the outride wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called Everybody's Almanac, you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanaee are given away by all our agents. U®, For sale. In Altoona, by .A. Roush and G. W N Kessler, and by all Druggists. [may 1», ’O9-ly M’LAKE’S WORM SPECIFIC, ns~ The following, from a customer, shows the demand which this great medicine has created wherever it has been introduced: Messrs. Fleming Bros. — Gentlemen:'- — ln consequence of oie great consumption ufyour “ Worm Speeific’-in this place and vicinity, wc h«v« entirely exhan.-ted our block. We should feel obliged by year forwarding, via Corning, N. Y., 20 dozen, with your bill, on the reception of wbicli We will remit yon the moucyl From the wonderful effects of mid “ Specific” in this neighborhood, there conld be sold annually a largo quan- if to be had, (wboh-Mlo and retail) from some local agent. If you would compensate a .person lor trouble and expense.of rending, I think 1 could make it to your advan tage todo so. Purchaser* will lie careful to ask for DK.M'L AXE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFCGB, manufactured by FLEM ING BROS, of Pittsburgh, pa. All other' Vermifuges in fumpari«m are worthless. Dr. M’Lanea genuine Vermi fuge, also bis celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at nil respectable drug stores. : None genuine unless Vie signature °f ... FLEM j >acaos EPILEPSY, OH FALLIKG FITS. Wo Believe wo can not do our readers a more Important service, than by againcalling their attention to that most remarkable preparation, discovered by Dr. Seth 3. Fiance, of Baltimore, Md, which possesses tho power, of alleviating that horrid visitation of man—Epilepsy, 'or Fallibg Fits. In coinmcn.flng tijf preparation to our readers, we do so with a conviction that we arc not ng our columns to puff a common patent medicine, biff are placing before them a. whJcin ;,' folly known, would probably do more • any iuvenUoa ofmodi-u tim,**. la asking.us to 'uia preparation favorably iu our editorial depart tnent, bag sent us for perusal a iramteroflrttersfroin per sons who have uredhiaMla.and have bced cured theriby. All M them speak inlho most grateful and eulogistic advantage {his m'cdicind pp’ssesses is the U capje trum®f»rWd through the thcrdiiy jyffoipug everyone «atbpporfuidtyofdeolingdirectiy wjth ’tpe inventor, knd idsb' a)X jr of imposed oh- by a counterfeit orspnijbmaiaiitation. Sr. DAhoe pAys his puis feintir part of tho °fj :?>£•» Ap* 1 receipt of"® funmtance. '“Ills piiccsare as fo(lowaj for the modhaneshould baaddroasod to Seth 8. Hance, 108 Baltl- DTE. ' , frrptue4iif you wish to escape ridicule. '■•’■•■ ■ -■’ v■:. •*■ - \ ORAF.RED, or HAIR. VyvA ;jto. a beautiful and naturalßroivn,orßlack, wW*wt7the hut iitfniY tojbo ' ’■* j ; , A. Batohelor (literlB9o, and o«rBP,000 applfcatloß* hs4o been mode to tbo hair ofW» patrons of Bye: ' ini. a. BkTCttEtoivs «Aik vis v&fcA icofyr not to- be distinguished from, pa hire, dad fc:#A*teiictro&t idlpjtmlttthd feist,* Wratevcd to ng ip and tlie ill effect of Bad byes remedied; the' Hair invigo* rit&rorUbVj ' Mode, Mid or applied (in 9 private roonu) at Bie {Tig* Factory, 232 Broadway, Now Yotfc. " ' -’ ■' ' ■* i Sold by Drujrgtsjs in Altoona, *nd by ln till *nd tpwns oj the-Vqitied, iStajUg^y-i" s 7 SSW s * ! ■■••= ■ ■ w>i. A. v »ti»eHia«B. i 33 Broadway, Kcw York. ■ .Vot.OS. ISW- ly ’•v ■* “*-{•» y -yrs irw SPECIAL NOTICES. DA HOOFLABD'S PREPARED BY FLEMING BROS. Blossbcro, Tioga Co. Pa., March 30, 'lB5O. Yours, Respectfully, W.M. .M. MALLORY’, Per W. B. Porter. a certain cure. wiu Gout, Swellings, Rfaeamatlmr, Scald HeM, Salt Baldhat, Rrysfpol**, Ringworm, Barbers’ itch. Small Poa Measles, ’ TOsomelt iwyappearihcmluldu»thati»m*hy diseases Shonld be rcached by one article; such >hWeb wfflf vanish when reflection points tothe feet, that the salvefeaeom bination oflngredients, each and every one applying a per fect antidote to its apposite disorder. . DAUBY'S MAGICAL PAIJf BSTBAOTOR tla»|;l* so shorthe tween disease and a permaMntcare; it is aw aVtfwy lor, as it draws all dJaeosa tmt of the aSectsd port, leaving nature as perfect as before the ln|ury. ; 'lt b searcely ne cessary to say that no house, work-shop, or mann&otory should be one moment without it. . No Pain Extractor is genuine unless box has upon it a steel plate engraving; with the name- of Henry Dailey, Manofeotnrer. - BoM byQ. W. Kessler, Altoona; George A. Jacobs, Hul lidaysburg; and by all the Druggists apd patent medicine dealers throughout the United States ami Canadas. Principal Depot, 166 Chambers atreet, New Tork. ■ Nov. 11,185fi-Jy j C. F. CUACK. Important to Ohebsk hxx’s Pniiu-Tho combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. ‘ They are mild in their operation, and ccrto|d in cortedUug all irregularities, painful mem>truattous.j removing aU ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pdin in the Side, palpitation of the heart, disfiirbed sleep, which always, arise from interruption of nature, inducing with certainty periodical. rognlarity. Warranted purely blc, from anything Injurious to ijfdorhealth. Bx phnit directions, which should be read,, accompany **y-h box. Price $l. Pent by mail by enclosing $1 to any authorized Agent. R. B. HUTCHINGS. General Agent fur (he United States, 166 Chambers street, New York. ib whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Suld by G. W. Eeasier, Altoona; Geo.- A, Jacobs, Holli day sbnrg; imd by all Druggists in tho United States. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet hoe. Not. 18, 1868-ly TOOTHACHE. This disease con bo cured by Da. EktUEH’s ToojraACHE Rzsttar, prepared by him in Pittsburgh,-Pa, which Is put up in bottles apd sold at 25 cents each.,; it is on occcUsat medicine. when diluted, for spungy and lender gums, and is worth ten times iU price to all who need it. Sold'hore by Q. W. Kessler. [Deo. 9, ISflb-ly. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. BATCIItLOH’3 WIG 3 AXD TOUBEES surpass all.— They tiro elegant, light, easy mid durable. Fitting to u charm—no taming up behind—no shrinking off the head; indeed, thin Lj tho only UjtubUshmcnt wherv> thcee things art* properly understood-and made. Not. IS, 1868-ly 233 Broadway. New York. SALE—VALUABLE PROP JL. KRTi in tbe best bu-iness location in Altoona. APP'J to h. Wi HALL, , , „ Attorney at Law, July 2S, IS»9.—_t Altoona, Pa. I?OR RENT.—THE STSRE-ROOM heretofore occupied by 11. Tuck, db the corner of Main and Caroline streets, la now offered for rent. -Inquire of the subscriber. C. C. SHANNON. July 28th tf. CAUTION— ALL PERSONS ARB hereby notified not to purchase or'iet) any lager beer kegs with the stamp of the ALTOONA BREWERY there on, as such kegs lever have been and; never will ho sold from the Brewery. All kegs containgiqg;'said stamp will he claimed and taken, wherever found, byi the proprietors of the Brewery to whom thpy belong. July ,28th 1860-tf. . WILHELM 4 B!tO. Hotel for rent.—the hotel property situate on Rail Road Street immediately above the Pennsylvania Railroad Ware House, heretofore occupied by Matthias Otto, is offered for:rent. It te a good two-story frame building, with nine bed-rooms, a dinW room forty, feet long, a bar-room, parlor awf -kitchen. The house fronts thirty-air foet on Rail Road Street and runs bask fifty-eight feet. There Is a well of good water a good stable and all necessary, out-buildifigs on tho prem ises. For further particulars apply to the undersigned next door to the above property. >• • July 28,1889-3 t. SIRS. GRADY. Notice.— all persons know ing themselves indebted to"the Cap hf Bunyan A Sanford, will please call and settle their accounts without delay, as ample time has been given. : In thirty days-hcre after, all accounts unsettled wUI bo phuiedln tho hands of u proper person fir collection. Altoonm July 23, ISM.-St BVXYAjr 4 SANFORD. The undersigned fuels gratcfuT.for tlm patronage hereto fore bestowed oh tho hinPaud himsulf by tfie citizens of Altoona, and expects still to servn'fhb public with all kinds of meat as usual. All persons failing to settle their ac counts ev.-ry'lhlrfy days," must not expect longer Indnl gciwe. Ky capital Is limited, and long: credits wlll'hoen place me wherb others are that litre indulged soßmcli credit to their ruin. MAREtN RUNYAN. ‘ QELLiNG OFF AT COST L 7 OUR EXTIKE STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS. Give ns a call and secure GREAT BARGAINS in BOOTS AND SHOES. Wt will continue for WEEKS Ip sell the balance of our Stock of Sunnier Goods > AT CC>STI to make room- for an early Fall Stock. Tiit Peopie*’ Cheap Shoe Store, Virginia Kt, two doors below Superintendent’* Office. Altoona, July 28,1858. <£lW-KIWBSLS. T IST OF LETTERS MlADfttfG JM Qfflce at Altoona. Js!v 28tii;18Wi AWworth, JdmH - Adelahelmer, Jacob Tn j,£ " Baker, Aafow Bj>‘thcrtoa, Joseph Mnl!&rv*t.L». BaWCl' Baty, Aim BbnrtsohJJaa Brunkcr,- TBomas Miner, L 4 " ’ Corkrln,Cathartßt 2 MatUck, Sarah A ‘ rr , B«T*ha % « .EfchionTSD S; . Prlningcr, Chi istian Foster, WE Heehfo; MarlU g—■ - ■ /■ ■ GaltaheTfMfcWfcl ’ Rft&r jsiteaiSSE » * Hosken, W K RcyuoWs. Rdbt -tofrickpElltUhett •- - W - -v . IfauHn. Y DMlss ’ ' * 7 l!m&‘Wfl»nCP ’ ' King, Ann B- :J " ;1 ' r ' ,,; KWus;Fern ‘ - 1 ‘ «Hnc, Perry Young,'Bftmtmlj Sec, Slargt ( • t • J ,■Young, JoUb JLi toes of the subscriber, new 'XI-' I '''Vl " -» le6henygiirnscc,---Btair eoontr.* aboht •Ip* W^fu^^hS|tli(9!^a’£££iL afiputMoyair; hid. The owner u n- ; dPIw ?■ ’qnbstwtofconiS fijrwarJ. wore orom-r-’/nfci'ill aca*. it away. ■WMe rt wHI be'dlsposed of according to law. y> -r^TTr: : vc. b. sink. WTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, 'ijLat .that. jAe Book Notes of Dr. C.J. Hirst, ffnaaisoof the lat 6 flrrtf of Hirst i (loot!, are left in my Whds.ibr collection, where all persons knowing themselves iMebfeeu wBl make payment. ' I . Altoona, July 14,-tf ■ JACOB GOOD, J. P* -\TOTICE TO TEACHERS.—Notice '"r\ - is hereby'girco that ah EAminition of Teachers to 'jSKodlWgo of tii*i*txhH« Schooli oftuaßorough of Al . toena. wifi he hold InWeat Ward School House, on SAT* jyßßA'y,. AUGUST 13,185 U, commencing ntil o’clock AVM. •/, . The Directors deajro to secure the sorvlJßtf $ Teachers —Xntalahttid* femaie—lbr A terni of B'■ mbn tin, Schools ta'opah ah lhohrsl Monday In Beptembw^. t Joly-U..Xssa.-tJ -B. r. ROSS, Sec’y. ; SSfe Company.* Agency, A^ > |ti«et, )> iUtoea». 17 ; m». J 01& 9HOBHAKEB,A g ent“ ■MIAPI D Rim IS CELEBRATED HOLLAND UJOSt M ■ ! »T»»S»S*A, ■ ~ " ’ '*•*«!* W TBE Wlftrtgf' ■'■■ ; ‘^vi^-qo^PLA^^, FEVEBAIIDAQU^. A** l U»« wfcM tUßsrtletif coo—q asp t upon h disordert4 Sachaslndl ® ft i^Sjtikky ■Und and mrediw^a^^UNema^Wm^ito i u4 JfUualglc Affectionate has in numerous instate* DroveJ WBclai;«Wju others affected a j^Km. . is a compound, preparSfon sirletlv principle*. after the mannsr of the* celebrated tt>Uand Profresof. Sberh&ve: Became of Its gMai (access b Jba most of tb* European States, its fatru)i|wßan into tho United States Was intended mors es^UltyJbr lho*o of onr fctherland scattered hen and there onMMflhc* ol this mighty country. MesUagwHh grihi sbc^'Cmon* “J* constitutions may hare been unßabed by the sordtonou* “i'n* &***> OT <* 4J*dpattet^afc ritfiy instantaneous in effect,*! duds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and qnfckeulug every nerve, raising tip the drooping spirit, and, in ftet, induing now health and vigor in U*antuoK . - > ¥ ' C / vTlON.~3fts*greatpopularity 4)f fete dsllithtfttta ma^s ttbich te^MiblfcshoiiUl thing-eSe unti? you hive given a fiiir trial. One bottle wUljcohvlnco yon hfcrltinnely inpci lor it is to all lliege imlfaiiotui. ” K f ■iO* Sold at $l.OO pee ur *U bottlbe kt s»,'by 4u sol* redMuieoiw, “ 1 i BENJ. ?^CO., Manufacturing PhqrmacinlifU and GhanuU. m ■ .f ; v; 4 > JuUn D- Park, Gucmiwtl} totw^AAwofcdSi... — R OUdII, Altoona, ?»., :aodJb&.lH»Mkit« ant] Meidiauts generally throughout the UjUM JSSlctci and Canadoa. .» [Qctobcr j^lM». 7 lr A li. Wanting farms fif Mm- X3L- MatfWtJt CLIMATE, iliti «41l frosts. sceadVertUcincntof Uathtncytoft liSfiSlHanofluT column* 1 ■ v >ybod t.—btabtunu SCLOgUHBg—Dr. TEt gnat wot It lb* thiintti of_ fhr those coßtngDlH , nuinlnge—3oo twWHCfuIl 'I.ATBB. Price 25 ?Wtih t to ill tinrtC'Qiidepriß}, by It, POST PAID. MOgOuu lea sold the Iwftyear, The !«,- married.«wH»o mar impjry, A tidtOTTion , or how: twchooses ran »co*ti&ti yUfk ifi llM '*• fi gpaUi&altvitAreda l-r-wffrr*tit*4to.%^.imr«h »wo lojrjt, 26 cents in specie or postiige stainpr encloseilj will hy return of DB. TELLBII lint Uarotcil p llfctimeto tbs ijbHf of ilia o»ao on which his hooka treat. Address J. TEfcLBK M. D J&dlrwWfc'. Slarrlftl ladles should pot use then). • Sant by Jim. Ad dress Dr. Teller, as abort. April flfnsT~ ,*- . , » rOMy ICnltoii, . i\.; '■: «nJ Varnish. Brushes. - Titter fans, , logwood, , ■‘ • Kxtrnot logwood, * -j C**X*o9t(l r i t- $ . * Qci(«. ■ v yenHioe ‘“Hi 1 te piisfai ,tmm\ itf-Ji d Cases Chrono TdW.-. J&SS&*?** t* «api%j& ' .-S? ■ *' -^. Extracts for .■} . Butterfly BOquot, • ■v ■■■■.■’-■’■■ :i ty Trt fe; ■:»- FPriele c by pitsr • VJr P*»*»(brtdt.inwed CM!, • SxtraLardOU, ■' ■' ?pre •.. i • !. V, !,• .’ »7" UeroseniOH, ;. ■- ' f | CotopSww nhdßurttoTrniiJ'v 3?OR THE HAIR— . Birnet’s Co«*lne, ‘ , ( ' X-yon’s Kstb&irob, - Superior Bay iliim, Cologne* ofail XI May 12,1859. TtfKS. PHEBE U. Cutter’s ImproTßd SHOULDER BSACWfIir tidies. Gentlemen and Children. Fpr ra!e hy~ ~ ;; ARNOLD'S WIUTINO sic®, I , In Quart. Pint, Hal Wnt a»f4 o«.BoW|s«. Fine Block. and Red at -—■ •■ :mmnwe-v. ■*.<**■ ■ •;- ’V-iyi). ■? ■’ ‘ £3- ~>. its acs.